`wph M@<=|wAa x*$HA 4VgD 4VgZ 8&1AY&gb<@Aa~"<Sf<w=|NuA \`gAaP`AaD` Aa8<Aa,`<Aaa&H@ ;g Pollution sure is bad today. It's a nice day to stay indoors.LThere is an air quality alert today; breathing this stuff can be hazardous.+If you don't go back inside, you will die./Did you look through everything in the Office?Examine the desk carefully!#"Open the drawer then look in it".#Have you examined everything here?Move some stuff."Move the boxes".AYou can't fight the rat . . . maybe you should strike a bargain?Do you have the jewels?"Give a jewel to the rat". There is nothing for you here.$Drinking and adventuring don't mix!:If you pick up a beer keg, you'll be in trouble later on!Did you press the switch? @This is a pretty old building, some things probably don't work.3Nothing happened? . . . I guess it must be broken.6Make some changes! Manipulate! (Use Artext Print #1)LDon't leave things open, use controls, then use that which cost you dearly.FClose what is open, turn what can be turned, push what can be pushed.%Did you find the Black Rod? Use it!#No rod? Did you search the Attic?"Insert the rod in the hole".PYou'll need a container, something sharp, something pretty, and something loud.2Do you have the bottle, jewels, sword, and flute?LNo flute? . . . did you scare the burglar away? The container's right here.BGo to the "Clearing" in the middle of the jungle, then come back.BWhen you are in the "Clearing", "Ask K'rnth about the dinosaurs"."Fire the cylinder at T-Rex".NIf you don't have the cylinder, explore further in the jungle then come back..Go to the "Clearing" then go to the "Armory". "Put the cube in the cylinder".You need something he has. &Did you check the body out carefully?+"Search the corpse then get the talisman".MDid you pick up the beer keg in the "Walk-in box"? Maybe that was a mistake.@If you stink of beer, maybe you ought to do something about it.."Wash your clothes" when you are by the lake.=You will find what you need at the "Clearing" in the jungle.DWhen in the "Clearing", "Ask K'rnth about the shimmering radiance".D"Ground the radiance with the wire". The wire is in the "Clearing".4Go to the "Clearing" before entering the "Jungle". "Ask K'rnth about the jungle".Move N,E,W,S in that order.KPay attention to K'rnth, riddles can make sense! Visit him more than once.Ask K'rnth about things.B"Talk to K'rnth about the 'radiance, jungle, bridge, dinosaurs'".-Have you talked to K'rnth in the "Clearing"?"Ask K'rnth about the bridge". "Say Bertrand" and don't delay./The steps lead to death, for one ill-prepared.PYou will need something from the Greek building to get rid of the lake monster.7"Turn on the oblong object then throw it in the lake".)Have you looked carefully at everything?+Did you notice the cracks in the pavement?"Look at the cracks".JThe robot is one of the guardians of the city. He's looking for your I.D.#Do you have the talisman? Wear it.CThe talisman is on the "Ledge" above the "Foot of Cliff" location.ANot a very interesting topic for an adventurer such as yourself.(This isn't a good day to go for a swim.JIf you go any direction but West or North, you'll meet with a sad ending.Have you found anything?Make sure and look everywhere."Dig in the mud".@You can't get something for nothing! Look at Artext Print #2.MCan you pay the price. What you need is outside, then make the right choice.KPut the coin in the slot next to the shark picture then press that button.EThe picture in Artext Print #2 should make the application obvious.+You should throw it -- in the right place!0"Turn on the object then throw it in the lake".!The view is great from up there.Use direction moves. "Climb up".:The tree has what you might expect, but on another level.4Go ahead and climb, but move carefully and look up!"Climb the tree"."Like a fence, it can hide things.Have you looked at them?"Look behind the hedges". ;This is a great find, but you can't handle it . . . alone.:You will find help in the business district to the south.;Find and free Ariel, and she will help you move the grate.*It sure is BIG -- maybe a little TOO big.FHow can you get that high? It sure is discouraging, and it should be!OYou can't get over the wall. You must leave the city via an underground route.6Sounds nuts, but the K'rnth speaks sensibly. Be nice!PIt will talk your arm off, but you need to know what it has to say, and say . .N"Ask K'rnth about the 'neighborhood, wall, K'rnth, city, Bertrand, Gateway'".(Did you talk to K'rnth in the "Meadow"?%"Ask K'rnth about the neighborhood".Move N,E,W then S,E,W,N.COne is short, one is tall. What's LEFT contains the key to it all.Big is not always best!=Forget the 34-Story Building; "Go to the 22-Story Building".OThey hold what you need if you know what to do. An unlucky number could be 42.PWe all must eat, and talk, it is true. With these words you'll know what to do!@"Put the metal card in the 'first,second,third, etc. machine'".7You shouldn't proceed without checking out EVERYTHING.0Look around, you won't be in the dark for long."Look in the shadows".6There is more than one way out, but you'll need help.>One object you should have will get you and someone else out."Ask Ariel about the door".Speech, Speech! Find out what Ariel has to say.O'Ask Ariel about 'herself,cell,city,door,robots,Gateway,Bert,wall,rod,K'rnth".A woman knows . . .K"Ask Ariel about the rod". If you don't have it, search the previous room.="Touch the rod to the cell then push the button on the rod".. . . like a hole in the head!Oops! It's a long way down!"Go to the hole", if you dare!3The mechanism looks different, but works the same.7"Ask Ariel about the door", if she's with you that is."Open the door"!Ever play poker? Call!!Its bark is worse than its bite!4The growling is an aural illusion, created by wind.$Have you discussed this with Ariel?/"Ask Ariel about the door", if she's with you.N"Fire the rifle at the door". I hope you have the clip from the neighborhood.'There is more here than meets the eye!Check all around. "Go west".Look at the controls.Use the controls.#"Press the lever" then go explore..What you need to do is back the way you came.3Midway, you will find relief, if you check around.(Go back to "Mid-tunnel' then "Go west".This guy seems to like green!"Try offering him something green.M"Offer the flute to the creature". Don't forget to get what you don't catch.Be nice to Beady!Give Beady something shiny. "Give the creature the jewels".GWhat you need to use you should have gotten from someone else already.;If you reflect on it a while, you should see the solution.J"Point the mirror at the robot." If you don't have it, visit Beady again.PTry some things until you find the right combination. (Can't you read symbols?)OTypical of such things, you'll have to push one thing before you pull another.@"Push the red button then pull the lever". Hold on to your hat!He is as bad off as he looks.Pay attention!<"Listen to Bertrand". He is trying to communicate with you.#Watch it -- this guy is dangerous!0If you mess with Groulnar now, you'll be sorry.PDon't do anything to Groulnar . . yet. If you try anything, you'll lose to him.#Did you listen to Bert in the Hut?Think E . . . !Do it more than once.8You should have something from the beady-eyed creature./If you THINK about it, you can use the amulet.ADid you forget to pick up the amulet the creature tossed to you?Among other titles, you find some well-read Andre Norton and Robert Heinlein novels, as well as a paperback edition of the classic, FORBIDDEN QUEST.This is a keen-edged blade with a slight curve to it. It balances well in your hand, as if it were made for you. It seems to vibrate with suppressed energies...You root through the boxes, raising clouds of dust and stirring up a few rats who squeak in protest. Beneath one of the boxes you find a black rod.You reach into your pocket and pull out one of the brightly-colored jewels. The rat's beady little eyes light up at the sight of it. Smiling, you drop it on the floor. The rat snatches it up and scuttles away, leaving the black rod on the floor.There is a squeaking sound, and the valve resists your efforts for a moment, then breaks free. One of those bills on the desk upstairs must be from the water works. As you turn the valve, there is a rumbling from the direction of the door.Nothing happens for a second, then the box explodes in a dazzling flash of blue. Bits of hot metal sting your face, and a wire falls free, sputtering. You try to dodge it, but aren't fast enough. You feel no pain as 50 amps slam through your body.As you insert the black rod in the hole, there is a whirring noise, and the door disappears! In its place, there is darkness . . . except for a small dot of swirling colors. The dot is expanding, and now you can see something through the shimmer. It's You can make out a beach directly in front of you, lined with boulders, with a jungle in the distance. There are two mammoth creatures on the water's edge, strangely out of place in this setting. In the far distance, there is what looks to be a city.You struggle desperately to regain your footing, but the ground is moving! There is a sound like a million jet engines roaring over your head as the earth screams its anger and opens beneath you. You see a dark, yawning pit, and . . .This is a room full of computers. In one corner, there is a big guy with a beard pounding away at a word processor. A programmer sits in front of a giant computer at the far end of the room, muttering to himself about parsers.The programmer turns to him, frowns, and says, "It must be the compiler. I knew it had some bugs in it, but this is ridiculous!" He shrugs his shoulders. "Well, I'll fix that!". . . . He taps a few keys and . . .Two windows take up the north wall of the shop. They are so dirty that you can barely see through them. The entrance door lies half off its hinges between the windows. A doorway to the west opens into a small office.You spin around when you hear footsteps. An ominous figure looms at the front door. Garbed in a gas mask and military camouflage attire, he pauses, "Sorry Mac, I thought this place was abandoned." With that he melts away into the murky haze.As you stride boldly through the shimmering Gateway, you notice a mild tingling throughout your body. There is an instant of vertigo, a feeling similar to that of riding a fast-moving elevator. As your feet touch the rocky soil on the far side of the Boulders line the south shore of the lake in front of you. Across the lake you can see a city of majestic towers and classic architecture rising from the mists. A jungle extends as far as you can see.Suddenly you feel cruel, razor-sharp talons