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PICSW7 DOC  _<PICSW7 PRG!    =J PicSwitch Picture Utility (c)1987 John Brochu for Advanced Software =J Version: 0.7 Released: April 19, 1987 PicSwitch 0.7 is distributed as SHAREWARE. You are encouraged to freely distribute the program, but please include this doc file with the program. -J New features -J The following enhancements have been added from PicSwitch 0.6 ... o Runs on color AND monochrome systems, all features supported on both monitors except PREVIEW (color only) o New formats: DEGAS compressed, Tiny, and Atari 8-bit files o Much improved low-res and med-res to monochrome conversions o PicSwitch printer driver now supports all three resolutions o Color cycling is now supported, and is converted between formats o Converted pics are now saved to the original pic's directory, or optionally using the file selector to any drive/path -J About PicSwitch -J PicSwitch started out as a simple Amiga IFF file viewer back when ST paint programs were hard to come by (around October of '85)! Since then it has undergone lots of upgrading through versions 0.5 (the original), 0.6, and now 0.7. The basic intent of the program is to provide ST users with the ability to view as much artwork as possible, and to convert to a format that is usable to them on the ST. With this version I have addressed the major complaint most people have had with the program, that is monochrome support! All pics can be viewed on either the color or monochrome monitor, and can be saved in any resolution with either system, with automatic conversion to the selected resolution. Conversions from a higher res to a lower res are automatically optimized using a color averaging technique, while conversions from low & med-res to monochrome use a sophisticated dithering technique. Conversions from monochrome allow you the option of saving the picture using the full palette (best if you may want to restore the pic to its original state at a later date) or with the minimum possible palette (low-res conversions would use 5 colors, med-res 3). MacPaint and NVision/Paintworks monochrome page files are also allowed a fourth res-save option. Compressed save allows you to 'squeeze' a full 720-line MacPaint document or 800-line Paintworks pic into only 240 or 267 med-res lines, thus allowing you to view more of the pic on screen at once. On a color monitor, you are allowed to 'Preview' the conversion before saving, without affecting the original picture. Hi-res previews will display the picture in PicSwitch's 'simulated monochrome' mode. Printouts of ANY screen or full-page picture can now be done with the built-in driver on most 8-pin graphics printers. You can also load DEGAS printer drivers for printouts if you wish. -J Supported formats -J This version reads the following file formats: o DEGAS.! [.PI1-.PI3] o DEGAS Elite compressed. [.PC1-.PI3]* o NeoChrome." [.NEO] o Tiny. [.TNY, .TN1-3]* o NVision. [.SC0-2, .CL0-2, .PG0-2] o Amiga IFF low- & med-res. [.IFF] E o MacPaint.# [.MAC] o Mac Startup screen. [.MAS] o CIS Vidtex hi-res RLE. [.RLE] o Atari graphics 8 screen dump. [.GR8]* o Atari graphics 9 screen dump. [.GR9]* o Atari Koala/MicroIllustrator. [.KOA]* o Atari MicroPainter. [.MPT]* And writes the following ST file formats: o DEGAS o DEGAS Elite compressed* o NeoChrome o NeoChrome 'page' (for NVision) *New additions from 0.6 -J Using the program -J To load a picture using the GEM file selector, double click on its filename or single-click and then click OK. The file will load and display. You are now in 'command mode'. Following is a list of key commands available: For all pics... - o [Undo], right mouse button: aborts the pic and returns you to the file selector. o [Help]: displays the command list. o [I]: displays the information screen. o [S]: displays the save dialog (see below). o [P]: prints the current pic in its original form (screen OR full-page). [Undo] aborts a printout. The default printer type is Epson/Atari dot matrix. Other printers capable of 8-bit graphics can be configured using a ".PSW" driver as described further on. o [D]: dumps a color or monochrome screen to the printer. To use this option, you must have a DEGAS printer driver with a ".PRT" extender present in the directory the program is in when it is first run. The [Alt] key works as in DEGAS, ie.