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This draught will focus your intellect." Ah, you wear the circlet. This draught will enable you to find the magic tree beyond the Taira hills.  See you again..."The earth seems to vibrate, as if stirred from beneath. The branches of the trees rustle, as if touched by an unnoticed wind. A deep voice penetrates your mind, resonant, telling you: "You hear a rumbling voice which says: "Ahh, we thirst, we thirst! None shall pass through the wood while we suffer."You will die for that, human. Wooden vengeance may be slow, but it is sure."Thank you, human. You may pass the wood this once."THE SIGNPOST READS: THE BATTERED SIGN SAYS: @CAILA SCUM! @KEEP OUT!@OLD ROAD.@ROAD CLOSED... @FOREVER.You notice a glint of light. Glancing down you see a molehill; looking closer you see your backdoor key! Somewhere, a voice chuckles softly...The rodent-like creature sniffs at you. You cast the mouldy cheese at it, and it calms down."Welcome, friend of Caila. I am the magic tree. I know of your mission, and will gladly aid you.  I deplore your attitude to the trees, but nevertheless will aid your mission.  The fount of arboreal intelligence might know the Sleeper's whereabouts. Prepare to be transported to Sylvar..."The water is azure blue. Taking out your bowl, you fill it from the pond."Mmm... your own home.Leaving your home, the rolling grassland of northern Caila opens out before you. It seems untouched by the troubles of the land, though emptier than in the days of your youth.Caila's western marches had always struck you as wild; now, bandit-ridden, they seem more threatening than ever.Southern Caila stretches before you in all its beauty, reminding you of past days: long walks, fishing trips. Happier times.The lands of eastern Taira seem dominated by a luridly painted edifice.Taira lies before you. Age-long rival of your homeland, the earth seems rougher, less willing to accept humanity's dominion. You recall tales of savage beasts, and shiver.The curiously hidden pass leads you to a mountain valley little different from the rest of Taira.You are in You are back in You have returned to This is northern Caila.the western marches of Caila.southern Caila.eastern Taira.the building.southern Taira.the Taira hills."So, traveller," says the red-bearded bandit, "you style yourself a champion of justice? Let me tell you, there is no justice in this world; it's everyone for themselves. And YOU for the worms!"The red creature is some kind of rodent - a hybrid of man and mouse. It squeaks, snuffles, and snarls at you. It seems to be the bandits' refuge, though deserted at present."You miserable coward - shooting a defenceless hermit. Well, it will do you no good, no good at all.""You will regret that second attempt on my life, youngster. Begone!""Go away. I will not aid you."" s      {9}}}ߏ'߯ߏw''|]ddd.B     {{ |xxqqq||~|| ?? /~~nn߾??"???X{{{ kcc "߼<<}}ooo{{{{{{ {{www ׶ .B  }}}mmm}}}~~~ooo{{{e la localisation du Dormeur. Prparez-vous tre transport Sylvar...  *  * , * 0%$  }'">>??xGG((ڥ- ~ (?(E}E.}/P  ????p ^ooLww!-!RRG^^RRc^^RRs!^^^^{133066??8::aZZ΄@@\ތRR^ -/ __  %% 33DD::''??ZZ~~~Ǹ>>___OO//O/_oo ?aw{?  m??500@  ^^ ~~_??O?o?/G8<?<?ww;;[[Ckkc϶mma߮uuqmm y0]]}8;??<?EE__U_UUOOUUWW''U++ԪUUUKCKSCS֪UUcߦiaiUUuqu߮UqOO?mmuuvv}}~~ᄒ?????WG7efunden, die mir die Banditen gestohlen haben? Ausgezeichnet! La mal sehen... Wenn du den Pa durch das Gebirge von Taila finden willst, brauchst du einen Konzentrationsreif. Dieser Trank wird deine Aufmerksamkeit steigern." Du trgst ein Konzentrationsreif? Dieser Trank wird dir helfen, den Zauberbaum jenseits des Gebirges von Taila zu finden.  Lebwohl."Die Erde bebt, als regte sich etwas in ihrem Innersten. Die Bltter der Bume rascheln, als streifte sie ein unmerklicher Wind. Eine tiefe, klangvolle Stimme dringt in deine Gedanken, und sagt: Du hrst eine grollende Stimme: "Ach, uns drstet, uns drstet! Solange wir leiden, wird niemand d <BBӭ둹שˤCC?;9;??GG7'7'/ aber ihr entkommt niemand."Wir danken dir, Mensch. Dieses eine Mal darfst du den Wald durchqeren."AUF DEM WEGWEISER STEHT: AUF DEM VERWITTERTEM SCHILD STEHT: @ABSCHAUM VON CAILA! @ZUTRITT VERBOTEN!@ALTE STRAE.@STRAE GESPERRT... @FUR IMMER.Du bemerkst einen Lichtschimmer. Du blickst hinunter und entdeckst einen Maulwurfhgel. Du siehst genauer hin und entdeckst den Schlssel zu deiner Hintertr! Irgendwo lacht jemand leise vor sich hin...Das nagetierartige Geschpf beschnffelt dich. Du wirfst ihm den verschimmelten Kse zu, und es beruhigt sich."Sei gegrt, Freund von Caila. Ich bin der Zauberbaum. Ich kenne deinen Auftrag und werde dir gerne helfen.  