NNNNNN0Cp NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNO  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gmq s@u`wy{}  @ ` @ ` @ ` @ Ő @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`0!Aa   !Oa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a9=?A!O  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gmq s@u`wy{}  @ ` @ ` @ ` @ Ő @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`0!Aa   !Oa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a9=?A!A50 0lU TURTL320 204BOOT IMG *i204ROOT IMG ,jHINSTALL [kCONTROL ACC 1opNDIRSLEFTPRG6eDIRSLEFTTOS8FOLDR100PRG:4HDX [INSTALL B`INSTALLPRG HMINSTALLRSCMSHIP PRGOWINCAP1 Q. .. CHANGES DOC ᄕAINFO INF ℕ7OPTIONSCTRT ℕTRAMDISKMAN ℕ}TRAMDISKPRG ℕ j TTLEXEC MAN ㄕ M TTLEXEC TTP ㄕxTURTLE DOC 䄕.wTURTLE PRG 儕L3pTURTLE RSC 愕OChanges made in Turtle Version 3.20 (December, 1990): 1. When TURTLE starts, if the program was initiated by double clicking on an options file (and TURTLE.PRG was installed as a desktop application for .TRT files), the .TRT file selected is read, and used to initialize the program options. If no .TRT file was used to initiate the program, it checks the current directory for the file OPTIONS.TRT. If that file is found, it is loaded to initialize the program options. 2. Intermittent problems creating RAMdisk folders should no longer occur. I can't claim this is a certainty, since I've never been able to re-create this problem. 3. An unusual circumstance which caused the program to skip all tracks during floppy disk writes has been eliminated. 4. The program now senses the version of TOS in the system and treats the archive bit accordingly, for both incremental backups and archive bit updates. 5. The program's desktop display now shows the current state of most of the significant options. the heading "WARNING". Version 2.11 marks the transition from Alcyon (Developer's) "C" to Mark Williams "C". While this makes a very slight improvement in performance, it should be invisible to the user. Call Bit Factory Part III (Germany) =================================== Dial: (0251) 778595 / 24h Online / (300-2400) Baud / (8/N/1) ------------------------------------------------------------ PD-Softwarepool fuer Atari ST, Amiga, DOS, Apple, Midi uva. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dieses Programm kommt auch aus der Bit Factory Part III. Turtle 3.20 ist eines der bessten PD-HD-Backup Programme fuer den Atari ST! Die aktuellen Files und Updates findet Ihr staendig in den Databases in der Bit Factory Part III. Ruft an! ve a reset. BUGS A reset will reclaim the memory used by tramdss, but to clear the drive M: bit, the system may have to be powered off. AUTHOR Landon Dyer of Atari, Inc. Adapted by George R. Woodside PPN 76537,1342 5219 San Feliciano Drive Woodland Hills, Ca. 91364 Printed 01/09/87 1 301102090101C:(oO A>B?< NA\O/an?< NA\OaA0<BBQA A Bg/?<1NAJ0/ y.C2`"0/ y2C0`0/ y6C|| f INB#: <Nua\gNuAp0/ t4/ /fH#:`("@JogI""""""""SkfBNu 9:gpNu>#ECHz ?< NA\ONu720K RAMDISK installed as M: version 3/9/87 lmd/grw. ě#r.#v2#~6+|Vr+|hv+|z~Nu&<>ּּ֬֬ @NuV24p  TRAMDISK ST Programmer's Manual TRAMDISK NAME tramdisk - RAMdisk emulating floppy disks SYNOPSIS tramdnds DESCRIPTION tramdisk is a RAMdisk. It may be placed in an AUTO folder for automatic execution, or executed from the desktop at any time. It is specially designed to exactly emulate a standard floppy disk for use with TTLEXEC for hard disk backup, but can be used as a general RAMdisk for any purpose. It will not survive a reset. When it begins execution, it checks for either Shift key being held down. If one is held down, a menu of different sizes is displayed, along with options for which drive name the RAMdisk should use, or the option to save the configuration information. Size options 0 - 7 are for predefined sizes. To enter some other size, use option 8, and enter the number of sectors present on a compatible floppy disk. BUGS A reset will reclaim the memory used by tramdisk, but to clear the drive bit, the system may have to be powered off. AUTHOR George R. Woodside Compuserve 76537,1342 5219 San Feliciano Dr. GEnie G.WOODSIDE Woodland Hills, Ca. 91364 USENET: ..!{trwrb|philabs|csun|psivax}!ttidca!woodside Printed 01/11/89 1 led as M: version 3/9/87 lmd/grw. ě#r.#v2#~6+|Vr+|hv+|z~Nu&<>ּּ֬֬NuV24p `  `M 512(oaaA0< BQA A z &:Vg B?/?<1NAB/NA0/ yC.`0/ yC.`0/ yCyf INB@3 <rNuafp0/ 2o zmpNuAr2/ /f 3`gJ9g@|9F"@JogIgSkgf""""""""SkfJ9g@|9FBNu09gpHNu#E`B?< NA\O/BA:F<A3 8!##r#v#~+|Pr+|`v+|p~?< NA\O0:f Hz?< NA\ONua?NAXO/:,?<ANA\OA &C Bg/:?<NAXONuHz?< NA\OHzU?< NA\Op:HgACЈ"@raNuBBg  g`0m  nЀ$ЀЀЂЁ`Nu"< f0Nu Am0H@ fNuEH RAMdisk Configuration Options: A = Alter default parameters B = Blink LED A on access (OFF) C - P = Set RAMdisk drive ( ) 0 - 7 = Set RAMdisk size ( Return = Execute 0 - No RAMdisk 1 - 128K 2 - 256K 3 - 360K (SS Disk) 4 - 400K (SS TWISTER) 5 - 512K 6 - 720K (DS Disk) 7 - 800K (DS TWISTER) 8 - Some other size eEnter RAMdisk size, in number of 512 byte sectors: eEnter RAMdisk file name if other than C:\AUTO\TRAMDISK.PRG x f RAMDISK installed as M: Version 11/12/89 grw. 000 256 512 720 800 102414401600 3 O k RAMdisk: Unknown type error RAMdisk: Invalid drive designator Ramdisk: Invalid option Ramdisk: Invalid number of sectors Ramdisk: File open error Ramdisk: File read error Ramdisk: File create error Ramdisk: File write error Ramdisk: File close error RAMdisk: Not installed. (Press any key to continue.) V <b$@ X(: p $n$"P TTLEXEC ST Programmer's Manual TTLEXEC NAME ttlexec - execute hard disk backup SYNOPSIS ttlexec [-acdfinoqrsvxy] path [...path] DESCRIPTION ttlexec does disk backup to floppies by reading the specified path name(s) and writing either all files, or all unarchived files. It uses a RAMdisk to create an in-memory image of the floppy to write, then does a track-by-track copy of the RAMdisk image. The only RAMdisk useable is TRAMDISK.PRG. Before executing ttlexec, nearly all of the system memory must be available. -a inhibit setting the ARCHIVE bit on files as they are copied. Normally the ARCHIVE bit is set as the files are backed up. -c # write # copies of each disk. Normally, only one copy of each diskette is written. -d hold screen after completion. Normally used only when invoked from the desktop. -f format floppies before writing. Normally floppies are assumed to be formatted and ready for writing. They need not be erased since ttlexec will over-write any existing data on the disks. Only normal format diskettes can be formatted, "TWISTER" disks must be pre-formatted. -i incremental backup. Copy only the files with the ARCHIVE bit reset. Normally, all files are copied. -n # number the output disks starting with #. Normally output disks are numbered beginning with 1. -o only files are to be copied. All files in the named path are backed up (unless -i is specified), but folders within the named path are not backed up. -q question before backing up each file. -r # RAMdisk is drive # (default is M). -s # sectors on output diskettes (default is 1440). -v verify output disks. Normally output disks are written, but not read back. -x # exclude files with type ###. -y # options file name for re-executing TURTLE.PRG BUGS GEMDOS has a significant problem when over 40 folders are accessed between system resets. Avoid this by backing up specific path names to control the number of folders read and written between resets. AUTHOR George R. Woodside Bit Factory 0251/778595 5219 San Feliciano Dr. GEnie G.WOODSIDE Woodland Hills, Ca. 91364 USENET: woodside@ttidca or: ..!