sink into your back, and you are lifted high into the air. You wrench your neck to get a glimpse of what has you -- it seems to be a pterodactyl! Apparently, your strong odor attracted it.There are two dinosaur-like monsters battling one another. One looks like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the other resembles the Loch Ness monster. As you walk up the beach, T-Rex pauses, eyes you hungrily, and stomps toward you.You touch one end of the cable to the shimmering radiance, and the other to the floor. -- BOOM!! -- A shower of sparks and a blinding flash, and the shimmer is gone. There is a hole in the floor, and the cable is hot, but the force field is gone.The source of the voice is a fantastic-looking creature. It appears to be a fat, purple cat with ochre stripes, but it is fading in and out so that you cannot quite make out its true shape.There is the city on the west bank, of course. Just at the water's edge, next to the nearest building, there is what might be a moveable bridge, set into a pit in the ground. Too bad it's not extended!You don't last long. You feel something sink into your right leg, then a tremendous yank and you are deep in the dark, rushing waters. Mercifully, the creature eats you before you drown.As you cross the bridge, a feeling of apprehension comes over you, so you quicken your pace. You step off the other side of the bridge not a moment to soon -- at almost the same instant as your feet leave the bridge, it begins to withdraw, moving You rise to your feet, noting that the stone surface you are standing on is riddled with cracks. It is obvious that something went wrong with the bridge mechanism. The bridge structure itself extends partially from its pit, and the bent and twisted metalYou wade into the lake, discovering that a series of steps leads down from the shore. As you proceed, there is a rippling in the water ahead of you. Before you can react, something long, strong, and sinuous wraps itself around your ankle. You struggle to pull away, but the owner of the tentacle is stronger than you are, and the grip tightens. You reach into the water, clawing frantically at the slimy thing holding you fast, but to no avail. It pulls you under and heads for the dark depths of the lake.You jump into the river, and find that it is deep here, and the current swift. You are drawn into the center of the rushing waters, and pulled toward the lake. The cross currents soon drag you to the bottom . . .This is the neoclassical Greek structure that you viewed from the east bank of the river. The wall facing you extends all the way to the shore of the lake. Massive Doric columns line the portico out front, with an entrance in the center of the portico.The lure sails out over the water in a long arc, then hits the water with barely a splash. There's movement nearby, as if something huge were heading for the lure. The lure suddenly heads out toward the center of the lake. The stalker follows it!Whatever went after the lure is long gone, lucky for you. There are some steps leading down into the water here, and you cautiously follow them. The steps end in waist-deep water, and you can feel the muddy lake bottom beneath your feet.Before you can move very far, strong tentacles wrap themselves around your legs and chest. Either the lure stopped working, or this is another creature! Of course, that is immaterial, now that you are passing out from lack of air.Each is about twelve feet tall, with a wide chute near the base and a row of pictures across the front. Only one of the machines appear to be complete -- the rest sport gaping holes; perhaps they were vandalized.You pull yourself up to the top of the railing and balance carefully on the thin metal rods. The view from here isn't any better, so you decide to climb down. Your feet slip on the railing -- you land with a sickening thud on the stone surface below. . .It walks to within ten feet of you, then stands there, scanning you. It speaks to you in a strange language, as if challenging you. When you do not respond in kind, the robot moves closer and examines your neck, as if looking for something.There are five machines here. The first machine has been totally vandalized; it is nothing but a pile of junk. The others are glowing softly, and look as if they might work.The third machine has a picture of what looks like a platter containing various objects that might be half-burnt plants and animal muscle tissue. There is a slot beneath the picture.Machine number four must contain electronic equipment of some kind, for there is a graphic representation of a device with what appears to be sound or radio waves emanating from it. A slot resides beneath the picture.The final machine in the line is larger than the rest. The picture on the front is a bit faded, but you can make out the image of a small radio-like device.There is a deep humming noise, and an opening appears in the front of the machine. There is a cardboard box of hot meat and vegetables in the opening.After a few moments, you hear strange sounds. The sounds become louder and more complex -- strange electronic music, apparently. This must be this world's counterpart of a juke box!An opening appears in the machine's lower half. You see a device about the size of a transistor radio in the opening, and grab it up. As soon as you grab the radio, the fifth machine makes self-destructive noises, then is completely silent.A robot appears out of nowhere and escorts you to the river. Without preliminaries, the robot throws you into the turgid waters, and you are eaten by some terrible something."This is a maximum security holding cell. Food and drink are delivered to me automatically. Not even the robots come here, and everyone else has fled the city long ago, when the Evil became too powerful." well as the forms of others, when it first manifested itself through the Gateway to the north. The others have died. I escaped the Evil, but not the wrath of my countrymen, for I was one of the Gateway operators.""This is the city of Gomil. It was once much larger, but the Evil has nearly destroyed it. What were once suburbs are now choked by jungle, and strange beasts prowl, day and night. The wall was built as a last-ditch effort to hold back the evil and, thus far, it has worked. The population has fled, however, in search of other cities which may not be thus stricken by the Evil. In the rush, I was left behind.""They watch over the city, as caretakers. There was much looting by citizens, as well as destruction by the Evil, and they are here to prevent more of the same, in their mindless manner. If you are careful, they will not bother you.""The Gateway to the north, which is where the Evil originated, is one of many links to parallel worlds. The other known Gateways were closed when the Evil came, but the Evil keeps this one open. The Gateways were established by our reseFor decades, we carried a quiet trade between worlds, borrowing the technology of other human cultures as we found prudent. Then, the Evil came, and we found that our experiments had inadvertently opened Gateways into worlds that we were unaware of."Ah, yes . . . the Traveller. I thought that you looked familiar! You are, no doubt, a kinsman of Bertrand's. I can tell you nothing of him, except that he came and went as he pleased, trading among us, and never revealing the location of his Gateway.He was last here in the midst of the coming of the Evil. He feared, quite legitimately, that the Evil might force its way through his Gateway, since he was unable to close it, so he said. He disappeared into the north as the walls were being built.""Ah, yes -- the fabled creature of Zazur. It is said that K'rnth lives in many parallel worlds at once, which is why it seems to pop in and out of existence and spouts nonsense. Of course, it is just a legend -- many people claim to have seen the K'rnth,Ariel perceives your intent an instant before you carry out the act, and jumps into action. She throws a punch at your face, and you dodge (she has a lot more on the ball than you thought!) Then, a swift kick to your The door bangs down behind you, and it accelerates rapidly upward. You gulp, trying hard to hold down your lunch, but the ride doesn't last long. The elevator lurches to a stop, and a door opposite the one through which you entered opens.There is a muted click, the door springs back on creaky hinges, and -- you see a small, empty room before you. The growling sound is still there, but you can't see the source of it.You hear nothing except for the faint sound of wind blowing, far away. The growling must have been an aural illusion, caused by the wind blowing and echoing through and around the building.There is a familiar lurch, and the room begins to drop, right along with your stomach. The door did not close, and you find yourself more than a little uneasy as you watch the floors float by.Just when you think that you are going to take a core-sample of the planet, it stops with a jolt. A doorway rolls up, and you quickly step out, glad to be on the ground again. The door clangs shut behind you, and the wall is blank where it was.You feel a mild tingling as you clear the door. There's a robot clanking up the street toward you. You freeze, and the robot rushes by you and begins working on the door. You quickly duck north one block.A final cackle, and Ariel is gone, presumably to further the cause of Groulnar. You feel foolish for having believed her, but there's nothing for to do now but make the best of things -- and hope that you don't run into Groulnar too soon!This is a flat plain of granite, unbroken except by the tower rising from its center. Sheer and apparently unclimbable cliffs surround the plain.You notice a small, beady-eyed creature peering at you from a burrow at the base of the tower. The creature is surrounded by a variety of strange objects.plays a plaintive melody. The music is having a strange effect on the wall in front of you. A door-size rectangle is turning misty and dissolving. By the time the creature finishes two bars, there is a wide opening in the base of the tower.As you pick it up, a tingling sensation passes through your brain. Your senses are suddenly heightened, and you are thinking with remarkable clarity. You can sense the presence of other minds around you.As you get to the top of the stairs, you are facing a bizarre little robot. The robot is a few yards away, and moving slowly toward you. At first, you are amused by its resemblance to a vacuum cleaner, but your amusement dissolves into fear when itYou wait until the robot aims its laser finger at you, then you raise the