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BOX 332 < > CH-8134 ADLISWIL > < "< ~#<9 FXm<< aGaG <9 F m<< aGaG ;<9 F*k F@g<< `<<*arGavG <9| Fzm<<aTGaRGj<9 FdkF< Ffm<<a*29 Ag 0<phNqQL? y6N `g4$MHjOjjj?jjj/`Nu p N_SYSCOM.ACC 1.2 q System Commands[2][ N_SYSCOM 1.2 07/05/90 | Noud van Kruysbergen| | Show System Commands ?|][Yes|No| Save ][2][| Show System Commands at ... |][Top|Menu|Bottom][2][| Slow down computer ... |][Much|Little|No][3][| N_SYSCOM 1.2 works in | High Resolution only|][Cancel][3][| A:\N_SYSCOM.ACCdoes not exist|][Cancel][3][| This is not the N_SYSCOM | v1.2 6324 bytes original|][Cancel]Gemdos: Bios: Xbios: AES: VDI:Pterm0 Cconin Cconout Cauxin Cauxout Cprnout Crawio Crawcin Cnecin Cconws Cconrs Cconis  Dsetdrv Cconos Cprnos Cauxis Cauxos     Dgetdrv Fsetdta     Super         TgetdateTsetdateTgettimeTsettime Fgetdta SversionPtermres    Dfree  Dcreate Ddelete DsetpathFcreate Fopen Fclose Fread Fwrite Fdelete Fseek Fattrib Fdup Fforce DgetpathMalloc Mfree Mshrink Pexec Pterm Fsfirst Fsnext      Frename Fdatime Getmpb BconstatBconin Bconout Rwabs Setexc Tickcal Getbpb Bcostat Mediach Drvmap Kbshift InitmousSsbrk PhysbaseLogbase Getrez SetscreeSetpalleSetcolorFloprd Flopwr Flopfmt Midiws Mpfint Iorec Rsconf Keytbl Random Protobt Flopver Scrdmp CursconfSettime Gettime BioskeysIkbws Jdisint JenabintGiacces OffgibitOngibit Xbtimer Dosound Setprt Kbrate KbdvbasePrtblk Vsync Supexec Puntaes FloprateBlitmodeappl_init appl_read appl_write appl_find appl_tplay appl_trecor appl_bvset appl_yield appl_exit evnt_keybd evnt_button evnt_mouse evnt_mesag evnt_timer evnt_multi evnt_dclicks menu_bar menu_icheck menu_ienable menu_tnormal menu_text menu_registermenu_unregist objc_add objc_delete objc_draw objc_find objc_offset objc_order objc_edit objc_change form_do form_dial form_alert form_error form_center form_keybd form_button graf_rubberbograf_dragbox graf_movebox graf_growbox graf_shrinkbograf_watchboxgraf_slideboxgraf_handle graf_mouse graf_mkstate scrp_read scrp_write scrp_clear NPHyHyNBP-yH-yL-nPh-nTl-nHX-nL\09`###p#tHnhHyNBPHyFHyNvPHyHyNBP-y-y###`#dHnXHyNBPHyFHyNvPHyHyNBP-y-y`X##HnpHyNBPHnhHyNBP-y-y###`#dHnXHyNBPHyFHyNvPHyHyNBP-y-y`##HnpHyNBPHnhHyNBP-y-y##Hn`HyNBPHnXHyNBP-y-y``|g|g|g^0g8##N=@F##N=@DBE`4##N=@F##N=@D##N=@B##N=@@09$g?.@?.B?.D?.FN4P`?9P?.@?.BN4\-n-n-n-n##HnHyNBP-y-y##HnHyNBP-y-y`NLN^NuNVH*n(n A&HH|A??<NX <Ѝ/HnN-P`Rf`2H|*g H|?fNq#H|\fB`` H|\f` S AnR KB|\Hn?<;N\Bg/ ?<܇ۄHAHB>܇ۄH@HC>܇ۄ>ڇلHDHEHF8:|HB>ڇن>؇HC>ڇنH@HB>ڇن~>(JkڅلSG <"FHD„v 歊ȀۆنGk Gc xz`xz`SGOHG؇Jj LN^NuNVH n $& n "(*fJgx(fJgt H@8HB:LME,<.*FHÁ…HC΃ƅąb fbRD1DHBHC.h~>ЇHG~` B@H@:|FH@HAHF<0BAHBHC8:ǒxjSG҃тd6BBHBHC,h ,ІHF|` B@H@:ƒ*HEHE8BEjSF҃BdHG>H@HA0,h ,ІHF|` B@H@6HC:2HAH@xDjSF҃dhrHF<x8(z <"FHG‡v 殌΀݅߅Dk Dc ~|`~|`SDLHDބJj LN^NuNV## -y-y0.| @>l## n fsel_input fsel_exinput wind_create wind_open wind_close wind_delete wind_get wind_set wind_find wind_update wind_calc wind_new rsrc_load rsrc_free rsrc_gaddr rsrc_saddr rsrc_obfix shel_read shel_write shel_get shel_put shel_find shel_envrn shel_rdef shel_wdef  xgrf_stefcalcxgrf_2box  v_opnwk v_clswk v_clrwk v_updwk  v_pline v_pmarker v_gtext v_fillarea v_cellarray vst_height vst_rotation vs_color vsl_type vsl_width vsl_color vsm_type vsm_height vsm_color vst_font vst_color vsf_interior vsf_style vsf_color vq_color vq_cellarray vsm_locator vsm_valuator vsm_choice vsm_string vswr_mode vsin_mode  vql_attributevqm_attributevqf_attributevqt_attributevst_alignmentv_opnvwk v_clsvwk vq_extnd v_contourfillvsf_perimeterv_get_pixel vst_effects vst_point vsl_ends vro_cpyfm vr_trnfm vsc_form vsf_udpat vsl_udsty vr_recfl vqin_mode vqt_extent vqt_width vex_timv vst_load_fontvst_unload_fovrt_cpyfm v_show_c v_hide_c vq_mouse vex_butv vex_motv vex_curv vq_key_s vs_clip vqt_name vqt_fontinfo vqt_justifiedvq_chcells v_exit_cur v_enter_cur v_curup v_curdown v_currright v_curleft v_curhome v_eeos v_eeol v_curaddress v_curtext v_rvon v_rvoff vq_curaddressvq_tabstatus v_hardcopy v_dspcur v_rmcur v_bar v_arc v_pieslice v_circle v_ellipse v_ellarc v_ellpie v_rbox v_rfbox v_justified zJTrvz "       $     2     RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC. - Manual for N_SYSCOM 1.1 - It is now possible to see the Gemdos, Bios, Xbios and GEM (AES and VDI) actions your computer is doing on screen. N_SYSCOM.ACC can only be run as an accessory; settings can be changed (not saved however) by clicking on the "System Command" menu. You can choose between showing or not showing the system commands. Clicking on "Yes" leads to the question about the position you want the information showed. "Top" means at the top of the screen, "Menu" means just under the menu bar and "Bottom" means at the bottom of the screen. The momentary value will be the default button. Defaults at startup are "No" and "Bottom". Information will be displayed with the system 8x8 font; this information is written to the screen directly, which is the reason N_SYSCOM only works with the highest, monochrome resolution. Writing to the screen is done with a VBL routine, which writes the information each time the screen has renewed 4 times, so about 72/4 times pro second. The VBL routine is installed in the first entry in the VBL queue with the XBRA id "NSC1". The vector allready installed there will be executed after this VBL routine is ready. N_SYSCOM installs its own Gemdos, Bios, Xbios and Gem vector. This is done with the same XBRA id "NSC1". The opcode send to one of those system vectors is translated in a 'normal' readable code and printed on screen. The opcode is then send to the original system vector, so no commands are lost ... Showing the information on the screen takes time. Some measures with Quick Index 1.6 show that your Atari is working at about 95% of the original velocity when N_SYSCOM is installed; there is practically no loss when no information is shown ... N_SYSCOM works with all TOS versions and in High resolution (640*400) only ... There are no bugs known `n##/9/9N P-y-y0.| @OoBB`h##-y-y nHnHnNPHyL^HnNPHnHnNP##N^NuNV## -y-y nln=|`Bn n>l## `r##HyL&HyNo##HyL.HyNo##-y-yHyL.HnNP##/9/9N5P-y-yHyL.HnNPHnHnN:P##HyL&HyNo@HyL.HnN:P## y-y-y n##HyL>HyNoRHyL&HnN:P## y-y-y-y-y =|`$##-y-y Bn## HyR.HyNf,0.g#L#L"` BB`PHyL^HnNP0.|?=@ nlRnBB-y-y0.|?=@HyL^HnN:PHnHnN:P## -y-yHnHnNPAL 2.HЁ @##-y-yALf м-@ n##-y-y=|`*HnHnNPQ ./HnNPSn0.fHnHnNP##-y-yHnHnNP#L^#Lb-y-y HnHnN:PHnHnNP0.gBHnHnNP0.g##  y`## `@HnHnNP0.g## y`##N^NuNVHnHyL/.N-O @g0<HN`##N^NuNV n"n 2.HbH0|f |f`$ |g `Q`bA`2Q`VA`"Q`J0|f |f`$ |g ` Q`A`3 Q` A`# QN^NuNV 9LAO䀰|l yLXL 0<`0<N^NuNVH`YL yL PN 9LAOfAL*H`0- |g / N'X AL"Ҽ@m?.N6TL N^NuNVH*n0- |g/ N'zXg0<`20- |g /-N*XBm ?- N>Tg0<`0<L N^NuNVH*n0- |f0<`r.0- |gV0- |f0<`R0- |g?<B?- N(P?/-?- N. P @f m@ 0<`m *Bm0<L N^NuNVJnl3Pp <`H?.?./. ?<BNO -@Jm .`?<?.B?<BNO -@Jl .3Pp <`?<?.B?<BNO -@ nf .Ю -@ `& nf .Ю -@ `0.g <` . oH?.N+T|J@f .3Pp <``` Hn . /?.?<@NO Bg?./. ?<BNO J]|=@g3Pp <`` . 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Johnsondither Dithering image... %s (dithered)%cdone #(17>FLTaku}  P*.*0Copyright 1990/91 Dieter Fiebelkorn & Jim Frostcorrectfullscreenfullzoomfullrepeathelpidentifymergenostoporginalquietsaveallsavedfrasterslideshowsupportedverboseversionalignbrightenclipcolorsdithergraygreyhalftonenamenoalignnormalizerotatesavemonosavecolorsmoothwindowxzoomyzoom0GEM-View: file permission denied: file not found: general i/o error: invalid file handle: illegal file specification: invalid heap block: heap overflow: file access mode error: file already exists: program load format error: device error: path not found: invalid parameter: file table overflow: too many open files: disk full: seek error: read only device: domain error: range error: no more matching file: unknown error Type to exit \*.IMG Zooming Repeation%04d%04d%03d100 0%04d%04d%04d%04d%4d%4d>> Dither & saving image <<>> Saving monochrome image <<>> Save: enter imagename <<>> Saving color image <<@@E GEM-View@ version %s.%s by Dieter Fiebelkorn 10.3%s: Bad option %s: Too many images (ignoring) missing image name after -name@.PDF%s: Not enough characters to identify option %dx%d Illegal use of -fullzoom@ (ignored) Illegal use of -fullrepeat@ (ignored) Use: -saveall {mono@|color@} Type to continue   E GEM-View@ version %s.%s by Dieter Fiebelkorn Bad argument to -align@ %d,%dBad argument to -at@ %d,%d,%d,%dBad argument to -clip@ Argument to -colors@ is too low (ignored) Argument to -colors@ is too high (ignored) Argument to -rotate@ must be a multiple of 90 (ignored) Illegal use of -window@ (ignored) %s: Internal error parsing arguments >> Select image to show << Time for loading and processing: %2d:%02d:%02d,%01d [2][ How to continue? | - Previous picture | - Next picture | - Abort ][ Abort | Next ][2][ How to continue? | - Previous picture | - Next picture | - Abort ][ Prev | Abort ][2][ How to continue? | - Previous picture | - Next picture | - Abort ][ Prev | Abort | Next ]No images to display Time for loading and processing image: %2d:%02d:%02d,%01d @ GEM-ViewGEMVIEW -version-supported-helpCopyright 1989, 1990 Kirk L. JohnsonGIF87apixel stac/'" @"@B3` `5b` `'^b6``Tb `U\ `3s d[`P `D6_`sy `rqʑ @ @`j%3b`vt@Z`b:±xfR Uhf 6 ^ `$^3 ^` ^L`^)s$f"   x"t``ȣ` ` C`" [x  @"T+@ `1HL2`^!@@#B !*>DdԠ֒Q205d :Hf !B` !`9` %"`~0 f` `Ӕ G Ab!w#D2$М0CE7 h`UC$f5Ѭ `  >;3xqj(5аEdLУF``l B$ !>0#@ "@ ``10N"N!2Ԡw2`!]!~j*&`0 :wbx@E0`U:\0BUlD2p0  !w2F m @P@`fp(`UB|0a!H``^i1 11lAF!1  lAt2r>m`p`R @CU0t^F@ .E bEzA1 " >@`3@^Czb@ &@PCQ pF0B1!3D wX‡z,r0@3*bP> ``w"!@`oxDC1d1aJP!d!3b@C\2@ Z !LC1Z`j!0``4 qX3t04b\0R l0@@@2r@`%$`pZr R10`!4r4`U1`x0`p@Pt0  "B < 0@A`T0!"@3 ~^ qp`@ L/@0(b0wP<3U   R`a$z(0 !b!1C @`T 0J#N `  'P42!`Q2@ a1P4 wrV `A s 4` P A@$T0`Pҋ t `03 : Azq C*?`#B|B"&qz P@ C`^|?I `sAr^. ,A $B`` `^ö`P``514\   U R`r`4^ DG7'CrB@ .sC|$5$\@`T`A` q0* ``&^P D`1P"1 q ^砸@ G'҄@A!^@Hq`!> @ ' f`LxD2b@>`^x fC`61\'`^HB!&p1\%Ǡ `> `@ q `!PB`DD``t` `!܀ZB``` `   @_``!>8¢`@! ` `3R ` ` ` RaBA`@  zD` >@    i ` `PqdB@  b`d@>@``0b@g@`b@   ```?`@ ``&@`^@` @/@-P0(@6@ ^ \`4@b2@@` ` s@`D e@?`0$!:@R b`|@_-@'0D47#bv@*@/@"f4G d@@ s `56  G @t ````````@"@[Tg @#7 9@ ``` @ 4`.