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After an indefinite period of years, you awake...where? In a garbage dump, of course. So, after hopping out of your broken-down pod, everything looks quite grim. How will you ever find those Two Guys now? First, some conventions. "Up" on the screen is north, "Down" is south, and so on. In some cases you may need to do a little maneuvering to get to where you want to go, but unlike some Sierra games, there is little in the way of extremely difficult areas. Also, this walkthru proceeds in logical order. It would be possible to cut out a lot of walking, but you ought to know what things are before you have to deal with them. So, from your pod, head south. Look at the various ships, if you want, then head east. Here you'll find a vertical conveyor belt carrying junk up to some unknown point. Looks like it may be your only escape. Head over to it and stand as close as possible. When the next bucket comes by, you'll be carried up (see the introductory walkthru in the manual for more detail on how to get into the bucket). You'll be carried up a screen, and dumped onto another conveyor. This one carries you east, directly into the grinder! Act fast and STAND. Then, JUMP to safety. Now, be careful on the precarious rails. Head due west three screens. You'll enter a computer control center. Walk directly over the grabber which is hanging from the rail. GET IN GRABBER. Now, head west a bit so that your seat is even with the platform extending from the middle chute. Stop the grabber, and STAND. Walk on down into the chute. You'll be dumped out into some deep hollow among the trash. Look at all those nasty rats! Fortunately, they won't bother you. Now, head to the west wall, and the origin of the lamp cord. The cord runs into a hole, into which you should look. GET THE REACTOR which is providing power. Scary down here, isn't it? Head to the northeast corner, and CLIMB the ladder. Once at the top (back in familiar terrain), GET LADDER. Go back north then east. Enter the old tanker to the east through the tunnel. Look at all that exposed wiring! LOOK AT WIRES and you'll see that only one piece is worth taking. Walk to the left-most clump of wire and GET WIRE. Continue east through the tunnel. Look out! A nasty rat is stealing your reactor and wire. Well, you'll just have to backtrack to his home and hope he doesn't show up next time. Go west twice back to your pod, then south, east, and up the conveyor. STAND, JUMP, and go west back to the grabber. GET IN GRABBER, STAND, and go south down into the rat-pit once again. The rat has stored both the reactor and wire in the hole; so, walk over to it, GET REACTOR, and GET WIRE. Drop the ladder in the northeast corner, CLIMB, and GET LADDER. Go north and east twice into the tunnel again. Continue east. No rat this time! Take a close look at that giant head. One of its eyes is broken. Walk near the broken eye, and CLIMB through it. Look at that beautiful ship in the middle of the screen: the Aluminum Mallard! Walk around to its south side, just left of its projection. USE THE LADDER and CLIMB. Walk as close to the circular hatch as possible without being on top of it. Then, OPEN HATCH and you'll enter the ship. LOOK AROUND to see what facilities the ship offers. The first thing you should do is make sure everything is working: USE DIAGNOSTIC COMPUTER. Rats, no power! INSTALL REACTOR. Wouldn't you know it? One of the wires is too short. Good thing you have a spare. INSTALL WIRE. Okay, _now_ everything should work, right? USE DIAGNOSTIC COMPUTER to make sure. Oops! Yet another part is missing: the warp motivator. Doesn't that look familiar? Yes, there's one just outside where your pod crashed. EXIT, CLIMB, and GET LADDER. Head around to the ladder leading up, CLIMB, and go west through the tunnel back to your pod. The motivator is just to the southeast of it. LOOK AT MOTIVATOR. Yes, that's what you want. GET THE MOTIVATOR and go back to the ship. If only life were that easy! The thing is just too heavy for you. You'll need to use a little machinery. Go south, east, then up the conveyor belt. STAND, JUMP, and head west to the grabber. GET IN GRABBER and go west. You'll fly around the curve and continue east. Exit the screen to the east, and head slightly more than halfway east across the next screen. Stop the grabber and examine your controls. PUSH THE BUTTON to lower the claw. If you're lined up properly, the claw will descend, and pick up the motivator. If you miss, adjust your position east or west, and send the claw down again. Once you have the motivator in tow, go east three screens to the far end of the ship. Go around the curve and stop once again, as near the foreground-end of the curve as possible. PRESS BUTTON once again, and if you are aligned properly, the claw will drop the motivator right into place. If you're off, the claw will just drop it. If this happens, press the button, and the claw will pick the motivator up again. Then you can adjust your position and try dropping it again. Once the motivator is in place, go west back to the chute. STAND up, drop down the chute (I promise this is the last time), DROP LADDER in the northeast corner, CLIMB, and GET LADDER at the top. Head north, east twice through the tunnel, and back to the head. CLIMB through the broken eye, and walk around to the south of the Mallard. USE THE LADDER, then CLIMB, OPEN THE HATCH, and, hopefully for the last time, USE DIAGNOSTIC COMPUTER. If you've done everything correctly, everything should check out, and you'll be ready to go! SIT down in the pilot's seat. This model features computer control for all functions, so USE COMPUTER. The first thing you need to do is get the radar working, so press 7. This will keep you from crashing into any stray ceilings. Then, rev up the engines with option 1. Now, you're ready to takeoff with option 3. The craft rattles and shakes a bit. But then a warning appears. Oh, no! There's no way out! All is not lost however. Select option 8, weapons system. First, put up the front shields with "F," then fire the lasers with the space bar. You'll drill a nice hole into the side of the garbage truck, and be sucked out into beautiful, empty space. But before we take off into the universe, some cash might come in handy. Perhaps the previous owner of the ship stowed some cash somewhere. SEARCH SEAT to locate a gigantic cache of seven buckazoids! Wouldn't you just love to spend that somewhere? SPACE QUEST III Part 2 After all that work to get off the ship, not much worse could happen to a nice guy like Roger. So now it's time to blast off and start looking for those Two Guys. So, boot up the computer (USE COMPUTER), and select option 2: the navigation system. Use option 1 to scan the universe until you come to Phleebhut in sector 39, which looks like the only hospitable place at the moment. Set your course with option 2 (it will be locked in place), and you will return to the main menu, where you should select option 5 for light-speed. But maybe all is not so good. It appears you're being followed, and I don't think the Terminator means to do you any good! Eventually, you arrive safely in orbit. The main menu will pop up, and you can select option 3 to land. Once on the ground, STAND up, PUSH THE BUTTON to open the ramp, and get out of this cramped thing. Unfortunately, it looks like the Terminator was very efficient. You are not alone on this world. And you wouldn't even be able to see your death until it was too late. Don't you wish that _you_ had that belt? And then there are the venomous scorpazoids which roam the planet in search of blood. Fortunately, they can't climb over sand dunes, so they're easily avoided. Since you've got to explore despite the dangers, walk east twice and north. Yikes! What is that huge monster to the north? Head north to meet your fate. But, it turns out that it's just a monument and tourist trap. Go in. The first thing you need to do is increase you cash reserve. Seven buckazoids doesn't go very far in this universe. So, you'll have to see if Fester is interested in the one thing you have that anyone might possibly want. If you LOOK AT STONES, you'll notice that Fester _is_ interested in such things, so SELL ORIUM. Haggle your way up to 425 buckazoids, then accept his offer. You're really rich now! Wait around and Fester will try to sell you an orat-on-a-stick. Go ahead and buy it. He'll also offer to sell you an Astro Chicken flight hat and a pair of thermal underwear. Buy both of these, too. If you want, you can LOOK AT POSTCARDS for some interesting and funny information. After stocking up with touristy stuff, LEAVE the store. But look who's waiting! And you don't happen to have 400,000 buckazoids on you. However, the Terminator is really a nice guy who offers to give you a little time to get to your ship (where he can more easily ambush and kill you). After the scene with him, it is _highly_ advised that you save your game. Now you have two methods you can use to kill the Terminator. One method (the tougher of the two) gives you extra points; the other is quick and easy. I recommend that you try both. (It's a short game, so you might as well get everything you can out of it.) To use the first method, head south, east, and south as quickly as possible (robots count _fast_). You will see some pods hanging in a cave on the right. If the Terminator is already here, restore and try getting here faster. Once you manage to get here before he does, leave the screen to the west, and immediately return to it. Go east across the screen. If footprints show up before you get halfway across the screen, continue east; otherwise, head west off the screen, then come back east. (I once had to leave and re-enter a third time, but that's not likely to happen.) Once you have the terminator following you, head southeast between the left cave support and the pods. Go east deeper into the cave. If done correctly, the Terminator will unwittingly pass under the pods, which can sense invisible people. Once the pods have eaten him, go west or northwest to his remains and USE STICK to get his energy belt out from under the pods. After you have the belt, go east to your ship. The second method to kill the Terminator is to go west from the World O' Wonders, and east into the leg. Step onto the elevator and PUSH THE UP BUTTON. You'll ascend into Mog's stomach. Quickly go east and up the stairs -- the Terminator will be up shortly. Position yourself just north of the foreground pulley. Once the Terminator comes up, wait until he is passing just south of the gears. GRAB THE PULLEY, give it a big tug, and the clumsy Terminator will be ground to shreds. Head back down, and GET THE BELT from among his remains. About this time Fester will come up to see what all the commotion is about and allow you to ride down. Once out of Mog, head south twice, and west to return to your ship. After killing the terminator and arriving back at the ship, board it, and SIT down in your pilot's seat. USE THE COMPUTER and select option 1 to get the engines revved up again. Select option 3 to take off into the void of space. Maybe you'll find those Two Guys yet! SPACE QUEST III Part 3 How about a bite to eat after all that work back on Phleebhut? USE COMPUTER and select option 2. Scan with option 1 to locate Monolith Burgers. Set the course, and select light-speed. Docking is automatic (but what _is_ the Enterprise doing here?) You'll automatically leave your ship and enter the greatest fast-food joint in the universe. But it doesn't look you're going to get much service here! Look at those lines and no clerks to be seen! Walk west. (The foreground and background exits are both the same.) Aha, there's a clerk that's not helping anybody! Walk up to him (he's pushy enough to get you to order before you even want to). He's "the Employee of the Week," but not for being nice, obviously. First, LOOK AT THE MENU. Order a fun meal. You can order anything else you want, too. If you're running short of cash, don't order a drink. Press "Q" when you're done ordering. The clerk will push you into taking a drink, space spuds, and a piece of pie. Of course, if you didn't order a drink from the menu, he informs you that the drink is free (isn't that nice?). PAY for your food. Once you have it, go to that nearby empty table, and have a seat. And, even though it may be disgusting, EAT THE FOOD. Wow! A fun prize, too! A bright, shiny, Monolith decoder ring. That might come in handy. When you're done eating, stand back up (you can leave you mess for the Employee of the Week). Now, how about a not-so-good arcade game to finish off a not-so-good meal? Walk over to the arcade machine and LOOK AT MACHINE. If you just wait, the instructions will come up giving you some idea of how to play it. Then, INSERT BUCKAZOID to play. Your goal is to successfully land the chicken 10 times in one game. You can take several tries if you need to, but you must have 10 in only one game. And, if you're terrible at this kind of game, just keep playing until somebody takes pity on you. Either way, a secret message will appear. USE THE RING and decode the message. It sounds like those Two Guys are in real trouble! Once you manage to tear yourself away from the excitement of the machine, go east twice through the sliding doors, then ENTER SHIP. If you had a Big Belcher Combo, you'll have to re-enter after relieving yourself. Either way, once you're back in the ship, you'll automatically take off into the wild black yonder. SPACE QUEST III Part 4 Well, it's finally time to head toward the end of your quest to find the Two Guys. USE THE COMPUTER to rev up the engines, then plot a course to Ortega. Fly at light-speed and land when you arrive. The first thing you'll notice -- before you even stand up -- is that Ortega is HOT. So, STAND and WEAR UNDERWEAR. That should take care of the heat. PUSH THE BUTTON to lower the ramp, and you're ready to explore. From your ship, head south, west, and south. Watch your footing on that rock; it's not real steady. Here you'll find two Scumsoft employees loyally taking seismic measurements. Don't get too close or they'll shoot. If you just stand around and wait, they'll eventually return to their base. Move to the telescope and LOOK THROUGH TELESCOPE. Wow! What an installation! GET THE POLE with the spinning thing on top, and GET A DETONATOR from the crate. Go east twice and north up the lava flow. Mammoth transmitter, isn't it? In fact, it's big enough to hide a planet. So, it will simply have to be disabled. Head north again, west down the stairs, east, walk to the ladder, and CLIMB it. (You may want to slow down the animation here.) You need to walk as close to the edge of the opening as possible. Once there, DROP THE DETONATOR, and watch the fireworks. Go to the ladder, and CLIMB down to safety. That explosion has set off a chain-reaction; it would be in your best interests to leave quickly. Go west, south up the stairs, south twice, west twice, and north. But, here you discover that the loose rock is gone! No problem. Simply USE THE POLE to vault over the chasm. Then, go east and north to your ship, and board it. SIT and USE THE COMPUTER. Start the engines and take-off. USE THE COMPUTER to get back to its menu, set a course for Pestulon, and proceed at light-speed. Once there, land as usual. STAND and PUSH THE BUTTON to exit the ship. You find yourself in an extremely unusual forest. Go in any direction you please. After a very brief walk, you'll find yourself barely hidden, staring at guards pouring out of Scumsoft's headquarters. WEAR THE BELT and USE BELT so that they won't see you. Then, ENTER SCUMSOFT. Quickly dash down the stairs. You just made it! That battery pack sure was weak. PUSH BUTTON and you're in. Head north (or south) around the circle until you see another door to the west, and go through it. And wouldn't you know it? You've returned to your roots: a janitor's closet! GET THE UNIFORM hanging here, and you'll look just like a real Scumsoft employee. You'll also have your very own Mr. Garbage vaporizer! Go east out of the closet, then south until you see a door to the east. Go through it. Whenever anyone sees that you're a janitor, you're ignored. But you must keep up the ruse; these people are _very_ alert. As you walk, be sure you VAPORIZE any trash you pass. Generally, standing south of the trashcan works best. For now, go northwest through the first room, and exit through the west passage about midway on the screen. Circle around and exit east through the far north passage (don't forget to VAPORIZE all the trash around you as you go). Proceed around to the north exit (after passing through a treacherous area) with three trashcans just before you reach the exit -- one to the west and two to the east. One of these cans is the _only_ exception to the rule about standing to the south of the can to vaporize it. For the western trashcan in the set, you must stand to the north, but that's the least of your worries now. After exiting north, you enter the boss's cubicle. Since Elmo is there, it would be better to go around to the north of his office and exit east. LOOK and LOOK AT SHIPS to see the awful plight you are in, then go back west. Aha! Elmo is gone, and he's left his keycard on the desk. Walk into his office and grab the keyboard. Exit south. Now, you need to find something to fool the scanners. Go west, then take the southern exit east back to the section where you entered (don't you just love this accounting maze?). Walk west through the southern-most western exit. Walk over to Elmo's picture, and GET PICTURE. But it wouldn't be wise to just leave with Accounting's property, so go to the copier, and COPY PICTURE. Go back to the east, and REPLACE PICTURE on your way. Exit to the east the way you came, and exit this unaccountable Accounting section to the south. Head north (or south) through the circle until you see a locked door to the east (there's a little machine just south of it). USE THE KEYCARD to access the computer, then USE THE PICTURE to fool the scanner. Head east through the door. And there, in the middle o f a scene right out of Star Wars, are the Two Guys! PUSH BUTTON to extend the platform. Walk out to the Two Guys, and VAPORIZE the Jell-O (disgusting form of imprisonment, isn't it?). And, by looking at your score, it would seem you've won, right? Wrong! Before you know it, the platform goes sliding back, and security personnel appear at all the exits. Then, Elmo himself shows up to send you to the arena! You are led off to the arena automatically, and climb up into your robot. This is yet another arcade game (and, unfortunately, not the last). The best strategy seems to be to just keep moving east, and throw punches as Elmo puts down his blocking arm. If he's not blocking, throw more punches. Just push him against the east wall, and keep slugging away. Eventually, you should be able to drain Elmo's energy, and with a great crash, his robot will tumble, creating an opening for your escape! You will automatically rush through the opening with the Two Guys and launch your ship. Once in space, you can sit and bask in the thanks of the Two Guys. But Elmo's legions remain loyal even after he is (hopefully) dead. When you get the warning about the approaching ships, USE THE COMPUTER, and go to attack speed. Then, select the weapons systems. Watch the lower-left corner of the display for information about where the enemy is. If the enemy is in front, activate the front shields. If in the rear, activate the back shields. Eventually, the display will indicate that you are engaging. Soon, the message "Tracking" will appear above the main display. You can now move the crosshairs onto the enemy ship. When they are satisfactorily positioned, the message "Locked" will be displayed in place of the tracking message. You can now press the space bar to fire at your leisure. You will have to destroy four of these ships, and your shields are capable of withstanding attacks from only five, so be careful! After defeating the ships, you will switch back to the cockpit display, and receive the congratulations of the Two Guys; however, your light-speed engine sustained damage! Don't worry; one of the Guys will fix it, plunging you into a black hole to find your destiny. Congratulations! SPACE QUEST III: THE PIRATES OF PESTULON is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line, Inc. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1989 by Andrew C. Hatchell. All rights reserved.  0<2B *: &BTL`r4F?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`M\ g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9A\a(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2A\<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y24 ZAK MCKRACKEN - The Final SolutionY- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE  qvEY! vf ZAK MCKRACKEN - The Final Solution - BEDROOM - In the bedroom open all the drawers and pick up the phone bill,the fishbowl (including Sushi),and the kazoo. Go to the TV/kitchen and pick up the cushion on the wall. Insert the TV plug into the power outlet then pick up the other cushion and get the remote control to turn on the TV. After you have watched the TV,open the cupboard and get the yellow crayon. Then get the butter knife and the egg in the fridge. Go back to the bedroomand get the cashcard from under the desk and tear off a piece of wallpaper near the door. Use the crayon on the torn wallpaper and you now have a starnge map. Go through the TV/kitchen and get the small key near the outer door. Then go down the stairs and outside. TO BAKERY - The bakery is just left of the stairs. Push the button three times until the baker throws some bread at you then pick it up and head for 14th avenue TO LOU'S LOANS - Buy the guitar,toolbox,golf club,noseglasses,hat and wetsuit with your cashcard then go to the hair salon TO HAIR SALON - Open the toolbox,and use the wirecutters to get the bobby pin sign, then head back to 13th avenue TO PHONE COMPANY - Wear the hat and noseglasses and pay your phone bill. The alien will think you are one of them! Then get the application and use the crayon on it, and then head for the mailbox at the bottom of the stairs outside your room. Use the small key and place the application in the mailbox and close it. Then go to the TV/kitchen and use the monkeywrench on the pipe under the sink. Put the stale bread in the sink and turn on the button. Get the bread crumbs and then use the fishbowl in the sink.(Sushi has a safe home and Zak has a helmet) Then go to the bedroom and pick up the corner of the rug. Use the monkeywrench on the loose floor boards and you now have a hole that leads to the aliens secret room. Then go outside to the bus. Use the kazoo to wake up the driver then use your cashcard in the reader. TO SAN FRANCISCO AIRPORT - Buy the book from the devotee and use the ticket to seattle IN AIRPLANE - After the stewardess has given you the peanuts, head for the toilet and use the toilet paper in the sink. Turn the sink on and when it overflows push the help button on the wall. Quickly head to the front of the plane and open the micrwave oven,put the egg in it and turn it on (What a mess!). Go back to the seats and when the stewardess starts cleaning the microwave get the cushion and the lighter that falls out. Open all the bins until you find the oxygen tank then sit down. AT SEATTLE - Get the branch from the tree and give the peanuts to the squirrel. Use the golf club on the loose dirt (I know the feeling) and head into the cave. Use the what is function to find the birds nest and use it in the fire pit with the branch and the lighter to start a fire. Go to the strange markings and use the crayon on them. Once the door is open go in and use the remote control to get the blue crystal.Then go back to San Francisco. AT SAN FRANCISCO - Go to your mailbox and by this time a letter should be there. Its your KING Fan Club Membership. Head for 14th avenue. 14TH AVENUE - Place the blue crystal in the slot in the red door. Annie will appear and tell you her dream. Give Annie the butter knife and the rope. Switch to Annie and look under the blotter to get her cashcard. Send her to Zak's bedroom and use the rope in the hole in the floor. Switch to Zak and go to London and through to Katmandu. AT KATMANDU - Go right to the guard and give him the book and he will let you in to see the guru who will tell you how to use the blue crystal. Then head to the prison. At this point I suggest you save the game as the next part has to be done with split-second timing. Take the flagpole and quickly use the cashcard in the yak to escape before the policeman gets you. Go to London and through to Zaire. AT ZAIRE - Go to the Shaman and give him the golf club. He will show you a secret dance which is in fact a combination to a door. Make sure you write it down! Then go back to London and to Miami. AT MIAMI - Give the book to the drunk and he will give you a bottle of whiskey. Then buy a ticket to Bermuda. AT BERMUDA - The pilot will give you a parachute and eventually you will get taken into a spaceship. Note the combination the pilot uses. Then push the button on the inner door to meet the KING. Show him your fan club membership and give him the guitar. Then use the Lotto-dictor to get tomorrows winning numbers. Head to the exit and use the same combination the pilot used. You will find yourself in mid air so use the parachute and eventually you will land in the ocean. The cushion will keep you afloat. Use the kazoo and eventually a dolphin appears. At this point save the game. Use the blue crystal on the dolphin and use the dolphin to quickly go underwater to the right side of the seabed. Remove the seaweed and take the glowing device and quickly head back up and give it to Zak. Switch back to Zak and by this time an alien will appear and take you back to the secret prison. Don't worry as you have Annie stationed above and when the alien leaves send Annie down to pull the switch. When Zak has recovered go to the cupboard and get your artifacts then go back up the rope with Annie. Give the whiskey to Annie. Then go to Lou's Loans and buy a Lotto ticket. Use the numbers you got from the spaceship. Then go to the airport and get a ticket to Mexico. AT MEXICO - Go to the Mayan temple and enter. You will have to search in the dark for torches to light with your lighter. Head towards the centre of the temple. the green figures on the walls are the outer tunnels and head towards the blue figures. This is a hit or miss affair but the fewer doors mean you are heading towards the centre. Eventually you will find a room with a statue. At this point switch to Melissa and Leslie on Mars. ON MARS - Use the girls to get the boombox (Melissa),data tape from radio, and the cashcards and fuse from the glovebox in the shuttle bug. Note the oxygen tank. Make sure you use this before heading off. Take Leslie to the left of the shuttle past the hut and use her cashcard in the monolith slot. Get the token and go into the hut.Use the token to open the metal plate,take the old fuse out and put the new one in. Close the Mars door and open the hostel door. Go in and get the vinyl tape from the locker. Open the lockers and get the flashlight. Then pull the covers on the bed and Leslie will pick up the broom alien. Get the ladder to the right. Go back to the shuttle. Give the vinyl tape ,ladder and torch to Melissa. Top up the oxygen for both girls and the send Melissa right to the Mars door. Use the ladder on the mars door and use the combination from the Shaman. There are three buttons. Push left one once,right twice,centre once,right once and centre once, and the door should open. Go to the Giant Chamber and to the first door on the left. Use the vinyl tape on the data tape and place it in the boombox. Use the stairs on the pedestal then turn on the boom box to record. Touch the sphere on top of the pedestal and the door will open. Go to the middle door and you will notice that the sphere is damaged. Turn on the boombox to play and the door will open. Go to the third door and open it with the ladder. Then go to the giant statue on the right and read the strange markings. Make a note and send Melissa back to the shuttle. Put the fuse back in the glovebox and use the oxygen. Switch back to Zak. IN MAYAN PYRAMID - Use the crayon on the strange markings to make it the same pattern as the one on mars. The statue will open and you can take the crystal shard. Get out of the temple, heading to the outer doors and go back to San Francisco. AT SAN FRANCISCO - Cash in your Lotto ticket and you should have 10,000 dollars extra. Go to the airport and get a ticket to Lima. AT LIMA - Put the breadcrumbs in the recepticle. At this point save the game. Use the blue crystal on the bird and head to the LEFT eye of the Hill statue. Take the scroll and quickly head back to Zak and give it to him. The alien will appear again and take Zak back to the cell. Use Annie to rescue him as before. Now take Annie and Zak to London. IN LONDON - Give Annie the pole,wirecutters,two pieces of yellow crystal,scroll and whiskey if she hasn't got them. Send Annie out the door to the guard.Give the whiskey to the guard and when he falls asleep switch off the electric fence. Go to the far right and use the wirecutters on the fence to get to Stonehenge. Use the pole on the altar and place the two pieces of crystal on the altar.Read the scroll and the crystal will be fused together. Take it back to Zak and give it to him. Now send Annie and Zak to Cairo. AT CAIRO - Send Zak to Zaire to the Shaman and he will teach him to use the yellow crystal. Now using the map Zak can teleport to any of the platforms that have not been damaged. Use it to go to Lima and get the candelabra from the right eye. Then teleport to the Pyramid in Cairo. Use the lever to open the stairs and light the torch in the lower room. Then go to the sphinx to the strange markings.Switch to Annie and bring her there also. At this point go to Mars and send one of the girls into the first room in the Giant Chamber with the flashlight. Follow the maze until you come to a statue with markings on it. These are the markings needed to open the sphinx. Send the girl back to the shuttle and switch back to Zak. Use the crayons on the sphinx markings and open the secret entrance. Follow the doors with a man and a shining object on them to get to a secret room. Send Annie in on the same path as she needs to decipher the hieroglyphics. Push the buttons in the order required and then use the crayon to add to the wallpaper map. Now send Annie to the pyramid making sure she goes out the same way as she came in.(There is another secret room which holds the guardian who you don't wish to meet) Send Annie up the secret stairs in the pyramid. Now get Zak ready to go to Mars. On the wall there is another pattern needed on Mars so make a note of it. Put the wetsuit on ,use the oxygen tank,and the fishbowl with the duct tape. Put the fishbowl on and use the yellow crystal to teleport to the Mars Face. MARS FACE - Use the pattern on the markings and go through the centre door. Follow the white doors and you will come out in the Giant Chamber. Go to the centre door and get the ankh,then go back out to the right door to the force field. Put the ankh in the panel and push the button on the machine. Then get the keys(one of them will crumble) and go to the Shuttle. Make sure everyone tops up with oxygen. Send Leslie to sweep the sand outside the hostel with the broom alien. Bring everyone to the Monolith and buy tokens. Make sure the girls have two each (for return fare) Take the tram to the Martian Pyramid with Zak and the two girls. MARTIAN PYRAMID - Assemble them all outside the door and get Leslie to sweep the sand with the broom. Use the bobby pin sign to open the door and send them all in to the sarcophagus. Use one of the girls to push the feet on the sarcophagus and a secret stairway will open. Send Zak and the other girl up the stairs then release the feet to close the stairway. Use the golden key in the panel and position Zak in front of the power crystal. Get the girl to push the button in the panel and quickly switch to Zak to get the power crystal. go to the left of the room and get the girl below to push the feet again. Bring everyone down and send the girls back to the shuttle before they run out of air. Close the door on the shuttle remove their helmets and use the controls to send the girls to earth. Teleport Zak to the secret room in the pyramid in Cairo. Assemble the glowing piece,candelabra and crystals and then use Zak and Annie to pull the switch on either side. Then sit back and watch. YOU HAVE SAVED THE EARTH ONCE AGAIN !  0<2B *: &BT`rE?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`Ml g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9Ala(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2Al<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v(3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2-INDIANA JONES & THE LAST CRUSADE - Graphics AdventureY- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE: THE GRAPHIC ADVENTURE In this graphic adventure, you become the swash-buckling archaeologist, Indiana Jones, in his search for the Holy Grail. You must travel from your school in New York to Venice and search misty Roman catacombs; then, to Brunwald Castle on thethe Austrian-German border, where your long-lost father, who was recently kidnapped, awaits your rescue! If you play your cards correctly, you will soon find yourself in Berlin. From Berlin, you must catch a Zeppelin flight to Iskanderun, where the Holy Grail is located. Please note: This walkthru contains all the information to solve this game. However, there are hundereds of multiple solutions that you might come across as you play. If you find yourself in a different situation, it does not necessarily mean you did something wrong. Another problem with writing a walkthru for this game is the randomness factor. Many rooms, objects, and locations change from game to game. I have done my best to "generalize" the random elements. ABOUT THE COMMANDS There are certain things you should know before reading this walkthru. When I mention WALKING to someplace, it means you should use the WALK TO command. Also, remember that the words GET, PICKUP, TAKE, and GRAB all refer to clicking on the PICK UP command. Although most things you'll read herein contain the EXACT commands and moves, some will use synonyms and phrases. BEFORE YOU START It may be a good idea to explore the game on your own before using this walkthru. If you're ever puzzled by anything mentioned in this article, it would help if you explored the area on your own, then returned to the walkthru. This way, you'll have a general idea of the settings and puzzles. BARNETT COLLEGE, 1938 You have just retuned to your school after recovering the Cross of Coronado. Marcus Brody, your good friend, meets you in the hallway. He gives you a nice warm welcome, then asks you for some "translations" he gave you. You open up your note book and give them to him. Marcus says thanks, then continues to take inventory on some valuble artifacts. The first thing you must do is go to the school's locker room (where you can change out of your damp clothes). When you exit, you'll automatically be wearing a nice suit. After taking a quick look at the gym, return to the locker room. This time, when you exit the room, you will be wearing a nifty boxing suit. You will automatically enter the school boxing ring and converse with the muscular coach. You will be given three options of what to say to the coach. If you want a rather easy fight, choose TAKE IT EASY ON ME from the menu of replies. If you want a moderate fight, select the next reply. And if you want to be ready for the real world of adventure, select the phrase GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT. After you can easily defeat the coach, tell the him you can't fight anymore, and maybe next time. You will walk back into the locker room and put your suit back on. Now, walk into your outer office (it is located up and tot he left of the gym). You will notice the room is filled with angry students. Tell them you are sure you can work something out. Then, allow them to relax. Next, you should tell your kind secretary, Irene, to take all the kids names down on a list, and that you will see everyone in order. Because of your charming remarks, the students will allow you to pass. You should now be in your quiet, private office. Walk over to your cluttered desk and keep picking up all the objects on it until you see a package. Pick up the package and open it. As you know, you can't leave the way you came in, so you should walk over to the window on the right and open it. Now, climb outside. When you get outside, two men will greet you. Don't worry, you should go with them. They will take you to New York City, where Donovan, a wealty art collector, will explain the Grail story to you. (If you would like to skip this entire scene, you can push ESC or the right mouse button.) After the speech, you will be returned to the front of your school. Upon arriving at Barnett, you should go to your father's house (click TRAVEL, then select HENRY'S HOUSE). When you get there, you will notice the entire room has been ransacked! Something awful has happend to your father and you want to know what! Run into the small bedroom of the house and take the picture of a cup off the north wall. Now, go to the bookcase nearest the bedroom and pull it down. (Hey, the house is already a mess.) You should see a small piece of tape on the back of the case. Pick it up. At this time, you return to your loving students back at the college. Climb back into your room window and walk to the shelves on the left of it. Open the jar of solvent (use WHAT IS to locate it on the shelf). Now, place the sticky tape you found in your dad's home into the liquid. Again, you should avoid the annoying children and climb out the window! Now you can travel to your father's home again. When you arrive, you should walk to the table with the plant on top (to the left of the door). Pick up the plant and put it on the floor. Next, pick up the tablecloth and examine the chest below it. Use the small key that was in the tape to open the chest. Look inside it and get the old book. Now you are ready to TRAVEL to Venice and search for the second marker Donovan mentioned! AH, VENICE! Welcome to Venice! The first thing you should do in Venice is go to the library. When you are there, you should search for three books: "Mein Kampf," "How to Fly a Biplane," and "Secrets of the Roman Catacombs." (Use the WHAT IS command to scan all the books.) Now that you have obtained the three objects, look in the Grail Diary. The Grail Diary will show a picture of a stained-glass window. Walk to the same window in the library. (Make sure to get the red cordon and metal post before going to the next step.) Now, read the Grail Diary one more time. Note the statement that is shown. (It will say something like "The First on the Left.") The diary is referring to the inscriptions on the pillars behind you. If the dairy mentions LEFT, go to the left pillar; if it mentions RIGHT, walk to the inscription on the right pillar. Now look at the inscription. There will be three Roman numerals on the inscription. If your Grail Diary said FIRST, note the first Roman numeral. If the dairy said SECOND, remember the second Roman numeral. And, if the Grail Diary said THIRD, then remember the third number. Now, walk over to the slab on the floor that has the same Roman numeral as the one you just figured out. ROMAN CATACOMBS Use the metal post with the slab. You should be in a room with three exits. (If not, climb back up and redo the last step.) Take this time to look at the Roman Catacomb book. You will notice there are maps above and below the wording. (You will know where you are on the map after walking around for a few minutes.) Exit through one of the doors and walk until you come across a room with two skeletons on the east wall. Look at the skeleton on the right. Now, get the hook on his arm. Keep walking around to the east until you enter a sewer room with a manhole cover. (You should have passed a room with a torch and a room with a slab on the ground.) Climb through the manhole cover. Walk over to the two people called "lovers" (they are on your left) and look at the wine bottle on the table. Take the wine. You should go back in the manhole now. (Note: You may want to fill the wine bottle it the fountain. If you do, you can skip the next sentence.) When you are back in the catacombs, walk to the board that is filled with water and fill the bottle. Next, go to the screen with the torch on the wall. Use the wine bottle with the torch and you will loosen the hard, dry mud. Pull the torch and hang on! When you land, the wine bottle will break. Walk to the east. You should come across a room with a cork and dripping water. Go one more screen to the east and read the inscriptions on the wall. (Write them down; they will help later in the game.) Now, walk out and use the hook in the cork. Next, use your trusty whip with the hook. At this time, climb up the ladder and return to the screen where you filled your bottle. Walk to the door on the right. You will find a strange machine in one of the rooms. Use the red cordon to "fix" the machine. Then turn on the machine by using the wheel on the right. Again, explore the area until you run into a room with three gold statues near a door. Look at your dad's Grail Diary and read what it tells you. Push the statues until they are in the correct order (and the door will automatically open for you). Walk in the door. Soon, you will see a narrow stone bridge. (This bridge will be up if you did not turn on the machine.) Cross the bridge and enter the tunnel on the other side of it. After walking around the catacombs some more, you should find a room with a bunch of skulls on a "table." When you do, look at the Grail Diary. In order to open the door, you must push the skulls in the correct order. (The door will open a small amount if you perform this in the wrong sequence.) Each skull is a different note from your father's diary. (Remember that you are Indy, and his left is your RIGHT.) Walk in the door and down the flight of stone steps. You will eventually find the room with the knight's casket. Open the casket and look at it. Now, walk to the grating on the right of the screen and pull the rusty lock that is hanging on it. Climb out out the manhole cover, again. Now, it is off to Brunwald Castle where you must find your long-lost father! BRUNWALD CASTLE (THE GERMAN BORDER) Enter the Castle and tell the butler that your are Lord Robert McFalfa, and you are here to inspect the tapestries. Then, ask him: THIS CASTLE DO HAE TAPESTRIES, DO YE NOT? Then, you knock him out. (There are other possible solutions at this point.) Walk off the screen to the right. Now, go down and into the storage room. Get the servant uniform. When you exit, there will be a guard outside. Tell him you are here to talk with the prisoner. Then, tell him you are Dietrich's successor. Finally, tell him he is leaking information. Now go to the north. Tell the Nazi near the steps that you are selling jackets and you obtained authorization. Then, sell him the jacket for 15 Marks. Walk up the steps and find a room with a chest in it. Open the chest and get the 50 Marks. Wear the servant uniform and talk to the first Nazi guard on the second floor. Give the guard your painting. Walk to the east and go in another room with a small chest. Look inside the chest and get the uniform. Look at the uniform. Continue down the hall. You will run into another Nazi guard. This time you must avoid him or fight. (If you do fight, don't worry; there is a first aid kit in a room to the south.) After fighting, return to the castle entrance. (Remember to put your IndyWear on before going to the first floor.) Walk to the hall and locate a room with a drunk Nazi. Allow him to give you the empty stein. Now, go to the kitchen (a room near where you are currently located). Fill the stein with the spigot (or keg). Walk to the hot coals on the roast boar. Pour the ale on the hot coals. When the hot steam clears, take the roast boar with you. Now, refill the stein and return to the storage room. In the storage room you should use the key you found in the uniform with the clothes lock. Get the grey uniform. Now, walk to the third floor. Wear the grey uniform and talk to the Nazi guard on the third floor. Keep insulting him until he lets you pass. Walk into the room of the head Nazi, Vogel (one of the first doors on the third floor). Give the roast boar to the dog. Next open the drawer and get the pass. Before you go, take the trophy. Before doing anything else, go back to the kitchen and fill the trophy with what's in the stein and go to the second floor. On the second floor, find the alarm room and enter it. Give the Nazi guard "Mein Kampf." Now walk to the security system and use the stein with the grating. Leave the room and go to the art room. (It is near the place where you gave the guard your painting.) Walk to the giant paint-by-number Mona Lisa and push it. Open the safe. Take a good look at the picture in the safe. (It may help you choose the correct Grail.) Now, return to the third floor. Walk up to Biff the Nazi and offer him the trophy (which is now full of ale). Give him one good punch and pat yourself on the back. Search all of the rooms on the third floor until you locate one with a blue couch and candelabra. (It should be a room on the right side of the floor.) Walk to the candelabra and get the silver key hanging on it. Now, find a room with an alarm system on it (there are wires on top). Unlock the door with your silver key and enter lthe room. (If the room has a cabinet in it, open it and get the 75 Marks. If not, look in the room to the right or left.) Leave the room and Vogel will capture you. Give him the _real_ Grail Diary. When you are tied up, you can move by PUSHing or PULLing the chairs you are tied on. Keep pushing the chairs until you are under the blade of the suit of armor. When you think you are lined up properly, push the suit and hope the axe cuts the ropes...not you. Get up and push the left statue on the fireplace. Now, walk out the fireplace. You should be outside. Walk over to the motorcycle (with the sidecar) and get in. BERLIN Almost all of Berlin is automatic. However, you must give Hitler your unsigned pass when you "bump into" him. AIRPORT When you enter the airport, you will soon realize you don't have the the funds to ride a Zeppelin. To overcome this, you should have Henry walk over to the man in the airport and ask him about his children while Indy steals the tickets in his pocket. Leave the airport and board the Zep. (Note: If you want to skip this part, you can board the biplane at this point. To fly the biplane, read the manual. You can also skip the Zeppelin section.) ZEPPELIN Give the tickets to the man. Now, have Henry walk over to the piano player, while Indy waits by the locked door (near the entrance). Let Henry give the coins to the piano player. When the music starts and the Nazi comes out of the room, have Indy walk inside, open the locker, and steal the wrench. Quickly, walk out of the room. Now, use the wrench in the hole (near the locked door) and turn the wrench. Climb up the ladder. (You may want to save the game before you continue.) You will appear on the Zeppelin catwalks. Keep walking until you arrive at the biplane under the Zeppelin. (This section takes practice.) After flying in the biplane, you _will_ get shot down. When you land, you will be on a farm. Walk over to the car on your left and use it. For the border guards, show them the pass you had signed by Hitler. You are now on your way to Iskanderun, where the final resting place of the Holy Grail is located! THE GRAIL TEMPLE When you enter the Grail temple, you will be unable to save or load the game. Be sure to save it before you enter. THE FIRST CHALLENGE: ONLY THE PENTINENT MAN WILL PASS To get past the first challenge, look in your _real_ Grail Diary (the one that came in the game) and find the picture with the "X" in it. Click the cursor on the same place as the "X" in the game. THE SECOND CHALLENGE: THE FOOTSTEPS OF GOD Look at the top of the screen and note the way GOD is spelled. You can only walk on the letters that appear in the word. For example, if you see JEHOBA on the screen you can walk on J, E, H, O, B, and A. THE THIRD CHALLENGE: LEAP FROM THE LION'S HEAD You must click on a certain point on the opposite side of the giant chasm. Experiment until you find a place that works for you. THE KNIGHT AND THE GRAIL When you have made it to the knight, it is time to choose a Grail. Use the information from earlier in the game to pick the correct one. When you choose the Grail you think is the _real_ one, bring it over to the holy water and fill it. After you have saved your father, you can do a few things. First, you can get the Grail and give it back to the knight. Second, you can let Elsa take the Grail, then get the Grail and return it to the knight. Or, you can take the Grail and try to leave. The first choice is the best of the three. Congratulations on solving INDY! FIGHTING HINTS Each person can develop a good way to fight. I have found a method that seems to work quite often: Push a punch button very quickly (about four times), then back up two times. Keep repeating this procedure until the Nazi is dead.  0<2B *: &BT`r?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< GOLD RUSH Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf MWB PRESENTS. GOLD RUSH SOLUTION!!! Type"Sell house". Immediatly enter your house. Look at the photo album. Get the pictures from it. Go over to the desk and close it. Get the bank statement and look at the bank statement. Leave your house. Go to the park and get a flower. Do not walk on the grass because this will cost points. The proceed to the Guzzebo(close enough)and look in the cracks. You will then discover a gold coin. Get the cold coin. Go back to your house. Wait untill you see a man holding some green money. Talk to him and he will give you money for your house. Go to the post office and ring the bell. When the mailman comes,ask for mail. Get the letter and open it. Read the postmark and get the stamp. Read the letter. Go to the bank and withdraw your money. The account number is written on the bank- statement. Leave. Go to the stagecoach ticket office. Buy a ticket. This will take you there BY WAGON!!! (Not by Boat) Go to the graveyard. Proceed to the second grave and look at your parents graves. Drop the flowers there. Go to your bosses office. Go upstairs and look at the clippings. Go down stairs and quit your job. Go to the livery shop and talk to the man in there. WATCHOUT for the horse! Show that man your ticket and get on the wagon. NAow you are going to Cali!!! The stage coach will bring you to a ferry. The ferry will take you to New York From this place you will go to Mississippi Valley. Here you go and talk to a group of men. One of these men he will ask for money. Give him all of your money.. He will send you to get good animals to pull the wagons. Go right and talk to a man who is sitting by a tree reading a book. He will give you the book(Bible). Go left down. Talk to the man there and ask to buy mature oxen. Go back to your camp and talk to captain again. He will give you another assignment. ITS a but tricky to find out when to take off or leave. Go right. go up and look at the grass. It will give you a report on how the season grass is looking. Once it says it is drying out go. Talk to your captain and you will leave from there. On your way to California you will travel for a while through a few states it wil give you general info about them. Once you get somewhere near California you will be stopped at a hill. You will be shown outside your wagon. Quickly tie the chains. Untie the oxen. They will go down the hill then return back up. You are now on your way again and wont be stopped until you hit a desert. Look in barrel and drink the water. Look inside the wagon and eat the meat. Be sure to go right from here and catch your men. You will soon be at Fort Sutter... Once you reach Fort Sutter you must eneter it. Not the Mule Corral. Once in here you must find the supplie shop. You must buy a shovel. Then you will be able to dPig for the gold. Don't leave sutters for yet... First go to the blacksmith's shop and talk to him. He will ask you a few quetions. The Answers are: Yes Yes Last name:Wilson First name:Jerrod Brothers name:Jake The blacksmith will give you a branding iron. Exit the Fort and go to the Amerincan river to the right. Keep heding along the river and dig on the land. This takes a very long time so don't get discouraged! You must head several screens to the right in order to find the gold. After discovering gold about 40 times you will hit a sudden dry spell. This means that there is no more gold to mine. Go back to Sutters Fort and buy a Lantern and a Pan. Go to THE MULE SHOP!!! not THE MULE CORRAL!! Buy a mule. Go to the Blacksmith's shop. Heat your Iron and brand the mule. Then go to the semetary. Read all the graves untill you find Marshall Wilson's grave. Here there will be a seperate screen that shows you his grave. You will be able to type here. Type "Use letter"and move it arround untill it says Hey stop there. THIS IS A BIT HARD TO DO,BUT KEEP ON TRYING. (MIKE! YOU HAVE TO DO THAT FOR ME,'COZ I MUST TYPE) Follow its directions. Take your mule to the corral. Drop him off here. Get another mule. Look at its brand if it looks the same as yours then keep him/here. Mule will be a trusty spirited mule. Take the mule with you to the Town around 23 screens to the right. Read your bible Psalm 23. Go tho Green Pastures hotel and rent room 11. The man will give you a message to give to the man in room 11. Go to room 11 knock on the door and give the message to the man. He will leave the room. Enter. Go to the fireplace and turn the wheel. Enter the fireplace you will appear on the other side in a room. Go to the window unlock it and open it. Go to the table and read the letter. Get the magnet and the sting which is on the floor. The bird will soon fly in and give the photo to the bird. He will fly away you will here a slam. The bird will reappear you get the aerogram and read it. Before you enter the fireplace again wait for another slam. Once you here this you will be safe. Leave the room and go back to Fort Sutter. Once you get to East of Fort Sutter you must type "follow mule". He will lead you to Jake's Cabin. Enter Jakes Cabin. Get the matches and move the rug. Manuever your way through the bushes. Enter the Jon. Enter the hole in the Jon. (SURE!!) Go down and find yourself in a pile of shit. Light your Match and light your lantern. Head to the left untill you come to a door. Tie the string to the Magnet and put the magnet in the hole. Lower magnet. Raise magnet and unlock door. Enter the room to the other side. Go down . Go to your left. Go down again. Down there you will find a pick. Use the pick a place in the room and you will stike gold..twice. Head back to the main ladder. Go up past the ledge that you came from. Notice a passage leading to your left. Go to it and keep on going untill you get to another ladder goining down. You will then come across another ladder going down. Manouver down this ladder. Be careful. Go left and you will find Jake. He will tell you a story and then you must use your pick in the highlighted area. You will strike it several times. Keep digging untill a hole appears. Digg until it gets even bigger and then you enter the hole with your brother. Hey let the game do WELL GUYS AND DOLLS THATS ALL. SEE YOU AROUND IN ANOTHER SOLUTION OF. *MWB!  0<2B *: &BT~`rb?