Solo, MIDI or RS232? #solo #midi #register game options: le#vel: c#reate card load #card #load game #check net c#ancel REGISTRATED BY: NON-REGISTRATED! checking net... you are master! you are slave! Units connected: Please Wait! Creating mainland... Forming ground... Creating rivers... Placing stones... Sending card... Creating costs... Waiting for card data... Receiving card... STAMINA: IS ON SENTRY BUILDS BRIDGE BUILDS TOWER DIRECTION: TRANSPORT: NEXT STONE: TOPFIT! STRONG FIT OK NORMAL WEAK BAD! IS DYING! Options: #fortify #sentry #unload build #tower build #bridge Castle Condition: mill, library mill library produces: MORE EP: MORE MP: town wall field mill library mine NOTHING! #produce #economy #trade #magic #cancel produce what? #soldiers (50/--) #horsemen (100/--) #carriages (150/--) #phalanx (75/--) #magicians (30/50) #dragons (100/100) #ghosts (100/150) #knights (200/25) #town wall (200/--) #farming (200/--) mi#ning (200/--) m#ill (200/--) #library (200/--) Meessage to #red #blue #green #yellow br#own gr#ay Message: information: castles: stones : player castles stones which invention should now be done? invention made: mainmenu: #game status player-#info #save game #camera-mode save #card #back easy middle hard expert level: #easy #middle #hard e#xpert Infos about: player info: castles : stones : units : EProduction: Mproduction: Inventions : Comparison : #red #blue #green #yellow br#own gr#ay economy: FO MOOD: SUPER! WELL NORMAL ANXIOUS CRITICAL BAD! trade: luxury goods: + #food #continue farming: please choose the desired field! spell: #paralyse #destroy #confuse #heal #invisible #cancel IT IS NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE MORE THAN 50 TOWERS PER PLAYER! TOWERS AREN'T POSSIBLE ON THIS TYPE OF GROUND! Tower Nr. Status: #continue CHECKING MIDI NET... PASS : MIDI NET CHECK! ERRORS: NET-QUALITY: YOU CAN'T BUILD A BRIDGE HERE! mining: Please choose the desired field! First- and Surname: Number Code: registrated: ok, registration was succesfull! error: The given Code was incorrect! Super! Excellent Good Stable Exhausted Damaged Critical Rubble! build #limes Registration needed for more than two connected Computers! Saving a game is only possible with the registrated version! No Limes possible on this type of field! builds limes Help: Keyboard + Go to next active Unit - Go back an active Unit A Unload Unit (Away?) B Unit has to build bridge F Fortify Unit G Go to actual Unit I Status Information K Go to last struggle L Unit has to build Limes M Send Message Q Quit/End Game R Send Reply to message S Info about player (Stand) T Unit has to build Tower W Unit has to sentry Game over: You are the winner! Final Standing: has won! change #level Are you sure? #Yes #No Please wait... Loading Sample data SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER YEAR: B#OATS (175/--) #ELEPHANTS (125/25) UNLOAD: NO MORE UNITS ARE POSSIBLE (MAX. 100)!