@D2`g6 @: 4 .wb7`l`. b `"b`` `^ ` 'X@b`! 1A ^1 b"P<#`` ^|!86![D@^ #># 2!`^h<@p`bd$!R!8("6$P6```9 0`c` `^`\`` ``|" ^^`1 1Z``4`O@R @X@^ ```#4OEt`l `7> S)`B b #0@ `3\@`@`` `0@e@ Y @ @  `W @    I2 @                         G C.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.k overflow in PUSH_PIXEL()Error reading GIF file: %s %s is a %dx%d %sGIF image with %d colors interlaced %s: Short read within image data L3fL3fL3f L 3  f L 3 fL3fL3fL3fL3fL3fL3  f !!L!!"3""##f#$$L$$%3%%&&f&''L''(3(())f)**L**+3++,,f,--L--.3..//f/00L00131122f233L33434455f566L66737788f899L99:3::;;f;<>f>??L??@3@@AAfABBLBBC3CCDDfDEELEEF3FFGGfGHHLHHI3IIJJfJKKLKKL3L.\!O}B p  5 c (WJx=k0^#QE s! !"8"#f#$%+%&Y&'(()L)*z++,@,-n../3/0a012&23T34556G67u8 89:9:h;;<.<=\=>?!?@O@A}BBCBCDpEEF5FGcGHI(IJWJKLLMJMNxOOP=PQkRRS0ST^TUV#VWQWXYYZEZ[s\ \]8]^f^_`+`aYabccdLdezffg@ghniij3jkaklm&mnTnoppqGqrus st:tuhvvw.wx\xyz!z{O{|}}}~B~p5̂c(WJx=Ԍk0Ǐ^#Q蓀Eܖs8Tp5Qn3Ok0Lh.Jf+Gc (Ea} &B^z#@\x  ! = Y u   : W s  8 T p  5 Q n  3 O k 0Lh.Jf+Gc (Ea} &B^z#@\x!=Yu:Ws8Tp5Qn3Ok0Lh.Jf+Gc             -\|/dither Halftoning image... %s (halftoned)%cdone "a:^>55"#<`>'(2>7:NFD)v4r(ێ DF Rasterfiles [ *.PDF ]GIF Images [ *.GIF ]Sun Rasterfiles [ *.SUN ]STAD Images [ *.PAC ]IFF Imagefiles [ *.IFF ]GEM-(X)Image Files ( *.IMG )GEM-Metafiles (Vector) ( *.GEM )Neochrome Rasterfiles ( *.NEO )Art-Director Rasterfiles ( *.ART )Degas Images ( *.P[IC][123] )Tiny-Compressed Images ( *.TN[123Y] )Doodle Monochrome Rasters ( *.DOO [640x...] )Spectrum 512 Images ( *.SPU, *.SPC )X Bitmap-File [ *.XBM ]%s: image not found Type to continue    %s: unknown or unsupported image type Image types supported: %s %s: nil image %s: bad destination image Merging bitmap image onto bitmap image...done Merging bitmap image onto RGB image...merge: warning: can't find background color in dest image merge: warning: can't find foreground color in dest image Merging RGB images...merge: warning: To few colors in destination colormap?!? mergemerge: Can't merge these two types of images (sorry) -\|/Usage: %s [global options] {[image options] image_name ...} GEM-View  Global options:@ -correct @- straighten out the displaing image ( default@) -fullscreen @- use entire screen width&height for zoom - display full METAFILE inside the window -fullzoom WxH @- use width and height for zoom -fullrepeat WxH @- use width and height for repeating image -help @- print this help message -identify @- identify given images -merge @- merging followed pictures -nostop @- don't stop to show the pictures -orginal @- use orginal pixels for displaing image -quiet @- silence is golden -saveall {mono|color} @- save all followed images as (X)IMG-files -slideshow @- show image in slideshow ( default@) -supported @- show supported image types -verbose @- whistle while you work ( default@) -version @- show version and patchlevel Type to continue  Image options:@  -align @- align image width to 16 ( default@) -at X,Y @- load image at location -brighten percentage @- specify brightness multiplier -clip X,Y,W,H @- use clipped portion of image -colors number @- specify maximum number of RGB colors -dither @- dither color image to bitmap image -halftone @- halftone a color image to bitmap image -name name @- force next argument to be image name -noalign @- don't align image width -rotate degrees @- rotate an image by a 90 degree angle -savemono name @- save monochrom picture -savecolor name @- save color picture -smooth @- smooth a color image -window WxH @- Use width and height for display area -LOBcX@FORMcPILBMBMHD@ CMAP0@`` @` p `@`0`0@DPPV+hP: `Z' *CRNG '0@ (!BODYb?'p  8'H  BC !B  (B 'zzo{yz'|>>>||}>|'x   '< ``8`x@?p0'>?x|>>??>'AR`R8 RRpA~}A|p+++0+'AB!P@$0B!@ Ha!'{o_o}{^޿﷞}` }}8A~}}`0} }!0a}! }o}>}<y}>Ϟ|~}y<}pA}}`} 0Aw}} 0@'P!0Ä 0B8a!!`!'<{x_Ǟ<_x}}x } } }A}@A'H}}'׷}}ϯo}^}ן^n}|}}n}}@'D}|m}}}}<}w}y}矞}~`}} }}BP} 0(} 0*'w<x{^wx:}a@a_ En')aP@AAX@a+++!@+`A+1+`a+u+~+ +?0R+1XPaA,-...U .=X0.2y1m.!h...9.y@ )RqAf|P|88@fHC P>2'PH^A^^0AG@'?PH^^^矸@QU'Qc`28?0P @1x'P}c4Ͼc>Ͼ}畃Rc+c'!! cmc?@uc@'{zcmcs~c8A`HU'0a! ccc`P7'Ϟ{xcccP7c@cQ'8`!c`c cp0'ǟc;p"cc総cAc@`c{cc^}{cc|c~> c) cc8Vccoc~cccc c@ g߃7!R@)'>; | >!R>}@}} ߾}.>#l _}v<v>Ͽp=op '0A/k?'R2:ta:B: 0(a 'Ǟ{rrϽrמ<=? pt=afpBl=a b`k 8aa o g~y']=$ 1::  At  z%5 ! 4*"&0(* :$ (@_   @0(}$7$'0Ba$b t-dj `fd((P $RHQDs`0p   0l}2l{$0P  D !DO ^0 =au:>||gw0d8adR ('aa -op0=/` p666Hv !BBW|}& '0pY?>  Al~l}|H~l|~C W4@L C>>'pN33p} ?g `h~h|}p|h} |N@bP!@@Hs СB:770 /^A`rsr/a`"  }ޏ<wwb  G &gp '!' _=I'z{ wAl| "<=pp #_^Kj#k "M0O <=` ` -  )H1@ bAC)򛎟 o)')coo@cclmo 0rx']A!6@`8`^>  B><ArAC# `#! X PF!BF/(E'7`|'`U!'@`} 0a?:D@@g*`g?8o't{}N{Zq?Fsr`o @`' '`zto`sp0>a? 6gfp 8 mƄ? F0'{xKm`w76o 7D=  xyyiy vA ~] !J}o@  B8d7'WH)$~ހ} Ǟݽ}} ~J0o / /}/-^*/^/^{/=//j y ?. > `$z4|>|Ͼ cc`" Ag|Pwindow percentace @- Give width/height by a percentace [10-1000] -xzoom percentage @- zoom the X axis by a percentage -yzoom percentage @- zoom the Y axis by a percentage -zoom percentage @- zoom the image by a percentage [For METAFILES: Only "-fullscreen, -nostop, -zoom, -xzoom, -yzoom" can be used!]@ %s Show full Meta-Image inside the window %s (fullimage) Zooming image Y axis by %d%% %s (Y zoom %d%%) Zooming image X axis by %d%% %s (X zoom %d%%) Zooming image by %d%% %s (%d%% zoom) Zooming image X axis by %d%% and Y axis by %d%% %s (X zoom %d%% Y zoom %d%%)??@@processImage Fulling screen with image...%cdone. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ need %ld bytes@; available memory: %lu Freeing all reserved memory! Internal error@ PICTURES-\|/ Reducing colormap to %d colors... %cdone reduce%s (%d colors)-\|/rotate Rotating image by %d degrees... %s (rotated by %d degrees)done %crotate: Unsupported image type tt ttXIMG cannot save given pictures!wb Saving dfRaster file '%s' ... __DF90__done. __DF90__DF91dfRasterSave: Bad write on image data @ Saving GEM-Image-File '%s' ... @@@@@@@?\(\?\(\?\(\-\|/%s (smoothed)%c Smoothing(%dx@)... Smoothing ignored (too few colors) done %s is an old-style standard run-length encoded unknown-type %ldx%ld %ld plane %scolorgreyscalemonochrome Sun rasterfile sunRasterIdentsunRasterLoad: Bad read on image data sunRasterLoadsunRasterLoad: Bad read on colormap U 3  @?\(\?\(\?\(\@@@ Transfering image into screen format...done No more Windows:?\(\?\(\?\(\@@jCopyright 1989 Massachusetts Institute of Technology%s: bad X bitmap file #define %s %dwidthheightstatic short %s = {static unsigned char %s = {static char %s = {bits[]%s is a %dx%d X1011 bitmap file titled '%s'zreset: warning: ZFILE for %s was not closed properly zreset: bad ZFILE structure zopen: warning: file doubly opened zopen: no more files available rb-\|/B@zoom Zooming image Y axis by %d%%...%s (Y zoom %d%%) Zooming image X axis by %d%%...%s (X zoom %d%%) Zooming image by %d%%...%s (%d%% zoom) Zooming image X axis by %d%% and Y axis by %d%%...%s (X zoom %d%% Y zoom %d%%)%cdone rb.ART%s is a 320x200 Art-Director Image with 16 colors dfRasterIdent__DF90__%s is a %dx%d monochrome DF Rasterfile __DF90__DF91%s is a %dx%d DF Rasterfile with %d colors @dfRasterLoaddfRasterLoad: Bad read on image data @@@DegasLoad: Bad read on image data @@rb.PI1%s is a 320x200 DEGAS Image with 16 colors .PC1%s is a compressed 320x200 DEGAS Image with 16 colors .PI2%s is a 640x200 DEGAS Image with 4 colors .PC2%s is a compressed 640x200 DEGAS Image with 4 colors .PI3%s is a 640x400 monochrome DEGAS Image .PC3%s is a compressed 640x400 monochrome DEGAS Image 4 bit color palette (4096 useable colors) 3 bit color palette (512 useable colors) @@@@@@DegasLoadNeoLoadArtDirectorLoadrb.DOO%s is a %dx%d monochrome DOODLE image DoodleLoadDoodleLoad: Bad read on image data rb.IMGImgLoad%s is a %dx%d monochrome IMG-file %s is a %dx%d IMG-file with %ld colors @@XImgLoadXIMG%s is a %dx%d monochrome XIMG-file %s is a %dx%d RGB XIMG-file with %ld colors @@?\(\?\(\?\(\rb.GEM%s is a Metafile-Image version %d.%d Metafile includes a GEM-Image file No more Windows:@@@??@@.IMGMetaLoad Error reading IFF-file!rbFORMILBM%s is a IFF-file %s is a unsupported IFF-file IFF-LoadBMHD Don't support more then 8 planes Don't support monochrome Images with _mask_CMAP Don't support more then 256 colorsBODY loading %dx%d IFF-image with %d colors @@rb.NEO%s is a 320x200 NEOCHROME Image with 16 colors %s is a 640x200 NEOCHROME Image with 4 colors %s is a 640x400 monochrome NEOCHROME Image rb.SPU%s is a 320x200 SPECTRUM 512 Image .SPC%s is a compressed 320x200 SPECTRUM 512 Image SPECTRUM 512-Load Error reading SPECTRUM file: illegal command/data lenght Erroc Dc07cw|c>ccc >c'xcc?"@)F` B߄WDP{zWo..G'.88 7`?ppAE'={z?x|>>??>>o r'|}^^0^o 'q~^|^?^>' |'}?0AχwÇ``x'8>8Ͼx0x8>08=/>88pw '!C}n࿎}> }oЂ'}ߖvϾvv66Ͽ ϟg/}vP ~ pI'A ` *  J !'<Ͽrr22> ' `$@? 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Supported picture-formats: - o DF Rasterfiles (a own format) [ *.PDF ] o GIF Images /[ *.GIF ] o Sun Rasterfiles *[ *.SUN ] o STAD Images .[ *.PAC ] o IFF Imagefiles (ONLY SOME, NOT ALL, searching for desc.) [ *.IFF ] o GEM-(X)Image Files '( *.IMG ) o GEM-Metafiles (Vector) #( *.GEM ) o Neochrome Rasterfiles $( *.NEO ) o Art-Director Rasterfiles !