mirror. By sheer luck, you not only deflect the beam, but it is reflected right back at the robot. A tremendous boom echoes through the room, and the robot backs off, smoking and sizzling. It follows a rather erratic path across the room, then enters an opening in a cylinder against one wall. The opening closes behind it, there is a rush of air, and things are quiet.The little robot isn't too good a shot -- must be old -- but you don't have to be good with a laser. It waves the beam around in your vicinity, and you suddenly go to pieces!You feel weightlessness as the cylinder drops, accelerating downward to cover the quarter mile in less than two seconds. At the end of the ride, you are forced to your knees by 6 gees of deceleration. You stand, shaken but unhurt.One of the Gateways glows, then dissolves into a picture of a strange landscape, all black and gray. A shambling horror of a man stumbles through the Gateway. He seems to be human -- he has all the right parts -- but the proportions are wrong. The head is horribly misshapen, and the legs are short. The arms are too long -- far too long, as he grabs you and lifts you from the ground. Struggling, you drop some things, but your writhings are for naught -- it carries you toward the activated Gateway. . .There is a familiar tingling as you pass through the Gateway. The THING carrying you pauses after passing through, and you feel its grip relax. You strike suddenly and punch it in the head. There is a soft, squishy feeling as your fist makes contact.You whirl around to face what must be the very personification of evil in this world. It has the body of a man, a serpent's head, and a spiked tail. An overpowering stench accompanies it as it moves into the room."I am Groulnar," the man/beast announces. "You and your kinsman are mine -- destined to carry out my plans for your world. You shall complete the circuit and supply me with all of the information I need to break into and overpower yourBefore you can move again, your mind is invaded by a tendril of thought. You resist, but the tendril worms its way to the very seat of your soul. Moments later, you rise, but you aren't in control of your body. You are Groulnar's now, and will always be.Bertrand stirs behind you. "I . . . I am sorry you followed." Speaking is obviously an effort for him. "I left the note in the hope that you could help, but Groulnar is too strong for you, or me, or anyone."There is a roar from outside, and Bertrand chokes. His next words come from between clenched teeth. "I can't hang on for long. Groulnar is too strong. Just remember to.. arrrgh! EVIL! Turn it against.. Think! Think E---" with a stifled cry, he collapses.The scene outside is the same -- except an apparition stands in front of you. It is Groulnar, but not the same Groulnar that you saw inside. This Groulnar is at least a hundred feet tall! Lightning flashes about his brow, and fire punctuates his words."Foolish, puny human! You presume to flee here, or to attack? You have merely brought on the inevitable, a little earlier than I had planned! Succumb to the force . . ."A hammer-blow of pure thought crashes into your mind. You cringe, but hold fast, trying to block the psychic invasion. You are growing weaker . . .The battle rages in your mind and you are holding your own, until you feel two hands around your neck. The hands squeeze tighter and tighter, cutting off your air. Groulnar is just playing with you, using your own uncle as the instrument of your defeat!Your mind is invaded with renewed energy. You resist, locking eyes with Groulnar, but the telepathic blast forces its way deeper and deeper. It eats away at your soul until there is nothing of you left but a painful awareness that you have failed.Goulnar is gone and the shadows on the horizon are gone. The sky is turning a beautiful blue, now that Groulnar has been destroyed and the evil is no more. It looks as if this world might return to normal.The Gateway has reappeared, suspended in mid-air to the east. You can see the Control Center through it. You know that you will be able to leave this accursed place, and that you will find some way to activate the Gateway to your world.You should be happy -- you have saved this world, and the next, as well as your own world, from Groulnar's evil. You will be able to move between worlds at will now; such power will assure your future.You focus your thoughts on every evil act you have ever seen, heard about, or can imagine. With all of your will, you project this evil at Groulnar."Arrrgggggghhhhh!!!!" Groulnar's scream is horrible, and it is echoed by screams from beyond the horizon. The screaming goes on and on, rising in volume, until you think your eardrums will burst.Sweat pops out on your brow, and your legs begin to tremble, but you continue to project evil with an intensity that horrifies you. Just as you think that you will drop from exhaustion, Groulnar begins to fade away.There is a moment of silence, then a terrific booming as Groulnar disappears. Simultaneously, Bertrand's hands drop from around your neck, and the sky turns blue. The shadows are gone, and beautiful sunlight streams down on the scene.His eyes flutter briefly, then he speaks. "You've done it! I realized, too late, that the only way to defeat Groulnar would be to turn his power against him. Without the amulet of Uhtar to amplify your thoughts you would not have had a chance.""Groulnar was the personification of evil, an artificial entity created by the evil of the society that once flourished here. It destroyed them, then lived on in the person of Groulnar.""The people of that world created the technology that opened Gateways between many different worlds. They unwittingly stumbled upon this world in their search for knowledge, and Groulnar burst into their world, causing them to flee. They left Ariel, whom I imprisoned, because they could not control her, and did not want to kill her." He sighs, then continues, "Ariel was the tool by which Groulnar invaded their world. He had planned to use us as he did her -- to gather knowlege and information, and then focus his energies through us as he mounted his assault. Our world would have turned into what their world is now, and eventually into what this world had become.""Yes -- it is all over. Ariel's people can now return to their world, and begin to make it over into what it once was. And," he rises, and you walk with him toward the Gateway, "you and I have work to do. We shall, I think, open the Gateway to home more often, and eventually our culture and technology will merge with cultures and technologies of other worlds, to unite so that nothing like Groulnar will threaten us again!"You lie down, quickly falling asleep. Terrible dreams of creatures of the night, torture your fatigued mind. Razor sharp teeth tear at your flesh . . . you try to wake up from the nightmare, but wait . . this isn't a dream. . As you survey the scene, you hear a whoosh and a click behind you. You turn to find that the opening to the ramp has closed up -- there is nothing but a blank wall there now.You jump into the lake and find that it is deep here. Before you can swim far, sharp teeth sink deeply into your leg, you struggle frantically, but to no avail. You are dragged deeper and deeper into the darkness of the lake -- hope soon vanishes. . . .You rush along the walkway, anxious to see what lies at the other end. Along the way, you spot a gaping, man-size hole in the floor. You carefully skirt this obstacle, and come face-to-face with the white door.As you pause before the door, you hear a terrible growling from the other side. The sound rises and falls, and seems to move away and then back, as if something is pacing on the other side.Unfortunately, there is a barrier of stone blocking your exit here. A rectangular hole in its center lets you look out, but it is too small to climb through.Unfortunately, there is a barrier of stone blocking your exit here. A rectangular hole in its center lets you look out, but it is too small to climb through.oAs the old glass splinters a large jagged piece slits your wrist...your blood slowly drains from your body....aYou are so overcome by the smog that you can barely move. Maybe you'd better go back inside.....sAs you reach for the black rod, a rat races out and snatches it up. The rat watches you warily through beady eyes.wYou stumble...then steady yourself against the wall. Pain begins to rack your body...hallucinations torture your mind.nYou pick up one of the old beer kegs. As it slips from your hands a stream of liquid gushes out, soaking you.oYou pick up the toaster, and fling it away in disgust as roaches trot out from the inside, looking for a meal.tYou pop the cork and take a whiff. Whew! This might have been a fine rose at one time, but it's turned to vinegar. xIt's a typical sub-feed junction box, with a massive lever on the side. There is some faded writing on the front panel.mAs you throw the lever the iron door begins to glow. A small hole glows brightly in the center of the door. c difficult to make it out exactly, but you think you see water, and rocks. You strain your eyes...\You collapse as you discover a warm, sticky substance flowing from a gash in your neck.....rThe rat's teeth are so sharp that you aren't aware that you've been bitten until you notice blood on your finger.`To the west there is an archway, framed with stones. A rusty iron door is set into the archway.ZThe shimmering radiance continues to expand. You see that there is water there, and more.hYou take a few steps, then double over in a fit of coughing as a sulphurous breeze assaults your lungs.pBefore you can recover, there is a roar and -- WHAM!! -- a violent jolt slams you face-first into the sidewalk.pThe guy with the beard notices you, and jumps up. "Hey! What are you doing in here? This wasn't in the script!"lIt's very faded from years of aging, but it looks like "DANGER!!! D- Not Enga-- Po--r --th ---r -p--."lIt's very faded from years of aging, but it looks like "DANGER!!! D- Not Enga-- Po--r --th ---r -p--."cYou slump to the ground, overcome with fever. The pain subsides as consciousness slips away. . . .xA rough, poured concrete floor,cracked and crumbling, extends a few feet from the steps. The rest of the floor is dirt.oThe darkness consumes you as you grope forward....you trip and smash your head....life slowly drains away.....oIt rises at a 90-degree angle, its face so smooth that you wonder if it is natural or the work of some entity.uThe mountains rise to incredible heights, and seem to seal the land off from an even taller tower on their far side.lYou stumble across the rocks, with T-Rex so close behind that you can smell the rotting flesh in his mouth.xAs you reach the end of the rocks, you vault into -- Quicksand! You -- blub, blub -- struggle to remain afloat, but....wYou detect high-frequency vibrations. T-Rex and Nessie go wild! Nessie disappears beneath the water, and T-Rex runs topThis is a triangular pendant, with a metallic feel to it, hanging from a leather thong. It is vibrating softly.iIt is a very sturdy-looking building, of the type that is usually used to store something very valuable.xIt must be some kind of energy or force field, and there is an object behind it, but you can't make out much from here.kA billion electron volts slam through your body as you touch the force field. You are ashes in an instant.