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The Demo may be distributed freely. "N DISCLAIMER: This is a very powerful and complex program, and being such, there is a greater potential for misuse. The developer has made every possible effort to ensure that the included software is error-free, but it is given out solely on an "as is" basis. No warranties, either express or implied, are made by the developer with the respect to the software or its fitness for a particular purpose. The developer accepts no responsibility for any loss that may result from the use or inability to use this software. The entire risk as to the quality and performance is with the user of this software. YOU USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK! TABLE OF CONTENTS: - -- - I. Introduction ./ [INT] A. List of Features .( [FEA] B. About FreeZe Dried Software . [FZD] C. What exactly is Shareware? Why should I register? . [SHR] D. Why don't we use GEM? .# [GEM] E. Why you need a good term program . [TRM] II. A. Basic Setup .- [SET] B. General Use .- [USE] C. The Terminal Mode .' [TTM] III. Autodialer .1 A. Introduction ., [DLI] B. Dialing .1 [DIL] C. Auto-Logs/Auto-Macros .# [ALM] IV. File Transfers .- A. Introduction ., [XFR] B. Using your protocols . . [XFU] C. Installing new protocols . [XFI] D. Batch Queue List editor .! [BQL] V. Macros .5 A. Introduction ., [MAC] B. Editing your macros .% [MCE] C. Explaination of macro functions . [MCF] VI. Disk commands .. [DSK] A. General use .- [DKU] B. Using the LZH/ARC/ZIP archiver shell . [ARC] C. Setting up the archiver shell . [ARS] VII. RS-232 Configuration .' [RS2] VIII. System Setup menu .* [SYS] A. Changing your colors .$ [COL] B. System parameters .' [PAR] C. Terminal Event Chimes .# [CHM] D. The daily .LOG .* [LOG] E. AES Background Events .# [AES] F. BBS Timeout Logoff Pause . [LOF] IIX. Font Installation .* [FNT] IX. The Capture Buffer .) [CAP] A. The Scrollback .* [SCL] B. Capture Buffer Configuration . [CPC] X. The Text Editor ., [TED] XI. Script Files (".DO") .' [.DO] XII. A. How to Reach the Author .! [RCH] B. Reporting Bugs .* [BUG] C. Future Features .) [FUT] XIII. Troubleshooting ., [TBL] A. General .1 [TBG] B. Transfers ./ [TBT] C. Autodialer .. [TBA] XIV. Final Acknowledgements .% [FIN] NOTE: To use the table of contents, you may look at the index characters and use them in a text editor or file viewer capable of searching. You would enter the index characters as the search pattern to quickly take you to a portion of the documentation. For instance, you would search for "[XFR]" to read an introduction to File Transfers. I. Introduction - [INT] = FreeZe Dried Terminal was written by a BBS (Bulletin Board System) addict. It was written because the "best" of all available Terminal Programs just wasn't good enough for my use. The original purpose was to write a more usable terminal program just for my personal use, but as it grew and developed, I gave it to a few friends and they enjoyed it so much that my goal became developing it enough to the point of perfection, at which time I would release it. But as I worked on it, I discovered that it never could be quite perfect, and at some point I would have to stop and say "This is it, I'm going to release this if it kills me." You see, I am a bit of a perfectionist. FZT can never be perfect, and never will. There will always be things to change, new features to add. I started FzDSTerm in mid-August, 1990 and it has taken me almost two years to get this far. I hope you enjoy using it as much as I and my Beta-testers do. I. A. Here are a few features that FzDSTerm has to offer: - [FEA] =2 o Colorful, Intuitive non-GEM user interface with full mouse control and keyboard commands for most selections. o True 19200 baud input handling. Use your high-speed modem as it was meant to be used. o VT-52, ANSI, UBT-Graphics, Instant Graphics, and more. o Any external protocol can be installed under easy-to-use shell: Currently installed protocols include Z-Modem Batch, Y-Modem Batch, Y-Modem G Batch, F-Modem Batch, X-Modem 1k, X-Modem CRC, X-Modem Checksum. o Any protocol with a unique start sequence may be set up to Auto-Start receiving or sending. (Z-Modem send and receive are currently set up to do so.) o Full Featured Auto-Dialer With 45 slots, redial, chain dialing, and background dialing. o Auto-Logon Sequences for each BBS to get you on with few keystrokes. o Auto-Learn Logon feature to create Auto-logs automatically. o Auto-Macros for each BBS to perform repetitive tasks for you. o 40 Macros with the ability to perform any script command or keyboard command, chaining macros, and much more. o 5 extra Macros for each BBS to hold your personal information, such as Handle, Password, etc.o Full Featured Capture Buffer (maximum of 32000 lines), including block commands to save, ASCII send, etc. a block of text. o Full Featured Text Editor including word wrap, block commands, reformat, search & replace, and more. o Flash!(tm) Compatible .DO Script Files. o Full Featured Disk Commands, including Format Floppy and an LZH/ARC/ZIP archiver shell. o 1000 Character Type Ahead Buffer with 10 memories. o Several built-in fonts and the ability to load standard .FED 8x8 or 8x16 Font Files. o Cheap Registration Price ($25) o Fully usable Demo, with only non-essential commands disabled and no time limit. o Complete In-Depth Documentation. REQUIREMENTS: - At least one Megabyte of RAM. - ST Medium (color), ST High resolution (monochrome), or TT Medium (color) are recommended, but any resolution 640x200 or above should work. (FZT was developed on a color monitor; using it in color is preferable.) - Modem (preferably using the Hayes "AT" command set). It must be able to set Carrier Detect properly. - Serial RTS/CTS Patch if using a high-speed (above 2400 baud) modem and an version of TOS not supporting RTS/CTS flow control. I. B. About FzDS Software - [FZD] = Let me start out with the correct way to pronounce FzDS, the acronym for FreeZe Dried Software. Whenever saying the name it is pronouced FizzDizz and FizzDizz Software. The software group is dedicated to bringing you the finest available programs with a reasonable price. It was started by the authors of UBBS, Brian Hauer and Sean Price. It was originally FDS Software, but when we were told that FDS is a brand of feminine hygiene products we promptly changed the name. We at FzDS as a whole have produced quite a few small utilites, and several larger applications, mostly BBS and modem related. If you enjoy using this software, you might check out other FzDS products! If you are interested, ask me about them. I. C. What is Shareware? Why Should I Register? - [SHR] = = The principle of Shareware is simple. The program is distributed by the Public Domain libraries, by uploading onto BBSes, and giving copies away. Users can get a copy of the program just for the price of the media, and then take it home and use it. If the user likes the program, he sends the author a Shareware fee. Usually, the author will send back a few goodies (as an incentive to register) or if the program was Crippleware (Shareware with a few functions disabled.) they get a fully-working version of the program. If enough people send in the cash to make it worthwhile, he may do more Shareware stuff. Naturally you don't have to pay anything if you don't like the program. Of course a lot of people might like the program and decide not to pay, but if too many people do that then nobody will ever bother writing any decent Shareware at all, and it's back to buying stuff off the shelf. So, it's down to the users - if they're honest, then programmers will be more inclined to work hard on Shareware releases. The idea of Shareware is very idealistic, perhaps impracticably so, but the advantages over the conventional market are so enormous that it seems to be worth the effort to try it. Advantages of Shareware: = 1 - It is a totally honest way of selling. Everybody gets to try the program out, and only those who use it are morally obliged to pay the fee. Nobody is disappointed or feels ripped-off. 2 - There are no constraints on creativity. No-one says 'we cannot publish this because it ain't mainstream'. Programmers do what the hell they like and the users vote with their Shareware fees. 3 - Anyone can use it. The mechanism of distribution is already in place in the form of Public Domain libraries. All the originator has to provide is a disk to each of the PD libraries with program and documentation. If it's good, it'll get passed around the PD scene; if it's bad nobody will bother with it. Forget spending thousands on advertisements trying to convince people to spend lots of money on something they haven't even used yet... 4 - The concept of piracy becomes null. All that business of hacking and cracking doesn't apply to software which is both unprotected and easily copied. Shareware authors WANT their software to be spread and copied. If it gets onto a BBS in England and spreads all over the UK, well and groovy! Good Shareware exports itself! 5 - Prices can be very low. Since the authors have no overheads in terms of production and advertising, they don't need to ask as much in payment. And the users pay the programmers directly - nobody else takes a cut. 100% of twenty dollars is better than 5% of fifty dollars. The advantages of Shareware as a democratic, honest way of publishing software are pretty obvious, but it does have to go both ways. If a programmer puts a lot of time and effort into his code and releases it as Shareware, he's trusting you, the users, to be honest and pay him if you like his program. If you all just take the stuff for free, he won't bother to do anymore Shareware stuff. If you support the author, he'll be inclined to do much better next time - and you'll be the ones to benefit. NOTE: By sending money to the author of this program, you are paying for the use of FzDSTerm and associated utilities for FzDSTerm (such as CONV2FZT and FZDSXFER) which have been written for FzDSTerm. Software not written by FreeZe Dried Software that is included in the archive must be registered seperately. XYZ transfer protocols are Copyright Alan Hamilton of Starfall and the registration for XYZ is not included in the shareware fee for FzDSTerm. I. D. Why don't we use GEM? - [GEM] = Atari ST GEM was created in 1985 when the Atari ST first came out. The first Atari 520 ST had limited memory so TOS was written around that fact. Now with Atari STs capable of having 4 megs of RAM, FzDS has rewritten the user interface routines around this fact. Our buttons are faster, colorful and do not need a resource file. GEM uses basically two colors. Menus and other dialog boxes may have some background colors, but the original 520 ST was mainly sold with the monochrome monitor, so the buttons are limited to black and white. The new FzDS routines allow any color within the 4 color palette in alert boxes, dialog boxes and menus. By using built in Line-A assembly calls to draw all graphics, FzDS buttons' speed equals and usually exceeds the speed of GEM calls. There are some disadvantages to using this method though. Resolution independant graphics are lost by not using the VDI. This means that new graphics boards, the Moniterm Viking, and TT High resolutions are not currently compatible with FzDSTerm. Stay tuned for a future version of FZT utilizing a new user interface using pure VDI. So far it looks VERY good, and has little or no loss of speed, and is resolution independant! It will probably reduce program size along with the amount of RAM that FZT takes to run. I. E. Why Do I Need a Good Terminal Program? - [TRM] =% Modems (short for MOdulator/DEModulator) are devices which allow one computer to communicate with another through standard telephone lines. To use a modem, you will need a few things. First, you need something capable of connecting to the modem to allow the user to interact with whats going on with the modem. Also, you need a modem and appropriate connectors (RS-232 cable, etc.) Lastly, and the most importantly, is the software to allow the modem to communicate with the computer and the user. This is referred to as a Terminal program. You can have the most expensive computer and the fastest modem, but if you don't have a good terminal program you are nowhere. Many people have had a terminal program that they've been using for a long time, and that they're happy with. They're happy, thats all that matters. I was happy with my 8-bit for a long time, I was sure that it could handle all that I needed to do. But then I saw an ST over at a friends house, and it could do all that I NEEDed to do, plus much more. It was faster with a better user interface, and had the extras that made computing easier and more interesting. This same idea applies to Term programs, something elseB may work for your NEEDs, but does it do all that you WANT? There have of course are a lot of other programs out there and many have things about them that nothing else can touch. But most, if not all, trade one feature for another. If you want true 19200 baud communications, you might have had to sacrifice something else. If you wanted IGS graphics, you would have had to put up with a completely featureless terminal. If you wanted a feature packed program, you would have had to sacrifice ease of use or speed. Its a trade-off. But FzDSTerm has everything I or any of my beta testers have ever needed, wanted, or thought of, all in a very fast, easy to setup and use package. II. A. Basic Setup - [SET] = If you wish to just preview FzDSTerm you will not need to do any of the following except run it. Most of this program should set itself up. Your archive (or disk) should contain: FZDSTERM.PRG The FzDSTerm Main Program (Demo versions are named "FZT_Dxxx.PRG", where xxx is the version without the decimal point.) FZDSTERM.DOC This documentation REGISTER.DOC Registration information PRINT.ME Registration Form READ.ME Changes in FzDSTerm and useful information RECOMEND.DOC Recommended PD/Shareware utilities for use with FZT CONV2FZT.PRG Converter for Interlink, Flash, Stealth, Qterm, Dterm, and Vanterm autodialer and macro files to FZT format CONV2FZT.DOC Docs for Converter FZDSXFER.TTP Beta Test Version of the FreeZe Dried Protocols FZDSXFER.DOC Documentation for the FzDS Transfer Protocols XYZ201.TTP X-Modem, Y-Modem and Z-Modem protocals v2.01 XYZ201.DOC Documentation file to go with XYZ201.TTP NOTE: Other, unlisted programs or documentation may be included for your convenience. It will also (eventually) create the following files, which will be loaded at the startup of each session with FZT: FZDSTERM.CFG The configuration file FZDSTERM.NUM The default autodialer directory FZDSTERM.MAC The default macro set Follow these steps to quickly configure FzDSTerm to your system. It comes with most options set to a preset configuration. 1. If you do not have a Hard Drive, you may wish to use a RAM Disk as a fast drive which FzDSTerm will use to keep the protocols and other temporary files for increased productivity. If you want to use this feature, install a RAM Disk now. (HRAMDISK.PRG is recommended for this.) 2. Run FZDSTERM.PRG 3. It will pop up a fileselector asking you to locate the config file. Since you currently don't have one, click on Cancel. 4. An alert box will appear telling you that it couldn't find the config file and that it will be using defaults. Hit return. 5. Another alert box will ask you what type of modem to set up for. If you have a 300, 1200, or 2400 baud modem click on "Generic 2400". If you have a USR HST or similar high-speed modem click on "USRobotics HST". 6. A Quick Setup menu will appear next. This is where you can set all of your defaults before you begin using FzT: 7. It will default to 2400 baud, 8 bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit, No CTS/RTS, No XON/XOFF, Full Duplex, No Echo, No Linefeeds, Capture Open, VT-52 Emulation. If you need to change any of these, click on RS-232 config and do so. Click on EXIT when you are done. 8. a) Click on Default Paths. You may specify specific paths for most different types of files. Click on a path to change it. I prefer to make seperate paths for everything, I like to be organized, but you may leave them all to the default. b) If you are without a Hard Drive and have decided to use a RAM Disk as a fast drive, you will need to install it. Click on "Ramdisk" and when the fileselector appears, move to the path for the RAM Disk in the fileselector, and click on "OK". c) Hit UNDO or the right mouse button when you are done. 9. a) Click on Initialization strings. b) If you are in the US or Canada, and your phone number is in the format of (xxx) yyy-z, where (xxx) is your Area Code, you may wish to use the locked format dialing system in FzT. This is best for people who don't dial internationally, and don't need to change modem settings for different BBSes. FzT will default to locked format, if you don't feel this is suited for your needs, click on "Free Format Phone", and hit Return twice to skip through the conversion dialogs. c) Next, use the arrow keys to move to the Current Area Code. Backspace over 310. If you are in the US or Canada, enter your current area code. If you are not, LEAVE THIS BLANK! THIS IS IMPORTANT. d) If you want to change any of the preset Init strings, do so. When you are done, click on EXIT. 10. Click on Save Config to write your configuration to the current path, and then EXIT to go on. 11. You will be presented with the Main Menu. Enjoy! II. B. General Use - [USE] = Once you get the hang of how FzDSTerm's functions are layed out, it gets to be very easy to use. Here are a few things to keep in mind while you are using FzDSTerm: o A function is on when it's button is selected (right and bottom sides of the button filled in.) o UNDO and the right mouse button exit from every menu. o There are usually keys in every menu that select all or at least the most commonly used functions. I stuck mostly to cursor keys, SPACE, RETURN, and the Function and Arrow keys for this. Its sometimes a lot quicker to hit a key than move the mouse and click, and its nice to get away from using the mouse every once in a while. Press HELP in a particular menu to find these. NOTE: Help screens will be improved in future versions. o In Alert Boxes, RETURN and the right mouse button click on the default (highlighted) button. You may also press 1, 2, or 3 to select buttons, in order from left to right. o In an editor such as the macro editor: BACKSPACE will delete the character in front of the cursor, DELETE will clear the line, CLR HOME will jump to the front or back of the line, INSERT will toggle between pages or sides, and the cursor keys will move around. II. C. The Terminal Mode - [TTM] = The most important feature of ANY terminal program is the terminal mode or online screen, where the input from the modem is processed and the main user interaction takes place. When you are here, you are "online" or in some form communicating with the modem or BBS. Whatever other features a terminal may offer, if this area is not top-notch, you can dump the terminal program. FzDSTerm possesses the unique ability to process input much faster than many other terminal programs, while still adding many more features. Autologs, Automacros, Script commands, echo, linefeeds, destructive backspacing, emulations, etc are all processed in the terminal mode simultaneously. A list of available keyboard commands is available by pressing Help. These will allow you to hang-up by pressing Alternate-H, for example, or change the current emulation by Alt-E. FzDSTerm can process several different types of "emulations", which are statements by a remote system telling your system to display something graphically, whether changing colors or repositioning the cursor. Vt-52 is the ST standard and allows limited text graphics. ANSI is for use with MS-DOS BBSes, and also includes a different character set which allow somewhat better graphics capabilities than Vt-52. IGS is like these yet much different. Vt-52 and ANSI use text graphics (80x25), where as IGS allows true bitmapped graphics (640x200) along with many extended commands. UBBS-Term graphics are much like IGS, but have a much more rigid structure and are more compact, allowing UBT to be sent over the modem faster. UBT also includes quite a few unusual instructions which IGS lacks. It's basically FreeZe Dried Software's expanded, improved version of IGS. Unfortunately at the moment of this writing, UBT is only available on UBBS BBSes. FzDSTerm's terminal mode contains at the bottom of the screen, a status bar (usually), along with various other gadgets which may improve your modem life. The first is a "Type Ahead Buffer", which allows you to type up to 1000 characters, look them over, check them for correctness, and move to correct any errors, all before anything is ever sent to the modem. When you finish with your sentence or command and see that it is satisfactory, you may hit return to send it the modem. Previous lines are available by using upand down arrow, and you may edit a line by using left and right arrow. This is especially useful for "chat" boards, where multiple users are communicating at once and any typing pauses the conversation for you until you hit return. Also available at the bottom of the screen is the text editor, invoked by pressing Insert. This will allow you to view and edit your text files while still participating in a conversation on a chat board, for example. You may toggle where your keystrokes are sent by hitting Insert again. They will either be sent to the modem or processed by the text editor. I also find that this feature replaced all the little yellow slips of paper around my desk by acting as a notepad. This may be removed by pressing Undo. Depending on which features of FzT you have active, more status lines may appear at the bottom of the screen. Script files, and some commands in UBT may create extra status lines. (A semi-outdated, yet helpful list of UBBS-Term commands may be obtained from the author. Source code for processing UBT may be made available upon request, to help spread usage of UBT.) III. A. The Autodialer - An Introduction - [DLI] = -- - The purpose of an autodialer is to simplify the process of dialing and logging on to your most commonly called BBSes. FzDSTerm's Autodialer may be reached by the right mouse button or F2 from the Online screen, or from the main menu. There are 45 slots to fill in info about different BBSes. This info includes the name of the BBS, the telephone number, 2 lines of comments, the baud rate and serial port settings, the emulation to use, the autologon sequence, the script file to execute upon connection, 5 individual macros, and the whether or not the autologs or automacros are on. You may leave any or all of this blank except for the phone number. To select a particular slot, you may use the either click on the slot, or use the UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT arrow keys. (If the EDIT button is on, you will have to hold down CONTROL while pressing the keys.) To edit the Name, Numberm and comments of a slot, you may use the UP, DOWN, RIGHT, and LEFT arrow keys, if the EDIT button is on. (If its off, either toggle it on, or hold down CONTROL.) Also, RETURN will go to the next line. To edit the baud or serial port settings, .DO script file to execute, the emulation to use, or the status of the autologs and automacros, click on the appropriate buttons. To edit the BBS specific macros, autologon sequence, or automacros, click on "Autolog/Automacro Editor". Insert will toggle the group dialing status of the current slot. Clr/Home will clear all slots from group dialing status. To load a new autodialer directory or save the current one, click on "DISK" and then the appropriate button. You may copy a whole slot or just the autologs/automacros/BBS Specific macros by clicking on Copy under the DISK menu. You can move one slot to another location by selecting the slot, going to the DISK menu and either clicking on MOVE or simply dragging the slot then releasing it. You may clear some or all slots by selecting CLEAR from the DISK menu. III. B. Dialing: - [DIL] = There several different ways of dialing. The simplest is to double click onthe name of BBS to dial. You may also may highlight the name of the BBS using the arrow keys and hit F4 to dial. To group dial more than one number at a time, click on "MULTI" and highlight the names of the BBSes to call by clicking on them or moving to its name and pressing INSERT. Once you have selected the BBSes to dial, click on "DIAL" or hit F4. If you wish to do other things while dialing several BBSes, you have the option of selecting the "BACKGND" button in the dialer. This will not pop up the dial status window, allowing you to continue to use FzDSTerm as normal while waiting for a connection. (In fact I am chain dialing several BBSes as I write this now.) This background dialing runs off of the user interface interrupts, so if you run an external program or go to a fileselector, the dialing process will be interrupted until you return. To halt background dialing, simply click on the "DIAL" button again, or hit F4 in the Autodialer. NOTE: You may use your Accessories as long as they open windows instead of dialog boxes or alert boxes for input. Available commands while dialing: (Not available during background dialing.) SPACE or the left mouse button will abort the current dial and cycle to the next number in the sequence. RETURN will cycle to the next BBS in the sequence and re-Initialize the modem. UNDO or the right mouse button will abort the dialing sequence. LEFT and RIGHT will change the maximum redial tries allowed. UP and DOWN will change the dial timeout for the current BBS. DELETE will remove the current BBS from the Group dialing list. III. C. Auto-Logon Sequences / Auto-Macros - [ALM] = = If you call a BBS often, it gets tiresome typing in all of the info normally required for your account (Handle, Password, phone number), not to mention aborting the pages of news that you've already read a thousand times. Well, FzDSTerm makes this process much simpler. Once you have filled in the autolog sequence for a BBS, every time you log on after that, it will wait for each prompt in the list and then send your reply. The autologon editor may be reached from the Autodialer by clicking on "Autolog/Automacro Editor" or from the Online screen by pressing F3 (for the current BBS.) At the top of the editor, there are 5 macros that are different for each BBS. These are used for such info as Handle, Name, Password, Phone Number, etc. They may be used by holding ALTERNATE and pressing 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 while connected to that BBS. They may also may be used in your Macros, Autologs, Automacros, etc by putting in a carat (^) followed by a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. Then there are a series of blanks under the title "AutoLogs". On the left (the short lines) is where you tell FzDSTerm what to look for coming from the modem. When it receives these characters, it will send what is on the right (the longer lines), and go on to the next down the list. (You may switch from the left to right side or vice versa by pressing INSERT.) To be able to use these, you must highlight the "Autolog" button in the autodialer for the BBS that you have written them for. There is a button labelled "Auto Learn Logon" in the Autolog/Automacro editor. This can be used to generate the Prompts/Replys necessary for a successful automatic logon to a BBS. When you want to generate the autolog sequence for a particular BBS, do the following: Go to the autodialer and click on the BBS which you wat to generate autologs for. Click on "Autolog/Automac Editor". You will go into the autolog editor. Click on "Auto Learn Logon". Click on "Exit", and then "Dial". When you connect to the BBS, enter all required information. When you are done logging onto the BBS, hit UNDO. All the Autologs should be filled in properly. NOTE: Auto Learn Logon is a feature to HELP you write autologs for a BBS, it may or may not fill in everything exactly as it should. If it picks as a prompt sequence a character string that is repeated often, it may end up seeing the prompt sequence earlier than you want it to and send the reply then. (For