{philabs|csun|psivax}!ttidca!woodside Printed 01/11/89 1 `JX*o m$m,B"HJgP"&J$YJf"Jg< Af Rf Gf Vf =f Jg#]B "&J$YJf"Jf&f:B "^EH2  B2 r ggSJ"g fB*`B" Q#Q.I+I/ #L //SA?/ / Bg?<JNA Jf.?<?<NB>NB`?|BWNB>NB`XON ?N=?<LNA#:-);-)8-)e:\progress\turtle\ttlexec.ttp\1990\12\2\6\16#(-8(-;(-:NVBn n (:f .T-@`-n n \f .R-@`-n9RH@A?p?NAXO ngp\?/.NG\O-@ .g nB0.f/.p;?NA\O`p=@0.g2/.p9?NA\O=@0.g?./.HyL$N% Rn .g nRp\`p/.N3XOHЮ-@`V0.N^NuNVA-H/.p?NA\ORyRRyR09R @&o p1?N$TOpL?p?NXO?9RHyLKN3\Op3?N$TORyR/.HnN3pPO/. N3XO0g"HyLPHnN3BPO/. HnN3BPOHnHnN3pPOHyLRHnN3BPOp?HnpN?NAPO=@0.f n(H@ @f ..g09Rf nHhHnNxPO/.p?NA\O yRfl nHhHy`N3pPO.H?N "TO09RБyRByRp?HnpN?NAPO nHhHy`N3XPO0g pO?NATO`pO?NATO`*N&\#_0# y_0B y_0B y_0BB_By y Rfp`p?HnpN?NAPO=@0.f n(H@ @g ..g09Rg. y`hl n(g y`hm n(gz n 9_8oHn/.N"PO`XBg09RRyR?NXO yRop3Rp1?N$TO nHhHyLWN3POp3?N$TOpO?NATO`p?p?N0XOHnHyL{N3POp?p?NXO?9HyLN3\Op?p?NXO/9_HyLN3POp?p?NXO?9HyLN3\Op?p?NXO/9_HyLN3POHnNXOSyRN^NuNVH0~*y_4"y_, y_,0( 9_4(@V Gf:B@<BAAAB@@:BAA0g`~0g`~` L0N^NuNV/9RH@@?Hnp6?NAPOHnHn/.NG PO/NG PO. .N^NuNV9RH?HyLHnN3 9RH@A?p?NMXO-@ .f0Bg?9RN0XOp1?N$TOp?HyLN3\O` n0( S@=@ n0.=@ 9_4-@?.Bg/.NGbPO n "n n0( S@HH n-H n BgHnp=?NAPO=@0.o ?.p>?NAXO9RH@A?p?NMXO-@9RH@A?Bgp?BBgp?NM-@9RH@A?p?NMXO-@9RH@A?Bgp?BBgp?NM-@BgHnp=?NAPO=@0.o ?.p>?NAXO9RH@A?p?NMXO-@N @p?Hyp?NAXO=@N^NuNV yR RpN^NuNVBp ?NA\O-@ yR#R yR /.p ?NA\O0nXg?.N3TO=@ nAm nPopC=@?.HyLHnN3 HyLHnN8PO-@ .g /.N9*XON^NuNVp*?NATO=@0.@=@0.@@=@0.@@@?@P=@?.?.?.9RH?HyLHyN3N^NuNV9_H @:f9_H@`p?NATOA@?9R.H?HyLHyN3 N^NuNVH . *@><0%fSG`OOG 0H >O0Y@L N^NuNV/~ y`dgL y`fgBp1?N$TOHyLBgp?NPOHyM!p-?p?NPOp3?N$TO y`dg> y`fg4N&\RG0 @op?HyM3N3\OHy]^N9XO~`Bgp?N0XO09Rg y`dfB@` y`ffp`B@.N^NuNVH~p ?NATO g p?NATO`0fBg?9RN0XOp1?N$TO/.p?HyM6N3 |RF0 @pl80f4p ?NATO gp?NATO: Eag EAf~ Esg ESf~`Bg?9RN0XOHyMsN3XO|0RF @ lX0fRp ?NATO gp?NATO: Eag EAf~ Esg ESf~`Bg?9RN0XO/.HyMuN3POp3?N$TO0LN^NuNVnH y_*(/.Hn~N3pPO9RH@~Bg/.p=?NAPO>0l0 y_HhN XO @f?/.HyMN% y_0(@=@?.Hn~p?NAXO?p>?NAXOBgHn~p=?NAPO<p?? y_HhpW?NA ?p>?NAXO yRf^ y`hm$ y_0(@?p?/.pC?NA `0 y_0(@ `?p>?NAXO?p>?NAXOHn~pA?NA\OLN^NuNVH09RW@ @bH0@J PN0`V09RfN |/. /.N`PO0fp?NATOHH0@XgH?N3TOH |J2< `XHXW PN`p`Bg?9RN0XOBgHyNHyNN% 09`dg y`dfhp?p?N$XON(`N09`fg y`ff:p?p9`p3RN 0ByR`rp `p 3RN 0ByRBg?9RN0XO` p`p `p`/. /.N`PO`(pLN^NuNV yRfBg?9RN`Bg?9RN0XO/./. 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(Mfc%H0HHAf `BL0N^NuNVH8..P b^0d.9^0/NJXO*@ Mg`J^,f&M #^#^ `& y^,f QP&m`(y^,Q L&h)M Q@* Ѝ#^,(@Q LB)KL8N^NuNVH0~ .\S@,dB`ƙ*y^ gr .gH g @є .*L(Mc2  d @*`* Ѝ#^ y^ X`dJg @Ѝ*@`*m^ f g#^ Ry^09^ @e Sy^`X/NGXO/.NHXO*@Sy^ L0N^NuNVp0./NHXON^NuNVH .Y*@Jf4~0G^Jg 0RG0@^H?p?p?NM\O`NAPL N^Nu O$X"XHB@Nu o0/L.NuNVH.. l <`0 f 9`$R @./pH?NA\O,g Ї# LN^NuNV0.H/NJXON^Nu"/0<NBNu |abde nVop6q:s>$BVBVBVt|r~%$$$p%0&A&B&T&a&b&t&&bD5O6FU6&X6Jc6d5e6Nf6Ng6No5r6s6lu5x5D4F0123456789ABCDEFE>EBEFEEEUnable to create RAMdisk directory for%2d \\*.*%s too large, omitted from backup. %s %4d %8D %4d %8D %c:\DUMMY%c: RAMDISK access error. Can not continue.%c:\DUMMYr%c:\%02d/%02d/%02d.D01%c%02dInsert a disk in either drive, and press the proper key (a/b)%c%c%s: Read error. Options: A=Abort Backup, S=Skip this file %s: Read error, file omitted. Unable to open input file:Unable to create RAMdisk file:Unable to read input file:Unable to write RAMdisk file:User abort %9ld %s Too many files in directory:\%8D %4d %8D ADFGIOQVadfgioqvC:c:N:n:R:r:S:s:X:x:Y:y:-d%8D %s Backup completed successfully Wrong resolution No RAMdisk active Wrong RAMdisk Wrong RAMdisk \TURTLE.PRG Usage: ttlexec -acdfinoqrsvxy path -a do not set archive bit(default is update) -c ## write ## copies of each disk (default is 1) -d invoked from desktop, hold screen until keypress -f format disks before writing (default off) -i incremental backup only (default full backup) -n ## number the first disk ##(default 1) -o only files in the named path are to be copied -q question before backing up each file -r # RAMdisk is drive # (default is M) -s ## sectors on output diskettes (default is 1440) -v verify output image -x ### exclude files with type ### -y ### options file name for re-execute M wpvb%cc%cY%c%cELKJfe%s Turtle - A Hard Disk Backup Utility Vers 3.20 December 1990 (c) George R. Woodside 5219 San Feliciano Drive Woodland Hills, Ca. 91364 This FileThis DirectoryThis PathEverythingBackup:SpaceDPESkip:NSOQFloppy A Status:Floppy B Status:Input Request: Current Path: Files:Bytes:RAMdisk:Folders: To Do:To Do:Free: Next Disk: Size Current file: READYpWriting, Track qFULL, Disk: %d Copy: %dDISK NEEDEDDISK ERRORInsert a new disk and press RETURN. Recovery is automatic.Press any key errorcode: 0x%x ttlexec: %s %s User abort (Termination Pending) Memory configuration will fail - Memory configuration: RAMdisk: %lx - %lx TTLEXEC.TTP: %lx - %lx RAMdisk: %lx - %lx Screen: %lx - %lx %c %2d p%2dq pFormat - q pWriting, Track q Execution terminated Illegal drive The disk in drive %c does not match the format specified.C = Changed disks F = Format it%cUser abort WTillegal option - %c option requires value - %c  @@@@@@@@@PPPPP@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @Bad error number: unassigned error numberZZZZZZZ[[[![*[6[A[O[][j[y[Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|[[[[[[\\Y|\#\7Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|\TY|\l\~Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|\\\\Dno errorfundamental errordrive not readyunknown commandcrc errorbad requestseek errorunknown mediasector not foundno paperwrite faultread faultgeneral errorwrite protectmedia changeunknown devicebad sectors on formatinsert other diskfunction rangefunction domaininvalid function numberfile not foundpath not foundno handles leftaccess deniedinvalid handleinsufficient memoryinvalid memory block addressinvalid drive specifiedcross disk renameno more filesrange errorinternal errorinvalid program load formatsetblock failure due to growth restrictions{NULL} You must compile with the -f option to include printf() floating point! =N=r!=N=r!=N=r#]D]^]x]CCAP????????????????????????Bad pointer in free.  0|J Xdttldsubs.csource fileF{F{N{used fat1 fat2buff_at fat_ptr P;"V;#j;$x;%z;&{';(;);*;+;-;.;0;2;3;5}7;7}8F}8{>{>spacestruct freespbav ;B;C;D}E}E {K{Kbpb_at struct bpbibcountdummyrd  ;U.;VH;XN{YN;Z^;[j;\|;]|;]~}`~;`;a;b;c;d;e;f;g;h ;i;j2;kX;lr;m;n;o;p;q;r;s;t;u }v }v {| {| ;} ;~ } } "{c &{dummyssp  &; 4; @; L; X; h; x; ; ; ; ; ; } "} { {datemmddyy ; ; ; ; ; <} } @{ D{c D; R; `; r; } @} {dstart  {fatptr i ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; } } { {i ; { ; ; ; ,; 8} 8; L{ L; R; \{ \; n; |; ~} ~} ; ; ; ; ; ; } } {fname  {c i k ; ; ; { ; ; ; ;  ;  ${  $; 0{ 0; :; F; H; T; V} V} X; h; v; x; { ; { ;  ;! ;" ;# ;$ }& }' }) ;) ;* ;+ ;, }- }- ino_t BPBstruct bpb FILEstruct _iobuf struct _iobuf {_cp  _dp @_bp `_ccp_gt _pt _ff_fd_uc } jday_tstruct .1 tm_tstruct tm time_t struct bpb {bp_recsizbp_clsiz bp_clsizb0bp_rdlen@bp_fsizPbp_fatrec`bp_datrecpbp_numclbp_flagsram_start ram_magic ram_bpage } tetd_t struct freesp {sp_clust  sp_totc @sp_ssize `sp_csize } F_RECstruct f_rec FREESPstruct freesp off_t dev_t clock_t struct tm {tm_sectm_min tm_hour0tm_mday@tm_monPtm_year`tm_wdayptm_ydaytm_isdst } struct .1@ {j_d  j_s } struct f_rec {prior struct f_rec next struct f_rec@fnamepattribtimedatelength } }-Fram_add_ free_space_  era_ram_ our_rw_  "z_fold_ set_id_ @set_did_ last_sect_ get_drv_ recover_8fopen_ struct _iobufRrdisk_ volid_ $foreground__,bpb_at_ struct bpb_base_dir_ _4start_ F>bios_ ]^_stdout_struct _iobuf`dstat_a_ 9*fclose_ `fstat_b_ F.gemdos_ messag_&\poll_3sprintf_ X_ctype_ 9fflush_ 3toupper_ Rhdv_rw_   Rformer_ Gbmemset_ Rsav_rw_  3printf_ 0era_eol_Rvolume_ Rname_line_ L":0 (V(6   D" H      `&  " &d&J 0& V  X    < PR    . &4 $@&"     Z(     $    $        \          . *2              &&"  , $$                             2      *\       "&4   & 0  @J$  $N$LHHast time TURTLE (or some other backup utility which set the archive bit) was executed. The default for this switch is to set the archive bit. When the checkmark is displayed beside the Archive option, the archive bit will be set on all files copied. Extra Copies: This option is used to generate extra copies of any disk written during backup. Normally, only one copy of each disk is written. To request additional copies, enter the number of copies desired. The default for this option is to write one backup copy. When the checkmark is displayed beside this option, either 2 or three copies of each disk will be w TURTLE Version 3.20 December, 1990 A hard disk backup utility by: George R. Woodside 5219 San Feliciano Drive Woodland Hills, Ca. 91364 IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE, AT LEAST READ THIS! To get started without reading any more of the documentation: 1) Copy TURTLE.PRG, TURTLE.RSC, TTLEXEC.TTP, and TRAMDISK.PRG into the same directory. 