L E FOR • ATARI G A L W A R E PROGRAM N°. 09980004 THEL/W AND¥DU A look at how laws affect your daily activities* What kinds of law come into play when you drive to work or school and park your car? OSCAR has a quick quiz to help you examine these activities and others to find out. THE LAW AND YOU / DATABAR SOFTWARE THE LAW AND YOU™ / DATABAR SOFTWARE l E G A L W A R E THEL/W AND YOU LOOKING THROUGH A MAGIC MIRROR Rule by a written set of laws, agreed to by those governed, has always been one of the things that distinguishes civilized people from contemporary barbarians. Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes likened our body of laws to “a magic mirror, wherein we see reflected not only our own lives but the lives of all men that have been.” In America, the law pervades our lives — we are born, educated, mated and put to rest according to laws. Yet most of us know so little about the law. Our “legal training” usually comes from Perry Mason television reruns and the newspapers’ crime-and-pun- ishment beat. Nevertheless, we must know some- thing about the law, just to survive. As one legal expert said, “Law is the one subject that interacts in everyone’s life, every day of life, and even after death.” Legalware™ and the Law Legalware ™ is designed to provide the needed practical information about the law and how to use it. Legalware ™ programs let you briefly examine spe- cific areas of the law. The quick and easy activities of the programs will help you develop your understanding of the law and your skills in dealing with it every day. Further, Legal- ware ™ may challenge your attitudes and feelings about the law. For example, one case study that will appear in Legalware ™ will explain how a confession to a crime may, in some cases, be ignored by the court, thus letting a defendant go free even though he has admitted guilt. Legal- ware ™ will provide challenging infor- mation and exercises on topics such as this so you can become informed enough to participate in your govern- ment and understand the meanings of justice and equality. How Laws Affect You For this first installment of the Legalware ™ series, called The Law and. You , let’s examine the differ- ences between criminal law and civil law. Generally, criminal law regulates the conduct of an individual and pro- vides punishment for non-confor- mance. That punishment can be a fine, jail or both. In a criminal complaint, it will always be “The People (or The State) versus (somebody),” which means the state or federal government is the complainant, or as lawyers say, the prosecutor. In civil law, it’s almost always “(Somebody) versus (Somebody Else).” That is, civil law deals with relationships among individuals. As used here, individuals can be com- panies or even governmental bodies. Generally, civil laws either can com- pensate individuals for harm from others or protect from harm. Compen- sations from civil law cases are called damages. Civil law cases that protect result in orders, either an order to do something or an order that forbids something. For example, the civil law of contracts may order a person to fol- low through on an agreement. In addi- tion, some contract laws may order the person to pay damages. It’s also important to know that no one can be sent to jail for a violation of civil law. Sometimes a situation can involve both criminal and civil law. In a fraud case, for example, you can sue the per- petrator to recover any money you’ve lost (civil law), and you can file a com- plaint with the appropriate authorities to have them take action against the person (criminal law). For example, a person who drives a car while under the influence of alcohol can face both a criminal consequence (loss of liberty and a fine) and a civil consequence (damages) for the injuries to person and property that may have occurred. Other Rules Aside from formal laws adopted by governments, there are other rules we must live by — rules laid down by par- ents, employers, regulatory bodies and the like. Not real “laws,” but just as important. Try The Law and You to deter- mine whether you understand the dif- ferences and to look at some of the kinds of laws that have an impact on your home, your family and all your daily activities. Program Instructions ■ Load the program into your computer with OSCAR. Then type “RUN.” (Refer to your User’s Manual if you have difficulties.) ■ Type your name, hit RETURN or ENTER. ■ Read the first daily activity and the law involved, and decide what kind of law it is. If you’re right, a second law for the activity will appear. Again, choose the proper law. If you are incorrect with any choice, the computer will tell you to TRY AGAIN. ■ After the final question, type “Y” (yes) if you want to review the activities and laws once more, “N” (no) if you don’t. This publication is designed to provide accu- rate and authoritative information in regard to the subject covered. It is sold with the under- standing that neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice. If legal or other professional advice is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. (Paraphrased from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associates.) 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