--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimizing your source code from ST News v5.2 by Stefan Posthuma --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being a demo coder these days ain't easy. There is so much competition and some of this competition is bloody good. If you want to make a screen that impresses the modern-day demo beholder, you have to be one hell of a coder. It all comes down to speed. The faster your code, the more time you have to do things. The first thing you need if you want fast code is to optimize your programs. Eliminate loops, preprogram, write self-modifying code, whatever. The second thing is to use better algorithms. If you want to sort a piece of memory, there are dozens of algorithms to be used and for your particular case, one of them will be the fastest. Do you remember the 'Red Sector' screen from the MindBomb demo? Tim used bubblesort to sort the sprites in the Z-axis. I wrote a quicksort (nice and recursive) and when I was in Manchester, we put that into the demo. My God, some of the objects were 50% faster!! The thirds thing is that you can use 'dirty' hardware tricks. Like the sync-scrolling everybody is so exited about. I wrote a screen once using it (the Ah Yeah screen from MindBomb) and I can tell you, it's one hell of a job doing it! The problem is that it is ST-dependent. If it works on one ST, does not mean it works on another. I spent a whole night at Thalion software, going from computer to computer, trying to get it to work. Tim had the same problems with his main menu, but we are quite sure MindBomb syncrouts work on all ST's. Unlike some demos by most crews that use Sync. Remembering Cuddly's (the first one to use it, so they couldn't know) but also recent ones. Like the one by Inner Circle. You should see it on my ST. It's amusing. Why am I mentioning them? Well, they seem to have something against the Lost Boys, and since I am one, I am a bit pissed off. I think they should spend more time trying to get their syncrouts right and less time writing childish things in scrollines. (there's even supposed to be a hidden 'anti Lost Boys' screen in there. Ludicrous!) But back to the software. Let's start with a simple one, loop- elimination. Fancy a routine that puts a block on the screen which is 16 pixels high and 1 word wide. The traditional code will look like this: LEA DATA(PC),A0 MOVE.L SCREENPOS,A1 MOVEQ #15,D0 loop MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1) 12 LEA 160(A1),A1 8 DBRA D0,loop RTS A few remarks. As you can see, I use LEA DATA(PC),A0 instead of the more obvious MOVE.L #DATA,A0. Simple, LEA is faster. Also, I use MOVEQ wherever possible. And I used LEA 160(A1),A1 instead of ADD.W #160,A1. Faster again. But the real trick is in the DBRA. If you take a clockcycle sheet, you will see that DBRA takes 10 cycles if the branch is taken and 12 if it isn't. So that makes 15*10+12=162 cycles. Plus the 320 cycles of the other instructions, the whole loop will take 482 cycles. Imagine loosing the DBRA and the LEA instruction, saving 18 cycles per loop. Just repeat the MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1) 16 times! Of course, we need the scanline displacement of 160 bytes in A1. So we use MOVE.W (A0)+,x(A1) where x is a multitude of 160. This will take 16 cycles per instruction, reducing the whole to 256 cycles. Yeah, that's almost half!! Fortunately, the programmer of GENST has foreseen this, and included some nice facilities for it. Using these, the code will look like this: LEA DATA(PC),A0 MOVE.L SCREENPOS,A1 VAL SET 0 REPT 16 MOVE.W (A0)+,VAL(A1) VAL SET VAL+160 ENDR RTS First of all, we set an assembly-variable. I called it VAL, but you can call it what you want. It is set to zero in the beginning. Then, we use the directive 'REPT x' to indicate that the following block of code up to the 'ENDR' is to be repeated x times. In the loop, we add 160 to VAL and that's it! You can guess the resulting code: MOVE.W (A0)+,0(A1) MOVE.W (A0)+,160(A1) MOVE.W (A0)+,320(A1) And so on. If we turn on optimization (OPT O+), the first instruction will be changed to a normal MOVE, saving some more. Now this is a much-used thing. Most Lost Boy products do not have any loops if memory allows us to. I mean it always saves time! The drawback of this is that you cannot use labels inside the loop. The assembler will not allow it. There is a way however, which is a bit tricky. Let's say you want to repeat this code (which is not meant to be functional): REPT 20 MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1) CMP.W #17,D0 BNE.S SKIP MOVE.W #1,D0 SKIP MOVE.W D0,(A2)+ ENDR What you do is, you assemble this without the REPT, and take a look at the code with a disassembler. The BNE.S SKIP will