\It glows, and the object within is difficult to see. It appears to be electrical in nature.mAt first, nothing happens, but then you sense a high-pitched sound, almost beyond the range of your hearing.eIt appears to be some sort of weapon, with a small socket on one end and an ugly snout at the other.kUpon your return to 2nd and Main, you find the robot gone and the door to the 34-story building re-sealed.xThe creature senses your attack, lunging at your jugular with pinpoint accuracy -- you soon are part of the food chain.gIt is a piece of insulated electrical cable, half an inch thick and slightly over five feet in length.dThe cube is a gray block, featureless except for two electrical contacts that extend from one side.qThe building nearest the riverbank is a neo-classical Greek structure, complete with Doric columns. Interesting.kYou feel and hear a deep rumbling, and the bridge begins to move, extending till it reaches the east bank._All that is left of the bridge is a pile of ruined metal that extends a few feet from the pit.kYou quickly scan the cracks. There is what appears to be a large coin lodged in one of the smaller cracks.sThe buildings behind the structure to the west are a bizarre mixture of familiar and unknown architectural styles.tFrom here, it appears to be a broad expanse of concrete, unbroken except for some kind of grandstand in its center.ZThis is an octagonal coin, about three inches in diameter and a quarter of an inch thick.xThe placid waters of the lake are a bit murky, as if something massive might be moving around in there, stirring it up.iThey are stylized illustrations of familiar objects. Each is framed in the color of the button below it.xA robot is approaching from the south! The robot's humanoid in appearance, and is carrying what appears to be a weapon.uNot finding what it is looking for, the robot raises its weapon and fires. There is a violet glow, and you are gone.tIts metallic hand feels cool against your skin as it examines the Talisman hanging from the thong around your neck.rThe grate is set into a metal frame, and attached to it by hinges. You feel a cool breeze coming from the tunnel.dYou ask Ariel to help with the grate, and together you lift it free and push it back on its hinges.vThis is a skinny tree, its slender trunk extending ten feet above the ground before it disappears into dense foliage.wSeemingly out of nowhere, a robot looms before you. It raises its weapon and fires. Apparently, loitering is illegal.wThe building, which is the tallest in the city, has been sealed. There is no evidence of any openings at ground level.pYou will have to say which building you want to look at. Either the 34-story building or the 22-story building.eYou will have to say which building to go to. Either the 34-story building or the 22-story building.vThe machine has a picture of a cup-like container and a stream of liquid on its front. A slot is beneath the picture.tYou will have to say which slot to put the metallic card in. Either the first, second, third, fourth or fifth slot.rA carrier wave issues from the speaker. It is probably in a "standby" mode, waiting to be activated by something.tYou stumble around, searching the walls and floor. Eventually, you are rewarded by finding a odd-looking metal rod.sA liquid voice sounds from above you. "Hello. I am K'rnth. I'm neither here nor there, but always there and here."uShe stares at you blankly, as if she has never heard of what you ask. Or, perhaps she doesn't want to talk about it.sThe cell's door recedes into the ceiling. Ariel springs out into the long room with you. The cell door slams shut.r solar plexus doubles you over, your breath whooshing from your lungs. Another kick, and your windpipe is broken.uThe tunnel is well-lighted, and extends for about the width of a street. There is a large white door at the far end.`It doesn't budge. It seems to be sealed from the outside. You might just have to force it open.wYou lower yourself slowly into the tunnel, then look up at Ariel. With a triumphant smile, she slams the grate closed.w"You have given me my freedom," she says, "but you may yet serve Groulnar! You will go to him now, and do as he bids."XYou struggle, pushing against the grate, but it will not budge. Ariel cackles insanely.g"Yes, yes, you shall serve, as do I! Groulnar shall make your world as this one -- and you will help!"wA small screen pops up and a voice from nowhere utters three gutteral syllables. The screen disappears into the panel.cThis is a stone slab, its center pierced by a rectangular hole that is too small to climb through.mIt is ebony black, and at least a quarter of a mile tall. You'll have to go there to find out anything more.sThese are sheer walls, rising at a 90-degree angle from the floor of the plain. They appear to have been man-made.udue west of the neoclassical Greek Building, there are more buildings -- that must be the downtown area of the city.^This is a round opening in the sheer cliff wall, barely large enough for you to step through.rThe sun-bleached bones are obviously human. They are probably all that's left of earlier explorers (or invaders).dIt is a small oval mirror, about the size of your palm. It looks like you haven't slept in a month.bThe small creature skitters out of range on its six legs, then returns to the edge of its burrow.sThe creature chitters at you, then grabs up its loot. After a moment, it drops the objects in front of the burrow.uObviously pleased with the flute, the creature does a couple of back flips, then tosses an amulet in your direction.pAbout the size of a human, the cylinders are featureless. A hatch is open in one, on the east side of the room.eThere is a black button and a red button. Each has a symbol by it, with a single lever next to them.uThere is a graphic image of a door next to the black button, and a graphic image of a switch next to the red button.ZThe houses are abandoned, and have been carefully and effectively sealed against vandals.[This is obviously the master control panel for the openings, which are obviously Gateways.mYou step into the unactivated Gateway. Your body tingles and your mind turns to mush. You are in limbo . . .SThe next thing you know, you are sitting on the ground. The THING has disappeared.uThis is a small structure with stone walls and roof. There is one door, through which you can make out a faint glow.xThe man who was lying on the cot sits up as you enter. He looks familiar . . . can it be -- yes! It is your Uncle Bert!pHe is unkempt disheveled. His eyes have a vacant look. He stares bleakly past you, with no sign of recognition.\Groulnar bellows "Silence, fool!" He raises his hand and the air is sucked from your lungs.kAs you begin to move, an excruciating pain blasts through your body. You sink to the ground in mute agony.vGroulnar chuckles, an evil rasp. "I go now to plan for the assault. When I return, I will prepare you for your role."lYou swing around and free yourself from Bertrand's death-grip. as he falls away from you, he yells "THINK!"WYou concentrate on various evils, trying to cast them at Goulnar, but nothing happens.x"Fool," Groulnar shouts, "you have ruined it all. My own evil, turned against me! But, you have lost your kinsman...." wYou lie down, quickly falling asleep. The night soon passes. You awake feeling refreshed and ready for new challenges.lA robot appears out of nowhere and reseals the door. You can hear his footsteps clanking into the distance.]There is a woman in the cell. She stands at the rear, regarding you through suspicious eyes.]The woman frowns at your words, then replies in a lilting speech that you do not understand.lThe little creature perks up at your words, chittering away merrily, but doesn't seem to understand a word.SThere are so many controls you couldn't possibly figure out what they're used for.g As you catch the mirror, you drop the axe. Before you can retrieve it, the little guy snatches it up.tResembling a small vacuum cleaner, its appendages were obviously intended for one purpose -- eliminating intruders!\The robot dodges your attack, and returns a barrage of laser fire, which you adroitly duck.iWith vacant eyes, under the total control of Groulnar's evil, Bert's grip is vise-like around your neck.x disintegrates with a brilliant flash as Groulnar touches it, "There's nothing you can bribe me with, foolish mortal!" tThe lack of water forces consciousness to slip away unnoticed, your body becoming carrion for the local food chain.OfficeA large desk with an old wooden chair sit in the center of the office with a doorway to the east, leading into the small shop.ShopYou are in an incredibly cluttered shop. There's a vast assortment of items, ranging from antique tools and weapons to small decorative items with "Made in Taiwan" stamped on them. An empty cash register stands on a counter. There is little of value here. Outside,It's a hot, muggy day. The smog is so thick that birds are walking instead of flying. You hear an ominous rumbling in the distance, and a hot breeze gusts in from the north. Your eyes are watering, and your sinuses are backing up. You remember that the weatherman forecast firestorms this morning. Stairwell This is a closet-sized stairwell. A dim light filters in from the shop, through the door to the north. To the south, there is a dark stairway, leading down. Another stairway, leading up, is to the west.AtticYou are in a room at the top of the stairway which leads down to the east. The room is filled with all manner of empty boxes, household objects, and general junk. Cobwebs and layers of dust cling to everything in the room. A light filters dimly through a vent in the ceiling. North Basement&This is the basement of the building. A crude set of wooden steps lead up to the north. The walls are made up of large, flat rocks, stacked on top of one another. The south end of