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Date: 26/12-93 At the party 'Ja det kan du hitta p om du vill...' in Kisa were the the following people present: ZEAL - Empa Rubbish NooN PQ-Lear TOYS - PeyloW Tam ANATOMICA - OB,DoZe WILDFIRE - Magic Fingers POWERSONIC - Me Hydrogen FRIENDCHIP - Eagle DTVM - Jag Jag Jag Med(lemmen) YOGHURT - Struma Tele-vinken He-man UNMATERIELS - Hegge CYBERPUNKS - Shamen T.a.p And some other lame(!) people *( Text fix for 40 signs/row by @SHAMEN/TCP *( Day 1 17:55, Empa YEAH!!! I'm the first person to write some sucking text in this incredible REALTIME-text... The party is quite fun (or more like funny!!)... OB, PQ and Magic Fingers hasn't showed up yet but they will come in about 15 minutes... So long so good... 18:08, Jag OH!! it's jag of Dtvm covering (betcker) the keys!!! i'm not interested in writing this shit so i have to write a little story. When I was ut cycling in the summer this happened : A nice girl called Jessica Melkersson came and fucked me. Read more about it in JESUS M-DEMO %100... Now I have to quit because I am very gay and romantic and I'm going to fuck with a boy in zeal now... 18:22 Eagle AHH... My car was filled with anatomica's crap and computers... But now everybody is here and I can give back the car to the real owner... This party is going to be great... 18:30, Empa OB, PQ and MF just arrived (OB stinks - as usually?!)... Now its time to code some for the TCC-party compo... Well... This sucks... 18:31, Hegge h, well I'm still alive :-) 19:02, Sven It's just junk on the fucking tv, and Rubbish will not stop play techno... 19:53, PeyloW I have just started on my latest piccy for Egles game, it seems to be a rather nice one. Talkin' about Egle, he do not seem to be sucha happy about being responsible for this party. He even says that he will abandon the comming "Party". To bad, maybe we just vote!!! I am tired of this crap so lets write an erotic "novel" in swedish... Det var en gng p en fdelsadags fest i sdra kinda en liten pojke som hette fredik, nja inte en s liten pojke, men i alla fall. Glad till sinnet och med en liter hembrnt i fickan cyklade han till festen. Pojken drack glatt upp spriten och levde livet glada dagar. Framt sm timmarna s trffade Fredrik en flicka vid namn Nilla. Fredrk blev d kr. Fredrik tog mod till sig. (inte med flaskan som han fr lnge sedan hade druckit upp) och bjd upp Nilla som utan att tveka tackade jag. Dr stod han mitt p dansgolvet med flickan i sina armar och knde hennes styva brst vrtor smeka hans bringa. Inte kunde han vl d r fr att snoppen fick eget liv. Nilla smekte ltt med sin vnstra hand ver Fredriks jeans. "Kom s gr vi ngon stanns mer privat." viska hon i Fredriks ra och lt sedan tungan leka ltt i hans ra innan hon fattade hans hand och ledde ut honom ur rummet. Med ett ljudligt klick lstes drren och Nilla vnder sig om. Hon slickar sig om lpparna och tar ett litet steg frammt mot mig. Hon pressar sig hrt mot min kropp och gungar p hfterna i cirkel rrelser mot mitt kn. Jag lter mina hnder smeka henne frn ryggen och ner mot hennes hfter dr jag drar upp hennes blus ur byxorna och brjar att sakta knppa upp dom en efter en. Nr jag knpper upp den versta och sista knappen s brjar hon att spnna upp mitt blte. Jag ppnar hennes blus och lter den glida ner ver hennes skuldror Hennes vita spetts beh dljer ett par fasta och toppiga brst. Jag befriar med ltthet dem frn behns fngelse och hon drar ned mina byxor. Hon knpper upp min stjorta och kysser mitt brst med fuktiga lppar. Hon fortstter nert och kysser mig p magen och till sist drar hon ner mina kalsonger och smeker min penis med sina varma hnder. Hon drar till baka frhuden och kysser ollonet. Jag smeker hennes brst med vnster hand samtidigt som jag tar av henne byxorna med den andra. Byxorna faller ner p marken och jag smeker henne med den fria handen mellan hennes heta lr. Hon kysser mig p halsen och drar ner mig i sngen vid hennes sida. Jag hjlper henna att ta av henne trosorna och smeker henne ltt ver de fuktiga blyglpparna. Hon vrider sig under min ltta berring och tar min penis i sin hand. Hon fucktar sitt pek och lng finger mellan sina fyllaga lppar innan hon brjar att smeka mitt ollon med dem i ltta cirklar. Hon jag lter mina fingrar smeka ver hennes brnn heta hud. Jag kysser hennes brst i cirklar runt brst vrtorna innan jag suger in hennes styva brst vrta mellan mina lppar och smeker den ltt med min tunga. "Hi hi hi, det kittlas fnissar hon. Jag slutar. "Nej, nej sluta inte sger hon med en len rst. Jag suger in hennes andra brst vrta mellan mina lppar och ger den samma behandling. Och hela tiden smeker jag hennes heta kropp med mina hnder som bara vill smeka mer. Jag lter mina fingrar en efter en smeka ver hennes blyg lppar innan jag lter den smeka ver den lena, srbara huden p innan sidan av hennes lr. Jag kysser hennes mage. Lter tungan leka i hennes navel innan jag slutligen kysser hennes skte fyllt av honung och hemliga dofter. Min tunga smeker runt hennes klitoris, ver hennes blyg lppar och in i hennes hemligaste skrymslen. Hon vrider sig av njutning fr min tungas lek. Jag hver mig upp mellan hennes srade lr. Hennes slida ppnar sig som en nyuppslagen ros fr mig innan min penis sakta glider in i hennes skte. Vra kroppar mts i en sakta rytm p jakt efter njutning. Hon smeker mig ver nacken och ner ver min rygg. Jag smeker henne med mina hnder med ltta rrelser. ver hennes fylliga brst. Och hennes blyg lppar som ger vika fr fr min penis jmna rytm. Hon plaserar sina hnder p min stjrt. Pressar sina hfter mot mina och jag fyller henne med mina safter samtidigt som hon gnyr av orgasmens vndor. Blankt svettiga av njutningens anstrngningar lgger vi oss vid varandras sidor och hennes ljus bl gon tindrar av lycka nr hon sger... "Jag lskar dig"... to be continued... Well thats all for this time. PeyloW of T.O.Y.S. signing off for now.. 21:16, OB Well, now I'm here. I'm trying to code but it ain't that easy to do that with so much noise and screams and other stuff going on. We are about 20 pepole in here but sometimes it sounds like 100. Hm, back to coding.. 