Mir gefllt nicht, wie rcksichtslos du dich zu Bumen verhltst, trotzdem werde ich dir bei der Erfllung deines Auftrags helfen.  Vielleicht wei die Quelle der Baum-Intelligenz, wo der Schlfer liegt."Das Wasser ist azurblau. Du nimmst dein 0mc߼q~;>?|?fy < 76 aXf1̌7ߏf`M<  ?< f ưx?0lfcff< ñ7,fv f!Çq01a`x= <|q;?x!$+149;AGMSY_ekqw}     ! * 2 ; D M V ` h     ! * 2 ; D M V ` 2   2 2 o als strube sie sich gegen die Herrschaft der Menschen. Du erinnerst dich an Erzhlungen von wilden Tieren, und ein Schauer luft dir ber den Rcken.Der verborgene Pa fhrt in ein Bergtal, das sich nur wenig von dem+The malady suffered in Delanda affects the peasant, writhing pain. Others share his agony, clutching helplessly at the ground.The peasant groans. You are in You are back in You have returned to This is the cave where you entered this kingdom.the dragon's tunnel.the easternthe southernthe westernthe northern marshes.the grey lands of ash.the armoury.the dragon's hoarding hole.the hidden tunnel.the room of grey metal.the deep chamber.You find yourself in a cave stamped with signs of dwarven workmanship.A dwarf-hewn tunnel leads west. Before you rears a dragon, startled by your presence.The sky boils and writhes over the marsh-sick, stench-ridden landscape.The boggy ground stretches in all directions except north.The marshland resembles what you have already crossed. You marvel, for the old songs of the Coratinian States told of waving grasslands, much like Caila. But this blighted land...!The marshes stretch far to the north, becoming impassable after a while.Despite th "Oh, hello. I'm Prince Gregor. Are you on an adventure too?""I am having a spot of bother. "Could you help me, do you think? I've lost my crown somewhere around here.""I'm really enjoying myself! This is great stuff"You know, this beats being cooped up in that stuffy old castle"Adventuring's the thing"Fi diddle de dee, an explorer's life for me - or rather us."!", mm?", don't you think?". Er, have I already said that?""Good shot. Ha Ha! Take that, shorty! Here, friend - have a hat. I think it'll suit you.""Actually, I think I'll just stay up here if you don't mind." One of the dwarves looks at you. "What? Kill him!""You will die for assaulting the King's royal person!"It is too dark to see into the mound.The passage is too steep to climb up unaided.The fountain says "As a friend of the trees, I will transport you. My blessing on your mission."The fountain says "What have you done for the Trees of Sylvar? Foolish human! I will not take you anywhere."Sylvar stretches before you, its once mighty forests dwindled to a shadow.Holding the lantern carefully, you scramble down into the ancient-hewn tunnels of the dwarves.You are glad to be out of the tunnels and breathing Sylvar's crisp air once again."Oh, absolutely super! You found my crown. One moment; I must give you something... Here, take some gold. Sorry it's so impersonal a gift, but you know how it is when you're out adventuring - you just can't carry all you need."To your shock, the spider-like thing makes a near-human noise. It sounds like "Ma-maaa..." Loud rumblings echo around you. "It's the Prince," say the trees, in disgust. "See his crown."You are in You are back in You have returned to This is the clearing where you first appeared in Sylvar.a clearing in the nest of the spider-mogs.the dwarven throne-chamber.another clearing of the clearing where the Fountain lies.the norththe southeastwest entrance tunnel of the dwarven kingdom.You are startled to hear a quiet voice, apparently coming from the ground, which says "The dark can be deadly - seek a lantern from a dwarf near his home." "What was that?" says the Prince."Ahem!" Your attention is drawn to a nearby molehill by a cough. "This should help you to use a blowpipe properly". You see a belt lying on the molehill. Putting it on, you feel your lungs tingle with new power."Well done! Another one down - only a hundred of the little blighters to go!""Ow! That hurt! I'm not sure I like you anymore.""And I thought I'd found a companion to go adventuring with! Well, I've really had enough of you."You are still in the dwarven tunnels.northern Sylvar.southern Sylvar.e bogland, nothing has prepared you for the sight awaiting your eyes at the heart of the Coratinian States. A huge plain of ash stretches into the distance, blasted, barren.Within the cave lies a chamber, and within the chamber a pile of metal. Once inside you enquire about the molehills. "First take the armour and shield," says the old man.A small cave opens off the tunnel - the dragon's lair?The previously hidden