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The Mah-Jong program will then be able to find and use them. - February 23, 1993 Cheerful Chatter about the Scots Tune tile set and the Tartan tablecloths: One day I was playing Mah-Jong Solitaire, and an idea suddenly hit me: "We need a new Tile Set!" I thought that a musical motif would be 1) nice and 2) different, so I started designing. In a few minutes, I had an assortment of notes, rests, and other musical-type stuff, and it looked pretty drab. Not enough variety. "Hmmm," I thought, "we need something to tie this together. How about a song?" So I started looking for a melody. While thumbing through a book of Scottish songs that happened to be handy, I came across one that looked about the right size. (Actually, it was a bit longer than the number of tiles available, so it stops in mid-air, so to speak.) I particularly like the fact that this set comes out sort of pastel, because the blue staff turns the reds to pinks! This tile set inspired me to provide some tartan backgrounds to play it against. Believe me, I durn near went cross-eyed counting threads! I think the Barclay looks bestV with the set, though the MacGregor is my tartan... As a special incentive, if you send me the correct name of the tune at the usual Cali-Co. address, I'll send you a Really Great Recipe for Haggis, and, what the heck, a recipe for Edinburgh Rock, too! (No kidding!) Have fun! Fiona Cali-Co. superior software PO Box 9873 Madison, WI 53715 608-255-6523 Mah Jong 3.0 Tile Set 0 Stars Fiona jan 11 1993 Harumph 144 36 0 0 0 -1 4 326     <<""""rr`pp        4 326 wPP  PPw4 326   !!""$$Wpp  ppW$$""!!  4 326   !!""$$Wpp`ppW$$""!!  4 326           pp`pp          4 326 wPP`PPw4 326 ww`PP  PPw`w4 326   QQuuQQ  ߐ`QQuuQQ  4 326 uQQ  ߐ`QQu4 326 {}~wP Pw~}{4 326  !{"}$~Wp pW$~"}!{ 4 326  !{"}$~WppppW$~"}!{ 4 326      pppp     4 326 {}~wPppPw~}{4 326 wz}zwwpP Pwwpz}zw4 326 wwPP߀ PPww4 326 ߀ ބ!!݂""ہ$$WWpp߀ ppWWہ$$݂""ބ!!߀ 4 326 ߀ ބ!!݂""ہ$$WWpp``ppWWہ$$݂""ބ!!߀ 4 326 ߀ ߀ ߀ ߀ ߀ pp``pp߀ ߀ ߀ ߀ ߀ 4 326 wwPP``PPww4 326 wwww``PP߀ PPww``ww4 326   QQuwPP  PPwuQQ  4 326     """"rr`rr""""    4 326         pp`rr""""<<    4 326  Q{}u~}uQ{ wpQ{}u~}uQ{ 4 326 {}~}uQ{ wpQ{}u~}{4 326  Q{}u~wP Pw~}uQ{ 4 326   ~"}"}r}ppr}"}"}~  4 326   ~ } }p}ppr""<  4 326   <""rppp} } }~  4 326 ߀ QQuuuuQQ߈ ``QQuuuuQQ߀ 4 326 uuQQ߈ ``QQuu4 326 ߀ QQuuwwPP߀ PPwwuuQQ߀ 4 326 ߀ ߀ ݂""݂""rr``rr݂""݂""߀ ߀ 4 326 ߀ ߀ ߂ ߂ pp``rr݀""݀""À<<߀ ߀ 4 326 ߀ ߀ À<<݀""݀""rr``pp߂ ߂ ߀ ߀ Mah Jong 3.0 Tablecloth Tartans 4 MacGregor 61 62 -1 2022 =>*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBWUTBUQUUUQUTBUPUUUSUTBUPUUUSUTBUPUUUSUTBUP)UETU]WUTUPUUBUSUTkUPUUBUS]WUPUUUSUT@UPUUUSUT@UP+UETU]WUTUPUU@USUTUPUU@USUTUPUU@USUTUPUU@USUTUPUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBW*UTZUBWMacLeod 51 51 -1 1670 33UjUj@ ժ@TT UjUj@ ժ@TT@ժ@TTUjUj@ժ@TTUjUj@ժ@TT UjUj@ ժ@TT UjUj@J~~@WW@@??]W]W@@WW@@0]W]W@@WW@@]W]W@@WW@@]W]W@@WW@@]W]W@ 򪯪@WW@@]W]W@[[88X]W]W@Р`@WW@`@` ]W]W@```@WWN@N@@]W]W@@@@@WWGO?]W]W@ @WW@@q]W]W@`@WW@@@]W]W@@WW@@pժ@TT|UjUj@ժ@TTUjUj@?ժ@TT@@UjUj@```ժ@TT UjUj@@oUjUj@ժ@TTakWvUjUj@ժ@TT `Jararvellir 68 68 -1 2766 DDUU@** *UUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPP*UUU@UU*UU_UPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU @ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@*UUPPU@ UPUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUUU@@U**uUUUUU@UUuU`UU@@PPUUU*uUUP)Barclay 66 66 -1 2686 BBUUUUUUUUEnUUUU@o*UUUʪUUUU@ʪʪ*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@*UUUUU@U*@UUUOUU@U*@UUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUUUUUUUJUUUʪUUOUU@U*@ʪUUUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪUUUʪUUOUU@U*UJʪ*UUUʪUUUUUU@U ʪ*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@*UUUUUUU@ Mah Jong 3.0 Tablecloth Castle 1 Castle Picture #1 319 189 -1 30406 ?   ߿ @Zo   8! 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(These will be on our current production disks, too.) They will also work with the 3.0 DEMO available on Genie and all major software libraries. If you know someone who has Mah-Jong Solitaire and is not on this service, please pass the download along to them. Thank you. To use the new layouts, tile sets, or backgrounds: put the new items in the appropriate folders on your Mah-Jong disk or in your hard drive. The .LAX go in the LAYOUTS folder, the .TAB go in the TBLCLOTH folder, and the .TIL go in the TILES folder. The Mah-Jong program will then be able to find and use them. - JUNE 22, 1993 Cheerful Chatter about the Scots Tune tile set and the Tartan tablecloths: One day I was playing Mah-Jong Solitaire, and an idea suddenly hit me: "We need a new Tile Set!" I thought that a musical motif would be 1) nice and 2) different, so I started designing. In a few minutes, I had an assortment of notes, rests, and other musical-type stuff, and it looked pretty drab. Not enough variety. "Hmmm," I thought, "we need something to tie this together. How about a song?" So I started looking for a melody. While thumbing through a book of Scoxttish songs that happened to be handy, I came across one that looked about the right size. (Actually, it was a bit longer than the number of tiles available, so it stops in mid-air, so to speak.) I particularly like the fact that this set comes out sort of pastel, because the blue staff turns the reds to pinks! This tile set inspired me to provide some tartan backgrounds to play it against. Believe me, I durn near went cross-eyed counting threads! I think the Barclay looks best with the set, though the MacGregor is my tartan... As a special incentive, if you send me the correct name of the tune at the usual Cali-Co. address, I'll send you a Really Great Recipe for Haggis, and, what the heck, a recipe for Edinburgh Rock, too! (No kidding!) Have fun! Fiona Cali-Co. superior software PO Box 9873 Madison, WI 53715 608-255-6523