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"Mr. Mason's behavior is clearly out of order!". "Objection sustained."You are in the courtroom. Hamilton Burger has called his fifth witness, Russell Miller.Hamilton Burger's last question was: "Thank you, Mr. Mason", says the District Attorney with a sardonic grin. "For my next witness, I'd like to call Mr. Russell Miller." Russell Miller lightly steps forward. He is a wirey man, no more than 5'6", with short, black hair, olive skin and thick glasses. He is impeccably dressed in a pinstripe suit, $150 Swiss shoes, silk necktie and handkerchief, and 18K gold cufflinks. He sits in the witness box and takes his oath impatiently.Russell Miller is small and wirey, with Mediterranean features. He is dressed even more nicely than you.***"Russell, describe yourself to the court.""Russell, did you know Victor?""What institute was that?""Russell, do you know Laura?""Did you socialize with Victor?""Did you conduct business with Victor?""Russell, was Victor faithful to the defendant?""Did you see Victor on regular dates?""Did Victor love Margot?"The District Attorney approaches the witness box warily. For a moment, he looks the witness over, as if he could see right through Miller's glamorous facade. Burger lashes out, "Mr. Miller, as a witness, you are to answer the questions to the best of your ability -- not to give us your uninformed opinion as to how these proceedings should be run! Please confine your responses to what is being asked!" Miller shrinks back from the District Attorney's outburst, and Burger continues with his next question.Burger stands face to face with the witness. "Before answering the next question, Mr. Miller, I would like to remind you that you are under oath." Russell Miller nods his head in recognition. Miller rolls his eyes in disbelief. "My name is Russell Miller. I am a free lance restaurant critic. I've been published in every important Los Angeles restaurant guide there is. I am also a very busy man, so let's not waste any time with trivial questions, shall we?""Sure I knew him," sputters Miller. "We met at the Institute, and since then have circulated in the same social cliques.""We studied at the Culinary Institute of America," Miller replies in a dignified air. "It is perhaps the finest chefs' school in the world."Miller answers haughtily, "Of course I know her. In fact, I was one of the first to know that she had been committed to an asylum. That sort of news travels quickly within our social circle. I'm sure you know how it is." Miller smiles smugly."Oh, all the time! Heck, we're considered important people in our field. There's plenty of people who would love to entertain us.""Uh, no.Not in the last few years." Miller grins weakly.Miller seems slightly shocked by the question. "Victor? No way! How can you expect a man of his reputation to wait patiently for an entire year until his crazy wife gets released from the looney bin? No, Victor fooled around. Alot.""I sure did. For the last several months, Victor had been bringing Margot Duboq to nearly every social function he went to.""You better believe it. It was pretty well known that they were planning to get married once Victor could secure a divorce."Burger parades back to his seat. The District Attorney returns to his seat. "Your witness, counselor.""Objection overruled," decides the judge."On what grounds are you objecting, Mr. Mason?""Objection sustained," agrees the judge.pm24pm24##'Rr%Lfc$18 + Q  7 a lk&l&yC[!FIF@F7F .F %F F F   Fy#&y&v  F:d    FFOM  F7F.F%F F F  F d ( :FN"[ = W  l7[+43&l&yyU&y&3&;&i&B&D&k&I&T&_&c&d&e&f&g&h&J&K&L 37[,&?B#_ _=_4#_ _=_l_ #_ __&_4&kN~#_ _?_!_h4   5C  5 - 5 5 #_ ___ #_ ___ 4&k"4  4 #_!_+I__#_!_I_+_#_! _+K_h#_! _+L_+N#_! _K_4#_! _L_+#_!_+__DI 45  45&I$#_! _+L$$@f#_! _+L@_r#_! _+L@_X#_!___+>$4#_! _+Lf$#_! ___"T 4545&T#_!___N#_!___4#_! ___;#_! ____ 45  45&_i#_! _+L _4#_! __ _#_! _+_ _c 45  45 &c#_! _+_;_$#_! _$_;_+#_! _+I_$_r#_! _$_+_X&N]___N#_! _+KN4#_! _+K_$#_! _+K;_$N[$e 45#  4"5#&e #!d 45!&k 45!&k&d $ !#_!_+m_ _4 #_! _+I_ _#_! _ I_+_#_! _+I__ #_! _ I__+#_! _+_ _#_! _+__|$+r%ėh#_! _+__N#_! _+__4#_! _+I_ #_! _+I _#g 45& 45&&g #_! _+I_ _#_! _ I_+_#_! _+I__ h#_! _ I__+N#_! _+K_ 4#_! _+K_ #_! _+V_+V`&J 45(  45(&J&9 )'h45'&k45'&h&k  $#_!_+O_N?#_!_+_T$#_!_+_T_#_! __+$#_!_+I_$r#_! __+$X#_!