NNNNNN!Vp NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN@`  @`/#@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?/C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @`  @`/#@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?/C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ ST_PD A49LEES DITGt DESKTOP INFJt ENQUETTEMADLt @ MADSIM MANOt GEPIDEMICMODSt sEXAMPLE MODTt ~TEST MODVt MADSIM PICXt !"}MADSIM PRG]t AqC +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INFORMATIE met betrekking tot de MADSIM Pre-release diskette +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dit is een Pre-release van het simulatieprogramma voor continue dynamische systemen, genoemd MADSIM, naar Meerman Automatisering Dynamisch SIMulatie programma. Het programma wordt gedurende een half jaar aan belangstellenden beschikbaar gesteld. Daarna zal het vermoedelijk als commercieel produkt op de markt gebracht worden. Het programma wordt tot juni 1987 gratis beschikbaar gesteld, in de hoop, dat diegenen die hiervan profiteren bereid zijn, door reacties op het programma te geven, mee te werken aan het tot stand komen van de uiteindelijke versie. Wanneer in voldoende mate aan deze terugkoppeling is meegewerkt zal na juni 1987 een commerciele licentie beschikbaar gesteld worden. Meerman Automatisering zou gaarne van Uw mening met betrekking tot de volgende zaken op de hoogte gebracht en gehouden worden: 1) Hoe denkt U over de huidige omvang en status van het programma. 2) Heeft U fouten waargenomen? 3) Hoe denkt U over de dialoog met de gebruiker en heeft U suggesties om deze zinvol te verbeteren. 4) Welke MADSIM funkties en commando's mist U? 5) Kan volstaan worden met de integreerde mini-manual of is een uitgebrei- dere handleiding gewenst? Zo ja, wat zou hier dan in moeten staan? 6) Ziet U mogelijkheden om zinvol van de GEM omgeving gebruik te maken. 7) Op welke plaatsen in het programma bestaat behoefte aan HELP mogelijk- heden? 8) Bestaat behoefte aan een kleuren versie van MADSIM? Zo ja, waarom? 9) Muis of geen muis en hoe? Op de diskette is een file ENQUETTE.MAD aanwezig. Dit is een soort enquette waarin op bovenstaande vragen antwoord gegeven kan worden. Natuurlijk mag U op elke andere, voor U gemakkelijker wijze, op bovenstaande vragen reageren. Wel zal het zeer op prijs gesteld worden dat U reacties opstuurt aan: Meerman Automatisering Postbus 154 7160 AC Neede MADSIM is, zeker gerelateerd aan de mogelijkheden die een ATARI met GEM etc. te bieden heeft, een wat kaal programma. De belangrijkste reden hiervoor is, dat MADSIM niet alleen voor de ATARI geschreven is, maar als een algemeen programma in C, dat op vrijwel alle computers die C aankunnen gebruikt kan worden. Met name is hier gedacht aan computers met het UNIX operating systeem. Daarnaast is MADSIM een "technisch wetenschappelijk" rekenprogramma, dat niet zo maar door iedereen gebruikt zal worden. Het is dan ook de vraag of het zinvol is de technisch wetenschappelijke probleemstelling op andere wijze dan gewoon via het toetsenbord in te laten voeren. Bij de invoer van MADSIM commando's zou het gebruik van de muis wat meer voor de hand liggen. Sugges- ties zijn van harte welkom. Enige informatie met betrekking tot het werken met het programma. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MADSIM is als programma file MADSIM.PRG aanwezig en kan op de gebruikelijke wijze gestart worden. Tijdens het opstarten wordt de propaganda file MADSIM.PIC op het scherm getoond. Deze file moet aanwezig zijn, omdat anders het programma niet start. Wanneer het programma gestart is, wordt gevraagd op welke wijze een te simuleren model ingevoerd moet worden. In eerste instantie kan een van de op de diskette aanwezige modellen ingelezen en uitgeprobeerd worden. Hiervoor moet het F commando gekozen wordt, waarna de gelegenheid geboden wordt de naam van de in te lezen file te specificeren. Aanwezig zijn: EPIDEMIC.MOD een model van een ziekte, die zich door een bevolkingsgroep verspreidt. (Zie MADSIM.MAN) EXAMPLE.MOD tweede orde massa veer systeem o.i.d. TEST.MOD eenvoudige test van de FNC functie, de door middel van parameter-paren zelf te definieren functie. Om snel een resultaat te zien, kan het model EXAMPLE.MOD geladen worden, gevolgd door het commando S, Start simulatie, gevolgd door een G, om aan te geven dat het resultaat op het grafische scherm moet worden afgebeeld. Elk commando dient door het drukken van de RETURN toets afgesloten te worden. Nadat wat andere commando's uitgeprobeerd zijn, zoals b.v. LM om een model- listing te tonen, kan geprobeerd worden zelf een model in elkaar te sleutelen, in te