[D] prints a full page sideways, [Alt-D] prints a half-page. Pressing [Undo] during a print aborts the dump. For MacPaint/NVision pics only... -! o left mouse button: activates a 'grabber' similar to Neochrome. o [C] (monochrome pics / color system only): compress a monochrome page vertically. This option converts 3 monochrome lines into 1 med-res line. Therefore a 720-line MacPaint document would reduce to a 240-line med-res scrollable image. Pressing this a second time restores the original image. Note this option is available in the save dialog on both monitors. For Amiga IFF pics only... - o [1]-[6]: selects the bit-planes to be displayed. o [Space]: cycles through settings [1]-[6]. o [R],[G],[B]: boosts the selected color. o [Return]: restores the default planes and colors. Low-res 32-color pics have 5 'planes' or 5 bits of color-register selection. Keys 1-5 'pull out' one of the planes for display on the ST's 4-plane hardware. Med-res 16-color pics have 4 planes. Keys 1-6 in med-res therefore need to pull out 2 planes at a time. The following table summarizes the planes that are displayed. The space bar cycles through each in turn. +-+- +-+ | key | low | med | +-+- +-+ | 1 | 1,2,3,4 | 2,3 | | 2 | 0,2,3,4 | 1,3 | | 3 | 0,1,3,4 | 1,2 | | 4 | 0,1,2,4 | 0,3 | | 5 | 0,1,2,3 | 0,2 | | 6 | ---na-- | 0,1 | +-+- +-+ Amiga's hardware also allows 4-bit color resolution, or 16 levels each of red, green, and blue. Since the ST only has 3-bit resolution, each IFF RGB color palette entry is cut in half to bring it into the ST's range. The R,G,B keys add one to the IFF value before halving it. This helps bring out some of the detail that may be lost if some of the registers convert to the same color. Other pics... - o [SPACE] (RLE & GR8 pics): invert the palette. o [SPACE] (GR9 pics): select red/green/blue gray scale. -J The SAVE Dialog -J The top three lines in the dialog indicate the loaded picture's path (directory), filename, and original picture pformat. You can choose to save in any format and resolution by selecting the desired buttons. If you are using a color monitor, you can Preview what the image will look like in the selected format by clicking and holding the 'Preview' button. If you're running a monochrome monitor, this button will be disabled; however, you can still save in any format on both monitors. For mono to low- and med-res conversions, you have the option of converting the pic using all 16 or 4 palette colors ("FULL"), or using the "MINIMUM" possible number of colors (5 low-res, 3 med-res). Once you have selected the desired format, res, and palette set-up, you can save the pic using the "SAVE -.---" or "SAVE AS" buttons. The SAVE button will save to the directory that the original pic came from (displayed on the top line of the dialog). SAVE AS will bring up the file selector so that you can save to any drive/directory you like, or change the filename. Note the save file selector's directory is always preserved and saved separately from the load file selector, so that you can quickly convert many pics from one drive/directory to another. If you specify an extender in the file selector, it will be ignored, and the proper file extender for the specified pic format will automatically be appended. Selecting Cancel in the file selector will get you back to the Save dialog with no action taken. If the