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Johnson and Little Green Footballs Software Last revision: Monday, January 8, 1990 Part One - Introduction - ARC Shell is a GEM program which is designed to work with the popular ST archiving utility ARC.TTP. Essentially, ARC Shell adds a GEM interface to the ARC program, letting you point and click to select the various options instead of typing a command line. (I don't know about you, but one of the main reasons I bought an ST was to get away from all that MS-DOS/Unix command line silliness.) ARC Shell also contains a complete GEM-based disk utilities package, that lets you copy files (with wildcards and with query), delete and rename files, create and delete folders, show the free space on any connected drive, and even run other programs...all without exiting to the desktop. ARC Shell's current configuration can be saved at any point, so that the options and settings you use most often will be selected when you run the program. In addition, you can use the ST desktop's "Install Application" feature to set things up so that ARC Shell will automatically run when you double-click on a file with an extension of ARC. This documentation will focus primarily on the operation of ARC Shell; it's not intended to teach you how to use ARC. However, I've included the manual for version 5.20 of ARC in the archive which contains this file and the latest version of ARC Shell. Refer to this manual if you have any questions about the ARC program itself, such as "What's the difference between Updating and Freshening?" or "What does Convert Archive do?" The original version of ARC for the ST was version 5.12, ported by Harvey Johnson. The most recent version is ARC 5.21, ported to the ST by Howard Chu. Version 5.21 is available on Compuserve, Delphi, and GEnie, and on many local ST BBSes. (Note: Since the ARC 5.21 documentation is quite lengthy, I stopped including it in version 1.98 of ARC Shell. It should be easy to find this documentation on the major info services, if you still need it.) PLEASE NOTE: At the end of this document is the revision history of ARC Shell, including any new changes implemented in the current version. Part Two - The usual shareware plea -# Versions 1.95 and above of ARC Shell are "shareware," which means that if you like and use my program you're expected to pay for it just as you would be expected to pay for a "commercial" program. The registration fee for ARC Shell is $15.00 ... or more if you happen to be struck by a random philanthropic impulse. I've been continually updating and improving ARC Shell since it was first written, and I think you'll be pleased with the result; letters with checks in them would please me equally! If you end up using ARC Shell regularly, please send a check to: Charles F. Johnson (ARC Shell) P.O. Box 1250 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 If you'd like me to acknowledge that I've received your shareware payment, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Thanks for your support! And remember -- if you'd like to see more shareware programs like ARC Shell, you have to do your part and pay for the shareware programs you use. Part Three - Using ARC Shell - - When you run ARC Shell, make sure you have the ARC program (ARC.TTP) in the same directory with ARCSHL23.PRG. The very first thing ARC Shell does is look in the current directory for ARC.TTP. If a file with this name cannot be found, ARC Shell will show you a file selector asking, "Where is ARC.TTP?" and you will be able to locate the ARC program with the file selector. When ARC Shell finds the ARC program, it will then display a large dialog box, with buttons representing the available options. What you're looking at. In the upper left of the main dialog box is a box containing buttons labeled "ADD to Archive," "EXTRACT from Arc," etc. The buttons in this box are the main ARC commands; you'll notice that the default ARC command is "EXTRACT from Arc." Only one of these buttons can be selected at a time - if you click on a button to select it, the previously selected button will be turned "off." (These are known as "radio buttons.") To the right of the ARC command box is a box containing the ARC "flags." The button labeled "Hold Screen" is selected by default when you first run ARC Shell. The buttons in this box can be turned off and on individually; unlike radio buttons, more than one can be selected at a time. The button labeled "Encrypt/Decrypt" is a special case; when you turn this button on, the code word entry line beneath it becomes active and the edit cursor (the thin vertical line) is placed on the entry line, allowing you to type in an encryption keyword. The code word can be up to eight characters long. Directly underneath the ARC command box is a box containing buttons to let you select the device which will be used for LIST and VERBOSE LIST commands, and the drive for ARC and DATA files. The drive buttons can be operated in two ways; you can either type in the drive letter by hand, using the up and down arrows to move from one button to another, or use the mouse to click on the button. If you click the button, a box with 16 buttons representing the 16 possible logical drives will pop up, allowing you to select the drive with the mouse. Only active drives will be selectable in this box, and hitting Return will exit without changing the current drive. Finally, along the bottom of the main box are buttons labeled "Info," "ARC," "Disk," "Config," and "Exit." The Info button will display a copyright message, and a gentle reminder to send in your shareware contribution. OK, let's do something. When you've set all the options in the ARC Shell dialog box the way you want them, click on the "ARC" button to start things going. NOTE: You may also double-click on any of the buttons in the ARC command box (Extract, Add, List, etc.) to execute that command immediately without the extra step of clicking the "ARC" button. Depending on which ARC command you've selected, what happens next will vary slightly. In all cases however, the first thing ARC Shell will do is display a file selector to allow you to choose an ARC file. If you're creating a new archive file with the ADD or MOVE commands, simply type in a name for the new file on the file selector's "Selection" line, and hit Return or click on OK. If you're using any of the other commands (which all operate on previously-created archive files), click on the name of the ARC file you're working with and click OK. The file selector's "Cancel" button always returns you to the main ARC Shell dialog box. The LIST, VERBOSE LIST, or TEST commands only take one parameter - the name of an ARC file - so they will be acted upon as soon as you exit the file selector. Any of the other commands will now require a second parameter, the name of the DATA files on which you're operating. If you're ADDing files to an archive and you leave the "Selection" line in the DATA file selector blank, ARC Shell interprets this as "all files," and passes a search spec of *.* to the ARC program. If you type in a name on the selection line or click on a filename, only that filename will be passed to ARC. Also, when ADDing files, you will always return to the DATA file selector when ARC is finished adding a file or files, so that you can choose more files to add without having to select "ADD to Archive" every time. You must click on the file selector's "Cancel" button to exit back to the main dialog box. If you leave the "Selection" line blank when you're EXTRACTing files from an archive, you'll be faced with the following choices about how to extract the files: ALL - Extracts all files from the archive into the specified directory. When the operation is complete, ARC Shell will ask if you wish to delete the original ARC file. To Folder - First creates a folder (a subdirectory) with the same name as the archive file (minus the .ARC extension) in the specified directory, then extracts all files from the archive into the folder. Again, when the operation is complete, you'll be given the chance to delete the original ARC file. W/ Query - When you select the "Query" option, ARC Shell reads through the entire ARC file and gets the name of every file it contains, then displays all the names in a large dialog box. There is room in the box for 80 filenames; if an archive contains more than 80 files a page indicator will become visible in the lower left of the box and you can page forward and back to see the rest of the filenames. (The maximum is 720.) The Query box lets you mark individual files or groups of files for extraction by clicking on them with the mouse. You can click and hold down the button while dragging the mouse to select or deselect files, and double-click on any file to select it in one step. (Note: if you double-click on a file when other files are selected, it begins the extraction process for the entire group of selected files.) If you want to abort a multiple extraction after the process has already started, press and hold down the Alternate key. (Another note: the Query box is also available for the "Delete from ARC" and "Copy to StdOut" commands. Just choose "w/ Query from the alert box that appears afters selecting either of these commands.) Cancel - Lets you change your mind and return to the main ARC Shell dialog box. The "COPY to StdOut" command can be used to view text files contained within an archive without extracting them first. When this command is selected, ARC Shell will display an alert box with the choices "ALL" and "w/ Query." The Query option works in the same way as with the EXTRACT command; the filenames will be read from the archive, and you can choose which file(s) to view using the Query dialog box. When you use "COPY to StdOut" to view text files, you can pause the scrolling by typing Control-S and resume by typing Control-Q. The COPY operation can also be aborted at any time by typing Control-C. The LIST and VERBOSE LIST commands are used to display the files contained within an archive. You can direct the output from the LIST commands to the screen, to the printer, or to an ASCII disk file by clicking on the buttons labeled "List Device" in the main ARC Shell dialog box. There are two buttons in the ARC Shell dialog box which are intended to be used only with ARC version 5.21; "Overwrite Existing Files" and "Squash." Earlier versions of ARC will report an error if either of these two buttons are selected. The buttons labeled "Crunch" and "Squash" are used to choose between two different types of data compression schemes used by ARC 5.21 -- only the "Crunch" option is supported by earlier versions. So bear in mind that if you use the "Squash" method, people who don't have ARC 5.21 will be unable to extract those files. Part Four - The ARC Shell Disk Utilities -( To access the ARC Shell Disk Utilities, click on the button labeled "Disk" at the bottom of the main ARC Shell dialog box. The Disk Utilities are a complete GEM-based file maintenance system - you won't have to exit ARC Shell to copy files, delete files, etc. You can even use the ARC Shell Disk Utilities to run other programs. When you click on the "Copy File(s)" button, a file selector appears to let you choose the source file(s) for the copy. You can use any combination of wildcards (? and *) on the 'Selection' line of the file selector to specify groups of files to be copied. When you click the file selector's OK button, another file selector will appear to let you choose the destination directory for the copied file(s). If the source filename contains no wildcards (in other words, you're copying a single file) the file will be copied right away. If there are wildcard characters in the source filename, you'll be given a choice to copy "ALL" files or copy "w/ Query." The Query option will prompt you whether or not to copy each file that matches the wildcard specification. You can also delete groups of files by using wildcards in the same way. If the destination filename already exists when a copy operation is being performed, a box will appear with the warning "Name Conflict During Copy." You can either click OK to write over the existing file or type in a new name for the copied file and hit Return. The "Run Program" command lets you execute a program from within ARC Shell, and return to ARC Shell when the program terminates. If the program you choose to run has the extension .TTP (Tos Takes Parameters), a box will appear to let you enter a command line to pass to the program. The operation of the other disk commands should be fairly self-explanatory. You can rename files, show the free space remaining on a disk, create and delete folders, and format a floppy disk. The format command lets you use drive A or B, and formats either single or double sided. No fancy format options here - you get the straight ahead standard format, 80 tracks, 9 sectors per track. At the bottom left of the Disk Utilities dialog is a box titled "Copy/Delete Prompts" containing buttons labeled "On" and "Off." When this option is set to "Off," you'll get no warning when you delete a file or copy a file to an already existing name. The Exit button returns you to the main ARC Shell dialog box. Part Five - Configuring ARC Shell -! Clicking on the button labeled "Config" at the bottom of the ARC Shell dialog box will take you to the configuration screen. This screen lets you specify a pathname for both a "default" ARC utility and an "alternate" ARC utility, and also set the directory to which ARC's numerous temporary files will be written (the latter option is only valid when ARC Shell is used with ARC 5.21). You can save these options, as well as every other ARC Shell setting, with the button labeled "Save Configuration"; after you do this, ARC Shell will remember the settings the next time you run it. The default ARC utility is the one which will be searched for when the program first runs. If you haven't specified a default ARC utility, ARC Shell looks in the current directory for a file named ARC.TTP (see above). However, using the Config option, you can set it so that ARC.TTP can be located anywhere when you run ARC Shell. Click on the button labeled "Locate Default ARC Program" and use the file selector to specify a new file and pathname. Next, you can select an alternate ARC utility which can be enabled by clicking on the button labeled "Use Alternate." To specify the pathname for the alternate ARC utility, click on the button labeled "Locate Alternate ARC Program" and use the file selector. The purpose of the "Alternate" option is to allow you to switch easily between two different ARC programs; for example, some people prefer to use a shareware program called DCOPY (by Ralph Walden) to do their ARC operations because it's quite a bit faster than ARC.TTP. When ARC is adding files to an archive, it creates quite a few temporary work files on the disk. With ARC Shell, you can choose to have these files written to either the ARC drive or the DATA drive, or to another directory altogether. (Hint: directing the temporary files to a RAMdisk can really speed up ARC, especially if you have a floppy-based system.) When you click on the button labeled "Set Directory" a file selector lets you choose the directory for the temporary files. (NOTE: this option is only valid when used with ARC 5.21.) There is one small difference in the way the two versions of ST ARC handle redirection to the printer. ARC 5.12 uses the device name "PRT:" while ARC 5.21 uses "PRN:." If you're going to be redirecting the output from the LIST commands to a printer, you should choose the appropriate "Printer Device Name" at the lower left of the Configuration box. When you have ARC Shell set up the way you want it (including all of the options in the main dialog box), you can click on the "Save Configuration" button to make this arrangement your new default.in other words, after saving your configuration, ARC Shell will always start out with your settings when you run it. Versions of ARC Shell prior to 1.96 saved their configuration data in a separate file called ARCSHELL.CNF. This was changed in version 1.96; the con}figuration is now saved directly into the ARC Shell program file, which makes a separate data file unnecessary. When you choose to "Save Configuration," ARC Shell will first look in the directory from which it ran for a file called ARCSHL23.PRG. If a file by this name is found, ARC Shell will attempt to write the new configuration data to this file. If for some reason, a file by this name exists and is NOT the ARC Shell program, you will be warned and the configuration save can be retried or aborted. If ARC Shell cannot find a file named ARCSHL23.PRG (perhaps you changed the name?), you'll be given a chance to use a file selector to locate the program file no matter which name you've given it. Part Six - Installing ARC Shell as an Application -1 Using the desktop's "Install Application" feature, you can set things up so that whenever you double-click on a file with the extension .ARC, ARC Shell will automatically load and run. To do this from the desktop, click once on ARCSHL23.PRG to select it, then move to the "Options" menu and select "Install Application." In the box that appears, enter a document type of "ARC," and then click on the button labeled "Install." (DON'T hit Return after entering the document type.Return will exit without installing!) Now save your desktop, so this setting will be remembered the next time you boot up. If you double-click on an ARC file after ARC Shell has been "installed" in this way, a dialog box will appear showing the name of the ARC file you selected. You can extract files from this archive, do a verbose list of its contents, or cancel the operation by clicking on one of the three buttons in the box. If you choose to extract, you'll be given the same extract options as explained above in the section titled "Using ARC Shell." When the extract or list operation is complete, you can either enter ARC Shell (to do some more archive maintenance) or quit back to the desktop. Part Seven - Update Notes - -D Version 1.97b ARC Shell 1.97b adds compatibility with the modified "Install Application" feature of Neodesk, while retaining compatibility with all currently released versions of the TOS desktop (as of January 2, 1989). Another new feature of 1.97b -- when you extract ALL files from an ARChive, ARC Shell will ask if you wish to delete the original ARC file when the extraction is complete. (This feature was previously only available after extracting "To Folder.") -D Version 1.97c Version 1.97c fixes a bug in the 'Delete' option which was very hard to track down. ARC Shell 1.97c will now properly delete the original ARC file (if you choose, of course) after an 'Extract' operation. -D Version 1.98 ARC Shell 1.98 has several substantial improvements. All of the options in the main dialog box can now be selected with keypresses, as well as with the mouse. The active keys are: Control A - Add to Arc Control M - Move to Arc Control U - Update Arc Control F - Freshen Arc Control D - Delete from Arc Control T - Test Arc Control X - Extract from Arc Control R - Run from Arc Control C - Copy to StdOut Control L - List Control V - Verbose list Control O - Convert Arc F1 - Info F2 - ARC F3 - Disk F4 - Config F5 - Exit Undo - Exit (same as F5) To help you remember the keypresses, the letter corresponding to the active key is capitalized in the first word of each option. (e.g. eXtract, cOnvert, Add, etc.) Another new feature is the 'Buffer Screen' option in the Configuration dialog box. When this option is set to YES, ARC Shell will keep a copy of the main dialog box in memory, and very quickly 'blit' it to the screen every time it needs to be redrawn. This speeds up the operation of ARC Shell (a lot), but it costs 32K of RAM. If you'd like to free up that 32K, just set the 'Buffer Screen' option to NO. This may enable you to run ARC Shell in tight memory situations where you previously couldn't. The status of 'Buffer Screen' is saved (along with everything else) when you save your configuration. Still another new feature: when you save your configuration with ARC Shell 1.98, the full paths of the ARC and DATA drives are saved, not just the drive letter. And yet another new feature: the 'Copy to StdOut' option will now copy to the printer as well as the screen. This is very handy - it lets you make hardcopy listings of files contained in archives without first extracting them. To 'Copy' to the printer, the button labeled 'Printer' must be selected in the 'List/Copy Device' box. ('Copy to StdOut' cannot be directed to a file -- that would be the same as 'Extract'ing the file!) -D Version 1.98.1 This version (released April 11, 1989) fixes a small bug in the "Save Config" option, that only showed up after following a certain sequence of steps. Thanks to Tim Hitchings for pointing this one out. -D Version 1.99 Version 1.99 adds the ability to configure ARC Shell so that each ARC option (Extract, Add, Move, etc.) can use EITHER the default ARC utility OR the alternate ARC utility. (The default and alternate ARC utilities are defined in the 'Config' screen.) When you first run ARC Shell 1.99, all options are set to use the default ARC utility (usually ARC.TTP or ARC521.TTP). To change any option, just hold down the Control key while clicking on the option; a dialog box will pop up with two buttons labeled 'Default' and 'Alternate.' Choose which ARC utility you wish to use for this ARC option, and click the OK button. You can go through and set all the ARC options this way, and when you save your configuration this information will be saved along with everything else. Notice in the 'Config' screen, that the Alternate ARC Utility box no longer has a button labeled 'Use Alternate.' This is because you now set each ARC option individually. The most common use for this feature is to set something like DCOPY or David Ramsden's KWIKARK.TTP as the 'Alternate' ARC Utility, then set the 'Extract' option to use the Alternate utility (by holding Control while you click on 'Extract'). Now you can have the compatibility of using ARC.TTP for all your archiving work, combined with the speed of DCOPY or KWIKARK for extractions, without having to go to the 'Config' screen and change the 'Use Alternate' button. -D Version 2.0 ARC Shell 2.0 is now compatible with the new LHARC format, which uses a file extension of LZH. In testing, I've found that LHARC provides a significant increase in compression over ARC 5.12 or 5.21; in one case, a 217K text file compressed to less than 57K, or just over a quarter of its original size! By comparison, the original ARC.TTP produced a compressed file of over 100K, or just about half the file's original size. In another case, several program and text files totalling over 130K were compressed into an archive that ended up being only 45K...a mere 35% of the original size of the files. Impressive results indeed. When you first run ARC Shell 2.0, it looks for a file called ARC.TTP in the same directory. If ARC.TTP is found, you'll be delivered immediately to the main ARC Shell dialog box. If ARC Shell can't find this file, it will ask you 'Where's ARC.TTP,' and present you with a file selector. Use the file selector to locate the program you use to manage files that have an extension of ARC (probably ARC.TTP or ARC521.TTP). It doesn't have to be in the same directory with ARC Shell. Looking at the main screen of ARC Shell 2.0, you'll see two new buttons directly underneath the options (Add, Move, Delete, etc.), labelled 'Def:' and 'Alt:'. These two buttons are used to tell ARC Shell which archive utility goes with which option. (See the revision history for ARC Shell 1.99, above, for an explanation of the 'Default' and 'Alternate' archive utilities.) Note that the 'control-click' feature of ARC Shell 1.99 no longer exists in version 2.0; you now set the archive utility for each option simply by clicking on one of the 'Def:' or 'Alt:' buttons. As you click on different options, the 'Def:' and 'Alt:' buttons will become selected and deselected, to show you which options go with which utilities. Using version 2.0 with LHARC -b- As mentioned above, the LHARC program uses a file extension of LZH instead of ARC. In the main ARC Shell dialog box, you'll see a new option called 'File Type,' with two buttons labelled 'ARC' and 'LZH.' When you select the LZH button the ARC Shell file selector will use an extension of LZH. Also, and