22:00 MAGIC FINGERS Yes,i just love assembler!!! I'm trying to code a fucking sinus-scroller but it messes up all the time.Sometimes i just feel like kicking my ATARI into small,small pieces. 22:10, Hegge Hello again! Now I'm getting something to eat. A pie. Well who cares? Later on I'll check what the other persons have brought to this little party... 22:25, Empa It's been a while since I wrote some words... Just now I'm coding on THE demo for TCC (We'll win (NOT!!!))... Rubbish is listening to some fucking hardcore TEKNO shit and I'm getting more and more confused... My fucking SLIME is not working yet but just wait... 22:30, Shamen I'm currently trying to make simple PICTURE PACKER for Zeal, it's not working at all properly at this moment, but egnough of that, I'll get back to that later. My head hurts and the volume of the crappy muzak in this room is very (to say the least) loud, and that dosn't make my head any better! Well, see you an da AMIGA 1200 soon (very soon!)! Over nd out ;-)! 22:35 Magic Fingers Shamen,i hate you!!! You must be pretty stupid to buy an lousy AMIGA=AMOEBA. Atari rules! 22:36 NooN What's wrong with Ebba Grn i wonder... I've been trying to make something serious by coding on Splayer, but that idea wasn't to good... The f*ckin' window-routs is killing me. Hope da shit's going to be out on release before 1995...;-) I can understand if somebody is complaining on the volume of the music here, coz it's LOUD!!! Well, what the fuck to write. I'd better just start working on Splayer so the other members of Zeal kill me, coz my mother would be SO unlucky...!!! :-) Ebba Grn rulez! 22:45 PeyloW I am back just to tell you that I have finished Egles piccy. It is quite nice, I maybe will obtimaze it later. Now I am going to try some coding. 22:50 Eagle My brain hurts... I can't code right now... my thoughts fly away and the fuckin' assembler commands fall down in the mud... Too much sound around here but I must get my brain working so i can code... Peyow has done one picture more to my TV-scroller so I'd better make it work now... Better let someone else use this computer and continue using my own! 23:37 OB Hello again, nothing new since last. Back to coding. (Or laming.) 23:40 Hegge Yep, it's me again. I've done some copying, not fun but some times very necessary (or how you spell that word, i dunno). 23:43 OB Hi... 23:45 Eagle Better write something... Tired of coding right now... Perharps we start a colonial conquest competition now... 23:46 Jag (Hydrogen, Fredrik) I don't want to play colonial konkelbr... not now, no! 23:54 Magic Fingers I've just been outside and i must say that the weather is pretty bad. I think that it is at least -6 degrees and it snows like hell!! I hate this place nothing is open this late at night!!I'm HUNGRY!! * Date: 27/12-93 Day 2 * 00:05:43 Shamen Yeah, I was the first on dis day!! I guess Sticky Fingers must have something against the A1200, well, I don't! I'll just buy it b-cause the Falcon is so f**in' expencive here in Sweden! It costs like >1000 pounds!!, and that's just to bloody much! My head dosn't hurt now, so let's scram! The packer went bezerk ;-(. 00:20 Hegge Shamen had a lot of nice stuff like AM compils and a little game called Zool. I'm copying now and that's veery boring. Well, almost all the people are serious but Titus he thinks that he's some kind of DJ. Ok, back to the boring work... 00:35 NooN Why the fuck must Aggression do their demo Braindamage so fuckin' hard to ripp pictures from??? HATE!!! 00:52 Mogge One of the two Amigaowners at this party Wow Yeah Beebop! 00:55 Magic Fingers I've just watched some of MR.(JERK) Shamen's nice(not) intros!! And i must say that i don't like the texts written in these.Shamen i've got one word for you: R E V E N G E ! 01:09 JAG I'M writing no again but I don't have anything to write about so fuck you and good bye! 01:14:07 Shamen Hata Robert Bgberg! We're trying to rip some gfx from Braindamage for our "Demosidan" in SHN (Not the f**in' Larsa, he he hehehe), but it's fuckin impossieble, BRAINDAMAGE SUCKS, 'caus you can't rip the fucking good graphix! Me and NooN are now looking at the intro for the 24O 1/2 time in less then an hour. NO o O oOo It didn't work this time either ;-(. By the way. Wildfire (TERA LAMER FEDERATION) is now dead.he he he 01:20 Magic Fingers Oooh,i really love mr.Jerk of the year (shamen),i don't like when people talk's about Wild Fire (the Masters).By the way shamen,eat shit.MERRY X-MAS! 01:23:49 STICKY FINGERS Ooohhh, I'm so stupid. I'm sooo stupid. Once I had a braincell, but my mother hit me with a baseball bat when I was born, 'caus she didn't want me.. So I don't have any brains any longer. My father hates me too.. My name is Robert Bgberg... I go to the "Ekonomiska linjen" at Highschool, I had an average grade of 2.4 of 5.0 possible, and I think that's pretty fair beeing at my low level of intelligence! I think that I can code but I don't even know in wich end of the computer to put the disc. But my 1st Basic demos are really great, and my tunes are too... If you're deaf and blind, otherwise you can not say that there any good! 01:35 Shamena Ooh,i feel like a woman,yes i am a woman!!! When i was born my mother and father didn't believe their own eyes,i had the body of a woman but a girls face.Oh yes indeed,it's true,believe it or not.By the way if some nice intelligent boy read's this please contact me.