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Box 23361Phoenix,AZ 85063 1985Distributed asSHAREWARENot for Sale!DISTRIBUTE FREELYIf you like theprogram, sendwhatever youthink it's worthA copy of the Csource code isavailable for$10.000Using two drivesthis programwill copy a pro-tected disk fromDriveA to DriveBPlace originalwrite protecteddisk in drive Aunformatteddestination diskin drive BCLICK STARTCONTINUERF12345678WR. H> &"" 6*&.&   h &                                                   ,  2( 6 .          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How many sides (1 or 2)? Sectors per track? 1-9 2-10 9 sectors per track10 sectors per track0-80 tracks 1-81 tracks 2-82 tracks Press ESCAPE to abort, any other key to format. Put blank disk in drive Insert source disk and press a keyInsert destination disk and press a key - Fatal error reading file. - Fatal error writing file.An error occured trying to format the disk Check write protect tab... and try again.pNo files found!qReading...Writing...Formating...Done.Disk appears to be full!No wild files!Couldn't rename file!Fatal error reading source sectorsFatal error writing destination sectors p[N]ext pg, [P]revious pg, [F]irst pg, [L]ast pg, [S]ave file, [Q]uitq*.*  " "(( && , :<<0Rl$(...  *$(,0R:$0  8$8&    8P>&2  .  & &&:4$T( F*&& , 4( *" ,$,$",$,$J   ((80LF  F(((($ (   .(DCOPY combines several utilities found in other programs, and adds some others not found elsewhere. It can be an excellent addition to a shell utility, or as a stand alone program. Formatting provides the usual 9-10 sectors, 80-82 tracks, single or double sided. Disk duplication can automatically format the destination to the same type as the source. DCOPY can also be used to lock programs so you can't accidentally erase them; hide programs so they don't show up in the desktop window; list a directory in 4 columns; erase files but optionaly ask about each file; copy files but optionaly ask about each file; toggle write verification on and off; and more. Most of the instructions will be self-explanatory, but you will probably find useful information in the following command summary. If you have not used a shell program before, you should look at the information at the end about folders and wildcards. This is a freeware program. If you find it useful, please send a check for $5.00 to: Ralph E. Walden 1821 Jefferson Eugene, OR 97402 If enough people send me money, I will be inspired to write other utilities. It's all up to you - send money, and I'll go to work for you. Don't send money, and I probably won't put anything out as freeware again. DCOPY begins by displaying the default drive and default folder at the top of the screen. Whenever you are asked for a filespec, you may leave out the drive and folder specification if you want the default. Following this will be a list of all the commands. Whenever you see "Command:" you may press RETURN to redisplay this information. C-copy files - you may copy a single file or multiple files. You will be asked for the source. Enter the drive if it's not in the default drive. Enter the folder name if it's not in the default folder. Then enter the filename. You may use ? to substitute for any single character, or * to substitute for any filename. Example: A:\AUTO\*.BAT This would copy all files with the extension .BAT from the AUTO folder on drive A:. Once you enter this information, you will be asked for the destination. You can ONLY enter the drive and/or folder for the destination - any filename will be ignored. DO NOT attempt to copy a file to the same drive. Example: B:\AUTO\ This would copy all files from the source to the AUTO folder on drive B:. Once this information is entered, DCOPY will display the first file to copy and where it will be copied to. You will then be prompted with Yes,No,All,Quit. Press Y if you want this file copied. Press N if you do not want this file copied. Press A if you want this and all further files copied. Press Q if you want to stop copying. If the source filename does not contain any wildcards (* or ?) then the file copy will begin as soon as you enter the destination. If you want to shorten the process, then you may enter a space after the source filename, and enter the destination path so that both source and destination are entered on one line. You may also copy a file or files to your printer. Simply specify P: as the file destination (making certain your printer is on first). Since this program was written entirely in assembly language, the file copying is quite fast - you may find it considerably faster then some shell programs. D-directory. You will be asked for a filespec. Press RETURN if you want to list all files in the default folder and default drive. Otherwise, enter the drive and/or folder and file specification. Example: A:\AUTO\*.* This would give you a directory of all files found in the AUTO folder on drive A:. The files will be listed in 4 columns. Any file which is locked will be preceded with an '*'. Folders will be shown in inverse. E-erase files. You will be asked for a filespec. Enter this just as you would for the directory. If you press RETURN, you will be sent back to the Command line. If you enter a filespec, you will be presented with the first matching filename and asked what to do. Enter Y to erase it, N to leave it, A to erase all further files matching the filespec, or Q to stop erasing files. If you select A (all) each filename will be displayed as it is erased. NOTE: if the filespec does not contain any wildcards (* or ?) then the file will be erased immediately without prompting you. F-format. This allows you to format a disk with 9 or 10 sectors per track, 80, 81, or 82 tracks per disk, and single or double sided (the desktop always formats a disk with 9 sectors, and 80 tracks). You will get more storage on the disk if you increase these values. Note that the Z (disk duplication) can automatically format a destination disk in whatever format was used on the source disk. H-hide files. Enter a filespec just as you would for the ERASE command. All files you hide will no longer show up in the directory. They will also not show up in the desktop windows. Some shell programs may still show these files. Programs may or may not be able to find the files depending on how the program tried to read the file. L-lock files. Enter a filespec just as you would for the ERASE command. Once you enter the filespec, DCOPY will list out the name of each file as it locks it. Once locked, you can NOT erase the file until you unlock it. M-move files. This will copy the file(s) specified and then delete the source (with query). Enter the source filespec just as you would for the copy command. After the files are copied, you will be asked if you want to delete the source files. Q-quit. This will return you to the desktop, or a shell if DCOPY was run from a shell. R-rename. This allows you to change the name of an unlocked file. DCOPY will ask you for the old name. After entering that, it will ask for the new name. If it can find the old file, it will display what you entered for the old and new names and ask you to confirm renaming the file. If you type Y and an error occurs, it usually means the file is locked, or the disk itself is locked. You may use a wildcard for the old filename. DCOPY will find the first filename that matches and ask you if this is what you want to rename. It will ONLY rename that file - no further files will be renamed. S-free space. When DCOPY asks for a filespec, enter the drive you want to check. DCOPY will tell you the total number of bytes the disk has, and how many are left. T-type/convert. This has two purposes. When you enter the file to type (send to the screen), DCOPY will load the file and convert all control characters to spaces. This makes it possible to view some nonstandard text files such as those created by First Word. At any time while viewing the file, you can save the converted text to another file. After DCOPY has loaded and converted the file, it will display the first screen of text. At the bottom of the screen will be 4 options for viewing the text. Hitting 'N' (or any key not listed as a command) will display the next screen of text. 'P' will display the previous screen, 'L' will display the last screen, and 'F' will display the first screen. 'Q' will return you to the main commands. WARNING: Type will only load in a file as large as it's buffer. You should display the last screen before saving the file to be sure all the text was loaded in. It is unlikely the buffer space will be under 100K - the actual size is determined by the size of a ramdisk (if any) and the size of the accessories. When you save a file, you may save it to the printer by using P: as the file destination. U-unlock/unhide files. Enter a filespec just as you would for the ERASE command. Once you enter the filespec, DCOPY will list out the name of each file as it unlocks it and unhides it. All files matching the filespec will then show up in the directory, and can be erased. V-verify on/off. This will toggle whether writing to a disk uses verification. Having verification off will speed up disk access, but will be a little less reliable. The current status of write verification is displayed at the end of the command summary. W-working drive\directory. Enter the drive and/or folder you would like to have as the default. Example: A:\AUTO This would make that the current directory - you would no longer need to specify the drive and folder when specifying a filespec. Z-duplicate disk. This will allow you to duplicate a disk that was formatted with 9 or 10 sectors, 80, 81, or 82 tracks, and single or double sided. You may duplicate disks with one or two drives. It is assumed that if you duplicate a double sided disk using two drives, that both drives are double sided. After you have entered the source and destination drives, DCOPY will give you the message "Press ESCAPE to abort, and other key to format". If you press any key except ESCAPE, then DCOPY will format the destination disk in the same format as the source. If you press ESCAPE, then DCOPY will use the format of the destination disk to determine what tracks and sectors to copy from the source. Generally you will want to have DCOPY format the destination - that way you don't need to worry about whether the two disks were formatted the same. However, if you are copying a nonstandard disk such as a CP/M format disk, then you would need to format the destination disk BEFORE you used the Z command to duplicate the disks. You would then press ESCAPE instead of formatting the disk as part of the duplication process. You may also have to do this when duplicating disks formatted with non-standard formatting routines such as QFORMAT. FOLDERS: To refer to a file within a folder when using DCOPY (or a shell) a '\' follows the folder name to separate it from the file. For example if you wanted to refer to the file MACMENU.PRG in the AUTO folder on drive A, you would enter: A:AUTO\MACMENU.PRG The '\' indicates that AUTO is a folder name and not a filename. If you have changed the default drive/folder, you may need to refer to the main directory - this is always indicated by a '\' immediately following the colon after the drive name. For example: A:\AUTO\MACMENU.PRG This is actually a little safer - there is a bug in GEM that occasionally causes it to use the wrong drive unless the drive and colon is followed by the '\'. WILDCARDS: When entering a filename, if you don't know what a particular letter is, you can use a '?' in place of the letter. This can also be used to refer to several filenames. For example, if you wanted to copy the files TEST.C, TEST.O, and TEST.S, you would enter TEST.? for the filename. You could also use TEST?.? in case you had TEST1, TEST2, etc. A '*' stands for any characters matching. For example, using TEST.* would use all files with the primary name of TEST and ANY extension. *.C would use ALL files with the extension .C. *.* would, of course, refer to all files. T*.* would refer to all files beginning with T. Z BITTE EIN BIT ! ist ein Kopierprogramm, das unter GEM luft. Es eignet sich zwar auch zum Kopieren von geschtzten Disketten, allerdings ist dieser Menpunkt nur der Vollstndigkeit halber implementiert, da die Geschwindigkeit in diesem Modus sehr gering ist. Die Vorteile liegen in anderen Bereichen: Am Besten eine stichwortartige Zusammenfassung: - Arbeitet auch in mittlerer Auflsung - kopiert einseitig oder doppelseitig - grafische Darstellung der Formatierung - kopiert 'hochformatierte' Disketten mit 83 Tracks und 10 Sektoren - kopiert in allen Modi auch doppelseitige Disketten auf ein Mal (falls genug RAM vorhanden ist) - Wenn eine Diskette komplett in den RAM gepasst hat, kann sie beliebig oft geschrieben werden Worms, 20.07.1986 Uland Tffner Wasserturmstr.8 6520 Worms !`"4 ~N N!*O*m - ЭЭм!"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN lHhNX/,?,N\?<N?<A?<NAXNuNVBn`9|0.RnA0 n mHlHlHlN Bl9l9l lf 9| `9| lf9|N^NuNV?,NTNN^NuNVNHlHlHlHlNH9@NBNN?<?,N|X?<?,NX/, HnNPHlHnNPHnHnNbPHlHnNTPHn?<Nz\Bl|P4|S5| 0| 1BgNTN9@0,|g lg l f0,`|g`L lf?<?</,NPHlHlHlHl/,N?,?,?,?,?<?<?< ?< BgNr?,?,?,?,?<?<?< ?< ?<NF?,?,?,?,?<?</,NBg/,N\NBg?< ?,?,?,?,Bg?</,N?,?,?,?,?<?<?< ?< ?<N?,?,?,?,?<?<?< ?< ?<N`^`|g`2?<?</,NPN?</,NP\NV`"`|g`0,`|g`N<@@6|PBg?</,N PBg?</,NP?<?</,NP``|g`LB,6||SBg?</,NP?<?</,NPBg?</,NP`J`|g`L|6|SB,?<?</,NrPBg?</,NbPBg?</,NRP``|g`2|Bg?</,N(P?<?</,NP``|g`2|Bg?</,NP?<?</,NP`|`|g`0B,2Bg?</,NP?<?</,NP`B`|g`2|2?<?</,NtPBg?</,NdP``?<?</,NnP`Bl lf/,?<IN \/,?<IN\N*N^NuNuNVHl,NXJ@fHl4?<N"\NBgNdTHlBgBgNP @fHlX?<N\NBgN4THl?<BgNP @fHl|?<N\NBgNT?</,NV\N^NuNVHlHlHlHlHlHlBgBgHlBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<N^<=@0.`N^NuNV?,N:T lf>?<?,NX?<?,NX?<?,N XHl?,N\`:?<?,NX?<?,NXHl?,Nx\?<?,NjXBg?,NXN^NuNVBl`A8BABRl lSm?<?,NvXBlNj,2H|fHl?<NL\9@`b,6H|fBHl?<N(\@9|,H|fB,,H|fBl`HlL?<N\9@ lf ,/ </N^X  fR<@@| ,Ь )@)l ,",(o N"B,NR,,,HHAm,H|[f`jN,H|fXHl?<N*\9@ lfNX9@g0<`0<N^NuNV?.?<LNjXN^NuNV/ A &H`0+ |g/ N*X A "Ҽm?.NT&_N^NuNV/ &n/ NDXJ@g0<`00+ |g /+NTXBk ?+ N,TJ@g0<`0<&_N^NuNVH&n0+ |f0<`.0+ |gL0+ |f0<`l0+ |g?<B?+ NP?/+?+ NpP @f0<`6k -K k o?<B?+ NP n!@&Bk0<LN^NuNVH$.". BnJlVnDJlRnDvd`Bbd nmDdD-@-A LN^NuNV nl <`?.?./. ?<BN -@ m .`?<?.B?<BN` -@?<?.B?<BNF -@ nf .Ю -@ `$ nf .Ю -@ `0.g <`b . oHn . /?.?<@N Bg?./. ?<BN ]|9@g <` `Bl . N^NuNV/.?<IN\N^NuNVBn`&0.A0nf0.ABPRn nLmN^NuNV?>.=|0A"HPgXHf0(>N^Nu)I)J)_NN"l$l/,Nu)I)J)_NA"l$l/,NuNVH0&n$n -KfSg` .L N^NuNV n "n fN^Nu)I)JHl)_Hl" <sNB"l$lNuNV9n 9|kBl9|9nN n 0 n0 n0 n00,N^NuNV9n 9| Bl9|9nNj0,N^NuNV9n 9|Bl9|9nN>0,N^NuNV9n 9|Bl9|9nN0,N^NuNV9n 9|Bl9|9nN0,N^NuNV)n)n .