more importantly, selecting either ARC or LZH switches between two sets of 'Default' and 'Alternate' archive utilities. This way you can set up ARC.TTP and DCOPY (for example) as your 'Default' and 'Alternate' utilities, and still use LHARC and some other LZH-oriented utility simply by clicking the LZH button. The first time you click on the LZH button, both 'Default' and 'Alternate' utilities will be blank. To install LHARC as the default utility for LZH files, first select the LZH button, then enter the Config screen (by clicking on the Config button or by typing function key F6), and click on the button labelled 'Locate Default Archive Utility'. Use the file selector to locate LHARC.PRG (or whatever it's called on your system). When you do this, its full pathname will appear in the first box in the Config screen. When you exit the Config screen to the main ARC Shell dialog box, the button labelled 'Def:' will now contain the name of the LHARC program. If you also have some other utility for managing LZH files, you can follow the same procedure for setting up an 'Alternate' utility. That's all there is to it; you are now set to use either the standard ARC.TTP (or DCOPY or ARC 5.21) or the new LHARC program, simply by clicking on the ARC or LZH buttons. If you'd like to make this your default configuration, be sure to click on the 'Save Config' button in the Config screen (see above). PLEASE NOTE: All ARC functions are not implemented in the current version of LHARC, so some ARC Shell options may not work. ALSO, the LHARC format and the formats used by ARC.TTP are _not_ compatible; you should not pass the name of an ARC file to LHARC, or pass an LZH file to ARC.TTP. ARC.TTP acts very strangely when passed the name of an LZH file, and it may even crash and do nasty things to your disk directory. Be careful. (Unfortunately, there's nothing ARC Shell can do to prevent crashes here -- the problem is in ARC.TTP.) The other important new feature in ARC Shell 2.0 is the ability to 'globally' set all ARC Shell options to use either the 'Default' or 'Alternate' Archive utility. Immediately to the right of the ARC button at the bottom of the screen are two buttons labelled 'DEFAULT' and 'ALTERNATE.' Click on either button to change all ARC Shell options to use that utility; this only affects the settings for the current file type, ARC or LZH. When you switch from one file type to another, the option assignments are preserved. The function key mapping has been changed in ARC Shell 2.0 to reflect the two new options at the bottom of the main box ('DEFAULT' and 'ALTERNATE'). The new function keys are: F1 - ARC F2 - DEFAULT F3 - ALTERNATE F4 - Info F5 - Disk F6 - Config F7 - EXIT Undo - EXIT (same as F7) -D Version 2.1 Support for ARC 6.02 - The latest version of ARC (6.02) has been ported to the ST by Darin Wayrynen. This new version offers two big improvements over previous versions. First, ARC 6.02 is MUCH faster both at adding and extracting files from an archive. And second, ARC 6.02 now allows you to add entire subdirectories to an archive, along with any and all nested subdirectories. A subdirectory shows up in a verbose list as only one entry in the archive file; it can be extracted to any path and the directory structure will remain intact. *** IMPORTANT: if you want to use ARC 6.02's subdirectory *** *** feature with ARC Shell, please read the following *** *** paragraph before continuing! *** To use ARC 6.02's subdirectory feature, just select the button labeled 'Include Subdirectories' at the right side of the ARC Shell dialog box. When the 'Data' file selector appears (where you select the files to add), you should type in the name of the folder you wish to add on the file selector's 'Selection' line. (Since clicking on a folder name in the file selector opens it.) Wild cards may be used, just as with all other ARC operations. As of this date (December 28, 1989), ARC 6.02 does not support redirection of its 'List' or 'Copy' commands, so those features of ARC Shell will not work with ARC 6.02. When used with ARC 6.02, the 'Copy to StdOut' command will only send a file to the printer, not to the screen; and the 'List' and 'Verbose List' commands will only send a file to the screen, not the printer. If you need to redirect these commands to other devices, you should use an earlier version of ARC. (I've found that ARC 5.12 [the first one for the ST] seems to handle redirection the best.) Improved support for LHARC - I've improved ARC Shell 2.1's compatibility with LHARC quite a bit, and added support for LHARC 0.51's 'comment' feature (which allows you to add comments to files in an LZH archive). The 'Query' operations now work correctly with LZH files. You can extract, delete, and copy files from an archive by selecting the 'w/ query' option; when you do this a large box will appear, displaying the names of all the files in the LZH archive and allowing you to select the ones you wish to act upon. (See 'W/ Query' in Part Three above.) The Copy to StdOut feature of ARC Shell is now compatible with LHARC, allowing files in an LZH archive to be sent to the screen or printer without actually extracting them. Unfortunately, LHARC 0.51 still does not support redirection of the 'List' or 'Verbose List' commands to a printer or to a file. If you wish to add comments to the files in your LZH archives, select the button labeled 'LZH Comments' at the right side of the ARC Shell dialog box. (This button is grayed out when you're in ARC mode.) LHARC will prompt you for the comment when it is invoked by ARC Shell. PLEASE NOTE: I've found that the current version of LHARC will always go into "Comment" mode if any file in the archive being added to contains a comment, whether the 'LZH Comments' button is selected or not. This is a "bug" in LHARC 0.51 and unfortunately there's nothing ARC Shell can do to fix or prevent it. Alternate Command Lines - ARC Shell 2.1 allows you to enter your own command line for any of the Archiving options in the main dialog box. Each of the 12 buttons ('Add,' 'Update,' 'Delete,' 'Extract,' etc.) has its own alternate command line that can be used to access features of archiving programs that ARC Shell itself does not directly support. (The command line is the line you see at the top of your screen whenever ARC Shell calls an archiving program such as ARC.TTP or LHARC. Please refer to the documentation for your archiving program for more details about how to use its command line options.) To enter an Alternate command line, just hold down the Alternate key while you click on the ARC button, or while you double-click the ARC option you wish to execute, or while you type the option's keyboard equivalent. A dialog box will appear, with two editable fields in which you can enter both a title for the alternate command line and the command line itself. You should enter the entire command line up to the point at which the name of the archive file will appear. If your archiving program requires a blank space before the name of the first archive file, be sure to include it at the end of the alternate command line. For example, ARC 5.21C has a special option which allows compression with 13, 14, 15, or 16 bit token tables. This feature allows you to generate smaller archive files; the higher the bit value, the smaller the resulting file. (Usually.) The downside of this feature is that archives compressed in this way can only be extracted with ARC 5.21C, since no other version can handle them. You can use the Alternate command line feature of ARC Shell 2.1 to experiment with these extended compression methods and see if you'd like to use them. (I don't recommend uploading files to networks or BBS'es in any of these extended formats, by the way.) 'Change Default' button in 'Extract' box -( A new feature has been added to the box that appears when you extract files from an archive (either in ARC or LZH mode). This box contains buttons labeled 'All,' 'To Folder,' and 'W/ Query'; ARC Shell 2.1 now lets you set which of these buttons will be the 'default' button. (In other words, the one that is selected when you type the Return or Enter key.) To do this, click on the button labeled 'Change Default' at the bottom of the box, then on the button you wish to make the default. This new default status is also saved with the rest of the ARC Shell configuration data. Buffer Screen Option compatible with "big screen" monitors -: The 'Buffer Screen' option of ARC Shell 2.1 (which allows for super fast redraws of the main dialog box) has been updated to handle large screen monitors and the PD BIGSCRN program. Depending on the size of the monitor being used, this option can require quite a bit of memory; if memory is tight, turn screen buffering off and redraws will take place at their normal speed. -D Version 2.1b Copy to StdOut Fixed for Older Versions of ARC -. While adding the code to allow "Copy to StdOut" to work with LHARC, I inadvertently introduced a bug that made it fail when used with older versions of ARC. This bug is fixed in ARC Shell 2.1b. (Thanks Ralph, for bringing this to my attention.) All Other Reported Bugs Fixed - Version 2.1b also fixes all reported bugs in version 2.1. I can't even remember all of them; but if you had a problem with ARC Shell 2.1, chances are it's fixed now. NEW FEATURES: Right-Click to Select Options - ARC Shell 2.1b allows you to instantly select any of the 12 main ARC options (in the upper left of the box) by clicking on it with the right mouse button. If you hold down the Alternate key while you right-click on any option, its "Alternate Command Line" box will appear (see above, "Alternate Command Lines".) Prompt for Delete Configurable - After calling ARC (or LHARC) to extract the files from an archive, ARC Shell displays an alert box that asks if you want to delete the archive file you've just extracted from. If you find yourself always clicking on the "Cancel" button in this alert box, you may want to turn "Prompt for Delete" OFF. This button is located in the ARC Shell Config screen; if it is not selected, the "Delete" alert box will not appear after extracting. (Good suggestion, Lloyd.) -D Version 2.3 Compatible with Atari TT030 and ISAC hi-res color board -7 Version 2.3 of ARC Shell is now compatible with Atari's new 68030-based TT computer. This version also displays correctly when used with the ISAC hi-res color board. 'Include Subdirectories' Active in LZH Mode -+ This version of ARC Shell lets you select the 'Include Subdirectories' option in LZH mode. (Previous versions only allowed this in ARC mode.) However, there are currently quite a few different versions of LHARC in circulation, and 'Include Subdirectories' does NOT work with all of them. This option will not work with LHARC060 or LHARC051 (by Jon Webb); it will work with LHARC102 (by Bill Shroka). To add subdirectories to an LZH archive with LHA121 (by Roger Burrows), you'll need to use the 'Alternate Command Lines' feature (see above, under the section for version 2.1) to specify a command line for the 'Add' button that looks like: ax <-- one trailing space after the 'x' To extract archives which contain subdirectories (and maintain the original directory structure) with LHA121, set up an alternate command line for the 'Extract' button that looks like: xx <-- again, one trailing space after the 'x' To install these alternate command lines permanently in ARC Shell, make sure to save your configuration before exiting the program. Known Bug - This version of ARC Shell has one small known bug; if you choose the 'Extract w/Query' or 'Delete w/Query' option, sometimes ARC Shell will fail to display all the files contained within the selected archive. I wanted to release this new version for TT owners as soon as possible, and haven't had time to look into this bug yet -- next version! *9 * 7* * This document and all versions of ARC Shell are * * Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Charles F. Johnson * * and Little Green Footballs Software. * * All Rights Reserved. !* * 7* * ARC Shell may NOT be sold. It may, however, be * * freely distributed as long as this document is * * included and neither program nor document are * * altered IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. This document * * may not be reprinted without permission. * * 7* * While every effort has been made to ensure that * * this program is free of bugs, I cannot be * * responsible for any damages or loss of data * * resulting from the use or misuse of ARC Shell. * * 7* *9 c`;R`BJv21b[G_w7O'?W/G_99+++,,7,O,g##,,- Q?    ?    3    7 ?  ? ?@ ?  0  @@ 0    @H@@@(???8k8j8j8o8j8j8t8j8j8{8j8j88j8j88j8j88j8j88j8j88j8j88j8j88j8j 88j8j88j8j 88j8j 88j8j88j8j98j8j98j8j9)8j8j9B8j8j9J9S9b 9d8j8j 9q8j8j98j8j98j8j 98j8j98j8j98j8j98j8j98j8j98j8j9999998j8j8jq98j8j98j8j:8j8j:8j8j :&8j8j:+8j8j:08j8j:78j8j:<8j8jr :H8j8j:8j8j::; ;;";= ;Q8j8j ;i8j8jA;8j8jA<8j8j<+8j8j <78j8j88j8j>P8j8jA>8j8j>8j8j>8j8jA? 8j8j!?-8j8jE?r8j8jA?8j8j @08j8j@@A AAA,8j8jA=8j8jAM8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8j8jAl8j8jqAn8j8jA|8j8jA8j8jA8j8j A8j8jqA8j8jAABB 8j8j BB+B@- C F % Q 8Q TQ pQ Q Q  Q  Q  Q  Q 4 Q PQ l )     r   0 A L  h  Q Q    Q Q $ #  ! , " H# d %  &  )'(0 ( & *:-+,,(*D.1(/`0|1-%   ABCD EF G H  I J KL MNO5P  2**  C* :a:n:|:: : ::   :  :  ':  $@;?';F ;I \  D ;^ @x@; @@;  ; %;+  B##< <  %<$   B   <=>'>5 BGCtCAC CCAC  C C C 8A CQ?Q? 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JohnsonARCDEFAULTALTERNATEInfoDiskConfigEXITDrive: ARC ARC Shell Disk UtilitiesCopy File(s)Create FolderDelete File(s)Delete FolderRename FileFormat DiskDisk Free SpaceRun ProgramCopy/Delete PromptsOnOffExit_ Old Filename: _.___F_ New Filename? _.___FCANCELOKCopyingFILENAME.EXTCopy From:TEXT <To:TEXT <COPYSKIPCANCELWild Card Copy OptionsALLw/ QueryCancelFormat DiskDriveABSides12FormatCancelFormatting...AShow Free Space on Drive: _FOKCancel NAME CONFLICT DURING COPY _ Current Filename: _.___F_ Copy's Filename? _.___FCANCELOKARC ShellVersion 2.3Copyright 1991 Charles F. Johnson& Little Green Footballs SoftwareARC Shell is shareware!If you use and enjoy this programplease send $15.00 to:Charles F. Johnson (ARC Shell)P.O. Box 1250Pacific Palisades, CA 90272Thank you! Your supportis greatly appreciated.OKDefault Archive UtilityARC.TTP 9Locate Default Archive ProgramAlternate Archive Utility: @Locate Alternate Archive ProgramDirectory for Temporary Files: (only valid when used with ARC 5.21) @Use Arc's DirectoryUse DATA DirectorySet DirectoryPrinter NamePRT:PRN:Buffer ScreenPrompt for DeleteSave ConfigExitExtract OptionsALLw/ QueryTo FolderCancelChange Default Run TTP Program Name:FILENAME.EXTParameters:_@_@XOKCANCELEXTRACT from Arc Archive File: Data Path: ExtractCancel1ARC Shell 2.3(c) 1988 Charles F. JohnsonArchive Filename:FILENAME.EXTExtractListCancelAlternate Commands:TITLE__XCOMMAND LINE__XOKCANCEL <Ԑ# o#OӼ//Bg?<JNA 3?<"NNTO @C#C ##3KP28<a=#.aCv#N?<NNTO3 yPg< y hOl.A!y!y!| `AD0<a?`?<&NN\OJy fj*zLV&M,zLTI:< ge`2SM M fQJ( f #"¼ AUHg"f` 3 `3#Ma8FjMa88j4IKKB:<Q#oIH:<###@#a:B yf70J9g7&*|(|@a8r(|fA@CnEaA@CEaALJf \fJCcf`hAJC.0<f(QACAfJ!AfA$HG09fGJf \fJCffHz6?<&NN\OJ@k3# Jyf&.|Ӽ/9/9Bg?<JNA 3 yAJg #p,HS@g \f*HRM NC  g JgQEbGI0  g.Jg* *ae *zb* + , `BBB#bd A  g` !\f`"yEbGI0Jg>  fB`4 *ae *zb) * + , QBBB#bd AAfJ!\*.*BpAJgR@`*HSMACӃ  f .fJ Ag af.E"GfEGQf#`\ Lf (Zf (Hg lf (zf (hfB(EHGfEGf#VH,HA0< "XQa4a7*3#6a86a9 a4By y:f `F y:gF#BJ3$JygNBy`2JgJy,g4By,# BRBV3ra73ra7# #F>#JB3(Hz8n?<&NN\Oa6Hz8?<&NN\OJy(k y;(mn#Ar0)Bh!yF!yJ!| # a709(|;AFH00Ar03:1| a7l`:< xK.,]gF#~6KAFR30rByt#Fv#Jz# a7RDQ09(2IA pHAF3ra6?< NMTO>p:U<Ae<Pb9gz"|Af693$r# #hR#pVa6`:A:*H|@?/?<GNAPOJfJ%ID9fICfp:Ӱ<Ae<Pb9gn"|Af693%r# #hR#pVa5`.A:*H|@?/?<GNAPOJfJ%IfA:>H?|Aˉ"zD0< g`DAJQ`6 Pm| Pnt>AJf .fJCB9fCB$IfA?C? 0<QB90ARCEG텾|fAEzffACJfB`Jf \fJfAKCJfB`Jf \fJf#A̭|f8#g4# BRBV3ra3` f`Aw"zCE=0< gJf`` EJQ# BRBV3ra33ra3~` P+g P,fCͫ>A<ƞ|+gA=0<a0~# BRBV yf@ zB0< QA˧03ra23ra2|+3ra2` Pm P n|CU0| zBJ0g)fJ`f8# BRBV3ra2l3ra2`fJy0f` Pf#Ar01|Bha2ItACr9'f f3$B99J  `f3  # Gr6#R#Va1'y>'yB`3$ P$g< P%g6By< P.g P/g P0g P)f 3 `By a1`By<3 a0a-X3:C:C y$f A2K`A2K0<QA "H0<Qp|A33# a/$Bya/a ByBya-"09:||A y$f$AK>y9fK>r:<9`AK>c:<9(H:<@?/?<GNAPOJfJ$Q9,Og:# 3$r#hR#pVa/3%ra/`#~#r# a0` y1:g) y.:fBa+#(a.Bya.a lByPE a A@CE 9fCa 3,A Caf` y:fI93:<####a) yfEa dACE9fC&a B3,ACf`A/<0<a)B yg<#~Ar01|!y>!yB#*4a,,`a)AC0<($YQACfACLf?<Hy?<=NAPOJk.Bg?/< ?<BNA Hy /<??<?NA v21b ga(??<>NAXOA`NHzP/<??<@NA ,??<>NAXOa(^JjA `Jy"gBy"`a(:A.G0<a( yg#]I7:<####a'B yf@J9g6ACEah3"` y/:fa&ba'a%#"la(Bya)paBy<:<aJ@kP:<aJ@kB9'g><aJ@k*:<aBg9'g?<`?</<Hy ?<NN:<<<><a\a9&g0<A?`60<B?`&?/!yBJy gj0#$a D3ra 8a,ByaaaBy<3 ab y:g, y:fXAa`<0#$daAabKad:AaLJEf9#gbAC E40<Jg0 .g QJ`  QJ0<JgQBBaaN#( abBya0aBy/9/9??<?NA Jj"??<>NAXOJyg??<>NAXO`*f ??<>NAXO~Jyf0BgHy?<NAXO`x<3/9/??<@NA gBJGg ??<>NAXO??<>NAXO/9?<INA\OA!W0<aHy?<ANA\O`0Jf??<>NAXO/9?<INA\O?<ONATOJ@ga`I':<#V#b##@atJ9g yfA@CEaAaKaf9#f0A *g ?gJf`A 0<a yfNA@C@EaAK0<  QACKJg`9#g"A 0<al yg yfalHy@?<ANA\Oad?<ONATOJ@gv`B9I&}:<####a,J9gz yfnACEf !\fRIAfAC:E;0<Jg0 .g QJ`  QJ0<JgQBB##aByala By9Gg$PR9,gT`N:`&I :<####Paf ygBJygByJynA gC0< $YQ9fNEPGf "\fJG'fEGof "\fJGfW#`fEGf "\fJGfE(G!f "\fJGfW#`aa`J9Pg (|aL(|P:< JgQ` #:Ȼ|߰9g |:"|:<QByI:<#i#t##@a yflJ9@f39f (|:<?JgQJyfa(|@:< JgQJyg 9f>9g$9Gf9gS`9f` aBy&a#,aByaaBy"y$I0<  QBpAS@QRy yg~pA 2<H QJ?<?9/?<BNAO Jk` |pa rk ygAbp a Vka Ry yf?<?<?<NM\O`l |pa 99 9м ?<?9/?<BNA Jk"9Sb@?9?<>NAXOa Jygp09P"HAJAg R@36`3P634|f 6`6By21AlByA6X9g A]`9g ` Jyf^A<0<BQA4"HE.&J0<O 1|Bj  QA 092294SAy2g0<O`096S@"Jg7|@ Qa @3By8#.<a Bya a009:|YfJy2gSy2S9AlA4$HC.&I0<O  1|Bi  QA C<092P 294SAy2g0<O`096S@$Jg7|@Jg Q#.< y4g 3[r#R#Va F3rBRBVa .`|Zf"092R@y4gRy2R9Al`9:f(|e294SAy2g2<O`296|Ab2A0 gBy`3382Ap A<292P4|Bp>#~Ar01|!y>!yB#.<a ?|Vf6W9g2A<29SAfQ`A G0<a yfvByA<29SApgR@QJ@gP|g3?PR9,gT`N:B*|BJgR`9f JyfaHy?< NA\OHz-?< NA\OHz!?< NA\OBy9f 97gX9_fN |0"|:< JgQ9/g8<` 8<3K,a<<KaQHzHy09* zJ0gJ9>gHy>`Hy>PBg?<KNAOJjaA0<aР Hz?< NA\OJy&fJyg\ByBy&9,ggFaBA <0<a yf,A  fC  g`BHy?<ANA\OJygJygJy fHz/`Hz?< NA\O# |r0#1|1|1|Ba&09f&f y(g(f3`(|g 3`3rByxaBy9ftJygKaa*9Gf09_f&9wf9fJy g.a`Jyf*y`b9g K8<aJyg,By y!|I yBh.Bg/9?<1NABgNA xV08TS@"X g Q0$ yJyg0Rh yPfj@h@`(j h `YjYh yPfYjYh%yURUj\j\jJyfByad#~ArBP1|!y>!yB#`#j3r#a3:Nu#tAr0BB!y> !yB`#Ar0:Bh!y>!yB1y< 1y #`d#aXIrK)m 9RlH@l yz:)h 9Vl H@l#~9|"< <NBNu x hm3 3.Nu x TOPDf#&# *Nu x fJ.g#.&Nu y#"y#@| "FBy0Nu y"y@| "FNu#HzNޭ z0(hgb"P 1;m 1Anr13(`: 1af 3A(`("1¼C0< gQ`3("P0(# yN/ og30 _NޭHSwitchARC DATA[3][ARC Shell requires an |80-column screen!][ Abort ][0][ | Copy Options: | | ][All|w/ Query|Abort][0][ | Delete Options: | | ][All|w/ Query|Abort][2][ Delete file(s)| from ARChive... | | Are you sure?| ][ Yes |No][2][ Do you want to delete | the original ARC file?| ][ Delete |Cancel][2][ Save current ARC Shell | configuration? | ][Save| Cancel ][2][ Unable to find| ARCSHL23.PRG! The| config data must be| written directly into | the ARC Shell file.][Cancel| Locate ][2][ Sorry! This is a wrong |  version of ARC Shell.| Config save cancelled.| ][ Oh well ][2][ Error while attempting | to write configuration | data!| ][ Cancel ][3][ Not enough memory to | copy | ][ Never mind ][3][ Not enough space on the | destination disk to copy | this file.| ][ Sheesh ][2][ | WILD CARD DELETE!!! | | Are you sure?| ][ Yes |No][3][ Delete | | Are you sure?| ][Yes|No| Cancel ][3][ | Unable to create folder! | ][ Sheesh ][3][ A folder must be empty | before it can be deleted. | | Please delete all files| before re-trying.][ Yez massah ][0][ Drive: | | Bytes free: | ][ OK ][2][ Formatting a disk will | destroy all of its| previous contents!| | Are you SURE?][ Format |Cancel][3][ This disk is write- | protected!| ][ Cancel ][3][ Error during formatting! | | This disk *may* be | unusable...| ][ Cancel ][2][ You probably don't have | enough free memory to| buffer the screen and| still run ARC.TTP...| Do you want to continue?][ Continue |Cancel][3][ In fact, you don't even | have enough free memory| to buffer the screen.| You probably won't be| able to run ARC.TTP. ][ Sorry... ][2][ Since you have less than | 128K free, you probably| won't be able to run| ARC.TTP. Do you want to| continue anyway?][ Yes |No][3][ ERROR: Unable to run | Archive program!| Please check your| configuration.| ][ OK ][2][ Do you wish to set| all options to use| the default archive | utility?| ][ Yes |No][2][ Do you wish to set| all options to use| the alternate archive | utility?| ][ Yes |No]ITEM SELECTOREFilename:  Choose an ARC file: Choose anARC file: Choose the data file(s): Choose thedata file(s): Where is ARC.TTP? Where isARC.TTP? List to which file? List Archiveto which file? Choose file to copy: Choose fileto copy: Choose destination directory: Destinationdirectory? Choose file to delete: Choose fileto delete: Choose file to rename: Choose fileto rename: Enter a new folder name: Enter newfolder name Delete which folder? Delete whichfolder? Choose temporary directory: Choose tempdirectory Choose default ARC utility: DefaultARC Utility? Choose alternate ARC utility: AlternateARC Utility? Run which program? Run whichprogram? Locate ARC Shell: LocateARC Shell:fe Press any key or mouse button. Press left button or any key to enter ARC Shell. Press right button to exit.Locate ARC Shell:Where's ARC.TTP?Creating folder Alt Cmd ARCTEMP=@\ARC.TTP\*.ARC\*.LZH\*.*\ARCSHL23.PRGqTOSTTPDeleteCopyMNZ[4623 */,+fghiB@'d Zrcvlprxtdfuma888888888{8t8o8k /& .- !2 )+,./01,=  ?  3  7  ? ?  80`00 0  `` `0??(P 0 00 0000000000000`000 H0000H00000Q`00     >(   S " F    . *    8 6"@ N  <Z0&  PN   "  *& *" $ n&lT B2 T    $8   ,      "    > ,      &*2       b              p&   $    2"$B 2 0D                R    @   (0,  &   $  B  4P    &          "  (BD         $j     j&           " *  ".   " (" $" " .    & "4  $      0J  (  2H FD   *  .       6$ z Z .  h^yU.. NOROACH  i^yVPRGFLAGS  ^y.  j^yV..  h^yUICONS  k^yWNOROACH PRG ^yREAD ME ^yb.  k^yW..  i^yVAIRW ICN l^yXARCI ICN m^yYBIGART ICN n^yZBIGCART ICN p^y\BIGCHIP ICN q^y^BIGDISK ICN r^y`BIGDISKAICN s^ybBIGDISKBICN u^ydBIGF ICN v^yfBIGJOY ICN w^yhBIGPAINTICN x^yjBIGTOOLSICN z^ylBURN ICN {^ynCDSK ICN |^yo CPXX ICN }^ypDFN1 ICN ^yqFACE ICN ^yrGEN1 ICN ^ys#ICN1 ICN ^ytMASK ICN ^yuNOROACH ICN ^yvzNOT ICN ^yxRSRC ICN ^yyTED1 ICN ^yzTELE ICN ^y{TOO1 ICN ^y|TOO2 ICN ^y}WIND ICN ^y~WINR ICN ^y4WINX ICN ^y4/* GEM Icon Definition: */  #define ICON_W 0x0020 #define ICON_H 0x0020 #define ICONSIZE 0x0040 short img[ICONSIZE] = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0180, 0x0, 0x0240, 0x0, 0x0240, 0x0, 0x05E0, 0x3F00, 0x0C60, 0xC080, 0x0F13, 0x0300, 0x008C, 0x1C00, 0x00C0, 0x6000, 0x01E5, 0x8000, 0x0612, 0x8000, 0x0839, 0x6000, 0x10C4, 0x5000, 0x0F02, 0x7000, 0x0003, 0xA000, 0x0001, 0x6000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9400, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2982, 0x0, 0x0F85, 0x0, 0x0F0D, 0x0, 0x07B2, 0x0, 0x0FF4, 0x0, 0x0CE2, 0x0, 0x0054, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 }; <A C$ aJGodJFg^J9'.gT3 NAXOA.Ca2f"|&.pa0QHa:|0nd>HǏpaQHa|0nH<paGxSF:<6SCxa6SDSEQJDmB[SEQQJEmB[Qa`(#2` #3 <4aTBy <+#aIQI |# <6a#aA C$""0H2I]IQi33ABXC <3 af3adC$A aBy |n8|HAhC21y &g3 &1q1qa:`|fz3 >p0>|x8<<8xp?p?pw 0}ppw`p`x 8 <<8x>p||?| TT/MegaSTE boot delay setupCopyright 1991, Atari CorporationDelay time (seconds)0102030405060708090Install Custom IconRedGreenBlueBlackWrite Boot SectorQuit This program writes a boot sector onthe disk in drive A which will set thetime delay before your system tries toboot from a hard disk. Make sure the disk you create is indrive A when you turn on your system,and TOS will wait the length of timeyou have set before trying to boot thehard disk. Normally, TOS waits 90seconds. Press any key to bypass theboot delay. The flashing icon you seealso lets you know that your disk hasno boot sector virus. WARNING: Because this program usesthe boot sector, you must NOT use iton disks, such as games, which youwould normally boot from the floppy!0   q C C$ D X Xq' ('?# D'    ` Q Y Q [ Q ^  Q a  Q d Q gQ jQ m Q p Q s v  #Q Q Q Q  '  ' & & & +& B& h& &  &  &   &  # &  J & p &  & & & &''\*.ICNSelect GEM Icon File/* GEM Icon Definition: */[1][ | Not a GEM Icon Definition| file! Try a file created| with ICED or Degas Elite. ][ OK ][1][ | Only icons up to| 48x48 may be loaded. ][ OK ][1][ Error writing boot sector!