(i really needs a big man!!!) Bye for now! Love "Shamena/TMV (THE MANWOMANS) 01:37:18 STICKY FINGERS. My head hurts,... I just think I had an idea... that's very unusual, at my level of intelligence you can be very happy if you can find your way to the bathroom on the morning,... I usually don't, so I just wet my bed, it's much simpler, and then I don't have to clean myself either! WOW! By the way,... I've changed my name to NO BRAINS, 'caus I really don't! If anyone would call me intelligent, I would take that as an insoult!! By the way (as you see, at my low level of intelligence I can't use to many different expressions, It might make my brain to blow up, I don't wanna get an overheat, I't wouldn't be nice... or, well actually It would, 'caus then people wouldn't get annoyed every time I saud anything!!!) So I think I'll continiue to use some really unusual words, like. Myintelligenceissolowthatisoon- willbeasintelligentasacarrot and,... nothat'saninsoulttocarrots, therereallyintelligent! sS P - L A T t MR.Robert Hgberg will -NOT- be joining us for the rest of his life. J IP - IE ! 02:14:23 NO BRAINS Jess, I'm back, and I think my intelligence just went to under 0, that means that my brain is no longer functioning at all, wich means that I'm braindead, so then I can get back to my newest project called. THe ViC 20 Emeratolor IiI!? wich will have some really cool effects like.. Sime-cuves, Shadsbows, plastpse, duiskdrive, mnitor and a new effect called briseier lanijs wich are bredning ljans!, rally cool! Now I gottoooalett go to the mnitor and piss, fee wee lter! 02:35 Hegge Yeah, we've got an idea. We're (Shamen/TCP and I) gonna do a real cult dizkin in Swedish. :-) See ya in some hours and I'll give ya the latest 'buot da dizkin... Signin' off now... Maybe I'll get some sleep, but just maybe. 02:57 NooN Now we actually managed to ripp the brain-piccy...!!! The hard thing wasn't to ripp the brain, but to ripp it with just one hand on it... Well, actually I and Shamen didn't manage to ripp it, but our (Zeal's) musician did it on the fifth-tenth try...! Zeal rulez, Larsa sucks! 03:06 OB Now everybody is getting a little bit tired and one and another will probably soon go to sleep. I've now fixed my 3D rout and it's more accurate than before, it will come to good use in my and Zeals next production. Peylow is working on a packer for Zeals digidemo.Doze of Anatomica hasn't arrived yet and he will probably now show up either, I'll call him tomorrow. Now PQ lear is singing a song about frogs, he must be very tired... and so am I... bye... 03:16:45 Shamen SLEP! zZzZZZzz ZzZZZ z .. 03:30 Magic Fingers Fuck,the sinus scroller doesn't work and i'm x-tremely tired so i think i will slepp some hours now,and continue the the work tomorrow.I'm very hungry,GIVE ME FOOD!!! 03:32 Hegge Znark. Well I'm pretty tired. I've tested Zool on my 1mb/STE and it looks nice. Simply the best arcade on the ST/E But the AM compils seem to not be as good as I hoped. 03:34 Rubbish Now i'll go to the other room to get some sleep, but first i'll go and wake Titus Alex cause he has already slept for hours. I'm going to do some musix to a demo when i wake up, i have already started, and it seems to be good. GOOD NIGHT 03:50 PQ Lear To me, it really doesn't seem like Rubbish is asleep yet. But he sure looks tired. Well, I'm getting a bit dizzy too but what the heck, this is a convention after all. You're not supposed to go to sleep before you FALL asleep... Stupid Empa is coding on the Amiga. 04:45 jag WOW now is only the real entusiasts up we are now 6 persons here all other are sleeping in the other room. Don't forget to pray, everyday! 05:10 jag Now are we only 3 up we are losing more and more people. Yeah it is only 50 minutes to the Statoil opening. 05:25 Jag Now I'm alone but it is just for now TAM(jag) is on the toilet but all other are sleeping so we can do what ever we want. 08:35 TAM Now the first persons are coming alive. Jag is sleeping and snoring on the floor. I'm the only one who stayed up the whole night and I still got plenty to give. During the night I and Jag sampled some Pelle and are going to do a sing-along demo with his great tune Det lilla ljus jag har. 09:50 TAM I'm getting bored with all these fucking lamers which are asleep in the room nextdoor. Are they going to sleep forever? 10:17 Eagle Now we are 7 persons awake... Better code before to much noise starts but the sounds are increasing fast now. Probably everyone is awake in an half hour... now two more gays is coming in to this room... Perhaps I would try to found out who the other people are... THE HARD WAY!!! Lets start... HEGGE SUCKS!!! - Now I can found out who is most angry at me... and then i know who Hegge is. 10:20 Hegge What the fuck is this? I sucks? Well, fuck ya! 10:24 OB Morning. 10:26:18 Shamen I've been awake since 08:45, but I just forgot to say hello,. HELLOo. 10:55 Eagle Bonjour Kabarnak! Well... my computer are occupied by some sampler freaks... I don't know anything else to do than occupie another computer (this...) Everyboby is awake now... I think... Perhaps some bastards is still sleeping... 11:15 Digit I hate viruses! 11:35 Magic Fingers Aaaah,i've just bought some delicious food,so now i'm gonna eat,eat eat. 11:41 OB Hm, I've just got some food from empa so I don't have to eat now for some time. Some weird guy is making a karaoke demo with religious music ! Fuck I forgot all my empty disks at home so I can't copy anything(cry,cry). 