the basement is lost in darkness. The joists of the floor, barely an inch over your head, are covered with dirt. Walk-in BoxThis is an old walk-in cooler. There are some empty beer kegs here, covered with dust and cobwebs. The once shiny stainless steel walls are covered with crud. There is a small switch on one wall. Next to it, you see a thermostat.South BasementIn the glow of your light, you can see that the walls, floor, and ceiling here are dirt and rock. Apparently, this part of the basement was dug out but never finished. Rocky ShoreYou are looking over a large lake to the north. There is an unbroken cliff wall towering above you to the west and to the south. To the east, a gentle slope leads down to a path.Foot of CliffAt the foot of the hill here, you notice the beginnings of a path heading east. The east beach of the lake lies to the north. A rough-surfaced cliff, pockmarked with holes and crevices, rises to the south.LedgeThere is a half-rotted corpse here. Maybe this guy had a run-in with the monsters by the lake, and lived long enough to get up here. The cliff appears too steep to climb any higher. East BeachThis is a rocky beach to the east of the lake. It extends further to the north and south. The ground to the east, beyond the rocks, appears to be soft. North BeachiThe beach here is sandy, with the jungle surrounding it to the north and east, and the lake to the west.Armory EntranceThere is a building entrance to the east, and the path continues to the north and west. The cliff still blocks travel to the south.Armory3This is a fairly old building with an air of officiality about it. It is rectangular in shape, with the longest sides running north and south. The walls are lined with racks, racks that could only have held weapons of some sort. The racks extend to the south, all no closer than a foot to the metal floor. South Armory You are standing at the south end of the armory. Weapon racks line the walls, from a foot above the metal floor to a foot below the ceiling.Curve^Here, the path turns to the east and to the south. The jungle borders both sides of the path.Intersection Here, the path branches in three directions --North, South, and West. To the south, the path dwindles into a jungle trail. To the north and west it follows a straight line.Intersection The road goes in all directions here. The jungle borders on all sides. The path appears to widen to the east and narrows to the west.JungleUYou are in the jungle. The density makes it almost impossible to tell where you are. Clearing6The path dead-ends at a small clearing in the jungle.Intersection vThe road here goes in three directions. To the west it dwindles to nothing while to the east it seems to continue on.CurveeThe road turns north and west here. Still surrounded by jungle it seems to widen a bit to the north.CurveyThe road turns west and south here. It's definitely wider to the west than the south, but the jungle appears no thinner.CurveThe road curves to the south and east here. The jungle appears to be thinning to the south. The roar of turbulent water can be heard not far to the west.CurvecHere, where the road curves to the north and west, you can see and hear a large river to the west. Riverbank You are standing on the east bank of a river that flows from a crack in the mountains to the north, down to the lake to the south. The current is swift.City OutskirtsThe river is to the east, and the city to the west, with the neoclassical Greek structure right in front of you. North of you is a broad plaza, and the lake is to the south. All is quiet, except for the gentle sound of waves lapping at the river bank. East StepsThe steps seem to end to the east, about where the strong currents from the river begin. There seems to be nothing but deeper water to the south. The steps continue to the west, however . . . West StepsThe steps are covered with mud here and stop to the west. The lake appears ominous and foreboding. Strange ripples move unpredictably near the edge of the steps.Inside Building|This is an incredibly clean building, consisting of one large room, and empty except for a bank of machines along one wall.Plaza!This is a broad expanse, paved with some sort of closely-set stones. The stones are worn smooth, as if many feet have trod here. To the north, is a high, smooth wall. The river lies to the east, and you can see a park to the west. There is a grandstand in the exact center of the plaza. North WallaYou stand before a featureless wall, white in color. It rises nearly one hundred feet above you.ParkThe park is incredibly well-kept. It reminds you of an endless golf course, with close-cropped green sward and small, neatly-trimmed hedges and trees. To the north, you can see the huge wall that borders the city, with streets bordering the park to the west and south. Grandstand;Standing on top of a raised wooden platform, you can see a little farther. The park appears to be made up of trees, with a grassy meadow in the center. Beyond the park, to the west, you can see what looks like a residential district -- at least, there is row upon row of small buildings, all alike. To the south, MeadowuYou are in a small clearing, surrounded on three sides by the park. The high wall borders the clearing on the north.TreeYou are in the middle of the tightly-interlaced branches of the tree. The foliage here is so thick that only a little light filters in from above. You are having trouble seeing, but in the dim light you make out a way to climb further up the tree.TreetopThe view is pretty good from up here. You can see a clearing to the north, with the high wall beyond it. The plaza lies to the east. The downtown area of the city is to the south, and the residential district is west. You can see yet another high wall beyond the residential district. Neighborhood XYou are in a maze of similar streets. There are no signs, and the houses are all alike. 2nd & NorthThis is a broad avenue, paved with brick, that runs east and west. It is lined with buildings on the south, and the park to the north. Second street heads due south from here. 1st & North You are at the corner of North Avenue and 1st Street. There is a residential district to the west, and the park is to the north. 1st Street runs south from here. The business district is packed with various styles and sizes of buildings, though they all appear to be permanently sealed. 1st & MainYou are standing on the corner of 1st Street and Main Street. The residential district is to the west. 1st Street runs north and south from here, with Main Street heading off to the east, following a line of towering buildings.1st & SouthernYou are at the corner of 1st Street and Southern Boulevard. The residential district is still to the west. 1st Street runs to the north with Southern taking off to the east. Massive sealed buildings continue to line the streets. 2nd & Main9You are standing at the very core of the city. There is a 22-story building at the northwest corner of 2nd and Main, and a 34-story building at the northeast corner of 2nd and Main. The 22-story building has an open doorway. The 34-story building is sealed from the ground up, just like all the other buildings. 2nd & Southern9You are on Southern Boulevard, at the intersection of 2nd Street. Southern runs east and west, and 2nd Street runs north from here. To the south, there is a massive building that has the looks of a powerplant to it. There are several buildings lining the street and one of them looks like the Chrysler Building! 3rd & Southern#You are at the east end of Southern Boulevard, at the corner of 3rd Street. There is a high, blank wall in front of you, apparently the rear of the neo-Classical Greek Building. To the south, there is a building that has the look of a powerplant about it. . 3rd Street runs north from here. 3rd & MainYou are at the east end of Main Street, at the corner of 3rd Street. There is a high, blank wall in front of you, apparently the rear of the neoclassical Greek Building. 3rd Street runs north and south from here. 3rd & NorthYou are at the east end of North Avenue, at the corner of 3rd Street. There is a high, blank wall to the east of you, apparently the rear of the neoclassical Greek Building. The park is to the north with 3rd Street running south into the heart of the downtown section. LobbyThe interior is dimly lit by a soft glow from the walls and ceiling. There are a number of machines here, lined up in a row against the wall, directly in front of you. To the right of the bank of machines, you see a ramp leading up.RampyWhile there is little light here, there are many shadows. Standing on the ramp you can see it continues up to the north.CellThis is a long room with markings on the floor where furniture used to be. There is one door to the east, and what is obviously a jail cell to the west. ElevatoruThis is a small cylindrically-shaped room, with walls of seamless steel. There are no apparent features or controls.WalkwayYou are at the east end of the walkway before a white door. You can see some details of the city through the translucent walls of the walkway. The gaping hole is not far behind you.Bottom Floor "You are in a small room with poured-stone walls, floors, and ceiling. There are no openings, although a diffused light permeates the area. The wall behind you, to the east, where the elevator was, is blank. The north and west walls are blank, too. The south wall has a door in its center. South Tunnel You are standing at the extreme southern end of a tunnel that runs under the Park, to the north. There is an opening above you, but it is blocked by a sturdy grate. You can see a pinpoint of light to the north. Mid-TunnelQYou are in total darkness here, but the light to the north is a little brighter.AlcoveThis is a room barely large enough to stand in. There is a small control panel set into the wall, glowing with a faint luminescence. A button and a small lever are on the panel.North Tunnel The north end of the tunnel has an opening that looks out upon a vast plain of granite, surrounded by high cliffs. The plain is featureless except for a black tower in its exact center. The tower must be at least a quarter-mile high! Vast PlainYou are at the edge of a vast plain. The noonday sun beats down from overhead, nearly blinding you as you squint at the incredible tower rising from the center of the plain. Tall cliffs surround the plain, which extends for a good five miles ahead of you, to the north. Tower Base3As you stand at its base, the tower is even more imposing than it was at a distance. The base is made of smooth, incredibly hard, glass-like ebony material. It's at