2) Change the file type of any accessories to something other than .ACC to prevent them loading. 3) Remove all programs from your /AUTO folder except the hard disk boot program. 4) Power off your system and wait 10 seconds to insure a clean boot (especially if you have a reset-proof RAMdisk). 5) Restart your system, and open the directory with TURTLE.PRG and the other files. 6) Double click on TURTLE.PRG to start. 7) Select the necessary options. They are all described in their dialog boxes, and again under the HELP menu. 8) Select BACKUP under the FILE menu to begin writing disks. Notes: Only the RAMdisk supplied with TURTLE will work. Do not attempt to use any other RAMdisk. The keyboard is scanned between files. You may cancel TURTLE at any time by pressing CONTROL-C, or press A or B to indicate a new disk is ready at any time. INTRODUCTION TURTLE is an extremely fast hard disk backup utility program. It requires no special hardware, and the floppies written are standard TOS disks. To accomplish this speed, certain simple steps must be taken. TURTLE requires just about all the RAM you have in a one megabyte ST (for double sided disks). You should disable any accessories, and remove any unnecessary programs from your AUTO folder, before running TURTLE. You may re-establish your accessories and AUTO folder programs once the backup is complete, but TURTLE will need the RAM during the backup. The speed of this program will make the minor inconvenience of a little file manipulating well worth it. If your system has more than a one megabyte ST, you shouldn't need to disable any /AUTO programs or accessories. How can it be so fast, and still write standard floppies? TURTLE creates a RAMdisk that has exactly the same characteristics as a standard diskette. It copies files from the hard disk into the RAMdisk, writing as many files as can be fit into each disk. When the RAMdisk is full, it dumps it as a track-by-track image to a floppy. It writes as many copies as you have requested, with or without formatting the floppies. The result is identical to a floppy that was written directly, except that no time was wasted moving back and forth to the directory and allocation tables, or waiting for the proper sectors to be available during disk rotation. The time difference is staggering. The only catch is that you must insure that enough RAM is available before you begin. That is very easy, and very well worth it. Why call it "TURTLE"? Well, backing up hard disks is always a slow task, so the name fits. Since there are already several programs available with the name "BACKUP", I had intended to call this one "HARDBACK". Since turtles have hard backs anyway..... DESKTOP TURTLE runs from the standard GEM desktop. It may be executed by double-clicking on the TURTLE.PRG file, or on previously save Turtle options file (if you've installed that feature as a desktop application). The resource file TURTLE.RSC must be in the same directory as TURTLE.PRG, as must be the backup utility TTLEXEC.TTP and TRAMDISK.PRG. If you used saved option files to store different Turtle configurations, they must also be in the same directory. TURTLE requires a large amount of memory to use the RAMdisk and execute at the same time. You must have a 1 megabyte machine, or larger, to run TURTLE. If your system has only 1 megabyte, you should disable any accessories and remove any non- critical programs from your AUTO folder before attempting to execute it. It includes an ABOUT menu item under the DESK menu to identify itself. Clicking on it will display a normal dialog box, identifying the date and version of the program. Under the FILE menu is the usual QUIT item, to terminate the program without executing a backup. There is also a BACKUP menu item, to initiate a backup, option file SAVE and LOAD selections, and a SYSTEM RESET item. The SYSTEM RESET item is there to make it easier to free the RAM necessary to execute a backup, and insure that the folders accessed before TURTLE is executed do not interfere with the backup. It is a good idea to do a reset just before beginning TURTLE to clear the folder limits (see the warning below). Since a manually triggered system reset, by pressing the reset button, will not clear the bits in the drive allocation map, this system reset function will clear the bit associated with drive M: before executing the reset. If you are using a reset-proof RAMdisk, however, there is no choice but to power off your system and re-boot (without the RAMdisk) to free the memory. Each of the OPTIONS selectable from the OPTIONS menu has a default setting. These are the settings assigned when TURTLE is run. They may not be the settings you want for your system, so you may redefine them. Simply set the OPTIONS as you want them, then select the SAVE OPTIONS menu item (under the FILE header) before running TURTLE. The options will then be written to a file. You can name the file anything you like, as a normal GEM file selector box is provided when the options are written. Then, install TURTLE using the GEM Install Application item on the Desktop, and save the desktop. After this is done, you may execute TURTLE by double clicking on the saved OPTIONS file, which will cause TURTLE to load, read the saved options, and set them as they were when you saved them. You may save several sets of options, and select the one you want when you run TURTLE each time. You may also use the LOAD OPTIONS menu item to call up any set of options you wish. In any case, the options files should be in the same directory as TURTLE.PRG. OPTIONS TURTLE runs from the desktop, using standard GEM drop-down menus for entering options. There is a HELP menu item for each OPTION item, to provide information at any time. Archive: This option inhibits a normal function, setting the archive bit. When a file is copied, TURTLE will set the bit unless the ARCHIVE option has been used to disable the feature. This bit can be used to instruct subsequent backups to copy only the files which have changed since the last time TURTLE (or some other backup utility which set the archive bit) was executed. The default for this switch is to set the archive bit. When the checkmark is displayed beside the Archive option, the archive bit will be set on all files copied. ??? Copies: This option is used to generate extra copies of any disk written during backup. Normally, only one copy of each disk is written. To request additional copies, enter the number of copies desired. The default for this option is