( *.ART ) o Degas Images (also with a 4-bit color palette) ( *.P[IC][123] ) o Tiny-Compressed Images (also with a 4-bit color palette) ( *.TN[123Y] ) o Doodle Monochrome Rasters ( *.DOO [640x...] ) o Spectrum 512 Images (also with a 4-bit color palette) ( *.SPU, *.SPC ) o X Bitmap-File (a bitmap C-Source description) [ *.XBM ] Some hints: (for using the program) - o The Program runs as accessory and as GTP-Application o With 'gemview -help', you will get a summary of the options. In most cases it will be enough to use the program with only a name (or more) picture(s). o You can install gemview as appliction for *.GIF-files (or others). o Without any arguments or starting the program as accessory, you will discover a file-selector-box o GemView supports an environment variable named PICTURES. There you can give the program pathnames for searching for a given file outside the current path. Example: setenv PICTURES "E:\PICTURES,E:\PICTURES\IMG" o After starting the program a window is opened to write system messages in it. o If only the log window is showed: Pressing and holding the __right__ mouse button __inside__ the window you will get a new FSB. Pressing the button at the border of the window a dialog box is opened, where you can install global parameters of GemView. o If an image is shown, only the dialog box opens. o Every picture is showed in a GEM-window. o You can press 'n' for the next picture, 'p' for the previous and 'q' for Quit. Pressing the close box of the window and more than one picture should be showed, a dialog box for choosing previous, next or cancel opens. o Right button inside the window: You can scroll the picture inside the window by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse. o Pressing the right mouse button on the border of the window, you will become a dialog box for options to the pictures. In many cases the picture will reloaded. o With the left mouse button,  ~BDДyyy  7D / !!~y<,, #yDp ,'!!8'x} AbbG^G,}-!!-y<-~--- -x:---- -y?-?σ!-{~{B+~߼*y "!A C B)7z w}߿}~!F'E ) )"F x@ @A@@ }}T￿}}) )} w}@@ }߃T|_}}!B)})))1޽}@@@ }8}?}N }}@ !B) )AS޽}w@}}?=}?>|?Ax ~|888!|'~|>)) ?'> |=>`| `+P O} u8'! ) )'{@3  } }ITWT Tp'0} )~))`'s} }߁} }}1} oTTTUT }}`g}) )pu}} }U}} A}z} }}T} }}}))} }}`}}}w}N:})~}})}w ׂ} wA }LOBj  h    8   T  &  +} <.  %  d ָ LOB*z r       f 6 y{ ~?z78( r     w@2 F      w r        |bw<       ?//Bw .w  v Bt p .` n  p~ n Bň ȂȎtȽ n||6 x;w B> b " "  Zh  t t"v v< R/" N &j"X&jyp = 2Hrg c rp}d2p}&DBvr 2yV     0}3|@ ?p ? ??2@`@@ p[ o?@߀7`?  @ 9 `;   6&l|L3?h|H7 bt <  9 0 pw /0L_|p@8@||@pw,g|{@90 &ZL-@p `* =|' `(||R|||| l *!` "?T   r   ( 0T ##] ZEw2 0p0/ RzsZ3  0g_E"5 @ B0*?!4*@@ H?*8| 2C.^    @3z  7\2J(Fd <0E4F1S 0P $ P @";1?" ]w   @ @   `L{P  @\2f_@ShW  _JT_ \#/1_(?0v @ P(J oO 2 4=8 4Q2 n(R+P3g('`X0!pr v prK@BpAO? rr{. `` " ,AB`I *@8L@ Nh^q v`N`6.! 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If you leave the current programm or if you're starting a new one, GemView will continue its work later, after changing the program) -H - + Select the save-option before the picture is loading (ALTERNATE-Key) a color image is saved as XIMG file before reducing colors. If the picture is showed the actually colormap is saved. + Support 4 bit color palette (4096 useable colors instead of 512); specialy for STE and TT + The definition of V-Bitmap files can also used with 'unsigned char', 'short' and 'unsigned short' instead of 'char'. ^H ^ I hope this hints will help to work with 'GemView', in the next time i will write a __short__ manual. X Bitmap-File: - #define mickey3_width 58 #define mickey3_height 58 static char mickey3_bits[] = { 0x00,0x00,0x80,0x3f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf0,0xff,0x01,0x00,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0xff,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0xff,0x07,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0 x0f, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0xff,0 xff, 0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0xff,0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0 xff, 0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0xff,0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0 x80, 0xff,0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0xff,0xff,0x1f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0 x00, 0x80,0xff,0xff,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0x07,0x00,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfc,0xff,0x01,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0xff,0x0f,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xe0,0xff,0 xff, 0x01,0x00,0x00,0xc0,0x1f,0x80,0xff,0xff,0x07,0xf0,0x00,0xf0,0x7f,0x00,0 xff, 0xff,0x0f,0xf8,0x01,0xf8,0xff,0x81,0xff,0xff,0x1f,0xf8,0x03,0xfc,0xff,0 xc1, 0x3f,0xfc,0x39,0xfc,0x03,0xfe,0xff,0xe7,0x0f,0xf0,0x70,0xfc,0x03,0xfe,0 xff, 0xf7,0x03,0xc0,0x60,0xfc,0x03,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0xe3,0xc0,0x60,0xfc,0x03,0 xff, 0xff,0xff,0x31,0x80,0xcc,0xfc,0x03,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x11,0x00,0xde,0xff,0 x01, 0xff,0xff,0xff,0x11,0x00,0xbf,0xf8,0x01,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x10,0x1e,0x7f,0 xf0, 0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x20,0x3f,0x3d,0x40,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x7f,0 x11, 0x80,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00,0xbf,0x12,0x00,0x01,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x01,0 x9d, 0x0a,0x00,0x01,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0x01,0x81,0x0c,0x00,0x01,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0 x01, 0x81,0x0c,0x00,0x01,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0x03,0x82,0x0a,0x80,0x00,0xfc,0xff,0 xfd, 0x07,0x44,0x01,0x80,0x00,0xf8,0xff,0xfc,0x0f,0x78,0x01,0x80,0x00,0xe0,0 x7f, 0xfc,0x3f,0x00,0x01,0x80,0x00,0xc0,0x1f,0xfc,0xff,0x00,0x03,0x40,0x00,0 x00, 0x00,0xfc,0xff,0x03,0x00,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x3f,0x00,0x00,0x20,0 x00, 0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x8f,0x03,0x00,0x30,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0xc7,0x00,0x00,0 x18, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0xc3,0x03,0x00,0x06,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf0,0x43,0x0e,0 xc0, 0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xe0,0x41,0xfc,0x7f,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xe0,0x81,0 xf0, 0x7f,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x01,0xe0,0x7f,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0 x01, 0xe0,0x3f,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0xc0,0x9f,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0 x00, 0x0e,0x80,0xcf,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x10,0x60,0x00,0x00,0x00,0 x00, 0x00,0xc0,0x27,0x18,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfc,0x07,0x00,0x00}; -H - | Dieter Fiebelkorn | With a rubber duck, :-) | | fiebelko@petra.informatik.uni-dortmund.de | one's never alone. :^{ | -H - RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.%7pn߀<7pj'r}rn}_}rg}`rn} 0a8a}rC}rn}}p}A}߿1}^m/yr?2'8pa2}pÇ  pC8a}2N}2z}~}}}~2N} }\0kG߽_y}%x }0Æ P (a ]}a}#}@5}}}}0?{Cn}|}} 0 }!}w}0}w}%ßqp}yQ}|r'~qp}}}}cq`rq~"k Y}|s}ps}>x|27w^}r}ps}}pr } }}`}}>%'zws}@qv!q Ɉ !q@r'A}1}}!}?pvwqo Gtf}??}`}# 008A }4k} }}'}w$q}2W/} 4kp4kÆ (}0}4k}$q#P } }9k}qffO>7wP_}}0 >(a} }o} }>p'߸?HexwÅ z ) aHe}5@??oh 1~|.X߿?xr{}x}& (AP_r}~_8~}~/ [wr}ߟ`hrw/obYq8``YA $(P0`Y?r}wEo}cY}qv%Ϗj|6!Ko_:6?r t??|qz޳FN% G`Xpz @)y%'~?%|%~%c1/}%;lw{%' %B.( %'P;%?3~% z}?`= 8a  `k[) ?RR߃ 8` ~ RR JR0" Ra?Rjӥ=R7ן5R!IR Rr`?46%H 8`jYA>GRIkRR R <RR!RsR 7 8a R+ R qzFR">RR ßÁÝaGa6!Maaa aEa򟝉a/\ aѷaa ara 790au#ъ5#aj;a-ǿ#7@. @.vap/n ~P8a#a aA$741@({A aR aaaP|||" 6G0 0' 6!}@ ߿!|/ 0pp<0r̃x~ R?R4Px 8xp|1 p@ݸ 1 v R @?gRa`ÆAh0\RR@ RR~Qan];8apÆy@íQh}Q]Ɯ QP]AR 8RQN>N Ԣq"Na\NO00Op> xǿRRA5 @}B; RRq?RRRR >R5~R@{DaÆ#9|RR RR`#9/R R UKvՇoUp#=|UUUN$@Uv%@p UtUU%zU~nUxUn3 %?U8<߼{}U=|1p4U qU i0UVM5߿B54rd/A4XC48p0 UUϟ3iPӁ_QK?Q~R} Ab w@ x>RMR2.iy ?Ça? e`O<!wD~Uf@pwU?U`C  TU}UUP*zjwUU0WIU?@ ?Æ ~U!5U0_U61nUU@ UUUPU0GUUÆ "T V`VU0LJ|{VVV?UVUUUmU>YUUUO Qgtx?Q<QQ, QP|R,0IvR~$M;N@ BRRUUHrUw$MU%M+ MUo/U/M%H: U$ U#/U%60AE9U=Q@ U'"L Ux0#Lɸ/ 03BCU !0R,OVJLp{FLV<AL#VV!VS-oV ?||tqC) >|P.Ӽ>=_/B@{";{~ Y}6=QA !5DRAH~RhQA A<шQA @sp! 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All Rights Reserved. This program is being distributed as shareware with a $10 suggested contribution. This program may be posted on any public BBS as long as it is not modified and the documentation is included. Any comments and/or suggestions would be appreciated. I can be reached on CompuServe (73637,2527), or send me mail. Stephen Cornio P.O. Box 1734 Woodbridge, VA 22193 Program Overview ST Tools is reminiscent of PC Tools for MS-DOS computers. The main display includes a directory tree and a listing of files by directory. As the name implies, the program is a set of tools for use on the Atari ST. Current functions include listing File Allocation Tables, Hex dumping of files, sectors or memory and searching files, sectors or memory. The program is entirely GEM based, with the standard drop-down menus, scrollable windows and dialog boxes. !Requirements ST Tools requires approximately 256K of memory to execute. The program will run in both High and Medium resolutions and has been tested with versions 1.2 and 1.4 of TOS. Technical Notes ST Tools is written almost entirely in FORTRAN using Prospero FORTRAN for GEM, along with the Prospero Developers Toolkit, specifically its Make facility and macro assembler. Assembly language is used to process the File Allocation Tables, perform logical bit functions and other operations not easily performed by FORTRAN. Using ST Tools %Icons Disk icons representing each floppy disk and hard-disk partition as well as any RAM-disk are displayed across the bottom of the screen. The current disk will be indicated by a highlighted icon. To make a different disk be the current disk, simply click on the desired icon. $Windows The main display consists of two windows. The left window is a directory tree of the current floppy or hard-disk partition with the current directory indicated by a highlighted line. The right window is a list of files, including directories, found in the current directory with the current file indicated by a highlighted line. When the program starts, the left window is active. To make the file window active, simply click in the right window or press the right arrow key. To return to the directory window, either click in the ~4&p` RwVVށ VcBRRB}cesR0 p RR y O 0 p#O3;U絩RU$Ot#U$OOMU$OUP,fߏ^UU0  sUU|Q O% <  O0N(/ = o]1 U c!xpu4sY~_ VҲ AN8pV(@ V#x {V`gϏP3_4_A)~ES? 