__+$>&KV___4#_! _+K<_#_! __K<L]'L 45*  45*&L&9K 45) 45) &K9&N]___4#_!_+IN_#_!_+I_$_[44&N]___4#_! _+N_#_! _+_$_4#_! __N?#_! _+__4p%84#_!_$__#_! _+N_4 -%N#_! ___!L 7 #!4&/&g444 4, 5 4, 5 4  + 4 ~| 4,5-,5. $5/,50 ,51, 52, $" 5354, 55, 56  &keg/L KNC&C&Ck?CY   5C  5 - 5 5 &k7N7TA`7'b1 R h U p q %/4GLQSUZ\^dfior"Yes, it's true, I was the only one besides Victor who could handle Fritzie.""I believe I've already answered that question for you, counselor. "I seem to remember that Victor smoked clove cigarettes."Suzanne gives you a puzzled look. "I don't think I'm the right person to answer that question, Mr. Mason.""I honestly don't know how that earring got in Victor's apartment. Maybe I lost it there at a party, I'm not really sure."Suzanne Masters has all the trappings of refinement and sophistication. She sits in perfect posture, chin held up proudly, and legs crossed at the proper angle."That looks like a love letter from Margot to Victor. It doesn't surprise me. Everyone knew they were having an affair."Suzanne returns quickly to her seat. Suzanne looks down her nose at you. Suzanne looks down at her fingernails. Suzanne fidgets in her chair. You notice that Suzanne has folded her arms in front of her, and is slowly rocking back and forth in her seat."Julian and I met at the Barstow Kennels.""Victor was an extremely difficult man to read, Mr. Mason, and I feel completely unqualified to comment on his relationship with Laura.""Victor? Passionate...intense...He was an exciting man to be around, Mr. Mason. It's so hard to believe he's dead. He had his cruel side, but you have to make allowances for a man as dymanic and driven as Victor was. I know I miss him. I'm sure others do too.""Mr. Mason! Are you crazy? Really! I wish I could help Laura more than I can, but you're not going to help her by accusing her best friend of murdering her husband!""Victor was a cad, Mr. Mason. I knew that, but I still loved him. I most certainly did not kill him.""Mr. Mason, I don't have the slightest idea "Objection your honor," interrupts the District Attorney, "Defense has not introduced the into evidence." Objection sustained," agrees the judge. Burger rises from his chair, his face beet red. "Objection, your honor! Mr. Mason's brutal, grandstand tactics have no place in a court of law!" "Objection sustained. Mr. Mason, it is not thecourt's prerogative to tell you how to present your case, but it would be in the best interest of the proceedings if you would show more compassion.""Object, your honor!" "Objection sustained.""The witness begins to speak, then breaks down, too unnerved to continue.The witness looks more composed.Suzanne looks at the but doesn't really seem to care.You are in the courtroom. Suzanne Masters is on the witness stand for cross examination.Laura and I were very close friends, Mr. Mason. Why, I was one of the only people to visit her when she was ill.""Now that you mention it, Laura arrived at about 2:30 in the afternoon. She was definitely acting strangely, as if something was deeply troubling her. She looked like she was in a hurry. Her hair was knotty and uncombed. Why, she never even took off her overcoat for the entire time she visited me! She left at about 3:00."To be quite honest, Mr. Mason, I had trouble understanding exactly what Laura was talking about. She did mention something about Victor having an affair, but I couldn't follow her reasoning. She even mentioned something about Margot Duboq, but I didn't ask for specifics."Needless to say, I was shocked when I saw the gun in Laura's purse, but I decided not to say anything. She seemed so...disturbed, and I was afraid she would cause a scene if I mentioned the gun.If you are insinuating, Mr. Mason, that my relationship with the decedent was anything more than platonic, you are surely mistaken." Suzanne looks over toward the jury and smiles."Very well, Mr. Mason," Suzanne hisses, "If you really want to know, I'll tell you. Yes, Victor and I were having an affair. We met the first month Victor came out to LA, months before I met Julian. I loved him, but he was too unpredictable, so I went for the security that Julian could offer me. But I never really got over Victor, and it didn't take much convincing on his part that we should still see each other."I don't know the first thing about that dog, Mr. Mason.""I see you've done your homework, Mr. Mason. Fritzie - that's the dog's name - was a Doberman Pinscher. In fact, just before Julian and I were married, we decided to give Victor a dog. Fritzie had just been born, so we trained her at the Barstow Kennels, where we were working, then gave her to Victor."Our marriage isn't perfect, Mr. Mason. Like many couples, we go through good times and bad times. Thank you for asking, though."Julian and I have not been doing very well at all. We moved into separate bedrooms a few months ago."As Julian pointed out, Mr. Mason, we returned from the Mandarin's opening at around ten o'clock p.m., then went directly to bed."I did leave the house for a little bit. I went to a pharmacy to pick up a newspaper for Julian. Unfortunately nobody saw me, so I can't say I have an airtight alibi."pm04pm04 the the to the ."= W h"Objection, your honor!" interrupts the district attorney. "Mr. Mason's behavior is clearly out of order!". "Objection sustained."You are in the courtroom. The District Attorney has called his seventh witness, Suzanne Masters.Hamilton Burger's last question was: "The Prosecution would now like to call the wife of Julian Masters, Suzanne Masters." Suzanne Masters saunters up to the witness box. She is dressed simply, yet elegantly. Her keen, steady eyes radiate a smiling welcome to the world at large, while continuously studying and evaluating her surroundings.Suzanne Masters has all the trappings of refinement and sophistication. She sits in perfect posture, chin held up proudly, and legs crossed at the proper angle.***"Do you know the defendant?""Did you see the defendant on Friday?""Did the defendant have a gun?""What was the defendant carrying?""Did you see this gun in Laura's purse?""Did you talk with the defendant?""Did the defendant talk about her husband's affair?""What did the defendant say about the affair?""How did the defendant look to you?""Describe the defendant's appearance.""Describe Laura's behavior."Burger approaches the witness. "Now, Mrs. Masters, we all realize that the temptation to protect your closest friend by not telling the entire truth is great. May I remind you that you are under oath, and that any willful giving of false information will constitute perjury?" Suzanne nods gravely.Burger turns to the courtroom, walks a few steps, then whirls back at Suzanne. Burger pauses until his anger passes, then resumes questioning. Burger points to the gun on the evidence table, The District Attorney drills into the witness. "Mrs. Masters, I remind you to answer the question succintly and directly, without any extraneous comments or opinions!" Suzanne begins to speak, but Burger cuts her off before she utters a word, The District Attorney turns toward the jury box. "Mrs. Masters, as the defendant's closest friend, you must be a good judge of her character and behavior." Suzanne stares coldly into the District Attorney's eyes. Suzanne takes a deep breath. "Certainly, Laura and I are as close as two friends could be. Why, even when she was in the... hospital, I frequently visited her.""Yes, I did. She came over to the house around 2:30 in the afternoon."Suzanne wrings her hands tightly, while maintaining her composure. "Yes. I saw she was carrying a gun in her purse."Suzanne bites her lip. "Well, I saw that she had... she had a gun in her purse."Suzanne hesitates for a minute, then looks cursorily at the revolver. "Yes. I'm sure that's the one." Suzanne bows her head."Of course I did!", Suzanne snaps angrily, "My goodness, Mr. Burger, do you think she came over just to borrow a cup of sugar?""Yes.""She said that Victor was definitely having an affair with someone. She was convinced that it was with Margot Duboq. Poor Laura was beside herself. Naturally, I felt awful for her.""Why, she looked positively awful, as if she had seen a ghost. I don't ever remember Laura looking so... so... desperate!"Suzanne looks dolefully toward Laura, then hesitates before answering. "She kept muttering angrily to herself... when I would ask her what she had just said, she would look at me with a puzzled look on her face, as if she didn't remember saying anything. It was awful!" Suzanne buries her face in her hands.""To be honest, Mr. Burger, I wouldn't know exactly how to describe it, except to say that it was peculiar. She kept muttering to herself, and when I'd ask her what she had just said, she would look at me strangely, as if she didn't remember saying anything. I was very worried about her."As Burger returns to his seat, he looks over at you with a victorious gleam in his eyes. Burger returns to his seat, his face beet red. "Your witness, counselor.""Mr. Mason, I'm going to overrule your objection," says the judge."What are your grounds for objection, counselor?""Point well taken, counselor. Objection sustained," agrees the judge.pm21pm21* :#Cf ~;b:k_5 `  M nVl}&l&yC[(F[FRFIF @F 7F .F %F  F F  Fy!