voeren en uit te proberen. Het is misschien een aardige suggestie te proberen enige goniometrische functies als functie van de tijd in beeld te brengen. Op de diskette is ook de file MADSIM.MAN aanwezig. De inhoud van deze file kan gedurende het werken met MADSIM met behulp van het MM (Mini-Manual) commando in beeld gebracht worden. Uiteraard kan deze file ook geprint worden, om de mini-manual daarna altijd bij de hand te hebben. ------------------------------------------------------ ---------- Veel plezier met het programma ------------ ---------- en gaarne spoedig reacties ------------ ---------- ------------ ---------- Ir. J. Wim Meerman ------------ ---------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------ #a000000 #b001000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 9B 03 #W 00 00 0C 01 43 16 00 @ #W 00 00 0D 08 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 2A 0B 00 @ #M 00 02 00 FF C RAMDISK @ `@ #M 00 00 00 FF A FLOPPY DISK@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B FLOPPY DISK@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF TRASH@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ENQUETTE met betrekking tot de MADSIM pre-release +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ S.V.P. ingevuld terugsturen naar: Meerman Automatisering Postbus 154 7160 AC Neede +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1)Hoe denkt U over de huidige omvang en status van MADSIM? . . . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2)Heeft U fouten waargenomen? . . . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3)Hoe denkt U over de dialoog met de gebruiker en heeft U suggesties om deze zinvol te verbeteren? . . . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4)Welke functies en commando's mist U in MADSIM? . . . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5)Kan volstaan worden met de geintegreerde min-manual of is een uitgebreidere handleiding gewenst? Zo ja, wat moet hier dan in staan? . . . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6)Ziet U voor MADSIM zinvolle mogelijkheden om van de GEM omgeving gebruik te maken? . . . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7)Op welke plaatsen in het programma bestaat behoefte aan HELP mogelijkheden? . . . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8)Bestaat behoefte aan een kleuren versie van MADSIM? Zo ja, waarom? . . . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 9)Bestaat behoeft aan het gebruik van de muis? Zo ja, hoe en waar? . . . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10)En verder nog wat? . . . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Afzender: . . . . . Namens MEERMAN AUTOMATISERING bedankt voor Uw medewerking. Ir. J. Wim Meerman, Neede, 2-jan-1987 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _______________________________________________________________________________ MADSIM short form manual Version Januari 1987 _______________________________________________________________________________ {Explanation of MADSIM functions} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {ABS} absolute function 0 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the absolute value of the input-expression. example: a1=abs(a2+a3) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {ADL} algebraic delay or unit delay 1 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the one time step delayed value of the input-expression. the parameter is the Initial Condition, the value of the output-variable at time is zero. example: a1=adl(a2+a3) initial condition: 0.5 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {ATG} arctangent function 0 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the arc-tangent of the input-expression. example: a1=atg(a2+a3) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {ATT} attenuator function 1 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the value of the input-expression attenuated by the parameter value. the parameter is the attenuation. example: a1=att(a2+a3) attenuation: 2.0 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {CGN} cosine generator 2 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the cosine wave form. The frequency in radians/sec and the amplitude are parameters. example: a1=cgn Frequency(omga): 2.0 Amplitude: 0.5 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {COS} cosine function 0 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the cosine of the value of the input-expression (in radians). example: a1=cos(a2+a3) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {CON} constant function 