doorway leads you into a short dwarven tunnel, ending in a door which seems curiously out of place.You are in a metal-walled chamber where your every footfall reverberates. It is deserted. The door clangs behind you, locked.The door of the metal chamber now leads to another room. As you go into the new room, the door clicks shut behind you again... and you hear a rising hum, fading into the distance. The room seems just as bare as the one you have just left.Feeling your way along the path indicated, you traverse the marshes to another region, away from the heart of the disaster and the plains of ash. This part of Coratine seems to be unscathed.One of the witches rises to greet you, smiling. "Well done, O Preserver. We were right to place our trust in you. However, your ordeal is not ended, and you need us still. If you do not wish to continue, you may turn away now."As you leave, the witches start wailing as if bereaved. Reluctantly, they depart. You wonder what to do next.She nods. "Well chosen. Now, place the Ring in the cauldron. Thank you. While we wait, you shall hear what befell this sad country.""Many years ago, a Coratinian sorceror attempted to capture a piece of this land's sun. He was successful, forging it into a ring - the ring you found. However, having done this, he realised it was too powerful to be used, and hid it away.""So it lay, until it was discovered a year and two turns ago by a young sorceror who in his innocence invoked it. "The result you saw - the plains of ash, the sickness. In all the region around the sorceror only the ring survived, drained of it's power.""We can restore a little of that power, and it will make a devastating weapon. But be careful! It will take a long time to recharge its energies, and you MUST kill the Archmage with it." She glances into the cauldron. "It is done. Fare well, Preserver."You are alone once more; the fabled Ring lies on the ground."N-no, stranger," cries one of the suffering peasants. "Death lies beyond the mountains!" "You must not go through the mountains," croaks a peasant, "for the mountains exhale this plague." "Beyond the mountains the sickness gets even worse, stranger", says a peasant. "Even sorcerors and priests die of it; you will surely perish too." He falls back, exhausted.The peasant gives up trying to speak, and falls back, gasping.He abandons the effort of speech, and lies back.Your skinheadfacehandkneeshoulderchestthighfooteyegroin is itching  itches  prickles  tingles faintly.slightly.mildly.nastily.badly.painfully.terribly.horribly.viciously.You notice that You become aware that You realise that one of your teeth is loosening.your hair feels dry.a nasty rash erupts on your skin.your vision is blurring.your bowels are burning.your throat feels raw.your joints are seizing up.a fingernail has just dropped off.you are becoming feverish.your ears are buzzing.your concentration is ebbing.You feel You are feeling You seem to be slightlya bitsomewhatquite a bitconsiderablymuch better. less shaky. healthier.The old hermit is happy to see you again. "Hello, old friend," he says. "I am relieved to see you made it this far." He peers at you. "By the Old Gods!" He exclaims. "You have been wandering about in the region of the pestilence! That was very foolhardy.""I am pleased to see you haven't strayed into the pestilential zone." He pauses."I'm afraid I can't help you yet - I have a potion, but you will need that after you have gone back in." He sees your expression, and smiles. "Don't worry; we have some protection for you. Follow me while I explain.""Here," says the old man. "Drink this. Alas, the rest must suffer until your mission is completed." He hands you a flask, which you drain despite the foul taste."Follow me," he says. "We have a gift for you. It will protectwould have protected you from the rigours of the ash plains, and is also useful in combat." He turns, expecting you to follow."Well, come on!" He calls over his shoulder."There is a ring in the centre of the Ash Plain. It"The ring you retrieved from the Ash Plain is a potent weapon - though destruction is not its prime purpose. The Archmage's agents are blind to it's powers. We will soon meet with the Others, and they will explain its importance."A friendly voice speaks from a molehill. "Welcome again, Arun - and to you too, our young agent. We will open up." As it speaks, there is a shimmering in the air and a mound appears. "Go on in," says the Hermit."Well, what are you waiting for?" says the Old Man."The young one must be an agent of the Archmage!" cries the voice from the molehill as you shoot. The