O] p @`  @` @`  @`HD5_README wBDE&C_FLOPPYPRG wBD SC_FALC6 PRG wBD SC_FALC5 PRG wBDuAHDI PRG wBD bInstallation of Spectrum HoloByte's Falcon onto a hard drive. This procedure works best with version 1.1 of Falcon or the Mission Disk, and requires at least 1 Meg of RAM. If you have the copy protected version 1.0, see the additional notes at the end of this text. First, a few explanations. In version 4, I did not explain that it's solution to the loading problem was only in the floppy based boot procedure. The full HD boot was essentially the same as in version 2. I also forgot to include AHDI.PRG in the archive, which is a part of the floppy boot. I finally discovered the secret to the loading difficulties, and have included a few different versions this time. In most cases, including users with ICD boot software, a full hard drive boot should now be possible. There are also troubleshooting notes to help identify potential problems. - Deciding which boot program to use - If you have TOS 1.4 ROMs, and are Not using ICD auto-boot software, you should be able to use the C_FALC5.PRG loader. This is similar to version 4, but the problem of drive B being disabled has been fixed, and multiple ACTIVERO file support has been added. If previous versions of full hard drive boots have failed, (generally, when using ICD software, or TOS 1.0), C_FALC6.PRG will probably work for you. It will also work in most cases where the floppy based boot in version 4 worked. If both of these HD loads fail, the last resort is C_FLOPPY.PRG, which requires an initial step of booting from a floppy disk, but is still lots faster than running the whole game from floppies. - General - The first letter of the Falcon Boot's filename tells which drive to run Falcon from. All of the game files should be on that drive in a folder named FALCON. Using a file rename function, just change the first letter of the filename to the drive you put Falcon on. The rest of the filename must stay the same. (Ex. C_FALC5.PRG will boot falcon from drive C, D_FALC5.PRG will boot from drive D, etc...) The single boot program can run either Falcon or the Mission Disk. On boot-up, press the left shift key to run Falcon, the right shift key to run the Mission Disk, and press nothing for a normal system boot. - Setting up the Falcon Boot program - For C_FALC5 or C_FALC6: C_FALC5.PRG or C_FALC6.PRG should be placed in the AUTO folder on your hard drive. It must be the first program in the folder. The simplest way to make sure it is the first program, is to copy all of the files from your hard drive's AUTO folder to some temporary location, and then delete all of the AUTO folder files. Copy the Falcon Boot into the AUTO folder, and then copy all of the previous files from the temporary area back into the folder. If you are using FALC6, then you must also copy AHDI.PRG into the AUTO folder and rename it to AHDI.SYS. For C_FLOPPY: You will need to create a floppy disk with the Falcon Boot in an AUTO folder, and the AHDI.PRG on the root. This disk will need to be booted from drive A in order to run Falcon. Hold down the CONTROL, L SHIFT, and ALTERNATE keys to bypass the hard disk auto boot, (or follow manufacturer's instructions for how to boot from floppy disk). - Creating the FALCON folder - You will need to copy all the contents of both Falcon disks into a folder named FALCON on the drive that matches the first letter of the Falcon Boot program. First, copy all of the files and folders from Disk #2 into the FALCON folder. The contents of Disk #1 must be added in several steps. First, copy the files LOADER.PC1 and F16_V1_1.IMG, (or MISSION.IMG for the Mission Disk), into FALCON. Then copy the game's loader program from the AUTO folder of Disk #1 into FALCON. If your version of Falcon has the name LOADER.PRG, that file must be renamed to F16_V1_1.PRG. Also, you must use original versions of the loader files that have not been patched with the F16LDFIX program I wrote. Then open the folder SOUNDS on both Disk #1 and within the FALCON folder. Copy the four sound files from Disk #1 into the SOUNDS folder in FALCON, then close both folders. The ARTWORK folder on Disk #1 is empty, so it can be skipped. If you wish to have both Falcon and the Mission Disk accessable, you need to have both of the game's loader programs, and both .IMG files in the FALCON folder. The ACTIVERO files for Falcon and the Mission Disk should be renamed to ACTIVERO.FAL and ACTIVERO.MIS, and both copied into the hard drive FALCON folder. PLEASE read the Troubleshooting note regarding possible problems with the ACTIVERO files. The LOADER.PC1 files should be renamed to FALCON.PC1 and MISSION.PC1 and copied into the FALCON folder. The boot program will rename the files back and forth so that the correct ones will be active when each game is booted. The ARTWORK and SOUNDS folders are identical for both games, so they can be shared. You should now be able to boot Falcon. For the hard disk boot, you need to press the left shift key in order to run Falcon, and right shift to run the Mission Disk. The floppy boot will will check to see if you have both programs installed, and if so, it will prompt you for a choice. Press the 1 key to run Falcon, or press 2 to run the Mission Disk. You should wait for the floppy drive light to turn on before pressing any keys. - Troubleshooting - Make sure you are using original loader files that have not been patched with the F16LDFIX program. The Falcon boot program will not work if it is renamed. If the system still goes to the desktop when you try to load the game, this is usually an indication that the booter couldn't find one of the files. For hard drive boot, AHDI.SYS (renamed from AHDI.PRG) must be in the hard drive AUTO folder. For floppy boot, AHDI.PRG must be on the root of the floppy disk. In both cases, the requested game's loader program must be in a FALCON folder on the drive matching the first letter of the Falcon boot program. For Falcon, the loader must be named F16_V1_1.PRG, and for the Mission Disk is should be named MISSION.PRG. Note: Some of the Falcon 1.1 disks have the file LOADER.PRG in the AUTO folder of Disk #1. Be sure you have renamed it to F16_V1_1.PRG. If the game puts up a garbled title screen, or locks up right after displaying the title screen, this is an indication of memory conflicts. If you are using FALC5, try using FALC6. If FALC6 doesn't work, try the FLOPPY load. If the FALC6 program gets about 3-4 seconds past the title screen, and prints a scrolling exception message, or if it