original pic had color cycling information, and you save to the same resolution, the cycling info will be preserved and saved in the new file. Converting to/from DEGAS or Elite format will use animation channel one. -J Printer Drivers -J Printer drivers are loaded automatically when you first run the program. The file extenders ".PRT" and ".PSW" are searched for in the current directory (this allows you to have all PicSwitch-related files in one folder if you like). The first file of each type that was written to that directory is loaded. A PRT file is necessary to use the screen [D]ump command. These are the stand-alone 2K DEGAS printer drivers that are available on GEnie, CIS, Delphi, and other systems. A PSW file is necessary to use the [P]rint command only if you do NOT have an Epson-compatible printer. The printer driver in the current version of PicSwitch only supports 8-pin graphics and 960 dots per line density. PSW files are text files containing the decimal ascii codes necessary for setting up your printer for graphics. All PSW files must have three command lines separated by a single carriage return. Only the ascii characters 0-9, L, l, H, h, , , and CR/LF are recognized; all other characters are ignored. Each printer code must be separated by a space or comma delimiter. A maximum of 32 codes are allowed on each line. The first line contains the decimal codes for initializing your printer for graphics. These codes are sent to the printer only once at the start of a graphics dump. The second line is sent before every line of graphics and tells the printer how many columns of data are to follow. The third and final line is sent after the graphics dump is finished and restores the printer to normal operation. The following is a sample PSW file (this is the built-in EPSON default): 27 51 23 27 76 L H 27 50 The 1st line: "3" 23, tells the Epson to set the line spacing in 216ths of an inch increments, to 23/216 of an inch. You could substitute any line spacing command you like here. I found this setting worked very well in getting rid of the dreaded white lines. [Warning: some "Epson-compatibles" do not support this escape code. Consult your printer manual if you have problems.] Note that 24/216 or 8/72 is the more 'correct' setting to use here since the Epson's pin spacing is 1/72". The 2nd line: "L" L H, tells the Epson to print (L+256*H) columns of 960 dots per line graphics. You need not be concerned with the actual 'L'ow and 'H'igh values here, PicSwitch will substitute the correct values for L and H according to how klong the actual line of picture data is. Just make sure you put the L and H in the correct place for your printer. Note you MUST use 960 dots per line density. The 3rd line: "2", tells the Epson to return to the original 1/6 of an inch line spacing. You could also use a 'reset' command here ( "@" for the Epson) if you wish. A form feed is sent at the end of each completed printer dump. If the printer is not available or a driver was not loaded, the console bell will sound. All printouts done with either [P]rint or [D]ump are printed in the ORIGINAL picture's resolution, not from screen memory. This allows mono pics to be printed with no loss of resolution. MacPaint/Paintworks pics cannot be printed in compressed mode unless you first save the file in compressed form, reload it, and then print it out. Remember, the [D]ump command is for screen dumps only, and only works if you have loaded a DEGAS printer driver at run-time. If the picture is a full-page MacPaint or Paintworks image, the section of the pic currently displayed is what gets printed. -J Thanks! -J Again, many thanks to everyone who took the time to write us, especially those who have contributed. You will not be forgotten! Please consider the time it takes to develop and debug a utility such as this. If you haven't already contributed, please honor the shareware policy and send your contribution, however small, to the address below. As always, I can be reached on GEnie [JAKOB], CIS [70376,1235], and Delphi [JAKOB], or you can write me at the address below. If you have any comments or ideas, I'd like to hear from you! John Brochu Advanced Software 21 Northend Street Peabody, MA 01960 =J `ylXP*O.