instance, if it picks a period (".") as a prompt, then how is it supposed to know the next time around which exact period its supposed to send the reply on. Or if it chooses an ANSI color code as a prompt, it may see that same color code somewhere else, and send the reply then, which would mess up your autologon to the BBS.) Its YOUR job to make sure it has a unique sequence of characters. (Pick something unique out of the line you want it to reply on, such as "Password:" instead of "[0;34;4;2" (an ANSI color code, which it might find elsewhere.) Toggling screens brings you to the "Automacros". These are a bit like extended autologs. Instead of going in a particular order, automacros are active seperately the whole time you have them turned on. Auto-Macros are used to perform repetitive, commonly done tasks. In their most primitive use, they could be used to send a RETURN every time FoReM asks you to "Hit Return". Or if you wanted to read all of the messages on a Bulletin Board System, you could have it wait for the prompt, and then have it send a Return until it was done reading all of your messages, which you could read later in the capture. On a multi-line chat board, you could have it say "Hey, Bob!", everytime it sees that your friend Bob enters the chat. There are many uses for these, especially considering you can use all Macro commands and Script commands from your macros. IV. A. File Transfers - An Introduction - [XFR] = X= -- - Out in the world of BBSing, there are so many programs available for use by anyone who can download them that you really don't ever need to go into a computer store or send away for mail order software. Its all there for the taking, all you have to do is transfer it from the BBS that you are calling to your computer. This is done by way of a file transfer protocol, which ensures that the program gets from the BBS to you without any errors due to line noise, etc. Most terminal programs have a bunch of these built in, which usually cover all of the commonly used protocols. But what happens if you find an interesting new protocol that your terminal program doesnt have listed? You are out of luck. Until now. FzDSTerm has 16 slots available to install new protocols. All you have to do is download the protocol, find out what kind of parameters (instructions) that it needs to be given, and type in these parameters into FzDSTerm. It will then be able to use the new protocol as its own. This allows you to use the latest up-to-date versions of the protocols just by downloading them, without having to wait for the author to update the terminal. NOTE: Work is being done on adding either better external protocols or internal protocols. FreeZe Dried Software has completed very fast code for X-Modem, X-Modem 1k, Y-Modem Batch, and Y-Modem-G, send and receive. We have not found complete documentation to Z-Modem yet, and are searching for it desperately. If you have complete docs for any protocols, please send them to me. IV. B. Using your protocols - [XFU] = Protocols are divided into two groups, receive and send. They may be accessed by either clicking on Receive or Send at the main menu, hitting F4, ALT-R or ALT-S from the Online Screen. This will bring up a menu asking which protocol to use. Click on it or use the arrow keys to select it and either hit SPACE, double click, or click on "Begin Receive" or "Begin Send". If filenames need to be passed to the protocol, a fileselector will appear foreach file. If the protocol uses the Batch Queue Lists, it will jump to the BQL editor to input filenames to send. Once you start the protocol, it will load the needed external program from either the path in Default Paths or the Ramdisk, and run it. IV. C. Installing new protocols - [XFI] = Protocols may be installed by going to the protocol selection menu and clicking on "Edit Current Slot". This will bring up an editor which allows you to change the name, filename, command line, and autostart sequence. Hit HELP for more information on the above information. Just about any external program which will allow command line parameters for starting protocols may be used. (Or you may wish to simply have FzT execute another program when you run a protocol, and from there select options.) Filename: The program FZT should run. Status: What to display on the screen when running the program. Full: Show the command line at the bottom, and show the terminal mode in the middle. Bottom: Show just the command line at the bottom. None: Leave a black screen when running. Command line: What parameters to pass. The following commands may be inserted on the command line to pass information: #x (x=1-9) Insert x filenames (including paths) on the command line. #L Save a Batch Queue List to the path specified for transfer protocols, and insert its name. #C Copy all files in the Batch Queue to the temporary path specified in the Default Paths editor and insert "*.*" on the command line. (This is for programs which cannot accept Batch Queue Lists, but can accept wildcards.) If there is only one file in the BQ, it will just insert its name instead of copying it. IV. D. Batch Queue List editor - [BQL] = The Batch Queue List editor is used for protocols that can be used to send multiple files at one time (called a "Batch Upload".) This Queue is used to input, modify, load, and save the list of files to be sent. The load and save features are useful when you may wish to send the same list of files to several BBSes. (Such as related text files or documentation.) The Batch Queue List editor may only be used with protocols which accept batch send lists (a text file containing the full path of each file, seperated by CR/LF) or wildcards ("*.*"). Some protocols may only accept multiple files on the command line, in which case you will not be able to use this feature. The following commands are available: Add files to Queue : Will prompt you for files to add to the Queue until you either click on Cancel in the Fileselector or the Queue is full. Delete file from Queue : Will allow you to remove a single file from the Queue by clicking on it. Clear Queue : Will clear the entire Batch Queue List. Load BQL : Will allow you to load a previously saved Batch Queue List. Save BQL : Will allow you to save the current list of files. Load BQL will recall this list. V. A. Macros - An Introduction - [MAC] = -- - Macros are key-combinations that you may set up to perform a variety of functions. The usual use of macros is to store commonly typed words or phrases and to insert these words when you type a certain key-combination, such as Shift-F1. But in FzDSTerm, macros can do much more. By putting a particular sequence of characters, you can do much more with macros; such as chaining (execute another macro, then return), activating an alternate key combination (Like Alternate-H to Hangup could be put in a macro as "^H".) See "V. C. Explaination of Macro Functions" for a complete list. In FzDSTerm, there can be a total of 45 macros active at a time. (40 macros per set, plus 5 extra for each BBS in the autodialer.) They may be used by pressing the following key combinations: Regular Macros: 01 to 10 -- SHIFT and F1 thru F10 11 to 20 -- CONTROL and F1 thru F10 21 to 30 -- ALTERNATE and F1 thru F10 31 to 40 -- SHIFT and ALTERNATE and F1 thru F10 BBS Macros: 1 to 5 -- ALTERNATE and 1 thru 5 (not on numeric keypad) V. B. Editing Your Macros - [MCE] = You may edit your macros by either clicking on "Macro Editor" from the main menu or pressing F5 from the online screen or main menu. The combinations of SHIFT, CONTROL, ALTERNATE and F1 thru F10 to use to activate each macro are shown down the left side. Just move the cursor with the arrow keys and type! Clicking on "Next (Previous) Page" or hitting Insert will toggle which page to edit (F01-F20 or F21-F40). BBS Specific macros may be edited from the AutoLog/AutoMacro editor for the appropriate BBS. To load, save, clear, or print macros, click on the the appropriate button or press F1-F5 to select the function. V. C. Explaination of Macro Functions - [MCF] = Not only can macros automate your typing, but they can also do many other things for you. You may also mix the two, as most macro functions may be placed anywhere in a macro and may even be used repeatedly in each macro. Macro functions: - - * - Available in Macros, BBS Specific Macros, Autologs, and Automacros ** - Available in Initialization Strings Execute another macro and return when done Format: ^nn * nn being the >2< digit macro number from 01 to 40. Execute BBS Specific macro and return Format: ^n * n being the single digit macro number from 1 to 5 Execute Keyboard Function Format: ^n * n being a letter from A to Z Normally, you would hold down ALT and type the letter, such as ALT-H for hangup or ALT-M for toggle automacros would be ^H or ^M in a macro. Half Second Pause Format: ~ *, ** Each ~ in the macro will cause it to wait a half second before sending the rest of the macro. Perform File Function: Format: %.% * is optional If is: MAC - Load macro set NUM - Load autodialer directory PRG, TOS, or TTP - Execute Program (no parameters) RND - Pick random line from 1 to 50 out of text file (useful for throwing in a random quote, etc.) Anything else - ASCII Send Text file Send String Directly To Screen Format: ` * being what you want to send to the screen. (You may wish FzDSTerm to display a short memo to you when you use a particular macro, this will do so.)k Execute Script File Command Format: >| being the script file command. This allows you to use any of the script file features in your macros. Examples: >DL Z D:\| - Download Z-Modem To D:\ >UL E:\| - Select protocol to upload with, then select files from E:\ NOTE: This has to be the first thing in a macro. The ">" must be the first character in the macro. Other things may follow the "|". Wait For String To Come From Modem: Format: {} ** is String to wait for In an Init String, you may wish to have FZT wait for the modem wait for something to come back from the modem before continuing to send the line. (Such as sending the modem an AT command and have FzDSTerm wait for an "OK" to come back. This works in many cases instead of a long pause.) VI. A. Disk Commands - [DSK] = While online, you may find it necessary to perform some disk function, such as viewing or copying a file, or formatting a disk. Also contained in Disk Commands is a limited shell for manipulating LZH, ARC, and ZIP archives. Using this shell you may view, extract, or add files to an archive. Copy File(s) : Prompts for file to copy from and path to copy it to. You may specify a new name for the file to copy to, and it will change the name of the file when it copies. You may a filename containing wildcards (such as "*.*") for the file to copy and it will copy all files which match the wildcard. Rename File/Move File(s) : If you wish to rename a file, click on it in the first fileselector, and then input the new name in the second. If you wish to move files (copy, then delete), for the first fileselector input the filename (wildcards accepted), and specify the path to move them to in the second. Delete Files / Remove Folder : To delete a file, input the filename (wildcards accepted), and it will delete all matching files. To remove a folder, go to the folder to remove and leave the filename field blank. If there are no files in the folder, it will remove it. Create Folder : Prompts for the path and the name of the new folder to create. Format Floppy : A simple floppy disk formatter, it can do 9 or 10 sectors and between 80 and 82 tracks on either drive A or B. If you want to format MS-DOS compatible disks, set it to format using 9 sectors, 80 tracks. The MS-DOS bootsector will be placed on the disk. Free Disk Space: Will prompt you for a drive, and show the remaining space on that drive. Free RAM: Shows the amount of memory available. Directory : Jump to the fileselector Show Text File : Display a text file. Print Text File : Print a text file. ASCII Send Text File : Send a text file as ASCII text to the modem. Execute Program : Run another program from inside FzDSTerm. VI. B. Using The LZH/ARC/ZIP Archiver Shell - [ARC] =$ The archiver shell may be used in place of ARCShell or other point-and-click interfaces for archive utilities. Normally to use many archivers, such as LZH, ARC, or ZIP, you would need to supply a complex command line every time you wished to view, extract, etc an archive. There are a total of 9 different setups for external archivers; each of the formats (LZH, ARC, ZIP) has a setup for each type of function (View, Extract, Add). Once you configure these (see Setting up, below), these functions are quite easy to use. To select an archive to manipulate, click on "Archive: ...". You will then be prompted with a fileselector for the filename of the archive. (For the "Add To Archive" function, the file need not exist yet.) Then select the archive format to use (LZH, ARC, ZIP). Then select the function (View, Extract, Add). If you are doing an Extract, you may wish to change the path to extract to by clicking on "Extract To: ...". (Some archive programs will allow you to specify a template to extract, such as "*.TXT" or "READ.ME". You may enter the template in the filename portion of the fileselector.) Then click on "Begin Operation" to start whatever process you have selected. If for any reason it does not appear to work correctly, check over the setup by clicking on "Install Utility". VI. C. Setting up the archiver shell - [AjRS] = Archivers need to be passed parameters much like protocols. You may edit an archiver's parameters by chosing the right combination of View/Extract/Add and LZH/ARC/ZIP and clicking on "Install Utility". You will need to know what parameters each program needs to be passed for each function. There are also several parameters that FzDSTerm will insert for you, such filenames and extract paths. These parameters are shown in the installation window. NOTE: Some users have had problems using the archiver shell. If when you click on Begin Operation, the drive spins and returns an Out Of Memory error, or the program loads up and produces Bombs, you may not have enough memory to use this feature. To install an archiver, you will need to specify its filename, whether you want FzT to pause for a keypress after execution, and a parameter command line. The following options may be placed on the command line: %1 Insert the name of the LZH, ZIP, or ARC file to be Viewed, Extracted from or Added to. %2 Insert the path in "Extract To: ..." %L Ask for a list of files and save them as in the format of a batch queue list. %C Ask for a list of files, and copy them to the temp path specified in "Default Paths". Insert "*.*" on the command line. %I Ask for files, and insert them all on the command line (including paths.) %D Ask for files, and insert them, leading directory style: The files: E:\TEMP\FILE.LZH, E:\TEMP\FILE2.LZH, D:\GAME\DEMO.PRG, D:\GAME\DATA.001, and F:\ARC\LHA.TTP would produce: D:\GAME\ DATA.001 DEMO.PRG E:\TEMP\ FILE.LZH FILE2.LZH F:\ARC\ LHA.TTP %Q Ask for a list of files and insert them in the format for Quester's Lharc (v2.01x). This is a less compressed method than %D, but it works. With the same files, this format would produce: D:\GAME\ DATA.001 DEMO.PRG E:\TEMP\FILE.LZH E:\TEMP\FILE2.LZH F:\ARC\LHA.TTP VII. RS-232 Configuration - [RS2] = Many serial port settings may be changed here, including baud, echo, linefeed, duplex, parity, stop bits, word length, etc. Get to it by F8 from the Online screen or "Rs-232 Config" in the main menu. VIII. System Setup Menu - [SYS] = This is where you can configure your system and FzDSTerm to your personal preferences. Its kind of like a control panel, but for parameters inside FzDSTerm. This menu may be reached from the term screen or main menu by F8, or by clicking on "System Setup" from the main menu. This menu may auto-redraw itself if you change any functions pertaining to the user interface in FzT. It will attempt to show you an accurate representation of what the menus will look like by redrawing itself when necessary. VIII. A. Changing your colors - [COL] = If you do not like the default black background, off-white foreground, and blue and red alternate colors, you may change them with these sliders. There are two different sets of colors, one set for the online screen, and another for the menus, etc. To toggle between sets, click on "Edit Colors: ...". Then select which color to edit by clicking on the color (below the sliders). Then you can change the levels of red, green, and blue in each color by click on the sliders. (In monochrome, the sliders will be replaced by one large button labeled "Monochrome Inverse". This will allow you to select whether the text will be white on a black background or vice-versa.) NOTE: In non-ST resolutions, these color settings will have no effect. Please set them with a control panel or other program. VIII. B. System Parameters - [PAR] = If you want to change the status (on/off) of keyclick, the Control-G system bell, or whether or not FzDSTerm ejects the last page of a printout or not, you may do so here. Text shadows may also be toggled here. I hear that the shadow effect on much of the text makes it unreadable in monochrome. As I have no way of testing this, I have included the option of turning this on or off. VIII. C. Terminal Event Chimes - [CHM] = This allows you to turn on or off the chimes for certain events that happen throughout FZT, such as connect, error, warning, etc. I enjoy these, as I can be in a different room and leave FzDSTerm doing something, and I know exactly what happened by which chime it produces. Some people may find these annoying, so they can turn them off with this. VIII. D. The Daily .LOG - [LOG] = === If for some reason, you need to keep a record of what you have done in FzDSTerm, turn this option on. It will store your actions in a file with the format "FTyymmdd.LOG" (FT.LOG), which changes each day. "Keep for __ Days" tells FZT how many days to keep the log files before deleting them (to conserve space). Usually 2-3 days is plenty. NOTE: This option shouldn't be used if your system clock will not always be set to the right date. VIII. E. AES Background Events - [AES] = If you have an alarm clock accessory, background transfer accessory, or anything that counts on GEM/AES calls to run in the background, you will need to turn this option on. "Every: ... ms" is the amount of time, in milliseconds, to allow between AES event_multi() calls. If it doesn't need to hog processor time, and only checks something every once in a while, such as an alarm clock, set the time to a fairly high number. If it needs to continously be called, set it to a low number. NOTE: Having this option on will cause your mouse cursor to be constantly on, for some unknown reason. (GEM bug of some sort?) VIII. F. BBS Timeout Logoff Pause - [LOF] = Have you ever been on a BBS, and gone to check something somewhere else in a terminal, and come back, only to find that the BBS has hung up on you because you took too long doing whatever it was that you were doing. Now with FzDSTerm, you can have it send a few characters every so often just to make sure that this won't happen. "BBS Timeout Logoff Pause" will turn this option on/off. "Send: ..." is what it should send. Usually a space and a backspace (Control-H) works best here. "Every: ..." is how often, in seconds, to send it. And lastly, the "Modem Inp Only" will wait until there is input from the modem before sending it. BBSes usually give a warning before they hang up, this will wait for the warning before sending anything. NOTE: FzDSTerm will only perform this function while it has control of the computer. This will not work while in a fileselector or while running an external protocol, archiver, or other program. Also, if you need to walk away from the computer while on a BBS, you may either press Alternate-Z while at the online screen, or put a carat ("^") followed by a "Z" in a macro. This will temporarily activate BBS Pause, and to continue, press any key. IIX. Font Installation - [FNT] = FzDSTerm supports the changing of the system character set. The standard ST VT-52 system font cannot be used with ANSI or UBBS-Term emulations, as they require different character sets for proper use. Also, you may get tired of looking at the same font day after day, and may wish to see something new. Therefore, FzDSTerm has multiple options for installing new fonts. Several fonts are provided, including the standard system font, an ANSI font, a font for use with UBBS-Term (this will be added to in the near future), and a couple others which I found, including Macintosh and Future style fonts. You may also load standard .FED (Font-EDitor) 8x8 or 8x16 fonts by double clicking on "Install New Font". In editors: Font? - Use the selected font in menus and editors using the BIOS text font font, or use the standard system font? UBT: Keep UBT Font - Always use UBBS-Term Font while in UBT Emulation regardless of the selected font? ANSI: Keep ANSI Font - Always use ANSI Font while in ANSI emulation regardless of the selected font? ANSI Font Attributes - The ANSI emulation standard allows the remote system to change the font style to Bold, Underline, Italics, Shaded, or any combination of the above. If you would like to see these attributes displayed, turn this feature on. (This requires that FZT be able to change the font (see below), and it also eats up an extra 8k-16k if selected.) NOTE: It has been reported that GDOS, an accessory known as "Font-Tricks", and Warp9 (with a new font installed) will not allow FzDSTerm to change the font. Also, Quick ST has been known to scramble the new font. Also, Turbo ST will not allow FZT to change the font if the "ANSI Attributes"  feature is on. If you cannot get FZT to change the font or the fonts look scrambled, please remove any extra AUTO or Accessory programs and/or disable any screen accelerators you may have installed. IX. The Capture Buffer - [CAP] = The Capture Buffer collects all input from the modem and stores it for your future use. If you need to look back at something that scrolled off the top of the screen too quickly, or need to look back at something that went by quite a while ago, you would use the capture. The capture sorts the input from the modem by lines, seperated by Returns. You may specify the maximum amount of these lines in the capture configuration. There is no set size limit; each line may be 32k in length, but each normally is under 80 bytes. You will need to play with this setting a little to avoid using too much memory. I find that 5000 lines is fine if you have more than a meg, but with only a meg you might want to keep it at around 1000 lines. If the capture is on, you will see the capture filling up available lines by watching the "nn%" in the lower right corner of the online screen. When it gets full, one of several things will happen depending on how you have it setup: Wrap: It will drop the top line to create space and then put the new line on the bottom of the stack. The capture always remains full of lines. Clear: It will clear the whole capture. Flush: It will append the whole capture to a file, and then clear it. Save dropped: Like "Wrap" except each line as it is dropped will be appended to a file. Ask: It will ask you if you want to Wrap, Clear, or Flush the capture. IX. A. The Scrollback - [SCL] = The scrollback allows you to view and cut out parts of the capture buffer. Get to the scrollback by hitting F6 from the online screen or main menu, or click on Scrollback in the main menu. To move around, you may use the arrow keys or click on arrows indicating the direction you wish to move the cursor up at the top. Mouse controlled scrolling is also available. You can move the mouse cursor down below the drop down menu, and use the mouse buttons to page up and down. (Holding down both mouse buttons will exit.) There are various block and search commands available under the menu bar, along with keyboard commands for them. IX. B. Capture Buffer Configuration - [CPC] = This allows you to set up your capture. You may get here by Alt-C frm the online screen, "Capture Setup" from the main menu, or "Setup" from the scrollback. The left and right arrows allow you to set the number of lines allowed in the scrollback. The "Full Buffer: ..." button has the functions described under "The Capture Buffer". To be able to use "Save Dropped Lines" or flush, you need to define a filename to save to. Do this with the "Save as: ..." button. You may also save the capture when you exit FzDSTerm by turning on "Save Upon Exit". X. The Text Editor - [TED] = The Text Editor is basically a mini word processor that allows you to alter any standard ASCII text file. You may Load or Insert text from a file on disk or Import a block of text from the Scrollback (define the block in the scrollback first.) With the block commands, you can copy, move, delete, print, ascii send, send using a protocol, or save/append to a file. You can clear, print, or save/append all of the text. All commands and appropriate keypresses can be found under the pulldown menus. (Keypresses are indicated by the two leftmost characters next to the corresponding command. The highlighted X next to a letter means hold down ALTERNATE while pressing that key.) Mouse controlled scrolling is available in the text editor. To use it, hold down control or activate "Caps Lock". When the mouse cursor is positioned below the menu bar, you can use the mouse buttons to page up and down. Hold down both buttons to exit. There is a special feature of the text editor which you may or may not use. It allows you to edit the document in the text editor while at the online screen and receiving input from the modem. I use it instead of a paper and pencil for taking notes, but other uses might be to write a report while sitting on a chat board, etc. This feature may be turned on by hitting INSERT at the online screen. UNDO will remove it, and INSERT wilIl toggle whether your typing is sent to the modem or the text editor. (NOTE: To use most of the extra features of the text editor, you will need to go to the main text editor. ) XI. Script Files - [.DO] = Script files allow for the automation of many of the functions in FzDSTerm. At the moment, only commands available in both FzDSTerm and Flash have been implemented, in the future there will be many more added. A script file is simply an ASCII text file composed of a list of commands, in order of execution. I don't use .DO files that often, so I can't say how well they will hold up (especially some of the unusual variations of the commands.) This will be greatly expanded in the future, and this list is provided as a quick reference, not an in-depth guide. An in-depth description will be provided when the Script language is better implemented. Here's a description of FzT's .DO commands: o Commands must start with the '>' symbol. (Without the '>', it is sent directly to the serial port.) o Variable names must be entered in uppercase, commands can be either upper or lower case. o Only one command is allowed per line. o A '|' in a string simulates a Carriage Return character. o Commands may usually be abbreviated by taking the first 2 characters. o 26 variables (places to store data) preceded by '$' and followed by a letter. NOTE: Commands marked with a * are known not to be implemented properly.) Cmd: Description: --- - AL Get user input through a GEM alert box. The button number selected (1-3) is stored in the variable. >AL ("[0-3][TXT1|TXT2|TXT3][BUT1|BUT2|BUT3]") ($A-$Z)| AL Set status of Autologs >AL ($A-$Z ON OF /)| AM Set status of Automacros >AM ($A-$Z ON OF /)| AP BL *Append marked block to a text file >AP BL ($A-$Z D:\FILENAME.EXT)| AS * Set ASCII parameters >AS ($A-$Z 0-9 D S M P \x)| AU Set .DO file to auto-execute upon bootup >AU ($A-$Z "TXT")| BA Select Baud Rate >BA ($A-$Z 11 30 60 12 24 48 96 19)| B1 Ring the system bell (Control-G) >B1| B2 Keep ringing the bell every second until a key is pressed. >B2| CA Set capture buffer status >CA ($A-$Z ON OF / CL)| CL Display the system clock as opposed to the online timer >CL| CO Copy file(s) from one path to another or one name to another >CO ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT) ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT)| DD * Display contents of