Hey everybody!: I was visiting a little software shop checking out what new titles might be out for the Jag and found something pretty cool - a simple doc that describes how to construct your own network cable! I've done it and it works pretty well! Since I haven't signed an NDA yet and I haven't seen it posted here, I typed it EXACTLY as it was written (following the request of it's anonymous author) and appended it to the end of this message! I hope everybody out there that uses this will follow the request of it's author and buy the catbox when it's out. If you don't, you suck!!! Hurry up ICD/Atari! Get to it!!! In the mean time, this will do. Thoughts on Club Drive Trucking: I don't think it's as bad as all the reviews have made it out to be. I mean, it could be 50x better, but it's not bad. I look at it this way - it's a first gen crude engine that they've created. The Doom engine went through Wolf 3d and "Catacomb Abyss" to get to it's current degree of awesomeness. There are many examples like this throughout software history. I hope they find reason to continue advancing this engine as I think it shows a lot of promise. I find the tunes to be amazing. Like really amazing. Jazzy and smooth sounding - great music to drive by :) The bar-room piano and the sax soundtracks are really happening! The update rate could've been faster, but it's not bad. The biggest problem I have with the graphics are the lack of effective shading of the road. It's all one color, no matter how far away in the distance it stretches. This isn't much of a problem on the San Fran track as there are lines on the road - but other tracks don't have that. They could've thrown in some player/ missile graphics or something to add like pebbles in the road, or tracks on the ground, or road runners (wild west), or... etc. I like the fact that there is a missile right beside the Atari building in the weird tunnel place :) You can get some really big air off of the missile in the "Jurassic Park" place. The "secret" places are pretty cool. It would've been nice if the cars had weapons de la Spy Hunter to make the road a little slippery or foggy or whatever. Control isn't as bad as what I was hearing. But then again, I don't find Bruce Lee control to be difficult either (except for "option", which I don't use - they need to come out with a six button controller for it to be used effectively with the "option" moves - but they really aren't necessary moves). The game is fun! I'd recommend getting into an altered state of consciousness - be it via porter (driving drunk is fun) or via other things (esp. smoke - the tunes are made for it) and go for a spin! Woooohoooooo! Once again, I'd like to see a CD version of the game which would have like a bizillion tracks to race on. I'd like to see a CD version of every game that they've put out thusfar. Even Trevor McFur. Sometimes quantity can help offset problems in quality. For example, TMF would be much more interesting if there were actual FMV clips thrown in between levels and stuff. The Boss animation sequences could be done using FMV and therefore look 50x better & smoother... There is a lot they could've done (including slowing down the gameplay too - I find it too fast). By the way: is iD going to release Doom II for the Jag on CD? I mean, if it was on CD, they wouldn't have to leave anything out at all! They don't have to change the engine - just import the doom II WAD to the jag... I personally find Dead Simple to be the most challenging level ever - especially on Nightmare. Oh yeah - return nightmare to "respawning" the deadies!!! Happy hacking!, PHIL Here's the doc: Hey jag user: Find below a description of how to construct a cable that allows two jaguars to be connected together locally for "networked" play for Doom. If you use this cable, buy the "Catbox" networking product when it is finally released. If you don't buy the "Catbox" when it is released, you are hurting the market for Jaguar products and you really suck. Continued support for the Jaguar is dependent upon the market that exists. If Atari only sells a few Catboxes, support for the Catbox will be dropped. I ask that you freely distribute this doc unmodified and that you do not profit from the info. herein. If it suits you, go out and give copies of this doc to BBSs and stores in your local area to distribute with JagDoom or any other networkable games that arrive in the future. Stop distributing this doc when the Catbox arrives, as it will no longer be necessary!!! I figured this out on my own, without help. I am not currently under a non-disclosure agreement, but I distribute this anonymously to avoid any potential future conflicts with Atari. I guess I'll give this a name - call it the "China Cat Sunflower" cable, and this doc the "China Cat Sunflower" doc. Oh - one last thing: if you know him, tell the "Circuit Breaker" that the guy who he borrowed the Atari 8-bit Technical Reference Notes from wants them back now. It's about 9 years overdue :) Peace & Enjoy! Here is a representation of the DSP connector on the back of the Jag: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Top of jag 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bottom The connection is as follows: Connector A Connector B 8 9 9 8 12 12 Go out and buy a "PC card edge connector" from radio shack, such as Cat. No. 276-1453. Saw it down to the appropriate size (the ends work nice and avoid worries of connector contact alignment screw-ups). Make sure that you solder nice and clean. Shielded cables, such as Cat. No. 42-2355a will work well :) Network errors happen. I've found that they don't happen all that often and usually in bunches. Use shielded cables and keep the length down. Disclaimer: Atari surely doesn't recommend that you do this. Using it probably violates your warranty. I assume no liability for any damage caused by the use of the described cable. Use at your own risk. Though it is nearly inconceivable to me that somebody could screw it up, CHECK YOUR WORK BEFORE YOU PLUG IN! Make sure connectors are aligned properly, etc. tF