assemble to hex $6604. So the code that will be accepted by the assembler is: REPT 20 MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1) CMP.W #17,D0 DC.W $6604 ; BNE.S SKIP MOVE.W #1,D0 ;SKIP MOVE.W D0,(A2)+ ENDR Nice huh? It works, but you have to take care. If you change anything between the DC.W and the MOVE.W D0,(A2)+, the size of it in bytes will probably change and you have to recompute the value of the BNE, and thus the DC.W. Right, that's one of the tricks used. A variant of this is pre- programming. This is where the computer makes up its own code at the beginning of the demo. Imagine the big scrollines you see in so many demos. They're so popular since they're easy to program, use relatively little processor time and look impressive. If you take a closer look at one of them, you will notice that the resolution of the font is very low. No fancy pixel work, just blocks which are normally 8 pixels wide (sometimes even 16 pixels!), and something like 10-16 pixels high. The way it works is (at least, the way I do it) that there is a buffer which contains the scrolline in compressed format, only $ff where there needs to be a block and $00 where there doesn't need to be one. This buffer will be small (in our example we could have a 16- block high scrolline filling the entire screen, thus 16*20=320 words=640 bytes buffer, the time needed to scroll that is almost trivial) A fragment of the code that puts the buffer on the screen might look like this (for 10 pixel high blocks): LEA BUFFER(PC),A0 MOVE.L SCR_ADR,A1 MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 GET BUFFER VALUE VAL SET 0 REPT 10 PUT IT 10 TIMES ON SCREEN MOVE.W D0,VAL(A0) VAL SET VAL+160 ENDR MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 GET NEXT VALUE REPT 10 10 TIMES AGAIN MOVE.W D0,VAL(A0) VAL SET VAL+160 ENDR MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 This will repeat itself for all the blocks needed to make up one column of the scrolline. Then the screen address will be increased by 8 and the whole process will repeat itself. To make this as fast as possible, the whole thing needs to be put somewhere in memory. Putting this in your source and thus in the final demo code file on disk (wasting valuable disk space) is nonsense. It takes lots of typing, assembling etc. A better way is to have the computer make up the code. I mean it is mostly the same anyway, so a small and a relatively simple routine can make it up somewhere in memory at the beginning of the demo. The demo then calls it with a JSR, filling registers before that etc. etc. The super-duper fast line routines used in Lost Boys 3D demos are also constructed this way, it's simply the fastest way there is! The next thing is the usage of tables. Let's take an obvious example, a sine table needed for 3D calculations. Now it is possible to calculate let's say the sine of 10 degrees, but that will take lots of multiplications and floating point operations. Why not have a Basic program calculate the values for you and put them in a table so all you need to do is look them up. Of course, there is the problem of floating points. I mean the sine of 10 is 0.1736481... How the hell are we going to store that? The answer is simple. If we multiply 0.1736481 by 32768, we get 5690.1009, rounded to 5690. Now sines range from -1 to 1, so by multiplying by 32768 we get nice, signed word values. Now do all calculations with these large values and at the very end, divide the result by 32768 and you will get a nice approximation of what it will be. For screen-oriented 3D calculations (320-200 pixels), this does just fine. Of course, you can use tables for a lot more that just storing of numbers. Pre-worked out addresses, shift values, whatever. Think carefully about what kind of thing you are working out. If there is any way of putting it in a table, do it. If you have to move a sprite from left to right on the screen, you could use an X coordinate and work out the plane and shift offset every time you put down the sprite, or you can work these out at the beginning of the demo and put them in a table and simply get the values from that table. If you have memory for it, use tables!! Also, avoid long instructions whenever you can. Especially MULU and DIVU are time-guzzling. Take a look at this: MULU #10,d0 48 clockcyles Now multiplying by 10 is the same as multiplying by 8 and adding the value twice. Multiplying by powers of two can be done by left-shifts: MOVE.W D0,D1 4 cycles LSL.W #3,D0 12 ADD.W D1,D0 4 ADD.W D1,D0 4 -- 24 cycles The difference is considerable. Like twice as fast. The last trick I'll talk about is the great Horror of the professional programmer. Code that modifies itself. The guys at work are lucky that the languages we use (Informix 4GL and C) do not really allow self-modifying code. Also, the operating system (Unix) does not really support it. Anyway, we have to take good care with this. I mean how the hell are you going to debug a program that changes itself? Self modifying code is great sometimes, but it has to be used with great care. Also, the latest microprocessors have instruction caches and prefetch. This means that the processor fetches the next instruction(s) while it is executing another, and keeps a little buffer in its own memory. So if you have a small loop which fits into the processor cache, it will be FAST. But if you modify code in memory that is also in the cache, the changes will not come through and the whole thing doesn't work. So code that really changes entire instructions and stuff might not be such a good idea, but consider this: Remember the wobbling logo from the ST NEWS 5.1 demo? I mean the one that waved horizontally as well as vertically? This trick is done with self-modifying code. Now vertical waving is easy. You store 16 copies of the block, each shifted one pixel, just like a sprite. Then you create a table of X-coordinates (preworked into plane and shift offset if you wish) and just put lines of the block on the screen from the appropriate buffer. A routine that puts (a simple one-plane) line of the block on screen might look like this: A0 CONTAINS ADDRESS OF BLOCKLINE IN APPROPRIATE BUFFER A1 CONTAINS SCREEN ADDRESS VAL SET 0 REPT 10 A 10 WORD WIDE BLOCK MOVE.W (A0)+,VAL(A1) VAL SET VAL+8 ENDR Nice loop elimination, but if you want to wave horizontally as well, this doesn't work. You need to have a sine table with 160- byte values, varying from -x to 0 to x, x a multitude of 160, depending on how large you want the wave to be. You need to read the table and add offsets to the screen address for every word you put on the screen. The routine might look like this: A0 CONTAINS ADDRESS OF BLOCKLINE IN APPROPRIATE BUFFER A1 CONTAINS SCREEN ADDRESS A2 POINTS TO Y OFFSET TABLE REPT 10 MOVE.W (A2)+,D0 GET Y OFFSET LEA 0(A1,D0.W),A3 A1+Y OFFSET IN A3 MOVE.W (A0)+,A3 PUT WORD ADDQ.W #8,A1 INCREASE SCREEN ADDRESS ENDR As you can see, a lot more code and thus, a lot slower. Now here comes the trick, every line of the block will have the same y offsets, but you calculate the screen addresses every line, so you waste time calculating the same thing over and over again. If you use self-modifying code, you only have to calculate screen addresses once, speeding it up considerably. The routine that will be modified will look like this: PUTLINE: REPT 10 MOVE.W (A0)+,$1234(A1) ENDR Nice and compact. But $1234(A1)??? Huh??? Smart ones will get it. Before you display your block, you simply fill in the right offsets in the code! Consider this code, assuming A2 points to the Y offset table again: LEA PUTLINE+2(PC),A3 GET ADDRESS OF FIRST OFFSET MOVEQ #0,D0 INITIAL SCREEN OFFSET REPT 10 MOVE.W D0,D1 GET SCREEN OFFSET IN D1 ADD.W (A2)+,D1 ADD Y OFFSET MOVE.W D1,(A3) PUT IN CODE! ADDQ.W #4,A3 GO TO NEXT INSTRUCTION ADDQ.W #8,D0 INCREASE SCREEN OFFSET ENDR Geddit? This dramatically speeds up the putblock routine, almost by a 50%. Great stuff. I have to admit that I learned this from the greatest speedcode freak (and the best) there is: Nick from the CareBears. I had a pre-version of the 5.1 demo where I did the wobbling block without self-modifying code. He looked at it with his usual blank face and murmured: 'How did you do it?' 'Well...er...I...', I responded, not really sure how to explain it. 'Never mind, I would do it by filling in offsets in a piece of code, and call that for every line of the block', he stated. After a few moments of pondering, I grasped the idea and sat down and did it. Smart, very smart. I think you get the general idea now. There is a lot more to tell about optimized coding, and I could go on for hours. The hot thing today is 3D, and there is no other subject that allows so much fiddling and optimizing and algorithm-fr”beling that people probably never stop speeding things up. A lot of people have asked me how Tim did his superfast 3D objects in the Life's a bitch demo. CLF it is called, Cheat Like Fuck. Or Deltacompression to the professionals. Hidden-face elimination, line-drawing (in the States, I found a 300-page book about bitmap line drawing), polygon filling, lightshading, etc. etc. There is still megabytes of stuff to write about it. The latest thing is fractals. After the 3D wave has crashed on the shore of the demo-world, people will turn to fractals. Tim and I did a program to create a fractal-land. Lakes, mountains, riverbeds, whatever. Stunning really. Wait until we make a demo of THAT!! Stefan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------