мZ)@9|dBl9| n 9PN n 0A)HA)HA)HA)HN^NuNV9|eBlBl9nN\N^NuNV9|BlBl9nNA)HN^NuNV)n 9| 9|Bl9|9nNA)HN^NuNV0. Sn J@g6 nH| f?< ?<NtX nRH??<N\X`N^NuNV0. Sn J@g nRH??<N.X`N^NuNV0. Sn J@g nRH??<NX`N^NuNVH0&n $KA-H nf?./ N4\=n`H nf?./ N`\=n`* nf?./ Np\=n` -KBn?.N.TJ@f ndH| f |o@ H-@/./.?.?<@N, 9@Hg0<`0,n/./<?.?<@N 9@ @g0<`hRnR -@`R``` 6.ƼЃ$@ H-@/./.?.?<@N =@9@Hg0<`Bl0.L N^Nu9|)||||S|6|2C "2"2 2"2"2"22"2"2"22"2x9|Nu[0][ Bitte ein Bit !| | Bytes frei.][OK]BIT.RSC[3][Kein Resource File !][Abbruch][3][Resource File Fehler][Abbruch][3][Resource File Fehler][Abbruch][3][ORIGINALDISKETTE in|Laufwerk A: einlegen][OK|Abbruch][3][ORIGINALDISKETTE in Laufwerk A|ZIELDISKETTE in Laufwerk B|Zieldiskette formatieren ?][Ja|Nein|Abbruch][3][ORIGINALDISKETTE in Laufwerk A|ZIELDISKETTE in Laufwerk B][OK|Abbruch][2][Noch eine Kopie der|selben Diskette ?][Ja|Nein][3][Neue ZIELDISKETTE in|Laufwerk B: einlegen| |Zieldiskette formatieren ?][Ja|Nein][3][Lese-Fehler !][Abbruch|Weiter][3][ ZIELDISKETTE in|Laufwerk A: einlegen| |Diskette formatieren ?][Ja|Nein][3][Bitte ZIELDISKETTE in|Laufwerk A: einlegen][OK][3][Bitte nochmal die|ORIGINALDISKETTE in|Laufwerk A: einlegen][OK]SEKTOREN:RCKSEITEVORDERSEITESEKTOREN:TRACK: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 88801234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012TRACK: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 888012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890121010CON:AUX:PRT: $/  Bitte ein Bit ! Modus Bitte ein Bit ! - Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Ausgang - Los geht's Normale Disketten Einseitig - Geschtzte Disketten - von A: nach A: von A: nach B: Doppelseitig 83 Tracks/10 Sektoren Bitte ein Bit !Bitte ein Bit !VERSION 2.0programmiert vonVielen Dank an LLOYD COLE AND THE COMMOTIONS f rdie musikalische Unterst tzung w hrend der Arbeit.Uland TffnerWasserturmstr.86520 Worms 89):CD Eno)p{|  PP  $ ) ; P C V k    ,9Rj1' & 0       "  }      ># Z  v b/* Filecopy Version 3.11 15.03.85 A.Hoepfner & D.Herklotz */ extern long gemdos(); /* zuerst ein paar betriebsystemaufrufe definieren */ #define setdta(a) gemdos(0x1a,a) #define getfree(a,b) gemdos(0x36,a,b) #define alloc(a) gemdos(0x48,a) #define freemem(a) gemdos(0x49,a) #define first(a,b) (int) gemdos(0x4e,a,b) #define next() (int) gemdos(0x4f) #define getchr() gemdos(0x08) #define putchar(a) gemdos(0x02,a) #define constat() gemdos(0x0b) #define open(a) gemdos(0x3d,a,0) #define reopen(a) gemdos(0x3d,a,2) #define seek(a,b) gemdos(0x42,a,b,0) #define create(a) gemdos(0x3c,a,0) #define read(a,b,c) gemdos(0x3f,a,b,c) #define write(a,b,c) gemdos(0x40,a,b,c) #define prt_line(a) gemdos(0x09,a) #define close(a) gemdos(0x3e,a) #define reset_disk() gemdos(0x0d) #define Super(a) gemdos(0x20,a) #define dsetdrv(a) gemdos(0x0e,a) /* Ein bischen Bildschirmsteuerung brauchen wir auch */ #define goto_xy(x,y) printf("\033Y%c%c",(x+32),(y+32)) #define cur_on printf("\033e") /* Esc e */ #define cur_off printf("\033f") /* Esc f */ #define inv_on printf("\033p") /* Esc p */ #define inv_off printf("\033q") /* Esc q */ #define cur_up printf("\033A") /* Esc A */ #define cur_down printf("\033B") /* Esc B */ #define cur_right printf("\033C") /* Esc C */ #define cur_left printf("\033D") /* Esc D */ #define mark { int i; cur_left; inv_on; putchar('>');\ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) cur_right; putchar('<');\ for(i = 0; i < 13; i++) cur_left;\ inv_off; } #define unmark { int i; cur_left; putchar(' ');\ for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) cur_right; putchar(' ');\ for(i = 0; i < 13; i++) cur_left; }  /* Die Tastatur duerfen wir natuerlich auch nicht vergessen */ #define UNDO 0x61 #define CURUP 0x48 #define CURDOWN 0x50 #define CURRIGHT 0x4d #define CURLEFT 0x4b /* ein paar konstanten sind auch von noeten */ #define MAXFILES 90 /* maximal kopierbare anzahl von files */ #define MAXDIRECT 150 /* maximale anzahl von files die in ein dir passen */ #define LENGTH 14 /* angenommene filenamenlaenge */ /* die DTA = Disk Transfer Adress muss natuerlich auch noch definiert werden */ typedef struct { char internal[21]; /* nur fuer os benutzung */ char att; /* file attributes */ unsigned time; /* zeite der erstellung */ unsigned date; /* datum der erstellung */ unsigned sizel; /* low word of filesize */ unsigned sizeh; /* high word of filesize (8088 komp. */ char name[14]; /* das was wir brauchen der filename */ } DTA; /* DTA ist ein typ wie int, long . */ static char *message[] = { "\033w\033E\r", "\t*C\n\r", "\t* FILECOPY VERSION 3.11 *\n\r", "\t* copyright 1986 Detlef Herklotz & Andreas Hoepfner *\n\r", "\t*C" }; extern int strcmp(); /* fuer die fkt 'qsort' noetig */ /* ohne sortieren nicht erforderlich */ long getchar(); int drives,*drvaddress,A,B; /* Wieviele Drives */ int dummy; long old_supervisor; /* alter Supervisorstackpointer */ main() { char files[MAXFILES][14], c; int i, j, no_files; A = 0; B = 1; /* Bezeichnung der Drives */ do { drvaddress = 0x4a6; cur_off; drives = 1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) /* Kopf ausgeben */ prt_line(message[i]); old_supervisor = Super(0l); drives = *drvaddress; /* wieviel Drives angeschlossen ? */ old_supervisor = Super(old_supervisor); if((drives & 0x0f) >= 2) { drives = 2; printf("\n\r\n\r\t Bitte Quell- in A und Zieldiskette in B einlegen."); } else printf("\n\r\n\r\t Bitte Quelldiskette einlegen."); dummy = drive(A); c = getchar();  goto_xy(4,0); printf("\033J"); goto_xy(5,0); no_files = getinput(files); if(no_files) copy_files(files,no_files); printf("\n\r\n\r\tNoch andere Files kopieren ? (J/N) "); } while((c = getchar()) != 'N' && c != 'n'); cur_on; exit(0); } drive(dev) /* spricht die vorhandenen Drives an */ int dev; { int error; error = dsetdrv(dev); return(error); } getinput(array) /* laesst das directory einlesen und macht die BS-steuerung */ char *array; /* kommt mit der anzahl der angewaehlten files zurueck */ { char dir[MAXDIRECT][14]; int i, j, index, files[MAXFILES], current; for(i = 0; i < MAXFILES; i++) for(j = 0; j < 14;m dir[i][j++] = 0); i = j = 0; getdir(dir); printf(" Bitte mit mit Cursortasten und \033pSPACE\033q"); printf(" die files auswaehlen Ende mit \033pUNDO\033q\n\r"); while(dir[i][0]) /* solange noch files vorhanden auf bildschirm ausdrucken */ if(!(j++ % 5)) printf("\n\r %-15s",dir[i++]); /* jedes 5. mit neuer zeile */ else printf(" %-15s",dir[i++]); for(i = 0; i < MAXFILES; files[i++] = 0); edit_files(dir,files); i = 0; index = 0; while((current = *(files + i) - 1) >= 0) { for(j = 0; j < 14; j++) *(array + index++) = dir[current][j]; i++; } return(i); } getdir(array) char *array; { int i = 0, index = 0; DTA new_dta; setdta(&new_dta); if(!first("*.*",0x07)) do for(i = 0; i < 14; *(array + index++) = new_dta.name[i++]); while(!next()); qsort(array,index/14,14,strcmp); /* filenamen sortieren (kann entfallen) */ } edit_files(dir,ret) char dir[][14]; int *ret; { long chr; int i, j, current, max, entrys; char c; goto_xy(7,1); /* an den anfang marke setzen */ mark; cur_off; #/* cursor stoert fuerchterlich */ i = j = current = max = entrys = 0; /* erst mal alles initialisieren */ while(dir[i++][0]) max++; /* dann die eintraege zaehlen */ while((c = (chr = getchar()) >> 16) != UNDO && entrys < MAXFILES) { switch(c) { case CURUP : if(current - 5 >= 0) { unmark; current -= 5; cur_up; mark; } break; case CURDOWN : if(current + 5 < max) { unmark; current += 5; cur_down; mark; }; break; case CURRIGHT: if(current + 1 < max) { unmark; if(!((current + 1) % 5)) printf("\n\r"); else for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) cur_right; current++; mark; } break; case CURLEFT : if(current - 1 >= 0) if(current-- % 5) { unmark; for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) cur_left; } else { unmark; cur_up; for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) cur_right; } mark; } if(chr & 0xff) /* falls irgendeine andere taste dann select/deselct */ { j = 0; for(i = 0; i < entrys; i++) j |= (current == *(ret + i) - 1); if(!(j)) /* file schon selected gewesen ? */ { /* nein dann select file (inversdarstellung und in liste aufnehmen) */ inv_on; printf("%-12s\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b",dir[current]); inv_off; *(ret + entrys++) = current + 1; } else { /* file wieder deselect (normaladrstellen und aus liste entfernen */ printf("%-12s\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b",dir[current]); i = 0; while(*(ret + i) != current + 1) i++; while(i++ < entrys) *(ret + i - 1) = *(ret + i); entrys--; } } } cur_on; *(ret + entrys) = 0; goto_xy(5,1); printf("\033J"); } copy_files(files,no_files) char files[][14]; int no_files; { char *buffer, *pointer,c; int fd, copagain, index, first_index, i, line_counter; long length[MAXFILES], free_bytes, used_bytes, last_length, first_length, wr_length; printf("\r"); cur_off; line_counter = 0; if(free_bytes = alloc(-1L)) /* freier speicher da */ { free_bytes -= free_bytes & 0x01; printf("\t %u Files zu kopieren mit %ld Bytes als Buffer !\n\r\n\r" ,no_files,free_bytes); copagain = -1; index = used_bytes = last_length = 0L; buffer = pointer = alloc(free_bytes); /* ja dann alles zu mir */ do { first_index = index; pointer = buffer; used_bytes = 0L; while(index < no_files && used_bytes != free_bytes) { if((fd = open(files[index])) >= 0) /* file korrect geoeffnet ? */ { if(copagain >= 0) { seek(last_length,fd); copagain = -1; } goto_xy(7 +line_counter++,0); printf("\r\tLese File : %-14s ",files[index]); length[index] = read(fd,free_bytes - used_bytes,pointer); printf("Laenge : %6ld ",length[index]); used_bytes += length[index]; pointer += length[index++]; used_bytes += pointer & 0x01; pointer += pointer & 0x01; close(fd); } if(line_counter == 14) { line_counter = 0; goto_xy(7,0); printf("\033J"); } } copagain = --index; first_length = last_length; last_length = length[index]; pointer = buffer; if (drives == 1) { printf("\r\n\tBitte Zieldiskette einlegen (Abbruch mit 'Esc')"); if(0x1b == (char) getchar()) { freemem(buffer); return; } } else dummy = drive(B); /* ansonsten auf drive B !! */ line_counter = 0; goto_xy(7,0); printf("\033J"); for(i = first_index; i <= index; i++) { if(first_length) { if((fd = reopen(files[i])) >= 0) seek(first_length,fd); first_length = 0; } else fd = create(files[i]); if(fd >= 0) { goto_xy(7 + line_counter++,0); printf("\r\tSchreibe File : %-14s ",files[i]); wr_length = write(fd,length[i],pointer); if(wr_length != length[i]) printf("\r\tFehler beim schreiben "); else printf("Laenge : %6ld",wr_length); pointer += length[i]; pointer += pointer & 0x01; close(fd); } if(line_counter == 14) { line_counter = 0; goto_xy(7,0); printf("\033J"); } } if(used_bytes == free_bytes) { if (drives == 1) { printf("\r\n\tBitte Originaldiskette einlegen (Abbruch mit 'Esc')"); if(0x1b == (char) getchar()) /* mit 'esc' flucht aus kopieren ! */ { freemem(buffer); return; } } else dummy = drive(A); /* wieder zurueck zu drive A !!*/ goto_xy(7,0); printf("\033J"); line_counter = 0; } } while(used_bytes == free_bytes); if(freemem(buffer) != 0) { printf("Kann buffer nicht wieder freigeben TSCHUESS !"); exit(1); } } else printf("\n\r\t Kein freier Speicher fuer Buffer !"); cur_on; } long getchar() /* holt genau ein zeichen von der tastatur */ { /* liest vorher den Tatstaturbuffer aus */ while(constat()) getchr(); return(getchr()); }  `8` `#*O*m#A - ЭЭм"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA yA"h#AE?/ NfN"/0<NBNu o AdpNu#ABNuNV0/"/ NBAd0< A9"NB0<NBN^Nu o2/0/ HSoQBNu o0/JfBNuf SNuNVByA3A#A.;N3ABn`"0n"|9.?< NVTRn nmB?< NVT#A yA3A.A?< NVT#A09A||m3A.;N` .;SN>Aa3Aa4@> ?<$/<;{N\.;N> ?<%/<;N\.az=@ Jn g> /a X.;Na@|Ng .nf.;NBWNPN^NuNV>?<NVT=@0.N^NuNV Bn`,Bn` N2n2.B(Rn nmRn nZmB@=@=@.a&.;N.;N`b0.HH@RnJ@f( 2.Ё./<<NXRn`& 2.Ё./<<"NXRn N2.J(fBn` N2nBhRn nZm./aXBnBn`8Bn`&0n"N4.4nRnRn nmRn N2n0(S@=@l0.N^NuNVBnBn.?<NVT>/<<)?<NNV\J@f8Bn`0n"N4nRnRn nm>ONVJ@g.-?<0.H?/.N@PN^NuNV>!?<'/<<-N\.<4N.<7N>>?<NVTBn`.<:NRn n m> ?<NVTBn`. ?<NVTBn`.>?<NVTBn`. ?<NVTBn`. ?<NVTBn`.>?<NVTBn`. ?<NVTBn`.<NRn n m> ?<NVTBn`.>?<NVTBn`. ?<NVTBn`. ?<NVTBn`. ?<NVTBn`. ?<NVTBn`.>?<NVTBn`.!?<%/< ?.W'/<=6N\Rn0.Ю./<==NX. .~z/?.?<?NVP/ N2n!_ N2n./<=SNX N2n (Ѯz N2n (ѮRn .Ѯz .Ѯ>?<>NVT nf&Bn> ?<'/<=bN\.=iN0.n l .z~fSn=n-nvr N2n-hv-n yAf..=lNaH|f.?<INVT``>Aa3ABn> ?<'/<=N\.=N=n`lJrg@>0.Ю/?<=NV\=@mBW?./.r?<BNVPBr` BW0.Ю/?< ?.W'/<=N\Rn0.Ю./<=NX. 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Jf#Aj <`Hc #AjB`:fzB`(xe 〼b`BJge`#Aj JLN^NuJg .NuNV n=h.0n/0n/N/P/?.?<?N/PN^NuNV n=h.0n/0n/N/P/?.?<@N/PN^Nu#ANA/9ANuNVBBJlDRBJ lD RB0. -@0.2. An=@ .gDN^NuNVH-n Jnnp` nop`0.R@8BGB/.N4NPl n -R /.N5X-@B/.N4NPo.`/<D/.N5P-@SG/<A/.N4NPm`/<D/.N4lP-@RG/<D/.N4NPlG|0H/N4X-@`/<D/.N4lP-@RFDm/<B/.N4lP//.N4.P-@/<D/.N4NPm -|ARGJGl4 n 0R n .R JDlD|` n 0R SFGnBF`j/.N5X:0|0"n R Gf n .R 0H/N4X-@//.N5P-@/<D/.N5P-@RFDm n BR .JLN^NuNVH-n Jnnp` nop`0.R@8BGB/.N4NPl n -R /.N5X-@B/.N4NPo.`/<D/.N5P-@SG/<A/.N4NPm`/<D/.N4lP-@RG/<D/.N4NPl|0H/N4X-@`/<D/.N4lP-@RFDm/<B/.N4lP//.N4.P-@/<D/.N4NPm -|ARGBF`j/.N5X:0|0"n R JFf n .R 0H/N4X-@//.N5P-@/<D/.N5P-@RFDm n ER JGl0D@> n -R 0H |0"n R 0H H@|0"n R n BR .JLN^NuNVH..,. N6" LN^NuNVH..,. N6LN^NuNVH..,. N7$ LN^NuNVHJl| .D-@`BFJfB`^~` .-@R .f` .-@S. g .-@޼@ JFg .JLN^NuNVH .м<JgJFlB`V .:|oJEg <` <`0..μ|`RFJFm`SFJFnJEg D. JLN^NuNVH..,. N7 LN^NuNVH..N6 LN^NuNVH..,. N6 LN^Nu<NuJg NugR kjklf`>k^g>k^g2k8<d,&B<ރeNuRid~S<Nu.NuJNu:ڼ.gNugRghEDvi^E]HE:BB8HD&HC؃HF&؃BDHDHGHFHEބj ޼gNuSiex@ބއdRgNu~NujJ<Numc68343 floating point firmware (c) copyright 1981 by motorola inc.    -Stack Overflow$C runtimeCON:LST:99:A::wE *C * FILECOPY VERSION 3.11 * * copyright 1986 Detlef Herklotz & Andreas Hoepfner * *Cf Bitte Quell- in A und Zieldiskette in B einlegen. Bitte Quelldiskette einlegen.Y%c%cJY%c%c Noch andere Files kopieren ? (J/N) e Bitte mit mit Cursortasten und pSPACEq die files auswaehlen Ende mit pUNDOq %-15s %-15s*.