boots all the way but doesn't run, it is probably due to an initial memory call that seems to be somewhat touchy. The technically minded ones can try adjusting the opening MSHRINK call. 26 bytes from the start of the file, (10 bytes from the actual start of the program), there is the value 00050000. Adjusting this number up or down _may_ fix the problem. I had to adjust it when I first wrote the program. You can try a variaty of values between $40000 and $60000 hex, in $1000 byte increments or so. If the game locks up only after your plane crashes, it may be a corrupted ACTIVERO file. Version 4 of the boot allowed the ACTIVERO file to be shared between Falcon and the Mission Disk. Versions 5 and 6 will do the same thing if you haven't created separate ACTIVERO.FAL and ACTIVERO.MIS files. Cross playing the same roster file seems to cause some intermittant failures, and ultimately the crash crash. (Not a typo.) Fortunately, it is easy to fix. Just delete all copies of the ACTIVERO files, and boot the game. Select CAPTAIN level or higher, then take off and dump it into the ground. (Sorry Sarge, but it's for a good cause...) Get back to the duty roster screen and QUIT (Select from the FILE menu.) The game will have written out a new ACTIVERO file which should be renamed either ACTIVERO.FAL or ACTIVERO.MIS depending on which game you ran. Then run the opposite game and do the same procedure. After purposely trashing two of the Sarge's planes, he may not give you any 9L's for a while, but it should fix the crash crashes. (I don't have a lot of data on this newest problem, and it could be related to something else, maybe even the MSHRINK adjustment.) - Tech Notes - Falcon loads into an absolute address in memory, and 1.0 ROMs and/or ICD auto boot software brings the system usage high enough to interfere with it. The version 6 loader is a real kludge. To get around the memory conflicts I move the screen memory down, and load the AHDI hard disk driver above it. Then I need to load the game's loader program into the middle of memory somewhere, so that the .IMG file will be loaded below it, and the graphics will be loaded above it. This is where the MSHRINK adjustment is used to hog a bunch of extra RAM forcing the loader into a higher memory address. - Notes for copy protected version 1.0. - Although the above procedure will work using 1.0, there are some differences. The original Falcon Disk #1 must be in drive A when the system is booted, as it will st ill check protection. For this reason, you must use a hard drive type of auto boot. The 1.0 game loader will always load the main .IMG file from Drive A. All the graphic and sound files will be loaded from hard drive, so there is still a substantial time savings, but not as much as with 1.1 which loads everything from hard drive. Also, the game's loader program will have to be renamed to F16_V1_1.PRG. For answers to any of your questions or problems, I can be contacted at: John Harris 45346 Graceway Dr. Ahwahnee, CA 93601 (209) 683-3412 GEnie: J.HARRIS32 `*o,m O// Bg?<JNA HzN?<&NN\~/?<HNA\*</?<HNA\./<?<HNA\,Hz ?<&NN\pBg//?<NN BBHzgBg?<KNAJ@k/?<INA\M/?<NA\GEakp:D@A|c@ ??<NAXHz(?<;NA\~G1a^k$~GaTkHz?< NA\?<NAT@1>GKMSGfKMIaka(*L(Ka"BB/Bg?<KNABgNABg/ ?<NNAPJ@Nu/ / Bg?