O/ p @o @o8READ ME a SHADOFIXTOS a Shadow-Fix c1992 J.E.Cosby For ST User September 1992 What it does - SHADOFIX.TOS is a very small program designed to enhance the vital statistics of "Shadowlands" characters saved on the special format save disk. SHADOFIX.TOS maximises Strength, Force, Health, Magic, Food & Water for each of the four characters but in order to keep some playability the Combat Level is left untouched. How it's done - To start the program you may either Double-Click on the SHADOFIX.TOS icon or place it in an "AUTO" folder or install it as an AUTO-BOOT TOS program either way the program will run in any resolution and will only use the internal drive (ie. Drive A:\ ) Once running the procedure is simple. 1. Remove the Shadofix program disk 2. Insert a "Shadowlands Save Disk" into internal drive A:\ 3. Press any key to "FIX" the saved characters (or ESC to exit safely) Pressing ESC will quit the program without changing anything but will need a normal disk in the internal drive A:\. By pressing any other key the program checks the disk in the internal drive for a valid save disk and if found will "FIX" all four characters and report the task completed. If, on the other hand, the disk is not a "Shadowlands Save Disk" then an error asterisk "*" is printed and control passes back to step 3. During the game the Food, Water and Force Bars will be so long they wrap around the screen. This is perfectly normal and nothing to be worried about but I would suggest a severe hunger strike and general throwing away of all food and water as eating and drinking will "UNFIX" the super fed (Costner gets everywhere !!) besides it will allow more room to carry other stuff. Also "Use the Force" (Haven't I herd that somewhere before ?) to recharge all spells. ie. don't use "Item Force" as SHADOFIX.TOS will replenish the characters' force bars. By the way, once the "Completed" message appears you may just insert the game disk 1 into the internal drive and use the Alt-Ctrl-RShift-Del cold reset keyboard shortcut to run the game. Send your hard earned dosh to. J.E.Cosby SHADOFIX.TOS is Shareware not Public Domain so ... 11 Kilgavanagh Road, GIVE yourself some super characters Dunsilly, Antrim, N.I. GIVE your mates a copy BT41 2LJ GIVE me some money !!! Please copy this Read.Me file with the SHADOFIX.TOS program Lastly Jeff Minter is not the only "Old 8-Bit Programmer" still around !!! {`HP B?< NA\#/<V?< NA\8`f /<`/<Y?< NA\`?<*?<NAXa<gdAHakC ) $MSf"|a`"|aV"|(aL"|aBAHat/<?< NA\aT.y?Nu  EShadowlands Cheat Program 1992 J.E.Cosby Fixes 'Shadowlands' characters to be Super Characters Insert Shadowlands Save Disk into drive a: and press any key to continue or ESC to quit :Shadowlands Cheat Program 92 J.E.Cosby Fixes 'Shadowlands' characters to be Super Characters Insert Shadowlands Save Disk into drive a: and press any key to continue or ESC to quit : Complete - Press any key to Exit :clsdo1fix~low,doneexitflop$quitread`wkeyerrorHstartsupert_lowtitle