Album: Basic Electricity Year: 1979 Original Format: Atari Educational System (Dorsett Talk & Teach) Digital Format: Microsoft WAV, 2 channel, 16-bit 44100Hz sample rate Digitized by: Kevin Savetz/Thomas Cherryhomes Tracks: Pe1 Electrical Properties Pe2 Electric Power, Current, Voltage, Resistance: Units & Symbols Pe3 Batteries and Direct Current Pe4 The Color Code of Resistors Pe5 Ohm's Law - How to Use It. Pe6 Series Parallel Circuits: Kirchoff's Law Pe7 Analysis of Series-Parallel Circuits Pe8 Bridge Circuits & Divider Networks Pe9 Magnetism & the Electromagnet Pe10 Alternators & Alternating Current Pe11 Alternating Current Analysis Pe12 Inductance & Inductors Pe13 Inductive Reactance Pe14 Capacitors & Capacitance Pe15 Capacitive Resistance Pe16 Analysing Reactive Circuits