11:52 PeyloW Good morning Kisa !!! I have finished my packer this very night, and guess wot? It works !!! Well after some few hours of sleep I ones more sat down in front of the compi and improved the packer rout, and now the packed length never ever will be more than 2 bytes bigger then the org. Quite good i think, I shall now convert it to assembler and maybe add one more algorithm. (It's greats odds to that not be done (lazy me)) This party is quite cool so far, and Matz will soon come and give me the key to the showers. Thats all for now if you want to read more text then you better read all 105 kilobytes of scrollers in the -T2- demo by me, or shall I say T.O.Y.S. (I coded and painted nearly all of it) Well I leave this keys to someone else now, bye. I'll be back! 12:05, Empa Good morning... I been sleeping for a couple of hours but I'm still kind of tired... I need a shower... My codes are all fucked up and I haven't been able to finnish one little poor code... (poor me) DET LILLA LJUS JAG HAR (g och sug Fredde!!!) 12:08:56 Shamen I've just eaten "Jgarbiff med pomes Chat" and a whole lot of meatballs! I didn't have any dinner last night you see,. Och sjlv tycker jag att DET LILLA LJUS JAG HAR e' ganska fin.;-) 12:25 Rubbish Hello! Now i'm listening to some modules by Surf of ICE, they are great! NooN is a shithead! ha ha haaa!!! 12:29 Eagle Been thinking of biking home to my place and get some food so I survive the rest of the day... I be back within 28.8*10^9 clockcycles... 12:38 Magic Fingers Well,i've now eaten some food,so i guess i'll try to code something now,but since my sinus-scroller fucked up i don't know what to do. But there's plenty of things to do here, you can for example listen to the song "Det lilla ljus jag har",or you can...ehh,hrm,well to tell you the thruth i must say that i'm pretty bored at the moment. But wait,now empa is walking around in the room with a video camera trying to record some stuff.Now back to the world of Devpack. 13:17 Magic Fingers Hum,hum,why doesn't anybody write here? (except me off course!!!) 13:29 NooN Yeah, at last the film for the Digitizerdemo is ready... Now we just have to digitize it to disk with 'Vidi-ST'... It seems to work out though Hmm, if just Rubbish would finish his tunes every time he starts on a new one, then we would have MANY tunes by now...! He's working on a new tune now, and it's quite good... But don't tell him that...:-) 14:01:41 Shamen I just read what I supposinly wrote this night, but I can say this,. Magic Fingers has more than 156.42 personaletys so he tinks he is more then himself. What I'm trying to say is that he wrote the whole series himself! Signing off. Ohhh, I just remebered, the movie of this party's gonna be real great! 14:15 Eagle Back down here in Vrgrdsskolan... Two more persons have appeared then I was home... I also got a letter to Zeal with some music on... 14:25 PQ Lear Duh, still a bit tired... Hungry too, I hope someone'll think about eating something soon. That realtime texture mapping stuff on the PC really looked good. I think the little movie will look better with a little blue in it... 14:47 NooN Fuck! I want a PC, now!!! Or, in other words, I want Doom & CD2...! Doom is the fastest, coolest, best game ever made on a computer... Hope da Jaguar's game Alien vs Predator will be just as good... I think it will, coz those who bought Jaguar and played games on it is pleased with it. As soon as I have money I will by a Jaguar... Well, fuck Titus! 15:25 Hegge Hey NooN! Doom is coming for the Jag. I'm waiting! 16:06 Eagle Havn't written anything here for a while Everybody seems to be tired here now.. and i am also a bit tired... Perhaps i should play around a bit with my old 3d routs... And hope to get started with some programming on my game later... PeyloW (the graphist) is complaining over me not doing anything on my game. 16:30 Magic Fingers I've have to comment Shamen's text above I wrote nothing in the series,coz i was busy coding something.(although,i don't remember what..)But hey, Shamen,it's no danger admitting that you wrote it all!! I mean,you're two persons,one man and one woman! 16:41 NooN Sure Hegge, noon will come, BUT!!! A vs P has already come... And you can't play a game if you don't have it, can you? 16:42 Hegge No ya can't! But by the time the Jag reaches Sweden Doom will have been released, June 1994. ;-) 16:47 TAM Well, because I was totally bored and some people are asleep I decided to write some shit here to tell the world that there is a life after this and that DTVM claims that they are the only way to an eternal life. Jag is a big lamer because he's currently sleeping in my and his chair and therefore is blocking TWO computers from the hands of me. As I am a very reasonable guy I can tolerate almost anything, but the next party I'm going to there won't be any members of sl at all. Perhaps they aren't the worst coders in the scene, but as persons they are terrible. The only sain person here except me is OB. There are also some lamers here, but won't mention their names because they aren't worthy to be mentioned here (I don't know their names). At this very moment two amboR are playing a game via a null-modem and everyone with a stereo in sight are turning the volume to the maximum and I'm actually getting tired (after only 26 hours). Anyway it has been nice to meet some new people (even though i despise most of them) and I'm looking forward to 'attend' to one of their conferences and be a real pain in the ass. 17:08 Digit This Null-modem thing didn't work out very well. But who cares anyway. I got to get some sleep... 