|4*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NJ/<NA"/0<NBNuNVNs.///Nt 3f3@=|`0n@0Rn n m3T.L/<f/<@NvP3Ln3N4>Ny3Bn`*0n/?fNuNsBWNy>Ny=@0.|A>/<X/<NPNP3&3X>Nu&>NTBW/<?<=Ny\-@JmD .=@.p/<?.?<?NyP-@>?<>NyT#p`BBW/<?<=Ny\-@JmF .=@./<?.?<?NyP-@>?<>NyT |B`>/</<$NPNP>fNu./<d/<h/<b/<|Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<|Nt>Ny>NTBW?9fNwT`./<6/<NtP>NTJng.6NPJ@g.6a3m.x/<6/<NPP3./<8/<NiP>/</9/<xNG -@JmBB@3tH#3B@H-@3v3Bn`>0nBP0nvBP0nZ00nlBPRn nm09`JyfH 9T-@ n3 9X-@ 9м-@.4/.NjX 9м0-@ n0|g3 n0|@3 n0|3v 9м2-@ n0|@ n0|f,3ZJ.l.HD@3l` .H3l`FJ.lByZ.HD@3l`*J.f3ZByl`3Z.H3l 9м4-@ n3v` yn-y n3 9T-@ 9м"-@.4/.NjX09S@ygJ./<P/<NQP09|1R.?<NtdT=@ ng 9м}"-@`-y n0|3 9T-@ 9м"-@09Y@ygJ./<P/<NQP09|1R.?<NtdT=@ ng* yl=|`=|##4 >N_bSnf-yJg0 9Юc3Bn`*.0.@Hм//.NQPRnT nmBn`*.0.@Hмv//.NQPRnT nmBn`*.0.@HмZ//.NQPRnT nmBn`L.0.@Hмl//.NQP0<2nl2A2nl2RnT nm0<Hl3v>fNu./<8/.NiP>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBgaX=@`  9T-@ n3 y lB@`p y lBA`rA=@09_@2.Ayg nf./<P/<NQP nf./<P/<NQP`./<P/<NQP09|0R.?<NtdT=@ ng Z 9X-@ 9м-@ nf -|`-|}./9/9N.bPP-@ cD ng:./9D/.NXP>/./94/9DNY0 `&/</.NxP./94/.NiP>fNu./<8/.NiP>/</<L/9@ ngB@`p?W?9/<8/94a nf6 yf> ?<Bga 6X=@`>?<Bga X=@`BWBgBga X=@` ./94/9NCP3.?z/9/94NiPJym yl3-|`3-|.?9N/ T-@09X@=@B@=@=@=@=@=@p=@=@ nfB@=@=@=@=@ n9fRn0.noBn nf pn=@ n"f pn=@ n0f pn=@ nm0.T@nm 0.U@=@0.nf 0.nf0.nf 0.ng.?./<8/9NE 0.ng>/94/9NFP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBn`$0n"|L>?.?<NyXRn nm=nBn` N2n"N4n1iRn nmBWBg?<a X=@ nafH`,3./94/9NZP./<8/<NiP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<h?9/<8/94a yf>?<Bga X=@`>h?<Bga X=@`x3.4/9N[4X./<8/<NiP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBga ^X=@`By./94/9N[P./<8/<NiP>fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBBWBgBgaX=@`^By./</<VNiP-yB@=@H-@`*0n"n0H"|B4nHAgRRn nmJf n(H=@./9 NWLXJnf"./9@/9NQP` ./9@/9NWP nf./9@NX\X`./9@NjX`JB=|`0n"n0HHѮRn nmJg./.NWLX.4NjB yf6.4/9NXX./</<NiP`b yf>.4/9NoX./</<NiP3`.4/9NoX>fNu./<8/<NiP>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBgaTX=@`-y nH|3 ynz.//9!NQP.//9#NQP 9R-@ 9м%-@0.Hйм%-@`&Wy3 9R-@ nH@|3 nH|3vR nPJ.lByZ.HD@3l`*J.f3ZByl`3Z.H3l./<v/9VNQP.//9%NQP.//9'NQP 9Z-@ 9м)-@0.Hйм)-@ yf09R@y yg\09|ygJ./<P/<NQP09|1R.?<NtdT=@ ng. /<8/.NQP>/94/./.NpN >fNu>/</<L/9@?<?9/<8/94aBWBgBgaX=@``|b@0@J PN.?9N/ T>NTBW?9fNwT`.?<NyT>%Ny>%Ny>?<NyT>fNu>fNupBW?9fNwT.h?<INyT>Nu&>fNuNsN^NuNV n m no nf yn`$9og3n3&`3n ng nfBy`3 n f3FBy^`3F3^ByByByJn f 3` n f 3`3N^NuNV=|`(0.м @( g 0.[@"n2Rn n o=| `*0.м @( g0.|"n 2Rn no=|`*0.м @( g0.|"n2Rn noN^NuNVBnB..NPHЮ-@./]0.@Hм/NQP.]/./.N.bP-@JfRn0n"|J0fJf./<d/<h/<b/<Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<NtBW/<Nt2X|=@0.м @h >NT=|0.N^NuNVBnBn yf0. |p=@` 0. |8=@>Ny-@Jyf>?9aTRy` >Ny> NyJf.U/U/?9fNv .U/]/U/U/Q/UBgBgBBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<?<?<?<#Nt8=@ n f .g|n0.|=@0.|=@Jn gJng=nB?<NtTBW?9fNwT`Z.U//U/U/Q/UBgBgBBgBgBgBgBg?<09R@@??.Bg?<Bg?<?<?<Nt8=@.f0.n=@=n0.HйlB`,0.Hй0no 0n#` 0.Hѹ0.H"9Ȱg 9=@>fNu yf*./<P/9Ny&Pй@/NjX`(./</9Ny&Pй@/NjXBW?9fNwT`>fNuBBgNtTBn`LJng2.U/U/?9fNv .f=|a`Jng0.|@=@ nbfBWNQ./<d/<h/<b/<Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<Nt` >Ny> NyJfNs>NQBn` nfBWNQ./<d/<h/<b/<|Nt|>?9d?9h?9b?<Bg/<|Nt` >Ny> NyJfNs>NQBn`R nfN/zBn`< n9ff ymZ ynN yg yfh=yV=|`0n808Rn nm38 yg./<L/<8NiP` yL` yfRy09|oByJyf./<8/<vNiP`J yf./<8/<NiP`$ yf./<8/<NiP yg./<L/<8NiP.L?<NyTBn` yg n.f yg yf.@NjBJytgt0n ./9@/94NkNP./<L/<NiP0. |8=@/</</9Ny&P/NxP#Byt`B?<NtTBW?9fNwT0n ./9@/94NlP>fNuBBgNtT./<L/<VNiP0. @H|8=@/< 9/NxP#0.H"9Ȱl 0n#3t.L?