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< CHRONO QUEST 1 Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf CHRONO-QUEST Part 1 INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTS The following walkthru is a sort of compromise. The game is available for both the Atari ST and the Amiga, but the moves for the two versions are very different. We decided to write just one with lots of version notes included. This is not the most satisfactory method, but it's the best we could come up with that didn't involve two separate scripts. Generally, the game is a good one. The graphics are excellent, the music is good, and the puzzles are tough but reasonably fair. However, a few cautionary observations are in order before getting into the walkthru. First, the ST version allows you to read only one document: a scroll. However, we know of no way to read even that in the Amiga version. This is a particularly unfortunate problem since it gives some specific instructions which are needed to complete the game. If you are playing the Amiga version, by all means drop by The Gamers' Forum when you get the scroll, and we will be happy to let you know what it says. (Or, of course, continue reading this walkthru.) There are also two other letters which we suspect gave important clues, but we couldn't read them in either version. Second, the save/load features are slightly peculiar. The Amiga version allows for complete installation on a hard disk; however, this is not true for the ST version. While the disks aren't copy protected, only disks 2 and 3 have hard disk support -- and _only_ for the root directory of drive "C" (no folders allowed). It's certainly possible to copy the Boot disk and Disk 1 to any place you wish, but a great many of the files have duplicate names. In addition, each saved game (which uses less than 700 bytes) requires a separate disk. This is not a major problem since they're entirely non-destructive; so, you can use any disk with a bit of space, but it is annoying. Finally, there is no "quit" feature (you must turn off or reset the computer), and dying requires a restart. Third, the documentation is incorrect where it talks about things you may drop. Any dropped item behaves in exactly the same way, no matter where you drop it -- in the room where you pick it up, the room you're to use it in, or any other room. In the ST version, all dropped items appear in the bottom left corner of the screen, and you can drop as many as you want. Only four will show at a time; if you pick up one or more, the other items will show as space allows. The Amiga version also lets you drop as many items as you want, but finding them is far more difficult. You must search most of the lower portion of the screen. Fortunately, if you follow this walkthru, you won't have to do that. Fourth, the Amiga version has no clock, but the ST version does. The ST version requires you to be at a particular place at a certain time. While this walkthru will get you there on time, we do not know what uses up time and what doesn't. Therefore, you may need to cause time to pass by looking at the TIME icon. One final comment: At times the game will display inset pictures on your screen of various things you may have examined. Often, it is the inset you need to use in order to get an item, or whatever else you may be trying to accomplish. If something isn't working when you know it should be, try using the inset instead of the original (or vice versa, depending on what you were using before). We do tell you which to use, however. So, let's get started! CHRONO-QUEST Part 2 THE CASTLE Once you start traveling, it is difficult to return to the rest of the castle, so we'll start by collecting everything we need in this part. You begin in the Entrance Hall of your father's castle. If you LOOK at the left newel post of the stairway, you'll notice it's missing an ornament. Go east into the den, and you'll find it on the bookcase to the right of the desk. It's the only important thing in this room; so, GET the ornament, and while you're here, DROP the letter (the one from your documentation), and go back west to the Hallway. USE the ornament on the top of the left newel post. LOOK at the urn and you'll find your first punchcard! TAKE the card from the urn. Go up and LOOK at the base of the statue. TAKE the key, and USE it on the lock of the chest at the back of the room. LOOK in the chest, TAKE the gloves, and drop the key. Now, LOOK at the upper right-hand corner of the carpet, and you'll find another punchcard. TAKE it, and proceed northeast into the bedroom. PULL on the handle of the bedside table, then LOOK in the drawer. TAKE the piece of paper. LOOK at the throw pillows on the bed, and TAKE the punchcard you find there. LOOK under the bed, and TAKE the grapnel and rope. That's all that's important here, and the other bedroom has nothing useful. Head southwest and down to the Entrance Hall. Go west into the dining room, then north into the kitchen. TAKE the bottle on the counter. (ST version: Drop the wine -- an icon with wavy lines in your inventory.) PULL on the cabinet that is directly under the sink. (ST version: Use the cabinet on the lower left side of your screen rather than the one under the sink. You need not open it first.) LOOK at the cabinet, and you'll get a smaller picture of the safe that's hidden there! USE the paper you found upstairs on the safe. (ST version: Do this using the picture of the safe dial.) Voila! It opens, and you see some money and a lighter. Ignore the money, but take the lighter, then go south, east, and northeast. Hey, it's dark! Not to worry. LIGHT the lighter, then go up and east into the chapel. On the right side of the mantel in the rear of the room is a candle. (ST version: There's a picture of your mother on the right, and the candle is to the left of a large cabinet at the back.) TAKE the candle, LIGHT it, then UNLIGHT the lighter. It is important to do this as efficiently as possible because the lighter is almost out of fluid, and you'll need it later. LOOK at the book on the lectern, and you'll find the fourth punchcard you need. TAKE it and go west, down twice, then east to the Laboratory. At this point your inventory is probably full, so DROP any one item except the candle. (ST version: You will have one inventory space left, and don't need to do this.) LOOK at the mirror on the wall, and a hidden switch will appear. PUSH the switch (on the inset picture), and a secret door will open! DO NOT GO THROUGH THE DOOR! Putting the ornament back on the newel post activated the electricity so you could open the door. But if you go through the door now, you'll get fried! Go west, up, and southwest to the hallway. GET the ornament from the newel post, then DROP it. Go northeast, down, and east back to the Laboratory. PULL the left-hand desk drawer, and LOOK in it. You'll find some fuses. TAKE them, then go north into the Secret Room. Ah, ha! There's the time machine! (ST version: Make sure the lever on the left is in the "up" position. PUSH it up if it isn't.) USE fuses on the green square at the bottom of the fuse box on the left rear wall, then PULL the lever next to the fuse box. The Time Machine comes to life. (Amiga version: Don't be too eager to use the Time Machine just yet: You're going to need whichever item you dropped in the Laboratory. So, go south and search around until you find it. Use the GET icon on the bottom portion of the picture. You'll just have to keep searching along the bottom of the screen until you find your item, then go back north.) This is a good place to save your game. We're ready to explore Time now, so get ready! Part 3 INDIA, EGYPT, PREHISTORY Okay we're ready to get started. To enter the Time Machine use the UP icon (to leave it use the DOWN icon). So, ENTER the machine, and SHOW the control panel. (ST version: The panel will show automatically.) If you follow this walkthru exactly, you should be able to follow the rest of the instructions, because your punchcards will be in the proper place in your inventory. In case you haven't followed along, here is where the various punchcards in the Amiga version will take you: From the Urn in the Hallway: Prehistory From Under the Rug: India From Under the Pillows: Egypt From the Chapel: Mexico (The ST version always puts the punchcards in the same positions in your inventory -- from left to right -- as follows: 1. India; 2. Mexico; 3. Egypt; 4. Prehistory.) If you remove a card, those to its right move to the left to fill the empty space, but their relative positions do not change. USE the SECOND punchcard in your inventory on the slot in the control panel. (ST version: USE Card 1 (on the far left). PUSH the switch on the left of the control panel first. This may or may not be necessary whenever you use the machine, but it's what causes the message saying "Nothing Happens." If you've already pushed it and nothing happens, push it again.) Whoosh: You're in India! Go west, then north into the hut. The Leper wants to shake your hand, but you don't want to get leprosy; so, USE the glove, then TAKE the Leper's hand. (Amiga version: Just leave the glove on throughout the rest of the game: You'll need it periodically.) (ST version: You cannot do this. Instead, you'll need to USE the GLOVE on the HAND.) The Leper will be so grateful he'll give you a piece of paper which will allow you to take an elephant ride. He also asks you to get some water from the sacred temple which will cure him. GET the paper, and go south, east twice, then northeast to the Mahouts. DROP the paper, and they'll agree to take you to the temple. (ST version: USE the PAPER on the MAHOUT.) "Up" will put you on the elephant's back, and you'll automatically end up at the temple. (ST version: This will happen automatically; you need only click.) Go east (ST version: Go north) into the temple, and you'll find the sacred water. To get the water into the bottle, do the following exactly: USE BOTTLE GET WATER The text should say that you have the water. Now go west and up, and the elephant will take you back to where you started. (ST version: USE the BOTTLE on the WATER, go south, up, and click to get back to the Mahouts.) Go southwest, west twice, north, and DROP the bottle. (ST version: USE the wavy icon for WATER on the Leper's HAND.) The grateful Leper will offer you a key. TAKE the key, then go south, east, and north, and you'll see a smaller picture of a door. USE the key on the door and you'll be inside a hut. (ST version: You'll have to go north into the hut.) On the table is a letter and a piece of punchcard! TAKE the punchcard piece, and the letter, then DROP the letter. (It probably has an important clue, but nobody can figure out how to read it!) Go south, west twice, and you'll see a Fakir who has a scroll in his right hand. TAKE the scroll, but don't hang around! Go east twice, up into the machine, SHOW PANEL (Amiga version only), and PUSH the toggle switch on the left side of the control panel. You made it home again! DROP the candle, then enter the Time Machine. SHOW PANEL, and USE the SECOND punchcard in your inventory on the slot. (ST version: USE the Egypt punchcard, which is now in the middle. USE the switch, if necessary, then try again.) You find yourself in Egypt! LEAVE the Time Machine and go northeast. You should see a pedestrian-crossing here. If you don't, _do not_ go north, or you'll get run over! (The northeast direction in the Amiga version was VERY touchy; half the time you ended up going east instead of northeast. You can also get to the pedestrian-crossing by going east twice from the Time Machine.) Go north twice, and you find yourself in front of a Pyramid. LOOK at the bottom left stone surrounding the entrance. You're told the stones are loose, and you find an amulet. GET the amulet. (ST version: READ the scroll you got in India to learn how to open the Pyramid without getting killed.) (Amiga version: Since we can't find a way to READ things, you'll have to trust this walkthru.) The scroll says: "TOP, TOP LEFT, TOP RIGHT, TOP RIGHT." Using the PUSH/PULL icon, PUSH on the stones in the order indicated by the scroll, and the door will open. If you don't do this right, you die. DROP the scroll. Go north twice, ignoring the torch on the way. You don't want to mess with all those snakes, so DROP the amulet, and they disappear. Now, go north again, then west. USE the grapnel and rope, and go up. (ST version: USE the grapnel and rope on the hole in the ceiling -- it's round -- then go up.) Starting from the left, use the PUSH/PULL icon and PULL the SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, and FIFTH levers into the down position. The sarcophagus will open. In it you find a ring and another piece of the punchcard. TAKE the ring and the piece of card. (ST version: TAKE the ring from the inset picture of the sarcophagus. The piece of punchcard is in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen -- not in the sarcophagus.) Using the PUSH/PULL icon, return the four levers to their original positions. Go down, north, and TURN the right-hand torch on the wall to open a secret passage into Nefertiti. Going down will take you outside to the entrance into the pyramid. (If you hadn't returned the levers to their original positions, you would have been impaled on spikes in the secret passage.) Go south twice, west, and up into the Time Machine (Amiga version: SHOW PANEL), and PUSH the toggle switch to go home. A note here about dropping pieces of the punchcard. This was done in order to make room in your inventory, but it is a bit of a pain to find them again, especially in the Amiga version. From now on, we will include a note on how many inventory spaces you will need in a given time zone. For the next time zone (Prehistory), you will need four free inventory spaces. (The ST version requires five.) The punchcard you USE in the time machine will release one inventory space; you can drop an item to free another space. In the secret room, DROP the piece of punchcard (if you need extra inventory space), SHOW PANEL, then USE the FIRST card in your inventory to enter Prehistory. (ST version: USE the far right card, and PUSH the toggle, if necessary.) LEAVE the machine and go east. LOOK at the entrance to the hut, and you'll find a bone. TAKE the bone. You will also find some dry grass and a rock. If you have space, you can TAKE the ROCK. (ST version: You must also TAKE the DRY GRASS.) Now, go east twice, and north to the remains of a fire. LOOK at the fire and you'll find a piece of wood. TAKE the wood, LIGHT your lighter, LIGHT the wood, UNLIGHT the lighter. (ST version: USE the DRY GRASS on the dead FIRE. LIGHT the DRY GRASS, which will light the stick, then GET the STICK, which will now be burning.) You may now drop the lighter. Toward the back of this scene you'll see some small rocks. LOOK at the rocks, and you'll be told there's a small rock there. TAKE the rock (if you didn't take the one from the hut), then go east and south into the cave. LOOK in the area of the candles, and you'll find another piece of punchcard. TAKE the piece, then LOOK at the drawing that appears in the left corner of the background. You should get an inset picture on your screen showing the drawing's finer details. It's a drawing of a temple with "13-H" written above it. In the ST version, you must reach this temple before 1:00 p.m.; however, the ST version has a TIME icon, and the Amiga version does not. So, there's no way of knowing what the time is. Time doesn't seem to matter in the Amiga version; if you're following this walkthru exactly, you'll get there at the right time anyway. In the ST version, you need to be very careful with your timing. One of the few ways we've found to advance time is to look at the TIME icon. It is recommended that you only look at this icon right after you've saved your game. This way you won't have far to backtrack if your timing's off and you need to restore. Go north, west, south, and west three times. ENTER the Time Machine (Amiga version: SHOW PANEL), and PUSH the toggle switch to go home. CHRONO-QUEST Part 4 MEXICO AND THE FUTURE We're about to embark on the most complicated scenario yet; be prepared to save your game! First, DROP the piece of punchcard you picked up in Egypt, if you want to. You only need one free inventory space, and you'll get that from the punchcard. The branch is also useless, so you may drop it. Go north to the Time Machine (Amiga version: SHOW PANEL), and USE the remaining punchcard on the slot. Suddenly, you find yourself in Mexico! From the Time Machine, go east twice, and you'll see a tree on the left side of the screen with a hole near its bottom. LOOK at the hole, then TAKE the necklace. Go west four times to the warrior. USE the necklace on his right hand near the bottom of the screen (placement is not critical in the ST version). He'll draw you a map, and tell you to start from the three rocks. (Just in case Psygnosis decides to change this, you'd better make a copy of the map!) Go northeast three times, then north to a small temple. LOOK at the temple, and you'll see an idol. TURN the idol, and you'll find a key. TAKE the key, go west three times, and you'll be at the three stones the warrior told you about. Save your game here! As mentioned before, the direction icons are _very_ touchy (particularly in the Amiga version); if you're off by a pixel or two, you'll go in the wrong direction and get killed. Go northeast three times, north twice, northwest twice, northeast, then east. You should find yourself in front of the temple. You should be still wearing the glove. If so, LOOK at the bush in the middle foreground of the picture. (If you're NOT wearing the glove, a snake will kill you!) (ST version: USE the GLOVE on the BUSH.) For this section of the walkthru, we've made the ST and Amiga versions completely separate. We couldn't think of a reasonable way to segregate the ST comments without the overall instructions losing their continuity. At this point, the vast differences in the two versions are evident. ST VERSION: USE the ring on the slot in either the main picture or the inset. You should check the clock to see if you made it on time. If it's a minute or two past one o'clock, you can probably make it in time by restoring to just before you left the castle. Skip the Mayan Warrior and his necklace. If it's well past 1:00 p.m., you'll need to go back to whichever time zone you had problems in -- usually Egypt. Just so long as it's still before the hour when you leave the castle for Mexico, you should be okay. (Once, we left at 12:59 and actually made it on time.) If you're at the temple but it's not yet one o'clock, keep looking at the time until it is. Exactly on the hour, a beam of light will hit the slot, and the reflection from the ring will open the Temple door on the top of the pyramid. USE the BONE in one of the slots on the side of the door, then go up. (Do _not_ go up before you've stopped the door's descent with the bone, or you will be impaled!) AMIGA VERSION: You should get an inset picture of a slab with a slot in the middle of it. USE the ring on the slot in the MAIN picture (not the inset), go up, and beams of light will appear, indicating that the door is now safe to approach. Going up again will provide you with an inset picture of a door. You'll notice a small hole on each side of the door. USE the bone on the hole on the RIGHT side. The text will tell you that nothing happens, but if you go up again, you'll find yourself in the temple. From here, the procedure inside the Temple is the same for both versions. You are now inside the temple facing a chest. USE the key on the chest, and TAKE the final piece of punchcard! (If you have the other three pieces of punchcard with you, they will automatically become one whole punchcard. We guess punchcards worked differently in the 1920s, before computers were invented.) Go down, and save your game; then, go west, southwest, southeast twice, south twice, southwest three times, southeast twice, and southwest. You're back at the Time Machine. ENTER the time machine (Amiga version: SHOW PANEL), and PUSH the toggle switch. Now LEAVE the machine, and GET the three other pieces of punch card you dropped in the room (if you dropped them). After you find the second piece, you'll see a new inset picture appear (in the Amiga version). We have _no idea_ what it represents; if you figure it out, please let us know! When you find the fourth piece, the punchcard will automatically be assembled for you, and you're ready for the final assault! All you need in your inventory at this point is the glove, rock, picture, and punchcard. ENTER the Time Machine (SHOW PANEL), and USE the punch card in the slot. Here again, the two versions are worlds apart. ST VERSION: When you arrive, you'll see a futuristic room with a door ahead of you, and a console to the left. [There's a row of buttons on the console, and you need to PUSH the second one from the right. This will cause a map of the world to pop up with a loud noise, which attracts a guard. When this happens, you have exactly one turn to take care of that guard before he kills you. Do _not_ try to save your game! This will use up the turn you have. Click on the USE icon, click on the STONE (or rock, if you have that), and click on the guard's FOREHEAD. You must be fairly precise as, for instance, whacking him in the chest won't work at all. AMIGA VERSION: When you arrive, LEAVE the Time Machine. Ahead of you, you will see a door. To the left of it is what looks like a monitor with a couple of buttons under it. PUSH the red button, and a picture will appear on the monitor. In the lower right corner of your screen, you'll see a console. PUSH the red button on the console, and a map of the world will appear. Go west, the door should open, and a guard with a gun will appear. In order to take care of him, click in the following order: HIT MAN ROCK (Someone suggested that you need to do more here before hitting the man. So if this doesn't work, try fiddling around with something first.) For the remainder of the walkthru, both versions are relatively close. LOOK at the floor where the man fell; you'll find a suit, a gun, and a strange key. You need the suit and the key, but you can ignore the gun if you wish. USE the suit and you'll be wearing it. Go north, east twice, and south to a small room with some equipment in it. At the bottom right you will see a platform with a red button on it. PUSH the button, and you'll see a picture of a strange machine with an "X" on it. (Remember the position of the "X"!) Now, go north three times, and west: There's the machine you saw in the little picture! PUSH on the area where you saw the "X," and a compartment will open. Making sure you're still wearing the glove, TAKE the fuses out of the open compartment. (ST version: USE the GLOVE on the FUSES.) The machine will stop functioning. Go east. There's a storage compartment on your right which contains a spacesuit. This suit will let you go out into space, but there's nothing out there, so don't bother. Instead, continue south twice, then east. (If you're not wearing the suit, or if you didn't remove the fuses from the machine, you'll get killed at this point in the Amiga version. In the ST version, you'll be killed after you open the door and go through.) If you're still alive, USE the key on the control box to the right of the door. If you haven't brought the picture with you, the key will have no effect. (It makes no sense to us, either!) (ST version: If you haven't brought the picture, a man runs past you, and all you can do is wander around aimlessly or go home empty-handed.) If you HAVE brought the picture, the servant will appear, confess everything, and a picture of Humphrey Bogart will appear telling you you've won the game. CHRONO-QUEST is published and distributed by Psygnosis, Ltd. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1989 by Merlin and Sara Groves. All rights reserved.  0<2B *: &BTr`rA?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER vc3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< CODENAME ICEMAN Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf THE FULL SOLUTION #OF... CODENAME "ICEMAN"  Typed (and PLAYED) by MWB! YOU START AT THE BEACH OF TAHITI Read paper Get up (Don't get shirt yet.) Walk left. Talk lady. Play ball for a few times. Wait for girl to go in water. Go after girl. Type the following numbered commands in order. 1. Lay victim on back (Already done). 2. Shake and shout. 3. Call for help. 4. Establish airway. 5. Look, listen, feel. 6. Give 2 breaths. 7. Look, listen, feel. 8. Check pulse. 9. Begin Compression. AFTER ALL DONE THIS go to your bungalow. Go left, then up. Enter bottom bungalow. Open drawer. Get ID. Get change. Open closet. Get book (a phone book in your coat pocket) Go back to original screen at the beach. Get shirt. Go up a screen. Deposit change in paper stand. Open door next to stand. Enter. Talk lady (Receptionist). Get key. Get message (After she tells you she has a message for you.) Read message. Go to sign posted by upper-right plant. Read sign (Write number down, 555-8000) Enter Chi Chi bar (Right door) Go to brunette at table. Talk lady. Dance. Sit. Talk lady. Order girl drink. Sit. Say 'Yes' when she asks you to go back to her place. THERE YOU WERE WAITIN' FOR AINT YOU? Kiss. Say 'Yes' when she asks you to go inside. Kiss (Until you see fireworks.) AFTER THAT NIGHT OF BLOODY WORK,YOU AWAKE. Exit house. Look ground. Get earring. Look earring. Open earring. Look in earring. Get film. Go to your bungalow, left, left, left, up, bottom bungalow. Dial General Braxton (Number in book)1-202-555-2729. SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO DIAL SEVERAL TIMES! Say 'Hi' when he answers. REMEMBER THE NUMBER 134. After he hangs up, dial number from sign, by Chi Chi bar door. Say 'Hi' when guy answers. Go to original screen.(OKEY,IT WAS ON THE BEACH WERE YOU STARTED) YOU HAVE TO BE FAST TO BE THERE IN TIME! Get on dingy. Sit back and relax for the plane ride. AT THE AIRPORT * Go outside and wait for limo. Say 'Yes' when driver asks if you're Commander John. Show ID. AT THE PENTAGON * Talk man (At the desk.) Show ID. Push button NEAR the elevator. Talk man (The guard.) Show ID. Open door (upper-right) (Watch scene and write stuff down, especially stuff dealing with numbers.) Get up. Get envelope. Salute flag. Leave. Get ID from guard, make sure it's yours. CHECK YOUR ID,'COZ THE BASTARD WILL GIVE YOU SOMETIMES ANOTHER ONE! Push button. Go back to limo. AT PEARL HARBOUR * Talk man. Say 'Yes' when he asks if you're Commander John. Show orders. AT THE USS BLACKHAWK * Go to officer. Salute flag. Salute officer. TALK TO MAN. AT YOUR CABIN * Open shelf. Get book.(US NAVAL INTELLIGENCE DECODING BOOK) Open drawer. Get caliper. Open door.(Left side) PILOTING BLACKHAWK * IMPORTANT IS:Always wait for the captain to say it before you do it. First type " Close hatch". YOU CAN USE THE KEYBOARD INSTEAD OF THE MOUSE. BUT THAT'S REALY SNEEKY TO DO,I NOTICED. BUT TRY IT YOUR SELF. I USED THE MOUSE CONTROLL. Shift-F1 (Closed Circuit Monitor.) + (Engine Lever, 1 time.) Right arrow key (Turn 180 degrees, look under map display for degrees.) Left arrow key (Turn wheel back to center.) Right arrow key (270 degrees.) Left arrow key (Turn wheel back to center.) Up arrow key (Hold her steady until green sub in attitude indicater is centered with lines.) + (Engine Lever, 1 time.) Green board acknowledged (Prepare for dive sequence.) Up arrow key Down arrow key (Level off 200 feet, display is at upper-right hand corner, line 1.) Depth Attained (When depth is attained.) Right arrow key (360 degrees.) Left arrow key (Turn wheel back to center.) + (2 times.) Left arrow key (355 degrees.) Right arrow key (Turn wheel back to center.) - (4 times.) Get up (Wait til sub is at complete stop, upper-right hand corner, line 4.) AT THE CAPTAIN'S ROOM * 134 (Your part of the combo at Pentagon.) Get combination (The captain will give it to you and you will write it down) IF YOU FORGOT A PENCEL ...HERE IT IS...23448803 762 Look case. Get envelope. Open envelope. Read orders (Write the stuff down.) Look chart (Follow Captain.) CHART IN SUB * Go to map. Look map. Plot course. To plot course use cursor and press enter. Press enter twice when done. Type 'Change course' to go back one Waypoint. Coordinates are.. LAT: LONG: WP 0 30 170 WP 1 72 170 WP 2 86 86 WP 3 83 2 WP 4 65 23 WP 5 36 12 WP 6 00 00 Leave map Go back to seat to get radio messages. Follow captain's instructions to radio contact. IN THE CONTROL ROOM * Talk to radioman. He'll give you codes from Washington and CIA. Use decoding. *. The instructions are below to decode messages. *. *. *. Go to Captain's quarters. Open safe with combo 23448803. Open case with combo. 762134. Insert ID. Insert film. Write the offsets down, yours will be N = 3 because you are Navy. * *DECODING* * Washington 1. Your message will consist of two groups of 3 letters, write them down. Look decoder book in your inventory. 2. Replace first group of three letters from the code with the corresponding number from the decoding book. Those three numbers represent page number, line and word. 3. Look at the file PAGE.DOC for the page indicated. Find line and word, that is your primary word. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the second group of 3 letters. That is your secondary word. 5. Enter primary and secondary words into the computer in your quarters. CIA 1. Your message will consist of two groups of 3 letters, write them down. Read the decoding book in your possession. 2. Replace the first group of 3 letters from the code with the corresponding numbers in the decoding book. Add the CIA offset to the number you get from the decoding book (be sure to select the N for Navy offset). Anytime you get a number greater than 10, subtract 10 and the remaining number is your true number. Those three numbers represent page number, line, and word. 3. Look at the file PAGE.DOC for the page indicated. Find the line and word, that is your primary word. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the second group of 3 letters. That is your secondary word. 5. Enter primary and secondary word into the computer in your quarters. SHORTLY IT MEANS, ALWAYS!! FOR THE CIA CODES DO CAUNT PLUS 3 ! TORPEDO ROOM * After you are done decoding your message, go to control room, down the stairs, left to tube, climb down, go right. Inspect machine (At first they'll say nothing. Cycle machine (After scene, inspect machine again. Get cylinder Measure cylinder (Go to Machinery room, up tube and left. MACHINERY ROOM * Open cabinet. Get pin. Get nut. 1/2". Get washer. 1/2". Get cylinder. 6". Go to lathe, center towards the back of the room. Use lathe. Set lathe. 1". Turn on lathe. Use drill (Machine next to grinder.) Select bit. 1/4". Turn on drill. Use grinder (Last machine.) (Go two screens left.) Open drawer (In Engine room.) Get hammer. Get wrench (This is for later.) 1/2". Go to torpedo room, three screens right, down tube, and right.) TORPEDO ROOM * Put in new cylinder. Put in pin. Cycle machine. Go to cafeteria, up tube and right. AT THE CAFETERIA * Get bottle. But before you can get drunk a man appears. Say 'Yes' when he asks you if you want to play. You can only restore twice when you're playing before he calls you a cheater. How to play the game: You are trying to win the bottle of rum, all of his money, and a magnetic device. C = Call R = Roll N = New game / roll again THIS PART OF THE GAME WAS REALLY SHIT SLOW! I HAD TO PLAY IT FOR OVER TWO AND A HALF HOUR TO GET THE STUFF!!! (I'M NO FOOL,I LET IT BE PLAYED BY A FRIEND FOR ALL THAT TIME.HE,HE,!!) After you did get all the stuff... Go upstairs and to helm. HELM & DESTROYER * OKEY HERE WE GO AGAIN! I USED THE MOUSE TO CONTROLL THE SUB. BUT SEE YOURSELFES. SOME OTHER ADVICE IS. GET A FOOL( LIKE I DID) TO PLAY THIS 'COZ IT TAKE HOURS TO GET THE DESTROYER SANK.!!!(THANKS TO MIKE!!) Do the below so that you only use one decoy. Bring down weapon control panel. Turn off active sonar, F3. Turn on silent running, F4. Dive to below 600 feet. Slow down to 5 knots. Don't attack too soon and give your position away. Shoot decoy, Shift + F6 to lock. Then Shift + F8 to fire to get rid of torpedo. Try to use only one!. When a white line appears and gets to the middle of the Close Circuit Monitor, shoot your Harpoons ONLY. You have to hit him at least three times before he sinks. Get up (Get code and decode it.) Go back to helm. HELM & ICEBERGS * Navigate it so that you are always going north, 350-15. Try not to hit anything. Contact ice station. Once you're through and your sonarman tells you that it's...Ice Station. Get up. Get code and decode. Go to helm. HELM & ALPHA SUB * You're now fighting the Alpha sub. Dive to 1200 feet. Stay there, turn off your Active sonar. Turn on your silent running. Do not shoot your decoys for the first group of about 6 torpedos. After the first 6 past, dive quickly and turn on your Active sonar. Use your decoys to get rid of the torpedos. Also, decrease to 0 knots. Shoot your decoys immediately after the torpedos appear on the screen. Once you see the bottom on your active sonar screen.. get it so that you're as close to it without breaching your sub. Then turn off your active sonar, turn on your silent running and wait. Watch the sub on your Close Circuit Monitor. Wait until the white line goes all the way across the screen and then almost all the way back to his screen, about 2 or 3 centimeters from leaving the screen. Then shoot two or three Stingers. Then increase your speed, and turn. Try not to get hit by the torpedos that the sub will launch. Wait till your sonarman says that he hears irregular pings. Then turn on your active sonar and turn it off quickly. You then follow the Coontz, which will be the cross on your screen. Imagine your screen as a compass with 0 degrees being North, 90 degrees being East, 180 being South, and 270 being West. As the Coontz moves, follow them right into Tunisia. One note, you can turn faster if you are moving faster. DIVING * Go to torpedo room. Open cabinet. Get flares and explosives Leave and go to the machinery room. Get key. Go right to tube, down, and left. Open locker Go to machinery room, right, and right. Push button. Get diver. Inspect diver Examine vibration. Check shaft. Measure shaft. Put washer on shaft. Put nut on washer. Tighten nut. Climb. Open door. DIVING * Put on gear. You then get to maneuver the diver. Maneuver close to the heading, displayed at upper-right of screen,and then go in a direction so that the distance decreases. OIL RIG * Set explosives. You then maneuver to the harbor. Do the same get as close to the correct heading as possible and then go in a direction so that the distance decreases. HARBOR * Swim left. Use device. Swim up, right, right, right. Tie diver to pillar. Swim left, left. Wait for net to come down. Put bottle in net. Wait for net to come down, then go up. ISLAND * Go to old man. Say 'ICEMAN' to man. Get fish. Look fish. Get line. Look line. Look weight. Open capsule. Look map. Follow map to room. Get disguise. Try to avoid the guard. Go right, up, left, to oasis. Say 'ICEMAN' to lady, which happens to be Stacy. Get map. Look map. Follow map to room, right, right, up, left, through door 84. ROOM * Get sugar container (Container on counter on left.) Open container. Empty sugar. Remove bottom. Remove foam. Get gun. Look out window. Open refrigerator. Get butter. Remove lid. Get paper. Read paper. Get card (By the phone.) Read card. Dial (03-120-1204) Talk man. Dial (13-555-8097) Order food. Get tape. Open door (When caterer knocks.) Use gun. Get clothes. Use tape. Leave room after Stacy comes and goes. VAN *** Get food. Hide gun (In the food.) Open door. Go to guard and follow. ROOM W/AMBASSADOR * Give food. Remove lid. Do the commands below as quick as possible or you die.!! Get gun. Shoot guard (Press F3 immediately after 1st guard is shoot.) Shoot guard. Free ambassador. Wait for him to finish talking. Disguise ambassador. Leave. VAN *** You can either drive through the screen. Going fast on straightaways and slow on turns, or you can skip it with F8. WELL FRIENDS THATS ALL FOR THE GAME... IT WAS NICE PLAYING WITH . BUT. IT COULD BE BETTER PROGRAMMED. ASPECIALLY THAT CARDGAME AND THE DRIVING OF THAT SUB!!! HOW SLOW IT WAS GOING!" OKEY HERE FOLLOWES THE NEEDED CODE-PAGES TO GET THE MESSAGES DECODED. PAGE 5 U.S. WHEN TO READ LOST PHOTO CONTACTING IN SEPARATE SEND PLACING MOTION VITAL FOR DECEMBER DESTROY ADMISSION PEOPLE TO FIND PASS TIME SO LINE OVER WANT WITH MARINE AND SHADE COONTZ SERVICE EXHIBIT CLOCK INTRODUCTION WEAPONRY OF NEAREST DECISION IS JUSTIFIED UNDER TOMORROW IS EVERY SILVER DEGREE. PAGE 7 NEXT STRANGE GO COMMUNIQUE SOMEHOW LAST OFF BUT IT ACTIVITIES DO CONFIDENTIAL FIRST ANNOUNCE MONEY IF RIGHT WEAPONS YOUR CAN OVERTHROW UPDATE ROLL CROSSINGS SERIES WILL 170 THING GOING RIBBON AFTER LARGE STAMP FALL OUT COURSE OF SHOE MAY CAUTION SAND TOP MOUSE MOON SHIP. PAGE 9 SONAR ANOTHER CAN SEE FACE 50 OFFICIAL NEWS AGENT WIT SOMEONE LOCATE WICK SIX 1000 LATITUDE QUEEN TELEVISION AS LONG IS PLAY THE OPEN STUFF LOOK ON SHALL DEGREES HEARD BEARING TEN 28NMN WONDERFULL STILL IS ERRATIC FUNCTION THERE RUSSIAN SWORD DIRECTION CONTACT BUTTON BOWL SURFACE TWO TENT PAGE 11 INSTRUCTION TO MINT WITH PARK REDWOOD DEAD MISSION UNDER THERE 4100 EXTREME 32 BIG CAPITAL FISHERMAN TYPE LOCK NECESSARY CALIFORNIA CAN BOTTLE PHONE OFF LONGITUDE WATER NOTHING FOR USE NIGHT CLIP HALF FOOT IN PING 7575/386 PAGE 14 WITHIN NAME TO THE PUBLISHED DIRECTORY MESSAGE TACTIC GENERIC UNDERSTAND CODE NUMBER SIGNAL PAGE BEEP WRONG ON AS YOUR LIQUID COLUMN U2 IN SAND BANNER CARD WAR BADGE MEMBERSHIP SO WAR BOX CLUB MANTLE THROUGH JANUARY 1/24/2000 SCREEN SHOW TAPE OF MEDIAL USS DEVELOP SEA PAGE 15 TOUCH ACHIEVED SCROLL CALCULATIONS CAN WORD SPELL FROM STEER FISHERMANS CCAKE DONATION SHIPS SET TELEPHONE CRY DRILLING DEATH HOUSE UNTILL NET FEEL THAT 35 SHOULD ALLWAYS SHORE DIFFICULT AREA 10 ELEPHANT TOO A CERTAIN FILE OF WORTH VERY SMALL AT FURTHER IDEA TO BE WAY DIRECTLY UNEARTH PAGE 17 CAN INDIAN STRAITS ARIZONA 2700/56/000 BELIEVE BLUE ND ALPHA ONE EXPOSED LIGHT TANK PATROL.TOLL FIRE WETTING MERLIN ONE TEN HANG SUCH 20 BIGGEST GROUP CLEAR OCEAN DAVID REMOVE PAPER BY HELP THE NEED HOURS DEDICATED REMAINDER TOOL CHOISE 5NM PARTY LAMP SO FRIENDS THATS REALLY ALL TO TYPE NOW!! AINT IT ENOUGH? ALL DONE BY MWB. PLK 47899 2504 CD DENHAAG HOLLAND. (C U AROUND IN ANOTHER SOLUTION?) 0<2B *: &BT``r]?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< COLONELS BEQUEST Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf12/30 The Colonel's Bequest Hints and Tips Written by: Lord Sterling & AvaTar -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walk Through (ACTS) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in ACT ONE: Question Ethel. Watch Lillian put on perfume in the bathroom. Push the armoire to discover the secret room; spy on Lillian and Ethel. Spy on Fifi and The Colonel. Look at Dr. Wilbur's bed and doctor bag. Look at the Colonel's cigar. Look at Clarence's cigar. Move the Grandfather clock and the mirror; spy on Rudy and Gloria. Spy on Clarence and Gertrude. Look at the decanter of cognac. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tasks needed to be completed before proceeding to ACT TWO: Go into the Colonel's bedroom and see him with Fifi. Downstairs you must see Gertie and Clarence talking in the Parlor. See Rudy and Gloria in the Billiards Room. Later, you must see Gertie asleep in her room -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in ACT TWO: Look on the floor near Gertie's room; get the hanky. Search every dead body you find. Look at The Colonel's weapon's collection. Move the mirror and the Grandfather Clock to discover secret rooms; spy on Clarence and Wilbur. Question Lillian. Get the soup bone. Toss the bone to the dog. Search the dog house. See Wilbur sitting alone in the Library. Spy on Clarence and Gloria. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tasks needed to be completed before proceeding to ACT THREE: See Wilbur and Clarence arguing with each other outside. See Lillian and Celie in the kitchen together. See Wilbur reading alone in the Library. You can also find Gertie's dead body outside the Billiards Room. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in ACT THREE: Move the mirror, the Grandfather Clock, and the armoires to discover secret rooms. Find the cane in the secret room. Get the poker in the library. Spy on The Colonel. Search Wilbur's dead body; get the monocle. Examine any piece of evidence you find using the monocle. Watch Lillian play in the Playhouse. Spy on Gloria. Get the crackers from Jeeves' room. Talk to Celie, question her, return her necklace. Get the carrot from Celie's house. Look at Dr. Wilbur's bed, look at his doctor bag. Find the attic key hidden in The Colonel's room. Ride the elevator to the attic, read the newspaper. Look at the clothes in the trunk in the attic. Check this trunk again later in the play. See Rudy and Fifi fight. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tasks needed to be completed before proceeding to ACT FOUR: Discover Lillian in her playhouse reading to her dolls. Notice Gloria alone in the Billiards Room. See Rudy and Clarence argue in their guest room. See Rudy and Fifi together. You can also discover Wilbur's dead body in the stable. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in ACT FOUR: In the Billiards Room, examine the record and the mud with the monocle. Get the cigar butt in the secret passage. Search Gloria's dead body. See Clarence and Rudy fight. Feed a cracker to Polly the Parrot. See Fifi and Jeeves kiss. Catch Lillian in the Weapon's Cabinet. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tasks needed to be completed before proceeding to ACT FIVE: Catch Lillian looking at the Colonel's weapon collection. While exploring outside you must see Rudy, Clarence and Ethel wandering around. You can also discover Gloria's dead body in the Gazebo. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in ACT FIVE:  Find the rolling pin while exploring the grounds. Examine the bootprint with the monocle. Get the crowbar and the oilcan from the Carriage House. Search Ethel's dead body. Watch Fifi put on make-up. Spy on The Colonel and Lillian. Smell the faint aroma of perfume in the secret room. Notice Rudy eating alone in the Dining Room. Notice Clarence drinking alone at the bar. Notice The Colonel without his wheelchair. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tasks needed to be completed before proceeding to ACT SIX: 9 See Lillian with The Colonel in his room. See Rudy eating alone in The Dining Room. See Clarence drinking alone in the Parlor. Go into The Colonel's Room when he's not around. You can also find Ethel's dead body in the Carriage House. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in ACT SIX: Search the wastepaper basket in the bathroom. Examine the bottle with the monocle. See Lillian hiding something in her suitcase. Search Jeeves' and Fifi's body. Thoroughly examine the decanter of cognac. See Clarence writing at his desk. Spy on Lillian when she's alone; spy on Clarence. Feed a cracker to Polly. Watch Rudy petting Beauregard. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tasks needed to be completed before proceeding to ACT SEVEN: See Lillian hiding her diary in her suitcase. See Clarence writing at his desk. See Rudy outside with Beauregard. Knock at Celie's front door. You can also discover that Jeeves and Fifi have been murdered, upstairs. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in ACT SEVEN: Feed a cracker to Polly. Read Clarence's notebook. Search Clarence's body. Read Lillian's diary. Take note of what's missing from The Colonel's weapon's collection. Pray with Celie in the Chapel. Watch Lillian playing in the Playhouse again. Enter the secret underground passageway through the Hedge Garden, discover the dead bodies. Find the next secret passageway. Use the crowbar to pry Ruby's vault open. Unbar the door to get out. Catch Rudy searching Lillian's room. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tasks needed to be completed before proceeding to ACT EIGHT: See Lillian in her playhouse again acting very bizarre. Go to the Chapel and pray with Celie. Read Clarence's journal. See Rudy searching Lillian's room. You can also discover Clarence's dead body. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in ACT EIGHT: Search Lillian's dead body, find the key. Get the gun and the bullet. Load the gun. Go into the attic through the door at the top of the stairs. Shoot Rudy. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tasks needed to be completed to finish ACT EIGHT: Find Lillian's dead body in the Hedge Garden. Hear a fight in the attic. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Basic Detective Skills -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= About The Colonel's Bequest: Colonel's Bequest is a PLAY divided into 8 "acts." There are several tasks you MUST accomplish in each act to cause the play to progress. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to progress through the "acts": In every act there are certain tasks you must accomplish in order for the play to progress to the next act. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to "spy" on people and find out what's really going on behind those closed doors? Everytime I walk into a room and interrupt a conversation, the people stop talking! Push on either armoire upstairs to move it. Discover a secret room. You are able to peek through the eyeholes of the portraits to spy on anyone in the bedrooms. Do this often throughout the play. Downstairs, push on the Grandfather Clock or the mirror to eavesdrop on conversations. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to closely examine the items you've found. What to use to yourself: A real detective is never without a magnifying glass! You can find a monocle on Wilbur's dead body and use it to examine evidence in much the same way. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on each character -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on the Colonel: The Colonel smokes a cigar, take note of it. Spy on the Colonel when he doesn't know you're watching. Spy on him when he's alone with Fifi and again when he's alone with Lillian. Spy on him when he gets out of his wheelchair to stoke the fire! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on Lillian: At the beginning of the play, watch Lillian in the bathroom as she puts on perfume. Spy on her private conversation with her mother, and again speaks to The Colonel. Question her when she's in the kitchen with Celie. Startle her when she's snooping through the Colonel's weapon's collection. Note her bizarre behavior when she's alone in the Playhouse (more than once). Towards the end of the play, read her diary. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on Ethel: Question Ethel at the beginning of the play. Notice her hanky. Spy on her private conversation with Lillian. Spy on her when she's drinking alone. Watch her stumble around drunk outside. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on Gertrude: Spy on her private conversation with Clarence. She sure has the goods on him. She knows all about his affair with Gloria, his desire to buy Ethel's land, and his Racehorse scam. You will see her napping in her bedroom early on in the evening. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on Gloria: Spy on her when she speaks to Rudy. Discover that she's having an affair with Clarence. Discover that she's concealing a medical problem from the past. Watch her threaten Dr. Wilbur; watch her break Clarence's heart. Watch her as she sits alone listening to the Victrola. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on Rudy: Spy on him when he speaks to Gloria. Spy on him when he speaks to Clarence. Take note of his relationship with Clarence. Catch him trying to kiss Fifi. Watch him eat alone. Catch him searching Lillian's room. I wonder why Beauregard likes him. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on Clarence (the attorney): Clarence smokes a cigar, take note of it. Spy on his private conversations. He has words with Ethel, Rudy, Wilbur and with Gloria. He has a racehorse scam going with Wilbur, he's having an affair with Gloria, and he has a fight with Rudy. Notice him drinking alone. Notice him writing in his notebook. When you find him dead, search his body for the matches. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on Wilbur (the doctor): Notice Dr. Wilbur reading alone in the Library. Gloria threatens him regarding her secret medical past. Spy on his conversation with Clarence. He has a racehorse scam going. When you find him dead, search his body for the monocle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on Jeeves (the butler): Jeeves keeps to himself. You discover that he is having an affair with Fifi. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on Fifi: Note that she carries a hanky. She wears perfume. Spy on her when she's alone with the Colonel. Rudy tries to kiss her but she wants nothing to do with him. You discover that she is having an affair with Jeeves. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Information on Celie: Find the Healing Necklace that Celie lost and she will make you her friend. Visit her at her home more than once during the play. Pray with her in the Chapel. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do with Blaze (the horse): Get a carrot from Celie and feed it to Blaze. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do with Beauregard (the dog): You can find a soup bone in the icebox and toss it to Beauregard. When he's eating it, search his doghouse. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do with Polly (the parrot): You can find some crackers in Jeeves room. Feed them to Polly, one cracker each act. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Things you can do in various rooms -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Parlor: You can overhear private conversations going on in the Parlor. Notice the decanter of cognac on the bar. Later in the play you will notice it is missing. Clarence drinks alone in The Parlor. Also note, Polly the parrot is in the Parlor. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Billiards room: You can overhear private conversations going on in The Billiards Room. Gloria likes to sit in here and listen to the Victrola. At a certain time during the play, you may discover evidence of a struggle in this room. Closely examining some evidence could give you a clue as to who the murderer is. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Library: You may notice Wilbur reading alone in the Library. At a certain time during the play, you may discover evidence of a struggle in this room. Closely examining some evidence could give you a clue as to who the murderer is. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Study: The Colonel keeps his Weapon Collection in the cabinets and his derringer on the desk. Take note of what weapons he has. Later in the play, take note of what's missing. At a certain point in the play you discover Lillian searching through the cabinets. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Kitchen: You see Lillian talking to Celie in the kitchen. You can also attempt to talk to Celie. Get the soupbone from the icebox. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Dining room: Private conversations sometimes occur in T he Dining Room. If you are able to eavesdrop you'll learn some interesting facts. At one point you find Rudy eating alone. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to enter the Attic, what to do in there: There are two ways to get into the attic. When The Colonel's not around, you can find the key to operate the elevator controls and ride up to the attic. Look through the trunk full of old army clothes and read the newspaper. In the eighth act, you will find another key on a dead body. Use that key to enter the attic through the door at the top of the stairs. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to enter the Basement, what to do in there: Towards the end of the play you discover a secret passage in the Hedge Garden that leads to the basement. Locate the small metal plate on the wall. Insert the crank into the metal plate (take the crank off the bell). Turn the crank to discover another hidden passage. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Upstairs Bathroom: In the beginning of the play you are able to watch Lillian putting on perfume in the bathroom. Later in the play, search the wastepaper basket. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Colonel's bedroom: You can see different people having conversations with The Colonel-Fifi talks with him and even kisses him (hm). Lillian also has a conversation with The Colonel. You can search for the elevator key when The Colonel is away from his room. Notice The Colonel's cigar. Try to spy on The Colonel when he doesn't know you're watching. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in Lillian's room: Towards the end of the play you will see Lillian hiding something in her suitcase. When she's not around you discover it's her diary! Still later, you can catch Rudy searching the room. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in Ethel's room: There is not much that occurs in Ethel's bedroom. You can talk to her at the beginning of the game. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in Gloria and Gertie's room: In the early evening you'll find Gertie napping in her room. Later you will discover signs of a struggle in this room. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in Dr. Wilbur's room: Notice Dr. Wilbur's bag on his bed. Later you will notice it's missing. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in Clarence and Rudy's room: Rudy and Clarence argue in their room. Later, Clarence naps in his room. Late in the night, you see Clarence writing at the desk. When he's not around you are able to read his diary. You will also see signs of a struggle and a bloodstain on the floor. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in Fifi's bedroom: At first you notice nothing suspicious in Fifi's room (except when Rudy's around). Later in the play, however, you discover a murder here! Search carefully for any clues or evidence. Thoroughly examine the decanter of cognac. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in Jeeves bedroom: Jeeve's room is in the cellar. Get the crackers that are on the table. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do at Celie's house: Visit Celie more than once during the play. When she invites you in for a chat, get the carrot. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Chapel: Use the crowbar (that you found in The Carriage House) to pry up the loose floorboards and find an old Bible. Come back later and pray with Celie. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Cemetary: There is something in the tomb, but you can't get to it through the cemetary. You must take the secret underground passage through the Hedge Garden. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do at the Playhouse: Twice you discover Lillian in the Playhouse with her dolls acting in a very bizarre manner. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do at the Stable: You need to get the lantern. First, you must feed Blaze the carrot that you got from Celie's house. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do in the Carriage House: You need to get the oilcan and the crowbar. You can sometimes discover a dead body here. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do at the Bell Tower: Climb the ladder and oil the bell (find an oilcan in the Carriage House). If you can't reach the rope, use the cane that you find in the secret passage. Get the crank from the bell, you'll need it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to do at the Hedge Garden: You will see a small square shaft on the statue of the dancing nymph. Insert the valve handle into the shaft (you can find the valve handle in the suit of armor). Turn the valve handle, then turn the statue. Towards the end of the play you will find a dead body in the Hedge Garden. Search the body to find a key. Get the derringer and the bullet. Load the gun. Near the end of the play you will also discover a SECRET UNDERGROUND PASSAGE in the Hedge Garden that leads to the basement. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Other Tips -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Whgat to do with the suit of armor: Oil the visor. (You can find an oilcan in the Carriage House.) You'll find a small metal valve handle inside the armor. Use it on the statue in the Hedge Garden. Or you can Oil hand. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to open the cellar door near the doghouse: At the beginning of the play, the doors won't open. Come back later and you will be able to go inside. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= How to ride the elevator: Search The Colonel's room when he's not around. Find the brass key inside the miniature cannon. Look at the elevator controls. Using the key you will be able to ride up to the attic. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ACT 8 (The Final Scene) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What to if I find the Colonel, and he is dead...: Time is critical, you need to move a little faster. You want to interrupt the fight in which the Colonel is killed. Try again, this time: after discovering Lillian's body, get the gun and the bullet... load the gun. Search Lillian for a key, then QUICKLY go to the attic. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You witness the struggle in the attic between Rudy and the Colonel, and Rudy wins... What you should have done: It's probably not a good idea to passively watch. Did you find the gun? Get the gun and bullet in the Hedge Garden. Load the gun. Shoot Rudy! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You witness the struggle in the attic between Rudy and The Colonel, and you shot the Colonel.. Did you do the right thing? Nope. Next time don't shoot The Colonel. shoot Rudy and see what happens. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You witness the struggle in the attic between Rudy and the Colonel, and you shot Rudy.. Did you do the right thing? Wise choice... You did the right thing! Rudy was trying to kill The Colonel. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you have any furhter questions: contact either one of us on a bbs.  0<2B *: &BTj`rH?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< CONQUEST OF CAMELOT Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf C O N Q U E S T of C A M E L O T SOLUTION By MWB!! To start enter your room and GET PURSE. CHANGE CLOTHES. Now leave your room and continue up to passage to the garden where the queen hangs out. Talk to her. ASK ABOUT FLOWER. GET FLOWER, ASK ABOUT LANCELOT, and ask her about anything else she talks about if you want. Now exit the room and continue down the passage. Go to the next tower where the treasury and Wizards room are. To get to the wizards room you continue to go forward in the tower where you see the treasure. The wizards room is that tiny tower next to the treasury. Enter the treasury and ASK MAN ABOUT BUNDLES. ASK ABOUT COINS. And ASK ABOUT GEWAIN. GIVE PURSE TO MAN, GET GOLD, GET SILVER, and GET COPPER. Now GET PURSE backfrom the man. Leave the treasury and go into the wizard's room. In here you TALK TO MERLIN, ASK ABOUT MAP, GLASTONBURY TOR, OT MOOR. You can also ask a few other things if you want. Now go and take a look at the map in his room. Then READ SCROLL, READ TRANSLATION. Go to the chest and open it. GET LODESTONE. Now go down from the wizards room. Pass the next tower and do not leave through the exit, but instead walk past it to the last tower you have not been to. This is the chapel of the two gods. Go to each of the alters here and KNEEL.P Put a gold coin on each alter. Go the exit you passed earlier to the courtyard. ASK GUARD ABOUT GALAHAD AND LANCELOT. MOUNT HORSE and leave the castle. Now back on the map, the first place you go is to GlastonburyTor. You will see a little forest sprite on the screen as you enter. Give him a copper coin. Now go west and you will see a poor hunter there. Give the poor hunter a copper coin. Ask him about lots of people if you want information. You can ask about Lancelot, Gawain, Mad Monk, Black Knight, and maybe some others. Give the man a gold coin and he will give you the spear you need. Now get back on your horse and continue west. You will fight three boars here. You just press space bar when the boar is real close. Now continue on to the next screen. Talk to the CROW. He will ask you if you want to challenge Black Knight,say YES. Now look at the dead guy by the tree. GET SLEEVE. Now go to the next screen where you will joust Black Knight. Look where his shield is and don't hit the shield, instead hit his body. After you unseat him three times you will win. Go east and free your friend. Draw you sword and BREAK SHACKLESS with your sword. Talk to him and ask him questions and then. Put Gawain on your horse and he will betaken back to your castle. Now continue on and you will see a hag. Give the hag the sleeve that you got. This will free her of the curse. Now save your game. Read the writing on the thingwhere the hag was. Now go LEFT. There are a lot of hard riddles here. Here are some answers to some of the questions. Keep restoring and there will be different questions each time you come. If you get lucky you will get five questions you know. And gamble for the sixth one!(SO DID I !!) Here are some of the answers to the questions. 1. You here me before, you hear me again... answer is "echo" 2. Sky, feather of a blue jay, water answers is "blue" 3. follow you around answer "shadow" 4. look you in eye... never lies "mirror" 5. young, sweet in the sun, middle ages makes you gay, old makes it valuable answer: wine 6. three lives breaks rock caresses sky Answer "water" 7. Carries burden... would break a mans back, leaves silver in its track answer "snail" 8. If you break me... if you lose me answer is "heart" 9. I turn around once, what is out will not get in, I turn around again, what is in will not get out, what am I answer is "key" Some other usefull answeres are... SIEVE, CHILD, LOVE, TRUTH, MIRROR,GRAPES When you got the answeres. Walk between the stones. You will be teleported to the center of Tor. Go north and you will see the monk there. ASK ABOUT GRAIL to him. He will get mad and run north. Follow him north and if he is not in the screen when you follow him north, continue west. You will see two illusions of the monk and one real one. Draw you sword and use space bar to hit the monks with your sword. After you beat the monks the servants will say you cannot leave. Look around the ruins for the alter and put five silver coins on it. The servants will allow you to go and give you a key. Take this key and look around thefor well which is in the ruins. When you get to the well. USE KEY to unlock the lock on the lid of the well. REMOVE LID and REACH IN WELL. Get the heart from the well, And return to the place where you enter Glastonbury Tor. The way backwards is south, east,west, west, south, east, east. In this screen the sprite will popup again. Save your game here just incase he plays a trick on you. When he asks for copper just GIVE THE BASTERD ONE COPPER COIN. *6 * COZ WHEN YOU DON'T or DIDN'T HE EMPTYED YOUR PURSE.* * AND YOU NEED SOME MONEY TO BUY A TICKET TO GAZA !! * *6 Go south back to the map. Go to Ot Moor. It will be snowing here. Go around here till you get to the ice. The screens are RIGHT,UP,UP! USE HEART when you get on the ice. The heart will guide you across the ice. When the heart is gold you are going in the right direction, and when it is purple the ice will break and you will fall in. This part is very hard, even with the heart. Move one slowly one step at a time save your game every few steps. THE SCREENS ARE..UP..LEFT..LEFT..UP.!! After watching the color change to purple { and the ice breaking, and changing to gold, and the ice not breaking, you should understand how this works. After a FEW TRY'S(I THINK A LOT YOU NEED!), You will eventually make it across the ice.(SOME DAY) You will see an ice palace here. Go inside and you will see the lady of the lake. Talk to here. GIVE HEART to her. She will thank you and give you information. You have to be a good guy now and say FREE LANCELOT. She will give you a test. Accept the test. You will need THE DOC FILE HERE BELOWE FOR THIS TO SOLVE. Go and reed this well!! I include some of the answers to the riddles of the flowers to help you out. ASK ABOUT TEST. If you get to a question you can't figure out, you will die, so just restore. LOOK BUSH. *@ 1. It alleviates all pain and sorrows... answer "daffodil" 2. When light is dim and courage fails... answer "almond blossom" 3. Known to the priest and nun, who natural pleasures to shun... answer "cornflower" 4. For its sweet sake, you suffer in silence... answer "forget me not" 5. In time of grief, it gives relief... answer "poppy" 6. It can be as sweet as the tongue, or vile as a curse... answer "yellow lily" 7. Surrounded by giants, your worries are few... answer "buttercup" The message of the Rose: Love is my shield AND MAYBE THIS WILL HELP YOU. The language of the flowers. From the earliest days of civilization, flowers have been given special meanings. For example, the rose has a long association with love,sexuality and with many goddesses, the virgin mary, and the science of alchemy. Not only the flower itself, but often the color indicated what significance was attached to it. There are many legends of flowers springing up where drops of blood or tears fell to the ground. What follows is a list of flowers and their meanings.  Almond blossom - hope Anemone - afterthought Buttercup - memories of childhood carnation - heart columbine - folly yellow chrysanthemum - slighted love white chrysanthemum - truth cornflower - celibacy (NUN & PRIEST) daffodil - death forget-me-not - true love hyacinth - sport, game, or play white lily - purity yellow lily - falsehood orchid - seduction blue periwinkle - early friendship white periwinkle - pleasures of memory red poppy - consolation scarlet poppy - fantastic extravagance snowdrop - hope or consolation sunflower - haughtiness red tulip - declaration of love yellow tulip - hopeless love violet - lust *A You only need to answer three. So there is a good chance you will get a lot of the questions. Now that you have answered these three riddles. You will be set free and teleported before the ice. Now go back west two screens to the map and go to Southhampton. Talk to the man near the boat. Ask the man about Galahad and ASK ABOUT PRICES. BUY TRIP TO GAZA. The ticket to Gaza will cost 3gp's. DO YOU STILL HAVE MONEY IN YOUR PURSE? You probably only have two GP's,(I HAD STILL 3 GOLD COINS) So give two gold pieces and five silver pieces OR 3 GOLD COINS. And the man and you will get your ticket. Now you are off to Gaza. When you enter Gaza, you will see a man and a boy. They will both persuade you to go with them. GO WITH BOY. He will take you to his master. You can ask him questions. Ask Al-Sirat about stuff like the grail, Galahad, the goddesses, and their guardians, and other things you feel necessary to ask for. Write down the things he tells you like the names of the goddesses. WRITE DOWN SPECIALLY THE SYMBOLS! When you are ready to go to the desert, you will see Jabir again. Don't hire him, but just continue into the desert. After you come to the first screen in the SOUTH. Go east, south, and east. Don't drink the water because it is poisonous. Jabir will stand in your way to go east now. So draw your sword and he will run. Once Jabir runs, go east and then north. You will see a building here. Go up the stairs in the south of the screen on to the platform. Then take the stairs. Going down from the platform to the Pool of Siloam. When you get down here, drink from the pool of siloam. Now go back up and leave this building and go north. You will get to the Zion gate if you continue going north. You will see four guards here. Give the one guard you talk to 4 copper pieces. Now go west along the wall until you reach the Jaffa's gate. A man will ask you to give him all your money. Just draw you sword. Now enter through the gate. You will be robbed right when you enter. There is no way to get the money back. Now that you have no money go to the man Mohammed. He is caring for your mule. Sell the mule to him and you will have lots of money again. Mohammed will tell you all the conversions for the money he gives to you. REMEMBER THE COINS WORTH FOR. OKEY I'LL TELL IT YOU PERFECTLY!. 2 DINARS=GOLD DIRHAMS =SILVER FALS =COPPER 4DIRHAMS ARE 1DINAR 4FALS ARE 1DIRHAM Now you will not enter the bizarre. You get to go around and make everyone happy. Go around talking to people if you want. When you find the seeress,buy the THRUTH apple she has for one dinar. She will reveal her job. She tell you about the apple you have just eaten. Now go around and make people happy. You will find out that Ibraham (thetextile merchant) needs a veil. Go to the Felafel maker who is cooking felafels. Buy a felafel and give it to the little boy next to the felafel stand. Now go to the pottery seller and buy a mirror from him. Now go to the place where you sold Mohammed your mule. CALL FOR MARI who lived upstairs. THROW MIRROR to Mari. AND WHAT DOES THE BITCH DO?... She will go back in.!! JUST CALL MARI again. Ask for the veil. She will throw down the veil. Now take the veil back to Ibraham and give him the veil. He will be happy. Now look for the meat merchant and buy a LAMB piece from him. Take the LAMB to the felafel maker and give her the sheep. You have accomplished another good deed. Now look for the fish man and talk to him. He will tell you his problems. Go to the lamp merchant and buy the herbs from him. Now go back to the smelly fish dude and USE HERBS. You will have fixed the problem for him and his neighbors. Tariq talks about a religious relic. Go to the relic guy (Antiquarius Rex) and buy a relic. He will ask you for a name. Type PETER. Don't worry about grail he talks about. Now go back to the lamp merchant and give him the relic. Now buy charcoals from the lamp merchant. Take thecharcoals and give them to the beggar. The lamp merchant should have given you a broom As you gave him the relic. Go to the innkeeper and KNOCK DOOR,give him the broom. Enter his inn and stay a night. Now go back to the screen where you sold Mohammed the mule. You will see a woman who is crying. TALK TO WOMAN. Go to the grain dude and buy grain from him. You should be about broke once you buy the grain. Take the grain back to the girl and THROW GRAIN. The birds will come down and you have performed yet another good deed. You have not passed the test. Go back to the apple lady and talk to her. She will tell you to go to the house with the crescent and moon next. She will give you also a strength apple. Keep it for later. Now go to the big house with the star and the crescent. Say no to all your seductions.(I KNOW IT IS HARD TO DO!) Talk to her and then ask her about things such as Galahad, the grail, and the test. After you ask about the test, she will open the door for you. BUT FIRTS YOU MUST GIVE YOUR PURSE. (THAT DOES SOUND FAMILIAR?) Go through the door to take the test. REMEMBER THE SYMBOLS that Al Sirat gave you, and you'll pass this test. THIS IS VERY TRICKY! Fatima will tell you if you pass the test. Now go to the Hierophant. The Hierophant is the old beggar who you have the charcoals to. Talk to him and ask him to open the catacombs. He will do that and give you an elixir. To find your way around in the catacombs, use the lodestone. Now go around the catacombs and look at the murals. Keep looking around until you find a childs mummy with a medallion on it. Go to the right of the mummy and use your sword to get the medallion. Now go to the sarcophagus and read the inscription on it. Go to the open part of the sarcophagus and get the golden apple. Now you should easily find Galahad. Give Galahad the elixir that you got from the Hierophant. You should get bitten by a rat right now, but don't worry. Just continue on,but hurry now. Now look around for the statue of Aphrodite. Put the golden apple in the palm of her hand. To answer Aphrodite's questions i have been quite a lot buzzy!! HERE THEY ARE. IT TOOK ME A FEW BOOKS TO READ TO GET THE RIGHT ANSWERES. I'LL HELP YOU GET THE RIGHT ANSWERES HERE THEY COME.... 1 WHO WAS DRAGGED TO DEATH BEHIND HIS CHARIOT? ....HIPPOLYTUS!!!! 2 IN THE KINGDOM OF FLORA WHAT REPRESENTED FERTILITY AND IS SACRED TO APHRODITE?.APPLE!!! 3 WHAT IS APHRODITES SACRED NUMBER?.6!!! 4 IN THE KINGDOM OF FAUNA WHAT REPRESENTED FERTILITY AND IS SACRED TO APHRODITE?.DOVE! 5 WHO ENDED THE DISPUTE BETWEEN APHRODITE AND PERSEPHONE ABOUT ADONIS?.ZUES! 6 WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE KING WHO WAS THE FATHER OF HIPPOLYTUS?.THESUES! After you answered all of her questions, she will give you directions on how to get out of the catacombs and a dove. Write down all the directions she give you. When the secret doors opens. Use the lodestone determine which doors to take. The lodestone always points north. Follow the directions, and then take the stairs out. Don't forget to take a look at the dead warriors skull. Now get to the temple. Walk all around the temple and check it out. When you encounter the Saracen, eat the strength apple. Put on the helmet that Saracen gives you. Ok now just fight this bastard too. If you die of poison at any time in this whole area, then you have wasted too much time, so restore to the part where you get bitten and do everything more quickly. After you beat the Saracen, use the dove. Follow the dove until Aphrodite appears. Listen to what she says. Then ask Merlin about the spiral. Now go to the spiral. When you are facing the spiral on the inside of the temple. Now move to the left and count the spaces of the remains of the pillars until you get to the 6th one. THE SECRET IS .COUNT THE EMPTY HOLE TOO! Push the 6th pillar, and voila!!! Now get the grail. The grail will be stolen by a thief when you get it. Chase the thief down the stairs and into the alley. He will be trapped in the alley. You can kill the thief or show mercy to him. Grab the grail and you are done. THAT'S ALL FOLKS. SIT BACK AND WATCH THE END SEQUENCE OF THE GAME IT'S ALL DONE BY MWB!! (WHO ELSE?) LOOKOUT FOR OTHER 100% SOLUTIONS OF.. M.W.B. PLK 47899 2504 CD DENHAAG HOLLAND A SMALL NOTE FOR SOMEONE WHO READS THIS: I'M LOOKIN'FOR THE REAL SOLUTION OF KINGS QUEST 1 (YES ONE!!) COZ THE OLD GNOME AT THE BEGINNING IS N O T ..IFNFVOHGROGHPRM !! .--- - OR RUMPELSTILTSKIN! - THE BASTARD GIVES A GOLDEN KEY AND I NEED THE BEANS FROM HIM, SO WHO CAN HELP ME WITH THAT BLOODY OLD GAME? THERE IS A SOLUTION CIRCULATING BUT THAT ONE IS NOT CORRECT!  0<2B *: &BTp`r3?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< FUTURE WARS Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf FUTURE WARS TYPED/PLAYED BY M.W.B. AT THE OFFICE When your boss is gone, pick up the empty bucket. walk to the control box and examine it. You see a red and a green button . Press the red button, and the motor starts and lift you up to the next floor. Go to the window that your boss didnt close . Open it so you can climb into the building . Take the plastic bag from the waste basket. Walk around on the carpet until you feel something under your feet then (operate carpet) to get the key. Walk to the toilet and open the cupboard. Get the insecticide out of the cupboard. Open the door to the WC and take the flag on the floor. When you got the flag go to the sink and fill the bucket with water. When you filled the bucket go back into the first room . Put the full bucket on the boss's door. Open the door on your right and the boss will come out just to get the bucket full of water in his head. In the mean time you slip through the door you just opened. Examine the desk drawer and take the paper. On your right and to the left there is a bookcase with 4 cupboards at the bottom and 4 at the top, if you unlock cupboard number 3 from the map you will find a typewriter. Examine the typewariter and you will get a 5 digits code. write it down because you will need it someday. Go the map and examine it. Get copy of it in the upper left corner. Find the little hole in the map. Put the flag you got into the hole. The map on the wall will slide open . Behind it, there is a passage. Enter the passage. The roof is moving downwards to crush you like a bug. Now did you write down the 5 digits code because you need it now. There is one door in the room and to the right there's a keypad. Examine keypad. You can see the keypad on the screen. Operate one (1) digits at the time. if the code is 40315 ... You need to do like this. operate 4 on the keypad operate 0 on the keypad operate 3 on the keypad operate 1 on the keypad operate 5 on the keypad OPERATE every time you press a key on the keypad. If you was fast enough the roof will move up and the door will open so you can continue your quest. Walk through the door. Turn right . Enter a room with a big machine in the center of the room. Examine it. Find out that it is a photocopier. There is a opening in it, if you're smart you put your paper in the opening and press the green button on the photocopier. Press the red button, if it says 'nothing happend' then just press it again and again until you get a document. The alarm goes off. Get the document and go into the transporter. (white circle on the floor) Watch the guard! The Swamp & The Village - You are in the middle of a swamp. Walk to the left, but beware if you walk outside the GREEN land. Walk over to the mosquitoes. Stop before you enter the swarm. Use the insecticide and the swarm will disapear. Go to the left and when you are near the tree in the left side of the screen, you will see a blink on the ground. Examine the ground . Pick up the pendant. Go left,enter the lakeside. Go right over to the tree in the upperleft corner. Examine the tree-foot. Examine the hole. Take the rope. Climb the tree so try and use rope on tree branch. Then you will climb the tree, you were about to fall asleep when a guy enter the screen, He takes his clothes off and jump in the water. Climb down the tree . Pick up his clothes. Put on the clothes. Enter the village. When you enter the village walk to the chickens and then go left. You will enter a clearing in the wood with a tree in the middle. Walk over to tree and shake it (operate tree). A silver coin falls out of the monks habit, that is hanging in the tree. Take the silver coin. Walk to the INN. Open the door. Enter. Give the silver coin to the innkeaper. He will give you some food, While you are eating you listen to the conversation from the other table. When you are finished eating, walk to the castle. Show the pendant to the guard. He will take you to his master. When you are on your way out the guard is sleeping on his post. Take his lance and go back into the woods where you got the silver coin. Use the lance to get the monks habit. Run behind a tree and change to the monks habit. Walk back to the village. Go down. Enter a path that leeds to a big wolf. Examine the wolf. You see a glint. Examine the glint. You find out that the wolf is mechanical. Destroy electronic wolf.by.WATER. Run back to the lakeside. Fill the plastic bag with water. Hurry back to the wolf because the plastic bag is leaking. Throw the plastic bag at the wolf. The wolf will disapaer in a flash of light. Go to the monastery. Open the door. Enter the monastery. Follow the monks in there route and when you come to the door on the right, open the door and enter, it's the supervisors room and he look at you and ask you to get him a cup of chikapok. Leave the room and follow the monks in there route to the door on your left. Open the door and enter. Here you will find a cup. Take the cup and leave the room. Walk with the monks until you reach the door in the middle. Open door. Enter. You find a lot of barrels. Examine the barrels. Find one that is full and fill the cup with wine. Leave the room and go to the supervisors room. Give him the cup. He drinks it and says it's not chikapok i get my own. He drops dead drunk. Examine him and you will find a remote device. Use the remote device on the wooden box under the library. The box opens and you find a magnetic card. T that card. Go back to the wine cellar. Use remote device on the barrel that is on top of the ladder. You descover a passage behind it. Go through the passage. Enter a lab just like the one behind the map in the office. Here is a glass case with a woman inside and a consule. Examine the buttom of the glass case and you will find a gas capsule. Take it. Go to the consule. Insert the magnetic card in the consule. The glass case will open and Lane will be free. Show her the pendant so she knows that you are a friend. Lane begins to type on the consule and then she transport you and herself to her father. Read all the text. Zzzz Zzzz. After you read all the text you will be transported to the future together with lane. The Year 4315 - You stand in the middle of the ruin's of a city. Lane is gone so you have to handle this all by yourself. Walk down to the right corner. examine the rubble and you will get a blow-torch. Go back to the center of the screen. Go right to the next screen. Continue right until you're stopped by a wall. Then go up then left. Examine the ground. You see two rubbles. Go to the smallest one. Examine it again. You find a box of fuses. Take the box of fuses. Go to the other rubble and remove the earth (operate rubble). You find a manhole. Open the manhole. Enter. Inside the towns sewer system,you just follow the ledge. Until you come to a place where you have to turn left. Then right on the same screen. You find a tap on the wall. Fill the blowtorch with gas. Continue your quest. Now you come to the room where a creature is about to eat a woman & her child. Burn the creature with the blowtorch. It will go back in the sewage. The woman and the child is safe. They give you the way to the council. She pulls up a remote device. It opens a hole,so you can climb back to the surface. Back on the surface the hole closes. In front of you there is a building with a door and a camera above it. Enter the door. Use the lance to remove the dirt from the camera. The door opens. Go in. Inside you go straight for the newspaper machine. Examine the coin collector. You find a coin. Put the coin in the money-slot but nothing happends. Examine the coin collector again. You will get the coin back. Put it back in the money-slot. Now it should work. Get newspaper. Wait for the train to arrive. Enter the train. You will be transported to the shuttle-port. You go over the desk and talk to the hostess. She will proberly say 'just a minute cant you see am busy'. Keep talking to her. You will get some info about the price, and how you can pay for the flight. But you dont have any money so you have to figure out a way to get on the plane without the inspector stops you. Look around and you see a TV fKloading in the air. The TV is turned off. Examine TV. You find out that there is no buttons on it. Go down to the toilet. Examine the box on your left. Its a fuse-box. Examine the fuses. One of the fuses is burned out. Replace it with the one you have. Go back up to the hall. The inspector is watching the TV. Go up the stairs. You will be on your way to PARIS IV. If the guards stops you and ask you for your ticket. Go back to the toilet and take the fuse out of the fuse-box, and then replace it again. Go back up again and try to go up the stairs. If he stops you again. Go back to the toilet again and do the same as last time. You're on the way up the stairs and enter the plane. The plane takes off. Just wait till you get to PARIS IV. The plane gets attacked by the grughons. You pass out and when you wake up you will be in a small room. Examine the room to find out that there is no escape. But wait what is that on the wall?? An air duct!! Use your key to remove the grille from the air duct. Put the gas capsule in the air duct. Then use the newspaper to blok the air duct so the gas dont enter the room. After a while the door opens and you go into the other room. You killed the grughons. Suddenly a screen is lowered from the roof. A voice says 'surrender Grughons we have you in our tractor beam' You've been rescued. there will be a lot of text reading. Zzzz Zzzz When you enters the game again you will be transported 68 millions year back in time. Cretaceous - Go down to Lo'ann and you will get an airgun. Follow her to the left. You will be on a ledge looking down on a Grughon ship. Too late !! They already set the bomb to explode. "Earthlings! Earthlings! " Shoot them!! They have seen you. Now you haveto shoot the Grughons with the mouse. IT WILL BE TRICKY!! When you have shot all the Grughons, Lo'ann will be shot by a Grughon that has survived, you shoot him with your airgun. Examine Lo'ann. Find out that she's still alive. Examine her. You find a pill and her pendant. Use the pendant to transport Lo'ann back to the year 4315. After done that. Go down to the Grughon's ship. Here you are standing in front of the ship with a dead Grughon under the ship Examine him. Get the magnetic card. Enter the ship. You will be in the control room. Look around and you see a card reader on the wall next to the door. Put the magnetic card in the card reader. The card reader will light up. Get the card back. Go to the case and operate it. It will opens. Take the garment that is on the case. Go to the camera. Put the garment over the camera. Go back to the case. Enter it. Operate the case again. The lid will close. The ship takes of to fly back to the Grughon's space station. Grughon Spacestation - When you land in the Grughon space station. Walk to the card reader. Eat the pill. Wait for the guards to enter the room. Go out the door. Leave the ship. On the hangar floor walk down and hide behind the boxes. Beware! Do not get too close to the guards because then they will feel you. And they you will be caught. When you are behind the boxe's... walk to the big box. examine it, it's open. Operate the box. Enter the box. You will find yourself in a storeroom. Suddenly Albert II will talk to you. He says that you have six minutes to reprogram the master computer. Go to the door. Enter a hallway, once again you need to play by yourself. You have to find the master computer room on the last floor. Go to the consule. Insert the magnetic card in the consule. Albert II will take over. When he's is done go out into the hallway again. Find the medical hangar to escape. NOW YOU HAVE COMPLETED FUTURE WARS 1 !!! THE FOLLOWUP IS OPERATION STEALTH (FUTURE WARS 2) ALL WAS DONE TYPED/PLAYED BY MWB!  0<2B *: &BT`r5?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< HEROS QUEST Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf _8 /_ _./ / / _ __ _ _ __ _ / / / __ / / / / __ / / _/ / / / _/ / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / /___ / / / /___ / / / _/ / / / _/ /___ / / / /___ / / / / /___ / /___ / /___ _/ / / / _/ / /__/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ "The NEO-AGE in Fixing!" Members: \>/inter />\ute, Nosferatu, Tiger2xlc CALL for the latest in WAREZ - The Martyrium - 713-960-0753 Danse Macabre - 713-324-2139 PRESENTING : HERO'S QUEST * SOLUTION * Typed By: White Knight !On 04/15/90 First of All the best Character to get is the Thief. Give the Thief magic and parry. Through out the entire game ask everyone there name and others. Always ask about brigands. The solution is with Full score. Town of Spielburg: Guild: Read the Quests on the wall. Read the book. Sign Book. Ask guild master his name. Inn: Ask the owner his name. Close to Sunset ask the other man's name.  Sheriff's Department Ask name. Alley: Ask name of the peasant. At night go to the two thieves and type <> Fruit Stand: Ask Name Buy 50 apples(For the Ice Giant who will give you the gem) Dry goods: Ask items Buy Daggers(For throwing practice where the target is + it will give you pts.) Buy Rations if you want for food Buy Empty flask to hold things. Zara's Shop: Buy all of her spells Healer's Hut: ASK NAME ASK POTIONS You can buy potions if you wish to help you ASK ABOUT RING When you are out side of the hut you can CLIMB TREE to get the ring in the nest. Once on the branch type GET RING or you can CAST FETCH. Then give the ring to the Healer and she'll give you two potions of healing. REWARDS AT THE HEALER'S HUT GIVE TROLL BEARD(Two healing potions)-Killing a Troll GIVE CLAWS (5 silvers per claw)-Killing a Cheetaur GIVE FLOWERS (Silvers but only 15 flowers)-Erana's Place GIVE MUSHROOM (Some gold but only 9 mushrooms)-Ring of Mushrooms IF you buy any potions and use them you will have empty flasks which will come in handy. The Dryad: The Dryad is at the far left hand corner of the screen Don't kill or harm the STAG! Or the Dryad will turn you into one. She'll ask you if you are a friend of the forest and say YES She'll ask you to get a seed of a plant that is very rare. To find the seed is easy it's the only place where you'll see plants spitting a seed. To Get the seed. CLIMB ROCK and GET SEED(wait until spit towards you) or you can CAST FETCH. After you get the seed you'll have to give it back to the Dryad which will tell you how to get the <> and an acorn will fall to the ground GET ACORN. Meeps: When you enter the screen type TALK MEEPS and their leader will come out and do the following: ASK MEEPS ASK FUR-<> GET FUR ASK SPELL-<> GET SPELL then leave. At night in Spielburg. After you make the sign in the alley they will give you a password and then you will go into the bar and say the password to the man sitting on the trap door. You'll go down stairs and <> You can also play game with the Chief which will raise your throwing stats but you have to type <>. After you get your license you can rob the town. Go to the old Ladie's house and do the following: PET CAT SEARCH COUCH GET CANDLES OPEN PURSE LOOK IN BASKET SEARCH DRAWER. Then leave or the cat will eat you. Go to the Sheriff's House which is next to the dry goods and pick the lock. GET VASE  MOVE PAINTING PICK SAFE GET COINS CLOSE SAFE REPLACE PAINTING SEARCH DESK GET CANDELABRA OPEN MUSIC BOX GET MUSIC BOX Then leave the house. After you have finished that go back to the thieves guild and sell all the items you ripped off. Don't sell the gem. Baron's Castle: Once your up to the gate ask the guard his name. Ask about any of the following ASK ABOUT BARON ASK ABOUT ELSA ASK ABOUT SON ASK ABOUT JOB OPEN THE GATE You can get a job cleaning the stables which will raise your strength and pay you 5 silvers(whoopee.) You can fight the Weapon Master which is in the courtyard sometimes. But it will cost you 1 gold. ASK NAME ASK SWORD ASK LESSON PAY MAN Fighting the Weapon master will raise your Stats. Erana's Place:(top of the map) CAST OPEN and you'll get the calm spell(under the rock) SLEEP there and your health,stamina,magic pts will go up. Henry the Hermit:(right of the log) GET ROCKS THROW ROCK AT DOOR(until Henry gets out this will raise your stats also) then CLIMB ROCK KNOCK DOOR then move out of the way once inside: ASK NAME ASK SPELL ASK TRIGGER ASK FOR TRIGGER GET TRIGGER You can rest at Henry's house for a price of 1 ration which isn't that good. The cave: (next to Erana's place) You can out run the ogre or kill him which ever. Anyway when your in the cave do the following: GIVE BEAR RATION or CAST CALM(allow you to pass the bear) once pass the bear. (SAVE GAME in case you don't make it) When you enter the second room Keep typing SNEAK so you can Sneak in there and GET KEY(around the Kobold's neck) CAST TRIGGER and the chest will explode open GET COINS and now haul butt out of the cave cause you have waken the kobold. you can also kill the kobold but I wouldn't recommend it. Once you leave the Kobold's area go to the bear and type UNLOCK BEAR or PICK LOCK. The bear will turn into a man(BARON'S SON) then ASK ABOUT ELSA. Barnard(Baron's Son) will leave by teleportation. Then go to the Baron's Castle but on the way out escape from the Ogre or kill him. If you kill him search body PICK CHEST until it opens. Go to the Baron's Castle and enter the Castle(will be especting you). The Baron will reward you by giving you gold and a place to stay the night. Talking to The Baron ASK ELSA and ASK YORICK. Then leave the room. Baba Yaga: Baba Yaga is an evil magic user which wants mandrake if you enter her hut. To enter the hut you have to talk to the skull and ASK BARGAIN then GIVE GEM to the skull which will thank you and let down the gate but you have to get the hut to go down by saying HUT OF BROWN NOW SIT DOWN. Enter the hut buy just walking in. If you can't get in it is too late in the afternoon best to go in the morning. The witch will turn you into a frog and she'll ask you some questions before she turns you into frog soup. <> You'll then have to go get the mandrake. Which is in the Grave Yard. Grave Yard: The only thing in the grave yard is the Mandrake Root which you have to get for Baba Yaga. To get the root you have to go at MidNight(Save game incase) just enter the grave yard from the top of the screen and type GET ROOT then haul butt out of there and to Baba Yaga's hut and you'll give her the Root. Buy the time this is over it will be close to day break so go to Erana's place for sleep but go to the ring of mushrooms and type DANCE they will ask you what you want and ASK DUST(need empty flask) and they will give it to you. You can also ASK- DRYAD, MAGIC, MUSHROOMS, and Fairies. Erasmus and Fenrus: Erasmus and Fenrus are two other Magic users of Speilburg their locations is on the right side of the entire forest. Anyway when you reach the house a gargoyle will ask you three questions which can be any of the following: "What is your name?" ans <> "What is your favorite color?" ans. <> "Who's spell gaurds the town?" ans. <> "What is thieves password?" ans. <> "What is the Baron's first name" ans (I don't know this one you'll have to get  it yourself) Once inside go upstairs or look at the items on the wall. You'll meet Erasmus and Fenrus if your lucky he'll ask if you want to play a game for the Dazzle Spell if you have enough skill. If he ask you to play the game he'll ask if you know any of the following spells: TRIGGER-To make your white character bigger to climb ladders & smaller for holes DART -stall the other player but not necessary FETCH -move ladders and bridges OPEN -open boulders Which you should know by now. I hope you have saved your game before you played. Make sure your Magic pts ar to the max. All you have to do is reach the lower right hand corner but you can't move your player it will do it for you. If you win he'll give you the spell. Talk to Erasmus about the following: ASK MIRROR ASK HENRY ASK ERANA ASK FENRUS to leave just type STAND UP. <> Go to the Hermit's screen and type GET WATER then go to the Healer's hut and GIVE her the following: GREEN FUR-Meeps FLYING WATER-Water fall FLOWERS-Erana's Place MUSHROOMS-Fairy ring MAGIC ACORN-From the Dryad. She will then mix the ingredients and you'll have to come back later(just exit and go back in) and you'll have the potion. The Brigands: 5 STEPS At around Noon go to where the target is. Listen to the conversation and you'll get the password of the brigands. (SAVE GAME) After listening wait until one of the brigands leave(BRUNO) and go down the screen and and quickly back up or Bruno will stick you with a dagger. Fight the Other brigand and you'll get a key from him. 1 Entering the Brigands Fort: Two Ways to enter. (Save game) 1. Go straigt into the fort by dodging the arrows and type CLIMB WOOD which you will face three brigands. You can't escape from them so I hope your character is good. Once you've defeated all three drink your potions. Then go up and you'll fight the minotaur once you've killed him you search his body. You can't rest one time when your in the area of the fort so best to use vigor potions. 2. Go where the antwerp is and go to the wall of rocks and type SEARCH ROCKS and you'll find a hole then USE KEY and PUSH ROCK then say the PASSWORD(HIDEN GOSEKE) which will avoid you from the troll. You can go kill the troll if you wish and search a pile of gold. but anyway go to the lower right once in the cave and you'll be right where the minotaur is. You can throw rocks at the minotaur if you want but don't get busted. Anyway CAST CALM and the Minotaur will fall asleep. 2 Getting pass the courtyard and wall:(Save game) After beating the minotaur or putting him to sleep just keep typing CLIMB WALL once you go up to it on the right side. <> once over the wall you'll face obsticles. LOOK UNDER RUG-you'll see a pit. You'll also see dark lines on the line which are trip wires. best to aviod the one on the right side of the rug. You'll see two bridges cross the one on the right. Then JUMP ROPE between the two barracade walls. 3 Inside the fort:(Save Game) Once you enter the door do the following: BLOCK DOOR BLOCK DOOR-Upper right hand corner where the chair is PUSH CANDLES-next to the chair. Surprise it's the Three Stooges that will come through the door on the far right hand door. Just stand in front of the table and type JUMP TABLE when the first Stooge comes around the corner of the table towards you and you'll knock them down. Then go to the northern door and open it. 4 Jesters lair:(Save Game) You'll enter the room where you'll see Yorick Jester of Spielburg you have to ask him the follwing: ASK YORICK ASK ELSA Then you'll have to go through his maze. Take the door on the left then go to the door with the happy faces and you'll be in another area where the chain is then type PULL CHAIN and the right door will open go back and enter the right door then type OPEN DOOR (door on the left)then get out of the way buy scooting a little bit over and the door will fall down then type OPEN DOOR and you'll meet the brigand leader. If you are ever rolling type STOP if you fall of the edge or get punched by the box. 5 Brigand Leader:(Save game) Once you see the leader type USE DISPEL POTION and Wow! Why it's Elsa! Elsa will thank you and Yorick will come in. Then go over to her desk and type GET MIRROR GET POTIONS and leave where Yorick came through. Leave the treasure behind cause the brigands will get you. You've done it you've defeated the brigands and only one more thing to do. Defeating Baba Yaga: Go back to Baba Yaga and enter the gate again and say HUT OF BROWN NOW SIT DOWN enter the hut then type USE MIRROR the Frog spell will turn her into a frog and the hut will fly away. The rest is automatic you are greeted by all the characters and programmers at the Baron's Castle where you are rewarded! Anyway it goes through a demo and you fly away on a magic carpet with the Inn Keeper, His wife, and Abdulla. Thanx To White Knight for the Text.  0<2B *: &BTT`r(?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< KINGS QUEST 1 Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf Here is the only 100% SOLUTION of.. KING'S QUEST 1 !!! ALL TYPING/PLAYING DONE BY ... M.W.B. (KING OF SIERRA!) *L King's Quest Part I King Edward's domain has been ravaged. Through trickery, three of the King's items of power have been stolen from him. The kingdom lies in ruin. Its downfall is imminent. It is up to you, Sir Graham, to recover the King's treasures. Succeed and you shall be crowned King of Daventry! Fail and the worst of fates shall befall you. One word of caution before you start: Never drop anything until you're told to do so. Once an item is dropped in this game, you cannot pick it up again. For some reason, you're never weighed down by too many items; so you should be able to pick up and carry every item with you at all times. Also, in order to get maximum points, you must pick up everything you can and look at it, read it, or whatever is required. FIRST go northwest to the garden. Once there, pick a carrot and go west to the other side of the garde. South to the left of the castle and west to the rock. Stand on the north side of the rock and move it. There you see a dark hole. Look in the hole and then get the dagger. Then go west and swim west across the pond (both screens). Once out of the pond, go north to the well and west to the gate in the corral. Open the gate and enter the corral. When you see the goat, show it the carrot. Now he'll follow you whereever you go. Exit the corral and head west twice. You may or may not see a fairy godmother handing out blessings. If you do see her, she'll give you a short lived protective spell. If you don't see her, no problem. She'll pop up every now and then. Now go north to the clover patch and get a clover. This is a four-leaf clover and will protect you from Leprechauns. Go north to the wooden bridge. (Goat will still follow) As you start to cross the bridge, an ugly troll bars the way. He refuses to let you pass. Unless you throw him a treasure. Your bloody goat, which hates trolls,rushes the troll. The troll dropps off the bridge! The troll is swept downriver, never to be seen again. The goat, having fulfilled its use, strolls away. Continue north. You've found a crotchety old gnome and when you talk to him, he informs you that he has something to give you that might be useful...but only if you can guess his name! The crusty old fellow gives you three chances. Type "IFNKVOHGROGHPRM" and the gnome, in amazement, says "That's Right!" I TRYED THIS SEVERAL TIMES !! BUT THE BLOODY OLD BASTARD NEVER SAYD "That's Right!". SO FUCK HIM!!!. AND GET THE KEY!+ Go down the screen to cross the bridge again. Go left 3 times! Go down. Go to that door. Unlock door with key. Open door. Now go upstairs 2 screens (%$#@ There's no other way!) Follow stepps to the left 2 screens. GET OUT of the cave. Go down one screen. King's Quest Part II Now you enter an area of trees. You see atree with a hole in its base. Look in the hole and get the sling. Go back west twice to the fruit tree then north. There is a tree on the upper right edge of the screen that you should go to before you go east to the next screen. This area will give you the most amount of time to evade the giant before he kills you! Go east...there he is! Now just wait there. 