path. (Now it opens a fileselector) >DD ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT) (A$-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT AUX:)| DE Delete file(s). >DE ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT)| DF * Display current free space on drive >DF ($A-$Z A:-P:)| DI Dial phone number. (If a matching name or number is found in the autodialer, it will dial that. Otherwise, it will dial the number.) >DI (NUMBER NAME)| DL Download file >DL () (A$-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT)| DO * Execute .DO file. (Will not currently return from it.) >DO ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT)| DP Set default path >DP ($A-$Z A:-P:)| DU Set duplex >DU ($A-$Z FU HA /)| EC Set echo >EC ($A-$Z ON OF /)| ED Open an edit window >ED (AS DI FK RS BQ)| EN End a .DO files >EN| EX Execute another program >EX ($A-$Z D:\FILENAME.EXT) (PARAMETERS)| FF Send the printer a form feed and clear the screen >FF| FK Set a function key equal to another string >FK ((I1-I5/01-40) ($A-$Z "TXT")| GEM Execute a program >GEM ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT) (PARAMETERS)| GET Get input from the serial port - RETURN=Stop BS=Back up 1 char >GET ($A-$Z) (1-9)| - 2 Minute default GO Gosub function key and return >GO (1-20)| HE Open the help window >HE| HG Hang up the phone >HG| IN * Get input from the "OP"en device. >IN ($A-$Z)| JM Jump to a label >JM (LABEL)| KI Kill a file >KI ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT)| LF Set Input LineFeeds >LF ($A-$Z ON OF /)| LO Load a File >LO (CA DI FK BQ) ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT)| LOG Insert text into the capture buffer >LOG ($A-$Z "TXT")| L: Define a line as a label >L: (LABEL)| ME Go To the Main Menu >ME| MK Mark a block in the capture >MK (TO BO CL)| MO Set Emulation Mode >MO ($A-$Z VT AN IG UB ST)| NAN Rename a file >CO ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT) ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT)| OP * Open a device for Input >OP ($A-$Z D:\FILENAME.EXT AUX: BLK: BUF:)| PA Pause for a certain number of seconds, or until a key is pressed >PA (1-9)| PR Set Modem Input->Printer >PR ($A-$Z ON OF /)| PY Set Parity >PY ($A-$Z NO OD EV)| QU Query the user for input >QU ("TXT1|TXT2|TXT3") ($A-$Z)| RE Set Max number of redials >RE (0-990)| RU Set Destructive Backspace (RUbout) >RU (ON OF /)| RT Reset Time to 0 seconds online >RT| SA Save File >SA (BL CA CO DI FK BQ) ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT)| SB Set Stop Bits >SB ($A-$Z 1 2)| SC Set system clock (in 24-hour format) >SC ($A-$Z "HH:MM:SS")| SE Send text to the Serial port (and screen if in Half Duplex) >SE ($A-$Z "TXT")| WITH OR WITHOUT CR/LF ST Set strip bit >ST ($A-$Z ON OF /)| TA Set type ahead mode >TA ($A ON OF /)| TI Display the Onliner Timer as opposed to the System Clock >TI| TY Send text directly to screen >TY ($A-$Z "TXT")| WITH OR WITHOUT CR/LF UL Upload a file >UL () ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT)| UL BL *Upload a marked block >UP BL (Protocol Search Pattern)| UL CA *Upload the capture buffer >UP CA (Protocol Search Pattern)| VI View a text file >VI ($A-$Z D:FILENAME.EXT)| WA * Wait for a certain string to come through the serial port before executing next command. >WA ($A-&Z "TEXT") [(1-9) (LABEL)]| WL Set Rs232 word length >WL ($A-$Z 7 8)| WT * Wait for a certain time (24 hour format) >WT ($A-$Z "HH:MM:SS")| ** Remark or comment - Not executed >** (TXT)| System Devices: BLK: Currently marked block BUF: Capture Buffer * AUX: Serial Port System Variables: CA TRUE if a carrier is currently detected * DI TRUE if the last dial command succeeded DL TRUE if the last download succeeded * EO TRUE if the end of a file is reached OP TRUE if a file is currently open for variable input UL TRUE if the last upload succeeded * WA TRUE if the last WA command succeeded * A-Z TRUE if the length of $A-$Z is greater than 0 $A-$Z String variables (used to store text strings.) Set a string: >($A-$Z) "TXT"| >($A-$Z) ($A-$Z)| Invert a condition (TRUE->FALSE, FALSE->TRUE): >IF ~CA COMMAND| >TFI ~($A-$Z) "TXT" COMMAND| Test a system variable: >IF CA COMMAND| >IF (A-Z) COMMAND| Compare strings: >IFI ($A-$Z) ($A-$Z) COMMAND| >IFI ($A-$Z) "TXT" COMMAND| XII. A. How to Reach the author - [RCH] = There is now a GEnie topic for The FreeZe Dried Terminal: It's Category 8, Topic 6, "FreeZe Dried Terminal". All posts will reach me one way or another. Or, send E-Mail on GEnie to S.PRICE19. I do not have an account on GEnie as of yet, but all mail will reach me via Sean Price, and I should be able to reply. Or, I may be reached by sending me a letter to this address: Aaron Hopkins RE: FzDSTerm Comments 1213 Walnut Avenue Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 )USA Or, send me Email or Netmail on one of the following BBSes: - The Official FreeZe Dried Software support board: - Sanctuary From the Law |RatSoft|Dual | (619) 377-3611 | #29 Lazlar Lyricon NOTE: There is a guest account for FzDSTerm to give you instant access to download the latest FzT Demo version, and send feedback to the author. Type "FzDSTerm" where it asks for your handle. Please use this if you only plan on calling 0 once, as our user list is already getting a bit full. - Lead Node of the US Xnet FzDSTerm Support Conference - MasaTek (Fnet #429) |//Trbo| Dual | (310) 518-9524 | Lazlar Lyricon NOTE: There is also an account on Masatek to get the latest version. Log on as "FzDSTerm", password "FzDSTerm". MasaTek is the lead node of a new Crossnet conference supporting FzDSTerm. Its conference 21429, contact your local ///Turbo Board or FoReM sysop and ask him to add it, if you are interested. (The latest versions of FzT will be sent out through the Crossnet, so you can get it even faster.) - Other BBSes Where I May Be Reached: - The Travellin' BBS | UBBS | HST | (310) 543-5483 | #3 Lazlar Lyricon Target Range |Expres| HST | (310) 643-8993 | Lazlar Lyricon CodeHead Quarters |Mchtrn| 2400 | (213) 461-2095 | Aaron Hopkins Club Playhouse | DLX | 2400 | (818) 781-PLAY | #2013 FreeZeDriedHell There is also a support BBS for European users of The FreeZe Dried Terminal: (Along with ///Turbo Board, Maximiser, and IGS.) <<>> Tel: +44-296-395-935 HST/V32 V32bis/V42bis 24Hrs Fnet node 1031 A support conference is available on Fnet which is also gated to Fidonet via <<>> to Sounds Digital BBS (2:256/45) If you can't call, Ben Van Bokkem (the sysop) is handling the European support. He may be contacted at: Ben Van Bokkem 100, Broughton Avenue Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1QB England Thank you Ben, for all of your help. XII. B. How to report Bugs - [BUG] = If you have come across a bug in the program, I would like to find out about it. We would like the following information: o What exactly the problem is. (Details, details!) o Which version(s) have you found it in? o What type of ST are you running it on (ST/STe/TT). o Which version of TOS you are using. o What resolution you are running it in. o Amount of RAM your ST has. o How many drives you have, specify types. (Type of driver software if using Hard Drive.) o Which memory resident programs you have installed. (Accessories and AUTO folder programs.) o What color is the status bar (if you are in the terminal mode when this happens.) Please when reporting bugs we need to know this information to make it compatible with your system. XII. C. Future Features - [FUT] = These are some features that we hope to have in coming versions: Better Documentation Internal Transfer protocols Improved Script Files More emulations (VT-100/102/2xx/3xx) Better IGS Emulation Graphics Boards/TT resolution compatibility XIII. Troubleshooting [TBL] = This is a summary of the most commonly asked questions, along with answers or suggestions. FzDSTerm has many powerful features, some of which may confuse you, or may not work correctly with your system. Before sending me e-mail or asking around for help, READ THIS! If you are having a non-specific problem, please look through all of these tips and see if there is anything resembling your problem. If you have gone through FzDSTerm and played with any settings, you may have unintentionally altered some important setting which is causing your problem. If all else fails, you may wish to delete your config file (FZDSTERM.CFG) and start over. XIII. A. General [TBG] = Problem: FzDSTerm bombs out, the user interface does very strange things, or I get out of memory errors a lot. (Or the screen flashes red a lot, along with a warning tone.) -or- When I click on something in a menu, and then come back, the screen is blank except for the button I clicked on. Suggestions: a) If your ST has one meg of RAM or less, you cannot install every AUTO program and Accessory under the sun and expect FzT to be able to have enough RAM to run correctly. Take out some of the useless stuff. Rename .PRGs to .PRX in your auto folder and .ACCs to .ACX and try again. b) The current capture buffer system does not support the ability to define an amount of memory to use as the capture. You must tell it the number of lines to use. If you are running low on memory, try making the capture buffer a bit smaller. (Go to "Capture Config".) c) You may be having TSR/ACC conflicts with FzT. One or more of your AUTO programs or accessories might be doing something weird which FzT doesn't expect. Try de-installing all AUTO and .ACC programs and reinstalling them one by one until you find the culprit. (See the procedure for this, above.) --- Problem: I call GEnie/Compuserve/Delphi/Tymnet/Telenet/etc and with other terminal programs, everythings fine, but for some reason FzT just produces garbage. Suggestion: Go to the autodialer, and select the service you are trying to connect to. Change the emulation to "Strip 7th Bit". This should do the trick. (How this is done will probably be changed in the future, as this would put in hastily.) --- Problem: When I am online, FzT loses some characters that are coming in through the modem. Letters are missing in random words. Suggestions: a) If you are on an STe or other machine with a Blitter, try turning it off. This usually helps. b) If you are using a screen accelerator (Quick ST, Turbo ST), they speed up the screen display at the expense of slowing the system down a bit. The system may not be able to catch all of the characters coming in through the modem. Try turning this off. --- Problem: Why won't FzT recognise my printer? It keeps saying "Printer Not Available". Suggestions: a) Check your printer and make sure its really "Online" and hooked up to your ST properly. b) Try another printer. If it works, try substituting the cable from the working one to the other. Possibly, one of the signals is not reaching your ST, and the cable may be at fault. c) Try removing any printer drivers you may have installed. They could possibly be interfering. d) Remove any printer buffers or printer spoolers that you have installed. These may be doing weird things to your system. --- Problem: The fonts look garbled, ANSI attributes don't work, or the Font menu doesn't do anything. Suggestions: It has been reported that GDOS, an accessory known as "Font-Tricks", and Warp9 (with a new font installed) will not allow FzDSTerm to change the font. Also, Quick ST has been known to scramble the new font. Also, Turbo ST will not allow FZT to change the font if the "ANSI Attributes" feature is on. If you cannot get FZT to change the font or the fonts look scrambled, please remove any extra AUTO or Accessory programs and/or disable any screen accelerators you may have installed. XIII. B. Transfers [TBT] = Problem: I have an HST/MNP/compression-something-er-other modem and for some reason I can't upload using Z-Modem or Ymodem-G. It continuously gets errors every few KB or it aborts irregularly. Suggestions: a) Get a CTS patch. (TurboCTS, HS_Fix, etc.) High speed modems use the RTS and CTS lines of the RS-232 interface to regulate the flow of data through the serial port. Unfortunately, TOS versions 1.0, 1.4, 1.6x, 2.xx, and 3.xx cannot properly interpret these signals without a patch. b) Go to RS-232 config and turn off the button marked "1k (Serial) Output Buffer". This will disable the output buffer that FzT normally installs, which normally helps the situation. c) Make sure you have RTS/CTS flow control on your modem set correctly. (On HSTs its "AT&H1&R0".) --- Problem: I have only floppy drives and I can't get the protocols to work correctly. If I put any disk in but the one FzDSTerm is on, it refuses to download or upload, or I simply can't transfer anything. Suggestions: a) You need to have the .TTP or .PRG for the protocols available to FzDSTerm every time they are executed. This means they must be on a disk which is always in the drive. If you have another drive, you will have to download to that. b) You may also use the Ramdisk feature for your external protocols and archivers. (Such as HRAMDISK.PRG) Install it, run FzT, and go to "Default Paths". Click on Ramdisk, and select the path of it. (ie "L:\") (See the main documentation under "Setting Up" for more details.) --- Problem: Whenever I try and use the Batch Queue List editor to send files using XYZ.TTP, XYZ justs displays the info screen and returns without doing anything. Suggestion: Make SURE you are using XYZ.TTP v2.01. Versions 2.0, 2.1, etc do NOT support the full command set that is set up as the defaults for FzT. You make use it, but you will need to re-enter the command lines for everything using XYZ. XIII. C. Autodialer [TBA] = Problem: FzT always seems to think that my modem is online (carrier detect) even though it is not. What do I do? -or- FzT won't dial with my modem turned on, but when I turn it off, I can click on dial. What's up? Suggestions: a) Many modems come factory preset with their DIP switches or NVRAM settings ("AT...") set up in wierd configurations. FzT need to be able to detect CD to properly function. Go to the online mode and type "AT&C1" and hit RETURN. If FzT now recognises that the modem is not online, then go to the terminal mode and type the following: ATZ AT&C1 AT&W If that doesn't work, consult your modem's manual on Carrier Detect and/or DIP switch settings. (You might try adding "&C1" to your Init String.) b) If you are on a TT, there may be hope for you yet. Some TTs have their carrier detect line reversed. (Online is really Offline, and vice-versa.) FzT should have asked you the current status of the carrier detect of your modem when you first ran it (without a config file). If it didn't, or you answered incorrectly, please delete your current config file and try again. c) If you are running Maccel v2 (Atari's Mouse Accelerator), remove it from your AUTO folder. It is rumored to cause the CD line to always be high (online.) --- Problem: I bought a cheap modem and it won't recognise anything that FzDSTerm sends it (like dial commands, etc.) Suggestions: a) Try setting "Char Delay" to a number higher than 0. (In "Autodialer Setup".) This will slow down the sending of dial commands/init strings, to hopefully make your modem recognise commands. b) Make sure the init string/dial strings are set correctly for your modem. Consult your modem manual for details. (The defaults should work, but your modem make misinterpret some commands.) If necessary, completely delete the Init String, and turn your modem off and back on. --- Problem: My phone system is weird and I can't get FzDSTerm to dial numbers correctly. Suggestions: a) If you are in the US or Canada, make sure your phone number Area Code is set correctly (Autodialer Setup). If you are not in the US or Canada, leave the Area Code BLANK! b) Go to "Init Strings/Autodialer Setup". Click on the button labeled "Free Format" so it is selected. You will be prompted for a pattern to convert your current number entries to exactly what it needs to dial. (Make sure your area code is set correctly before doing this.) --- Problem: I need to put a lot of info in the number of each BBS I want to call, such as settings for my modem or long distance dialing codes and have no room to do so. Suggestions: a) If your autodialer is in "Free Format", you have the two different dial strings to use (Dial #1/#2 in Init Strings.) You can select which one to dial with for each BBS by using the "DS1"/"DS2" button next to the number of the BBS. b) You can insert macros and BBS Specific macros into your dial command. (Macros: "^xx" where xx is between 01 and 40 - BBS Specific macros: "^x" where x is between 1 and 5.) Examples: To insert a modem command into your dial command: - Change the Dial String in Init Strings to "AT^5DT. XIV. Final Acknowledgements - [FIN] = For general ideas and help with writing this documentation, I wish to thank Jason Sylvester. For general ideas, programming tips, and the use of his TT for testing this thing, I wish to thank Sean Price. For programming tips and ideas, thanks go out to John Eidsvoog. For beta testing FzDSTerm, I wish to thank the following people: Jason Sylvester Sean Price Ben Van Bokkem Norm Weinress Mike O'Shea Scott Book Mark Cox To all the users who have made the continual updating of FzT possible through their patience, understanding, helpful suggestions, and MONEY, I give a sincere THANK YOU! To my friends who I see less of than I'd like to because of this thing: "Batcave!" (inside joke) For their outstanding product, the "Nectar of the Gods", ]I wish to thank Coca-Cola. I'd like to wish that damned gremlin that keeps my ST alive and running most of the time a LONG LIFE! (and to plead with it to be merciful with me.) To everyone at Atari around the world who have brought us the greatest platform available: "Don't BLOW IT this time around, guys."  STARFALL SOFTWARE PRESENTS XYZ version 2.0 = By Alan Hamilton Copyright (C) 1991, all rights reserved 1 WHAT IT IS Here it is. all you need for transferring files with your ST. I was frustrated by the limitations that the ST version of RZ.TTP and SZ.TTP had, so I wrote my own, and I'm willing to fix any bugs that turn up in it. XYZ version 2.0 is SHAREWARE and copyrighted. You may freely pass it around and post it on private or public BBSs. If you like it, please help out by making a contribution. I suggest $10, but if you think XYZ is worth less, or more, send whatever you think is fair. The previous version, v1.43, is not copyrighted and still free, so if it serves your needs, feel free to continue using it. If you have registered an earlier version of XYZ version 2, you do not need to reregister. Send comments, contributions, etc. to: Alan Hamilton )6202 N. 16th St. #202 )Phoenix, AZ 85016-1734 Features include: 1. Transfers all files unchanged -- "binary" mode. 2. Transfers files at the maximum speed the system you are connected to can support. No "wait states." 3. The timestamps on the files are preserved, unless you don't want them to be. You are told, in regular calendar format, what the timestamp is. 4. Interrupted transfers can be restarted where they left off (in ZMODEM). 5. You are kept informed as to how much of the file has actually been received, not how many bytes have been received in the current session. If you tried to restart a transfer with RZ.TTP, you wouldn't know where you were. 6. There is no feature six. 7. Filenames that aren't compatible with the ST are transformed into ones that are, not just truncated at the first illegal character. If they can't be converted, a random filename is chosen. These transformed filenames are unique -- no more losing a file because after being truncated because it was the same as a previous filename. 8. Works with all ST, STe and Mega ST configurations. 9. Includes versions of XMODEM and YMODEM for completeness. 2 LEGAL STUFF XYZ is copyright (C) 1991 by Alan Hamilton, all rights reserved. It may be copied and distributed freely provided that the XYZ.TTP, XYZ.DOC, and READ.ME files are all included. If distributed for a fee, it should be made clear to the purchaser that the fee does not include the shareware fee (see above). $- 1 - XYZ is shareware. If you use XYZ, please register it. I suggest a $10 registration fee, but if you think it's worth more, or less, send that amount. Although I've done my best to test XYZ, it's offered "as is" with no guarantee at all. You use it at your own risk. I will not be responsible for any losses you may suffer from using it. 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS XMODEM was developed by Ward Christenson. YMODEM and ZMODEM were developed by Chuck Forsberg of Omen Technology. CRC code by Stephen Satchell of Satchell Evaluations, and Chuck Forsberg of Omen Technology. Flash is a trademark of Antic Publishing. C library code copyright (C)1988 by the Mark Williams Company. 520ST, 1040ST, STe, Mega ST and Mega STe are trademarks of Atari, Inc. GEnie is a trademark of GEISCO/General Electric. GEM and GEM Desktop are trademarks of Digital Research. 4 WHAT IT ISN'T Although XYZ supports the most useful parts of the ZMODEM protocol, there are a few things that aren't. 1. Commands. This part of the ZMODEM protocol was intended to allow you to remotely control a system. Since XYZ is intended to be manually operated, and the ST doesn't have a standard command line interface, commands are not accepted. 2. Compression. Neither run-length encoding (RLE) nor Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression is supported. You can use a separate utility to compress files and then send them with XYZ if you want. 3. Challenges. XYZ does not try to verify that it is connected to a system that is ready for ZMODEM. It assumes that you have already told that system to go to ZMODEM. 4. Pathnames. XYZ does not send any path information to the remote system, and strips off any it receives. 5. Selective file replacement. The ZMODEM protocol lets you selectively transfer files based on whether they exist or don't exist at the receiver, or whether they are different in file size, date, or CRC. XYZ only does one of two things while downloading: If a file does not exist, it is transferred in its entirety. If it does exists, it assumes that you are resuming a file transfer that was aborted, and tries to resume at the end of what you have. When uploading, the remote system will decide which files to accept. 6. File transmission resumption. Do not try to download a file that already exists on your disk unless you are trying to recover an aborted transfer. The file will be damaged if it is a different file, despite having the same name. If the file was previously received in its entirety, and you try to restart a download on it, it probably won't be damaged, but this depends on how the sender reacts, so be careful. 7. Disk space check. If the sender tries to check on how much space you have available on your disk, XYZ will always tell it that you have an unlimited amount. This was done because checking the disk space is a very slow $- 2 - operation on hard drives. 8. Encrypting. File encryption is not supported. 9. Seven bit transfers. Transferring eight bit files (non-text files) over lines that only support seven bits per character is not supported. This is something you'd only run into with a mainframe. 10. Sparse files. Transferring selected portions of a file that's mostly zeros is not supported. The entire file must be sent. 11. 32 bit CRCs. XYZ only uses 16 bit CRCs, which should be sufficient unless you are really paranoid about data integrity. 12. CRC checks on files. Some systems will do this to determine whether or not they have the same version of a file as the one you are sending. XYZ doesn't support this check at this time. 5 HOW TO USE IT 5.1 Configuration XYZ is mainly intended to be run from inside a regular telecommunications terminal program. Because of this, it does not alter the settings of your ST's RS232 port from what the terminal program has set them to. For XYZ the RS232 port should be set as follows: Baud (or bits per second or BPS): This should match what the system you are connecting with requires, and what your modem is capable of. Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 or 2 Flow control: XOFF/XON (also called DC2/DC4): OFF RTS/CTS: OFF, unless you are using a high-speed modem that requires it to be on. These settings are very common, so you probably won't have to change them. 5.2 Running from the Desktop If you can't run programs from within your terminal program, or your memory space is limited, you will have to exit to the Desktop to run XYZ. Set the remote system up for the transfer, then exit your terminal program. Open XYZ, and a dialog box will appear. Type in the options (see below for the options available), click on OK, and the transfer will start. One of the options you will want to specify is -p which will make XYZ pause before it returns to the GEM Desktop. If you don't specify a folder to download to, the files will go into the same folder that XYZ is in. After XYZ finishes, it will exit back to the Desktop. You may then rerun your terminal program and continue. 5.3 Running from within a terminal program If you can run programs from within your terminal program, life gets much easier. If, however, your terminal program doesn't let you pass parameters to a .TTP program, you will only be able to download only with ZMODEM and to the X default folder. See the manual for your terminal program for directions on running other programs. In Flash, the command is "exec xyz.ttp" (omit the quote marks). Any options go after the program name. If you are keeping XYZ in a different folder than the default one (set with Flash's DP or CD commands), you will have to specify $- 3 - it: "exec c:\telecom\xyz.ttp". You can even program a function key to run XYZ, and download with the push of one button. Program the key you want with ">exec xyz.ttp|", along with any options you want before the |. (See the Flash manual on setting function keys.) After XYZ completes, you will be returned to Flash. 5.4 Aborting a transfer If you want to stop a transfer before it is complete, press the UNDO key. XYZ will send an abort sequence to the remote system and terminate. Keep in mind that some mainframes take their own sweet time responding to abort sequences, so you may see a long string of garbage on your screen, or the mainframe may seem to have locked up. If you are using ZMODEM, you can restart the transfer of a partially transferred file later. 5.5 Second chance file save In case of a disk error while saving a downloaded file, XYZ will give you a second chance to save the file, with the limitation that the entire file must fit in XYZ's buffer, and that you respond to the error message within 30 seconds. The time delay only applies to your first response. After that, XYZ will wait any amount of time for your input. To cancel the time out, press any key. You have three options. Retry save, selected by typing 'R', makes XYZ try the operation again. If the problem that caused the first failure hasn't been fixed, the error will happen again. New path, selected by typing 'N', lets you enter a different folder or drive to save to. For example, to save to the root directory of drive B:, you'd enter "B:\" (without the quote marks). If you select a path that doesn't exist, you will get another error. Abort, selected by typing 'A', makes XYZ abort the save. You will lose anything that was in XYZ's buffer, and the file transfer will be aborted. If you don't respond to the error message within 30 seconds, XYZ will choose Abort for you. This happens so that if XYZ is running unattended, it won't get stuck. 