&y&v<C[)F:F? ! i1w qe&vF:G    F51w qe&vF:G    Fv:wqe &&v F:G     F4w qe&vF:G     F 2w qe&vF:F     F P3w qe&v F:G     F 2w qe&vF:F     F 4w qe&vF:G    F  v?wqe&&&v&r&s &r&sF:F    Fc .w qe&v F:d   2 .w qe&v!F:d   Fv&v<' F:G   %  F  F A' F:F %  F  F`^ %  FIF@F 7F .F %F F  F  Fd:# *"F$N#= W Burger stands up. "Your honor, the prosecution is ready to end its case." The judge turns to the jurors. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it is now your responsibility to decide whether or not the defendant is guilty. If you have any reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the murder, than you must return a charge of "not guilty". May I remind you that a woman's fate lies in your hands." The jurors nod silently, as the bailiff escorts them to their chambers.You are in the courtroom, awaiting the jury's verdict.* * * * * * * * * * * * The jury returns to the courtroom. Several of the jury members look over in your direction and smile.One of the jurors stands up. "Your Honor, we have reached a verdict. We find the defendant NOT GUILTY of the charges brought against her."The bailiff turns to the judge. "Your Honor, I regret to announce that the case has returned a hung jury. No verdict can be passed at this time."None of the jurors look in your direction. One of the jurors stands up. "Your Honor, we have reached a verdict. We find the defendant GUILTY of murder in the first degree. We recommend that the full penalty of the law be used as the proper punishment for so heinous a crime."pmnclock***pm25pmnclos2***pmnclos3***pm26pmnclos4***(Ll &l&yy; D % F    :C[ ; W     FF :;:C[; :N B  V= W You are already sitting.You sit down in your seat.You are already You You stand and face the You spin in your chair so hard that you fall out of the chair and onto the floor. Embarassed, you pick yourself up, dust off, and return to your seat.Judge Northrup pales slightly as a frown grows on his face. "Mr. Mason, I am appalled by your flagrant disrespect of courtroom etiquette. You are hereby ordered to refrain from such displays, or you will be ruled in contempt of court." You realize that you have just received your final warning.You suspect that maybe you're pushing your luck with the Judge.Judge Northrup smashes the gavel repeatedly. "Mr.Mason, you have tested the patience of the court one time too many. I hereby charge you with contempt of court. You are to be dismissed from this case effective immediately. Furthermore, I am going to petition the Los Angeles Bar Association to have you disbarred. Court adjourned until a new defense attorney is found." Only after the judge storms out of the room do you realize that you just may have ruined your career. jury.judge.witness.courtroom.prosecution.Laura pulls on your arm before you embarass yourself.Judge Northrup turns to you. "Mr. Mason, the courtroom is not a place to make funny faces at the witness. Please show a little more respect." has lost composure, and pays no attention to you.None of the jurors notice your theatrics.Judge Northrup pays no attention to you.***You are already sitting.You sit down in your seat.You stand up. You are facing the judge.You are already standing.facing the jury.facing the judge.facing the witness.facing the courtroom.facing Hamilton Burger.TraggDorsetDr. CrossmanEd BurnsRussellJulianSuzanneMargot seems unaffected. takes notice. is startled.*4EJYc#c<BIR]j.a.?Qe{ &y&<&C""" """-$a"-S"-E"-7"-")" - "!-# "-!& *  :&< &&C V I<N&<  ,       E L &C  &C &C      la 1 + P1_ P1_0          .     * *   ր.       j j-    J  E   E-    C{-$G- >-!5-",-"##- $-#%-!