*Y%c%cDpCDqfDCDADpCDqDCDBDpCDqDCD CDpCDqDCDDDCDACDpCDqp%-12s q%-12s eY%c%cJ f %u Files zu kopieren mit %ld Bytes als Buffer ! Y%c%c Lese File : %-14s Laenge : %6ld Y%c%cJ Bitte Zieldiskette einlegen (Abbruch mit 'Esc')Y%c%cJY%c%c Schreibe File : %-14s Fehler beim schreiben Laenge : %6ldY%c%cJ Bitte Originaldiskette einlegen (Abbruch mit 'Esc')Y%c%cJKann buffer nicht wieder freigeben TSCHUESS ! Kein freier Speicher fuer Buffer !e: unmatched quoteCannot open Cannot append Cannot create : No matchStack Overflow $          p:^^^^^^^^^^^^^n^^^^^^^^^^t:^^^^^^^^^^^^^r@@ ,-,,,--,r !!!!" CP/M-68K(tm), Version 1.2, Copyright (c) 1983, Digital Research X-0-6543216$ N   0h0" : T$* t,z&$8$*XF ," $" 2"        ,"  ,D( 0 <    >  h 0HN&  j^***`&$ D"V8*R$ZF \@(B4.J".86 Jp $""@2&"fHR"(<@* T0^0 : 6  Documentation for RDCV2.TOS - 03/13/86 Copyright 1986 By Michael Curry - All rights reserved. NOTICE (The Catch) Reasonable Disk Copier is a user-supported program. You may copy it and give it away if you wish. You may NOT charge money for this program or trade it for anything of value. If you find RDC to be a useful program and would like to see it developed further you may send me a donation of $15 (check or money order) to the address listed at the bottom of this document. In return you will be put on a mailing list of people who will receive the next update to the program directly by mail without charge. If you do not have RDC and wish to receive a copy of it you may send me a donation of $25 along with a note asking for the program. I will mail you a diskette with the current version of the program and hardcopy of the documentation, and you will be placed on the direct update list. Be sure to include your mailing address in all correspondence. Warnings (Let the Copier Beware!) This program works on ATARI ST systems with TOS in ROM or 1 Meg RAM upgrades only. It should be run on an 80-column display. It has been designed to read, format and write 80 track single sided disks only and has not been tested for other systems. It will probably just barely squeak by on a ROM based 512K machine if there are no desk accessories installed. An upcoming release will allow reading from and writing to double sided disks if the system has double sided drives and enough memory (720K+). Introduction (What this RDC thing all about, anyway?) RDC stands for Reasonable Disk Copier - it is designed to read a single source disk into the computer's memory and then allow you to make as many copies of thatY disk as you like, formatting and then writing to drive A or BOTH drive A AND B. RDC is intended for a production environment where one might need to make 20 or more copies of the same source disk. RDC will NOT duplicate copy- protected disks; it was not designed to do so. New Features (What makes him think it's so great?) Version 2 of RDC has several enhancements that I feel put it on the same level as some commercial copiers that cost up to $100, including: o The ability to toggle Automatic Formatting of destination disks on or off. The default is ON. Previous versions always formatted the destination disks. o Set the write-with-verify option on/off. The default is OFF, since the disk is checked for bad sectors during formatting. Turning the option ON will double the time it takes to write to the destination disk. Previous versions did not allow write-with-verify. o RDC is now intelligent about disk space; it only writes those parts of the disk that are in use. This saves a huge amount of time if the disk is less than 2/3 full. Previous versions wrote the entire disk contents (720 sectors) whether they were in use or not. o RDC now has the ability to format only those tracks that contain data; this also saves a lot of time during the duplication process if the source disk is less than 2/3 full. Of course, this means that you should not copy files onto the disks that are created by RDC using the Speed-Format feature, as TOS will not be able to write to the unformatted sections of the disk (unless the disk was previously formatted / used; in that case you would probably not auto-format anyway). Previous versions always formatted the entire disk surface. Demonstration Run (How does this thing work, anyway?) Let's pretend that you are the disk librarian for a large 520ST user's group, and in order to replenish the club's supply for the next meeting you face the monumental task of making 20 copies each of 5 different disks out of the club's library. You need to format and copy 100 disks! Let's look at the standard way of doing this (assuming you have two disk drives). (1) Format 100 disks. (2) Insert the first disk you want to copy into drive A. Insert the first blank disk into drive B. (3) Drag the A: disk icon onto the B: disk icon. Answer all questions and initiate a disk copy operation. (4) Wait while the computer reads the source disk (A) into memory. You may have noticed that the entire source disk fits into memory (if it does not, you haven't enough memory in your machine, read Warnings section above!). (5) Wait while the computer writes the information onto the destination disk (B) from memory. (6) Remove the disk from drive B and set it aside. Insert a fresh disk into drive B and push the copy button in the dialog box to start the next copy. Notice how the computer insists on re- reading the information from the SOURCE disk in drive A even though the disk was not removed or changed in any way? A WASTE OF PRECIOUS TIME. Repeat this step 19 more times for this particular source disk. (7) Grab the next disk to be copied and put it into Drive A. Put a new disk into Drive B. Start the next copy operation. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for all disks to be copied (5). Now, let's look at the RDC way of doing it! (1) Set aside the proper number of disks to be copied to (100).  (2) Insert your disk containing a copy of RDC.TOS into drive A. Open the disk and then double-click RDC.TOS. (3) When the title screen appears, remove the disk from drive A. Press the [RETURN] key for a menu of options. (4) Insert the first source disk to be copied into drive A. (5) Select menu option #1. (Read Source in drive A) (6) RDC now reads the disk in drive A. When RDC is finished, you will be presented with a new menu of options. (7) Insert two blank formatted or unformatted disks into BOTH DRIVE A AND DRIVE B. Select #3 on the menu (Write to drives A & B). (8) RDC now FORMATS and WRITES to the blank disk in drive A. When it is finished, it will beep through the speaker in the monitor (turn up the volume!). When this happens, the RDC starts FORMATTING and WRITING drive B. while this is happening, you may remove the disk from drive A and set it aside. This disk is an exact copy of the source disk! Replace it with a new disk to be copied to. When RDC is finished copying to drive B, it will beep again, and you may remove the disk from drive B and insert a new disk to copy to. (9) After loading two fresh disks in the above step, you notice that the menu has returned to the screen. You also notice that RDC remembers your last selection (#3). This means that you may now simply press [RETURN] and RDC will now start making two more copies in drives A and B. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for all needed copies of this source disk (20). (10)When you are ready to make copies of a different source disk, you merely repeat steps 4 through 9. And that's all there is to it! Please note that the program can write copies on drive A alone if desired, thus saving even more time if you have only one drive as some of us do. All you need to do is select option #2 on the menu instead of #3 (and ignore references to drive B in the above instructions) if this is desired. Menu Options Explained The following is a detailed reference guide to the menu options found in RDC. All menu selections are made by pressing the number key shown to the left of the description of the menu item and pressing either the [RETURN] or [ENTER] key. All menu selections are executed immediatly; when you press the enter key RDC will act upon your selection. RDC will remember your last choice and upon return to the menu you can just press [RETURN] or [ENTER] key to repeat the last operation. Exception: Item # 1 below (Read source disk in drive A) will make item # 2 (Write to Drive A) the default when it returns to the menu. 0. Return to desktop This selection allows you to exit from RDC to the GEM desktop. You may do this at any time the Menu is showing. When you select this option you should have the original disk that RDC.TOS was run from in the drive since GEM will try to open that disk. 1. Read source in Drive A Choosing this item causes RDC to read the contents of the disk in drive A into memory, then return to the menu. Use this option when you want to start with a new source disk. Obviously this option must be chosen before you can make any copies. WARNING! Remove the source disk from drive A immediatly after RDC is finished reading it! If you choose item 2 or 3 RDC will immediatly start writing to drive A. The following options will show only if selection 1 above was chosen and the source disk was read successfully. 2. Write to Drive A only Choosing this item causes RDC to format the disk in drive A if auto-Format is enabled, then write the data from the last source disk onto the disk in drive A. RDC will then beep the console speaker and return to the menu. 3. Write to Drives A & B Choosing this item causes RDC to execute option 2 for both drives A and B in sequence, beeping after each drive has been written to. RDC will then return to the menu. 4. Toggle Write-Verify [ Now ON/OFF ] (default: off) Choosing this item toggles the status of the write- verify flag. When write-verify is off, all data will be written to the disk(s) with no verification taking place. When write-verify is on, all data will be written to the disk(s) with verification. If you have enabled the Auto-Format option [see below] it is perfectly safe to leave write-verify off, since the media surface is checked for flaws during formatting. For maximum error checking you may wish to set write verify on. 5. Toggle Auto-Format [Now ON/OFF ] (default: on) Choosing this item toggles the status of the Auto- Format flag. When Auto-Format is enabled, the doestination disk(s) will be formatted automatically. When Auto-Format is disabled, the destination disk(s) will not be formatted. If you are using a bunch of disks that are already formatted you should turn Auto-Format off. The following option will show only if Auto-Format (#5) is enabled 6. Toggle Speed-Format [Now ON/OFF ] (default: off) Choosing this item toggles the status of the Speed- Format flag. When Speed-Format is enabled, RDC will only format those sections of the disk(s) that will have data written to them. This will save lots of time when the source disk is less than 2/3 full and you are making a large number of copies. Using Speed-Format will create disks that cannot have files copied onto them, as TOS will not be able to write to the unused areas. Known Bugs/Problems (You knew there would be something!) Formatting problems RDC has been known to have problems formatting disks in double sided drives if the drive had a double sided disk in the drive prior to running RDC. DO NOT put RDC on a double sided disk and run it from that disk as RDC will not be able to format the next disk you put in that drive. This will be corrected in an upcoming version. Speed-Format not working RDC's Speed-Format option will work correctly only with disks originally formatted using the GEM'S disk formatting selection of the Desktop FILE menu. Any non-standard formats will cause RDC to format the entire destination disk. Errors reading disks made by RDC RDC will not be able to read any disks that were Speed- Formatted during previous copying sessions. It is recommended that you keep at least one master that was not Speed-Formatted. The Author If you have any comments, gripes, or suggestions you can reach me at: Michael Curry 28962 Ruus Road Hayward, CA 94544 OR Compuserve at [72507,2146] The Village BBS at (415) 783-5545. I am always interested in ideas for enhancements to the program and any feedback or suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Any suggestions implemented in the program will be credited to the person(s) contributing them and they will receive the next version for their troubles. Credits and Trademarks Thanks to David Beckemeyer of David Beckemeyer Development Tools for his disk formatting routines. ATARI, 520ST and TOS are trademarks of ATARI Corp. GEM is a trademark of Digital Research. 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CP/M-68K(tm), Version 1.2, Copyright (c) 1983, Digital Research X-0-6543216$ R$          6L *       "&:2 .h &  P * 4  0    8*     T0  (.   :. 4,v  8$J  &   t& $$H   8B       @ 06 N *0  .      4  4      T  " *\   ,"    ,D( 0 <    >  h 0HN&  jj`^***`&$ D"R$ZF \@(B4.J".86 Jp $""@2&"fHR"(<@* 2 $x6 ~~ `N.<aa  a.< )a#Q .< aa.< ax 9 a.< ad<<a.9 aja @4ga* Q b*y ʻ c#Q .< aa>aa R g 9 "9 ֲgN`a.< {aa Yg yg?<NAa.< ,aa`xa~ |Br BЂQ @'fz,*|Q#Q 96 # # # # "| <42QNua?<NAB?< NA\#Nu/9?< NA\Nu g g g /?< NA\Nu  fNu?<?<NMXNuM   <<<><a<><a.<9gSfa@0<4Nu<0gpNuM   <<<><a"<><a.<9gSfa0<4Nu<0g|pNuM   <<<><a<><a.<9gSfaZ0<4Nu<0gpNuM   <<<><a:<><a0.<9gSfa0<4Nu<0gpNua30<$QNu3a<<09@.<3a29af.<a3aSg9fpNuab0<4NuM3>p@ <@|9<F g <>a><>a4Nu<><a&a*Nu# "|Ja" gaR faR Nu0b f f )f ) gf )f )f 9 "9 Ё&|)@ g`,.< at a4)@ g:apNu )fh )|g )fV|) 9 R@`zBNuNu 9 &| v +4 g0 g(ah# av @4g Q:<(9 a6Nu  g(Haa.< aLNu,@??<?<NM\Nu  fj<<a~ad?</A.CEHZJ0123456789ABCDEFEp P SUPER-COPY V 5.2 # P q  1985/86 by W.Wulfhekel Probeversion fuer den Compyshop ! The destination-disk may not be write-protected ! Writeprotection will cause a DMA-error. This programm copies all tracks with sectors numbered from $00-$f4 . It also copies double-sectors , but the maximum Nr. of sectors per track is 10 . This programm can copy sectors with wrong tracknumbers as well . It keeps the sector-sequence and the sector-timing. BUT NEVER FORGET : THIS PROGRAM MAY ONLY BE USED TO COPY DISKS FOR YOUR OWN USE. THIS PROGRAMM WAS NOT BUILD TO PIRATE ANY SOFTWARE ! If this version is not able to copy a disk please contact :02224/75403 Do you wish to view the format (y/n) ? Insert Source-Disk and press Return Insert Destination-Disk and press Return E# DMA-ERROR # Sorry , can't copy this . Wait for Ver. 7.0  Wish to make another copy (y,n) ? pq Reading Track :J2 Q m  ( ( ^ ` ` >" N "> "    ,(* a quick hack to check for equality of files *) PROGRAM Compare( File1, File2 ); CONST LineFeed = 10; VAR Name: STRING; File1, File2: FILE OF INTEGER; Location, Line: INTEGER; Stop, Error: BOOLEAN; Ch: CHAR; BEGIN WRITE( CHR( 27 ), 'E' ); WRITE( 'Enter name of file #1 --> ' ); READLN( Name ); RESET( File1, Name ); WRITE( 'Enter name of file #2 --> ' ); READLN( Name ); RESET( File2, Name ); Location := 0; Line := 0; Stop := FALSE; Error := FALSE; WHILE NOT Stop DO BEGIN IF EOF( File1 ) OR EOF( File2 ) THEN Stop := TRUE; IF (EOF( File1 ) AND NOT EOF( File2 )) OR (EOF( File2 ) AND NOT EOF( File1 )) THEN Error := TRUE; IF NOT Stop THEN BEGIN IF File1^ = File2^ THEN BEGIN GET( File1 ); GET( File2 ); Location := Location + 2; IF (File1^ DIV 256 = LineFeed) OR (File1^ MOD 256 = LineFeed) THEN Line := Line + 1; END ELSE BEGIN Stop := TRUE; Error := TRUE; END; END; END; WRITELN; IF Error THEN IF EOF( File1 ) THEN WRITELN( 'File #2 is longer than File #1.' ) ELSE IF EOF( File2 ) THEN WRITELN( 'File #1 is longer than File #2.' ) ELSE BEGIN WRITE( 'The two files differ at location ', Location ); WRITELN( ' (line ', Line, ').' ); END ELSE BEGIN WRITE( 'The two identical files each have ', Line ); WRITELN( ' lines and ', Location, ' bytes.' ); END; WRITELN; WRITELN( '---press any key to continue---' ); READ( Ch ); END. t` o"h###,Oc.N//Bg?