5.6 Downloading 5.6.1 ZMODEM The -z option selects ZMODEM, but since this is what XYZ defaults to, the -z may be omitted. You can specify a folder to download to on the command line. If you don't specify a folder, XYZ will put the files in the current default folder. This is either the folder that XYZ was run from or the folder your terminal program was run from, unless you've explicitly changed it with something like Flash's DP command. Examples: No options means download ZMODEM $to the default folder c:\download Download ZMODEM to the DOWNLOAD folder $on drive C: The RZ ZMODEM program supports some extra options that can be set by XYZ when $- 4 - it is uploading to a system that is running RZ. These options are passed along to it. If the other system is not running RZ, they will be ignored. Since the option flags mimic those of RZ, they must be in the same case as they are given -- upper or lower. Unless you are having problems with the other system, you probably should not need these. The options should be stacked right after the -z command, like -zaY. a Convert newlines to local format b Binary file -- no conversion n Transfer if source newer N Transfer if newer or longer p Protect file -- don't overwrite r resume interrupted transfer y Clobber (replace) file Y Send file if not present + Append to existing file 5.6.2 YMODEM The -y option selects the YMODEM batch protocol. You should know that some BBSs call XMODEM-1K (XMODEM with 1K blocks) "YMODEM," and call YMODEM "YMODEM batch." If the system offers both those options, select YMODEM batch to use with XYZ's YMODEM. You can specify a folder to download to on the command line. If you don't specify a folder, XYZ will put the files in the current default folder. This is either the folder that XYZ was run from or the folder your terminal program was run from, unless you've explicitly changed it with something like Flash's DP command. Examples: -y  Download YMODEM to the default folder -y c:\download Download YMODEM to the DOWNLOAD folder %on drive C: 5.6.3 XMODEM The -x option selects an XMODEM file transfer. You should know that some BBSs call XMODEM-1K (XMODEM with 1K blocks) "YMODEM," and call YMODEM "YMODEM batch." If the system offers both those options, select YMODEM to use with XYZ's XMODEM with 1K blocks, or XMODEM to use with XYZ's XMODEM with 128 byte blocks. XMODEM does not provide a way for the remote system to tell XYZ what the name of the file being transferred is, so you must put the file name on the command line. If you want the file to go into a folder other than the default one, you should specify the path name also. See the examples below. You do not need to tell XYZ if the remote system will be using 1K blocks or not. XYZ will get that information by itself from the other system. If you want to transfer an XMODEM file from a very old system that is still using the original XMODEM with checksum error checking, use the -xc option instead of -x on the command line. You should only use this if it's all the system will support. The newer CRC error checking is much more reliable. Examples: -x forbush.txt Download with XMODEM the file FORBUSH.TXT #to the default folder $- 5 - -x a:\pdq\phred.txt Download with XMODEM the file PHRED.TXT #to the PDQ folder on drive A: -xc oldfile.txt Download with XMODEM using checksum error #detection the file OLDFILE.TXT 5.7 Uploading 5.7.1 Wildcards When uploading with YMODEM or ZMODEM, you can transfer more than one file at once. You can put the names of the files to send on the command line, but you are limited by the length of the line, and in any case, XYZ will only take 10 filenames that way. By using wildcards, you can give XYZ a partial filename, and it will upload all the filenames that match it. The two wildcard characters are ? and *. The question mark will match exactly one character, and the asterisk will match zero, one, or more characters. Suppose you have the following files on your disk: THING1.PRG THING2.PRG THING.PRG THING44.TXT THING?.PRG would match THING1.PRG and THING2.PRG. THING*.PRG would match THING1.PRG, THING2.PRG, and THING.PRG. *.TXT would match THING44.TXT only. The wildcard combination *.* will match all of them. You should be careful about using *.*, as it will send every file in the folder, including XYZ, should it be in that folder. 5.7.2 ZMODEM The options -u -z select ZMODEM uploading. ZMODEM is the default, so you can just specify -u if you want. Place the filenames of the files you want to transfer (up to ten) on the command line. You can also specify filenames in an input file using the -i command (see below). Wildcards are allowed, and XYZ will send every file that matches, even if there are more than ten files. Examples: -u c:\uploads\*.* Upload using ZMODEM every file in the $UPLOADS folder on drive C: -u file1 file2 Upload using ZMODEM FILE1 and FILE2 from $the default folder -u a:\*.arc Upload using ZMODEM every ARC file in $the root directory of drive A: -u -ifile.lst Upload the files listed in the FILE.LST $file 5.7.3 YMODEM The options -u -y select YMODEM uploading. You should know that some BBSs call XMODEM-1K (XMODEM with 1K blocks) "YMODEM," and call YMODEM "YMODEM batch." If the system offers both those options, select YMODEM batch to use with XYZ's YMODEM. Place the filenames of the files you want to transfer (up to ten) on the command line. You can also specify filenames in an input file list using the -i command (see below). Wildcards are allowed, and XYZ will send every file that matches, even if there are more than ten files. $- 6 - Examples: -u -y c:\uploads\*.* Send using YMODEM all the files in the "UPLOADS folder on drive C: -u -y file1 file2 Send using YMODEM FILE1 and FILE2 from "the default folder -u -y a:\*.arc Send using YMODEM all the ARC files from "the root directory of drive A: -u -y -ifile.lst Send using YMODEM all the files listed "in the FILE.LST list 5.7.4 XMODEM The options -u -x select XMODEM uploading. Using the option -x1k instead of -x makes XYZ use 1K blocks rather than the default 128 byte blocks. 1K blocks make the transfer go faster, but the remote system has to support them. You should know that some BBSs call XMODEM-1K (XMODEM with 1K blocks) "YMODEM," and call YMODEM "YMODEM batch." If the system offers both those options, select "YMODEM" to use with XYZ's XMODEM with 1K blocks, or "XMODEM" to use 128 byte blocks. You don't need to tell XYZ whether to use CRC or checksum error detection while uploading. It will get that information directly from the remote system. XMODEM can only transfer one file per session. Put the name of the file to send on the command line. You can also specify the filename in an input file list using the -i command. If you use wildcards, only the first file that matches will be sent. This may be any one of the matching files, and there's no good way to tell in advance which one it will be. Using wildcards with XMODEM is *not* recommended for this reason. Examples: -u -x snowball.arc Send using XMODEM the file SNOWBALL.ARC !from the default folder -u -x1k ako.gif Send using XMODEM-1K the file AKO.GIF !from the default folder -u -x1k a:\b\c.arc Send using XMODEM-1K the file C.ARC !from the B folder on drive A: -u -x1k -ifile.lst Send using XMODEM-1K the file listed in !the FILE.LST file 5.8 Options 5.8.1 -1 Disable batch mode (1 file) If you are downloading, and only want to accept one file using YMODEM or ZMODEM, use this option. If the other system tries to send more than one file, XYZ will reject the extra files. You have the option of specifying the name that the one file will be saved under. If you specify a filename right after the -1 option, the one file that is accepted will be saved under that name, not the name the other system gave it. Note that the -1 is the number one, not a lowercase L. Examples: -1 Only accept one file in transfer -1afile.arc Only accept one file, and save it under the name AFILE.ARC, regardless of what the other system called it. $- 7 - 5.8.2 -a Alarm Normally, XYZ will ring the terminal bell when it has completed transferring all the selected files. Putting -a on the command line makes XYZ ring the bell after each and every file. 5.8.3 -c Detect modem carrier This makes XYZ constantly check the status of the modem's carrier detect line. If the modem loses the carrier from the remote system, and this option is specified, XYZ will abort the transfer. 5.8.4 -h Help This causes a short description of the available options to print out, along with the current version number. Giving an invalid option gets you this display, too. 5.8.5 -i Input file list This lets you specify a text file containing the names of files to be uploaded. Each filename should be separated by any combination of spaces, tabs, cursor returns, or line feeds. The name of the file should come right after the -i option. Examples: -ifile.lst Upload files listed in the file FILE.LST -ia:\file.lst Upload files listed in the file FILE.LST on drive A: 5.8.6 -o Output file list This option will make XYZ make a text file containing the filename of all files that were uploaded or downloaded successfully. If a transfer was aborted, the name of the file not sent will not be listed. Example: -olist.txt List files transferred in the file LIST.TXT 5.8.7 -p Pause If you are running XYZ from the Desktop, you won't be able to see any error messages when it exits, as the Desktop wipes them out. Putting -p on the command line will make XYZ prompt you to press a key before it exits. 5.8.8 -q Quiet This option lets you suppress XYZ's messages. Using -q suppresses the status messages, but still allows error messages. Using -qq prevents any messages from being generated. Note that the -v option will not work with the -qq option. 5.8.9 -r Set retry limit Ordinarily, XYZ will abort a transfer if more than ten errors occur. When you have had that many errors, the chances of an error slipping through undetected become greater. If, however, you want to take your chances, you can set the retry limit with this command. It can be set anywhere from the default 10 up to 1000. There must not be any spaces between the -r and the number. Example: -r50 Set XYZ's retry limit to 50 5.8.0 -s Return status This option is only useful if you are having some other program call up XYZ. The -s option makes XYZ return a status code that indicates how the file transfer went. Use this only with a program that expects XYZ to return status codes. See the error messages section for details on what the errors mean. $- 8 - The codes are: 0 No error -1 Missing block number -2 Missing or bad header -3 Synchronization error -4 Timed out -5 Checksum error -6 User aborted -7 File error -8 Too many retries -9 CRC error -10 Filename must be specified -11 Bad escape character -12 Bad or unsupported packet type -13 Bad hexadecimal character -14 Sender not ready or set to receive -15 Subpacket too long -16 Sender aborted -17 File position error -18 Sender indicates end of file, but file length is wrong -19 Receiver canceled -20 End of transmission not acknowledged -21 Bad option on command line -22 Not enough memory to allocate buffers -23 Modem carrier lost -24 Batch mode disabled -- file skipped 5.8.1 -t Touch This makes XYZ "touch" (set the time and date to the current time and date) files that it downloads. If the sender specifies a creation time and date for a file, that is normally retained. The -t option makes XYZ use the current time and date instead. If the creation time and date isn't specified by the sender, the current time and date is put on the file. XMODEM will always use the current time and date. 5.8.2 -v Verbose mode This causes XYZ to output special debugging information. If no file is specified, the output goes to the screen. If a file is specified, it should be directly after the "v" (no spaces), and output will go to it, along with any error messages you might get. If you have problems with XYZ, run it with the -v option, and send the file it creates along with any comments to me. When using a file, there must not be any spaces between the -v and the file name. Examples: -v Download ZMODEM, sending debug info to screen -ve:\log.txt Download ZMODEM, sending debug info to "log.txt" on drive E: 6 PROBLEMS If you have problems with XYZ, look up the error messages here in the manual. If you can't resolve your problems using that information, run it using the -vlog.txt command, and send the log.txt, along with any other information that seems relevant, to me on the GEnie computer service, at STARFALL. You can also contact me at the mail address given at the start of this document. $- 9 - 7 REVISION HISTORY 5-31-91: v2.01 A lot of bug fixes! The error recovery for ZMODEM uploads has, with any luck, been fixed. A bug that would cause bombs when aborting a YMODEM transfer has been fixed. New features are a vastly improved transfer status display, and the ability to abort the transfer if the modem drops carrier. The -b command has been removed, due to a more reliable method of detecting the transfer speed. New command line options: -1 (one file) Disable batch mode in Y/ZMODEM. Only accept one file. -c (detect carrier) Abort transfer if modem drops carrier. -i (input file list) Files to send can be listed in a text file. -o (output file list) Files transferred can be listed in a text file. -q (quiet) Status messages can be suppressed. 11-19-90: v2.0: I knew I'd get back to it eventually. New command line options: -u (upload) Yes, uploading is here finally! -s (status) If you are running XYZ from another program, like a BBS, you can have XYZ return error codes. -b (baud rate) sets rate that file transfer times are based on. See below. New features: Transfer time estimation. XYZ will estimate the time it will take to send a file, based on the speed that the serial port is set at, or on the rate you specify with the -b option. Second chance save. If XYZ encounters a disk error while saving a file, and the file will fit entirely within XYZ's buffer, XYZ will give you a second chance to save it. Bugs relating to changing incompatible filenames have been fixed. The -v option no longer has to be the last one on the command line. YMODEM doesn't bomb on some errors anymore. ZMODEM handles resending packets better. Sometimes you would get a GEM dialog box in response to a disk error, but the mouse was disabled so you couldn't select anything. XYZ now handles its own errors. 12-6-89: v1.43: More bug fixes! When trying to rename some incompatible filenames, XYZ would bomb. If you tried to download more than one file in a ZMODEM session, and the first file was a restarted transfer (already partially downloaded), the characters per second speed rating would be wrong on subsequent files. A new option "-a" has been added. This will make the terminal bell ring after every file in YMODEM and ZMODEM, not just at the end of a complete session. XYZ now shows its version and creation date whenever you run it. A byte count is now shown along with the block count in XMODEM and YMODEM. XMODEM and YMODEM can now recover from a timeout error on the first block. XMODEM and YMODEM now will retry the correct number of times; it was only retrying half as many as it should have. A few typos have been fixed in the program and this doc file (how come nobody told me "transferred" had two r's?). 11-3-89: v1.42: In 1.41, if you were disconnected while using ZMODEM, XYZ would not time out, and you would not be able to use the UNDO key to abort. The only way out would be to reset the computer. The console bell now rings at the end of a file transfer session. $- 10 - 10-21-89: v1.41: Lots o' changes this time: 1. If v1.3 of XYZ was started before the sender started up, XYZ would bomb. Fixed. 2. A bug in handling of file creation dates in YMODEM has been fixed. 3. XMODEM and YMODEM now use disk buffering. 4. File errors are now more explicit as to what the problem is. 5. ZMODEM now can handle speeds over 9600 baud. 6. XMODEM and YMODEM now indicate how fast the files were transferred. ZMODEM no longer overstates the transfer rate if you are restarting a transfer. 7. Handling of retries is different. In earlier versions, the retry limit (before aborting) was supposed to be ten, but a bug made it only five. This has been fixed, and a new option has been added to let you specify a retry limit. Put -r on the command line, with replaced by the number of retries (up to 1000). For example, -r25 would give you 25 retries. 8. Some messages that were similar in YMODEM and ZMODEM were changed to be exactly the same. 9. Some of the C library code has been replaced with code of my own, making XYZ about 4k smaller. 10-1-89: v1.3 At long last, disk buffering is here! Rather than saving after every packet, XYZ only does a disk write after all available memory has been filled up. XYZ now lets you start it before the sender has started. This was attempted in v1.2, but a bug in the code would make XYZ bomb if you tried it. That has been fixed. A disk full condition is now reported, rather than just a generic "File error" if the disk doesn't have enough room for the file. A new option -p will make XYZ wait for you to press a key before exiting. This can be handy if you are running XYZ from the Desktop. 9-19-89: v1.2 Up to now, if XYZ got five CTRL-X's while waiting for a ZMODEM frame to start, it would abort with a "Sender aborted" error. Now it only aborts if it gets five *consecutive* CTRL-X's. Unexpected aborts most often happened during recovery of CRC errors. Now sends hardware break signal correctly. XYZ now handles timeout errors better. 9-15-89: v1.1: A rather stupid error regarding filename conversion has been fixed. XYZ would sometimes insert a '.' in the seventh or eighth position of a filename, regardless of whether it was appropriate or not. The help screen (printed in response to the -h option) has been rearranged. 9-13-89: XYZ v1.0 released. Implements ZMODEM for the first time. Buffer overflow at high bps rates fixed. Synchronization error in YMODEM fixed (again!). UNDO key handling improved. The documentation file, XYZ.DOC, is totally new. XY.DOC is no longer applicable. 7-2-89: XY.TTP v0.5 released. Handles only XMODEM and YMODEM. Early release to accommodate changes made to GEnie software that Flash(tm) could not handle. 8 ERROR MESSAGES  Something that has always ticked me off is getting an error message from the $- 11 - program I'm using, looking it up in the manual, and finding that IT'S NOT THERE! So, what follows is a complete listing, in alphabetical order, of every possible message that XYZ can produce, along with an explanation. Access denied The ST could not open a file either because the file is set to read only status, or a folder exists with that same name. Attn string: This details the string the sender wants XYZ to use to interrupt it. Average transfer rate = cps This gives the average throughput in characters per second. Bad escape char An invalid escape sequence was received. Probably caused by line noise. Bad escape character An invalid escape sequence was received. Probably caused by line noise. Bad hexadecimal character XYZ was expecting a hexadecimal digit but got an character that wasn't 0-9 or a-f. Probably caused by line noise. Bad option on command line An option that XYZ doesn't recognize was in the command line. Bad or unsupported packet type An unrecognized packet was received. Either caused by line noise, the sender being set to upload when XYZ is downloading or vice versa, or using ZMODEM features XYZ doesn't support. See "WHAT IT ISN'T" section. Bad packet type Same as above. The type number of the packet is printed. Bad request A serious error within either the ST's operating system or within XYZ has occurred. You may have to reset your computer. Batch mode disabled -- file skipped More than one file was received, but the -1 command had been specified. The extra files are skipped. Bombs Not the word "Bombs", but the little cartoon bombs on the left side of your screen. The ST's processor has encountered an instruction that it can't process. This can be caused by a bad copy of XYZ, a conflict with a desk accessory or program in the AUTO folder, or (most likely) a coding boo-boo of mine. Block # ( bytes, cps) Number of the block being received, the number of bytes already transferred, and the number of characters per second that were transferred for this block. $- 12 - Block resent, but not requested. A block was retransmitted that XYZ did not request. Caused either by line noise, or very slow responses by the sender. Buffer size = The number of bytes of memory that XYZ will use as a buffer. Bytes transferred CPS: now / avg Time left Under this header are specified: the number of bytes transferred, the percentage of the file transferred, the transfer rate for the most recent block, and overall for the entire file, and the estimated time it will take to transfer the remainder of the file. Can't convert filename "", will use "" The sender specified a filename that XYZ couldn't make compatible with the Atari ST's operating system. A random filename with the extension .XYZ will be used. Can't find any files matching "" XYZ couldn't find one of the files you specified for uploading, or if you used wildcards, there were no matching files. Make sure that the filename is correct, and that you've specified the path if the file isn't in the default folder Can't open error log The filename specified with the -v (verbose) option can't be opened. The output will go to the screen instead. Can't open "" for input file list: XYZ couldn't open the file specified in the -i command. Look up the for the reason why. Can't open "" for output file list: XYZ couldn't create the file specified in the -o command. Look up the for the reason why. Can't read from input file list XYZ wasn't able to read in the file specified in the -i command, possibly due to a disk error. Caught a signal The remote system is interrupting XYZ's upload with the indicated packet type. Checksum error The checksum on the last block was invalid. Probably caused by line noise. Command received, but commands not supported XYZ does not accept commands from remote systems. See "WHAT IT ISN'T" section. Command: Text of command received. See above. $- 13 - CRC error The CRC error detection code on the last block was invalid. Probably caused by line noise. Crc error (as part of file error message) The ST detected an error while accessing the disk. The disk may be damaged. Created on Gives time and date that the file was created. Disk full! There isn't enough room on your disk to hold the file. The transfer is aborted, with as much of the file as the disk will hold saved. You can resume the transfer in ZMODEM if you move the partial file to another disk that has more room, or if you delete some files on the disk. If the entire file fits in the disk buffer, you can use the second chance save feature to save it to a different disk. Downloading YMODEM A YMODEM session has started. Drive not ready The disk drive isn't responding. Make sure the drive is attached, turned on, and has a formatted disk in it. Duplicate YMODEM header received. Ignored. A file specification block was retransmitted by the remote system, but it was not requested. Caused by line noise, very slow responses from the sender, or operating XYZ in XMODEM mode when the sender is using YMODEM. End of transmission not acknowledged XYZ finished sending a file using XMODEM or YMODEM, but the remote system did not answer XYZ's end of file signal. Caused by line noise, or the remote system going down. Enter new path: Enter the path that you want XYZ to retry the save operation on. Hit without entering anything to retry on the same path. Error closing file: XYZ closed a file that it was finished with, but a disk error occurred. Look up the error type in this section for an explanation. Error closing input file: Same as above. Error in positioning file pointer: XYZ tries to find the end of the file after it opens it. If it can't, you get this message. Look up the error type that prints out to find out what error occurred. Error in seeking to end of file Same as above. $- 14 - Error opening file: XYZ could not open a file. Look up the error type in this section to find out what error occurred. Error opening input file: Same as above Error reading input file: A disk error occurred while XYZ was reading from a file. Look up the error type in this section for an explanation. Error seeking to end of file XYZ tries to find the end of the file after it opens it. If it can't, you get this message. Error seeking to offset An error occurred when XYZ tried to reference the indicated position in a file. Error writing to file: An error occurred while XYZ was trying to write to a file. Look up the error type in this section to find out what error occurred. File created on
CRC This details a ZMODEM packet that was received. Got ZCRC '%c' This indicates tells the CRC type at the end of the last data subpacket. "" has been renamed to "" The remote system specified a filename that the ST cannot handle, so XYZ changed it to the specified name. Insufficient memory Either your computer does not have enough memory for XYZ to run, or something has gone wrong with the way the memory is being managed. Try removing desk accessories and/or programs in the AUTO folder to free up some memory. If you are running XYZ from within another program, you may have to run it from the Desktop to get enough memory. Internal error An error has occurred within the ST's operating system. You will probably have to reset the computer. Interrupted by packet type The remote system is trying to get XYZ's attention with an error recovery message Invalid drive specified You specified a drive in the path name that does not exist. Be sure the drive letter you specified was correct, and the disk is connected and turned on. Invalid function number Invalid handle Invalid memory block address A serious internal error in XYZ or the ST's operating system has occurred. Invalid option bort Abort New path Enter new path: \Retrying save.... Error closing file: %s..xyzCan't convert filename "%s", will use "%s". "%s" has been renamed to "%s" File created on %sAFile creation date not specified, reset to %sAError opening input file: %s Error reading input file: %s Read %ld chars from offset %ld Error seeking to offset %ld: %s Seeked to offset %ld Error closing input file: %s Downloading YMODEM YMODEM complete! YMODEM transfer aborted! YMODEM file transfer %d YMODEM block%c %s YMODEM session complete, %d file%c uploaded -1K XMODEM%s file transfer %d XMODEM%s block%c %s Got a GOTCAN Got ZCRC '%c' Bad escape char 0x%x Got a session abort while waiting for ZPAD Got: %c 0x%x 0x%x CRC 0x%x%x ZBIN Bad CRC: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x CRC 0x%x%x ZHEX Bad CRC: 0x%x Sent ZHEX 0x%x 0x%x CRC 0x%xSent ZBIN 0x%x 0x%x CRC 0x%x Receiver requests retransmission Can't open error log Only one output file list allowed Can't open "%s" for output file list: %s Only one input file list allowed Can't open "%s" for input file list: %s Can't read from input file list "%s" Invalid option -%c To abort, press pUNDOq at any time Verbose mode is on!v You must specify one and only one filename for XMODEM %sloading updownNo files to upload were specified Only specifiy one path for downloading %s matches %s, %ld bytes %d file%c to send, %ld bytes total size Memory free = %ld Buffer size = %ld bytes ZMODEM file transfer RS232 output buffer size = %d bytes Skipping file at request of other system Receiver wants a CRC on this file butI can't do it ZFILE acked with %d Starting transfer at offset %ld File chopped off at %ld; got %d chars when reading %d bytes Caught a %d signal Interrupted by unexpected packet type %d Repositioning to offset %ld Repositioning to offset %ld %s Got %d after ZEOF ZRINIT expected prior to ZFIN, but got %d ZFIN acked with %d Sending %d subpacket chars: Interrupted by packet type %d Sent ZCRC '%c' CRC 0x%x Got ZCRC '%c' Got a GOTCAN Bad escape char 0x%x Subpacket bad CRC: 0x%x File %s exists!Block #1 (0 bytes, 0 cps) Duplicate YMODEM header received. Ignored. YMODEM packet received, but doing XMODEM. Block resent, but not requested.ABlock #%d (%ld bytes, %d cps) %s ItIIJtJLLLMMLMnNOOPP<PTP`P~P ZMODEM file transfer \ Bad packet type %d Attn string: 0x%x Unexpected ZACK from sender! 