least 100 feet on a side, and you can't see its top from here. There are skeletons here, stripped clean of flesh, clothing, and possessions. Inside Tower 7This is an eerie place. It is well-lit, but filled with some of the strangest machinery you've ever seen. It has a half-melted look, like clocks in a Salvador Dali painting, with a little of Jules Verne and A Clockwork Orange thrown in. Very bizarre and incongruous. There are stairs to your right leading up. Main FloorThe main floor is an enormous room, nearly 100 feet on a side. The walls are lined with coffin-sized cylinders standing vertically. The odor of burning plastic lingers in the air. A hatch in a cylinder on the east side of the room is open. CylinderqYou can see a control panel with two symbols stamped on it. There are also two buttons and a lever on the panel.Control Center9This is obviously the Control Center for the tower. The room is a little smaller than the Main Floor. The ceiling is an enormous roughly carved dome with an odd light emanating from it. There are a score of door-sized openings around the perimeter of the room, and strange machinery stands silent in its center. Rocky Field The world here is like an island of darkness in the midst of an endless void. Shadows move to and fro on the horizon, and the sky is occasionally lit by pulses of fire. A sickly glow lights the landscape, which is dotted with the burnt and twisted remains of trees. Outside HutStanding before the hut, you can see that it is very, very old. The mortar in the joints between the stones has turned to dust. The doorway is empty, the door removed long ago.HutXThere is a single room, bare except for a lamp on the floor and a cot against one wall.here is a single room, bare except for a lamp on the floor and a cot against one wall. old bottle Oflashlightppbrass flute strange jewelsqqmoldy journaloo skeleton keyFoothrowing knifecdagger*hunting knifecsword,small box$letterooBert's note)Vooblack rod\talisman grey cube?%bullet clip@++Pwire$cylinder!large coin9,metal cardThook;oblong object0orifle (cardboard boxD$88meat}}vegetablesB}}oval mirrorHCCNamuletCC ":<=ACEFG      k   kkkkk kkkkkkk!k"#  %!$/ (&>"k #%""" $!($'"%&&),",&,*&,*+&*,**&,,-,&,,,.&"-'"370("1/()023(*14(+/461,352-64.753/"6/09391:8:82;3<4=;k536?7A>@8?9B?:CA;DB<EE=FD>E>H?G@JAIKBJ8There's nothing here but old bills and canceled checks.GIt's one of those cheap disposable flashlights. It may not last long.BIt's a battered brass flute, with green gems firmly set into it. The entrances have been fused shut, and there are no windows!7This building has been sealed, except for one doorway.AThere is no possible way for you to enter the 34-story building.IThis is a pile of junk. It probably held something valuable at one time.>The fifth machine looks dormant -- it isn't glowing any more.BThe machine is a pile of junk -- the vandals even stole the slot!OYou slip the card into the slot. The machine whirs, clicks, and stands silent.CYour card disappears into the slot and is fired right back at you.>The fifth machine remains deathly silent -- it must be empty.NThis is a small device with no controls, but has a small speaker on one side.PThis is about six inches long, flat at one end, with a button at the round end.=The wall is without a seam, and looks almost indestructible.=The door is featureless -- it probably slides into the wall.PShe's wearing coveralls, has long, red hair, and is not an unattractive person.:The translator relays your words to her, and hers to you.P"I am Ariel. I was mistakenly imprisoned here because the Evil took my form, asParchers nearly a century ago, a spinoff into investigations into teleportation.AAre you, perhaps, from one of those unknown worlds? I think so."L He revealed only the nature of his world by the artifacts he traded to us.E"This is a way out -- the only way out to the Gateway in the north."O"It is a key, of sorts. Touch the flat end to the cell, then push the button."JShe pulls away, frowning. "Stop it! We have little enough time as it is!"K You can see a long, well-lighted tunnel through the doorway, to the east.CThe elevator is totally automatic. It has no controls of any kind.>Ariel looks around furtively as she follows close behind you.CThe light patter of footsteps lets you know Ariel is close behind.Ariel quickly looks away when she notices you looking at her.6It is a white metal door with a handle in the middle.PYour eyes widen as your screams echo, watching the street rush up to greet you.1The growling sound still comes through the door.NYou catch a glimpse of Ariel peering through the hole, "You fool!" she yells.NAha! You back off a safe distance, take aim, and fire. The door springs open.LThere is no way you'd fit in the hole, even if the creature invited you in.NIt is a couple of feet square, and made of steel bars two inches in diameter.JThe button is black. The lever is small. The room is short. You are tall.1A deep rumbling sound echoes through the tunnel.AThe barrier is as immovable as the mountain that it is set into.EYou'll have to go closer to see anything more than you have already.;The creature has piled all manner of objects about itself.?This is about the right size for a small, six-legged creature.=The creature finishes his tune and vanishes into his burrow.KYou toss the flute to the creature. It chatters rapidly as it picks it up.PAfter looking it over carefully, the creature raises the flute to its lips and .There is nothing here that you can relate to.DThe little robot chases you around -- firing the laser frantically.GThere is a WHOOSH of air, and the hatch closes. A soft light comes up.1There is a WHOOSH of air, and the hatch is open.MA sudden acceleration slams you to the floor. A few seconds later, you feel Kweightless, then a slight jar as the motion stops. You climb to your feet.MA hot wind buffets you from all directions, and the air has a metallic tang.MStanding in the middle of a rocky field, you notice a stone hut to the west.EThey are shifting around too fast for you to make any sense of them.5You can see someone lying on a cot against one wall.JYou speak to him, but he does not respond. It is as if you are not there.GDefenseless, you murder your uncle, life is lonely here alone. . . . .>You sit down next to Bertrand. He looks even worse closer up.0A noise from behind you catches your attention.O world. And you shall be my tools in that venture, as Ariel was in her world!"GYou do not like being a zombie, but you have no choice. Groulnar wins!JYour senses are heightened, and you are thinking with remarkable clarity.OYou follow through with your act, and kill Bertrand. The sheer evil of the actO horrifies you, and you turn on Groulnar. You think of evil in its many forms,0 and blast your thoughts at the evil man/beast.9To your surprise, Groulnar seems to be fading from view.3With an incredible roar, Groulnar ceases to exist.GBertrand has fallen to the ground. You drop to your knees next to him.KYou lie down and take a short nap. Feeling rested you resume your journey.GYou remove your clothes, scrub them diligently, then put them back on.?You feel much better getting rid of the smell of the old beer.1There's nothing here to clean your clothes with.KThe object makes a humming sound, nearly inaudible, and begins to vibrate.KThe streets are spotless, unmarked, and perfect in their maze-like layout.?The doorway appears to be open -- maybe you ought to go there.OBut you do not rejoice. Instead, you sink to the ground and weep for Bertrand.< raises an appendage and a laser beam flashes by your nose!6"But, how . . .?" you ask. "How did this come about?"PThere is a long cylinder in a rack that is surrounded by a shimmering radiance.@The lamp is permanently affixed to the floor, it doesn't budge.=The corpse is mushy to the touch, I don't think you want it.:You fire a shot at the door -- it seems to give a little.GYou fire a shot and it ricochets off the walls -- luckily missing you!< I think you had better find someplace else to go swimming!PYou try with all your might to squeeze into the bottle, but you just don't fit.NYou detect a soft, shimmering radiance coming from the south end of the room.HThe cable is touching the radiance. You are insulated from the current.MYou take a slash at T-Rex with the sword, but it doesn't even slow him down.Ariel gives you a disgusted look -- maybe she can read minds!7Without hesitation, Ariel springs through the opening.HWith a thunderous bang the opening in the base of the tower disappears.DThe robot fires a shot in front of you as you try for the cylinder.EYou leave the hut in resignation. It looks like you are on your own.PIt repulses you to look at Groulnar, his evil presence makes your stomach turn.7You'll have to come up with a better reason than that!J a short distance . . . I sure hope you don't play baseball for a living!OWeak from hunger, you stumble to the ground. Unable to move on you die slowly.PThe strain of your travels begins to show. Every action takes conscious effort.t<p$$r}̀ϟ}3o % % %   J"00j#00z_ 0 z` 0  0  0PP% $ * 0  9  D  $P  N b w     !0?N]l{$# !"#%5&'()!*2+C,T-e.v/0 1 2 3 4 5$ #  p$%@a  n  <       * 8   ! 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STJ NQQYJJ HZ LPU PJDT LQJKQ DDHJJ EM XMVTZK LPYMS OAXLIWD RWBUQ LPYMS WNLBO QABJDD LPYMSX NWGQBDP XZZYLB LPYMS BTJJZO FHQ LPYMS DJMJUM EFFLMHOM LPYMSX RNEYGV AMPWL TMQME LPYMS BJSVKS GJQJSXJ GKSTBFLQEM SZZIDMISUHC RSSUQ LPYMS XMWVAJHOP LPYMS RQMXK RZZI LPYMS QBOTJLYNZ LPYMS STXYMZUC AGYLMHLUQC HMEOXJ JGQ JWBKUSY XLWDDE LPYMS SNXTJITN JQLDD HTQBQ IZXY TQJQ HABO LPYMS DMLDM'R SWAJ LPYMS PNJBO MXZBHZK LPYMS SAWLWYRQ KPUKX LPYMS RZZFFI BDJSU HQU HPHZEJ FA SPUZP - LMPW CX ISG HMEOXJ HNYJG QMP BCBHQY LQJKQ FDSLQ ITQ LPYMS FMX KBNFMWA VZODD LPYMS Q ENYP NR DJDQUE LPYMS ISMUDM FGS LPYMS OMWMID UAHPZ LPYMSX ZZHZWLHQX LPYMS YFJJBD XLIJTQ HPHZEJ XNDXW IDZXW LPYMS LAXICYSA HPHZEJ CZWNFO Z LAZFBQHZ AZL EE F RGTUGUQD LPYMS ISMRH FZP AVA LPYMS JGDJW-MZK XNYPJ NZDJ HPHZEJ AGD I AGEUK HPHZEJ KAXW Q YMZD LPYMS CDHPJFBYEUJV VKKNFO NNOWKJ HMHRAS LZZSS MGUYW LPYMS OQWHMJTMQ OFDMDCMW HTQBQ RFJUUQ'X RSZADF LPYMS AQJXAJDMP YGUQSA LPYMS RWAMT DSLHTQMF LPYMS IMRSQSZZ HAOQQ LQJKQ STJ PQQQ FFL STJ YGZJNUXW LQJKQ STJ NEW FFL STJ OHZBJK LPYMS ZDDWD LNHXUQ LPYMSX RQQFV QMP TCJSQW HPHZEJ VZEYWAJ SZF HZ LPU IJKB XQSS. 