" ARE PROMOTED" " ARE RELATED" "Season Summary" "Champion" "Cup winner" "Premier League related " " Promoted 1nd. Division Related " " Promoted 2rd. Division Related " "3rd. Division promoted" "Player Grades" " Income:" " Goals: " " Crowd:" " Costs:" " Rent paid:" " Advertising:" "Entrance fees:" " Players wages:" " Bonus:" " Standing:" " -covered:" " Sitting:" " -covered:" " Profit:" " Losses:" "Summary" " -Covered:" " Stadium size player :" "Games at home" " Away games" " Table" ".Round" " Money:" "Image:" "Player not transferable" "The transfer market is closed" "Your team has less then 11 players" "You have to pay a extra tax: $" " money:" "You can't play with 11 players" "Goa C" " C" "Def C" "Mid C" "Att C vs." "Goal for:" "Scorer:" "New Score:" " Scores" " his goal this season" "ESLA League Manager" "Programmer" "Graphics" "Beta Tester" "Thanks to my 520" "for being still alive" "Choose your club player " "Club is already choosen!" "league place points minusP goal" " highest victory highest defeat" " next round:" " last results" " Spectators" " Total" " standing covered" " sitting covered" " Status History" " Status Profile:" "Start Settings" " Player" "Start League" "Money" "Stad." "Options" " Results" " Players" "Badges" "Names" "Load game" "Point System" "Done" "Point System Choices" "Continental System" "British System" "Balkan System" "Win:3 points" "Draw:1 point" "Win:2 points" "for the winner on penalties" "(results will be in white)" "Leading scorers" " players shoot goa." " pl name PL 1d 2d 3d poin" "Overall table" " Statistics" "Cancel" "rou. opponment po. pl. res." "Preview" "oppon.(goa)" "oppon.(def)" "oppon.(Mid)" "oppon.(Att)" "Season history" " In the next round you must be" " places better or you'll be sacked" "Still in the domestic cup" "PL: 1.di: 2d: 3d: " " CHAMPIONS CUP" " CUP-WINNERS CUP" " ESLA-Cup" " no more!" "The ESLA gives you the following aims:" "The aim should be the .place." " is the bonus for your success," "also for every place better." "For every winning in the cup you get" " ,if you win the cup " "the summery of the ESLA" "Reach your season aim...:" "Better as the season aim:" "Domestic cup winner.....:" "Wins in the domestic cup:" "Trainingscamp" "Goalkeaper" "Defence" " Midfield" "Money player :" "Attack" "Training" " Forecast" "Bribe the Referee" "Bribe the Linesman" "Fix the bonus" "Untouchable" " Bonus:" "Referee bribed" "Referee can not be bribed" "Referee is already bribed" "Linesman bribed" "Linesman can not be bribed" "Linesman is already bribed" "Bonus already fixed" "1st ROUND" "2nd ROUND" "3rd Round" "1/4 FINALE" "1/2 FINALE" "FINAL" " Cup" " Euro cup" " Sacking" "Reason" " Failure" " Debt" " Lack of" " capacity" "sta:" "cov:" "sit:" "last ye. :" " Cup bonus duty" " European cup bonus duty" "table place:" " Champion bonus duty" " Relation bonus duty" "at home" " away" " plays against" " Last results" "Red: -games" "Banned" "Injured" "No Contract" " Selection" " Plays for:" "Games:" "Goals:" "Statistics:" "Total" "Skill" "Power" "Morale" " Previous Clubs:" "Games:" " .Minute" "Grades:" "Pay" "Cancel" " Bid for this player:" "You have already 18 players!" " You can't afford this!" "Stadium" " Stadium Size:" " Building Costs:" "Start Building" " Standing covered sitting covered" " Places Rebuilding costs" "Ticket Prices" "Bonus setting" "Non relegation bonus" " Champion bonus" "Domestic cup bonus" "European cup bonus" "Win bonus" "mp:0" "You have players:0" " Champion Domestic cup wins" " Record champion Record cup winner" "Hall of fame" "Own success as Coach" " Championships:" " European championship wins:" " ESLA-Cup wins:" " Promotions to 1st. Division:" " Cup wins:" " Cup winners cup wins:" "Promotion to Premier League:" "Promotion to 2nd. Division:" "National game" " England" " National team" "The team" "Goalkeaper" "Defence" "Midfield" "Attack" "Back to the main game" "You got it" " Trainer sacked:" " Lack of stadium capacity" "No succses over a long period" "Unable to pay debts" "Choose your new club" "pl: w: d: l: po: - go:" "Choose the Length of Contract" "Richest referees" "Place name money houses" "Built his house in Kent" "Yes" "No" " IS CHAMPION" "REACHES THE" "REACHES THE" "WINS THE CUP FINAL" "FAILED " "IN THE CUP " "If your are on the season end," "in a promotion place you won't get" "a license for the" "because your stadium capacity is too" "small." " you need: places" "A lot of fans had to stay outside when" "they wanted to get a ticket for" "the game, because there are not enough" "places. If the situtation don't change" "by the season end you will be sacked." " You need:" "File must have the extension -LCD-" "File must have the extension -SPN-" "File must have the extension -WNC-" " WINS THE CUP" "EUROPIENCUP WIN" " NO PROMOTION" "CAMPION CUP" " Nationality:" "Your club" " has sacked you" "Your club gives you this reason:" "Choose your nationality" "blue backscreen" "grey backscreen" "Transfer chances" " Player:" "Oppon.:" "League power:" "PD:" "1D:" "2D:" "3D:" "Number of bets /from" "Chance (1:to)" "red:" "yel.:" " ill:" " blue screen" " grey screen" " Choose the color" " with right button" "Leading scorers" "League Table" "At home table" "Away table" "Season History" "Spectators" "Status History" "Preview" "Overall table" "Hall of fame" "Own success" "National team" "Referees" "Show Scorer" "Sacked because of no success" "Sacked because of debt" "Dropped because of capacity" "No licens due to capazity" "Winter Training Camp" "Slide in/out the screen" "Tax for not enough players" "I am sure our team will win the game" "I am looking forward to the game" "It looks like a draw" "It will be a hard game for us" "We have a small chance" "Premier League" "1st. Division" "2nd. Division" "3rd. Division"