to write one backup copy. The menu item changes to reflect the number of copies selected. Full Backup: This option is used to indicate whether the backup should be full (all files in all the named directories) or incremental (only the files in the named directories which have been altered since the last backup). This can shorten the time required to back up a drive when few files have been changed. It does require, however, that the user keep the original backup, plus the intervening incremental backups, to be able to re-construct the contents of the drive. The default for this option is to backup all the files in the paths entered. The menu item will change to Incremental when that mode is selected. Enter Directories: This option is used to limit the path following option of TURTLE. Normally, TURTLE will begin at the path named, and follow all folders in that path, copying all files in all folders (unless INCREMENTAL is set). Then, after all folders in the path have been copied, all the files in the named path are copied. The Enter Directories option can be used to prevent TURTLE from opening any of the folders in the path. When the Files Only option is selected in the Enter Directories dialog, only the files in the named path will be copied. The default for this option is to open the folders, and back up all the files in the folders as well as those in the path. When the checkmark is not displayed by this option, only the files in the path named, but not those in the folders, will be backed up. Verify: TURTLE writes diskettes as direct images of disk tracks built in memory in the RAMdisk. When the RAMdisk is full, it is copied, track-by-track, to a floppy disk. The track copy function does not read data back to see if the disk write was successful. If you wish to re-read the data after it is written to the floppy, select the Verify option. The data image will be re-read to insure the disk write was executed properly (it is not compared to the original image, only read).This option defaults to write the floppy without re-reading it. When the checkmark is displayed, the data will be read back after writing. Omit: You may have certain types of files which you don't want to include in the backup image (such as backup copies of other files). You may inform TURTLE of certain types of files which you wish to exclude from the backup by selecting the Omit option. In the dialog box, enter the 1, 2, or three character file extender of the types of files you wish to exclude. Do not enter the file name or the period used to separate the name and type. If you wanted to exclude all files with the ".BAK" or ".OLD" extender, for example, you would enter "bak old" in the dialog box. When exclusion file types are entered, a question mark (?) may be used to match any character in the input file type, so that entering "BL?" would cause any file whose type begins with BL to be excluded, provided that the type has a third character. Query: This is another method of selecting which files are to be included or excluded from a backup. When TURTLE starts copying files, it will offer a menu at the top of the screen for each file it locates (except those already excluded by types entered under the "Exclude" Option). For each file, you may press either the "n" key to not back up the file, or the Space bar to back up the file. If you want to back up all the rest of the files in the current directory, press the "d" key. To skip all the rest of the files in the current directory, press the "s" key. To back up all the remaining files in the path, press the "p" key. To omit the rest of the files in the path, press the "o" key. To back up everything else, with no more queries, press the "e" key. To quit backing up files, press the "q" key. To terminate the program immediately, press Control-C. Floppy Disk Type: This option is used to indicate what type of disks the backup will be done on. It is imperative that the proper options be selected, matching the diskettes to be used. If the backup is executed with the wrong diskette options, the backup disks will not be useable and may create errors during floppy writing. The options allowed are for single or double sided disks, 80, 81, or 82 tracks per disk, and 9, 10, or 11 sectors per track. While both 9 and 10 sector disks are reliable, 11 sector disks are not always re-readable. Turtle will not format disks with 11 sectors. Using more than 80 tracks per disk may cause damage to your disk drive. While TURTLE will support use of 11 sector tracks, and 81 or 82 tracks, the recommended configurations are 80 tracks, and either 9 or 10 sectors per track. No matter what configuration of disks you select, the disks written by TURTLE will be accessable as normal disks, with normal files. Floppy Disk Numbering: This option is used to define the number assigned to the first diskette written. Normally, diskettes are numbered beginning with one. However, if a backup is being executed by paths (to avoid the 40 folder limit), subsequent disks may be better organized if the numbers assigned to the disks are sequential. This option will offer a dialog box which can be used to set the number assigned to the first disk written. The default is to start numbering disks with 1. When the checkmark is displayed beside this option, some number other than 1 has been selected to begin assigning to disks. Since TURTLE writes a label on each disk, which includes the date, the drive from which the disk was copied, and the sequence number of the disk, it can be very useful to keep the numbers in proper order. Format Floppy Disks: This is the diskette format option. TURTLE assumes that the disks to be written to are already formatted, unless this option is used to override that assumption. TURTLE will format disks with 9 or 10 sectors, but it will not attempt to format 11 sectors per disk. It is not necessary that the disks be erased, since anything on them will be over-written. It is never harmful to use the format option, but it will cause the program to run a bit slower. The default for this option is to write to floppies without formatting. When the checkmark is displayed beside this option the diskettes will be formatted before they are written. Path(s) To Back Up: This option is used to specify the disk paths to read. All files (or all non-archived files if INCREMENTAL is set) in the named paths will be read and copied to the diskettes. Only the files in the named paths will be read or marked with the ARCHIVE bit (if ARCHIVE is enabled). The default for this option is the path from which TURTLE was initiated. More than one path may be specified at a time, by entering one or more spaces between the different path names. When the checkmark is displayed by this option, the path has been changed from the default. RAMdisk Drive Name: TURTLE assumes that the RAMdisk it will use for creating the backup image will be drive M:. If you already have a drive M: in you system, you'll want to change the drive name to something else. Drives A and B are reserved for floppy disks, and can not be re-assigned. Drive names are restricted to C through P. You may use any of those names for the RAMdisk. You may even assign the RAMdisk to a drive which already has a hard disk partition assigned to it. You will not be able to back up that partition, but you can back up any other partition you wish. You may then change the RAMdisk drive name, and back up the partition you could not previously access. EXECUTION Before TURTLE can be executed, your system must not be in low resolution, and there must be an adequate