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Your mission profile is: Launch, orbit the earth for 12 hours at 215 km then 12 hours at 260 km, followed by deorbiting and landing at Edwards Air Force Base. @The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) allows scientists to expose experiments to space over a long period of time. Your mission is to orbit a set of experiments from the European Space Agency in an LDEF vehicle into an orbit of 240 km (at 29 degrees) with the RMS. You will also launch a Telstar satellite from an orbit of 285 km (at 30 degrees). Upon completion, deorbit to land at Edwards Air Force Base. @The deployment of the Hubble Space Telescope will allow astronomers to see further into the universe than ever before. You will use the RMS to deploy the telescope in an orbit of 300 km. After deployment you should land at the White Sands landing site. @The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) contains experiments that have been exposed to space for an extended period of time. Your flight plan starts with launching the Orbiter and maneuvering to a matching orbit with the LDEF. After matching orbits use the MMU to retrieve the LDEF and place it into the payload bay. Be sure to lock the LDEF into place once it is in the bay. The designated landing site for this mission is Edwards Air Force Base. @This mission includes the deployment of two communications satellites, a Westar and an Intelsat. You are to launch the Orbiter and bring it to an orbit of 240km (at 29 degrees) in order to launch the Westar satellite. Next you will maneuver the Orbiter into an orbit of 260km (at 28 degrees) to deploy the Intelsat. Make sure to test each satellite before you launch them. Upon completion of your orbital objectives, deorbit and land at the White Sands landing site. @Your flight plan calls for you to deploy a Leasat satellite. After launching the Orbiter you will test and then deploy the Leasat satellite into orbit at 240km (orbital angle of 29 degrees). Deorbit for a landing at Edwards Air Force Base. @The TDRS satellite is capable of providing tracking, telemetry, data, and command services for the Orbiter and a variety of other space vehicles. Your flight plan includes launching the Orbiter and deploying the TDRS satellite in an orbit of 295km (at 30 degrees). The TDRS will then propell itself into a higher orbit. Make sure to test the satellite before you launch it. After deployment you should deorbit and land the Orbiter at Edwards Air Force Base. @ *** CLASSIFIED *** This is an official military mission. You are to first test and then deploy a classified military satellite into an orbit of 260km (at 29 degrees). After completion of your orbital objectives you will deorbit and proceed to land at the White Sands landing site. @ *** CLASSIFIED *** A military reconnaissance satellite needs to be recovered and returned to earth so that its recorded data can be analyzed. You will need to match orbits with the satellite and use the MMU to maneuver the satellite into the bay. Make sure to lock the satellite down. Upon completion of your orbital activities deorbit and land at Edwards Air Force Base. @The Hubble Space Telescope, which is used to allow astronomers to view deep into space, has been damaged. You will launch the Orbiter and repair the telescope. After matching orbits with the telescope, use the MMU to go out and repair it. If the telescope cannot be repaired you will need to maneuver the telescope into the bay for return to Earth. Make sure to lock the telescope into the bay if you are forced to return it to Earth. The landing site for this mission is Edwards Air Force Base. @A Westar satellite has malfunctioned. You are to repair or retrieve the satellite. After matching orbits with the Westar use the MMU to repair it. If the satellite cannot be repaired you will need to maneuver the satellite into the bay, lock it down, and return to Earth. The landing site for this mission is Edwards Air Force Base. @A Palapa satellite has ceased transmission and must be returned to Earth. Launch the Orbiter into an appropriate orbit to retrieve the crippled Palapa. After matching orbits with it use the MMU to place the satellite into the bay and lock it down. Edwards Air Force Base is the landing site. @This is a space station construction mission. Your objective is to take up a new module to add to the frame of the U.S. Space Station. You will need to match orbits with the space station frame and use the RMS to remove the module from the bay then use the MMU to go out and attach it to the the existing space station assembly. When you have attached the module return to Edwards Air Force Base. @This mission is to rendezvous with the U.S. Space Station. After a computer controlled launch you will use the Orbital Display on the CRT to help fly to the Station. After the rendezvous you will deorbit for a landing at Edwards Air Force Base. @Your mission is to rendezvous with a Telstar satellite that has had an electronics malfunction and repair it using the MMU. If you cannot repair the satellite, put it in the bay for return