1 parameters 0 input-expressions the output-variable is the constant value defined as parameter. example: a1=con Constant: 10.0 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {DEL} delay function 2 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the delayed value input-expression. The delay-time and the Initial Condition are parameters. The Initial Condition is the value of the NOT output-variable until until one delay-time IMPLEMENTED is passed. YET example: a1=del(a2+a3) Delay time: 2.0 Initial Condition: 0 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {EUL} euler integration function 1 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the integrated value of the input-expression. Integration rule: out(Tn) = out(Tn-1) + delta * input.value The parameteris the Initial Condition, the output value at time is zero. example: a1=eul(a2+a3) Initial condition: 0.5 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {EXP} exponent function 0 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the natural number e, raised to the value of the input-expression example: a1=exp(a2+a3) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {FNC} arbritary function n parameter pairs 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the function of the value of the input-expression as defined by a table of parameter pairs. example: a1=fnc(a2+a3) Note: If the number of parameter pairs has to changed all function data has to be re-entered! %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {GAI} gain function 1 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the gained value of the input-expression. The gain is defined as a parameter. example: a1=gai(a2+a3) Gain: 2.5 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {INT} integration function 1 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the integrated value of the input-expression. Integration rule: (Second order Adams-Bashfort) out(Tn) = out(Tn-1) + delta * [3 * inp(Tn-1) - inp(Tn-2)]/2 The parameteris the Initial Condition, the output value at time is zero. For the first time step the euler rule is used. example: a1=int(a2+a3) Initial condition: 0.5 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {LIM} limiter function 2 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the limited value of the input-expression. The output variable is: .maximum if input-expression > maximum .minimum in input-expression < minimum .input-expression else Minimum and maximum are parameters. example: a1=lim(a2+a3) Minimum: -1.0 Maximum: 1.0 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {LME} limited euler integration 3 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the integrated value of the input-expression if not geather than the maximum or smaller than the minimum. Else the maximum, resp. the minimum is used. For integration the euler rule is used. example: a1=lme(a2+a3) Initial condition: 0.5 Minimum: -1. Maximum: 1. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {LMI} limited integration function 3 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the integrated value of the input-expression if not geather than the maximum or smaller than the minimum. Else the maximum, resp. the minimum is used. The integration rule as for the INT function is used. example: a1=lme(a2+a3) Initial condition: 0.5 Minimum: -1. Maximum: 1. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {LNG} natural logaritm function 0 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the natural logaritmic value of the input-expression. Input-expresion must be >= 0.0 example: a1=lng(a2+a3) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {LOG} 10 based logaritm function 0 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the 10 based logaritmic value of the input-expression. Input-expresion must be >= 0.0 example: a1=log(a2+a3) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {NOI} noise generator 0 parameters 0 input-expressions the output-variable is the random number between 0 and 1.0. example: a1=noi %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {PLS} pulse input function 3 parameters 0 input-expressions the output-variable is the pulse shape as defined by three parameters. The pulse starts at Time 1 and ends at Time 2. example: a1=pls Time 1: 1.0 Time 2: 2.0 Value: 5.0 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {PWR} power function 0 parameters 2 input-expressions the output-variable is the value of the first input-expression to the power of the second input-expression. example: a1=pwr(a2+a3,2*a7) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {REL} switching