<NyT./</9Ny&Pй@/NjX` n fJgJytgZ/<6/<L/.?9Bg yN=@Jng(/<6/<L/.?9?< yN`v/</9Ny&Pй4-@/<6/<8/.?9Bg yN=@Jng(/<6/<8/.?9?< yN>?<?<NyXBn` nf BWNQ./<N-X yf -| ` yf -|`-|Jyf2/</.NxP./<8/9D/94aX `d yf2/</.NxP./<8/9D/94af `(/</.Ny&P./9D/94NiP./9DNc~X>NQBnJnf nagBnJng0.N^NuNV./.NPXHЮ//.N.bP-@>/</.NPNPJg:> /< .쐮м/NPP>/</.RNPNP.//Q/]/<FNt|>?.?.?.?<Bg/<FNtBW/<FNt2X|=@> NQ0.мF @h .NP=@fB@`z nfj>/./<NPNP noL .^-@`S n  g .d-n n|.>/.T/<NPNPpnN^NuNVBn0.Ю @0.Ю @ n2.00RnJ@fN^NuNV-|f-|L-|`>Ny-@.?<NyT>/./.?<Ny B?< NyT-@0. |"n n-P n g0. |"n.?< NyT .N^NuNV>Ny-@Jn g .NjB nl yf~ n0././<NiPJn g. n?/.a\Jnf0n./. /./.a `0n./. /./.a `R n0././. 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Pixel colors in the original(SOURCE) are remapped to new colors inthe result (DEST).You may select a predefined remappingoperation with the PRESETS button on theleft screen edge. The RANGE icon lets youselect the color ranges these work with.The three banks (1,2 and 3) are separateuser-definable colormaps. 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Zur Arbeit brauchen Sie4NN0NMbeide Maustasten (meist kurz klicken, an manchen Stellen lnger festhalten!).4NN0NHSie knnen malen (viele verschiedene Pinsel), sprhen, Punkte verbinden,NN0NAfertige Formen abrufen, fllen, schreiben, mit der Lupe arbeiten.bNN0NWeitere Funktionen:fNN0NI1. Bilder des Normalformats (ohne Speicherung der Farben), des Degas- und4NN0NF des Neochromeformats (mit Speicherung der Farben) knnen Sie laden,NN0N= bearbeiten und in jedem der drei Formate wieder speichern.iNN0NC2. Drei verschiedene Bilder knnen nebeneinander bearbeitet werden.4NN0NJ3. Kopieren, Vergrern, Verkleinern und Verzerren in der Lnge und BreiteNN0N> (nicht die Geduld verlieren! - leider noch etwas langsam!).NN0NG4. Das Programm enthlt einen Editor fr Sprites, fr eigene FllmusteriNN0N und eigene Mauskursorformen.dNN0NKSie knnen Bilder herstellen und speichern, in denen sich bis zu 64 gleiche%NN0N@oder verschiedene Sprites unabhngig voneinander bewegen knnen.NN0NJ(Wenn sie sich bereinander weg bewegen, gibt es zur Zeit noch Flecken aufNN0NCdem Hintergrundbild; - daher berschneidungen mglichst vermeiden!)kNN0NHDas Programm ist in GFA-Basic geschrieben. Wenn Sie es bearbeiten wollenNN0NGoder einzelne der 43 Prozeduren in anderen Programmen einsetzen wollen,nNN0NKsenden Sie bitte 20 DM an Rudolf Rosenkrnzer, Auf der Hard 3, 5513 Tawern.%NN0NASie erhalten umgehend eine Diskette mit dem - gut kommentierten -1NN0N6Source-GFA-Programm und Beispielen fr bewegte Bilder.NN0N= * Weiter durch Druck auf die Leertaste! *4BNHPp N "_NgN?`ALNHzNHfN?BgHyHy?<NN ALNHzNHfN@ ?<p?<?<NN\BgBg?<NN\N@A@(NhNִANpNHpNbpNpNpNprNV <r|NBmNBm@AB 0AH v0AN 0Al 0 <r$<AlNA+|@ -̐+@ -а\HfN|f+|D -А+@ -԰\HfN|+|H -Ԑ+@ -+| -p(NBm@NNLBm@A@(NhA,NH&<x*<NHfNHxN0 |Spiegeln nach oben |oder zur Seite?HPNoben|Seite|beidesr"_ N+@D -DSWHfN^NH +@X +@\ +@ppN -\"-XNV -X/ -\"Nh -\"-XNV -X/ -\"Nh -pSWHgN^` -DUWHfNNH +@X +@\ +@ppN -X"-\NX -\"-XNh -X"-\NX -\"-XNh -pSWHgN` -DWWHfNjNH +@X +@\ +@ppN -X"-\NX -\"-XNh -X"-\NX -\"-XNh -pSWHgNj` -NALNHzNHfN+|+| +| +| ALNH&<x*<NHfN+|$+| (+mX,+m\0+|4+| -AN+| - AN+|pANALNHzNHfNHm(p"-"_NCNHm(p"-"_NCNHm(p"-"_NCNHm(p"- "_NCNANz+@ANz+@ANz+@ANz+@+|+|8pA8NB -NpN -0"-,NV -,NH -dNL8NٮH <r$<L8N٪N/ -0NH -`NL8NٮH <r$<L8N٪N"N -,Эd+@, -NvNN+@ -4R+@4 -4^Hg NZNNx`Nq -R+@ -R+@ -R+@ - R+@ ALNH&<x*<NHfNHm(p"-$"_NCNHm(p"-("_NCNANz+@ANz+@+|+|8pA8NBBL -\HfNh+| -+@ -\HfN+|L -+@AɤNh -NzNpJBgp/ -N&<x*<NHpJBgp$VHfNz -NpN -0"-,NV -,NH -dNL8NٮH <r$<L8N٪N/ -0NH -`NL8NٮH <r$<L8N٪N"N <,Ѝ/ -d _ѐ <Ѝ/ <r$< _N <4Ѝ/p _ѐ -4^Hg NZNNx``Nq -$R+@$ -(R+@( -4^Hg NZNNx`Nq -SWHfN <$Ѝ/p _ѐ <(Ѝ/p _ѐ <Ѝ/p _ѐ <Ѝ/p _ѐ <Ѝ/p _ѐ < Ѝ/p _ѐALNHzNHfN <Ѝ/p _ѐ <Ѝ/p _ѐ <Ѝ/p _ѐ < Ѝ/p _ѐALNH&<x*<NHfN <$Ѝ/p _ѐ <(Ѝ/p _ѐ -4^Hg NZN>Nx`Nq+|4+mX, <0Ѝ/ -` _ѐNx`ZNqp2NA@(NhNNִ -NVpNALNH&<x*<NHfN۞pdr>NVpNALNHzNHfN <r>NVpr*NALNH&<x*<NHfN <r>NVp r*NpNH -NbprNrNCNNH +@ +@ +@ -N&<x*<NHpJBgp/Hmp N "_NpJBgp$VHgHmp N "_NfNܪANA@(Nh+|(+|pA퇠N -^Hg NZN <Ѝ/p( _ѐNx`NqNqAN -N&<x*<NHpJBgp/ -N&<x*<NHpJBgp$VHfNHxNH |Anklicken:|linke Taste: Ecke links oben|rechte '' : Ecke rechts untenHPN OK|zurck4r"_ N+@B -N&<x*<NHpJBgp/ -N&<x*<NHpJBgp$VHfNފHxN? |Anklicken:|linke Taste: Mittelpunkt|rechte '' : uerer RanduHPN OK|zurckr"_ N+@ -UWHfNުBA@(NhBBNH +@ +@ +@ -SWHgN` -SWHfNtNH +@ +@ +@ppN -"-NV -"-Nh -"-NV -"-Nh -pUWHgNV`pN -"-NV -"-Nh -UWHfNNH +@ +@ +@ppN -"-NV -"-N -"-NV -"-N -pUWHgN`pN -"-NV -"-N -WWHfNNH +@ +@ +@ppN -"-NV -N -"-NV -N -pUWHgN~`pN -"-NV -N -YWHfNTNH +@ +@ +@ppN -"-NV -/ -"N -"-NV -/ -"N -pUWHgN*`pN -"-NV -/ -"N -[WHfNxANANhNCNHmp N "_NgN`p2NNNִ -NzNHpJBgp/ -NzNHpJBgp$VHfNdHxN+ |Wollen Sie mit bewegten|Sprites arbeiten?4HPNja|neinzr"_ N+@ -SWHfN`BANhBA C(NA CNA C$NA C*NN@pNpN pNpNZALNHzNHpJBgp/ -NzNHpJBgp$VHfNp%r NVN"Eingeben der neuen Form (Farbe 2):Nxp2r NVN" *** linke Maustaste ***NxpMr NVN'Eingeben der Hintergrundmaske (Farbe 3)4NxpZr NVN- nur fr Maus und Sprite - :Nxpgr NVN" *** rechte Maustaste ***Nx <r NVNLschen einer Eingabe:Nx <r NVN" *** 'Undo' oder 'a' ***Nx <r NVNWeiter durch Druck auf dieNx <r NVN" *** Leertaste ***NxNHPp N "_NgN`+|N@pNpNHpNbpNpNp rNV <rUNpNpNpHxN? |Wollen Sie Ihre Form als|Sprite oder als Mauskursor|benutzen?rHPNSprite|Maus|zurckr"_ N+@ANB -WWHfNRBA@(Nh -UWHfNzBA6NPA@(Nh -SWHfN>HxN6 |linke Maustaste: Sprite |rechte Maustaste: fertigHPNOKr"_ N+@BBA6NPNH +@ +@ +@Nx$VHgN"` -SWHfN/-AN/-ANCDN/-ANB? -CDNB?~NR -WHgHxN`Klicken Sie mit der linken|Maustaste den Startpunkt,|mit der rechten die Bewegungs-|richtung an!HPNOKr"_ NAN /-CDN +@ -CNdHP -ChNB/ -CnNB" _N@ -CNdHP -C>NB/ -CDNB" _N@ -ChNB? -CnNB? -C>NB? -CDNB?~N -ChNB? -CnNB? -C>NB? -CDNB?~N -UWHgNb`pN -C>NBNH -ChNBNL8N٪A퀖N\ -C>NBNH -ChNBNL8NHfNA퀖 0q/- -ChNBNCN/- -CnNBNCN/- -CDNBNH -CNL8N٪A퀖N0NCN -pN&<x*<NHpJBgp/ -]HpJBgp$VHfNH -CN&<x*<NfN -C>NBNH -ChNBNL8N٪vNH <r$<L8N٪N+@ -CN&<x*<NfN -CDNBNH -CnNBNL8N٪vNN+@ -S]HfNHxNH |Der Abstand vom Startpunkt|zum Ziel ist fr mehrere|Sprites zu gering!HPNOKr"_ NANBC>N -Э/ -CDNBCDN -Э/ -CNCN -Э/ -ChNBNH -NH -C>NBNH -ChNBNL8N٪L8NڐH -N&<x*<NٮL8NL8NٮCN -Э/ -CnNBNH -NH -CDNBNH -CnNBNL8N٪L8NڐH -N&<x*<NٮL8NL8NٮCNALNH&<x*<NHfN -ЭCN&<x*< NfN -ЭCN/ <r$< _N$ -ЭCNzNfN -ЭCN/ <r$< _N(ALNHzNHfN -ЭCN&<x*<NfNJ -ЭCN/ <r$< _N$ -ЭCNzNfN -ЭCN/ <r$< _N( -ЭCN&<x*<NfN -ЭCN/ <r$< _N$ -ЭCNzNfN" -ЭCN/ <r$< _N(R -ܰ^Hg <Ѝ/ - _ѐ -_HfNHxN' |Wollen Sie weitere Sprites|verwenden? HPN ja|fertigr"_ N+@ -SWHfNBRN+mN@ANHxN> |Abbruch der Bewegung durch|Klicken mit der linken|Maustaste!HPNOKr"_ NANBNH -ChNBNL8NpJBgp/ -CDNBNH -CnNBNL8NpJBgp$VHfN"V -CN&<x*<NfN!f -CNN -CN/ -CN _N(N! -CN/ -CN&<x*<N _N( -CNN -CNH -C>NBNL8NpJBgp/ -CNH -CDNBNL8NpJBgp$VHfN"V/- -ChNBNCN/- -CnNBNCN -C>NBNH -ChNBNL8NpJBgp/ -CDNBNH -CnNBNL8NpJBgp$VHfN$$ -CN&<x*<NfN#4 -CNN -CN/ -CN _N$N#z -CN/ -CN&<x*<N _N( -CNN -CNH -C>NBNL8NpJBgp/ -CNH -CDNBNL8NpJBgp$VHfN$$/- -ChNBNCN/- -CnNBNCN -C>NBNH -ChNBNL8NpJBgp/ -CDNBNH -CnNBNL8NpJBgp$VHfN% -CN&<x*<NfN% -CNN -CN/ -CN _N$N%H -CN/ -CN&<x*<N _N$ -CNN -CNH -C>NBNL8NpJBgp/ -CNH -CDNBNL8NpJBgp$VHfN%/- -ChNBNCN/- -CnNBNCN -C>NBNH -ChNBNL8NpJBgp/ -CDNBNH -CnNBNL8NpJBgp$VHfN' -CN&<x*<NfN& -CNN -CN/ -CN _N(N' -CN/ -CN&<x*<N _N$ -CNN -CNH -C>NBNL8NpJBgp/ -CNH -CDNBNL8NpJBgp$VHfN'/- -ChNBNCN/- -CnNBNCNALNHzNHfN(J -CN&<x*<NfN( /-tCN -CN&<x*<NfN(J/- <r$<CNALNH&<x*<NHfN( -CN&<x*< NfN(/-tCN -CN&<x*<NfN(/- <r$< CN -CN&<x*<NfN)/-tCN -CN&<x*<NfN)T/- <r$<CNR -^HgNx+@ -SWHgN)`BpNH -NbHxN+ |Soll das bewegte Bild|gespeichert werden?HPNja|nein4r"_ N+@ -SWHfN.BNPIHPALNH&<x*<NٮN6"_NPC|N+|}" AINh?