This is just a quick overview of the files in the _TOOLS folder. So you know what to do first and what is what. File Descriptions: ALLFILES.TXT -- All the Files->All the Games! CD_INTRO.PRG -- This is a Intro for Atari ST/E. Dosen't work on TT. Falcon is unknown. Start it on a colour sys- tem only! DEFORMAT.ZIP -- This erases Disks completely, even any Format information. Sometimes needed, mainly to de- crunch onto singlesided Disks that were form- atted double-sided. FCOPYPRO.ZIP -- The complete Fastcopy Pro package, including utilities. Used to format or copy Disks. FONT.ZIP -- The Font that was originally used to write the CD List. Use with Atari Works and maybe to view the .DBF file. LHARC.TOS -- LHARC packer/depacker in a special 'no spread' version, to depack the one LZH file. LISTS.ZIP -- Contains the CD List in various formats: (UPDATED) * CDLIST.DBF = DBF Database format * CDLIST.STS = Atari Works Spreadsheet * COM_LIST.TXT = Comma delimeted ASCII * TAB_LIST.TXT = Tab delimeted ASCII MSA_1_41.ZIP -- Magic Shadow Archiver Version 1.41 (the only fine working one!), used to depack all those MSA files. Bombs sometimes on TT, but works! ST_ZIP26.TOS -- STZip Version 2.6, self extracting archive. Simply copy to Harddrive and doubble-click. Ofcourse used to depack ZIP files. TOS_1_0.ZIP -- TOS Version 1.00. Booting from Disk. This can be used on any ATARI ST with a newer TOS Ver- sion to make those "only old TOS" games run. TOS_FROG.ZIP -- TOS Version 1.00 francaise. Might help you make some games run, surely makes Trifide run. VIEW.PRG -- Simple programm to view ASCII-Texts. WORKS.ZIP -- Atari Works complete package. Now as a file (UPDATED) archive, use it it's good! _CRAP.TXT -- Some little stories and stuff about this CD. So now let's go and play all those games! Hope you have as much fun playing the games, and searching around thru all the files as I had archiving all this!