'Cos you got that spell (didn't you?) The Giant will become tired and lie down under the tree and go to sleep. Now's your chance... The chest he's carrying is King Edward's Magic Chest! Get it,and head back to the cave all the way down again. TWO TIMES WEST. ONE SCREEN SOUTH,There you see the well. Stand on the north side of the well and cut the rope. Cutting the rope gets the bucket for you. Now lower the rope into the well and climb down the rope. At the end of your rope .. dive under the water. Head southwest into the hole. Careful not to become tangled in the weeds! Now you're face to face with a fire-breathing dragon! Stay in the middle of your screen and go only as far as the second rock. Throw water on the dragon's fire and he's vanquished! He moves a boulder blocking the western exit from the cave and skulks away! On the northern side of the cave is the King's Magic Mirror! Take the mirror and leave the cave by going west twice. Outside the cave, you see a large, friendly bird flying back and forth. Lett it nbe for the moment. Go south twice to the stump. Look in the stump and you see an old canvas pouch. Get the pouch and look inside it. Now you see it's filled with sparkling diamonds! Go east and swim east across the lake twice. Then east to where you found the dagger and north to the big tree. Climb them tree and go to the nest. Craddled in the nest is a large golden egg! Get the egg and climb back down the tree and go north twice to the tree. Laying on the ground under the tree are walnuts. Get a walnut and open it. On the inside you find a solid gold walnut! Go east and get the bowl. Then go south. Going around the banks of the lake is a friendly little elf. Talk to the elf and he's so impressed by your manners that he gives you a magic ring! Wearing it will make you invisible...but only once! So save it until you need it! Go north, east twice and north twice to the back of the woodcutter's house. Now go west and enter the front door. Inside you see a deplorable sight. A starving woodcutter and his wife sit dejectedly at an empty table. You can help them...perhaps that bowl...? Look at the bowl and you see the word "FILL" written on its bottom. Give the bowl to the woodcutter. He looks at you wonderering why you'd give them an empty bowl. Say "FILL" and the simple ceramic bowl fills to the brim with hot shitt! For this gift the woodcutter gives you his only other possession. There is an old fiddle laying in the corner. Get the fiddle (don't fall through the floor!)and leave the cottage. King's Quest Part III So go south from the woodcutter's house. Swim across the lake in a southerly direction. Then continue south and go around to the front door of the Witch's Cottage. Open the cottage door and make your way to the b]edroom. Now wait. Eventually, the witch will come home. She won't come becouse of the blessing spell you got earlier. And iff she comes..she wouldn't see you because you're in the other room. Sneak up on her and push her into the stove! (THAT WILL GIVE YOU A BONUS OF ABOUT 7 POINTS!!) Go to the cabinet on the north wall, open it and take the cheese wedge. Now go back south and leave the cottage. Go to the bedroom again and get that note on that table. Read note. Get out of the cottage. Go west and south to the front of the cave where you found the Magic Mirror. The large friendly bird seems to be waiting for you! Go down to the lower middle portion of your screen And keep jumping up until the bird (Its a Condor) catches you. The Condor flies high up in the air and carries you to a small island which lies in the moat in front of the castle. TAhan he drops you. There's an odd hole in the ground here. But first go west and get the mushroom you see growing here. Now go back east and down into the hole. Just FALL in it!. Go south to the end of the tunnel then west. There's a hungry rat running in circles here And when you talk to it,. He says he won't let you pass until you give him a treasure. Don't get too close to it! Throw the cheese to the rat. Being hungry, he's just as satisfied with the cheese. As he would have been with a treasure. And he scurries away into some unseen crevice in the rocks. Go to the door,open it, and go west through the door. On the other side of the door is a tiny leprechaun, who, upon seeing your clover, lets you pass unmolested. Go south and play the fiddle for the King of the Leprechauns. They dance and dance to your music then finally they all leave the hall. As the King of the Leprechauns leaves, he forgets to take his Sceptre! Get the sceptre and look! Next to the Leprechaun King's throne is King Edward's Magic Shield! Get the shield and go west up the stairs. Continue west until you come to the little hole in the western wall. Now, eat your mushroom and you're shrunken down to a small size. Now enter the hole. Go west into the hole and you find yourself in front of the big rock where you saw the strange green glow! By now you are growing again. Go north twice then east three times to the left hand side of the castle. Walk (carefully!) across the bridge and open the door. Enter the castle and follow the hallway to the throne of King Edward. Bow to the King and he descends his throne. You've managed to recover the Strength of Daventry. The king places his crown upon your head! As he does so,.he falls to the ground in a seizure and dies. HOW PITTY.AINT IT? Heavy lies the head that wears the crown. You ascend to the throne to govern Daventry as King Edward had.. Guarding the Treasures of Power that you labored so long to recover. This ends the King's Quest...congratulations, King Graham! WELL MY BELOVED FRIENDS THATS THE TRUE END OF .. KING'S QUEST 1 (ONE) OTHER SOLUTIONS ARE TO BE FOLLOWED BY. MWB..PLK47899,2504 CD,DENHAAG,NL.  0<2B *: &BTX`r9"?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< KINGS QUEST 2 Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf  KING'S QUEST II PART ONE King's Quest II begins where King's Quest I left off. You've ascended to the throne and now find yourself, King Graham, lonely and hankering after a wife and an heir to the throne. Looking in your magic mirror (recovered from the previous game) you find yourself looking upon the lovliest face you've ever seen! When you ask the mirror whom she may be, it only answers that she's been imprisoned by the evil witch, Hagatha, in an enchanted crystal tower and it is up to you to rescue her. Thus begins your quest...locate as much treasure as you can, and find the keys which will unlock the doors to your future bride. A word of caution about the "nasties" in this game (to be avoided at all costs!): They are Hagatha the witch, an evil enchanter, a wolf in granny's clothing and a fast little dwarf who likes to grab treasure. When you see any of these characters, beat feet! 'Nuff said! You begin on a beach in the kingdom of Kolyma. Begin your quest by going east twice to Grandma's House. Open the mailbox and get the basket of goodies. Go east then north to the door in the tree. Open the door and climb down the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, go east. Be prepared to leave if the dwarf's home. If he does catch you, though, all he does (if you're not carrying any treasure) is deposit you back outside the door in the tree. When you can do so, get the cauldron of soup and open the chest. When you look in the chest you see a pair of beautiful Sapphire and Diamond Earrings! Get the earrings and leave by going west, up the ladder, then west out the door. Head back south to the screen that's just east of Granny's and wait for (you guessed it!) Little Red Riding Hood! She's quite distraught because she's misplaced the basket of goodies she was going to give to her grandma. Hand her the basket and she gives you a bouquet of pretty flowers. That done, head back west to Grandma's House and open the door. If the wolf's in bed (instead of granny), leave immediately! If the coast is clear, walk up to Grandma and give her the soup. Since she's ailing, the chicken soup is a welcomed present. She thanks you and tells you to look under her bed. When you do you see a black cloak and a Ruby Ring, which you take into your possession. Wear the cloak and the ring, bid Grandma farewell and leave the house. Now head east three times and open the door to the Monastery. Go up to the altar and pray. The monk notices your piety and after finishing his prayers, he stands up and asks your name. Tell him "Graham" and he gives you a Silver Cross on a chain, then goes back to his prayers. Wear the cross and leave the Monastery. Go south and stand in front of the rock by the tree. Look in the hole and you see a small Sapphire and Diamond Brooch! Take the brooch then go south across the lake, pass by the Antique Shop (it's closed anyway...right now!) and continue south twice more to the bridge. Be careful when you enter the Chasm area. Depending on where you are on the screen, you may find yourself falling to a short version of the game! I suggest you stop your character whenever you enter a new screen before venturing on. Cross the bridge and go north to the magic door. Read the inscription and then go south and west back across the bridge. You get one point every time you cross the bridge, but only do it when you're instructedt o since the bridge has a limited lifetime! Once on the firm ground again, go west and then north to the tree with the hole in in. Look in the hole and get the mallet then go west twice and look in the right-hand hollow log (the other three hollow logs are empty). Tucked inside the log is an expensive Sapphire and Diamond Necklace! Get the necklace, go north twice then west to the tree and get the stake that's laying there. Now go west to the beach.  KING'S QUEST II PART TWO A brief word about the beach area...I've NEVER run into any of the badguys here. So if you meet up with Hagatha on the screens that are just east of the beach, go west and you'll be safe. Get the shell you see here. When you pick up the shell, you see a Sapphire and Diamond Bracelet hidden under it! Get the bracelet, go south twice and get the trident. Enter the water and swim north threetimes. When you get to the lagoon with three rocks, you see a mermaid sunning herself on one of the rocks! Swim to her and give her the bouquet of flowers. She's so enchanted with your gift that she summons a Magic Seahorse for your transportation! Ride the seahorse. You won't have to guide it, though, until you get to King Neptune. When you've reached your destination, guide the seahorse up to Neptune and give him the trident. He's so pleased to have his beloved trident back that he gives you a bottle and opens a giant clamshell near him. When the shell is opened, you see a golden key inside. Take the key and guide the seahorse back toward the east. It knows the rest of the way, and takes you back to the rock you found the mermaid on. Swim back to shore, go north three times then east twice into the cave. If Hagatha's there, don't worry...she's blind as a post unless you make noise! Go over to the birdcage, remove the cloth from the bottle that Neptune gave you and cover the cage with the cloth. Doing so will keep the nightingale quite and keep Hagatha concerned only with her brew. Take the cage and leave the cave. Once outside the cave, head east until you get to the bridge over the chasm. Cross the bridge and go north to the magic door. Remember the inscription? Well, you've made that "big splash" and can unlock the door. As you do so, the key disappears and...another door with another inscription appears! Read the second inscription, go south and west back across the bridge. Now go south three times to the Antique Shop. Open the door (shop's open for business now!) and you find a lady in a rocking chair. Talk to the lady and she tells you she has a lamp you might be interested in. Buy the lamp and she says that the price may bed ear, but she'd give anything if she had her precious bird back from that evil old Hag. Give her the bird and she gives you the lamp in gratitude! But since she has her pet back, she's anxious to close up shop and escorts you out the door. Once outside the door, polish the lamp and (yup!) a genie appears and lays a Magic Carpet at your feet! Fly the carpet and you find yourself floating high in the air going to the mountain top! As with the seahorse, the carpet knows the way and deposits you gently on the mountain. Go east and you find your path blocked by a snake coiled and ready to strike! But don't panic! Rub the lamp and the genie appears once more and gives you a sword with a snake engraved on the handle. Hmmm, this seems too simple. It's simple to just kill the snake and be done with it. Rub the lamp again and this time the genie (who's tired of your polishing by now) gives you a bridle. A bridle? How are you supposed to vanquish the snake with a bridle? Oh well...When the genie (and the lamp) finally disappear, put the bridle on the snake. What's this? A beautiful white winged horse appears before you! This is magic! Could this horse talk also? Let's findout...talk to the horse and I'll be darned, it CAN speak! It tells you it was turned into a snake because it refused to become the property of an evil enchanter! But since you've shown it mercy and returned it to its true form, the horse gives you a Magic Sugar Cube that will protect you from poisonous brambles. After he flies away, go east twice into the cave. On one ofthe boulders lies another Golden Key! Get the key, head west three to the cliff edge and fly the carpet back to the Antique Shop. Go north three times and cross the bridge. Go north to the magic door and unlock the second door. As before, when the door opens, the key disappears and a third door (and yet another inscription) appear! Read the third inscription, go south, west across the bridge, then west twice and north twice to the figure in the boat.  KING'S QUEST II PART THREE This is getting scary! This guy looks like the ferryman from the RiverStyx! He also looks like he's been waiting for you! Or...someone who looks like you! Because you're wearing the cloak and ring, the ferryman allows you to enter his boat and takes you across the poison lake to the ruins of a suspicious looking castle. This castle is surrounded by poisonous brambles, but you have the MagicSugar Cube to protect you! Eat the sugar and approach the castle door. When you get to the door, you find the way blocked by two spooky looking ghosts! But upon seeing your attire (and jewelry), they assume you're someone else and disappear leaving your path unbarred. Open the castle door and... (gulp!) Eerie music and flickering torchlight greet (greet?) you. You've just entered Count Dracula's Castle so keep your silver cross,stake and mallet handy! Go west and climb the stairs (carefully!) to the Bedroom. Go to the dresser and open the drawer. Inside you find a candle. Take the candle and go back downstairs. On the way down, light the candle with the torch on the wall, continue down the stairs and go east twice into the Dining Room. On the dining room table sits a large, juicy ham. Take the ham and go east down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs you see a little rat scurrying about. He's just there for "atmosphere" (evil chuckle) and won't hurt you. Save the game at this point. Go west into the Coffin Chamber. Now's the tricky part. If the coffin is open, take the pillow and get the key hidden under it. If, however, the coffin is closed, that means "the Count is in". When you open the coffin, *immediately* kill Dracula with the mallet and stake. After his body is turned to dust, another key will be left behind. Take that key also. Go back upstairs to the dining room. If Dracula wasn't in his coffin before, you'll meet him upstairs now. When he sees you, he'll try to bite you; but because you're wearing the cross (you *are* wearing it,aren't you?) he'll be driven off and turn into a bat. When this happens, go back downstairs and go back to the Coffin Chamber. This time (if it wasn't before) the lid will be closed and Dracula will be asleep in it. In order to get maximum points, you MUST kill Dracula. By saving the game, the chance of his being in his coffin can be changed by restoring the game if you miss him the first time. Once you've killed Dracula and have both keys, go north through the archway in the dining room and save your game again. This set of stairs is the absolute nastiest stairway I've ever encountered! The graphics get a bit sloppy here and your feet appear to be walking on air, so it's hard to judge your footing. Climb the stairs to the room at the top and unlock and open the chest. When you look in the chest you see a costly Sapphire and Diamond Tiara! Get the tiara and save your game before you navigate those stairs again! Go down the stairs, go south, west and south to exit the castle. Once outside the castle, go back through the brambles and get back into the boat. The ferryman will take you back across the poison lake and deposit you onshore automatically. Once there, go south twice then east twice. Cross the bridge (for the last time...its lifespan has been sapped) and go north to the magic door. This time when you unlock the magic door, you find yourself deposited in a strange land indeed! Blue sand, rainbow-colored water and pink skymeet your bewildered eyes! You seem to be trapped with no way across the water. Go north and get the net. (If you're playing this in color, you may have to bump around for the net...I had a hard time finding it.) Goback south twice and go fishing. When you haul your net back, a large golden fish flops out of the net and lays gasping for air on shore! Take pity on the fish by throwing it back into the water. When you do, the fish returns to you, thanks you for your kindness and offers to give you a ride across the water! Ride the fish. When you reach your destination, the fish hurls you to shore where you're momentarily dazed, but unharmed! Looking around you see some of the strangest plantlife imaginable! No time to do abotanist's report, though, you have a date to keep! Go north twice then east and get the amulet. Look at the amulet and you see it has the word "HOME" engraved on its reverse side. Go south, open the door and enter the tower. Again, save your game because these stairs are a bit odd, too. Climb the stairs and you find your progress blocked by a roaring lion! Give the ham to the lion...and the poor thing, satiated, falls into a peaceful sleep. Open the door. Your quest is at an end because here'sthe love of your life! The Princess Valanise! She comes towards you,lovely beyond words! Kiss her and music swells to your head as you fall even more under her spell. She then asks your name, and after you respond, the problem of how to leave this enchanted place becomes your utmost worry! Ah...the Amulet! Say "Home" and you find yourself blacking out! What devilry is this? But, despair not, for when you awaken, you find yourself in the Monastery, standing at the altar next to the monk. In the pews sit all your past foes, pests and friends. Then, down the aisle comes your bride! After the monk pronounces you husband and wife, you find yourself returned to your castle in Davantry to reign long and happily with your true love beside you!  0<2B *: &BT,`rP?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< KINGS QUEST 3 Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf KING'S QUEST III Part 1 KING'S QUEST III starts a bit different than the first two. You begin a simple slave. As always, keep the role in mind. This means you will have to think like a slave and act accordingly. If you are to ever escape the wizard's evil clutches, you will have to use stealth and guile. Keep your own counsel, and don't get caught even thinking of escape! You begin at the entry of Manannan's abode. The wizard appears, and remarks that you have been lax in handling the chores. Being who you are, you immediately carry out all of his orders. You will need to carry out whatever task it is (usually the kitchen), then, if it was something else, go to the kitchen, where this walkthru begins. One more thing: I prefer a two save approach to such games. That is, I use one as a miscellaneous save at the bottom for most of the little things. After a scene has been thoroughly examined, I do a "normal save," such as: "AFTER ALL SPELLS--0:30:27--62PTS." This way I find that I don't have a bunch of useless saves that only add to the confusion. Good luck and happy Questing! You get the knife, spoon, bowl, fruit, mutton, and bread, then go south to the dining room and get the cup. Head west and you're back at the entry. Now, up the stairs and east. "Look" and you find yourself in your own pitiful bed chamber and recall that Manannan never comes in here. "Drop All" and notice that it's a safe hiding place. "Get All" then out into the hall (still in the same scene) "Look" then "Look Behind Tapestry." Hmm, seems to be a threat! Go west and you are again at the head of the stairs. Oh, NO! It's him again! What's this, he's leaving? Well, while the cat's away.... Go north and you find yourself in the "Master Bedroom." Totally indecent in its opulence! Decadent in the extreme when compared to the meager cot in your own room. (What if he comes back?) You stop to admire the reflection in the mirror but are only reminded of your lowly position. "Open Drawer" and you find a small mirror (keeping it for yourself). Now what else might be useful? "Look in Closet" and sheesh what a fancy wardrobe! Somehow you resist the temptation to wear such finery but "Look Behind Clothes" and WOW! A map could be very useful, if you ever get out of this place! Now "Get Map" and "Look at Map." Seems to be a rather unhelpful piece of parchment, but who knows? Being cautious you "Close Closet" (pun not intended) and "Look on Top of Closet." A key? Now what could that open? This could be important so, of course, you take it with you. Then it's over to the dresser and "Open Drawer" to find a vial of essence. Doesn't mean much but probably worth more than the map and it, too, winds up in your seemingly bottomless pockets. Go south then up the stairs to the observatory. "Look Through Telescope" (So That's his Secret!), then "Get Fly" (My you really are desperate, aren't you?), and go all the way back downstairs, to the first floor. At the entry, go north to the study and "Open Cabinet" and VOILA! (Worry sets in now, to get caught is to be -- well, let's not think about it!) You gather your courage, and continue the search. Since anything could help, you "Look at Books" and "Move Book." Now what? "Move Lever" and panic almost overcomes you! This has got to be one of his biggest secrets! So that's why he doesn't want you in the study alone! You tremble and shake but press on. After all, if he caught you now, well you certainly would be on his bad side. Down those dark stairs you go, but extreme caution is the word, as even something as silly as a cat on the stairs could spell your doom! (This is the only place I've found where the cat is actually dangerous.) Down and down again. Most certainly this is the dungeon, where he tortures his victims and...no! Why, it's a laboratory! "Look" then "Look at Book" and hope shines anew! You "Look at Shelf" and "Get" the six ingredients. An odd combination of emotions begins to take hold of you now as you experience a dreadful fear and hope at the same time. So close to freedom, yet so close to the wrath of one of the most contemptible of all creatures, a slave owner! The die is cast, there can be no turning back now. It's all or nothing and you know it! You keep the goodies, and head back up those stairs. (Has he returned yet?) Cautiously, you stick your head up into the study, half expecting a most horrible confrontation. Surprised to find you're still alive and human, you quickly close the trap door, replace the book and return the wand to the cabinet. You go south twice, and find yourself outside. Ah, the chickens! You "Open Gate" and "Get Chicken Feather." Knowing that you need to know more about Llewdor before making good your escape from the tyrant, you head down the mountain. (Be sure to save your game first!) The trail down the mountain is treacherous, but make it you do. (The bottom of the mountain is a good place for the miscellaneous save.) Once at the bottom, head west, then west again, desert country -- what? That was quick! Oh well, "restore game." (You did save it at the bottom of the mountain, didn't you?) From the bottom of the mountain, you go west and stop long enough to get ready to "Show Mirror to Medusa," then west again and turn around. (Where is she?) You sense her approach and Got her!! Perseus would be proud! But you aren't here to do battle, you are on a scouting mission. So you decide to move on quickly. After all, stealth and guile are important, but so is time! KING'S QUEST III Part 2 You head south and spot a nice cactus by the rock, "Get Cactus" and further south (nothing here), south again and "Get Snake Skin." Go east and there's an eagle! As the eagle flies by, he drops a tail feather, so you "Get Feather" and go east again. The scenery here is just lovely. So much prettier than the desert that you tend to linger. (Sierra's famous "if it's slow, it's important".) You take in the lovely scene and notice the mud along the river. "Get Mud" and continue east. (If you are really tempted to try the cave, save game first!) From the cave you head east once more to find a coast line. Hmm. Can't go any further this way. You go north along the coast and "Get Water." Not much around here so, north again. Aha! Now this is more like it! Looks like civilization, so up the ladder and west. Decisions, decisions! Okay, you try the bar. Nothing much here, no action at all as a matter of fact. (Unless you try to "Kiss Barmaid!") So it's off to the store. Finding that you can't buy anything without money, you pet the dog (he's irresistible) and leave. Outside you take the easiest route -- south. Here you find stunted trees, but on closer inspection, there's a sprig of mistletoe. (Now where *is* that barmaid?) You "Get Mistletoe" and head west. Why this is right out of a fairy tale! After making sure there is no one home, you boldly break into the house. Looking around, you don't find much, so it's upstairs for some real searching. The beds look comfortable, but you have no time to nap. "Open drawer," and a shiny, silver thimble is there. You "Take Thimble" and take your leave. Downstairs again, you can't help but feel there is something missing. Must be your imagination, so outside and "Look at Flowers" because they are so pretty. You "Get Dew" and go west again. Nothing here, so it's north. Here you find nuts, but none to suit your needs. Hmm, could be some in that hole though, so you "Reach in Hole," and nah. It couldn't happen twice in one man's lifetime. (Better save game since this is unpredictable!) You climb the ladder only to find the original robber's roost! But since he is asleep, you do what you must, and steal from him. (It's only fair.) After you have the purse, you don't even wait to get away, you count the coins, eight of them! With this much money, you know what to do! You look at the map, point to the village and -- WHOOSH! Back to the store. What a way to travel! You re-enter the store, "Look at Shelf," and buy the four items that seem most important to you. These items are salt, lard, fish oil, and an empty pouch. Suddenly you are almost overcome with fear! The wizard! He could be home by now! You look at the map again and point at the top of the mountain, and -- WHOOSH! Nope! It didn't work. Oh well, you sigh and start up that long, dangerous path. (Don't forget to save your game first!) At the top of the mountain, the fear is the worst! What if he is back? What will you do if he's waiting just inside the door? You open the door and the coast is clear! Better get rid of all this stuff! Upstairs, and east to your own little room. You drop all and hide it way underneath the bed. Now if only he doesn't come in here! Oooopps! Better get some of that food, he's always hungry whenever he returns. You "Get Fruit" and start downstairs. You worry and fret; but when he does return, he doesn't seem the least suspicious. Just hungry, the self-centered lout! Being a slave and all does have its drawbacks. Not only do you have to fetch his meals, you are expected to stand there and watch! The man has absolutely no class. But you stand there in case he wants something else. Such is the lot of a simple slave. They way he eats, it's too bad it isn't poison! After belching loudly, he takes his leave, and not even thanks! Ah, to heck with him! You think for a minute, he always takes a nap after he eats like that. Hmm! And then you can get back to plotting the escape! But not before, you caution yourself, since it is far too risky with him about, And you almost got caught coming back up the mountain! You go back upstairs, waiting in front of his bedroom. When he does take a nap, you'll want to know. And there he is. Don't disturb him? You wouldn't even dream of it! Now, quickly you go to the east, to your own room. Wait, there's the cat. You "Get Cat" and "Get Cat Hair," then into the bedroom and "Get All." You try to calm yourself, but still you race back to the stairs and down. You go into the study, and with trembling hands, open the cabinet. Taking the wand, you close the cabinet and go to the bookcase. Taking a deep breath, you open the trapdoor and carefully go down those dark and dangerous stairs. The laboratory brings back the fear, but you calm yourself and go to the table. The ancient book calls to you. This is where the hope is! Slowly you "Open Book to Page II." The room begins to glow and strange music plays. Shivers run through your body, but you are as if transfixed. You read from the book (the handbook not the disk) and follow the steps most carefully. (Except step II must be: "Put the dog fur in the bowl" since you have both.) The last of the incantation is read, and you wave the magic wand. Whew! Success! Since that one worked, another is called for, so you return to the book and "Open Book to Page IV" and follow directions exactly! Again you complete the spell and hope gives you strength. You decide on just one more for now, where was that spell? Transforming another into a cat! That's it! Once more you go to the book and "Open Book to Page XXV." The odd colored lights again return, and the music starts anew. With shaking hands and strained nerves you begin the spell. Carefully you follow directions, but is it right? Tension builds, and builds still more. The longer you work at it the more you shake, until at last! You wave the magic wand and Ahh. Strained to the breaking you realize that at last you have the means to eliminate the evil, old Manannan forever! Then you realize that you have lost all track of time. When will he awaken? Has he already finished his nap? No, plenty of time. Looking at the cookie it occurs to you that it's going to be tougher than you thought to get him to eat the disgusting cookie. Somehow it will have to be diguised. But how? You try to "Put Cookie into Bread," but that doesn't work. Hmm. Have to think of something. KING'S QUEST III Part 3 You look at the map, and readily see that there isn't much that you have yet to see. You point to the bottom of the mountain and WHOOSH! Yes, this is the bottom of the mountain, so east. Ah, there's that cave again. Not much left then, so it's east once more and -- nope. Just more coastline. Hmm, back to the west. Go north and you are again facing the mysterious cave. Let's see, how do you pass a spider web that size? You don't want to chance it so, "Dip Eagle Feather in Essence" and fly into the cave. Navigation seems a bit odd as an eagle. Hard to control where you go. Hey! Spider alert! As you get close to the spider, something comes over you and it's curtains for the spider. As the spell wears off you notice that the web has been torn to shreds. You oh-so-cautiously enter the cave, and a presence causes you to freeze. What is this place? There in front of your eyes appears an oracle. It seems she knows you! More than that, she also knows who you really are. As you gaze into the vision she creates, it is revealed to you that there is another whose fate is far worse than yours. Not only that, but it is your duty to go to their aid! How are you ever going to manage? They say it's always darkest before the dawn. You gird yourself and go forth. But how can one such as yourself be of any aid to one such as that? And in a land far, far away! The spells! You realize that your only hope is to be rid of the tyrant wizard (which you had in mind anyway) and finish the spells. In order to finish the spells, you still need three dried acorns. Where might they be found? The desert is dry, but nothing grows there except cactus. Perhaps near the desert? You head west and cross the stream, but what's this? You overhear two birds discussing, of all things, YOU! Further west and two squirrels seem to have the same thing on their minds. Seems like you are the prime topic in all of Llewdor. The conversation is only moderately interesting, but it seems to clear your senses, for insight strikes. The thing that was missing! That fairy tale cottage! You hurry off, to the north twice, then east. Yes, it is the house of the Three Bears, and there they go now! As soon as they leave, you enter the house. There on the table is the thing that bothered you so when last you visited, simply because it should have been there. Porridge! What an ideal way to hide the cookie! You "Get Porridge" and exit quickly. (Those bears may no longer have a sense of humor!) Outside the house you continue the search for the acorns. Nothing here, so west again. Nope. Nothing but a couple of noisy squirrels. Argh! And two nasty bandits! They assault you severely, hit you right on top of the head, and steal everything! At least you know where the hideout is, so north you go. And there it is! Wait a second. You pause long enough to search those nuts just one more time. Lo, and behold! You find three dried acorns. You "Get Acorns" and "Reach in Hole." (Save the game.) The ladder appears again so up you go. Quietly you enter, finding the thief sound asleep. Carefully you approach the table and nab the purse. Now, where is the rest of it? You spot a bin in the corner that you hadn't noticed before. You "Open Bin" and "Look in Bin", there it all is! Quickly, you abandon the treehouse, climb down the rope and run to the east. Even here you don't stop, you feel like just running forever. Almost blindly you head north where the treacherous mountain path brings you up short. You know that you can't risk hurrying up that trail. Maybe they aren't following. You can't help yourself, you simply HAVE to know. Carefully, you take inventory, even to counting the coins in the purse. What's this? There's eight coins! But that's more than...oh, well. That path, hmm. There should be an easier way. Wait! Why walk? You "Dip Eagle Feather in Essence" and take to the air. Not only is this a lot safer, it's FUN! At the top of the mountain, you say the magic words, and look for a safe place to land. Oops, right in the middle of the chicken coop! Any landing that you walk away from is a good one! You "Open Gate" and head for the house, "Open Door" and hurry to the study. Yup, you left the trapdoor open, and the wand! Got to put that back, too! You're too close to freedom to let a little mistake ruin it all. So you "Open Cabinet," "Move Lever," and "Move Book". There that's better. Now it's back to the entry and up the stairs. You go to your room, and "Put Cookie in Porridge" and when you "Look at Porridge" you relax for a moment. It will work! It HAS to work! You "Drop All" and "Get Porridge" and it's off to the dining room. Patience is an asset to a slave, but was never one of your virtues. As a matter of fact it's all you can do to keep from dancing from one foot to the other. But wait you must. You have time on your hands for a short time, but it seems an eternity! You reflect on the danger ahead and the task set before you. Desperately you try thinking of anything but the porridge and the waking wizard! There he is now! Somehow you calm yourself so as not to give any clue that something is amiss. Now, go to the kitchen, must make it appear that you are preparing a normal meal. You can't control yourself, you turn right around and return to the dining room. You "Feed Wizard" and anxiously watch his every bite. He eats, and eats, and "Ding-dong, the witch is dead..." or something like that! Hooray! Up the stairs, and back to your bedroom again. (For the last time!) You "Get All" and go back to the stairs, then down to the study. You get the wand and open the trapdoor and cautiously go down to the laboratory. You feel a sense of exultation, but also a sense of purpose. You are almost driven to complete the spells, because, after all, she is your sister. Going to the table, you open the book to the proper page, and begin to tremble anew as the lights play tricks and the weird music starts to play. Hope carries you as you patiently carry out the instructions for the spell to teleport at random. Each step is completed in accordance with the book, you recite the verse, and wave the wand. Again you find success, and again you go to the book. Only three spells left, and the powers of the wizard are yours! You open the book again, this time to the spell marked Deep Sleep. This one seems to be a bit harder. The trembling is more pronounced. You get the feeling that you aren't going to make it, the words on the page begin to blur. But finally it's over and you have still another spell to call your own. The last two are certain to be tough! Again you open the book, now to page LXXIV. The music causes tension, the strain is great. The spell is very exacting, but so were the others. This spell, and the next come hard, but in the end they are yours. At last you are, in truth, a wizard in your own right! The feeling of power is intoxicating! POWER! What a feeling! With this much power, what could not be done? Why, perhaps you should put the cat/wizard to sleep forever? No, have him teleporting at random for the rest of eternity! Slowly, you come back to your senses. The wizard is already suffering his fate. To do more would be to become as he was. No, you realize that you have been called to a higher purpose. You must save your sister and the kingdom of your parents. You wonder what they must be like. KING'S QUEST III Part 4 Transportation will be a problem. To know this is to know that the tiny village is the only hope. You look at the map and point to it. WHOOSH! And here you are. You feel that already you have become used to such methods of travel. It all seems so natural. Barely hesitating, you go into the bar, find three sailors and try to strike up a conversation. Aha! That's just exactly what you do want. Money is no object, so you "Give Gold to Captain." Why the louse! Such poor manners! Grabbed all of your gold, and left without so much as "glad to have you." (Maybe he would like to be a cat?) No, that's bad thinking. No time to scold yourself though, so it's off you go for a long walk out on the pier. And this must be the ship. Yes, there's the captain now, and he seems anxious to get you aboard. That gangway looks a bit tricky, but you are becoming used to such narrow walks. As you step aboard, you get the feeling that something is wrong. But what could it be? Why these men aren't sailors! They're PIRATES! Before you can even manage a simple spell, they grab all of your possessions and throw you rudely into the hold. What a predictament! A short time ago you felt as if you were all-powerful, now you couldn't feel more powerless! You look around and find that there is a ladder just above you but just out of reach. You go east and look some more. There! That small box will surely do. You "Get Box" and go back to the west, "Drop Box," and "Jump on Box." Yes, it will work! You "Jump on Box" again and the "Jump" to the ladder. Cautiously, you stick your head up out of the hold, then climb right up from there. Hmmm, this seems to be the captain's quarters. You go west and "Open Chest" then "Look in Chest." Quickly you take your leave, lest you be caught and the possessions taken from you again -- or worse! At the ladder you face another tough decision. Up, or further east? Not down, you know what is down there. Wait a second, what about the map? You "Look at Map," only to discover water all around. Well, that, at least, figures. Hmm, how far to Daventry? How soon will you return to the land of your birth? Time is wasting and you decide to chance a look at the upper deck, so it's up the ladder. As long as you're climbing, might as well go all the way, so up still higher. Nothing but the crow's nest, and it looks like a dangerous climb. Down you go, and back to the quarterdeck. Might as well see what's at the back of the ship. West and into the galley. DRAT! The cook has seen you! You find yourself thrown back into the hold with a loss of, among other things, your dignity. You ponder a moment. What should you do? Since they seem not to have noticed how you left the hold before, why not try it again? Up the ladder, (carefully) and peek out slowly. No one around so...Nah, they wouldn't put your things in the same place. Nothing better to do, so west you go and into the captain's quarter's once more. The chest is still open, so you look in the chest, and beat it fast! Sure enough! They DID put it all in the same chest! Not wanting to risk going up top side again, you decide to go east. A quick look around doesn't show much, but here's a shovel so "Get Shovel" and scoot back to the west. Kinda risky around here. What you really need is a place to hide out and just think. Of course, the hold is the safest place to be right now! So back down into that dark, dank hold. You spend some time just thinking about the problem, pacing back and forth like a caged animal. As a matter of fact you begin to feel just like those mice. Except not quite so talkative. What are they chattering about, anyway? A treasure? Five steps east of a lone palm tree? Yeah, well it won't do you any good here! Got to think of a way out. You look at the map again, noting that the ship is considerably closer to Daventry. You'll need a plan before long. What about the storm spell? No, that could sink the ship and you right along with it! Hmm. Suddenly it strikes you just as surely as a bolt from a thundercloud! Of course, the sleep spell! "Land Ho!" A cry comes from high above. Soon, very soon, but the timing will be important. You are sure that you must wait until the anchor is dropped, but equally important is everyone must still be aboard. Another cry from above. "Drop Anchor!" You pour the sleep powder on the floor, and recite the verse. Quiet falls all around. even the mice are stilled. As if the slightest sound would break the spell, you slip back up the ladder and out on the main deck. You "Look for land" and see mountains in the north and land to the east. Cautiously, you step off the deck and into the water. Not the best dive you ever made, but you're in the water. East is land so east you swim, only to find the horror of the sea bearing down on you. You give your best impression ever of Johnny Weismuller! Whew! That was CLOSE! The trials you've seen! At last you are free from worry. The wizard will bother no one ever again, the pirates are caught in the sleep spell, and you have come at last to the land of your birth. It would be so nice to just lie here in the sun for awhile. No, that won't do. You still have a sister in the gravest of danger; and from what the oracle said, the Kingdom itself is in deep trouble. It's on your feet, and off to the east. Huh? It's the captain! He escaped the sleep spell! You deftly dodge him by going north. Something about that beach bothers you though. Wasn't that a lone palm tree in the sand? You step back to the south and find that he is gone. Over to the tree and take a close look. Yes, it is a palm tree, but can mice be believed? Only one way to find out, so stepping slowly you count: One, two, three, four, five, and "Dig." Eureka! Why there's a King's Ransom here! You wonder if you should rebury it, or try to drag it along. How much farther? What the heck, with what you are already packing, it hardly makes a difference. You grab the chest and move off to the north. Yes, the trail does look tough, and no way to get there from here. East, and the the trail begins. A step or two north, around that sharp corner, and back again to the west. You stop at the base of the Horse Head Rock, and scale the very face of it. No, this isn't nearly as bad as the trail from the wizard's. East, following the trail as it winds around to the north, then east to a lovely waterfall. Growing weary of the climb, you decide on a shortcut. You "Dip Fly Wings in Essence" and fly right up to the top of the waterfall. Following the trail east, you see a cave in the distance. No, you decide to press on. No more sidetrips, no more distractions. Further east and the trail seems to go in all directions, and a big footed foe comes up behind you! He seems to be a bit confused, and heads back to where he came from. The impulse to buzz around leaves you, and you land on the path to the south. Deciding it to be as good a direction as any, you take that path, only to find yourself scaling an almost vertical cliff! KING'S QUEST III Part 5 Slowly, just as slowly as you can, you climb down. You feel carefully for handholds and any possible loose stone or ice. Straight down, until you feel a ledge and carefully let it take your weight. Whew, glad that's over with. Looking around, you realize that it hasn't even begun! Staying close to the cliff wall, you carefully move to the west. It looks spooky, but you enter the cave. DARK! You fear that you will become lost in the maze, but you come at last to the far side. This isn't an improvement at all. Moving out to the end of the ledge, you begin scaling down again. No point in trying for the closer ledge, what you want is to get to the bottom. Slowly you move down, til at about the midpoint you fail to find a foothold. You move to the west a bit and then down even more. At last you feel the ledge below you, only to find that the dark caverns are to be risked again. Entering the cave again brings you out on the west side of the cliff base. It looks like you are trapped, but you dare to risk the long climb back up. Moving a few steps to the east, you begin the climb. You begin to tire, and more than a little fear arises within you. On you go until you gain the center ledge. This has got to be the way out! You enter the cave; and at last! Finally you are back on the path. You follow the path east, and east again. The mountain scenery is very beautiful, and you begin to feel relaxed, almost carefree. You are lulled into a state of recklessness! The path turns south, and you follow it blindly, right off the mountain! Actually, it's more like a large hill for you get more of a bruised ego than anything else. You pick yourself up and have a look. That looks more like a tunnel than a cave, and that looks as if it's a stairway! Into the hole you go, somewhat more aware now of where you place your feet. Up the old stairway you go. A sense of ancient times pervades this dark place. Up to a landing, and up again. Out into the daylight and warm mists surround you. Why is it so dreadfully warm? Perhaps dabbling with the mantic arts has given you a sixth sense, or maybe it comes naturally. You have a feeling that danger is near, and you "Rub Ointment on Self," before going further west. The Dragon! Your instincts have proved themselves. The dragon doesn't see you as you "Stir Storm Brew With Finger." With great care you utter the words that so long ago were memorized in haste. The storm appears and rages on! The dragon is struck, and down he falls! As the storm subsides, and the ointment wears off, the struggling girl captures your attention. You talk to her, trying to calm her, but she only screams, "Untie me!" You untie Rosella, explaining your relationship. The doubt shows plainly on her face, but she agrees to follow you. Rosella follows you east and down the stairs, and out into the daylight again. Go west, and you come to place that looks to be under siege! The well has been filled with stones, and that trench seems to run on forever. What purpose can that great stone wall serve? Go north, and at least there appears to be some sort of civilization. There is even a castle in the distance. The gnome greets you and calls you by name. Obviously, you are home at last! The gnome seems to know the way, so you follow him toward the castle. What kind of kingdom has a plank in place of a drawbridge? That plank more than anything tells the dire circumstances of this land. Somehow, this is not the home you had expected to return to. A sadness comes over you as you cross that moat, and even the rich entry of the castle does little to dispel your gloom. You turn at the end of the hall and try to guess how the throne room and your parents might look, and sadly walk the last short leg of your long journey. A nervousness comes over you. Can this truly be home? Will they know me? Questions come quickly to the mind, but there is no time for answers. As one, you and Rosella enter the throne room of Daventry and no doubt can remain. This is HOME! It could not be otherwise. Hugs and kisses, and more of the same! A tear comes to your eye as the King tells of his pride in both of you. He explains of the once magic mirror, and before your eyes it clears! The moment could not be more perfect. You could not feel any greater joy, or so you thought. King Graham brings out his old adventurer's cap and flings it toward you. What an honor, to wear the cap of the King himself. You reach to catch it, but what's this? Rosella, too, must think it an honor, for her hand goes up as well. In that moment, time seems to stop. Revelation strikes you. There are no endings, only beginnings. When life brings you to an apparent ending, it is just life and adventure beginning anew. For whom does life begin this new adventure? KING'S QUEST III is published by Sierra On-Line, Inc.  0<2B *: &BT`r;?