mouth of the cave disappears.The old man waits patiently."Good," says the old man. "Now I will explain. The Kobbolds who set you on this quest are sought by the Archmage's agents. Being untrained in combat, they went underground - literally." He pauses again."They built small tunnels to the surface, disguised as the work of moles, and attempted to help you without giving away their presence.""Arun is correct," says a voice from the ceiling, "but there is more. We Kobbolds are older than your kind; indeed, we were the first intelligent race created by the Old Gods, as you call them." The voice resonates with pride."The legend of the Sleeper is true; N'Gnir lies deep within the earth of Coratine, and it was our job to arrange the Awakening at the proper time. But the power and politics of you humans interfered. The rest you know.""Explain about the Ring," prompts the Hermit. "Ah, yes. The Archmage, unable to reach the Sleeper himself, has sealed the tunnel leading to N'Gnir with sorcery too strong for us to break.""Our only hope is the Ring from the Plains of Ash - a sad irony, for without the destructive power of the Ring we would not have needed to wake the Sleeper. WhenNow you have the Ring, Arun can lead you to our brethren of the South who will guide you." The voice hesitates."I can tell you no more lest you are captured, for if you were to betray us it could mean the end of Tessera. Our hopes march with you." The voice fades, and once again you hear the scurrying of feet."Well," says the old man briskly, "Let's not waste any more time.""Follow me," says the old man."Congratulations. The Ring is secure," says a voice from the molehill. "But without Arun's healing potion I doubt if you can complete our mission.""Congratulations," says a voice from the molehill. "Without you, Tessera would be doomed. The way leads south through the marshes; we have marked the route with boulders. You must meet with our supernatural allies. Do as they say, and we may win!"The old man looks at you regretfully. "I cannot meet with those to the south, for reasons I am not inclined to go into now. If you succeed, we will meet soon in a healthy land. Goodbye." He turns away.The Archmage screams. "Aaayee!"To your amazement, the Archmage is in the chamber, near the far wall. "Fool!" He sneers. "You thought me dead. It is now impossible to kill me - you took too long getting here!" Despite his words, there is a tremor in his voice.The Archmage stands, waiting for you.Once again, the Archmage screams. As his body dwindles to ash, you are unsure of his fate. Then you notice a hole that has appeared in the far side of the cave.As you approach, the mysterious floating face speaks. "None may pass! You shall die now, enemy of N'Gnir!" Suddenly, a voice cries, "The Guardian has been driven mad by the Archmage's sorcery! You must kill it!"There is a snort of laug "I require a mortal soul not bloodied by sacrificial death before I will allow any to enter the void of my heart. Can you pay? I sense not. I will not transport you, human."Within that vial is what I require. You may pass into me."My charge for the trip is I will transport you for 12 gold pieces. 5 gold pieces. Since you do not have the money, I will accept that crown. I have nothing further to say to you.Now pay up or leave me alone."Nnnuurgh... Don't come near me, stranger! I die, and know not the cause. Perhaps it is my lack of faith. I spurn the druids who demand blood sacrifice! The stones themselves are content with mistletoe."The peasant looks at you in horror. "Wait! What are you doing with that vial? Keep it away from me! No! No.." The vial becomes murky."Greetings, traveller. I am the Princess Eloise, and I seek my sister. You have not seen her, I suppose? No, I thought it unlikely. If you do, would you give her this bracelet and tell her of me? I have been marooned on these islands for days, thanks to the Sea Demons.""How dare you!"Tasting the air and looking around, you deduce that the Fountain has transported you to one of the islands of Delanda.The ferryman transports you to a larger island south of the one on which you started.A message burns deep within the stones: THE TRUE GIFT OF GREEN, HARVESTED THROUGH GOLD, BECOMES THE OPENER OF THE WAY.The message within the stone is faded, glowing softly and indistinctly.As you approach the water your feet tingle inside the sandals, and you feel somehow buoyed up.The tingle in your feet that you felt approaching the water turns to a burning sensation, instilling a potent fear of the sea on this side of the island.I will accept that bowl. Taking the