amount of memory available. You must disable any accessories or unnecessary "AUTO" programs to insure that there is space available for TURTLE to execute. They consume memory that is required for the RAMdisk. TURTLE contains code to help avoid folder crashes. ===>>> WARNING!!! <<<=== There is a problem in GEMDOS versions prior to TOS 1.4 dealing with folders (sometimes referred to as sub-directories). GEMDOS becomes unstable when too many folders are accessed. Currently, 40 folders is assumed to be a safe limit for folders on a system. TURTLE uses some techniques to make the folder problem less severe. When you specify the path you wish to backup, there may be folders in that path. Folders which reside directly in the path name may themselves contain other folders. TURTLE will "clear" the folder count each time it completes backing up a folder which resides directly in the named path. TURTLE can not clear the folder count during the backing up of any other folder, only when it finishes a folder at the "top" of the named path. For example, if drive "C:" contains 80 folders, and many of those contain more folders, like this: C:\FOLDER00 (contains 15 more folders) C:\FOLDER01 (contains 12 more folders) C:\FOLDER02 (contains 24 more folders) C:\FOLDER03 (contains no more folders) C:\FOLDER78 (contains 31 more folders) C:\FOLDER79 (contains 13 more folders) and you instructed TURTLE to back up drive "C:", you would encounter no problems. As TURTLE backed up C:\FOLDER00, the folder count would climb to 19 (15 folders, C:\, C:\FOLDER00, M:, and M:\FOLDER00). On the RAMdisk, only the folders in the path being are counted. All other folders on the RAMdisk are removed from the count as soon as they are completed. When the last file of FOLDER00 was copied, before FOLDER01 was started, the folder count would drop to 3 (C:, C:\FOLDER01, and M:), then rise to 4 as soon as M:\FOLDER01 was created. Drive C: itself could contain any number of folders, as far as TURTLE was concerned. You would probably have problems with other programs, however, so this is still not considered wise. If any single folder at the top level of drive C: contained more than 40 folders, though, you could experience problems with TURTLE. If this is the case, you must back up drive C: by selecting groups of folders, then re-running with the single folders which contain more than 40 folders. If FOLDER31 contained 90 folders (counting all folders contained within those folders), you would have to back up all folders except 31, then back up FOLDER31 by itself. The PATH dialog box has been widened to make this easier. The simplest way to explain this is to think that the 40 folder limit has been moved one level of folders lower in the path that you enter. It may be easier to grasp the idea if you watch the folder count climb as the backup is running, then suddenly drop as a folder is completed. TOS 1.4 has nearly eliminated this problem. It has raised the limit on folder accesses to an undefined, but very large, value. If it does approach that limit, it recognizes the danger in the situation, and stops executing with an appropriate warning message. Once TURTLE begins, it will start copying files, even though there are no disks ready. Do not be concerned. TURTLE will be establishing the RAMdisk images, and no floppies are required until the RAMdisk is full. Once the RAMdisk is full, it will be dumped to the floppies, and will post messages to identify which disk is which in sequence. If you do not stay ahead of TURTLE in keeping disks ready, it will start ringing the console bell until you return, and provide more diskettes. TURTLE will log on the screen which floppy drive and disk number it expects to write next. The number of the disk will not change, but if the desired drive is not ready, and the other drive is, TURTLE will use whichever drive is available. TURTLE will keep all the files in a folder together, in an identically named folder, on the floppy image. Of course, a single hard disk folder may be split across several floppies. If no files are to be copied from a folder, no empty folders will be created. The sequence of the files in the folder will be the largest file that fits first. This allows TURTLE to use the floppies as efficiently as possible. TURTLE will not attempt to copy a file that is too large to fit on a blank floppy, but will log a message on the screen (remember that each folder requires 1K, so there is less space available when folders are nested). If you need to make a copy of a file that is larger than a single disk, use the companion program TERRAPIN. THE DISPLAY TURTLE maintains an informative display during the backup process. It requires lines of 80 characters, so you must not be in low res mode. At the top is the sign on banner, and the current version number. Next is the status line for the floppy drives. Each drive will always have a status indicated: DISK NEEDED Used only at startup. Be sure an appropriate disk is inserted, and press the key corresponding to the floppy drive (A or B, upper or lower case). When a disk has been inserted, and the proper key pressed, the status will change to READY. You may change disks any time that the disk access for the floppy drive is not on, and press the keys at any time. TURTLE is designed to allow you to set up two disks and walk off. It will use them both, then start ringing bells to let you know when it needs a new pair. It will let you know what order the disks were written in. If you stay ahead of TURTLE in keeping disks ready, it will alternate between drive A and B. If both disks are full, it will use whichever one you key in as ready first. If you do not have a second drive, do not press the "B" key, and TURTLE will work with drive "A" exclusively. If you re-use the same disks for backup, with labels on them, it is very easy to keep them in sequence. FULL Disk ## Copy # Informs you that the floppy in the designated drive is full, and must be changed. The ## is the number of the disk in sequence, and the # will show which copy it is, when multiple copies are requested. You may change a disk at any time, and press the keys at any time, so long as you do not attempt to remove a disk while the drive's access light is on. Each time this message is displayed, a single bell will sound, to indicate that a disk change is due. READY You have indicated that a blank disk is in the drive, ready for writing. When the RAMdisk is full, this drive will be written to. If both drives are READY, TURTLE will write to whichever one was not used last. DISK ERROR Well, these things happen. TURTLE is very good at recovering, however. Since the entire image of the floppy is in the RAMdisk, just insert a new floppy in the drive, press RETURN, and TURTLE will start writing that copy over. Just discard, re-cycle, or furiously mangle the disk with the error. It is unimportant. Your backup will be perfectly valid, no matter how many diskette errors occur. Ignore any disks with errors, and keep the ones TURTLE identified as FULL. When an error occurs, you must replace the disk in the drive with the error, and press RETURN. TURTLE will not go off writing on other (possibly labelled) disks and leave bad ones lying around. This helps keeps things orderly. TERMINATION PENDING You have pressed the terminate key "T". TURTLE will finish writing the current disk (however many copies were requested), then stop executing. If the Archive bit was being set, only the files copied will be marked as archived. All files copied will have been properly marked, so the backup may be