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v"3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< KINGS QUEST 4 Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf KING'S QUEST IV Part 1 KING'S QUEST IV: THE PERILS OF ROSELLA, by Sierra On-Line, begins with an animated sequence to establish the plot. There is nothing for you to do but sit back and watch, so grab your coffee (pop, or whatever) and relax. As the plot unfolds, Graham, your father, is taken gravely ill and you, Rosella, are naturally distraught. What can you do, what can you possibly do??? As you sob your animated heart out, Genesta, a beautiful fairy, appears and offers you hope. There is, she tells you, a fruit which can restore your father's health. Joy of joys! There is a catch to this news (isn't there always?). Genesta will transport you to the land where this fruit may be found, but you will have to find it for yourself _and_ (there is always an "and" in these games) you are asked to help Genesta. It seems that one Lolotte, Genesta's evil counterpart, stole Genesta's talisman, leaving the good fairy a scant 24 hours or so to live. Rosella is transported to the land of Tamir, her royal gown exchanged for common peasant garb. Here your adventure begins. And remember: Save your game often! LAY OF THE LAND The first thing to do is wander around. Make a crude but useful map of the areas most easily accessed. Tamir proper is about 5 screens high and 6 screens wide. Going north indefinitely will scroll you around in a nice loop. This is not true of the east-west movements. On the east is that vast ocean, and on the west is a high mountain range. Get to know where things are and who you are likely to find around the place. Talk to the inhabitants, and generally search around. Once you have that done, you may begin solving the various puzzles in this area. PUZZLES OF MAINLAND TAMIR Watch for birds trying to catch WORMS. Get the WORM, as you will need it later. Swimming in the POOL will startle CUPID and net you his BOW AND ARROWS. You will have two arrows only, and they will be put to good use later. Under the STONE BRIDGE you will find a GOLD BALL. Give the BALL to the FROG in the lily pond. Actually you end up dropping it, and the frog, whom you cannot approach, will return it. Once he does, kiss him (yuck). This will get you a GOLD CROWN -- good for turning yourself into a frog (and there are times when that will come in handy). Visit the MANSION. In the living room you will find a secret passageway with the obligatory winding stairway. There's no need to climb it just yet, nor is there a need to collect the SHOVEL you find at the bottom of those stairs at this time. Search the shelves in the living room to find a BOOK (The Complete Works of Shakespeare). Give the BOOK to the MINSTREL (he was an _extremely_ bad minstrel). He'll accept the book, take on a new profession, and give you his LUTE in thanks. (How rewarding to help someone in such a meaningful way!) Find PAN. Pan will ignore you because he is busy playing his flute. Play the LUTE and Pan will suddenly find you interesting. Give the LUTE to PAN, and he will give you the FLUTE in exchange. KING'S QUEST IV Part 2 Visit the TREE HOUSE. Unlike normal tree houses that are built high in the branches, this one is nestled in the roots. It's a terrific mess inside, so CLEAN HOUSE. Rosella, working her domestic magic, will trigger the return of the dwarves. They will sit down and share their dinner with Rosella. Speaking with them is not very informative but does pass the time. Once they leave, clean the dishes; notice that the dwarves have left a blue POUCH on the table. The pouch is filled with diamonds (Wow!). Being very honest, Rosella will want to return the pouch to the dwarves. TAKE THE POUCH and visit the MINE. There are two screens in the mine, so make certain that you've moved to the lower level, all the way east into the second screen near the diamond pail, and close to the dwarf with a white beard. Give pouch to dwarf. He tells you to keep it, and gives you a LAMP to boot! Visit the PIER. Walk all the way to the end, which will cause the fisherman to stand and return to his shanty. Enter the shanty and give the diamonds to the fisherman. He will give you a FISHING POLE in return. Return to the end of the pier, put the worm on the pole, and FISH. This will, oddly enough, get you a DEAD FISH. Go to the Waterfall. Wear the crown, and you turn into a frog. You will automatically swim under the waterfall, where you find a cave entrance. There is a BOARD here which you can pick up now or later. Entering the cave (it's very dark) will reveal a pile of bones right next to the entrance. Get BONE. (Watch out for the troll!) Save the rest of this cave for later. KING'S QUEST IV Part 3 Following the path up the mountains will get you (via Goon Airways) to Lolotte's. The program runs by itself for a while, during which Lolotte will eye you with great suspicion and have you thrown into the dungeon. Never fear: You'll soon be released and given a quest. The first quest is to get the UNICORN for Lolotte. Once you're back in Tamir, return to the PIER, and swim westward. Watch out for sharks and avoid the whale. It's a good idea to save your game before crossing the ocean just in case you end up as dinner. Swim east until you reach the island home of Genesta. You may wander about and become familiar with the island if you like, but the only thing of importance here is the FEATHER on the beach. Once you have found the feather, prepare to swim eastward (save your game again). This time you are looking for that WHALE. If you cannot find him easily, restore your game and swim east again until you do. The whale will swallow you, which normally would not be too great, but it does have its compensations. INSIDE THE WHALE Look around. Look at the mouth, or teeth, or something specific to get the description that mentions the UVULA. Now take a good look at the tongue. On the left hand side of the tongue you will find a "row" of black dots that gradually rise toward the middle of the tongue. Climb these carefully until Rosella stands up automatically. Continue climbing to the right and up until Rosella is directly under the UVULA. TICKLE UVULA with FEATHER. This will cause the whale to laugh and spit you out. You will find yourself swimming in the ocean, with an island to the north. Swim to the shipwreck island. On the island there is the bow of a ship in which Rosella may stand. Here she will be able to see (with the use of LOOK GROUND) what you cannot see. She will pick up a GOLDEN BRIDLE (just the thing for a unicorn). FEED or THROW the FISH to the PELICAN. The pelican will drop a WHISTLE. BLOW the WHISTLE, and a friendly dolphin will come by to give you a safe ride back to the Tamir mainland. Search among the screens until you spot the unicorn. Shoot the unicorn with one of the arrows. This will make him your friend. Put the bridle on the unicorn, and RIDE the unicorn. The program will automatically take you to the Goon Airways Airport and return you to Lolotte. She'll send you on a second quest: Find the goose that lays the golden eggs. Visit your local OGRE house. If you had tried to get in before, you found that the door was always locked -- well, it isn't now! Go in, and throw the BONE (the one you got in the cave behind the waterfall) to the vicious dog. He will be delighted and leave you alone. Go upstairs, and get the AXE. Come downstairs, and enter the CLOSET. Do NOT go into the kitchen unless you wish to be dinner. LOOK THROUGH KEYHOLE. Keep doing that until you see the Ogre fall asleep. Exit the closet, get the HEN, and move quickly to the door. EXIT as quickly as possible, and keep going until you are safely away from the ogre. Take the hen to Lolotte. She still doesn't trust you and gives you a last quest: Retrieve Pandora's Box. KING'S QUEST IV Part 4 Now that you have the AXE, go to one of the three "Scary Forest" screens and chop down a tree. This will get those trees to behave properly! You may now visit the one screen in the 5 x 6 screen layout of Tamir proper that you haven't been able to see until now. Here you will find a SKULL CAVE. Enter the cave. Inside are three witches, each with only one eye socket. Between them they have but one glass eye, which they pass amongst themselves. One of the witches will move out from the wall and attempt -- slowly -- to catch you. Avoid her and watch the other two carefully. Notice how they pass the eye back and forth to one another? As soon as you think you have the movement and timing pretty well figured out, move in and GET THE EYE. This can be tricky, so save your game before you attempt this. Once you have the EYE, exit the cave. Now, re-enter the cave. The witches, who are helpless without the eye, will toss you a SCARAB. Get the SCARAB (which protects you from the undead), and throw back their eye. INTERMISSION Time to do something for yourself: You remember why you're here in the first place? You know...dying father? (Meaningful pause.) Good! Well, let's do something about that, shall we? Return to the Waterfall, become a frog, and go behind the waterfall. Get the board if you haven't already, and get back to that CAVE. LIGHT the LANTERN, then save your game! Enter the cave. There is a troll in here who badly wants you for dinner. We are going to do our best to deny him such a delicious meal. Move directly across the screen. Before you move into the next screen (and ONLY if the troll has not appeared), save your game. Move onto the next screen. Move almost all the way across, and then begin moving down. Still no troll? Save! If you _do_ see the troll, RESTORE and try again. Continue moving down into the next screen. Save as often as necessary. You will not be able to see well, even with the light of the lamp, so move carefully, saving when needed, until you find where that CHASM is hiding. PUT BOARD OVER CHASM! Move directly "right" over the board (you'll pick it up automatically). Move up one screen and exit to the swamp. Notice in the swamp that there are tufts of reeds, grass, whatever, stretched out before you, rather like skipping stones. JUMP to move from one to another. Do not swim, do not turn into a frog; just JUMP. Move onto the next screen, and you will see the tree with the FRUIT you seek for your father! JUMP until you're on the last clump of grass before the little isle. PUT BOARD OVER WATER. You may now cross onto the island, but watch out for the COBRA! PLAY FLUTE. (Snakes just love flute music!) Once the snake is charmed, move in and GET FRUIT! Having done that, return the way you came, jumping across the swamp and through the cave. It will suddenly get very dark, because this sequence triggers nightfall KING'S QUEST IV Part 5 INTERMISSION'S OVER -- BACK TO QUEST III! Oh yes, Pandora's box. Well, night is a great time to visit a haunted mansion, so why don't you? Get the SHOVEL from the secret passage off the living room. You will now hear and/or see a number of GHOSTS, one at a time. These ghosts' mortal remains are buried in one or the other of the graveyards. Once you have identified which ghost it is (baby, miser, lord, sad woman, child, etc.) go to the appropriate grave, and dig. Don't worry about the zombies; you've got the scarab, which will repel each zombie that touches you. GRAVE ROBBING AND OTHER HOBBIES Digging in the right grave will reveal something that the ghost of the moment wants. Take the item, and give it to the ghost. Repeat this process. The small ghost child will lead you up a ladder into the attic. Once he disappears (you'll have to go to the eastern graveyard screen and dig up his toy), you will be able to OPEN and LOOK in a CHEST. There you will find SHEET MUSIC. Go to the secret passage off of the living room and climb the stairs to the tower. There you will find an ORGAN. Sit on the bench, and PLAY SHEET MUSIC. Having done that, a drawer will pop open revealing a SKELETON KEY. Go to the CRYPT and open it with the SKELETON KEY. ENTER. GET THE ROPE and it'll fall down to form a ladder. Go down the ladder (the scarab will protect you from the mummy), and take PANDORA'S BOX. Return to Lolotte's! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED IN THE MORNING Lolotte is at last satisfied that you are not Genesta's spy. She has agreed to let you marry her son in the morning. All your items are taken away, and you are led to Edgar's tower bedroom for the night. Edgar, who is nicer then he looks, shortly brings you a rose. GET ROSE and LOOK ROSE. This reveals that a key is tied to the rose which will let you leave the tower. Carefully climbing down the tower's winding stairs, you move into the dining room. There are two exits at the right of the screen. Take the one to the rear into the KITCHEN. Look in the cupboards to find all your items. Now, move back into the dining room, and take the front exit to the right. This puts you in the throne room. Avjoid stepping on the rug, and take the exit to the right. Now you are in the east tower. Climb the stairs. Ignore the exit to the left halfway up, and continue to the top of the tower. Here you find Lolotte's bedroom. Unlock the door and go in. Move close to Lolotte and SHOOT Lolotte, thus using Cupid's last remaining arrow to a useful end. Lolotte dies a spectacular death (worth replaying at least once). GET TALISMAN. Climb down the stairs to the first exit on the left. When the screen changes, you will see a hall and a door. Open the door and enter the storage closet. GET HEN, and GET PANDORA'S BOX, then exit. Climb down the remaining stairs and leave the castle. Enter the stables and OPEN GATE to free the UNICORN. Once you are outside the castle again, move down the path to return to Tamir proper. LET'S LEAVE EVERYTHING TIDY Return to the CRYPT and drop PANDORA'S BOX. Exit the crypt, close and LOCK DOOR. Move back to the pier, and swim west to Genesta's island. Enter her ivory tower, and climb the stairs to her bedroom. GIVE TALISMAN TO GENESTA. The program will take over from here, finishing off the story nicely while you enjoy another cup of coffee! KING'S QUEST IV: THE PERILS OF ROSELLA is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line, Inc. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1988 by Wyvern. All rights reserved.  0<2B *: &BT`r?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< KULT Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vfKULT: The twins:Object needed-Goblet.Go to the source on the lefthand side.Inspect fountain and press the eye.Fill the goblet and go back to the room called the twins.Open the lefthand serpent and empty the goblet in it.Get the die.Then open righthand serpent.Throw the die and note the number.Put the die in the open serpent and go to the room facing you.The hands are in dice formation. Pull up the hands until they resemble the formation you threw earlier.Then push the serpents head on the wall.The sliding partition should open;note down the shape wich it covered.Go back to the fountain room and inspect each cube.Lift the cube which resembles the one you found earlier. In the scorpions presence:Object needed-Fly.Pray to the statue then enter room called'The web'.Look at the Web on the floor and crawl on it.Give the mistress the fly;show attention but don't go to far.Feed the fly to the blue spider and get the red one.Leave the room,and put the red spider into the statue's mouth Don't listen to the man who pops out pass through the trapdoor. The Wall:Object needed-Dagger or use Psi-shift.First choose the third zone, then the second zone .Go through either door left or right and inspect step Then take a look at the slot on the sculpted warrior and climb onto step. Either put your dagger into the slot ,or use psi-shift.You will be spun around by the wall.There are now 2 seperate gaps in the wall.Move to the black passage Stick your hand in the gap on the floor.Return the way you came. De Profundis:Object needed-rope.First wait.Then bind your rope onto hook. When the monster appears jump on him.Wait a few minutes. The Noose:Object needed-none.Do not as the Poormouth says.Use either Lantarn or Solareyes.Grab hold of lefthandrope and climb up.Push the lever,remove the noose-rope and he will fall.Take the lefthand piece of rope.Inspect the hollow on the platform.Then leave to the masters orbit. Then give all five skulls to the Protozorg underneath the trader.He will announce that you are a divo!.Go to the concourse outside the ring.And show the egg if you are asked any questions.In the concourse ignore the guard and use all violence on the upper righthand guard.Then enter upper righthand passage.Go left.Inspect the toad's head and poke its eye.Use the Lantern(or solareyes).Inspect the lever and the trapdoor.use psishift on lever and go through the trapdoor.Meet Norma Jean and Ash.You must do as Norma Jean says don't move! Tell her the truth.Talk to both of them and use zoomscan.Lift your block on the floor and get both objects,the beam and the flask.Unwrap the bandages on the mummy,go to the left and keep going forward.By going through the trapdoor you will enter the Treshhold of truth.Kill the priestess and put the egg in the openen mouth.Next off, take a look at the lantern.Read the book,then use your psishift on the statuette to retrieve it on the lefthandside,near the ceiling. Leave and go to the refectory,then to Sauras Repose.Put the statuette you found into the niche the go to the Presence of God,and then to Placating the Powers.Kill the first priestess,then make use of Psishift on Saura's mark,aiming it at her dagger.Use Brainwarp on the character,Sci-fi,then give her the flask to drink.Go to Sauras Repose,putting the monkey into the small tunnel.Enter the presence of God and wait.Go into the passage and wait.Use aggro on the god,Zorg,and then use brainwarp on Pratozim,who is holding sci-fi hostage.Use Psi-shift on the trapdoor,and finaly throw the knife or dagger to Pratozim!! typed by Fusion'89!  0<2B *: &BT8`r4?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< LEISURE SUIT LARRY 1Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf HI THERE FOLKS THIS IS. M.W.B. TYPING THE . SOLUTION OF LARRY 1. HERE WE GO.$ PRESS AL+X TO SKIP THE BLOODY QUESTIONS! THE FIRST THING TO KNOW IS, DON'T EVER FORGET TO PAY THE TAXIDRIVER!. GO TO THE BAR. GET IN. OPEN DOOR. SIT. ORDER FOR WHISKEY. GET UP. OPEN DOOR. SIT.(ON WC) GET UP. READ WALLS.(MOSTLY A 5-6 TIMES!) TAKE RING.(IN WASH) GET OUT. CALL TAXI. GO TO THE SHOP. TAKE A MAGAZINE. TAKE A WINE. ASK FOR RUBBERS.(WHAT THE HELL FOR?) NAME ANY SIZE OR COLOR YOU WANT. PAY THE STUFF. GET OUT. GIVE WINE TO THE GUY OUTSIDE. REMEMBER HIS ADVICE! CALL TAXI. GET IN. GO TO THE BAR. GO TO THE IRON DOOR. KNOCK ON DOOR. PASSWORD IS..KEN SENT ME.. ENTER. SWITCH ON TV. USE REMOTE CONTROLL. SWITCH THE CHANNEL (5 A 6 TIMES) THE PIMP GETS INTERESTED(ARENT'T YOU TOO?) PIMP LEAVES THE TRAP. GO UPSTAIRS. GET THE BOX ON THE TABLE. GO TO THE LEFT OF THE BED. UNDRESS YOURSELF.(HERE WE WERE WAITIN'FOR) USE THE RUBBER.(AIDS?) M.FUCK THE GIRL.(ITS A PITY SHE'S THAT UGLY) AFTER A WHILE,TAKE OFF THE RUBBER. OPEN THE WINDOW. CLIMB OUT. WALK TO THE LEFT. LOOK TRAHBIN. TAKE HAMMER. GET OUT. CALL TAXI. GO TO THE CASINO. GO TO THE FIRST TABLE ON THE LEFT,AND SIT! A GOOD ADVICE IS TO SAFE THE GAME NOW! *- YOU CAN SAFE THE GAME BY PRESSING THE KEY F5. *- THATS FOR IF YOU LOOSE THE MONEY,YOU CAN GET IT BACK FROM THE SAFED GAME.(UNDERSTAND?) YOU M U S T PLAY TILL YOU'VE GOT ATLEST $250. IT MAY BE LESS,BUT NO LESS THAN $200!. STAND UP. GO TO THE ELEVATOR. LOOK IN THE ASHTRAY.(LOOKS FAMILIAIR?) TAKE THE CARD. GO TO THE RIGHT TO THE CABARET. AND WAIT THERE FOR SOME POINTS!! ^$@^%$#@^%$# YOU SMELL DIRTY!! AFTER A WHILE (DID YOU GOT THE EXTRA POINTS?) GET UP. GO OUTSIDE. CALL TAXI. ENTER CAB. GO TO THE DISCO. SHOW THE PASS. GET SITTED NEXT TO THE GIRL. LOOK GIRL. GIVE RING. GIVE MONNEY. GET UP. GO OUTSIDE. CALL TAXI (IT WOULD BE SHEAPER TO BUY YOUR OWN CAR) GO TO THE CHAPEL. PAY THE DRIVER. GET OUT. OPEN THE DOOR OF THE CHAPEL. WALK TO THE ALTARE AT THE LEFT. (DIDN'T YOU DO THAT IN YOUR EARLIER LIFE?) MARRY FAWN. GET OUT. CALL TAXI.(AGAIN!!??) GO TO THE CASINO.(NOTHING BETTER TO DO?) PAY THE DRIVER. GO TO THE FIRST TABLE AT THE LEFT. SAFE THE GAME AGAIN!! GAMBLE TILL YOU'VE GOT ABOUT $100. STAND UP. GET OUTSIDE. CALL TAXI!. GO TO THE SHOP. USE PHONE. DIAL 555-6969. ANSWERE ALL THE QUESTIONS. WALK TO THE RIGHT TO THE DISCO. WALK BACK TO THE GATEKEEPER. ANSWERE THE PHONE.(IFF ITS RINKLING) USE PHONE. DIAL 555_8039. ORDER FOR WINE. (WATCHOUT ! SOMETIMES TWICE TO DO) DIAL 209-683-6858. CALL TAXI. GO TO THE CASINO. GO TO THE ELEVATOR. GO TO THE 4TH.FLOOR. KNOCK DOOR.(WITH THE HEART ON) GO TO FAHN. POUR WINE. UNDRESS. SEE WHAT HAPPENES. USE KNIFE. TAKE ROPE. TURN THE RADIO ON. GO TO THE CASINO. GET SITTED ON THAT LEFT FIRST TABLE. SAFE THE GAME. GAMBLE TILL YOU HAVE ABOUT $150. GET UP. GO OUTSIDE. CALL TAXI. GO TO THE BAR. GO TO THE WHORE. . CLIMB THE WINDOW. TIE ROPE AROUND WAIST. TIE ROPE AROUND RAILING. CLIMB OVER RAILING. USE HAMMER. TAKE PILLS. CLIMB BACK. CUT ROPE. WALK TO THE LEFT. GO OUTSIDE. CALL TAXI. GO TO THE CASINO. WALK TO THE ELEVATOR. GO TO THE 8TH.FLOOR. LOOK GIRL. GIVE BOTTLE OF PILLS. WAIT A MOMENT TILL SHE WENT OFF. PUSH THE BUTTON. GET IN THE ELEVATOR. GO OUTSIDE STRAIGHT TO THE RIGHT. OPEN DOOR. TAKE DOLL. WALK BACK TO THE SWIMMINGPOOL. UNDRESS.(YOU ARE A STALLION AINT YOU?) LOOK GIRL. (LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?) GIVE APPLE. WELL FOLKS THATS ALL FOR NOW. IT WAS MWB AGAIN. PLK 47899, 2504 CD, DENHAAG, HOLLAND.  0<2B *: &BT`r1?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< LEISURE SUIT LARRY 2Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf LEISURE SUIT LARRY II Part 1 INTRODUCTION Welcome back, Larry! It's been a while since we met you in Lost Wages. You've come to Hollywood to live with your girl, Eve, but it doesn't look like she's too interested in you. So, it's time for a new adventure, and who knows? Perhaps even real love! First, a word of advice. Walk around the streets of Hollywood until you know where everything is located. You'll spend a lot of unnecessary time trying to find your way if you don't. (Also, as with all Sierra games, you should save the game regularly). LOTTERY AND DATING GAME You start the game carrying nothing at all. Right now you are penniless. Go into the garage. Move to the right until you can't be seen anymore. Look in Eve's pants. Wow, you've struck it rich! A whole dollar bill! There's not much you can do with a dollar nowadays, other than buy a Lottery ticket. So go to the Quickie-Mart and buy one. Pick six numbers (any numbers will do). Now, off to the TV station to see if it's your lucky day. Go up the steps, inside the door, and walk over to the secretary. (Not a very bright secretary, I might add!) Give her your ticket to check the numbers. Oh well, she can't read them without her glasses. But she has the perfect solution, she'll tell you the winning numbers. Write down (or just remember) the numbers she tells you. When she asks you what your numbers were, just repeat those numbers back to her. (Come on. You didn't expect Larry to really win the Lottery, did you?) She'll tell you to wait in the green room. Go in, sit down on the chair, and wait. Time for Larry to play THE DATING GAME. The Dating Game? There must be a mistake. Oh well, it can't hurt. In you go as bachelor number 2. (The game more or less plays itself. Answer her questions however you like; it doesn't make a difference to the game). Larry, this really seems to be your day: You've won a cruise with lovely bachelorette Barbie! When you leave, sit down on the chair again. Now to receive your lottery check. (The lottery also happens without too much help from you.) One million bucks, Larry, you're a rich man! But where can you change a million dollar bill? MOLTO LIRA, QUICKIE-MART, PASSPORT, BARBER, AND MUSIC STORE Go to Molto Lira (the suit shop), and buy a swimsuit. The girl will give you change. Go to Swab Drugs and buy sunscreen (it's on the left wall). Go to the Quickie-Mart and buy a Grotesque Gulp. Now go back to Eve's house. Search the garbage can. Search it again. What's that? A Passport! Go to the barber and sit in the chair to get a haircut. (One thing there's no shortage of in this game is barbers.) Now, go back to the music store, go in, and talk to the girl. Hm! Must be a case of mistaken identity. After a short conversation, she'll give you an onklunk. As there doesn't seem to be much else happening in Hollywood, go to the dock (it's the screen to the far right of the barber screen). Show the man your ticket, and he'll let you on the ship. Larry, you are about to set sail with lovely bachelorette Barbie! LEISURE SUIT LARRY II Part 2 MAMA'S ROOM, BARBER, AND BAR Enter your room. Not what you expected, is it? Take the fruit from the stand. (Save the game here.) Go into the adjoining room through the door on the right. Who is that? Barbie's mom? Well, things aren't going the way you'd planned. Do NOT go near her bed (unless you have saved the game and want to see Mama in action)! Leave the room and go back in again. Eventually, the room will be empty. Now this requires some fast moving; Mama has the tendency to return while you are searching her room. Open the night stand, get sewing kit, and get out of the room. Go upstairs to the barber shop. It's at the front of the ship. Sit down, and you'll get another haircut. Go up to the bar, and take the spinach dip (it's on the left of the bar). Go back down to your room and change into your swimsuit. SWIMMING POOL AND ESCAPE FROM SHIP Time for a swim. Go back upstairs to the pool at the back of the ship. It's hot here; you'd better put on sunscreen. Go into the water (type SWIM or you'll drown), go to the center of the pool, and dive. What's that? A bikini top? (Who leaves bikini tops at the bottom of a pool anyway?) Get it, then climb up the ladder and out of the pool. You'd better put on more sunscreen after that swim. Now, go and lie down on the empty chair. When the girl comes over, ignore her! Do NOT follow her: She's a KGB agent and will kill you! After she leaves, wait a few moments. Then, go to your room and change back into your leisure suit. Now to get off the ship. Go up to the bridge (it's right at the top of the ship). Walk over to the control panel on the right wall. Pull the switch (it looks like a blue stick), then go down to the lifeboats (they're half-way up to the bar). Jump in the lifeboat. As soon as you start drifting away, wear the wig, and throw the spinach overboard. The ocean scene will take care of itself. Make sure you have the fruit, sewing kit, and drink (the Grotesque Gulp) with you. NUDIST BEACH AND JUNGLE (RESTAURANT, HOTEL, AND BARBER) When you arrive at the island go to the left. Larry, you should be ashamed of yourself: This is a nudist beach! The girl on the rock might invite you to follow her; DON'T! She's also a KGB agent, and will kill you. Go back to the right, and go down into the jungle. The jungle scene is long, (a little) funny, and (thankfully) takes care of itself. You'll find yourself in a restaurant. Wait until you're seated (this guy has no respect at all!), then go to the buffet table on the left, and take the knife. Leave the restaurant and go back into the jungle. What? You've seen this before? No, you couldn't have! This time you find yourself in a hotel. Take the matches. Leave the maid alone (yes, Larry, unfortunately all the pretty girls in this game are dangerous). Leave the hotel and go into the jungle again. Keep typing GET FLOWERS. Eventually you'll be near enough to get them. You are now in a barber shop. Sit down. (You knew that by now, didn't you?) Hey, you're back where you started! Go back to the nudist beach. (Can't keep away, can you Larry?) Take the bikini bottom from the rock where the nude girl was lying. Once again, into the jungle. When you get to the restaurant, just leave. Now, to disguise yourself: In the hotel room, put on the bikini. Wait, you still don't look like a girl. Put money in bikini top; that's better! But what about all that body hair? Back to the barber shop, sit down, and your transformation's complete! Larry, you make a very pretty girl! Go back into the jungle one last time, and you're once again on the beach. LEISURE SUIT LARRY II Part 3 CLIFFS, AIRPORT, AND BOMB Go to the right, and walk right past the KGB agents. Very clever, Larry! They have no idea who you are. Now to get over past these cliffs. (Look tough, don't they? Actually, I don't know anyone who has managed to fall yet!) At the end of the cliffs -- before the screen changes -- change back into your leisure suit. Give the flower to the Krishnas. Enter the airport. You really could do with a haircut! (After all, it's been four whole screens since you saw a barber.) Go to the left, enter the barber store at the top, and sit down. Take the hair tonic. Now to buy a plane ticket. Look at those lines. Is there any way to clear the crowd? Go to the right and show the guard your passport. Go to the next screen and over to the baggage line. Take each case off. Eventually you'll find one with a bomb in it! The game takes over here. Yes, that's one way to clear a crowd (although probably not the most practical)! TICKET AND INSURANCE Buy a ticket at the counter. Go back past the guard (you'll have to show him your passport again), and past the baggage screen. Order the Blue Plate Special, but don't eat it! Just take the bobby pin from the plate. Now go to the machines on the right. Buy insurance. Well, I suppose a parachute could be considered insurance. Get on the ramp. (Has your mind ever wandered?) When you reach the end of the ramp, walk over to the counter. Take a pamphlet, then give the man your ticket. Whew! You just made that flight! PLANE AND PARACHUTE Sit down on the plane. Good thing you're slim, isn't it? As soon as the pilot finishes talking, take the airsick bag from the seat pocket. That neighbor of yours is a pain; perhaps if he has something to read, he'll leave you alone. Better give him the pamphlet. Stand up and go to the back of the plane. Wear the parachute. Go to the door (you can't actually see it; it's at the bottom of the screen near the back). Use the bobby pin to unlock the door. Turn the handle, and open the door. As soon as the next screen appears, type PULL RIPCORD. Wow, Larry! You're getting pretty brave in this game, aren't you? You (typically) get stuck in the tree. Use your knife to cut the ropes. LEISURE SUIT LARRY II Part 4 KILLER BEES, ANACONDA, QUICKSAND, AND VINES Pick up the stick from the ground near where you fell. To pass the bush with the killer bees, go as close as you can to the bush (save the game first), and crawl underneath. Go down to the next screen, and wait at the bottom until the anaconda decides to have you for lunch. Once it starts to come toward you, type HOLD STICK. That's it! You've jammed his jaws! Go to the right. The next screen is a little tricky, depending on which display you're using (I actually found this part easiest on monochrome). You have to cross the quicksand. There are spots that are marked in a lighter color: Walk on these spots. (Save the game whenever you make some progress.) After the quicksand, you find yourself facing a river filled with piranha fish! To cross, go to the hanging vine (towards the right) and type JUMP. Then immediately type JUMP again to swing to the next vine. Repeat this until you get across. One of the vines on the other side is loose. You never know when a vine will be of use, so take the vine. Now enter the next screen (either right or down will do). Sit back and watch a 5-minute cartoon: You've earned it, Larry! (Did you know that Larry was a computer programmer?) CHASM Now look what you've gotten yourself into! Out of love for Kalauau, you decide to help the villagers rid themselves of the evil Dr. Nonookee. When Chief Kennywauwau shows you the chasm, go back to the fire pit in the middle of the village and take the ashes. Go back to the chasm, stand in the center, and throw the vine. It catches onto the branch, and swings you across. How are you going to get back to your beloved Kalauau without that vine? GLACIER AND ELEVATOR Go to the bottom of the glacier. When you reach the steps, throw the ashes to melt the ice, and go up. What's that? An elevator? Now how are you going to get in there? Look at what you are carrying. Hm, make a Molotov cocktail! (This piece is very text sensitive.) Go to the crevice on the right (where the steam comes out). Stand on the left and type PUT THE AIRSICK BAG IN THE HAIR TONIC. If you are told that "the area is not conducive to bombing," move a little, and try again. Next, light the airsick bag with your matches, and throw the bottle into the crevice. BOM! You did it! The elevator door opens! In you go! The computer takes over from here. Sit back and enjoy a 15-minute finale, Larry: You sure deserve it! LEISURE SUIT LARRY II is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line, Inc. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1988 by Benny. All rights reserved.  0<2B *: &BTJ `r)?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< LEISURE SUIT LARRY 3Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - \ \ \ \ \ \ HOLLAND \ \ \ \ \ - =E MANUAL "LARRY III" by WIZZIE / T.W.I. MARCH 1990 =E Howdy, here's the manual for Larry III (Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals?). This manual is assembled by Wizzie of TWI from the original docs, except the solution. That's done by Kronos and myself! IMPORTANT ENTRY CODES - Page Pass Number Business Name -L 2 The Punk Flamingo Disco 3 00741 5 55811 6 30004 8 The Comedy Hut (Not a fun place to be) 9 18608 Nontoonyt Community Center (NCC!) 10 25695 Island Computer Center, Bippi's Island Liquors 11 32841 12 00993 Chip 'n' Dale's, Freddi's Federal BBQ 13 Island Voodoo Supply 15 09170 16 Dewey, Cheatem and Howe 17 Witch Doctor Appearance Centre 18 49114 Piggi's Coffee Shop 19 33794 22 54482 23 62503 Fat City 24 Hurtz Rent a Bike So much for the codes. Important notes - Save as much as you can, this is very important b'cos it's better to be safe than DEAD The Game (At last) - You will start of at vista point on the island where your memorial plaque is installed. There is a lovely sight using the (left) binocular. [look bronze plaque] [exit] Your first 2 point are given now (from 4000!) walk to the left binocular using the cursor keys or mouse. [use binocular] a girl will undress in front of you type things like [look tits] [look ass] [look cunt] [masturbate] while the girl is undressing. You will be given 2 points for this action You're now ready on this screen (wipe it clean). walk downwards You're now in the bush, there are several exits. Two to the west and two to the east. upper west = home, lower west = park with tv upper east = vista point, lower east = another chunk of bush. Now follow the pointing hand (You can try other things but they won't help) following the hand is mandatory. You arrive at your home meeting Kalalau in the Hot tub and she's glad to see YOU! After this sad story go back east into the bush. Larry will change back to the leisure suit clothes. The ressemblance with the Superman scene is stunning! This screen has 5 exits. Lower west = Fat City (Health Spa) Upper West = first chunk of bush upper upper east = Dewey, Cheatem and Howe upper east = Chip 'n' Dale's lower east = Fountain in front of casino Well anyhow you'll have to find the Grandilla tree and [get wood] Go back west to the house [open mailbox] [get card]. You've got dough again now you can go to the casino (no not to gamble). Follow again the pointing hand (You'll have a nice talk with Kenny). Go back to the fountain in front of the casino go South, there will be a beach with a horny little devil on it! Anyway [look girl] [talk to tawni] [look ass] and so on . [give card] Now she fucks the living daylights out of you. During the bang you will receive a dull ginsu knife. Go back to the stairs in front of the casino. [sharpen knife on stairs] Now go to the upper east, you will find a cabana. Get in front of sink. [get soap] [drink water] Ah refreshing. With your sharp knife you go to Chip'n'Dale's walk to the middle of the bunch of grass [cut grass with knife] [make skirt] now [cut wood with knife] [look wood] Big Fun!!! Go the cabana's take the left cabana [wear skirt] Now walk to the beach and everything will go automaticly. You've got your twenty buckazoids now. Go back to the cabana and [wear suit] Enter the casino and in the casino go north until you reach a painting [look painting] go west or left if you like. ll'ouY pass a mirror [look mirror] keep walking until you reach the Maitre d'. [talk to man] [show pass] use codes (printed above). [give bill] Okay mac, you're now to see a stunning show! When you leave wait a few seconds Cherry Tart will show up [look cherri] [talk cherri] 2x. [give deed to cherry] you don't have a deed? Go to Roger at Dewey, Cheatem and Howe [get deed] walk to couch and [sit] [ask land] or [ask deed] [stand] go outside and enter again ask Roger [ask deed] you're deed is ready now. Go to the beach [get towel] [throw towel] wait until your tan is MAHvelous. [stand] go to casino walk north till painting go left knock on stage door [knock] Enjoy the show! Due to a little mistake you get on the stage while the show is on. Now [dance] you will receive 500 one dollar bills! exactly what you needed for that divorce! change clothes (or not, sleuthing around the island is fun) go to Dewey, Cheatem and Howe get divorce [give 500 dollar] to Roger [get divorce] go to the office ... this works the same as the deed! If you haven't changed clothes go back to the casino's back stage and [wear suit] Now go to the Piano Bar it the right turn at the picture in the casino. walk to stool near Patti [sit] [look patti] [talk patti] 2x. [ask date] [give decree to patti] [ask date] [exit] [stand]. leave the casino and go to Fat City (Nontoonyt favourite and only spa!). Use the keycard you found between your decree. Walk to the mostleft door [use card] you're now in the locker room. [look back of card] you'll find a locker number and some names find the locker (it's the upperleft locker, turn to your right if you [open locker] relate the business names to the page numbers for the locker number). Do not leave your locker open so after [wear sweats] [close locker] go to the right door [use machine] four part move with cursur up/down You now will find out what pulsating pectorals are. Go back to locker [open locker] [wear towel] [close locker] (you don't want to get your leisure suit stolen) go to left door walk to upper part [turn on faucet] walk to the middle of the screen [use soap] if you've got urges type [masturbate] [turn faucet off] walk out [use towel] walk to locker [open locker] [get spray] you don't want to smell on your date don't you? [wear suit] [close locker] leave locker room. walk to middle door [use card] [look girl] [talk girl] 3x. [ask video] [help video] Now go to ch ip 'n' dale's enter cave [get flowers] watch out for the ridge. [make lei] go back to patti in the bar [sit] [look patti] [ask date] [give lei] [ask date] [leave] [get up] Now go to chip 'n' dale's Go east enter Comedy hut. Sit on empty chair [sit] [get wine] now enter 3 of your favourite ethnic groups wait until Paul turns into a duck [get up] go back to casino, at the hall go right. [push button] wait till elevator arrives [push button 9] You've got Patti's key. Walk to bed and [undress] Now a long and tiring story starts. After the show you discover that you play the role of Patti. [get bottle] [wear bra] [wear panties] [wear pantyhose] [wear dress] now go to the piano room. Get marker from board [get marker]. walk to piano [get jar] walk back into lobby [look mirror] go to cabana [fill bottle] go to chip'n'dale's [talk man] [suck dick] 2x. You can enter now walk to table [sit] wait till Dale throws his pants at you then [throw panties at dale] wait till Dale walks along [stand] [talk dale] [sit] [look dale] [ask larry] [talk dale]. Well the hint was great but I couldn't read the notes of my copy of the manual Well leave chip'n'dale's (Hey that Dale is one ugly dude!) go right walk to the bamboo thicket. you're now at the scene you saw from the magnifying glasses at the hotel enter thicket on upper east The route is : N,N,E,E,N,W,N,E,N,N,N,W,W,S,W,W,N,N,W,N The paths aren't always straight! When Patti starts crawling [drink water] When you've made it to the stream drink water [drink water] walk north walk to rock [remove pantyhose] [tie pantyhose to rock] now you go down a bit unorthodox but down. At the scene walk down [pick leaves] [make rope] walk to right palmtree [climb tree] [pick nuts] climb down [throw rope] Now [tie rope to tree] [make belt] [climb rope] walk to north west Wait . Save your game at this point! [remove bra] [put nuts in bra] walk slowly to the north a pig appears [hit pig with bra] you have to do this at the right time! this is difficult I know but I succeeded too. walk north enter water by walking to it. [push log] [ride log] That pig scene was not hard at all this part is hard. The Arcade section You have to dodge objects in the river after you've passed an object save immediatly. If you made this you are just as great as I was! Do nothing until you are in some sort of cage [use marker] ? You only have to go north and east. You will float upside down when you reach the machine and you're upside down [unplug machine] walk east and Y E S ! ! ! You have made it! impossible no. just enjoy the show! OK, That's it! (gladly I've reached the end of this manual.(!)) See ya! Till next time. Signed, 'Wizzie / THE WEB INC. HOLLAND  0<2B *: &BT|`r?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER vE3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< LOOM Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf .-!. : !: : L O O M S O L V E : : !: `-!' Whenever you see a ***STORY*** that means to pay extra attention to story to get the important 4 threads. It is easy to get the 4 threads by lookin at the colors that the distaff releases during the sounds. It is a good idea to save your game before you see these stories in case you couldn't catch it the first time. Also, you have to case reverse of a spell. Example: If the OPEN spell is "ECED" you would use "DECE" in order to get the reverse effect. look leaf goto elder's tent -story- get distaff look egg write down OPEN sound cast OPEN on egg -story- look loom write down SWAN sound goto grave look thorns goto screen that has trees and knotholes look at all 4 trees write down LIGHT sound goto tent with gold look darkness cast LIGHT look wheel write down STRAW TO GOLD sound look straw cast STRAW TO GOLD goto tent that has clothes look book look flask write down WATER sound look boiling pot write down DYE sound look wool cast DYE look heap cast DYE goto cliff look sky cast OPEN sound -story- goto dock jump off bridge get on log look waterspout write down TWIST sound cast reverse of TWIST sound goto land goto forest ***STORY*** write down CAMOUFLAGE sound leave goto city see men in tower cast reverse of CAMOUFLAGE sound go into tower look crystal press crystal look scythe write down SHARPEN sound go to the left look bell ring bell look sphere write ILLUSION sound look crystal press crystal go to right look bell ring bell leave tower goto shepards cast ILLUSION goto fence where sheep are look sheep poke sheep write down SLEEP sound go to house look sheep - keep on look at the sheep until you see the HEAL spell write down HEAL spell leave look sheep cast DYE -story- look gold cast reverse of STRAW INTO GOLD cast STRAW INTO GOLD cast SLEEP on dragon cast reverse of STRAW INTO GOLD -story- go into cave - you must wander around until you fall and see a pool of water look pool write down REFLECT sound cast WATER sound look sphere 3 times - each time gives you a different image leave by going to the right look winding path cast reverse of TWIST leave look at boy - Rusty cast SLEEP cast REFLECT go to blacksmiths guild go into guild look Mr. Stroke look straw -story- get distaff look door cast OPEN leave go down steps look conversation look sword cast reverse of SHARPEN -story- look door cast OPEN -story- look sphere -story- leave look cleric - Mandible -story- get distaff go back to room with cages leave - you fall into large rift - look big blue rift cast HEAL look red rift go into red rift look skeleton -story- look skeleton cast HEAL go back into red rift look red rift cast HEAL goto blue rift go into blue rift look shepards cast HEAL got back into blue rift look blue rift cast HEAL go left until you see green rift go into green rift look man go back into green rift look green rift cast HEAL - keep going left until you see a pond - go into pond -story- go left until you see giant rift enter giant rift go right until you see screen with loom look loom ***STORY*** write down SILENCE sound look duck cast reverse of SILENCE ***STORY*** write down COOK sound look cooked duck cast reverse of COOK ***STORY*** write down rift sound look feather look loom cast RIFT -story- walk into rift look at yourself cast SWAN -story- THE END Well, that's all of it!! Hope you enjoy this solve and this game. 0-BUCCANEER--  0<2B *: &BT:`r-(?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< MANHUNTER - NEW YORK Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vfMANHUNTER - NEW YORK Day One: 1) Go to the Hospital. Take a good look at the dead dude. His name is Reno Davis. Look him up in the Info selection from MAD. 2) Go to the Bar. Play the Video Game. The first time, some dudes will drag you away and make you chuck knives between a guy's fingers. This takes practice, but can be done. When you accomplish this, play the game again. This time, make a COMPLETE map of the maze, including the location of the little squares. If you have trouble, use graph paper. The map is important. 3) Go to The Park where the bathrooms are. Go to the ladies room (on the left) and go to the very last toilet on the right. Sit on it and flush it three times. Whoosh! 4) Ok, this sewer you're in now, this is the maze from the arcade game. Every square in your map is a key card. Get EVERY Key Card before you leave the maze. Pay CLOSE attention to your map. When you get to the cave with the dock, make SURE you get the medallion from the dock. 5) Go to Coney Island. Play Kewpie Doll Baseball. Hit the Dolls in this order. 1) Top row, third doll. 2) Middle Row, second doll. 3) Bottom Row, last doll. When the guy looks at you funny, show him the medallion. He'll give you a data card. At the end of each day, MAD will ask you for the names of your suspect(s). I have found that it doesn't make a difference what you put, but the best names to use are probably Phillipe Cook, Harvey Osborne, Anna Osborne, and Harry Jones. End of Day One. Day Two: 1) Go to your Tracker and track the other two dudes that were with the original guy you were tracking. One goes to the Museum and one to the Park. 2) Go to the Wretched Excess Nightclub. Go around into the alley. This next arcade sequence is pretty self explanatory. You don't really need to save the game here because of the fact that they let you keep doing the same thing over and over again even though you keep dying. When you make it through here, though, it may be a good idea to save. Once you're in the Nightclub, take a closer look at the people. When you get to the screen where you're looking the backs of people's heads and the rock group, take a closer look at the only person that has a brown robe on, on the left half of the screen. When you get knocked over, a keycard will fall onto the ground. Before the bouncer can grab you and throw you out, grab the keycard. You should now have a total of 13 keycards between this one and the sewer maze. 3) Go to Central Park. You'll notice that if you point the arrow up and start moving to the left or right, the arrow will blink off and on. This means that there isn't just ONE screen above here, each time it's blinking on and off you're traveling to a different ANGLE. So instead of three possible ways to go from this screen, there are actually about 15. FIRST SCREEN: Get the arrow to be pointing right but be as far down as you can get it. Move it up twice. It should still be facing right. Hit Enter. SECOND SCREEN: Line the arrow up with the path straight ahead of you facing up. Move it to the left twice. Hit Enter. THIRD SCREEN: Line the arrow up with the path facing right, just below the tree. Hit Enter. FOURTH SCREEN: Get the arrow to line up with the path straight ahead of you facing up. Move it to the left four times. Hit Enter. FIFTH SCREEN: Get the arrow as far to the right as you can get it and still be facing up. Move it to the left once. Hit Enter. SIXTH SCREEN: Get the arrow to be facing left but as far up as you can get it. Hit Enter. Pick up the crowbar. You should now be back at the fifth screen you were just at. Make the arrow face down and Hit Enter. Now you're at the previous screen. Make the arrow be pointing up but as far left as you can get it. Now move it twice to the right. Hit Enter. For this screen, make the arrow be pointing right but as far up as you can get it. Hit Enter. For this screen, get the arrow to be pointing up just left of the monument. Move it to the left 5 (if not 5, 6) times. Hit Enter. You should now see a dead dude. Take a close look at the papers around him, and at his face. 4) Go to your Mad Info. Look up Harvey Osborne. 5) Go to Harvey Osborne's House, near the museum. Look in the shopping bag and get the key. Push the button. This game has quite a body count, doesn't it? Take a look at the bitch, push the button again, and leave. 6) Go back to your tracker and watch the guy that goes to the museum. Make a map of where he went. You CAN NOT mess up at the museum. You need every key card, all 13. 7) Go to the museum. Go around to the locked glass doors and use the keys. Use your map to get through the museum, up to the fourth floor where the dude's signal stopped. When you use a keycard to open a door, you must pass through the door QUICKLY, or it will close. When you get to the big wooden door, use the crowbar. When the dragon starts to run after you, use the medallion. He'll remove the wood and you can go through. When you get to the dead dude, take a close look at the map on the wall and at the dead dude. Take the Module out of his hands. End of Day Two Day Three: 1) Go to the cemetary. There's nothing you need here, but the sight of the dead orb with the spear through him is worth going. 2) Go to the Church. Go to the set of candles ob the left. Light them in this order. 1) Top Row, first candle. 2) Middle Row, third candle. 3) Bottom Row, fourth candle. Take the Module out of the compartment. Extinguish the candles. 3) Go to Abdul's Pawn Shop. Take a closer look at him. Buy the badges in this order. 1) The Cross 2) The one near it that looks like one vertical line, with a bunch of horizontal lines extending out of it to the right, the longest one being the one on the bottom. 3) The Star You should now fall through a trap door and land in a secret room with a painting and a door. Take a closer look at the painting. You will be prompted to enter a code. The correct code will let you pass to the next room, each one identical to the first. The codes are as follows: 1) 4,1 2) 1,0,3,1 3) 2,6,4 4) 4,2,5 You should now see a dead body (Yes, ANOTHER dead body). Take a close look at this one two. Go around the corner and you should see a dude standing on a ladder leading to a manhole. He'll jump down and try to stab you. This section is similar to the punks in the alley behind the nightclub. When you punch him and he runs away, pick up the piece of paper he drops. It reads: 843769 Climb up the ladder. 4) Go to the theatre in Times Square. Go to the room on the right and remove the picture on the left of the wall facing straight ahead of you. The code is (yep, you guessed it): 843769 Take out the paper. It reads: UCUCC 5) Go to your MAD Info. Look up Harry Jones. 6) Go to Harry Jones's House, it's on the southern tip of Manhatten. Go over to the radio, and smash it with the crowbar. Remove the Module. 7) Go to your MAD Info. Look up Phillipe Cook. 8) Go to The Empire State Building. Go to the computer and turn it on. The password is (yep, you guessed it): UCUCC Select Site Alpha, and switch the robot from Special Detail (or whatever) to Hall Patrol. Quit the computer. End of Day Three Day Four: 1) Go to the hospital. The Robot should not be gurading the door anymore. Go through the door. Don't worry about being caught and thrown in the room with pile of bones. Use the crowbar on the window. This is what it means to be "transfered to Chicago." Now wait until the guard, the orb, and the other robot leave the room. Take a closer look at the machine. Take Module D. The switch goes up and down, as well as the middle stopped position. Fix it so that the belt goes left, away from the People-Smasher. Climb up the ladder and you'll pass out of the room via the conveyer belt. Now, just what we all needed, another arcade sequence. This one is a mother, but not as hard as the punks outside the nightclub (at least we didn't think so). When you get through it, you'll wind up falling out a window and landing outside the hospital. 2) Go to Grand Central Station. Take a look at the three little windows at the lower left side of the screen. Use the crowbar. Climb through the window and enter the ship. First press the upper left button (the only button you're allowed to press at all so far). You now have access to the three square buttons on the bottom of the screen and the three other assorted buttons above it. Now press the middle square button. After the little scene with the guard robots is over, press the upper middle button with the little screen. Now press the button just to the right of it. Now press the right square, and then the left square. Manuever the ship out through the hatch in the upper right wall. 3) This maze is so easy I'm not going to take you through it. You got this far, you can make it through here without my help. 4) After you come up through the bathrooms at the park, see Philippe getting into his ship, and it says, "Meanwhile, back in your cockpit...", take a closer look at the screen. 5) You're now flying around New York. You must drop bombs on Sites Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. It doesn't matter in which order. First go to the Statue of Liberty. See the big island with the star where the Statue should be? Guess again, it ain't there. See the two small islands to the left? Go to the lower left island. Press Enter to Drop the Bomb. Try to hit the colored square on the island. You may have to experiment. Next go up to the screen with the Hospital, The Empire State Building, and Grand Central Station. You now have to contend with Philippe. Don't let him touch you, if he does you've got a problem. Drop a bomb on the Empire State Building. If you don't remember where it is, load in a game where it's a location on your map, and take a note of where it is. Next, drop one on Grand Central Station. Finally, on Bellevue Hospital. If you mess up with even ONE bomb, let Phil kill you and start over, you need all four to hit their targets. As I said before, this exact order isn't necessary, but I went from hardest to hit to easiest to hit, so you don't hit all the easy ones and mess up on the hard ones after all that work. You've now done all the typing and keypressing necessary. All that remains is to watch the ending sequences and tell all your friends that you "solved" Manhunter: New York.  0<2B *: &BT&`rB?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< MANIAC MANSION Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf MANIAC MANSION SOLUTION * TYPED/PLAYED BY.MWB! USE characters Dave, Syd, and Razor. Dave did all the moves and carried all the inventory in my game except where noted. Go to front of mansion. Pickup left bushes, door mat, and key. Unlock front door and enter. Open far right door and enter. Open far right door again and enter. (notice key in Chandelier) Turn on lamp and go far right to loose panel. Pull panel. Pickup cassette tape and exit both rooms. Push right gargoyle while another player goes to basement. Turn on light, pickup silver key and exit basement for now. Enter door by grandfather clock and pickup flashlight. Open refrigerator and pickup old batteries and can of pepsi. Go thru dining room to storage room. Pickup jar & fruit drink. Unlock door with silver key and enter to swimming pool area. Fill jar in pool and return to main entrance. Position someone by mail box to wait for package. ITS BETTER TO SAVE YOUR GAME NOW! Go upstairs and enter room on left. Pickup wax fruit and paint remover. Exit room. Use key pad and enter correct codes. Enter security door. Go upstairs on right and give wax fruit then fruit drink to green tentacle. Go upstairs on left and enter the first door on the left. Pickup dime and walk to ladder by bed. Climb ladder to room. Pick up record and key on right wall. Exit to hallway. Go to 4th room on right and use hunk-a-matic machine. Exit. ITS BETTER TO SAFE YOUR GAME NOW! When doorbell rings, switch to mailbox and pickup stamps on package. ( Don't pickup package ). Return to person on top floor. While Ed is out of his room, you must enter the room. Pickup the hamster, the card key, open the bank and pickup at least the dimes. You have to be quick or he will caught you. ITS BETTER TO SAFE THE GAME GEFORE! Enter far right door and use jar on man-eater. Use paint remover on blotch on wall. Return to 2nd floor and enter codes for security door. Enter. Go to door on right and enter the room where the piano is. Use cassette in player, use record in Victrola. Turn on cassette and Victrola. Turn off cassette and pickup tape. Exit. Go downstairs to room on right. Open cabinet door, use cassette in player. Turn on player. Pickup old rusty key. (The Key will get you out of dungeon ). Pickup cassette tape. Exit. Go upstairs to piano room with someone who can play it. Use cassette in record. Turn on recorder and play piano. Turn on TV and watch. Pickup cassette. Exit room. LET DAVE WATCH TV FOR ADDRESS!! Go to room where green tentacle is and give tape. Pickup demo tape. Exit rooms. Bring another member to top floor and give them both dimes. Have them enter room with man-eater and switch to Dave. Position Dave by door to right of Radio room on top floor. SAFE THE GAME. Enter room of old lady and quickly go up ladder to the right. Turn on light and pull picture in front of safe. Switch to person in man-eater room. USE CAN OF PEPSI ON MANEATING PLANT. Walk to hatch. Use dime in coin slot. Push right button. Use second dime in coin slot and push right button again. Use telescope and read safe combin.