Golden Sickle firmly in hand, you cut a sprig of mistletoe from the tree.You are on You are back on You have returned to This is the island where you began.the largest island.the island beyond the stones.the sandy island.the island of the Well.You hear a shout from a peasant behind you. "Hey! What are you doing?"The peasants look in horror as you step from between the stones. "Defiler!" cries one. "How dare you use the stones for transport?""Perhaps you've met my half-brained brother, Prince Gregor. He's very nice, but I'm afraid he's lacking a bit up top, you know?""Still here? What are you waiting for? Go on, I'm sure the Sea Demons can't stop you.""Ouch!"A voice speaks from the molehill. "Here - this should help you." You see an armband, which you take, and put on.hter as you finish off the guardian. A chill runs through you as you realise it is the Archmage! "I explained that you could not kill me. You have my thanks for opening the way, 'Preserver'. Sadly, the only reward I can grant you is a swift death." By luck the Archmage has been locked out of the chamber!As you examine the chamber for some clue - anything to tell you what to do next - there is a shudder, as if the whole room were falling slowly into the depths of the earth.Eventually, with another shudder, the room returns to normal. There is a click as the door unlocks itself.The old man goes through the gate, beckoning you to follow.The old man smiles at you. "This way," he says.Looking about you, you wonder what to do now. The device given you by the kobbold who fell dead at your door begins to vibrate, and glow softly. You hear the hum again, growing louder, as if the other room were returning from above.You see that the Archmage has stepped through the door! However, he seems to be frozen to the spot. The kobbold device suddenly burns your hand, forcing you to drop it - and something seems to happen to the Archmage.The Archmage speaks - but his voice has changed, booming forth. "My thanks, mortal. I am not your foe - I am N'Gnir, formerly the One Who Sleeps. This magically hardened body will provide me with physicality while I do what must be done.""It will require some time to restore this land," he continues. "Without your efforts, Tessera would have perished all too soon. You have my thanks - no little gift from such as myself. Your quest has reached its end."A feeling of relief washes over you; yet there is also a sense of loss, a feeling of disappointment that you will now have to return to your more humdrum existence. N'Gnir looks at you kindly."Fear not, mortal," says the God. "There will be much for an adventurous spirit to accomplish under the new order I shall create. But for now, rest. You have certainly earned it."ille Dore, vous coupez des arbres un brin de gui.Vous tes sur Vous((((((((((((((((((((((#(((((((((      !"                    !"#% & ' ( ) * + , - .  / 0  1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; <=>?@ABC D E F GHIJKLMNOP Q@@@ 0   machst du mit dem Flschchen? Bleib mir damit vom Leib! Nein! Nein..." Die Flssigkeit im Flschchen verfrbt sich.Sei mir gegrt, Reisender. Ich bin Prinzessin Eloise, und ich bi lٌ~13|0??Ã`p|q30 6!l@ <0?xϰǀA C3! #0?gg0y!00c͐F0r r dzXc`f0fa8f p6 c13c0`0 6 ̎@  Pfc1 fg. 16 pX0 0@!3 0 0 ` `!D? 0 ٳ,0008zy~a~X70gk<7# c`&asg߽78F>y32v|>|c31|3 G0lfp3f 3X#>0|s?67|<8 >|ss`10~ 01 3&ec6 0fk'66C5 31lff66||{i3|C9?0f`0`a>n? 0 <<`& 7~=|gp `A`a``b31@ 0f0 C<8af`&   @|?<0c??? 0    '*1 8 @FIOQX `f n v ~          $ . 6 A J T ] g q z             "&+ 48 D MT \ d lsz      "Here," says the red-bearded bandit, "Didn't you kill my brother?"Through peeling paint you decipher the message on the board: @VISITORS TO THE SIMALA HILLS ARE REQUESTED NOT TO WANDER ABOUT ON THEIR OWN. GUIDED PARTIES LEAVE AT FREQUENT INTERVALS.@THE SIMALA HILLS ARE DANGEROUS! MANY TRAILS ARE ONLY PASSABLE ONE WAY, AND THE WILDLIFE RESENTS INTRUSION. TAKE CARE."Hail and well met, Preserver of the Land! Well do we know of your mission. We have been watching with interest. Stay, and listen well, for we have knowledge that may help you.""The path to the City lies not without, but within; it may be found here, though here it will not let you pass; that which was life, in destruction becomes the preserver of life - yet that which preserves, prevents the preservation."You begin to feel extremely cold.You can barely feel your hands and feet now.The wind is freezing; you are not attired for the Simala Hills.If you do not find shelter or warmer clothing soon, you will not get much further.The icy wind chills you even through your cloak.You are freezing, but the wind is