0x%x Error in seeking to end of file File exists -- transfer resuming at offset %ld Got a ZSKIP?!? Sender requests retransmission ZMODEM transfer complete. Got a ZRPOS! File pos = 0x%lx, sender = 0x%lx ZEOF = 0x%lx, f_offset = 0x%lx %s File error at sender Sender requested CRC?!? Sender sent ZCHALLENGE?!? Sender sent ZCOMPL -- ignored Command received, but commands not supported. Command: %s Message: %s  Receiving file "%s", Sending file "%s", %ld bytes Created on %s %ld bytes size not specified Transfer of "%s" complete, %ld bytes Average transfer rate = %ld cps - Bytes transferred CPS: now / avg Time left A%9ld (%3d%%) %4d %4d %t A%9ld (%3d%%) %4d %4d unknown filename forced to "%s" / XYZ Version %s %s / * / Starfall Software Copyright 1991 by Alan Hamilton * * GEnie: STARFALL Shareware, run with -h -p options for details sjww#w9wOwYwhwuwwwwwwxx'x:xIx]xxxxyy#sjyIy[sjykyuyyysjyyyyyysjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjyz zz2zAzPz`znsjz}zsjsjsjsjsjzsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjzzsjz0123456789abcdefMissing block numberMissing or bad headerSynchronization errorTimed outChecksum errorUser abortedFile errorToo many retriesCRC errorFilename must be specifiedBad escape characterBad or unsupported packet typeBad hexidecimal characterSender not ready or set to receiveSubpacket too longSender abortedFile position errorSender indicates end of file, but file length is wrongReceiver canceledEnd of transmission not acknowledgedBad option on command lineNot enough memory to allocate buffers Modem lost carrier batch mode disabled -- file skipped fundamental errordrive not readycrc errorbad requestseek errorunknown mediasector not foundwrite faultread faultgeneral errorwrite protectmedia changeunknown devicefunction rangefunction domain'invalid function numberfile not foundpath not foundno handles leftaccess deniedinvalid handleinsufficient memoryinvalid memory block addressinvalid drive specifiedrange errorinternal errorsetblock failure due to growth restrictionsUsage: xyz.ttp [options] -z select ZMODEM (default) -y select YMODEM -x select XMODEM -x1k select XMODEM with 1k blocks -xc select XMODEM with checksum error detection -d t download (default) -u upload -p pause before exiting -h help (show this screen) -rN set number of retries to N -s return status codes -i file with list of files to upload -o record names of files transferred in file -c carrier detect -1 Transfer 1 file only -q Quiet -- suppress output messages -v verbose mode For XMODEM, specify the file to be downloaded or uploaded. For Y/ZMODEM downloading, specify the path to download to, or don't to use the current default path. For uploading, specify filenames on command line or use -i option. They may contain wildcards. Suggested shareware fee $10 -- send to: Alan Hamilton, 6202 N. 16th St. #202, Phoenix, AZ, 85016-1734 Press any key to exit.2.01May 31 0991 06:00:14! B0c@P`p)Jkѭ12s"RRBrb֓9{ZӽÜ$b4C dtDTjK( ŬՍ6S&r0vfVF[z8םǼHXhx@a(8#Hi +ZJzjq P:3*랛yX;l|L\,"< `Aͭ* hI~n^N>.2Qp:Yxʡ -No0 P@%pF`g=^"2B5RbwrV˕nO, 4$tfdGT$D۷_~<&6fWvvFV4Lm/ȉ鹊XDHexh'8(}\?ثJuZTj7z *:.lM|&l\dLE<, >]|ٟn~6NU^t.>GMT=1.1.4:-1.1.10:2:60. TIMEZONE@ P@    @ CCAP?AAA AAA DD DD:DD:DD D SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 0Lc 2L"20 ".B$ &  J0&*"T6   " H          $ ."2    .,0N<,*     0"<  &(0$DHH JHl >0rnzzzJH0V$ 8dv ,.B.  ((082  " h Z\bz4X(8lr&$j":\LdLtX,4,: F R $B N"rT*8Ԫl`x         j.    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Summary of commands for FreeZe Dried Software Protocols, Beta-Test version .37 This program is in its development and testing stages. We will be adding more protocols and increasing the efficiency and thoroughput of this program. If you find a problem with it, please report it to the authors. If you don't, the problem may reoccur in later versions of this and other programs which use it. By releasing this Beta-test version, we are asking you the user to test it out for us in all possible situations and let us know if it doesn't meet your standards so we may improve it. DISCLAIMER: This program has been thoroughly tested and it is hoped that it contains no errors. But, the authors will accept no responsibility for any damages caused by this program. There are no warranties, whether written or implied regard- ing the use of this program. You use it at your own risk! How To Reach Us: --- -- - -- Any problems, comments, or suggestions regarding FZDSXFER.TTP may be sent to the authors in the following ways: a) Leave a post or feedback to the sysops on: Sanctuary From The Law BBS (619) 377-3611 1,200-19,200 Baud HST Dual Standard - 8/N/1 The main support board for all FreeZe Dried Software Products b) E-Mail S.PRICE19 on GEnie c) Send NetMail to Sean Price at the following nodes/networks. 1:210/41 @ FidoNet 51:3/11 @ AtariNet 100:290/7 @ TurboNet d) Send mail to: Aaron Hopkins RE: FreeZe Dried Protocols 1213 Walnut Avenue Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 If you have specifications (Book Reference, Text File, etc.) on Z-Modem, Puma, Lynx, Super 8K, K9XModem, etc. protocols, or feel that you can help in any way with this project, please drop us a note. We plan on addressing any shortcomings in this program, along with adding every conceivable protocol possible. If you would like to see a certain protocol which we haven't listed, let us know. Rules For Use: - --- --- By now I'm sure you've read the standard shareware plea a thousand times, so I will not bother to repeat it again for your enjoyment. If you like this program and use it regularly, all we ask is that you send in a $10 donation to the above address. We can't force you to, as this works on the honor system. (It is not necessary for registered users of FzDSTerm to send in this donation; you have already done your part, enjoy!) If you have FzP installed in a BBS system as an external protocol, we ask that you mention "FreeZe Dried Dried Software Protocols" somewhere in an "information about this BBS" type of bulletin along with the above address, for further information. We also would hope that you make an archived copy of this documentation and the program available to your ST users, so they may use it also. This software may be distributed freely as long at it includes this documentation, and is not "sold" to anyone except to pay for the price of the media and shipping prices. Upload this everywhere! Command Line Structure: - - - FreeZe Dried Software Protocols currently supports Xmodem CRC, Xmodem 1K, Ymodem Batch, Ymodem-G Batch, and Fmodem Batch. The commands are passed by way of a command line when executed by being typed at a .TTP dialog or passed by a shell. The following deals with the structure of the parameters being passed on the command line: FzDS Protocols defaults to receive mode. All commands must be seperated by a space. FzP accepts wild cards as filenames for batch modes. If a wildcard is used in a single file mode, FzDS Protocols will use the first matching file. Filenames can include a path. Format: (Options in brackets are optional.) -X/-K/-Y/-G/-F {-S -C -D -Ix -Ox} {x:\path\} {{x:\path\}file.ext ...} ^-Must have one ^-Switches are optional. They can be in any order, and only one or not included at all. "x"s are parameters. command. A path without a filename will reset the default receive/send path in FzP. Anywhere in the program where a filename exists without a path, this default path will be added to it. When receiving a file using a batch protocol, the file will be put in this path. At least one filename must be included for ALL sends. If sending using Batch protocols, more than one file may be included. X-Modem is the only protocol that requires a filename for a receive. Filenames will be ignored when receiving using batch protocols. Commands: - -X filename.ext Send using Xmodem CRC/Receive using Xmodem CRC or Xmodem 1K (Automati- cally detects block size to use.) Example:-X -S D:\SCUM\TEST.LZH Sends D:\SCUM\TEST.LZH using Xmodem CRC -K filename.ext Send using Xmodem 1K (Not needed for Receive because -X automatically detects block size.) Example:-K -S TEST.LZH Sends TEST.LZH using Xmodem 1K -Y {filename.ext ...} Send/Receive using Ymodem Batch Example:-Y -S TEST.LZH TEST2.LZH Sends TEST.LZH and TEST2.LZH using Ymodem Batch Example:-Y D:\SCUM\ Receives using Ymodem Batch. All received files will be put in the D:\SCUM\ directory. Example:-Y -S *.LZH Sends all files matching *.LZH using Ymodem Batch -G {filename.ext ...} Send/Receive using Ymodem-G Batch Example:-G -S TEST.LZH TEST2.LZH Sends TEST.LZH and TEST2.LZH using Ymodem-G Batch Example:-G Receives using Ymodem-G Batch Example:-G -S *.LZH Sends all files matching *.LZH using Ymodem-G Batch -F {filename.ext ...} Send/Receive using Fmodem Batch Example:-F -S TEST.LZH TEST2.LZH Sends TEST.LZH and TEST2.LZH using Fmodem Batch Example:-F Receives using Fmodem Batch Example:-F -S *.LZH Sends all files matching *.LZH using Fmodem Batch Switches: - -S Send mode (upload). Without this switch, FzP will default to receive  mode (download). -C Turn on Carrier Detect. If the carrier detect drops during any portion of a transmission, FzP will abort and exit. -M Minimum Screen mode. Turns off full screen graphical display and uses a simple text update. This will now allow FzP to work with MiNT and Multi-TOS in a TOS window. -D Delete incompletely transferred files while in receive mode. -N Overwrites a file if one currently exists with that name. Otherwise, the transfer is aborted. -Ofilename.ext Creates a text file with the given filename and stores the names of successfully transferred files in it. Filename must be immediately after the -O. (This is used to return a list of files back to the calling program.) Example:-Y -OGOT.TXT Receives using Ymodem Batch and stores the filenames of all successfully received files in GOT.TXT -Ifilename.ext For batch modes only. Protocol looks for text file with the given filename, and attempts to send all files contained in it. Filenames may or may not include a path, and may use wildcards. Only the first 100 matching files are sent. Example:-Y -ISEND.TXT Sends all files listed in SEND.TXT using Ymodem Batch. -BbufferK This option allows you to set the size of the input buffer. This will help floppy users reduce the possibility of buffer overflow while the protocols are busy saving the data buffer. Example:-B4 Sets the input buffer to 4K. -RbufferK This option allows you to set the size of the data buffer used by the protocols. They default to using all available memory. Setting your own limit is desirable if you plan to use the protocols under MiNT or Multi-TOS. Example:-R100 Sets data buffer to 100K maximum. ;FZDSXFER.DOC = === FreeZe Dried Software Protocols - - - - Program and Documentation Copyright 1991-1992 Sean Price and Aaron Hopkins of FzDS All Rights Reserved. Summary of commands for FreeZe Dried Software Protocols, Beta-Test version .35 This program is in its development and testing stages. We will be adding more protocols and increasing the efficiency and thoroughput of this program. After it is perfected, it will become an internal part of the FreeZe Dried Terminal and possibly UNet and UBBS/III. If you find a problem with it, please report it to the authors. If you don't, the problem may reoccur in later versions of this and other programs which use it. By releasing this Beta-test version, we are asking you the user to test it out for us in all possible situations and let us know if it doesn't meet your standards so we may improve it. DISCLAIMER: This program has been thoroughly tested and it is hoped that it contains no errors. But, the authors will accept no responsibility for any damages caused by this program. There are no warranties, whether written or implied regarding the use of this program. You use it at your own risk! How To Reach Us: --- -- - -- Any problems, comments, or suggestions aregarding FZDSXFER.TTP may be sent to the authors in the following ways: a) Leave a post or feedback to the sysops on: Sanctuary From The Law BBS (619) 377-3611 300-19.2k HST 8/N/1 The main support board for all FreeZe Dried Software Products b) E-Mail S.PRICE19 on GEnie c) Send mail to: Aaron Hopkins RE: FreeZe Dried Protocols 1213 Walnut Avenue Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 If you have specifications (Book Reference, Text File, etc.) on Z-Modem, Puma, Lynx, Super 8K, K9XModem, etc. protocols, or feel that you can help in any way with this project, please drop us a note. We plan on addressing any shortcomings in this program, along with adding every conceivable protocol possible. If you would like to see a certain protocol which we haven't listed, let us know. Rules For Use: - --- --- By now I'm sure you've read the standard shareware plea a thousand times, so I will not bother to repeat it again for your enjoyment. If you like this program and use it regularly, all we ask is that you send in a $10 donation to the above address. We can't force you to, as this works on the honor system. (It is not necessary for registered users of FzDSTerm or UBBS to send in this donation; you have already done your part, enjoy!) If you have FzP installed in a BBS system as an external protocol, we ask that you mention "FreeZe Dried Dried Software Protocols" somewhere in an "information about this BBS" type of bulletin along with the above address, for further information. We also would hope that you make an archived copy of this documentation and the program available to your ST users, so they may use it also. This software may be distributed freely as long at it includes this documentation, and is not "sold" to anyone except to pay for the price of the media and shipping prices. Upload this everywhere! Command Line Structure: - - - FreeZe Dried Software Protocols currently supports Xmodem CRC, Xmodem 1K, Ymodem Batch, Ymodem-G Batch, and Fmodem Batch. The commands are passed by way of a command line when executed by being typed at a .TTP dialog or passed by a shell. The following deals with the structure of the parameters being passed on the command line: FzDS Protocols defaults to receive mode. All commands must be seperated by a space. FzP accepts wild cards as filenames for batch modes. If a wildcard is used in a single file mode, FzDS Protocols will use the first matching file. Filenames can include a path. Format: (Options in brackets are optional.) -X/-K/-Y/-G/-F {-S -C -D -Ix -Ox} {x:\path\} {{x:\path\}file.ext ...} ^-Must have one ^-Switches are optional. They can be in any order, and only one or not included at all. "x"s are parameters. command. A path without a filename will reset the default receive/send path in FzP. Anywhere in the program where a filename exists without a path, this default path will be added to it. When receiving a file using a batch protocol, the file will be put in this path. At least one filename must be included for ALL sends. If sending using Batch protocols, more than one file may be included. X-Modem is the only protocol that requires a filename for a receive. Filenames will be ignored when receiving using batch protocols. Commands: - -X filename.ext Send using Xmodem CRC/Receive using Xmodem CRC or Xmodem 1K (Automatically detects block size to use.) Example:-X -S D:\SCUM\TEST.LZH Sends D:\SCUM\TEST.LZH using Xmodem CRC -K filename.ext Send using Xmodem 1K (Not needed for Receive because -X automatically detects block size.) Example:-K -S TEST.LZH Sends TEST.LZH using Xmodem 1K -Y {filename.ext ...} Send/Receive using Ymodem Batch Example:-Y -S TEST.LZH TEST2.LZH Sends TEST.LZH and TEST2.LZH using Ymodem Batch Example:-Y D:\SCUM\ Receives using Ymodem Batch. All received files will be put in the D:\SCUM\ directory. Example:-Y -S *.LZH Sends all files matching *.LZH using Ymodem Batch -G {filename.ext ...} Send/Receive using Ymodem-G Batch Example:-G -S TEST.LZH TEST2.LZH Sends TEST.LZH and TEST2.LZH using Ymodem-G Batch Example:-G Receives using Ymodem-G Batch Example:-G -S *.LZH Sends all files matching *.LZH using Ymodem-G Batch -F {filename.ext ...} Send/Receive using Fmodem Batch Example:-F -S TEST.LZH TEST2.LZH Sends TEST.LZH and TEST2.LZH using Fmodem Batch Example:-F Receives using Fmodem Batch Example:-F -S *.LZH Sends all files matching *.LZH using Fmodem Batch Switches: - -S Send mode (upload). Without this switch, FzP will default to receive mode (download). -C Turn on Carrier Detect. If the carrier detect drops during any portion of a transmission, FzP will abort and exit. -D Delete incompletely transferred files while in receive mode. -N Overwrites a file if one currently exists with that name. Otherwise, the transfer is aborted. -Ofilename.ext Creates a text file with the given filename and stores the names of successfully transferred files in it. Filename must be immediately after the -O. (This is used to return a list of files back to the calling program.) Example:-Y -OGOT.TXT Receives using Ymodem Batch and stores the filenames of all successfully received files in GOT.TXT -Ifilename.ext For batch modes only. Protocol looks for text file with the given filename, and attempts to send all files contained in it. Filenames may or may not include a path, and may use wildcards. Only the first 100 matching files are sent. Example:-Y -ISEND.TXT Sends all files listed in SEND.TXT using Ymodem Batch. REGISTER.DOC = === How Do I Register FzDSTerm? Why Should I Register? --- -- - - - --- - - - You may be asking yourself what the point is of registering FzDSTerm, when the demo seems to do most of what you need. You might want to go over the concepts of Shareware in the main documentation. (A standard shareware plea where you are told that your life will be plentiful and all we be good in the world if you pay me money.) Well, for most people that just doesn't seem to work. So let me explain something to you. There has been a saying around for quite a long time, "You don't get something for nothing." In the case of FzDSTerm, and most shareware in general this is not quite the case. If you don't pay, you still get to use whatever program and keep a few bills in your wallet, too. But unlike most Shareware, you just don't get EVERYTHING for nothing. Let me tell you what you don't get: o You don't get the satisfaction of knowing that you helped support future FreeZe Dried Software programs and the shareware market in general. o You don't get to save the Autodialer, Macros, a Scrollback Block, or a Text Editor file more than once per session. o You don't get to use Instant Graphics. (This is one feature that not many other good terms can claim. Bitmapped 640x200x4 or 320x200x2 graphics over the modem make menus, etc interesting to look at.) o You don't get Reformat paragraph, Reformat Document, or Auto-Reformat in the text editor. (Auto-reformat is an extension of word wrap, but works when editing lines.) o You can't add files to an archive in the Disk Commands LZH/ARC/ZIP shell. If this isn't enough for you, I put in one last added incentive. You enjoy having money, right? Do you enjoy making money? How about if I were to start sending you checks? Does this sound interesting to you? Okay, listen up. When you register FzDSTerm, on the disk you recieve there will be an archive called FZT_D212.LZH. This is a demo version of FzDSTerm. Follow the instructions in the READ.ME file on the disk to create your personalized demo. Just upload this file everywhere you can, and advertise like mad. The more people see it and want to try it out, the more money you will get. Here's how it works: Contained in the registration form of this demo, there is a Serial numberspecific to you. When people see FZT and like it enough to register, they have to print and send in the registration form. I'll look at the Serial number on the form, and if it corresponds to you I will send you a check for $5. Its that easy! The more you upload and advertise, the more people will download it and take a look at it, and more people will decide to buy it. For every person that sees YOUR Demo and buys, you get $5! This is myway of saying "Thank You!" to those people who do my advertising for me. NOTE: This is only available for US orders at the moment. Who are you? How Many? How much? (US Dollars) --- --- --- --- - --- - Individual Person 1 $25 Group Discount (User Group, etc.) 10 or more * $20 Each Dealer Discount 30 or more * $15 Each * - $5 Thank You's not applicable (not individual serial numbers). Also, the prices on the bulk orders are not set. Get in touch with me before ordering 10 or more and we can work something out. Upgrades will be $5 each. You may either pay that amount now or when you see a newer version up on a BBS near you and wish to upgrade. (Don't ask me to send anything in F-Mail to you. Everything must be handled via US Postal (Snail) Mail. How do I pay? Print out the form "PRINT.ME". (If you can't print that out for some reason, like your printer exploded the other day or something, please write your name, address, phone number, any comments about FZT, and the enclosed amount of money on an 8 1/2" by 11" peice of paper.) Fill it out (try to make it legible,please.) If you are in North America, send that along with a check for the total to: Aaron Hopkins RE: FzDSTerm Registration 1213 Walnut Avenue Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (Make Checks payable to "Aaron Hopkins". I cannot deposit anything that says "FreeZe Dried Software" on it. Also, make sure your International Money orders have a "Routing Code" at the bottom. Do NOT send "Canadian Postal Money Orders" as they do not have this code. My bank will not accept anything without a routing code!) On the PRINT.ME form, it asks for a random password for use with the FreeZe Dried Terminal support BBS. I plan on adding a sub-system to my support BBS, to help with the distribution of .KEYs, Beta-test versions, and to allow registered users to check my logs to determine the status of their orders under the "FzDSTerm" guest account. If in the future, you ever plan on calling my support BBS, it would be easiest if you were to give a password to me now. Make this a jumble of letters and numbers, write it down, and make sure nobody else can get it. If someone else has it, it might give them access to download your .KEY, which would be bad. If you are in Europe, there is an alternative. You may or may not be aware of the costs of sending an international money order to the US. To make it easier for you, Ben Van Bokkem has agreed to handle European orders. (He has been handling orders for Turbo BBS, Maximiser, and IGS for some time, and now FzT.) You may send him the equivalent of the cost of your order in English Pounds instead of US Dollars. The correct fee for European registrations is 15 pounds Sterling. Orders may be sent to: (Make checks payable to "Ben Van Bokkem".) Ben Van Bokkem 100, Broughton Avenue Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1QB England He is the sysop of the European FzDSTerm support BBS. He is available to answer questions regarding this process: <<>> (Fnet 1031} Tel: +44-296-396-935 ~ HST/V32 V32bis/V42bis 24Hrs Expect to see your orders in 2-6 weeks, depending on your method of payment (Cash/Money Order/Check), how far away you live (out of state checks take longer to cash), and how far along I am on the next version. (If a newer version will be released within a week or two, I may hold off on sending your order until that time, so you can receive the latest version. If you want me to send it ASAP regardless of this, put that in the letter.) Registering FzDSTerm pays for the use of FzT, along with all assorted utilities written by FreeZe Dried Software for use with FzT (such as FzDSXfer.TTP and Conv2FzT.PRG, etc.) It does 5not include the fee for XYZ.TTP. NOTE: Once you register FzT, you will get a .KEY which will activate all the features limited in the demo version. Your friends/neighbors/etc will all probably ask you for a copy of your .KEY. You will hear all sorts of excuses and be very tempted to do so. DON'T DO IT! `; AON2aza a&Ca a Ep-a Epa a 0- J@o:0<-IaCap;@Lp4mLЊAaC a p0-LS@o&0<-IalCaJf`Ar Hjr-D@Hd0H@H 0H@0CNuAJ"H [1][fSEfNuHQ?< NA\Nu"_KM V,@IO:HQ <-H,,`N,d d3 d# d# # d# # # # d ALH dAL H LH d AL`H L|0H>L|H>d~# # # # A`@ALH L|H>L|H>L|PH>L| H>L|H>L|H>L|H>L|`H>L|0H>L|H>QL|Nu$H$&"BA -K aXA$f B &n NuH>dd2d"d""d""""d LHC dLHLH C@d LHL|H| L|H|PCd~""""C`:LHL|H| L|H|PL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|@L|H|pL|H|L|H|CQL|Nua`p?a a ?<LNANuNuNupA` p9`p:`p;>afAHPBHQ?NA\ _JkNu/ Ia@$$IAHPB Ba,AHPBHQHRBg?<VNAO _ _JkxNuQnHR$n4Jjg$_NuH LNuPnJ.ng0HR$n4Jjf$_NuHC/*%I $n4%_LNu @$@JfS a`QNu$Aa`QBNuHPHQ0(ika $I _ajIUd4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q _Jf,a:Id4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q @NuSa IdIdId`Q @Nup `>/ a$I> _aʲG` VNuag`af`ae `ac` acpNuadpNu/ a$I> _a4Ae4v` VfANuHP0(R@kBal $I _aTIUd4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q @JfNuNup `~aSAfNuag`af`ae `ac` acpNuadpNuaSAkfJANua`QNuHg"cc/ 0)ax _$PS@kH2QNu2(g$PRAA4DBH%$Y2Pg 1AHRAA%NuBhNu0@F@AJhg PLNu`LJg(HPBHh/??<@NAXLf ѨLNuJkp%`laJBja!| ??<>NAXOJkpNu0< aH`0< CJ2p`jp a2`p CJp`Va CJ"p`HHza`Hy "J`4B.D=|HNua.DFpAR@C` .D<.HAx$I"t Q k"RGef~`SG * g *fSG`<.HjZ\FkBJnhg Fgd Fg^HS&I.aQ`p???<NM\Qj&_NuHQ /?) User Entered Number 0302 36139 060 / 0 0 30 Toxic BBS 013 128907 Unique headquarter 00040 Oskar Burman vag26057e 0 0 70 DHS North 0225 51759 DHS HQ 00040 Oskar Burman anat 0 0 70 Red Dwarf BBS 021 148651 Unit Seventeen HQ 00040 OB anat 0 0 134 Legion BBS 08 00040 Oskar Burman anat 0 0 70 Stacken BBS 0142 19331 00040 Oskar Burman anat 0 0 70 00040 0 0 70 Mr Cobra BBS 08 7732795 00020 Oskar Burman anat 0 0 70 LYNX BBS 08 6003456 00020 Oskar Burman anat 0 0 70 Funboard(Amiga) 23277 00040 Robert Hgberg 1234 0 0 70 Apocalypse BBS (PC) 018 102909 Emil och Jon sysopar 00020 Oskar Burman anat 0 0 70 Aso BBS 08 7427555 00040 0 0 70 Status Quo 021 148651 00020 Oskar Burman anatomica 0 0 70 Tornets BBS 013 139538 00020 Oskar Burman anat 0 0 70 Dataline BBS 08 7782886 Kan bara ringas pa natter 00020 Oskar Burman anat 0 0 70 Eagles Nest 018 262804 0 0 0 80 Timebomb bbs 0246 60187 New Beat HQ. Power sysop. 0 0 0 100 Empas dator 0142 17219 For filutbyte med empa 0 0 0 30 diversion 087358221 Harri sysop 00020 0 0 50 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 CONV2FZT.DOC = === Autodialer and Macro Set Conversion v1.1 - --- - --- - -- - CONV2FZT.PRG and CONV2FZT.DOC are Copyright (c)1991 Aaron Hopkins, are freeware, and may be distributed at will. Here's a little program I whipped up to convert your Flash, Interlink, Stealth, DTerm, QTerm, and VanTerm Autodialer files and Flash, Interlink, and VanTerm Macro sets. (The format for Stealth macro sets will probably be altered in the future, as it currently is buggy and only saves the first 19 macros. For this reason, I left it out.) I will be adding more formats eventually, but this is all I had time for at the moment. If you would like to see it support another format, please send me a copy of your autodialer or macro set so I can take a look at the format. There are no guarantees with this program, as I don't know how well or if it will work. It should grab the major info out of the d 9ialer files, such as BBS name and number, but not the settings. (Those were the only things I could decipher by sector editing them.) Also, some characters in macro sets may be converted to other characters (for instance, a comma in VanTerm is converted to an At (@).) It does not convert these either, but rather leaves these to you to convert. Also, if you have more than 45 entries in an autodialer of another program, only the first 45 can be used. Anyway the instructions for use are pretty simple: 1. Make a backup copy of the files you want to convert. (There was a report of it eating the Flash dialer file of someone. I could not find why, but just in case, make a backup.) 2. Run CONV2FZT.PRG 3. Choose an appropriate format. Flash, Interlink, Stealth, DTerm, QTerm, and VanTerm formats are supported. 4. Click on the appropriate file to translate. (Please make sure you select the correct file for the format you chose. Clicking on a corrupted file or one not in the proper format will probably cause bombs to appear, as I did not include any error checking to conserve space.) 5. Enter the filename to be used with FzDSTerm. FZDSTERM.NUM and FZDSTERM.MAC are loaded at startup. Problems, comments, suggestions, etc can be sent in the same manner as bug reports for the main program. See FZDSTERM.DOC for details. wFreeZe Dried Software Terminal ST (Configuration <2nd Rel>) /0/06030I?041///0//000/00/~0/D0<0/0/~0/000/0//000 000707667000503043667 ATZ~~{OK}ATS7=200{OK} ATDT ATDT1 {NO CARRIER}{} ~~+++{OK}ATH0&C1{OK} ~AT{OK} CONNECT NO CARRIER BUSY VOICE ERROR NO DIAL DELAY RINGING 2500 2000 D:\ D:\ A:\ A:\ D:\ A:\ A:\ A:\ A:\ Z-Modem Batch XYZ201.TTP 2-Z -S -A **B00 Z-Modem Batch XYZ201.TTP 2-Z -U -S -A -I#L **B01 FzDS Y-Modem Batch FZDSXFER.TTP 0-Y FzDS Y-Modem Batch FZDSXFER.TTP 0-Y -S -I#L FzDS Y-Modem G Batch FZDSXFER.TTP 0-G FzDS Y-Modem G Batch FZDSXFER.TTP 0-G -S -I#L FzDS F-Modem Batch FZDSXFER.TTP 0-F FzDS F-Modem Batch FZDSXFER.TTP 0-F -S -I#L FzDS X-Modem 1K Blocks (AKA Y-Modem) FZDSXFER.TTP 0-K #1 FzDS X-Modem 1K Blocks (AKA Y-Modem) FZDSXFER.TTP 0-K -S #1 FzDS X-Modem CRC FZDSXFER.TTP 0-X #1 FzDS X-Modem CRC FZDSXFER.TTP 0-X -S #1 X-Modem Checksum XYZ201.TTP 2-XC -S -A #1 X-Modem Checksum XYZ201.TTP 2-XC -U -S #1 2 2 LHA_201?.TTP /V %1 LHA_201?.TTP 0X %1 %2 LHA_201?.TTP 0A %1 %Q ARC*.TTP 0V %1 ARC*.TTP 0X %1 %2*.