| | The disk in drive A may be| write protected.][ OK ]  &     |R    6    * $   8000sNOROACH - TT/MegaSTE boot delay setup and virus guard Copyright 1991, Atari Corporation All Rights Reserved NOROACH allows you to set the length of time TOS will wait before trying to boot from the hard disk. It also has the useful side effect of guarding against floppy disk viruses. Why NOROACH? Mega STE and TT TOS have a feature that allows time for your hard disks to spin up before it tries to boot from them. The reason this is important in these machines is that you have no way to power up the internal hard disk and let it come up to speed before you turn the computer on. For various technical reasons, it is impractical for TOS to ask the hard disk if it's ready--some hard disks won't respond correctly while they are warming up, and some hard disks will even lock up if you try to talk to them before they're ready! For those reasons, TOS waits after a cold boot (power on, or Control-Alternate-Right Shift-Delete) for 90 seconds, or until you hit any key, before it tries to boot a hard disk. Since most hard disks are ready earlier than that, you may find yourself hitting a key or going to get a cup of coffee every time you turn on your Mega STE or TT. If you use a NOROACH boot disk, your computer will be ready when you are. Virus Protection A NOROACH boot disk will flash an icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen when you boot your system. When you see the icon, you know that the time delay has been set up. The icon also lets you know that your boot disk has no boot sector virus on it. If your boot disk doesn't flash an icon on the screen, then it has been infected by a floppy disk virus! If this happens to you, use one of the many fine virus killer programs available for the ST to find out if any of your other floppies are infected. I recommend George Woodside's excellent VKILLER program. A side note: because VKILLER doesn't know about NOROACH boot disks, if you use it on one, it will tell you that the disk is "questionable." If you have any doubt whether your NOROACH boot disk is infected or not, just run NOROACH again and write a new boot sector. You can prevent infection from ever happening if you ALWAYS keep your NOROACH boot disk write protected. Making a Boot Disk To create a NOROACH boot disk, put a formatted, non-write-protected disk in drive A. It is important not to use a disk (such as a game disk) which you would normally boot from the floppy. NOROACH works by writing a boot sector to the disk, and this will destroy the boot loader of any floppy based, boot loaded game. Run NOROACH.PRG. The dialog it presents allows you to set the time delay for your NOROACH boot disk, and to optionally load a custom icon and set its color. There is also a "?" button in the upper right hand corner of the dialog that will display a short explanation of how NOROACH works. Once you have set the options to your liking, click on the "Write Boot Sector" button. 6 That's all there is to it! Once you have created a NOROACH boot disk, you should write protect it so that it can not be infected by a floppy virus. Whenever you boot with your NOROACH disk in drive A, your TT or Mega STE hard disk will boot without you having to hit a key. Trouble? If you have problems loading an icon, it may be that the file you're trying to load is not the right kind of icon file. NOROACH reads Gem Icon Definition files such as those created by ICED or Degas Elite. Several custom icons for you to use are included with NOROACH. Several of these icons can also be added to your DESKICON.RSC file, if you are familiar with the Atari Resource Construction Set and know how to add icons to a resource file. Rumor has it that Double Click Software is also working on a tool that will make it easy for you to snazz up your TT or Mega STE desktop with icons galore. If you make the mistake of setting the boot delay too fast, and find that your system isn't recognizing the hard disk, just boot without your NOROACH disk in drive A, and install a new boot sector with a longer time delay. You'll find the answers to any questions you may have about NOROACH in the ST RoundTable on GEnie. Leave a message in Category 14 of the ST Bulletin Board (M475;1 to get there, or use ST Aladdin!) and you'll find lots of people there, including the author, willing to help you. Ken Badertscher Atari Corp. System Software Engine February 5, 1991 .  ^y..  h^yUPRGFLAGSPRG ^ypREAD ME ^y`R ``n\>>> TURBO-C < for ATARI-ST Version 2.0 (C)88-90 Borland International f RynR /&@#nN k #nX Ј<.@#nTJynRgΐ<"@(I$k,,O.OGntM kg k ftr:+H ЀЅ Sp 0+N?< kfv` k fvIKE(9p؃Jm pйpn#pN SA"N""Ho""Np SNBRXO N"J""NxHo"Jp SNB6XOA"M""p ShNm"M L kf&lHo"MANXOHo "Lp SNAXO`,p ShNmHo"MANvXOHo "LpU SNAXO S9hN9h4rp"L LN<"Lrp SN>rp"N NN<"Nrp SN>vrp"J JN<"Jrp SN>^AN=0/ft2+H*څځ S20X |0+N=` k f\AN=n SA"N""Ho""Np SNAXO0/nlv`v H(9p؃JnBp`Lpйpo:#p`8tr p SNAB6Hpйp"N;"<N;Z(pg(#pN N Crp SN=vrp SN=jO(L|8NuQOAN<0/fPONuH>O*HEoGntIBNJ@fdt2H ЀЁ S20 |0N<0N gMStrHCA06(~H ЀЃ"Sq 0(~ IN<\`\p\ MN0,HCT S h PN1Z gRN"N S h PN0z`"M S h PN0jCT S h PN0Xrp SNFXO Rg62H ЀЁ SCI((HoC0N>XO2/0/ AN:4> ?o S?h?h Rg Rf CAN::` CAN9 Rf rp SN:Crp SN:rp SN:r{B@Nr|B@Nr}B@Nȓrpz SN:vB@N>O L|NuH(OEo Rg Rg Rf0* f CAN.` Rf$CAN.p\AN.X(HBp\AN.L(HB`DBCAS`0@20RgRC| m2Hҹp ЁЁЀ"ypTCAN.rANrOxLNuH8OExGnt0+N"H JN.@pN=,H|AN:"JAN. 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[2][ | Discard changes| or update flags?][Update|Discard|Cancel][1][ | Error updating| %s][Skip|Retry]mmmmd rrwNst6f   8& 8:BP0@"$0*`  N>B6V ,6FX |*Z&vf,,v(hDT |j&40 0T .nZ& .* JR 4 & t ,h*$ ^ 4R*:*" , : &L"6 "    , LjPRGFLAGS - a utility to set flags in program headers Copyright 1991, Atari Corporation All Rights Reserved Starting with Rainbow TOS, some bits at the start of each program file gained a special meaning. One of the Rainbow TOS utilities, MAKEFAST, allowed you to set the "Fastload" bit in the program header, which tells TOS not to clear all of RAM before running a program. On machines with a lot of memory, this can speed program load time significantly. Now, on the TT, there are two more bits that can make your programs go faster. PRGFLAGS is a GEM and/or command-line utility to allow you to modify and view these bits in a program header. Because some programs use RAM in ways that TT RAM can not be used, PRGFLAGS lets you set up programs so that they are fast, compatible, or both. The new "Run in TT RAM" flags lets you tell TOS whether it should try to load the program into the faster TT RAM or restrict it to ST RAM only. The "Use TT RAM" flag tells TOS that when a program asks for more memory, TOS should try to give it TT RAM if possible. You can use PRGFLAGS one of two ways, from the desktop, in a dialog, clicking your way around, or on the command line, giving it arguments. The dialog looks much like a standard file selector, with a few added features. To the left of the list of files are a set of buttons and a set of indicators which let you view and modify the program flags of the programs displayed. To the right of the file window is the familiar stack of drive buttons. One quirk of the PRGFLAGS drive buttons is that they will not let you select a drive that has no files or directories on it. In the name bar of the file window is a pop-up menu that lets you quickly navigate directories. You can move around directories in PRGFLAGS the same way you do in the file selector, except that there is no text line for you to enter a specific directory name. If you pop up the directory menu, you can quickly return to any parent directory of the one being displayed simply by clicking on it. PRGFLAGS displays a list of all executable files that it can find in a specific directory. This includes both programs and desk accessories. Immediately to the left of the file list is a display list which shows the current state of the programs' "Fastload," "Run in TT RAM" and "Use TT RAM" flags. In the far left is a set of buttons that allows you to set or clear the flags. Underneath the file window is a row of buttons labeled "All." If you set the flag values using any of these buttons, all files in the currently selected directory will be modified, regardless of whether they are visible in the file window or not. You can verify this for yourself by selecting one of those buttons and scrolling up and down in a big list of files. You will see that all the files in the directory are set to the state of the "All" button you clicked. Read only files are indicated in the file window with a "delta" character, just like on the TT/MegaSTE desktop in text mode. You CAN modify the program flags of read only files using PRGFLAGS. If you have a TT or Mega STE, you can use PRGFLAGS by dropping a file onto it on the desktop or in a window. When the dialog comes up, it will display the directory of the file you dropped onto PRGFLAGS, and the file name will flash so you can quickly find it in the file window. One more point: if you set some buttons to modify files in a directory and you try to change directories or quit PRGFLAGS, it will ask you whether you want to update the flags or discard your changes. People who like to use command lines can use PRGFLAGS from the command line or from a makefile. For information on command line options run prgflags with the arguments "h h" from your shell. PRGFLAGS supports the GEMDOS extended arguments standard, so you can feed it as many filenames as you like. Even in command mode, PRGFLAGS will not let you modify a non-executable file. A tip for command line users: "prgflags 0 0 " will display the current program flags for . You'll find the answers to any questions you may have about PRGFLAGS in the ST RoundTable on GEnie. Leave a message in Category 14 of the ST Bulletin Board (M475;1 to get there, or use ST Aladdin!) and you'll find lots of people there, including the author, willing to help you. Ken Badertscher Atari Corp. System Software Engine February 15, 1991 g.  ^y.. BUBBLES ASC ^yBUBBLES PRG ^yTITLESCRDAT ^y}bCOPYRIGHT 1989 How Bubble Began In the year 2200, after consuming all of the fossil fuels located on the planet Earth, the human species has finally run out of practical energy sources. All factories, facilities and even several households on the planet have grinded to a halt. After scanning the galaxy for potential energy sources, a rumor has developed that in a remote section of the universe a series of asteroids exist which harbor a new power supply in the form of Rainbow Crystals. After finding this out, many scientists struggled to develop a way to obtain the crystals. Without the fossil fuels which humans have depended on, scientists could only develop a single spacecraft with the Earths remaining resources -- a craft powered entirely by manpower. This highly-experimental craft, designed by professor Bud "Bubbles" McGee, is so new that it has never actually been tested for long- distance space travel. Consequently, it has not attracted any skilled pilots -- forcing Bubbles himself to pilot the craft in an attempt to save mankind. Recently, warnings have been sent to Earth by the slime- creatures who live within the asteroids and guard their crystals. Any attempt to obtain the crystals, they warned, will be met with resistance because the creatures hope to rule the universe alone. They protect their asteroids by an impenetrable mine field, maintained by robot droids and large guardian lizards who blocks the door to the underground cavern. Even if a human were skilled enough to bypass these dangers, they warned of a well guarded maze of caverns. Armed only with a rubber-band revolver and his wits, Bubbles has vowed to gain the crystals anyway. He has discovered that the large lizard creatures can be bribed with the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches he plans to carry along. Unfortunately, it takes three sandwiches to bribe the monsters to leave and he can only carry one sandwich at a time through the mine field if he hopes to maneuver quickly enough. Consequently, he must go back and forth through the mine field each time to feed the lizard. Since Rainbow crystals are located on more than one asteroid, he must gather as many as he can by entering one cavern after another and sending the crystals back to Earth, which depends on him for the survival of mankind. Now, it is time for him to embark on his adventure, facing danger to help all of mankind and prove once and for all that his spacecraft really works...  Game Instructions To play Bubbles McGee the Atari ST must be set in low resolution and a joystick in port 1 is required. Load the file 'BUBBLES.PRG' to boot the game up. A title screen will appear and Bubbles will be flying around on it. You have three different levels to choose from: Easy, Moderate and Hard. Easy is probably a good bet to start out, until you get used to the game. Moderate starts the game at Level 2 and Hard starts the game at Level 3 allowing the better game players to bypass the easier levels. Press the function key of the level you wish to play(F1=easy, F2=moderate, and F3=Hard) to start the game. To return to the title page press F1, F2 or F3 and to return to GEM press F4 at any time. Screen 1 (Surface of Asteroid): The object of this screen is to feed the Lizard three times, so Bubbles can land on the landing pad, which then will descend into the maze. In order to feed the Lizard, you must maneuver down next to him on the right or left side of him and feeding will occur automatically(You will see and hear the Lizard eat). After feeding him go back to the top of the screen to get more food and then feed the Lizard again. The Lizard has to be fed three times before he will leave. Sound easy, guess again! All this time you have to avoid the mines, the mine laying droids and not hit the surface, or its all over for Bubbles. The asteroids also have gravity which pulls Bubbles down toward the ground. Maneuvering of Bubbles is as follows: Push the Joystick right to fly right, left to fly left, forward to go up and let the gravity pull you down to go down. The gravity takes some getting used to, but after lots of practice it'll be a lot easier to maneuver. Don't let the gravity pull you down too fast because it'll take longer to reverse your direction. Screen 2 (The Underground Maze): After landing on the pad it will descend and take Bubbles into the maze underground. Here Bubbles must avoid the gun turrets, slime creatures, electrified walls, fire creatures and bullets flying around. Bubbles must travel through several mazes before the final cavern with the energy crystals is reached. The higher the level the more mazes that must be traveled through. Movement is fairly easy on this screen (Bubbles is now walking), the direction the joystick is pushed will be the direction Bubbles moves. Firing is done by pressing the fire button and releasing it. When the button is released the direction the joystick is pushed will be the direction the bullet is fired. The fire creatures can not be killed by your gun, so avoid them. Screen 3(Crystal Cavern): Control of Bubbles on this screen is just like screen 1. You must get Bubbles to the right side of the screen without touching any objects(walls, lava, fire creatures, rocks falling, and lava bubbles rising up), except the energy crystal found on the right side of the screen. After the crystal is gotten Bubbles will rise up to the first screen again. Scoring & Miscellaneous Information 1500 = Feeding Lizard  125 = Bonus after landing, per mine 125 = Shooting guns & Guards Screen 2 3000 = Getting Energy Crystal You start with 6 men and every 7,500 receive a bonus guy if you have less than 5 men in reserve. Special thanks to Dave Bauman, Kevin Ritzman, Troy Janisch, and everyone else who kept pushing me to improve the game and helped with some great ideas. -B This program is SHAREWARE. It was written in Megamax C. I used some assembler routines to speed up the graphics and to keep the game moving smoothly. If you enjoy this program please send your shareware payment of $7.00 to: David Tassone 2325 Eastman, Apt #3 Green Bay, WI 54302 For hardcopy of source code, please send check for $25. This is the first program I've released as shareware, I have several other games I would like to release If the response is good on Bubbles. Bubble McGee may be freely distributed as long as this file is included and unaltered. The program may not be sold without written consent of the author. ,`^\NNvNNNN@NNN|N NNVNFNNNZNpNN.NNNNJ|NL0*O*m - ЭЭм!"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN lHhNX/,?,N\?<N?<A?<NAXNu)I)J"/0<NB"l$lNu    'NV9n0.| A" AA-H=|` nR2.A쩸H0Rn nm/,6N.X0,fN^NuNVA쩸)H:A쩘)H>Av)HBAf)HFAZ)HJAR)HNA:)H6?< NXT9lf40<N^NuNV?<NN tX9@g0<`0<N^NuNV?.?<LN NXN^NuNV/ A죀&H`0+ |g/ N*X A죀"Ҽm?.NT&_N^NuNV/ &n/ NDXJ@g0<`00+ |g /+NXBk ?+ N,TJ@g0<`0<&_N^NuNVH&n0+ |f0<`.0+ |gL0+ |f0<`l0+ |g?<B?+ NzP?/+?+ NP @f0<`6k -K k o?<B?+ N

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Johnson Based on an idea by Gene Sothan Release Date: December 23, 1990 Introduction - If you've recently upgraded to TOS 1.4, you may have noticed (and been driven slightly nuts by) a difference in the way the system responds to mouse button clicks. Often, when you click on a window's scroll bar, you'll move _two_ pages up or down instead of one; or if you click on a window's up/down arrows, you'll move two lines instead of one. This problem does not occur with versions of TOS earlier than 1.4; but all versions after TOS 1.2 do exhibit these symptoms. At this time, it's unclear whether the problem is caused by a bug in TOS 1.4 and above, or by an unfortunate choice of coding techniques in the programs that suffer from it. Some programs have this problem to such a degree that they're almost unusable; Flash (from Antic Software) is a good example. It's almost impossible to click fast enough on its capture buffer scroll bar to cause a single page scroll. Calamus is another example; you'll often end up "picking up" objects in Calamus when all you wanted to do was select them. A Pretty Good Fix - So here's a tiny desk accessory (less than 400 bytes long) that can really help with this problem. To use it, just place BUTTNFIX.ACC in the root directory of your boot disk and reboot your computer. NOTE: this accessory won't do anyt hing if it's loaded into CodeHead Software's MultiDesk; it must be installed as an ordinary desk accessory. Some people have found that they need to click on the accessory's title in the 'Desk' menu before it will start working; for others, just installing it seems to be enough. (Go figure.) You'll have to experiment to see which category you fall into. (If you do need to open the accessory to make it start working, a good way to do this would be to use CodeHead's amazing new product CodeKeys, and set up an autorun macro that does it for you automatically.) (Sorry. Couldn't resist one little plug.) Once you've installed it, you should find that the "double button event" problems are almost entirely fixed. Most programs will now behave themselves quite nicely. A Small Drawback - There's one small disadvantage to using BUTTNFIX.ACC -- you may notice that the overall response of your system to button clicks is just a tiny bit more sluggish than before. The difference is so small that it's really almost unnoticeable. But if it does bother you, you'll just need to decide for yourself whether the advantage it offers outweighs the small slowdown. As Robert Heinlein was fond of saying, "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch." Not My Idea - I can't take credit for this idea; it was originally suggested to me by Gene Sothan, during a discussion of the double-scroll problem. So any kudos, unbridled admiration, and/or poison pen letters should be directed to Gene, not to me. The Wrap-Up - That's all there is to it. This DA is free; consider it a Christmas present, and circulate it as you will. I hope it solves your double trouble. - Charles F. Johnson .  ^y..  ^yPINHEAD TXT ^yQPINHED18PRG ^y  PINHEAD - Version 1.8 Shareware by Charles F. Johnson Copyright 1989, 1990 Little Green Footballs Software All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Friday, November 2, 1990 Introduction - PinHead is a *very* tiny program (it uses less than 1K when installed!) that should be run from your AUTO folder. PinHead will drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to boot your computer, especially if you have several AUTO programs and desk accessories installed. Every program that runs after PinHead will load into the computer faster than you ever thought possible! And this speedup is not only evident at bootup time; programs will load much faster even when they are run from the GEM desktop or a shell such as CodeHead Software's HotWire. PinHead gives you a lot of bang for your memory buck! PinHead 1.8 works with all ROM versions of TOS; 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 and 1.6. (TOS 1.6 is the version being shipped in the new STe computers.) Even though TOS 1.4 and 1.6 contain a built-in "fastload" feature, I decided to make PinHead support these TOS versions as well, because in some cases PinHead's fastload is more compatible with improperly written ST applications. (Two very popular programs that don't work correctly with the TOS fastload, but do work with PinHead 1.4, are ARC.TTP [the original version] and the GFA Basic 2.x Interpreter.) If You've Already Read This Document -$ ...then skip ahead to the section at the end titled "New Stuff." Here you will find the revision history of PinHead, with any new features (hopefully) clearly described. If you haven't read this document before, please take a few minutes to read it through. Your enjoyment of PinHead will be much increased if you do; there's information here that will help you through the most common trouble spots, to the fastest ST bootup you've ever seen. Yow! Yet Another Shareware Plea - The first three versions of PinHead (1.0, 1.1/1.1a, and 1.2) were released as freeware. However the response to PinHead on the major networks has been so enormous that I've found myself spending more and more time answering questions, looking for solutions, working on the code and the documentation, etc. Therefore, starting with PinHead 1.3, PinHead and the accompanying documentation are now being distributed as shareware...which means that if you use and enjoy the program, you're expected to pay a small registration fee. (After you've used it a few times I suspect you may find it difficult to do without!) I'm asking only $15 for PinHead. Please pay the registration fee if you end up using PinHead regularly; if there's no shareware response to PinHead, I'll be unable to keep enhancing and supporting the program. If you decide to continue using PinHead, please send a check or money order for $15.00 to: Charles F. Johnson P.O. Box 1250 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 and indicate on your check that this is a registration payment for PinHead. This will enable me to enter your name properly in my shareware data base. Installation - For best results, PinHead should be as close to the beginning of your AUTO folder programs as possible. If you already have an AUTO folder with several programs in it, you can use CodeHead Software's "AUTO Organizer" (one of the programs on our 'CodeHead Utilities' disk) to make sure PinHead runs before most of the other AUTO programs. If you don't yet own a copy of CodeHead Utilities, you should make a backup copy of your AUTO folder, delete the original folder on your bootup disk, create a new folder named AUTO, and copy all the programs back, in the order in which you want them to run. If you have a hard disk driver in your AUTO folder, it should run before PinHead. If you use the public domain program FATSPEED (which speeds up the directory search routines in GEMDOS), this too should run before PinHead in the AUTO folder. Why? Well, FATSPEED insists on being the very first thing in the trap #1 vector; and PinHead also needs to intercept this vector. But every other program designed for AUTO folder usage can run after PinHead...which is just the way you want it. When you boot up with PinHead active, your AUTO folder programs and accessories will just FLY across the screen, especially if you have a hard disk. When PinHead first runs, it tries to read a file called PINHEAD.DAT in the root directory of the boot drive. See below in the section titled "Configuring PinHead" for details on how to "custom tailor" PinHead for each program you run, to get the most compatible system possible. Disabling PinHead for One Program -! It should be a very rare occurrence to find a program that needs to have PinHead disabled in order to run. However, if a certain program does act strangely or crashes with PinHead active, you can turn off the "fastload" feature before running that program, with a special "hot key" sequence. To disable