relay function 1 parameters 3 input-expressions the output-variable is the value of the first input-expression if the value of the third input-expression smaller or equal then the parameter. example: a1=rel(1.0,2.0,a3) Threshold: 0.5 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {SGN} sine generator 2 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the sine wave form. The frequency in radians/sec and the amplitude are parameters. example: a1=sgn Frequency(omga): 2.0 Amplitude: 0.5 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {SIN} sine function 0 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the sine of the value of the input-expression (in radians). example: a1=sin(a2+a3) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {SPL} sample and hold function 1 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the sampled and hold value of the input-expression. The sample interval is the parameter. example: a1=spl(a2+a3) Sample interval: 1.2 %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {SQR} square root function 0 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the square root of the value of the input-expression. Input-expresion must be >= 0.0 example: a1=sqr(a2+a3) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {TAN} tangent function 0 parameters 1 input-expressions the output-variable is the tangent of the value of the input-expression (in radians). example: a1=tan(a2+a3) %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {TIM} time function 0 parameters 0 input-expressions the output-variable is the internal value of the simulated time. example: a1=tim %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MODELING example: An epidemic disease spread thru a group of people. PROBLEM DEFINITION: A population of a small island is threated by an infectious disease. An epidemic is aproaching. The total population is 700 people. Recovery from the disease results in immunity. Make a simulation run to show from time to time how many people are ill, how many are recovered and how many still are candidate to get the disease. For this disease the mean infection rate and the mean time to recover are known from statistical data. Using this statistical data in a continuous simulation run will give results, that should be seen as mean values. DATA: The chance to get infected depends on the infection rate P1, the number of that can be infected (SUSC) and the number of people that are sick (SICK). The number of people that gets sick is to be defined as: (1) d/dt SICK = P1 * SUSC * SICK - (number of people that recovers) % This is a non-linear relation, that learns that, if more people are sick, more people will be infected. To solve the problem, it is supposed, that at the starting moment a number of people are sick already and a number of people is recovered or immune. If people are getting sick, the number of people that have chance to get sick will decrease. This may be described as: (2) d/dt SUSC = -P1 * SUSC * SICK The number of people that are recovered depends on the number of people that is sick and the recovery rate P2. This may be described as: (3) d/dt CURED = P2 * SICK With relation (3) relation (1) may be completed: (1) d/dt SICK = P1 * SUSC * SICK - P2 * SICK % To use MADSIM, the relations (1), (2) and (3) should be rewritten as integral-equations. This is performed by integrating the parts at the left and right side of the equal sign. The ready to use resulting equations are: (1) sick=INT(p1*susc*sick-help) help=GAI(sick) (2) susc=INT(-p1*susc*sick) (3) cured=INT(help) p1=CON Two lines have been added. The variable help is used, because the simple expression evaluation in MADSIM calculates from left to right only without any priority. The value of the GAIn parameter is equivalent to P2. For P1 a CONstant function is used to make a change of P1 easy. In the EPIDEMIC.MOD model,present om the MADSIM diskette, the equations as derived above have been used. As starting values for the INT functions next situation is used: susc(0) = 620 sick(0) = 10 cured(0)= 70 Total population is: 700 % For P1 and P2 as parameters of the GAI and CON function next values have been used: P1 = 0.001 P2 = 0.0072 For PLOTBLOCKS and RANGES next values have been used: X axis: 0,0,100 (Time axis from 0 to 100 days) Plot 1: susc,0,700 (susc in range 0 to 700) Plot 2: sick,0,700 (sick in range 0 to 700) Plot 3: cured,0,700 (cured in range 0 to 700) For TIMING data: .1,100 is used. Step size is 0.1 (days) and total simulation time is 100 (days). Use the F command from the first screen to load EPIDEMIC.MOD and use the S and the G commands to watch the simulation results. Try to change the parameters in the model and watch the response changes. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------THE END---------------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MADSIM.BINRBsusc D/sick D/cured D/ =BC$߹߹A AC$=tC;*AAB:n:n@-0202D'4 < sick p1*susc*sick-help help sick cured help p1 susc -p1*susc*sick hMADSIM.BINECHa3 ?a4 Aa1 A ?CHA CH?A ?A $ /:a1 a2 a1-a5-a6 a3 a2 a4 a3 a5 a3 a6 a4 MADSIM.BIN A a1 A a2 A =LA @@??@@@@@a1 a2 a1 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N^NuNV#4# 4#4#4#4#4# 4#$4Hy4NXJg 94"94N^Nu . ".$N^NuNV#4N^NuNV n  g f p!# `p"# pN^NuNV .". tvNl .". N&N^NuNVH*OBpn@N?.*?.&?."?.?.?.?.?. NA.ML?N^NuC#4 O0/@11g"HS@4TBB$0 g/`?S@j?(NA.y4NuC ^#4 O0/@11g"HS@4TBB$0 g/`?S@j?(NM.y4NuC v#4 O0/@11g"HS@4TBB$0 g/`?S@j?(NN.y4NuNV . f nB`6Ap0/@"n" /?0-H .". 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No model input. Print HELP message. Enter way of MODEL INPUT. Type K for initial KEYBOARD INPUT. Type F for model input from FILE. Type H for HELP message. Type N for NO model INPUT. ENTER YOUR SELECTION: KEYBOARD MODEL INPUT CHANGE MODEL VARIABLE PRESENT ALREADY as: Type Y to change existing variable or P to change parameters only or D to delete existing variable, any thing else will leave variable unchanged! ENTER your selection: Entering a NEW VARIABLE! ERROR: Illegal function code, retry! Enter input expression %1d: %1d: ERROR: in input expression, retype model statement! ENTER PLOTBLOCKS AND RANGES Enter as: Variable to be ploted, Plotminimum, Plotmaximum Like: a1,0,100 Or as: 0, Plotminimum, Plotmaximum Like: 0,0,100 to define a time axis. Or: d to delete a plotblock. Or: n if no more plotblocks have to be entered. CHANGE x-axis CHANGE PLOTBLOCKS AND RANGES CHANGE TIMING TIMING ENTER as: Time step, Final time ERROR: First argument illegal! ! ERROR: First argument not correct! ERROR: Illegal character in variable name! ERROR: Variable not present in model! ERROR: Edit input ERROR: To many arguments! ERROR: X-axis arguments not correct! ERROR: Arguments not correct! ERROR: First timing argument not correct! ERROR: Second timing argument not correct! ERROR: Timing arguments not correct! ERROR: Number of arguments not correct! %c MADSIM COMMAND mode ENTER COMMAND (H for HELP): ILLEGAL COMMAND, TRY AGAIN!! Leave MADSIM to return to DOS, are you sure (Y=yes): ENTER a MODEL statement or type variable name : Variable: ERROR: Illegal entry, try again! ERROR: Variable name must start with literal! ERROR: Illegal character in variable name! Enter MADSIM function: ERROR: edit input expression %c %c Enter parameters ERROR: Illegal parameter, TRY AGAIN! %c EXISTING variable DELETED BUSY; checking the model Testing all input variables defined Input variable %c of %c UNDEFINED! Sorting STATE variables Sorting ALGEBRAIC variables MODEL can not be sorted complete, because there is an ALGEBRAIC loop existing of variables: %c ERROR: No model entered! ERROR: Timing not defined! Evaluation of expressions Calculating the model OUTPUT TO - G(raph. terminal) - P(rinter) - T(erminal) ENTER YOUR SELECTION: RESULTS - N(umerical) - P(rint Plot) ENTER YOUR SELECTION: ERROR: X axis must be time! ERROR: X axis must be time! ENTER Output Interval: Evaluation of PLOTS ERROR: X-axis not defined! ERROR: X-axis variable not in model! ERROR: No plot outputs defined! EVALUATION ERROR IN 'C' FUNCTION 'PFP()'!! EVALUATION ERROR IN 'C' FUNCTION 'BLKP()' !! TEST: Wait for CR ERROR: Divide by zero! SYSTEM ERROR! ----------------------------- | MADSIM PRINT-PLOT | ----------------------------- (%1d) = %c - %s SYSTEM ERROR! -------------------------------- | NUMERICAL MADSIM RESULTS | -------------------------------- X-axis plot %1d Model time %c %e %e ERROR: Divide by zero! ERROR: Log. arg. < 0 ERROR: Log. arg. < 0 ERROR: Sqroot arg. < 0 List of internal MADSIM state Available MADSIM function codes: %c Available MADSIM command codes: %c SYSTEM ERROR!Initial condition: Gain: Time %2d: Minimum: Maximum: Memory: Delay time: Sample interval: Frequency(omega): Amplitude: Threshold: Constant: X-axis: Plot %d: Timing: %cE ***************************************************** ** MADSIM dynamic simulation program ** ** ** ** Preliminary version 0.1, DEC 1986 ** ** Copyright: Meerman Automation ** ** The Netherlands ** ***************************************************** MADSIM calculations are based on a model A model is a description of a dynamic system in model lines The model line is a kind of program statement, like: a1=GAI(a2+a3) to define variable a1. Variable a1 will be generated with a gain function, with the sum of the