restarted at a later time, and the remaining files will be copied. Read error. Options: A=Abort Backup. S=Skip this file: A read error has occurred on the hard disk. TURTLE is unable to backup the current file. You may abort the backup by pressing A (or a). The abort is immediate. Files in the RAMdisk are not copied to floppies. You may skip the file with the read error by pressing S (or s), and the backup will continue with the next file. Other lines on the display are clearly labelled: the input request being processed, the current path being copied, the number of files in the path, how many remain to be copied, and byte sizes. There is a folder count displayed. Remember that it is only the number of folders read or written by TURTLE, and only during the current execution. There is a display of the next floppy which TURTLE wants to write (remember that it will use whichever drive is available, if the first choice is not ready). There is a log of files that have been copied, and their sizes. It starts at the middle of the screen, and scrolls down. The file being copied is the one at the top of the list, and it will scroll down and off the page as subsequent files are copied. KEYBOARD While the backup is running, TURTLE keeps checking the keyboard. You can type in commands at any time. TURTLE will see them within one or two seconds, as soon as the current disk I/O operation is completed. All commands are a single letter, and do not require that the RETURN key be pressed. The following commands are active at any time, except when a disk I/O has occurred: A (or a) - a floppy disk has been inserted in drive A, and is ready for use. B (or b) - a floppy disk has been inserted in drive B, and is ready for use. T (or t) - terminate the program after the current floppy disk. All copies requested will be written before termination occurrs. If the ARCHIVE option was requested, only the files backed up are marked as archived. Control-C - Cancel the program immediately. Files copied into the RAMdisk are not copied to a floppy. SUMMARY TURTLE works quite well, and with (I think) good speed. It is even smart enough to not copy unused tracks at the end of a diskette, but it will format them if formatting has been requested (who needs a partially formatted disk?). The most important thing is to be sure you free enough RAM to build the RAMdisk and run the program before beginning. TURTLE is fairly bullet proof, and is very informative while running. You can kill it at most any time by pressing Control-C, and it will stop almost immediately. You can request that it stop at the end of all copies of the current disk by pressing "T". You do not have to wait for it to need disks to make them ready, you may press the appropriate keys whenever you have inserted the disks. TURTLE is really only a GEM desktop front end for the program which does the backup work, called TTLEXEC.TTP. TURTLE writes one command line, then uses it to invoke TTLEXEC.TTP to do the real work. You can use TTLEXEC.TTP from the command line without using TURTLE if you like. See TTLEXEC.MAN for documentation. TURTLE is copyrighted, but released for public distribution. TURTLE is not to be sold except for nominal charges for media, reproduction, and/or connect charges while downloading. If TURTLE gives you any trouble, or you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact: George R. Woodside Compuserve 76537,1342 5219 San Feliciano Dr. GEnie G.WOODSIDE Woodland Hills, Ca. 91364 USENET: ..!{philabs|csun|psivax}!ttidca!woodside or woodside@ttidca ?`O"d0*o"m f#f.I+I/ BBBg/ / Bg?<JNA NL ?NL?<LNA#:-);-)8-)e:\progress\turtle\turtle.prg\1990\12\2\9\41#(-8(-;(-:NV-ypp?/.N\Op?/.N\Op?/.N\Op?/.N\Op?/.N\Op ?/.N\Op ?/.N\Op ?/.N\O yf&fp`p?/.N\O yPf(fp` yQf(fp` yRf(fp?/.N\O y f*fp ` y f*fp ` y f*fp ?/.N\OBg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nf n0(R@gp`p3f& n0(@gpP`" n0(@gpQ` n0(@gpR3f( n0(@gp `" n0(@gp ` n0(*@gp 3f* y f*f0Bgp%?/9rfN;rPOBgp%?/9rfN;POByf"`p?p%?/9rfN;PON^NuNV-ypp ?NMTO-@ .-@p =@ nnV?./.N\O .g0. @h `0. @h .-@Rn`09f4W@=@n ?./.N\OBg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nfLp=@p =@ nn$0. @0( @g=nRn`0.@ 3f4Vyf4N^NuNVBn n l0.HAonp0Rn`p?NNTOT@3m3monp3oHyoHypHyonNB4 3opN^NuNV?9p?9rd?9rl?9rjBgN? 3p,N^NuNV?9p?9rd?9rl?9rj?9p,N@ Hym HyoHypHypp??9p,N@.N^NuNV=n=n =n =nNHnHnHnHnp ??9p,N@.0.gL0.gFHnHnN( G0.  @1G .N^NuNV/0.  @>( G0.  @1G .N^NuNV0.  @-h n  n1nN^NuNVp??9pNFXO ypoHnHnHnHnp??9pNEp=@p=@p??9pNDXOp??9pNDXOp??9pNDRXO-|YT3pj3pj09pyoS@3j09pym S@3jHyj?9pNCp\O`3pj3pj09pyoS@3j09pym S@3jp??9pNDXOBg?9pNDRXOHyj?9pNCp\OHnHnHnHnp ??9pNEp=@p=@p??9pNDXOp??9pNDXOp??9pNDRXO-|b|09pym Y@=@0.n yplH3pj3pj09pyoS@3j0.S@3jHyj?9pNCp\O=nHnHnHnHn?.?9pNEHybHnNFPOHnNGXO=@0.=@0.Hn0.n=@ n0(n09on=@ n0(n0.H=@09pn n0(n=@09pn n0(n0.Hn0.H=@09pn n0(nS@=@ByjByj n3j n3j3j3j09jyj3j09jyj3j YTfHyn HyT` Hyn Hy]Hyjp??9pNCHyn /.Hyjp??9pNCHnHnBgBg?9pNEBg?9pNF`XOp??9pNEXO?.?9pNEPXO ypfp`p??9pNEXOp??9pNFXOp?p??.Hn?.?.?9pNA0.H=@HnHnHnHn?.?9pNEBg?9pNEXOHyb0.n?0.nT@??9pNAD 0.HnHnHnHnHn?.?9pNEHybHnNFPOHnNGXO=@0.=@0.Hn ypfp`p3jp??9pNDXO?.?9pNDRXO3j n0.hR@3j09jn3j09jyjHyj?9pNCp\O ypfp??9pNEXOp`p??9pNEXOp=@0.n0.np?p??.Hn?.?.?9pNA ypo(HnHnHnHnp??9pNEp`&HnHnHnHnp ??9pNEp=@Bg?9pNEXOHnHnp?Bg?9pNE09pym Y@=@0.n09p@@=@0.n=@ yf$fHyb`HybHnNFPOHnHyb?.?.?.N0.n09ffHyb`HybHnNFPOHnHyb?.?.?.N0.n09f,fHyb`HybHnNFPOHnHyb?.?.?.N0.n?9f&?9f*?9f(HycHnNG:HnHyc"?.?.?.N0.n0.n0.n=@Hyg>Hyc-?.?.?.N0.nHyfFHyc3?.?.?.N09pym Y@=@0.n09p@@=@0.gBgHyq?N*f\ONHn|N?ZPO0g|9q>H=@0nq?Bp\?Hyq?NN\O-@x .xg: nxBHyq?HyfFNFPO nxRxp\/.xHyfNFPO`0.gHyq?`B9q>9q>fHycHyq?NFPOp q>HyfFNGXO=@0nfF \gHycHyfFNFPOHyfFHyfNFPOHyfFHyjxHyfFNGXO6HnNGXOC< nxg"nxH0@i1gRx` nx .fRx nxgA-Ht ntRtp- ntRtpx nxg nx  g ntRt"nxRx` ntRtp  ntBHnNGXOF @~lXHnHnNFPOHnNGXO@`6HyfFHnNFPOHnNGXO>0@HH@HnHnp?Bgp?N?~LN^NuNVH0:| 8|-|Bp ?NA\O-@. @(B n PNL0N^NuNVN=@0.g/9pp?N9\O0.`0 9p p|lp` 9p(pm 9ppnB@N^NuNV-|Bn#p 9f8#p|/9p|/9pHycHyqNG:29f4SAp4-@p ?NMTOBp .g09f4S@?p?NMXO#l 9lg yl #E`fBp"yl yl0(=@ yl0( n yl0H-@Hn0.H/NN@PO-@ yl-h yl ( .Ѯ yl#p 9p ЮS#p/9p/9p HydHyqNG:09f&f*f(ng Bp p=@ 9p f09f(f*=@0.f&=@-|Hn0.H/NN@PO-@#pZp 9p ЮS#p#pp/9p/9p Hyd"HyqNG:#pp( 9p|#p/9p/9p(HydAHyrNG:/9p/9pZHyd`Hyr8NG: 9pp n 9p p(o 9pp op-yp#p p#p -yp|#pp|#pHyqHypNFPOHyqHyqNFPOHypHyqNFPO 9p p(oV-yp #p(p #p(-yp#pp#pHyqHypNFPOHyrHyqNFPOHypHyrNFPO`HydHypNG:POHydHyqNG:PO yoH!|p$ yoH!|q< yoH!|qT yoH!|ql yoH!|r yoH!|r80.N^NuNVt0.W@ @bjH0@O PN`X0. @ fL-yoDBg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nfNBg/9oHNT\O=@?./9oHN\Op3f2`0. @ @bH0@O@`dHyfHnxNFPOHydHnxNFPOHnHyfHnxN: =@?9m ?9o?9p?9pNPO nfXHnxHyfNFPOp\?HyfNN\O-@tRt ntBHyfHnxHnxN7J p?HnxN*f\O?9p?9rd?9rl?9rjNPO`HyfHnxNFPOHydHnxNFPOHnHyfHnxN: =@?9m ?9o?9p?9pNPO nfpHnxHyfNFPOp\?HyfNN\O-@tRt ntBHyfHnxHnxN7J HnxN.XO`p3j:` /9lp?N9\O=@ nfN `pc`0. @ @bH0@O` PN`-ymBg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nfByfp?p?/9rfN;rPO nffp3fBgp?/9rfN;r`*-ypBg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nf"p3f Hydp?/9rfN; nf"p3f Hydp?/9rfN; nfp3f Hydp?/9rfN; `-ypVBg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nfp3f"p?p%?/9rfN;rPO n f@Byf"Bgp%`-yobBg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nf Byf$Hydp?/9rfN; nfp3f$Hydp`-ypBg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nfByf,Bgp?/9rfN;rPO nflp3f,p?p`-yp$Bg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O n fByf0Bgp?/9rfN;rPO n fp3f0p?p`-ypBg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O n fByf.Bgp!?/9rfN;rPO n fp3f.p?p!`2N`N`v-yoHyfFHnxNFPOpH?Hnxp?/.N Bg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nfHnxHyfFN6n`-yofHyg>HnxNFPOpH?Hnxp?/.N Bg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nfHnxHyg>N6`p-ypHyfBHnxNFPOp?Hnxp?