<JNA Bb3NZNXA0B1|A01|ABP1|ADBP1|~A#pHy?N?<ENX~HyHzv?<NX~Hy?<PHyBNNX~HyDHyB?~>~?HyHz?<"N?9NX~@HyHz?< N?9NHz?<NN"X~A~BHyN"X~CHyHzV?<NN"X~DHyHyN^X~EHyDNHyNHyNN---press any key to continue--- bytes. lines and The two identical files each have ). 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B0. `%Sn Jn f>/.aXJL0N^NuNVN^NuNVN^NuNVH /?.?./ /. nN*@ мfB(n `%H|0|9o^G мfB JL0N^NuNVH-|4Z*n<.H n. nfz` |SEJgJEf`h nf$z ` |SEJgJEfJEf-`*n<.JngJGlB@0D@> n P-"n R`B0H@B0>JGf JL N^NuNVH >.HμgR*y4(G4.Nz|f3 3343p`>Bg/ N\ JL0N^NuNVH>N%t*@ fp`XJnfB@`N-g3 3343p`0-g>/. / N%P``>/. / N&PJL N^NuNVH|BG` 3f 30`RG|m33343pJLN^NuNVp2.`F@H3B@N^NuNVHBG`>aRG|mJLN^NuNVH 0.8*@5(0.@BUB-+| BB> Bg/ N\> ?< / N\JL0N^NuNVH>.|e3 3343B`0B@08*@5(-f3 3343B` JL N^NuNVH *n(n >.B@=@=@``Rnnc L2n  fB@0.ncf>?.B@0.W B2.Ё//-/ N*=@B0.ѭJnf33343p`^=n`8Rn>?</<3/-/ N*=@B0.ѭnb4 -o+mB@0.JL0N^NuNVH*n>?./. /-/ N*=@Jnf33343p` B0.ѭ -o+mB@0.JL N^NuNVH*n 0.8м5(-@~.a&M`RJg :fJgc .Am .On*K`K0.`BW/ ?<o n1GBG`BW/ ?<NN+\JgB@`0<>`d>ON+JgB@`0<>`J.?<=N+T>o n1GBG`,.?<AN+T>``||b@0@3 PN0JL8N^NuNV n am n zn n nHRJfN^NuNVH *n (n`RJff .JL0N^NuNVH *n(n `op`lp`JgJfHHAJL0N^NuNVH *n (nf .JL0N^NuNVH *n(M`RJf HJL0N^NuNVN^NuNVH *n(n `$H>a0H>a&op`lp` JfJfB@JL0N^NuNVH>.|am |zn|0JLN^Nu _B0Z"y4CCbNC NNVH..,. Jf#4Z <`Hc #4ZB`:fzB`(xe 〼b`BJge`#4Z JLN^NuJg .NuNV n=h.0n/0n/N+P/?.?<?N+PN^NuNV n=h.0n/0n/N+P/?.?<@N+PN^Nu#4NA/94NuNVBBJlDRBJ lD RB0. -@0.2. An=@ .gDN^Nu    -Stack Overflow$C runtimeCON:LST:< | %64s, page %u ....%2u-%02u-%02u%02u:%02u:%02u %s: : \*.* DISK LABEL: %s %-12s %7lu %8s %8s %c \Eb1 CONTENTS: A DISK DIRECTORY LISTdING PROGRAM b2 Copyright 1986 by John B. Spalding b1For a disk of the fully commented source code in C with most of the secrets of the ST disk directory send $9.95 to:b3 STEP, 9902 Dyer St., El Paso, TX 79924b1 S T E P 300/1200/2400 BPS 24 hrs FOREM BBS 1-915-751-7837 (751-STEP) b3 The directory for the selected drive will be placed in the file "CONTENTS.TXT" in the drive from which this program is run. The file information is: name, size (in bytes), date, time, and attribute, where attribute is: =normal, R=read-only, H=hidden, S=system, M=modified, and U=unknown. Put in the disk then select a drive (1-6): 1) Drive A 4) Drive D 2) Drive B 5) Drive E 3) Drive C 6) --QUIT-- b1 ==> b3:b2 Reading drive %s...b3contents.txtw%2u-%02u-%02u Totals: %u directories, %u files, %lu bytes, %lu free : unmatched quoteCannot open Cannot append Cannot create : No matchStack Overflow $           <bf <bj33 ((d'((8(d(d' !!!!" CP/M-68K(tm), Version 1.2, Copyright (c) 1983, Digital Research X-0-6543216$        "    ("FD  l$*/ *D "   ,2$   ," 4P& \& DN ,D( 0 <    >  h 0HN&  jj`^***`&$ D"R$ZF \@(B4.J".86 Jp $""@2&"fHR"(<@* 6 8 D I S K - M O N I T O R Version 1.4 vom 26.04.86 1. Einfhrung  Dieser Disk-Monitor wurde fr zweiseitige Laufwerke entwickelt. Er kann mit einigen Einschrnkungen aber auch fr einseitig formatierte Disketten verwendet werden. Disk-Monitor wird durch Anklicken der Datei DMON1_4.TOS gestartet. Es wird automatisch der erste Sektor der im Laufwerk A befindlichen Diskette in den internen Puffer eingelesen und angezeigt. In der ersten Bildschirmzeile wird auf der linken Seite die Adresse des derzeit im Puffer befindlichen Sektors angezeigt. In der Mitte der ersten Zeile wird der Status des Disk-Monitors dargestellt. Es sind folgende Statusanzeigen mglich: Befehl eingeben: Disk-Monitor befindet sich im Befehlsmodus und wartet auf den Aufruf einer Funktion. Die Funktionen werden durch Drcken eines Buchstaben angewhlt. Die HELP-Taste zeigt die mglichen Funktion an.  * Sicher ? * Es wurde die Funktion X (Programm beenden) oder CONTROL C angewhlt. Durch Eingabe von 'j' oder 'J' wird der Disk-Monitor beendet. Jede andere Tastenbedienung fhrt zur Rckkehr in die aufrufende Funktion. * SEKTOR LESEN * Es wird gerade ein Sektor in den internen Puffer eingelesen. * MODIFIZIEREN * Disk-Monitor befindet sich im Modify-Modus. Das durch den Kursor angewhlte LONGWORD ist revers dargestellt. Der Modify-Modus kann durch Drcken der ESC-Taste wieder verlassen werden. FAT einlesen Fr den TRACE-Befehl wird die File-Allocation- Table in den FAT-Puffer eingelesen. Auf der rechten Seite der ersten Zeile werden Fehlermeldungen angezeigt. Sie bleiben solange sichtbar, bis irgend eine Taste gedrckt wird. Ebenfalls dort wird angezeigt, ob der TRACE-Modus aktiviert worden ist. Alle Eingaben (mit zwei Ausnahmen) haben im Dezimal-System zu erfolgen. Im Eingabe-Modus kann der Kursor das Eingabefeld nicht verlassen. Jede Eingabe mu mit RETURN/ENTER abgeschlossen werden. Danach springt der Kursor in das nchste Eingabefeld. Im Eingabefeld kann der Cursor mit den Tasten -> , <- und Backspace bewegt werden. Nach Eingabe von RETURN/ENTER wird das Eingabefeld auf richtigen Inhalt berprft. War die Eingabe fehlerhaft, so wird das Eingabefeld gelscht und die Eingabe mu wiederholt werden. Eine besondere Meldung ber die Art des Fehlers erfolgt nicht. 2. Beschreibung der Funktionen 2.1 - A - Derzeitigen Sektor erneut in den Puffer einlesen  Der letze eingelesene Sektor wird erneut eingelesen. Diese Funktion kann verwendet werden, um zu bestimmen, wo sich ein logischer Record bzw. Cluster auf der Diskette befindet. z.B. Eingabe: L Logische Satznummer: 11 Es wird Satznummer 11 eingelesen und angezeigt. Eingabe: A In der Statuszeile erscheint: Spur:00 Sektor:03 Seite:1 2.2 - C - Logischen Cluster einlesen Achtung: Eingabe verlangt Hexadezimalzahlen Diese Funktion ermglicht das Einlesen eines Sektor, der sich in einem bestimmten Cluster befindet. Das TOS verwaltet die Diskette in logischen Clustern. Ein Cluster hat die Gre von zwei logischen Stzen (a 512 Byte). Ein Cluster ist die kleinste logische Einheit, die vom TOS als belegt oder frei gekennzeichnet werden kann. Jeder File-Eintrag auf der Diskette belegt unabhngig von seiner Gre mindestens einen Cluster (also 1024 Byte). ber die Belegung der fhrt das TOS auf jeder Diskette eine File-Allocation-Table (FAT). Die FAT ist aufgrund ihrer Wichtigkeit auf jeder Diskette zweimal vorhanden. FAT 1 beginnt auf Spur:0 Sektor:2 Seite:0, FAT 2 auf Spur:0 Sektor:7 Seite:0. Der Directory-Eintrag fr eine Datei enthlt einen Eintrag auf den ersten von dieser Datei belegten Cluster. Jeder Cluster hat in der FAT entweder einen Zeiger auf den nchsten Cluster dieser Datei, oder ein File- Ende Kennzeichen ($FF0). Der erste Cluster einer Datei ist in den Byte 26 und 27 ($1A,$1B) des Directory-Eintrags in Format Lowbyte/Highbyte (INTEL) vermerkt. Bedingt durch das Format der FAT ist die niedrigste Cluster- Nummer 2. Die Clusternummer kann nach folgender Formel in die logische Satznummer umgerechnet werden: Satznr. = (Clusternr. - 2) * 2 + 18 Daraus ergibt sich fr den ersten Cluster (Nr.2) folgende Adresse: (2-2)*2+18 = 18. Der erste Cluster hat die Satznummer 18 und befindet sich auf einer zweiseitigen Diskette auf der Spur 1 Sektor 1 Seite 0 (einseitige Diskette= Spur 2 Sektor 1 Seite 0).  Durch Eingabe dieser Clusternummer (in Hexadezimal-Zahlen) kann z.B. gezielt der Beginn einer Datei gefunden werden. (siehe auch Funktion -T- Trace). 2.3 - D - Gerteadresse ndern Mit dieser Funktion wird die Adresse des bei allen Schreib- und Leseoperationen angesprochen Gertes verndert. Die Default-Einstellung ist Gerte A. Es knnen die Gerte A, B und C eingestellt werden. Der Disk-Monitor ist nicht fr eine RAM-Disk (D) zu verwenden. 2.4 - K - Sektor kopieren Diese Funktion kopiert einen Sektor von Positon a nach Position b. Zuerst wird der zu kopierende Sektor erfragt. Danach mu der Zielsektor eingeben werden. Vor dem Zurckschreiben in den Zielsektor erfolgt eine Sicherheits- abfrage (* Sicher ? *). Nach Eingabe von j/J erfolgt ein Schreiben in den Zielsektor. Jede andere Taste bewirkt einen Abbruch dieser Funktion. 2.5 - L - Logischen Satz einlesen Der Zugriff auf einen Sektor erfolgt durch das BIOS des TOS nicht ber die Angabe von Spur,Sektor und Seite, sondern ber die logische Satznummer. Alle Sektoren einer Diskette sind fortlaufend genummert, beginnend mit Satznr.0. Die Nummerung erfolgt in der Reihenfolge Spur 0-Seite 0, Spur 0- Seite 1, Spur =1-Seite 0, Spur 1-Seite 1, Spur 2-Seite 0 usw.. Z.B. FAT1 = Satznr.1 Spur 0 Sektor 2 Seite 0 FAT2 = Satznr.6 Spur 0 Sektor 7 Seite 0 DIRECTORY = Satznr.11 Spur 0 Sektor 3 Seite 1 1.Datensektor = Satznr.18 Spur 1 Sektor 1 Seite 0 2.6 - M - Puffer modifizieren Mit dieser Funktion kann der Puffer-Inhalt gezielt verndert werden. Nach Aufruf dieser Funktion befindet man sich im Modify-Modus. Der Kursor steht an der reltiven Adresse Null des Puffers. Das erste Longword ist revers dargestellt. Es mssen immer 4 Byte (1 Longword) auf einmal verndert werden. Mit den Kursor-Steuertasten wird das zu verndernde Longword angewhlt. Nach Drcken der Taste RETURN/ENTER wird das ausgewhlte (revers dargestellt) Longword in der ersten Zeile rechts angezeigt (Alt:x) und hinter der Meldung 'Neu:' mu das neue Longword eingeben werden. Die Eingabe mu in Hexadezimalzahlen erfolgen und 8 Zeichen lang sein. Nicht pausible Eingaben werden zurckgewiesen. Der Modify-Modus kann durch Drcken der ESC-Taste wieder verlassen werden. Mit der Funktion -W- kann jetzt der vernderte Puffer auf die Diskette zurckgeschrieben werden. Fr den Modify-Modus kann ein Hilfsbildschirm jederzeit durch Drcken der HELP-Taste aufgerufen werden. 2.7 - N - Nchsten physikalischen Sektor lesen Mit dieser Funktion wird der nchste physikalische Sektor von der Diskette gelesen und angezeigt. Achtung: Diese Funktion funktioniert nur bei zweiseitigen Disketten ordnungsgem, da noch dem Sektor 9 auf der Seite 0 versucht wird der Sektor 1 auf der Seite 1 zu lesen. Abbruch mit Fehler-Nr.0006. 2.8 - P - Vorhergehenden physikalischen Sektor lesen Mit dieser Funktion wird der vorhergehende physikalische Sektor von der Diskette gelesen und angezeigt. Achtung: Diese Funktion funktioniert nur bei zweiseitigen Disketten ordnungsgem, da noch dem Sektor 1 auf der Seite 0 versucht wird der Sektor 9 auf der Seite 1 zu lesen. Abbruch mit Fehler-Nr.0006. 2.9 - R - Ein bestimmten Sektor lesen Diese Funktion kann jeden Sektor auf der Diskette lesen. Sie verlangt die Eingabe von Spur,Sektor und Seite des zu lesenden Sektors. Ein Prfung auf Plausibilitt erfolgt nur bei der Eingabe der Spur. Eine Spur > 85 wird zurckgewiesen, um das Laufwerk nicht unntig zu qulen (Ist mir in der Testphase mehr als nur einmal passiert. Das kleine Ding klappert nicht schlecht, wenn versucht wird die Spur 735 zu lesen.) Ebenso wird die Eingabe eines Sektor 0 zurckgewiesen, da dieser Sektor nicht existiert. Fehler bei der Durchfhrung dieses Befehls werden oben rechts angezeigt. Z.B.: Schreib-/Lesefehler:0008 Sektor nicht gefunden Schreib-/Lesefehler:0006 Spur (Track) nicht gefunden  2.10 - T - Trace ber ein Datei Mit dieser Funktion kann eine Datei in ihrer logischen Folge angezeigt werden. Die Trace-Funktion verlangt die Eingabe des Start-Clusters der Datei (siehe Funktion -C- , die Byte 27,28 des Directory-Eintrags). Dannach wird der 1. logische Sektor eingelesen und angezeigt. Durch Drcken irgendeiner Taste wird der nchste Sektor dieser Datei eingelesen und angezeigt. Ist das Ende der Datei erreicht, so wird rechts oben die Meldung 'File-Ende' ausgegeben. Der Trace-Modus kann durch Drcken der ESC-Taste jederzeit unterbrochen werden, um z.B. einen Sektor zu verndern. Nach Eingabe von CONTROL-T wird der Trace-Modus an der Abbruchstelle fortgesetzt, wenn zwischenzeitlich die Diskette nicht gewechselt wurde. Wurde die Diskette gewechselt, so erscheint die Fehler-Meldung '^T nicht mglich' und die Trace-Funktion mu neu gestartet werden. 2.11 - W - Puffer auf Diskette schreiben Der Inhalt des Puffers wird, an die in der ersten Zeile angezeigte Adresse auf die Diskette geschrieben. Vor Ausfhrung erfolgt eine Sicherheitsabfrage. Die Eingabe von j/J bewirkt die Ausfhrung dieser Funktion. Nach jeder anderen Taste wir\d die Funktion abgebrochen. 2.12 - X - Disk-Monitor beenden Vor Beendigung von Disk-Monitor erfolgt eine Sicherheits- abfrage. Die Eingabe von j/J bewirkt eine Rckkehr zum Desktop. Mit jeder anderen Taste kehrt man in den Befehls- Modus zurck. 3. Schlubemerkungen Dieses Programm wurde bewut einfach gehalten, um mglichst mit wenigen Eingaben auszukommen. Es hat nicht der Luxus in der Bedienung, wie Programme, die als GEM-Application laufen. Dieses Programm wurde in erster Linie als Utility fr Leute entwickelt, die sich im Betriebssystem des ATARI ST schon auskennen. Wenn ihr dieses Programm benutzt, arbeitet nur mit Sicherheitskopien. Denn durch Fehlbedienung und/oder Unkenntnis sind sehr schnell Daten vernichtet. Disk-Monitor V. 1.4 kann fr kopiert werden. Fr Anregungen und Kritik bin ich dankbar. Wer einen Fehler entdeckt mge mir bitte Bescheid geben. Viel Spa Volkmar Meineke Schwarzerlenweg 53 6230 Frankfurt am Main 80  ``#O$3 <a ?<NAT <Ta r?<NAT <Ra `a ` <xa N?<NATa Af` Mf` Nf`. 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You may distributeit freely on a non-commercial basis as long as alldisplays and the author's name remain intact.CIS 72507,2146 or The Key System BBS (415)352-5528Press [RETURN] to start : unmatched quoteCannot open Cannot append Cannot create : No matchStack Overflow $          VrDHVrDL44 *P***6*n**) !!!!" CP/M-68K(tm), Version 1.2, Copyright (c) 1983, Digital Research X-0-6543216$ `     0   $ 8N 6 N *0  .      4  4  0     T  "LT0: : |   ,"    ,D( 0 <    >  h 0HN&  j^***`&$ D"VbR$ZF \@(B4.J".86 Jp $""@2&"fHR"D(<@* L6 `% 1N*O.|3*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA N/<NA"/0<NBNuNVBn`0n70Rn n m37.8 /<5j/<7N!PN^NuNVN$:>5jaB?<N$T>5jN!5jN!nN$N^NuNV.'a.?<HN$T#7r.7ra`.'aaBy8By738>?a`8a `2N,`*.H>a:`a2``H |&rW h@N>N$@|ffN^NuNV. H`2.'a`>.'a`2.'a`&.'a``|*g|+g°|-gȰ|/g>a4-y7r.'ah>a-y7r.(aN. 