values of variables a2 and a3 as the input for the gain function. In the input expressions variables and the arithmetic operators + - * / are alowed The gain of the GAI function is handled as a parameter and has to be entered when MADSIM asks for it. More? Press key The MM (mini manual) command may be used to find out more about the available MADSIM functions The first time the model lines have to be entered by keyboard Next time the model data may be entered from a file, if the model data was stored in a file using the SM (Save Model) command. During MADSIM execution it is possible to return to this program starting point, normally to load a different model. But if the model used previously has not been saved or there is some other reason to continue with the model already present then select N to return to MADSIM command mode. MADSIM command mode is the normal mode of operation after a model has been entered Continue? Press HELP MESSAGE, summary of commands! lm = list model on terminal lm:a = list model in Alphabetical order lm:c = list model in Calculation order pm = print model on printer pm:a = print model in Alphabetical order pm:c = print model in Calculation order cm = change model cp = change plotblocks and ranges cx = change x-axis plotblock data ct = change timing s = start simulation run v = show last calculated value of variable va = show last calculated value of all variables sm = save model in a file MORE? Press key! cl = clear Graphical screen gd = draw grid on graphical screen mg = switch from text to graphical screen = back with a hc = hardcopy the graphical screen on the printer mm = mini manual, information about MADSIM functions h = to print this help message la = list available functions and commands in raw form rs = restart MADSIM ex = leave MADSIM to return to the Operating System -------------------------------------------------------------- MODEL INPUT FROM FILE on a mass storage device. The file is specified with a filename, which consists of three parts: a drive specification a name part an extension EXAMPLE: a:test.mod The drive specification is optional. Enter a RETURN only to return without loading a model. ENTER the filename: File not found, try again. MADSIM.BIN ERROR, this file is not a binary MADSIM model file. Try an other! ERROR, reading the model file Check system and try again. Save simulation model in a file on a mass storage device. The file is specified with a filename. The filename consists of a drive identification, a name part and an extension. EXAMPLE: a:test.mod The drive specification is optional. It is recommended to use .mod as extension for model files. Enter a RETURN only to return to command without saving the model. ENTER the filename: File exists already, OK to delete existing file(Y = yes): MADSIM.BIN ERROR, writing the model file Check system and try again. Show last calculated value of variable to be entered Enter only to return to stop Value command. Variable NOT PRESENT, try again! = %e List ALL last calculated VALUES SYSTEM ERROR! ---------------------------------------------- Last calculated values ---------------------------------------------- %c = %e NO MODEL ENTERED SYSTEM ERROR! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- MADSIM LISTING --- Use space bar for next page or ESC to end --- --- PLOTVARIABLES and RANGES --- --- MODEL --- MODEL in Calculation ORDER MODEL in Alphabetical ORDER --------------------------------------------------------- /n%c SYSTEM ERROR! %e %e SYSTEM ERROR! %8s %6.3f %6.3f %8s %6.3f %6.3f %c=%c (%c) Parm.pair X parameters Y parameters %2d %e %e %e *********************** MADSIM Mini-Manual ********************** --- Use space bar for next page or ESC to end --- MADSIM.MANr ERROR: File MADSIM.MAN not found!%c PARAMETERS of the FNC function! Enter number of parameter pairs: ERROR in number of parameter pairs, TRY AGAIN Enter parameter pairs, X parameter must be in ascending order! Enter parameter pair number: ERROR: X parameters not in order! %2d %e %e ERROR in parameter pair number, TRY AGAINEnter X parameter number %d: ERROR in parameter, TRY AGAIN Enter Y parameter number %d: ERROR in parameter, TRY AGAIN MADSIM.PIC ERROR, File MADSIM.PIC not found GRAPHIC Display cleared MADSIM Dynamic Design%4g%4gTIME%6sPlotvariables/Ranges:Plot%1d:%6s%4g,%4gTiming(step,final time): %4g,%4gMODEL: %s Graphic Screen Dump Be sure printer is installed correctly! Otherwise PROGRAM may hang!! Start Hard Copy (Type N if not): MADSIM simulation results. Press RETURN rwaaCan't open stdin file Can't open stdout file m _valbank: Imp. 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