========================== atari.st/falcon #5215, from sabbath, 1201 chars, Sep 12 12:48 94 This is a comment to message 5214. -------------------------- >In the old version of TOS the following code (assembler) were used to >select the different resolutions On the Falcon you should no longer use this trap call. You should use XBIOS #$58 - which looks like this:- move.w move,-(sp) move.w #$58,-(sp) trap #14 addq.l #4,sp Where 'mode' looks like this:- bits meaning 0-2 These bits form a value so that 2^X represents the number of bits/pixel 3 80 coloun flag (if set, 80 columns, otherwise 40) 4 VGA Flag (if set, VGA mode, if not TV/RGB mode) 5 PAL Flag (if set, PAL mode, otherwise NTSC) 6 Overscan Flag (not valid with VGA) 7 ST compatibility flag 8 Vertical flag (if set, enables interlace mode on a colour monitor or double line mode on a VGA monitor) 9-15 Reserved (set 0) If you're going to be programming on the Falcon, I'd advise you to buy 'The Atari Compendium' - available from Hisoft - which is a book that covers all the new Falcon video, sound and hardware. Graeme