* ARC*.TTP 0A %1 %I ZIPJR*.TTP /-V %1 ZIPJR*.TTP 0-X %1 %2 ZIPJR*.TTP 0-A %1 @%L  > FzDSTerm ST v2.20 1992 Aaron Hopkins 1992 Aaron Hopkins s ns  / " \ \/ \ /\ / / \/\ \/ \ \ \ \ \ /\ \ \ /\ \ /\ \ \ /\ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \ \ \ /\ \ \ /\ \ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /\ \ \ \/ \/\ \ \ \/ \/ \ \ \/\/ \/\ \/\ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ / \ / \ /\ \ \ \ l /\ /\ /  \/ \ \ _ \/\ \/\ \/\ \ / __-__ -- \ \/ \/ / \ // _ \ \  | /| | | | |\ | (813) 596-4999 | | | | | | | || 24 Hrs - 7 Days A Week | | | | | | | | | 14.4Kbps HST/V.42bis || |o | | | | | | Ask For Atari ST Elite! | | | | | | || | / / / /| | | | | | | || // // // // /// // // ///| |__|__|__|_| |/ // / / // / / / // / / %#a0 #b0 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703103 #d - #E 98 12 #W 00 00 0A 01 15 17 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 02 0B 4C 09 00 @ #W 00 00 0A 0F 34 09 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 01 34 09 00 @ #M 00 02 00 FF D DISKETT@ @ #M 00 00 00 FF A DISKETT@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B DISKETT@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF PAPPERSKORG@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #P 03 FF *.TTP@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @  RATSoft/ST File List Generator (c)1993 R0dent Labs Software === File Listing for For the demolovers! === List Created on 07/12/1993 at 10:45:24 Conference: International Atari ST/STE/TT/FALCON Section #1: Utilitys # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 2 ASAST20.LZH 33024 92-11-04 A startup selector.. (.ACC, PRG etc.) 5 QRT.LZH 79616 92-11-04 Raytracing program.. 7 STREP837.LZH 65634 92-11-04 ST Report... 8 HARDWOOD.SPU 51200 92-11-04 A raytraced picture.. 14 FALC_TEC.TXT 9472 92-11-04 Some info about the Falcon 15 A_4000.TXT 6912 92-11-04 Some info about the Amiga 4000. 16 DSP.LZH 2406 92-11-04 Some info about the DSP chip.. 19 PFXAFX_C.LZH 19200 92-11-08 AFX/PFX packer/unpacker. 20 XCTRL10S.LZH 73235 92-11-08 Xcontrol 1.0 Swedish version. 21 XCTRL11G.LZH 70856 92-11-08 Xcontrol 1.1 German version 23 SERFIX11.LZH 8064 92-11-08 Serial Fix 1.1. Best RTS/CTS fixer. 24 A_1200.DOC 8704 92-11-18 Info on the Amiga 1200. 25 DSPASM.LZH 42880 92-11-18 Wow! Info about the DSP asm language!!! 26 THEPARTY.INV 7168 92-11-20 Invitation to TheParty 2 in Denmark 27 BLATTE1.LZH 440442 92-11-24 Gillar du inte svartingar? Testa det h{r 28 DD3SOLVE.LZH 1127 92-12-20 Solution to Dragons Lair 3! 29 LISA.ARJ 161280 92-12-20 An sex story... 30 DEMOLIST.ZIP 2626 93-01-03 My Demolist.. 31 GAMETIPS.LZH 61291 93-01-03 Over 2000 Chets/tips for games 32 TECHMATE.LZH 42368 93-01-31 Ett scack med nedr{kning! 33 SERFX20.LZH 10880 93-02-06 Serialfixer version 2.0 34 TLCICON.ZIP 15954 86-02-27 Icon changer to TOS 2.06 and 3.06.. 35 CLUBDEMO.LZH 98688 93-03-08 Clud Dominoes demo version PD 36 DIV_SAKE.LZH 16873 93-03-14 Divrse Olagligheter i txt-fil 37 SEEPEE2.LZH 26752 93-03-21 A little wormgame in medrez..chekkitout! 38 ULTIPACK.LZH 15625 93-04-04 Packningsprg fr ARC, LH, ZIP, mm. 39 RAINBOW.LZH 24448 93-04-04 TOSfix till TOS 1.4 40 TOS_2_02.ARC 93228 93-04-09 Tos 2.02 .. bra att ha p Hdn eller DISK 41 KABOOM.PRG 250828 93-04-10 AN Cool strikes back with thizz !! 42 FFLS_HDD.SYS 3766 93-04-13 New hard-disk driver from Superior 43 X_AUTO.TOS 4687 93-04-22 Muspilen aktiverar autom. r{tt f|nster! 44 KRASKA.ZIP 41856 93-05-02 Fractal generator. 45 BUNDYHIS.LZH 33621 93-05-13 Covers all Byndy-episodes to season91/92 46 GRAPHICS.TXT 2914 93-05-15 DL this if you're coming to TCC ! 47 DCSHOWIT.LZH 5626 93-05-17 Displays pictures and docs from desktop. 48 3DFRMLER.LZH 531 93-05-17 Formulas for 3D-programming... 49 MCALC105.LZH 17293 93-05-28 Music-calculator 50 X_CHAIN.TOS 51170 93-05-30 Spel typ Tetris, mycket bra! 51 JANINE.LZH 17241 93-05-30 Omvandlar .PRG .TOS och .TTP till .ACC ! 52 X_VIEW.TOS 27276 93-05-30 Laddar och visar bilder. 53 DATANV13.LZH 96384 93-05-31 Diverse bruxanvisningar till STprogram! 54 ASSEMBLY.TXT 10821 93-06-11 Invitation .TXT to Assembly '93 party 55 HARDREGS.LZH 10215 93-06-18 Hardwareregs in all Ataris complete(?) 56 KBOOM030.PRG 232524 93-06-18 KABOOM for FALCON 030.. 57 STOP.TXT 6537 93-06-30 IMPORTANT ! Assembly '93 (ST) cancelled! 58 RAYOID.TOS 84352 93-07-01 Asteroids. Great! 59 HDINFO15.ZIP 16007 93-07-02 Hdinfo v1.5 60 HST_HACK.LZH 181060 93-07-05 How to rebuild 'yer HST modem to DUAL 61 X_AUTO2.TOS 4736 93-07-05 Just mark a window without clicking on i 63 TRUE.PRG 595 93-07-07 True color palette. Section #2: Intros # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 DENTRO.PRG 107446 92-11-04 A nice dentro by Hemoroids 2 ASYLUM.LZH 54932 92-11-04 A BBS demo by 2smart4u.. 3 FROGGIES.LZH 303818 92-11-04 Froggies over the fence by Legacy. 4 MEGALEIF.LZH 162245 92-11-04 From the megaleif competition.. 5 GROOVE.LZH 129853 92-11-04 Get in to the grove by Excellence in art 6 SNRG_SD.LZH 117484 92-11-04 The Synergy intro for DBA mag. 6 7 OVERTR.PRG 80286 92-11-04 A BBS intro by black boxes.. 8 MATHEMAT.PRG 194176 92-11-04 A dentro by AURA. 9 SPIRITS.PRG 97792 92-11-04 A dentro made by Xtream.. 10 TORMENT.PRG 51072 92-11-07 A demo from Inner Circle. 11 MV_LADY.PRG 27392 92-11-07 Mad Vision-Digi-Lady Demo 12 MV_CUBE2.PRG 23192 92-11-08 A little demo by Mad Vision 13 TFS_BBS.PRG 77184 92-11-08 Kerguelen BBS Demo 0510-655 71 14 OMEGA.MSA 7214 92-11-08 A _VERY_ good plasma screen by Omega. 15 J_HOUSE.LZH 252443 92-11-13 Unit 17, music winner (Lidkping). 16 SINFUL.PRG 90112 92-11-25 Sinful Sinuses by Chronicle from Finland 17 ML_GFX.PRG 34598 92-12-08 A piccy by Logo/Sote... 18 TOXICBBS.PRG 16512 92-12-09 Ett reklamdemo fr en klassisk AtariBBS! 19 PARDIE2.LZH 18350 92-12-19 Party info demo 20 FOOLDYOU.LZH 4360 92-12-28 Fooled You - Nice demo screen 21 XMASMOON.LZH 16384 92-12-29 A nice little Christmas demo. 22 NEWYEAR3.LZH 128096 93-01-02 New Core New Year Demo... 23 ROMEO.LZH 197376 93-01-06 New year intro by Aggression (STE 1meg) 24 PSYCHO2.PRG 30594 93-01-27 psychopathic sprites 2 25 LEGACY.PRG 247140 93-01-27 Dentro by Legacy 26 EPSSDEMO.LZH 290432 93-02-04 Ett STE-demo fr}n 90-talet 27 MAILDEM2.PRG 17568 93-02-06 BBS intro. 28 IMPACT_P.PRG 117144 93-02-10 Good Dentro from Impact. 29 M_C_C_4.PRG 20932 93-02-10 Very good little demo from russia (??!!) 30 FLASHSTE.PRG 98190 93-02-10 New version of their former PARALAX. 31 BIRDIE.PRG 23075 93-03-22 Info demo about a convention this Easter 32 3D_DOTS.LZH 398128 93-03-26 Ultimate 3D dots by Impact 33 TLN_BBS.LZH 19465 92-04-06 The Legion BBS Hq 1 BBS-Demo by DLS 34 FRIEDBIT.LZH 41798 93-04-07 Info about a party in germany. (9/4-..) 35 TCC_INVI.PRG 39524 93-04-13 Party info.. By electra.. 36 LANCELOT.PRG 11286 93-04-28 -hornet- by Lancelot of Aggression 37 RED_EAR.LZH 426263 93-04-30 Red Ear by Animal Mine 38 TCC_INV2.PRG 35136 93-05-09 TCC Party invitation. 100% working! 39 ECSTASY1.LZH 300900 93-06-02 Ecstasy demo by I.C.E., TCC'93 winner 40 ECSTASY2.LZH 272525 93-06-02 Ecstasy part 2, not shown at TCC'93! 41 STIG_III.LZH 150808 93-06-03 The ultra lame demo - STIG III... 42 ULM_93.ZIP 552841 93-06-05 ULM's contribution to the democompo -TCC 43 TYRANNY.LZH 427021 93-06-26 DHS 'Tyranny' 1mb Ste demo. 44 GOURAUD.LZH 6731 93-06-26 Gouraud filling (3d) by Griff - EI 45 LI1_OF_3.LZH 207645 93-06-26 A music demo by Wildfire (1/3) 46 LI2_OF_3.LZH 213363 93-06-26 Music demo by Wildfire (2/3) 47 LI3_OF_3.LZH 202996 93-06-26 Music demo by Wildfire (3/3) 48 MUDU_06.ZIP 15583 93-07-03 A demo for the FALCON 49 SPEEDER.PRG 171736 93-07-03 Another Demo for The FALCON 50 TERMFIN.PRG 365601 93-07-03 Yet Another Falcon demo 51 FTCDEMO1.PRG 13710 93-07-05 Uhmmm.samall one-screen demo 52 EKO_IMPA.MSA 62596 93-07-11 A "party invitation dentro" by IMPACT 53 CNC_3D.PRG 38656 93-07-11 A screen from "The Connections". GOOD !! 54 DNT_CREW.PRG 23058 93-07-11 A good intro from a discmagazine... Section #3: Megademos # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 AMBIENCE.MSA 610136 92-11-04 Ambience by Chaos. 2 BMGS.MSA 651183 92-11-04 Bird Mad Girl Show by fraggles. 3 COSMIC.LZH 665168 92-11-04 Cosmic Jam by Imagina 4 DIMENSIO.ARJ 505713 92-11-04 Dimensio demo... 5 EAT_MY.LZH 391145 92-11-04 Eat my bollocks by equinox 6 FANTASIA.LZH 518757 92-11-04 Should be some kind of STE demo 7 FLYTECH.ARJ 758055 92-11-04 The Flytech demo made by someone.. 8 KRYSTAL.ARJ 699628 92-11-04 Knocking at krystals door by FMC connexi 9 LE_JOLI.LZH 560939 92-11-04 A comic sort of demo.. Quite fun.. 10 LOOKWHO2.ARJ 573170 92-11-04 Look Who's Coding too.. by ? 11 OMEGA_92.PRG 552504 92-11-04 A demo made by Omega.. 12 OVERDOSE.LZH 711304 92-11-04 Overdose by Armada 13 PLUCKEDG.ARJ 585718 92-11-04 Plucked Goose by MJJ Prod. 14 POWER.LZH 800338 92-11-04 Power Rise by Light 15 REPS.LZH 530082 92-11-04 A piccy show of Replicants in work.. 16 SOCKS.MSA 165506 92-11-04 My Socks Are Weapons by Legacy 17 SYNDICAT.MSA 481497 92-11-04 If Pigs Could Fly by Syndicate 18 THINGSMM.ARJ 293449 92-11-04 Things that makes you go hmm.. 19 ZUULMEG4.LZH 201094 92-11-04 Zuul mega font 4.. 20 SNORK_1.LZH 822306 92-11-04 Snork demo by Future Minds disk 1 of 2 21 SNORK_2.LZH 822306 92-11-05 Snork demo by Future Minds disk 2 of 2 22 NOCOOPER.LZH 729935 92-11-05 No Cooper by 1984. 23 HARD_DRI.LZH 539453 92-11-06 A boy a girl...music...and..check it out 24 BADTASTE.LZH 425340 92-11-22 Bad Taste - Brainless Institute (STE) 25 METHANGO.MSA 580454 92-11-22 Mental Hangover By Pixel Twins. 26 DELTAFSW.LZH 321450 92-11-29 = No Description Given = 27 OMEGAFIN.PRG 554010 92-12-09 Grotesque II by Omega from Sweden! 28 O_DEMO.LZH 768488 92-12-28 O-Demo by Oxygene! 29 E605.MSA 799560 92-12-29 E605 the new STE-Demo by Light. 30 ICS_XMAS.LZH 375636 92-12-29 I.C.S. "Merry Christmas" Intro Compil 31 STRANG13.LZH 582404 92-12-30 Strangers Compil 13 32 NERDHOUS.MSA 804428 93-01-01 Excellent demo with great sound !! 33 ICE_COL2.LZH 750362 93-01-02 ICE Collection 2. 34 TOWN1.LZH 812424 93-01-07 T and C megademo by Impact 1/2 35 TOWN2.LZH 821888 93-01-07 T and C megademo by Impact 2/2 36 BURNING.LZH 465633 93-01-07 Burning Illusions STE demo 37 ABOWLOFS.LZH 660686 93-01-13 A Bowl Of Soup STE demo 38 NPG_DEMO.ARJ 795757 93-01-13 Sex And Crime demo by NPG 39 STUPENDO.ARJ 711150 93-01-13 Stupenduous demo by The Pixel Twins 40 XPLOSION.ARJ 257970 93-01-13 Xplosion by Imagina, STE only 41 AGONY_SL.ARJ 612469 93-01-13 Agony slideshow demo 42 MUSIC_2.ARJ 830047 93-01-13 Music Dream II by Electronic Images 43 BRUTAL_T.ARJ 824410 93-01-14 Brutal Techno demo, STE only I think 44 PANDEMNM.MSA 695914 93-01-13 Pandemonium demo by Chaos 45 ALFONS.ARJ 801633 93-01-19 Aflons' Greatest Samples by Delta Force 46 DEADDEAD.ARJ 528018 93-01-19 Dead Dead Dead Deth Scenes demo, gory 47 DUNEDEMO.ARJ 307415 93-01-19 Dune demo 48 LGHTSPEE.ARJ 780466 93-01-19 Light Speed demo by Untouchables 49 MANIC.ARJ 539276 93-01-19 Manic demo 50 MDEMO_4A.ARJ 787177 93-01-19 M-Demo 4 by An Cool 51 MDEMO_4B.ARJ 803660 93-01-20 M-Demo 4 by An Cool 2/2 52 MEGAFUN3.LZH 775376 93-01-20 Mega Fun 3 party demo 53 NEWTREND.ARJ 555343 93-01-20 demo by New Trend, forgot it 54 PERPDAWN.ARJ 415710 93-01-20 Perpetual Dawn party demo from Bradford 55 PHALEON1.ARJ 788424 93-01-20 Phaleon Gigademo 1/4 56 PHALEON2.ARJ 803273 93-01-20 Phaleon Gigademo 2/4 57 PHALEON3.ARJ 818478 93-01-21 Phaleon Gigademo 3/4 58 PHALEON4.ARJ 811463 93-01-21 Phaleon Gigademo 59 SWISS.ARJ 771840 93-01-21 Swiss demo 60 VENTILAT.ARJ 645109 93-01-21 Ventilator demo 61 VENTURA1.LZH 826016 93-01-21 Ventura demo by OVR 1/2 62 VENTURA2.LZH 826437 93-01-21 Ventura demo by OVR 2/2 63 1992XM.LZH 659030 93-01-26 1992 X-Mas demo by Imagina, STE only 64 SYS_ERR.LZH 303924 93-01-26 System Error demo by Imagina, STE only 65 SYMIC.LZH 743025 93-01-26 Great musixx (Blipp Blopp) demo !! 66 BEUCE_2A.LZH 825042 93-01-29 Transbeuce Demo II. EXCELLENT ! 67 DREAMS.LZH 717005 93-03-08 Dreams demo by Animal Mine PD 68 EXPRESSO.LZH 613993 93-03-08 Expresso demo by ? PD 69 BELIEV_A.LZH 699652 93-03-23 Believe In Music demo 1/2 70 BELIEV_B.LZH 696245 93-03-23 Believe In Music 2/2 71 DEVOTION.LZH 678611 93-03-23 Devotion by Excellence In Art, STE only 72 GNURK.LZH 663849 93-03-26 Gnurk demo by The Crystallics 73 AROMATIC.LZH 301714 93-04-02 Mega demo by TSM 74 WORLDOFM.LZH 800110 93-04-27 World Of Music by ? 75 WORLDOFW.LHA 607080 93-04-27 World Of Wonders by NPG 76 WAITING.MSA 738093 93-04-27 Waiting errr demo by errr ??? 77 LAMETROP.MSA 778529 93-04-29 Lame trop by ZUUL... 78 RELAPSE1.LHA 566541 93-04-27 Relapse 1992 by Cybernetix 1/3 79 RELAPSE2.LHA 626581 93-04-27 Relapse 1992 by Cybernetix 2/3 80 RELAPSE3.LHA 567986 93-04-27 Relapse 1992 by Cybernetix 3/3 81 ANOMALY1.MSA 745643 93-05-22 Anomaly Megademo from MJJ-Prod (disc 1) 82 ANOMALY2.MSA 732067 93-05-22 Anomaly Megademo from MJJ-Prod. (disc 2) 83 CHOUROUT.LZH 387360 93-06-03 Choucrout - Adrenaline 84 ZUUL_70.ZIP 517758 93-06-28 Zuul 70 - Some nice screens by CNC 85 DHSPORNO.ZIP 669345 93-06-29 D.H.S. Porno slideshow... 86 MADONA.MSA 644158 93-07-02 Madonna X-Pic Slide show STE GUYS!! 87 S_T_E_W.LZH 786181 93-07-05 Sum mega demo "made in GFA BASIC" Section #4: Maggies # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 AMZINE2.LZH 652998 92-11-21 Amazine II. Mad Vision Discmag. GOOD !! 2 STNEWS73.LZH 750320 93-01-09 ST News vol. 7, iss. 3 3 DBA_MAG7.LZH 680459 93-01-25 DBA maggie 7... Xmas issue... 4 DBA_6_A.LZH 671902 93-01-26 D.B.A. number 6 5 DBA_6_B.LZH 550910 93-01-26 D.B.A. number 6 (part II) 6 AMAZINE3.ZIP 466470 93-02-23 amazine 3 (Mad vision last product on ST Section #5: Terminal # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 ICS_MF81.ZIP 585521 92-11-04 Ics Blue Box.. 2 JKSCRIPT.LZH 1571 92-11-04 A script file for STALKER 3 LYNX_2.DO 182 92-11-04 A .DO file for Lynx BBS (Flash 1.6) 4 TRANDEMO.LZH 289571 92-11-04 A new BBS system.. Only a demo.. 5 XYZ202B.LZH 22656 92-11-04 XYZ 2.02 Beta.. 7 DTERM_1M.LZH 32556 93-03-14 D-Term 1m 8 KERMIT.ARC 41984 93-06-01 Ett transferprotokoll (till t ex PC...) 9 TURBO221.ZIP 54942 93-07-02 A patched version of TURBO BBS program 10 TURBO2_2.ZIP 464792 93-07-02 Turbo Board 2.2 ST 11 REUSED.LZH 31775 93-07-06 An online user editor for QBBS I belive Section #6: Packers # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 STZIP20.TOS 125672 92-11-04 ST Zip 2.0.. 2 ARC.TTP 66325 92-11-04 A ARC packer.. 3 LHZ201M.TTP 31224 92-11-04 LHARC 2.01m.. 4 STUNARJ.TTP 15653 92-11-04 Unpacks .ARJ files.. 5 SHADOW.PRG 14200 92-11-04 A .MSA packer.. 6 ZOO.TTP 53888 92-11-04 Zoo packer.. 7 STZIP21.ZIP 93126 93-02-15 ST Zip 2.1 8 ATOM_F35.PRG 10610 93-06-06 atomic 3.5 for falcon.. 9 MSA_23.TOS 25600 93-06-21 Magic Shadow II V2.3 10 LHA_22.ZIP 118875 93-06-21 LHA 2.20 11 STZIP2_2.ZIP 119285 93-07-07 STZIP V 2.2 12 JAMPACK4.LZH 39552 93-07-09 Jampacker v4. Section #7: Musics # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 XIAMENU1.LZH 49821 93-02-22 A chip music compil... Excellence in art 2 FIELDS.MOD 322882 93-02-22 The Fields Of Fire 3 BIG_ALEC.PRG 55424 93-02-22 A chip menu by Big Alec/DF 4 ICE_KOOL.LZH 95423 93-02-22 From one of ICE's demos 5 OCTALYSE.LZH 34217 93-02-22 Preview of a good tracker..  6 TCBREPLY.LZH 14132 93-02-22 Greenys TCB player for STE 7 JUL.LZH 90368 93-02-22 Module... 8 COMPLICA.LZH 47104 93-02-22 Module. 9 8LYSE080.LZH 404496 93-02-22 A newer and better version... (8 cannels 10 NOLIMITS.ZIP 223870 93-03-05 No Limit the module... 11 PAULA2_2.LZH 70400 93-03-05 Paula 2.2 - nice module player ST/STE 12 MOD.MOD 35248 93-03-13 A module... 13 WORKAHOL.MOD 262032 93-04-08 Whorkaholic / Qube of MoraNET 14 19.LZH 139193 93-04-11 Modul ... Nu r det krig i . 15 ANTHEM.MOD 73150 93-04-11 Modul .. Fin och lugn 16 ARLANDA.ARJ 80784 93-04-11 Hrlig musik.. 17 BACH.ARJ 20956 93-04-11 En av bach's ltar 18 DASBOOT1.ARJ 228928 93-04-11 Exakt som cDn 19 FINSKT.ARJ 202869 93-04-11 Lite finskt snack. 20 KURTINAC.ARJ 235420 93-04-11 Kurtan in action 21 LAND.ARJ 216631 93-04-11 Jag lska mitt Land. 22 SYNEBLIP.LZH 24714 93-04-17 Some chip musics by Scavenger of Synergy 23 EPSSATO2.ZIP 255259 93-04-22 EPSS Version 0.54 24 FINDHOME.LZH 112677 93-05-06 Latest module from Danko, back on Amiga! 25 PAMPOLIN.LZH 57082 93-05-07 15 minutes fresh Module from Tomas Danko 26 SIDNEY.LHA 34464 93-05-11 Latest module from Danko! 'Chip' a'like 27 PT_SRC.LZH 154624 93-05-20 50 kHz ProTracker v2.2 Replay Routine 28 RHYTHM.MOD 915216 93-05-22 Rhythm_Is_A_Dancer 29 NEMESIS.LZH 261287 93-05-28 The best synt module on this planet.. 30 MOPCBET1.LZH 358528 93-06-02 Master Of Puppets modules 1/3, Betrayer 31 MOPCBET2.LZH 339000 93-06-02 Master Of Puppets modules 2/3, Betrayer 32 MOPCBET3.LZH 401365 93-06-02 Master Of Puppets modules 3/3, Betrayer 33 TRK.PRG 42220 93-06-06 Ok. i just had to do tcb trk. for falcon 34 MHAPP.MOD 170772 93-06-06 njaa... 35 MOD.LZH 22013 93-06-15 Spelar upp TCB Moduler ... 36 ZZTOP.ARJ 41174 93-06-19 A song with ZZ Top 37 GRAB.LZH 22572 93-07-01 Good modul!! 38 FIXREPLA.PRG 281 93-07-03 ST replay on falcon!! 39 NO_MERCY.MOD 494270 93-07-11 No-Mercy / A good techno module! Section #8: Languages # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 TURBO_A.LZH 207263 93-03-02 Turbo Assembler. 1989.LZH 131929 2_TRONIC.LZH 161689 92TECHNO.MOD 236046 AAARRGH.LZH 81690 ABACAB.LZH 98580 ACC_SAN.LZH 131387 ACES.LZH 39133 ACIDBAT.LZH 26856 ACIDBAT.MOD 42804 ACID_OMB.LZH 47222 AFRICA.LZH 123119 AFTER-TH.LZH 38556 AGEOFTIM.LZH 62495 AGRESIV.LZH 57181 AIRTIGER.LZH 43203 AIRWOLF.LZH 54656 AIRWOLF2.LZH 29256 AIR_BUS.LZH 86024 AKINGIS.LZH 68711 ALF.LZH 57733 ALFRED.LZH 33960 ALIAN_ON.LZH 44141 ALICIA.LZH 47498 ALLT.LZH 23744 ALPHAVIL.LZH 56767 AMAZE.LZH 36057 AMAZE.MOD 52128 AMEGAS.LZH 46057 AMIHASS.MOD 193202 AMPLITUD.LZH 101069 ANARCHY2.LZH 74026 ANARCHY2.MOD 115114 ANDSOON.LZH 58534 ANGELDUZ.LZH 49352 ANIMAL6.LZH 219913 ANTH.LZH 58403 ANTI.LZH 36086 APELSIN.LZH 21718 APOLOGYZ.LZH 52953 ARCANOID.LZH 90884 ARCTIC.LZH 29549 ARE_YOU.LZH 55091 ART.LZH 90343 ASPHYXIA.LZH 90075 ATM.LZH 169088 ATMOSFER.LZH 65895 ATMOSP.LZH 72812 ATOMIC.LZH 65322 AUDIOKRA.LZH 100140 AUDIOKRA.MOD 165700 AURORA.LZH 80032 AUTUMN.LZH 55780 AWEGOVER.LZH 42524 AWESOME1.LZH 57983 AWESOME2.LZH 36929 AWESOME3.LZH 37182 AWESOME4.LZH 13804 AWESOME5.LZH 52779 AXELF.LZH 54163 AXK15.LZH 51078 AXXKOLD.LZH 74663 BA1.LZH 79919 BACHMIX.LZH 18518 BAKER.LZH 46987 BALLJAM.LZH 34353 BANANAS.LZH 66302 BANDIT.LZH 32174 BARBRIAN.LZH 46718 BARN.LZH 143675 BATJAM3.LZH 68226 BATMAN.LZH 39897 BATTERY.LZH 87297 BAZHM.LZH 40448 BB.LZH 233899 BEAST_2.LZH 52990 BEAT.LZH 109274 BEATBOX2.LZH 46546 BEGINMUS.LZH 21778 BEHOLDER.LZH 99325 BENNYH.LZH 74888 BETA.LZH 78808 BEYOND.LZH 69381c BIBOY.LZH 36617 BLACKHOL.LZH 41219 BLACKMOR.LZH 101396 BLADE.LZH 54099 BLITZKRG.LZH 66875 BLUE.LZH 117262 BLUEB.LZH 44186 BLUEMOND.LZH 57542 BLUES.LZH 67000 BLUES1.LZH 39584 BLUES2.LZH 38188 BLUES3.LZH 38432 BLUES4.LZH 41692 BLUESONG.LZH 52875 BOMBBASS.LZH 124484 BOND.LZH 64259 BONITA.LZH 24495 BOOTER.LZH 20559 BOOTUP.LZH 47946 BRA.LZH 52702 BRASSY.LZH 88095 BRIANS.LZH 60195 BRIDGE.LZH 103441 BTTROOTS.LZH 82819 BUSHMAN.LZH 45398 BYTEG.LZH 42227 C64.LZH 29029 CABAL.LZH 55313 CAMBODIA.LZH 51309 CANDY.LZH 109073 CANIRIUM.LZH 109829 CANTBREA.LZH 36784 CASTLE_M.LZH 41361 CATCHME.LZH 102755 CELTIC2.LZH 36461 CGE.LZH 82525 CH42.LZH 71388 CHANT.LZH 64766 CHECKED.LZH 58588 CHICAGO.LZH 51404 CLASSICA.LZH 1087`+*O.|+*m - ЭЭ# // ??<JNA a?</9 ?<1NAB?< NA# ?<"NNT# ?<?<NNX# &y <A QK# &y '|V'|` '|j'|t'|~'| +|z/<4/</<4?<NN# $I j#L C G pa <a j#L CG a <a j#L CG (ar <a\C 0 y ar y ah y a^ R# aR#( !(N/9 ?< NANu&hL"QNuH <+6QL 'ILNuGf"˷fNu"o4B Bg BcDT/IH Bg Bg$y NC `N`NL8Ns"y N y (mg0-g&J(nf(o(qf$y 2*N y N3 C)gBf 3 $y 3 $y O $y N9 fNu y ($f(Og 9 f3 By Nu9 g8(Of,Jy g"3 By 0<8H@09 gfx$y 2*09 @gp&j 3H@@ gm: pn2Jy g(@gA 449 0B3 `DBy (OB f. g fJy fg Jy ga`ng*CBgC 4 34H@@1749 kR3 63C R8< 1@WC >"q 0JDk1@ g7Nu 37aH63CB@ g* ^g `g g ~fX@X@X@X@3 a4Nu$y 2*XAjerjg&j'5A2*Nu$y 2*YAj2*YA5ANu$y `&$y `$y `$y `$y 3 N3 `3 `HI K $ T"Ua0<8<a l"ma0<8<a l"mal0<8<a 9 "< paT y !| P!| 4T!| XJy g!|4P!|T!|4X y LpNu " G 0$[g $f$`Nu$| &| Jy g&J?BC gpS@al0,4BCS@aZB gRG`0B:E HSD 0 /*10ʁ Gg#0*QL0`0NuB0@ @gKCNu1234567890+ qwertyuiop asdfghjkl'\zxcvbnm,.- -+ <()/*7894561230. !"#$%&/()=? 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CONV2FZTDOC w FZDSXFERDOC hFZDSTERMDOC sgDQFZDSXFERTXT ~f!FZDS_JS TXT #iv| HH_AD DOC LISTN_1 TXT U1GPRINT ME yg READ ME yg,REGISTERDOC |gTXYZ201 DOC wMOD_864 TXT `TB 0 CLEARNIG.LZH 32919 CLOCK12.LZH 17971 COLORIS.LZH 70522 COM.LZH 110974 COMANDR.MOD 67076 COMPATIL.LZH 64326 COMPLICA.LZH 44200 CONCERT.LZH 39147 CONSUM.LZH 55979 CONTEX.LZH 85229 CON_77.LZH 122055 COOKING.LZH 235485 COOLBALL.LZH 47475 COOLBEAT.LZH 143665 COOLERS.LZH 55274 COOLS.LZH 29917 COPPER.LZH 40864 COUNTDWN.LZH 52896 CREAM.LZH 138368 CREEPY.LZH 62242 CREMONA.LZH 63078 CROCK.LZH 51645 CROCKETT.LZH 82288 CROW.LZH 31213 CRUS.LZH 20764 CRUSHING.LZH 108353 CRYSTAL.LZH 49520 CUT.LZH 250424 DAISY.LZH 147088 DAMAGE.LZH 56038 DANCBEAT.LZH 330260 DANCE.LZH 49155 DANCER.LZH 653718 DANCER.MOD 858112 DANGER.LZH 48115 DANKEN2.LZH 97859 DARK.LZH 142532 DASBOOT.LZH 226818 DASDRIVE.LZH 117418 DAY_D.LZH 176723 DB.LZH 58431 DBL-MIX.LZH 78544 DDM2.LZH 28921 DEA.LZH 48366 DEATHLAN.LZH 47709 DEATHM.LZH 54996 DEFENDER.LZH 65338 DEFJAM.LZH 46557 DEFROST.LZH 56861 DELTA.LZH 43110 DEMONS.LZH 78002 DEPECHE.LZH 55235 DF09.LZH 14632 DFORCE_1.LZH 37127 DIEAGAIN.LZH 307246 DIGIEXPR.LZH 118413 DIG_THIS.LZH 48825 DINGDUM.LZH 32935 DIRT.LZH 67801 DISASTER.LZH 37040 DISCIPLE.LZH 105991 DISCO.LZH 27739 DISCO2.LZH 39573 DISCOB.LZH 79464 DISKMASK.LZH 50883 DJUNGEL.LZH 191277 DJUPT.LZH 138673 DNA.LZH 59706 DNS.LZH 60572 DOC.LZH 66730 DODOMIX.LZH 30343 DONT.LZH 21520 DOSONG.LZH 7028 DO_IT.LZH 135046 DRAGLAIR.LZH 85599 DRAGNET.LZH 69199 DRAGON.LZH 118257 DREAMLND.LZH 41053 DT_DMSND.LZH 51679 DUMODUL.LZH 47803 DURANDUR.LZH 189230 DYLA.LZH 47183 D_DREAD1.LZH 72386 D_DREAD2.LZH 10869 D_STAR.LZH 32602 EAGLE.LZH 96204 EASY.LZH 53432 ECHOING.LZH 30251 EDGE.LZH 38296 EDGE.MOD 60560 EG.LZH 48180 EGGSTERM.LZH 22526 EINS.LZH 33839 ELECTRIC.LZH 150758 ELECTRIK.LZH 40522 ELECTRO.LZH 49217 ELIMINAT.LZH 45203 EMERGE.LZH 60072 EMPSPACE.LZH 20066 EN.LZH 121057 END.LZH 90906 END.MOD 120492 ENEMIES.LZH 46277 ENIGMA.LZH 84040 EPSILON.LZH 66616 EQOXE5.LZH 55153 EQUIN.LZH 55038 ERASURE.LZH 39852 ERECTION.LZH 48743 ERMING.LZH 13817 EVERYBOD.LZH 179565 EX-LADY.LZH 41483 EXPRESS.LZH 105250 EXTAZY.LZH 85861 EYETIGER.LZH 32883 FAIRLIGH.LZH 32821 FALCON.LZH 41933 FANFARE.LZH 115914 FANTASY.LZH 60424 FASTER.LZH 54322 FAXEMEGA.LZH 86365 FEEL_IT.LZH 52666 FIGHT.LZH 109116 FINDAIL.LZH 66534 FIRE.LZH 66171 FIRE.MOD 94636 FIREBALL.LZH 48127 FLETCH.LZH 39249 FLIGHT.LZH 56452 FLOPCORN.LZH 59389 FLYING_H.LZH 81364 FOG-TIME.LZH 99933 FR-FEED.LZH 94993 FRACTURE.LZH 106761 FREAKED.LZH 31211 FREEDOM.LZH 141684 FRIDAY.LZH 33538 FROGG.LZH 75170 FRONTLIN.LZH 10859 FUCKSONG.LZH 32128 FULA.LZH 36113 FUNKEY2.LZH 51572 FUNKY.LZH 64717 FUNY.LZH 20880 FUSION.LZH 31589 FUSION.MOD 62390 FUTURE.LZH 40617 FUTURE.MOD 71260 GACASE.LZH 49759 GALAXY.LZH 131132 GALAXY_2.LZH 99897 GAME.LZH 46460 GAMEMUSC.LZH 102816 GAMEOVER.LZH 25996 GAMESOU.LZH 37686 GASOLINE.LZH 56894 GAUNTLET.LZH 82914 GENESIS.LZH 64769 GETUP.LZH 92441 GET_UP2.LZH 235279 GHOSTIE2.LZH 95548 GIM.LZH 43294 GLUET.LZH 78113 GN.LZH 36819 GNOS.LZH 55783 GODMUSIC.LZH 205684 GOINGS.LZH 42731 GOIRLE.LZH 69128 GOLDBERR.LZH 123406 GOLDHART.LZH 78251 GOLDROAD.LZH 74883 GONADS.LZH 3612 GOODTIME.LZH 48755 GOTYA.LZH 61797 GRAB.LZH 22572 GRAVITY.LZH 62261 GREAT.LZH 113448 GREEN.LZH 93863 GREIER.LZH 41948 GROOVE.LZH 128924 GRYTLOCK.LZH 61381 GSISTERS.MOD 93786 GSISTERS.TOS 65138 GSMURF.LZH 77655 GUITAR.LZH 57006 GUMMI.LZH 100624 GURKMIX.LZH 45124 GYTTJA.LZH 67286 HALLU.LZH 84077 HAMMER.LZH 49515 HANSSON.LZH 61259 HARD-ROC.LZH 48986 HARDCORE.LZH 167768 HARDDRIV.LZH 29977 HARLEYD.LZH 70269 HEAVEN.LZH 26567 HEAVY.LZH 45809 HEAVYBUT.LZH 45322 HEAVYLIN.LZH 104373 HELLO.LZH 24003 HEM.LZH 58842 HERDE.LZH 19557 HEROIN.LZH 258674 HIGH.LZH 137270 HIGHTOP.LZH 57286 HIPMIX.LZH 37794 HIPPO.LZH 53189 HITSQUAD.LZH 41548 HOAXERS.LZH 44585 HOBBYSL.LZH 59546 HOENS.LZH 41744 HORIZ36.LZH 55532 HORIZ36.MOD 78446 HORROR.LZH 81635 HORSE.LZH 37700 HOT4.LZH 29486 HOTBLOOD.LZH 59716 HOWDEEP.LZH 21473 HUBBARD.LZH 97312 HURICANE.LZH 41846 HYMN1.LZH 77617 HYMNE.LZH 54922 HYPEBASE.LZH 128858 HYPNOMAN.LZH 52341 HYSTER.LZH 107816 ICARUS.LZH 129423 IDEA.LZH 65294 ILLA.LZH 11586 ILLUSION.LZH 27434 IMPACT.LZH 62540 IMPACT7.LZH 64982 INCATUNE.LZH 19680 INCONVEX.LZH 169984 IND.LZH 54343 INGAME.LZH 21621 INITIAL.LZH 51173 INTERM.LZH 17052 INTOBATT.LZH 34972 INTRO.LZH 36907 INTRO_ST.LZH 15746 INVASION.LZH 35563 IPEC.LZH 16286 IRIDIUM.LZH 250340 IRIDIUM.MOD 339236 ISAWHER.LZH 29885 ITALIAN.LZH 104715 ITSALRIG.LZH 94913 ITSASIN.LZH 57151 ITS_ACID.LZH 26492 I_LOVE_P.LZH 64062 I_WANNA.LZH 35409 JAMES_B.LZH 42562 JAPAN.LZH 55205 JAPAN10.LZH 32711 JAPROCK.LZH 35807 JARRE.LZH 76950 JASON.LZH 67904 JAZZ.LZH 39900 JAZZE.LZH 44885 JAZZID.LZH 48913 JIMI.MOD 256652 JINGLE1.LZH 25004 JINGLE2.LZH 26494 JINGLE3.LZH 15450 JINGLE4.LZH 12849 JINGLE5.LZH 14492 JINGLE6.LZH 26079 JINGLE7.LZH 15972 JINGLE8.LZH 21958 JM_JARRE.LZH 54131 JOMFRUEN.LZH 68139 JOURNAL.LZH 61237 JUMPJACK.LZH 100063 JUS.LZH 73099 KAKAFONI.LZH 13080 KAOS.LZH 109112 KEEPBUST.LZH 122627 KEFRNS1.LZH 78652 KEOTUNE.LZH 62221 KEXTASY.LZH 24765 KILLER.LZH 89561 KILLTIME.LZH 44350 KIRK.LZH 240477 KIRK.MOD 300544 KJELL.LZH 155617 KLISJE.LZH 122493 KOHINOOR.LZH 33617 KOL_DOL.LZH 63167 KRAMP.LZH 49719 KTULHU.LZH 121385 KURTBLUE.LZH 184424 KURTINAC.LZH 233149 LA-NIGHT.LZH 42532 LABYRINT.LZH 88768 LAMBADA.LZH 32391 LAME.LZH 122270 LAMPATA.LZH 22906 LANDS.LZH 23427 LARS.LZH 73060 LARS_II.LZH 154326 LARS_II.MOD 193394 LASTALIE.LZH 41836 LASTNINJ.LZH 52845 LASTSUN.LZH 76720 LAWBREAK.LZH 24728 LDNFLIGH.LZH 142304 LE-GRIND.LZH 62695 LEGEND.LZH 35339 LETPARTY.LZH 55324 LETS.LZH 58079 LEVEBRAI.LZH 41901 LEVEL16.LZH 22101 LILIBAD.LZH 82545 LISTA.LZH 376233 LIVING.LZH 61849 LIVINGSP.LZH 161123 LOADER2.LZH 33311 LONELY.LZH 36861 LOSTPATR.LZH 26446 LOV.LZH 31935 LOVEFANT.LZH 55630 LOVEHARD.LZH 11395 LREMIX.LZH 29947 LUNAWAVE.LZH 92942 LURIG_I_.LZH 77368 MACITOSH.LZH 27716 MADNESS.LZH 32056 MADNESS2.LZH 73493 MADONNA.LZH 110896 MAGIC.LZH 70658 MAGICTUB.LZH 71287 MAGICWAN.LZH 51728 MAGNETIC.LZH 31163 MAGNUM.LZH 213128 MAHALUUN.LZH 28358 MARGURI.LZH 23691 MARLBORO.LZH 51657 MASKURAD.LZH 55944 MASS.LZH 60291 MASTER.LZH 27456 MATTERTR.LZH 47320 MAX-MIX4.LZH 151316 MAXAMIZZ.LZH 42141 MAXS.LZH 26292 MCHAMMER.LZH 103862 MEDUZA.LZH 323065 MEGA.LZH 79861 MEGA91.LZH 52328 M^EGADEMO.LZH 69473 MEGATRON.LZH 108962 MEGAWAST.LZH 147429 MEGAWAST.MOD 220286 MEM.LZH 92088 MENU.LZH 16537 METAL.LZH 70399 METALBUG.LZH 66061 MEXICO.LZH 24506 MEZZO.LZH 174052 MFC1.LZH 55036 MFC2.LZH 71382 MINDS.LZH 20672 MIRKWOOD.LZH 52692 MISSFRT.LZH 96107 MISSING.LZH 55825 MISSION.LZH 35002 MISTRAL.LZH 67632 MIX.LZH 286609 MIX2.LZH 97792 MIX90.LZH 73761 MMAGIC.LZH 71285 MOD.LZH 35254 MONPOLI.LZH 148381 MONTY.LZH 62076 MOON.LZH 27833 MOSKVA.LZH 23788 MOTOR.LZH 97730 MURPHY.LZH 27789 MUSHROOM.LZH 84970 MUSIK.LZH 136073 MUSIX1.LZH 86081 MUSTANG.LZH 52840 MUZAK.LZH 28433 MUZIQUS.LZH 31267 MYDAY.LZH 56252 MYLIFE.LZH 66733 MYMUSAK.LZH 24406 MYSTIC.LZH 42741 MY_SONG2.LZH 62258 NAJ.LZH 65310 NASSEMIX.LZH 227565 NATIVE.LZH 72467 NEBOLOS.LZH 66107 NEGER.LZH 166927 NEMESIS.LZH 261287 NEP_MIX.LZH 111507 NEVEREND.LZH 71665 NEW.LZH 70458 NEW1.LZH 55329 NEWER2.LZH 61750 NEWKISS.LZH 128016 NICEBEAT.LZH 42853 NIGHT.LZH 58357 NIGTFALL.LZH 70824 NIRVANA.LZH 50839 NISSEN.LZH 29251 NITZER.LZH 24284 NOONE-H.LZH 54350 NORTHSTA.LZH 67705 NOT.LZH 49637 NOTEND.LZH 17799 NOVA.LZH 56332 NOVA.MOD 79766 NOWWHAT.LZH 68054 NOWWHAT3.MOD 198 NSBEAT.LZH 50784 NSTAR.LZH 76015 OA.LZH 32464 OBSCENE.LZH 75855 ODE.LZH 35819 ODETOMON.MOD 51976 ODYSSEY1.LZH 103729 ODYSSEY2.LZH 83053 ODYSSEY3.LZH 96009 ODYSSEY4.LZH 85059 ODYSSEY5.LZH 104589 ODYSSEY6.LZH 184511 OH.LZH 43356 OKEY.LZH 27375 OLDTINS.LZH 45055 ONEWAY.LZH 32383 ONLINE.LZH 293182 ONLY_YOU.LZH 39474 OPERATE.LZH 43204 ORION.LZH 65427 OSARDO.LZH 26911 OST.LZH 50496 OUTCOLD.LZH 86801 OUTRUN.LZH 26613 OVERLOAD.LZH 135864 OXYGENE.LZH 90283 OXYGENE2.LZH 41655 PAFF2.LZH 83672 PAN.MOD 252800 PAPERMIX.LZH 86634 PAR.LZH 68131 PARADOX.LZH 44393 PARADOX1.LZH 26632 PARTY.LZH 30869 PARTYTIM.LZH 91007 