(1029!!) Switch to safe room and open safe. Pickup envelope but don't open it yet. You will be caught when leaving. Just use old rusty key to get out of dungeon. Exit telescope room and man-eater room. Use hunk-a-matic if you have not used it yet before leaving this floor. Return to main floor to met Dave. Send one strong person with yellow key to garage door behind the pool area. Open door, open trunk, pickup tool box. Go to pool. If power goes out, wait 5-6 minutes for it to come back on. Switch to another strong person and go to grating outside by porch. Open grating and enter. Go to water valve at right. Turn on water. Switch to pool and enter. Pickup glowing key and radio. Exit. Switch to valve and turn off water. Exit to kitchen. Switch to pool and have him return to kitchen. Give items to Dave. Fill jar with water from faucet. Use envelope and jar in microwave. Turn on microwave. Remove envelope and jar when cool. Open envelope. SAFE THE GAME NOW. Take envelope to man-eater room and use with typewriter. You will need tools and flashlight with good batteries with you. Open room to right and enter room above. Turn on lights and walk to open wires on left. Put good batteries from radio in flashlight and wait. Switch to another person and send them to breakers in the basement. Open fuse box. SAFE THE GAME NOW! Turn off breakers and switch back to person in wire room. Turn on flashlight and fix wires with tools. Turn off flashlight and switch back to basement. Turn on breakers and return both members to main lobby. Use stamps on envelope, put demo tape in envelope. Put envelope in mail box. Pull flag and leave some there at mail box. After Dr. Fred plays video game, go to room where video games are. (second floor far right door ) Enter room and walk to Meteor Mess machine. Use quarter in coin slot. Write down high scores.(8640!) Return to front door and wait for doorbell to ring. Go to mail and open. Pickup contract and return to house. SAFE THE GAME. Give contract to green tentacle in large speaker room. Go to basement and open door with old rusty key. Open Padlocks with glowing key. Open inner door with numbers from video game machine. SAFE THE GAME AGAIN! Enter lab and walk to right. Open door and enter. Walk to cabinet at right. Open cabinet and pickup suit. Use card key on door and enter. Turn off switch and pickup meteor at right. Open door and enter to garage. Use meteor in trunk. Use yellow key in weird edsel. WASN'T THAT NICE PLAYIN' MANIAC MANSION WITH THE HELP OF... MWB, PLK 47899, 2504 CD, DENHAAG ,NL.  0<2B *: &BT `r3?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< MIGHT AND MAGIC 2 Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf _ _ _ _ ___ | | |_ | | | \ / | | \ | Might and Magic II | | | | | \ / |___ | | |_| _| |_| |_ \/ |_ |___/ by LORD YUTU * The Joshua Tree (416) 462-x 96/24 Pandemonium (416) 273-x 3 <- just kidding Amazingly... I finished a game... my second game I ever finished... Thanks to New World Computing for making such a simple game... (how come I couldn't solve MM1? I even had the hints and I couldn't win...) I only detailed the cleric/wizard's spells that you have to look for, actually most of these spells are pretty useless. The only spell I found really useful was Divine intervention which I used once. You do not need to find every single hireling (though I found them all A-X). Only one, Sherman, is crucial in winning the game. (You must find Sherman to get the use of the time machine that Lord Peabody has!). I gave some hints on where they are though... Provided some explanations of 'TRUE' and triple crowns... Also, some insights on circus games... I have a pretty detailed runthrough of what is needed to win the game... Hope y a have some characters of at least 20th level and some good stats... - Clerical Spells - A lot I don't remember but these are the ones that I do! Nature's Gate - Go to bar in Vulcania and eat red-hot wolf nibble chips. Then go Druid's Grove (C3 - 1,9) and you will find a druid eating the same thing. He'll like your breath so much he will give you the Nature's Gate spell... (Frankly, I don't find much use for this spell) Walk on Water - Can't remember the exact co-ordinate (it is in C2) Air Transmutation - 8,8 in the air elemental plane (Area A1) Air Encasement - 1,14 in the Air Elemental Plane (Area A1) Frenzy - A group of natives who resides in Native's Cove (Area B4 - 8,1) often go into a Frenzy Earth Transmutation - 8,8 in the earth elemental plane (Area E4) Water Encasement - 1,1 in the water elemental plane (Area A4) Water Transmutation - 8,8 in the water elemental plane (Area A4) Earth Encasement - 14,1 in the earth elemental plane (Area E4) Fire Encasement - 14,14 in the fire elemental plane (Area E1) Fire Transmutation - 8,8 in the fire elemental plane (Area E1) Divine Intervention - Go to the Druid's Cave, at 14,15 is a arch druid who needs a favor from you. Find Horvath! Well, Horvath is within the cave (5,3?) find him and kill him. Horvath is a pretty tough opponet so beware... If you succeed, go back to the druid and he will grant you this spell. Holy Word - In the Lost Soul'Es Wood (Area C1 - 9,7?) - Sorceror's Spells - Eagle's Eyes - Do the quest in Middlegate, this spell is part of the reward. Lloyd's Beacon - In Corak's Crypt (7,11) Wizard's Eye - In Sandsobar (Geez, the door says Wizard's Eye!) Pay the man! Fingers of Death - Supposedly at C1(1,8) but never found it. Dancing Sword - Kill the Mist Warrior at Mist Haven (A1 - 15,11) and you shalt learn the spell. Starburst - It is suppose to be in the middle of the Dead Zone, but I have yet to find it. You die when you enter the Dead Zone... Enchant Item - Find the Gemmaker in the Gemmaker's Cave (D1 - 10,12? a bit north of Vulcania!) The Gemmaker is at 3,3 in the dungeon. Warning: His fee is TIME! (You character gets AGED.) Anyways, a list of all spells to be found is at the Hall of spells in Castle Xabran. - Hirelings - Do you really care? Nah... Some clues anyhow... - Dead Eye and Red Duke are in Bozorc's (BOSS ORC) control in D1 at 14,1 - Sir Kill and Jed I are in Sarakin's Mines, unfortunately, ya gotta kill Sarakin first (and his undead friends!) - Might Nakazama and Lord Peabody's servant Sherman were last seen having some problems with amazons near Native's Cove at 10,1 - A couple of guys are in prison in Atlantium, break em out. - A couple of kids are in kept in prison by kobolds in kobold's HQ in the dungeons beneath Middlegate - Buy fried troll's liver at bar in Vulcania... I think there are a couple of hirelings who likes your taste... But ya gotta demonstrate your skills to them first... (So what is killing a dozen cripples and misers...) - A couple of hirelings are almost dinner for the snowbeast in Tundara... Kill the snowbeast (in the outer walls of the city), skip the emerald ring or you will be accused of murder, and save the 2 hirelings... - A lichlord guards a high level wizard in Area D3. - A couple of guys are currently being held in prison in Castle Hillstone. Anyways, with the exception of Sherman, most of the hirelings are not necessary to win the game. They are nice to have around. The most a hireling can cost is 50 gold a day. There is a list of all the hirelings and their locations in the hall of hirelings in Castle Xabran. - Raising Statistics - On days 140-170 at B2 - 14,4 (the circus grounds), there is a circus. Now try a few events there... You will probably lose, but you do a some consolation prizes... A cupie doll! Now go (fly is quicker) to D3 - 4,13? (somewhere there!) and meet this old raving hermit... He will take the doll and direct you to the pool in the Inner Limits (E2 - 10,11?). Bath in this pool (usually it is acid, but now!) and you will feel like a WINNER! Go back to the circus grounds and choose a category you want to improve on. For example, if you want improved strength, try to ring the bell... Horseshoes for improved accuracy... Kissing booth for better personality... Shell game for better intelligence... sack race for better speed... head dunk for better endurance... now what was for luck and stamina? (You get the idea...). +10 to the category... - Individual Quests - For one to be true, each class must fulfil his quest... Each class must be alone or be in the company of thieves. When the quest is done, return to Mt. Farview in area D2 - 7,0 to claim true status (+) and 5 million experience. Fighters - Must kill the Dread Knight at B3 - 5,14. Paladins - Must kill the Frost Dragon in the dungeon among the Forbidden Forest in Area B3. Archers - Must kill Baron Wilfrey at B2 - 11,2 Ninjas - Must assassinate Dawn in Dawn's Mist Bog in D4 - 8,9 Clerics - Must defeat a haunt of ghosts at C1 - 10,15 in the Lost Soul's Woods and collect Corak's Soul. Then go to Corak's Crypt and reunite the soul with his body. One must have an Admit 8 Pass to enter the crypt though, and to obtain one, you have to get it from a zombie in the dungeon beneath Sandsobar. Wizards - Go to either castle on the Isle of the Ancients. If you go to the Dark (Evil) one first, follow these sets of doors (the doors are marked), 1-3-1-(3 or 7)-9-11-A-C-G-I the combination to free the evil wizard is Right 46 (type 46 when you enter the right alcove) and Left 23 (type 23 when you enter the left alcove!) The Good (Light) castle and path, follow this path 2-2-4-6-6-12-A-D-F-I, the combination to free the good wizard is Right 32 and Left 64. Barbarian - Must kill Brutal Bruno, the Barbarian chieftain at C4 - 0,15. Thieves - Accompany any class on a quest. - TRIPLE CROWNS - Buy a key of the appropriate colour. Buy several arena tickets and then fight in the 3 different arenas (Middlegate's ARENA, Sandsobar's Monster Bowl, and Atlantium's Colliseum). Once you have won all 3 fights, you are a triple crown winner of that colour. Go to the bishop of the appropriate colour to claim the experience earned. There are 4 colours and 4 types of tickets. Green Key - Key Shoppe in Middlegate Green Ticket - Supplies Store in Middlegate Green Bishop - Castle Woodhaven Yellow Key - Key Shoppe in Sandsobar Yellow Ticket - Supplies Store in Sandsobar Yellow Bishop - Castle Hillstone Red Key - Key Shoppe in Vulcania Red Ticket - Supplies Store in Vulcania Red Bishop - Castle Pinehurst Black Key - Key Shoppe in Atlantium Black Ticket - Supplies Store in Atlantium Black Bishop - Luxus Castle You have to be BOTH TRUE and a TRIPLE CROWN winner (must be black?) to qualify for the quest for Princess Lamanda (goal of the game). - TO WIN THE GAME - First you will need the Element Orb. To get the Element Orb, you must first grab these items, A-1 Tolidor (0,6 in Luxus Palace), J-26 Fluxer (7,6 Castle Pinehurst), N-29 Capitor (3,13 Castle Hillstone), M-27 Radicon (2,11 Castle Woodhaven). Now this part I am not too sure of... Go to Dawn's Mist Bog Cavern at 10,15 and you will find the Element Orb. You will find that you canno t leave the dungeon with the Orb in hand. There should be a teleporter in the dunegoen (very near the entrance), use that instead and you should end up in Murray's Cave in Murray's Resort Isle. Another way I devised was to transfer the Orb to the hireling and then 'D'ismissing my hireling. Now I can leave the cave with no problem and I can find the hireling with the Orb same and sound back at the original inn... (Sorta cheated on it...) Ok, so you've got the Element Orb, now you will need the 4 elemental talons. Travel back in time using Lord Peabody's time machine to the 9th Century (Era 8), and go to Castle Xabran at C2 - 14,8. In Castle Xabran, get the following items... Air Disc (15,15); Earth Disc (6,2); Fire Disc (6,14); Water Disc (15,0) Now, either using the time machine in Castle Pinehurst, or thru the vortex holes at the corners of each elemental planes, travel back to the year 100, 200 300, 400 to find the talons. The time of air hides the talon at 11,7. In the P lane of Water, 10,10 will reveal the water talon. In the plane of earth, the talon is enshrined at 8,8. In the plane of fire, the talon rest at 4,4. Each shrine which holds the talon requires the appropriate disc to open. Now you should have all 4 talons and the orb. Go back to the 9th Century again and find King Kalohn at C4 - 14,5 and see him fighting the Mega Dragon. When he sees you with the talons and Orb, you will haved changed history because history had said the battle would have been lost. Now that the dragon has been vanquished, King Kalohn will live after all. (confused?) You return to the 10th Century and you go back to Luxus Palace. Instead of Prin cess Lamanda, you now see King Kalohn! He tells you of the final quest. To go to Square Lake and try to stop the villain that is going to doom Cron. You enter this fantastic maze (that you won't be amaze with). At the end of this simple maze, you meet him. SHELTEM and his elemental friends... You should be able to defeat him, but alas, can you beat his recorded message? He has left a pre-recorded message and REAL-TIME cryptogram puzzle. If time expires, the world crashes into the Sun. Now, the encription algorithm changes EVERY time so I can't help you with that. But the message is the same every time. Here is the message, We, the people of Terra, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice , insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense... The answer of this is given already, Preamble. Now, find the corresponding encryption and translate the word Preamble to its encrypted code and then you are done! Cron is saved from crashing into the Sun.- By the way, New World Computing tells you to give them a shout if you should finish... Here's where to send New World computing, P.O. Box 2068, Van Nuys, California 91404 USA. Wonder what Might & Magic 3 has in store? (No, I don't want a 16 sided M+M3). LY- Another Quality Solve from the Ethereal Dimension (206)255-X 120+ Megs  0<2B *: &BT|`rG?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< NEUROMANCER Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf _ _ \ ___ \ \_ /\ 713-960-0753! / /\ / /\ \_/ / /_ _ / /_// _/ //___ /\/ __ /\/ __ / / __ /\/ __ __ / / /_\/_\__/ / / /\/ / / /\/ / / /\/ / / /\/ /\/ / / ___ \\ / __ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /\__\ /\/ /\/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / \/ /_/ /_/ / / /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ / / / / / / ___\/ /_/ /_/ /__/ /__/ / _\ \_\/\_\/\__\/\__\/ Call the few other Random BBSs -|- Random North HQ 613-224-9352 Big Ballz Sysop Random West HQ 707-557-7886 Scorpion Random East HQ 313-274-5630 Lord Thor Random Support BBS 713-324-2139 Nosferatu GREETS: BIGFoot, Zodiac, WareMonger, DOC, Raj DOOD, Corporal and Stryper! NEUROMANCER HINTS TO SOLVE Written By: White Knight. Okay ffolks, in this exciting episode, I'm gonna tell you everything you want to know about what to do in Neuromancer (the game). I'll tell you places to go and things to do there. I'll tell you the linkcodes, passwords, grid coordinates, and contents of every database there is in cyberspace. And, as an extra added bonus, I'll give you a few pointers that may give you a little extra help along the way. OK? OK. Let's go. PART I PLACES TO GO AND THINGS TO DO (REAL WORLD). Since this game is of a mostly nonlinear structure (meaning that you don't have to most things in any particular order), I've set this list up in alphabetical order. You can usually do these things in any order you want, except for a few. But I'll let you find those out on your own. ASANO COMPUTERS- You buy most of your hardware from this guy. If you insult Crazy Edo, Asano will give you a price break. He doesn't like Crazy Edo or his friends. By the way, get rid of the deck you start out with (UXB) and get a Blue Light Special when you can afford it. The Blue Light can hold more programs. But as soon as you can afford one, get a cyberspace compatible deck. BANK GEMEINSCHAFT- You can enter the vault using the code BG1066. Then you can use the jack inside the vault to reach Cyberspace Zone 5. BANK OF BERNE- Talk to the secretary about opening up an account, she'll leave, then go into the manager's office and use the jack to reach Cyberspace Zone 3. BODY SHOP- Here you can raise quick cash by selling body parts. Or you can spend quick cash buying them back. Use your Bargaining skill to get a price break. You want to have all or most of your original parts before you get into any heavy cyberspace battles, though, cause the cheap organ replacements you get when you sell a part don't hold up like original equipment; your constitution is lowered. CHATSUBO BAR (WHERE GAME BEGINS)- Talk to Ratz till you find out all the information he has. Use PAX machine and read ALL messages. Leave message to Armitage including your BAMA ID# (056306118) and make a quick $10,000. CHEAP HOTEL- Buy caviar (after editing bill) to give to Crazy Edo. CRAZY EDO'S- Trade caviar for Comlink 2.0 DONUT WORLD- Use Coptalk skills 1 & 2 to find out various linkcodes and passwords from the surly cop there. GENTLEMAN LOSER- Ask Shiva about "Chip" and "Guest Pass"; she'll give you those. Ask her about "Loser" and she'll tell you the Loser's database linkcode and password. You can also purchase Hardware Repair chip from her. But don't insult her or come on to her, she'll kick your butt. HOUSE OF PONG- Talk to the weird monk, but don't ridicule him. Trade Holy Joystick (from Metro Holographix) for Zen and Sophistry skill chips. The monks are ok if you don't make fun of their beliefs (strange as they may be). HITACHI BIOTECH- Sell lungs for experiment, and use jack to reach Cyberspace zone 2. HOSAKA- Pick up paycheck after editing employee records to include yourself. Use jack to reach Cyberspace zone 2. You can only pick up 1 check a week, no matter how many times you put yourself on their employee roster. LARRY'S MICROSOFTS- Buy Coptalk skill chip from Larry Moe. After you get him arrested (see the entry about Chiba Tactical Police in next part of this doc), go into the Panther Moderns meeting room (see entry on Panther Moderns in this part). MAAS BIOLABS- After disabling their security system (see Maas Biolabs entry in next part of this doc), use the gasmask to survive the nasty virus they have floating around in there. Talk to the robot and he will implant Cybereyes in you. MASSAGE PARLOUR- Buy information from the hooker, Aikiko, but watch out. Whenever you do, you'll get busted! And everytime you get busted, you'll spend money! MATRIX RESTAURANT- Ask Emperor Norton about "chips" and he'll sell you Logic, Musicianship, and Software Analysis. Ask him about "upgrades" and he'll upgrade some of your skills for you (at a cost, of course). Ask him about "passwords" and he'll give you some passwords. Use the PAX machine to check messages and news. METRO HOLOGRAPHIX- Talk to the Finn and get Icebreaking and Debug skills (ask him about skills or chips). Ask him about "joystick" and he'll sell you the Holy Joystick, which you take to the House of Pong around the corner. Various warez are sold here as well, but none that you can't download free from databases. PANTHER MODERN'S MEETING ROOM (In the back of Larry's Microsofts)- Talk to Lupus Yonderboy about Sense/net, and he'll give you the security pass for it. Ask him about banks, and he'll give you a bank code to get $$$$ from. Ask him about skills or chips and he'll give you the Evasion skill chip. SECURITY GATE- Tell the computer you're a Hitachi volunteer, or, after editing Hosaka's employee roster, tell it you're a Hosaka employee. SENSE/NET- Give security pass and the Rom construct Library code (0467839) to get the rom construct of the Dixie Flatline. SHIN'S PAWNSHOP- Get UXB deck from Shin. If you don't have the cash, it's free. STREETWALKER- Learn locations of several places around Chiba by asking her about them. Find out the linkcode for Central Justice () from her. WAREHOUSE (Julius Deane's place)- Ask Julius about Fuji, Hosaka, Musabori, Hitachi, and Tozoku, and he'll give you info on each of them. Ask about hardware. Buy the gasmask, Philosophy, Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis, and Bargaining skill chips. Buy the Cryptology skill upgrade. Not all, of course, in the same visit or you'll be broke. ZION CLUSTER- Ask old rasta-dude about Gemeinschaft and he'll give you the vault code (BG1066). Use Musicianship skill to play dub for him, and he'll get another guy, Maelcum, to give you a free ride to Freeside. This saves you $500.00 over taking the shuttle to Freeside directly. PART ][ DATABASES AND WHAT TO DO THERE There are 2 types of databases available to you in this game: the ones you can reach with a link code and the proper Comlink, and the ones that are only accessible from cyberspace. Accordingly, this section is divided into two parts describing each of them. The descriptions will include the base's link code, password(s), what Comlink is required to access the database, what warez can be gotten there, other stuff that can be gotten or done there, its cyberspace coordinates, whether it has an AI or not, and. if so, the AI's name and weakness. Some databases have message systems similar to the one on the PAX system, and it's a very good idea to read ALL the things available for you to read in every database. You'll get valuable information this way. Again, these are in alphabetical order, not in chronological order. I will list the information about the databases in the following manner: DATABASE NAME COMLINK (if applicable) Minimum level required LINKCODE (if applicable) PASSWORD(S) (listed by level) WAREZ AVAILABLE OTHER STUFF COORDINATES (of database in cyberspace) Zone#-X/Y AI INFO (if applicable) DATABASES ACCESSIBLE BY LINKCODES ASANO COMPUTING Comlink--1 Linkcode--asanocomp Passwords--1=customer 2=vendors 3=cyberspace only Warez--none Other stuff--find out linkcodes: fuji, musaborind, hosakacorp Coordinates-- 0-16/112 AI--none BANK GEMEINSCHAFT Comlink--5 Linkcode--bankgemein Passwords--1=eintritt 2=verboten Warez--none Other stuff--leech $30,000 from account 646328356481 Coordinates--5-304/320 AI--none BANK OF ZURICH (Bozobank) Comlink--6 Linkcode--bozobank Passwords--no password, use Sequencer for access Warez--none Other stuff--set up account in your name (712345450134) Coord.--5-336/368 AI--none CENTRAL JUSTICE Comlink--6 Linkcode--justice Passwords--no password, use Sequencer Warez--none Other stuff--learn information about Chiba's justice system Coord.--1-416/112 AI--none CHEAP HOTEL Comlink--1 Linkcode--cheapo Passwords--1=guest 2=cockroach Warez--none Other stuff--pay/edit bill and order caviar from room service for Crazy Edo Coord.--0-112/112 AI--none CHIBA TACTICAL POLICE Comlink--4 Linkcode--keisatsu Passwords--1=warrants 2=supertac Warez--none Other stuff--Edit warrant to show Larry Moe's name and BAMA ID# (062788138) Coord.--1-288/112 AI--none CITIZENS FOR A FREE MATRIX Comlink--5 Linkcode--freematrix Passwords--1=CFM 2=cyberspace only Warez--DO NOT get Blammo 1.0, it will damage you if you run it! Other stuff--none Coord.--1-352/112 AI--Sapphire weakness=Sophistry CONSUMER REVIEW Comlink--1 Linkcode--consumerev Passwords--1=review 2=cyberspace only Warez--none Other stuff--find out about different decks on the market and their reliability and cyberspace compatibility Coord.--0-32/64 AI--none COPENHAGEN UNIVERSITY Comlink--6 Linkcode--brainstorm Passwords--1-perilous 2=cyberspace only Warez--probe 4.0, jammies 1.0, doorstop 1.0 Other stuff--find out about the best icebreaking warez Coord.--1-320/32 AI--none EASTERN SEABOARD FISSION AUTHORITY Comlink--4 Linkcode--eastseabod Passwords--1=longisland 2=cyberspace only Warez--comlink 5.0, thunderhead 2.0 Other stuff--find out password for Loser database and that the Finn has a joystick. Coord.--1-384/32 AI--none FUJI ELECTRIC Comlink--3 Linkcode--fuji Passwords--1=romcards 2=uchikatsu Warez--none Other stuff--find out Larry Moe's BAMA ID# (062788138) Coord.--2-112/240 AI--none GENTLEMAN LOSER Comlink--4 Linkcode--loser Passwords--1=wilson 2=loser 3=cyberspace only Warez--blowtorch 1.0, hammer 1.0, probe 3.0, slow 1.0, injector 1.0, drill 1.0 Other stuff--find out various linkcodes & passwords Coord.--1-416/64 AI--none HITACHI BIOTECH Comlink--3 Linkcode--hitachibio Passwords--1=genesplice 2=biotech Warez--none Other stuff--read a bunch of boring stuff Coord.--2-32/192 AI--none HOSAKA Comlink--5 Linkcode--hosakacorp Passwords--1=biosoft 2=fungeki 3=cyberspace only Warez--comlink 5.0, slow 2.0, hammer 4.0, concrete 1.0, mimic 2.0, injector 2.0 Other stuff--edit employee records to show you as employee, upload comlink 6.0 to make bucks, find out about Tozoku and their connection with the Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) Coord.--2-144/160 AI--none IRS Comlink--3 Linkcode--irs  Passwords--1=taxinfo 2=audit 3=cyberspace only Warez--jammies 1.0, hammer 2.0, mimic 1.0 Other stuff--read messages Coord.--1-272/64 AI--none MUSABORI Comlink--5 Linkcode--musaborind Passwords--1=subaru 2=cyberspace only Warez--kuang eleven 1.0 (shotgun program for AI Neuromancer) Other stuff--read messages Coord.--2-208/208 AI--Greystoke (badass!) weakness=hemlock 1.0 NASA Comlink--6 Linkcode--voyager Passwords--1=apollo 2= cyberspace only Warez--python 2.0, blowtorch 4.0, decoder 4.0 Other stuff--messages Coord.--1-448/32 AI--Hal weakness=Logic PANTHER MODERNS Comlink--2 Linkcode--chaos Passwords--1=mainline 2=cyberspace only Warez--comlink 3.0, blowtorch 3.0, decoder 2.0, thunderhead 1.0 Other stuff--learn about Lupus Yonderboy's leeching of money from Bank Gemeinscaft, get linkcodes from Modern Bob Coord.--0-224/112 AI--none PSYCHOLOGIST Comlink--1 Linkcode--psycho Passwords--1=new mo 2=babylon 3=cyberspace only Warez--none Other stuff--messages Coord.--0-96/32 AI--Chrome weakness=Philosophy REGULAR FELLOWS Comlink--1 Linkcode--regfellow Passwords--1=visitor 2=cyberspace only Warez--scout 1.0, battle chess 2.0, probe 3.0 Other stuff--learn level 2 password to Cheap Hotel (cockroach) and how to use scout 1.0 Coord.--0-208/32 AI--none SOFTWARE ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY (SEA) Comlink--3 Linkcode--soften Passwords--1=permafrost 2=cyberspace only Warez--comlink 4.0, sequencer 1.0, thunderhead 2.0 Other stuff--upgrade coptalk to level 2, upgrade coptalk to level 4 from cyberspace Coord.--1-352/64 AI--none TOZOKU IMPORTS (YAKUZA) Comlink--5 Linkcode--yakuza Passwords--1=yak 2=cyberspace only Warez--comlink 6.0, blowtorch 1.0, decoder 1.0, blowtorch 3.0 drill 2.0 Other stuff--read messages Coord.--1-480/80 AI--none WORLD CHESS Comlink--1 Linkcode--world chess Passwords--1=novice 2=member 3=cyberspace only Warez--none Other stuff--make bucks by playing chess twice, messages Coord.--0-160/80 AI--Morphy weakness=Logic DATABASES ACCESSIBLE FROM CYBERSPACE ONLY ALLARD TECHNOLOGIES Warez--none Other stuff--use 3 AI combat skills to escape island construct and fight Neuromancer. End of game!! Coord.--7-432/464 AI--Neuromancer weakness=kuang eleven 1.0 BANK OF BERNE Warez--slow 3.0, probe 10.0, armorall 1.0 Other stuff--Ok, here's one you'll really like. What you do is read the messages and find out about account number 121519831200. You use the transfer funds option to transfer the funds to your account in the Bank of Zurich Orbital. Here's the info you need to do it: Bank of Berne account#- 121519831200 Credit transfer authorization code- LYMA1211MARZ Bank of Zurich link code- bozobank YOUR account# at Bank of Zurich-712345450134 When you perform the transfer, your bank account all of a sudden has increased by $500,000!! Nice piece of change, eh? Coord.--3-336/160 AI--Gold weakness=Philosophy BELL EUROPA Warez--thunderhead 4.0, acid 5.0 Other stuff--messages Coord.--5-384/288 AI--none DARPO Warez--thunderhead 3.0, injector 3.0, jammies 2.0, concrete 2.0, drill 3.0 Other stuff--messages Coord.--3-336/240 AI--none FREE SEX UNION Warez--none Other stuff--messages Coord.--3-288/208 AI--Xaviera weakness=Phenomenology GRIDPOINT Warez--thunder head 3.0, injector 3.0, jammies 3.0, hammer 5.0, armorall 2.0 Other stuff--messages Coord.--4-160/320 AI--none INSA Warez--injector .50, armorall 3.0, hammer 6.0, doorstop 4.0, logic bomb 3.0 Other stuff--messages Coord.--5-448/320 AI--none KGB Warez--slow 5.0, jammies 4.0, armorall 4.0, injector 5.0, probe 15.0, concrete 5.0, logic bomb 6.0, depth charge 8.0 Other stuff--messages Coord.--6-112/416 AI--Lucifer weakness=Logic MAAS BIOLABS Warez--none Other stuff--disable security system so you can physically break into Maas in the real world. Coord.--6-112/480 AI--Sangfroid weakness=Phenomenology NIHILIST Warez--python 5.0, acid 3.0, slow 4.0, logic bomb 3.0 Other stuff--messages Coord.--5-416/368 AI--none PHANTOM Warez--hemlock 1.0 (shotgun program for Greystoke) Other stuff--not much, listen to AI Coord.--07-320/464 AI--Phantom Note: you don't have to fight this AI, just run battle chess 4.0; but if you do fight him, his weakness is Logic. Beware though, he's very strong! SCREAMING FIST Warez--KGB 1.0, easy rider 1.0 (GET THIS!!), python 3.0, slow 3.0, armorall 1.0, depthcharge 3.0 A Other stuff--read all you can here Coord.--3-464/160 AI--none SENSE/NET Warez--none Other stuff--learn rom construct # for Dixie Flatline so you can physically get it from Sense/Net building Coord.--4-48/320 AI--none TESSIER-ASHPOOL Warez--none Other stuff--messages Coord.--7-384/416 AI--Wintermute weakness=Sophistry TURING REGISTRY Warez--none Other stuff--find out about AIs, upgrade skills Coord.--3-432/240 AI--none PART ]I[ SKILL CHIPS, WHERE TO GET EM AND WHAT THEY DO Skill chip-where to get it-how it's used Coptalk- Larry Moe- talk to cop at Donut World Evasion- Lupus Yonderboy- escape AI combat (also can run KGB 1.0 which works even when Evasion doesn't) Cryptology- Shiva- decode encoded passwords Hardware Repair- Shiva- fix damaged decks Bargaining- Julius Deane- get price break at Body Shop Philosophy- Julius Deane- AI combat skill Phenomenology- Julius Deane- AI combat skill Psychoanalyses- Julius Deane- detects AI's weakness Icebreaking- Finn- helps make ice easier to crack Debug- Finn- fixes damaged software Sophistry- Pong Monk- AI combat skill Zen- Pong Monk- restores constitution during AI combat Logic- Emperor Norton- AI combat skill Software Analysis- Emperor Norton- helps identify unknown warez Musicianship- Emperor Norton- play dub to old rasta-guy on Zion to get passage to Freeside  0<2B *: &BTf`r?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MN g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyt?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9ANa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AN<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< PERSONAL NIGHTMARE Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf THE SOLUTION OF P E R S O N A L N I G H T M A R E *# ALL DONE & WRITTEN BY .M W B.IN 1990 FIRST SOME RULES FOR THE GAME 1 When you leave a room, just close any door you've opened 2 OBJECTS signed with must be delivered to police at least at the 4th day. Its better to do it rightaway when you find the things 3 Opponents who are there only for information i didn't mention coz the list would be too long So now take a nap of your drink and lets start the bloody game THE FIRST DAY. FIRST WAIT TILL jimmy leave the PUB. Do follow him. JIMMY is lay down on the street. When you 've examined him.You find in ROOM a key. A FILM and a PLATE WITH A NUMBER.Take it all with you. Go back to the pub and wait till MR.ROBERTS leaves. Examine COAT and take KEY. Now go to REGISTRY OFFICE.READ PAINTING on the wall. Open the safe with DIAL 1815. Take PAPERS and close SAFE. In the ROOM you find a CERTFICATE . Now go to IVY COTTAGE.In the kitchen go WEST to the PHOTOLAB. Here LOOK under TABLE and find a PHOTOMAGAZINE. Click this one in INVENTORY and a VOUCHER will be to seen. VOUCHER=BORG/BEWYS/BON/VRYKAART Maar dat wisten jullie al ?. Put MAGAZINE back.SOUTH of the kitchen there is a TOOLBOX. You find in ROOM a SLEDGEHAMMER,SECATEURS,MUZZLE,and with LOOK BEHIND PAINT PODS an OILSTONE. Now go to the CHURCH.enter the OFFICE and open desk by HIT DESK WITH HAMMER. Take the KEY.And now go to the CHURCHYARD. At the STATUE where the FAMILY-VAULT is go down type.. LOOK IN WEEDS (its near the big statue) and GET GARLIC.Go now to the PRESBYTERY(pastorie). On the floor HIT WALL WITH HAMMER 3X!The built in woman you see now CUT FINGERS WITH SECATEURS to get fingers of here. Now you can take PRAYER BOOK.And READ PRAYER BOOK.And put it back. Back in the livingroom examine CHAIR and take WOOL. Go to the first floor and just enter the BOXROOM. Here LOOK IN BOOKS.And find in ROOM the book TREASURE ISLAND. Click on it and the SAVINGS BOOK you see.TAKE IT with you. Go now to the CHURCHYARD again and go down into the FAMILY-VAULT. Here you find a COFFIN . What else do you expect to find in a family-vault? And here lives the vampire MICHAEL WILLIAMS (we kill him later!) OPEN the door behind the coffin.UPSTAIRS and DROP SHOES. You are now in HONEYSUCKLE COTTAGE ! Enter the left room and type EXAMINE ALICE,GET KEY,LOOK UNDER BED. Get out and take on your shoes again and DROPP LADDER. GO UP THE LADDER. Open the doors to the GARRET.GET JUG. And FILL JUG WITH WATER and POUR WATER over SUIT The WITCH is dead? Free the woman by UNLOCK JUDY.First go now to MANOR HOUSE. Here from 23.00 hours HIT DOG WITH STAKE.When the beast gets closer just kill it with RETURN. Now enter the house and jump over the hole in the ground by SWING OVER HOLE.Upstairs and get into the room. EXAMINE the coat of the BODY.TAKE the BOTTLE. And get back to the PUB. Go to your room and PUT into the WARDROPE the next things.. BRASS KEY,STAKE,SHINEY KEY,YALE KEY,VICARAGE KEY,MUZZLE,SECATEURS, CERTIFICATE,BRIEFCASE and LEI. Go to the PUB again.TAKE BUGLE and go to the kitchen. IMMEDIATLY type PUB PLUG IN SINK,Otherwise you can get a knife into your BRAINS.IF YOU HAVE NO BRAINS IT DOESN'T MATTER. LOOK IN WASHING MACHINE.Herein you find JEANS. GET KEY. Get back to your room and BUGLE IN WARDROBE and get some SLEEP. AINT THAT MUCH DOING ON ONLY ONE DAY?? THE SECOND DAY. First we EXAMINE the room in the PUB. And than we (YOU) go to JONES'ROOM. Its the room nextdoors. GET MIRROR. ROOM. Click PILLOW and GET DIARY.UNLOCK DIARY. . Find the policeman (he is probably near the postoffice) And GIVE DIARY TO POLICEMAN. Now go to the GARAGE and wait for MR.MASON opens the doors. LOOK IN BIN. And here you find the SECOND PLATE WITH A NUMBER !! Your first way is to go now to the POSTOFFICE. Hand the SAVINGS BOOK over to the POSTMISTRESS.And BUY STAMP. Than LOOK IN DISPLAY STAND and take an ENVELOPE. Put stamp on envelope and PUT FILM and VOUCHER INTO it. And outside warp it into the POSTBOX. Now you go to the FAMILY-VAULT to kill the vampire. The MIRROR MUST be in your INVENTORY!! In the family-vault you've to wait till the COFFIN LID opens. Now go W-W-W-W and wait till the vampire reaches just at your nose. And type REFLECT LIGHT WITH MIRROR and COUNT DRACULA AINT NOMORE ALIVE. Go to the street somewhere and wait till the clock hits 0:00 hours Go back to the PUBand wait on the FRONTDOOR. Now MR.MASON has to come and wants to OVERRIDE us (YOU!). Immediatly when the car arrives go to the N-E. Do this as long as the CAR HITS THE TREE.Get into the car and OPEN GLOVE BOX and TAKE KEY.Now back to your room and GET BUGLE and go to SLEEP.PHUH ANOTHER DAY. THE THIRD DAY. The third day starts with a SUPPRISE. TONYS TINNSOLDIERS wants to SHOOT you! As they arrive in the picture just type SOUND BUGLE and they FUCKOFF.Infront of your door you'll find a POPGUN and TONYS CATS in ROOM.Get the gun and DROPP the WOOL. Type SHOOT POPGUN and TAKEOFF CORK. Put away POPGUN and CLEANBOTTLE.Get the shortest way to the CHURCH. Go rightaway INFRONT of the ANGLE and PRAY. The angle gets to cry and type PUT TEARS IN BOTTLE.Close the bottle by PUT CORK IN BOTTLE. Get out and go to the GARAGE. Here you've to go to the DESK and LOOK OLD PAPERS. GET BILL. Get back to desk and LOOK IN BENCH and GET SPANNER. Get behind to the car and PUSH RED BUTTON to ACTIVATE the HYDRAULIC-LIFT. Get under the car and CLEAN SUMP NUT and TURN SUMP NUT to open it. Now PUT OILSTONE IN OIL and GET OILSTONE for oiling the stone. Now get your ass to ROSE COTTAGE and find a ROBE in the BEDROOM-WARDROPE. CLICK on the FRUITS in the livingroom.And now a NOTE appears. Get your bloody ASS together and go to the PUB again. Wait till it is 18:00 hours and SLEEPV. !%!^#@!!ANOTHER BLOODY DAY ALIVE !! THE LAST DAY. Get down at the bar and WAIT as long as the bar openes. Now you get a kind of PHOTOBOOK from MRS.JONES GET PHOTOS and give'm to the POLICEMAN. CONTROL NOW FOR ALL THE OPPONENTS TO BE AT THE POLICE. Only don't take the CERTIFICATE. Back to the PUB to INVENTORY SUIT,SHOES,RAINCOAT,OILSTONE, SLEDGEHAMMER,ROBE,BOTTLE,MUZZLE and... REMOVE HANDLE FROM MUZZLE.And put back muzzle into WARDROBE. Go to the MANOR HOUSE and WAIT till 23:00 houres. Go to the front of the house and go WEST to the MAUSOLEUM. HIT MAUSOLEUM WITH HAMMER to ENTER. Now GET AXE,PUT HANDLE ON AXE,SHARP AXE WITH OILSTONE. WEAR ROBE. MOVE COFFIN and get down.Go to the door and wait. Short after 12:00 hours arrive TWO ACOLYTES out of the room. CLICK on the door when they have gone. When arrived at the other room immediately HIT ACOLYTE WITH AXE. When the message come "YOU REALIZE THAT THE CHIEF ACOLYTE IS YOUR FATHER" Kick on the RETURN KEY. Now you stand infront of the DEVIL HIMSELF! Do fast HIT DEVIL WITH BOTTLE. And now you think all place is clean ? DON'T YOU THINK? WELL I (M W B) DID IT AGAIN. ALL THE MESS WAS DONE BY *** M W B *** PLK 47899.2504 CD.DENHAAG...HOLLAND... SEE YA L8R.   0<2B *: &BT`r?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MJ g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyp?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9AJa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AJ<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< POLICE QUEST 1Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf POLICE QUEST Part 1 INTRODUCTION There are many times in this game where it may be appropriate to LOOK or EXAMINE XXX, but I have left them out in the interests of brevity. Make your own decisions about when you want to do so. If you're playing this game on a monochrome monitor, good luck to you. There are many times when color is important -- when stopping a car, looking at the traffic lights, etc. The only things I can suggest is to watch the other cars at the lights, and use trial and error (plus a lot of saves) in order to stop the proper car. A couple of suggestions before I begin. If you're playing POLICE QUEST on an Atari ST, set up a lot of save folders. Patrolling the streets is a major part of police work, and in this game, it is VERY dangerous! You will want to save often. In fact I suggest you do so both before starting and after finishing any trip in the car. Avoid any area of the streets where you cannot see the exit on the other side (as it is likely there isn't one), stop at all intersections, and make your turns as wide as possible. Driving into curbs, through red lights without your siren (this includes allowing the front of your car to cross -- even a little bit -- the line parallel to the red light), or being hit by some other reckless driver will end the game. This sort of thing will happen often. Your tiny game car does not have the maneuverability of your full-sized real one, and other drivers will go exactly where they want whether you happen to be in the way or not. In addition, whether it would otherwise be so or not, every time you get an alert box -- either a call from dispatch or a comment from the game -- your car will keep on going as soon as you press whatever button you're using to exit from the dialogue box. This can be very dangerous, and I strongly suggest you simply stop the car, save, and then continue with the proper action. It will save you a lot of needless highway mayhem and redos, as well as giving you a good point to restore to when the need arises. Also, just driving back and forth in a straight line won't trigger calls from dispatch telling you what to do next. You must go in a two dimensional direction (e.g., no U-turns), or nothing will happen. One small help is that you don't need to worry much about where you park in most places. So long as you're off the street and the game will let you toggle the map, it's okay. This is a great help at headquarters and the jail, especially since this is where you will stop most often. In the locker room are two strange things. At first, it looks like the Lytton Police Department has unisex showers. This is not so. It's just that the particular officer in question bears a distinct resemblance to a woman. Second, the first stall will always contain a crumpled uniform, no matter when you go in there. I did try to investigate this mystery but apparently Sierra didn't provide for it. Finally, you cannot solve the mystery of the "gremlin" who is plaguing Sergeant Dooley. I called Sierra and asked. Common notation in adventure games uses standard compass directions with north at the top of your monitor, southwest at the bottom left corner, etc. Where practical, Sierra will always orient your screen in this way. At times this is impractical, inside various buildings, etc.; however, since you are not using a real compass, it is easier to ignore this problem. Throughout this walkthru I have used monitor and compass directions interchangeably. North or up is toward the top of your monitor, left is west, etc. POLICE HEADQUARTERS You start in the main hallway of the station. To the west (left side of your monitor) is the door to Sgt. Dooley's office. To the east (right) is the locker room (the southern or lower door) and the briefing room. To the northeast (top right at the back) is the exhibits window, and to the northwest (top left) is the entrance to the computer room. The first thing to do is go to the locker room. Your locker is in the far bank at the first set of white buttons. Go to it and OPEN LOCKER. GET your GUN (revolver), AMMUNITION (ammo), BRIEFCASE, and HANDCUFFS (cuffs). (You can use GET ALL if you like.) CLOSE the LOCKER, head back out to the hall, and into the briefing room. Walk east (right) to the pigeonholes, stand in front of the second one and LOOK IN HOLE. You'll see that Steve has a stack of warrants. In the third one (yours) you'll find a note from Steve suggesting a coffee break at Carol's Caffeine Castle and saying he'll radio you at the appropriate time. At the back of the room you'll see something on the table. Go over to it and GET NEWSPAPER. Flip through it and then close it. (For some odd reason, you keep the paper throughout the game. Doesn't seem to matter although you'd think it would get rather soggy in the shower.) As soon as you close the paper, the briefing will begin. Walk to the front table on your right and stand on the left side of it next to the center aisle. The game will notify you that this is your position. Stand there, wait for the other officers to arrive, and listen to the briefing when Dooley gives it. Afterwards, leave the room and walk across the hall to the board next to Dooley's door. GET the patrol car KEYS and walk to the table at the end of the hall. GET EXTENDER and go west (left) down the hall and out the door to the parking lot. Your patrol car is the one nearest the street, across from your fancy blue Corvette. Perform your safety inspection as described in the manual, OPEN the DOOR, toggle yourself in, CLOSE the DOOR, and toggle the map. (A good place for a save since you're about to drive.) POLICE QUEST Part 2 HITTING THE STREETS Back up a little, turn, and drive into the street keeping close to the curb, but not TOO close since you don't want to run into the curb. This is a good time to practice driving and mark off the map that came with your game using the letters and numbers that show on your screen. Locate all the buildings with parking areas. You'll find five with "indents," Carol's, The Blue Room, The Hotel Delphoria, The City Park, and the Courthouse. Two others will have regular lots, the Police Station where you start and the City Jail across Seventh Street from the Courthouse. In addition, Cotton Cove has a parking area much like a parking lot. Generally, you can do this simply by driving around the edges of the City. Also notice which one is your car. Mine was white with a red (not black) stripe across it. After you've driven around for a while, you'll receive a call to investigate an accident on Fourth Street near Fig. When you get to the proper screen, the car will show as a crumpled green thing on the left side of the street. (Your left, not Sonny's necessarily.) Pull in behind the green car, read the dialogue box, and toggle the map. OPEN the DOOR, get out, CLOSE the DOOR, walk over to the open passenger door of the crashed car, and examine the driver twice. Ouch! It seems he's not only dead, he is a probable murder victim! Notify dispatch and they'll tell you a homicide unit is on the way. Next, go and TALK TO the BYSTANDERS. One young man will tell you a light blue Cadillac was involved. Talk to him again and you'll get the first part of the Caddy's license plate number, L964. Call in the vehicle information and fairly soon Dooley and Homicide Detective Hamilton will arrive. Dooley takes over for you so get back in your car, toggle the map, and save. Getting out of there is tricky! Continue driving around town and fairly soon Steve will call you for a coffee break at Carol's. Go there, park in the indent behind Steve's patrol car, toggle the map, get out, and go inside. Steve will be sitting at a booth on the left. Sit down and TALK TO STEVE. This won't result in much but, pretty soon, Carol will come over with your coffee. DRINK COFFEE and shortly the phone will ring. After she answers it, Carol will inform you that Detective Hamilton is calling for you. STAND UP, walk to the phone, and ANSWER PHONE. Hamilton will give you the ID of the dead driver and some other interesting information. Leave Carol's and go back to driving around. Save, save, save. Pretty soon you'll see a red sports car run a light. Put on your siren and chase the car. This has some rather fun music but is also dangerous so don't forget to save. When you get behind the car, it will pull over. Stop, toggle the map, and call in to dispatch. Helen Hots? Well, yes. In more ways than one. OPEN your BRIEFCASE, GET your ticket BOOK and PEN, get out of the car, and walk over to the sports car. ASK FOR LICENSE, LOOK at WOMAN and *whooee*!! Well, you're a professional (it may take a few saves and restores but you will be), so WRITE TICKET. At this point she'll tell you it was an honest mistake and ask if there isn't something she can do about it. *Anything* in fact. You can ignore her and go on writing the ticket, but you'll be missing 2 points so say NO and continue writing the ticket. RETURN LICENSE, GET SIGNATURE, and GIVE her the TICKET. Whew! Go back to your car, get in, and toggle the map. As you leave you get the distinct feeling she doesn't care for you very much. Anyway, back to driving around town. Pretty soon you'll be called back to Carol's on a complaint. Go there as before, but before you get out of the car, GET NIGHTSTICK. Go inside, walk up to the counter, and TALK TO CAROL. She's a bit upset, and will tell you about the bikers next door. How exciting. Oh well, you better go next door to Wino Willy's and have a talk with them anyway. The first thing you'll notice is they don't care for the police much. When they ask what you want say MOVE BIKES. They'll ask how you plan to make them do so and then threaten you. Hit the key to use your nightstick which will make it quite clear to them what you have in mind. They'll back down in a hurry and clear out. When the bikers have left, you'll notice a local "working girl" sitting on a stool who recognizes you and calls you by name saying she sure is glad you showed up. TALK TO GIRL and it's Sweet Cheeks Marie. If you look at her you'll find out why she recognized you. She'll say she just knows you want something (talk to her again if you looked), so tell her what you want. INFORMATION or DRUGS will do. She'll tell you quite a lot and you'll give her a tip in return. POLICE QUEST Part 3 Save again and go back to driving around town. Pretty soon you'll see a pink (more or less) car driving very erratically and will be alerted. Hit your siren, chase it, and it will pull over. Toggle the map and call in, then get out and walk over to the car. Well, he certainly appears to be drunk. Say GET OUT and back away from the door a bit. (You're in the way.) GET LICENSE and you'll see that he's a programmer. Definitely a suspicious character! We all know what they're like! Anyway, ADMINISTER FST and HANDCUFF SUSPECT. He'll ask you to cuff him in front since he's not feeling too well but say NO. It's correct procedure, and, besides, he'll get nasty if you do which will, of course, end the game. READ him his RIGHTS and say GO TO CAR. Walk behind him to the patrol car, open the back door, back off a bit to let him in, and close the door. Get in behind the wheel, toggle the map, and take him off to jail at the east corner of Seventh Street near River Road. When you get there, pull into the parking lot, get out, let him out, and follow him up the stairs to the squared off panel on the left side of the door. When you get there, OPEN LOCKER, PUT GUN, CLOSE LOCKER, and walk around him to the button on the right. PUSH BUTTON and the jailer will open the door for you to go in. Walk to the window and say DRUNK DRIVER. When the jailer tells you to, TAKE OFF CUFFS and walk your prisoner to his cell. (The door will open when you get there. It's the one at the back and you will always use the same one.) As you walk back to the door, Laura comes in wanting to talk to you. Seems there's an opening in narcotics which you have a chance at, but you need to apply for it. When you're finished talking to Laura, the jailer calls you over and says Sergeant Dooley wants you back at the office on the double. Now you can actually leave but don't forget to pick up your gun on the way back to the car. (At some point, you may want to take a look at the guy in the exercise yard just for fun.) Go back to HQ. As you walk in the door there's a table against the wall with memos and an in basket. Go over to it, WRITE MEMO, and PUT MEMO IN BASKET. Now, go down the hall to Dooley's office. Dooley will be out in the hall. (He's the one with the gray hair.) Walk up to the various officers and they'll each tell you some things about what's going on. Something about a chicken. Walk up to Dooley's door and he'll ask you to have a look. (You, after all, have an alibi although no one ever mentions that fact.) OPEN DOOR and go in. There you will see one of the funnier sights in the game! Walk over to the desk and you'll get a description. This is one place where, if you have the sound turned off, it's well worth your while to turn it on. Go up to the desk and EXAMINE CHICKEN for a more terse but still interesting description of the phenomenon. Unfortunately, you don't know anything about it and can only leave. As you get to the hallway, some of your fellow officers are still standing there. Walk up to them and they'll invite you to the Blue Room for a surprise party for Jack. Seems they've hired a dancer. Hmm. Sounds like fun! Go back to your locker and PUT your UNIFORM in the locker. Everything you don't need will go in, your towel will come out, and you'll be notified that you must shower. So, CLOSE LOCKER, walk to the shower stall. (Use the one on the right since Morris Fudley's used up all the hot water in the other one.) Toggle the shower on and off, go back to your locker, open it, GET CLOTHES and GET KEYS. Close the locker and head out to the parking lot, returning the patrol car keys and the extender on the way. Get in your