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Genesta's bedroom. Get her talisman.2KKQIV.CHRR-%%% %% & & &       X Entrance to Haunted house.Dining Room.Kitchen. Bedroom. Parlor. During the daylight, look at theat the bookshelves and the portrait. Getthe book of Shakespear. Give it to theMinsterel. This secret door will show when you lookat the portrait in the parlor.The trapdoor will be opened by the littleboy ghost when it is time.Go SLOW when climbing the spiral staircaseAttic. You will find sheet music. Playit on the organ and you will get a key. Nursery. The crying baby ghost needs itsrattle. Dig it up in the cemetery. Lookfor a baby's grave. The miser ghost wants a bag of gold. Goto the cemetary and find the right graveand dig it up. Give the poor lady ghosta locket you will find on the grave thatdeals with the young girl that died. TheLord of the manor ghost wants his medals.Find the grave re a dead lord and dig.The little boy ghost on the chest wantsthe toy horse. Bedroom Tower. The organ has a key. 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Show it to him and youwill be able to catch him... then kisshim..ugh...and he will become a prince andgive you his crown. Swim this way to Genesta's Island. Watchfor sharks. Sharks are bad news. ALwayssave before entering the ocean. You will want to swim this way to get toGenesta's Island. Save before trying andwatch for sharks. Goto next map and find Genesta's Island.This little stone bridge has a gold ball.Get close to it, and type LOOK UNDERBRIDGE and she will get it for you. You will find pan either here or above.You will find Pan in this area or below.Pan likes to dance. To stop him you willneed the lute from the minsterel and playit to him. Better yet, give it to him.Cupid likes to come here. Wait till hegets into the water and leaves his bowand arrows. Approach him and he will flyaway and you will get them.This area and those to the right of youare where you will find the Unicorn. Youwill need to shoot him with the bow andand arrow. He will then like you. Youwill also need the bridle and that is onthe deserted island, not Genesta's Island. You will meet a whale here. You will needa peacock feather and a dead fish. Thewhale will swallow you up. You will thenbe inside him. Tickle him with thefeather. He will cough you up and youwill see a deserted island. Go there.You will find the bridle and a boat. Givethe dead fish to the pelican and you willbe able to leave and get back to Tamir.The bridle is in the boat. Get insidethe boat and type LOOK AT GROUND. Afteryou feed the bird, you will want toRIDE THE DOLPHIN. Ignore the gull. This is the only placeyou will be able to catch a fish. You willneed bait. A worm will do.You need to get the worm to use forfishing. Approach the bird and he willfly away. Get the worm fast.This is the Ogre's house. You won't beto enter at first. Larlotte must ask youfor the magic hen first and then you willable to enter. To get her to ask, youmust bring her the unicorn. The dog needsa bone, you will be able to find a bonebehind the waterfall. When you finally getin the house, stay out of sight by hidingin the closet. Look through the keyhole.You will see something important. Thenyou will be able to get the hen and leave.Leave, FAST! By the way, you will alsoneed the axe from the Ogre's bedroom. Itwill scare the trees if you SWING IT.You can get through the trees by SWINGTHE AXE. (The axe is in the bedroom ofthe Ogre."This is Skull Cave. Dealing with thisWitches den is very difficult. Save firstand then enter it. Manuver the chasingwitch as far from the other witches asyou can; try near the caldron. Then runup to the two witchs and type GET THE EYE.Once you have the eye, they cannot hurtyou. The witches want the eye real bad.Exit the cave and reenter and they willgive you something for it. West Cemetary. REad the writing on thetombstones. They will be important to youlater when you deal with the ghosts. Youwill meet five ghosts and each will needsomething in the cemetary. Your shovelwill break after digging only five holes,so don't waste any. Each ghost will askfor something. The epitaths indicate theirparticular grave. More when you get intothe haunted house.! You won't be able to get inside the crypttill late in the game. It will be duringthe night and after Larlott asks forPandora's Box. The key resides insidethe Haunted house inside the organ.This is the Seven Dwarves House. It needsa good cleaning. The dwarves will comehome for lunch and leave the pouch ofdiamonds for you to take. Be honest andgo to the diamond mine and give it back toone of the dwarves. He will let you keepit and give you a lantern. Now you cangive the pouch to the fisherman and getthe fishing pole.This is the Seven Dwarves Diamond Mine.Don't enter it till you have cleaned theirhome.!Do not avoid the "goons" on the path.