PinHead, hold down the Alternate, Left Shift, and Control keys while you type '0' (zero) on the numeric keypad, before running the program. This will disable PinHead, but only for the very next program you run. After quitting that program, PinHead will be active again. YTurning PinHead On and Off - PinHead also lets you turn it "on" and "off." This is different from the disabling method explained above; when you turn PinHead off, it will be disabled until you turn it back on, not just for the very next program that runs. To turn PinHead off, hold down the Alternate, Left Shift, and Control keys and type '-' (minus) on the numeric keypad. To turn PinHead on, hold Alternate, SHift, and Control, and type '+' (plus) on the keypad. This feature is in PinHead in case you find yourself running several programs in a row that don't work properly when PinHead is active. In that case, it will be easier to just turn PinHead off for the duration, and re-enable it when you're through with the "problem" programs. See "Configuring PinHead" below for a way to automatically tell PinHead when to disable itself. Configuring PinHead (the PINHEAD.DAT file) -* Since it's hard sometimes to remember when you're supposed to disable PinHead to run a certain program, and a system crash seems like a rather harsh penalty to pay for a moment of forgetfulness, PinHead has a configuration option which lets you tell it to automatically disable itself when certain programs are run. You can also tell PinHead to clear a little bit of extra memory for certain programs; this enables "problem" programs to be fastloaded. As mentioned above, you can create a special "configuration file" which will be read when PinHead is first run. This file should be called PINHEAD.DAT, and kept in the root directory of your boot disk. PINHEAD.DAT is a standard ASCII text file which can be created and edited with just about any ST word processor or text editor (as long as your editor has an option to 'Save as ASCII'). This file contains information about programs that need "special treatment" in order to live harmoniously in the same system with PinHead. The PINHEAD.DAT file must follow some simple rules of organization to be properly used by PinHead. All lines should be flush with the left screen margin...do not insert spaces from the left. The first line of the file should contain the letters 'PH13', followed by Return. This is the special identifier that tells PinHead this is a valid PINHEAD.DAT file. PLEASE NOTE: The 'PH13' identifier should be used even though you may not be running PinHead 1.3. It has nothing to do with the current version number of PinHead itself; it simply signifies that this feature was added in version 1.3. On the lines following the identifier, you can list each program or desk accessory that needs to be specially treated. All filenames should be in upper case, with no path information -- only the name of the file itself. PinHead allows you to list up to 32 programs in the PINHEAD.DAT file. If a line contains only a program filename, followed by a Return, PinHead assumes this to mean that it should deactivate itself during the loading of that program. This frees you from having to remember to disable PinHead manually. If a line contains a program filename followed by one or more spaces, followed by a number, PinHead assumes this number to be the number of kilobytes of "extra" memory it should clear when that program runs. (One "K" or kilobyte is 1024 bytes.) By experimenting with different sizes of "extra" memory, you should be able to "fastload" many programs that would otherwise be incompatible with PinHead. (The same programs that are incompatible with TOS 1.4's fastload feature.) For example, the GFA Basic Interpreter apparently needs only 8K of "extra" memory cleared when it runs in order to be fastloaded like any other program. (See "How PinHead Works" for more details about clearing this extra memory.) Here's a sample PINHEAD.DAT file: PH13 <-\ GFABASIC.PRG 8 <-\ \ USCRIPT.PRG <---\ \ \ ARC.TTP 16 <-- \ \ \ TURBOST.ACC | \ \ Mandatory "identifier" (must be 1st line). | \ \ ^ | \ Clear 8K of extra memory when GFABASIC.PRG runs. | \ \ | \ Disable PinHead when USCRIPT.PRG runs. \ \ \ Clear 16K of extra memory when ARC.TTP runs. \ Disable PinHead when the Turbo ST desk accessory loads. Please note that unless a program's name is listed in the PINHEAD.DAT file wisth a number after it, versions 1.4 and higher of PinHead will not clear any "extra" memory at all when the program runs. This differs from PinHead 1.2 -- version 1.2 would always clear an arbitrary 16K of extra memory for all programs. How PinHead Works - PinHead is based on a public domain program called NULLFILL, originally written by Leo de Wit, and circulated on the Bitnet system. When it appeared on GEnie, I got curious about it and took a look. The original program worked only with TOS 1.0, which didn't do me much good since I have a Mega ST4 with TOS 1.2. I added compatibility with TOS 1.2 and 1.4 (which turned out to involve a bit more than just changing a few addresses!), and had it check to see which version of the ROMs it was running under. I also added a "hot key disable" feature, optimized the code to work almost twice as fast, reduced its memory usage by quite a bit, and made it compatible with the popular FATSPEED program (the original stopped working if FATSPEED was installed). Then I found a way to make it even more compatible with certain programs (programs like Microsoft Write, the GFA Basic Interpreter, and ARC.TTP) than the new "fastload" feature in TOS 1.4. Leo, if you see this, I hope you don't mind what I've done with your idea! So how does it work? Ordinarily, when TOS runs a program all free memory (from the beginning of the program to the end of the TPA, or Transient Program Area) is cleared. PinHead sits and watches for that memory clearing routine to occur, and when it does, substitutes a much faster clearing routine. In addition to being faster, the PinHead routine only clears one (usually small) part of the program's memory area (the BSS) instead of clearing all memory in the computer. This means that programs start up much faster. (This is the exact same method that TOS 1.4 uses to implement its fastload feature.) But a few programs don't get along with TOS 1.4's fastload method; these "problem" programs expect all memory to be clear (set to zeros) when they run. (The ST documentation does not guarantee that anything except a program's BSS area will be clear when it runs, but some programmers have made that assumption in their code.) To get around this problem, PinHead allows you to specify (in the PINHEAD.DAT file) an amount of "extra" memory to clear beyond a program's BSS; this extra clearing is usually imperceptible unless you specify a very large amount, yet it enables PinHead to work properly with many applications that fail when used with TOS 1.4's fastload technique. If you do come across a program that won't work properly when PinHead is active, you can either disable PinHead manually before running it, or add its name to your PINHEAD.DAT file to disable PinHead automatically when that program runs. (See "Disabling PinHead," "Turning PinHead On and Off," and "Configuring PinHead" above.) A tough decision - When I started playing with the NULLFILL code, I had no idea that I'd end up writing something that would make one of CodeHead Software's products (TopDown) obsolete for many people. One of the purposes of TopDown is to accelerate the bootup process, by limiting the amount of free memory which needs to be cleared by TOS when programs run. As it turns out, PinHead does a much better job of speeding up the boot process, and has the added benefit of being active whenever you run a program...not just at bootup. TopDown has one other important feature, however...it also allows people to use all their usual desk accessories and AUTO programs along with programs that normally don't allow this. (For example, Epyx's Art/Film Director, and early versions of Hybrid Arts' SMPTE-Track and Easy-Track.) After much discussion, my partner John Eidsvoog (John's the author of TopDown, and together we own CodeHead Software) and I have decided to release TopDown as shareware, since there is still a very valid use for it. TopDown is now available on the major information services, and probably on a BBS near you. * * * * NEW STUFF * * * * * PINHEAD 1.4 * PinHead Now Fastloads Itself! - Version 1.4 of PinHead uses an undocumented feature of TOS 1.0 and 1.2 to "fastload" itself. This means that the speedup starts one program sooner in your AUTO folder, since the PinHead program "file does not cause memory to be cleared when it runs. (NOTE: Normally, the use of this undocumented feature would result in the PinHead program file being left "open" by the system. PinHead 1.4 uses a special technique to avoid this bug in TOS, and you will have no trouble deleting, renaming, or copying the PinHead program file after it runs.) New "Wildcard" Configuration Option -# Starting in PinHead 1.4, you can now specify a default amount of "extra" memory to be cleared automatically for every program _not_ listed in the PINHEAD.DAT file. This way, if you have a problem with PinHead, you don't have to go laboriously searching through your AUTO folder and accessories to find the one that's crashing -- just list a default amount of extra memory in the PINHEAD.DAT file. To do this, just create a PINHEAD.DAT file that looks like: PH13 *.* 16 In this example, we're telling PinHead to clear 16K of extra memory whenever any program runs. The wildcard specifier "*.*" is used to mean "all files/programs". This should be followed by a space, then the amount of K (kilobytes) you wish to clear beyond the program's BSS. If there are other program names listed in the PINHEAD.DAT file, either before or after the "*.* 16" line, they will be processed according to the rules explained in the section titled "Configuring PinHead" above. * PINHEAD 1.5 * Now Compatible with TOS 1.6 (STe TOS) -% PinHead 1.5 is compatible with the new version of TOS being shipped in the STe computers. No other changes were made from version 1.4. * PINHEAD 1.6 * Now REALLY compatible with TOS 1.6 -" Well, I was wrong. Version 1.5 of PinHead didn't work with the version of TOS 1.6 that's in the STes currently being sold in Canada and Europe. PinHead 1.6 does. (The STes Atari gives to developers have a version of TOS that says it's "1.6"...but it's not the same TOS 1.6 that's in the existing machines. PinHead 1.5 did work with that TOS.) * PINHEAD 1.7 * Better Compatibility With Ramdisk Programs and DC Desktop -9 PinHead 1.7 now uses a different method (suggested by Mike Vederman; thanks, Mike) to accomplish a certain task, that results in better compatibility with some ramdisk programs, the Shadow background transfer accessory, and DC Desktop. PinHead Now Follows the 'XBRA' Protocol -' A new version of Atari's POOLFIX program (which is needed to patch a bug in TOS 1.4 and 1.6) has recently appeared; the new program is called POOLFIX4. A user in Germany apparently disassembled the latest POOLFIX (POOLFIX3 - the one that worked) and added XBRA compatibility so that it would not have to be the very first thing in your AUTO folder. (Atari has given their permission for this program to be posted on the info services and distributed.) The catch is that in order for this to work, every program that runs before POOLFIX4 must _also_ follow the XBRA protocol, and not many do. Well, now PinHead is one of the few. PinHead 1.7 can be installed in your AUTO folder so that it runs before POOLFIX4...so now you can squeeze every last ounce of speed out of your bootup. PinHead 1.7 Is Also Compatible With the 68030 -- PinHead 1.7 is now compatible with the 68010/020/030/040 family of microprocessors, so when the 68030 upgrade boards start hitting the market, PinHead will be ready for them. * PINHEAD 1.8 * Even More Compatibility! - PinHead 1.8 is primarily a "bug fix" version. There was a small problem with the code suggested by Mike Vederman for DC Desktop compatibility (see above; sorry, Mike), such that PinHead could cause some programs to crash under certain conditions. This problem has been repaired, and as a result this version should be sturdier than ever. Default Memory Clearing - PinHead 1.8 now clears an extra 32K of memory beyond the BSS area of all programs, as a default. Through experimentation and reports from users, this seems to solve mos Mt (if not all) of the problems with programs that expect to find all memory clear when they run; and the clearing of 32K happens so fast that it is indistinguishable to mere human senses. If you don't want PinHead to clear even this much extra memory, create a PINHEAD.DAT file (please see above for a full explanation of the PINHEAD.DAT file) that looks like this: PH13 *.* 0 *M * K* * PINHED18.PRG and PINHEAD.TXT are )* * Copyright 1989,90 Charles F. Johnson & Little Green Footballs Software. * * All Rights Reserved. 5* * K* * PINHEAD 1.8 MAY BE FREELY DISTRIBUTED AS LONG AS BOTH THE PROGRAM * * FILE AND THIS DOCUMENTATION ARE INCLUDED, AND AS LONG AS NEITHER * * FILE IS ALTERED IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. NO PART OF THIS PROGRAM OR * * ITS ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION MAY BE REPRINTED OR USED FOR * * COMMERCIAL PURPOSES WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE * * PROGRAM'S AUTHOR. 8* * K* *M ` `zXBRAPH18 OJxgJXfNh]H hKf~Jhg hfpHClB0:gPS@ h $HJfg \fRH$HG"KJgf`JfJjL2` C$"` G JQLAP z`NAd HzNޭ09ygRAޭCޭ)||f8"P0(1C2<pg<Jg <NfBQ`2`JQfP1h zNAJPfJ(fNu KJb KJeJ(gBhNuBh oD*h"h$oڵ.b ff *E Rmng Nu" ҨҲf/|KJ$:f`Me,@" |p`Qrtvxz|~0@2@4@6@8@`HHHHHbNuJ oAC""Hz?< NA\Op///?<NNOAH ?<?<NNXOA0 "@EA EA AakK:/ /<??<?NAO B5ab PH13fI*A$BP  o ;g *f4 -.fv -*fn  oh  f  gJ%a8EX$`J L  g  o`g4)|`B  gJ%a)@IARP P mp`  nSMJg  oJ%`VA0nHz?<&NN\OA\ PgH?</NATOA A azBgHz?<NNAPOJ@fACfAabk:aDSEa@ zaFHz?<&NN\OAlJPgBgNABg0:`ACЈ/?<1NA??<>NAXONu/?<NA\ONuBg/?<=NAPOJNup 9b 0eH"HЁ¼Ё`Nu xC2NuAv PfC2 bX x0<: P FfD f: Xf0 X f& mfSHC^"ACJ"C"`THU@fC4"C4"C"` Pf C<2` Pf C">C"CL"F`d PfX$x f C" C"C" `0 )f C"!C" C"!`Hz%`DC"*ob#|"h?<"NNTO @A C"C"08T xVXHU@JgQHz?< NA\OAd0NuC""zVE GIV&GISK" QCړ! C!C< z@| FNu*.* PINHEAD.DAT No vblank slots left... PinHead 1.8 installation cancelled! PinHead 1.8 doesn't recognize this version of TOS! Installation cancelled! p PinHead 1.8 q Copyright 1989, 1990 Charles F. Johnson Shareware from Little Green Footballs Please suppor t shareware authors! .  ^y..  ^ySETSIRENPRG ^y6SIREN ACC ^y-NSIREN TXT ^y0b`4f; AON va"Fa!&E4pp a!TE4yp a!HE4pa!aD+@:A"a&.a4+@>aLE5pa~ -:aE5p at ->aE5$p aZaE5p aBa"0a)CaAa2 gApQaa`8:&a&<:<aan+@.aE5paAa@pra)(pad -.aaXE5paHyNMXpa^aLa$Aa Aa Aa A a A(a!?<NATrAЁa"bp:a/pa$"_ap\a"H ma/A"m,a.LAa0g:Aa#a!r@gAa"a r@ap$m$0-Ha`$m"pAa#Zp\ag0-H$m $$m av`$m "pAa#&p\ag0-H$m o0-H$m Aa"C(a `A(a $m $mg $m $m$m"Aa"an` p\a!0ab"m m"0-H$m$$m S$m lR]$mR$m o]`"a DExa*`bDEa"`ZaR11!Nua11!Nu 24&8:DE`6 24&8:DB`&a&8:DE`DEx`a` 24&8:HnghDBHngXDE~<En g6@ABDFGcGcGb8(vHDl`G8BCHC` GHD8HD쬵k&Dуd QRB BbJjDBNu DENupN֓DjdDA@ cAр[SBoJjDBNurptNuH@g0J`Ѐ[rGoJjDBNu0ftNu@[rB oH@JjDBNu $HkBk Bj*DBNupNuDBBkBjDBDNuf gp` 246jDCCe0 C/jC C@j C jr0H@{0>H@Nur{0Nu{0NutNu 246j(:<DCaf AfBfNu`a 00Nur$o, b4< J@k @[H@NuH@RBNu4<Ѐ[NuDg8k2 b4< J@k @[H@DBNuH@RBDBNu4<Ѐ[DBNu4H@Ѓdh`^HCH@:">H@`H2g&HCH@:<HC>H@Ѓd(`HCH@:H@r` gDBgkDE`HDBDEaBDBNugDBa8DBNutNua 11!Nux`xa`a` 24&8:HoHoEBJAgJDfr:g,|HC҅H@:ۆ<HC>H@Ѓd`vHCH@:H@`fgDBgkDE` DBDEaDBNugDBaDBNutNuHoHoEBz:g|HC҅H@:ۆ҄ۆ<HC>H@ЃdHA@B@H@хk HAҁHAрSB BbNuJBj^tNuk(g.JBjDBAр[SBDBjNutNuAр[SBkNuJlNu0gH@rJBkB JkЀ[`DBЀ[`J.;gP:pr4<Nup`6xa2`Ba411!Nux`4 24&8:`& 24&8:`a&8:` &8:@ABJEoHnfNup`tNugDEDBHngDBEBkQ*HEJDg?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi2?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNuCEdSW`?<,>CEdGeH@0r`fJCgz?<0rÐdSWЃdi?<0rÐdSWЃdid?<0ÐdSWЃd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNu?<0riP?0i?`?<` 6apE6`6tgP6b`LJg&B.C`a8aD*96lfap-I,=|p4aHz*96lg ENp96`` _a &nO:NM6tIK6$<Nu[1][Error +111][Return]E6 g g>Jf`Ar Hjr-D@Hd0H@H 0H@0CNuAF"H [1][fSEfNu`HQ?< NA\Nu@$g\kdHfiHNufnpNupNu"lDaDNuJnDaDNuzxeҁ؄d`ef Nup`z"_K6M6tIO:HQ <-H*,`N, d d3 d# d# # d# # # # d ALH dAL H LH d AL`H L|0H>L|H>d~# # # # A`@ALH L|H>L|H>L|PH>L| H>L|H>L|H>L|H>L|`H>L|0H>L|H>QL|Nu$H$&"BA -KaXA"f B &nNuH>dd2d"d""d""""d LHC dLHLH C@d LHL|H| L|H|PCd~""""C`:LHL|H| L|H|PL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|@L|H|pL|H|L|H|CQL|Nua`Np?a a?<LNA``NuNu`aza`aaaHA-Hhp alpMah=@F?<NNTT@A0r p0Q`pdr ta0.F=@=@ACp,2QAp 2Qa a`\`Xpea>pCR2Ad0A2r22aT"<B0<NBLNurt=@:=A@=B NuHz(` NHz ?<&NN\Nu9pgNuWpNu|^|  R^,T:&0D4(*<B$ ,>2::(   F..26"8@"PQ1!P1P!0PP`0  q#aaa Er$Wgr STD:gr COM:g r LPT:f4FA$_0=@Dk"~CA0< BhaB2"pNu$_AF Ge><QBAFpNuafgzp=` aZgzpaxAHPBHQ?NA\ _JkNuJBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNu <r4<NuQfHR$n2Jjg$_NuH LNuPfJ.fg0HR$n2Jjf$_NuHC/*%I $n2%_LNu B?b4<rpAv JBlDBv-|JBg Bb Bk&H>aTaRFBd&8*L?a<aSF Be BgQRB`RAdR e <rRF&0xaCձfEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`HQ2.d Aeg>r C 5e&!R 0c 9c0`<R"_`VC0 Ef"_Nuaa/ CFr  g 00VJAgB @ nN @mHJ@j0.4DBUBk0QSAg Q.`S@k 0`0BAF "_Nu.WAkQA 0g`prt|P;Q:  g +g -f .g40  b 0e 9b da6`RF` .f 0e 9b daSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`ZJjDDDS4<.aJFkSFk4arQa`&HaFFaZQ&8*L/aN,H܆jDBJ.:gtBn:Nu @$@JfS a `QNu$Aa t`QBNuHzBa`Hz8a VH `HPHQ0(ika H $I _a 0IUd4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q _Jf,a Id4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q @NuSa IdIdId`Q @Nup `*/ a $I> _a G` VNuag`af`ae `ac` acpNuadpNu/ a V$I> _a L4Ae4v` VfANuHP0(R@kBa 2 $I _a IUd4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q @JfNuNup `ja SAfNuag`af`ae `ac` acpNuadpNua SAkfJANu/HP0(X@kHa $I _a IUd4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q @Jf$Nu $Nup `a >YAfNuag`af`ae `ac` acpNuadpNua SAkEF$p VfWANuBp'rta n2rt6(SC0(S@apaB\papava0paNAXOJkpNu0< aH`0< CF2p`p a2`p CFp`a CF"p`Hza`Hy!B"J`lB.@=|DNua.@FpAR@C`J @H` @HHy!Ba a"H`Hy!B`Hy!B 24`@H` @HHy!Baa"Hav`Hy!B`Hy!B 24`B.@=|DNuB.@a`=GDgNup`a`a0CF"E p`a.@S@k ??<NAXNu&8:` &8:@ABHaNL8aL8 DBa~L8O <jDFJEjDEFn ffAbtNu&8:a&`~&8:a`p.@<.DAp$I"t Q k"RGef~`SG * g *fSG`<.DjZ\FkBJn`g Fgd Fg^HS&I.aQ`p???<NM\Qj&_NuHQ/?.D<jRGg>VGg:TGjp`HPa0CF$IpR@  f _aHd2Hd2`"QNu`<.DHSGFaAEg f< &_Nua`ZNu.dfaB)=n`r>.D<jRGg.D<jRGg*VGgTGjp`p<.Da*`" y) faa ` y) f aaAF "g pR@0 ,g  g  fHp`:pR@0  g  g "fR@0 ,g  g  fHpRU@"_  f#)$H _a`QNupR@0 ,g"  g  fa~ (fR~Nua ~ `a~NuaJkHQ ! gRf _NuXX~Nu0j\@??<NMXJk .dgp Nu`@<.DHSGFa ,g gAEf< &_Nu ."Ff +"g ,g`?<`Bg/0ao< 2JjJAfr`TNu2(gbc  P"H`Nu/0Ha62  _ PSAvjx E(Wf* ae zb Q @NuBnp`pBnp`p=| p|=Fn@=@b=n`raHHj=Ah~`:a JfBH@ RfF.f Kg" Mg sg tg Pg Hf~`xSGjtRGFcn>`jAF gp gj g grffnnpenbfJ.fj6pRGFc$SG` J.fjpRGFcRF` Ff`> `?~ap a0p a*0Nu|``CpE`bf`FgRGJGgSGSFFgCpE`Yf`Nua@Jf gH@ fa(@ fza0 b @ Ee0NuaFgNu4.rf?HyaNM\Nu=|D`LjazEfpadppa`AFEg0PaEfaFRE`ܾEfp a@a8?nnnp a2RF`<a\nnoS@f nhfSnl=Ah=FnNup` papq4.rf?HyadNM\Nu=|DHa^LNu|A0"P2(@e2<EF`QHP=|DJ@g$abAF$HpR@ 0 f _a`QNuHPp?ap a _2<|0`C&pHQ/Hy@NA NuC pa:NuHQ/Hy?NA Nu&g4 FgagJAga2< R@AdSf0Nu 0ap Ce`&g4 FgaJBjagPAe CbRa R@Sf0Nu FgRag JBjaAeaJAg RP0 pNu`ۊ Fg6aHgJAga @eaRRP Nup NHѨB?<?/?<BNAO JkLLNu&8aJBjaJAg Df*ڃkd0Nu DfրBH??/?<BNAO LJk!@NuHBHh Hx??<?NAO LJo ѨLNuk:fp`^k: g ѨNuBHPHQ/??<?NAO _JoѨfNuBHPHQS/??<@NAXLfѨNuJkp%`2B9p`$H EaAp AerQBL@͉H Ia("H _/ aaR _/ ?aHAF-H AerQB2"_A&-H A e ` \gQBa9pgaZe -|pp[`pZaajAF"H0.g "Hg \f`A&fS !.gR EF _a`QNuHz?<&NN\ @Nu x NuA@Bh`&A@a0 n@!|}Nu?a0` ?a2@@a` a Nu4.`Af n2LR@RANu4.`g S@SAHNutbpbr??papYa0a0`|D@v`v??NMXJNuJ@k??<NM"UAf J@fH@Nuaj0fpNu\@`a`]@><CF Ipa<0HNua`]@><CF Ipa Nu?|`?a0R@f|0atHJFkHPa _Nupo`HSHP&I>g\SG??<NMXJk Q _t&_Nu&_`תaJANuag `af`apNuapNuB SetSiren Freeware by John Eidsvoog This program will set the frequency of SIREN.ACC (how often it appears). Simply locate SIREN.ACC and enter the new time interval in minutes and seconds. Press a key... Find SIREN.ACC Current interval is Enter new number of minutes: Enter new number of second: New interval is Is this correct? (Yes/No/Quit) Writing new interval into All done. Press a key...    <.  * f`((@4LJB 8~| n``<6SIRE Freeware with major modifications by John Eidsvoog O < a.3 O| /?<HNA\OJg^A 2< ЇQp3p3&333H33Hz?<&NN\/9 ?<INA\O`aa`HzR?< NN\.8޼ʾnp3h3333@33 ~|?<%NNT|m$y $y |m$y $y  |(m$y  $y | m0$y AV290| $y A290| |m<A?<%NNTy n$y $y y n$y $y  $y  $y $y A:290 $y A290 y n DISKINFODOC ^y: b`f ,oOC / /HyJNAO 3#Hp4ap3?</<?<=NAPO3kja/</<?:?<?NA DCDIf`?<?:p/<?<BNA /</<?:P?<@NA ?:B?<>NAXO`3#p4a?<NATO3# p4a`?<?/<&?<BNA /</<?:?<?NA DCSqfT?<?:/<?<BNA /</<?:?<?NA <?<?:~/:v?<BNA Nu?<?:f/< ?<BNA NuC2A222BQ"<0<NB0:NuDCDSKINF.PRG[3][ |DCDSKINF.PRG not found!| ][ Well! ][3][ |Error saving to |DCDSKINF.PRG|Is it PACKed? ][ Hmmm... ][2][ |Calculate Files | and Folders? ][Yes|No| Prompt ],   *$ J(`T8 `DCDI,oO C / /HyJNAO 3 # ,p4a|g |gn@`?/<?<)?<NMPO @0 `fAn :2:~?<NITOJg|lR/< W?< NA\O?<NATOHz?<&NN\OJk/< m?< NA\OBg/<?<1NADCDISK.ACCܠ # ?</NAT#J?< NMTArf SQ[XJy g ynB9XAat : g/?<INA\BVJy gp z h(f`D?<NAT|gH@|agH@|Aeڰ|Zb>@A3:A  f[XAaAa`?: b?<NMX#Fg2:gr ynmJr`F0: 6 Aa??<NAXA{aAva?<NATr|Yfr8*z :-p0r /?<HNA\#VgL,@?: ?<?/?<?<NMOJf*A   BBy>ByBBy@>-|0<@@c< H@J@gRF3DSGSF6|V3RD`Kf RyBRC`Ry@Q`0Q2RAp.AdpBAdpxJDfpXeA an`ERFp.FdpBFdpxJDfpX g BA a8pAz pK|Jmg<<dpM M p0: (.r ⯼|f`"HAAFeRGr tv Aa0:rtv Aap0: <.r ⯼|f`"HAAFeRr tv Aa0Grtv Aa>p0-*r tv A a0rtv A!a~0: rtv ALal $aB>rtv AjaTpdGrtv AaBBRBNA[p  Q: lga : |rtv Aa : frtv Aa0: Jrtv AaAa?<?<NMXOJf z(f `?<NATJy g : g /?<NA\Jy gNuBgNAJmg0Nu0:g XX`.X y<@NuBNBRK M(:\*.*BM $aaJf.gg$AC3r f  Q`Q`gA"MJfYf|\*.*BRRMԽ.e^a^afJf n.f?<ONATJf n..g*g. MJf[ \fB(M,a`RN?<ONAT`.Nu/?<NA\Nu?<?/ ?<NNAPNu/?< NA \Nu/rd46H@HAAH@B@Ђ"aXNu|dH/??SA62a<0<9c^ (.fSSCQTJ_g"Sg 0f ` _NucNgc "pNurpNu$BBHBR&("a,"€"$HBHB҂b Db$R`S`HB@H@40H@r20H@4Nu x3 y f # `@ y f #L `* y f #m. ` y f#mr p3 NupBy NuC2A222BQ"< 0<NB0:NuEw[Undo] or [Esc] Exits Input Drive? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZY" pq Compute #Files/#Folders (Y/N)?HY4 Drive A Info Free space : 0 bytes 000.0 Mb 00% | Volume Label : 12345678.123 Used space : 0 bytes 000.0 Mb 00% | # Folders : 0 Total space: 0 bytes 000.0 Mb | # Files : 0 Marked bad : 000 p Press any key q | Clusters/Char: 0[0][DC DISK INFO v1.0|Copyright (c) 1990 |Double Click Software |by Keith Gerdes ][Run|Install|Quit] p**>> DC DISK INFO 1.0 <<** **>> INSTALLED <<** **>> 11/08/90 <<** FREEWARE by Keith Gerdes  Copyright (c) 1990  Double Click Software q p**>> DC DISK INFO 1.0 <<** **>> NOT INSTALLED <<** **>> 11/08/90 <<**q ,4 <Z&0$ H$> :" *04  0$2 xDC DISK INFO v1.0 November 9, 1990 Program by Keith Gerdes Copyright (c) 1990 Double Click Software This program is released as FREEWARE. You may copy and distribute it freely, but please leave this archive intact. DC Disk Info is used to give you a quick 'snapshot' of any disk. You will get visual representation of the file allocation on your disk, plus certain statistics about the disk. = DC KeyTop v1.2 users = If you use DC Desktop, please also download the file DCKEY12B.ARC which contains the new DC KeyTop v1.2b You will need the new DC KeyTop v1.2b if: 1) You currently use DC KeyTop, and 2) You install DC DISK INFO as memory resident, and 3) You own DC Desktop v1.2 or greater. If you have DC Desktop v1.0, then you do not need DC KeyTop 1.2b, and can run DC DISK INFO just fine. In fact, do not run DC KeyTop v1.2b with the DC Desktop v1.0, or it will cause a reset of your machine! If you do not use DC KeyTop, then you can still run DC DISK INFO. Again, DC KeyTop is not necessary for DC DISK INFO to run as described below. You just get an extra treat when DC KeyTop v1.2b is used. In combination with DC KeyTop, DC DISK INFO will acts as a desk accessory, not as a program! = NOTE = If you DO NOT run the new DC KeyTop v1.2b, but instead use DC KeyTop v1.2a or DC KeyTop v1.2, the system will 'hang' after DC DISK INFO runs (if it is memory resident). = WARNING = If you configure DC DISK INFO to calculate files and folders used, we STRONGLY recommend that you use FOLDRXXX.PRG. Double Click Software can not assume any responsibility for disk data damage as a result of using this program and hitting the '40 folder' bug. Use FOLDRXXX.PRG if you wish to completely safeguard against this problem. You should be using FOLDRXXX.PRG anyway, regardless of whether you use DC DISK INFO. = INSTALLATION = >To INSTALL DC DISK INFO if you have DC DESKTOP, do this: -9 1) Copy DCDSKINF.PRG to your AUTO folder. When DC DISK INFO runs, it will install itself in memory, and register with the DC Desktop. - or - 1) Execute DCDSKINF.PRG from the desktop. You will be presented with an alert box asking you whether you want to RUN, INSTALL or QUIT the program. 