Album: Auto Mechanics Year: 1979 Original Format: Atari Educational System (Dorsett Talk & Teach) Digital Format: Microsoft WAV, 2 channel, 16-bit 44100Hz sample rate Digitized by: Kevin Savetz/Thomas Cherryhomes Tracks: Ka1 Checking out a used car Ka2 Overhauling the Car's Engine Ka3 Increasing the car's Performance Ka4 Facts About the Car's Mechanism Ka5 Terms a Mechanic Uses Ka6 The Car's Electrical System Ka7 The Automobile Mechanic--Career Ka8 The Mechanic and His Tools Ka9 Safety in the Shop--Color Code Ka10 The Diagnostic Center Ka11 Engine Displacement in Cubic Inches Ka12 Converting to the Metric System Ka13 Mileage--fuel Performance Ka14 Computing Changes and Labor Costs Ka15 Replacing a Burned-out Fuse Ka16 Credit interest,Paycheck Deductions