too strong for you to start a fire.You wish you had something with which to start a fire.You wish you could light a fire.It feels warmer in the cave, with no wind to chill your bones. Yet it still howls outside.In the shelter of the cave, you manage to light a fire.As the flames send strange shadows flickering across the walls of the cave, your head spins and you feel yourself drifting...The mountains of Tessera's greatest range tower above you. You can only be in the foothills of Simala. Until recently one of the world's most popular tourist spots, the place seems deserted.The old man looks at you. "Hello again. You look frozen - perhaps I can help. Here, take this tinderbox. I'm afraid this cavern is too draughty to light a fire."With some wood you might be able to make a fire."You still look cold, my friend."You are in You are back in You have returned to the foothills of Simala.the lowest plain within the mountains.the highest, most icy plain of the mountains.another icy plain.one of the icy mountain passes.the empty cave."Ouch!" cries the Old Man. "There's gratitude for you! Young folks are all the same."You see an empty rack, obviously intended to hold weapons for use by visitors.You hear a familiar cough. Alerted by the sound, you see a pair of boots sticking out of a molehill. You pull them on and your feet feel much warmer. Puzzling about this strange business with the molehill,s, you go on your way."Well, you've just shot yourself in the proverbial foot, youngster. Without my help your quest is at an end - and I'm certainly not going to help you now."The third red-bearded bandit stands grim and silent before you.        '-18?F O X ael u|     I     %4CQX b l v                  $ .4 @ J T ^ h r |        '  $*1 : C L U _ g Nous connaissons bien votre mission. Nous vous avons observ avec intrt. Restez, et coutez bien, car nous avons des renseignements qui pourraient vous tre utiles.""La voie de la Ville gt non pas dehors, mais dedans; vous pourriez la trouver ici, mais il n'est pas ici qu'elle vous laissera passer; Ce qui tait la vie, devient le sauveur de la vie dans l'anantissement - cependant ce qui sauve, empche le sauvetage."Vous commencez avoir trs froid.C'est peine que vous sentez vos  *m|ϰ}ǍǏ7x`=Ǐ 1Ͱ<ǀٰY? `ñc0ׯ?p[7`c3=Ǐ Ͱǟ<7 Ya}|acǍnjǍ!$*038:@GMSZahov} &-3 &-   :rive...Imposantes au-dessus de vous, vous voyez les montagnes de la plus grande chane de Tessera. Vous devez tre aux contreforts de Simala. Jusqu' ces derniers temps ils taient l'endroit prfr dans le monde pour les touristes, mais maintenant ils      ߝߟ__ ??WWGG??ߏ ??vpp33 ..ߟ??oozߟ??__??ߏ _OO??w //ϏoOOꠠ//o??LJ oggwRo/WGGu1100 ??_o_j""''/ ww??%%o''uwWW e de la taupinires taupinires, us vous mettez en route."Enfin mon enfant, comme dit le proverbe: tu as ramassez la pelle. Sans mon aide ta qute est finie - et je t'assure que je ne vais pas t'aider maintenant."Le troisime bandit la barbe rousse se tient menaant devant vous sans mot dire.GoldEmpty BowlRingCrownCandleBottleKeyBoxRopeMugCauldronPlateSpadeCheeseDaggerSickleVialMistletoeLanternMandolinPan PipesTrumpetHarpScrollMapFull BowlTinderboxWoodFull Vialsome tasty berriessome applessome orangessome carrotssome swedessome mushroomsa loaf of breadhalf a loaf of breadcoinsan empty earthenware bowla jeweled ringan ornate crowna candlea bottlea keya boxsome ropea muga cauldrona platea spadesome mouldy cheese, which you do not fancy eatinga dagger, which does not look too suitable for fightinga golden sicklea small, transparent vialsome mistletoea lanterna mandolina set of pan pipesa trumpeta harpa scrolla mapa full bowlan old, but apparently useable tinderboxa pile of wooda small vial containing a misty substancethe shades of ultimate coola leather tunica chain mail shirta metal breastplatesome lightfoot sandalsthe boots of felicitous transportationsome greavessome glovesa robean armbanda circlet of supreme concentrationa hata helmetan amuleta braceleta necklacea belta suit of armoura dragonskina travelling cloaka shielda pouch of renewala quiver of renewala slinga staff slinga blowpipea light crossbowa shortbowa heavy crossbowa longbowa rod of flamea fireball wanda lightning staffthe DragonSpearthe ring of total annihilationpebblesLead Shotpelletsshurikenblowpipe dartspoison dartscrossbow boltsflame boltsarrowsfire arrowsBare HandsSlingStaff SlingBlowpipeLight CrossbowShortbowHeavy CrossbowLongbowRod Of FlameFireball WandLightning StaffDragonSpearRingNo AmmunitionPebblesLead ShotPelletsShurikenDartsPoison DartBoltsFlameboltArrowsFire ArrowsFireballsMagic BoltsLightningFlamesAnnihilationDALCDACFILPANTUNQUESWADARLSHHELMIRGREAMASHADRSWATCERLError