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It is useful for identifying mysterious files, such as programs and ST-writer files, that just display garbage when the SHOW command is used. Double-click on STRINGS.PRG, and select a filename. The screen will then clear and a list of ASCII strings will start quickly scrolling down the screen. Hit any key to pause the display; hit [Control-C] if you want to cancel program execution before it is done. If you find this program useful, or if you would like the source code (which is NOT public domain), please send a $10 check to: Articulate Software 83 Corte Mesa Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901 ` B*O.|*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NJ/<NA"/0<NBNuNVNJ@l$. &?< NbT>NbBWNb.Q/]/Y/UNf 3.=|`0n0Rn n m3./<./<NPJ9 Rg*. RNJ@f. Q?<NTBWNbN^NuNVJ9 RgN>.NrNBWNbN^NuNVa.?<HNbT#Nf. ?<NTa. d?<NT|fa>Nb|AR:SBW/<T?<GNb\. /<Ra.X.]/< V/<RN2P=@JngJnfa./< V/<RaPBW/<?<=Nb\3l. ?<NT|faJym|>N. ?< NbTBn`,>aJ@g y Tm y Tf nft. ?< NbT`D>NbH=@ ng nqg nQfa& n fSn n fBn ng. ?< NbTBn`"0n"|0H>?<NbTRn nmRy T>?<NbT`0.2y TRy T`& y Tf. ?< NbTRnBy T>a=@|f. ?< NbT>Nba6N^NuNVBn`Rn n@l n2n"n4nfSn`SnJno n2n \g n2n :fRnBn`RnRn n@l n2n"n 4nfN^NuNV . m .~ oB@`pN^NuNVB@09 "y $e4.N/<?.?<?NbP3 $By "Jy $bp` yN2y "0H|Ry "N^NuNV`R nJf` n"n RR n Jf n"n N^Nu#NN/9Nu#NM/9Nu#NA/9NuNV3eByBy3NN^NuNV## .мZ#3dBy3  n 3N n 0###0#0N^Nu#"<psNBNuNV30.|Hм-@=|` nH2n2RRn nm.N>B@09N^NuNV##0#####> aF3pN^NuNV>a*pN^NuNV3# >4N2N^NuNV## >ZN2 n0B@09N^NuNV>MN2 n0 n 0 n0 n0B@09N^NuNV3# >NN2N^NuNV#>nN2N^NuNV>oN2N^Nu    -[0][STRINGS, version 1.01|(C)1986 by Articulate Software| |Insert the disk that contains|the file to examine...| ][OK|Cancel][1 r][File not found.][OK|Cancel][1][Not enough memory.][Cancel]EERROR -- cannot initialize application [3][ERROR -- Cannot read resource file][Cancel]\*.*Eev--MORE--  --END OF FILE--.          H     F    $     `B?< NA\# 9eHe> 9Bg R< f`.#›#r#v#~+|r+|v+|~a,a9<A |aa?<B09:"<Ём/?<1NA0/ yC.`0/ yC&`0/ yC9f IN <NuB0/ 29I@cZo eT@ePJo gF"o |0/ B0/ S2/gI2 gQ`"QBNupNuBNuBBB29:349<3&㋖W(T&؃ м3 |2azy:MyNAX?9?<>NAX 96g R9`lBg/<?<=NAPJ@k^39<ABg/<?<NAX?9?<>NAXNu/?9?<>NAX?9?<>NAX9<A W?<ANA\NuB29:Ҽ#/9/<?9?<?NA J@k*g&//9/?9?<@NA Jkk`BNu/9?< NA\NuAf`A>a a?<?<LNA//<?< NA\?< NA\/<?< NA\J9g/<?< NA\?<NATNu*** Not enough room to copy desk accessories and DESKTOP.INF to RAM-disk. *** RAM DISK Z*** Drives 0 through 31 all taken! ****** Not enough memory for 90K RAM-disk ***RAM-disk created, drive @: holds 90K Press any key: EAUTORAM! Public domain RAM disk, version 1.01 Copyright(C) 1986 by Mike Morearty. If you find this program useful, or if you would like the source code, please send a $30 check to: Articulate Software 83 Corte Mesa Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901. @:\DESK1.ACC@:\DESKTOP.INF ,    z&   "         `B?< NA\# 9epef 9Bg R< f`V#›#r#v#~+|r+|v+|~a(9<Ai |Qa a?<B09"<ڒЁм/?<1NA0/ yC.`0/ yC&`0/ yC9f IN <NuB0/ 29I@cZo eT@ePJo gF"o |0/ B0/ S2/gI2 gQ`"QBNupNuBNuBBB293493&㋖W(T&؃ м3 |azy:MyRE389LEL3J0 |aBI0 |a6 | 9SBQ |0B09S@0NuH@H@SNu/9?< NA\NuA$`Aa a?<?<LNA//<?< NA\?< NA\/<w?< NA\?<NATNuRAM DISK Z*** Drives 0 through 31 all taken! ****** Not enough memory for 90K RAM-disk ***RAM-disk created, drive @: holds 90K Press any key: ERAM! Public domain RAM disk, version 1.01 Copyright(C) 1986 by Mike Morearty. If you find this program useful, or if you would like the source code, please send a $30 check to: Articulate Software 83 Corte Mesa Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901.  ,    z&   ($ Documentation for RAM! and AUTORAM!, ver. 1.01 Public Domain Programs from Articulate Software These programs create a RAM-disk, that is, they set aside some of the computer's memory and "pretend" that this memory is another floppy disk. The nice thing about RAM-disks is that they are extremely fast -- reading and writing files is practically instantaneous. But remember: the contents of the RAM-disk are erased when the computer is turned off or reset. Be sure to copy any files from the RAM-disk to a floppy before rebooting. If nothing else, a RAM-disk is good for copying files from one floppy to another. If you have one floppy drive, you are familiar with the ST's irritating demand for four disk swaps for each file to copy. With a RAM-disk, you can copy any number of files with just one disk swap. First, copy the files to the RAM-disk; then insert the destination disk; and then copy them to the new floppy. The RAM! version of the program can be run from the desktop: double-click on the file RAM!.TOS, and then when the desktop returns, click once on drive B and pull down "Install Disk Drive." When the dialog box appears, type "C" (be sure to use upper case) for the drive letter, and click on "Install." A new floppy disk drive icon will appear. This will work exactly like a disk drive; you can access it from any program, such as ST-Writer. If you want the RAM-disk to be automatically installed each time you boot up the computer, do the following: 1. Create a folder on your TOS boot disk called AUTO, and copy the file AUTORAM!.PRG to this folder. Now the RAM-disk will be installed automatically in memory whenever you boot up the computer. 2. Reboot the computer so that drive C is actually present. 3. Perform the "Install Disk Drive" procedure de- scribed above. 4. Use the "Save Desktop" command. 5. This command has saved the desktop on drive C, not A, so copy the DESKTOP.INF file from drive C to drive A. The main difference between RAM! and AUTORAM! is that AUTORAM! copies the desktop accessory files and the file DESKTOP.INF to the RAM-disk before exiting, because TOS will look for these files on Drive C (which it thinks is a hard disk). If there is not enough room on the RAM-disk for these files, the program will tell you so. After the desktop appears, you can delete these files from the RAM-disk. There is one other program that is part of this RAM-disk package: RAMSIZE. This program allows you to change the amount of memory used by the RAM-disk. To run it, just double-click on the program; it will give you simple instructions. Note that for some reason, a few programs do not work with this program (one example is the Megaroids game); I think this is because TOS does not manage memory as carefully as it should. Save your RAM-disk files before running any program that you have never run with the RAM-disk installed. There is another important problem that is due to a bug in the ROM-based version of TOS: If you have the ROM-based TOS and the RAM-disk is present in memory, depressing the Reset button will NOT clear the system's flag that indicates the RAM-disk is present. The result will be that the RAM-disk will be loaded with its drive letter higher than it should be (for example, drive D instead of drive C), and the original drive (for example, C) will be nonexistent even though TOS will think it exists. So you must turn the computer OFF for several seconds rather than using the Reset switch. (If you forget and press Reset instead, no harm done: just turn the computer off.) If you find these programs useful, or if you would like the source code (which is NOT public domain), please send a $30 check to: Articulate Software K 83 Corte Mesa Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901 x`^*O.|v*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NJ/<NA"/0<NBNuNVN J@l$.?< N T>N BWN .Q/]/Y/UNP 3=|`0n0Rn n m3./</<N PJ9g*.NJ@f.?<N TBWN N^NuNVJ9gN>N N "BWN N^NuNVa.YBgBgN*X.////.N >?.?.?.BgBgBgBgBgN V>?.?.?.?<Bg/.NBWNBW/.N 4X|fa>?.?.?.BgBgBgBg?<N V>N |A-:-BW/<-?<GN \.//<-aZX./</<-NPJnfa../</<-aP>/<.?<=N \3lBWar|faHJym>N./<?9?<?N P3 yf>a |gFa>/<4/<aPY@3>09ΑW/<? <29HЁ/aPy3>09̑W/<U <29HЁ/anPy3 ygR09̰ygB09Ұyg2.Y?<BgN*X n h$-P>a>/.aX n h<-P>TWa>/.aX.////.N >?.?.?.BgBgBgBgBgN V>?.?.?.?<Bg/.NBWNBn>/.N 4X|fa>.at=@.ah=@0.@nW@HR@H |H=@0.@nR@2.AAm>a=|`Jnf>a=|Jng2 nhR>?.?.?.?<?</.NJnf&>?.?.?.BgBgBgBg?<N V0.@"|4y0.|"|4y@0.@"|4y@0.|"|4y@> <29HЁ/aX09|=@`Rn0n"|J0f.d <2.HЁ/a X> <29HЁ/afX09|=@`Rn0n"|J0f.t <2.HЁ/aX>aJ=@ nfa nfPBW?90y/?<BN P.a <29HЁ./<?9?<@N Pl .aBW?90y/?<BN P.ab <29HЁ./<?9?<@N Pl .a BW?90y/?<BN P.a <29HЁ./<?9?<@N Pl .a>?<>N T.a`./</<-NPJnfa>?<>N TBW/<?<aB.0y/?9?<@N P.a>?<>N T.aa.N^NuNVJl >a8aN^NuNV n eB0. >/.aX-@B0. H@|0"nR nB .N^NuNVBn`0. "nHA|=@R nJf0.N^NuNV` n"n RR n Jf n"n N^NuNV`R nJf. /.aXN^NuNV0n"|0H|@"|4n)H|AN^NuNVBn`Rn0n"n J0fBn`Z=nBn`(0n"n0H"n 4nHAfRnRn n 2nJf n 2nJf0.`Rn0.nnlB@N^NuNVBn`Rn n@l n2n"n4nfSn`SnJno n2n \g n2n :fRnBn`RnRn n@l n2n"n 4nfN^NuNV.Y?.?<N*X.?<N TN^Nu#zNN/9zNu#zNM/9zNu#zNA/9zNuNV3e-By-By-3-N @N^NuNV## .мZ#3d-By-3 - n 3-N @ n 0-####N^Nu#-~"<~psNBNuNV3-t0.|Hм^-@=|` nH2n-t2RRn nm.-N>B@09-N^NuNV#-t##-|#-#-#.T#-> aF3--pN^NuNV>a*pN^NuNV#-3 -|>2N VN^NuNV3-|3 -~3 -3-3-3-3-3-3->3N VN^NuNV3-|# ->4N VN^NuNV#->6N V n 0- n0- n0- n0-B@09-N^NuNV#-# ->ZN V n0-B@09-N^NuNV>MN V n0- n 0- n0- n0-B@09-N^NuNV3-|# ->NN VN^NuNV#-3 -|3-~3-3-3-3->*N VN^NuNV#->nN VN^NuNV>oN VN^NuNV3-|3 -~>pN V n .TB@09-N^Nu    -ramsize.rscEERROR -- cannot initialize application [3][ERROR -- Cannot read resource file][Cancel]\*.**** Drives*** Not enough memorydrive @: holdsK RAM-disk ***K.   ,&& .       "<&&0  :         R     $          j~FFF.$.RAMSIZECopyright(C) 1986 by Mike MoreartyThis program allows you to change thesize of the RAM-diskcreated by the RAM! and AUTORAM!programs. You can also changethe number of 512-byte sectors that areused up by the rootdirectory. Each sector can hold up to16 filenames.When the Item Selector menu appears,select the RAM-disk programfile that you want to change (usuallyeither RAM!.TOS orAUTORAM!.PRG). You will then be askedwhat size to make theRAM-disk. Finally, you can either savethe program under theold name or give it a new one.OKCancel___Size of RAM-disk in kilobytes: ___999__Size of root directory in sectors: __99OKCancel[1][File not found.][Retry|Cancel][1][This is not a RAM! ram-disk|program file.][Retry|Cancel][3][Do you want to save the file|under the original name, or|give it a new name?][Original|New|Cancel][1][An error occurred writing the file.][Cancel][1][The sizes you have chosen|leave no room for data.][ OK ][1][The root directory cannot|take zero sectors.][ OK ]Y]&&H$ ,"O%u) $' + & -*  ;$ `(| %)  &*  '+ 0 O%R,/ F%b% %~`6 o"h###BbByNP/,HNVA@-HN?. Hz=@?.Hz?<N 0@dhHyHz?<N?.NHz?<NXHy?<PHnNNXHn?S@r VR?/LNNuHNaS@r VT?/LNNu#j _0 @g "_J@jp`0M"|Mp2 Ag $_JAjr`2M$|Mr@g\HbGNe$4SBkQ4@SBpQ0"|N` 4SBkQ4ASBrQ$|NLbJ@f pC^$I/9jNuHn _024SBgQ@4BAAc/LnNuHyNRRange error during set-operationHn _0246@SCBgQAn68DCCc 0AgRB`/LnNuHn _0@CEHS@rIVW.J?/LnNuHn _0@CEHS@rIVV.J?/LnNuHn _0@CEHS@2FA_VW.J?/LnNuHn _0@CEHS@2FAYVW.J?/LnNuHn _0@274BAAc7V`tO>/LnNuHn _0@"_24BAAc1V`t>/LnNuHn _02S@AC2YQ/LnNuHn _02S@AC2YQ/LnNuHn _02S@AC2FAYQ/LnNuB9`PBy _0g$_jp"_// HN LJ@fP)J9f" f |` f|` f |` f|`4<G BQB) @e *:f&Jrt `e QG 4tWJBkZG L3 J9f g< g6`d f H@?3|NAXNu _4` _t6 Bo r aSB`2aNH? _r ar a/L?Nu _r aN _4` _t"x0HgJJjDxvCPzp cRЀ`|e W0R"f`6 _4` _t2xJAjDAxvCPp0 2H@0RJAfJg<-RBlCSBr aQSCaQN _4v` _46"_JBjtJCkgCe4`BSCr aQSBk aQN _v` _60@d Cst`CntJCgkCe4`BSCr aQSBavQNFALSETRUE _6kfv2_t Cc"4YBv` _6kfv"_t Cc4QBvSBkr a(QSCC" A0 9c^a JgYC`NH "oA/ NPL NuPBy(_ _/ C( g  f,t4(H / /?(?<@NA LJkvfNu4(SBraQNu(g^ f,H tHy/<??<@NA LNu fH t` fH t` f NuHyK` Hy$0< LNt6 4 J J ^     $"  ,*< * * , , 0 , " nBB6 2J XpD D   ( 0@L< x 0  :`L*O.|f*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA B?< NA\#b(|6*|."U Qg?</<L?<=NAP @k`>/<^/<??<?NA f:??<>NAXB9^3J3339_9`` <d3t м&"ҹ2Ҽl|#r:#vF#~@ |"U~"Q yN"Ҽ #r"Ҽ2#v"Ҽ#~ U2093/9b?< NA\BgNA ofpNu of 9.Nu of y."or2/ p 0/ $ f(/fI2< QSfNu/fI2<?QSfNuNNN\auto\ramdisk.dat8 .* Z 0LQThis is the best RAMdisk I know of. It can be configured to install under any drive identifier, plus it takes a minimum of space and effort to set up, plus it survives a system reset. To use it, place ETERNAL.PRG in your floppy disk AUTO folder. Make sure it is the first thing you put in the folder. Then, add CONFGRAM.TOS. To configure the disk, run CONFGRAM.TOS, and answer the prompts. To use it, reboot. The first time you turn on the computer, the reboot which is performed is normal. After that, it shouldn't happen. One last thing -- Install the correct disk icon onto the desktop. ~This program gives you a ramdisk between 64K and 768K, and will stay in memory through screen resolution changes, and even system reset! The ramdisk code and data is placed at the top of memory, and the screen is moved down below it. The top of memory pointers are set below the ramdisk driver, which should keep it safe from everything short of powering down. The ramdisk install is actually a 2 step process. The 1st time the program is run, it will adjust memory pointers and set-up the ramdisk driver. It then exits through the system reset vector so that TOS can adjust to the new memory size. The 2nd time through, the driver will be installed and ready to use. The easiest way to accomplish this, is simply put the ramdisk.prg into an AUTO folder. That way both passes are automatically performed, in other words, it will auto-boot with no user interaction. The ramdisk installs as drive D, and if you save the desktop after you install drive D, then the boot process will be completely automatic. The ramdisk size defaults to 192K, (512K for the 1 Meg version) but can be changed by holding down key combinations of the Right and Left Shift, Control, and Alternate keys. Configurations are as follows: R. Shift 64K L. Shift 128K R. & L. Shifts 192K Cntl 256K Cntl & R. Shift 320K Cntl & L. Shift 384K Cntl & R. & L. Shifts 448K Alt 512K Alt & R. Shift 576K Alt & L. Shift 640K Alt & R. & L. Shifts 704K Alt & Cntl 768K I realize this may seem combersome at first, but it has the advantage of not having to wait for a size input during boot-up, and since you will probably only use a couple of different sizes, it should become very simple. One note about memory configuration... Since the AUTO folder is loaded before the desktop accessories, it is possible to configure a ramdisk too large, leaving less than 128K of memory for other programs. Therefore, if your disk has many desk accessories on it, you should be carefull to load a small enough ramdisk so that 128K will be left at the end of the boot. I wrote this program mainly for programmers that use ramdisks, but have troubles with system lock-ups and loose everything on the ramdisk. You can also do faster modem transfers to ramdisk without worrying about the program crashing on exit. If the system does crash, put a disk with the ramdisk program in the AUTO folder in drive A, and push the system reset button. The ramdisk and all its contents will still be there! If the ramdisk program is not in an AUTO folder, you will have to re-execute it after system reset. Enjoy! John Harris (` P | aN.r"|"2Q"< pNB09LNu*O.|j*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA B?