%Go to Larlote's Castle on next map.!Waterfall. To get behind the waterfallyou must get to the cave behind the waterfall. To swim there, you must change intoa frog. You do this by wearing the crownthat you got from the frog when you kissedhim. The Troll that lives here is one baddude, so avoid him. You are ultimatelylooking for magic fruit. It is on anisland in the swamp and is guarded by acobra. Haunted house. To scare the Zombie away,you will need the scarab from the witches.Ignore the mummy. When you enter, go toHaunted map. Watch for the whale. He won't enter untilyou have been asked to get a unicorn.The whale appears randomly, you will wantto be swallowed by it but must have thefeather and dead fish first! The whalewill take you to an island to get thebridle for the unicorn.$Its dark in the cave. Use the lantern yougot from the Seven dwarves.&You will need to save before entering eachportion of this cave. Ultimately you willmake it through. When you see the bone,get it. The Ogre's dog will love it.*The chasm. You will need the board thatyou saw at the entrance to the cave. Verycarefully, SAVE FIRST, see how close youcan get to the edge without falling off.Then PUT BOARD ACROSS CHASM. Get the boardafter crossing the chasm. You'll need itsoon.,Swamp land! Jump on the grass tufts toget across. Use the board again to getacross to the island..Swamp island. Sooth the cobra by playingon the flute that Pan gave you. Get themagic fruit..RKING's QUEST IV The Perils of Rosella This is the fourth in the series of animated games by Sierra Games. This time you play the role of Rosella. If you want to bypass the little animated story at the beginning just press and key on the keyboard. Now, you've got a lot to do and little time to do it. The object of the game is for you to find a magic fruit that will bring back your father's health. But, unknowest to you, you will have more than that to do before the day is over. Time is of the essence in this game and saving before doing anything is a necessity. You will want to try things and then go back and do it again when you figure the fastest way to complete a task. At the beginning you will find yourself on an island called Tamir. Use some time and just look around at your island. Then restart and begin the game in earnest. You are going to have to get a talisman and deliver three special items to a nasty witch by the name of Genesta. This game is very linear and you must do these tasks to complete the game. you must also try to rescue the good fairy who helped you get here...and do all this in one day! It is important to get into your role as a girl in a fairy tale, so act like one. Remember that little girls in fairy tails like to do chores and kiss frogs. You will want to keep track of where you are because you will have to back track quite a bit to complete the game. I have intersperced many hints throughout the map, so don't be afraid to check them out. One of the first things you are going to want to do is go swimming. There is no hint in the game for this, but you will have to do it. The direction is very close to where you start the game. As in all Sierra Games, there are all sorts of things to do that do not relate to the game, but are fun to see what happens. Don't be afraid to do weird thing, just save before doing them. You say you don't know when you're going to do strange things?...HM. The point system is a little strange, for you not only get point for finding some things and doing some things, you also get points for putting some things back where you got them. If you have trouble with this, see the list below. The first priority is to get the magic fruit. Then you will want to catch the Unicorn. Next you will want to get the hen that lays the golden eggs. Then you will want to get Pandora's Box, shudder. Finally you will want to get the Talisman and return it to Genesta, the witch. OBJECTS AND POINTS What Pts Found Use -? Golden Ball 2 Under bridge Frog Pond Kiss Frog 3 Golden Crown 2 Frog Waterfall Shakespears book 2 Parlor of House Minstrel Lute 3 Minstrel Pan Flute 3 Pan Cobra Clean Dwarf's Home 5  Diamond Pouch 2 Dwarf Fisherman Lantern 3 Dwarf's mine Troll's cave Swim under water- fall as a frog 5  Board 2 Waterfall Troll's Cave, Swamp Bone 2 Troll Cave Ogre's Dog Use board to cross chasm in Trolls Cave only twice 4 Use board to get to island in swamp 2 Play flute to cobra 4 Magic Fruit 10 Tree in Swamp Father Earth worm 2 on land bait at pier Fishing pole 3 Fisherman's home Pier Bait pole with worm 1 Catch fish 3 End of Pier Pelican, not seagul. Peacock feather 2 Genesta's Island Whale Tickle wales throat 5 Golden Bridle 3 Shipwreck Island Unicorn Give fish to pelican 4  Silver Whistle 2 Pelican Dolphin Blow wistle 2 Ride dolphin 2  Bow and arrows 2 Cupid Unicorn Shoot at unicorn 4  Bridle Unicorn 3 Deliver