reading %sNot enough memory to load %sDisk Read ErrorDisk Write errorCan't open file %sError closing fileCan't create file %sGame diskData Disk 1Data Disk 2Data DiskYour saved gameAnother DiskInsert "" into any drive. and You just picked up A file of that name already exists! Replace it?ReplaceCancelAbortRetryGEMDOS error #%dDirectory:OKDo you want to go through?GoRemainOptionsGame PositionsLoadSaveQuit GameReturn to gameDo you really want to Quit from the game?You are asleepWakeupYou died!You have won!There is no memory left. Please save your position and then reload the programYour stamina is running low...Load Game PositionSave Game PositionSaving game positionExperienceGoldEmptyLoadedLoadingChargingRestore GameNew GameResume GameInsert original Game disk into drive A: Paar Stiefel, das aus einem Maulwurfhgel ragt. Du ziehst es an, und deine Fe sind gleich viel wrmer. Du zerbrichst dir den Kopf ber diesen eigenartigen Maulwurfhgeldiese eigenartigen Maulwurfhgel und gehst weiter."Da hast du wohl den Falschen getroffen, mein Junge. Ohne meine Hilfe ist deine Suche zu Ende - und helfen werde ich dir sicher nicht."DroGoldEmpty BowlRingCrownCandleBottleKeyBoxRopeMugCauldronPlateSpadeCheeseDaggerSickleVialMistletoeLanternMandolinPan PipesTrumpetHarpScrollMapFull BowlTinderboxWoodFull Vialsome tasty berriessome applessome orangessome carrotssome swedessome mushroomsa loaf of breadhalf a loaf of breadcoinsan empty earthenware bowla jeweled ringan ornate crowna candlea bottlea keya boxsome ropea muga cauldrona platea spadesome moldy cheese, which you do not fancy eatinga daggera golden sicklea small, transparent vialsome mistletoea lanterna mandolina set of pan pipesa trumpeta harpa scrolla mapa full bowlan old, but apparently useable tinderboxa pile of wooda small vial containing a misty substancethe shades of ultimate coola leather tunica chain mail shirta metal breastplatesome lightfoot sandalsthe boots of felicitous transportationsome greavessome glovesa robean armbanda circlet of supreme concentrationa hata helmetan amuleta braceleta %3  33   BL &df|&|HXEwayyXy-H@ 7t4' ' 3$0`x'(w$ $= y Z|pfK(.2% Z# $D6;  ; ;     ;   ; ;; 4'+! 8 ; 6;5  7;-$0`)w(@dz) =>,CxD( " q X.)`-  4'-# 2^fؗt{sP>@) {  Ab dbjq[?4B;#- K4'.$W Hd~{x~n{dH~poXYzxYZXz-bz4'/'/4 B)zYc`Hhxp^?~@^> + Zpo.DVN=2.=~"  . ` "4'0%2 $dH ?J= !d {ד>iPW JAy&0$'1& x  2  ;= z /z .    4Dk<  v-      \$`d_@,y,ؠ,ؠ,z, _@,@hU) kA  >x$pyo;\>\[=WD17$z % ?&-z kk< k -k<     -k<     -k<     -k<  4 k<$`d _,y,,@HzH _@Hz>eI" = ɴ? +5߅>$tU|=xpyoga>] R!G `1"<+$z % &.:  #3   3 , ,$dHzH _@H_, y, ,@ Fz>E"=  zܮ/"̊߅wyFgS ,@B!YBA"J=#I$1%E):  #3   3 ,pp ,pp$d _yԀ@@PzԀP _Pz6`* i? ɫBD p  y Qt"i lb@mZ>Q73>!5>"Q%#*& 2 <4$#34k 8 f |`{TdF'-g'- < 4%') 4%()h 8 f |HT|`dC(m(< &() &')01 88Xhbk؀rl؉(x(dwe( qBk?} x ~v koi      !zׇM   !zׇ4 h~vbtluklnPn|PGmXPHwHcvmH?^s  ԯ   W#|>s)f{a 9R7@- '          m-M      $kM    #~M         ņх2   4 Ff,vP_pP~GoP>e O#? ߐߏuy ~@9n"Xo@jS,GG1= O7A :B!T!="r+l  # " !  #U~M   #U~4" &@pphGlZmcvwȉnȓHoHHnTH >w=i? ?sm@TcA|g=XZSRBR k #k%% 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 6    H       ")-M    !*-M  488fnPwPdvPcvؐw؀pwdvo >x  r~@ |=tBks{m?g{  G F B A @ E D C    !ZM  %4   (@@"   02 F)  [= 4<] 4  @`H@`D@ׇD`܇V#" V ) >A֟(1swxt=BRVXZ /C@!pB"O2?%3&{$'*(+b 4 4$" (#3 $%'( $%'( %&( 6 ˃oȠHG!צE Meos[O99&$ = !* y & ~ pH pV!俇(  exf8\{#)& =$*  PpH "4 { +\MPp@ Q     {w $_& |P,|H xz~ n {_ W$ U& |א|*@{ k zW O$ i(  |)|ԀP ||x  yy zy \VzNB$ _& !|@H|. |{ |r _ zNL$ Tf "x+@{_x%} !{f #x@^r|~x$qGK }K燀{{@~E {  ];+K k$G$%%g%&'&&'G'((g(/F2:1:gTUY^ bIf%innx.yyzHzz{>{|H||}at4,\4jơCk܆ܯm`^h^2,dn)qx˕%448y99{:#:>w?7@BB BpCCDDF2FG=GH?HIGIJ7Jo %&'()*+,-/023456789:;<FGIJKLMNOPQRSUW\efghijklmnorstuv ,,,\W   &   ?  ـ @ ?     %π ~  @ =    ?     z ?    ?   ?  6       ?      |      ~    ^   c       ?  ?   _ o      K8    9 ( ? ~H}   d    4O  3 ?  10 S     c    @ ?   ?  8    0      x x P      x@/   `?      +     @   {  #   ?     ?  %> ! 4 ?  ` T  ?  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Euer Ehren." mein Herr." murmelt die Wache.sagt die Wache achtungsvoll.nuschelt die Wache undeutlich.Du nimmst ein Instrument in die Hand; es ist eine sehr schne Harfe, getrieben aus feinstem Weigold. ist eine sehr alte Trompete, doch gut gearbeitet und immer noch ganz passabel. ist ein ausgezeichnetes Beispiel der Kunst der Mandolinenbauer."Halt!" ruft eine der Wa`G |G"|0<2`TO,b" XfppV/TOJ@gRYZ`tB BgTO`XC`D8*lf6g `VY0;X"`> H.`B=NNr y<8N?2HN1,&aPO@<ڣ`b>v2R:`X.rTO#rAB Ё6v#vzr~BgBgRb;OBg:|R&5xNf'4XO,&XONpJTOa  P>l4 / Jyzf`0Pp~cH~ŘT\X&H=|0.Snì KX/jPO`^PaF)*Ph&_"/z5bh B-~z#zcf$ }l$c /..