17:41 NooN Now Hegge is coding a 'Bankomat' in GFA... Hmm, I maybe should do something on Splayer instead of writing dis fucking text... See ya! 17:47 OB Now I've formatted some disks so I can copy some nice modules from Doze (yes he has arrived now. nice or what !) We had really funny when we produced the video for Zeals digi demo. We repeted what everybody should do around eight times and Empa ran around with the videorecorder. My role in the movie was to walk towards my computer and insert a disc. The whole movie got around 37 seconds long. You'll probably see it around soon. 18:03 Magic Fingers Hello! 18:12 Rubbish Why dosen't Noon finish his window- routines for SPLayer, he has coded them for a hundred of years but it doesn't seem to get better! It still look the same as it did when he started! Ok, I know he has learnt everything by himself, (about C...) but why is SPLayer taking so long time?? Maybee because he's so fucking lazy and lame! 18:17 NooN Fuck ya Rubbish!!! Why don't you learn C yourself and make Splayer??? It's not that easy, if ya think so... Lazy and lame? So what? I'm a real hacker!!! :-) 18:18 Rubbish Ha! I'm not even interessted in learning C. I'm ony interrested in SPLayer cause i want a GOOD sample editor! Ok, i'll stop complaining but do as good you can and if something is to hard to solve, ask someone who knows how to do. Titus and I have hidden some beers in the snow and will drink them later... But know i'll go and hit Noon! 19:34 NooN I know what Rubbish is interested in... -Drinking...! And he's not the only one, there's a room full of them...!!! Well, back to Splayer I hope. 20:03:04 Shamen There are many lamers inside Magic Fingers, 'caus each personality is a REAL lamer,... Just look at this guys roits. They SUCK! (yes, they suck, and so does Robert, he sucks kucks!!!) By the way,. You are all invited to my House-Party. -not-, NOT Mr Robert Hgberg anyway. Signing of. 20:13 Hegge The cult dizkin project is off, it seems like :-( (but who carez?)... 20:16 Digit The room is now ideal if you want a headache. Everybody seems to be competing who can make the most noice but it's getting better. Hey, I got it !! I'll be right back... 20:30 Magic Fingers Wow,i just managed to get my 3d-star scroller to work properly.And boy i'm fuckin tired and my head hurt.Message to Shamen "suck yourself off pal!!" 20:52 NooN I can't believe it... The hard thing with Splayer was to get it to work with more than one window. I think it works with more now!!! I'm HAPPY!!! Well, back to work...:-| 21:05 Digit I've spent the last hour fixing a disk. It worked. I don't beleive it. 21.10 Mogge I can't believe it... Alcohol is forbiden here !! But, well... No problem We have drunk all alchol we have , so now there is no alcohol left. We always follow the rules.!! ? 21:17 Eagle I just reduced the number of bugs in my game with one... Yeah!!! 21:20 Magic Fingers 1 Print "I'm tired,and im out of ideas what to code (i feel no motivaton!)" 2 end 21:31 Jag YEAH DTVM have realesed 2 m-demos under this 2 days... I am very happy to see how many m-demos we can make with out losing control... 21:35 Hegge NooN was right. CD2 is fucking mega great, Doom too (or at least looks good I haven't played it, yet. i wouldn't say no to a 486-33 with lotsa memory and lotsa HDD space. 21:45 Wolfg HO Ho... I think that this 'You are not to supposed to drink alkohole' thing really sucks... Cause I'm fucking lafgasaessslld jissa om jag vill ha brws?!??!=?" hejd.-. 21:50 Strunma HE... Sweden is thew bnest cause we are leading over russia whit 2-0 in ice. Now i'mk thinking off coding some stufff... Tiutis just gave me some alcoholic (6% cider!!!) AND PQ IS JUST TALKinf about his sometgh9ing and anything.-. Cpdde ort DIE or something like that suffet som bygger p att fikon trden r borta Tjoi-. 21:54 PQ Lear I'm actually surprised Struma managed to write down such a lot of text in only four minutes. As seen above, his keyboard sensitivity is down to about zero, whatever scale you use. However, he is acting like a perfectly normal Swede, keeping his alcohol peaking with a lot of cider. 22:00 Strruummaaass Ho... I'm bck agiabn. ju8st bnow ruvb i s listebning to 'tityus the real sdtory' and Noon ias listeng to I'm jsut skirnvng soum egrabns abotut this evening. Titus is hving cider Nu NU r lteb slut... 22:11 anonym empa r packad som ett as .! 22:20 TAM At the moment all people who aren't drunk are either coders or very, very tired. Unfortunatly am I not very tired The lot of us that think they are better then the rest is mostly coders (but certainly not eMpA). Some other lamers keep running around and swpping games or dong something else (like playing games)... Now all the hammered members of sl say that they are going to buy themselves AmbOr and sell their ATARI's. I won't think that will be a very big loss for the ST (tvrtom). I don't understand were all the stupid, lame and overall bad ZeaL-ideas come from (they don't know either because they are too drunk). 22:30 Empa Everybody is claiming that I'm drunk i'am and it's funny like hell ! 22:33 Magic Fingers I can't find my source disk's,where in hell have i put them.?Usually i don't give a fuck about this sort of problems, but since OB wanted to see my fractal rout i'll guess i will spend a few minutes trying to find it. Back to the world of search. 22:40 Magic Fingers Now i have found some of my source disks,but the fractal rout wasn't on any of these.But i found a assembled version of the fractal routine.(glsch) 22:45 EMPA YEP... Here I am looking for the key to the secret (or the secret to the Bresenheim circle rout!!!) Rob and Noon are still playing the fucking Pinball Fantasies (on Amiga suxer) Now PQ wants to show us a 'thing' in Realtime... HO HO Eat some stuff or somethng else... 23:10 PeyloW I have just read all text that have been written on this compi so far. It is quite a lot, and some of it is even interesting to read. Well now I am going to write something realy boring... Try this in STOS. 10 for n=0 to 15 : next n : poke $ff820a,0 20 for n=0 to 2 : next n : poke $ff820a,2 And viola the upper border is dead !!! Some more hints is to turn off all STOS interupts, all timer interupts and off coz the mouse interupt. The border wont flicker then. And one more thing, this one works only uncompiled. But what the heck, who wants to kill borders or even code in STOS anyway. (I do!