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Both the cluster number and the cluster pointed to by that cluster are displayed in hexadecimal. For floppies, the pointer is usually 12 bits which translates to 3 hexadecimal digits. For hard disks, the pointer is normally 16 bits or 4 hexadecimal digits. To indicate end-of-file, negative one is used, 'FFF' for floppies or 'FFFF' for hard disks. Five buttons are displayed in this dialog box. "First" will display the first set of entries. "Prev" will display the previous set of entries. "Exit" will cause this dialog box to exit. "Next" will display the next set of entries. "Last" will display the last set of entries. HexDump File The "HexDump File" entry will cause the selected files, or current file if no files are selected, to be dumped to the screen in a dialog box. The dump is both in hexadecimal and in Ascii. The file name, sector number and cluster number within the file, and absolute disk sector will be displayed at the top of the dialog box. Eight buttons are displayed at the bottom of the box. "Prev File" will cause the previous file to be dumped. "First" will dump the first sector of the current dump file. "Prev" will dump the previous sector of the current dump file. "Edit" will allow the user to edit or modify the data displayed on the screen. "Exit" will cause this dialog box to exit. "Next" will dump the next sector of the current dump file. "Last" will dump the last sector of the current dump file. "Next File" will cause the next file to be dumped. HexDump Sector This entry will allow any sector of the current disk to be dumped to the screen in a dialog box. A starting sector dialog box will first be presented in order to allow the user to select the sector to start dumping at. Once the starting sector is selected and the "Dump" button is clicked, the sector will be dumped in both hexadecimal and Ascii. The sector number and type of sector, Boot, FAT, Root or Data will be displayed at the top of the box. Six buttons are displayed at the bottom of the box. "First" will dump the first sector of the disk or Boot sector. "Prev" will dump the previous sector of the disk. "Edit" will allow the user to edit the current data on the screen. "Exit" will cause this dialog box to exit. "Next" will dump the next sector of the disk. "Last" will dump the last sector of the disk. HexDump Memory This entry will allow any block of memory to be dumped to the screen in a dialog box. This can be RAM, ROM or hardware chips such as DMA, video or sound chips. A starting memory dialog box will first be presented which will allow the user to select the memory to start at. Once this is done and the "Dump" button is clicked, the standard dump screen will be displayed. The actual address of memory dumped is listed to the left. Six buttons are displayed at the bottom of the box. "First" will dump the first block of memory. "Prev" will dump the previous block of memory. "Edit" will allow the user to edit the data on the screen. "Exit" will cause this dialog box to exit. "Next" will dump the next block of memory. "Last" will dump the last block of memory. Note that if the memory displayed is not RAM, then the "Edit" button will be disabled. Search File The "Search File" entry will cause the selected files, or current file if no files are selected, to be searched for a 16 character long string. The string may be input in either hexadecimal or Ascii. The search may be case sensitive of insensitive. The search may be in a forward or backward direction. While the files are being searched, their names will be displayed at the top of the search dialog box. The search may be stopped at any time by clicking on the "Stop" button or pressing the Return key. Once the string has been found, the dump file screen will be displayed with the search string indicated by reverse video on monochrome and green text on color systems. Six buttons are displayed at the bottom of the box. "Search Prev" will search for a previous instance of the string. "Prev Block" will dump the previous block of the file displayed. "Edit" and "Exit" work as usual. "Next Block" will dump the next block of the file displayed. "Search Next" will search for the next instance of the string. Search Sector This entry will allow the searching of disk sectors. The starting sector dialog box is displayed followed by the search dialog box. Once the search is started, the sectors being searched will be displayed at the top of the search dialog box. When the string is found, the dump sector screen will be displayed with the same six buttons found on the "Search File" dialog box. Search Memory This entry will allow the searching of memory. The starting sector and the search dialog boxes will be displayed to determine the starting memory)݀0Pgv A:0ϐ^Ȍ8)opOOϑ>4zO;$opv; $P&y@ DMz_:p)?NN4P;4nN 0kF\`'ti0߮ o``w57`!  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Start Location Dialog Box This dialog box is used any time a dump or search of disk sectors or memory is requested from the "Function" drop-down menu. The title of the box will reflect the function requested. For disk sector functions, the maximum disk sector on the current disk is displayed. For memory functions, the maximum memory (F or 16 megabytes) is displayed. By clicking on the '+' and '-' buttons, each digit of the starting sector/memory can be increased or decreased. A "Cancel" button is provided to cancel the requested function. The other button will be "Dump" or "Search" to reflect the type of function to be performed. Clicking on this button will cause the program to proceed to the next step. For "Dump" functions this means the desired sector or memory will be dumped. For "Search" functions, the following dialog box will be displayed and processed. Search String Dialog Box This dialog box is used any time a search of files, disk sectors or memory is requested from the "Function" drop-down menu. The title of the box will reflect the type of string being searched for, hexadecimal or Ascii. The type of string may be toggled by clicking on the desired search type. The case of the search may also be selected, sensitive or insensitive. The case only applies to the letters A-Z whether the search type is hexadecimal or Ascii. A "Cancel" button is provided to cancel the search function. When doing a hexadecimal search, the input digits must be between 0-9 and A-F. An error in the search string will be indicated by grey text on monochrome systems and red text on color systems. Once the desired string has been entered, the search direction is selected by clicking on the "Search Forward" or "Search Backward" button as desired. While the search is proceeding, the "Cancel" button will be relabelled as a "Stop" button. Clicking on this button will cause the search to stop and two additional buttons to appear. They are used to indicate the point at which to continue the search from. "Start Point" will cause the search to be restarted from the original starting point. "Current Point" will cause the search to be restarted from where it was stopped. Edit Dialog Box This dialog box is used any time the "Edit" button is clicked from a dump display. Two buttons are displayed at the bottom of the dialog box. "Do It" will cause any changes made to the current screen to be written to disk or memory. Each hexadecimal digit will be checked for validity first and any errors will be flagged with grey text on monchrome systems and red text on color systems. A "Cancel" button is provided to allow the user to cancel the edit function with no changes being made to disk or memory. 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HERE YOU@HAVE 40 PENCE. HAVE A@NICE DAY.ACCEPT@BARGAIN@REJECTOK. YOU GET 4 PENCE EXTRAI WON'T PAY SO MUCH.@YOU LOST YOUR JOB!TAKE IT@LEAVE IT HERE YOU ARE! IN A@ STATE OF COMPLETE@ EXHAUSTION! YOU RAN@ OUT OF TIME AND@ ARE NOT ABLE TO GET@TO THE NEXT BUS STOP. HERE YOU ARE! IN A@ STATE OF COMPLETE@ EXHAUSTION! YOU RAN@ OUT OF HEALTH AND@ ARE NOT ABLE TO GET@TO THE NEXT BUS STOP.AFTER HAVING LUCKILY@ REACHED YOUR NEXT@BUS STOP YOU NOTICE@THAT YOU HAVEN'T GOT@ENOUGH MONEY TO USE@ THE BUS!AFTER HAVING LUCKILY@ REACHED YOUR NEXT@BUS STOP YOU NOTICE@ THAT YOU ARE SHORT@OF CUBES AND FAILED@ YOUR MISSION!JEWEL-CASES : xx@EXTRASCORE : xPLEASE SELECT ITEMHEALTH 5 Pence@ENERGY 5 Pence@SUPERJUMP 3 Pence@MEGAHONK 3 Pence@MAGNETOFLUCT 10 Pence@STENCHALIZER 3 Pence@POWERSNEEZE 5 Pence@EXTRA TIME 10 Pence@EXITSORRY, YOU DON'T@HAVE ENOUGH MONEY@TO BUY THIS ITEM.@ PLEASE TRY@ ANOTHER ONE.HEY BOY YOU CAN'T@CARRY MORE THINGS.THIS IS THE FIRST OF NINE LEVELS@ FEATURED IN ROLLING RONNY.@RONNY WILL BE ROLLING OUT ON THE@AMIGA, ATARI ST, IBM PC AND C-64@ IN THE AUTUMN.A.DATB.DATC.DATSONG2.MUSRRFONT.DATIBOBS.DATIBOBS.ANIPANEL.DATVIRGIN.IFFSTARLOGO.DATBOPA.IFFTITEL.OBJFMENU2.IFFFBOBS.DATFBOBS.ANIHISCORE.IFFHTOPLAY1.IFFHTOPLAY2.IFFHTOPLAY3.IFFKARTE.IFFBOBS3.DATBOBS3.ANILEVEL3.LVLFLAGS1_3.CHAR1_3.CHR2  #$%&%$#'()*+,-./01  !"56543234   789:;<=>?@789:;<=>?@AABBCCDDEE     Nk1v`k2 ek2 jk2 ok2 sk.%{k1vk-k.k.k.k. k- 0k&/k&k. k3 k3V k) k&ok) k& k kF kR /kf0 k20 k2 k"3 k"3&0k2t0k2 k4` k2^0k%k2k2k28?/k5~8'k4,8/'k48/'k40k3z0k3k6k6^iii@rb:c #ckd(p76 ATARI VERSION_ B Y 8CARSTENp NEU- ` BAUER P-@CARSTENu0 MARIO N CARSTEN'V@n' J N (  .5nx   T&: 8p,Qk b!!   % Y q& p) 9  9% fm `k*  -  # $ % #  $ % .# G $     XZ     0 9' p p  m( EEE O %O 9O MO aO uO O O O O ! 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Ta. ^aPO`NV?<?</.Hy a @ IaN^NuNVH` n . 4.UB2IC"0eR`XIgnRHQ<0B LN^Nu.f.g `;B@'d pg??9 ?<NM\O`Nu o /C4<"¼ Q 0fl| ||eNu0123456789ABCDEF y (<NuafNu# LH3 ,# ADGJMPSVY\_behknqtwz}  #&),/258;>ADGJMPSVY\_behknqtwz  #&789@ABEHKNQTWZ]`cfilorux{~  !$'*-0369<?BEHKNQTWZ]`cfilorux{~  !$'*;<P]^ glmw|}O\] fklv{|          !  "! #" $# %$ &% '&   P P  % $[ | Printer is not | responding.][ Retry | Quit ]E -MEMORY FREE BLOCKS- -MEMORY ALLOCATED BLOCKS- -MD WAITING LIST- MD Addr: NextLink StartAddr Length Owner Size(dec) $f: f qf qf f Total allocated bytes (in decimal) - Total free bytes (in decimal) -  - Press a Key or Mouse Button - ShowMem  h , l L l , l #hO3  4|       N  <,4 8~F  2<V .RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC. *7 * 5* * ShowMem4 - The Displayer - runs as .PRG _or_ .ACC * * Copyright 1988 John Eidsvoog * * Revision date: Saturday, June 22, 1991 * * 5* *7 This program is Freeware. It may not be sold or distributed commercially without my written permission. You may freely distribute it otherwise as long as the files are included in their entirety with no modifications. Included files: SHOWMEM4.PRG The Program/Accessory SHOWMEM4.TXT This text file ShowMem4 1.4 Fixes Problem - ShowMem4 now works correctly on TOS 1.4 and later. Previously you may have had to run it twice in order to display a valid listing or it may have even crashed upon running the first time. Fast RAM Support - ShowMem4 now recognized memory blocks in "fast RAM", either on the TT030 or any other computer implementing "fast RAM". The start address of memory blocks in fast RAM will be displayed in inverse text. -G About ShowMem4 - ShowMem4 is specially written so that it can be run as either an accessory _or_ a program. All you have to do is change the name (using Show Info) so that the extension (last three letters) is .ACC for an accessory, or .PRG for a program. ShowMem4 allows you to examine the GEMDOS memory descriptor lists. The locations of these lists in memory is not documented by Atari. There is a search routine that should find these lists in all ROM versions (including future ones). If this search should fail, you will be alerted that this is an unknown ROM. You may list the information to the screen or to a printer. This is selected from the initial alert box. The listing will include all allocated memory blocks, followed by all memory free blocks. If you hold down the 'Alternate' key when you select the output device, you will also get the memory descriptor waiting list (this is my name for it as until recently its very existence was undocumented). It is now documented as _root, or a pointer to the OS pool, although the TOS 1.4+ ROMs seems to contain a pointer to a null. When GEMDOS splits a block into two smaller blocks, it uses this list to get a new descriptor location. When two contiguous blocks are merged, the unused block is put back in this list. For this reason, the entries in this list may or may not contain any useful information. The leftmost column will show the decimal size of each block as well as a total for each type of memory blocks. While the listing is scrolling on the screen, you may pause/continue by using the mouse button. -H The structure of a memory descriptor is as follows: long pointer to next descriptor in list or zero (end of list) long starting address of the block long number of bytes in block long pointer to base page of block's owner (This information is not documented by Atari and you should not rely on its validity as they are free to change it at any time.) -H One point that should be raised about free memory, is that when GEMDOS returns the bytes available via Malloc(-1), it returns the size of the largest available block, _not_ the total available memory. ShowMem is the only tool (to my knowldege) for the ST that will show you the true total available memory. When a program runs, it is given the largest available memory block to run in. But when a program requests a memory block from GEMDOS, it is given the smallest memor; + 2  8 >   H"  I# J$ 6 P K\s ! $7L`r '"&#$%&!2(1 )*1+D,^-m.~/01' 534$426%   & CSQ Q Q  Q R R* RL Rn# R( R- R2 R7 S< S:A S\F S~K  & F$ D'D' DK DZ  dg -' ' '( !(((D!(` (|! ( (! ( (!))$!)@ )\! )x ) $f)>))()%$3** )*< *X) *t *) * *)*+)++8)+T+p)++)++)+ , ),4 ,P ),l , ), , ) , !, )"-#-0)$-L-h)&DZ'D`(Fe)Dj'do2+ -$--D+"D+ D+D+ D+ D+ -   - . .,.H.d .D-" D- D- D- D- D- D f "MK."KK. . . /  /( /D /` /|/!/$/'/*0-0$00@30\60x;KQ   Q 0 K    0 ! K  ! ! - ?0#%K$D M %F ]#"d d0#M#"K000 0 11  1< 1X dy block that is large enough to fill the request. This means that smaller, fragmented block may still be useful to many applications. It may also be confusing to someone who is using a "regular" method of determining free memory. You might check free memory and be told that there is 800K free, while there might be a fragmented 33K block which is unseen. Then you might tell a program to allocate a screen buffer of 32K. Your free memory display will still show 800K because the 32K of the 33K block will be supplied as the screen buffer. This whole scenario can be examined by using ShowMem. John Eidsvoog CodeHead Software C.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC..  ,y ~..  ,y EADME DOC D TWRITERPRG E=File: README.DOC VERSION 4.1 (Changes since 3.6) -For users of the MEGA TOS (1.2) and the buggy disk-loaded version of TOS 1.4 (1988), previous versions required you to move the mouse pointer outside of the menu area at the top of the edit screen when pressing the [ESC] key to return to the menu screen. This was done to correct for a GEM bug which drops menus on the mouse, leaving holes in the menu like swiss cheese. No problem with the original version of soft-load TOS, 1.0, and 1.4 (1989). Now, the mouse automatically drops out of the area (does NOT work in combination with Atari's MACCEL2.PRG). -Improvements to the form input (from disk file) have been made, and bugs that caused screwy things on wrapping an insert word occurring at the end of a line have been squashed. -Support for Moniterm monitor. 160 columns by 57 lines, or 160 by 93 lines in hi-res flip-flop. -ver. 3.6 had a bug in the floppy format routine which appeared on TOS versions previous to TOS 1.2 (Mega TOS), and caused a fatal crash. Fixed in 3.7. -The mouse cursor state is neutralized at exit further enhancing running of the program from a shell. -ALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS TO 3.8 WILL NOT RUN PROPERLY ON THE STe COMPUTERS. THE TEXT AND BACKGROUND APPEAR THE SAME COLOR WHEN YOU PRESS ^T TO TRANSFORM COLORS. -Increased compatibility with AtariWriter+. Foreign characters now translate into their ST equivalents correctly. You will still need to edit out the AtariWriter+ global formatting data and tab settings. -4.0 is compatible with ALL resolutions on the TT. -4.0 will now fast-load, and on TT will load into fast TT RAM. -4.0 allows selection of 3 font sizes in TT Med and TT High resolutions, and 2 sizes in ST High and TT Low. -4.0 combines menu screens into one screen. GEM is always active, and alert boxes now work alone as opposed to in parallel with command box alerts. -4.0 actually has two flavors: this one works fine in TT TOS 3.5 and better, but TOS 3.1 has VT52 emulator color problems in Low Res TT mode. The version for START magazine has a fix for this, and will be available if and when START publishes again. You can also fix it by using Quick ST 3.0 which bypasses the TOS routines. -You can now set the default for tabs to 4, 5, or 8 for tab expansion when loading non-ST Writer Elite programs. SETTING the default tabs [Shift Tab] remains unchanged. -The STWRITER.PRG file may now be modified to hold your default settings for screen color on boot-up (black or white background--ineffective on Moniterm Moniter which always has white background with black text), tab setting, default file extender, and format line settings. Your disk and STWRITER.PRG file must NOT be write-protectd, so do it on a back-up copy just in case of a screw-up. When you re-boot STWRITER.PRG, the new settings become the default. If you want to return to the virgin settings, this option is available as well. -4.1 The first bug in over 1t 1 1!1$1'2*2-2802T32p62;22 2 23343P3l33! 3$!3'"3*#4-$400%4L3&4h6'4;(4)4 *4 +4,5-5,.5H/5d0515!25$35'45*56 -66(076D386`696|;:6;6 <6 =6>7?7$@7@A7\B7xC7!D7$E7'F7*G8-H8 0I8<3J8X6K8t;L8M8 N8 O8P9Q9R98S9TT9pU9!V9$W9'X9*Y9-Z:0[:43\:P6]:l;^:_: `: a:b:c;d;0e;Lf;hg;!h;$i;'j;*k;-l<0m<,3n0>$3>@6>\;>x> > >>?? ?<?X?t!?$?'?*?-@0@3@86@T;@p @ @ @ @ @ A A4 AP Al! A$ A' A* A- A0 B3 B06 BL; Bh B B B B B C C, CH Cd! C$ C' C* C- C0 D 3 D(6 DD; D` D| D D D D E E$ E@ E\! Ex$ E' E* E- E0 F3 F 6 F<; FX Ft F F F F G G G8 GT! Gp$ G' G* G- G0 G3 H6 H4; HP Hl H H H a year has appeared: A file terminated with a string of ^Z (as from an XMODEM file) would never terminate when printing to a disk. This is fixed. -4.1 The print device defaults to Printer, but if changed remains as set. -4.2 The help key activates a scrolling help dialog box on the Edit screen. -4.2 Numerous display glitches have been tracked down and done away with. As always, any bugs, let me know. Bruce Noonan, M.D., Compuserve [72407,504] or Genie [B.Noonan] .RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.`8<  oC# мШ ШШ## # (S## //??<JNA B?< NA\#$.| a,34363By00< yg: yg.0< yg0< yf3S0<32 y3(3*?</<NM\O?<f/<NM\O/<j?<?<NMPO#,32 30 ?\=@ @f?.?.?.?.BgBgBgBg?<NO0.H/ </Nj  yp Hn?< H H I I0 IL! Ih$ I' I* I- I0 I3 J6 J,; JHJd J JJJJK K(KD!K`$K|'K*K-K0K3L6L$;L@L\ Lx LLLLMM  M<! MX$ Mt' M* M-M0M3N6N;N8NT Np NNNNNOO4!OP$Ol'O*O- O0!O3"O6P;$%K%D=#fC, M  KJP0 _PLn%Ph- ~5PE K D  D DDF&D/D7 d? MKP-6P; KD D D  ) D6dCMK KD*D0D5F:) D?6dDC M  KIP ^Pm$Q, }4Q,D K D  D DF'D1  d> MKQH-6Qd; KD  D   D F& D1 d)> MK5 KDG DS D^Fc' Dh1 ds> SXZ`Z[8]acxg` XRNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC..  , ..  , CLOCKSETPRG  CLOCKSETTXT ^ N\N^NuNV3BR 9 fB9 3/Ӟ3N3^ y^f43t.d/< /</<*N 3^ y^fP 9# # >?</9`N\>?</9`N\. NmN```N] y81|  y81| r y81|!J9بg,Bn`0n 2nبRn n@o3^3 y81|! y81| >?<!NRTg y81|! y81| y8Bh y8Bh# y0R y0R y1#  y9R y9R y9#$ y0R y0R y1 yg&>/98NX=@ nf` y81| R y8hjN=@Jnm y"fN`JByӜN yӜf 9# # . NmN ygSy^Jy^nBn`0nب2n Rn n@o y"g y"fNm> y"f>(N yf>?<>NrTN^NuNVBWBgBg/<ƆNPBW/.?<=Nr\=@Jno../<?.?<?NrP>?<>NrTN^NuNVHBG`t0G,0 0G0 0G΂0 0G0 0G0 0G0 0G0 0G0 RG|mByָ3ؖBG`0G0RG0G.RG|m3 v3xBy~3By33 By 3FD333 3By~ yf43ByByv3 ~3OD09~@y~By ByByBy0ByBy33DByByByBy3|#B9hBy>?<!NRTg 3By>?<!NRT g 309S@3zJLN^NuNVHN y"gJy"g y"f6.ɨN> y f.ɰN>`.ɸN>`|3`.ӠN3 ygJy|f0 y0fSyHNT|f0y"<Ӡ00|| f<`Sy0y"<Ӡ00|| f09y0n`T y  f y0f:`0y"<Ӡ00||g>Jy0f4`S y  eS`S y  e0y"<Ӡ00|| 2yӠ209S@309y0o 0y"<Ӡ00|| fBJy0f"`S y  fR`$`SyH0yH  fRyH0y"<Ӡ00H3~09S@3 y0f"`RyH0yH  g``R y  g yfNT|f 09yS@=@`>90``RG0G"<Ӡ00|| g ymܾyll<9`FGg0FRHӠ2FӠ0`"0F"<Ӡ00|2FRIӠ2SFGl09R@30.S@=@Jnf >9`*`RG0G"<Ӡ00|| f ymܾym"JnnJyg 9 gN 9 d09yoh3 Jy^f yf yָfN(2JLN^NuNV33=y0`20n"<Ӡ00|| g By`ByRn0.ymBnJyfJyf=|0.