Auto-D-Pack Evolution A-D-P 1.2 - 03/11/95 : 1 bug fixed and some improvements thanks to K-Woul tests. Thanx ! -> No more bombs when a program is executed by another one in 'Personal Depack' mode. -> Modification of the 'Personal Depack' mode management : this is no more a trace-rout which is used, but systems-calls. The result : better compatibility and the programs are loaded (almost) in realtime. This long loading time was mostly significant on 68000 computers. -> Interface improvement by K-Woul. -> AUTODPCK.PRG is modified : use ADP-Convert to keep your old configuration files. -> SP3_PROG.PRG program is added to the SPACKER3 folder. A-D-P 1.1 - 01/10/95 : 3 bugs fixed thanks to K-Woul and The Ace tests. Thanx ! -> No more bombs when executing a PRG in 'Personal Depack' mode. -> No more bombs when changing screen resolution ! -> No more bombs when AUTODPCK.PRG is not the last file of the AUTO folder... A-D-P 1.0 - 21/09/95 : First swapped version. All seems to be ok.