CLASSWARE FOR • ATARI PROGRAM N°. 09920004 MAnn CHALLENGE 1 Pit your mathematical skills against the computer or a friend. Math Challenge 1 — a game for kids in grades one to four — flashes addition and subtraction problems in three skill levels on the computer. The first one to answer gets the points — if the answer's right. Competitive fun and learning. 39895 15003 MATH CHALLENGE 1 / DATABAR SOFTWARE MATH CHALLENGE 1 ™ / DATABAR SOFTWARE MATH CHALLENGE 1 SHARPENING THE MIND FOR MATH Even though computers and calcula- tors today do much of the math we used to do ourselves, we still need to do numbers in our heads. The skill of figuring simple math problems with- out pencil, paper or keyboard is impor- tant to doing well in school and out of school. Of course, even when we’re using paper or a calculator to do math, figur- ing in our heads is essential to speed- ing the process. For instance, you have a list of more than 100 single-digit numbers to add up with a calculator. To do the task quickly, you can scan the list, adding groups together and entering the totals in the calculator. If you spot two 4s and two 6s in a row, you can add these to 20 in your head and then enter a 20 in the calculator. To Parents: Math Challenge 1 ™ , the first activ- ity in the Glassware ™ series, is a fast- moving fun numbers game. Because of its three skill levels (single, sin- gle/double and double/double digit problems), children can use this pro- gram for developing their skills as the new skills are introduced in school. Playing alone or against each other, children will learn to quickly add and subtract in their heads at level one, then progress to more difficult prob- lems in levels two and three. Play Math Challenge 1 ™ with your kids and you’ll develop some mental nimble- ness, too. Since the problems that the players are asked to solve in Math Challenge change at random, you can set up the program as a 10- or 15-minute daily drill without boring your child with repetition. Of course, you may need to first explain the addition and subtrac- tion tables he or she will need to know. You may also need to introduce the concept of places — 10s, 100s — and of carrying numbers for the upper skill level. Use Math Challenge 1 ™ for children 6 or older — old enough to grasp the concepts of addition and subtraction and their practical uses. After your child gains confidence in math skills using level one, encourage him or her to master the problems offered in the next two levels. To use Math Challenge 1™ as a game for two youngsters, let your child invite a friend over to play, and subtly supervise the game to make sure the kids are playing it correctly and learning from it. Throughout the game, encourage both players, giving them learning tips as they play. Chil- dren learn better when you make learning fun for them. To enhance the skill-building in math that Math Challenge 1™ pro- vides, look for other opportunities to test your child in a fun manner. When you’re in the car with the youngster, ask him or her to quickly add the sums of numbers on road signs or billboards. At the breakfast table, ask your child to add the numbers on the nutrition charts on cereal packages. In the gro- cery store aisle, ask the youngster to total two product prices or subtract two to find the savings. To Math Challenge 1 ™ Players: Get ready to see how well you can add and subtract. Decide which player is number 1 and which player is 0. If you are Player 1 , you will hold your fin- ger above the 1 key, near enough so you can push it quickly when you know the answer. Player 0 will push the 0 key when he knows the answer. Whenever a new problem appears on the screen, the first player to push his key gets to tell the computer the answer. A correct answer wins a player two points: Don’t be too quick to answer! Make sure you know the right answer before pressing your key, then wait for the computer to ask for the answer before typing it in. Y ou may need to use pencil and paper to solve Level Three prob- lems before answering the problems on the computer. A wrong answer counts against you and adds another point to your opponent’s score. If you are playing alone, using Math Challenge 1™ as a drill, you can use either the 1 or 0 key — but don’t use both. There are 10 problems in each round. You choose the number of rounds for a game. The computer will tell you when each round ends, and you have the choice of continuing to pile up the score with a new round, starting a new game, proceeding to the next skill level, or ending the game. If you want to change the kind of problems you’re doing — from addition to subtraction, for instance — you must start a new game and make a new selection. The computer will keep score for you, by the way. You don’t have to do it in your head. Program Instructions ■ Load the program into your computer with OSCAR. Then type “RUN.” (Refer to your User’s Manual if you have difficulties.) ■ Choose the kind of problem you want to solve — addition, subtraction or a mixture of both kinds. Then select the skill level — single digit, single/double digit or double/double digit problems. The game begins automatically. ■ Quickly press your key when you think you know the answer to the first problem. The first player to press the key gets to play. ■ Type in your answer when the screen says, “ANSWER NOW!” Do it without delay to win two points, for if you wait too long the computer awards your opponent a free point. Watch care- fully! The computer will not accept your answer before it asks for it, even if you type the right keys. ■ Type “Y” (yes) at the end of each round to continue the game and keep the score mounting. Type “N” (no) to halt the game. 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