/.N Bg/.NT\O=@?./.N\O nf0HnxHyfBNFPO` n+ f -ym` n, f -yoX` n5 f -yp ` n- f -yo ` n4 f -ypp` n/ f -ypl`| n1 f -yp`j n7 f -yo`X n; f -yoL`F n. f -yo\`4 n9 f -yoj`" n0 f -yoP` n3 f-yoTBg/.NT\O=@?./.N\Op??./9rfN;PO0.N^NuNVp=@BnA-H-|g>Bg/.p=?NAPO=@0.l40. g/.HydHnNG: Hn?.N9\O`HnHy?.p??NA =@0.l /.Hye"`?.p>?NAXO n 3f p=@R nR 0f Byfp?` p3fBgp?/9rfN;rPO n 1fp3f HyeP`( n 2fp3f Hyeb`p3f Hyetp?/9rfN; R nR 1fp3f"p?`Byf"Bgp%?/9rfN;rPO nR 0fByf$Hye`p3f$Hyep?/9rfN; nR 1fp`p3f& nf4 n 0fpP` n 1fpQ` n 2fpR3f(R`pP3f(p?p%?/9rfN;PO nfP n 9fp `N n 0gBp 3f*Byf"Bgp%?/9rfN;rPOBgp%?/9rfN;PO` n 0gp 3f*R"nH0@i1g nH@0 =@`BnR"nH0@i1g nH@0n0.fp=@`p?p$?/9rfN;rPOR?.HyeHyfBNG: nR 0f Byf,Bg` p3f,p?p?/9rfN;rPO nR 0f Byf0Bg` p3f0p?p?/9rfN;rPO nB n "f0R n "g nR"nR` nRBRp ?/.NN\O-@ .g nBp ?/.NN\O-@ .g nB/.HyfFNFPON^NuNVp=@A-H-|g>Bg/.p?NAXO .g(/.HyeHnNG: Hn?.N9\ON^NuNVH0HyfFHnNFPOHyf6HnNFPOHnN?>XO0f:HnHygHnNG: Hnp?N9\ONFp?NLTOHyrfBgBgN? 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Format a Physical Unit WARNING!Select the unit type:OKCancel Format a Physical Unit Yes No Mark bad sectors? Format a Physical Unit LAST CHANCE TO QUIT!on it!will erase everythingOKCancelACSI unit 0Formatting ___________aaaaaaaaaa9 Format a Physical Unit Formatting... Format a Physical Unit Physical unit markbadNumber of newly-Number of previously-@2345marked bad sectors: _____NNNNN@2345marked bad sectors: _____NNNNNCancelPartitioning a physical unit willdestroy all information on it.OKWARNING!The system will reboot whenyou quit HDX. Partition Physical Unit Choose a partition scheme:OKCancelEdit  Partition a Physical Unit LAST CHANCE TO QUIT!on it!will erase everythingOKCancelACSI unit 0Partitioning ___________aaaaaaaaaa9 Partition a Physical Unit Partitioning...CancelMarking bad sectors maydestroy existing files!OK Logical Drive Markbad WARNING! Logical Drive Markbad Marking bad sectors... Logical Drive Markbad Bad sector found is part ofa lost cluster.Mark bad sectorIgnore bad sector@234Bad sector: ____9999@234Cluster: ____9999 Logical Drive Markbad File________________________________________Delete fileSkip over bad sectorIgnore bad sector@234Bad sector: ____9999@234Cluster: ____9999 Logical Drive Markbad Subdirectory________________________________________Delete directory onlyIgnore bad sectorDelete directory and files@234Bad sector: ____9999@234Cluster: ____9999Cannot save any more filesin the root directory!Deleting the remaining lostclusters of the subdirectorywill free up disk space.OKCancel Logical Drive Markbad OKNumber of newly- Number of previously-@23456found bad sectors: ______999999@23456found bad sectors: ______999999CancelZeroing a logical drive will destroy all information on it.OK Zero a Logical Drive WARNING! Zero a Logical Drive  LAST CHANCE TO QUIT!on it!will erase everythingOKCancel@2Zeroing drive __FF Zero a Logical Drive Zeroing... Ship Physical Unit(s) Shipping a physical unitis to park all its heads.You will have to switchoff its power right afterthe operation is finished.OKCancelWARNING!UNIT 0UNIT 1UNIT 2UNIT 3UNIT 4UNIT 5UNIT 6UNIT 7OKCancelSelect the physical unit(s) Ship Physical Unit(s)  Ship Physical Unit(s) Shipping all physical unitsselected will require you toOKCancelLAST CHANCE TO QUIT!switch them off right afterthe operation is finished! Ship Physical Unit(s) Turn off all physical unitsthat have been shipped NOW!OKC:D:Select The Logical DriveE:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:OKCancelis too large!Repartition the disk. OK Partition __OKTry checking all theconnections and reformatting it.@Cannot format unit _9OKTry reformatting it.@Cannot partition unit _9Cannot find partitionOK@2345678901scheme ___________XXXXXXXXXXXCannot find formatOKparameters for disk@2345678901type ___________NNNNNNNNNNNEither this logical drive'sboot sector is corrupted,to partition this disk.Unrecognized boot sector!or another utility was usedOK Scan Connected Units Scanning...SCSIACSIPhysical UnitIDE-AT Select The Type Of OKCancel Select The Physical Unit Identification unavailableIdentification unavailableIdentification unavailableIdentification unavailableASCI 3ACSI 2ACSI 1ACSI 0[1][The physical unit you have |selected does not exist.|Click on OK to reselect.][ OK ][3][The system has to be rebooted|before you can run zero or|markbad.][ OK ][1][GEMDOS can only recognize a|total of 14 partitions on all|physical drives. Click on OK |to continue.][ OK |Cancel][1][Maximum partition size |can't go over 256Mb.][ OK ][1][You will lose the directory|structure of the deleted|subdirectory. The files in|it will become TMPnnnn files|in the root directory.][ OK | Cancel ][1][Deleting the subdirectory|will erase all files in|it.][ OK | Cancel ][3][Not enough system memory!|Cannot continue.][ OK ][3][WINCAP file not found!|Cannot continue.][ OK ][3][Cannot write header to|the logical drive!|Try backing up the disk|and reformatting it.][ OK ][3][Cannot read File Allocation|Table from the logical|drive!|Try backing up the disk and|reformatting it.][ OK ][3][This hard disk is not|supported by the Atari |computer. You may ask|Atari Corp. for a new|Wincap file and try again.][ OK ][3][Cannot write File Allocation|Table to the logical drive!|Try backing up the disk and|reformatting it.][ OK ][3][File Allocation Table is|corrupted!|Try backing up the logical|drive and zeroing it.][ OK ][3][Cannot read Root Sector|from the disk!|Try backing up the disk|and reformatting it.][ OK ][3][Cannot write Root Sector|to the disk!|Try backing up the disk|and reformatting it.][ OK ][3][Cannot read Boot Sector|from the logical drive!|Try backing up the disk|and reformatting it.][ OK ][3][Cannot write Boot Sector|to the logical drive!|Try backing up the disk|and reformatting it.][ OK ][3][Cannot write Root Directory|entries to the logical|drive!|Try backing up the disk and|reformatting it.][ OK ][3][Cannot read Root Directory|entries from the logical|drive!|Try backing up the disk|and reformatting it.][ OK ][3][Reserved sectors are bad!|Try backing up the disk|and reformatting it.][ OK ][3][Cannot read Bad Sector|List from the disk!|Try backing up the disk|and reformatting it.][ OK ][3][Cannot write Bad Sector|List to the disk!|Try backing up the disk|and reformatting it.][ OK ][3][Cannot read from directory!|Try re-running Markbad on|this logical drive when the|current Markbad is completed.][ OK ][3][Cannot write to directory!|Try re-running Markbad on|this logical drive when|the current Markbad is|completed.][ OK ][3][Bad Sector List is corrupted!|Try backing up the disk and|reformatting it.][ OK ][1][GEMDOS can only recognize a|total of 14 partitions on all |physical drives. You can only|run zero or markbad on C: |through P:.][ OK ][1][The system will reboot.|This is normal.][ OK |Cancel][3][The selected drive is not |responding, please check |the disk drive, or insert |a disk.][ OK ][3][One of disk drives is not|responding, please check |the disk drive, or insert |a disk.][ OK ][1][Too many bad sectors to|record. Try backing up|the disk and reformatting|it.][ OK ][1][Selected partition scheme|is for a bigger capacity|unit!|Please select another one.][ OK ][3][No menu items available|for this disk's capacity.][ OK ][3][This disk was formatted by|a previous version of HDX.|Please reformat the disk.][ OK ][3][Your system will have to|reboot when you quit HDX,|for new disk information|to take effect.][ OK ][3][Format parameters in the|root sector are corrupted!|Please reformat the disk.][ OK ][3][Cannot delete the file.|Try backing up the logical|drive and zeroing it.][ OK ][3][The disk cartridge is|write-protected!