(My packer is made in STOS)) Talking about this packer... Zl told me to convert into asse, but I shall wait for that untill everything is ready. Currently noone even knows if it shall be three or four bitplanes. If it turns out to be four then I will code one more algorithm if not I will pack it in bitplane order. Only Jesus knows. Eagle (Egle) seems to be coding now at last, I just hope that it is the game source he is editing. He got some problems with timer-B interupts It will be a three bitplane TV-scroller in borders OVER a four bitplane picture. And since the piccys shall be changed with fades in realtime he is not able to do any funny tricks. I have drawn two piccys fonr that scroller so he better finish it soon. By the way the morfing clock in the game is realy great!!! Take a look at it. No, dont just take a look at it buy the whole game when it is finished. (around 1998) Well I think I have bored you quite a long time now so I will wrap here. The scroller master PeyloW of T.O.Y.S. signing of... 23:25 PQ Lear Well, then try this! vbi: move.w #1433-1,d0 dbf d0,vbi bclr #1,$f820a.w dcb.w 8,$4e71 bset #1,$f820a.w rte Voila! :-) 23:35 Rubbish Titus is a fucking lamer! He is stupid and very strange... Noon is playing on the amiga (oh no, he's stucked) Ok, but now i'll go and look around a bit to see if someone is doing some fun stuff...  23:40 Empa I'm just bored (Waiting for a raytraced ZEAL logo) I'm listenig to the best crew in the whole fucking world -U2... Rob just turned my hat to half past... Magic Fingers disks just 'RAN' out on the floor... He gotto pick them up (HA HA) Danne his freinds are laughting... OB is trying to talk SHAMEN into something stupied (as always!) Rob and Titus is looking on my codes... NO!!! I was wrong They were looking at ACCS's 'Edge of Panic'... SHAMEN is talkning about the U2-concert (in stockholm) which I missed!!! Jon gotta Raytrace my logo soon or I will go mad or something... This day we have been doning nothing exept from doing the film to our DIGI-demo (called Moves)... Titus wants a shower (me, too) but he hasn't the key to the showers... No more said - no more responsibilty * Date: 28/12-93 Day 3 * 0:11 Digit I have just read it all threw(this document). It took me a while but it was worth it every second. There seems to be very different people on this party, some perverts and hippies but who cares ? As long as they don't mess with me it's allright. I have borrowed a TV from some guys in the neighbourhood. I forgor the damn remote controler who I need for Scart-switching. We're leaving this place tomorrow. OOPPPSS!! Today TUESDAY! 00:16 Hegge Well, here I'm again. I've crushed NooN in Sensible Soccer (Amiga). Yeah! The peze owners are playing around with the graphic possiblities of their machines. Raytracing and displaying of TGA piccys. The demos on 486 are much better then the Atari ones. But with that hardware it isn't surprising, to me. By the way, what kinda hardware had pezes 1985? Atari was great in you compared them then but nowadays, nah. :-( 00:30 Rubbish Oh, this party starts to suck! I think i'll have some sleep soon, what else to do??? I'll go and watch the PC's... 00:35 NooN Hmm, starts to suck? Well... Ehrm... Shit da' same! Splayer & Pure C sucks, and I mean it. Da shit wount be ready until 1999 as earliest... But, what the hell, who cares??? Na, now i better go looking on PC instead of writing this fucking text that no-one will ever read (Except YOU!), cu? 00:45 Eagle Ahhh... Baahhh... AH... Am... TIRED.  00:48 NooN what to do? I'm getting slightly mad... blablabla... EBBA GRN!!! 00:55 OB Ahh.. 'Ebba Green' is now running on the stereo.. I like it !!! Jon is trying to raytrace an Anatomica logo but it seems not to work out as he want it to work out. Empa says we have to record the digi movie once again because it is to long but I think we can pack it down so it fit on the disc. Se ya. 01:05:49 Shamen Almost everyboddy except me ('caus I'm to bloody tired) has gone away outside to go snowcoasting. Ute och ker pulka., mitt i natta! Well,... I gotta sleep, my head hurts (as usual) so bye. Shamen signing off. By the way... The U2 concert was just great... The best I've been to!!! 01:18 Digit Silence. Ah! 01:20 Digit It's to quite now damit! We are only four of us here. Hegge, I and two other guys. 01:59 Hegge The sound of silent R GR8! 02:25 Magic Fingers Me and Jon went outside to watch the other nerds "ka pulka".But after 1 hour and 20 minutes we changed our minds and returned home... (My boots is full of snow!!!) 02:49 PeyloW The expedition to the "Tolvannabacke" is completed. Two reported as missed in action. Three lightly wounded. And all got serious physichal damages. Five "pulks" borrowed and one "snowracer" lost. Relatives will be contacted. Chased by snow scooters and fully armed police. Conclusion: Vi emigrerar till americkatt!!! Mission status: Completed Remarks: Quite funny 03:06 Hegge Were the fuck is NooN? Hopefully here in some minutes... 03:15 OB Ohh... I'm alive ! I'm safe back here at the school and now I've started to be more warm than when I came, I couldn't move a finger, I was so cold. I am thirsty as hell and must have something to drink. 03:30 Hegge Well NooN's back now. Wet and cold - but alive! 