Galaga pinouts. This also works on Midway's Mappy game GALAGA/MAPPY PARTS SIDE | SOLDER SIDE ------------------------------------|-------------------------------------- LOGIC GND | A | 1 | LOGIC GND --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- SPKR | B | 2 | SPKR (Not sure of polarity) --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- --- | C | 3 | COIN METER --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- --- | D | 4 | --- --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- | E | 5 | --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- +5v | F | 6 | +5v --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- LOGIC GND | H | 7 | LOGIC GND --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- CREDIT SW | J | 8 | TEST SWITCH (Tilt connected to this) --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- (2nd coin mech also) 1 COIN SW | K | 9 | --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- 1P START | L | 10| 2P START --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- (To rapid fire brd #7) FIRE | M | 11| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- MOVE LEFT | N | 12| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- | P | 13| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- MOVE RIGHT | R | 14| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- | S | 15| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- --- | T | 16| --- --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- --- | U | 17| --- --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- --- | V | 18| --- --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- --- | W | 19| --- --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- | X | 20| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- | Y | 21| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- LOGIC GND | Z | 22| LOGIC GND --------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the CPU board there is an additional 3-part connector. This is power. It's wired as follows: 1 - +12v 2 - GND 3 - +5v On the Video board, there is an additional 6-part connector. This is the video connector. It's wired as follows: 1 - RED 2 - GRN 3 - BLU 4 - SYNC 5 - VIDEO GND 6 - (Not used) Galaga also has the option of a Rapid Fire board. This is a small board that allows the fire button to be held down and your ship to continuously fire shots at the enemy. Holding this board with the circuits facing you and the connectors on the bottom, the pins are numbered 1-9 (with #3 missing). The top set of connectors (J-1) is used for rapid fire, the bottom set (J-2) is used for single fire. It's wired as follows: 1 - (Not used) 2 - (Not used) 3 - (Not present) 4 - (Not used) 5 - FIRE BUTTON (GND) 6 - LOGIC GND 7 - FIRE (From Galaga CPU board) 8 - FIRE BUTTON 9 - +5v Addendum ======== From: (Frederic Vecoven) Newsgroups: Subject: GALAGA error messagesFor information : Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 10:18:57 MET Here are the error messages displayed by Galaga. (original boards set, and pirated one !) 2 boards Galaga (midway) Display Description RAM OK All RAMs are good RAM 0L RAM located on Video PC board at position 1K is bad RAM 0H RAM located on Video PC board at position 1K is bad RAM 1L RAM located on Video PC board at position 1K is bad RAM 1H RAM located on Video PC board at position 1K is bad RAM 2L RAM located on Video PC board at position 3E is bad RAM 2H RAM located on Video PC board at position 3F is bad RAM 3L RAM located on Video PC board at position 3K is bad RAM 3H RAM located on Video PC board at position 3L is bad RAM 4L RAM located on Video PC board at position 3H is bad RAM 4H RAM located on Video PC board at position 3J is bad ROM OK All ROMs are good ROM 01 ROM located on CPU PC board at position 3N is bad ROM 02 ROM located on CPU PC board at position 3M is bad ROM 03 ROM located on CPU PC board at position 3L is bad ROM 04 ROM located on CPU PC board at position 3K is bad ROM 11 ROM located on CPU PC board at position 3J is bad ROM 21 ROM located on CPU PC board at position 3E is bad _________________________________________________________________________ G A L A G A ============= by Brian Murray ( There are apparently many different galaga implementations, this one happens to be mine. I don't know how I would identify my particular boards, but I'll give as much as I can. (They were from a tabletop if that matters). There are two boards, both with blue solder masks. The top one (slightly larger) is the CPU board, has the 4 processors and program EPROMS, and holds a small credit-card sized daughter board that plugs into a 28-pin DIP socket near the EPROMS. It also has 'DG-09-2' silk-screened in one corner near the main connector. The bottom board is the video board. It has a small 5 pin connector in one corner for the video output signal, wired as follows : (closest to corner of board) 1 - Red 2 - Blue 3 - Green 4 - Sync 5 - Video GND Note in my game, this connector has had wires soldered straight to it and