< NA\#f(|6*|."U Qgt?): Default commando is Next. Quit Einde programma; terug naar de desktop. Als men een blok gewijzigd heeft en men heeft dit block nog niet weggeschreven, dan geeft het programma een waarschuwing. Fat Laat de FAT van de disk zien in 12- of 16 bits entries. Modify Het programma komt in de FAT-edit mode. Hierna vraagt het programma om het nummer van de FAT-entry. Als men hierop een "0" invoert, dan gaat het programma weer terug naar com- mand mode. De default waarde voor dit nummer is het nummer van de eerste vrije FAT-entry. Vervolgens vraagt het programma om de nieuwe waarde voor deze entry. Bij een negatief getal gaat het programma weer terug naar command mode. Een "0" geeft aan dat de cluster vrij is (deallocate) en een positief getal verwijst naar de volgende cluster beho- rend bij hetzelfde file (allocate). Verder betekent (F)FF7 dat de cluster BAD is en (F)FF8...(F)FFF dat dit de laatste cluster van een file is. Meestal wordt voor dit laaste alleen (F)FFF gebruikt: < (0)000 Terug naar command mode (Exit) (F)FF7 Cluster bavat BAD sector. (F)FF8 . . Laatste cluster van een file. . (F)FFF (x)xxx Anders; (x)xxx verwijst naar #volgende cluster van de file. Opmerking: De digit tussen haakjes geeft de extra digit aan voor 16 bits clus- ters. Read Lees een blok (van 512 bytes). Er wordt gevraagt om het track-, side- en sector- nummer. Directory Laat het laatst gelezen blok in een directory (folder) formaat zien. Dit commando kan men ook geven als men het laatst gelezen blok (uit een directory) gewijzigd heeft m Net de editor en men wil zien of deze wijziging correct is voordat het blok naar disk terug- geschreven wordt. Next Lees het volgende blok. Het sector-nummer wordt met n verhoogd. Als deze groter wordt dan negen, dan wordt deze weer op 1 gezet en wordt de volgende side en/of track geselec- teerd. Dit is ook het Default commando. Previous Lees het vorige blok. Het sector-nummer wordt met n verlaagd. Als deze kleiner wordt dan nul, dan wordt de vorige side en/of track geselecteerd. Edit Het programma komt in de edit mode; men kan nu het gelezen blok modificeren. Zie verder onder het hoofdstuk over de editor. Write Het programma vraagt of men het blok dat in het geheugen staat naar dezelfde plaats op de disk wil schrijven. Als men deze vraag met "N" beantwoordt, dan vraagt het programma weer om het track-, side- en sector-nummer. Hierna wordt nog gevraagd of men er zeker van is, dat deze informatie geschreven moet wor- den. Dit is dus nog een mogelijke escape voor het geval men een fout heeft gemaakt bij het beantwoorden van de voorgaande vragen. Setup Het programma vraagt om nieuwe setup-gege- vens. Als men op de volgende vragen alleen een geeft, dan wordt dit gegeven niet veranderd. De vragen zijn achtereenvolgens: Device: Hiermee kan men een andere #disk drive selecteren. Als er #iets fout gaat, dan wordt #automatisch de vorige drive #geselecteerd. Number of tracks: #Het aantal tracks voor deze #disk. De default waarde is uit #het boot-blok gelezen. Number of sides: #Het aantal sides per cylinder #voor deze disk. De default #waarde is uit het boot-blok #gelezen. Number of sectors: #Het aantal sectoren per track #voor deze disk. De default #waarde is uit het boot-blok #gelezen. Output to printer? #Als deze vraag met "Y" beant- #woordt wordt, dan gaat vanaf #dat moment alle data die eerst #op het scherm getoond werd, #naar de printer. #Als deze vraag met "N" beant- #woordt wordt, dan gaat alle #data weer naar het scherm (zie #ook volgende vraag). Printer not on TOF; print Form Feed? #Deze vraag wordt alleen #gesteld als men de vorige #vraag met "N" beantwoord heeft #en het programma heeft bere- #kend dat de printer niet op de #eerste regel van een pagina #staat. #Beantwoordt men deze vraag met #"Y", dan wordt er een Form #Feed naar de printer ver- #stuurd. Monitor / Edit memory? #Als men deze vraag met "Y" #beantwoord t, dan gaat het pro- #gramma naar MEMORY mode. In #plaats van het lezen van disk #worden er nu blokken van 512 #bytes uit het geheugen gele- #zen. Deze informatie kan dan #(net als bij de disk blokken) #gemodificeerd worden met #behulp van de editor en ver- #volgens weer naar de zelfde of #een willekeurige andere plaats #in het geheugen worden weg- #geschreven (niet in ROM na- #tuurlijk!). Protected memory (user) mode? #Deze vraag wordt alleen ge- #steld als het programma in #MEMORY mode is. #Als men deze vraag met "Y" #beantwoordt (default na het #opstarten van het programma), #dan mag men alleen die loca- #ties in het geheugen refere- #ren, welke een programma nor- #maal in user mode ook mag #adresseren. #Een "N" als antwoord op deze #vraag geeft de gebruiker de #vrije hand en kan al het be- #schikbare geheugen lezen en #alleen het RAM-geheugen #schrijven. Dus ook de adressen #die normaal alleen voor TOS en #GEM berijkbaar zijn. 6. De editor. Nadat men het Edit commando heeft gegeven, wordt de informa- tie, welke in het buffer staat nogmaals geschreven om er zeker van te zijn dat deze ook werkelijk op het scherm staat. Dit is namelijk niet altijd het geval; bijvoorbeeld als de informatie naar de printer gaat of als het vorige commando een Directory- of FAT-commando was. Vervolgens wordt de muis cursor zichtbaar en verschijnen er twee blok cursors in het beeld, waarvan er een knippert. De laatste geeft aan waar men op dat moment bezig is en welke nibble (HEX-mode) of welk ASCII-teken (ASCII-mode) over- schreven gaat worden. De andere cursor geeft het overeen- komstige byte in de andere mode aan. Tevens wordt boven in het beeld de offset van de geselec- teerde byte getoond. Men kan nu een byte selecteren door deze met de muis aan te wijzen en met de linker muisknop aan te clicken. Men kan de editor verlaten door: - Tweemaal snel op de linker muisknop te clicken, of - Door de rechter muisknop ingedrukt te houden en tegelijkertijd de linker muisknop te clicken. Wanneer men een nibble in de bovenste helft van het scherm selecteert, dan komt de editor in HEX-mode. Men kan nu bytes editten door de overeenkomstige nibbles (twee per byte) te overschrijven (overstrike mode). De cursor zal na iedere ingevoerde nibble automatisch naar de volgende gaan. Ook de tweede cursor in het onderste deel van het scherm zal naar een volgend teken gaan als de low nibble van de byte overschreven is. In dit geval zal ook de byte offset boven in het beeld met 1 verhoogd worden. Wanneer men een teken in de onderste helft van het scherm selecteert, dan komt de editor in ASCII-mode. Men kan nu bytes editten door het overeenkomstige teken (n per byte) te overschrijven (overstrike mode). De cursor zal na ieder ingevoerd teken automatisch naar de volgende gaan. Ook de tweede cursor in het bovenste deel van het scherm zal naar een volgende byte gaan. Ook de byte offset boven in het beeld wordt met 1 verhoogd worden. Verder kan men nog gebruik maken van de volgende toetsen: A Help Er wordt een alarm box met daarin een korte helptekst getoond. Cursor up De knipperende cursor gaat n regel omhoog; de andere past zich hieraan aan. Cursor down De knipperende cursor gaat n regel omlaag; de andere past zich hieraan aan. Cursor left De knipperende cursor gaat n positie naar links; de andere past zich hieraan aan. Cursor right De knipperende cursor gaat n positie naar rechts; de andere past zich hieraan aan. Delete Verwijdert de byte voor de cursor en schuift de rest van het buffer n plaats naar voren. Het verwijderde byte wordt bewaard in een tijdelijk buffer. (maximaal 512 bytes). Backspace Verwijdert de byte dat zich onder de cursor bevind en schuift de rest van het buffer n plaats naar voren. Het ver- wijderde byte wordt bewaard in een tij- delijk buffer (max. 512 bytes). Undo Plaatst het byte dat het laatst met delete of met backspace verwijderd was voor het byte dat zich onder de cursor bevind. De rest van het buffer schuift n byte naar rechts. De laatse byte schuift in een overloopbuffer (max. 512 bytes). Insert Plaatst een nul byte vr het byte dat zich onder de cursor bevind. De rest van het buffer schuift n plaats naar rechts. De laatste byte schuift in een overloopbuffer (max. 512 bytes). ^Undo Plaatst alle bytes uit het overflow buf- fer vr het byte dat zich onder de cursor bevind. Met deze funcie kan men alle bytes, die bij het editen van het vorige block door insert-functies uit het buffer geschoven zijn, in het hui- dige buffer plaatsten. Deze functie werkt alleen als in het huidige buffer (sinds het laatste edit-commando) de insert- en delete-functies nog niet, dan wel evenredig veel gebruikt zijn; de lengte van dit buffer moet onveranderd zijn. Ook mag dit commando maar n keer per edit-commando gebruikt worden. Noot: Zowel het overflow buffer als #het buffer waarin de verwij- #derde karakters bewaard wor- #den, blijven gedurende het #gehele progamma in tact. #Alleen met de Clr/Home-functie #kan men deze buffers leegma- #ken. Clr/Home Met deze functie kan men het overloop- buffer en het buffer waarin de verwij- derde karakters bewaard worden schoonge- maakt. 7. Disklayout. In dit hoofdstuk wordt in het kort de layout van de disk behandeld. Een disk bestaat uit n of meer schijven, waarop aan weerskanten een magnetische laag is aangebracht; vergelijk- baar met een cassette band, maar dan rond i.p.v een lange strook. Een tweede verschil met een cassette is dat de kop, waarmee de magnetische laag wordt afgetast, k beweegt. Stel de disk nu voor als een grammofoonplaat met daarop een magnetische laag. Als je nu een potlood op een vast punt tegen de draaiende plaat houd, dan trek je een vanzelf een cirkel; dit noemt men een track. Bij een dubbelzijdige disk drive heeft de drive& twee koppen; deze staat precies tegenover de bovenste kop tegen de onderkant van de plaat. Bij de grotere hard disks is er vaak sprake van meerdere platen boven elkaar. Ook hier heeft iedere plaat twee koppen, welke allemaal boven elkaar staan (even ver uit het midden van de plaat). Als we ons nu al deze tracks boven elkaar voorstellen, dan kan men deze als een cylinder zien. Tot slot is de plaat verdeeld in een aantal sectoren met gelijke hoek. Wanneer we nu zo'n disk gaan beschrijven, dan beginnen we bijvoorbeeld op de buitenste track (track 0) en de onderste laag (side 0). We schrijven nu de data in de sectoren (meestal 512 bytes per sector plus nog wat format informa- tie, zoals het sector- en track-nummer). Als we alle sectoren op deze track beschreven hebben, dan gaan we naar de volgende track binnen deze cylinder; dus de volgende side. Pas als we alle lagen van deze cylinder hebben beschreven, gaan we naar de volgende cylinder. Hiervoor moeten de koppen n spoor naar binnen verplaatst worden, hetgeen relatief veel tijd kost (een aantal miliseconden)! We geven nu aan iedere sector op de disk een nummer; het blok nummer. Het eerste blok is het zogenaamde bootblock. Hier in staan, behalve de bootstrap, alle gegevens van de disk. In de volgende blokken vinden we o.a. een tabel waarin de in gebruik zijnde blokken zijn aangegeven en de root direc- tory. De rest van de schijf bevat de gebruikersdata en eventuele subdirectories. De Atari (floppy-) disks worden beschreven volgens het MSDOS V02.x format. Dit betekent dat de schijf is verdeeld in 4 hoofdbestandde- len: - Reseverd area; Bevat in ons geval alleen het bootblock. - FAT area; Bevat in ons geval meestal twee FAT's van 5 blokken. - Root directory; In ons geval meestal 7 blokken. - File data area. De rest van de schijf is verdeeld in clusters (in ons geval meestal 2 sectoren per cluster). Dit is de kleinste hoeveelheid blokken die gealloceerd of gedealloceerd kan worden. De boot sector bevat de volgende velden: Offset Lengte Betekenis = = =+ 0 2 Branch instructie naar bootstrap 2 6 Bootstrap name 8 3 Serial number (random) 11 2 Bytes / Cluster ($0200 =1024) 13 1 Sectors / cluster (cluster size = $02) 14 2 Reserved sectors (incl bootsector = $0001) 16 1 Number of FAT's ($02) 17 2 Number of entries in root dir. ($0070 = 112) 19 2 Sectors / device ($02D0 = 720) 21 1 Media discriptor byte ($F8) 22 2 Sectors / FAT ($0005) 24 2 Sectors / track ($0009) 26 2 Sides / disk ($0001) 28 2 Number of hidden sectors ($0) 30 2 Not used De getallen tussen haakjes geven de waarden voor deze velden, zoals deze gelden voor een standaard geformatteerde single sided floppy. Tot slot nog even de velden in de directory blokken: Offset Lengte Betekenis = = =+ 0 8 File naam; als de eerste byte $E5, dan is de file reeds gedeleted. 8 3 File extentie 11 1 File attribute: $00 Normaal file $01 Read only $02 Hidden file $04 System file $08 Volume label $10 Sub directory $20 File is modified 12 10 Reserved for future use 22 2 Creation/modification time 24 2 Creation/modification date 26 2 First cluster number 28 4 File size in bytes. 8. Terughalen van een file. Hier volgt een beknopte beschrijving hoe een deleted file terug gehaald kan worden. We gaan er vanuit dat er nog geen nieuwe data op de disk is geschreven (in dat geval kan een gedeelte van de file reeds overschreven zkijn. 1. Maak een backup van de schijf! 2. Zoek in de directory de entry waar deze file heeft gestaan (commando's Read en Directory). 3. Edit dit block, zodat de naam van de file weer compleet is en schrijf dit block terug (Write same block). 4. Bepaal hoeveel clusters tot dit file hebben behoort (size /1024) en bepaal het nummer van de eerste cluster (zie ook directory entry). 5. Zoek vanaf dit eerste cluster-nummer naar vrije clus- ters: Modify-commando geef het eerste cluster-nummer en geef dan steedt (noteer deze nummers). 6. Controleer of deze clusters bij de file horen. Het kan voorkomen dat er clusters bij zijn die bij ander file behoort hebben. 7. Allocate de gevonden clusters m.b.v. het Modify-com- mando. De te alloceren cluster moet steeds naar de volgende verwijzen en de laatste moet (F)FFF bevatten. 8. Schrijf de index terug naar schijf. 9. Controleer de file. In een volgende versie wordt deze functie gedeeltelijk geautoma- tiseerd. Het blijft altijd nodig om te controleren of de vrije clusters ook werkelijk bij de file hebben behoort; gebruik daarom NOOIT een pro- gramma dat dit geheel autonoom doet! L. 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Printer not on TOF; print a formfeed (y/n [%c])? Monitor / Edit MEMORY (y/n [%c])? Protected memory (user mode) (y/n [%c])? Quit program without writing changed data (y/n [%c])? Write to the same block (y/n [%c])? Read new data without writing changed data (y/n [%c])? Write this block, are you sure (y/n [%c])? Write modified FAT's (y/n [%c])? Continue (y/n [%c])? [1][Current settings:| |Tracks: %d|Sides: %d|Sectors: %d][OK][1][DISKEDIT V2.2 1986 by L. Kamp| |Insert disk in drive A:][OK][0][Extra keys:| |Insert, Delete, Backspace|Undo (delete)|^Undo (exchange)][OK]Click left to select byte, twice to end[1][Disk changed!