|Please remove the write-|protection, and restart|the operation.][ OK ][3][The disk cartridge has |been changed!|Please restart the|operation.][ OK ]` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `:c<_Y2cDx]5j-0 P !! l 0""\ 0## 0$$ 0%% 0&&d 0'' 0$%DFG]^chjotv{89>?PQUfghyz{FOP (? ktu -.Vb{   o t   9 > O T Y g T [ u |      2 G H p s  W ` a ]^k . eq &'(/0189 ()) ))**, @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@!@!@@!AAEGA ' (  & / *H Q*d R# Q* Q*Q*Q* Q* + +(+D+` +| + E A   &PP ; B I P P e z    " 0 ( >&e h u   %    ' + (Q g hkr s t  u  v  w  x  y z { | } ~   +  "     " +   , K08@3#aXa"k108aD09#Nu"9@`"9<108f 8`#l 8`#mQp`pNu/2<1081108fQ1081p"Nu# |0aJyfB?< NA\#J/</<_MCHaPOQN x!("ONzPN!.IQ("x!)$O9"< 9Pg 8`#l 8`#mQ`dZ 9 ZfPP(QOA\H?BgBgNXJ@gj.@P?<BgNXJ@gP.B?<BgNXJ@g6.?t?<BgNXJ@g.@B?<BgNXJ@f 0<`B.?pBg?<NXJ@g.?z?<?<NXJ@g.?H?<?<NXJ@g.?l?<?<NXJ@g.@L?<?<NXJ@g.?D?<?<NXJ@g.@*?<?<NXJ@gr.@F?<?<NXJ@gV.?R?<?<NXJ@g:.??< ?<NXJ@g.?N?< ?<NXJ@f 0<`B@`N^NuNV3?N @.?&/<?L/<?/<?N 3?B.@J/<@T/<@X/<@V?<BgNlND>@J?9@T?9@X?9@VBgNP3? 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Use System Reset to|clear it, or change disk types.][ OK ][3][RAMdisk create failed.|Check for enough free memory,|and RAMdisk programs in the|same directory as TURTLE.][ ABORT ]*O*y*+~  $mIIoIIZZ $ + 2  <*P  C X m oqsuwy*)+D ]!v"#$% & ' (% )> W+;,p-./0123485Q 6j 7 8 9 :;* s69Oj        2 K.z@( f)C ,2  +-.'.T.y %}% 0,,%&3  ,-L.{./ %$ 1 +(-R--- '#  1 , * =, g, - -   -   ' "  1  - 4+ \- - . - -  9 -  I ' Q" 5 \/3  # 2     %  3        %   ' & 1   + 8- f- -,$   ' &  5   - 0 ?1 q1 1 1  * '  M   &,@HB%L  ?N ,\HJ'Q:AT;7;@>;z<> < - $ R  X  ^ d j p% v, |     % , '6  5 ///<0m0 0  0  0 " 0f2* 5 5=/m/000f+*  ; . ;7m777777 e f|0  < 777%8S79  8f0  < 7"7V7879 * 8 ] 8  8  8  8f%0 <(/7g778 7<9 o 8  8  8  8f;0 A>=|=<;08i;7 ;   . 8 g !'6 5,..!/Q00  3  3   3f %* : ( 06 b6 6 6 6!%6 !Y 6 ! 6 ! 0 ! 0 " 2"P0f"g/ ="j"p7"7"7# 8#F7#}7 # 7 # 7f$ 2  7$ $0$D/$t0$/$/% % - %E . %t )f%, B%>%?&:&Z<&=&?'< 'Q< ' 9 ' @ ' '(7  <((7(N7(7(8(7)9 )M 8 ) 7 ) 9 ) 9 *" "f*C1<*F(*G(*H(*I(*J(*K('*L0 ,x23345H6 689:p;H<8<=p?@ABCDFGHHhIJKM0N j  &x  ,$ ,@  !%  '!Ih ,\ v   ! %A        1 # !,x/6L O  ,#!  "    , ! :$Qo  A ,  ,  (  ( <  H A ] -  -  (    (  A   -<  -X % ( m      %  #     - 3  >-t - &         -    0- I  P f  i  -     #        2  M  P . '  b i  p w ~             #  5 8 ?T p ! '  %          ! $ E' '* $1  ? U( .  ! l o( .8# ) .T$  ): .p :M P)\ .&     )~ '   3   & ?DI  W ^ 'y | % ... . @9# @ @# @#//4/P5/l/2X57878:;;<<=?0?@8@A(ABCDpEHEFGHI8JJL8LMpMN`NOOPF.GGNH>IvJNJLvMMN&NO.OP6PN&NO.OP6P@@AABC`D8EEFGhGHIJK(LMhNNOOPPPQ(0T3$58489;|<$<=,>>@DAALAB<BCDEF\GGH$IJLK$KMLO,OPdPQTQRRHZIJJKZKMObOPQQRRS"# Hard disk format and partition configuration file. # 24-Jun-1990 jye, Atari Corp. # # Global parameters: # ms#count Maximum partition size in sectors (***DON'T CHANGE***) # :@@=Parameters:ms#32760: # # Format parameters: # 'mn' entries (default values in [brackets]): # mn=name appears in menu, name of format parms # hd#count number of heads [4] # cy#count number of cylinders [612] # lz#n landing zone [10] # rt#n seek rate code [2] # in#n interleave factor [1] # rw#cylno reduced-write current cylinder [cy + 1] # wp#cylno write precomp cylinder [cy + 1] # pt=name name of default partition to use [4-6-10] # sp#count number of sectors/track [17] # dp#data data pattern used to test disk. # br=id next id to search for if there is more than 1 # option for "mn" # md#n flag for mode select [1] (1: need it; 0: don't) # # Bad Sector List parameters: # sl#count number of sectors for vendor bad sector list [1] # # Following are the sample entries #48 Mb :mn=SEA157N:md#0:pt=12-12-12-12:dp#0xc623d5ab: #40Mb:mn=MSB8051S:md#0:hd#4:cy#739:rw#739:wp#739:pt=10-10-10-10:sp#28:dp#0x6333: #58Mb :mn=SEA177N:md#0:hd#5:cy#921:rw#921:wp#921:pt=14-14-14-14:sp#26:dp#0x6333: #100 Mb :mn=MEGAFILE 100:md#0:pt=25-25-25-25:dp#0x6333: #150 Mb :mn=MEGAFILE 150:md#0:pt=37-37-37-37:dp#0x6333: #60 Mb :mn=MEGAFILE 60:br=m6: #44 Mb :mn=MEGAFILE 44:md#0:pt=11-11-11-11:dp#0x6333: #30 Mb :mn=MEGAFILE 30:cy#615:rw#615:wp#615:pt=10-10-10:sp#26:dp#0x6333: #20 Mb :mn=MEGAFILE 20:dp#0x6cdb: #20 Mb :mn=SH205:dp#0x6cdb: #20 Mb :mn=SH204:dp#0x6cdb: #10 Mb :mn=SH104:hd#2:pt=10:dp#0x6cdb: # # Format parameters for different drives used in MEGAFILE 60 # #:m6=MCS5068:hd#5:cy#1024:rw#1024:wp#1024:sp#26:pt=16-16-16-16:dp#0x6333: #:m6=MSB5064:hd#6:cy#809:rw#809:wp#809:sp#26:pt=15-15-15-15:dp#0x6333: #:m6=SEA5065:hd#6:cy#820:sp#26:pt=15-15-15-15:dp#0x6333: #:m6=NO LABEL:hd#6:cy#809:rw#809:wp#809:sp#26:pt=15-15-15-15:dp#0x6333: # # Partition selections # following entries are option, if you don't put these entries, # HDX will do it for you. # # '?0' entries (? is a digit)('N' is '0', '1', '2', or '3'): # pr=name name of partition # pN#size size of partition N in bytes [0] # fN#number flag byte for partition N [0 if no pN, 1 otherwise] # iN=ccc id bytes for partition N [GEM] # # Numbers are in bytes; may be followed by 'k' (x1024) or 'm' (megabytes). # #:65=16-16-16-16:p0#16640k:p1#16640k:p2#16640k:p3#16640k: #:65=12-12-20-20:p0#12480k:p1#12480k:p2#20800k:p3#20800k: #:65=10-15-15-24:p0#10400k:p1#15600k:p2#15600k:p3#24960k: #:65=10-10-44:p0#10400k:p1#10400k:p2#45760k: #:65=30-34:p0#31200k:p1#35360k: #:62=15-15-15-15:p0#15990k:p1#15990k:p2#15990k:p3#15990k: #:62=14-14-16-16:p0#14924k:p1#14924k:p2#17056k:p3#17056k: #:62=10-10-20-20:p0#10660k:p1#10660k:p2#21320k:p3#21320k: #:62=5-10-15-30:p0#5330k:p1#10660k:p2#15990k:p3#31980k: #:61=15-15-15-15:p0#15775k:p1#15775k:p2#15775k:p3#15775k: #:61=12-16-16-16:p0#13974k:p1#16376k:p2#16376k:p3#16376k: #:61=14-14-16-16:p0#15175k:p1#15175k:p2#16376k:p3#16376k: #:61=16-16-14-14:p0#16376k:p1#16376k:p2#15175k:p3#15175k: #:60=15-15-15-15:p0#15775k:p1#15775k:p2#15775k:p3#15775k: #:60=12-16-16-16:p0#13974k:p1#16376k:p2#16376k:p3#16376k: #:60=14-14-16-16:p0#15175k:p1#15175k:p2#16376k:p3#16376k: #:60=16-16-14-14:p0#16376k:p1#16376k:p2#15175k:p3#15175k: #:42=10-10-12-12:p0#9852k:p1#9852k:p2#11823k:p3#11823k: #:42=6-6-16-16:p0#5911k:p1#5911k:p2#15764k:p3#15764k: #:42=6-6-32:p0#5911k:p1#5911k:p2#31528k: #:42=4-10-15-15:p0#3941k:p1#9852k:p2#14778k:p3#14779k: #:42=11-11-11-11:p0#10837k:p1#10837k:p2#10838k:p3#10838k: #:31=10-10-10:p0#10660k:p1#10660k:p2#10660k: #:31=6-8-16:p0#6396k:p1#8528k:p2#17056k: #:31=5-5-10-10:p0#5330k:p1#5330k:p2#10660k:p3#10660k: #:31=4-6-10-10:p0#4264k:p1#6396k:p2#10660k:p3#10660k: #:20=10-10:p0#10404k:p1#10404k: #:20=4-6-10:p0#4424k:p1#6m:p2#10m: #:20=5-5-10:p2#10568k:p0#5m:p1#5m: #:20=10-5-5:p0#10568k:p1#5m:p2#5m: #:20=5-5-5-5:p0#5448k:p1#5m:p2#5m:p3#5m: #:10=10:p0#10m: #:10=5-5:p0#5m:p1#5m: H`AC|E29t0 f0 f  RB|mLNuJ9(g( g3DNuP>a"|@ra`P>?a|"|a 3|aD3|a:a @ er`&6 Ae Agr`rSAHAJAfHA`HARAAHHraa`J@fLQp` pC`6`a"|at3|a3|aat@"<a`<3A<EHJ@kUBHAHA"aVkQ3A<HAHA"<a~Nu/   XNu b2`H`$g|2LNuJ8J8J8J8Nu <и8g bp`p9ffpNua o 2/ SAJ9Ogpa9 aJ@kg a2Qp9Nua^ o 2/ SAJ9Ogpa9099gaa4J@k gQp9Nu"/ 4/0/ 0/<HARA Nu0/< oJ9Ogpa9aJ@k ga6p9Nu0/< `ZJ9Og3|8| "|"| aCHSBabJ@kQpNuad8gb`D B@2/ 88NqNqa8fbp`B@NuababNuҹ@8f*c 8g bap`,08g?a0`p81Nua8aJ@gX`adak8a$J@k Nuҹ@8fbp`pNu88gbp`p8Nu?akaTNu |"9<ҐNu |"98ҐNu |"9,ҐNuP>@a8J@ka128`P>@H`aLJ@k Q# gP#111110811"|a3|J8J8J8J83|J8J8J8J8a8f111p Bg 9,aJ@f\J9#g1 J9NgB@|Nz@N{F`,"HaPk(108g108af`a128`P>@H`aLJ@k11108 ex11"|a3|J8J8J8J83|J8J8J8J8av8f111p Bg 9,aJ@g.`0"Habk(108gp11ax`a128`H`?aJTLJ@k<1111CHSBak11aQpNu"9<108g 8`#l 8`#mQ`111111 B@2/111110811081NqNq"9<108f 8`#l 8`#mQp`B@11Nu8f1J8J8J8J81J8J8J8J811a b11abNu"9@Ҁ8g 8`#l 8`#mQa|p`$p1281111Nu11108a@k2108@3#aXa"k108aD09#Nu"9@`"9<108f 8`#l 8`#mQp`pNu/2<1081108fQ1081p"Nu# |0aJyfB?< NA\#J/</<_MCHaPOQN x!("ONzPN!.IQ("x!)$O9"< 9Pg 8`#l 8`#mQ`dZ 9 ZfPP(QOA\H?