************************************************************************* * PURE ENERGY MENU * * ---------------- * * * * * * * * Written By: MAC SYSTEM DATA of PERSISTENCE OF VISION * * * * * * Date: 20th August 1992 * * * * * * Music by: NO-MORE of ANIMAL MINE * * * * * * * * All code ½ P.O.V. 1992,1993 * * * ************************************************************************* opt o+,w- STARS equ 50 ; number of stars to stick on screen YES=1 yes=YES NO=0 no=NO AUTORUN4=no ;YES to use POV AUTORUN 4 (poke filename at $200 and exit) ;NO to run program from here ;If AUTORUN4 is used you can exit to the desktop to ;double click a program or use the POV autogem/d_click.prg *************************** SECTION TEXT *************************** *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HERE GOES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* opt o+ ifeq AUTORUN4 begin bra start ds.l 100 ustack ds.l 1 ; filename has already been stored in $200 so we can now P_EXEC exec pea blank(pc) pea blank(pc) pea $200 clr.w -(sp) move.w #$4b,-(sp) trap #1 lea 16(sp),sp pea .reset(pc) ;always reset on return from prog move.w #$26,-(sp) trap #14 .reset move.l 4.w,-(sp) rts blank dc.l 0 ******************************************************************* start move.l 4(a7),a0 move.l #ustack,a7 move.l #start-begin+$100,-(a7) ;keep only EXEC routine move.l a0,-(a7) clr.w -(a7) move.w #$4a,-(a7) trap #1 lea 12(a7),a7 ENDC ;~~~~~~~ START OF MAIN CODE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bsr clear_bss bsr set_super ;set supervisor mode move.b #$12,$fffffc02.w ;Disable mouse bsr save_pal ;save old palette bsr get_base ;get present screen base bsr get_rez bsr black_out ;make all colours black bsr calc_screen ;calc our own screen address move.l screen_1,a0 ;new screen base bsr set_low_rez ;go into low rez move.l screen_1,present_base move.l screen_2,last_base move.b $484.w,old484 ;save keyboard click/speed, etc clr.b $484.w ;disable repeat/click/bell ; moveq #2,d0 ; use 1 for ST, 2 for fast ST and 3 for STE ; bsr tune bsr set_palette ;set new colours bsr make_yp_tab ; make up a table of Y coordinates bsr print_titles bsr start_interrupts bsr show_pic bsr flush ;flush keyboard buffer main_loop bsr flip_screen bsr vsync ; move.w #$070,$ffff8240.w bsr clear_stars ;clear the star field bsr starfield ; move, calculate and print starfield. bsr scroll ; move.w pic+2,$ffff8240.w move.b $fffffc02.w,d0 cmp.b #01,d0 ;escape? beq exit ;yes get out... cmp.b #$b,d0 ;0 key beq zero check_keys lea key_codes,a6 .loop cmp.b #$ff,(a6) ;end of table? beq.s main_loop ;yes cmp.b (a6)+,d0 ;is key one we want? beq.s load ;yes so load demo move.b (a6)+,d6 ;NO so get offset bra.s .loop ;check another key code load move.b (a6),-(sp) ;store offset on stack for later use ; bsr tune+2 bsr vsync ;shut the interrupts down move.w #$2700,sr ;quick before she blows up!! move.l old70,$70.w move.l old_timerb,$120.w lea $ffff8800.w,a0 move.l #$8080000,(a0) move.l #$9090000,(a0) move.l #$a0a0000,(a0) move.b olda07,$fffffa07.w move.b olda09,$fffffa09.w move.b olda17,$fffffa17.w move.b olda1b,$fffffa1b.w move.b olda21,$fffffa21.w move.w #$2300,sr move.l old_base,a0 ;put screen back to original bsr set_org_rez ;go org rez for assembler/desktop bsr restore_pal ;restore colours move.b #8,$fffffc02.w ;mouse back on move.b old484,$484.w ;keyclick, etc bsr flush ;clear keyboard buffer