=6XO`g ngThere is a strange wrenching, as if this transport mode was specially designed for another. Instead of the temple you expected, you find yourself in blazing sunlight, on a rocky, desert plain. You hear a woman's scream somewhere to the north, abruptly cut off.I'm Princess Lucia. The Archmage mesmerised me, and so I followed him. Fortunately, you managed to distract him, and I broke free.he seemed rather distracted, and I managed to break free. Oh - a bracelet from my sister Eloise! Thank you. I can further your quest.First, beware the snake - it devours humans! Second, seek the aid of the scarab - she is wise, and knows the great pyramid well. Here, with this necklace you may befriend her. And third, I... oh? No! I must go! Good luck!You long for something to drink.You are getting very thirsty.Your throat is parched.The water tastes cool and refreshing.The water makes you gag. It hints of putrefying flesh...No, stranger! Leave me alone! I will aid you.Ah, a friend of Lucia. I will gladly aid you.  You must not drink the water of the oasis, for it is poisoned! Drink your fill from the oasis - it will sustain you later. Meet me in the waterless land to the north of the Great Pyramid in half an hour. The glasses shield you from the harshness of the sun.The heat is indeed opressive.The desert sun beats down relentlessly.Sweat pours from you, yielding up precious moisture."Welcome to the Great Pyramid," says the scarab, proudly. "With me here, you may pass within - the walls will not bar you."You find yourself in a square, grey-walled chamber. Well tended, there is no trace of sand or dust. The scarab pauses while you look around, bemused, for none of the doors resemble the one through which you entered.You are in This is the rockier part of the desert.a sandy region of the desert.A voice speaks in your head. You hear words in your mind:  active."redgreenblue and  deactivated." Finally, the scarab speaks again. "You are in a chamber of the Maze of Light, built by the first priests to filter the impurities of initiates in the cult. I respect their beliefs, and do not wish to betray them to such as you." She pauses, indecisively, for a moment."However", she continues, "their leader the Archmage is no true believer. He corrupts them! I cannot let you leave, but I give you this advice: use the colour pads well, and go north to the centre; but do not trust your compass in this room. I have opened the red doors."In a sorcerous puff, she is gone, leaving you alone in the pyramid.Suddenly, a clanging noise assaults your ears. A voice in your head cries: "Intruder! Intruder!"A priest looks at you with hatred.There is a priest in the room, obviously attracted by the alarm.One of the Priests of Pha must have heard the alarm. He turns on you.the northern, rocky area of the Sunderabad desert. the southern, sandy zone of Sunderabad.the eastern, sandy region of the desert.As you go through the yellow door, you see the Archmage. He lets fall a box as he turns to you, incredulous.The Archmage disappears. whether he is dead or teleported, you cannot say.You open the box, letting a thin vapour escape.You approach an oasis. Filled with brackish water, it looks as if it might be a source of disease.You are back at the oasis, marred by its the brackish water.a sandy cave. Taking your dagger, you make a cut in the cactus. The liquid within restores some of your strength.You notice something apparently within the miniature pyramid. Looking closer, you see a metal breastplate!""g3dvd>VĆ yc ybdB*`t y @F0~d88JngH/\\`=|7*Ȝ g(0V@XBkZ\B+^`0XXO&ndH`PN(P JgtR:T<V>X@|HHfJgb|R^/ HkJNO |XOJxg?+J/+xf\O`vgv XO'@x΄(L!2eh,0ktd| f(L| @6TO TO| lL f |XO kJd$ <Nr+ ` g}.N 8 Brlx@f$/Jgf{&_ / &nJkBg\ B7@ZPg\@g:ZZ@ 8fXOP@@Р2RZ<T`$FhF=@ n o=n` nl=|@nT\TOX0^>oJnp`p^mg x0F`vfrrzz9R2+D@PAAA> \fV|VnDf, R:VR(:fTf X@g @^H*n (. 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Enjoy this damn good piece of coding! ** Note: the French/German options have been disabled within the game because there wasn't enough room on the disk for the extra text. Sorry, but then most of you will be English anyway! Any foreign users who really want the correct language within the game should get hold of a copy of the original and copy all the files named "whatever.TX1" (French) or "whatever.TX2" (German) into the DATA folder, having first deleted all .TX0 files. Now rename the new files .TX1/2 and you're away! **`&*oO4 - ЭЭ// Bg?<JNAO ?<NNTA0Hz?<&NN\/-,HmHzBg?<KNAO0A"BB-A JBg +lB A@/-,HmHztBg?<KNAOHzN?<&NN\Hzd?<NN\?:xp//?<NNO BgNAAbA@C00<"QNuBNuloadseq.tosgame.tos. .. 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