2) Click on INSTALL. If DC Desktop is present, it will install itself in memory and register with DC Desktop. = RUNNING = >To RUN DC DISK INFO from the desktop, follow these steps: -: 1) Execute DCDSKINF.PRG from the desktop. You will be presented with an alert box asking you whether you want to RUN, INSTALL or QUIT. 2) Click on RUN. The screen will clear and you will be asked to enter a drive letter. 3) Press one key out of the letters displayed on the screen. 4) You will be prompted whether or not to determine the files and folders on that drive. Press or . 5) The FAT of the chosen disk will be scanned and a graphic representation of your file layout will be displayed, along with certain statistics. 6) Press a key or the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to repeat. >To RUN DC DISK INFO (installed) from DC Desktop, do this: -: 1) Click on a drive icon on the desktop until it is selected. 2) Press the + keys at the same time. 3) Depending on your configuration, you may be prompted if you want the file and folder count to be calculated. Press the or key. 4) The file allocation and drive statistics will be displayed for the icon you chose from the desktop. 5) Press a key or the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to return to the desktop. = NOTE = DC DISK INFO must be INSTALLED as memory resident for it to work as described directly above. = QUITTING = >TO QUIT DC DISK INFO, do this: - 1) Press either the or key instead of a drive letter. = CONFIGURATION = DC DISK INFO has three simple possible configurations. When you run DC DISK INFO, it can either: 1) Calculate the files and folders on the disk automatically, or 2) Not calculate the files and folders, or 3) Prompt you as to whether to calculate the files and folders. >To configure DC DISK INFO, do this: -$ 1) Copy the DCDI_CFG.PRG and DCDSKINF.PRG files to the same location. This is a temporary location just for configuration. 2) Run the program DCDI_CFG.PRG from the desktop. You will be presented with an alert asking you: +-+ | Calculate Files | | and Folders? | | | | |Yes| |No| |Prompt| | +-+ 3) Click on the appropriate button. The configurator will attempt to save this information back to the DCDSKINF.PRG file. If it can't locate it, it will tell you. 4) You can now copy DCDSKINF.PRG to you AUTO folder, if you have DC Desktop. = NOTE = Be certain you have the files in the same place. The configurator just looks in the current directory for the file named DCDSKINF.PRG DO NOT copy DCDI_CFG.PRG to your AUTO folder, it is not designed to run from the AUTO folder on bootup. = ANOTHER NOTE = If you do not calculate files and folders, the volume label will not be displayed. = DISPLAYED INFORMATION = * FAT (File Allocation Table) map Each character represents a cluster or a _group_ of clusters which make up the FAT. . = clusters unused X = clusters used x = clusters mixed (used/empty) B = clusters marked bad Note: 1] Whenever x's are mixed among X's, this indicates fragmentation of disk space. (ie. XXXxXXxXxxX ) 2] x's leading into or trailing a group of X's is natural. (ie. XX xXx XXX )  3] B's may indicate one or more clusters bad in a group, if a character represents more than one cluster * Extended space usage information for a drive. At the bottom of your screen you will see: Drive X info: Free Space : x bytes xxx Mb xx% | Volume Label : name Used Space : x bytes xxx Mb xx% | # Folders : xxx Total Space : x bytes xxx Mb | # Files : xxx Marked Bad : xx | Clusters/char : xx = NOTE = All space calculations are based upon clusters used or free, and therefore are accurate to the nearest size of a cluster. In other words, the sizes reported are sizes according to cluster count, not actual file sizes summed. Where: Free Space is the remaining free space Used Space is the total used space Total Space is the maximum storage of the disk Marked bad is a count of all sectors marked as bad on the disk Volume Label is obvious # Folders is the count of folders on the disk # Files is the count of files on the disk Clusters/char is the number of clusters represented by each character and is determined according to: number of sectors on the drive / 1600 x bytes is the bytes free/used/total xxx Mb is the free/used/total space in Megabytes this may also be xxx Kb for Kilobytes xx% is the percentage free/used out of 100% = TALK TO US = If you would like to see a feature in any of our products, please do not hesitate to tell us what you need! Call us if you have any questions too! You can reach us at: Voice: (713)977-6520 Online: = GEnie: DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) CompuServe: 75300,577 (go ATARIVend, area 13) The DC BBS: (713)944-0108 Usenet: uace0@menudo.uh.edu .  ^yC..  ^y3DCFLIGHTDOC ^yD DCFLIGHTPRG ^yGDC FLIGHT v1.0 aka DC F-Light aka DC Floppy Light FREEWARE Program by Keith Gerdes & Michael B. Vederman Copyright (c) 1990 Double Click Software You are free to distribute this program, just so long as you keep the operating instructions enclosed and intact. -J Operation - DC FLIGHT installs a routine into the read/write vector (RWABS) of storage devices- floppy disks, hard drives, ramdisks, etc. Each time such a device (all with the exception of the floppy) is accessed, the floppy drive A light will come on until the operation is finished. Now you can monitor the usage of ramdisks and caches, since, generally, there was no way to know when they were active. NOTE: Some ramdisk and cache operations may be too quick for you to notice the floppy light. Also, this is a great substitue for hard disks which may not have a working "busy" light or at least not in plain sight. Installation - From the: 1) Desktop Run DCFLIGHT.PRG from the desktop. An info alert prompts you to [Install] or [Exit] DC FLIGHT. Install places DC FLIGHT into the device chain (see above) and stays resident. Exit(ing) terminates the program with no installation. 2) AUTO folder Copy DCFLIGHT.PRG to your AUTO folder. (Best if last. See below.) Upon execution, program information is printed to the screen. DC FLIGHT is placed into the device chain (see above) and stays resident using only 392 bytes of memory. NOTE: You will want DC FLIGHT to install itself after all storage devices have been installed, so that DC FLIGHT will be able to show accesses throughout the vector chain. Hard disks normally are setup to AUTOboot, so that is taken care of. Any other devices that have drivers in the AUTO folder, should be placed before DC FLIGHT. If they are an accessory, then that is another story... 100% Assembly = COMMENTS WELCOME = As usual, we would be EXTREMELY glad to hear your comments and suggestions for enhancements to this and the other programs. - mike and keith We can be reached at: Voice: (713)977-6520 Online: The DC BBS: (713)944-0108 / 300-1200-2400 baud / 24 hrs GEnie: DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) CompuServe: 75300,577 (go ATARIVendors, area 13) Usenet: uace0@menudo.uh.edu &`d ` oeFJx>f@//@|Ag@F _ :Bg #HzN//@|Af@F _ NBgApa>g|gB9Hzh?<&NN\Hy?<1A:gA/?< NA\NAC2C@"ApC2222BQA"0<NB0:Nu#vT!vNu[0][DC F-LIGHT v1.0|by Keith Gerdes|& Michael Vederman|Copyright (c) 1990|Double Click Software ][Install|Exit] p**>> DC F-LIGHT v1.0 <<** **>> INSTALLED <<** **>> 12/14/90 <<**q FREEWARE by Keith Gerdes & Michael Vederman  Copyright (c) 1990  Double Click Software p**>> DC F-LIGHT v1.0 <<** **>> NOT INSTALLED <<** **>> 12/14/90 <<**q  $4("Rr.  ^yH..  ^y3DCLEFTY DOC ^yIVDCLEFTY PRG ^yKDC LEFTY 1.0 DC LEFTY is a FREEWARE program brought to you by Double Click Software. DC LEFTY is Copyright (c) 1990 by Double Click Software Program by Michael B. Vederman You may freely distribute DC LEFTY, but please leave this archive intact. = OVERVIEW OF DC LEFTY = What is DC LEFTY? Well first of all, let's just say it isn't for all of us. DC LEFTY is for the left-handed Atari users. Are you tired of not being able to use the mouse like right handed people? Tired of pressing the 'LEFT' mouse button with your middle finger? No more! DC LEFTY swaps the LEFT and RIGHT mouse buttons. So now when you press on the right mouse button, it thinks it is a left mouse button, and vice-versa. = HINT = Someone with a broken mouse with no working left button might use DC LEFTY. = INSTALLATION = >To install DC LEFTY, do this: - 1) Copy DCLEFTY.PRG to your AUTO folder. Placement is unimportant, except that you might want to put it before any program which requires mouse input (such as Desk Manager). 2) Reboot your system. When DC LEFTY installs, it will use only 256 bytes total memory. = USING DC LEFTY = What do you mean, "Using DC LEFTY"? You can figure it out! = MORE INPUT! = If you like this program, great! Be sure to let us know what ideas or comments you have about our software. We are always anxious to hear what anyone has to say! You can reach us almost everywhere! = By Phone = Double Click Software : (713)977-6520 = Online = GEnie : DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) CompuServe : 75300,577 (GO ATARIVend, area 13) Usenet : uace0@menudo.uh.edu DC BBS : (713)944-0108 `0,oCAPp"QI/<?<&NN\O/<?< NA\OpQQQQQBg/<?<1NA\OXBRADCLTAJygTHfNhJPfC"C!I/:NuXBRALFT2 f` f/:Nu(!Nu p**>> DC LEFTY 1.0 <<** **>> <<** **>> FREEWARE <<** **>> Mouse Button Swapper <<** **>> by <<** **>> Michael B. Vederman <<** **>> <<** **>> Copyright (c) 1990 <<** **>> Double Click Software <<** q.  ^yL..  ^y3DCLICKMEDOC ^yMDCLICKMEICE ^yO6DCLICKMEPRG ^yP bDC Click Me v1.0 FREEWARE Game DC Click Me is Copyright (c) 1991 by Double Click Software Program by Michael B. Vederman and Keith Gerdes DC Click Me is a FREEWARE game. A FREEWARE program is one which you may freely distribute, but you cannot charge for it or alter the program or contents of the archive in any manner. Double Click Software retains all copyright exclusive rights except exclusive distribution. =N This is a little game we had lying around. Basically, some squares will be drawn on the screen and the phrase: DOUBLE CLICK ME will appear in one of the boxes. Your job is to double click that square before the message disappears. You better be quick, though! This program is designed for medium or high rez, TT medium rez or greater rez. If you have an accelerator, hang it up. Turn off your accelerator. = MORE INPUT! = If you like this program, great! Be sure to let us know what ideas or comments you have about our software. We are always anxious to hear what anyone has to say! You can reach us almost everywhere! = By Phone = Double Click Software : (713)977-6520 = Online = GEnie : DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) CompuServe : 75300,577 (GO ATARIVend, area 13) Usenet : uace0@menudo.uh.edu DC BBS : (713)944-0108 X  -YDpCDCLICKME.PRGk?@@P@D@QEAQAA=?AA0@@@@@@@@@?`h ~ x `PH DCSquish-DCLICKME12(zC<"EM.ަG"K<:t QJ g"JbfJg 6 B+ Uan*OK4dD`X .G/Hl?<HNA\Jg*@/?<IGra:NA.o Gp?BQp|ep:"M$IApr"QNHyLNA(Hz?<&NNz@bA2gA X`f??<>NAz/ ?< Nq .DNuAC C C CF C Ch MLa"A0*AI(aM:A(a`pA0000BPA"0<NBNu # x0(Nu&n$M0<g4Q~xvtpkg4 g 2iT@`Q`2ifP@R@ JQ`Ab"HpQ.O/?< Nq .G,n A(HC$I&I.ސ>Jhf2"g*rђgfE`  N2AgSA0QSGL&^H&^L&^H&^ L&^H&^@L&^H&^`L&^H&^L&^H&^L&^H&^L&^H&^AQEt$"$ЁQJEgnCD*@|e*jg"@r g g> MS@$&(*,.$A&A(AH8H8H8H8H8H8HxQ`bAN` $ T@A&o.| + Ы@// Bg?<JNAO /<@H@ NA\#AX3@(y@3 (@@*D*C#@4@ B ,@ B 0p a d3@ 8pM@ XB A@ p 0Q@a BHF @ @NMXO<=g,3#@AJpNa @@aH  @@)BC D3@ (B *@ a$B`@*A"@ `L @ y@,"A0p"09a&2A*HIIt&8A<:A>SSATa  00ԀցA QtցC8SQA @hDB~D3@BBB@@A,dBfB@@BI 0QPQB@H @A  爰AgbB @2AB3@bA `<@ c8aP Bz4b:,$b@af`g@ ZC @SA @ &`z a0Bv2Sm.knk@@@JJRazv @a d@ #ATd*faj g\@V@@6>@@@DBRAhbh`@,@Nle>`@nHAL`*@H`@G `A, OEDDAaaBaBABBF BBBw c @&2 `adpBgNAb" kNu.NupA|@ @0*RNuCB p`tpdA  @.`J e@ TpI@Bp`pwFhB$.@x`@` BB&0<@BpC`p`p `prCL g2Rjap@0EDpg@EjDr@p`pcBAB.BA.`|L@`hDRD84`JHBVp`6N`"LX`pKBp ``pdpbNp `k~p @>Fp@L(@Lq@neVCAp@TL.@@FCl@,L!@hC*@aFLh`Pp@L.@R. @L.k@|L @hL@m@gpj@m'@LP@L`L@Lh@Cpp@ aaFCm@Xy@dn@~k,pi@jv@XLz@DJ&{@2J|@ J}@J~rJ@I*@Lf@Fp@JN#@J$@J%@xJ&@fd|t@&u@@L@p" @sNBNu 2@ R 2@@2BQB6@6NBtACD-Click Me @@fB @~@ A Beave won a "Double EM " button!Q.I-erS$ORT-Shirt_S Software Disk!!tҨH@ `J@Z@B@ @$AG B3C?C>i@@N@AcE`@ AtBq Q@`@W@B@ VOcrS @@b AcA@W@2A@CMCB@B4Af( &    @  @A  @  A  ,  @N@ABAYE    A$@0 : @@A @_@g@,@R AB A@!D @. C@"CCF @OA@@N@ATAX@BXC BP@@ d`A .  ^yT..  ^y3DCMAXTRKDOC ^yU$ DCMAXTRKPRG ^yXtDC MAX TRACK v1.0 (FREEWARE) DC MAX TRACK v1.0 is Copyright (c) 1990 Double Click Software Program by Keith Gerdes and Michael B. Vederman You may copy and distribute this program freely just so long as you do not charge for it, or alter the contents of the program or documentation. =M Have you ever wondered how many tracks your floppy disk drive can format? Wonder no more, DC MAX TRACK will tell you how many tracks your floppy disk drive can handle. = INSTALLATION = No installation required. DC MAX TRACK comes fully prepared from the factory. = USING DC MAX TRACK = >To use DC MAX TRACK, do this: - 1) Execute DCMAXTRK.PRG from the desktop. You will be presented with a dialog box containing the following buttons and displays: DRIVE A: - selects testing of drive A: DRIVE B: - selects testing of drive B: Test It! - begin testing the designated drive Maximum - displays the maximum number of tracks on the disk thus far [Operation] - displays FORMAT, WRITE, VERIFY of current track during test 2) Click on the appropriate drive select button. 3) Click on TEST IT! to begin testing. NOTE: Make sure you insert a floppy disk in the drive you want tested. This floppy will get formatted and written to from track 75 and up for the testing. 4) The current track being FORMATTED, WRITTEN and VERIFIED will be displayed. The maximum tracks on the floppy will be displayed directly below. 5) When testing is done, you will see the maximum number of tracks this floppy disk drive can format. NOTE: This number represents the maximum tracks, not the maximum track number (84 tracks = tracks 0-83). DISCLAIMER: Double Click Software can not be responsible for any consequential damages caused to your disk drive by using this program. (We haven't run into any troubles, but your disk drive might be sensitive.) 100% Assembly = COMMENTS WELCOME = As usual, we would be EXTREMELY glad to hear your comments and suggestions for enhancements to this and any other of our programs. - mike and keith We can be reached at: Voice: (713)977-6520 Online: The DC BBS: (713)944-0108 / 300-1200-2400 baud / 24 hrs GEnie: DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) CompuServe: 75300,577 (go ATARIVendors, area 13) Usenet: uace0@menudo.uh.edu `h 1` `H DCSquish-DCMAXTRK12(zC<"EM.ަG"K<:t QJ g"JbfJg 6 B+ Uan*OK4dD`X .G/Hl?<HNA\Jg*@/?<IGra:NA.o Gp?BQp|ep:"M$IApr"QNHyLNA(Hz?<&NNz@bA2gA X`f??<>NAz/ ?< Nq .DNuAC C C CF C Ch MLa"A0*AI(aM:A(a`pA0000BPA"0<NBNu # x0(Nu&n$M0<g4Q~xvtpkg4 g 2iT@`Q`2ifP@R@ JQ`Ab"HpQ.O/?< Nq .G,n A(HC$I&I.ސ>Jhf2"g*rђgfE`  N2AgSA0QSGL&^H&^L&^H&^ L&^H&^@L&^H&^`L&^H&^L&^H&^L&^H&^L&^H&^AQEt$"$ЁQJEgnCD*@|e*jg"@r g g> MS@$&(*,.$A&A(AH8H8H8H8H8H8HxQ`bAN` 0@A oOC @@!/ /HyJNAO p a"3 #@ A a apM@ B p A\0Q0@LpB\pN@4a@D@ p@@lLAl@LF z"@|f @`@f BCD\a<@B ~L8H@#@3A\p2@pX@D g(?v@0YC8a.02A@. r@`APDP@NuC ar z??p B2zvJ@p@"!0p ?<HyeC!Hx???BHz6?NN``Jf@.8@ RCQ|@dX@:vM@PvAPMN@`DPJPa@PCP@N@DN(BN@ @<@B?< B@Z@2fTBBC@~CB@BPN@b@@F@adfB>SC zp aRF`$@Na0@Bpa:Nu"R t0HA@r/`n&Nu@0 vpfJgB6VNu@ NMX@z @&NN\Nu08Nup`pb#"p L&pL*pEA .pN2@zrp6`<<@ltp@@`JLNu3\ ^3@(`bDd3@f3@h3@j3@lp3@dCvAjBtBbCZ0E 4(Cg0E(f4`6Nu&z @@&SNutDƜB^B`BbBdBfp*@` "Hp0(#@JA@gS@ә@g"Ht@ B$E 6(g"H@( $It0)gd@g^@gXө @ gN@gH@ gB iBg(gA"gA> f ӐӨ@`@.fӐ`@ f GHp`#ʣ4bpr`&LCRBBfnNuBANu# C C 2@ `d A$p2@@2BQ"< j0<NB0: By@@` @N3@ @fBB" p`*pd3 @`C:De@ pI `p`pwFdB 0:@x`@DB$@@@pC`@ p`p `d@ vg2Rj(@DA<p@.EDpg@jEhDr@Vp`p@DAabBA.`|L@`h@A8DRD8`:`JHBVp`6N`"LX`pKBp ``pr tpbJp `kxp @<hFAp@TL(@@Lq@,eTCbp@L.`FCl@L(@PVp@bxp@R. @L\k@zL @fL@RL@>Lj@*L'@L(@L`L@Lh@Xpp@ cm@H|py@dn@Di@Dv@VLz@B{@0J|@J}@ J~0J@I@Lf@lj@JN#@J$@J%@vJ&@dB 4B@UAcE`@ AtBq@!IAIMJ@`@W@`;@@ V=2S @AAAA}Bca&@DMCB@CC`d@@@0\B bA$ , A $A+   @! @"B @ A@)@ FCC@@HA9@G@AMAQ@BQC BI@|`bA.  ^y\..  ^y3DCMSHIFTDOC ^y]fDCMSHIFTPRG ^ya  DC MOUSE SHIFT v1.0 Copyright (c) 1991 Double Click Software Program by Michael B. Vederman and Keith Gerdes DC MOUSE SHIFT is a FREEWARE program. You may freely distribute this program but may not alter the program or documentation contents. =B DC MOUSE SHIFT emulates any of the modifier keys (SHIFTs, CONTROL and/or ALTERNATE) by pressing the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON. Now, at the desktop you can select multiple files just by keeping the right mouse button pressed while you are selecting (if you select to emulate one of the SHIFT keys). Or, you can MOVE (TOS 1.4 or higher) files by keeping the right mouse button pressed when you drag and release the files (if you select to emulate the CONTROL key). Or, you can emulate any combination. You can even have it turn off inside of a program (or leave it on). = INSTALLATION = Installation is simple! >To install DC MOUSE SHIFT, do this: -$ 1) Copy DCMSHIFT.PRG to your AUTO folder. 2) Perform the CONFIGURATION (see below). 3) Reset your computer to install it in memory. = CONFIGURATION = Before you do install DC MOUSE SHIFT, you should configure it. >To configure DC MOUSE SHIFT, follow these steps: -1 1) Run DCMSHIFT.PRG from the desktop (in your AUTO folder). 2) You will be presented with an alert box with some program info. Click on the CONFIG button to continue. 3) You will next be presented with a series of alert boxes asking you which modifier keys you want to emulate while the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON is being depressed: Emulate the key with the right mouse button? Emulate the key with the right mouse button? Emulate the key with the right mouse button? Emulate the key with the right mouse button? Click the YES button in any of the above mentioned alerts to emulate that modifier key when you press (and key pressed) the right mouse button. You can combine any of the modifier keys. 4) Now you will be asked if you want DC MOUSE SHIFT to be off when you execute a program. Answer YES to have DCMSHIFT only on at the desktop. 5) DC MOUSE SHIFT will then attempt to save the info back to itself. If it has trouble, you will be alerted. Otherwise, it reminds you to move it to your AUTO folder. = USING DC MOUSE SHIFT = DC MOUSE SHIFT is really easy to use. As an example, if you have it set up to emulate the SHIFT key, then instead of holding down one of the SHIFT keys to select multiple files when you click, you can press the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON, then keep it depressed and select the files normally. Just let up on the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON when you are done. You can use this on any version of TOS, and on any machine. It is fully STE and TT compatible. And, of course, it is 100% assembly language. When installed, it uses only 632 bytes. = MORE INPUT! = If you like this program, great! Be sure to let us know what ideas or comments you have about our software. We are always anxious to hear what anyone has to say! You can reach us almost everywhere! = By Phone = Double Click Software : (713)977-6520 = Online = GEnie : DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) CompuServe : 75300,577 (GO ATARIVend, area 13) Usenet : uace0@menudo.uh.edu DC BBS : (713)944-0108  `$` DCRM`2XBRADCRMAJxgTHfNhJPf Ch"Cd!I#Z/|^/:NuH/</</<?<NNS#L/:NuXBRADCRM mX nRH0:zRf@f :g4B9/ z:2  _`:f/ z:P _L/:NuXBRADCRMJylf@/ C JxgTI/fNi QKf if3l#n/|`"_/:NuByl/:Nu|f?<NATOB93#5"<0<NB0:<|f3#"<0<NB0: |f3#"<0<NB0:ܰ|f3#y"<0<NB0:|fBy 3#"<0<NB0:v|f3 ?</<?<=NAPO3l&3#M"<0<NB0:,`a/</<?:?<?NA DCRMg?:?<>NAXO`/</<?:?<@NA ?:?<>NAXO3# "<0<NB0:`:3#v"<0<NB0:J@f /<0?< NA\Of/<?< NA\O`/<V?< NA\O/<?<&NN\OBg/<r?<1NA\O#!#!Nu?<?/<&?<BNA /</<?:?<?NA DCSqfT?<?:/<?<BNA /</<?:l?<?NA <?<?:P/:N?<BNA Nu?<?:8/< ?<BNA Nu4XDCMSHIFT.PRG[0][Config saved.| |Move DCMSHIFT.PRG to |your AUTO folder. ][ OK ][0][Error saving to DCMSHIFT.PRG ][ OK ][0][DC Mouse Shift v1.0 |by Michael B. Vederman |and Keith Gerdes |Copyright (c) 1991|Double Click Software][ Config |Exit][2][Emulate key |with right mouse button? ][ Yes |No][2][Emulate key |with right mouse button? ][ Yes |No][2][Emulate key |with right mouse button? ][ Yes |No][2][Emulate key |with right mouse button? ][ Yes |No][2][Turn off DC Mouse Shift |in programs?][ Yes |No] p**>> DC Mouse Shift v1.0 <<** **>> 01/04/91 <<** **>> FREEWARE <<** **>> Mouse Button Shiftery <<** **>> by <<** **>> Michael B. Vederman <<** **>> and Keith Gerdes <<** **>> <<** **>> Copyright (c) 1991 <<** **>> Double Click Software <<** qq**>> NOT INSTALLED <<** H4H,0   (    6.  ^yd..  ^y3DCSHOHEXPRG ^yeDCSHOHEXTXT ^yj ` B ` DCSH<#A a 3X# p4a 8 g U@kf`A a~x?<NNTQHxHy)NMP @ `g: ?</NAT,@#,.b$ :І#p./:/??<?NAO g/:z?<INA\`^Bg?B?<BNAO BgHyNN\aBgHyNN\/:>?<INAOp:"_._N##$pZa pJyzg:AJg2:(A??<NAXHz*WJf %\fRB?<;NA\NuBgHzr?<=NAP*k?//??<?NAO *?<>NAXNuKBg/ T?<GNAP?<NAT:A:pzJgQNu|\*.*BNuB9WByZ,zrAC Xr f  Q`Q .rtv A IaR>.A j0H@aNR0@aBR0~ h@Pa2>.A O0r h@|| e|| g @ `J@fp aR0H@?aR0@aRpaJFgppmA .rt0gt1QA a$A aBh*z X#~M  : 4rtv NapP: B9V0: gdB?< NA\/?< PVz p e   R`  NaTQ  Az d< dp Q B: gNA\AaVAaNhQ8,z 2.g<g<g``vHyNMXJ@gHyNMX2|Nf : \g(z N : Ngd`İ|Gg|SfA aA a?<NATrt|Tg"Pt|Bg26:."<|d"<|g"<҂e*":$:~f "<@pt`$<e"<d#h*@##p#lAaAfa`r|af@A*arNurtv aNuBHz?< NA\ArpNu/?<&NN\Nu x3^#C hg"h$##.d Wf#`g #Nu Nux *fRS@x64SBp`| f Ѐ"Ё`r0< c_ЁQNut0<9c^QNu|dH/??SA62a00<9c^QTJ_g"Sg 0f ` _NucNgc "pNurpNu$BBHBR&("a,"€"$HBHB҂b Db$R`S`HB@H@40H@r20H@4NuC2@ A|p222BQ"<0<NB0:NuDCSHOHEX.PRG???[0][ DC ShowHex v1.0| by Keith Gerdes| (c) 1990 DCS|Support the SHAREWARE effort! ][Run|Install|Exit] DC ShowHex v1.0 [11-02-90] Program by Keith Gerdes Copyright (c) 1990 Double Click Software Support the SHAREWARE effort! p * Installed * q p * NOT Installed * q Ew p OFFSET 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEFY4" Input: [U]p [D]own [T]op [B]ottom [O]ffset [Q]uit [A]scii [S]earch q Name: | Size: bytes | Attributes: advshr Date: - - | Time: : : |  H Y3"Origin? $Offset? $Search: [B]yte/[W]ord/[L]ong/[T]ext? & Input? Searching... [Alternate=Abort]l  N2<Xx    ' \j*"$48,R&t .$v XN &,f,8* L $ |80 RT8 DC Show Hex v1.0 (11-02-90) SHAREWARE Program by Keith Gerdes Copyright (c) 1990 Double Click Software Show Hex is a 100% assembly program that lets you view and search data in a file or system memory. For ease of use, input is supported through both the keyboard and the mouse. In addition, simple integration into the DC Desktop environment is implemented. * Getting started To use from the GEM desktop: Execute the program. An alert will query you to Run|Install|Quit. Choosing Install without DC Desktop will Run the program. Once the file selector appears, choose the file you wish to view. Another option for DC Desktop 1.2 owners: Place in the auto folder to auto install in the SHOW chain. * Screen Display Data is represented in a three column format: offset, hex value, and ascii value. 1) Offset is the hex displacement in either the file or memory. 2) Hex value is the byte equivalent of the data. ( FF Hex = 256 Decimal ) 3) Ascii value is the text equivalent of the data byte. ( 9 Ascii = 39 Hex ) * DC Desktop Owners DC Show 1.2 scans the file to show and determines its contents- ascii or binary data. While viewing a text file you can toggle to Show Hex with [H]. A binary file is handed off to Show Hex with no toggling accepted. Control+F2 calls it up when installed. NOTE: Show Hex is fully supported only in version 1.2 of DC Desktop with DC Show. There are no restrictions with the use of DC Pick and/or DC Menu. * User Input [Function - Press] Exit - Q, Undo, Esc, or both mouse buttons DC Show - A (go back to DC Show if text file) Next $100 - D, shift down arrow, or left mouse button $10 - down arrow $1 - left arrow Back $100 - U, shift up arrow, or right mouse button $10 - up arrow $1 - right arrow Top - T File: Top of file | Memory: Origin Bottom - B File: End-$100 | Memory: Memory block end-$100 Set offset - O (hex value) or origin File - offset Memory - origin (precede with an * to act like a ptr) (ie Origin $*4f2 sets origin to base of OS) Toggle - keypad * toggles display of file or memory Search - S,G Next match - N In memory mode, set origin to: $0 - F1 ( base of ram ) $00FA0 - F2 ( base of cartridge ) $00XX0 - F3 ( base of OS- XX= $FC=[1.0-1.4], $E0=[1.6,3.x] {$*4f2} ) $0400 - F4 ( system variables ) $? - F5 ( cookie jar location {$*5a0} ) $? - F6 ( screen location {$*44e} ) $? - F7 ( Line-A variables ) $010 - F8 ( TT fast RAM ) [Note: Some memory locations may not apply to your system.] * Contacting us We solicit all comments and suggestions to help advance the usefullness of this and all our software. On Genie: DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) Compuserve: 75300,577 (GO ATARIVEND | Area 13) Usenet: uace0@menudo.uh.edu BBS: 713-944-0108 Thank you for taking the time to read this file. This program is released as a SHAREWARE program. As such, a $5 donation is requested if you utilize this useful utility. Address: Double Click Software PO Box 741206 Houston, Tx 77274 Phone: 713-977-6520 .  ^yn..  ^y3DC_SLICKDOC ^yoDC_SLICKPRG ^yu( *DC SLICK SHIFT v1.01 FREEWARE Mouse Trickery Copyright (c) 1990 Double Click Software by Michael B. Vederman You may freely distribute this program, just be certain this document file is contained in the archive with DC Slick Shift. =L DC Slick Shift will emulate either the RIGHT or LEFT mouse button with the press of either one or two modifier keys (Control, Alternate, Left or Right shift keys). I originally wrote this program because using the STacy in TRAKBALL mode is a pain in the neck. I got more cramps in my left hand than I cared to count. And since everyone I've ever seen use a STacy uses the 'two-handed shuffle,' in other words, they move the trakball with the right hand and click on one of the buttons with the left hand. This is a pain and the trakball buttons (in my opinion) don't have a good feel. So, here is DC SLICK SHIFT. Thanks to Mel Motogawa for giving me this brilliant idea (and for pointing out a solution when using the STacy in trakball mode). DC SLICK SHIFT v1.01 fixes an incompatibility with PinHead 1.8, that is all. = CONFIGURATION = You can have DC SLICK SHIFT emulate either/both the LEFT and RIGHT mouse buttons. To do this, you can use one modifier key (say, ALTERNATE for the LEFT mouse button and/or CONTROL for the RIGHT mouse button) or two modifier keys (such as CONTROL and ALTERNATE for the LEFT mouse button, etc). >To configure the modifier key(s) to emulate the mouse buttons, do this: -H 1) Execute DC_SLICK.PRG from the DESKTOP. You will be presented with an alert asking you to configure or quit. Press . 2) Next, you will be presented with an alert box asking you: Emulate RIGHT mouse button with two modifier keys? (ie, +)  YES NO  Click on YES if you want to assign two modifier keys to emulate the RIGHT mouse button, click on NO if you only want to use ONE modifier key to emulate the RIGHT mouse button. 3) Next you will be presented with an alert giving you a choice between the CONTROL or LEFT SHIFT or MORE (keys) for the first modifier key. If you want to use one of those, then click on the appropriate button. If you want more choices, click on MORE. * If you click on MORE, you will be presented with an alert box where you can choose between ALTERNATE and RIGHT SHIFT and NONE for the first modifier key. * If you do not want to emulate the mouse button with a modifier key, click on NONE. 4) If you chose to emulate the mouse button with TWO modifier keys, then you will be presented with a similar set of alert boxes, so continue from step #3. 5) After you have chosen the modifier key(s) for the RIGHT mouse button, you will be presented with an alert box for the LEFT mouse button like step #2 above. So, just go to step #2 and pretend it says LEFT instead of RIGHT. :-) 6) After you have chosen the modifier key(s) for the LEFT mouse button, you will be presented with another alert box asking: Turn off DC Slick Shift in programs? YES NO Click on YES if you want DC Slick Shift to be off in all programs. You might want DC Slick Shift off inside a program, because the key combinations you choose may interfere with a program's operation. (Frankly, it kinda ruins its usefulness, but what the heck...) 7) After you make the final choice from step #6, DC Slick Shift will attempt to save the information back to itself. If it is successful, you will be notified. If there is an error, you will also be notified. 8) Proceed to installation. = INSTALLATION = >To install DC Slick Shift, do this: -$ 1) Copy DC_SLICK.PRG into your bootup disk's AUTO folder. 2) Reset your computer. == DEFAULT CONFIGURATION = DC Slick Shift comes with a default setup of: Modifier keys Mouse button - - + LEFT + RIGHT ON in programs. = USING DC SLICK SHIFT = With DC Slick Shift you can execute programs, drag files, select from the inactive window just like you are using the mouse. It may take a bit of finger dexterity, but it really works! EXAMPLE: With the default configuration, you can press the key, and while keeping it depressed, press the key to simulate a LEFT mouse button DOWN. Release the key and you release the 'LEFT' mouse button. Pressing the key twice quickly (while holding down the key) would be the same as a double click. You could even do the reverse: press then . You can use this on any version of TOS, and on any machine (not just the STacy). It is fully STE and TT compatible. And, of course, it is 100% assembly language. When installed, it uses only 1138 bytes. = MORE INPUT! = If you like this program, great! Be sure to let us know what ideas or comments you have about our software. We are always anxious to hear what anyone has to say! You can reach us almost everywhere! = By Phone = Double Click Software : (713)977-6520 = Online = GEnie : DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) CompuServe : 75300,577 (GO ATARIVend, area 13) Usenet : uace0@menudo.uh.edu DC BBS : (713)944-0108 ?` ` DCSS `XBRADCSSAJxgTHfNhJPf C"C!I#Z/|^/:NuH?<"NNTO @# $!|( A #$/</</<?<NN#f @"L/:NuXBRADCSS lJ mDH0:z(f2J9g:2::fJ9 g::fL/:Nu 3,3.H瀀J9g::g:f.J9 g::g:f.0:zgaLNu0:^zhfHA"zNLNu3r,3.H瀀J9g:J:,:(g.J9 g:,:: g.0: zgaLNuXBRADCSS zN z6"aNuXBRADCSSH@CJygTI/ fNi f 8Jk"zg"L/:NuNsXBRADCSSJyfB/ C JygTI/fNi QKf if3#/|"_/:NuBy/:NuB9 3,#Z"<0<NB0:$Aag*3,#Z"<0<NB0:AaJyg22 &y`NuB93,# Z"<0<NB0:AZaTg*3,# Z"<0<NB0:vA.aDJyg2 2 y`Nu|nm` `pNupNu|n m`Nu|f?<NATO3,#fZ"<0<NB0:ya3,# =Z"<0<NB0:ya3,# Z"<0<NB0:r@3 a`n?</<j?<=NAPO3 l&3,#Z"<0<NB0:B`.a2/< /<?:|?<?NA DCSS g?:b?<>NAXO`/</<?:H?<@NA ?::?<>NAXO3,#wZ"<0<NB0:`3,#Z"<0<NB0:J@f|/< F?< NA\OJyf/< x?< NA\O`X/< l?< NA\O/<?<&NN\OBg/<?<1NA\O#!#F!J#!Nu?<?/<&?<BNA /< /<?:6?<?NA DCSq fT?<?:/<?<BNA /< /<?:?<?NA < ?<?:/:?<BNA Nu?<?:/< ?<BNA Nu,LZb4\DC_SLICK.PRG[0][Config saved.| |Move DC_SLICK.PRG to |your AUTO folder. ][ OK ][0][Error saving to DC_SLICK.PRG ][ OK ][0][DC Slick Shift v1.01 |FREEWARE 11/28/90 |by Michael B. Vederman |Copyright (c) 1990|Double Click Software][ Config |Exit][2][Emulate RIGHT mouse |button with two |modifier keys? |(ie, +)][ Yes |No][0][Emulate RIGHT button |modifier key #1 ][CTRL| LSHIFT |More][0][Emulate RIGHT button |modifier key #1 ][ALT| RSHIFT |None][2][Emulate LEFT mouse |button with two |modifier keys? |(ie, +)][ Yes |No][0][Emulate LEFT button |modifier key #1 ][CTRL| LSHIFT |More][0][Emulate LEFT button |modifier key #1 ][ALT| RSHIFT |None][2][Turn off DC Slick Shift |in programs?][ Yes |No] p**>> DC Slick Shift 1.01 <<** **>> 11/28/90 <<** **>> FREEWARE <<** **>> Mouse Button Trickery <<** **>> by <<** **>> Michael B. Vederman <<** **>> <<** **>> Copyright (c) 1990 <<** **>> Double Click Software <<** qq**>> NOT INSTALLED <<** H" (64 : .n2   J   (      6.  ^yy..  ^y3DCMSTICKDOC ^yzzDCMSTICKPRG ^y DC Mouse Stick v1.0 FREEWARE Software by Michael B. Vederman Copyright (c) 1990 Double Click Software This program is a FREEWARE product, meaning you can copy it and distribute it for FREE, but please keep this document with the program. =L DC Mouse Stick allows you to use a joystick to emulate a mouse on the ST, STe or TT computer. You can plug the joystick into port 0 (normal mouse port) or port 1 (joystick port). = INSTALLATION = >To install DC MOUSE STICK, do this: -$ 1) Copy DCMSTICK.PRG to your AUTO folder. 2) Reset your computer. When you bootup up, DC Mouse Stick will display a message and will install. NOTE: If you run it from the desktop, you will be in CONFIGURATION mode. = CONFIGURATION = You can configure certain parameters which define DC MOUSE STICK's operation: a) To use joystick port 0 or 1 b) The maximum speed DC MOUSE STICK will travel up/down or left/right c) The minimum speed DC MOUSE STICK will travel up/down or left/right d) The time to go from minimum to maximum speed e) Whether DC MOUSE STICK uses a constant mouse speed >To configure DC MOUSE STICK, follow these steps: -1 1) Execute DCMSTICK.PRG from the desktop. You will be presented with an introduction alert box asking you to : CONFIG or QUIT. Press or click on the CONFIG button. 2) Next you will see an alert asking you which joystick port to use 0 or 1 Choose the port you wish to have the joystick plugged in to. NOTE: If you choose joystick port 1, you can have the mouse operational at the same time, _but_ you will not have the use of the RIGHT mouse button. The RIGHT mouse button is the same as the joystick 1 trigger, so it was made to act like the LEFT mouse button to allow you to perform 'clicking'. If you need the RIGHTK mouse button, pick up our other FREEWARE program DC SLICK SHIFT, which allows you to use a modifier key (or keys) as one of the mouse buttons. If you choose joystick port 0, you can not use the mouse (since the joystick is in the mouse port ). You will still probably want to use DC SLICK SHIFT, since the joystick only has one button, which is still used as the LEFT mouse button. 3) After selecting the port to use, you will be asked to set the: MAXIMUM UP/DOWN SPEED The current numeric setting is displayed (default is 20). This is the number of pixels the mouse will move per screen cycle when it is going the maximum speed. Click on the minus ( - ) or plus ( + ) sign to change the speed. Click on OK or press when it is set the way you want. NOTE: The maximum speed will gradually be acheived after a certain amount of time has elapsed. This is described in step 7 below. 4) After you set the maximum up/down speed, you will be asked to set the MINIMUM UP/DOWN SPEED The current numeric setting is displayed (default is 4). This is the number of pixels the mouse will move per screen cycle when it starts moving. Click on the minus ( - ) or plus ( + ) sign to change the speed. Click on OK or press when it is set the way you want. NOTE: The minimum speed is the starting speed, if you choose to have the mouse speed accelerate to the maximum speed. IF YOU WISH TO HAVE THE MOUSE TRAVEL AT A CONSTANT UP/DOWN SPEED, USE THE SAME SPEED FOR THE MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM UP/DOWN SETTING. 5) Once you set the up/down speeds, you will be asked to define the MAXIMUM LEFT/RIGHT SPEED The current numeric setting is displayed (default is 20). This is the number of pixels the mouse will move per screen cycle when it is going the maximum speed. Click on the minus ( - ) or plus ( + ) sign to change the speed. Click on OK or press when it is set the way you want. NOTE: The maximum speed will gradually be acheived after a certain amount of time has elapsed. This is described in step 7 below. 6) After you set the maximum left/right speed, you will be asked to set the MINIMUM LEFT/RIGHT SPEED The current numeric setting is displayed (default is 4). This is the number of pixels the mouse will move per screen cycle when it starts moving. Click on the minus ( - ) or plus ( + ) sign to change the speed. Click on OK or press when it is set the way you want. NOTE: The minimum speed is the starting speed, if you choose to have the mouse speed accelerate to the maximum speed. IF YOU WISH TO HAVE THE MOUSE TRAVEL AT A CONSTANT LEFT/RIGHT SPEED, USE THE SAME SPEED FOR THE MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM LEFT/RIGHT SETTING. 7) Now, you will be presented with another alert asking you: REACH FULL SPEED IN: 120 SCREEN CYCLE(S) The mouse speed is increased in 3 steps from the minimum starting speed until it reaches the maximum speed. This determines how long after the mouse starts moving until it reaches the maximum speed. The screen cycles can be 50, 60 or 70 cycles per second, depending on the resolution and the computer. NOTE: If you have mouse speeds set the same, then this setting doesn't matter. 8) After setting the time, DC MOUSE STICK will attempt to save the information back to itself. If it succeeds, you will be presented with an alert telling you such. THAT'S IT. = HOW TO USE IT = Using DC MOUSE STICK is pretty easy. Plug it in the joystick in the port you chose, reboot your computer and start moving the joystick! Use the joystick trigger to act like the LEFT mouse button. This will be especially usefull for people who have a broken mouse, and still want to use the computer. Enjoy! = MORE INPUT! = If you like this program, great! Be sure to let us know what ideas or comments you have about our software. We are always anxious to hear what anyone has to say! You can reach us almost everywhere! = By Phone = Double Click Software : (713)977-6520 = Online = GEnie : DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) CompuServe : 75300,577 (GO ATARIVend, area 13) Usenet : uace0@menudo.uh.edu DC BBS : (713)944-0108 `n ` DCMS `XBRADCMSAJxgTHfNhJPf C\"CX!I#\/|`/:NuH?<"NNTO @#!|A# 9 f9gL/:NuXBRADCMSp:K 9 fB9B90gD90g0gD90g0gA"z@N`0J9f(J9f Az"z$NByNuXBRADCMS 9 g: f/:Nu|J9f J9fNu::Jyg0::0:ư:gZzmzmzmRyABJ9gn D(`B(AJ9gnD(` B(`AX"zNNu3,#IZ"<0<NB0: EGBy:4H3a0:iqnrBy:H3a0: E{GBy:H3ab0:\ inBy:H3a20:, ESGjp:3a0:  Nup0:a$XPH03,#Z"<0<NB0:~L <n m y`Jygyp`pNu?</<f?<=NAPO3 \l&3,#sZ"<0<NB0:`a/< ^/<?: ?<?NA DCMS ^g?:?<>NAXO`/</<?:?<@NA ?:?<>NAXO3,#Z"<0<NB0:`<# A|co "0A 00@Nu3,#Z"<0<NB0:$g ana`/< ?< NA\O/<?<&NN\OJyg/< +?< NA\O::gp::H:s:qg@p:_:]Hp:LH33H3yBg/<?<1NA\O/< 7?< NA\O?<NATOBxR08TU@ xVJJgQNu3!<1R#!Nu?<?/<&?<BNA /< ^/<?:?<?NA DCSq ^fT?<?:/<?<BNA /< ^/<?:?<?NA < ^?<?:/:?<BNA Nu?<?:/< ?<BNA Nu,LZb4XDCMSTICK.PRG[3][Error saving to DCMSTICK.PRG][ OK ][1][Done! Move DCMSTICK.PRG |to your AUTO folder. ][ OK ][0][DC Mouse Stick v1.0 |FREEWARE|By Michael B. Vederman |Copyright (c) 1990|Double Click Software ][ Config |Quit][2][Use joystick port # : ][ 0 |1][0][Maximum up/down speed : |1 ][-|+| OK ][0][Maximum left/right speed : |1 ][-|+| OK ][0][Reach full speed in : |1 screen cycle(s) ][-|+| OK ] p**>> DC Mouse Stick 1.0 <<** **>> <<** **>> FREEWARE <<** **>> Joystick Mouse <<** **>> by <<** **>> Michael B. Vederman <<** **>> <<** **>> Copyright (c) 1990 <<** **>> Double Click Software <<** qq**>> NOT INSTALLED <<** J" <  ,8$    $  (@ 2  6.  ^y..  ^y3DC_CRC DOC ^yDC_CRC PRG ^yVFILES CRC ^y,cDC CRC v1.0 (1/25/91) DC CRC is Copyright (c) 1991 Double Click Software Program by Paul W. Lee and Michael B. Vederman DC CRC v1.0 is a FREEWARE program. A FREEWARE program is one which you may freely distribute, but you cannot charge for it or alter the program or contents of the archive in any manner. Double Click Software retains all copyright exclusive rights except exclusive distribution. =N DC CRC will compute and record the CRC (ARC type) for any file. DC CRC allows you to add a file and its CRC, or compare a file's CRC with the CRC stored in the CRC master list. = Running DC CRC = >To run DC CRC, do this: - 1) Run DC_CRC.PRG from the desktop. You will be presented with an alert box asking you to ADD (a file), CHECK (a file) or QUIT (the program). 2) Choose the appropriate button. = Adding a File's CRC = >To add a file's CRC, follow these steps: -) 1) Run DC_CRC.PRG and choose ADD. You will be presented with a file selector. NOTE: The first time you choose this option, it will attempt to open the file FILES.CRC which should be located in the same folder as the DC CRC program. The file FILES.CRC contains the filename and CRC of the files you add to the list. If this file can't be opened, it will be created. 2) Locate and choose the file to add. The filename and CRC will be displayed at the top of the screen. The filename and CRC will be added to the master list, or if it already exists in the list, the entry will be updated. 3) You will be prompted again with the file selector. Repeat step #2 or click on CANCEL to return to the initial alert box. = Checking a File's CRC = >To check a file's CRC, follow these steps: -+ 1) Run DC_CRC.PRG and choose CHECK. You will be presented with a file selector. NOTE: The first time you choose this option, it will attempt to open the file FILES.CRC which should be located in the same folder as the DC CRC program. The file FILES.CRC contains the filename and CRC of the files you add to the list. If this file can't be opened you will be returned to the initial alert box. 2) Locate and choose the file to check. The filename and CRC will be displayed at the top of the screen. If the file is located in FILES.CRC, the computed CRC will be checked against the one stored in the master list. If the CRC matches, DC CRC will say so. If there is a mismatch, DC CRC will also say so. NOTE: If the file is not already in the list, it will be added. 3) You will be prompted again with the file selector. Repeat step #2 or click on CANCEL to return to the initial alert box. = The master list: FILES.CRC = The master list, FILES.CRC, contains entries for all the files you add. This master list is used later when you want to confirm a files CRC as being the same when you initially recorded it. Each line in the list is formatted as follows: TESTNAME.PRG = ABCD ^ ^ ^^^ ^ | | ||| |_ cr/lf | | |||_ 4 digit Hexadecimal CRC (uppercase letters) | | ||_ one space | | |_ equal sign | |_ 2-13 spaces |_ filename Total line length is 22: 20 alphanumeric characters one carriage return one line feed 100% Assembly = COMMENTS WELCOME = As usual, we would be EXTREMELY glad to hear your comments and suggestions for enhancements to this and any of our other programs. - mike and paul We can be reached at: Voice: (713)977-6520 Online: The DC BBS: (713)944-0108 / 300-1200-2400 baud / 24 hrs GEnie: DOUBLE-CLICK (CATegory 30) CompuServe: 75300,577 (go ATARIVendors, area 13) Usenet: uace0@menudo.uh.edu t`S `bC2| f A,`,|4f A2`|Zf A8`A>222BQ"<0<NB09 *Nu*O.|Y*m - ЭЭ// Bg?<JNAO Ap$rJd BQ0Rf /<?< NA\O?9?<>NAXO 3 #R 8p4a 3 *I y *nh/<D?< NA\O?</<w?<=NAPO3n@ y *ma`z/<]?< NA\OBg/<w?<NAXOpvACEI02h@0QB/<I?< NA\O/<?< NA\ONu prJgSpNuAJf| =g `Nu/<?< NA\Oa.Jy ,fNuaga aB`?<?9/<?<BNA /</<?9?<@NA Nu/<I/<?9?<@NA /</<?9?<@NA Nu/<?< NA\OaJy ,fNua"g/< ?< NA\OaTa`a~`?<?9/<?<BNA /<I/<?9?<?NA |f2AICa|g$/<I/<?9?<?NA `pNupNu/<I/<?9?<?NA AICIa(g/<5?< NA\ONu/<J?< NA\ONup`pS@f J(gQpNu * 8 @EOpening FILES.CRC ... ECreating FILES.CRC ... FILES.CRCE Choose File to Add: Choose File to Check: = 0123456789ABCDEF Press any key to continue Cannot open file!Unable to locate file in list. Adding...*** CRC MISMATCH ***CRC OK.[0][ DC CRC v1.0 (1/25/91) | Copyright (c) 1991| Double Click Software | by Paul W. Lee and | Michael B. Vederman][Add| Check |Quit]  ,$   &" *    "    (DC_CRC.DOC = 8689 DC_CRC.PRG = 3697 .  ^y.. 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I only wish you|*could* modify the ROM![0][Write changes?][Yes|No]|Error rewriting the file! %s %08X: %02x %s |The %s %s is|%ssourcedestinationendless than the start|Invalid %s|drive letterending sectorThe source and destination|cannot be the same when|using Hex Dump|The source and destination|are the same|Could not open|the source file!|You cannot copy to disk|sectors in Hex mode[1][|Printer not ready!][Retry|Cancel][1][Are you sure you want to|copy to memory as a Hex Dump|rather than as raw ASCII?][Do It!|Cancel][1][Copying to a disk's sectors|can be very dangerous.|Are you really sure?][Do It!|Cancel]\*.*|Error %D in|reading source|End of source|file encountered|Error %D in writing|destination|Destination disk full.|File has been truncated.|Could not open the %s|file in read/write mode|This is a zero-length file[1][%s][Ok]|A number in hex may only|contain 0-9 and A-F%s is not|in the current|directory!+ 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15|Could not access drive!|Could not read|the bootsector!|Sorry, MemFile can't handle|the format of this diskSides:%2d|Sectors/track:%3d|Tracks/side:%4d|Total Sectors:%6U|Error #%D reading|disk in drive %c:%u @|Error #%D writing|disk in drive %c:\[1][|MemFile cannot run|in this resolution][Ok]memfl30m.rscmemfl30c.rsc MemFile[1][You already have|seven windows open!][Bleh!]F%d set to 0x%X (%Ud)Press BOTH Shift keys to stop|Bytes in hexadecimal must|contain only 0-9 and A-FSearching...Press BOTH shift keys to stopThe search has reached phystopThe string begins at %Ud (0x%X)Could not find the string%U%X|Sectors on this disk range|from 0-%u@@*r  F 8 <& >< ( 6,&|B|2h.~RNx$".*FF X@ x&*:h@ < l Dr@:*0 l\P h n$:F b< ntZ(:<*&8 4B @ (& .* Jf 4 & t x*& ,$ 0&0> $4   (L p< b12/10/90 MemFile 3.0, Copyright 1987-1990, Gribnif Software. All rights reserved. This program and its resource file may be freely distributed on the conditions that a copy of this DOC file is included and no payment of any type (including "copying" fees) is incurred upon the recipient of the program. No warranty is made as to the compatibility of this program and neither the author nor Gribnif Software is responsible for any loss of data which may result from the use of this program. Use it at your own risk! Revisions to Version 2.0: Bug Fixes: [] Using page down (Clr/Home) with Shift works properly. [] Repeatable scrolling and page up/down stop when reaching the high or low limit. [] Search will no longer stop if just the right Shift key is used. [] Worked around a problem in the AES that would sometimes cause any mouse clicks on objects within the MemFile window to be ignored. [] If using an item selector that has an option to blit back the area underneath the item selector dialog rather than forcing a redraw, the MemFile window is updated when it should be. [] All resolution dependencies have been removed. It should now work on any screen wide enough to contain it. [] If MemFile can't edit a disk because of its format, the error condition is handled correctly. Additionally, if a hard disk does not have information about its sides or number of tracks, it can still be edited, assuming its sectors are small enough. Enchancements: [] Added "virtual" memory/sector/file copying. [] The mouse is turned off when editing a field, such as the decimal offset. [] Whenever you are entering a value within MemFile, you can use the keypad keys for hex digits A-F, as described later in this document. [] Inactive buttons are greyed-out. [] You can hold the Shift key when hitting Return to get out of cursor mode. If you do this, then the alert box will come up with "Yes" as the default. This allows you to hit Shift-Return twice in order to always save changes when editing. [] If you hold down the right mouse button while clicking with the left one on a byte in the Hex display column, then that byte and the next three will become the next display offset. This is very handy for jumping to one location in memory based on the contents of another. [] The starting address for the ROM will adjust if you are running a TT or STe. [] The ending address for the "ROM" has been extended to 0xF. Any addresses that are not valid will appear as ".." in the hex column. [] Addresses greater than 0xF can be displayed if MemFile is running on a TT. [] MemFile can be used as a program as well as a desk accessory. | [] An icon for MemFile can be placed on the NeoDesk desktop. | Files dragged to it are opened immediately in File mode. You | can also drag a disk drive to the icon to look at it in Sector | mode. | [] You can assign the current window address to a function key | by pressing Shift with the function key. Because of this | change, the keycodes for Memory, File, and Sector modes have | been changed to 1, 2, and 3, respectively. | [] The Backspace key will move you to the last position before | an Offset was entered. | [] The R key will move you to the first address in RAM, if you are | looking at a ROM address, or the first address in the ROMs if | you are looking at RAM. | [] The + and - buttons for Sector mode have been swapped. They | also have keyboard equivalents of Left-arrow for minus and | and Right-arrow for plus. | [] The minimum height of the drag bar is slightly taller, now, so | that it can be grabbed more easily. | [] The Esc key is the keyboard equivalent for the Swap button. | [] The "Alert" option in the Search dialog defaults to Off. | [] Re-entering "File" mode after already having viewed a file once | will no longer put up the item selector. You should use the | "Selector..." button to choose a new file. | [] There are probably other small changes that I forgot about | in the 2 years since this revision was started. | [] Changes to this manual are notated by the "|" in the first | column. Overview: MemFile is a program that allows the user Bto view and edit any portion of his ST's memory, a file on any disk drive or the individual | sectors of any