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It was written (as were the accompanying programs) with the GFA BASIC Interpreter (which I love and admire and heartily recommend) and then compiled with the GFA BASIC Compiler. It follows the show closely, except, of course, you can't really win money and buy prizes! I hope you enjoy it. STARTING THE GAME The game is started by double-clicking on the WHEEL2_0.PRG name or icon on the desktop. (If you are using the WHSHELL.PRG shell program, you may either click on the "Play Wheel" box or simply hit the [Return] key.) The title page will appear showing the Wheel-Of-Fortune title and the program version number. Then the player information screen will appear. PLAYER NAMES Following the title, a screen requesting the number and names of the players will appear. There may be either 2 or 3 players. Enter the information as it is requested (Player names may be up to eight characters long). After you have entered all the information, you will be asked if it is correct. If you need to make a change, type N - if all is correct type Y. You will then be presented with the file screen. SELECT A FILE The "Choose A Puzzle File" screen contains a GEM file selector box listing the available puzzle files (which all have the .PUZ suffix). Click on the desired file. The same file will be used for all rounds of the current game, after which you will once again have the opportunity to specify the file you want to use. The Disk containing the chosen puzzle file MUST REMAIN IN ITS DRIVE during the game - otherwise an error will occur! Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 2 THE PLAY SCREEN After you select a puzzle file, the play screen will be drawn, consisting of the following: ROUND NUMBER - The round number is shown in the upper left portion of the screen. This will be either Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, or Tiebreaker. If 2 or all 3 of the players have the same dollar amount after 3 rounds, a tiebreaker round will automatically be called for between the tied players only. CURRENT ROUND SCORE - The player names and their totals for the current round are located below the round number. This is the amount which will be added to the player's total IF THEY SOLVE THE PUZZLE. All these amounts are reset to $0 at the beginning of each round. PLAYER TOTALS - The player names and their total accumulated winnings are located below the Current Round Scores. This is the total used to determine the game winner FREE SPINS - The small boxes to the right of the amounts in the Player Totals area (with the legend FS above them) contain the number of free spins the player has in reserve. The player will automatically be given the opportunity to use these at the appropriate times. CURRENT PLAYER / WHEEL INDICATOR - The small box below the Player Totals area contains the name of the player whose turn it currently is, and has a pointer to the wheel indicating the current dollar value or special selection. The first player is chosen at random before each game, and then rotates with each round. THE WHEEL - The wheel is located in the bottom left corner of the screen. Only 5 segments are visible at once, but the wheel actually has 24 segments. Each segment has a dollar value or a special selection such as FREE (free spin), $$$$ (the bonus amount shown in round 2), BKPT (Bankrupt - lose all your current amount) and LOSE (lose a turn). Each round has different amounts and special selections. THE PUZZLE BOARD - The puzzle board is located on the right side of the screen below the Wheel-Of-Fortune title. This is where the puzzles to be solved will appear. White squares indicate the location of the letters in the puzzle. CATEGORY BOX - Directly below the puzzle board is a box with the category of the current puzzle listed inside. This will change from puzzle to puzzle and with different file selections. JACKPOT - In Round 2, a Jackpot amount will appear below the category box. This is won by landing on the $$$$ section of the wheel. The amount is selected randomly at the beginning of each game. Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 3 MESSAGE BOX - The light blue box below the Category Box is the Message Box. During the play of the game, messages and instructions will be posted here. SOLVE PUZZLE - The Solve Puzzle box is on the left below the Message Box. Clicking the pointer in this box will take you to the Solve The Puzzle screen and you will be given a chance to do just that. This box will be in light print if it is not an available option. SPIN - Clicking the pointer inside this box spins the wheel (see TOUCH to see how the left and right buttons differ here). This box will be in light print if it is not an available option. BUY VOWEL - Clicking the pointer in this box will give you the chance to buy a vowel for $250. If you don't have that much, you will be told so. This box will be in light print if it is not an available option. LETTER BOARD - All letter choices are made here. Normally, the vowels are in light letters and cannot be selected. When BUY VOWEL is clicked, the vowels go dark and the consonants go light. Letters which have been selected are highlighted in reverse video - if you choose one of these you will lose that turn. TOUCH - The box labeled TOUCH works as an indicator in conjunction with the SPIN box. Clicking the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is in the SPIN box will cause a random spin of the wheel - and the word RANDOM will appear in this box. The right mouse button serves to control how hard the wheel is spun - as the right button is held down (while the pointer is within the SPIN box) a red indicator begins in the scale between SOFT and HARD. The indicator (which moves rather quickly) will continue to descend as long as the right button is depressed. When it is released, the wheel will spin an amount determined (within about 4 segments) by the force indicated. EXCEPT - to reflect accurately the vagaries of human abilities and the Adrenalin rush of a TV appearance - once in a while (there is 1 chance in 5) you "slip", and the wheel will spin randomly. This will be shown by an OOPS! in the touch box - after all, nobody's perfect! PLAYING THE GAME The player selected to go first will see their name in the CURRENT PLAYER box. They should then click on SPIN using either the left or right mouse buttons as described in the TOUCH description above. The wheel will spin and then stop on either a dollar amount or one of the special sections described in THE WHEEL above. The player will then either select a letter or see the result of a special selection in the message area (and their score!). They will continue to spin as long as the letters selected appear in the puzzle (and they don't bankrupt or lose a turn). Each letter selected will be revealed (all occurrences), and the amount on the wheel will be added to their CURRENT ROUND SCORE as each letter is revealed. While it is their turn they may also select BUY A VOWEL or SOLVE PUZZLE. If they buy a vowel, $250 will be deducted from their CURRENT ROUND SCORE and all occurrences of the vowel will be Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 4 revealed. Play will rotate among the players until one player is ready to SOLVE PUZZLE. The display will then change to the SOLVE THE PUZZLE screen. SOLVE THE PUZZLE - This screen is used to guess the puzzle. The PUZZLE BOARD is shown and the player must input the indicated (by a "?") letter from the keyboard (mouse input is disabled here). You must be VERY CAREFUL here - you only get one chance at each letter (there is NO backspace!). SPELLING COUNTS - if you misspell a word you have made an incorrect guess. After all letters are input you will be told if you are right or wrong. The display will then return to the PLAY SCREEN. If you are right, the amount shown in the CURRENT ROUND box will be added to your score in the PLAYER TOTALS box (the other players get zip!). Play will then proceed to the next round. IF you are wrong, you have just lost your turn and the next player then proceeds with their regular turn (UNLESS you have a FREE SPIN - you will then be asked if you want to use it.) Play proceeds in this manner until the third round is completed. If there is a tie, a TIEBREAKER round or rounds will be played until there is a clear winner. IF YOU GET STUCK - If you can't solve the puzzle, there is a way to move on. Try to solve the puzzle 3 times (this gives each player a chance). You will then be asked if you want the solution revealed. BE SURE, because no one will be awarded any money for the round if this option is chosen. The puzzle will be shown and play will resume with the next round. BIG WINNER - The Big Winner screen appears after the third round is completed. This screen shows the player totals and who won the most. Pressing any key moves the Big Winner on to the BONUS ROUND. BONUS ROUND - The Bonus Round screen appears, showing a new puzzle board and puzzle, with the Big Winner being given the chance (with appropriate fanfare) to win $25,000. The familiar letter board will then appear, and the player is asked to select (using the mouse) 5 consonants and 1 vowel. After these selections are made, any matching letters will be revealed. The player then has 15 seconds to begin typing in the answer (using the keyboard)- a countdown is started which will terminate with the first keystroke or 0 - whichever comes first. If the solution is typed in correctly, $25,000 is added to the Big Winner's score. If time runs out or the solution is incorrect, the correct answer is shown (with appropriate condolences). Play is then over and the screen shows the FINAL STANDINGS. Pressing any key will the give you the option of a hardcopy printout of the game's scores (assuming you have a printer hooked up). The default is NO hardcopy, which may be chosen with [Return]. 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These are stored on disk, so the same disk should be in the drive each time you reach this point. Pressing any key gives you the same hardcopy option as in the FINAL STANDINGS screen. ANOTHER GAME? - Allows you to play another game. You will be given the choice of SAME or DIFFERENT players and puzzle files. Choosing NO returns you to either the desktop or to the WHSHELL program if it is on the disk in drive A. Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 5 WHSHELL.PRG (Operating Shell for the Wheel-Of-Fortune program family) INTRODUCTION The WHSHELL.PRG program is a simple shell program from which you can access the various programs associated with the Wheel-Of- Fortune game - ie: the file editor (FILEEDIT.PRG), the file encoder (FILECODE.PRG), the file lister (FILELIST.PRG), or the main game program (WHEEL2_0.PRG). The program DELIMIT.PRG is not accessible from WHSHELL.PRG - it must be run from the desktop. USING WHSHELL.PRG For proper use, all of the programs should be on the disk in drive A - this is where WHSHELL and the other programs look. Running the WHSHELL program from the desktop presents a simple menu with 5 choices: FILE EDIT, FILE CODE, FILE LIST, PLAY WHEEL, and EXIT. Clicking on your choice will run the desired program. When you finish with the program, it will return you to the WHSHELL menu, from which you can then make another selection. The default menu item is PLAY WHEEL - to select it you can simply press [Return]. Choosing EXIT from the menu will return you to the desktop. FILEEDIT.PRG (Puzzle File Editor for the Wheel-Of-Fortune program family) INTRODUCTION FILEEDIT is a simple file editor for the Wheel-Of-Fortune game program. It operates as a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor for both creating and editing puzzle files. The files it creates are not encoded (you use FILECODE for that) so that they are easy to review, proofread and edit. Using FILEEDIT After running FILEEDIT from either the shell or the desktop, you will be asked (via a GEM file selector box) to select a file to edit. All non-encoded files will have the extension .PZ (this is what the file coder program will look for). You can either select an already existing file to edit or add puzzles, or you can enter a new file name for a brand new puzzle file. (You don't have to type in the ".PZ" extension - it will be added automatically). After making the file selection, you will move to the edit screen. Here you will see a puzzle board ready for puzzle entry, brief instructions for command key use, the name of the file you are Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 6 working on and the number of the puzzle currently being edited. To enter a new puzzle, use the cursor (arrow) keys or space bar to move the cursor to the place you wish to enter text and begin entering your puzzle. The words of the puzzle will appear during the game in the same locations you place them here, so use a little artistic judgement to achieve a nice balance. The Backspace key moves the cursor back a space and deletes the letter under it. The Delete key deletes the letter under the cursor without moving the cursor. You can enter only the letters A-Z and the punctuation marks " - " (dash) and " ' " (apostrophe). After you have the puzzle the way you want it, press the [F10] function key. A cursor will appear in the category box below the puzzle board. Enter the appropriate category here (you are limited to 12 letters in the category) and press [Return] when you are finished. It is not necessary to capitalize the category - this is done automatically. FILEEDIT will then write the puzzle to disk and move on to the next puzzle to be entered or edited. You can stop entering puzzles at any time - you don't have to enter all 104 at one sitting. The editor will pick up where you leave off when you choose the file again later. [F5] will end the edit session and return you to WHSHELL if it is on disk A, or to the desktop. TO EDIT AN EXISTING PUZZLE - Instead of entering a puzzle, you can press the [F1] function key. This will then bring up a prompt for the number of the puzzle you want to edit (this is the number you see in the upper left corner of the edit screen, or the puzzle number shown in the output from FILELIST.PRG). Enter the puzzle number and press [Return]. The desired puzzle will then be offered for edit. When it's the way you want it, press [F10] and proceed to edit the category (if the category is ok, just press [Return]). To change anything in the category, you first will need to delete either the incorrect letters or the blank spaces - if you hear a bell, the category already has the maximum 12 characters entered. Press [Return] when you are finished and the editor will then continue as described above. FILE SIZE - Each puzzle file contains 104 puzzles (6784 bytes) when complete. Any file to be encoded and used with the game program MUST have all 104 puzzles. If you are not sure if you've entered all the puzzles yet, either look at the file size from the desktop (it should show 6784 bytes) or select the file from within FILEEDIT.PRG (if the file is full, the puzzle shown will be number 104). You are encouraged to use your imagination in creating the puzzle files. Having all of the puzzles relating to a central theme makes for a tasty type of trivia puzzle. Giving more specific category descriptions can make easier puzzles for the younger set. You can also create a very educational game using the information to be learned as the puzzle material. X-Rated puzzles for the adult players can be interesting. Most important - have a good time with it! NOTE: Extra care should be devoted in making sure that the puzzles are spelled correctly - it is VERY frustrating to try to solve an incorrectly spelled puzzle (as it says under the SOLVE THE PUZZLE topic, SPELLING COUNTS!) Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 7 FILECODE.PRG (Puzzle File Encoder for the Wheel-Of-Fortune program family) INTRODUCTION FILECODE is used to encode the .PZ files created with FILEEDIT into .PUZ files suitable for use with the Wheel-Of-Fortune game program. This coding is done to prevent the casual user from browsing through the file, giving them a very unfair advantage during game play! USING FILECODE Before running FILECODE, you must have a complete (104 puzzle/6784 byte) puzzle file ready - you can't encode a partial file. After running FILECODE from either the shell program or the desktop, you will be presented with a GEM file selector box asking you to choose the unencoded file (*.PZ). After this choice is made a new file selector box will appear prompting you for the coded file name (*.PUZ) and giving as a default the old file name with the new extension. If that is acceptable, simply press return. Otherwise, enter the new name. You will then be asked for a file descriptor. This is a maximum of 12 characters of your choice that will be displayed after the file is selected in versions 2.0 and higher of the Wheel-Of-Fortune game program. If you do not want to enter anything here, just press [Return]. The file will then be encoded and you will be asked if you want to do another. Either select yes and repeat the above procedure, or choose no and be returned to either the shell or the desktop. FILELIST.PRG (Puzzle File Lister for the Wheel-Of-Fortune program family) INTRODUCTION FILELIST is a simple program that will list the puzzles and categories of a *.PZ file to a printer, removing the excess spaces in the process. This gives you an easy to read list for checking the file for spelling, duplications and incorrect categories. It is presumed that your layout of the puzzle in the puzzle board is already the way you want it. It also gives the puzzle number so that you can go directly to it using the FILEEDIT program. It is not necessary for you to have entered all 104 puzzles - however many puzzles you have entered will be listed. The space-stripping routine is fairly dumb, so some of the puzzles may still have an extra space or two, but all in all, they are much easier to read and correct this way. Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 8 USING FILELIST After running the program from the shell or desktop you will see the familiar GEM file selector box, prompting you for a *.PZ file selection. After making your choice, you will be asked if the printer is ready. If it is, the list will be printed and you will be returned to the shell or desktop. DELIMIT.PRG (Delimited file creator for the Wheel-Of-Fortune program family) INTRODUCTION This file is included in the event you would like to use your favorite database program to keep track of your puzzle files. I move all of mine into ZOOMRACKS II (by Quickview Systems - 146 Main Street - Los Altos, CA 94022 - (415) 965-0327 - I like it very much!). This lets me sort and alphabetize and in general get a better look at the finished file. Most other database programs will read a delimited file as well. USING DELIMIT As with most of the other programs the file must be complete (104 puzzles) for the program to work. DELIMIT must be run from the desktop as I felt most people would use it infrequently. After double-clicking you will see a GEM file selector box. Choose the desired "*.PZ" extension file (there is no reason to convert an encoded file!) and then the new delimited file name (.DTA is suggested as an extension). DELIMIT will then write to disk the delimited data. Each record has two fields, the category first and then the puzzle. This program uses the same blank stripping routine as FILELIST, with the same occasional extra blank. If you're a perfectionist, you can edit them out after you load them into your database program. DELIMIT also writes 20 extra large blank records onto the end of the file to make sure that ZOOMRACKS reads all of the data (this is one of the few bugs in the ZOOMRACKS program - it likes to get to the end of a disk sector when it's reading a delimited file). Simply delete these extra records after reading them into the database program. Wheel-Of-Fortune version 2.0 Page - 9 IN CLOSING I hope you enjoy playing Wheel-Of-Fortune ala ATARI ST. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions for improvement you might have. I can be contacted on GENIE (as R.PYLE) or on DELPHI (as CHILIDOG), or you can write to: Robert H. Pyle P.O. Box 947 Weimar, Texas 78962 Remember - writing computer games is a time consuming undertaking - and the Shareware concept makes it possible for you to preview the program thoroughly. So - if you enjoy playing the game, a reasonable donation ($10 or so) will help a poor programmer keep providing you with quality software and support at a cost far below comparable commercial packages. !SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE AUTHORS! AND Keep on Spinnin' Bob Pyle NOTE AND CAVEAT: There are a couple of puzzle file editors in the public domain that were written without my consultation - and as a result, they have caused some of the PD puzzle files circulating to contain "illegal" characters - ie: punctuation marks or other characters that are not allowed or used in the original game. I have modified Wheel 2.0 to accept these so that the files can be used, but I don't like it! I also have no control over the low quality and occasional incorrectly spelled words of some (not all!) of the puzzle files out there - programmers (and others) are notorious for their lack of language skills. If you find a good file, let the author and others know that you like it. If you find a poor one, let the author know that they need to devote more time to making sure that their ignorance and/or lack of care is not made public!