to earth. After your repair or recovery is complete deorbit and land at Edwards Air Force Base. @Your mission is to rendezvous with a crippled Westar satellite and repair it using the MMU. If you cannot accomplish the repair, leave the satellite in orbit. When you complete your Orbital activities deorbit and land at Edwards Air Force Base. @  First, thanks for purchasing ORBITER. I would like to take this opportunity to provide a bit of background on this product and our company, Spectrum HoloByte, a division of SPHERE, INC. ORBITER DEVELOPMENT The initial outline for ORBITER was begun in the Autumn of 1984, with full-time design and coding initiated in July 1985. During the nine-month development period between design and marketing, we amassed a program source code of over 600 single-spaced pages. We've concentrated on realism in this simulation because of the shuttle's high public visibility and because that is what our GATO users said they wanted to see. Above all, we wanted to create an entertaining vehicle for making the world more aware of what really goes on in a shuttle launch. ORBITER is a simulation, not an arcade game, though we feel it is fun as well as instructional. Holograms: The ORBITER hologram was done by Light Impressions of Ben Lomond, CA. Holograms are laser-generated "photographs" taken of solid objects, using mirrors to provide a 360 degree view. Laser-generated holograms require a direct light source to be viewed properly, meaning either sunlight or an incandescent lamp. Fluorescent lights are too diffuse to provide sharp viewing of an image. The ORBITER hologram, which was placed on the outside of the first 10,000 boxes, is of a ceramic and metal model which was set in isolation on metal mounts and allowed to sit for one week to let the vibrations reach equilibrium with its surroundings. If the object moves 1 millionth of an inch during the 20 minute exposure, the shot must be re-taken. SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE We are often asked about the origin of the name "HoloByte." Essentially, it is our word for a computer-generated hologram. We took the name because of our interest in 3-D computer animation and because we intend to come as close to on-screen holography as possible. For those of you not familiar with us, we were incorporated November 1, 1983 as a computer software publishing company specializing in graphics. While our game, GATO, put us on the map, it has always been our goal to maintain the same high quality in all of our products. Through the Spectrum HoloByte product line, the company introduced entertainment software products in several new areas: mystery, strategy, relax and enjoy, graphics quest, and arcade-style games. At the same time, Spectrum Holobyte added several games to its traditional line of high quality simulations. SPHERE, INC. was formed in early 1987 with the merger of Spectrum HoloByte, a company with several years of experience in software publishing, and Nexa Corporation, a highly respected group of software developers. The new company was acquired by Pergamon Press of London, England. SPHERE has a sister software company, Mirrorsoft, in London to assist with the international market. All operations for SPHERE, INC. are now consolidated into new headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area. The direction of SPHERE, INC. will be to continue to enhance the Spectrum HoloByte line by producing more top quality simulations (in the tradition of FALCON and PT-109) and other entertainment, productivity and educational products. We remain dedicated to bringing you the best possible software at a good value and prompt, courteous support. While we can't address every suggestion that is made, we do listen. We've incorporated a lot of the suggestions regarding GATO into ORBITER and FALCON. Thanks for "listening." Phillip G. Adam, President - Spectrum HoloByte Gilman G. Louie, CEO - Spectrum HoloByte 2061 Challenger Drive Alameda, CA 94501 (415)522-3584 g  id$THE SHUTTLE ERA: The reusable Space Transportation System marks a new era for the space age. With the emergence of reusable components, multi-million dollar throw-away boosters are mostly a thing of the past. The Shuttle can best be described as a "space van" designed to carry cargo into space. The Space Shuttle costs about $35 million per flight and can carry up to 29,500 kg of payload as compared with the "expendable" $25 million Delta rockets used to launch 5,000 pound payloads during the late 1970's and early 1980's. In fact, the Shuttle lifts 13 times as much as a Delta, at only a 50% increase in cost. The Orbiter is designed to last for one hundred flights and is both a spacecraft and aircraft. It is about the size of a DC-9 airliner and is launched with a combination of solid and liquid rocket engines. The launch configuration is centered around the External Tank (ET) which contains fuel for the three Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSME's) located at the base of the Orbiter. Attacked to the side of the ET are a pair of Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB's) which