PATROL.LZH 30378 PAT_MIX.LZH 53060 PENTAMIX.LZH 143274 PERFECT.LZH 47239 PERHAPS2.LZH 12953 PETAMIX.LZH 143273 PETSHOP.LZH 6 PHANTAS.LZH 89755 PHANTOM.LZH 63729 PHIL2.LZH 112927 PHOTO.LZH 31375 PIA.LZH 9517 PIANO.LZH 8972 PLAYTIME.LZH 27391 PLEACE.LZH 44426 PLEASURE.LZH 57472 POLARCHA.LZH 76173 POPCORN.LZH 54462 POPCORN3.LZH 88628 PORTABLE.LZH 24366 POSEIDON.LZH 85318 PRETEND.LZH 15715 PRIESTS.LZH 131693 PRIME'90.LZH 44803 PROJECT5.LZH 30140 PSIOINIC.MOD 175086 PSIONIC.LZH 88924 PSY_HIS.LZH 116768 PULSSTAR.LZH 92185 PUMPUP.LZH 112153 PUNK.LZH 19585 PUSH.LZH 72898 PUSH2.LZH 38368 PUSHIT.LZH 51654 P_MONGER.LZH 51300 QMI.LZH 39861 QMIX.LZH 39862 QRB.LZH 63219 RAG.LZH 103039 RAG2.LZH 114911 RAINY.LZH 64716 RALLEY.LZH 55688 RALLYMA.LZH 55675 RALLYSHO.LZH 51528 RAP.LZH 115572 RAVEN.MOD 40924 RAVE_PAR.MOD 153140 REALY.LZH 29332 RECOIL.LZH 69079 REMIXED.LZH 56284 RENDEZ4.LZH 38737 RENDEZIV.LZH 27858 RES.MOD 191488 RESPECT.LZH 37162 REV.LZH 32795 RHYTHM.LZH 141991 RIGHT.LZH 62059 RIPPED.LZH 54237 RIPPLED.LZH 65067 ROBERT.LZH 18383 ROCKET2.LZH 62558 ROCKNPEB.LZH 43181 ROLIGAN.LZH 58750 ROLLING.LZH 43452 ROLL_OUT.LZH 58908 RONKEN.LZH 30047 ROOMS.LZH 18990 ROSSA.LZH 52413 ROUND.LZH 34029 ROUNDONE.LZH 54306 RRABBIT.LZH 47779 RS-TWIST.LZH 41715 RSI-HARD.LZH 73826 RSI1.LZH 27578 RSI2.LZH 70101 RSIRISE.LZH 154946 RSI_TECH.MOD 73856 RUNAWAY.LZH 30424 RUNGTLET.LZH 82933 RUNNING.LZH 77369 RUSTIG01.LZH 34667 RVB_DEMO.LZH 75639 RYTHM.LZH 58445 S30THEME.LZH 55898 SAD.LZH 53413 SADDAM.LZH 185303 SAD_TRUE.LZH 80712 SANDMAN.LZH 53235 SARCO.LZH 50378 SARCOPHA.LZH 50379 SAURON.LZH 104085 SAYSAY.LZH 25562 SCOOPEX.LZH 131387 SCORPION.LZH 69821 SCRAMBLE.LZH 98820 SCRAMBLE.MOD 163738 SCRIM.LZH 92842 SECTOR.LZH 150754 SELF.LZH 59988 SERIAL.LZH 34827 SEXPRESS.LZH 42220 SHARDIK.LZH 57728 SHINING.LZH 50108 SHIT.LZH 129141 SHORTPUS.LZH 31553 SHOW_EM.LZH 38199 SI.LZH 55647 SILVERLI.LZH 67610 SISTLJUV.LZH 68290 SKIMMER.LZH 144971 SKRAMMEL.LZH 23536 SKYBACK.LZH 46300 SLAGET.LZH 32349 SLEMCLAS.LZH 163781 SLEMCLAS.MOD 238076 SLIBHOUS.LZH 94020 SLIDE.LZH 51071 SMARTMAN.LZH 67721 SMOKE.LZH 53205 SMOTCRIM.LZH 49904 SMSWEINA.LZH 68313 SNOBLIND.LZH 38847 SNOWBLIN.LZH 38847 SNUGGLE.LZH 69133 SNYTEN.LZH 57854 SOMMAREN.LZH 29378 SON.LZH 40779 SONG.LZH 50815 SOR.LZH 33553 SOUND_OF.LZH 89323 SPA.LZH 261535 SPACBALL.LZH 15814 SPACE.LZH 72867 SPACESNG.LZH 62513 SPACEWLK.LZH 115325 SPAGGE.LZH 78813 SPECTRE.LZH 83412 SPEED.LZH 30259 SPEEDY.LZH 57008 SPELLGRE.LZH 92005 SPHERE.LZH 91403 SPITMID.LZH 20937 SPOKEY.LZH 90033 SPREAD.LZH 8851 SPREAD1.LZH 72304 STAGE.LZH 59708 STATIC.LZH 68928 STAYPUFF.LZH 68187 STEAMROL.LZH 74755 STOP_EM.LZH 42949 STOP_EM.MOD 79652 STRANGE.LZH 26760 STRESS.LZH 56086 STRIPPED.LZH 53366 STURMHOE.LZH 61212 STYLE.LZH 44110 SUBSCOPE.LZH 45081 SUBURBIA.LZH 32878 SUPER.LZH 3096 SVAPPA.LZH 47754 SVERJES.LZH 22629 SVERJES2.LZH 58407 SWIRLING.LZH 40058 SYMF2010.LZH 35945 SYNC01.LZH 30249 SYNCOPE.LZH 22496 SYNTCOMP.LZH 59147 T.LZH 66859 T0RRFISK.LZH 77512 TALISMAN.LZH 52819 TAND_DAS.LZH 102266 TARKUS05.LZH 47008 TARZAN.LZH 50864 TEARDR.LZH 35791 TECH-ROC.LZH 10621 TECHNO.LZH 19682 TECHNO2.LZH 19538 TECHNO2.MOD 131216 TECHNO3.LZH 96008 TECHNOBU.LZH 144148 TECHNOMA.LZH 126937 TECHNO_P.MOD 15572 TECHNO_S.MOD 65570 TECNOC.LZH 58713 TELEPHON.LZH 67228 TELEVINK.LZH 187639 TENNIS.LZH 42476 TENSTAHI.LZH 14573 TERMINAT.LZH 57335 TERMINAT.MOD 95934 TERROR.LZH 127480 TEST.LZH 31133 TESTDR.LZH 38326 TETRIS.LZH 35139 THE5TH.LZH 11618 THEMODEL.LZH 50681 THESMOPH.LZH 68583 THESMOPH.MOD 118231 THE_FINA.LZH 141940 THE_HUNT.LZH 79376 THE_LOOK.LZH 60332 THE_ROSE.LZH 32928 THRTHEME.LZH 32861 THUNDER.LZH 32434 THUNDER1.LZH 46265 TIED_UP.LZH 111782 TIGER.LZH 124820 TIME.LZH 32497 TIMEDAG.LZH 53987 TIP.LZH 17225 TMAQUINA.LZH 91590 TOBE.LZH 31690 TOCCATA.LZH 56209 TOGETHER.LZH 63869 TOMTE.LZH 139196 TOOFAROU.LZH 99726 TOUCH_ME.LZH 142435 TOXOPLAS.LZH 30209 TRASH.LZH 55472 TRE.LZH 109068 TRIGGER.LZH 135048 TRITAX.LZH 71939 TROLLEY.LZH 23468 TSF.LZH 78815 TSFSOUND.LZH 60687 TSPEL.LZH 31726 TUBES.LZH 71284 TUNE2.LZH 38779 TUNEV1.LZH 22376 TURRICN2.LZH 74940 TURT.LZH 43797 TWILIGHT.LZH 47416 TWINPEAK.LZH 45889 U96.MOD 351546 U96_REM.LZH 256442 UNION1.LZH 36916 UNITARE.LZH 36297 UP'DOWN.LZH 94858 V42.LZH 29758 VA_FAN.LZH 87952 VELOMATR.LZH 93363 VELOMATR.MOD 167970 VEM.LZH 86696 VENUS.LZH 64407 VET_INTE.LZH 61881 VF.LZH 66957 VICTOR.LZH 66947 VINGAR.LZH 83862 VIOLENT.LZH 6227 VISION.LZH 101093 VISITORS.LZH 86658 VISTSI.LZH 66624 VORTEX.LZH 68125 VOYAGER.LZH 45016 WAHO.LZH 79942 WARM_ST.LZH 58770 WASTE.LZH 75333 WASTELND.LZH 89766 WAT.LZH 25167 WATER.LZH 41065 WATERFAL.LZH 21370 WAY_ONE.LZH 13302 WCOPPER4.LZH 39723 WEEKBLOD.LZH 70792 WEIRDAY.LZH 68964 WETDREAM.LZH 21759 WHEEL.LZH 39564 WHEELS.LZH 159338 WHEN_I.LZH 15063 WHOKNOWS.LZH 71915 WIERD.LZH 49433 WILDTHIN.LZH 125814 WIN.LZH 21557 WINTER.LZH 24998 WIZZBO.LZH 71976 WOLF_MON.LZH 119975 WORKAHOL.LZH 197520 WORKAHOL.MOD 262032 WORKINNG.LZH 42735 WOTROCK.LZH 34093 X2_REMIX.LZH 113206 XETION.LZH 57822 XKLIBUR.LZH 135535 XMAS.LZH 54212 XOR.LZH 34370 XRAY.LZH 35257 XTEC.MOD 86600 YAZZIR.LZH 43718 YELLO.LZH 93548 YOUNG.LZH 16944 ZIN_8_M.LZH 60662 ZOOLRAVE.MOD 60002 š)*W,!̡MJL2 E$Xy,-l!قz+isR df4h{SL"0odMb%h,1)`I$"Еۋk*RX+/LX}v erSAQs2@*c:R8TQZ0$NarQ!U2v2Q2E1$ZHݚbH 1CZKJLV^mZPb 9DL^&"l&ѝQjۢRn(iβbA!UpPKdd% X# h.`2", 9MBvQJZ5-$fQbws0iN JM $X=lS^. (($ _ !) c{!XLf#q2|+d;|9`Qv7VIآYg%}.!z:2B=9‘w._@/aR8UbQp@e_Q*?aaT9NEF%ae/&yU~e4^JtQ>z`U½!:?rE4s}e{#+2eUSS5Y'g[eRd4ЊnigQѮ֋jeN/WH0\ðXx` YxN`vK]ac <|KêdId/FSC|v=&@d]͕w1?)|U^җG%CKQhV|/!CK)C6JN(ޖZjBY~WFXn2aFAJhe9R=y\, X|w^9X~N2*eUa௉c0P ዾ!_\ "RQv jOTjaba STOSsar! Detta r mighty Crille Bygdestam aka Shamen of the Cyberpunks coola sida! Nu r det sommar (somnar??/Attle) och jag tar det lungt... sitter ute i solen och vilar i min solstol. eller??? vnta ett slag... spola tillbaka bandet och kr det en gng till... (varfr inte tv ggr??/Attle) Solen skiner inte alls... bara moln, vattnet r fr kallt fr att bada i, Stockholm Water Festival mste byta namn till Stockholm 'Flytande kvve' Festival varvid ankraset kan bara genomfras om isbrytaren Oden frst bryter upp isen i Strmmen... (kanske hjlper om du harklar dig??/Attle) Sommar, sommar, sommar. Redaktrn sade till mig att jag bara hade en halvsida denna gng... och min stjrnscroll tog upp mycket mer n det, s denna gng tar jag och frklarar hur man gr snabba sprajtar! Men frst detta frn vra sponsorer! Nya 'Igloomatic 2000', allt du behver fr att sjlv stta upp en egen igloo p kampingplatsen. ('Igloomatic 2000' r ett registrerat varumrke frn Ice Inc.) OchLH 0Hlďw3b T#k+Wa'cj,`ҧv)/A>WЭv_$»E's=援!rK7lI V8enGʓ`]ԁRkLiÐ6dQNgrx~ @vBy@!@p-8~Cٓ*toOk /i/g9`X1'(`*XV.vGC IVI+fFr,dwZ?6K[G-Ëz 420W+Zh߭N"Q`v;p9`<v0 $vU6ZEevW 'w=.mo |xڲ?4rQujg완mM;=*{ur48emwu + Bf~0o6 x#kcڟoimc' {3!^[ǵQ~7v,tk{2 (dT }ԁwtzӬT eiմ Ŀq )s~i6gjˁ~lU8vp]o˦غ*p+o{ wgyQ-mݘwAn]ƅ }_lŴ'3-_njPg~egYg!oZQ=Š3G.Ȟ,q}џg|/~ 6d,fHͰͺ`˸ ߭߶2y#<2e iٖWq'(#x-Cwb|ƦS1Pzm8M?jzY"M>fBAllc#%md}t-{܌zӻBat(&"E4ŏ:LEdV?ROj4:KmV4sO٬y(ŬOڬ~1J?lĉ&X(hli ”R~ x޸q$j=P=cؙXu|eyd}gq>c`d,x:Xo1?;+;^cNP Rdykޘd{^POYA{U?Mo/X$[c@y ^$HjGƚ> GTf97~֣]⒴[aYjة=T~g)HXqu9W?vS{Cy {hڛ?TD9Zc\~:g{#ǼW*ξMU08KXEcuvhfQ[+#(ȳ"LfUy{ 0,rno -_ꇠl>AݹAVSSjrPAL&Dy$- ӲXLpXj^`A_hN* f#η8Cc&52z h|R )s>qYUeg8xK%K 2}}"ɍh( 6\nL~?p ʟsޚ%2I?GYVN5TsO 9AtKߌGC>֗7%rޒ'01DL F1#j#b %6%X5R ӳ=YulD4 8ʇ*b"L0¿_ܬJ1&`FzRz"yc 203_314.LST̽rȶ(8Wa'b[ $X|IoN"l>{pjr'{ wXx$(5]l\2sz#o7K//ooP8YȀ@fm% (; J@^Wt W?-,(Y8/%Cݯ,C0GU1*M\WscH,feRB|]~p&E=lt %E*ht)(Q6J -0A-8!~;Jnh=E*(ifESs73z+|fP8{fCٛX5,+eњs]ОbW gS 7X )!M_Y8blZux4SJC4Mo.K$_Yۨy ڝ Eg4p_?p>^4?8S,,JJM҂OyEž;>Ew}&_ ؄nz`>Ц+:ܟE&lW:vUADJ(ѺJO~ՌQޥDIe{og$~E)ˣр=m^/VLVv ,A;j0ЈˤUm@`9os(;a6(3'(sq< ɱ6gƊ=_7?;NJHȻPB4 !)F I!ZGm %0H7Ѣ_?ɰ2,o!a[0k >i/cTW+?}îAT<ө?,"]k`P<|OUla\l:oh]T5bAJݲea΢daсȰwRS5p$yЬIh9 hyo&cp|4tO}}mC`|WDl}莧UcMW^Da"-H_Wp>>rp:) ݣEr.u(u]' LMr^ C(EKFHt&On9AX(f. 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Q*YUEF+DiJI(S#G☛ͧp:_'Ҕ`D5LULf֋ xNjeSvX%o&aA.^znnEACk>7(9yhBJURy#,_VXPE;@|KRg'#Ҿ}8c5ϛh _ gO]$c/ =oC{0wn¡Dm@Ӹ3Ff+6OlϜBb%86-"x:fS:6Uy7IUsR8pL ^~'j|;sJ.$Ԥ%)1e.%nLyTOH6eVԖO`uQ/`I_[һSPh=\zeVO> ]'8GTd9~2 Yq *LLzù+ u͠f/-Wi낇/ez#O3md!&|@i Mk0fk]TAn|g"xbqQ!㣷W藮KR0Uuf ow|4 h(Pv "G4* RATSoft/ST File List Generator (c)1993 R0dent Labs Software === File Listing for For the demolovers! === List Created on 07/16/1993 at 19:56:52 Conference: International Atari ST/STE/TT/FALCON Section #1: Utilitys # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 2 ASAST20.LZH 33024 92-11-04 A startup selector.. (.ACC, PRG etc.) 5 QRT.LZH 79616 92-11-04 Raytracing program.. 7 STREP837.LZH 65634 92-11-04 ST Report... 8 HARDWOOD.SPU 51200 92-11-04 A raytraced picture.. 14 FALC_TEC.TXT 9472 92-11-04 Some info about the Falcon 15 A_4000.TXT 6912 92-11-04 Some info about the Amiga 4000. 16 DSP.LZH 2406 92-11-04 Some info about the DSP chip.. 19 PFXAFX_C.LZH 19200 92-11-08 AFX/PFX packer/unpacker. 20 XCTRL10S.LZH 73235 92-11-08 Xcontrol 1.0 Swedish version. 21 XCTRL11G.LZH 70856 92-11-08 Xcontrol 1.1 German version 23 SERFIX11.LZH 8064 92-11-08 Serial Fix 1.1. Best RTS/CTS fixer. 24 A_1200.DOC 8704 92-11-18 Info on the Amiga 1200. 25 DSPASM.LZH 42880 92-11-18 Wow! Info about the DSP asm language!!! 26 THEPARTY.INV 7168 92-11-20 Invitation to TheParty 2 in Denmark 27 BLATTE1.LZH 440442 92-11-24 Gillar du inte svartingar? Testa det h{r 28 DD3SOLVE.LZH 1127 92-12-20 Solution to Dragons Lair 3! 29 LISA.ARJ 161280 92-12-20 An sex story... 30 DEMOLIST.ZIP 2626 93-01-03 My Demolist.. 31 GAMETIPS.LZH 61291 93-01-03 Over 2000 Chets/tips for games 32 TECHMATE.LZH 42368 93-01-31 Ett scack med nedr{kning! 33 SERFX20.LZH 10880 93-02-06 Serialfixer version 2.0 34 TLCICON.ZIP 15954 86-02-27 Icon changer to TOS 2.06 and 3.06.. 35 CLUBDEMO.LZH 98688 93-03-08 Clud Dominoes demo version PD 36 DIV_SAKE.LZH 16873 93-03-14 Divrse Olagligheter i txt-fil 37 SEEPEE2.LZH 26752 93-03-21 A little wormgame in medrez..chekkitout! 38 ULTIPACK.LZH 15625 93-04-04 Packningsprg fr ARC, LH, ZIP, mm. 39 RAINBOW.LZH 24448 93-04-04 TOSfix till TOS 1.4 40 TOS_2_02.ARC 93228 93-04-09 Tos 2.02 .. bra att ha p Hdn eller DISK 41 KABOOM.PRG 250828 93-04-10 AN Cool strikes back with thizz !! 42 FFLS_HDD.SYS 3766 93-04-13 New hard-disk driver from Superior 43 X_AUTO.TOS 4687 93-04-22 Muspilen aktiverar autom. r{tt f|nster! 44 KRASKA.ZIP 41856 93-05-02 Fractal generator. 45 BUNDYHIS.LZH 33621 93-05-13 Covers all Byndy-episodes to season91/92 46 GRAPHICS.TXT 2914 93-05-15 DL this if you're coming to TCC ! 47 DCSHOWIT.LZH 5626 93-05-17 Displays pictures and docs from desktop. 48 3DFRMLER.LZH 531 93-05-17 Formulas for 3D-programming... 49 MCALC105.LZH 17293 93-05-28 Music-calculator 50 X_CHAIN.TOS 51170 93-05-30 Spel typ Tetris, mycket bra! 51 JANINE.LZH 17241 93-05-30 Omvandlar .PRG .TOS och .TTP till .ACC ! 52 X_VIEW.TOS 27276 93-05-30 Laddar och visar bilder. 53 DATANV13.LZH 96384 93-05-31 Diverse bruxanvisningar till STprogram! 54 ASSEMBLY.TXT 10821 93-06-11 Invitation .TXT to Assembly '93 party 55 HARDREGS.LZH 10215 93-06-18 Hardwareregs in all Ataris complete(?) 56 KBOOM030.PRG 232524 93-06-18 KABOOM for FALCON 030.. 57 STOP.TXT 6537 93-06-30 IMPORTANT ! Assembly '93 (ST) cancelled! 58 RAYOID.TOS 84352 93-07-01 Asteroids. Great! 59 HDINFO15.ZIP 16007 93-07-02 Hdinfo v1.5 60 HST_HACK.LZH 181060 93-07-05 How to rebuild 'yer HST modem to DUAL 61 X_AUTO2.TOS 4736 93-07-05 Just mark a window without clicking on i 63 TRUE.PRG 595 93-07-07 True color palette. 64 DESKICON.TOS 49828 93-07-12 100 new icons for tos 2.06 65 KAND142D.ZIP 245855 93-07-07 Kandian 1.42d...A nice art program Section #2: Intros # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 DENTRO.PRG 107446 92-11-04 A nice dentro by Hemoroids 2 ASYLUM.LZH 54932 92-11-04 A BBS demo by 2smart4u.. 3 FROGGIES.LZH 303818 92-11-04 Froggies over the fence by Legacy. 4 MEGALEIF.LZH 162245 92-11-04 From the megaleif competition.. 5 GROOVE.LZH 129853 92-11-04 Get in to the grove by Excellence in art 6 SNRG_SD.LZH 117484 92-11-04 The Synergy intro for DBA mag. 6 7 OVERTR.PRG 80286 92-11-04 A BBS intro by black boxes.. 8 MATHEMAT.PRG 194176 92-11-04 A dentro by AURA. 9 SPIRITS.PRG 97792 92-11-04 A dentro made by Xtream.. 10 TORMENT.PRG 51072 92-11-07 A demo from Inner Circle. 11 MV_LADY.PRG 27392 92-11-07 Mad Vision-Digi-Lady Demo 12 MV_CUBE2.PRG 23192 92-11-08 A little demo by Mad Vision 13 TFS_BBS.PRG 77184 92-11-08 Kerguelen BBS Demo 0510-655 71 14 OMEGA.MSA 7214 92-11-08 A _VERY_ good plasma screen by Omega. 15 J_HOUSE.LZH 252443 92-11-13 Unit 17, music winner (Lidkping). 16 SINFUL.PRG 90112 92-11-25 Sinful Sinuses by Chronicle from Finland 17 ML_GFX.PRG 34598 92-12-08 A piccy by Logo/Sote... 18 TOXICBBS.PRG 16512 92-12-09 Ett reklamdemo fr en klassisk AtariBBS! 19 PARDIE2.LZH 18350 92-12-19 Party info demo 20 FOOLDYOU.LZH 4360 92-12-28 Fooled You - Nice demo screen 21 XMASMOON.LZH 16384 92-12-29 A nice little Christmas demo. 22 NEWYEAR3.LZH 128096 93-01-02 New Core New Year Demo... 23 ROMEO.LZH 197376 93-01-06 New year intro by Aggression (STE 1meg) 24 PSYCHO2.PRG 30594 93-01-27 psychopathic sprites 2 25 LEGACY.PRG 247140 93-01-27 Dentro by Legacy 26 EPSSDEMO.LZH 290432 93-02-04 Ett STE-demo fr}n 90-talet 27 MAILDEM2.PRG 17568 93-02-06 BBS intro. 28 IMPACT_P.PRG 117144 93-02-10 Good Dentro from Impact. 29 M_C_C_4.PRG 20932 93-02-10 Very good little demo from russia (??!!) 30 FLASHSTE.PRG 98190 93-02-10 New version of their former PARALAX. 31 BIRDIE.PRG 23075 93-03-22 Info demo about a convention this Easter 32 3D_DOTS.LZH 398128 93-03-26 Ultimate 3D dots by Impact 33 TLN_BBS.LZH 19465 92-04-06 The Legion BBS Hq 1 BBS-Demo by DLS 34 FRIEDBIT.LZH 41798 93-04-07 Info about a party in germany. (9/4-..) 35 TCC_INVI.PRG 39524 93-04-13 Party info.. By electra.. 36 LANCELOT.PRG 11286 93-04-28 -hornet- by Lancelot of Aggression 37 RED_EAR.LZH 426263 93-04-30 Red Ear by Animal Mine 38 TCC_INV2.PRG 35136 93-05-09 TCC Party invitation. 100% working! 39 ECSTASY1.LZH 300900 93-06-02 Ecstasy demo by I.C.E., TCC'93 winner 40 ECSTASY2.LZH 272525 93-06-02 Ecstasy part 2, not shown at TCC'93! 41 STIG_III.LZH 150808 93-06-03 The ultra lame demo - STIG III... 42 ULM_93.ZIP 552841 93-06-05 ULM's contribution to the democompo -TCC 43 TYRANNY.LZH 427021 93-06-26 DHS 'Tyranny' 1mb Ste demo. 44 GOURAUD.LZH 6731 93-06-26 Gouraud filling (3d) by Griff - EI 45 LI1_OF_3.LZH 207645 93-06-26 A music demo by Wildfire (1/3) 46 LI2_OF_3.LZH 213363 93-06-26 Music demo by Wildfire (2/3) 47 LI3_OF_3.LZH 202996 93-06-26 Music demo by Wildfire (3/3) 48 MUDU_06.ZIP 15583 93-07-03 A demo for the FALCON 49 SPEEDER.PRG 171736 93-07-03 Another Demo for The FALCON 50 TERMFIN.PRG 365601 93-07-03 Yet Another Falcon demo 51 FTCDEMO1.PRG 13710 93-07-05 Uhmmm.samall one-screen demo 52 EKO_IMPA.MSA 62596 93-07-11 A "party invitation dentro" by IMPACT 53 CNC_3D.PRG 38656 93-07-11 A screen from "The Connections". GOOD !! 54 DNT_CREW.PRG 23058 93-07-11 A good intro from a discmagazine... Section #3: Megademos # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 AMBIENCE.MSA 610136 92-11-04 Ambience by Chaos. 2 BMGS.MSA 651183 92-11-04 Bird Mad Girl Show by fraggles. 3 COSMIC.LZH 665168 92-11-04 Cosmic Jam by Imagina 4 DIMENSIO.ARJ 505713 92-11-04 Dimensio demo... 5 EAT_MY.LZH 391145 92-11-04 Eat my bollocks by equinox 6 FANTASIA.LZH 518757 92-11-04 Should be some kind of STE demo 7 FLYTECH.ARJ 758055 92-11-04 The Flytech demo made by someone.. 8 KRYSTAL.ARJ 699628 92-11-04 Knocking at krystals door by FMC connexi 9 LE_JOLI.LZH 560939 92-11-04 A comic sort of demo.. Quite fun.. 10 LOOKWHO2.ARJ 573170 92-11-04 Look Who's Coding too.. by ? 11 OMEGA_92.PRG 552504 92-11-04 A demo made by Omega.. 12 OVERDOSE.LZH 711304 92-11-04 Overdose by Armada 13 PLUCKEDG.ARJ 585718 92-11-04 Plucked Goose by MJJ Prod. 14 POWER.LZH 800338 92-11-04 Power Rise by Light 15 REPS.LZH 530082 92-11-04 A piccy show of Replicants in work.. 16 SOCKS.MSA 165506 92-11-04 My Socks Are Weapons by Legacy 17 SYNDICAT.MSA 481497 92-11-04 If Pigs Could Fly by Syndicate 18 THINGSMM.ARJ 293449 92-11-04 Things that makes you go hmm.. 19 ZUULMEG4.LZH 201094 92-11-04 Zuul mega font 4.. 20 SNORK_1.LZH 822306 92-11-04 Snork demo by Future Minds disk 1 of 2 21 SNORK_2.LZH 822306 92-11-05 Snork demo by Future Minds disk 2 of 2 22 NOCOOPER.LZH 729935 92-11-05 No Cooper by 1984. 23 HARD_DRI.LZH 539453 92-11-06 A boy a girl...music...and..check it out 24 BADTASTE.LZH 425340 92-11-22 Bad Taste - Brainless Institute (STE) 25 METHANGO.MSA 580454 92-11-22 Mental Hangover By Pixel Twins. 26 DELTAFSW.LZH 321450 92-11-29 = No Description Given = 27 OMEGAFIN.PRG 554010 92-12-09 Grotesque II by Omega from Sweden! 28 O_DEMO.LZH 768488 92-12-28 O-Demo by Oxygene! 29 E605.MSA 799560 92-12-29 E605 the new STE-Demo by Light. 30 ICS_XMAS.LZH 375636 92-12-29 I.C.S. "Merry Christmas" Intro Compil 31 STRANG13.LZH 582404 92-12-30 Strangers Compil 13 32 NERDHOUS.MSA 804428 93-01-01 Excellent demo with great sound !! 33 ICE_COL2.LZH 750362 93-01-02 ICE Collection 2. 34 TOWN1.LZH 812424 93-01-07 T and C megademo by Impact 1/2 35 TOWN2.LZH 821888 93-01-07 T and C megademo by Impact 2/2 36 BURNING.LZH 465633 93-01-07 Burning Illusions STE demo 37 ABOWLOFS.LZH 660686 93-01-13 A Bowl Of Soup STE demo 38 NPG_DEMO.ARJ 795757 93-01-13 Sex And Crime demo by NPG 39 STUPENDO.ARJ 711150 93-01-13 Stupenduous demo by The Pixel Twins 40 XPLOSION.ARJ 257970 93-01-13 Xplosion by Imagina, STE only 41 AGONY_SL.ARJ 612469 93-01-13 Agony slideshow demo 42 MUSIC_2.ARJ 830047 93-01-13 Music Dream II by Electronic Images 43 BRUTAL_T.ARJ 824410 93-01-14 Brutal Techno demo, STE only I think 44 PANDEMNM.MSA 695914 93-01-13 Pandemonium demo by Chaos 45 ALFONS.ARJ 801633 93-01-19 Aflons' Greatest Samples by Delta Force 46 DEADDEAD.ARJ 528018 93-01-19 Dead Dead Dead Deth Scenes demo, gory 47 DUNEDEMO.ARJ 307415 93-01-19 Dune demo 48 LGHTSPEE.ARJ 780466 93-01-19 Light Speed demo by Untouchables 49 MANIC.ARJ 539276 93-01-19 Manic demo 50 MDEMO_4A.ARJ 787177 93-01-19 M-Demo 4 by An Cool 51 MDEMO_4B.ARJ 803660 93-01-20 M-Demo 4 by An Cool 2/2 52 MEGAFUN3.LZH 775376 93-01-20 Mega Fun 3 party demo 53 NEWTREND.ARJ 555343 93-01-20 demo by New Trend, forgot it 54 PERPDAWN.ARJ 415710 93-01-20 Perpetual Dawn party demo from Bradford 55 PHALEON1.ARJ 788424 93-01-20 Phaleon Gigademo 1/4 56 PHALEON2.ARJ 803273 93-01-20 Phaleon Gigademo 2/4 57 PHALEON3.ARJ 818478 93-01-21 Phaleon Gigademo 3/4 58 PHALEON4.ARJ 811463 93-01-21 Phaleon Gigademo 59 SWISS.ARJ 771840 93-01-21 Swiss demo 60 VENTILAT.ARJ 645109 93-01-21 Ventilator demo 61 VENTURA1.LZH 826016 93-01-21 Ventura demo by OVR 1/2 62 VENTURA2.LZH 826437 93-01-21 Ventura demo by OVR 2/2 63 1992XM.LZH 659030 93-01-26 1992 X-Mas demo by Imagina, STE only 64 SYS_ERR.LZH 303924 93-01-26 System Error demo by Imagina, STE only 65 SYMIC.LZH 743025 93-01-26 Great musixx (Blipp Blopp) demo !! 66 BEUCE_2A.LZH 825042 93-01-29 Transbeuce Demo II. EXCELLENT ! 67 DREAMS.LZH 717005 93-03-08 Dreams demo by Animal Mine PD 68 EXPRESSO.LZH 613993 93-03-08 Expresso demo by ? PD 69 BELIEV_A.LZH 699652 93-03-23 Believe In Music demo 1/2 70 BELIEV_B.LZH 696245 93-03-23 Believe In Music 2/2 71 DEVOTION.LZH 678611 93-03-23 Devotion by Excellence In Art, STE only 72 GNURK.LZH 663849 93-03-26 Gnurk demo by The Crystallics 73 AROMATIC.LZH 301714 93-04-02 Mega demo by TSM 74 WORLDOFM.LZH 800110 93-04-27 World Of Music by ? 75 WORLDOFW.LHA 607080 93-04-27 World Of Wonders by NPG 76 WAITING.MSA 738093 93-04-27 Waiting errr demo by errr ??? 77 LAMETROP.MSA 778529 93-04-29 Lame trop by ZUUL... 78 RELAPSE1.LHA 566541 93-04-27 Relapse 1992 by Cybernetix 1/3 79 RELAPSE2.LHA 626581 93-04-27 Relapse 1992 by Cybernetix 2/3 80 RELAPSE3.LHA 567986 93-04-27 Relapse 1992 by Cybernetix 3/3 81 ANOMALY1.MSA 745643 93-05-22 Anomaly Megademo from MJJ-Prod (disc 1) 82 ANOMALY2.MSA 732067 93-05-22 Anomaly Megademo from MJJ-Prod. (disc 2) 83 CHOUROUT.LZH 387360 93-06-03 Choucrout - Adrenaline 84 ZUUL_70.ZIP 517758 93-06-28 Zuul 70 - Some nice screens by CNC 85 DHSPORNO.ZIP 669345 93-06-29 D.H.S. Porno slideshow... 86 MADONA.MSA 644158 93-07-02 Madonna X-Pic Slide show STE GUYS!! 87 S_T_E_W.LZH 786181 93-07-05 Sum mega demo "made in GFA BASIC" 88 DIGISYN6.MSA 793117 93-07-08 Module replay demo with intro by TWB. Section #4: Maggies # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 AMZINE2.LZH 652998 92-11-21 Amazine II. Mad Vision Discmag. GOOD !! 2 STNEWS73.LZH 750320 93-01-09 ST News vol. 7, iss. 3 3 DBA_MAG7.LZH 680459 93-01-25 DBA maggie 7... Xmas issue... 4 DBA_6_A.LZH 671902 93-01-26 D.B.A. number 6 5 DBA_6_B.LZH 550910 93-01-26 D.B.A. number 6 (part II) 6 AMAZINE3.ZIP 466470 93-02-23 amazine 3 (Mad vision last product on ST Section #5: Terminal # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 ICS_MF81.ZIP 585521 92-11-04 Ics Blue Box..  2 JKSCRIPT.LZH 1571 92-11-04 A script file for STALKER 3 LYNX_2.DO 182 92-11-04 A .DO file for Lynx BBS (Flash 1.6) 4 TRANDEMO.LZH 289571 92-11-04 A new BBS system.. Only a demo.. 5 XYZ202B.LZH 22656 92-11-04 XYZ 2.02 Beta.. 7 DTERM_1M.LZH 32556 93-03-14 D-Term 1m 8 KERMIT.ARC 41984 93-06-01 Ett transferprotokoll (till t ex PC...) 9 TURBO221.ZIP 54942 93-07-02 A patched version of TURBO BBS program 10 TURBO2_2.ZIP 464792 93-07-02 Turbo Board 2.2 ST 11 REUSED.LZH 31775 93-07-06 An online user editor for QBBS I belive Section #6: Packers # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 STZIP20.TOS 125672 92-11-04 ST Zip 2.0.. 2 ARC.TTP 66325 92-11-04 A ARC packer.. 3 LHZ201M.TTP 31224 92-11-04 LHARC 2.01m.. 4 STUNARJ.TTP 15653 92-11-04 Unpacks .ARJ files.. 5 SHADOW.PRG 14200 92-11-04 A .MSA packer.. 6 ZOO.TTP 53888 92-11-04 Zoo packer.. 7 STZIP21.ZIP 93126 93-02-15 ST Zip 2.1 8 ATOM_F35.PRG 10610 93-06-06 atomic 3.5 for falcon.. 9 MSA_23.TOS 25600 93-06-21 Magic Shadow II V2.3 10 LHA_22.ZIP 118875 93-06-21 LHA 2.20 11 STZIP2_2.ZIP 119285 93-07-07 STZIP V 2.2 12 JAMPACK4.LZH 39552 93-07-09 Jampacker v4. Section #7: Musics # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 XIAMENU1.LZH 49821 93-02-22 A chip music compil... Excellence in art 2 FIELDS.MOD 322882 93-02-22 The Fields Of Fire 3 BIG_ALEC.PRG 55424 93-02-22 A chip menu by Big Alec/DF 4 ICE_KOOL.LZH 95423 93-02-22 From one of ICE's demos 5 OCTALYSE.LZH 34217 93-02-22 Preview of a good tracker.. 6 TCBREPLY.LZH 14132 93-02-22 Greenys TCB player for STE 7 JUL.LZH 90368 93-02-22 Module... 8 COMPLICA.LZH 47104 93-02-22 Module. 9 8LYSE080.LZH 404496 93-02-22 A newer and better version... (8 cannels 10 NOLIMITS.ZIP 223870 93-03-05 No Limit the module... 11 PAULA2_2.LZH 70400 93-03-05 Paula 2.2 - nice module player ST/STE 12 MOD.MOD 35248 93-03-13 A module... 13 WORKAHOL.MOD 262032 93-04-08 Whorkaholic / Qube of MoraNET 14 19.LZH 139193 93-04-11 Modul ... Nu r det krig i . 15 ANTHEM.MOD 73150 93-04-11 Modul .. Fin och lugn 16 ARLANDA.ARJ 80784 93-04-11 Hrlig musik.. 17 BACH.ARJ 20956 93-04-11 En av bach's ltar 18 DASBOOT1.ARJ 228928 93-04-11 Exakt som cDn 19 FINSKT.ARJ 202869 93-04-11 Lite finskt snack. 20 KURTINAC.ARJ 235420 93-04-11 Kurtan in action 21 LAND.ARJ 216631 93-04-11 Jag lska mitt Land. 22 SYNEBLIP.LZH 24714 93-04-17 Some chip musics by Scavenger of Synergy 23 EPSSATO2.ZIP 255259 93-04-22 EPSS Version 0.54 24 FINDHOME.LZH 112677 93-05-06 Latest module from Danko, back on Amiga! 25 PAMPOLIN.LZH 57082 93-05-07 15 minutes fresh Module from Tomas Danko 26 SIDNEY.LHA 34464 93-05-11 Latest module from Danko! 'Chip' a'like 27 PT_SRC.LZH 154624 93-05-20 50 kHz ProTracker v2.2 Replay Routine 28 RHYTHM.MOD 915216 93-05-22 Rhythm_Is_A_Dancer 29 NEMESIS.LZH 261287 93-05-28 The best synt module on this planet.. 30 MOPCBET1.LZH 358528 93-06-02 Master Of Puppets modules 1/3, Betrayer 31 MOPCBET2.LZH 339000 93-06-02 Master Of Puppets modules 2/3, Betrayer 32 MOPCBET3.LZH 401365 93-06-02 Master Of Puppets modules 3/3, Betrayer 33 TRK.PRG 42220 93-06-06 Ok. i just had to do tcb trk. for falcon 34 MHAPP.MOD 170772 93-06-06 njaa... 35 MOD.LZH 22013 93-06-15 Spelar upp TCB Moduler ... 36 ZZTOP.ARJ 41174 93-06-19 A song with ZZ Top 37 GRAB.LZH 22572 93-07-01 Good modul!! 38 FIXREPLA.PRG 281 93-07-03 ST replay on falcon!! 39 NO_MERCY.MOD 494270 93-07-11 No-Mercy / A good techno module! Section #8: Languages # Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 TURBO_A.LZH 207263 93-03-02 Turbo Assembler.  `,oHy?< NA\Hy?<&NN\JyjHy?< NA\`aHy{?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<NATJykBg/<?<1NA?<NAa:Jyk.anJyk a`JykaaNu . ЮЮ//Bg?<JNA JfNuSyHyF?< NA\NuAJg  gS  o"H#B  nB` 0m~ 9nvR`ް<m<n 9 0ЁJf "< #/<?<HNA\mLNuyHy?< NA\NuyHy?< NA\NuyHy?< NA\NuyHy.?< NA\Nu/9?<HNA\c #NuSyHy^?< NA\Nu/9?< NA\NuBg?</</9?<NNO y 9"< A 9S 3fNu#rx#v|#~#r#v#B~Nu og /9xNu <XNu og /9|Nu0/ "< й @"o2/ A/gH <"QQBNu og /9NuBNu,Atari ST Safe Ramdisk. (c) Copyright 1987 Richard Phillips. usage : ramdisk.ttp . Error in command line parameter. Ramdisk size too small. Ramdisk size too big. Can't release memory. Error in meory allocation. K Ramdisk installed. No Ramdisk installed. Press any key to exit.  "H.<&  > 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 FzDSTerm ST v2.20 1992 Aaron Hopkins FzDSTerm ST v2.20 1992 Aaron Hopkins --lh5-o܄40 HUfile_id.diz@ .[մ +O;{pnB@`$.& JLw+D;okx_SBbF vsZTN& TU\pDb[J?k^,1Y=bHx) +luNJ CZ-+z*$-M_C*2`H9yeBɔ4~:H{6ᦪ:7x6(ݐKH.oJ$GӕU{^7m^pc2wB;nV.-lh5-'&/40 Uparty_95.eng@ $6zg|$ZRm6vNRZ2tu:|I:wʢo{wI)&$p7em p(\EĽ{ۄzTGC1.}gU".ܣ gk{s_Zpm]t7}[:jѤn8h2;R-4ѥttvj裻W~Xwys_[woΎnhDЏۖAv~={w4fzwQNbG=waV KXo~ZG+1$Oٝ~PLȺqC5o,9p jNeAԂߠ¸4:D##eeGwOGeAj]ʸ^d~^2Ap Kُ{2+ZO' 9 x}oȻZnx=JlV<tGurbDuӦkpj/YMI*, ^+BE)K%5E~p$6U+u?[!wYQxM"5_LekO |!&s*JKaK0+cXq"d?1>ЈnN$,i$E}eaW`ĵˈLo шR̉S|)SFnV|sXP/ eB$"Spfr%T( E+1FAFy 2a8Q,+9Q lIIiI{WSʼn̆:!}pM '_dF6PµmF lyiW 0eӜ8VS\ҺZrIBDz"76]*1n7U3H# a oMlM}*}` 95| A%2a% FZ'߷5Cбw?ÔA;QtOq@N8\gl3Rz 1 N =UYY,ʸ C`;gs 8A YX#VPzAMCk^]mf-& D9UX%MϗVrFpKU [yʓt5Q ~! 