03:45 Empa You probably heard about our little trip to 12-manna-backen and our downhill experanse (I mean: I wont bore you with that...) It's quite quiet (!) in THE room and everybody is probably kind of tired (I'm included) lea.b 17(a0),-12(sp) 04:27 Digit Strangely I'm not tired. Even though I have slept 4 hours the last 30 I have a occupation. Ahh my head! Enough lies. I 'm tired as a ant after Mount Everest. But now I need som Coffein ( coca-cola) 05:23.16 DoZe So everybody has something to eat except me! Its 36 minutes left to the opening of the local food store. so would you like me to tell something about my PC. Its a 486 dx 33 mhz with a Super vga monitor, A cirrus logic 5422 that can handle modes up to 1280*1024. And i got a Ultra sound card that handles up 32 channels 16bit 44.1, and realtime calculated souround sound. yeah!! i know OB loves when i write about my computer. HE HE! T.A.P. got his hands on a cup of coofee but he refused to share that cup with me!! kill!! kill!! OOOh shit im so tired!!! I wanna sleep! 05:37 T.a.P Well i been up for about 23 h (84996 sekundes, but whos counting???).. I Just whant to say that i'm f-king tierd 'cause i havent got any COFEE since i got here, - A R GH... Well i'm getting tired of raytracing... Every group whants me to paint a logo for them. I have painted one for ANA and doing one for Dynamic... But Cyberpunks, ZeAL and some other goups also whants me to paint one, but i don't think i've got the time... Well now the local food store opends so i ame going to go there and get something to DRINK AND EAT... :) Zy l8er and greetings from T.a.P 05:55.35 DoZe Now where going to the local food store! 05:55.52 T.a.P ME TO! AHH! 06:01 OB Playing games. 06:03 Titus I'am so fucking tierd so i'am going to fall asleep on the keybord fdgfkgfkd - nvfjkfdghhfhsdf 06:30.50 DoZe Sooo back from the shop and what do you find??? 10!! people have occupied my and T.A.P's computer cause they have discovered DOOM. Well they seems to enjoy it. What am i going to do now? read ST INTERNALS or walk to the toilet on my hands? SHIT! 06:35 Hegge Yeah! Doom's amazingly great! Wish I had a peze. 06:37.41 T.a.P Well f-k ... I whant to have my PC back. All the lamers are playing DOOM on on DoZe's PC and my own PC... Why did I show them DOOM??? 06:45 PeyloW Did you know that this text is about 39888 bytes. Not much, but there is some more days to go. And now I will go and kill my breakfast. A bag of fun maybe. Get the club and off I go... 07:05 PeyloW I have just seen that Emba as a response to my border in STOS gived you a top- border rout in asse. And "jag ska alltid va vrst" so here and now I will give you all borders, It does not work on fm and maybe not on every known STe either but it works on every STe I have tried so far so it will probably work on yours... vbl: move.l #1430,d0 ; Wait for top border wait1 dbra d0,wait1 move.b #0,$f820a ; Kill it!!! dcb.w 14,$4e71 move.b #2,$f820a lea $f8209,a0 ; Sync screen move.b (a0),d0 move.l #16,d1 wait2 move.b (a0),d0 beq.s wait2 move.w #$707,$f8240.w sub.b d0,d1 lsr.w d1,d0 move.w #$0,$f8240.w lea $f820a,a0 ; HertzZZZ lea $f8260,a1 ; Resolution clr.l d0 ; Zero moveq.l #2,d1 ; And two. dcb.w 50,$4e71 ; nop REPT 228 ; 228 rader dcb.w 29,$4e71 ; innan move.b d1,(a1) ; neder move.b d0,(a1) ; bordern dcb.w 91,$4e71 move.b d0,(a0) move.b d1,(a0) ENDR dcb.w 27,$4e71 move.b d0,(a0) ; 60Hz (neder) move.b d1,(a1) ; High move.b d0,(a1) ; low move.b d1,(a0) ; 50Hz dcb.w 89,$4e71 move.b d0,(a0) move.b d1,(a0) REPT 32 dcb.w 29,$4e71 move.b d1,(a1) ; Left with high res move.b d0,(a1) dcb.w 91,$4e71 move.b d0,(a0) ; Left with 60Hz move.b d1,(a0) ENDR rte It is a X-mas gift from PeyloW of T.O.Y.S. and please do NOT forget my credit if you ever use it. And at last: "Try to beat this Empa!!!" 7:15 PQ Lear Huh? I didn't see any borders disappear (?) The only comment I have to this code is that I really don't see any free time for doing other things than to wait for the beam... Well, I guess a nice full screen picture is quite enough to impress at least Empa! :-) Regretfully, he still seems to be asleep. Funny, how people seem to sleep for an incredible amount of time and then waking up and walking around like zombies anyway. Sleeping is an enormous waste of time. It's really a pity you would go bananas without sleeping. Well, I'm still hanging on to the SDF motto: *( *Vanum est vobis ante lucem cubitum ire* *( 8:15 PQ Lear (still) Let's have some fun and make a GEMDOS #9 scroller out of this file! 09:51:24 Shamen Good Morning Kisa,... snark. 11:00 PeyloW At last! The showers has been opened for the ones who think its important whit the personal hygine. It is not open for good, but whit some luck Matz mybe will show up and give me that fucking key just one and a half day to late!!! Most of the people have at last awaken after a long nigth of sleep that I missed. I have not slept for one single minute for about 26 houers and I start to feel a it sleepy. The one who was upposed to make the raytraced Dynamic LABS logo is sleeping on a table. And wont do something to my logo the following houers. Too bad coz it looks like if it will be a very nice logo. I have only seen LABS is some kind of blue glass and it is marvelous!!! Lets wrazzz... 11:09 Eagle Puh... I live here so i could go home to shower instead of joining the sexual acts in the showers here in the school. 