provide the majority of thrust for liftoff. The SSME's are the most advanced liquid-fuel rocket engines ever built. Each SSME has a rated thrust of 1.6 million newtons at sea level. Propellants for the SSME's are contained in the ET and are fed into the Orbiter's aft fuselage by two large conduits. The SRB's produce a total of about 2.4 million newtons of thrust at liftoff. Two minutes into launch the SRB's are discarded and land in the Ocean to be recovered for re-use. Eight minutes into the flight, the ET is jettisoned over the Indian Ocean and is the only shuttle component not retrieved for re-use. A BRIEF HISTORY: A Space Shuttle Task Group was formed at NASA in April of 1969 to start Phase A, the conceptual stage of the project. The Phase A plan was studied by a dozen aerospace companies after which NASA held a preliminary review at the Museum of Natural History in Washington in October of 1969. Early in 1970 NASA released an artist's impression of its new, winged spaceship, as it appeared from the preliminary Phase B study. Because of budgetary constraints, many beneficial compromises had to be made thus delaying approval of the tree-element Shuttle System by President Nixon on 5 January 1972. The decision to use twin, solid-propellant rocket motors was settled in March of 1972 with Rockwell International (then North American Rockwell Corporation) as prime contractor. The program was to cost $2.6 billion over six years for an envisioned program of 570 Shuttle flights for the 1980's and 1990's. Testing of the first Orbiter, dubbed "Enterprise" at the request of fans of the science fiction television series "Star Trek", began at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards AFB in February 1977. A sequence of unmanned, then manned, captive flight tests was conducted. On 12 August 1977, manned free-flight tests began when Fred W. Haise and C. Gordon Fullerton flew the 75-ton glider around a U-shaped course to a flawless landing after it had separated from the specially modified 747 aircraft at 6,950 meters. How the Orbiter would handle in the high atmosphere at hypersonic velocity only an orbial test-flight would tell. The approach and landing tests at Edwards ended in October of 1977. Orbiter "Enterprise" was then sent to Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama for eight months of structural vibration tests. The Shuttle was scheduled to make its first manned test flight in March of 1978. A series of problems developed which delayed the project until early 1981. An initial launch date of 10 April 1981 for the Orbiter "Columbia" was set by NASA, though it was not until April 12, at am EST did she lift off from Launch Comples 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The initial setback was caused by computer communications problems. Commanding the first Shuttle launch was John W. Young with Capt. Robert L. Crippen as pilot. Columbia made a safe re-entry on 14 April, with only a few missing tiles after flying from a Mach 25 orbital velocity through a 8,148 km glide to a perfect touchdown on Runway 23, Edwards AFB, California, just 54 hours and 22 minutes after lift-off. Five Orbiters have been built: Challenger OV-099 ** Was a test vehicle, lost 1/28/86. Enterprise OV-101 ** Test vehicle, non flyable. Columbia OV-102 Discovery OV-103 Atlantis OV-104 ** ORBITER DIMENSIONS ** Length: 37.24 meters Height: 17.27 meters Wingspan: 23.79 meters Cargo Bay: 18.3 x 4.6 meters Weight (empty): 75,000 kg Lift-off weight: 2,040.816 kg ** EXTERNAL TANK DIMENSIONS ** Length: 47 meters Diameter: 8.38 meters Weight (empty): 35,400 kg Lift-off weight: 743,253 kg ** SOLID ROCKET BOOSTER DIMENSIONS ** Length: 45.5 meters Diameter: 3.7 meters Weight at launch: 586,506 kg Thrust at launch: 11,800,000 newtons ** OVERALL STS DIMENSIONS ** Length: 56.1 meters Height: 23.4 meters Lift-off weight: 2,040,816 kg ** SPEEDS ** @T+0:00:50 Mach 1.0 @T+0:02:12 Mach 4.5 @T+0:06:30 Mach 23.5 ** SHUTTLE ALTITUDE LIMITS ** Low Orbit: 240 km Maximum payload Standard Orbit: 400 km Normal payload Maximum Orbit: 1,100 km Minimal payload ** ORIBTER MATERIALS ** Aluminum is the major structural material, used with boron and kevlar where appropriate. The bay doors are a graphite/epoxy composite. Thermal protection is provided by four types of materials: 1. Coated Reinforced Carbon-Carbon (RCC is a graphite cloth chemically converted silicon carbide). 2. High-temperature Reusable Surface Insulation (HRSI is formed silicia formed by ceramic bonding). 3. Low-temperature Reusable Surface Insulation (LRSI is basically the same as the HRSI, except for different optical properties). 