==================== The Atari Compendium Errata Sheet #1 Nov 1st, 1993 ==================== The enclosed files represent the first errata sheet for The Atari Compendium. The file ERRATA1.TXT is an ASCII format version. The file ERRATA1.STW is an Atari Works format file. These files contain errors, omissions, and clarifications to information contained within the Compendium. My appreciation goes out to those people who graciously spent time sending me reports. If you reported an error and don't find it mentioned in here, one of three things may have happened: 1. The error you reported was typographical and did not affect the content. 2. I haven't been able to verify if it is an error, or what the proper correction is. 3. I have determined that it wasn't an error. Any further errors or comments you might have may be sent to me in Email at S.SANDERS2 on GEnie, S.SANDERS2@genie.geis.com over the Internet, or 71461,3645 on Compuserve. Our mailing address is: Software Development Systems 996 Redondo Ave. #404 Long Beach, CA 90804 310/430-0364