Unicorn 7 Bone to Ogre's dog 4 Axe 2 Ogre's bedroom Scary trees Hen 4 Ogre's home Deliver to Lolone Deliver hen 7 Use ase on scary trees 4 Glass eye 3 Witches cave witches Scarab 2 Witches cave Zombies Return glass eye 3 Open secret door in haunted house 4 Shovel 2 Secret Tower Cemetary Silver baby rattle 3 Baby's grave B aby ghost Return rattle to baby shost 2 Bag of gold coins 3 Misers grave Miser ghost Return coins to miser ghost 2 Locket 3 Young Lady's grave Young Lady's ghost Return locket to young lady's ghost 2 Medal of Honor 3 Lord's grave Lord's ghost Return mdeal to lord's ghost 2 Toy Horse 3 Little boy's grame Little boys ghost Return to little boy's ghost 2 Sheet music 4 Attick Organ Skeleton key 2 Door of Organ Crypt Unlock crypt door 3 Push rope ladder down 2 Pandora's Box 4 In Crypt Lolotte Deliver box 7 Red Rose Tower bedroom  Little Gold Key 2 Red rose Tower door Unlock tower door 2 Get possetions 4 Unlock Lolotte's tower door 2 Shoot Lolotte with Cupids bow 3 Talisman 5 Lolotte Genista Magic hen again 2 Storage room  Pandora's box again 2 Storage room Crypt Free unicorn 4 Stable Return box to crypt 2 Lock Crypts door 2 Deliver Talisman 10 Deliver Hen 2 For fun Try: Read Shakespear book Drink wanter from teh various sources. Read all the emitaths in cemetary. Read the note in the bottle in the wales stomach. Play organ without sheet music. Play musical instruments when not needed in game. Turn into a frog at the swamp. Eat the magic fruit and try and end game. Enjoy! pppp$pp8btbbccLcccd$dZddwfUdSB1 `03΄@6t p4B & l@0hgB`$7?    0Ho9@0&0$   !`L? 8`@bX 2<, x<`?>x|&<|6? ?l8~?ppB@@@  O00'_g_3xǃx``~XccQ\>*}݆ff*f`f`zfN޿g`g` ``8 ̈w[̉7̈w?uU Q_PXǏǏU pno0??*}8zxA<<?Bxs4xxApp!?``_?> ~0 B3|@@|`9'A?? ?8||@x@ ?πO ??>??|?< xH|?<ރ??>}0p?<?<9σgp8|ps p?<?<pσ{@?!|<0s|?<Bσ 9||0s|?>?8?@σϏ 98Ͽ 8~ >07@}?|P@~~  88~~yy????  3 F`B880 0?p  p`@`À @ ? @?Cp?9x?0~<s!~G 38 8P9?gp@ps?'L?>o`@4~O "|??i @?8@~?p`0  `@?0`0 pC3 0`@ g 0}o||`88??7p3΄@6t pmt^@& l@0hgB`$7x\@ *cb 01o80qB|  0Ho9@0&i |`}-( L*@ !`L? 8`@b m VPؒo}rr 8 9vӏ,pH  2<, x<`?>SPl"mH I*"x|&<|<eej4 5)p0? ?l`~?pp ? @0f!0 '@`8B 0@ B '`8@00|!  `0`C@   @5 A@0/xp  `^808l<`?~Opx?}@p:y?>O2| L>>:d@p&@Ixy/4p?Ɂ>L0`xA8xp7]!E,,.qozş.9ld@ 0xGI Eh(@B9r߽&Be@k@ 88F\u,x p8c8p 8C0φy[qDA  qÍo`@4~O "|??i @?8@~?p`0 $! `@?0`0 p@7{9&p9 g?0`Fag 0}aoW4e`RPeGt`(B@87 nG4eBPe{wpB@3΄@<[<eAe_<0á2 $?cP@l@0hgB`!G &E6dXE ?0B?  #cp@Ho9@0 Kg G)E6DXE?0?  #c@`@L? 8`@` ` :F96Y8X9?0&Xa2<, x<`?@ \x|&<|  &? ?l?pp ?:x '@`8B 0B '`8@00|  `0`C@  @5 A@0/xp  `^808l<`?ϟ//_px?}@p:""((  y?>O2| ""((L>>:d@p&0< Ǿ?>'>">"//>L0`xA8xp?<#..>"))),x p8?p 8C0@a$?0B0 7?8  a0880'? p`@`À'?@ ?'?@?Cp????~<s!~G 38'?gp@ps?'L?>o`? 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Only those areas unshaded will show. 2. Read Hints: This command allows you to enter the "text reader" and read or print to an "Epson compatible" printer, part or all of the text files on the disk. 3. View Picture: This command will allow you to view any pictures thatmaybeonthedisk.Ifyoudonotgetaselectionthenthere aren'tanyconnectedwiththisparticulargame. 4. Load Map: This command will allow you to view any of the areainthegame.Checktheindexforthenames. Note: there will be a slight pause between going from one level to another because the program will "save" your current position on the map before loading the next level. 5. Find Hints: This command will cause any location with a hint associated with it to flash. 6. Hints On/Off: This command when turned "on" will show the hint of a location when the cursor is placed upon it and the left button is pressed. When turned "off", placing the cursor and pressing the left button will indicate what the object below the cursor is in the "object" window. 7. Compass Rose: These arrows are used to move about the map that has been loaded. When you load a map for the first time, the screen will show only a small part of the map, usually the portion you would see when you come down the stairs. By pressing the left button and moving the cursor around the "shaded or dark area" you will "light" that area and see what is under it. Pressing the "shift" key and the left button and you can "darken" any area under the cursor. You can also move about the map by placing the cursor in the middle of the map and, while pressing the right button, move the cursor up, down, right or left and the map will "scroll" in the appropriate direction. Feel free to "reveal" as much of the map as you wish. Some of you will want to reveal only as much area as to the next door. Some of you will want to see what is behind the door. And, there are those of you who want to see everything. If you want to reveal everything, you can. While holding down the "shift" key press F1. This will "turn on the lights" of the whole level. To reverse this process or turn out all the lights, all you have to do is while holding down the "shift" key, press the F2 key. Please note: This will darken ALL the level, including the beginning area, so you may want to "scroll" to that area before darkening all the level, so you can start again. Please note that the "x,y" coordinates on the screen indicate the cursor position while it is on the map and the middile of the viewer when the cursor is off the map. The "x,y" coordinates are an arbitrary measuring system we used. Another way of moving about the map, other than that mentioned above, is by using the "arrow keys". They will move you one space up, down, right and left and a time. To move by "clicking" on the compass rose inner arrows moves the map one space in that direction. By "clicking" on the outer arrows will move the map 10 spaces in that direction. It is best to keep the "Hints On/Off" command "off" while revealing portions of the map. Only turn on this command when you want to read specific hints for specific spaces. To find a "hint" all you have to do is click the Find Hints button. Keeping the left button pressed will make the locations with hints flash. You can then move the cursor to the flashing location and let up on the left button and click again. The text of the hint will appear in the "text portion" of the viewer. To view the hint, you can scroll (two lines at a time), up and down by "clicking" on the up and down arrows. When you want to see an overview (or full screen representation) of the whole level (uncovered portions only) you must press the "View Map" button. There will be a slight hesitation (while the computer adjusts the level of magnification) and the screen will then show a full- screen representation of the current loaded level. While this screen is on your monitor, you can make a copy of it on your Epson compatible printer by holding the Alternate key down and pressing the Help key. To stop the printing, all you have to do is press the same keys again. Note: The quality of the printing is related to the shades of grey because of the color and magnification required to put the whole map on the screen. It is possible to make a Degas picture file of the screen by pressing the right button while viewing the whole map on the screen. Be careful to place an "initialized" disk in the drive to receive the picture. The Hint Disk does not have enough room to hold many pictures. One saved, the picture can be loaded into Degas and manipulated to your hearts content. Clicking the "Read Hints" button places you in a "text viewer" mode. You will be asked to select an appropriate .DOC file. Once loaded, the screen will fill with text and several commands will be shown across the left bottom of the screen. NOTE: The cursor will only show on the left portion of the screen because all the commands are on the left portion of the screen. Don't let it bother you. We planned it that way. Clicking the F1 or pressing F1 will allow you to load a .DOC file over the one, if any, currently showing on the screen. Clicking the F2 or pressing F2 will allow you to print a "block" of text (see marking blocks of text below) or the whole document. Clicking the F3 or pressing F3 will allow you to "search" for a specific series of characters or word in the document. NOTE: the search mode ignores upper/lower cases and starts at the "top" of the screen. So, if you have already found a location where the word appears, it will be place on top of the screen and highlighted. To continue the search, scroll down one space and do the search again. You can also search in both directions. Clicking the F10 or pressing F10 will return you to the "map viewer" part of the program. Clicking the left "+" will move the text up one line. Clicking the left "-" will move the text down one line. Clicking the right "+" will move the text up one full screen. Clicking the right "-" will move the text down one full screen. Clicking the "T" will move to the top of the document. Clicking the "B" will move to the bottom of the document. Marking the start of a block is done by pressing the left button of the mouse while the cursor is on the top line you want highlighted. Marking the end of a block of text is done by pressing the right button of the mouse while the cursor is on the bottom line you want highlighted. Highlighted text can be printed by selecting F2 or clicking on the F2 at the bottom of the screen. This command will allow you to "view" on screen any low res, or medium resolution picture saved as Degas compressed on the disk. (.PC1 or .PC2) While viewing the picture, a "print" of the picture can be sent to your Epson compatible printer by holding down the Alternate key and pressing the Help key. If you encounter any problem with printing your pictures or overviews, make sure you have the proper selections made to the control panel as indicated by your Atari manuals for your printer. n