moveq #0,d0 ;clear D0.L move.b (sp)+,d0 ;get key value off stack lea filename_table,a0 lsl.w #2,d0 ;multiply D0 by 4 (one long word) add.w d0,a0 move.l (a0),a1 ;get filename address *** now move filename into $200 for AUTORUN4 to find lea $200.w,a0 movem.l (a1),d0-d3 ;move 16 bytes movem.l d0-d3,(a0) ;into $200 *** now check hertz and exit cleanly... tst.w hertz_switch ;has hertz been pressed? beq.s hz50 ;no so it stays in 50Hz eor.b #2,$ffff820a.w ;yes so go 60Hz hz50 move.b #8,$fffffc02.w ;mouse back on move.l stack_save,-(sp) move.w #$20,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #6,sp ifeq AUTORUN4 bra exec ELSE clr.w -(sp) ;exit to desktop trap #1 ENDC zero tst.w zero_counter bne check_keys eor.w #$002,pic+2 ;show a hertz change eor.w #$ffff,hertz_switch ;toggle a check move.w #10,zero_counter ;delay in between hertz switches bra main_loop exit ; bsr tune+2 bsr vsync ;shut the interrupts down move.w sr,-(sp) move.w #$2700,sr ;quick before she blows up!! move.l old70,$70.w move.l old_timerb,$120.w lea $ffff8800.w,a0 move.l #$8080000,(a0) move.l #$9090000,(a0) move.l #$a0a0000,(a0) move.b olda07,$fffffa07.w move.b olda09,$fffffa09.w move.b olda17,$fffffa17.w move.b olda1b,$fffffa1b.w move.b olda21,$fffffa21.w move.w (sp)+,sr move.l old_base,a0 ;put screen back to original bsr set_org_rez ;go org rez for assembler/desktop bsr restore_pal ;restore colours move.b #8,$fffffc02.w ;mouse back on move.b old484,$484.w ;keyclick, etc bsr flush ;clear keyboard buffer move.l stack_save,-(sp) move.w #$20,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #6,sp clr.w -(sp) ;assembler/desktop trap #1 ;BYE! ***************************************************************** * SUB ROUTINES ***************************************************************** DEPTH equ 32 scroll move.l last_base,a1 lea 160*70(a1),a1 lea font_offsets,a2 ;font lookup table lea font,a3 ;font itself move.l scroll_pointer,a4 ;pointer into text move.l a4,a5 moveq #40,d5 ;40 words across screen move.w char_offset,d6 ;char offset is a toggle for byte/word boundary moveq #0,d4 next_char move.b (a5),d7 ;get a letter sub.b #32,d7 ;rid of ASCII ext.w d7 moveq #0,d0 move.l a3,a0 move.b (a2,d7),d0 ;find correct offset ; mulu #8*DEPTH,d0 ;8 bytes wide * DEPTH lsl.w #8,d0 add.w d0,a0 ;add to font start move.w d6,d0 ;char offset lsl.w #5,d0 ;*DEPTH add.w d0,a0 ;we now point to character in A0 .column OFF set 0 REPT DEPTH move.b (a0)+,d3 move.b d3,OFF(a1) move.b d3,160+OFF(a1) move.b d3,320+OFF(a1) move.b d3,480+OFF(a1) OFF set OFF+4*160 ;go down a line ENDR subq.w #1,d5 ;column value beq.s .finish ;last column then finish addq.w #1,a1 ;lower byte of word tst.w d4 beq.s .skip ;if D4=0 then do next byte add.w #6,a1 ;else goto next word on screen .skip not.w d4 addq.w #1,d6 ;character offset and.w #7,d6 bne .column addq.w #1,a5 ;scroll pointer tst.b (a5) ;is end of text? bpl next_char ;NO! lea scroll_text,a5 ;do reset scrolline bra next_char .finish addq.w #1,char_offset and.w #7,char_offset bne.s .end addq.w #1,a4 tst.b (a4) ;is scroll text end? bpl.s .end ;NO! lea scroll_text,a4 ;reset scroll text .end move.l a4,scroll_pointer rts **** This starfield was NOT written by me, I think it was Penguin **** the clear star routine is a bit shit as I don't use 3 buffers **** to store the old star positions, as a result you get a slight **** flicker as it clears the old stars from the screen you