<NNTNHPA텔"_NPHPA"_NPCjNN\*.HPA|"_NPC텂NHmA HPA텈""_NBHmA "_NpJBgp/Hmp\N "_NpJBgp$VHfN,&Hmp"_NHPA|"_NfN+.Hmp.N "_NPHPA|"_NPC텈NA텈NBNJBfN, HxN |Altes Bild lschen?4HPNja|neinar"_ NANBN"_NHm -CDNBN"_NHm< -CNd"_NHm -CNN$"_N -rNjNx`NqpNBBA@(NhNNִANpNHpNbHxN* |Haben Sie die Textfarbe|bereits gewhlt?HPNja|nein r"_ NA0BmALNH&<x*<NHfN3A" 0ALNHzNHfN3A" 0Al 0 <r$<AlNAND/AND"NVA"ND/A(ND"NhALNH&<x*<NHfN4n <"Ѝ/ <r$< _N(ALNHzNHfN4 <"Ѝ/ <r$< _N(N`VNq -NpN -N -NZALNH&<x*<NHfN5 -NpN pN -NZ <rNVNRichtungNx -NpN <N -NZ <"<NVNRichtungNx -NpN <N -NZp("<NVNRichtungNx -NpN < N -NZp("<&NVNRichtungNxALNHzNHfN6 -NpN pN -NZ <r NVNWie?Nx -NpN <N -NZ <rxNVNWie?Nx -NpN <N -NZp("<NVNWie?Nx -NpN < N -NZp("<NVNWie?NxNH AN AN A NA NH&<x*<NHgALNHzNHfN7DA" 0ALNH&<x*<NHfN7tA" 0B <"< A퇐NBA"NHAN0Ng NZN8*ALNH&<x*<NHfN7 <"Ѝ/ <r$< _N(ALNHzNHfN8 <"Ѝ/ <r$< _N(N`fNqN@BgBgBg?<~NBgBg?<Bg~NA 0A( D0pNBAl 0 <r$<AlNA 0ALNH&<x*<NHfN8A" 0ALNHzNHfN8A" 0Ar 0 <r$<ArN -N -N -N -NZAND/AND"NVA"ND/A(ND"NhALNH&<x*<NHfN;d -JWHfN9ANH&<x*<NٮN/ <r$<A(N0N٪N"NVNArt4Nx - WHfN:ZANH&<x*<NٮN/ <r$<A(N0N٪N"NVNSoNx - WHfN:ANH&<x*<NٮN/ <r$<A(N0N٪N"NVNArt4Nx - WHfN;(ANH&<x*<NٮN/ANH&<x*<NٮN"NVNSoNx <Ѝ/ <r$< _N( <"Ѝ/ <r$< _N(ALNHzNHfN=R -JWHfN;ANH&<x*<NٮN/ <r$<A(N0N٪N"NVNSoNx - WHfN <Ѝ/ <r$< _N(ALNHzNHfN> <Ѝ/ <r$< _N(ANHAN0NpJBgp/ANHAN0NpJBgp$VHg NZN?. <Ѝ/p _ѐN`(NqANHAN0NpJBgp/ANHAN0NpJBgp$VHg NZN?Bm <Ѝ/ <r$< _N(N`NqAN -NpN pNpNZpNp,rNVN Schrge Schriften werden zum Nxp4rNVN Teil nur duchscheinend Nxp |Fr NEO-Bilder mssen Sie|die geringe Auflsung |einstellen!HPNOKr"_ NA |NEO-Bilder werden nur|in der geringen Auflsung|gespeichert!HPNOKr"_ NA6vb8n" <<P B& (((BV6BT~(BV6J6vb8 \6 "6 6 , Bt(((NT~(N6vb8@~NZRR & & $.Z4@$lXN xn h 4r@0$66x| 8b2b2b2z>(Pf @B (& & & &XV*F&Xl"\j$\x.`T\&$X &p0 & & & Fj$P>*$R,$Pf f"&2d RZ f&2d RZ f&2d RZ tf&zT :P(r*Px@*D<*DPD`d6*:*:*:*:N&4<&4@4H|H :d\p   $0@"4$4h>0F"4$hfhfff4lhLVV 6(\ j"nF0&LtJR"n*h :d ($&L *V(&V^rrj p666Ȁ"&&&0 ** (|^|^|^"R tt6.  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Das Konvertieren von Bildern (low-res -> high-res etc.) kann nur mit dem converter durchgefhrt werden. Maustasten : = links : Selektion einer Funktion. Eingabe einer Anfangs- bzw. Endposition. rechts : Abbruch der aktuellen Zeichenoperation/Funktion Ausnahmen (rechts) : Fllmuster/Farbdialog,Lupe,Polygon -> : bernahme bzw. Besttigung der Farben/des Bildschirms. Zeichenoperationen : = Lupe : In der Mitte des erscheinenden Fensters befindet ein Rechteck, welches die Position reprsentiert, an der durch Bettigung der linken Maustaste ein Punkt gesetzt werden kann. Autoplot : Hier kann durch Eingabe der entsprechenden Werte eine Zeichenoperation mehrmals aufgerufen werden. Spray : Durch die Selektion der entsprechenden Parameter kann in der momentanen Zeichenfarbe ein Fllmuster/eine Flche auf den Bild- schirm gesprht werden. Pinsel : Nachdem ein geeigneter Bildschirmausschnitt eingeramt wurde, kann dieser durch Bettigung der linken Maustaste auf der Zeichenflche plaziert (auch mehrmals) werden. Text : Nach Angabe eines Ursprungsortes kann ein beliebiger Text eingegeben werden. Return/Enter : Sprung in die nchste Textzeile ESC-Taste : verlassen des Eingabemodus. Hiernach kann nun eine neue Positionierung erfolgen oder ins Hauptmen (rechte Maustaste) zurckgesprungen werden. Optionen : = reticule : Das Linienmuster des Fadenkreuzes kann vorgegeben werden. set screens : Einer aus maximal 24 mglichen Bildschirmen kann ausgewhlt werden.Desweitern kann man den ganzen Inhalt,einen Block oder eine Farbpalette zwischen den Arbeitsflchen kopieren.Durch Animate knnen die entsprechend selektierten Bildschirme (Buttons unter den Screennummern) zu einer Filmsequenz zusammengefat und abgespielt werden. Hardcopy/copy block : Die aktuelle Zeichenflche/ein Block wird auf einem Drucker ausgegeben.In der hchsten Auflsung wird jeder Punkt vierfach gedruckt ([640*1600] leider nur auf Epson-kompatiblen Druckern).Die systemintere Hardcopyroutine (ALTERNATE-HELP) steht natrlich weiterhin zur Verfgung. converter : Konvertierung der verschiedenen Bildschirmauflsungen. Effekte : = twist = spiegeln eines Blockes.Die entsprechenden Parameter werden im zugehrigen Dialog eingestellt. x/y-distortion = Verzerrung eines Blockes in x- bzw. y-Richtung Die Amplitude kann durch die jeweiligen Achsenbewegungen der Maus eingegeben werden. rotate = drehen eines Blockes.Der Winkel kann durch die Bewegung der Maus auf der X-Achse verndert werden. zoom = Vergrerung bzw. Verkleinerung eines Blockes.Die gewnschte Gre kann durch das vorhandene Rechteck eingestellt werden. In eigener Sache : -O Die Programmierung von MASTERPAINT beanspruchte viel Zeit und Arbeit. Es wre also nur fair, wenn der Benutzer des Programms dem Autor einen Betrag von 20.