12:00 Hegge Now I'm awake with a terrible headache. Most of the people here seem to have been sleeping so I haven't missed that much. By the way it's not lame to play Doom, it's pretty fun! 12:34 Digit Good morning my Neighbours ! (citat: En prins i New York) I've never a head ache like this one. Good night my Neighbours ! (citat: Digit) 12:45 NooN I'll never ever more go 'och ka pulka' at 02 o' clock... My trousers are dirty, my socks are dirty, I'm dirty & my shoes are full of water. But, who the fuck cares anyway... Where's the Jaguar??? Why do we have to listen at this fuckin' Techno-hip musax? Go for Punk, it isn't dead! 12:58 OB Morning... Empa wants to record the movie once again, the last one was to long... I don't want to. 13:00 Magic Fingers "Singoalla" is the best biscuits!!! 13:15 DoZe Im hungry again.. Im wating for OB and som other people to stop filming. 13:35 Eagle It's to noisy around here... I have nearly destroid my latest source of my game with new bugs then writing a new 4-bitplane mousepointerrout 13:40 Magic Fingers Doom is da-fucki'n-best kill'em up ever! 14:41:52 Shamen I've just formatede 32 discs... That wasn't very funny at all ;-(!!! I've just inveted a new Fido,... 8-), That's me! C U L8ER... 14:56 OB Doze is just filling his HD with modules... Fuck !!! I want him to Raytrace some pics to me... I'll only be here for 15 hours more and thats sad. 15:03 NooN Hmm, PQ Lear is still asleep... >SMNTUTA< :-) So, what to do? Splayer? - Sure...! 15:10 PeyloW I am so tired. I will fall sleeping to the ground any minute. Peter is at last coding on that damn TV scroller. It looks like shit by this time. But I guess it will be better. If not, I will not draw a single pixel more to hes stupid game... 15:26 Hegge Now I'm hugry gotta have something to eat. 16:03 OB Empa and I had just a competition about who could do the fastest quarter of a circle and we were very equal. Let the best man win ! Doze is just as mysterious as usual. I want him to raytrace !!! Doze !!! Raytrace ! I'm going to kill him.. Just wait. 16:08 DoZe I dont wanna raytrace!!! I'm the motherf*cking musician in this group! would you like to rytrace with a PC with 4 meg ram? i mean when the raytracer has just been loaded i have out of memory and that god damn program starts to use a swap file (if you dont know what a swap file is im gonna tell ya right now.. its when the PC uses the harddisk as a memory and that means that the computer gets very slooow! ) one other thing. I WANNA SLEP! 16:13 OB OK. You're a musician, but from now on you're also Mr.RayTrace. You can raytrace a picture in 320*200 in 256 colours on 45 seconds and thats the reason why i want YOU to raytrace. So, go and raytrace Doze ! 16:16 DoZe Moi!! 45 seconds.. he he!! where have you gotten that from?!?!?! 16:17:06 Shamen I'm copying some (aprox 250) modules from Doze. hehehehe 16:20 DoZe Well i would have enjoyed copying theese modz if i could multitask and do something else... but what what the heck.. now i got more time for this little realtxt.txt 16:25 OB I must go to the toilet.. 16:26 DoZe Me too... NOO you pervert, not to the same toilet as OB. 16:30 OB Ah. That was nice ! The shape of the hamburger was when it came out was exactly the same as when it came in. 16:37 DoZe OB do you remember??? GRUMPHF!!! GRUMPHF!!! Hamburger place!! 16:38 OB Once in a while it was a little boy who was called Doze, had had big attitude problems. hup, hup !!! 16:43 DoZe Muckar you grl? do i have to tell everybody the tale of OB on his island II? 17:05 Magic Fingers I am very tired cause, on 3 days i've only sleept 9 hours. 17:16 Digit I feel like shit! I think I got the flu. 17:32 Doze Well im still waiting to get my hands on my computer. 17:35.09 T.a.P Well i'm tierd to. I have only slept for 1 H and been up about 35 h, and i WHANT TO SLEEP!!! Now i'm doing a logo for ZeAL!!! (Been doing that sins about 11.00 this morning) URK!!! Theese f-king materials!!! 17:48 DoZe Im STILL waiting for my computer. 18:05 Empa I won over OB in the coding-competition (We competed in coding a Bresenheim circle rout...) Everybody are kind of tired and I have a headace (Thats fun) Jag tnkte ta och bertta om ingenting s var still och under.. Hejd 18:45 OB I'm STILL waiting for Doze to raytrace.. And soon we're going to eat. Pizza... Mums. Empa say he won over me in the circle competition but I'm not finished yet !! 18:50 Magic Fingers Now I will eat my pizza,yum,yum. 18:50.49 T.a.P Ahh... I get FOOD!!! Now I, DoZe, OB goes to the pizza hut and gets FOOD!!!' Yum, Yum... 18:51 OB Ahhh. Foood. 18:53 DoZe FO D ! 19:02:00 Shamen My head hurts again,... I must have an cronical hedache. But anyway... We're leaving tomorrow, so I gotta get some sleep soon! (So that I can stay up al night long!). Just to mension... I've finidhed copying modules an hour ago, just forgot to write it here! 19:10 NooN I'm sorry to tell you, but... -I'm getting out of here now!!! So, hope I'll se ya all in another party in about 50-60 years... See ya! 19:16 Digit So am I. It has been funny here but... Bye ! 19:28 Eagle Now the first persons are leaving the field... I'm gonna be here more than 30 hours still... Tam disapeared earlier today... He is probably sleeping at home... 19:35 NooN Nu drar jag, tja! 20:50 OB We have just been video recording just for fun. We have now a lot of pictures to look at when we came home. This is a great tip. If you have a copy(coding) party then you must have a video camera and a vidi digitizer. You'll laugh a lot. 20:54:43 Shamen Jess, just look at OB in this slide! (he he hehehe) 21:04:37 Shamen (Jess, me again!) Just ate a cookie, and my chronicle headache just goes on, but there is one hope, Ronny&Ragge with "The Pka Stry" is on da telly, the're just great!!! hhh, ta en.  /\ /. \ // \ {/ .} / \\ { WONDER- \} /. BAUM. \ // . / \ {/ / / } / / \ \ Tallbarrsdoft / \:/ istllet!(c) Shamen/TCP  By the way,... I've just converted (and read) al of the text to 40 rows/lone now (It took aprox. 2.5h!!!) Bye. 04:26:05 Shamen Just to say. GODBYE, we're leaving soon (in less than 1 1/2 h!!!), BYE!