n October 2014 Gray Chang sent me a box of disks from his days programming Atari computer games. Gray is author of Dog Daze, Dog Daze Deluxe, Bumpomov's Dogs, and Claim Jumper for the Atari 400/800 computers. The disks contain source code for some of his games, and seem to include several versions of some programs as he progressed in creating the games. Dog Daze - two disks. One includes just a runtime version, the other has source code. Dog Daze Deluxe - four disks of source code, seem to be different variations. Bumpomov's Dogs - the source disks are labeled SLOTS. Gray wrote: "The diskettes labeled "SLOTS" have the source code for Bumpomov's Dogs (patterned after the Slot Racers game). You can see there are several revisions: disk J, disk K, and so on. The time stamps on the files might reveal which is the final version." (Dates are written on some of the diskettes.) Claim Jumper - the working title was "Gold Rush". A working version with that name is on the disk Dogdaze_Goldrush_Speed_10errorsectors.ATR. Useful information about the disks might be gleaned by the pictures of the actual floppies in the "pictures of the disks" folder. The "misc. disks" folder has a "continuous demo disk" advertising Educational Software's Tricky Tutorials. I am not aware of this having been available on the Internet before. (I like how it says 'EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE AND "STORE NAME" PRESENTS THE TRICKY TUTORIAL DEMONSTRATION') Also in that folder is the source code for Eastern Front: 1941 (which is available elsewhere and I include merely for completeness.) Interesting printed/scanned ephemera from Gray is available here: https://archive.org/details/GrayChangAtariPapers My interview with Gray is available here: https://archive.org/details/Atari_Gray_Chang_Interview and in episode 15 of ANTIC: The Atari 8-Bit Podcast at http://www.ataripodcast.com -Kevin Savetz http://savetz.com Oct 24, 2014