can see. **** After all that, my clear routine is at least 50% faster than the old one! starfield lea XRAND,a0 ; get bank of random x-coords lea YRAND,a1 ; " " " " y-coords lea ZRAND,a2 ; " " " " z-coords move.w xi,d0 ; xi = X increment, in d0 move.w yi,d1 ; yi = Y increment, in d1 move.w zi,d2 ; zi = Z increment, in d2 move.w #127,d3 ; x/y max limit of stars in space move.w #511,d4 ; z max limit of stars in space move.w #STARS,d7 ; number of stars to do in d7 .lp move.w (a0),d6 ; get star x-coord add.w d0,d6 ; change x-coord by amount in (xi) and.w d3,d6 ; if x<0 then x=127 : if x>127 then x=0 move.w d6,(a0)+ ; put x-coord back in buffer move.w (a1),d6 ; get star y-coord add.w d1,d6 ; change y-coord by amount in (yi) and.w d3,d6 ; if y<0 then y=127 : if y>127 then y=0 move.w d6,(a1)+ ; put y-coord back in buffer move.w (a2),d6 ; get star z-coord add.w d2,d6 ; change z-coord by amount in (zi) and.w d4,d6 ; if z<0 then z=511 : if z>511 then z=0 move.w d6,(a2)+ ; put z-coord back in buffer dbra d7,.lp ; do next star in buffer. .print_stars lea Y_PLOT,a5 ; get list of y-coords on screen lea XRAND,a1 ; get coords of stars lea YRAND,a2 lea ZRAND,a3 move.w #STARS,d0 ; number of stars to do in d0 moveq #7,d2 ; use this later (shift left of 7 = * 128) .loop move.w (a3)+,d1 ; z-coord neg.w d1 ; move.w d1,d4 ; add.w #511,d1 ; ext.l d4 lsl.l d2,d4 ;shift left by 7 places = * 128 divs d1,d4 move.w (a1)+,d1 ;get x coords sub.w #64,d1 move.w d1,d5 neg.w d1 muls d4,d1 lsr.l d2,d1 ;div by 128 add.w d1,d5 move.w (a2)+,d1 add.w #160,d5 ; touch this and it will crash!!! bmi.s .end ; sub.w #64,d1 move.w d1,d6 neg.w d1 muls d1,d4 lsr.l d2,d4 ;div by 128 add.w d4,d6 neg.w d6 add.w #100,d6 ; touch this and it will crash!!! bmi.s .end ; cmp.w #319,d5 ; (limits of screen coordinates) bgt.s .end ; low res - 320*200 cmp.w #199,d6 ; bgt.s .end ; .log move.l present_base,a4 ;get present screen address add.w d6,d6 ;add y coords to y coords add.w (a5,d6),a4 ;add x to y and get real pos move.w d5,d6 and.w #$FF0,d6 lsr.w d6 ;div 2 add.w d6,a4 and.b #$F,d5 ;make on 16 byte boundary move.w #%1000000000000000,d6 lsr.w d5,d6 ;shift to star position *************** movem.l a4/a5,-(sp) ;bit for new clear_stars routine by MAC SYS DATA move.l old_stars_pos,a5 sub.l present_base,a4 move.l a4,(a5)+ move.l a5,old_stars_pos movem.l (sp)+,a4/a5 ************** .P2 or.w d6,2(a4) .end dbra d0,.loop .control_stars ; this makes the stars change direction addq #1,FRAME and.w #7,FRAME bne.s .n3 moveq #0,d1 moveq #0,d2 move.w #10,d3 cmp.w xi,d1 beq.s .n1 bgt.s .g1 subq #1,xi bra.s .n1 .g1 addq #1,xi .n1 cmp.w yi,d2 beq.s .n2 bgt.s .g2 subq #1,yi bra.s .n2 .g2 addq #1,yi .n2 cmp.w zi,d3 beq.s .n3 bgt.s .g3 subq #2,zi bra.s .n3 .g3 addq #2,zi .n3 rts *-------------------------------* make_yp_tab ; make Y-POS > SCREEN conversion table lea Y_PLOT+400,a0 move.w #200-1,d0 .lp move.w d0,d1 mulu #160,d1 move.w d1,-(a0) dbra d0,.lp rts ;******************************************************* ; New clear_stars routine ; coded by MAC SYS DATA 'cos the old one was shit slow ;******************************************************* clear_stars lea old_stars,a0 move.l #pic+34,d3 move.l last_base,d2 REPT STARS move.l (a0)+,a1 move.l (a1,d3.l),(a1,d2.l) move.l 4(a1,d3.l),4(a1,d2.l) ENDR rts *********************************************************************** * SERVICE ROUTINES *********************************************************************** flip_screen ;flip between 2 screens to stop bob flickering move.l present_base,last_base move.l screen_1,a0 move.w screen_number,d0 beq .1 move.l screen_2,a0 .1 move.l a0,present_base eor.w #-1,screen_number move.l a0,d0 lsr.l #8,d0 lea $fffff8201.w,a0 movep.w d0,(a0) rts flush btst.b #0,$fffffC00.w ;flush keyboard beq.s flush2 move.b $fffffC02.w,d0 bra.s flush flush2 rts vsync move.w #$ffff,vsync_flag ;custom routine to wait .vs tst.w vsync_flag ;for screen refresh bne.s .vs rts set_super move.l d7,user_stack clr.l -(sp) ;set supervisor mode move.w #32,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #6,sp move.l d0,stack_save rts save_pal lea old_pal,a1 lea $ffff8240.w,a0 movem.l (a0),d0-d7 movem.l d0-d7,(a1) rts restore_pal lea old_pal,a0 bra.s set_p set_palette lea pic+2,a0 set_p lea $ffff8240.w,a1 movem.l (a0),d0-d7 movem.l d0-d7,(a1) rts get_base move.w #3,-(sp) ;get original scrn base trap #14 addq.l #2,sp move.l d0,old_base rts get_rez move.w #4,-(sp) ;get original rez trap #14 addq.l #2,sp move.w d0,org_rez rts calc_screen lea screen,a0 ;calc our own scrn move.l a0,d0 clr.b d0 move.l d0,screen_1 add.l #40192,d0 move.l d0,screen_2 rts set_med_rez move.w #1,-(sp) bra.s set_rez set_org_rez move.w org_rez,-(sp) bra.s set_rez set_low_rez clr.w -(sp) set_rez move.l a0,-(sp) ;screen address is in A0 move.l (sp),-(sp) move.w #5,-(sp) trap #14 lea 12(sp),sp rts show_pic lea pic+34,a0 move.l present_base,a1 move.l last_base,a2 ;for flip screen move.w #32000/4-1,d1 .copy move.l (a0),(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a2)+ dbf d1,.copy rts black_out movem.l black,d0-d7 ;make all colours black movem.l d0-d7,$ffff8240.w rts clear_bss lea bss_start,a0 .clear clr.l (a0)+ cmp.l #bss_end,a0 blt.s .clear rts start_interrupts ori.w #$700,sr move.l $70.w,old70 move.l $120.w,old_timerb move.b $fffffa07,olda07 move.b $fffffa09,olda09 move.b $fffffa17,olda17 move.b $fffffa1b,olda1b move.b $fffffa21,olda21 move.l #new_vbl,$70.W ;set new interrupt values move.l #new_timerb,$120.W move.b #1,$fffffa07.w clr.b $fffffa09.W bclr #0,$fffffa0f.w bset #0,$fffffa13.w bclr #3,$fffffa17.w ;enable auto A-INTERRUPT IN SERVICE clear clr.b $fffffa1b.w clr.b $fffffa21.w move.w #$2300,sr rts ;ISRs are now running print_titles lea pic+34,a0 add.w #160*70,a0 move.l a0,a6 lea screen_titles,a1 lea screen_titles_font,a2 move.w #13-1,d0 ;max 13 titles per menu .loop move.w #20-1,d6 ;40 across each line (I know it says 20 but it's 20 words) .loop2 moveq #0,d1 move.b (a1)+,d1 sub.w #32,d1 mulu #8,d1 move.b 0(a2,d1.w),2(a0) move.b 1(a2,d1.w),162(a0) move.b 2(a2,d1.w),322(a0) move.b 3(a2,d1.w),482(a0) move.b 4(a2,d1.w),642(a0) move.b 5(a2,d1.w),802(a0) move.b 6(a2,d1.w),962(a0) move.b 7(a2,d1.w),1122(a0) moveq #0,d1 move.b (a1)+,d1 sub.w #32,d1 mulu #8,d1 move.b 0(a2,d1.w),3(a0) move.b 1(a2,d1.w),163(a0) move.b 2(a2,d1.w),323(a0) move.b 3(a2,d1.w),483(a0) move.b 4(a2,d1.w),643(a0) move.b 5(a2,d1.w),803(a0) move.b 6(a2,d1.w),963(a0) move.b 7(a2,d1.w),1123(a0) addq.w #8,a0 dbf d6,.loop2 lea 160*10(a6),a6 move.l a6,a0 dbf d0,.loop rts ********* * ISRs * ********* new_vbl clr.b $fffffa1b.w movem.l d0-a6,-(sp) ;preserve regs movem.l pic+2,d0-d7 ;set colours after isr movem.l d0-d7,$ffff8240.w clr.l timerbcol1 ;bsr tune+6 move.l #new_timerb,$120.w clr.w vsync_flag ;own screen update rout move.w #2,colour_offset move.l #old_stars,old_stars_pos