drive. Because can be used as a desk accessory, it has the added advantage that it is available from any GEM application, so you can easily call it up if, say for instance, you are debugging a program and you want to make sure that it has written a file correctly without having to leave the program you are working on. It is also a moveable window which means that you can re-position it to another location on the screen or even click on another open window. The current MemFile package includes the following files: | MEMFIL30.DOC -- You're reading it | MEMFIL30.ACC -- The program | MEMFL30C.RSC -- The program's color resource file | MEMFL30M.RSC -- The program's monochrome resource file Installation: | MemFile can be run as a program by simply renaming MEMFIL30.ACC to | MEMFIL30.PRG. To run it as a desk accessory, copy MEMFIL30.ACC and the | appropriate resource file to the root directory of the disk your normally | boot from and perform a system reset. | If you are using NeoDesk 2.05 or newer, you can configure NeoDesk | so that you can drag a file or disk drive icon to a MemFile icon on the | desktop: | | 1. If you are using NeoDesk 2.05, then create a text file called | "NEO_ACC.INF" with the line "MEMFIL30" in it, and save this file | to the direcory where you keep NeoDesk's files. | 2. If you are using NeoDesk 3, then you can simply enter "MEMFIL30" | in the "Accessories..." list in the "Set Preferences..." dialog. | 3. Open a window to the location where MEMFIL30.ACC is stored and | drag this icon onto the desktop within NeoDesk. General Use: When you select the "MemFile!" item from the desktop's menu bar, a window appears. When you use MemFile for the first time after booting, the program displays the contents of your machine's memory starting at the bottom of memory (address 0). At this time you can click on either of the two buttons on the right side of the window to toggle between hexadecimal or decimal addresses. You can also click on either of the other two buttons labeled "File" and "Sector" to switch the display to those functions. Which ones of the other buttons are valid depends upon the mode you are in: if you are in Memory, you can click on either the editable address in hex or decimal, but you cannot click on any of the buttons underneath these two without switching modes. You can edit the information contained in the display by clicking on either the two-digit bytes in the second column or their ASCII representation in the third column of the display. A cursor will appear, which can be moved with the arrow keys. When you are editing the bytes, only the 0-9, a-f (or A-F) keys will have any effect. You can either use the keys that appear on the main keyboard for this or the ones on the numberic keypad. The hex letters A-F can also be entered on the keypad by referring to the follwing diagram: --- --- --- --- | A | B | C | D | --- --- --- --- | 7 | 8 | 9 | E | --- --- --- --- | 4 | 5 | 6 | F | --- --- --- --- | 1 | 2 | 3 |Ent| - ---| | | 0 |###| | Note: The decimal key is unused in this mode. - --- --- When editing the ASCII values contained in the second column, you can enter anything, including control characters. When you are done editing, hit the Return key. An alert asking if you want to rewrite the information will appear. Click on "Yes" only if you are certain that the changes you have made are correct, otherwise you may damage system memory, forcing you to re-boot | or, worse, damage important information on a disk. If you would like the | alert to default to "Yes", then use Shift-Return to exit editing mode. Normally, the ASCII column of the display contains all the individual characters that make up the area being viewed. The one exception to this is the NUL character (0x00) which cannot normally be displayed. MemFile shows a decimal point (".") in any location where a NUL should be. Please be aware that if you attempt to edit the ASCII column, the only way to actually enter a true NUL character is with the decimal key ON THE KEYPAD. Do NOT enter a decimal point from the main keyboard if what you want is a NUL! The surest way to change a byte to a NUL is to change its value in the Hex column to zero instead. | An additional hint is that anytime you need to enter a number in an | editable field that allows you to enter hexadecimal, you can use the keypad, | as described above, to produce the A-F characters. The Search Feature: The "Search" button calls-up a dialog which allows you to search for a string of characters within the area that is currently being displayed. Click on either the ASCII or the Hex box, depending upon how you want to enter the string. After you have clicked on one or the other the cursor will appear on the field you selected, allowing you to edit the information there. The ASCII field may contain any key that can be typed on the keyboard. The Hex field, however, must only contain the digits 0-9 and A-F (or lowercase a-f). The other option you have here is to specify whether or not you want to be alerted when the search has completed. If you select "On", a bell tone will be produced when the search has finished, assuming you did not cancel the search part way through. The tone will continue to sound every few seconds, but can be stopped by pressing a key, the left mouse button, or performing a window operation. This feature was intended to allow you to do something else (dare I say it?) away from the computer while a lengthy search is being performed. When you have finished editing the field you chose, click on the "Done!" button at the bottom of the dialog. The search will then begin. You should see the scroll bar move as the search progresses though, in the case of a Memory search, the bar may not move very often. If the string of characters is found the display will be redrawn at the location where the string is and the location of the start of the string will be written in the information line at the top of the window. If the string is not found a message appears along the top of the window and the display remains at its last location. If you are doing a memory search, the location where MemFile stores the string you are looking for in memory is excluded from the search. Also, if the search goes past phystop, a message will appear in the title bar of the window. At this point you may opt to stop the search if you know that you do not actually have anymore RAM after phystop. You can stop the search at any time by pressing both of the keyboard's Shift keys simultaneously. The last location checked in the search will be displayed. If you want to look for the next occurence of the same string or if you want to resume a search that was stopped, merely press the Search button a second time. When the dialog appears, click on the "Done!" button and the search will proceed. If no other button has been selected since Search was invoked the first time, the search will continue from the point where it left off. If, however, any button (including the scroll bar) has been selected since the initial search, the new search will begin from the lowest address on the current display. This means that the same string will be found a second time (assuming the previous search was not stopped). To find the next occurence, you must then activate the Search feature one more time. When entering a string in ASCII, there is no way to include the NUL character (ASCII zero). The only way to enter this character is by using the Hex field and entering "00" for one of the bytes. Please also note that when you select Search a second time after having entered a NUL, the ASCII string will be truncated wherever the NUL appeared. The Hex representation will remain intact. | If you do not like having the Alert function default to "Off", merely | change the resource file using a resource editor so that the "On" button | is preselected rather than the "Off" one. | The "Copy" Dialog: | | This feature allows you to copy any portion of any source to any | destination type. Additionally, it lets you fill the source with a particular | byte, and allows for the output to be in a "hex dump" format. Because of the | large number of options in this dialog and the potential for accidentally | destroying valuable information with this feature, you should read the next | section very carefully before using Copy. | This dialog box consists of two main options, and a few minor ones. | The Source and Destination describe where to take the data from and where to | send it to. No matter which source you choose, you must enter valid numbers | for the Start and End that appear to its right. Only the information which | appears immediately to the right of the source you choose is used. After you | have chosen the source, choose the destination you want and enter the location | to start copying to. | In the case of Memory the start, end, and destination start are all | absolute addresses. In the case of a file, they are all relative to the | beginning of the file. For a Sector copy, entire sectors are manipulated, | with start, end, and destination start specifying the sector to begin reading | or writing. | If you are copying to or from a file, then you must select the | "Filenames..." button. This will bring up a second dialog which lets you | see which files have been chosen for the source and destination. Selecting | the button marked "Selector..." to the right of either field will call up | the GEM item selector so that you can choose a file. Of course, if you are | not copying to a file, then you do not need to specify a destination filename, | and the same is also true of the source filename if the source is not a file. | The "Hex Dump" option will produce a listing of the hexadecimal | values of the source bytes, along with their ASCII counterparts, on the | destination device. | If the "Fill Source?" option is set to "Yes", then the character | whose hexadecimal value appears below the Yes button will be used to fill | the entire source area, even if the source and destination overlap. Since | this using this option means that whatever is copied also gets modified, | be EXTREMELY careful when using it! | If the destination is a file and it does not exist, then it is | created when copying. If the destination start is past the end of the | destination file, then the file is filled to that point with NULs (ASCII | character 0). | If the destination is a range of disk sectors, then the first | source address is copied to the beginning of the starting sector in the | destination. If the ending address of the source does is not in an | increment the size of a sector, then only the beginning portion of the | last sector on the disk will be modified. | Assuming all the options have been set correctly, you can select | the button labeled "Copy It!" to perform the copy operation. Depending on | the type of operation you are attempting to perform there may be one or | two warning messages but, for the most part, there are not. So be very | careful! The Memory Editor: The memory editor can display and edit any address from zero to the highest available location as specified by the system variable "phystop". This location is normally just below the maximum address that can be accessed, and depends upon how much RAM your machine has. The only time it is not just below the top is when you have installed programs such as "reset-proof" ramdisks which change the value of phystop. MemFile can display any address up to 0x3FE, however, you will not be able to alter any memory location greater than the RAM capacity of your machine (normally address 0xF on a 1040ST). For this reason, whenever an address between phystop and 0x3FE is displayed, a warning message appears at the top of the window. You can select either of the editable address fields and enter a new value. Addresses in decimal contain only the digits 0-9 and addresses in hexadecimal contain 0-9 and A-F (or a-f). Pressing Return causes the display to be redrawn, starting at the new location. If the location you gave was higher than the highest location available, the address will be moved to the highest location. | If you use a 68000- or 68010-based ST and you want to view a memory | location in ROM, you cannot do so by using the scroll bar because the entire | area from 0x40 to 0xF90 is inaccessible. Instead, you must begin by | using either of the editable address fields to enter an address from the start | of ROM (0xFC0 for the ST, 0xE0 for the STe) to 0xF. The scroll bar | will then assume that the "lowest" address is actually the start of ROM. | Enter any RAM address to switch back to that area. If you are using an Atari | TT or other 68020- or 68030-based machine, then you will be able to examine | any address all the way up to 0xF, in one continuous block. For a list | of ways to get around in memory quickly, refer to the section called "Getting | from Here to There". In Memory mode, you can click on the scroll bar to the right of the display to move up or down in 128 byte intervals. Clicking on the arrow buttons moves the address up or down 16 bytes at a time. You can also drag the slider to a new position. Unlike the scroll bars found on Atari's desktop, you can select any portion of this scroll bar and hold the left mouse button down to repeat the function continuously. The File Editor: Whenever you select this option, the standard Atari file selector appears. You can then select any existing file to edit. After you have selected a file, the display will show the contents of the file from its beginning. You can move to any location within the file using the scroll bar and edit by clicking on the appropriate location in the display. An offset into the file, relative to the strat can also be entered by selecting either the Hex or Decimal editable field. You can select the editable filename field if you want to switch to another file contained in the same directory as the previous one. This is sometimes easier than calling up the selector, which can be done by clicking on the "Selector..." button. If the new file is not found or it cannot be opened for both read and write, the program will try to re-open the previous file. If this fails, the file selector will appear once again. This time, if the file you select is not available, you will be returned to the Memory editor. If you close the MemFile window or leave the GEM program you are currently in with the window open, the file will also be closed. However, the next time you select MemFile from the menu bar it will try to re-open the file you were working on last. If this is file is on a floppy, you should make sure the same floppy is still in the appropriate drive. Please note that this also means that the system considers a file to be open as long as you are in the File mode. If you want to be able to access the file from any other application without risking possible dmamge to its contents, you must either leave the File option or close the MemFile window first. Because MemFile cannot actually increase or decrease the length of a file, attempting to edit a zero-length file will cause an error message to be appear. In this mode, clicking on the arrow keys has the same effect as clicking on the gray area of the scroll bar, the display moves forward or backward 128 bytes. The Sector Editor: When you first choose this option, the bootsector of the drive your system was started with is displayed. Also, some statistics about the disk in that drive are shown at the very bottom of the window. You can switch to a new sector on the disk by clicking on either of the + or - buttons to change the sector one at-a-time, or by clicking on the number of sectors itself to edit it. To switch to another disk drive, select the "Drives..." button. A dialog containing the valid drives in boldface will appear. Click on any of the active drives to begin editing sectors on that disk. If MemFile encounters any problem when reading or writing a sector, it will return you to the Memory editor. Only those disks whose boot sectors | report them as having no more than 512 bytes per sector can be viewed. | The "Swap" button forces the program to re-read the bootsector of the active drive. This is useful when switching disks in a floppy drive. If you do not use this function (or re-select the current drive from the Drives menu) the program may try to access a sector on the disk which does not exist, causing an error. MemFile always tries to read the "boot sector" of the disk whenever a new disk is inserted or a new drive is selected. If it cannot read the boot sector, the program displays an error message and displays the Drives list so you can either insert a disk whose boot sector is good, or switch to another drive alltogether. Here, the scroll bar can be used to move the display throughout a given sector and an offset within the sector can be entered in either the Decimal or Hex editable field. Keyboard Commands: Many of the main functions can be activated using simple keystrokes rather than by using the mouse. This is especially useful with the scroll bar, as it can be moved repeatedly until both Shift keys are pressed, rather | than having to hold-down the mouse button for long periods of time. | A complete keyboard map is available by selecting the button from | the MemFile window, or by pressing the Help key. | Getting from Here to There: | | There are several ways you can get quickly from one place to another | in MemFile. You can hold down the right mouse button while clicking on a byte | in the hex column of the display in order to treat that byte and the three | following it as the longword address for the next offset to display. An | example of this would be clicking on the byte at 0x4F2 to quickly jump to | the start of the ROMs. This works in all three editing modes, though is | probably not very useful in Sector mode. | The function keys on the keyboard can have offsets assigned to them. | If you hold down one of the Shift keys while pressing a function key, then | MemFile will remember the lowest address currently in the display. Pressing | the same function key without Shift will cause the display to jump to that | location. This works in all three editing modes. | When in Memory editing mode, you can press the "R" key on the keyboard | to toggle between ROM and RAM addresses. If you are at an address in ROM, then | pressing the key will move you to the beginning of RAM, if in RAM it will move | you to the start of ROM. | Another useful key, which works in any mode, is the Backspace key. | It automagically moves you to the last offset before either a new offset | was entered manually, or one of the features listed above was used to jump | to a new location. Comments: Note that the scroll bar in File Editing mode only moves in increments of 128 bytes. This is due to the the small buffer that MemFile uses. For some reason, the memory locations between the highest RAM address | and 0x3F do weird things on a normal ST. If you try to edit the locations, some of the bytes appear to change just by moving the cursor over them. This is because MemFile is somehow fed conflicting information when displaying and beginning the edit. Don't worry about it, you can't change these locations anyway and they really are quite useless. They just sit there and look nice. This program works only in medium and high resolution for obvious reasons. Booting in low-rez will not result in any message, however even though the program does not run, it is still in memory just sitting there doing nothing. Thought you might like to know where that memory is disappearing to. | The Search feature can be rather slow, though it has sped up since | previous versions. If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to send them to either of the addresses below. Internet: Dan.Wilga@saturn.ucc.umass.edu GEnie: GRIBNIF Gribnif Software P. O. Box 350 Hadley, MA 01035 (413) 584-7887 If you like this program, you might want to take a look at some of our commercial products: NeoDesk 3 - The Ultimate Desktop = NeoDesk 3 is the most powerful, complete, and easy to use graphical desktop available for the Atari ST. Not only does it make your computer easier to use but it adds a very complete series of new features and enhancements. These include improved file operations, custom icons, icon editor, desktop icons, desktop notes, independent custom windows, macros, keyboard equivalents, and much much more!! The package a 140 page. A free demo version is available from GEnie or your local BBS. NeoDesk CLI = The NeoDesk CLI is a complete add-on command line interpreter for the NeoDesk 3 desktop replacement package. It runs out of its own GEM window and includes a very complete batch programming language. This allows for such things as the creation of powerful batch files which let you automate your computer. The NeoDesk CLI uses both MS-DOS and UNIX style commands to simplify its use. The package includes a 70 page manual. A free demo ve rsion is also available. You can order these products by calling our toll free order line (USA, Canada, Hawaii, PR, and Alaska only): (800) 284-4742 (orders only!) You can also order by sending us the correct amount from the chart below to: Gribnif Software, P.O. Box 350, Hadley, MA 01035: NeoDesk 3.($69.95 _ NeoDesk CLI.&$29.95 _ Shipping (USA: $2.00 / Canada: $3.00 / Foreign: $5.00) _ If you have any questions or comments, you can call us at (413) 584-7887. You can also fax us at (413) 584-2565. n  $xxx  MemoryKeyboard...Search...Copy...Offset:0 _ 9 00x_nDisplay:DecimalHexFileA Filename: _.___F Selector...SectorNo.: 0_9SwapDrive C...Sides: Sectors/track: Tracks/side: Total sectors: -_XSelect either ASCII or Hexadecimal:- ASCII: _ X 1Hex: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __n Alert bell:OnOffSearchCancelKey: Function:Key: Function:1 Select Memory Editor Move Up One Line2 Select File Editor Move Down One Line3 Select Sector EditorInsert Page UpClr/Home Page DownD Enter Decimal Offset...With Shift Auto-repeatH Enter Hex OffsetF1-F10 Jump to AddressS Search for String...With Shift Program AddressC Copy Memory/File/SectorBackspace Return to Last Offset Sector -R Jump to ROM/RAM Start Sector +Esc Swap DiskControl-W Close Window 1987-1990, Gribnif Software. All rights reserved.This program may be distributed freely, as longas no fee is charged. This includes, but is not limitedto "copying" fees for library compilations.SourceMemory0Start: 0x_n0End: 0x_nFile0Start: 0x_n0End: 0x_nSectorsxDrive: _f0Start: _d90End: _d9Filenames...FormatRaw ASCIIHex DumpFill Source?YesNo00Char: 0x__nnDestinationMemory0Start: 0x_nFile0Start: 0x_nSectorsxDrive: _f0Start: _d9PrinterCopy ItCancel*Source: _(X(Selector...*Dest.: _(X(Selector...Done!%%)*lw     43uv4Bwy{ #$%40MN8O{|,    $&/ 18GNUb     ( *1@^)1F)0'E@rA ? R$ $+/< @ $ @/ @!A @A @rA  B  ?B  #F R \  B/  d     B: B-   '&B- ! "@-# $@+%d&#(!   *A1 F & S 2ABC DEF G  H I J K LMNO 5P ( }# B$ b" ~"  B$ "&) - %4 @M@;W)@s @*@@*@  @* @$* @:  @[' @v@*@@'@ #@* !@2 @G* !@i @~ G* @ & (# )  + "0?   B/} &  B ^   z       i1  B1 v}   B1      !  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This includes, but is not limitedto "copying" fees for library compilations.SourceMemory0Start: 0x_n0End: 0x_nFile0Start: 0x_n0End: 0x_nSectorsxDrive: _f0Start: _d90End: _d9Filenames...FormatRaw ASCIIHex DumpFill Source?YesNo00Char: 0x__nnDestinationMemory0Start: 0x_nFile0Start: 0x_nSectorsxDrive: _f0Start: _d9PrinterCopy ItCancel*Source: _(X(Selector...*Dest.: _(X(Selector...Done!%%)*lw     43uv4Bwy{ #$%40MN8O{|,    $&/ 18GNUb     ( *1@^)1F)0'#E @A ? $ $+/< @ #@/ @aA @A  @A  B   ?B  #F R \  B/  d     B:  B -   '&B - ! "@-# $@+%d&#(!   *A1 F & Q ! A B C D EF G  H I J K LM N O 5P  #( } # B$ b" ~"  B$  "&) - %4 @M@;W)@s @*@@*@  @* @$* @:  @[' @v@*@@'@ 0 #@* !@2 @G* !@i @~ G* @ & (#  )  +  "0#?   B /} &  B ^   z          i1  B1 v}    B1         !  B/    "   >    Z G"O1 %W1 0@ v 02   /o2 '{  nfn>.  _y .. 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JEf0DH2HgR@?=nxvjDnxL8n@aa<z Ndz* I0`  fEQNdS|$Ne Jnvj|- nb XfRnf0nfc|.g8f _g>.g@ +gN -gR $f ,fHQ!a0Rnf"_p$RHQa "_`Rnf`)  g *fp `Jnvjp-`Jnvkp `=_fSnfRnzNuHLn=BvjDBN.LxC*E0RJCfRCR@r2HAARACd ` Efr0Sb Eg4 5e.!A*e0R 9c0`R1R@0c JEr+J@jr-D@UEoJYEc0SEnHJEf0SEH@HdREf0SEH@H 0 0REfH@C* nb XfRnf0nfcJ.g _g .g +g -g HQaL`Rnf`Jnvjp-`Jnvkp `=_fSnfRnzNux Monthly schedule of mortage with overpayment option Ver 1.0 programmed in GFA BASIC 3.0 by Alvin F Riesbeck Jr. Lock Box 562 Hines IL. 60141 Copyright 1990If summary only reply Y else press return for monthly detail Calulating Summary in progress Another | Mortage | Calulation Yes|NoDo not use commaEnter current balance of loan = Enter original amount of loan = Current Balance|cannot be greater than|original balanceReturnEnter amount of yearly interest Monthly payment for 10 year loan is ##,###.