- DM zuschicken wrde (eigene Adresse angeben !!!). Hierfr wrde dieser auch den Sourcecode (in ST-PASCAL+) erhalten. Meine Adresse : - Klaus Schroiff Krewinkelerstr.35 5190 Stolberg-7 = Q C7>77$ 7k~A&kKrewinkelerstr.35Klaus Schroiff5190 Stolberg-7 MASTERPAINT Hallo ST-Freunde,Mit MASTERPAINT liegt euch nun einFreeware Grafik-Programm vor, wel-ches in allen drei Auflsungen ar-beitet.Diejenigen, die MASTERPAINTgebrauchen knnen, sollten dem Au-tor (einem armen Schler) fairer-weise 20.- DM zuschicken.Hierfrwrden die edlen Spender auch den Sourcecode (in ST-PASCAL+) sowieeinige Grafikerweiterungen erhalten Meine Adresse : written 1986/87 in CCD-PASCAL+ set text styleOKcancelset writing modereplacetransparentXORreverse transparenttwist vektor  set spray style8 pixels16 pixels32 pixels spray width : highmediumlow output : Okcancelsolidpattern draw mode : set baseline vektorrectanglefilled rectanglelineplotrounded rectanglefilled r. rectangleellipsefilled ellipsearcfilled arcfillcancelselect auto plot function begin-style :  end-style : OKcancelset lineend-stylesset 3D-style vektorOKcancelx pixels : -12-8-404812y pixels : -12-8-404812  Disk-I/O Parameters Text-options Special Block-effects MASTERPAINT- Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Read Pic Save Pic- Erase Pic Set drive Delete file- Load object Save object- QUIT Draw mode- Coloring- Line width Line pattern Line style- Paint outl. Arc angle Spray type Text color Shadow color- Text vektor Shadow vektor- Text style- Char height height help Fill pattern Set reticule- Set screens- Hardcopy Print block- converter Twist X-distortion Y-distortion Rotate Zoom in/out- Twist typeline width new value : - __ 99Okcancelchar height new value : - __ 99Okcancelcell offset new value : - __ 99Okcancelarc angle start angle : end angle : - _ 9- _ 9Okcancelline pattern Okcancelautoplot parameter start x : start y : x2/w/ang : y2/h/ang : growth of x : growth of y : growth of x2/w/ang : growth of y2/h/ang : Steps : - ___ 999- ___ 999- ___ 999- ___ 999- ___ 999- ___ 999- ___ 999- ___ 999- ___ 999OkcancelA:\B:\C:\D:\E:\F:\G:\H:\I:\J:\screen - menu123456789101112131415161718192021222324Okcancelanimatecopy screencopy blockcopy colorscopy screen/block from screen : to screen :  __ 99 __ 99Docancelscreen animation waiting cycles : - __ 99Okcancelconvert menulow to highmid to highhigh to midhigh to lowlow to midmid to low low = 320*200/16 mid = 640*200/4 high = 640*400/2 text height parameters normal char sizes : 04 6*6 pixels 12 16*16 pixels 13 8*16 pixels 20 12*24 pixels 26 16*32 pixels 06 8*8 pixels OKUser defined fill-patterninvertclearmirror xmirror yload patternsave patternExit`0 0  ` `0@ ` 0`@~B@IxHH@HB0~KJH@@@@@@`@A! @@ 6 !A@ `  n J J n  `@@ wwp H HWWH uT@ uVH UTHW'H @ H `  UUXUUXUUXUUXUUXUUXUUXUUX `   UUPUUXUUXUUXUUXUUXUUXUUX  ` x@ $B@!  @ A D @I" ` /xbbb" |DDDxDQDD`ED8xHHU`  ((PP? ` @` @ O`UUUU` UUXUUXUUXUUXUUX UU`UU `=_%+U%+D%+D=!*!*D!*D wURw3,E"E:`8ww"" #"#""b"" ?ww }|EDADADAxADADEQD}D` 00 @@@@@@@0 0 `u\UUUUUU@UU@UU@UUUUu\ `0 @@`uU U*5UjUUUUUUU`)pPPPPP @?7 EA(A@R/J _P TP'9@P/P%)_ӕ(P%)P/P%)_Ҕ TP%)@R?p=< 30 3L0`8  " " A A A""<t$`B$'$($H$P$uP$p_$@ $_$hP$$P( $(P( $(P( $(P( $(P$B(P"D >|1  @  @  U@"BPU* UETU@"@   @ET@@"@ P D@@"@  D@@"@*PUU  ETUP    * UP;@  @@@~ D"" DA "@0HI0 J[\0]bc0dij0k}~000000 0P\] q}~ <=KLOUno}~   z {            ! % ) 0 4 8 ? 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