<VNA Nu11FNu xN"H0<"QN6.NuPress 1 for Falcon, 2 for Mission DiskFALCON.PC1MISSION.PC1LOADER.PC1A:\AHDI.PRG\AUTO\?_FLOPPY.PRGC:\FALCON\MISSION.PRGF16_V1_1.PRG`0*o,O͝ON// Bg?<JNA ?gHz@?<&NN\M/?<NA\Gakx/?<HNA\*</?<HNA\(/<?<HNA\,Hz?<&NN\pBg//?<NN BBHz5Bg?<KNAJk^/?<INA\aVGKMESGfKM/Iafkar*L(KalGKJGfKIaHkaT*L(KaNBB/Bg?<KNABgNAp:@A|c@ ??<NAXHz?<;NA\NuBg/ ?<NNAPJ@Nu/ / Bg?<VNA Nu11FNu xN"H0<"QN6.NuFALCON.PC1MISSION.PC1LOADER.PC1ACTIVERO.FALACTIVERO.MISACTIVERO\AUTO\AHDI.SYS\AUTO\?_FALC6.PRGC:\FALCON\MISSION.PRGF16_V1_1.PRG``X*o,m O // Bg?<JNA ?gHz?<&NN\M/?<NA\Gank0p:@A|c@ ??<NAXHz?<;NA\GfKmMSGfKMIgaka(*L(Ka"BB/Bg?<KNABgNABg/ ?<NNAPJ@Nu/ / Bg?<VNA Nu11FNuFALCON.PC1MISSION.PC1LOADER.PC1\AUTO\?_FALC5.PRGC:\FALCON\MISSION.PRGF16_V1_1.PRGf`9``,`($o *`PL#R` AHDI : Jun 16 1989 v3.01 Atari Corp. 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 NAHDIS*PK! 0/BA ytCL`$0/2/ yxC`0/BA y|C U@kg yl` EJ2k INUo2/ABBCNJ1fH`?aTLJ@gpa `3\#/?<?9\/9?<Ba _J@g4 @g/2/a _ g`<2/9]a 0`V49\3 fRy`2< y hUfaV` 3`azJ@g j$ @g`4AN0/B0A@`/?/a\Jj @glpNuH@QalJgV f&P##avJg2k gSyjP3` g3``J9fLQpNuJ g(g g g gp` "(YHAYNu f6?<?9\/8?</aJ@f` x hUfR4<SBk6J g(g"(gYHAY g g f#` p` ҹҹNuJg^H@QaVJg@ Xf&P##aJgk XgSyjP`J9fL QpNuJgNJgH (Gf (Ef (Mg4 (Bf (Gf (Mg (Xf (Gf (Mgp`"((Nu Xf.?<?9\/8?</a J@f x4<SBkb JgJg"( (Gf (Ef (Mg< (Bf (Gf (Mg$ (Xf (Gf (Mf#` p`ҹҹ(Nu?<?9\/8?<//a J@g" @g @f2/a V f` x$|.0< aְyb4g23B@( 4g40<aJ@g "HAJAgR@440<a4gv230<ajA43AB440<aPBgFB2B@( 44`49C0/29\9ngC\2<QE0/@09"o29S49SBBH`?<?9\/?</ a LJ@g, @g @fH`2/a L g`naRIQaQ0/A@B0ANA@1A029ySA1A@! <.`pNu?0I002NuH@ 92<ИQ#LNu09y999NuNVUn0. fCA@gp gQC]C0.@@"q?<?9\/8?</ a 4J@g. @f<2.9]a`2.a l g`*C\0.$xPJ0< fQ0.C2<@@E3E022yE@$r49 x49SBBH`?<?9\/?</ a bLJ@g$ @g*H`2.a L g`^a@RJQaVfQA@BJng nf"n`p0."@#br2.SI#f# j"9bt4.. f "n b=B`=|. g, nc=|"x. g/ $n ?.aT"_H`?./?./ ?.aLJg fdP` . g. f"n $x?.a>Tp0.ҀЀѮ JfD0.gffJbfA@p9]9ngA00.@r20bmAt40fnl yjC0.@ 9bgm $9b`DЀfo"9fB49SBBa<QaNQB`Nu 9dNua |P>1|B0/HH@ // aXak1|1|01| 0<ah`a |P>// aLX1|B0/HH@ aBkR1|1|01| 0<a `,   Nu1|akN/ H@0< ak:/ H@0< ak&/ H@0< ak0/ H@0< azNuaP>//aX |1| 0/r㨀 aHkX"< a8kH a.k> a$k4 ak&1|1|01| 0<a`.t?<`t?<a, |P>//aX1|1|0p1|0/H@ akH"< ak: ak2 azk*0H@ alk1| 0<avJ@kQT`a0/AB@P>1H@0<!rakNH@0<!Qa`8#V ycJaJj 09yd3`3`"#VAra>B!Ѐ!a JyLf//9?< NA\ йVJyLgм/Hz~?< NA\  A4<0 gRB`TB1F//9RBg?<JNA ?8F?<NAX/<`?<;NA\ x ("e 9SNu<Nu\- Atari Hard Disk Driver AHDI v3.01 Jun-16-1989 - м?</?<1NAJ/"H 1|!H IQB _Nupy"ҹVNcpNu3prA?( /(?(/aj J@g6k&3\a< gJog (g SyrjpNupNupNuBNuTA?? xNXNu09\/<?9ogaJ@f o( `aJ@f o`p\Nu&xmdA"g`$Xf09B"ҹVNnr |V/29SACB 1| IQB %_NuAz`A k d*/?< NA\Hz ?< NA\?<?<NMX| fpNuHard disk driver not loaded; hit RETURN key to continue: *** WARNING *** This hard disk driver may not work with a disk-based version of TOS; files on your hard disk may be damaged.  *** WARNING *** You are using an unofficial ROM release of the operating system. This driver may not work correctly with it. Files on your hard disk may be damaged.   VV$V#NJyLfB?< NA\#2< pAQ3#3\33#Bg?9\/9?</<a|3Z |BBBB /?9\a\J@f& |JfL29\o(gn`JyZf(RyahJ@g @grRy\ y\f`#rt#vx#~|+|r+|v+|~+|#`3^29\9ngJyZfFr y hUfaX`aJ@fJA29\0y^c209\9ng$`A29\0SA?aH2J@kQNuH@QaJgH f&P##aJg$k gH`aLJ@gP`J9fLQpNuJgfH@QahJgH Xf&P##aJg$k XgH`a&LJ@gP`J9fL QpNu yl?<?9\/<?</a J@f |p a J@g&yc33` yll3"9 8€!#09A]AANA@RyRy^p`pNu4   * @ 2  Pd   DH* b  "   * (   Z*^   " (<,"6  xzH  $  *(T         & *$ *  *