##Monthly payment for 15 year loan is Monthly payment for 20 year loan is Monthly payment for 25 year loan is Monthly payment for 30 year loan is If you do want to use the above monthly payment amountsAs your mortage schedule enter Y Else enter any other key The 30 year payments will be the first column The 25 year payments will be the second column The 20 year payments will be the third column The 15 year payments will be the fourth column The 10 year payments will be the fifth column in the generated payment schedule If you know the monthly payment you wantenter that monthly Payment amount Else enter zero The payment amount must equal or be greater than the amount needed to retire this loan in 30 years, which is Enter the number of years desired in numerics valid years are 1 thru 30 Monthly payment amount is set for which will repay This loan in Years not in correct range Enter amount of over payment increment = Overpayment amount replaced with ZeroStarting month of first payment January=1 February=2 March=3 April=4 May=5 June=6 July=7 August=8 September=9 October=10 November=11 December=12 enter as a numeric value Enter starting year Example 1990 Do you also want a printenter one character onlyEnter character y for yes or any other character for no "YEAR ##,###.## ##,###.## ##,###.###,###,###.## #,###,###.## #,###,###.## Years into loan = press return to continue enter q to quitSUMMARY OF LOAN PAYMENTS Loan Amount is Interest rate is Monthly Payment Total Paid Total Interest #,###,###.##Press return SUMMARY OF LOAN PAYMENTS Loan Amount is Interest rate is m  H  R ^0( p p p p 0 H : R "F(  pB 0$&(((D 0&(((P((J(J(J(J(l(Z(Z(Z(Z(p8 : *(&&,(&,(&,(&,(&,@ &0&&0(&0(&0(&0(&$ x t((@P p*" Declining balance loan with over payment option Programmed by Alvin F Riesbeck copyright 1990 The purpose of this program is to calculate the remaining outstanding balance for each payment month of a standard declining balance loan. This program is different from most other standard mortgage programs because of the over payment option. My father tried, for years, to tell me to save money and repay outstanding loans early. I always assume that a small overpayment never did much to the remaining balance. But, I have been playing with this program for a couple of years after I found out I could save lots for money by over paying even a small amount each month. As little as $5.00 a month will save thousands of dollars over a 30 year loan. If you are buying a house or paying for you current house, running this program with different payment and over payment amounts will give you a good idea of time required to pay off the loan and a summary of interest you will be paying. This program does not take into account the action of federal or state taxes. P.S. I never will tell my father he was right, but somehow I think he knows. The program assumes monthly payments, the interest rate and the overpayment amount will not change over the life of the loan, the loan will be paid off in 30 years or less. The over payment amount can be any dollar value. The starting point for the program does not have to be the beginning balance of the loan, but can be any dollar amount that is equal or less than the beginning balance. The program includes routines that will calculate the monthly payment amounts for 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years. It also has a routine that will calculate any yearly payment amount for 1 through 30 years. I have edit routines to prevent the user from imputing replies the program can not handle. The program will output its results to the screen or the screen and printer at the same time. The disclaimer: As with all programs release into the public I must state that you are using this program at your own risk. I do not claim that any repayment schedule your loan has will match the output from this program. I believe the results should match the repayment schedule, but I cannot control the terms of your loan. You should make sure you can overpay on your loan without penalty. I am only presenting the results from this program as a guide for your use. I did not put anything in this program which will cause damage to your computer, disk drives or any other piece of equipment attached to your computer system. My Pitch: As far as I am concern, this program is finish. Their are some more things I could do to the program, but I have other more interesting projects to do. Therefore, If enough people send me a reason to do more to this program I probably would. 1. If this program open your eyes to the possibility of saving money by early repayment, you could donate to my computer fund. 2. If you want the source code it is going to cost you some money, $15.00. 3. If you have a GFA basic program you wrote and it is as complex as mine, I will trade source code with you. Remember, something you wrote. 4. If you like or hate the program, but think your computer fund is more important than mine, why not send me a post card and tell me what you like/hate about the program. 5. Finally, if there are some business programs you would like to see developed, why not tell me about them. I could always use new ideas. Alvin F. Riesbeck Lock Box 562 Hines ILL 60141 Program responses: Question 1. Enter current balance of loan = Enter the starting point for the program to calculate remaining amount due. Must not contain a comma and must be equal to or less than original balance Example 44949.56 Question 2. Enter original balance of loan = Enter the original amount of your loan. Must not contain comma and must be equal to or greater than the current balance Example 50000.00 Question 3. Enter amount of yearly interest = Enter the yearly interest rate of your loan Example 10 percent can be entered as .10 or 10.0 Question 4. Monthly payment for 10 year loan is x,xxx.xx Monthly payment for 15 year loan is x,xxx.xx Monthly payment for 20 year loan is x,xxx.xx Monthly payment for 25 year loan is x,xxx.xx monthly payment for 30 year loan is x,xxx.xx If you want to use the above monthly payments amounts as your mortgage schedule enter y or Y else any other key. A response of y or Y will display the following and then go to question #7 any other reply will proceed to question #5 The 30 year payments will be the first column The 25 year payments will be the second column The 20 year payments will be the third column The 15 year payments will be the fourth column The 10 year payments will be the fifth column in the generated payment schedule. Note: If you want a loan repayment with an overpayment option you should not reply y or Y to this question. Question 5. If you know the monthly payment you want enter that monthly payment amount else enter 0 zero. Note: you could use question 4 payment display as a guide for payment amounts. Example: suppose you are calculating a 25 year loan. You should not reply y or Y in question 4 and reply with the monthly payment for a 25 year loan for question 5. The amount of over payment will be requested in question #6. Any dollar amount will be accepted that will pay the loan off in 30 years or less. a reply of 0 (numeric zero) will generate the following question. Enter the number of years to pay the loan off, the monthly payment amount will be calculated and displayed. At this point you can only enter a two digit year. Valid years are 1 through 30. Question 6. Enter amount of over payment increment = For each over payment column the monthly payment amount will have the following amounts add to it. A zero or negative entry will cause all over payment amounts to be set to zero. An entry greater than zero will cause the 1st over payment amount to be set to that value, the 2nd over payment amount to be set to two times the entered value, the 3nd over payment amount to be set to three times the entered value, the 4th over payment amount to be set to four times the entered value. Example entered is $7.50, 1st amount = monthly payment + 7.50, 2nd amount = monthly payment + 15.00, 3rd amount = monthly payment + 22.50, and 4th amount = monthly payment + 30.00 Note: monthly payment  is answer from question 5. Question 7. Starting month of first payment January 1 February 2 March 3 April 4 May 5 June 6 July 7 August 8 September 9 October 10 November 11 December 12 Enter as a numeric value Will cause the repayment schedule for the first year to start with the month selected. Example the number 9 will start payments in September Question 8. Enter starting year Example 1990 Enter calendar year you want your repayment schedule to start. Question 9. Do you also want a hard copy on printer enter character y or Y for yes or return for no hard copy A reply of (y or Y) will give you a screen and hard copy of repayment schedule. the program uses GFA Basic LPRINT. Return will only display repayment schedule to monitor. Question 10. If you only want the summary report replay y or Y else press return for the monthly detail report. Replay of y or Y will only generate the summary report by passing the yearly payment detail, Return will display the yearly detail followed by the summary report. Note: After question 10, the 1st yearly detail or summary page will appear. To display the next detail or summary page press return. To stop the schedule payments display enter (q or Q). After the summary page or an entry of (q or Q) An alert question will asked if want another calculation. Clicking on no will terminate the program, clicking yes will restart at question 1. .  _yA.. 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Thanks for taking the time to download my program. RTRNLBL.PRG is, amazingly enough, a program that prints out return address labels. This program is based on a program for the 8-bit Atari that appeared in Antic magazine about five years ago. There are probably a few other programs similar to this one already out for the ST. I wrote mine as an exercise in learning Personal Pascal. LIMITATIONS Using the program is pretty much self explanatory. You can create, load,  save, and print out return address labels. The TEST button is the only item that might need an explanation. It prints out a pre-defined test label so that you can line up your printer before printing out the actual labels that you need. I would not recommend saving an incomplete label. I do not check for the length of file being correct in this version. If you don't have a complete label saved, including a border character, you might get a runtime error when you try to load that particular file. The current version of RTRNLBL.PRG is hardwired for Epson compatible printers. If you're using something else, you'll have to look elsewhere for labels for the time being. You can only print out up to nine labels at a time. The counter box must be incremented after it returns from a printout. E.G. You print out 6 labels. When the dialog box reappears after printing, there is a "6" in the counter box. It is not a good value. You will have to either click on the up or down box before you can print again.That's all the problems I can think of at this time. If you discover any in the use of the program, please contact me. SUPPORT There are three levels of support available for this software. 1. Regular support. Download RTRNLBL.PRG and use, abuse, don't use, or misuse it as you see fit. I make no copyright claims or any other silly ownership B.S. It's yours to do with as you see fit. 2. Enhanced support. Download RTRNLBL.PRG and find you like it enough to send me the shareware fee that I'm asking. The suggested retail price is a postcard from your hometown that I can tack to my bulletin board. Suggestions for improvement are welcome. 3. Developer support. Download RTRNLBL.PRG use it and send me five bucks. This makes you a registered RTRNLBL developer with all the benefits that entails. I'll send you back a disk with the latest version of the software and the Pascal source code. I'm not a programmer so don't expect anything earthshaking. But, it's available if you want it. If you can't afford five dollars, send me E-Mail and I'll send it to you free. DISCLAIMER I make no warranties of any type for this software, so don't bother to get all PO'd at me if it screws up your computer. This program should not lock up or crash. If it does please let me know so that I can try to fix it. The program does write files to the disk drive, so my recomendation is to run it from a floppy. Actually, it defaults to drive A: so that would be the logical place to have the program and its resource file. THE FUTURE I just bought a used copy of Prospero Pascal so the next version of this program is going to be written with that. I like the environment and ease of using GEM with Personal Pascal but Prospero has a debugger and more extensive GEM libraries. So, I'm going to give it a go and see what I come up with. There's lots of things I want to do to enhance RTRNLBL.PRG. For one thing, I would like for the next version to be completely GEM based, including a menu bar. So, if there are improvements you would like to see, please contact me at the address listed below. Rusty Purifoy 2108 Williamsburg Ct. So. League City, TX 77573 >.  !_y\.. SHOTZ_IIPRG "_y](SHOTZ_IITXT #_y`z `6v0 *o"m #.I+I/ BBBg/ / Bg?<JNA NT ?N?<LNANVHNHz0p?NB\OHzdp?N4\O6 @g CfHzup?N\O @gBgp?N&XOp?BgBg?BgBHzdp?NN3`"By>3Nu@~ Gl0HA2BPRG`z~ Gl0HA0@RG` E4g0<4E:3 p?BgBg?BgBHzp ?NN<g,BgBgN~XO FfN4 @gBgp?NbXO`N2BgBgNRXO`Hzp?N\O=@ @gx @fHz`HzPp?N\O @fx0gBgp?NXOp?BgBg?BgBHz -F POSTAGE $1.00 -F TOTAL -> -F SEND YOUR CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: ALBERT BAGGETTA P.O. BOX 759 AGAWAM, MA 01001-0759`9;nAON?<NNTA퀘aa+8apa%|vptra%vptra%NN BmA0B0pa%pa%pa% pa% a%Ef GA퀐0B0 <r4<&<x:<A퀐aBf^Ap0B0 <r4<zApaf,A퀐a^/ApaT&p$ra(xpa%^a*JfGaJfGpra(4NuA퀐0B0 <r4<&<x:<A퀐afDA퀐a&pt ra( A퀐a&ptra'v0fDA퀐a&pt ra&A퀐al&ptra&v0H@Nur{0Nu{0NutNu 246j(:<DCaf AfBfNu`ba 00Nur$o, b4< J@k @[H@NuH@RBNu4<Ѐ[NuDg8k2 b4< J@k @[H@DBNuH@RBDBNu4<Ѐ[DBNu4H@Ѓdh`^HCH@:">H@`H2g&HCH@:<HC>H@Ѓd(`HCH@:H@r` gDBgkDE`HDBDEaBDBNugDBa8DBNutNua 11!Nux`xa`a` 24&8:HoHoEBJAgJDfr:g,|HC҅H@:ۆ<HC>H@Ѓd`vHCH@:H@`fgDBgkDE` DBDEaDBNugDBaDBNutNuHoHoEBz:g|HC҅H@:ۆ҄ۆ<HC>H@ЃdHA@B@H@хk HAҁHAрSB BbNuJBj^tNuk(g.JBjDBAр[SBDBjNutNuAр[SBkNuJlNu0gH@rJBkB JkЀ[`DBЀ[`J.;gP:pr4<Nup` xa2`Ba411!Nux`4 24&8:`& 24&8:`a&8:` &8:@ABJEoHnfNup`tNugDEDBHngDBEBkQ*HEJDg?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi ?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNu?<,>CEdGH@0r`xJCgz?<0rÐdSWЃdi?<0rÐdSWЃdid?<0ÐdSWЃd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNu?<0riR?0i?`?<`"_K=M=IO:HQ <-H*,`N,52::(   F..26"8@"PQ1!P1P!0PP`0  q#p"AӘQNuA Nu|^|  R^,T:Hz(` N Hz ?<&NN\Nu9xpgNuWxpNuaaaNuNuNuNuHz `Hz"` <Hz&?<&NN\Nup CNup C0Nu C NuJBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNu <r4<NuQfHR$n2Jjg$_NuH LNuPfJ.fg0HR$n2Jjf$_NuHC/*%I $n2%_LNu-@ _a G` VNuag`af`ae `ac` acpNuadpNu/ a P$I> _a F4Ae4v` VfANuHP0(R@kBa , $I _a IUd4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q @JfNuNup `a SAfNuag`af`ae `ac` acpNuadpNua SAkfJANu?HP0(T@kHa $I _a |IUd4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q @Jf4Nu0XNup ` a 8UAfQNuag`af`ae `ac` acpNuadpNua SAkXf SAkXfJANun\n^648HH`prt`n\n^n\n^8HH`prt`"_A `4RB`"_A42L\A` L0GF11Q-p`prHQ`nBp'rta` n2rt6(SC0(S@apaB\papava0paNAXOJkpNu0< aF`0< CF2p`p a0`p CFp`aCF"p`Hza `Hz"J`pB.@=|DNua.@FpAR@C`N B.@=|DNuB.@a=GDgNup` a`aCF"E p`.@<.DAp$I"t Q k"RGef~`SG * g *fSG`<.DjZ\FkBJn`g Fgd Fg^HS&I.aQ`p???<NM\Qj&_NuHQ/?`jAF gp gj g grffnnpenbfJ.fj6pRGFc$SG` J.fjpRGFcRF` Ff`> `?~ap a0p a*0Nu|``CpE`bf`FgRGJGgSGSFFgCpE`Yf`Nua@Jf gH@ fa(@ fza0 b @ Ee0NuagNu4.rf?HyaNM\Nu=|D`LjazEfpadppa`AFEg0PaEfaFRE`ܾEfp a@a8?nnnp a2RF`<aLnnoS@f nhfSnl=Ah=FnNup` papq4.rf?HyaVNM\Nu=|DHalLNu|A0"P2(@e2<EF`QHP=|DJ@g$abAF$HpR@ 0 f _a`QNuHPp?ap a| _2<|0`C&pHQ/Hy@NA NuC pa:NuHQ/Hy?NA Nu&g4 FgagJAga2< R@AdSf0Nu0ap Ce`&g4 FgaJBjagPAe CbRa R@Sf0Nu FgRag JBjaAeaJAg RP0 pNu` Fg6aTgJAga @ea^RP Nup NHѨB?<?/?<BNAO JkLLNu&8aJBjaJAg Df*ڃkd0Nu DfրBH??/?<BNAO LJk!@NuHBHh Hx??<?NAO LJo ѨLNuk:fp`^k: g ѨNuBHPHQ/??<?NAO _JoѨfNuBHPHQS/??<@NAXLfѨNuJkp%`(a؀.dfajNu?a0` ?a2@@a` a Nu4.`Af n2LR@RANu4.`g S@SAHNutbpbr??papYa0a0`=pExx=gPxz`LJg&B.C`a8aD*9xfap-I,=|p4aHz*9xg ENp9xx` _a &nO:NM=IK=$<Nu[1][Error +111][Return]E= g g>Jf`Ar Hjr-D@Hd0H@H 0H@0CNuAF"H [1][fSEfNuaP n2L6(n\n^HHHNua0 n20(n\HNua n20(n^HNua n20(HNua:ffNuarNua J[HHNu:nfa@ z^0NuJg6$:Pf,H?<"NNT&@p/&7ra :,ga &Lr`r??Q@7HyNM\0Nu#7Nu   AgSA ANua@`H"a`BaB@(` aBC(@HAC&21i0d R@`aBHP?< NN\Nu0^ M / hawFAN`RAD0C?0FA0A ff fA"H"2"2"2`B n6  ph t((@Pb*$r_ Sad Man, Who's Sane? Go ahead and take your best shot at the man everyone is trying to get. Use the right and left mouse keys to move the missile port and the space bar to fire. End the game by pressing both mouse keys together. Good Luck. Files on PDM 391 Remember, each description is followed by a letter code showing the resolutions the program will run under; L for low, M for medium and H for high. ARCSHL23 - Version 2.3 of ARC Shell - the program which adds a powerful, easy-to-use GEM interface to ARC.TTP and LHARC. This version is fully compatible with the Atari TT030 computer, and with the ISAC hi-res color board. Also allows access to the "Include Subdirectories" functions of LHARC. Shareware from Charles Johnson. M-H ATARI - The next two programs are from Atari Corp. NOROACH.PRG - NOROACH allows you to set the length of time TOS will wait before trying to boot from the hard disk on a Mega STe or TT. For ST, Mega, and STe owners, it also has the useful side effect of guarding against floppy disk viruses. NOROACH also lets you load a custom icon to display at startup. Several custom icons are included in the archive, many of which can be used in your DESKICON.RSC file if you have a Mega STe or TT and know how to use Resource Construction Set. L-M-H PRGFLAGS.PRG - The next generation of MAKEFAST, PRGFLAGS lets you set three program flags (Fast Load, Run in TT RAM and Use TT RAM) so your programs will load faster (TOS 1.4 and higher) and run in and use the faster TT RAM (if you have a TT). M-H BUBLEM - Bubbles McGee has three unique arcade games packed in one. First you start in a bubble feeding a monster (lunar style screen), in the next, you're in caverns fighting guards and lasers (much like Bezerk) and finally you're in a cavern trying to avoid falling rocks and rising lava to get the energy crystals. Shareware by David Tasone. L CODESTFF - Contains two utilities from Charles Johnson (Little Green Footballs Software author) and one cute utility from John Eidsvoog. Each of these are a "must have" utility. PINHED18.PRG - PinHead is a very tiny program (it uses less than 1K when installed!) that should be run from your AUTO folder. PinHead will drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to boot your computer, especially if you have several AUTO programs and desk accessories installed. PinHead 1.8 is an update and minor bug fix (updating out PDM-1189 version). Shareware. L-M-H BUTTNFIX.ACC - If you have TOS 1.4 or above and have had trouble with some applications receiving "double" mouse clicks when you only click once, you need this tiny desk accessory! It consumes less than 400 bytes, and makes the problem go away almost completely. Freeware. L-M-H SIREN3.ACC - SIREN is a little police car that drives across the bottom of your screen at periodic intervals. This version works in all resolutions including large screens and the TT. Freeware. L-M-H DC_STUFF - The guys at Double-Click software have done it again! Nine new utilities and a game! DCLICKME.PRG - Double Click ME is a game where you play CAT & MOUSE with a text phrase on the screen. Sharpen your double-click reaction and mouse movement skills to try and achieve a perfect score of 30 hits. M-H DC_CRC - DC CRC computes and stores any file's CRC in a master list. You can then update or check a file's CRC in the master list. Should you suspect file corruption, you can check the file against your master list. It's ST, STe and TT compatible. L-M-H DCDSKINF.PRG - DC Disk Info v1.0 is used to give you a quick "snapshot" of any disk. You will get visual representation of the file allocation on your disk, plus certain statistics about the disk. M-H DCFLIGHT.PRG - Run this jewel from the AUTO folder or desktop, and it'll turn the floppy light on to show the status of storage device accesses-hard disk, RAMdisk, etc. Doesn't interfere with floppy access at all. L-M-H DCLEFTY.PRG - DC LEFTY will swap the mouse buttons, so LEFT is RIGHT and RIGHT is LEFT. If you are left-handed, and want to use the mouse like right-handers (so you can use your index finger to click on the "LEFT" button), check this out. L-M-H DCMAXTRK.PRG - DCMAXTRACK will determine the maximum number of tracks your floppy disk drive can format. Run it, pop in a test disk and let it go. It's ST, STe and TT compatible. M-H DCSHOHEX.PRG - DC ShowHex v1.0. View any file and see what's inside - data, text, whatever. Also view memory (has presets for viewing ROMs, cartridge, Line A variables, OS variables, TT Fast RAM, etc). Perform byte, word, longword or text searches! Runs from the GEM desktop. M-H It also integrates into the DC Desktop's SHOW chain. Fully supported by release 1.2 of DC Desktop/DC Show. Compatible with DC Pick. DCSLICK2.PRG - DC SLICK SHIFT v1.01 will emulate either the LEFT or the RIGHT mouse button using any combination of modifier keys (CONTROL, ALTERNATE or SHIFTs). This new version is PinHead 1.8 compatible. This is a must for STacy owners (or others too!) who get "trackball cramp." It's ST, STe and TT compatible. L-M-H DCMSTICK.PRG - DC MOUSE STICK allows you to use your joystick like the mouse! Plug the joystick in joystick port 0 or 1, move the joystick up/down/left/right and move the mouse pointer on screen (it moves diagonally too)! It has a built in accelerator or you can have it move at a constant speed. You can set the up/down and left/right speeds independently. It's ST, STe and TT compatible. L-M-H DCMSHIFT.PRG - DC Mouse Shift emulates any of the modifier keys (SHIFTs, CONTROL and/or ALTERNATE) by pressing the RIGHT MOUSE button. Now, at the desktop you can select multiple files just by keeping the right mouse button pressed while you are selecting. L-M-H IBMDISK - Two programs to help you convert your ST disks into IBM format. Brought to you by Jim Burton. IBMFORM.PRG - formats a double-sided disk so that it's readable on MS-DOS systems. TOS 1.0 and 1.2 do not put a IBM-compatible boot sector on disks that it formats, this program takes care of that. It also gives the disk the MS-DOS standard 3 FAT sectors, instead of 5. L-M-H IBMCNVRT.PRG - If you have an ST formatted disk that you want to read on an MS-DOS PC, but the PC refuses to cooperate, run this program. IBMCNVRT makes the boot sector on the ST disk compatible with what DOS expects (If the data on your disk is very important, run this on a backup copy. One shouldn't trust one's important data to a program that messes with one's boot sector!). L-M-H LOUDFORM - A neat little formatter by G. Hungerford. This one will talk to you as you format your disks! This formatter will correct for non-critical bad sectors. M-H MEMFIL30 - Gribnif Software brings us the brand new MEMFILE30. Memfile is a complete GEM based memory, file and sector editor. This new version can be run as both a desk accessory or program. Other new features include the ability to copy any block from any source to any destination, support of the NeoDesk Accessory pipeline, faster speed and more! M-H MORTGAGE - The purpose of this program is to calculate the remaining outstanding balance for each payment month of a standard declining balance loan. This program is different from most other standard mortgage programs because of the overpayment option. M-H RTRNLBL - RTRNLBL.PRG is a GEM based return label maker and it should work with most Epson compatible printers. It was designed to run in mono, but will work on a color monitor also. M-H SHOTZ_II - Allows you to check for viruses, enable and disable an executable bootsector without any harm, as well as the original choice of disk immunization... and more. From Magnum Software. M- H WHOSANE - A simple but cute game. Try to bomb Sadam on the head with your own bombs. He's a fast little devil so move quickly. Here's hopin' he gets his. Runs best in color but will run in other resolutions also. L 3 ե