Joint Venture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally here it is: the Joint Venture Demo. Mainly put together at Symposium'96, release delayed since my Falcons DSP blew up, unfortunately. Also expect no fancy design. Or hyper-routines. As most of the code is very, very old (e.g. most of my codes in here are dated 1993/94). Released at InterCon'96. Date 1st of November 1996. No DSP used except for the player. Hint: boot your Falcon with -key pressed. Disable Hardisk-Caches. Leave as many memory to the demo, as you can. Or at least try it. Start Demo in one of the following resolutions for best results: 320x200x2, 320x200x4, 320x200x16, 640x200x2, 640x200x4 or 640x200x16. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music: Stax/Lazer Graphix: endpart animation, river - Dan/Lazer endpart, "reality.sys corrupted", textures - Stallion/absence. "singer" - Bull/absence. Code: modplayer - Bitmaster/TCE great packer - Mr.Ni/TOS-Crew joint venture fog-distorter - Tat/Digital Chaos planewaves - Nightmare/Inter endpart, river effect, "reality.sys"-fader - Energizer/Lazer fading-circle-plasma-tunnel - Scy/TSCC snaketunnel - Dynacore/TSCC intro, planets, z-facefader, joint-venture-fader, rgb-split- circle-distorter, tunnleflight and all the other stuff - tIn/absence. linking system and first attempt in putting together - avatar/absence. Greetings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In no special order with special messages from tIn: Atari-Greetings: Inter - Lucky of ST (und es geht _doch_) Samurai (Flssigseife) Questor (Ha!) Pater Michael Avena - Fried (Der Cuxhl) Jet (_DER_ Cuxhl) Thyroxin (Los, coden) Agent t. (Renderwahn) Boris (Amerikaner) Lazer - Photon Martina (Rechner heilelassen) Risk - Sepp Jo (Jo!) Danny O. (Wo bleibt RagD?) TEX - Daryl (Die alte Schule lebt) Light - Mega-TRI (Montags-Falcon!) Percy Leviathan TOS-Crew - Mr.Ni Insh_Allah no crews - Bastian Schick Lars Baumstark Therapy, EKO, Exa, Hydroxid, No Crew, Impulse, New Beat, Agression and all we forgot Acorn-Greetings: Icebird - Merlyn (Wir texturen unser Oma ihr klein H„uschen) Gizmo (Malen, los) That's all. absence. and Inter have to go on PC now. Sorry folks. We had a very nice time in the Atari-scene. But maybe we'll release again some old codes for Falcon (yes, there are some left ;-). Signing off tIn/absence./The Independent -web-------------------------------------------------------------------email-