`N^NuNV09~|H=@3ָJyf09y gN009y f>SW?9SWNT`>BgNT=y y|f yf=yxBy09n29yvAlJy g09y g no09HR@=@`Bn`J0.2.HЁ @"<00|2.A2.4.H҂Ҽ"A2Rn0.2.HЁ @"<00|| f0.y mRn09nHnn`09n3`N(2N^NuNVH>9HǏ<.`&02HЁм @2FӠ0RFn oJLN^NuNV. 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It may not be sold or included in a commercial package without the written consent of CodeHead Software. ClockSetter 1.0 - Once we added HotWire's ledger feature, we realized the need for a corner clock in HotWire, so we added one. CLOCKSET.PRG allows you to set the system time and date. Its use is very simple. Just run the program (you may want to install it in your HotWire menu). It will show the current time and date and allow you to change it as you desire. When you're done, click on 'OK' (or 'Cancel' if you don't want to change the time/date). New Features of 1.1 - The Clock Setter 1.1 program now has a dual purpose. If you put it in your AUTO folder, it will read the clock in the keyboard processor, use this time to set the GEMDOS clock, and display a message with the current date and time. This feature is intended for users who have an internal battery clock. It has only been tested with the TIME-SAVER clock by Mind Mine but should work with all internal clocks which hook up through the keyboard processor. The Atari system clock ticks in two-second increments. For this reason, if ClockSetter were to read the time from the keyboard processor and immediately set the GEMDOS clock, there would be between 0 and 2 seconds of error, an average of one second, each time you reboot. To get around this, ClockSetter waits until the next two-secom no=|3x`6N'=@Jnm noBn0.H|H  y"gJy"g y"f. N>`N'=@Jyf@3~ y~n Jy~lBy~09~|29~AA3~By 9 gR`XN'=@ nm no=|09| no =yD3DJy g(09y f09Dy mN(2`9g09~r@3~`09~|3~`9g09~r@3~`09~|3~`vN'=@ n n JnlBnJnf6`&0n0Rn0n.Rn nm`0.@U@309T@=@`&0n0Rn0n.Rn nm0y"<0HR@H@ .9o|00yByؖBy`N'=@Jyf@0.HH@n=@Jnm09yvnl=| 3`009~r@3~``|b@0@ PN09yg09y f"09yDg&09yg33DN^NuNVBn3Bn yP .-f=|R yP`*0. .H|A=@R yP .0m .9o nf0.D@`` 0.`N^NuNVHJy g09y g09~|H=@>9HǏSG`x<9 SF`f02HЁ @"<00|| f>02HЁ @"<00|2.A24H҂Ҽ"A2SFJFlSG09H@lz3j3 3`<33DN/~By09R@3N)dByָJLN^NuNVHBn yf y"f=|=y nm=|09yn09yn y"fBWBgBg/<NP` y"f@ a b>SW/<`N3XBWBgBg/<FNP`< C D>SW/<BN3XBWBgBg/<NP09H=@ yfn 9 f^>.SG:<`SEJEf:<SGJGm(02SAHЁ @"<00|| g0R@=@|fRnJy&g0Jy&gB09S@HH@29&HHAAfBG`:<`SEJEo(02SAHЁ @"<00|| gBFBn y"fno:.JEgl`T02HЁм @=P0.|"|"f=y`0.||f=y`n0.||f=y`R0.||f=y`6.g=y` .g=y` =y0.||f< y"g y"g 90f>WW N:P`J0.|| e,0.2.A=@09ne >N:P`>WN:PRF09ncEm y"f2> ?9"?<NbX> ?9"?<NbX`.ɠN>=yz0.nd 0.S@=@>?<NbTJ@fnf nf>?<NbTJ@f =|`>?<NbT=@ nf~p# By^`b y"gV y"gJBWBg?</<NP 9 f~p# By^BWBgBg/<NPRGnm y"f9hgB>?9"?<NbX>q?9"?<NbX9hH|HhBG`>-?<?<NbXRGnm> ?<?<NbX> ?<?<NbX yf~ 9 gn09yl^Jy"g y"fHBWBg?</<|NP 9 f# By^BWBgBg/<NPJLN^NuNV yvox-|-|Jyl-|-|09]@3.N1>BgNT09T@3.N1>BgNT09D@3N^NuNVlHBG`,BF`02HЁм @0 RF|mRG|pm yo-|,p-|lJyl-|΂p-|l.t/<ӠN:X3.pN1>BgNT09T@3.lN1>BgNT.Ӡ/tN:X33jJLN^NuNVBnBn` n2.H00||@fL n2.H00|=@>?90.nHмӠ/N1\n=@`0nӠ2n0Rn0<ƐnnnlN^NuNV0. 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If the value of your hour input is greater than 12, the appropriate time will be set regardless of the setting of the AM/PM buttons, e.g. 16:00:00 = 4PM. If the PM button is selected and you want to set an "AM" time, you'll need to click on the AM button. New Features of 1.3 - Version 1.3 fixes a problem which would cause ClockSetter to lock up the system in the AUTO folder. During a power-on bootup (where the power was previously off) from a computer without an internal battery clock, ClockSetter would wait forever for the keyboard clock to "tick". Apparently it never does. Clocksetter will now wait a maximum of two seconds before proceeding, eliminating this lockup. 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SysMon v. 0.91 - These programs are Copyright 1990, Gribnif Software. They may be distributed freely, provided that this document file is included, and neither it nor the programs have been modified in any way.  This is a BETA version of this software. Comments and suggestions about SysMon are greatly appreciated, however please be aware of the following: o Support for the display of VDI calls is not included yet. o The Register Dump option is not included. o The current version should work with all versions of TOS, however it will not work with CPU's other than a 68000. o Output to the screen will currently overwrite anything that is already there. The final version will use the buffer to maintain a second screen with the output that can be flipped back and forth with a keypress. I would also like to write it so that if you are using a second monitor (like the Moniterm), you can get the output on the monitor you are not using for GEM. o Using SysMon to display Line F calls in conjunction with any other type of call may crash in the present version. o I would like to include an option to generate an "illegal" instruction so that SysMon can immediately activate Templemon (what? never heard of Templemon? FIND IT!!) when it sees one of the calls it is configured to look for. Changes From v. 0.9 - SysMon - o An AES function that should not have a return value doesn't. o The format for the return for appl_write() was fixed. o All AES functions should give the right return values (very few did before [oops!]). o The name of XBIOS function #64 has been changed to "Blitmode" to be more consistent with what documentation I could find on this. o The version number presented when SysMon first runs is correct. o Any longword values are displayed with 8 digits and any word values with 4. This takes more room in the buffer (or more paper) but it's more readable. o The contents of the returned message buffer for evnt_multi() or evnt_mesag() is displayed after the return for the call (if possible).  SysMon Config - o You can now select which functions to enable/disable by clicking on the name of the function. No more numbers (except for Line F)! o The main dialog should look better in high resolution. o The "Display Memory" feature takes into account screen wrap-around when deciding where to put the "" prompt. It is also resolution independant. o Added "Clear Memory" and "Save Memory" buttons. SysMon is one of those programs that you start working on but never seem to have the time to finish. Then, when you realize just how much you really need it, you go back to work on it. For SysMon, this began about six months ago. Hopefully it won't take as long to get the final version out, now that I have come this far. SysMon will intercept all calls done through the CPU's trap vectors and display meaningful information about what parameters are being passed and what values are returned to the caller. Since all programs use one of the system's trap calls at one time or another, this can prove to be very valuable for debugging programs for which no source is available. It can also help to point out possible conflicts between exisiting programs and and the one being tested. SysMon consists of two programs. SYSMON.PRG is the main program. It installs itself in memory and then quits. SYSMNCFG is the configuration program. It can be run as either a program (with the .PRG filename extension) or as a desk accessory (with the .ACC extension.) SYSMNCFG requires that its resource file (SYSMNCFG.RSC) be in the same location as wherever it is run from. Modes of Operation - SYSMON.PRG can be either run as a program directly from the desktop, or it j333?<3N / </Nj  n 0Ю"/"</Nj" n!R 2.Hm0<LN^NuNVHBG".l~D$. l GD&gHC H@J@g@HCBCւJGgD-C LN^.JNuNV0.n o0.`0. NqN^NuNV0.n l0.`0. NqN^NuNVH$.f BB`&". Bvd d``bd-@-A LN^NuNVHL&gHC H@J@g@HCBCւ-C LN^.JNuNV n"n 2.HbH0|f |f`$ |g `Q`bA`2Q`VA`"Q`J0|f |f`$ |g ` Q`A`3 Q` A`# QN^NuNV3t0.| AHЈ-@=|` nR2.AAtH1Rn nm/9*NlX09N^NuNV3ByBy3NN^NuNV3eByBy3NN^NuNV#8#@ .мZ#D3dBy3  n 3N09 n 03NA#8AT#@Aњ#DA*#?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~--WWSTSTEF45MP @xx%H#"t Z$r #!R!$l$#|#"$"&':#h "%%^'  P; ; :x;(; Save as ST Writer Elite file.Save as ASCII file.Print to disk file.Save formatted file.Load file.Delete file.Load Merge file.Select Printer Driver.Form-data file.Load AtariWriter File. Now receiving.String was not found.Press  to return to menu.Line:Column:Free: Do Run Run STWRITER.PRG*.*\  64k+'P' to printer, 'S' to screen: There are no files. Press any key to pause listing.Press any key to continue listing.Unable to change to that folder.Path name: ST Writer file: Folder: B!B!B!B!B!B!B!B!12 4 0 5 0 10 70 2 12 132Forward search : Reverse search : Query Replace : with : Type 'Y' to replace string.Cursor position: vК:fѶEl҈ҲDӀӮ*Ԝ.XՃ՞S~֢Ei׵1W{ص@{٤?nCDEFILPSRTHQ*.TXT*.STW*.DAT*.SPO*.DOC*.**12 *4 *0 **5 0 *10 *70 *2 *12 132 **0 198NOONAN*.TXTB$12 4 0 5 0 10 70 2 12 132zzzzzzzz zdzNz$xzzz.zz&z\zzf 2z>\l[0][ Tab Spacing ][ 4 | 5 | 8 ][1][ ST Writer Elite ver. 4.2| 1991 by Atari Corp.| In the Public Domain.| Not for sale.][ OK ][3][Quit without saving|file in memory?][ YES | NO ][1][ERROR trying to|read the file.][ OK ][2][Converting non-ST Writer file.| OK to change Tabs to Spaces?][ YES | NO ][3][Buffer is full!|File not loaded.][ OK ][1][ST Writer cannot|open this file.][ OK ][3][ERASE current file| in memory?][ YES | NO ][1][ERROR writing| to file!][ Oops! ][3][Page wait.][ Continue ][3][Unable to delete| file!][ Oh Oh! ][3][ Delete file. ][ OK | CANCEL ][2][ Send file. ][ OK | CANCEL ][1][Printer port for new driver.][ Parallel | Modem ][3][ List files. ][Printer|Screen| CANCEL ][1][Unable to change|to that folder.][ OK ][1][HIDDEN file,|can not be used.][ OK ][1][SYSTEM file,|can not be used.][ OK ][1][FOLDER,|can not be used.][ OK ][1][ "| | ALREADY EXISTS! ][ REPLACE | CANCEL ][1][ERROR trying to|open the file.][ OK ][1][Disk is full.][ OK ][1][File not found.][ OK ][3][Restore default|tab stops?][ YES | NO ][3][ Clear all tab stops? ][ YES | NO ][3][Clear current tab stop?][ YES | NO ][1][File deleted.][ OK ][1][First block mark|not found.][ OK ][1][Second block mark|not found.][ OK ][1][Cursor inside|block marks.][ OK ][3][Too large for cut|buffer. Cut anyway?][ YES | NO ][1][Insert would overflow buffer.][ OK ][1][Two marks already set.][ OK ][1][WARNING- memory low.][ OK ][1][!!! WARNING !!!