4. Flexible Reusable Surface Insulation (FRSI is coated Nomex Felt). RCC is used on the nose caps and leading edges (usually grey colored). HRSI tiles are black tiles, while LRSI and FRSI show as white areas. The ET uses a variety of foam coverings, the most important being abalative, while its structure is aluminum. The SRB's use the same materials, with some fiberglass in key areas. The SRB structure is comprised of various aluminum alloys. G oi 8tT Approximately 15,000 man made objects have been placed in orbit since Sputnik I was launched in 1957. As of 30 October 1985 - 5,783 are still in orbit. Almost three-quarters of these objects are space debris, or "space junk." Of the 1,500 or so objects not considered junk, only about one-fifth are operable. Some of these objects may be satellites (in some form of orbit), or probes which may fly by or land on another celestial body. In general these devices can be grouped by function: COMMUNICATION SATELLITES: The first true communications satellite, Telstar I funded by AT&T, was launched into low Earth orbit on 10 July 1962. Since that time communication "live via satellite" has been accepted as part of everyday life. Telephone, television, radio, and telex have all improved dramatically, becoming more efficient and less expensive through the use of the present day Intelsat, Westar, Telstar, SBS, and Galaxy satellites. The military uses these and dedicated military communications satellites for their command and control networks. NAVIGATION SATELLITES: Today's navigation satellites allow a soldier on the battle field to pinpoint his location to within 2 meters, position a ballistic missile submarine (or its missiles in flight), guide a freighter through a reef, or allow a sailor to know his position day or night, rain or shine. SCIENCE SATELLITES: Weather reporting, atmospheric research, cartography, agriculture, oceanography, forestry, mining, earthquake detection, solar and planetary probes - these are just a few of the scientific uses in which satellites are employed. The first weather observation from space was via a family of satellites known as TIROS (Television and Infrared Observation Satellite), launched in the period from 1960 to 1965. The weather satellite is now an established tool of the meteorologist in most countries of the world. The study of weather and the atmosphere prompted scientists to look more closely at other planetary uses (as those listed above) and inspired the creation of a whole family of Earth resource satellites. The U.S. made initial launches with the Landsat and Seasat series and the U.S.S.R. launched the Salyut and Cosmos series. ENGINEERING ACTIVITIES: Engineering experiments are carried out using various special purpose satellites, probes, habitats, and Orbiter flights. The Surveyor probe tested soft landing techniques for the Apollo lunar landings, the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) allows material testing, and the SkyLab/SpaceLab flights conducted important materials research. Construction experiments were tested and performed in the first Skylab and during several Orbiter flights. In the case of the Skylab program the construction performed was for actual use; if the techniques had failed the program would have failed. SPACE PROBES: Orbital space exploration began in low Earch orbit with Sputnik and Explorer satellites in the late 1950's. During the 1960's spacecraft orbited and landed on the moon while others approached Venus and Mars. The 1970's saw additional planetary exploration of Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn by the Mariner, Pioneer, Viking, and Voyager probes. The 1980's witnessed the fly-bys of comets, asteroids, and a visit of Voyager 2 to both Uranus and Neptune. the world's first engineering study of an unmanned "starship" (named Daedalus) was made between 1973 and 1977 by a technical group of the British interplanetary Society. Just as the early satellites helped to perpare us for space walks and moon landings, so too these deep space probes will provide information to help prepare for the time when starships will no longer be science fiction, but a reality. MILITARY SATELLITES: From the beginnings of space flight military uses have been saught for space vehicles. The Military employs a great deal of the available capacity of the navigation, weather, and communication satellites. In addition, distinctly military applications are pursued such as reconnaissance and targeting. The U.S. Discoverer, Big Bird, Vela, and Key Hole satellites are known to be related to these activities, as are many Russian Vostok and Cosmos flights. The names of any current military vehicles are closely guarded secrets as demonstrated by the cloak of secrecy around recent Space Shuttle flights. ASATs (Anit-Satellite systems), designed specifically to destroy satellites or to significantly impair their performance, came into being in the middle to late 1960's. These have been tested and/or used by both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. Since much of the world has come to depend upon satellites for both civilian and military applications, a large debate has centered on the development of these types of defense systems, the most controversial being President Reagan's Strategic Defensive Initiative (commonly called "Star Wars"). Most ASAT weapons are of the "kamikaze" variety: that is, they collide with the target in order to destroy it. Current research is being conducted by both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. on laser and particle beam weapon systems. Lasers