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FILE_ID DIZ 0bCoPARTY_95ENG `D&/PARTY_95TXT PzbAtari Party, 4-6 of August 1995 InViTaTiON tO tHe Atari (xl/xe/ST(e)/TT/Falcon) party iN P0LaND! You're WELCOME!!! If You are a demoscene freak, you can miss it! For more informations: ~ leave email to: VaT ~ send email via internet: PHONER@PLEARN.BITNET ~ call me at: +48-(0)22-132937 m ֶ>4Z2Лb䵱CqXuQ7&4Z/ ~hbU/W;`oMDP3 ڐ NϷs,iEA _q/x `}x9auLqVoNU^ 4i/ZU سU_Om{H1MfOeC.AZozpMSC];DN(+J®!x-۷u"T='6 $,Np↠^7:nA$X㬾sr `⹂|(fghz {@u; PK//u0,ƀN+2=at:$)PVbW0J:`iLh_, ͞Gl tӮ4^"hŊƂ<}%!LѠN];Yt"bc=Hi!O¯6Q 8U4a=Wq].Tr@C]rW$?aL Ƙ/aIf~;& r .W2"J#Osϡ}w#}vx/c Or JuST CaLL Me At: +48-(0)22-132937 (where: +48 iS A DiReCT tO P0LaND, 22 iS A DiReCT tO WarSaW & 132937 iS A NuMBeR) =Q *N */// H/* *// Some informations about the gathering... //* */ H///* *N ORNETA PARTY '95 is a 3rd party of Atari users (under QUAST Club). The party will be held on 4-6 of August in the halls of the Town Culture Centre and the High School. Both buildings are situated at 1-go Maja street in Orneta. If you feel like coming here, even if you are not an owner of Atari of any kind, you are always welcome. There will be some rules on the gathering which you should show some respect for. Otherwise you will be removed from the party zone by a special guardian posse. What's not allowed at the party place. ~& - smoking pipes and cigarettes - listening to too loud music from own hi-fi. The only thing that you can hear then is chaos... - running, jumping, playing soccer with empty bottles... - pretending to be a kleptomaniac < that's pretty obvious fellaz... - wearing the same socks all the time... ;) - acting as any kind of a wild animal, etc. You are obliged to: ~ - have the identificator with you - keep clean etc. just be hygienic Some words about the costs. The entrance fee is 10 polish zloty which is about 7 DM or $4 USD (REALLY CHEAP). Chicks of any kind can enter for free. The representatives of any soft and hardware companies pay in a bit different way. The fee is 40 polish zloty plus 10 polish zloty for each of representative. As it was written before the party will be held in two places. One of them will be used as some kind of a sleeping room. This will be the High School, and that's the place where you will be able to pay the entrance fee. There you will get special documents which will make you a legal party freak. There' a possibility of place reservation. This goes for computer companies and scene groups. It's not possible for individual persons. If a computer company wants to reserve a place, it must give some information about what they're going to show. How is it all arranged... ~ The day before the party (Thursday 3rd of August). +2 From this day you are allowed to come to the party. Guyz from places situated far from the party zone are welcome very much. A nice rest would be the best thing after a long journey. About 15 km far from Orneta,thez a nice lake situated on the border of the Mazury area. The first day of the party (Friday 4th of August). +2 The day of the party-freaks-arrivals. About 12 a.m. there will be a speach given, which will open the party. From this moment we start to collect all the compo stuff from the participants. If any of you feels like becoming the master of the Pinball Obsession, you should get your pinball with you and register yourself. The second day of the party (Saturday 4th of August). +5 This is the main day of the gathering, on which all the competitions will take place. The deadline for the competition stuff is set at 3 p.m. The third day (Sunday 5th of August). +% The day of leaving... Officially you can stay at the party zone till 6 p.m. But on the other hand, you can stay in the High School building till 12 a.m. of the next day. The day after (Monday 6th of August). +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ FrOm tHis tiMe yOu CaN STaRt cOuNtiNg dOwN tHe DayS wHicH aRe bEtWeeN nOw aND tHe O R N E T A P A R T Y ' 9 6. - How to reach the party zone...? ~ Both, the Town Culture Centre and the High School buildings are situated at the 1-go Maja street. The first is the main place, while the latter is a kind of a sleeping room. How to get to Orneta by a car...? ~! Orneta is a small town, of about 10 inhabitants and is situated at the edge of the Elblag district. Some bigger towns around are: ELBLaG, OLSZTYN, MORaG, LIDZBARK WARMInSKI and BRANIEWO. When you reach any of these towns, you will easily get to Orneta. OLSZTYN is a city situated in North-East part of Poland, so... people from SWEDEN (Stockholm) and from FINLAND (Helsinki) will have really short journey!!! )FOR SURE, MAPS WILL HELP YOU A LOT!!! * Competitions * Of course there will be few competitions... For both XL/XE and ST/TT/Falcon computers. The most important thing are prises, so here they are: o the best XL/XE demo: Atari 1O4O STe o the best graph, muzax and intro: Lynx II or Atari Portfolio o the rest: surprise :) + NOTICE THAT ORGANISERS CAN CHANGE THE PRICES (for BETTER of course...) And you'll have chance to take a part in following compos: ~: # Atari XL/XE Muzax # - The music must be a DOS runable file. # Atari XL/XE Graphics # - A standart mode needed, no special TIFF or JPG modes. ;) - It must be a DOS runable file # Atari XL/XE Intro # - The intro mustn't use more than 15kb. - Should work with every XL/XE with no problem - No special modules or expansions # Atari XL/XE Demo # - No disk space limitations - No extra expansions, cartriges, etc... - Notice that the main price for the 1st place is an Atari 1040STE # Atari ST/STe/MST/MSTe/TT Music # - It should be a *.MOD file "running" under Protracker, TCB Tracker or 8 channels Octalyser - The mod file mustn't be longer than 400kb - All modules which uses ripped parts of music will be disqualifed! # Atari ST/STe/MST/MSTe Graphics # - It can be a picture or animation - Picces can use max. 4096 colors - Animations have to run on 1Mb ST(e) and use standard formats (DELUXE or CYBER PAINT) - It can also have included an executable file with it to show it # Atari ST/STe Intro # - It mustn't be longer than 1OOKb - It has to run on both O.5Mb ST and STe! (so... don't use STE regs.) - After exit it has to return resolution, colors, etc... # Atari ST/STe Demo # - It has to run on ST or STe with 1Mb - It can be for ST/STe or STe only # Falcon O3O/TT Graphics # - Just anything nice... use GIF,TGA,JPG or any other well know format - You can also make an executable flie that will show your picture # Falcon O3O/TT Intro # - It mustn't be longer than 1OOKb - After exit it has to return resolution, colors, etc... # Pinball Obsession # You have 3O hours to beat 15 millions score, then you can play in final. # Crezy Compot # Hmmm... It's something strange, weird, crazy, etc... For people who think more often than only during booting his computer... =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= MiNiMuM 3 wOrKs HavE tO bE sHOwN tO vOtE. It dOesN't rEfEr tO caTegORy 'DemOs'. =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= All people who'd vote for compo-winners will have a chance for win a special prise. 4that's all... (WE'RE WELCOME, ESPECIALLY FOREIGN GUYS... 5Van Eijk /QuaST Club Orneta 20.VI.1995 _E -= translated from Polish to English by Latifah,VaT,Phoner at 95.07.17 =- -= Sorry for that not everything was translated, but anyway EVERYTHING =- -= IMPORTANT IS INCLUDED HERE... IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE =- -= ORNETA' 95 PARTY THEN CONTACT me (VaT) via INTERNET : =- -= phoner@plearn.bitnet OR JUST CALL: +48-(0)22-132937 {ask for Arthur}=- -= OR LEAVE EMAIL IN ANY BBS WHERE I'M LOGGED IN (as VaT of course!) =- ~E >GreetZ From P0LanD! 'Q{?iM'-p-9L1g.ݺE0L]P6nqof)|~f$ڤlInߜC3%KXJᐁreI`neR\k⋇$j/8Į$`) 0I51;PIA%N! h.C U5,2a'9y]Y/ X. _ _ __ _ _* _ . __ . / ___ \ + / __ \ . / \ + / \ / _/ \___ ___/ / \ . / /+ _\ \___/ /. \ \ / \ / / / \___ \ \ / \  * / / / / /__/ /___/ / / /\ \/ / / _/ . / / / \ \+ / / / / / / _ / / / \ / / / _ / / / /\ \ \ \ \_/_/ / / / / \ \ / / + / / / \__/ \ / / / / \ \ \ \_/ \_/ / \_/ \_/ \__/ . \_/ + \_/ \_/ __ \_/ + / / . / / _ + _ _ __ * / \ . / \_/ / / _ \ . / ___ \ \ ___ _/ / \ / / + . / _/ / / \ \ * / / \ \ \/ \ \ \ \ / / * / _/ / \_/ \ / \___/ / * / / * \ \/ / * / / + / _ \ / __ __/ / / \ / . / / * / / \ / / / \ \ + / / + \ / \ / . / / * / / / / + \ \ / / . / / + .\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \__/ + * * - *** *** *** - + ** *** *** + * *** *** * * # * *** #:# * *** *** * + *** 4-6 *** + - *** sierpie *** - *** 1995 *** Organizatorzy: - *** TPO *** *** QuaST Club *** *** MDK *** ul. Mickiewicza 1 Borkowski Artur ul.1-go Maja 41  14-510 Orneta ul.Sportowa 3b/4 14-510 Orneta woj. elbskie 14-510 Orneta woj. elbskie "woj.elbskie tel.(0-506-6260) w.333 Troszk wiadomoci na temat zlotu ---> *N */// H/* *// O Party oglnie sw kilka... //* */ H///* *N W tym tekcie bdzie mowa o wszystkim i o niczym. Ale co by porzdek jaki by, zaczn moe od pocztku... ORNETA PARTY '95 inaczej mwic oznacza III Oglnopolski Zjazd Uytkownikw Atari ST/STe/MST/MSTe/TT/F030 lub I Oglnopolski Zjazd Uytkownikw Komputera Atari lub Midzynarodowy Zlot Uytkownikw Atari XE/XL/ST/STe/MST/MSTe/TT/F030 lub III Oglnopolski Zlot Czonkw klubu QUAST. Cztery okrelenia a zlot jeden. Jedno z okrele, w ktrym wystpio swko midzynarodowy, jest troch przesadne i przez niektrych moe by le zrozumiane. Na tym party, ludzi z zagranicy moe by grupka i bd to raczej gocie ni prawdziwi zlotowicze. Jak kady z nas moe si domyli,Polska nie jest krajem marze europejczykw z zachodu. Na takowy zlot nikt z nich nie przyjedzie z wywalonym jzykiem i byskiem podniety w oczach. W tym roku, jeli przyjad osoby z zagranicy mog sta si dwie rzeczy za rok: przyjedzie duo osb z zagranicy lub nie przyjedzie nikt. I teraz wanie kwestia zorganizowania tego zlotu. Chciabym to zrobi jak najlepiej co by mona byo o tej imprezie na zachodzie powiedzia "czadowa". Wtedy nikt z zagranicy by si nie czai i jechaby do Polski jak do Francji, Woch czy Niemiec. Jak to wypali w tym roku i za rok - zobaczymy. W niektrych tekstach tego invitation mona zauway (jak i przed chwil) uywanie terminu "za rok", czy "Orneta Party '96". Tak! To jest prawda, mimo e ten zlot si jeszcze nie odby wiem, e za rok podobna impreza bdzie miaa miejsce. Jeli w tym roku party wypali, za rok bdzie jeszcze lepiej. W cigu dwch ostatnich lat Orneta wyrobia sobie pewn renom jeli chodzi o zloty, bynajmiej na scenie Atari ST. Pierwszy zlot to byo mini-party (9-11 Lipca 1993 roku), drugi ju zgromadzi okoo 120 osb (6-8 sierpnia 1994 roku), a jak bdzie teraz, najlepiej si przekonasz jak przyjedziesz. Zlot odbdzie si w dniach 4-6 sierpnia w budynku Miejskiego Domu Kultury i Liceum Oglnoksztaccego. Obydwa budynki le przy ulcy 1-go Maja, oczywicie w Ornecie. Mog wzi w nim udzia wszystkie osoby, ktre maj na to ch, nie koniecznie posiadacze sprztu firmy Atari. Na zlocie bd obowizyway pewne nakazy, do ktrych radzibym si zastosowa. Dobrze zorganizowana ochrona w razie ich nie przestrzegania bdzie wiedziaa co zrobi. *** Na sali NIE BDZIE MONA: *** -# ~ pali tytoniu (papierosy i rnego typu fajki); ~ sucha gono muzyki na wasnym sprzcie naganiajcym (ju teraz proponuj zakupi dobrze tumice chaas suchawki). Rok temu w Ornecie pojawia si konkurencja, ktra zakcaa 100 watowe goniki. W eterze sali powsta obrzydliwy chaas, std taki zakaz w tym roku); ~ biega, skaka, gra butelkami platstikowymi w nog itd. Bdzie tyle sprztu, e nie bdzie mona sobie pozwoli na tego typu rozrywk. Oczywicie tego typu zachowanie jak i te w powyszych punktach bdzie mona praktykowa poza miejscem zlotu. (No Vat, Wachu i Rafa - tym razem sobie nie pogramy, co?); ~ udawa e jest si kleptomanem i bezkarnie podkrada cudz wasno. Co o tym \wiem. Na Orneta Party '94 wsiko mi 40 dyskw i moja ukachana myszka Zuzia (aoba trwa do dzi...), kot Filu chodzi niepocieszony...; ~ udawa e jest si Rambo i wszelakie spory zaatwia w zakresie rozmowy migowej na pici. W razie podobnego konfliktu, odpali si gr typu Final Fight lub Street Fighter i spr bdzie mona atwo roztrzygn; ~ przebywa cigle w tych samych skarpetkach. Nie bd tego wyjania, wszak mona atwo zapa o co chodzi. W zeszym roku na gwnej sali zlotu temperatura przekraczaa 40 stopni i niektrym skarpetki si gotoway. Niestety opary unoszce si do gry nie miay zapachu pary; ~ zachowywa si jak zwierz. Czyli krzycze przez ca dugo sali, zachowywac si podejrzanie i tak dalej; *** Na sali BDZIE TRZEBA: *** - ~ Nosi idendyfikatory lub, co co bdzie wiadczyo o tosamoci danej osoby. W razie nie noszenia czego co bdzie wiadczyo o tosamoci osoby, zosta- nie ona delikatnie lub niedelikatnie wyproszona. ~ Zachowywa si jak prawdziwy erotoman komputerowy - rn kady program jaki popadnie. Oczywicie programw rodzaju mskiego nie preferuje si (rn). ~ Zachowywa czysto i dba oglnie mwic o higien. Teraz moe o kosztach. Aby wej na sal trzeba bdzie dokona wpaty w wysokoci 10 nowych zotych (od osoby indywidualnej). Pe prze(biega)pikna jako, e bdzie wystpowaa w nielicznych wypadkach ma prawo do wejcia bezpatnego. Opaty od firm bd pobierone na cakiem innych zasadach ni od osb indywidualnych. Przedstawiciel danej firmy za wejcie musi zapaci 40 zotych plus do tego opat w wysokoci 10 z od kadej osoby wchodzcej w skad firmy. Mona to pomin wchodzc w skad osb sponsorujcych nagrody. Oczywicie nie mog to by nagrody o niszej wartoci ni opata. Firma, ktra wchodzi w poczet sponsorw, bdzie miaa zapewnione stoisko no i bezpatn reklam. Zachcamy zatem do wsparcia przez firmy lub nawet osoby indywidualne. Jak ju pisaem wczeniej zlot bdzie si odbywa w dwch miejscach. Jedno miejsce przeznaczone jest do noclegi itp. W tym miejcu (a bdzie nim Liceum Oglnoksztacce) bdzie dokonywao si wpaty. Otrzyma si wtedy karnet, dziki ktremu moliwe bdzie wejcie na gwne miejsce zlotu. Bez karnetu wejcie poraz pierwszy bdzie niemoliwe. Przed zlotem mona dokona rezerwacji miejsca. Prawo rezerwacji maj firmy i grupy komputerowe. Indywidulanym osobom prawo rezerwacji z powodu maej iloci miejsca nie przysuguje. W wypadku zgoszenia firmy, naley poda jej nazw, osoby wchodzce w jej skad i asortyment jakim dysponuje. Grupy komputerowe powinny poda dokadn nazw swojej grupy, czonkw wchodzcych w jej skad (imi, nazwisko i przezwisko robocze) i ich specjalnoci. Po dotarciu na miejsce zlotu naley poszuka swojego stanowiska i tam wanie si rozoy. Osoby, ktre zajm miejsce przeznaczone nie dla siebie zostan z niego (napisz to po komputerowemu) sformatowane. *N */// H/* *// Przebieg imprezy w skrcie olbrzymim... //* */ H///* *N *** Dzie przed zlotem (czwartek) *** Ostatnie poczynania organizacyjne. Praktycznie od tego dnia mona przebywa na miejscu zlotu. Serdecznie zapraszam osoby z dalszych miejscowoci, po duszej podry bdzie mona sobie odpocz. Osoby, ktre przyjad samochodami, bd mogy si wybra na pooone 15 km od Ornety czyciutkie jeziorko, lece na skraju Mazur. Zapraszam take osoby, ktre chciayby troszeczk pomc, chocia podejewam, e w tym dniu wszystko bdzie ju zapite na przedostatni guzik. *** Dzie pierwszy (pitek) *** Dzie ten jest dniem przyjazdw. Dokadnie o 12.00 zostanie wygoszone przemwienie, ktre bdzie otwierao cay zlot. Od tego momentu bd przyjmowane prace na konkursy. Pierwszy dzie zwykle jest dniem najbardziej atrakcyjnym na tego typu zlotach. W tym wypadku dzie pierwszy jest pozbawiony szeregu atrakcji, ktre zwykle w nim si odbyway. Dzie ten jest powicony na odpoczynek po drodze, przegranie sobie waniejszych programw, dokoczenie nieskoczonych prac, poznanie miasta, itd. Osoby, ktre bd chciay wzi udzia w konkursie na najlepszego gracza w gr Pinball Obsession, w tym dniu bd musiay si zgosi do rejestracji. *** Dzie drugi (sobota) *** Na tym zlocie sobota jest gwnym dniem, w tym to dniu zostan rozegrane wszystkie konkursy i zostan rozdane wszystkie nagrody i upominki. Do godziny 15.00 bdzie mona oddawa swoje prace konkursowe. Kolejne trzy godziny zostan powicone na sprawdzenie prac, ewentualn selekcj. O godzinie 18.00 rozpocznie si rozlewanie kompotw, czyli popularne Competition. Dobra rada: przed Competition naley sobie troch odpocz (pospa), z dowiadczenia wiem, e podczas przesuchiwania muzyki (szczeglnie spokojnych moduw) organizm sprzeciwia si naszym reakcjom i nie pytajc nas o zdanie zasypia. Czas przeznaczony na Competition wynosi 4 godziny. W czasie Competition zostanie wyczone zasilanie. Bdzie to czas, w ktrym bdzie dziaa tylko jeden komputer, na ktrym dokonywa si bdzie przegldu prac. Niektrych moe ten fakt zasmuci, ale... w poprzednich latach duo osb olewao sobie competition ogldajc porno demka (wykonujc w mylach namitn masturbacj). Osoby nie zainteresowane konkursami bd miay czas na wszystko oprcz, siedzenia przed swoim komputerem. Zaraz po Competition, okoo godziny 22.00 zostan rozegrane: "Crezy kompot" i "Pinball Obsession kompot". Podczas trwania tych konkursw zostan podliczone gosy i wytypowani zwycizcy. O godzinie 24.00 zostanie ogoszona lista wygranych i nagrodzonych osb. *** Dzie trzeci & ostatni (niedziela) *** Dzie przeznaczony na rozjechanie si uczestnikw zlotu. Na miejscu zlotu bdzie mona przebywa oficjalnie do godziny 18.00. Nieoficjalnie w budynku bdzie mona przebywa do godziny 12.00 nastpnego dnia. Ostatni dzie jest jak wszystko co kocowe i ostatnie jest niezbyt ciekawy. Zostaj tylko najbardziej aktywne osoby. Ci, ktrzy ju si nachapali softwaru zwykle w tym dniu s ju w swoich domach. Trzymaj joysticki, ciskaj myszki i rozgryzaj nowe programy... *** Dzie po zlocie (poniedziaek) *** Pierwsze 12 godzin tego dnia przeznaczone jest na wyjazd ostatnich niedobitkw. W tym dniu zostan przedsibiorstwom zwrcone lokale i wypoyczone sprzty. Od tego dnia mona zacz odliczanie do kolejnego zlotu O R N E T A P A R T Y ' 9 6 - *N */// H/* *// Dojazd i dojcie jak najprociej //* */ H///* *N Caa impreza bdzie si odbywa w Miejskim Domu Kultury i Liceum Oglnoksztaccym w Ornecie. Obydwa budynki le przy ulicy 1-go Maja i s oddalone od siebie o niecae 150 metrw. W budynku Miejskiego Domu Kultury odbywa si bdzie gwny zlot, za w budynku szkolnym bdzie mona zoy swoje plecaki i w chwilach znuenia odpocz. Jak dotrze do owej Ornety a potem ju do wymienionych budynkw? Jest to tak proste, e boj si to zagmartwa. Ale dla osb, ktre w Ornecie nigdy nie byy, poniszy opis si przyda. *** Dojazd samochodowy *** - Orneta jest maym miasteczkiem (10 tys. mieszkacw) i ley na skraju wojewdztwa elblskiego. Z wikszych miast otaczaj j: Elblg, Olsztyn, Morg, Lidzbark Warmiski i Braniewo. Kierujc si na te miasta do atwo jest trafi do Ornety. Opisz moe teraz kierunki wyjazdowe z tych miast i opis dojazdu od wlotu Ornety do MDKu. &*** * Elblg - naley kierowa si na miasto Pask. Pask od Ornety oddzielony jest 32 kilometrowym odcinkiem drogi. Jadc nim mija si midzy innymi takie wsie jak Gutkowo i tu przed sam Ornet Drwczno. Po wjedzie do Ornety naley jecha cigle t sam gwn drog. Dojedzie si do klasycznego skrzyowania (skrzyowanie si dwch drg pod ktem 90 stopni). Po lewej stronie znajduje si CPN (mona zatankowa...), trzeba wic skrci w prawo. Po 200 metrach znajdziesz si w centrum miasta (Ratusz miejski i Koci - obydwa budynki z czerwonej cegy). Zaraz za ratuszem skr w lewo i jed dalej prosto. Po 150 metrach skr w lewo i za chwil w prawo. Znajdowa si bdziesz na ulicy 1-go Maja. 500 jak drut prostych metrw i jeste tam, gdzie by powiniene... &*** * Olsztyn - naley si kierowa na Dobre Miasto, ktre znajduje si 25 km od Ornety. Potem bdzie si mijao midzy innymi taki wsie jak: Zagony, Lubomino i Karbowo. Po wjedzie do Ornety naley si cigle kierowa t sam drog gwn, a dojedzie si do placu, na ktrym znajduje si ratusz miejski. Przed ratuszem naley skrci w prawo, potem 150 metrw prosto, skrt w lewo i za chwil w prawo. Znajdowa si bdziesz na ulicy 1-go Maja. 500 jak wiskim ogonek metrw i jeste tam gdzie by powiniene... &*** * Morg - Morg pooony jest okoo 30 km od Ornety. Jadc do Ornety mija si mae miasteczko Miakowo. Po wjedzie do Ornety naley jecha cigle prosto. Na pierwszym rozwidleniu (skrt w lewo lub w prawo, do przodu si nie da) naley skrci w lewo. Potem 300 metrw cigle t sam ulic i bdziesz przy ratuszu. Przed ratuszem naley skrci w prawo, i potem jecha 150 metrw, nastpnie skrt w lewo i za chwil w prawo. Znajdowa si bdziesz na ulicy 1-go Maja. Potem ju tylko 500 prostych jak spirala metrw i jeste tam gdzie by powiniene. &*** * Lidzbark Warmiski - miasto pooone okoo 35 Km od Ornety. Jadc do Ornety minie si midzy innymi wie Mingajny. Po wjedzie do Ornety naley jecha cigle gwn drog. Od wiaduktu kolejowego naley przejecha okoo 500 metrw i bdzie si tam gdzie si by powinno. &*** * Braniewo - Jest pooone okoo 45 Km od Ornety. Jadc bdzie si mijao mae miasto Pienino, i midzy innymi takie wsie jak Henrykowo i Nowy Dwr. Po wjedzie do Ornety naley dojecha do pierwszego skrzywania. Obok tego skrzyowania znajduje si CPN. Naley skrci w lewo i jecha 200 metrw prosto (jak dojecha dalej po 200 metrowym odcinku znajdziesz w opisie dojazdu z Elblga). *** Dojazd kolejowy *** - Dojazd kolejowy moliwy jest tylko z dwch miast: z Olsztyna i z Braniewa. Z Olsztyna pocigi do Ornety odchodz o godzinach 5.00, 8.40, 14.28, 15.24 i 20.50. Praktycznie polecam poczenie kolejowe z Olsztynem, gdy jest ono najlepsze. Naley doda, e pocigiem z Olsztyna jedzie si do Ornety lekko ponad godzin. Mija si midzy innymi takie stacje jak: Cerkiewnik, Rogiedle, Swobodn, Dobre Miasto, Lubomino. Za Lubominem znajduje si ju Orneta. Aby dosta si ze stacji do MDKu, naley pokona tras okoo 800 metrw. Po wyjciu z dworca naley i ulic asfaltow okoo 300 metrw. Dojdzie si do skrzyowania, po ktrego prawej stronie znajdowa si bdzie wiadukt kolejowy. Naley skrci w lewo i i 500 metrw prosto. W ten sposb dochodzi si do samego MDKu. (To jest tak proste, e jak kto si zgubi, to za rok do Invitation bd musia narysowa mapk...). *** Dojazd autobusowy *** - Dojazd autobusowy jest moliwy z wielu miast w Polsce. Oczywicie tylko z miast lecych blisko Ornety. Chocia Gdask nie ley tak blisko, dojazd jednak jest. Innymi miastami s Biaystok, Olsztyn, Elblg, Lidzbark Warmiski, Morg, Braniewo. Nie bd opisywa, kiedy i jakie autobusy jad, bo tego ju nie wiem. Podam tylko drog z dworca PKS do MDKu. Z dworca wida ratusz, ktry jest charakterystycznym punktem w Ornecie. Nie tdy jednak droga. Naley wej na drog ktr autobus wjeda na przystanek, potem trzeba i prosto, i gdy bdzie moliwo skrcenia w lewo, naley w t "moliwo" skrci. Potem 500 metrw prosto i ju jest si pod MDKiem. Wszystkie opisy dojcia zostay napisane w najprostszy sposb. W razie twrudnoci, mieszkacy Ornety powinni wskaza prawdiow drog. W kocu za pienidze wszystko... *N */// H/* *// Co si przyda moe... //* */ H///* *N No c, kademu przyda si to co on uwaa za stosowne. Nie powinienem si wtrca, ale ponisze uwagi mog w czym pomc, w wypadku jeli bdziesz uwaa je za bzdurne to daj sobie spokj. Z ca pewnoci przydatny na miejscu zlotu bdzie komputer z monitorem. Wiadomo, i monitor to nie gumowa zabawka i jego zabranie stwarza niemae kopoty. Oczywicie zlot w Ornecie jest raz na rok i moe wypada przej pewne mki i przyjecha z takowym. Na miejscu zlotu bdzie okoo 20 zapasowych monitorw (polskie Neptuny, ktrych podczenie wymaga par zabiegw... (wiedz co o tym osoby, ktre bya na Orneta Party w 1995 roku), ale najlepiej w tym wypadku liczy na siebie.Jak atwo si domyli, aby komputer podczy do prdu naley mie co w rodzaju rozganika lub przeduacza. Jeli bdziesz korzysta z dwch gniazd, to twj rozganik powinien mie o jedno gniazdo wicej, co by mona byo innymi osobom przeduy rdo prdu. No dobrze, mamy ju komputer, monitor, przydayby si dyskietki. Takowe najlepiej zabra z domu lub kupi gdzie po drodze. Teraz uwaga dla gapiw dyskowych: na miejscu zlotu bdzie mona zapoatrzy si w dyskietki 3.5 i 5.25 calowe dobrych firm i takich, ktre do swoich wyrobw si nie przyznaj. Ceny bd wysze ni w hurtowni ale nisze ni w sklepie. Mamy ju dyski, ale przydayby si te dyski z zawartoci, pod tym wzgldem nie moemy liczy tylko na innych. Ze sprawami komputerowymi to ju chyba wszystko. Czowiek nie yje tylko samym komputerem i czasami jego sabo, jeli chodzi o zmczenie si udziela. Nikt tego bra nie musi, ale piwr, materac, koc, czy haftowana poduszeczka mamusi, do odpoczynku nadaje si doskonale. Spanie, spaniem, ale czowiek niestety musi jeszcze je. I tak, proponuje wzi jaki prowiant ze sob, lub pienidze na ten zbony cel. Z caa pewnoci przyda si kubek (szklanka jest raczej krucha... a trzeba pamita, e to zlot a nie wystawny bankiet), jaki noyk (chleb ornecki jest raczej (zwykle) wiey, nie trzeba wic bra tasaka lub maczety do krojenia chleba), i takie tam inne dodatki. Oczywicie osoby, lubice kuchni chisk powinny zadba o paeczki, w Ornecie takowych kupi nie ma gdzie. Co prawda zawsze istnieje moliwo wycica takowych w pobliskim lesie, ale z tym jest ju duo kopotu. Tyle odnonie jada. Teraz moe o rodkach zapobiegawczych. Przed wyjazdem radz zrobi list wszystkiego co si bierze (co, ile sztuk itd.), gdy na zlocie atwo wej w posiadanie czego nieswojego i mona te rwnie atwo co straci. Ja doskonale rozumiem, e ta pierwsza ewentualno odpowiada bardziej (Kali kra krow, to dobrze, Kaliemu kra krow to grzech...). Dobrze jest te kad swoj wikszych gabarytw rzecz oznakowa swoim nazwiskiem lub przezwiskiem, lub po prostu czym charakterystycznym. To uatwia potem rozstrzyganie sporw. Do pisania o potrzebach. I tak kady z nas wie, e najbardziej na zlocie przydaj si pienidze... *N */// H/* *// Konkursw charekter jawny... //* */ H///* *M C to byby za zlot bez Competition? Co by wic Orneta Party'95 przypominao zlot, rozegrany zostanie szereg konkursw. Bd to nie tylko konkursy, w ktrych wykorzystuje si umiejtnoci komputerowe i talenty twrcze, wszak nie kady rodzi si zdolny, a tym bardziej nie kady ma w sobie tyle silnej woli by oderwa si od joysticka. Konkursy wic bd i co si z tym wie bd te nagrody. Na stan dzisiejszy (1.VI.1995) wiem, e gwn nagrod za najlepsze demo na Atari (XE/XL) bdzie Atari 1040 STe, nagrodami za pierwsze miejsca w grafice, muzyce i intrze (ST/STE) bd najprawdopodobniej LYNX'y II. Reszta nagrd jest tymczasem nawet dla mnie owiana tajemnic. Wiem z ca pewnoci, e nie bdzie nagrd typu: ucisk szefa QuaSTa, umiech odcinity w betonie, ju nie powiem kogo itd. Sumujc dodam, nagrody bd! Teraz zanim zaczn wypisywa bzdury wymieni rodzaje Competition, w kolejnoci w jakiej bd si odbywa na zlocie. *** Muzyka XL/XE *** Format muzyki odpalany spod DOSa. Prawdopodobnie w tym konkursie zostanie wystawionych najwicej prac, prosz wic o oddawanie do konkursu tylko swoich najlepszych prac. *** Grafika XL/XE *** Format standardowy, adnych kosmicznych formatw typu TIFF czy JPG. Moliwy format wasny. Powinien by to rysunek z programem, ktry si odpala jak normalny program spod DOSa. *** Intro XL/XE *** Intro powinno zajmowa maksymalnie 15 Kb pamici. Powinno si uruchamia na kadym komputerze klasy XL/XE. Dodatkowe moduy, przystawki, ktre intro wykorzystuje dyskfalifikuj je zaraz na starcie. *** Demo XL/XE *** Ilo zajmowanych dyskw jest dowolna. Tak jak przy intrze, demo nie moe korzysta z adnych dodatkowych urzdze peryferyjnych, no oczywicie z pominiciem stacji. Jak ju wspomniaem wczeniej nagrod w tej konkurencji bdzie Atari 1040 STe. Do caego kompletu zostan dodane podstawowe programy oraz dyski z QuaST Magazynem 7,8 i jeli wyjdzie to 9. *** Muzyka ST/STe/MST/MSTe/TT *** C mona zrozumie pod pojciem muzyka? Chodzi oczwicie o najlepszy modu, ktrego format musi nalee do Protrackera, TCB Trackera lub omio kanaowego Octalysera. Dugo muzyki nie powinna przekracza 400 Kb. Kady modu, ktry jest zrobiony na zasadzie poczonych sampli(kawakw caej muzyki) nie bedzie dopuszczony do rywalizacji. *** Grafika ST/STe/MST/MSTe *** W tym konkursie w szranki konkurencji mog stawa zarwno rysunki jak i animacje. Rysunki mog by w maksymalnie w palecie 4096 lub w palecie Pchroma. Nie bd tolerowanie kosmiczne formaty. Przykadowe formaty: PI1, PI2, CA1, CA2, PC1, PC2, NEO, IFF, SPU, SPC, IC1, IC2, KID, CNV. Rysunek moe by we wasnym formacie, lecz wtedy musi by doczony program do jego pokazania, lub taki rysunek musi by formie wykonywalnej (PRG, TOS, APP), tzn. po uruchomieniu programu pokazuje si konkretny rysunek. Animacje powinny si odpala bez problemu na Atari z 1 MB pamici i ich format powinien by zgodny z DELUXEM lub CYBER PAINTEM. W razie animacji niestandardowej prosz doczy do niej program, ktry pozwoli j odtworzy *** Intro ST/STe *** Intro nie powinno przekracza 100 Kb dugoci, powinno si odpala na ST i STE ( w razie poprawnego dziaania tylko na STe, intro nie zostanie dopuszczone do rywalizacji). Z intra powinno si wychodzi bez problemu. Po wyjciu intro powinno zwrci star palet kolorw, rozdzielczo, przerwania itd. Powinno dziaa bez problemu na Atari z 0.5 Mb pamici Ram. *** Demo ST/STe *** Jedynym zastrzeeniem jest to, e demo nie moe korzysta z adnych dodatkowych przystawek. Oczywisty jest chyba ju fakt, e bez problemu powinno si odpala na Atari z 1 Mb pamici Ram. *** Grafika F030/TT *** Kady format, ktry mona bez problemu odpali na Falconie lub TT. Moliwy take format wasny (postpowanie podobne jak w przypadku grafiki na ST/STE...). *** Intro F030/TT *** Podobnie jak na ST/STe intro nie powinno przekracza 100 Kb i po wyjciu z niego wszysto powinno wrci do poprzedniego stanu. Intro musi reprezentowa pewnien poziom. Nie bd brane pod uwag intra, do zudzenia przypominajce intra na STE/STe. *** Pinball Obsession *** Ten konkurs ma na celu wyonienie najlepszego "Pinbalowca". Oczywicie jako, e na STe tylko jeden pinball Obsession spenia warunki prawdziwego pinballa, na nim to rozegra si konkurs. Aby zagra i walczy o nagrod, trzeba bdzie speni par warunkw. Na pocztek trzeba bdzie przynie swoje dwa dyski z t gr. Na jeden dysk zostawnie nagrany plik z zerowymi wynikami i jednym najwyszym. Bdzie si miao okoo 30 godzin na wpisanie si z iloci punktw przekraczajc 15 mln. Przed konkursem gwnym bdzie trzeba pokaza swoj kopi i wynik przekraczajcy podany prg, osoba ta wtedy bdzie mog wzi udzia w dalszym konkursie. *** Crezy compot *** Po wszystkich suchych i monotematycznych konkurencjach odbdzie si co "crezy". Bdzie to szereg konkurencji, ktre stworz logiczn cao. Aby wygra trzeba si bdzie popisa nie tylko umiejtnociami komputerowymi ale i sprytem i logik. Jedn z konkurencji miao by woenie parasola w tyek, otworzenie go i wyjcie. Do tej konkurecji zabrako jednak parasoli i powstao szereg mniej atrakcyjnych, aczkolwiek ciekawych konkurencji. Oczywiste jest, e zdradzenie ich charakteru w tym momencie jest bezsensowne. W kadym razie bd jaja. Przed konkurencj radzibym wzicie tabletek uspokajajcych lub czego na powstrzymanie - moe by ciko. Wszak "crezy" moe oznacza wszystko, nie koniecznie akurat co miego. Radz si wic dobrze zabezpieczy, w kadorakim znaczeniu tego sowa. Wszystkie osoby, ktre wezm aktywny udzia w gosowaniu na najlepsze produkcje bd miay szans wygra nagrody-niespodzianki. Oczywicie pod uwag bd brane tylko te karty gosowa, ktre bd dokadnie i cile wypenione. Wszystkie konkursy nawizujce do Competition bd rozgrywane tylko i wycznie wtedy, gdy do jednej kategorii zostan oddane trzy prace lub wicej. W wypadku indywidualnym odnoszcym si do dema, ktre moe by jedno lub dwa, zostanie nagrodzodze jedno lub lepsze z tych dwch. Nagrod bdzie nagroda pienina. Nie bdzie tolerowane lamerstwo. W wypadku zlamowania, osoba, ktra to zrobia zostanie publicznie ogoszona! 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