Finally here it is: ATARI ST PIRATE GOLD Volume 1: Version 1.1! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, to make this one short, here's what's new: The following archives have been replaced: AWESOMEC.ZIP: Awesome Disk 3, didn't worked. FEDQST_B.LZH: Federation Quest 1 Disk B, crashed while depacking due to a ZIP Bug! So now it's LZH! FUZZBALL.ZIP: Fuzzball, a file was missing in the old archive. TSOFSTEL.ZIP: The Secret of Steel, was replaced now works! --- I received various bug reports from a lot of guys, I checked them ALL very carefully, but most of the reported bugs couldn't be reproduced by me as the games were working fine. I list a few fake-reports here: Special Forces: When the game asks for a roster disk, just insert an empty disk, and the game will then create YOUR roster disk. The Kristal: Don't worry about Disk 1 being double-sided, the game works fine on my configuration! The Bard's Tale: People always moan about corrupt graphics, that is a TOS bug, on TOS 1.0 and 1.02 there are no such bugs! Brides of Dracula: Game works fine on my configuration! The Hound of Shadow: I was told that a copy-protection pops up after you play the game for about 5 mins, well is that my fault? ->NO! This could also happen in various other games, there's that rumor about Fate-Gates of Dawn and a protection pop-up after 6 hours but I'm not going to play that game for 6 hours. So if that happens in any game and you would like to play that title, try to lookout for other versions, or try getting an original from somewhere. Another general thing: If a game dosen't work, try the following: * Switch off the computer and try again! * Unplug your external drive! (In Rubicon this could be a life-saver!) * If the game is on more than one disk, connect an external drive! (This helped me out some times!) * Copy the Disk on your drive again!!! * Use good Disks!!! * Rename LOADER.PRG to LOADER.TOS * Rename LOADER.TOS to LOADER.PRG * Put LOADER.PRG in an AUTO folder! (Do note: AUTO folders can't be created on TOS 1.0 and 1.02! Use an existing one from another disk!) * Rename LOADER.TOS to LOADER.PRG and put it in an AUTO folder! * If you have TOS 2.xx or a TT don't bother! Believe it or not, but some of these things actually work! Alternatively you can also pre-load a TOS version from Disk, but this only helps very few times (and not with Arkanoid Part 1&3!). So, the other changes are: FILES.BBS support now, as requested by some people. Filenames now contained in the lists (should have done that before). Lists updated and errors corrected. Some files added to the TOOLS folder. ALLFILES ASCII list added for fast search&find. Well...if I haven't forgotten anything then that's it. Hope you enjoy it for more than just 5 minutes. The second CD is still in the works, right now I have around 360 megs together, so it may still take some time. This update could have been released already in 1997, but for some foul reason that never happend. As I have my own CD-Writer now, I sat down for some 1 or 2 hours and finally did it. Everything else on this CD has been left unchanged so if you had the version before you know exactly what to look for. Finally, if you wan't to contact me try: See ya, 22. JAN 2000