*** program to SUB 32 from ASCII to absolute data (prevents text changing) *** *** bra skip filename: dc.b "text.dat",0 ;destination name even ascii: incbin "text" ;source asciiture endascii even skip lea ascii,a0 lea buffer,a1 loop move.b (a0)+,d0 cmp.b #31,d0 blt.s loop sub.b #32,d0 move.b d0,(a1)+ cmp.l #endascii,a0 blt.s loop move.l a1,a6 ;now save bsr f_create bsr f_write bsr f_close wait: bsr get_key CMP.B #27,D0 ;Wait for ESC. bne wait MOVE.W #$0,-(SP) ; RETURN TO GEM DESKTOP. TRAP #1 *********************** * SUBROUTINES SECTION * *********************** f_create: move.w #0,-(sp) pea filename move.w #$3c,-(sp) trap #1 add.l #8,sp move.w d0,handle rts f_write: lea buffer,a0 move.l a0,-(sp) sub.l a0,a6 move.l a6,-(sp) move.w handle,-(sp) move.w #$40,-(sp) trap #1 add.l #12,sp rts f_close: move.w handle,-(sp) move.w #$3e,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #4,sp rts get_key: move.w #7,-(sp) trap #1 addq.l #2,sp rts **************** * DATA SECTION * **************** handle: dc.w 0 even buffer: ds.l 1