; FOR ST Programmers - How to detect PaCifiST (0.46 of greater) ; ; When Vsync is called with D6=D7='Emu?' and those registers are ; altered, you can assume you're running under an Emulator. ; ; If D6='PaCi' & D7='fiST', then it's under PaCifiST and A0 points out ; some extra hardware registers: ; ; 0 BYTE major version (BCD) ; 1 BYTE minor version (BCD) ; ; Special registers will be added with each version move.l #'Emu?',d5 move.l d5,d7 move.l d5,d6 move #$25,-(a7) trap #$e addq.l #2,a7 move.l a0,regbase cmp.l d5,d6 bne.s under_emu cmp.l d5,d7 beq.s normal_st under_emu: cmp.l #'PaCi',d6 bne.s other_emu cmp.l #'fiST',d7 bne.s other_emu pea super(pc) move.w #$26,-(a7) trap #$e addq.l #6,a7 lea pacifist_emu(pc),a0 bra.s print other_emu: cmp.l #"TBox",d6 beq.s tosbox_found lea an_emu(pc),a0 bra.s print normal_st: lea no_emu(pc),a0 print: pea (a0) move #9,-(a7) trap #1 addq.l #6,a7 move #1,-(a7) trap #1 addq.l #2,a7 clr.w -(a7) trap #1 super: move.l regbase(pc),a0 move.b (a0),d0 add.b d0,majorv move.b 1(a0),d0 move d0,d1 lsr #4,d1 and #$f,d0 and #$f,d1 add.b d1,minorv add.b d0,minorv+1 rts tosbox_found: move.l #tosbver+1,d0 and #$fffe,d0 move.l d0,a0 move.l d7,(a0) lea tosbox_emu(pc),a0 bra.s print SECTION DATA regbase dc.l 0 ;----- no emulator found no_emu: dc.b "It seems you're running under a",13,10 dc.b "mere ST.",0 ;----- unknown emulator an_emu: dc.b "It seems you're running under an",13,10 dc.b "emulator.",0 ;----- PaCifiST pacifist_emu: dc.b "You're running under PaCifiST v" majorv: dc.b "0." minorv: dc.b "00.",0 ;----- TOSBOX tosbox_emu: dc.b "You re running under TOSBOX " tosbver dcb.b 32,5 dc.b 10,13,0