Album: Basic Psychology Year: 1983 Original Format: Atari Educational System (Dorsett Talk & Teach) Digital Format: Microsoft WAV, 2 channel, 16-bit 44100Hz sample rate Digitized by: Kevin Savetz/Thomas Cherryhomes Tracks: Ps1 General Psychology Ps2 Heredity and Maturity Ps3 Sensory Processes and Vision Ps4 Other Senses and the Nervous System Ps5 Sensory Preemption Ps6 Principles of Learning; Conditioning Ps7 Operant conditions; Instrumental Learning Ps8 Human Learning Ps9 How to learn and Remember Ps10 Measurement of Responses Ps11 Psychological Testing Ps12 Emotional Development and Expression Ps13 Personality Ps14 Behaviour Disorders Ps15 Psychotherapy and Mental Health Ps16 Industrial and Applied Psychology