blue Corvette and head off to the Blue Room on Ninth, between Fig and Peach. When you get there, you'll see your friend Jack sitting alone at a table in the middle of the room. Walk over, talk to him, and he'll invite you to sit down. Do so and he'll tell you what a depressing day he's had. It wasn't nice. Pretty soon another officer comes in and sits down and then a fourth comes in with a cake. Jack reacts with an embarrassed groan and you all sing "Happy Birthday." Then comes the dancer! Hoochy-Coochy Hannah in a grass skirt and balloons! She does quite a dance, and it cheers Jack up a lot. Unfortunately, when Hannah's done, Keith reminds you about your shift swap and that you're due at the station in 15 minutes. Back to work! Head back, open your locker, PUT CLOTHES, take your shower (regulations again!), grab your uniform, etc., and head back to the briefing room. Seems another narcotics dealer is missing. There's a slight difference in paint color on the cars but he may have been involved in the traffic homicide you earlier investigated. Dooley also gives you your call numbers, 83-32. This is as good a time as any to open your briefcase, get out your notebook and WRITE a NOTE to yourself in it. 83-32 works as well as anything else. Close your briefcase and read the black board. Oohh!! Nice! Look in your hole and you'll find another message. Leave the room, get the keys and extender, head out to your patrol car, inspect it, get in, and toggle the map. The next part gives most everyone trouble. Start driving around town looking for the blue Cadillac. I've been told you can call in if you think you see the right car but have never tried it. In any case, you'll get a call on your radio about the car saying it's been seen in the vicinity of Jefferson High. Stop the car and save. Ignore the part about the school and look around your screen for what may look like a light green car. (It sure did in my version, even when it was stopped.) When you decide on which one it is, hit the siren, and start chasing it. The correct car will try to evade you by turning frequently, speeding, and so forth, but will eventually pull over. The wrong car will normally disappear when you change screens. If it takes you some time to stop him or you aren't using the siren, you may be get the radio call again. When you've stopped him and toggled the map, be VERY careful to follow procedure exactly. First call in and wait for your backup to arrive. You can look around or whatever but stay in the car. When he arrives, he'll radio dispatch to hold all radio traffic and say he'll cover you. Wait for him to do so. When he's in position, open the door, get out, then load and draw your weapon. Say GET OUT. Your suspect will do so and start walking toward you. Say HALT. (If you get nervous and have difficulty doing things fast enough, slow down the action. This is very precise.) Say HANDS UP and then LIE DOWN. When he's done so, walk towards him with your gun drawn. Your backup will say he has him covered and to go ahead and cuff him. Walk to where his hands will be cuffed and holster your gun. CUFF SUSPECT, SEARCH PRISONER, and READ RIGHTS. You don't want to take any chances with this creep! Say GET UP and GET IN CAR. (Don't forget to open the door and get out of the way.) Close the door. Your backup will call in so go SEARCH the CAR. OPEN BOX and you'll find a black notebook and two driver's licenses. Examine the notebook and you begin to get an even better idea of what a creep this guy is! Not only do you see bribes, gambling, hard drugs, etc., you notice some initials with "terminate" in front of them. Those are the initials of the two drug dealers who've been murdered recently. Put the book back and EXAMINE LICENSES. Great! Just what you need! Multiple IDs. Your backup will take care of this stuff so put it back, close the box, and go around to the back of the car. OPEN TRUNK and you'll find samples of both coke and marijuana! Close the trunk, get in the patrol car, and transport the suspect to jail. Go inside as before and don't forget to put your gun in the locker. Book him for FELONY, take off the cuffs, and see him to his cell. What a sweetheart! Yuck!! As you're leaving, Jack walks in, congratulates you, and says Dooley wants to see you. POLICE QUEST Part 4 Grab your gun, go back to HQ, and into Dooley's office. (Where the chicken was, remember?) Walk over to the desk and Dooley's eyes will start to water as he attempts to reads a memo to you. The gremlin has struck again! Dooley runs from the office cursing. Seems the memo has been sprayed with mace. Well, you sure want to know what it says, but obviously, getting the memo is a poor idea. Instead, walk around the desk to where Dooley was and READ MEMO from a standing position. You've been transferred to narcotics! Head off to the locker room for a change of clothes and the obligatory shower. Get your clothes and the rest of your stuff, including your weapon, and take off for Narcotics, dropping off the patrol car keys but keeping the extender. When you get there Laura will tell you the Lieutenant is waiting, so go next door to his office and walk up to the desk. Seems you'll be working with Laura on the Hoffman case. Go back to narcotics and talk to Laura. She'll show you around the office and give you your radio call number. When she's done, she'll tell you Hoffman's about to be bailed out for a mere $500,000! (Actually, strange as it may sound, this is way too low for a major drug dealer. The stakes are so high they just write it off as a cost of doing business. You NEED that no bail warrant!) Go to the cabinet, OPEN the DRAWER, and GET out the HOFFMAN file. Read through it and GET FILE. Move to the clipboard and get it. Flip through until you get to the FBI list on Jason Taselli who: a) is known to use the last name of "Hoffman," b) also has a tattoo above his left nipple, and c) is wanted for murder. GET the LIST and PUT the CLIPBOARD back. While you're here, get the keys to the undercover car. Now, head for the computer room. As you are leaving the room, Laura comes in to say Hoffman's attorney is on his way over to the jail right now with the $500,000 to bail him out! Hurry on into the computer room, TURN ON COMPUTER, and enter the search string of TASELLI, read the information. Yahoo! You've got it! Now you'd best hustle on over to the courthouse and convince Judge Palmer to issue the warrant. EXIT the computer and head straight out to the white undercover car in the parking lot. Inspect it and go. When you get into the courthouse (use the right door), walk over to the window because court is in session and the judge will hold you in contempt if you just barge on in unannounced. Say EMERGENCY to the guy behind the window, and he'll send a message in with the bailiff. Wait for permission to enter and go into the courtroom. (Yes, just stand there.) When the judge tells you to, walk toward the bench. She'll ask you who or what the warrant is for, so say HOFFMAN. When she asks for information, SHOW FILE. She'll ask if you have any other informationm so SHOW POSTER and the bailiff will take the evidence to her. When she asks why you think Hoffman and Taselli are the same person, say TATTOO. As you do so, everyone in the courtroom will laugh while the judge agrees with you and makes a comment of her own. She gives you the warrant and you take off in a hurry. Oddly, despite the fact that it's right across the street, you must drive to the jail so don't forget to save. When you arrive GIVE the WARRANT to the jailer. You can't do anything so just wait. Whew! Just in time!! When you're done, go back to HQ. When you arrive, Laura is waiting for you and heads straight for your car. There's a drug deal about to go down in the park and the Lieutenant wants the two of you to stake it out. (You do have your gun and extender don't you?) Head on over to the park and stop the car. Get out and head up the stairs into the park. Walk to the back and take cover. You can use either side but the left is easier as there's more space. On the right, any slight movement will blow your cover and end the game. Move around a bit until the game notifies you that you're out of sight, radio Laura, and maintain silence until it's time to move in. Load your weapon. Be very careful if you're using the Function or alternate keys to draw your gun. Generally the game depends on graphics to indicate a drawn weapon and, at least in my version, it will not verbally notify you that you have done so. Since it's a toggle key, if you get an alert box and miss or forget and try it again, you'll lose the game because your gun will be holstered. Following procedure here is of the utmost importance! This section is a realistic "feast and famine" police situation. You wait for what seems like ages for something to happen, and then everything starts happening at once. In any case, wait for the buyer and dealer to show up which they will do one at a time, the buyer first. Continue waiting until the money and drugs have changed hands. Notify Laura, and staying right where you are, say HALT or POLICE! The dealer will run so notify Laura about him, but the buyer will give up immediately. Walk over to him, toggle your gun back into the holster (Do NOT use "put gun" or you're in trouble!), and cuff him. Read him his rights, say COME WITH ME, and lead him back to the car. When you get there Laura will have the other suspect in custody so lead yours around to the other side of the car. Search them and talk to Simms (the buyer) twice. The second time he'll tell you he's now buying from Colby, meaning the dealer. TALK TO COLBY twice and he'll tell you his source and the phone number he calls. When everyone's in the car, toggle the map, radio in, and take your suspects off to jail. Laura's rather bossy so do what she tells you and then book them for DRUGS. After you're finished, head on back to HQ. When you get there Laura will suggest you go to the Blue Room to tell Jack you've nailed the creep who was dealing at Jefferson High where his daughter goes to school. Do so and you'll find Jack there, quite drunk. You talk to him in an attempt to cheer him up, but he tells you it may be too late for Kathy, who has already OD'd and is comatose in intensive care. That's not enough: After the cabby has come for Jack, Keith comes in to say Taselli has escaped and Morgan wants to see you right away! POLICE QUEST Part 5 Morgan will tell you to get Taselli's black book from the evidence room and check it out. Go down the hall and say BLACK BOOK to the guard. Look through it, return it, go back to your office, and look in your basket. Read the note from Laura, leave the office, go back in, and Laura will be there. She'll tell you that Sweet Cheeks is in jail asking to see you but to talk to Morgan first. Do so and he will tell you that Sweet Cheeks may be able to help you. They've discovered the drug problem is coming from the Hotel Delphoria and that Sweet Cheeks may be helpful in establishing your cover at the hotel. He'll call the jail while you go there to enlist her help. When you get to the jail, move over to stand in front of Sweet Cheeks Marie. After she shows her gratitude in her own way, she'll offer to do anything if you get her out of jail, and you'll be confronted with what is probably the worst parsing problem in any Sierra game. Use two words here. The proper form is HELP OPERATION or HELP HOTEL. Either one will do and will trigger a longish sequence in which you explain, she agrees to help, and you walk out with lipstick on your face. Get in the car and head back towards HQ. Before you get there you'll get a call to go to Cotton Cove to identify a 1S7 victim. Go there and walk up to the officer who comes toward you. Move to the victim, MOVE BLANKET, and LOOK AT NIPPLE which will confirm your ID as well as the current whereabouts of Jason Taselli. Call in the information. Go back to HQ and into Morgan's office where he, Laura, and Marie are waiting for you. Listen to Morgan's plan and remember what he says. (Remember Woody Roberts from Taselli's black book?) When the briefing is over, Dooley comes in to tell you that Jack Cobb's daughter has just died and that he's on extended family leave. You vow revenge for this senseless death! Go back to the locker room putting your extender back on the way. (It makes an unsightly bulge in your new white suit.) Open your locker, PUT ALL, PUT SUIT, CLOSE LOCKER, and head for the shower. Turn on the shower, BLEACH HAIR, and RINSE HAIR. Turn off the shower, go back to the locker, and GET SUIT. Close the locker and head back to Morgan's office in your new "pimp look." Morgan gives you your instructions, $1,000 in marked bills, and after a phone conversation, further information on Taselli's death. Be careful! When Morgan has finished, ASK FOR PHONE NUMBER, and he'll give it to you. Head for the white Cadillac, inspect it, and go to the hotel. Be very careful driving into the hotel. In fact, I suggest you save before you park. The indent here is a driveway rather than a plain cut. Since you must park parallel to the street, it can be very difficult. You may want to use slow mode and use the keyboard keys for maneuvering the diagonal. Fortunately, this is the last time you will need to use the car. When you're inside the hotel, walk up to the desk, and RING the BELL. Tell the desk clerk you want to REGISTER and PAY CLERK. Walk northwest to the door, into the Lounge, and over to the bar. Order WHISKEY or something and Marie will "recognize" you. You'll sit down at a table and the bartender will bring your drink. PAY BARTENDER, he'll get your change, and a couple of guys will come in, stop briefly at the bar, and head through the door at the left. Marie comments that they aren't the first as the bartender comes over with your change and asks to be introduced to you. Marie does so and takes off for the powder room. You chat with the bartender, establishing your cover, but when Marie returns nothing has happened so you drop some hints. Still nothing. So, when the bartender goes back behind the bar, go over to the bar to talk to him. When he comes up, SHOW MONEY. It works! Time to head off to your room. Go back out the door and into the elevator. PRESS TWO and go east to the end of the hall when you get there. UNLOCK THE DOOR, walk to the other side of the bed, USE PHONE, and type in 555-6674. When Morgan answers say WHITEY. He'll tell you to send Sweet Cheeks to HQ in a cab, to try to get behind the scenes in the hotel, and that your backup personnel will arrive later this evening. Use the phone again, and since you don't know the number, dial 411 for information. Say TAXI, call the number you're given, tell them to come to the HOTEL DELPHORIA, and tell Marie to take the cab to the station. Go back to the elevator, PRESS ONE, and head back to the bar. Show Woody the money and follow him into the back room. When you get inside, walk up to the partially filled table and SIT DOWN. Save here. There's one more player to arrive so wait for him. When the game starts, follow the directions on your reference card. To avoid losing all the department's money and an endless game, save every time you win a bit of money. One or two slots are plenty as you can keep saving on top of the last. I found it helpful to make a note of how much money I had, changing it each time, and restored every time I lost a hand. When you've won a substantial amount of money, the game will end, you'll be invited to come back later for the big game, and given a password. Head back to your room and use the toilet if you like. In any case, your backups will arrive shortly. Walk up to the one standing by himself on the left and ASK FOR TRANSMITTER. He'll give it to you with a new supply of marked bills. Go back down and say FRANK SENT ME to Woody. He'll take you back, knock, frisk you again, and escort you in. Save. Sit down and you realize just who "Frank" is! Yikes! This is IT!! Keep saving and winning. When you've won enough, Frank will suggest a discussion about a job. Say YES and he'll invite you to his room for a drink and a discussion about it. Say YES again and follow him up to his room the back way. Be careful on the stairs, they can be tricky. When you're in the stairwell, notify your backups using the standard radio method, and be very careful not to exit at the beginning of the stairs (at the bottom of the screen) or at any other exit. You may want to use the keyboard to climb the stairs if you aren't already. They're on a direct diagonal. The final flight is especially tricky but all you need to do is get started up it and the screen will change to the top. Follow Frank out the door and down the hall to his room. When he goes inside, make sure you notify your backups of the room number. Enter the room and "Frank" will get a phone call. Uh-oh! When he comes back, it seems you've been recognized!! Fortunately, you remembered to call your backups, and they come charging in the room just in time! A bit of "deadly force" takes care of Bains for a very long time. Now it's your turn to sit back and watch. Keep pressing Return and enjoy your victory, at least for now. By all means don't get impatient or you'll miss the convictions, your parade, presentation, and, of course, Marie's offering (although I never did figure out whether she ever stops). POLICE QUEST is published and distributed by Sierra On-Line, Inc. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1988 by Sara Groves. All rights reserved.  0<2B *: &BTd`rO>?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MJ g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyp?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9AJa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AJ<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< POLICE QUEST IIY- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf Police Quest II Solutions Ok, I have released this document only to aid some people with the game. I must tell you that this document is not complete and it lacks a large quantity of points, but I guess It will have to do until some other person writes up the complete solutions for the game. -(!) Ok lets get on with the game. During the beginning of the game you will have to open the glove compartment of your small compact. In the glove compartment you will find a business card and a car registration. Take this card and read the back of it, since here is were your locker combination is located. After acquiring your business card you will have to get your keys form the car and enter the Police building. After entering the building you will see that there is a bin to the right of you. Well actually it is not directly to your right but in the hallway to the shooting range. The hall way to the shooting range is the hall that is to your right. After acquiring the Kit you should go to your locker, the locker room is located in the room in the upper left hand corner beside the evidence window to the left. Your locker is located right beside the sinks. Ok you should be at your locker now and all you have to do now is open your locker, your combo is on the back of the business card that you acquired. You take all your junk from your locker, hand cuffs, guns, ammo, etc. You then go to the homicide office, which is the second room from the bottom of the screen, it's on your left hand side. You enter the room and go to the back of the room and read the bulletin board, and get your keys for the unmarked patrol car. Just wait around now for the Captain to tell you that Bains has escaped prison and all the details. You then go to your desk which is in the center of the room, or the desk which isn't occupied. You unlock your drawer and open it, you get your wallet and the note. You then look inside your wallet to reveal your diving certificate. After doing all this you have to get up now and go to the captains desk (the guy who is either eating ice cream or talking on the telephone), there you will find a bunch of paper, you will have to look at the paper to get the passwords for computer. After doing this you will have to go over to the filing cabinet and open the drawer to get the file on Jessie Bains, after acquiring this file you must take the photo that is attached to it. Ok put the file away and proceed to the firing range where you will calibrate your pistol. You go up to the guy at the desk and show him your gun, he will acknowledge you that you can pick any booth and hand you back you gun, he will also remind you to get some ammo from him after your done. After showing your gun you have to ask the guy for a set of ear protectors. Ok all you have to do now is enter the firing range pick any booth that isn't occupied, load your gun, wear your protectors, then press f8  and your arm should come up. Aim for the target and then press f10. When aiming for the target try to hit a pretty visible spot, for example the 0 of the 10 or the middle or the head. After firing two to three shots press f8 again to lower your gun, then press the view button and the target will come up to you. Look at the target and see how much you missed it by then adjust your sight. The instructions for the sight adjustments are pretty simple. After adjusting your sight replace the target and press the back button. The target will move back to the wall and you can raise your gun and fire again. Keep doing this until you hit your target pretty close to where you were aiming for. It will acknowledge that your aim is on target when it rewards you with a few points. After doing this you go back to the man at the desk give him back the protectors and then get your new ammo. Ok your done at the police station, all you have to do now is go out side and get into the blue unmarked car. This car is right across from your car. You unlock the car and go to the trunk and open it, there you will place your kit in the trunk other wise the game will not let you proceed any further. You then enter your car and you partner will come screaming out of the police station telling you to wait for him. After you have entered the car you type in the phrase " Drive to jail ", your partner will notify the office that you are enrounte to the jail. Ok now your at the jail your partner will take off on you, you will have to open the locker in front of the jail and put you gun inside it. After doing this you press the button that is located beside the door it will acknowledge the person at the jail that someone wishes to get in, in order for you to get in you have to show the jailer your badge. After entering the jail you go to the jailer and ask to see the file on Jessie Bains, he/she will hand you the file and you can now take the more recent photo of Bains. That's all you do here, you leave the jail and get your gun you go back to your car and type enter car, again your partner will come screaming. He will do this through out the game, a bit of an ass. You then type Drive to Office, again your partner will notify the office of where you are going. While driving to the office you will be notified that there they have found the car of the prison guard that Bains took as a hostage. You drive to the Mall, which is where the car was found. All you do here is go to the sports car on the screen and open it's glove compartment, take all the items in the glove compartment. Close the door and then wait around for the officer to come and he will introduce you to a woman who has had her car stolen. You question the lady(type ask for description), and she will tell you what type of car it is and stuff like that. After talking to the lady you get back into your car, as usual your partner comes and you drive back to the office. While driving to the office you will be notified to go to the Cotton Cove. There you will find this jogger you question here and she will tell you the location of the body of the prison guard. You should go back to your car and get the kit that you put in the trunk, after doing this you go to the top of the present screen and then go to the left. After entering the next screen you should draw your gun since Bains will try to kill you in this screen. When a man jumps out of the bushes he will fire a couple of shots, you will have to fire back to scare him off. After firing back he will take off and a car will come by with Bains inside. Ok If the Bains kills you it's probably because you don't have your gun sighted right and you have to go through the firing range procedures all over again. Ok after this you will have to go to the screen to the left of this one. Here you will find a drag mark of blood, In this screen you will also find a garbage can search the garbage can and you'll find some clothes with blood on it. You then go to the blood drag marks and use your kit. You can get blood and take a picture and get the foot print. After doing all this return to you patrol car. The diving team should arrive very soon. After the team arrives you talk to the guy he will ask you to dive with him and you show him your diving certificate. After doing this the man will change and he will let you change, when you enter the van take all the stuff that you need, but when you take the oxygen tank look at the gauge before using it. Ok you are finished with the van and you can go diving now. Ok in this screen you can get the badge which is located roughly in the middle of the screen. To the left of this screen on the next one you can acquire the knife. The knife is located close to the edge of the screen on the right. It will be a small grey looking object. Ok after getting both of these you can swim all the way to the right going through two screens. Here you will find a bunch of rocks at the right hand side. Swim to these rocks and move them around this will reveal a body and you can get the body. After doing all this you talk to the diver and he will tell you he will take it from here. You then get into the van change all your clothes. After doing this you can get back into your car and then drive back to the office. While driving to the office you will be notified of a chase between the police and Bains. They say the last location was around the airport, so of course you drive to the airport. After arriving at the airport you cross the street remember to press the button prior to crossing. After crossing you will but a pot of flowers from a lady who is passing by. You then enter the airport you go into wash room and go into the Toilet stall in the middle. There you open the toilet and look inside to find a gun. You get the gun, and then leave the wash room, you then go to the counter where they are selling tickets go to the lady show your badge and then show the mug shot. She will say yes and all this stuff, you then ask to see flight, after all this you enter the next screen which is all the way to the back and to the left. After entering here you should go to the rent a car window where you again show the your badge and mug shot. This time the girl will say yes I rented a car to him and all this other crap. You are now finished at the Airport and you go back to the office. You leave the airport and cross the road and go back into your car. Remember that you must again press the button prior to crossing the road. You are now back at your car, drive back to the office. When you reach the office go to the evidence booth and give all your evidence and then go to your desk. After reaching your desk you will get this note from your girl friend Marie Walkans, it will tell you to call here so you use the phone and call her she will tell you to meet here at this diner. After finished with your conversation you get up and leave. You Drive to the Diner where you meet Marie, after sitting down across from here you wait for the waiter to come around so you can order. Order some dinner and then give Marie the flowers, after giving her the flowers you kiss her. Ok your almost done here. You wait awhile until your dinner is server you then eat dinner. After finishing Dinner you then Kiss Marie again and again until you get to the next day. Ok Now your back at the police station, go back to your desk and look at the files you will see a lab report type get paper and you read it. The Captain will then notify you of a murder on 160 west rose st. Drive to West Rose street and then check it out, After reaching West Rose you should go search the body get the envelope corner from the guy and then get a blood sample, take a picture and read the envelope corner. Then the Corner's should have arrive by now. You then type in get body you get the body and put the body in the car. You then search the trunk again you should find a death threat. After all of this Drive to the Address which was written on the corner of the envelope, after getting to the Motel you should go up to the guy at the window of the motel show your badge then your mug shot. After he tells you what room that Bains is in you should go back to your car and then radio in a report, you then request for a warrant. After this you should call for back up and then get out of the car. A short while after you exit the car a officer will come and hand you the warrant you take the warrant and show it to the man at the window. You then ask for the keys to the room (108) and then you go to the room. Wait for your back up before you attempt to open the door. When opening the door make sure that your are not in the middle of the door. Be sure to be at the right side of the door almost to the edge of the door. Otherwise you will be shot to death. After opening the door your backup will fire tear gas into the room. Wait for the room to clear then enter the room. You then enter the room search the room at the back to the left where you will find Colby's business card in the sink. After retrieving the business card you go to the night table in the room you open the drawer and get the envelope. Then you open the envelope and read the letter. After reading the letter you should go back to your car and obtain your kit. Go back to the room and get a blood sample. Ok your done here. Now you should drive to Marie's place. Just type Drive to Marie's and it should go there. After getting there get the note from her door and open the door. After opening the door go to the ashtray and get the paper that's in the ash tray. Ok your done here now. Go back to the office and submit all this evidence that you have. After your finished submitting your evidence go to the firing range and re-calibrate your gun. When your finished doing this then drive to the airport. When you reach the airport you cross the street, Remember the lights! When your in the Airport you should by a ticket for Steelton. After buying the ticket for Steelton you call the Steelton Police Dept.(use 411 option) so you can tell them that Colby is in danger. After finishing doing this you get the tickets from the man and then go to the top of the screen and to your left. Your back to the scene where the you asked the lady if she saw Bains, all you do now is ride the escalator up and then go to the gate. Show the man your badge and he'll let your through, after being let through just board the plane and your partner will follow. After your on the plane sit down and fasten your seat belt. Wait for the Stewardess to come around and ask you for refreshments, when you does this get some beer. Ok just wait a while now, some hijackers will come and hijack the plane. Ok you should take off your seat belt and load your gun. After they take control of the plane wait for the hijacker to get the stewardess when he throws her to the ground the you get up and fire your gun. You should kill the unmasked hijacker. Then the masked Hijacker should come out shot this guy as well. After killing both guy's search the jacket of the masked Hijacker and the Turban of the Unmasked Hijacker. You then go to the back of the plane into the wash room and open the paper towel dispenser where you will find the bomb. If you don't see the bomb right now then open dispenser. Take your pliers and cut the yellow wire and then the purple and then the blue. You then connect the yellow wire again and then cut the red wire, ok now cut the yellow wire. Ok your done now, you should be at the airport and it will take over from here you will he flown to the Police station by helicopter and when you get there you talk lieutenant. You then pick up the radio's on the table and go into the hallway where your ride is waiting. After you get to the park you go to the screen at the back, after doing this you go to the screen on the right. you now walk around and wait for a while until a guy comes and tries to mug you. right before he mugs you use the radio and that will bring in your partner. You catch the guy, you question him and then read him his rights, and that's about it. Around that same area there is a man hole there near the bottom of the screen. Open the man hole and climb down the ladder you should be in a sewer. Ok from here go down and keep going down until you hit a dead end. After you end up on this screen just cross the bridge to the right and then go up and then make a right turn. Don't cross over the bridge to the other side. Ok keep walking to the right, after this screen you will see a screen with a door in the middle of it. Just walk past here and onto the next screen. When your on the next screen walk across the bridge going from bottom to top. then walk to the left towards the screen with the door in the middle. After you reach the door enter the room there you will see your girl friend. Go up to your girl friend and calm her down first, then untie her. After doing this hide behind the large pipe on the left hand side of the wall, draw your gun out. When Bains enters the room and walks towards the middle of the room face him and fire at him. He should be dead after a few shots. Well that's about it you have finished the game. Just sit back and watch the ending. As I mentioned before this is not the full solutions If some one could type it up it would be much appreciated. Thanks in Advance.. "- The Silver Surpher - Imported and slightly edited by The Vigilante.  0<2B *: &BT`r_?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MX g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHy~?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9AXa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AX<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y27ARTHUR - THE QUEST FOR EXCALIBURY- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf ARTHUR: THE QUEST FOR EXCALIBUR Part 1 Bob Bates is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. His first effort for Infocom (SHERLOCK) was so rich in atmosphere and so well written, the player found himself immersed in the England of Sherlock Holmes. ARTHUR has the same power to draw you into the story and make you believe you're about to become the famous King. You find yourself in the Graveyard, attempting to draw the legendary Excalibur from the rock in which it has been embedded for so long. Just as you feel the sword start to give, Merlin appears and tells you the true story of your birth. He tells you that before you can ascend to the Throne of England, you must prove yourself worthy. Then he vanishes, leaving behind only a torque: The Quest for Excalibur has begun! GET TORQUE THEN EXAMINE IT. You will find that a torque is a kind of necklace, and this one has strange crystals embedded in it. EXAMINE CRYSTAL. Merlin will appear and tell you that by looking in the crystal you can obtai help from him (hints). However, you can also take temptation out of the way by typing HINTS OFF, which will remove the hints until you re-boot the game. Now WEAR TORQUE, so you don't lose it. We'll assume you don't need a hint yet, so let's proceed. You've been assigned a Quest by Merlin, and every knight knows there's one thing you must do before setting off on a quest. Go east into the chapel, then PRAY. Now, go west and you'll hear voices approaching the graveyard. (If you don't, go south and OPEN GATE; you'll hear the voices then.) You can still be arrested for a curfew violation, so HIDE BEHIND STONE. You'll be a witness to the theft of Excalibur, but there's nothing you can do about it now, so just WAIT. You'll soon fall asleep. When you wake up in the morning, you hear Lot telling the people a cock-and-bull story about you being dead, his being in possession of Excalibur, and the rightful King. He plans to hold his coronation in three days, so you don't have much time to foil his plans. GET UP, then go out and south, and you'll find yourself in the Village Square, face to face with the Village Idiot. He'll tell you to "Beware the Invisible Knight." ASK IDIOT ABOUT INVISIBLE KNIGHT and he'll give you a clue which you really won't need if you play your cards right. Since it's not very chivalrous to keep referring to him as an Idiot, ASK IDIOT ABOUT HIMSELF. He'll tell you that his name is FLOYD and reveal that he's not quite as stupid as people might think. THANK FLOYD for some extra chivalry points. (It pays to be polite!) You suddenly remember that Merlin told you to come and see him beyond the Meadow, so you'd better go do that. Go west twice to Outside the Town Gate, then southwest. Uh-oh! Guess Floyd wasn't kidding about the Invisible Knight! And guess what? He'll steal everything you're carrying every time you go through the Meadow. But we'll deal with him later. Right now, just continue northwest twice where you'll meet up with Merlin. Merlin will go into a lengthy explanation of how he's going to give you help (but not too much!). Read what he says carefully. You should probably jot down the five animals you can become. When it's time to use the spell, it should be obvious which one will be better for that particular task. Also make note of the restrictions. His warning about people becoming upset doesn't apply to Floyd; Floyd is not impressed by magic. Go north into Merlin's cave. GET BAG, then LOOK INTO CRYSTAL BALL. This is the source of power for the crystal you're wearing. Go south, then southeast twice. Oh, well. It was a nice bag while you had it! Don't worry, we'll get it back pretty soon. Go northeast and east twice to the Village Green. Somewhere along here your stomach should begin growling, and we must do something about it. Go south into the Tavern, then south into the kitchen. You'll see some cheese and a bird. The bartender won't let you get the cheese; for now just EXAMINE BIRD. You'll find that he's jumping up and down in the cage and apparently trying to communicate. If only you spoke BIRD! Well, just WAIT until the cook is called into the tavern. You don't have a second to lose! CYR OWL, and you'll be able to understand what the bird says. Now, CYR HUMAN, OPEN CAGE, GET KEY, UNLOCK CUPBOARD, THEN OPEN IT. TAKE BOTTLE AND CHEESE. The cook may come back just as you're getting the cheese and bottle, but just go north, and you'll escape with your booty. Once back in the tavern, EAT CHEESE, then LISTEN for some interesting clues about getting in the castle. Keep listening until they lower their voices. Then, go north, east, and south to the Smithy. EXAMINE HOLE and you'll find that it looks like a badger hole. Ring any bells? CYR BADGER and go DOWN to his den. See those old stones in the castle wall? Piece of cake! PUSH STONE, then go east into the cell. CYR HUMAN (the prisoner is chained and he can't attack you). ASK PRISONER ABOUT GUARDS, and he'll tell you they come when he calls them. GET STONE, then HIDE BEHIND DOOR, and CALL GUARD. You may have to WAIT once for the guard to enter the cell. If you do, read the description of what's happening carefully. When you see that the guard has his back to you and is looking at the prisoner, you'll be asked if you want to continue waiting. Say NO, then HIT GUARD WITH STONE. GET HELMET AND KEY, UNLOCK PRISONER WITH KEY, and GIVE HELMET TO PRISONER. Now, go north, and east twice; MOVE TAPESTRY, and go east again. Go north twice and you'll be behind the throne. WAIT FOR BELLS. The King will divulge the new Password. He'll give a Verse and Line number referring to the poem that came with the documentation. Stop waiting and go south four times. This is a good place to save your game. You're about to do something dangerous; besides, you want to LOCK IN the password because it's variable with every game. This is a fine kettle of fish! You can't go back, and there's a fire in front of you. How can you get through the fire? Didn't you ever read "Fahrenheit 451"? Simple! CYR SALAMANDER, and go west through the fire. (You'll drop the key and stone, but you don't need them any more.) Once in the Kitchen, you'll see a pumice stone and a barrel. CYR HUMAN. LOOK IN BARREL, and you'll discover there's water in it! It's too heavy to lift, but if you PUSH BARREL, the fire will be quenched. The prisoner will join you. You never know when a polishing stone will come in handy, so GET STONE, then OPEN DOOR, and go northwest. Go south into the Armoury. Ah, just what a Knight needs! WEAR ARMOUR (you can spell it the American way if you wish), and TAKE SHIELD. A Knight can't be seen with a tarnished shield! POLISH SHIELD WITH STONE, then DROP STONE. Go north and west. The guard will ask you for the password, so type SAY "x x x xxx" and you'll find yourself outside the castle where the grateful prisoner will tell you where you can find a hidden sword. At this point, he'll leave. ARTHUR: THE QUEST FOR EXCALIBUR Part 2 Before going after your sword, you'd better retrieve what you dropped when you became a badger. Go south and GET BOTTLE. Then go east twice to the Village Green. CYR BADGER (handy little creature isn't it?) and DIG IN ROOTS. Aha, there's the sword! CYR HUMAN and GET ALL. Go west, north, northwest, and north to the Edge of Woods. You'll see a Knight's pavilion there. KNOCK ON DOOR. (For an amusing sidelight, instead of knocking on the door, BLOW THE HORN to see what happens. Actually, a Pavilion is a tent, so I don't know how you could knock on the door, but who am I to argue?) A Knight will appear and invite you to a joust. He'll tell you to mount up, so MOUNT HORSE, and he'll offer you your choice of lances. It doesn't matter which color you choose. Just type COLOR (whichever you want), and he'll give you that lance. You'll receive a series of questions about what you want to do. Remember that a joust is a chivalrous event. Nobody is supposed to get hurt. A good Knight will never aim at an unprotected part of his opponent. Since neither of you is wearing any leg protection or a helmet, always chose the option to PROTECT YOUR BODY and AIM AT HIS BODY. After about three sorties, he will fall from his horse (and so will you, but he goes down first). He will declare you the winner, present you with an ivory key, and leave. Now, go north three times. Here's a beautiful Ivory Tower. Any idea how you might get in? Right! OPEN DOOR WITH KEY, and you find yourself in a circular room. Go down, and you notice that it gets very dark down below. Who can see well in the dark? Ah, you're getting very wise indeed, Arthur! CYR OWL. Go down into a dark room with writing on the wall. READ WALL and write down what you see there. (I'm going to make you do a little work here, even though it's a walkthru!) Go up, CYR HUMAN, and GET ALL BUT KEY. Go up three times, and you'll see an intriguing crack that's too small for you. CYR SALAMANDER, go west, and write down what you see on the wall. Go east back to the stairway, and CYR HUMAN. Leave your stuff; for now, just OPEN DOOR. You'll see an old man who says he'll reward you if you guess his name. You don't have to guess! The words in the Abandoned Room are a cryptogram of his name. The two lines in the cellar are the key -- a substitution code. Every letter in "RIOTHAMUS" appears in the words in the Abandoned Room. The letters above "RIOTHAMUS" are the substitutions. In other words "S" appears above the "R" in "RIOTHAMUS" so every time you see an "R" in the cryptogram substitute an "S" for it, and so on. Once you've figured it out, type "SAY x ". Voila! He'll give you a ring, instructions on what it does, and how to use it! THANK OLD MAN, OPEN DOOR, GET ALL from the Landing, go down twice, OPEN DOOR, and you find yourself back in the Clearing. Going south twice will put you at the Enchanted Forest. Go northwest twice, then north. When you try to pass the horse chestnut trees, they'll start pelting you with conkers! You better act quickly or you'll be pelted to death. CYR TURTLE, then PULL IN HEAD AND FEET. Now, WAIT and continuing waiting until you are told "the hail of conkers ceases." CYR HUMAN, and GET ALL. Going north will take you to the Glade where you'll see some tiny footprints. Aha! The Little People! This might be your chance to get some gold! Since they obviously pass this way, maybe you should hide and wait. HIDE BEHIND ROCK. You'll hears some sounds, so LISTEN, and you'll hear someone complaining about the flatness of the food. Maybe that bottle you picked up will come in handy after all! Go OUT, DROP BOTTLE, then HIDE BEHIND ROCK again. WAIT. The leprechaun will soon appear. Keep waiting until he is engrossed in the bottle, then stop waiting, and GRAB LEPRECHAUN. Oh, well, you didn't get your gold, but you did gain some points, and who knows when you might want a good, stiff drink? Go south, southeast, then a quick trek north. Take a look across the chasm. Wild Boars are very dangerous. Your first problem is getting over the Chasm. Well, that's easy, but you'd be over there without any weapons! Better think about this for a while. Meanwhile, let's deal with that pesky Invisible Knight. The way back is south, southeast, south twice, southeast, south, _ and_ southeast. Oops! You've lost everything again. Well, not to worry: We'll soon fix that! RUB RING. Voila! The Invisible Knight is no longer invisible to you! Go east into the Pavilion and confront the Knight. He'll hand over all your stuff voluntarily, then he'll ask you if you want a brass raven's egg. Since you like oddities, answer YES, and he'll pose a riddle. The answer is fairly obvious if you think about it long enough. The first part of the sequence he's giving you is firST, secoND, thiRD, fourTH. The answer is obviously SAY "TH". He will give you the egg. PUT ALL IN BAG. (Some things won't fit, but it's easier to do it this way. By the way, the bag can't be filled.) Now go west, then southeast to the Field of Honor. Go east, and the Red Knight will give you a list of things you must bring him before he'll let yo pass. Go back west and south into the Shallows. Since you're not a very good swimmer (especially in chain mail!), you'd better use some magic. CYR EEL, and go south. Going east will take you to a window in an underground chamber. LOOK THROUGH WINDOW, and you'll see a beautiful woman. This is Nimue, the Lady of the Lake. Nothing you can do about her now, so go west, then southwest. You'll see a Kraken and a sunken rowboat. EXAMINE KRAKEN, and you'll see an interesting bracelet on its tentacle. EXAMINE ROWBOAT, and you'll have proof that Lot lied about Excalibur! That bracelet looks valuable: Let's get it! (You might want to save here, first.) ZAP KRAKEN. He'll be unimaginably mad! Quickly go northeast, then north into the Shallows. CYR HUMAN, then GET SWORD, and CUT TENTACLE WITH SWORD. You're safe, but unfortunately, the bracelet has gone into deep water. Not to worry. CYR TURTLE, then go south where you'll see the bracelet. SWIM THROUGH BRACELET, and go north. If you try to become human again, you'll choke, so PULL IN HEAD, and CYR HUMAN. GET BRACELET, then WEAR BRACELET. ARTHUR: THE QUEST FOR EXCALIBUR Part 3 It's time to resume our journey, so CYR EEL again, go south, southeast, and northeast, and you'll see a slow minnow. Don't bother to try to catch it now, but remember it for later. Continue north three times. Along the way, pay attention to which way the river flows -- it's important. When you reach the Ford, CYR HUMAN. Go east, northeast, and up to the Dragon's Cave. If you try to go north into the cave, the Dragon will say something that is a hint as to how to deal with him. If it doesn't ring a bell, try to go north again for an even broader hint. (The first was a quote from W. C. Fields, a drunk.) If only you could have brought the jug with you! Oh, well, for now, go down and southwest. GET APPLE from the tree, and EXAMINE APPLE. Looks pretty toxic. Might come in handy. Go west to the Ford. If you go west from here you'll pass a Black Knight, and he won't let you go back east without a fight, for which you're not equipped. You can't go any further west from the Knight because of a bog in which you'll get lost and drown. The only way back is BACK. But how can you carry an apple when you're an eel? Remember, I told you to pay attention to the flow of the river? It flows from north to south! CYR EEL, you'll drop the apple, and it will float away toward the south. Go south three times (ignoring the minnow again), southwest, northwest, and north. Lo and behold! There's an apple floating here! CYR HUMAN and GET ALL. For some reason the bag doesn't like the apple, so you'll have to carry it. Go north, northwest, northeast, north, northwest, north twice, northwest, and north to the South Edge of Chasm. Time to deal with that boar (remember, the Red Knight wants a tusk). THROW APPLE AND SWORD ACROSS CHASM. The boar will eat the apple and fall over dead. CYR OWL and go north across the chasm. Once on the other side, CYR HUMAN, GET SWORD, and CUT TUSK WITH SWORD. Now, THROW TUSK AND SWORD ACROSS CHASM, CYR OWL, south, CYR HUMAN, GET ALL, and PUT TUSK IN BAG. We're off on another adventure. Go south, southeast, and northeast twice to a tall tree. You can't climb the tree, but it looks interesting, so CYR OWL, then go up. You'll see a raven's nest with an egg in it. One of your Quests! The raven is circling around, and you can't get the egg with it here, so LAND IN GROVE. CYR HUMAN, GET BRASS EGG, then DROP BRASS EGG, CYR OWL, and go up again. The raven will swoop down to investigate the brass egg. LAND IN NEST, CYR HUMAN, and PUSH EGG FROM NEST. CYR OWL, and the raven will chase you from the nest. LAND IN GROVE, CYR HUMAN, and GET ALL THEN PUT EGG IN BAG. (We could have done this directly without first investigating, but how would you have known the nest was there? Besides, by going directly from point to point, we're going to have waste a lot of time somewhere along the line.) Go southwest twice, south twice, southeast, and northeast where you'll find a cabin. OPEN DOOR, and you find an injured peasant whose fire is about to go out. OPEN DOOR again, and you'll be outside. A crutch and a slean are here. If you EXAMINE SLEAN, you'll discover it's a device for cutting peat (a great fuel for fire). Go northeast, and you'll see a sign warning you not to proceed, but the peat here is dry and firm. So, CUT PEAT WITH SLEAN, then DROP SLEAN because you've broken it. Go southwest, GET CRUTCH, then OPEN DOOR. PUT PEAT ON FIRE. The peasant will wake up and thank you for your kindness. GIVE CRUTCH TO PEASANT. He'll thank you again, then you should ASK PEASANT ABOUT BOG. He'll give you directions. You should immediately save the game because this is a variable. THANK PEASANT, then OPEN DOOR to leave the cabin. Now that you have directions, go back northeast to the Edge of Bog, and follow the directions you were given. (If you're using the MAP feature, the entire map through the bog will appear after you make the first correct move.) Well, _this_ guy looks familiar. I think you're ready to fight him now, so try going east again, and he'll tell you you have to fight him. FIGHT KNIGHT, and watch the descriptions. Use "G" (for again) to keep fighting him until you see he's lost his sword. CUT MEDALLION WITH SWORD, and the Knight will vanish, leaving his armour behind. It's useless, so ignore it. Now we can deal with the dragon, but for some reason Merlin's bag is not welcome East of the Ford; we'll have to carry what we need. GET JUG then DROP BAG. Now go east twice, northeast, up, and GIVE JUG TO DRAGON. WAIT until the Dragon passes out, then stop waiting. You probably should save the game here. Go north into the cave, then northeast. When the Basilisk starts looking for you, POINT SHIELD AT BASILISK, and he will turn to stone. Go northeast and you'll find yourself in a very hot room. And it's getting hotter by the minute! A demon will tell you you have to give the password to pass; he will even tell you the password! If you try to SAY "NUDD," you'll find you can't speak. You're about to boil, so go back southwest to get out of the heat. Go southeast, then northeast, and you'll be in a room where you can see your breath freeze! Quickly SAY "NUDD," and then, as your words freeze, GET BLOCK, and go southwest before you freeze. Ignore the ghosts. Quickly go northwest and northeast where the block will melt, and the password will be said. The demon will usher you north into the Hall where a girl is manacled. She's sitting on the Golden Fleece that you need for the Red Knight, and she makes you a very attractive offer if you'll free her. KISS GIRL, and as you approach you see she has some very strange features! Suddenly you realize who she is. Type HELLO NUDD. The monster will reveal itself to you and try to strike a bargain. If you unlock the manacles, you'll get the Golden Fleece you need. But as the future King, you cannot let this evil creature loose in the world! If you don't agree to do it, you won't get the Fleece! Wise Knight that you are, you conceive a plan. AGREE to release her. She will drop the Fleece. GET FLEECE. Then GET KEY from around her neck. Now, follow your part of the bargain: UNLOCK LEFT MANACLE, LOCK LEFT MANACLE, UNLOCK RIGHT MANACLE, and at this point, Nudd will catch on to what you're doing. You have fulfilled your part of the bargain, but the demon won't be free! Nudd will put a curse on you, and expel you from the Hall. You'll find yourself at the Dragon's lair again. CUT HAIR WITH SWORD, and you have the final object you need to deal with the Red Knight! Go down, southwest, west twice, and GET BAG. Then PUT FLEECE AND HAIR IN BAG. Go back through the bog. From the Edge of the Bog go southwest twice, south, southwest, southeast, and east to the Red Knight. Now GIVE TUSK, HAIR, EGG, AND FLEECE TO KNIGHT. He will let you pass. Go south twice to the Silver Door. Ring any bells? UNLOCK DOOR WITH SILVER KEY, and go down. You are now in the chamber where Nimue is being held captive. If you've read Merlin's warning in the Instruction Book, you'll know how to revive her. But right now you just need to kill some time. Type WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE, and keep waiting until you are told you're getting sleepy. Now, stop waiting and SLEEP. When you wake up, you will be hungry and will have dropped everything, but don't worry about it. Just go up, north twice, west, and south twice to the shallows. CYR EEL, then go south, southeast, and northeast to the minnow. EAT MINNOW. Go southwest, northwest, north, and CYR HUMAN. One more item to get. Go north, northwest, northeast, east three times, and south. CYR BADGER. I'm going to give you directions through the maze, but just so you'll know how, the way to map the maze is to DIG IN DIRT each time you enter a new room. Dig ONCE in the first room, TWICE in the next room, etc. That way every room will have a unique number of scratches, and you can find your way through the maze. From the Smithy go down, south, up, down, up, and you'll find yourself on Thorny Island. A thorny sprig has fallen from the bushes. GET SPRIG, then go down, north twice, up, and CYR HUMAN. GET SPRIG again, and go north, west three times, southwest, southeast, east, south twice, and down. Nothing to do but kill time now. If you read Merlin's warning in the documentation, you know how to wake Nimue. Type WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS. When you become sleepy, stop waiting, and SLEEP. When you awake, GET ALL. When conditions are right, take the appropriate action to wake Nimue. Pay attention to what she says. After she vanishes, GET GAUNTLET, and go back to the castle. Now, go up, north twice, west, northwest, northeast, and east twice to Floyd. When you woke up you were hungry. You can finish the game before starving to death, but for the maximum points you should eat. GIVE RED GLASS TO FLOYD. He will give you the dead mouse. It's not appetizing, but to some creatures it might be a delicacy! CYR BADGER, EAT MOUSE, and CYR HUMAN. GET ALL, and proceed east three times to the Great Hall. In the best tradition of Knighthood, SLAP LOT WITH GAUNTLET. You will be immediately escorted to the Field of Honor where you want to FIGHT LOT. Since Lot is quite a bit more experienced than you, he'll probably beat you, so you're going to distract him. DROP BRACELET, then FIGHT LOT again. Being a true chivalrous Knight, you should SPARE LOT. He will swear eternal allegiance to you, but I wouldn't trust him for a second! CALL NIMUE as she instructRed you to do, and whes, 101 Experience points, and 100 Quest points. Congratulations! When prompted for a last wish, you can learn a lot by asking for HINTS, and reading the Notices and Bibliography. ARTHUR: THE QUEST FOR EXCALIBUR is published by Infocom, Inc. and distributed by Mediagenic.  