| |Be very CAREFULL now.|][Retry|Cancel|Ignore][2][Inconsistent FAT's!| |Offset: $%x|Entry: $%x or $%x][Stop|Ignore][2][FAT's to large for available buffer space][NOT AVAILABLE][2][FAT's are not available][NOT AVAILABLE][2][Failed to read disk parameters][ABORT][3][Open error on standard output][ABORT][3][Failed to allocate memory][ABORT][2][Memory %s protect violation at $%x] [ABORT|CONTINUE][2][%s memory addressing error at $%x] [ABORT|CONTINUE][2][Function not allowed after Insert or Delete][ABORT]READWRITE[1][Illegal command!][CANCEL]LST:w [1][Input error from Keyboard!][CANCEL]  %c[1][Command must by single character!][CANCEL]%d%x[1][Error %d while accessing drive %c!][CANCEL]Address$%06x  Track: %02d Side: Sector Memory dump of addresses $%x to $%x (512 bytes) Device: %c, Track: %d, Side: %d, Sector: %d %03x %08x%03x %s. %03x%9s%77s Byte: %03x %02xLST:wCON:Unknown:%3d Read Only Hidden file Hidden systemDisk label Directory Modified Deleted Parent direc.Direc. header%03x %-8s.%3s %13s %02d:%02d:%02d %02d-%02d-%02d %04x => %02d,%02d,%02d %6d%76srwaaCan't open stdin file Can't open stdout file con:CON:prn:PRN:lst:LST:lpt:LPT:lpt1:LPT1:aux:AUX:com:COM:com1:COM1:rdr:RDR:pun:PUN:nul:NUL:null:NULL:AXI:,AXO:,LST:,NIL:,CON:=*@0123456789ABCDEF   ( H  ( H  B H&"&         " &2 $(,2 $  "&    @        r      &    &  . 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'Gibt aktuelle Parameter aus Parameter in Klammern sind optional und bedeuten im einzelnen : tt = Track hexadezimal (00 - 4f) ss = Sektor hexadezimal (01 - 09) addr = Adresse Hexadezimal (000 - 1ff) byte = Byte Hexadezimal (00 - ff) x = String in ASCII st = Sektoren pro Track (00 - 0c) dd = Device (00 - 03) Folgende I\O-Adressen existieren : Device Floppy Input Output -P 00 Laufwerk A - Centronics 01 Laufwerk B RS232 RS232 02 - Tastatur Bildschirm 03 - Midi-Port Midi-Port Es wird empfohlen vor der Arbeit mit DUEX eine Sicherheitskopie ihrer Diskette zu machen, da Sektorweises aendern die Diskettenorganisation (Directory etc.) zerstoeren kann. Aenderungen vorbehalten ! Michael Bernards *Public Domain Programm @`/<NNX | ( (aB@ap |a |aa `Ry` y `kRy^ yP^kBy^3``^Sy`fSy^j3O^3 ``:? yjg?9j?<NMX?<NAXNu yhg*?9h?<NMXJg?9h`?<?<NMXJg?<?<NMXNu,|n>< |a*n3laX |a<<*|n  j.`Jka0< aBQB |a |nazQ/nja4,_><`v,_Nu*|n<< |a@><?f j<.aQQNu |a:9^a |a:9`av |a09b@Aa09d@0a| |'a:9ha< |4a:9jNh,|nal g fSnjR`a(`B,|ng AfN Rf"J.gTa3^a3`NT Wf"J.gTa3^a3`N" HfN  faLa^N  fajaJN EfN SfN BfN Xf` fN TfRaf3^Nu Lf ybNu OfRaB3jNu IfRa.3hNu NfX`h DfN Ff J.gN Pf yd`?<?<NNPBNATa3^Jga>Jg a3f |a0< a~:9^aHBg/f cb Spur : pq Sektor : pq Laufwerk : Eingabe : Ausgabe : Gefunden bei :      &  ,  .       L" *:       `/<NNX | ( (aB@ap |a |aa `Ry` y `kRy^ yP^kBy^3``^Sy`fSy^j3O^3 ``:? yjg?9j?<NMX?<NAXNu yhg*?9h?<NMXJg?9h`?<?<NMXJg?<?<NMXNu,|n>< |a*n3laX |a<<*|n  j.`Jka0< aBQB |a |nazQ/nja4,_><`v,_Nu*|n<< |a@><?f j<.aQQNu |a:9^a |a:9`av |a09b@Aa09d@0a| |'a:9ha< |4a:9jNh,|nal g fSnjR`a(`B,|ng AfN Rf"J.gTa3^a3`NT Wf"J.gTa3^a3`N" HfN  faLa^N  fajaJN EfN SfN BfN Xf` fN TfRaf3^Nu Lf ybNu OfRaB3jNu IfRa.3hNu NfX`h DfN Ff J.gN Pf yd`?<?<NNPBNATa3^Jga>Jg a3f |a0< a~:9^aHBg/f cb Spur : pq Sektor : pq Laufwerk : Eingabe : Ausgabe : Gefunden bei :      &  ,  .       L" *:        Documentation for RECOVER, ver. 1.01 A Public Domain Program from Articulate Software This is a program to help recover files that have been accidentally deleted. It is primarily effective for finding files that contain text, rather than programs. This is because it will display the contents of a "cluster" (two sectors) on the disk, and you must look at it and determine whether that is part of your lost file; programs will usually look like garbage on the screen. To use the program, double-click on RECOVER.TOS. Type a single letter for which drive contains the file you are trying to recover. When asked for a cluster number, enter consecutive cluster numbers and WRITE DOWN A LIST of the clusters that contain your file, in proper order. At this time, always enter 'N' in response to the program's question, "Hit Y to add to buffer, N otherwise." Once you have a complete list, enter the proper sector numbers in consecutive order, and answer 'Y' to the program's question. When done, just hit [Return] in response to the program's request for a cluster number. Then, insert a DIFFERENT disk. Type a filename under which to save your data. Examine the results. If they are incorrect, go back and try the process again. There will often be a small amount of garbage at the end of your file; this is unavoidable. You should remove this garbage after restoring the file. For example, if it is a word processing file, edit the file with your word processor to remove the garbage. You can use Control-S to pause the scrolling as the contents of a cluster are being displayed. There are several ways you can answer the question that asks for a cluster number: - Type a number. If it is invalid, RECOVER will tell you the valid range of cluster numbers. - Type a plus sign. The cluster number will be one higher than the previous value. - Type a minus sign. The cluster number will be one lower than the previous value. - Type a plus or minus sign followed by a number. The number will be added or subtracted from the previous cluster number. - Hit RETURN when you are done entering cluster numbers and saving them in the buffer. - Backspace will erase the previous character; Escape will erase all characters that have been typed. Also, a tip to speed the process of locating your file: Do not start at cluster zero and plod through all of the clusters. TOS tends to store a file in a consecutive series of clusters, or sometimes several groups of consecutive clusters. Try checking every tenth cluster until you find the area of the disk that contains your file. To cancel program execution, hit [Control-C] at any time. If you find this program useful, or if you would like the source code (which is NOT public domain), please send a $10 check to: Articulate Software 83 Corte Mesa Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901 ` "*O.|*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NJ/<NA"/0<NBNuNV. a. a~. Lat. aj. a`. aV.?<HNTT#*.*?<HNTT#.J.f&. a.a >NTBWNT.2a.faaj.a y>SWa^.a yB@0(H@B@H@//9*NdP>a,.aaaBWNTN^NuNV.aj>NT2 92fBWNT92H>a|2> aJJ92m& 92n92H>?<NDT#JgJ92m 92o .aJgZN^NuNVBn 9*"yBA2)HABAHA n. a`>a.a~."aJ9"g 9+"f2J9#f=|`.#a=@B@0.n>a`L 9-"f4J9#f=|`.#aT=@B@0.n=@>aN`."a0=@ yB@0(nb&.Oa y>SWaL> a`=n92H> y?( yB@0(W y?( 9.й /Bg?<ND =@l >a` y> 9.й /aX.ma>NTH>a@ .fBWNT .Yg .Nf.H>a.a .Yf yB@0(H@B@H@ѹ `N^NuNV.a>a&> aN^NuNV|B..al.?< NTT> ar N.HHB(J.f.a0=|`BW/?<a=|`../9 ?.?<@NTP=@Jnl>a=|`J0.H"9 각l.a=|`(>?<>NTT=@Jnl>a:=|JnfN^NuNV n eB0. >aB0. H@>W0a^N^NuNV`b n  l& nJm n  g n  g n  f nH>aR`>^a nH>W@aR0. Sn J@f> aN^NuNVBn` B@0. "nHA|=@R n 0m n 9oB@0.N^NuNV .a m .z n . H|`. HN^NuNV nm(.a00.D@S@0@"| ^.a`(.a0.D@|0@"| .a> aN^NuNVBn>NTH=@ nfBWNTJnf( n+g n-f0n0.>aRn nl( n0m n9n0n0.>a~Rn nfJno . a@Sn nf` . a*SnJnn n fD> a2 n2nBN^NuNV` nH>aR nJfN^NuNV . f> ?<NTT. H>?<NTTN^Nu#NN/9Nu#NM/9Nu#NA/9NuNVH?BCB..,. f# <`hlDRCJlDRCn8fzB`0l :HGH`xe`Jge`|fD# D`# JLN^Nu    - ' > L g   @ X g v : Drive not ready or attached: Unknown program command: Error reading sector: Bad request: Could not seek to sector: Unknown floppy disk media: Sector not found: Failure writing to disk: Failure reading from disk: General mishap: Disk is write-protected: You switched disks: Unknown device: Insert the disk being examinedInvalid function numberFile not foundPath not foundNo file handles leftAccess deniedInvalid handleInsufficient memoryInvalid memory block addressInvalid drive specifiedNo more filesEevRECOVER, version 1.01 -- Copyright(C) 1986 by Mike Morearty This program is public domain. If you find it useful or would like the source code, please send $10 to: Articulate Software 83 Corte Mesa Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901 Can't allocate any buffer memoryPress any key to exit: If you have not read the RECOVER.DOC file, type ^C and read it before going on. Clusters are numbered 0 through . There is room for clusters in memory. Enter letter for drive, or ^C to stop: Invalid drive Buffer full Enter cluster #: n, +[n], -[n], or Return when done: Out of range - range is 0 to Hit Y to add to buffer, N otherwise: Cluster number = Insert destination disk and enter filename: Invalid filena me Disk full TOS ErrorGEM Error:   .          $$ "   ",&" ( `&rh "f n">4 Capture Buffer Transfer No error detection/correction Opening capture buffer... THE NO-FRILLS ST SECTOR EDITOR v1.01 30 November 1985 James M. Eli 74176,2137 No-Frills Documentation: The author takes no responsiblity as to the quality or performance of this software. Use this at your own risk... preferably on backup copies. You can easily render programs, or entire disks useless, believe me I know! To Run: First set your screen resolution to MEDIUM, then simply double click on the program name. The title screen will prompt to insert your working disk and press RETURN (remember: use backups). The program will now initialize and read sector '0' of drive 'A'. From here on the program will accept input in both upper and lower case. Use only the commands which are displayed, as there is limited error checking. Here is a breif description of the commands available: O Toggles between the lower and upper halves of the 512 byte sector. Each time it displays 256 bytes (1-256/257-512) in both hexadecimal and ASCII format. N New sector number to read or write. Be careful not to outstep the bounds of single (0-719) or double (0-1439) density drives. The noise this makes is enough to keep you from trying this more than once. If a sector less than 0 is requested, on the next read operation sector 0 is substituted. R Read current sector. W Write to current sector. You are given one chance to bail-out before you make a permanent change. Before going through with this operation check the drive & sector #'s, and be sure this is what you want. +/- Respectively inrements or decrements the sector number, and then reads this sector. Should (!?) not step out-of-bounds. M Modify data. Enter the location (1-512, making sure you are displaying the correct half), followed by the new byte. If a new location is not specified, consectutive bytes are accessed. Just hit RETURN when finished. Be careful now! D Drive swap. Toggle between drive A and B. P Prints the current sector in the buffer in both hex & ASCII. Dumps the data out the parallel port. B Changes the background color (Did I say no frills?). Q Quit and exit back to the Desktop. The Read and Write status returned will be '0' for successful operations. Occasionally '-1' will pop up (which means: 'Anti-Success'), just check to make sure you requested a legal sector, your media is not write protected, etc. and try again. If everything checks out you probably found a bad or missing sector (intentional or otherwise). If you have used any of the sector editors for the 8-bit line you'll have no trouble here. This program started out in Haba HIPPO-C, but was finished in the Alcyon C supplied with the developer's kit. HIPPO-C has a good programming environment which makes going from the editor to compiler to linker easy. Unfortunately HIPPO-C lacks the support in their library to make extended BIOS calls, this was the main reason to change C's. If there is enough interest in this out there, I'll consider enhancements (add drop-down menus and all that good GEM stuff), and possible future 'No-Frills' programs... how does a 'No-Frills ST Custom Formatter' sound? b If you have found this program of value, or you have a soft spot for poor programmers who have struggled endlessly to develop PD software feel free to send a $10.00 donation to: James Eli 613 Paddy Run Rd. Clarksville, TN 37042 It will be greatly appreciated. Hope you can use this. Capture buffer closed. Press to continue: `5.b*O*m#= - ЭЭм"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA y= "h#=E?/ NJN"/0<NBNu o AdpNu#=BNuNV0/"/ NB=d0< A6"NB0<NBN^Nu o2/0/ HSoQBNu o0/JfBNuf SNuNV N.///N 3AbByA`` N2yA`1|RyA` y A`m=|./<Ab/NP n*o.7F?<NxTp`B@N^NuNV>E?</<7N\>q?<?<p?</<7N .7N.8N>?<N TABN^NuNV`.>?<N TJg>?<N TH|gBW?<N TJgBn`Bn`0n2.AHҼE0H|H=@0n2.AHҼE0H|HH@=@0n"|700@0n"|700@.H>Bg?<N X.H>Bg?<N X>|Bg?<N XRn nm@> Bg?<N X> Bg?<N XBn`0n2.AHҼE0H||oP0n2.AHҼE0H||l.0n2.AHҼE0H>WBg?<N X`>.Bg?<N XRn nmp> Bg?<N XRn n mZN^NuNV>E?</<88N\ByA``> ?<?<N XRyA` yA`m.8=NByA``09A`@>097WRW/<8mNXBy?@`T0y729A`AHҼE49?@H҂0H>W/<8rNX>|?<?<N XRy?@ y?@m.:V?< NTBy?@`0y729A`AHҼE49?@H҂0H||ol0y729A`AHҼE49?@H҂0H||l<0y729A`AHҼE49?@H҂0H>W/<8wNX`>.?<?<N XRy?@ y?@m@.:V?< NTRyA` yA`mx.AZ/<8zNX>7B?97DWWA/<8N\>q?<?<p?</<8N .8N.9NN^NuNVByA``.>A`W ?<5?<Y?</<9)N RyA` yA`m> ?<5?<Y?</<93N N^NuNVa.9/<EaZX 9 Eg 9XEg.EN=@097R@nn097|nmr`.=n>ah>q?<0n"|E0H?W?<p?</<9UN a.9bN>/<EaX 9 Eg 9XEg.EN=@ nnJnm>a>klWW?9GW ?<Y?<?./<9zN no nl>W/<9NX`>.?<?<N X0.2nE@Rn097|nl>a00n"|E0H>W/<9NX`*aN^NuNV non0.H3G0.HH@J@fSyG0.29GAA=@3klRyG0.R@=@>W ?9GW ?<Y?</<9N N^NuNVBn nB(`B n0m n9o n|X`L>?<?<N X0.2nRnSn o >?<N T=@| f n f0.2nRn n2nBN^NuNVBnByA^ByA`` |E2yA`BRyA` yA`ma>7D?97B?</<E?<?<N #AZa`>?<N TAB 9bABg 9BABf2Rn noBn0n"|7$>Bg?<N X=@ 9+ABfRy7BRAB 9-ABfSy7BRAB 9NABg 9nABfp> ?<5?<Y?</<9N >/<EaXa..EN37B>7B?<C?<2?<Y?</<9N 9QABg 9qABf3A^ 9OABg 9oABfJy7gB@`0<37aP 9DABg 9dABf@Jy7DgB@`p37D>7DWA?<8?<2?<Y?</<9N 9MABg 9mABfa 9RABg 9rABfLBy7 y7Bb`By7B>7D?97B?</<E?<?<N #AZa 9PABg 9pABfar 9WABg 9wABf>Bg?<N X=@> ?<5?<Y?</<9N >?<N TAB 9YABg 9yABf6>7D?97B?</<E?<?<N #AZa`a>Bg?<N X=@JyA^gN^NuNVar=@fa^>AbN NfN^Nu#=NN/9=Nu#=NM/9=Nu#=NA/9=NuNV3eGByGByG3GNN^NuNV#=#=& .мZ#=*3dGByG3 G n 3GN n 0G#=@=#?B=&#Cd=*#Ad="N^Nu#G="<=psNBNuNV3G0.|Hм5-@=|` nH2nG2RRn nm.GNnB@09GN^NuNV#GAB#EdAF#GAJ#GAN#GAR#khAV#ABG> aF3GGpN^NuNV>a*pN^NuNV3G# G>4NN^NuNV>MN n0G n 0G n0G n0GB@09GN^NuNVH*nBGBF`RHHм<6 @f +fR` -fRRF` H@| 0m 9oJFg0D@>0JL N^NuNVHN&BW/<6NzX>/<6NzX>/<6NzX n2n B*n`&HHм<6 @g H| `HRJf> /.N$XJL N^NuNV. /./<:VN6PN^NuNV./. /.N6PN^NuNVH BWN%#=0#=4By=..6a*n`N`RJgHHм<6 @fJg2 "g 'fFH>/ RNX(@ f.9/ aVX H> M2GBRG.Ra`BG`RG M2GJg5pHHм<6 @gJ5pg M2GBRGH`BWNVBW/ RNXJ@g.R/<9aX`l>NV ->f@>/ TNX|f>B?<N\|f.R/<: a|X`$BW/ RNX|g.R/<:aVX`>?/ NXJf>*/ NXJg-|N.8?<NT>/ ?<N)x\<f.:)/ aX`^.H?/.aZ\.N+>RWN+(@./ N*X.a>/ ?<N)x\<f`.a`|g`JfBaSy=..=4Nz|f.:C/<:4a*XB/9=0?9=.N \>NJL0N^NuNV|./N*X. /N*X.:D/N*X.?< NT>NN^NuNVH*n y=4 X=4Ry=.JL N^NuNVH*n. 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Eli All Rights Reserved < INSERT DISK & PRESS RETURN TO START >%c%c1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 %3d|%02x%c R/W Status: %2d Drive: %c Sector: %d  %c%c No-Frills Sector Editor %c%c By: Eli CMDS: ther 1/2 rive ew Sec

