`D`\ |X29SABQNA0/ yC2`0/ yC>`0/ yCyfNNBNu <Nu 2/ o$"|X0/ JofHfS""""QBNuSQ`N2*O.|*m#r |a -Xy\?a | a0>yZo @m @o0<`p?a | aaap8 Ag AgFJ@lGg@Glym`|0` | 2`f | \a09a: | z`H ?f |a^`> Vg vfFB?< NA\O#n49Df PDA ` ByDA a/9n?< NA\O` @Og @ofBy\ByZA 7aN~ @Cg @cfA ,aA xCa A CaA 3RyCa09yy3A CaACa09H@3A @a2` | a$`?2y3X#rB?< NA\#n#r#v#~#r#v#~a/9n?< NA\ | :a0aP | Caa?</9r?<1B`Br | a\ | `BBB |D(o' for instructions Instructions:- You can specify the number of Kbytes of memory to allocate to the K-RAM disk, by just typing in the number in response to the prompt. Hitting by itself will use the default value (shown in square brackets). If the default value shown is zero then requesting more memory may affect other applications. Typing a value of zero will mean that K-RAM is not installed. Typing a negative value will cause K-RAM to LEAVE that much memory. E.G. -128 uses all but 128K of memory. Other goodies: ? : Prints this message V : Changes the state of the floppy disk verify flag. Disabling this improves speed of writing to floppies by almost 50% O : Over-rides K-RAMs built-in safety margin for memory left. K-RAM usually leaves 50K for GEM desktop workspace. This lets you allocate it for a K-RAM disk. BEWARE - the desktop crashes without it! C : Customize the Bios Parameter Block (BPB) for this K-RAM disk - allows you to change the size of root directory, etc. Use with caution! K-RAM not installed. p K K-RAM installed as drive A:q The drive will need installing into GEM desktop. Hit to return to desk... K of memory available for K-RAM. Use how many K? p[default =]q >>>> Type '?' for help and instructions <<<< There isn't that much free memory! You must allocate at leastK. Floppy read-after-write verify now enabled. Floppy read-after-write verify now disabled. pMemory safety margins over-ridden. You're on your own, sport.q Define a custom BPB for ramdisk (All numbers are in 512 Byte sectors) Size of root directory [Default = Size of File Att. Table [Default = Start of F.A.T 2 [Default = Start of data sectors [Default = Flags word [Default =] ? Invalid number!  *J ". $          l  :