0<2B *: &BT`r[.?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MJ g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyp?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9AJa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AJ<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< SPACE QUEST 1Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf SPACE QUEST Part 1 ARCADA TO CRASHDOWN Well now you're in for it. Your latest siesta in the Arcada's janitorial closet has been rudely interrupted by a Sarien invasion. Alarm bells are sounding, emergency lights are flashing and the blasted bodies of your shipmates are lying all over the place. How are you going to avoid joining them and survive this adventure? First of all, if we're going to get you out of this in one piece, we need to establish a few conventions. In SPACE QUEST, as in all of Sierra's animated adventures, you move from location to location and manipulate objects by moving your on-screen character with either a joystick or the cursor control keys on your keyboard. For SPACE QUEST, I strongly recommend using a joystick. There are a couple of arcade sequences in the game, at least one of which is made much easier by using a joystick. To move from location to location you move your character offscreen in the desired direction. For purposes of this walkthru, "north" means to move your character offscreen toward the top or back of the screen, "south" means to move toward the bottom or foreground, "east" means to move offscreen to the right, and "west" means to move to the left. Okay, how are you going to avoid the Sarien troops that seem to be everywhere and shoot first and ask questions later? Well, whenever you hear footsteps, find somewhere to hide -- pronto! Elevators work very well for this purpose. And take advantage of the improved save and restore features of this game; they can make death a very temporary condition. Now the coast seems to be clear for the moment and you're standing in the corridor in front of the janitor's closet. Go west through the door into the Data Archive. A quick look around reveals a wall full of data cartridges and a computer console. Examining the computer console shows that it consists of a screen, a keyboard, a cartridge slot, and a cartridge retrieval unit. The screen is asking you to type in the title of a cartridge, but you can't punch up the catalogue because you lack the proper security clearance. Just as you're beginning to despair over this situation, a man that you recognize as a lab scientist stumbles into the room and collapses on the floor. He's obviously fatally wounded, but you try to help him as best you can. His strength fading fast, the scientist tells you that the Sariens are after the Star Generator and that you'd better get out fast if you want to save yourself. With his dying breath, he looks at the wall full of data cartridges and utters "astral body." There's no time for mourning now. Taking the hint, you walk over to the keyboard and type in "astral body." Sure enough the retrieval unit climbs the shelves and returns with a cartridge. Take the cartridge from the unit, but don't try to read it here! Any attempt to read the cartridge at this location will bring the game to a very abrupt end. Better hold on to the cartridge until you can find a safer terminal. It's time to move on, so go west into the corridor and west again to the far wall of the hallway. Here is yet another fallen shipmate. Well, maybe the poor guy has something useful that he won't be needing anymore. Indeed he does, for a quick search of his body uncovers a keycard; just the thing for opening doors to secured areas of the ship. Pocket the keycard and go east and take the elevator down one level. Walk north through the blasted-out door into the Star Generator lab. Here your worst fears are realized. The Star Generator is gone! The Sariens have already removed it from the ship. What's more, a look at the computer screen at the north end of the room shows that the automatic detonators have been set, and there's just minutes to go until the Arcada blows itself up. No wonder that dying scientist told you to get out fast! There's no time to lose, so exit the room to the south, go east and take the elevator down to the lower level of the Arcada. Walk east into the central control area of the ship. A look through the window reveals the empty docking bay. Just beneath the window is a control panel with two buttons on it. Press the button marked "open bay door" and watch the docking bay doors slide open. Now walk east to the elevator at the far end of this level. Hmm, this elevator doesn't open automatically like all the others on the Arcada. Aha! There's a security panel next to the elevator with a slot for a keycard. Now the elevator opens obediently. So ride it down to the flight prep room on the lowest level of the ship. The first thing you notice in the flight prep room is a closet with a button for each of its two doors. Push both buttons and take the gadget from the closet on the left and the flight suit from the closet on the right. A quick look at the gadget reveals that it's a dialect translator. Might come in handy later. Now, however, we need to find a way out of here. It looks like there's a control panel in the front of the room, so walk around the barrier and have a look at it. Thankfully, there's a button on the panel marked "airlock." Press it and the door on the west side of the room slides open. Exit the room through the open airlock and walk out into the docking bay. You notice that the bay is empty and that there's a large hole in the middle of the floor. However, there is also a control console standing next to the airlock. Amid all the unfamiliar controls on the console is a button marked "platform." Press the button and an escape pod rises from the hole in the floor! Walk around the pod to the open door on its left side and get in. You're almost out of here! Once seated in the pod, the first thing to do is close the door. Now take a look around the pod. You see seat belts and a dark console. Buckle up the seat belt then have a look at the console. Push the button marked "power" and the console springs to life. The screen tells you to pull the throttle to initiate the launch sequence. So give it a tug and you're off! Whew! You've made it safely off the Arcada, but now your pod is drifting helplessly in space. What to do? (For a laugh you can press the button marked "don't touch;" just make sure you save the game first!) Look at the panel again. There's a button there labeled "autonav." Try pushing it. That did it! The pod's navigation system is locked onto the planet Kerona, and the automatic landing sequence has started. There's nothing to do now but sit back and enjoy the ride. Congratulations! You've crash-landed on a desolate, desert planet. Aren't you glad? SPACE QUEST Part 2 Okay, so here you are sitting in a wrecked escape pod in the middle of a burning desert. Well, at least you're still in one piece. And a look around the pod reveals that a survival kit has broken loose from somewhere. That could sure come in handy, so take the kit and have a look inside. You find a handy-dandy jack-knife and a can of dehydrated (?) water. Dehydrated water is a strange concept, to say the least, so take a close look at the can. The label says that you can get a drink of water any time you need it by simply putting the nozzle in your mouth and drinking. It also says that the can is highly pressurized and that puncturing it can have catastrophic consequences. Those sound like two pieces of information to remember. Now you're as ready as you'll ever be to leave the pod, so go ahead and get out. Before you leave the area, however, walk around to the front of the pod and have a look at it. You never know when you'll need a piece of reflective glass, so take it. If you try going in any other direction, you'll soon discover that the only directions that you can go without getting eaten or flattened by a meteor are east and southeast. So go southeast to the area described as the "southwest edge of a mesa." Exit the screen at the southeast corner. Take a look around and note the natural land bridge to the north. Again, exit the screen at the southeast corner. Notice the ramp on the west side of the screen. Walk up it and follow it until you exit the screen to the north. Then follow the trail around to the west. About now the spider droid will appear. Don't worry, this is one nasty you can dispatch with a bang! Walk across the bridge to the large boulder. Position yourself behind the boulder and type in "push boulder" without hitting or . This is a good place to save the game! Wait until the spider droid is directly under the boulder (it's the spot exactly between the two green patches on the ground). Now hit or . Kaboom! Wasn't that fun? (Read on for an alternate way to kill the spider droid, but for less points.) Let's see what else this mesa has to offer. Exit the screen to the west and follow the trail around several screens until you arrive at the broken arch at the mesa's far eastern edge. What's this all about? Well step between the two columns of the arch and...Whoa! Talk about the first step being a doozie! Nothing to do now but ride this elevator straight to the bottom. Once you arrive at the bottom of the shaft and recover your stomach, step off the platform and look around. That rock might prove useful, so take it. Follow the cavern to the west. That grate looks and smells dangerous. Better edge around the back of it. Aieee! It's a good thing you didn't step on top of that grate! Looks like you've come to the end of the trail, doesn't it? But if you take a careful look around, you'll notice that the rock will just cover the hole on top of that steam vent. So put the rock there and shades of "open sesame!" Exit the screen to the northwest. The pool room is pretty, but there's not much you can do in here, so walk around the rocks and again exit the screen to the northwest. Hey! Those light beams could just make you go all to pieces! So hold that piece of reflective glass in the beams and put the heat on them. Now walk up the ramp and exit the screen to the east. Save the game! Those aren't water drops dripping from the ceiling; they're deadly corrosive acid. One false step here and you're fried. Time your walk between the drops carefully and exit the screen to the east. Now take a look at the gadget that you took from the closet back on the Arcada. Notice that it's a dialect translator and that there's a dial on it. Turn the dial until the gadget glows and exit the screen to the east. And you thought the Wizard of Oz was tough on Dorothy! If you've already had the misfortune to stumble into Orat, you know that stealing the Wicked Witch's broomstick was child's play compared to collecting a piece of this baby's hide. I mean he looks like Tyrannosaurus Rex with teeth to match, and he seems to enjoy playing basketball with human beings taking the part of the ball. But a piece of Orat's hide is just what this Alien is telling you that you'll have to bring him if you want his help in getting off this dustbin of a planet. Yours is not to reason, so once you're transported back to the surface, follow the mesa trail back across the bridge and down the ramp. Exit the screen to the north. Orat's cave is in the cliff face on the east side of the screen. Steady your nerves (and save the game) before you go in. Okay, now Orat is coming straight for you, and it's a sure bet that the only dinner invitation you'll get from him will feature you as the main course. Instead of panicking, calmly look at Orat's razor sharp teeth and remember what you read about the water can and what would happen if it were punctured. So what have you got to lose except your life? Throw the water at Orat! Kaboom! (again). Isn't it nice the way your enemies keep blowing up real good? Fortunately, there's a little piece of Orat still intact over in the eastern part of the cave. Control your stomach and take the Orat part. (NOTE: An alternate way to kill Orat involves *not* killing the spider droid with the boulder. Instead, carefully lead the droid (it will start following you once you get close to it) into Orat's cave and step aside. Orat will rush straight into the droid and they will both blow up real good at the same time. However, you do not get as many points for blowing them up together as you get for blowing them up separately.) Now take your disgusting prize and return to the Alien's underground chamber the same way you got there before. Drop the Orat part before the Alien's image and proceed through the portal that now appears. My, this room is interesting! So don't be in a hurry to jump on that skimmer that the Alien gives you. Instead, take a look at the panel on the back wall. Yes, it's a data cartridge reader! And there's no Sarien here to shoot you when you try to use it. Insert the cartridge in the slot and read the story of the star generator. Make a note of the destruct code sequence number and be sure to take the cartridge with you when you're done reading it. Now hop on the skimmer, turn the key, and ride off. Now you have to play the arcade game of dodge the boulders. This is where a joystick comes in handy. It's also a good idea to save the game here, in case you're as big a klutz as I am. Before too long you'll arrive in the thrilling metropolis of Ulence Flats. SPACE QUEST Part 3 You've successfully dodged all of the boulders and you're now sitting in the heart of the shimmering metropolis of Ulence Flats. Get off the skimmer and have a leisurely look around the immediate vicinity. In a short time one of the locals will approach you and offer to buy your skimmer for 30 buckazoids. You can do better than that, even if the skimmer is somewhat beat up, so refuse this initial offer. The fellow will walk away angry, but don't worry; he really wants that skimmer and he'll be back. Just wait around a while and take in the scenery. Sure enough, after a few minutes have passed, your "customer" approaches you again. This time he offers to throw in a jetpack with the 30 buckazoids. That's a much more reasonable offer. So say yes. Now that you have some cash, it's time to visit that bar whose flashing sign has been tempting you ever since you arrived in this berg. Upon entering the bar, you notice a band (isn't there something familiar about those guys?), a slot machine off to one side that seems to have rather dire consequences for losers, and, thankfully, an empty seat at the end of the bar. Slide onto the stool and order a brew. It might not be the best suds you've ever had, but in your condition you're not complaining. So drink up. In fact, you'd better drink three. As you start to down the third (and are beginning to develop a distinctly better outlook toward this little planet), you overhear a conversation among your fellow drinkers. Make a careful note of the space sector that is mentioned. Feeling fortified by the Kerona beer in your belly, you decide to tackle that slot machine. As you've doubtless noticed, you can lose *everything* at this game, including your life! Nevertheless, you're going to have to win $250 from this one-armed bandit if you want to get off this planet. The way to win at this game with a minimum of frustration is to save your game after every significant increase in your winnings. That way you can restore to a higher amount if you start to lose too much, and it will minimize the effects of getting yourself killed. Once you have your $250, you can walk away from the machine a happy winner (at that point the slot machine will inform you that there has been a circuit failure). Now it's time to see if you can buy yourself some transportation off of this planet. Leave the bar and walk west. You'll find yourself in Tiny's Used Spaceship Lot. Tiny is like all used spaceship salesmen, you can't trust him as far as you can throw him. He will try to sell you on the two little ships in the foreground. Provided you save your game first, you can go ahead and buy them for a laugh; however, a much more substantial looking ship is visible to the north. So exit the screen in  that direction. Don't worry, Tiny will follow you. Now this is a ship! In fact, you wonder how a lowlife like Tiny got his hands on it. Well that's not your concern. Go ahead and pay Tiny his asking price for this slick space cruiser. As your fork over your hard-won money, Tiny informs you that you'll need a droid to pilot this baby. No problem. Walk east and then east again. You'll find yourself conveniently in front of Droids-R-Us. Go inside. The droid you want is upstairs on the right. He's the one that the proprietor describes as a pilot. Pay the owner for the droid (you can present your coupon for a discount) and return to your ship (your faithful droid will follow you). Now you're almost off this miserable asteroid! Just climb up the ladder and get in. Your droid will move to his position under the ship. Look at the ship. There's a button on the panel marked "Load." Press it and your droid will automatically be lifted into the ship. When your droid asks, type in the sector that you overheard in the bar. Off you go into the purple yonder in your wonderful new ship! Sit back and enjoy the ride. In fact, you better enjoy it as much as you can. Because just beginning to fill your vision screen is the profile of the flagship of the Sarien fleet: the dreaded Deltaur itself! SPACE QUEST PART 4 Your pilot droid has parked you a safe distance from the menacing Deltaur and he's not going to take the ship any closer. So it's time for some EVA action. Put on the jetpack that you acquired in Ulence Flats and exit the ship. Take a look around and steer yourself over to the door. Look at the door, then turn the handle. Move into the airlock. Once in the airlock, wait for the droid to appear and then move by him into the ship. In the "empty" room, notice that there is a trunk sitting in the middle of the room and that there is a vent high up on the west wall. Move to the right of the trunk and type "push trunk." Once the trunk is against the wall, open the trunk and put your jetpack inside it. Then close the trunk and stand on top of it. Open the vent with the jack-knife and enter. Once inside the airshaft, climb up the ladder to the next cross-shaft (climbing down will take you the same place, but it takes longer) then crawl east. Kick open the vent, then exit the screen to the east. NOTE: You can get yourself to the same location simply by getting inside the trunk and hiding inside of it until the Sariens move you. This will net you the same amount of points as the method described above, but it's not as much fun. Now you're in the laundry room and it's time to come clean. Walk over to the washing machine, open the door and get in the machine. When the Sarien enters the room, remain calm and ride out the rinse cycle. Open the door and emerge from the machine cleverly disguised as a Sarien, complete with helmet! Now you can move around the ship without attracting attention. Before you go, however, look in your uniform pocket and notice that you have a Sarien I.D. card. Exit the laundry room to the east. Talk to the first Sarien you see as this will get you an extra point. The Sarien guard outside the Empty Room (down one level) will ask you if you've played Kings Quest III! Tell him yes for yet another point. Walk over to the two elevators at the rear of the corridor. The elevator on the right is temporarily out of order, but don't worry about it. It will work when you need it. For now enter the elevator on the left and ride it upstairs. Exit the elevator and walk east. Here it is, the Star Generator! Note that it's protected by a guard and a force field, and that you can't get close enough to get a good look at its control panel. Exit the room to the west and then go west again. Take the elevator up. Go east and then east again. Now you're on an elevated walkway directly above the Star Generator. Go east and enter the ship's armory. Once in the armory, look at the counter and notice that there are two gas grenades sitting in the corner. Walk up to the counter and show your i.d. card to the droid. When he leaves to get your weapon, move smartly around the counter and take one of the grenades. When the droid returns, take your pulseray and exit to the west. Back on the elevated walkway, stand directly over the Star Generator guard and throw the grenade. After the guard collapses, go back into the armory and get the second grenade for an extra point (the droid will attempt to get you another weapon and then return empty-handed, noting that you already have one). Go west from the elevated walkway and then west again. At this point you will stumble and lose your helmet. No, there's no way you can avoid it. The Sariens will shoot you on sight now, so be ready to fire your pulseray instantly upon entering each new screen and don't let a guard droid touch you! It will also help to save the game frequently from now on. You've got no time to waste now, so head straight back to the Star Generator. Search the dead guard's body. Take the remote control and press the on/off button. Walk up the stairs leading to the Star Generator and look at the control panel. Punch in the destruct code that you learned from the data cartridge (in case you forgot, it's 6858) and then punch the "enter" key (the one on the control pad, not your computer!). Looks like things are really starting to get hot around here, so don't stand around. Exit to the west and take the first elevator down. The elevator on the right is now back in service so take it! When you get off the elevator move quickly to the waiting space ship and get in. Look at the ship. Press the launch button. Now sit back and enjoy the rest of the show because you're a hero! Wonder how much a golden mop is worth? NOTE: I played the game through a few times using all of the moves described above. Each time I netted a varying amount of points that was slightly less than the game's stated maximum of 202, depending on how many Sariens I shot with the pulseray. I never discovered a use for the plant that can be found growingon Kerona. SPACE QUEST is published by Sierra On-Line, Inc. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1986 by Jason Levine. All rights reserved.  0<2B *: &BT `rj?<NNT3tB?< NA\/A@CvLH?</</<?<NN A@C Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\?<?<NAXJ@gH@<g<g><g`MJ g??<NAXRB@`?< ?<NAX`NHyp?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\Hy?< NA\ByrB9AJa(JGg9 9f/<NAXJ@gH@|g̰|0g|9g.|!g&` yrgyraa`yra a`a2AJ<9r:<F:<PQ><a"J@fBGH瀀Hy?< NA\LNuC ( g* ( g (g `0<NuB@|Nu$I0 E2n `2*@0 Q` ('0/87@?HGPO?9t/</<?<NN AvC@LHBNA&pwwU33ss77wY pwf README FILE DISPLAYER v3.03 WRITTEN BY KARL (THE C A M E L) qY! l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Y8 pw # QUITS )qvY-- WHICH DEVICE (P) FOR PRINTER OR (S) FOR SCREENY0< SOLUTIONS FOR Y1< Y2< SPACE QUEST 2Y- lY0<lY1<lY2<lY8(pw BACK ONE PAGEY8B QUITSY8R FORWARD ONE PAGE qvEY! vf SPACE QUEST II Part 1 (NOTE: In this walkthru, "east" refers to the right of the screen, "west" refers to the back of the screen, "north" refers to the top of the screen, and "south" refers to the bottom of the screen.) As our story opens, you, Roger Wilco, sanitary engineer extraordinaire, are doing what you do best -- swabbing an outer deck of Xenon Orbital Station 4. A beep from your wrist watch interrupts your reverie. A look at the watch reveals buttons labeled H, T, and C. Press C. A message from your boss tells you to get back in the station on the double and clean up a mess made by a space-sick passenger in the shuttle. (You get all the most desirable jobs!) Walk up the wall and across the ceiling (Isn't zero-gravity fun?) to the airlock entrance. Stand on the entrance, and in a few seconds you will be transported inside the station. Once inside the station, walk over to the spacesuits on the back wall and take a uniform. Take a moment to check your inventory. You have a filled-out order form for a Labion Terror Beast Mating Whistle, which is ready to be mailed, and a dialect translator. Now walk over to the lockers and open a locker. Take the jockstrap and the Cubix Rube puzzle that you find inside. Exit the airlock through the door on the west side of the room. As you enter the control room, your boss tells you to get over to the shuttle on the double. The other crew persons in the control room aren't inclined to waste time with you either, so you have no choice but to go and stand on the transport lift on the west side of the room. Once you've been lifted to the transport level, walk over to the transport tube entrance and get in. In a few seconds you find yourself in the shuttle bay. Walk down the stairs and enter the shuttle from the rear. HEY! What's going on here?! You don't have much time to think about it before one of the thugs gives you a love tap on the noggin and turns out your lights. When you come to, you find yourself helplessly pinned down inside an asteroid fortress orbiting a forest planet. You are in the presence of a hideous alien who is obviously keeping himself alive by artificial means. The alien patiently explains to you that he is Sludge Vohaul, the evil intellect behind the plot to steal the star generator that you foiled in SPACE QUEST I. Now Vohaul has decided to take his revenge on you and your home world of Xenon. He shows you his fiendish plot to loose thousands of genetically engineered insurance salesmen who won't take no for an answer on Xenon. You quickly realize that humanity hasn't been in so much danger since "Super Car" was canceled, but just right now there's nothing you can do about it. Vohaul's goons hustle you back aboard the shuttle and transport you down to the forest planet to begin serving a life sentence as a slave in Vohaul's mines. But before you reach the mines, the little hovercraft carrying you and two guards runs out of fuel and crashes to the forest floor! When you come to, you find yourself in the middle of a strange forest with one of the guards (who evidently broke your fall) lying quite dead beside you. Search his body and take the keycard from his uniform. The other guard is lying dead in the remains of the hovercraft. A steady beep is coming from the wreck and you realize that it could attract searching guards. Walk over to the wreck, look inside, and push the button. The homing device is now turned off. Exit the screen to the north. Now these woods are strange indeed! (Don't try climbing the trees unless you save your game first!) At some point in your journey through this forest you will hear the sound of another hovercraft searching for you. You can always avoid this hovercraft by quickly exiting the screen that you are on; however, you won't get any points for it, and the hovercraft will return. The better way is to find a place in the dense foliage where your body is completely hidden. Wait motionless for the hovercraft to appear and then leave. This will earn you 5 points and the thugs will not return. Also at some point on this screen, you will hear the sound of a rope snapping and a high-pitched shriek. When this happens, exit the screen near the southeast corner. You will come upon a strange little creature hanging upside down in a hunter's snare. Walk over to the little pink fellow and free him from the rope. Exit the screen to the west and then go up the hill and west. You are now on a plateau with a mailbox at the end of it. Put your Labion Terror Beast Mating Whistle order form in the mailbox's slot. Instantly a genuine Labion Terror Beast Mating Whistle appears on the tray! (Just like the U.S. Mail, right?) Take the whistle and exit the plateau back around to the east and back south down the hill. Now exit the screen to the west. Did the spores knock you out? Well, no matter. Take one of the spores anyway. (They're those pretty little flowers on the ground.) You'll need it. Exit the screen to the northwest. What on Earth (or wherever you are) is this thing? Well, it's alive and it's very hungry as you will learn to your sorrow if you touch any part of it. But this vine creature is also a maze. If you look carefully, you can see that there is clear pathway through the creature leading to the bushes at the north of the screen. You may have also seen the little pink fellow that you freed from the rope gathering some of the berries from those bushes. Maybe those berries are important. Carefully work your way along the path through the vine creature. (HINT: Save your game as you complete each little section of the creature/maze). Now take some of the berries from the bushes. Don't bother trying to eat them, the smell will deter you anyway. Work your way back through the vine creature/maze the way you came, again saving as you go. Exit the screen to the south. Go east and then go north up the hill and east. You now find yourself at the edge of a dismal swamp. And that little pink creature is here again. As you watch, he smears the berries over his body and disappears into the swamp. Take your cue from the little fellow and smear the berries over your uniform, too. Once that is done, enter the swamp and exit the screen to the east. Wow! It's a good thing those smelly berries made you unappetizing or you would have been lunch for that swamp creature. Now that you're safely in the swamp, take some time to explore before leaving. If you walk around the north end of the screen, a little bit east of center, you'll come to deep water where you have to swim instead of walk. When you reach that point, take a deep breath (Important!) and dive under the surface. Under the surface, you'll see an underwater cave leaving the screen to the west. Follow the cave, and you'll find yourself surfacing in a strangely glowing cavern. A quick inspection reveals that the glow is coming from a rock sitting on an altar-like boulder in the cavern. Take the glowing rock. Re-enter the water, take a deep breath again, and dive below the surface. Swim back to the surface of the swamp the way you came in. Then exit the swamp to the east. SPACE QUEST II Part 2 You're back in the clear again, but there's a deep chasm blocking your progress to the east, and there's no where else to go. Better climb that dead tree at the edge of the chasm to get a better view. WHOA! CRAAACK! That tree wasn't too steady, was it? But now its trunk is wedged tightly across the top of the chasm, forming a natural bridge. Crawl across the log and exit the screen to the east. Proceed through the forest to the east and...oops! Trapped again! This time you're hanging upside down, the blood is rushing to your head, and soon you black out. When you come to, you find yourself securely locked in a wooden cage. A big, ugly brute of a hunter is getting a fire ready for his dinner, and you can just guess what he plans on having for his main course! Better think of a way out of here. Wait a minute! Remember that knock-out spore you picked up? Here's the perfect place to use it, but you're going to have to get the hunter closer to the cage, so that you can reach the key when he falls. The best way to get that oaf's attention is to yell at him. If he doesn't respond the first time you call, yell again. OK, that got his attention and here he comes. Wait until he's right next to the cage and throw the spore. Got him! Now get the key and unlock the cage. Open the door, leave the cage, and pick up the rope that's lying on the rock. Then exit the screen to the north. You find yourself at the edge of a plateau. You can see the shuttle platform, where you first came to this planet, off in the distance. But don't try walking that way yet! Moving any distance at all toward the north of the screen will take you right into the guns of Vohaul's thugs. Instead, immediately exit the screen to the west. Walk west through the forest until you again arrive at the chasm. Now the only way to go is down. Fortunately, you have the rope. You can tie the rope to either the stump or the log. Save the game, and try tying the rope to the stump. You'll get 2 points for it. Now climb down the rope and...well, I guess tying it the stump didn't work too well. Tie the rope to the log. Again, you'll get 2 points, but this time things are much more secure. Climb down the rope. Nice situation huh? You find yourself hanging over a bottomless chasm. On the ledge to the east is very large, very hungry looking monster. On the ledge to the west is a cave leading into the cliff. On the whole, the ledge to the west looks more desirable. But how to get there? Climb down to the end of the rope (but not too far), and swing on the rope. Gradually the arc of your swing will get larger and larger. To time when the swing is large enough, wait until the monster starts trying to grab you. Then, when the rope is at the far western edge of its arc, let go. Nicely done! You're safely on the western ledge. Enter the cave. The cave leads off into darkness, but there's no where else to go. So as you enter the darkness, hold the glowing rock. Ah, just enough light to see the passage leading to the west. Follow the passage and...oops! Here we go again -- tumbling down into the darkness! When you reach the bottom, you find yourself back out in the daylight and on the floor of a rock-strewn canyon. And here are a couple of those little pink guys again, telling you to follow them! Before you do, however, take a moment to pick up the glowing rock, which you dropped during your fall. Then exit the screen to the south. You've entered a cul-de-sac on the canyon floor, and as you're wondering where the exit is, the chief of the little pink creatures appears. He thanks you for the rescue of their friend. In return, he tells you to "just say the word" and his people will show you the way out. So type SAY THE WORD. When you do, two of the little creatures push aside a boulder, revealing an entrance to an underground passage. Climb down. Now you're completely in the dark! How are you going to see where you're going if you have to use your hands to grip the ladder? What's more, you can also hear the bone-chilling cries of a terrible cave monster! Well, what are mouths for? To hold rocks, of course. So hold the glowing rock in your mouth. Well, that's a little better, at least you can see where you're going. A little exploration would reveal that this underground complex is really a maze of vertical ladders intersected by horizontal tunnels. But who wants to explore when there's a hungry monster after you? So here's the quickest way out: Climb down to the first intersection. Crawl east to the next intersection. Climb down to the next intersection. Crawl east to the next intersection. Climb down to the bottom of this ladder. Crawl east to the next intersection. Climb down to the next intersection. Crawl west to the next intersection. Climb down to the bottom of this ladder. Crawl west two intersections. Climb down two intersections. Finally, crawl east all the way out of the tunnel. You're now in a cavern through which a beautiful, sparkling stream flows. Enter the water and follow the stream off the screen to the east. Keep following the stream as it winds around, until you have to choose between branches that flow to the left and the right. Choose the branch to the right (the left one leads to certain death). You will find yourself being sucked into a whirlpool, and you emerge from the whirlpool considerably rung out but none the worse for wear. At last you're back in the great outdoors. Go east and leave the pond. You can now see the bottom of the shuttle platform very close by, but impenetrable stone walls prevent you from getting to it. This is a situation that calls for some outside help. Remember your Labion Terror Beast Mating Whistle? Now's the time to blow it. Sure enough, here comes a Labion Terror Beast blasting a hole right through the wall! At this point, if you don't have the Cubix Rube puzzle, get back in the water and move off the screen before the Beast reaches you and tears you apart. If you do have the puzzle, throw it to the Beast. This will earn you 10 big points. While the Beast is "puzzling" over the puzzle (or after you return from the water) head for the opening that has been blasted in the rock wall. Before exiting the screen, pause to take one of the small rocks in the pile of rubble at the opening made by the Beast. Finally exit the screen to the north. Now the shuttle platform, with its promise of escape, looms before you. But spoiling the scene is one of Vohaul's guards patrolling the lower level of the platform. Using the bushes as a screen, wait until the guard is out of view, and move to a hiding place behind the forward set of bushes. At this point, if you do not have the jockstrap, time the guard's movements so that you can move under the platform to the door on the right platform leg without the guard seeing you. You won't get any points for this, but it works. If you do have the jockstrap you can use it to throw the stone so as to distract the guard and then move to the door. This will net you 10 points. Better yet, you can remove the menace of the guard permanently by using the jockstrap to throw the stone AT the guard, hitting him in the head and killing him. In order to make sure of your shot, wait until the guard pauses at the center of his catwalk, then throw the stone at him with the jockstrap. This will net you 20 points. Once you have reached the platform door, insert your keycard and enter the elevator. When you arrive at the top of the platform, much to your surprise (and relief), you find an empty shuttle waiting for you. Walk around to the rear of the craft and enter the shuttle. Once seated in the cockpit, look around. You see an instrument panel before you and a throttle control between your legs. Look at the instrument panel. You see a power button, an attitude control dial, and an ascent thruster button. Press the power button and you see all the monitor screens light up. Turn the attitude dial. The game will inform you that the controls are now set at VAC (Vertical Attitude Control). Press the thruster button, then look at the monitor. It will inform you that thrusters are ready. If you have a joystick, pull back on it (or press the "down arrow" cursor key), and the ship will lift off. Hold the joystick back, until the game informs you that you are off the planet. When a computerized voice tells you that minimum altitude has been achieved, turn the attitude dial again. It will now be set at HAC (Horizontal Attitude Control). Push the joystick forward (or press the "up" cursor key), and the shuttle will begin moving forward. This won't last long, however, because suddenly all the monitor screens are filled with the image you least wanted to see -- the ugly face of Sludge Vohaul! He gleefully informs you that he has taken control of the shuttle and that you are now on an automatic journey to his asteroid fortress. Nothing for it now, but to hang on and enjoy (?) the ride! Enter choice !3 SPACE QUEST II Part 3 When you step out of the shuttle inside Vohaul's asteroid complex, you're surprised to find that there are no guards there to greet you. In fact, the complex seems completely deserted. But you know that Vohaul must be watching. Anyway, you still need to work your way out of this mess. Taking a look around, you see that the shuttle platform seems to be suspended in space, with catwalks leading away from it to the east and to the west. A stairway leads down to the south. Above you, another catwalk, which seems inaccessible, crosses the shuttle bay from west to east. Take the east catwalk, and exit the screen in that direction. You find yourself at an elevator. Enter the elevator. Look at the elevator. You see a read-out, currently reading Level One, and a panel. Look at the panel. The panel contains a row of buttons. Look at the buttons. The buttons read "one," "three," "four," and "five." Press "three." In a minute, you find yourself at the end of long corridor stretching away to the west. A note of caution about these corridors. Periodically, you'll see an odd contraption moving along the corridor toward you. These are automatic floor waxers, and if they catch up with you, they'll ground you into a thin sheet and turn you into part of the floor. If you see one approaching, move immediately into a doorway or elevator opening and wait for it to turn around and go back in the opposite direction. Walk down the corridor. After crossing a couple of screens, you arrive at a door in the corridor wall, with a button beside it. Hey! You, of all people, would recognize a janitorial closet anywhere! Press the button and enter the closet. Looking around in the closet, you find a plunger. Take the plunger, exit the closet, then walk all the way to the far eastern end of the corridor. Enter the elevator you find there and press "four." When you arrive at level four, you find another corridor stretching away to the west. Walk down the corridor. Sure enough, you come to another janitorial closet. Enter the closet and take the glass cutter that you find in there. Continue west down the corridor. You soon arrive at restroom entrances, labeled with male and female signs. Take either entrance -- they both lead into the same restroom! In the restroom, amid the rather alien plumbing, you see an empty stall at the back of the room. Enter the stall and close the door. What you do in the stall is your own business, but be sure to take the toilet paper with you when you're done. Exit the restroom and walk to the far western end of the corridor. Enter the elevator and press "five." Exit the elevator on level five and walk east. Once again you come to a janitorial closet. Enter the closet and take the wastebasket that you find there. Pick up the pair of overalls that is hanging in the closet and an object falls from the pocket. A quick inspection reveals that the object is a lighter. Take the lighter and exit the closet. At this point, the safe play is to walk immediately west from the janitorial closet back to elevator you came from. If you wish to see what lies to the east, you won't get any points for it, but it is amusing. Be sure to save your game first. Those huge arms sticking out of that cage will bash you if you get too close, so be sure to stick to the south side of the corridor. Proceed east and...what's this? One of the cages is opening! And emerging from it is a nightmare creature that looks like it escaped from the movie, "Alien"! At this point, you have no choice but to hurry back to the west as fast as you can. Don't let the alien monster catch you and kiss you! If you do, later in the game you'll wind up just like John Hurt in "Alien" (talk about a stomach ache!). Head straight for the elevator and press "one." Back on level one, return to the shuttle platform, and proceed down the stairs to the south. As you pass through the doorway at the bottom of the stairs, the door seals shut behind you! Move to the west and a barrier pops up barring your way! Try moving east and another barrier pops up trapping you! As if that weren't bad enough, now the floor is moving out from under you, threatening to dump you in a pool of corrosive acid! Don't panic! Wait until the floor is almost out from under you, then stick the plunger to the barrier. That's the way to hang in there! Wait until the floor slides back into place, then let go of the plunger. The barriers slide back into the floor leaving you free to move. But before you can very far in either direction, you run up against a very formidable obstacle: Walbots! These electronic monsters are instant death if you let them touch you, but there is a way to defeat them. First, when one of the walbots starts to come after you, retreat to the center of the corridor and exit the screen up the stairs. When you go back down the stairs, the Walbot will have returned to its resting place. Now examine the ceiling of the corridor. The only thing of note up there are fire sprinklers. But water and electronics don't mix! And you have the means in hand to get those sprinklers sprinkling. Put the toilet paper in the wastebasket, and then drop the wastebasket. Light the toilet paper with the lighter, and in a few seconds the sprinklers will start flowing. Snap! Crackle! Pop! You've shorted out the Walbots! Now proceed down the corridor and exit the screen all the way to the east. Suddenly, here you are in Vohaul's command post! The evil one himself is sitting on his raised platform in the center of the room sneering at you. Surrounding the room are the tubes containing the dreaded insurance salesmen, but right now all your attention is on Vohaul and getting your hands around his fat neck. You start up the stairs to his platform, but just before you can reach him, you're zapped by a strange energy beam. (Don't panic, this is not the end of the game!) When you rematerialize, you find that you've been reduced to the size of a mouse and that you're trapped in a glass jar on Vohaul's control console! Vohaul gloats over your predicament, then proceeds to ignore you as he launches the insurance salesmen! Now's your chance. While Vohaul is ignoring you, cut the glass with the glass cutter. Walk over to the vents in the console immediately to the west of the jar and climb in the vent. Bingo! You've found Vohaul's life support equipment! If you look carefully behind that large pump, you'll see a large, red button. Press that button. You did it! You've shut off Vohaul's life support! He's a goner! Now climb out the vent. In his death throes, Vohaul utters a final curse at you and flips a switch. That action started the asteroid's self-destruct sequence, so now time is of the essence. Exit the screen along the narrow path in the southwest corner. You find yourself at a control console with a switch on the back and keyboard. Walk over to the switch and pull it to the on position. The read-out is now asking you "Enlarge or Reduce?" Of course, you want to get larger, so type "enlarge." Now return to the glass jar immediately. In a few seconds, you're back to normal size, standing beside the dead carcass of Vohaul, which is sprawled across the floor. A flashing monitor draws your attention. A look at the monitor reveals that the clone launch can be aborted if you enter the abort code. But what is the code? Search Vohaul's body. Aha! There it i s: "SHSR." Return to the monitor and enter the code. That takes care of the insurance salesmen, but you still have to get out of here alive. Exit the screen up the stairs to the east. Now you're in a long tube on the exterior of the asteroid. Near the entrance to the tube is a panel. A look at the panel shows that it contains an oxygen mask. Take the mask (you will automatically be wearing it). Follow the tube where it leads you, around to the east and then to the south. Good thing you were wearing that oxygen mask when the tube cracked! Exit the tube to the south. Drat! Here you are in another of those featureless corridors, and you've got to get off this asteroid before it burns up. The way out is to the west. Walk west about three screens and there it is: The escape pod bay! Unfortunately, blocking the way is the nattiest looking robot you've ever seen, and it has the name "Marrow-matic" written on it. You can just guess what that means! And now the "MM" has sensed the presence of your marrow and is coming to get it! Not to worry, you can work your away around this refugee from "RoboCop." When the MM starts to come after you, exit the screen to the east. Make sure the MM follows you onto the next screen, then hoof it all the way to the eastern end of the corridor. Make sure that the MM follows you all the way (just don't let it catch you). Keep going through the glowing portal at the end of the corridor. The MM won't follow you through that. Keep going all the way across the catwalk that stretches across the shuttle bay and continue through the glowing portal at the other end. Continue down the corridor in an easterly direction and you'll finally reach the escape pod bay from the other side. And thanks to your artful dodging the MM is nowhere in sight. Proceed to the first pod on the left, and press the button next to the hatch. When the hatch opens, enter the pod. Take a quick look around. You see a control panel. A quick look at the control panel, reveals a launch button. Press the launch button. Congratulations! You've saved your planet and escaped the asteroid! Just as you're contemplating how sweet it is to be a hero again, a rude beeping from the control panel informs you that the pod is running out of oxygen! You try the oxygen mask, but it's empty. Hastily looking around the pod, you see a sleep chamber against the right-hand wall. Oh well, the deep freeze is better than asphyxiation! Walk over to the sleep chamber and open it. Enter the sleep chamber and settle down to a nice, long nap until. What? We'll just have to wait for SPACE QUEST III to find out!  0<2B *: &BTl.  .. 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This is where the solution to Zombi should have been, but as I knacked it up it's not here. I had already done the loading screen and menu code so I couldn't be bothered to change it. Sorry about that, but its a crap game anyway! The Bald Eagle signing off.  0<2B *: &BT2