|Almost out of memory.][ YIKES! ][1][! OUT OF MEMORY !][ GOSH! ][1][Chain file not found!][ OOPS! ][1][Printing to disk file.][ OK ][1][Modification to file|must be saved before|file can be chained!][ OK ][2][ Form data from file? ][ YES | NO This feature is not available in the present version.  Memory Size:  This option is an editable field which tells SYSMON how much memory to reserve as a buffer when it first runs. You cannot change the buffer size for a copy of SYSMON that has already been run and is resident; you must first Save a configuration into the SYSMON.PRG file and then run that newly-modified program. GEMDOS:  If this button is highlighted, then GEMDOS calls will be displayed. You should also select the "Functions" button to the right of the button in order to select which GEMDOS functions to include. You can scroll up and down in the list with the arrow boxes and scroll bar. Select a particular function by simply clicking on it; if it is black then it will be displayed by SysMon. You can use "Select All" to select all the functions in the list. If all the functions are already selected, then pressing this button will cause them all to be de-selected. The "Unknowns" option tells SysMon whether or not you want it to display functions that are not in the list and, therefore, are unknown to SysMon. BIOS: If this button is selected, then SYSMON will display calls done by way of trap 13, the BIOS. You should also set the "Functions" list, as described for the GEMDOS option. XBIOS: If this button is selected, then SYSMON will display calls done by way of trap 14, the XBIOS. You should also set the "Functions" list, as described for the GEMDOS option. AES:  If this button is selected, then SYSMON will display calls done by way of trap 2, that are designated for the AES portion of GEM. You should also set the "Functions" list, as described for the GEMDOS option. VDI:  This feature is not supported in the current version. Line A:  If this button is selected, then SYSMON will display calls done by way of the Line A emulator, which is used for low-level graphics. You should also set the "Functions" list, as described for the GEMDOS option. Line F:  If this button is selected, then SYSMON will display calls done by way of the Line F emulator, which is used by GEM at its lowest level. Since the Line F functions are not documented by Atari and have changed for every ROM revision so far, SYSMON cannot give any information about the meaning of a particular call other than its number. For this reason, the "Functions" list only lets you enter up to ten Line F functions to Include or Exclude. If you choose the "Include Only" button, then only the functions you choose will be displayed; if you select "Exclude", then all Line F functions NOT in the list will be displayed. The current version of SYSMON may crash if this type of call is displayed along with any other type. Also, you may notice some weird behavior with mouse movement if too many of the Line F calls are being displayed by SYSMON. Display Memory:  This button is available if SYSMON.PRG is resident and has a non-empty buffer configured. When output is sent to Memory, it is written into a circular buffer, where the oldest information is the first to be overwritten. Selecting the "Display Memory" button will first tell you the location of the buffer in memory, the current location of the write pointer, and where the high point in the buffer is. If the high point is equal to the current write pointer, then the buffer has most likely not begun to overwrite itself yet. After the buffer information is displayed, the actual contents of the buffer itself are listed. You can press Esc or Q to end the list, Control-S or Control-Q to start and stop the list, and Control-Z to toggle the display between the normal mode (which displays one page of information at a time) and the second mode, which continues listing without stopping. Clear Memory:  By selecting this option and selecting "Clear" at the warning alert, the memory buffer used by SysMon  | CANCEL ][3][ All disk data will | be erased.][ FORMAT | CANCEL ][1][ERROR trying to format!][ OOPS! ][1][Unable to format disk!][ OK ][2][ Which drive to format? ][ A | B | CANCEL ][1][Too many bad sectors!][ SIGH. ][2][ How many sides to format? ][ 1 | 2 | CANCEL ][2][ Mouse enabled. ][ OK | CANCEL ][3][ No file in buffer! | Load file?][ YES | NO ][1][Too large for| cut buffer.][ OK ][2][Get AtariWriter file|via null modem|or from disk file?][ MODEM | DISK | CANCEL ][2][Default ST Writer Elite|File Specifier.][ *.TXT | *.STW | *.* ][2][Default Background Color][ Black | White ][3][Disk & STWRITER.PRG must|NOT be write protected!|File will be modified.|Takes about 1 minute.][Continue| Cancel ]NOONAN ffff$ffN0b Desk File Edit Options ST Writer Elite - Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 L Load R AtariWriter- Save S Save As ... A Save ASCII- D Delete File F Format Disk- P Print Pr. Driver I Index- Q Quit E Edit- C Create- Global Format Insert Type over- H Lines Deadkey Spec. Char.- T Colors Tabs- Config. STWE Restore STWEON OFFMARGINS:topbottomleftrightlength012___999012___999010___999070___999132___99902__9904__99000___999198___999005___X99Spc:linepara.2Col: Lt RtIndentJustifyOKCANCELPICAELITEITALICSCONDENSEDGLOBAL FORMAT:BOLD1st ColumnST Writer Elite HELPKey(s) FunctionEXIT^ = Control S = ShiftTTTTTTTTCREATE FileLOAD FileDELETE FilePRINT FileEDIT FileSAVE FileFORMAT DiskRECEIVE AtariWriterINDEX of FilesTRANSFORM ColorsHIRES Flip-FlopQUITPRINT DOCUMENT:PrinterDiskScreenSpooler 1Start page:___999DraftFinal999End page :___999001Copies :___999Print Pages:OddEvenBoth OK CANCEL  !%)- r  r  !# r$/ 02 r3= >@ rAJ KM rNW XZ r[f gi rj~ r r r r"&*9 PP  $ + 2  9 ' P  D Y n ! +9IXg w     '"&#$%&!(3 )*+,-'.2/A0Q1[2c 3s '  %B%    C#    f is reset. This makes it easier to find the calls that immediately follow when you exit SysMon Config. Save Memory:  This option presents you with an item selector. If you provide a filename and select "Ok", then a file with this name will be created with the contents of the memory buffer. Load Config:  This option is used in order to load files saved with the "Save Config" option, described below. A configuration file typically ends in the ".SMN" filename extension and contains all the information necessary for every option available in SYSMNCFG. Save Config:  This option allows you to save the current configuration of SYSMNCFG to either a configuration file (ending in ".SMN") or to a copy of SYSMON.PRG. If you Save Config to SYSMON.PRG and then run that same copy of SYSMON.PRG, the new configuration will be used. Ok!:  If SYSMON is installed, then selecting this exit button will change the configuration of the installed copy of SYSMON to whatever the current settings of SYSMNCFG are. Cancel:  Exit SYSMNCFG without changing the settings of the installed SYSMON, if any. Function Numbers - Trap 1 (GEMDOS) - 00: Pterm0 01: Cconin 02: Cconout 03: Cauxin 04: Cauxout 05: Cprnout 06: Crawio 07: Crawcin 08: Cnecin 09: Cconws 0a: Cconrs 0b: Cconis 0e: Dsetdrv 10: Cconos 11: Cprnos 12: Cauxis 13: Cauxos 19: Dgetdrv 1a: Fsetdta 20: Super 2a: Tgetdate 2b: Tsetdate 2c: Tgettime 2d: Tsettime 2f: Fgetdta 30: Sversion 31: Ptermres 36: Dfree 39: Dcreate 3a: Ddelete 3b: Dsetpath 3c: Fcreate 3d: Fopen 3e: Fclose 3f: Fread 40: Fwrite 41: Fdelete 42: Fseek 43: Fattrib 45: Fdup 46: Fforce 47: Dgetpath 48: Malloc 49: Mfree 4a: Mshrink 4b: Pexec 4c: Pterm 4e: Fsfirst 4f: Fsnext 56: Frename 57: Fdatime Trap 13 (BIOS) - 00: Getmpb 01: Bconstat 02: Bconin 03: Bconout 04: Rwabs 05: Setexc 06: Tickcal 07: Getbpb 08: Bcostat 09: Mediach 0a: Drvmap 0b: Getshift (sometimes called Kbshift)  Trap 14 (XBIOS) - 00: Initmous 02: Physbase 03: Logbase 04: Getrez 05: Setscreen 06: Setpallete 07: Setcolor 08: Floprd 09: Flopwr 0a: Flopfmt 0c: Midiws 0d: Mfpint 0e: Iorec 0f: Rsconf 10: Keytbl 11: Random 12: Protobt 13: Flopver 14: Scrdmp 15: Cursconf 16: Settime 17: Gettime 18: Bioskeys 19: Ikbdws 1a: Jdisint 1b: Jenabint 1c: Giaccess 1d: Offgibit 1e: Ongibit 2f: Xbtimer 20: Dosound 21: Setprt 22: Kbdvbase 23: Kbrate 24: Prtblk 25: Vsync 26: Supexec 27: Puntaes 29: Floprate 40: Blitmode  Line A - a000: Init a001: Draw Pixel a002: Get Pixel a003: Line a004: Horiz. Line a005: Filled Rect a006: Filled Polygon a007: BitBlit a008: TextBlit a009: Showmouse a00a: Hidemouse a00b: Change Mouse a00c: Undraw Sprite a00d: Draw Sprite a00e: Copy Raster a00f: Seed Fill AES --- 0a: appl_init 0b: appl_read 0c: appl_write 0d: appl_find 0e: appl_tplay 0f: appl_trecord 13: appl_exit 14: evnt_keybd 15: evnt_button 16: evnt_mouse 17: evnt_mesag 18: evnt_timer 19: evnt_multi 1a: evnt_dclick 1e: menu_bar 1f: menu_check 20: menu_ienable 21: menu_tnormal 22: menu_text 23: menu_register 28: objc_add 29: objc_delete 2a: objc_draw 2b: objc_find 2c: objc_offset 2d: objc_order 2e: objc_edit 2f: objc_change 32: form_do 33: form_dial 34: form_alert 35: form_error 36: form_center 37: form_keybd 38: form_button 46: graf_rubberbox 47: graf_dragbox 48: graf_movebox 49: graf_growbox 4a: graf_shrinkbox 4b: graf_watchbox 4c: graf_slidebox 4d: graf_handle 4e: graf_mouse 4f: graf_mkstate 50: scrp_read 51: scrp_write 5a: fsel_input 5b: fsel_exinput 64: wind_create 65: wind_open 66: wind_close 67: wind_delete 68: wind_get 69:S *Fb16; A NU ]`!    g  l " r # z $%      (~(@&@!&@@&   $ $ $  $&$B$^$z$  $%q*      ">  q Z v  q     : V  r  q   " ! !  %#$q $ " 6  2# 2!     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Box 350 Hadley, MA 01035 .RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC.RNC..  ` ..  ` ORAD GFA ` PGfABASIC8dZ\\N\\\]]]&]&]*]R]R]R]RTLOCALL9W9H9MSBUTYF9DMID9XD9D8TSTARTHST7R0FG0G1P2P0Y1G2L8S9C9S8C8R9Z9X9Y9TL5WX5W5A9E9RKE2E1Q0K2S1C1OS0C0WS2C2QES3C3R3M1M5X0Y0X1Z1G7S7C7XZX5Y5Z5R5Z8X8Y8S5C5DXDYB5ELADTLNL1L2EXALTYTYDSPMXSPSRXMYMMKMJMYOXNXLVSWHITEHILITEFACTSCLKONMAPONFOUNDGREENCY3T0MMRI0O0E0W0M0N0K0A0SLVTXXYYMAPMISSINGBADDYMAPFNCFNMFNKFNXDONEHELPFNAH N.O.R.A.D. V1.0 The graphic realtime satellite tracking program. 0 ATARI ST -- GFA BASIC 2.0 e6 Please customize the six lines below.  YF8:0Enter your time difference to GMT (e.g. CDT=-5) !FJTlocal=-5 !Your time difference from GMT (UTC). i.e. -5 = CDT J:AEnter your latitude as degrees.fraction (e.g. 30.1=30 deg 6 min) !FDL9=45.0709 ! Your latitude, degrees.fraction-of-degrees. 0:(Enter you longitude as degrees.fraction !FNW9=93.1567 ! Your longitude, degrees.fraction. i.e +values for USA 8:/Enter your elevation above sea-level (in Feet) !F0@H9=980 ! Your altitude above sea-level. (Feet) YFHE ORBITALS.DATF Path to orbital elements file. (NASA Predictions) BEzzFA Maximum number of satellites. (To reserve space) i LOrbital calculation subroutines from the AMSAT Orbital Prediction Program H(C) 1980 by Dr. T. A. Clark W3IWI, 6388 Guilford Road, Clarksville MD L21209 USA. "Permission granted for non-commercial use provided credit is Hgiven to author, AMSAT and ORBIT magazine. See ORBIT issue 6, March/ DApril 1981. Ported to ATARI ST BASIC by Scott Tilley (1/24/87.) r NGraphic interface and world map by John Logajan, 4248 Hamline, Arden Hills JMN 55112 USA. 8/7/89 Graphic interface and map code are released into lthe public domain. 9 >*@ !H ! ! ! ! ! ! ! F,* ! !  !  !  ! ! FE@zGF!FF(!!!F!./!H!!Welcome to N.O.R.A.D.F(!!!PF@/R!4!!Your clock said the time was: ~ 8F(!!!PFL/H!t!!4Please be sure it is set to the EXACT time and date!F* ORBIT DETERMINATION ROUTINES * +F*>Routine to initialize the C(J,K) coordinate rotation matrix @ and other parameters associated with the orbital elements. L  E###  # F+E F ,EN+ F 4-E 44  FF Q0=initial orbit phase lD-Account for nodal effects due to lumpy gravity field due to F8 the flattened, oblate spheroid shape of Earth i*.E3336##  ` #+ Fo@Update elements to current epoch and evaluate their SIN/COSs /E)  Fo"0E*  Fo I0=inclination h1E ## .0Fa 2E)1 F"3E*1 F O = R.A.A.N. (deg) a24E ## .# #0  F 5E)4 F"6E*4 F W = arg of perigee #:Set up coordinate rotation matrix for the current orbit @ E#63 #520 F@ E#53 #620 F@ E#62 #530 F@ E#52 #630 F@ E#5/ F@ E#6/ F.F&-# +F-@- Function to evaluate M = MEAN ANOMALY in 0-2pi range- ( K = perigee passage counter O8 used by Phase-3 telemetry on General Beacon a7E  ## -F *E%7 F E#7* F .FD-A +F-.Routine to solve KEPLER's equation, given M . returns satellite's GEOCENTRIC coordinates F8E  ) # ) F initial trial value B interation loop to solve Kepler's transcental equation- aF 9E)8 Fo :E*8 Fo;E :FtE  #: Fc?E  ,9F*)E  ;Fc in the plane of the orbit BNow rotate from orbital plane to INERTIAL CELESTIAL Coordinates @E>@ ?@ FE>@ ?@ FAE>@ ?@ FJRotate through current GHA of Aries, convert to GEOCENTRIC coordinates iBE#FcBE#B%B Fe CE)B F DE*B F EE#@D #C FHE#@C #D FHFEAF.F>-: c+F-<Routine to extract all the parameters you might ever need 4 First get Vector from observer to satellite-- v GE#E! F HE#" F IE#F FJENG H I Fm4Now rotate into observer' s LOCAL Coordinates- 6where X8=North, Y8=East, Z8=Up (Left-handed system) $KE#G #H #I Fd$LE#G #H #I FdME#H #G F NEKJFOENNN F"(E#,NO F E9=elevation PELFQEMF, FF.'EF FNA resolves quadrant A9=Azimuth PEEFFQEFF, FF4&E44Fv W5=SubSatellitePoint W.long. m REF)F&$E,R#NR Fb L5=SSP Lat. 0.F---note R-R0=sat. alt. above mean spheroid H-D s+ F-BCalculates INVERSE TANGENT in proper quadrant ala FORTRAN ATAN2 PF EO,QP F Q2 or Q3 E F .PF  Q1 or Q4 3 QF E,QP F *FE,QP F  F FThe two cases for DX=0 E PFs pQFsEOF ~FF EOF F F.FF-C +F-YF F- J !F- J !F-RF EGGF-Q F FGEF EGGF- EF E  F E FF r FQ F F FF#F F#F F ! G ! F E F  F EF F5 F \ F FF#F ! G  ! F F : F  F E8#4 F-%E4F X%4F%E%4F F Ecc8#4% F-#F ! !F#F  ! F.FLWorld map data (by John Logajan) in scanned form (for data compression), s0left to right, top to bottom (0-639, 0-199.) oJThe first 200 datums represent the number of color transitions per each Hline. The remaining datums represent each X coordinate at which the cHtransitions occur -- it is up to the software to keep track of the Y c<coordinate based on the transitions-count-per-line data. c|FdL0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,4,4,8,12,12,18,18,22,16,10,24,20,21,20,19,18,13,10,12,14 sL16,17,14,12,12,16,18,18,18,16,18,20,18,20,18,10,12,8,10,12,12,16,20,18,20 L18,14,20,22,16,16,16,16,14,8,10,10,10,6,12,14,12,14,12,20,14,14,20,18,18 N18,18,14,12,14,12,12,12,18,18,16,20,16,12,14,16,12,10,10,10,14,16,18,18,12 iN16,20,14,18,14,10,10,14,10,10,10,12,14,12,12,13,11,10,8,12,12,10,8,8,8,8,6 iN6,6,6,6,6,6,8,8,10,6,6,6,6,6,4,6,6,6,8,6,4,4,4,2,4,4,2,4,4,2,4,4,0,0,0,0,0 iL2,2,2,2,2,4,8,6,6,8,8,4,6,6,6,6,6,4,5,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,236,283 J163,201,207,285,159,196,203,300,157,182,198,297,352,369,485,495,146,156 J164,177,189,194,200,290,339,369,483,498,145,159,162,185,191,288,340,360 J490,496,501,507,114,117,121,126,135,139,146,159,161,186,190,287,342,354 J356,365,497,509,100,106,112,117,148,158,160,182,193,288,346,351,358,362 N436,443,496,520,99,106,113,116,125,131,136,139,141,144,149,156,159,180,196 iJ286,423,443,479,523,567,575,135,138,148,154,175,179,216,287,418,432,473 L523,565,578,581,589,98,111,161,171,218,286,416,427,470,522,99,110,114,121 J126,132,137,142,146,153,159,178,180,185,220,284,414,423,443,448,462,549 N569,576,97,110,111,135,137,141,145,154,160,189,220,282,411,419,442,450,452 iL551,567,587,0,5,41,45,98,109,110,136,145,155,160,195,220,282,411,421,439 2L551,554,591,637,3,31,61,88,93,114,139,146,154,170,199,222,282,357,376,414 N422,438,605,638,0,30,75,79,107,146,158,165,169,182,201,222,281,350,382,425 iN434,438,632,0,4,24,121,128,138,142,171,184,202,226,276,345,388,396,402,406 iL636,0,9,24,122,126,174,182,206,224,267,342,393,397,15,29,175,183,211,224 6J261,343,394,397,19,22,166,186,210,224,259,277,282,284,294,342,16,21,164 L169,174,180,208,225,250,276,296,340,360,363,0,8,13,24,162,166,175,180,205 N227,249,277,295,337,359,360,0,14,19,27,159,165,175,191,206,228,248,279,291 iL333,357,358,639,25,159,181,191,194,206,229,245,306,309,329,352,357,636,24 N155,181,193,199,203,231,246,328,351,357,631,24,153,181,197,233,245,328,352 iL357,597,604,627,28,56,61,152,182,197,203,207,239,244,329,354,360,596,605 2L617,32,52,73,155,180,199,201,209,311,315,329,353,359,585,588,596,603,613 2N37,50,75,156,181,211,307,317,330,336,340,350,352,355,358,571,599,611,36,43 iL47,50,78,161,183,212,307,317,341,350,352,354,357,569,597,610,32,40,45,47 3J79,165,183,212,309,316,341,349,357,566,596,611,27,37,82,174,179,215,305 N307,310,318,334,340,343,346,356,566,596,608,26,29,83,86,87,174,178,219,302 iN308,310,320,335,342,347,569,572,574,596,609,20,25,83,86,87,176,179,221,302 iL308,312,321,329,570,571,575,596,605,84,87,90,143,147,177,179,221,303,308 2L311,324,328,570,571,575,597,602,626,629,5,7,86,88,92,177,179,222,301,308 2L310,323,326,570,571,575,598,602,91,216,312,321,323,570,572,576,597,600,92 N214,217,222,310,314,321,570,572,576,595,597,95,211,216,221,318,570,572,577 iL98,161,166,206,214,224,315,570,572,574,99,159,163,165,168,207,216,223,314 L568,572,575,99,158,161,214,316,410,414,566,572,575,586,588,99,167,173,213 N318,374,378,406,412,426,428,565,571,573,582,587,99,164,168,172,175,210,317 iN373,379,383,386,404,409,424,428,563,571,576,581,583,99,163,166,173,178,197 iN202,205,305,345,347,372,389,405,411,561,571,580,98,163,166,174,177,195,303 iN327,329,332,338,345,350,370,391,405,411,559,568,579,98,196,304,326,335,337 iN339,349,352,370,377,385,393,407,412,553,568,575,99,193,304,324,334,338,342 iN352,354,409,413,551,568,572,99,189,304,321,325,327,334,338,346,353,354,363 iJ366,410,413,535,536,549,568,573,100,188,303,320,324,326,334,338,348,351 J355,362,366,408,414,533,535,539,542,548,568,573,100,187,303,321,341,350 J356,364,366,407,415,531,541,549,567,572,102,186,304,319,342,348,357,363 J368,410,415,538,542,550,563,571,103,186,308,317,320,339,345,348,358,362 J369,538,544,551,561,571,104,186,310,313,318,340,361,367,378,382,383,534 J544,551,556,571,105,185,308,340,363,367,377,381,383,534,544,549,552,569 J108,182,305,340,382,535,551,563,111,180,303,346,356,362,381,535,550,559 J112,177,303,348,355,366,381,537,551,555,113,117,118,176,302,353,355,537 J551,554,113,117,119,176,302,538,114,118,120,162,168,177,295,297,301,406 J410,537,116,120,121,151,172,177,290,293,294,296,300,407,410,537,115,121 J123,148,172,178,298,382,383,408,411,535,117,122,124,148,173,178,180,183 J294,381,384,410,414,534,120,123,125,148,174,178,294,382,385,412,419,533 J120,124,127,147,175,177,180,182,293,383,386,412,416,421,428,436,438,532 J534,537,122,125,128,147,181,183,292,384,386,425,439,531,533,537,124,126 J130,147,171,179,291,384,388,426,442,529,533,536,35,37,39,40,132,147,169 J173,176,183,290,386,389,427,442,482,483,524,534,535,38,40,41,43,132,148 L159,166,289,387,389,426,443,478,483,513,514,519,41,45,132,149,159,165,184 L189,290,387,390,425,449,475,484,510,514,518,42,45,132,149,158,165,185,194 J290,387,392,423,449,473,486,509,513,518,135,165,187,191,197,201,291,388 J393,423,449,471,486,509,513,517,534,538,138,164,198,201,291,389,394,421 J450,469,488,510,533,538,141,164,290,390,395,418,450,467,487,512,533,538 J145,171,290,391,395,414,450,465,487,491,493,513,532,537,155,173,289,394 J396,412,451,463,493,514,533,537,156,173,290,395,396,407,452,463,494,515 J534,541,160,172,290,404,452,463,495,515,534,537,538,541,164,172,191,198 J290,398,414,418,453,463,495,498,501,515,534,537,540,544,166,172,187,199 J292,398,404,412,454,462,495,498,502,515,532,533,536,544,167,173,185,212 J293,411,455,462,495,497,504,512,531,533,536,543,167,174,177,181,184,212 J295,411,455,461,462,464,495,498,506,510,529,532,537,545,171,214,296,410 J456,460,461,465,494,499,506,508,528,530,538,545,174,178,180,216,297,409 J461,466,494,499,537,546,181,218,298,409,461,466,495,501,527,530,536,538 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