tst.w zero_counter beq.s .clear sub.w #1,zero_counter .clear movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6 move.b #70,$fffffa21.w ;next interrupt to occur at xx lines down move.b #8,$fffffa1b.w ;set interrupt method rte new_timerb move.l #0,$ffff8242.w timerbcol1 equ *-6 timerbcol2 equ *-4 move.w timerbcol1,$ffff8246.w move.l d0,-(sp) ;save regs move.l a0,-(sp) lea colours(pc),a0 move.w colour_offset,d0 ;offset into table move.w (a0,d0.w),timerbcol1 lea colours(pc),a0 ;start of colour table move.w (a0,d0.w),timerbcol2 clr.b $fffffa1b.w ;stop timerb add.w #2,colour_offset ;increase offset move.l (sp)+,a0 move.l (sp)+,d0 move.l #faster_timerb,$120.w move.b #2,$fffffa21.w move.b #8,$fffffa1b.w rte faster_timerb move.l d0,-(sp) ;save regs move.l a0,-(sp) ;save regs move.w colour_offset,d0 lea colours2(pc),a0 move.w (a0,d0.w),$ffff8244.w ;make titles under scroller lea colours(pc),a0 move.w (a0,d0.w),d0 move.w d0,$ffff8242.w move.w d0,$ffff8246.w clr.b $fffffa1b.w add.w #2,colour_offset move.l (sp)+,a0 move.l (sp)+,d0 move.b #8,$fffffa1b.w rte ****************************** SECTION DATA ****************************** colours dc.w $008,$001,$009,$002,$00a,$003,$00b,$004 dc.w $00c,$005,$00d,$006,$00e,$007,$00f,$80f dc.w $10f,$90f,$20f,$a0f,$30f,$b0f,$40f,$c0f dc.w $50f,$d0f,$60f,$e0f,$70f,$f0f,$f07,$f0e dc.w $f06,$f0d,$f05,$f0c,$f04,$f0b,$f03,$f0a dc.w $f02,$f09,$f01,$f08,$f00,$f80,$f10,$f90 dc.w $f20,$fa0,$f30,$fb0,$f40,$fc0,$f50,$fd0 dc.w $f60,$fe0,$f70,$ff0,$770,$ee0,$660,$dd0 dc.w $550,$cc0 colours2 dc.w $083,$01a,$092,$029,$0a1,$03e,$0b0,$040 dc.w $0c0,$050,$0d0,$060,$0e0,$070,$0f0,$8f0 dc.w $1f0,$9f0,$2f0,$af0,$3f0,$bf0,$4f0,$cf0 dc.w $5f0,$df0,$6f0,$ef0,$7f0,$ff0,$ff0,$ff0 dc.w $ff0,$ff0,$ff0,$7f0,$ef0,$6f0,$df0,$5f0 dc.w $cf0,$4f0,$bf0,$3f0,$af0,$2f0,$9f0,$1f0 dc.w $8f0,$0f8,$0f1,$0f9,$0f2,$0fa,$0f3,$0fb dc.w $0f4,$0fc,$0f5,$0fd,$076,$0ee,$067,$0df dc.w $05f,$0cf scroll_pointer dc.l scroll_text scroll_text dc.b " WELCOME TO PURE ENERGY 65. " dc.b "CREDITS: MENU CODED BY MAC SYS DATA OF P.O.V. " dc.b "BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,BLAH,BLAH. " DC.B " WRAP " dc.b $ff even font dcb.b DEPTH*8,0 incbin big.fnt font_offsets ; ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / dc.b 0,46,48,00,00,00,00,48,41,42,44,00,27,43,28,45 ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ dc.b 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,30,29,00,00,00,47,00 ; A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q dc.b 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 ; R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c dc.b 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,41,40,42,00,00,48,01,02,03 ; d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u dc.b 04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 ; v w x y z dc.b 22,23,24,25,26 even ;tune incbin power*.mus ;music-filename even pic incbin pic.PI1 ;main menu pic ****** NOTE: [=filled in square block screen_titles ;TITLES AS THEY WILL APPEAR ON THE MENU........ (MAX 40 CHARS) ; ------1234567890123456789012345678901234567890------ dc.b "[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[" dc.b "[ 1: AN OTHER [" dc.b "[ 2: AGAIN AN OTHER [" dc.b "[ 3: NOT ANOTHER!!! [" dc.b "[ [" dc.b "[IF NOT ALL KEYS 1-9 ARE USED THEN YOU [" dc.b "[ CAN PUT THE CREDITS IN HERE. 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