these brought around and soldered to the main connector in the positions shown below, and the monitor wired to this connector instead. Main connector: PARTS SIDE | SOLDER SIDE ------------------------------------|-------------------------------------- GND | A | 1 | GND --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- GND | B | 2 | GND --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- +5V | C | 3 | +5V --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- +5V | D | 4 | +5V --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- | E | 5 | --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- | F | 6 | tabletop (closed) or upright (open) SW --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- Player 1 RIGHT SW | H | 7 | Player 2 RIGHT SW --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- Player 1 LEFT SW | J | 8 | Player 2 LEFT SW --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- Player 1 FIRE SW | K | 9 | Player 2 FIRE SW --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- Player 1 START SW | L | 10| Player 2 START SW --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- | M | 11| Coin SW --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- | N | 12| Test/Setup Mode SW --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- Video Red (see above) | P | 13| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- Video Green (see above) | R | 14| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- Video Blue (see above) | S | 15| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- Video Sync (see above) | T | 16| --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- | U | 17| Speaker (to GND) --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- +12V | V | 18| +12V --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- +5V | W | 19| +5V --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- +5V | X | 20| +5V --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- GND | Y | 21| GND --------------------------------|---|---|---------------------------------- GND | Z | 22| GND --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power comes in on the above connector. Addendum ======== From: (Frederic Vecoven) Newsgroups: Subject: GALAGA error messagesFor information : Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 10:18:57 MET The standard Galaga pinout (for the Midway boards) contains the error messages for that boardset and which location on the board is causing the problem. Now, this information does NOT correspond with the galaga pirated (the "blue" boards). As I had to desolder all the RAMs of my board, I noted the error messages (I removed one RAM at a time, boot the game, and see the error message !) Here are the results : All RAMs are 2114. Video Board =========== 6F RAM 2L G 6H RAM 2H G 6J RAM 4L G 6K RAM 4H G 6L RAM 3L G 6M RAM 3H G Main board ========== 5D the game displays "RAM OK" but you can't exit the setup page. 5C the game displays "RAM OK", then reboot forever. ______________________________________________________________________ G A L A G A ---====נננננננננננננ====--- by: Chris Griffin We stumbled across yet another ancient bootleg of Galaga with 36 pins. We checked on the Internet and on Wiretap, and found nothing on a 36 pin version, so we sat down and decided to figure out exactly what the pinouts and dipswitch settings were. Here they are, I hope other people will find a use for these pinouts on the rare 36 pin version. Parts Solder ------ ------- Sync A|1 Green Video Signal B|2 Blue Video Signal C|3 1P Left D|4 Red Video Signal 1P Right E|5 +12V 1P Start F|6 2P Start Coin 1 H|7 J|8 +5V K|9 +5V L|10 M|11 N|12 Test Switch P|13 R|14 Audio - S|15 Audio + GND T|16 U|17 V|18 NOTE: There are obviously a few things missing here. If you find the Cocktail table pin let me know. There is probably a 2P Joystick also, but in the Upright mode, you just take turns with the same joystick, so I am unsure of what it would be. DIP SWITCH SETTINGS -------------------- (BANK A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FUNCTION: ------------------------------------------------------ On On On Free Play Off Off Off 1 Coin/1 Credit Off Off On 1 Coin/2 Credits Off On Off 1 Coin/3 Credits On Off Off 2 Coins/1 Credit Off On On 2 Coins/3 Credits On Off On 3 Coins/1 Credit On On Off 4 Coins/1 Credit DIPSWITCHES 4-8 CONTROL BONUSES, SORRY BUT I DIDN'T TAKE THE TIME TO FIGURE THEM OUT. IF YOU'D LIKE TO, PLEASE E-MAIL THEM TO ME. (BANK B) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FUNCTION: ------------------------------------------------------ Off Off Rank A On On Rank B Off On Rank C On Off Rank D ? Not Sure Yet On Sound in Attract Mode Off NO Sound in Attract Mode On Halts Game (YES! A PAUSE!) Off UNPAUSED ? ? ? Not Sure Yet We hope this will help other people who have maybe found another one like this. Like I said, we have never seen or heard of one like it until now... If you'd like to fill in some blanks that we left, feel free to E-Mail us at: Chris Griffin