inflict damage by heating a target's sensors, antennas or power systems. Particle beams destroy an object by focusing high amounts of energy and radiation on the target. This energy tends to heat the target, like a laser, and the radiation ruins the electronics. America's Space Shuttle has considerable military significance. It is thought that it may be used for external inspection and possible internal examination of the components of most low orbiting satellites. This is understandably considered "unacceptable espionage" by most other countries. The next generation of U.S. reconnaissance satellites is being designed for deployment and recovery by the Shuttle System. To outfit any of the Shuttles with real weapons is unlikely as the Orbiters are very fragile and few in number. ] First, thanks for purchasing ORBITER. I would like to take this opportunity to provide a bit of background on this product and our company, Spectrum HoloByte, a division of SPHERE, INC. ORBITER DEVELOPMENT The initial outline for ORBITER was begun in the Autumn of 1984, with full-time design and coding initiated in July 1985. During the nine-month development period between design and marketing, we amassed a program source code of over 600 single-spaced pages. We've concentrated on realism in this simulation because of the shuttle's high public visibility and because that is what our GATO users said they wanted to see. Above all, we wanted to create an entertaining vehicle for making the world more aware of what really goes on in a shuttle launch. ORBITER is a simulation, not an arcade game, though we feel it is fun as well as instructional. Holograms: The ORBITER hologram was done by Light Impressions of Ben Lomond, CA. Holograms are laser-generated "photographs" taken of solid objects, using mirrors to provide a 360 degree view. Laser-generated holograms require a direct light source to be viewed properly, meaning either sunlight or an incandescent lamp. Fluorescent lights are too diffuse to provide sharp viewing of an image. The ORBITER hologram, which was placed on the outside of the first 10,000 boxes, is of a ceramic and metal model which was set in isolation on metal mounts and allowed to sit for one week to let the vibrations reach equilibrium with its surroundings. If the object moves 1 millionth of an inch during the 20 minute exposure, the shot must be re-taken. SPECTRUM HOLOBYTE We are often asked about the origin of the name "HoloByte." Essentially, it is our word for a computer-generated hologram. We took the name because of our interest in 3-D computer animation and because we intend to come as close to on-screen holography as possible. For those of you not familiar with us, we were incorporated November 1, 1983 as a computer software publishing company specializing in graphics. While our game, GATO, put us on the map, it has always been our goal to maintain the same high quality in all of our products. Through the Spectrum HoloByte product line, the company introduced entertainment software products in several new areas: mystery, strategy, relax and enjoy, graphics quest, and arcade-style games. At the same time, Spectrum Holobyte added several games to its traditional line of high quality simulations. SPHERE, INC. was formed in early 1987 with the merger of Spectrum HoloByte, a company with several years of experience in software publishing, and Nexa Corporation, a highly respected group of software developers. The new company was acquired by Pergamon Press of London, England. SPHERE has a sister software company, Mirrorsoft, in London to assist with the international market. All operations for SPHERE, INC. are now consolidated into new headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area. The direction of SPHERE, INC. will be to continue to enhance the Spectrum HoloByte line by producing more top quality simulations (in the tradition of FALCON and PT-109) and other entertainment, productivity and educational products. We remain dedicated to bringing you the best possible software at a good value and prompt, courteous support. While we can't address every suggestion that is made, we do listen. We've incorporated a lot of the suggestions regarding GATO into ORBITER and FALCON. Thanks for "listening." Phillip G. Adam, President - Spectrum HoloByte Gilman G. Louie, CEO - Spectrum HoloByte 2061 Challenger Drive Alameda, CA 94501 (415)522-3584 ik?_x @p ?  | -   (  9 cG -  { ,  -  ?2`  C  !  ?0@` `@0 `0             p    , Į 0d `?4 `?<`?<`?4/?`?4qqé`?4ǩ`?4Aǩp`p?4 P`P?4<<(P`P?0(P`P?0 P`P?7(P`P?0(P`P?0ww(P`P?0(P`P?0w( w(P`P?0 w(P`P?0 (P`P?0(P`P?0(P`P?0(P`P?0(P`P?0(P`P?0(P`P?0(P`P?03?(P`P?03?(P`P?03?(P`P?037(P`P?077(77(P`P?077(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?0gg(P`P?077(77P`P?777P`P?077P`P?0P`P?0P`P?0P`P?0P`P?0P`P?0P`P?0P`P?0P`P?0P`P?0gg~44P`P?0qq77pP`P?00 0P`P?0 0 5pP`P?003ppppp57pP`P?127pP`P?757p`P`P003300p`P`P00pxpx3939>>``P`P00>>`P`P0000__`P9`P00`P`P00~~rr@@`P`P00::@@urur``00zz   00````00B  ??M??   Q?? ??? ?? ????????? ????? ??????????N ?? ?%?z???????????????????????????? ?(``?  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