rint odify ead rite <+/-> uit%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%cENTER Location or %c%c%02x%c%cENTER (0-255) or %02x%c%c%c%c%c%02x%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%cENTER Sector: %c%c%c%c %d %c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%cAre you sure : unmatched quoteCannot open Cannot append Cannot create : No matchStack Overflow $          8Tz~&*8Tz&.<< *2*|)**P*|*|) !!!!" CP/M-68K(tm), Version 1.2, Copyright (c) 1983, Digital Research X-0-6543216$ N&    (&" "" &              0  $ $0 J(J                        $  $\   ,"  ,D( 0 <    >  h 0HN&  j^***`&$ D"V8*R$ZF \@(B4.J".86 Jp $""@2&"fHR"D(<@* T0^0 : $6 X`*B?< NA\O#*ByD/9*?< NA\O?<NA  Documentation for VERIFY and AUTOVRFY Public Domain Programs from Articulate Software When you turn the Atari ST on, it is set to verify every disk write by following it with a disk read. Although this is a good precaution, it is usually unnecessary, because disk errors are extremely infrequent, and verifying greatly increases the amount of time taken for disk writes. If you have been using your c omputer for some months with no disk errors, these programs will let you turn off the write-verify feature. (In one benchmark test, the time taken to write 200K to the disk was decreased from 62 seconds to 36 seconds by turning verify off -- a 42% decrease in time taken.) If you run VERIFY, you are what the current write-verify state is (on or off), and you are asked to select whether you want to turn it on or off. The default, selected by pressing RETURN, is off. AUTOVRFY is another version of this program, but it does not tell you the current state, and it assumes that you want to turn write-verify off. It is useful if you want to always have write-verify turned off when you start up your computer: you can create a directory called AUTO on the disk that you boot with, and then copy the file AUTOVRFY.PRG to the AUTO directory. Now, every time you boot up your computer using that disk, write-verify will be automatically turned off. If you find these programs useful or would like the source code (which is NOT public domain), please send $10 to: Articulate Software 83 Corte Mesa Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901. o` *O.| *m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NJ/<NA"/0<NBNuNVNJ@l$.&?< NnT>NnBWNn.Q/]/Y/UN> 3=|`0n 0Rn n m3 ./</< NPJ9g*.NJ@f.Q?<NTBWNnN^NuNVJ9gN>N~N BWNnN^NuNVa-|DB?< NnT-@ nJPg./< aX`./< a|X./< ajX.?< NnT. ?<NT=@B?< NnT-@ nf n0` nBP.?< NnTaN^NuNV`R nJf` n"n RR n Jf n"n N^Nu# NN/9 Nu# NM/9 Nu# NA/9 NuNV3eByBy3$N(N^NuNV# # .мZ# 3dBy3  n 3$N( n 0$# # # # N^Nu# "< psNBNuNV30.|Hм-@=|` nH2n2RRn nm.N>B@09N^NuNV#####0#8#> aF3pN^NuNV>a*pN^NuNV3# 0>4N>N^NuNV>MN> n0 n 0 n0 n0 B@09N^NuNV#0>nN>N^NuNV>oN>N^Nu    -[0][Verify, version 1.00|(C)1986 by Articulate Software| |Write-verify is now .|Do you want it ON or OFF?| ][ON|OFF]EERROR -- cannot initialize application [3][ERROR -- Cannot read resource file][Cancel]ONOFF.      ,L    $   `[f=N NJl*O*m - ЭЭм!"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN lHhN4X/,?,N2\?<NB2?<A?<NAXNuNV9l"?. ?.NX9l"N^NuNVBnBnBnHl/,NEPHl/,NEPHl/,NEP)lBg?<?.?.?.?.Bg?</,N? ,мP @BPBnHnHnHnHn/,N@?.?.?.?.BgBgBgBgBgN?z?.?.?.?.BgBg0.2.HA?0.2.HA??<N?6BgBgBgBg?<Bg/,N=0,g=|?< /,N\` Hl /,NHP=@0.| g`0<l9@9@=@` `|g`0<n=@Bn` `|g`d)l0<l˞9@˞0<Al˞",ҼҼ A" A" ABgBgBgBgBg?</,N=,?</,N\` f`|g`d)l0<l˜9@˜0<Al˜",Ҽ`Ҽ A" A" ABgBgBgBgBg?</,N<?</,N\` ` |g`P0.g&0.f0,gHl/,NC&P?<?<N!X?<BgBg?<?,˞BHn?<NB9@0,f.H@|=@`` z0.аn f|`d?<?<N X?< /,N\)l?<?<?.?.?.?.Bg?</,N< ,мP @BPBn` `$?,˜?. ?.?.N 6P=@0.f`Bn|0<=@=@`?</,Nh\?<?<NX`` | g`B.B.Hl/,NAP?<?<NX nf?<BgBg?<?,˞BHn?<NAn9@0,fh.H|g .H|f`"9|".H=@ .H=@.H@.H|A=@0.HH =@Sn ```T?<BgBg?<?,˞BHn?<N@9@0,f.H@|=@ ``9|"=| =|P0<2. 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We enhanced 'The Formatter'and this is what we came up with. We hope you find it useful.Click on any of the boxes below for more help on the subject.Copy diskMAGICMultiple CopiesCopierCopies double orsingle sidedMAGIC SAC disks.If allowed, letsyou make anothercopy of the samedisk, instantly.Intelligentlycopies disksof any format.(unprotected disks)Executable bootMS-DOS BootWrites a bootsector that canset BIOS time, cause cold reset,turn off verify,set med rez,bypass hard diskbootup, or runCOMMAND.PRG onfloppy bootup.Writes IBM DOSboot sector.MAGICFormatsFast MAGIC SACFast or Normal80 or 82 tracks9 or 10 sectorssingle or doubleA or B driveMAGIC SAC disksin fast format!Double sided orsingle sided!Executable boot sector ('Executable Boot' from format menu)This will create a boot sector on the floppy disk which will beexecuted before the system is booted up. Six options areavailable to: turn off disk write verify, set to medium res,bypass a hard disk bootup, run COMMAND.PRG, check for a validtime and set the system clock, or make resets a cold start.Select 'Executable Boot' from 'Format options.' When the newmenu appears, select the appropriate options, then click on'Write It!' The boot sector will be written to the driveselected from the 'Format Options' menu.Continue from all Double Click alerts with the right mouse buttonCopy Disk ('Copy disks' from format menu)Copy disk will copy MAGIC SAC format, or any of the followingcombined: single or double sided, 9-10 sectors, 80-82 tracks,normal or fast formats (for faster reads and writes), A: or B:In all cases, if you are not formatting the destination disk,DC Formatter checks to see if both disks are similar. If youare going to format the destination disk, DC Formatter will auto-matically format the destination the same as the source disk.To copy MAGIC SAC disks, single or double sided, choose'MAGIC disk copy' from 'Copy Options,' or 'MAGIC' from 'Formatoptions,' then choose 'Copy disks.' Once MAGIC is selected, youcan click on 'OKAY' from the copy menu.Toggle source and destination by clicking on the drive letter.When 'Multiple' is not disabled, clicking on it will make a copyof the last disk. 1 meg can make multiple copies of any format.Continue from all Double Click alerts with the right mouse buttonFormat OptionsSelect any combination of the following:Single or double sided, 9 or 10 sectors, 80 or 82 tracks, normalor fast formats (for faster reads and writes), drive A or B.If drive B is not online on bootup, you cannot choose it.MAGIC SAC disks are formatted FAST, 10 sectors, 80 tracks. Youselect whether sides will be 1 or 2. Click 'MAGIC' then 'FORMAT.'FAST gives you faster reads and writes to the floppy.Other options available from the format menu are:COPY DISKS, EXECUTABLE BOOT, or MS-DOS BOOT. See separate help.Continue from all Double Click alerts with the right mouse buttonMS-DOS Boot ('MS-DOS boot' from format menu)Selecting this will write an IBM DOS 3.2 boot sector to the diskselected. Warning: IBM DOS only recognizes single or doublesided disks with 9 sectors (you can use fast format).Continue from all Double Click alerts with the right mouse buttonUseful with PC emulators running on the ST.MAGIC SACMAGIC SAC disk format is used with Data Pacific's MAGIC SACMacintosh emulator. DC Formatter allows you to format disksreadable by the MAGIC SAC. Disks are formatted for faster readsand writes, and may be single or double sided. MAGIC disk copywill copy single or double sided MAGIC disks. See copy options.Continue from all Double Click alerts with the right mouse buttonContinue from allDouble Click alertboxes by depressingthe right mousebutton.DError during copy.Disks dissimilar.Task completed.Error during write.Look for ZENTH Termand ZENTH BBS, soon.For information, write:Double Click Software2502 LemonwoodHouston,Tx 77038Double Click SoftwareDouble Click Software Write MS-DOS boot sector? 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Nur noch TOS.IMG auf die Diskette kopieren schon fertig. Den Source Code koennen sie bei der folgenden Adresse fuer 20 DM bestellen. Eventuelle verbesserungsvorschlaege werden dankend angenommen. Wenn ihnen dieses Programm gefaellt dann schauen sie sich unter dem Menuepunkt "About Formatter" die Kontonummer an und senden sie 10$ oder 20 DM an die folgende Adresse: (Posing Romain (6,rue des chariots (9023,Ettelbruck (G.D.Luxembourg `F.^hN NE*O*m - ЭЭм!"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA m"m -So Q m -SBQ(m)M*mN lHhN6X/,?,N6\?<N>n?<A?<NAXNuNVBn`0.RnAB nmBn` nR2.RnA nfBn|A)H?<?.?.?.?. /./,?< N@`N^NuNV?<N@T-@Bn=|BnBn=|0.|g 0<`0<?0.|g 0<`0<?/./,?<N@d0.|g 0<`0<gf0.|g 0<`0<gJ0.|g"|||| U,,$`|>|| U,,0.|g 0<`0<gf0.|g 0<`0<gJ0.|g"|@|| U,,``| || U,,0.|g 0<`0<gF0.|g 0<`0<g*0.|g|,6`|,?.?.?.?.?././,?< N>=@0.g 0.`Bn`0.RnAB nm=|`B?.?.?.?.?././,?< N>t=@0.g 0.`Rn0.2<ng 2< `2< RAAm0.|gtRn=|`B?.?.?.?.?././,?< N==@0.g 0.`2Rn0.2<ng 2< `2< RAAm|||Sn=|?.?.?.?.?././,?< N=v=@0.g 0.`=|?.?.?.?.?././,?< N=4=@0.g 0.`p0< 2.|g 2< `2< A=@0.|g$?<Bg?.?./. Nt `$` Bg?<?.?./. 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[2][Are you sure you|want to quit?][ Yes | No ]00 Formatting-> 80 Tracks 09 Sectors [->TOS Standard<-] Formatting-> 80 Tracks 10 Sectors Formatting-> 81 Tracks 09 Sectors Formatting-> 81 Tracks 10 Sectors Formatting-> 82 Tracks 09 Sectors Formatting-> 82 Tracks 10 Sectors Formatting DS-> 80 Tracks 09 Sectors [->TOS Standard<-] Formatting DS-> 80 Tracks 10 Sectors Formatting DS-> 81 Tracks 09 Sectors Formatting DS-> 81 Tracks 10 Sectors Formatting DS -> 82 Tracks 09 Sectors Formatting DS-> 82 Tracks 10 Sectors Formatting DS-> SIDE #2 =}}ݷm`P HGCAABBE"HS g d @DDHDDDDDDDDDDD,DDDDD }@}FORMAT3M.RSCFORMAT3H.RSC[1][FORMAT designed for MEDIUM or|HI Resolution only! Please be|sure set to one of these.][ Thanks ][3][No Resource File was Loaded!|Insure the Resource file is |on the disk your are using!][ Sorry ] You MUST Double-Click to Open an Icon! FORMAT III [Drive A] by E.E. Aycock FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE FORMAT III [Drive A] by E.E. Aycock FORMAT III [Drive B] by E.E. Aycock FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE [1][Insuffient Memory for Format.| ][ Bummer ] Check the disk's write protect! FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE Enter the Disks Name Your Disk's Statistics FORMAT'S INFORMATION LINE [2][Something went wrong with the|creation of the Volume name.][ Ok ].            " *  * * *   ($$ &( $ "         $$ &  .   .    .    .    .    .   , ,(.,(.,&&",*,.$ $                   N     $$ & @> ,6.  @>     $   (6$  (6(6      F  JnR*2            zf  $                      <$.| D. - Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Are you sure that you wantto FORMAT the Disk at thistime?CancelFormatSTOPworkings of Digital Research's GEM software machine. Asof computers are VERY powerful. I became obsessed with theI got deeper into it I realized that GEM and the ST seriesability to create neat little windows, dialogs and the like.That is why this program is so large and all it does is toformat disks! This was originally written as a venture into the innerThe fastest read times will be gained with the standard TOSlarger formats, what you gain in space you lose in speed.format and the "FAST" options selected.E.E. AycockI know the only bug is don't use an underline ("_") in thedialog boxes (this is a TOS bug)! When you use the "FAST" read speed option along with the This is the third version of this program and as far asFormattingWait...FormatAnother One of ThoseMarvelous GEMApplications!ShareWare By E.E. AycockVer. 3.00(Hi) 80 Tracks/09 Sectors 80 Tracks/10 Sectors 81 Tracks/09 Sectors 81 Tracks/10 Sectors 82 Tracks/09 Sectors 82 Tracks/10 SectorsTOS Double Sided Single Sided1. Choose Type.FORMAT IIIby E.E. AycockDoneCancel2. Choose Format.3. Choose Drive.4. Choose Speed.DRIVE ADRIVE BCONTROLPANEL8Read SpeedNORMFAST5. Choose Done/Cancel.PANELHELPINFORMATIONThe format did not occurBummerlike it was supposed too!Check the disk or thedisk drive!DiskName:_pYou may enter a volume name forreturn to write the name.your disk. It is optional. HitCancelWriteThis is Your Formatted Free Space:This is Your USABLE Free Disk Space:Usable space for your type offormat MUST match! If theydon't, something isTry again or get a new disk.WRONG!Ok00 80/9-> 357,376 80/10-> 398,336 81/9-> 361,472 81/10-> 403,456 82/9-> 366,592 82/10-> 408,576 Format Type-> Usable Space * x2 for Double Sided!s>>>>>>>>>?|?|?|??????!!-- !!    !!!!!!!--!b????????????UUUUD#@@  ?   ''   ?????????????UUUUD#@@  ?   ''   ? `on `pvn~Nyvnyvn~Nyvn yvo`H    H|  |왘| |0|3f|2`fd3fd0ddϞ|ddϞ|dd||~afgSaff_y1d͟110a???133313330a???0011pwwwwwwp| 0>00>||?>x@|?xxx0Q x<<x{  6(( &  0* F  0* f 4 0 5 0 6; 0 V@ 0B JK8L;;=@A;BPQR;<: 12(3?@ A|};~"<;! 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This was originally written as a venture into the innerThe fastest read times will be gained with the standard TOSlarger formats, what you gain in space you lose in speed.E.E. AycockI know the only bug is don't use an underline ("_") in thedialog boxes (this is a TOS bug)! When you use the "FAST" read option along with theformat and the "FAST" options selected. This is the third version of this program and as far asFormattingWait...FormatAnother One of ThoseMarvelous GEMApplications!ShareWare By E.E. AycockVer. 3.00(Med) 80 Tracks/09 Sectors 80 Tracks/10 Sectors 81 Tracks/09 Sectors 81 Tracks/10 Sectors 82 Tracks/09 Sectors 82 Tracks/10 SectorsTOS Double Sided Single Sided1. Choose Type.FORMAT IIby E.E. AycockDoneCancel2. Choose Format.3. Choose Drive.4. Choose Speed.DRIVE ADRIVE BCONTROLPANELRead SpeedNORMFAST5. Choose Done/Cancel.PANELHELPINFORMATIONThe format did not occurBummerlike it was supposed too!Check the disk or thedisk drive!DiskName:_pYou may enter a volume name forreturn to write the name.your disk. It is optional. HitCancelWriteThis is Your Formatted Free Space:This is Your USABLE Free Disk Space:Usable space for your type offormat MUST match! If theydon't, something isTry again or get a new disk.WRONG!Ok00 80/9-> 357,376 80/10-> 398,336 81/9-> 361,472 81/10-> 403,456 82/9-> 366,592 82/10-> 408,576 Format Type-> Usable Space * x2 for Double Sided!s>>>>>>>>>?|?|?|??????!!-- !!    !!!!!!!--!b????????????UUUUD#@@  ?   ''   ?????????????UUUUD#@@h  ?   ''   ? `on `pvn~Nyvnyvn~Nyvn yvo`H    H|  |왘| |0|3f|2`fd3fd0ddϞ|ddϞ|dd||~afgSaff_y1d͟110a???133313330a???0011pwwwwwwp| 0>00>||?>x@|?xxx0Q x<<x{  0((  0* @  0* ` . 0 / 0 05 0 P: 0B JK8L;;=@A;BPQR;<:     UV;Wyz"{6(;)* +34r5<=>STUcdestu  !"9:;?@CAPQRabcstu    ,- $*+!t)*r#+NOr#Pstr#ur PP  $ P %( = R g |  , !   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