&  ' ( ) &C)= W u$The has already been entered as evidence.You don't have that to enter as evidence. It is not in your inventory.After laying the foundation for the evidence, you hand it to Burger, who looks at it briefly and gives it to the court reporter. Judge Northrup accepts the evidence and says, "This is to be entered into evidence."You remember from your legal training that you can introduce evidence only during your examination of the witness. You carefully look around and are relieved to see that no one has noticed your sophomoric activity.,s*L-,% , ! , Q  ! = W You are in court. Suzanne Masters has just confessed to murdering Victor Kapp!Suzanne's wet cheeks are smeared with mascara. Her lips tremble as she speaks.Suddenly, Suzanne bursts into tears, and buries her face in her hand. "I can't stand it anymore! I killed him! I murdered Victor Kapp!" After a few moments, Suzanne looks toward you, her face tightened with resolve, her wet cheeks smeared with mascara. "Mr. Mason, it was awful! Before I go to jail, I'd like to tell you my story. May I?""I was with Victor on the night that Laura visited. After Julian went to sleep I drove to the St. James. The doorman was asleep, so I walked by him and went straight up to Victor's apartment. We sat in the living room for awhile, drinking wine, and planning our future together. Fritzie was out of her pen, since we both knew how to control her. Victor expected Laura's visit, and he promised me that he'd tell her he was filing for divorce. When Laura came, I disappeared into the bedroom.I couldn't see what was happening, but I could hear some of the conversation. I heard Victor tell her he loved her! I heard him try to calm her and beg her forgiveness! I thought my world was collapsing around me. First he was going to ruin my husband, and then he was going to dump me!A commotion broke out in the living room. It sounded like Fritzie was attacking Laura...that dog always hated her. I heard a shot and I ran out. I was livid by this time. I found her passed out on the floor, and Victor running for the phone. I saw the gun on the floor. It looked like Laura had tried to shoot Fritzie, but fell back on the stairs and fired a bullet into the ceiling instead. I remember using a tissue from my pocket to cover the gun's handle. He never knew who shot him.I was remarkably calm at the time. I put the gun back near Laura, but by the time I reached Fritzie her paws were covered with Victor's blood. I cleaned her as best I could, put her in her pen, and went to my own apartment.I've lived ever since with the realization that Laura might have been threatening him with a gun when he was trying to calm her and tell her he still loved her." Suzanne breaks down in tears.A stunned silence grips the courtroom. Julian watches speechlessly as Suzanne is taken into custody by the police. Laura begins to sob uncontrollably. As Judge Northrup adjourns the case, you turn around to see Lieutenant Tragg behind you. "Congratulations, Mason. You've cracked the Case of the Mandarin Murder. How'd you do it?" You explain to Tragg that the existence of Victor's blood in the dog pen meant that someone had put Fritzie there after the murder. But if Fritzie was as vicious as everyone said, only someone familiar with the animal could have done so. Once you discovered that Suzanne had trained Fritzie, the case was as good as solved. "I suppose I shouldn't have doubted you for a minute, but unfortunately, that's my job." You return Tragg's warm handshake, realizing that you have done more than serve justice. You've earned yourself that vacation you've promised Della you'd take. You smile, knowing that Della is already home, changing for tonight's celebratory dinner. pm17pm17pmncrak5***************pmnclos1 CASE CLOSEDO 5 l&l&yC[ y&y9q ) r s  m= W C Don't waste time trying to discredit Tragg. This will only turn the jury against you, as his credentials are impeccable. There is, however, one interesting piece of evidence that Tragg has overlooked. Use your own deductive powers of reasoning to discover what that piece of evidence might be. You won't find it by asking Tragg, item by item, whether he investigated everything you saw in Kapp's apartment. This will only make you look ridiculous in the eyes of the jury, and the judge will lose patience with you. Ask the right questions, and think about Tragg's answers. Possible questions: Tragg, describe your investigation. Tragg, where did you find the bullets? Tragg, did you find evidence of a struggle? Tragg, did you test the blood? Tragg, where did you find the dog? Tragg, describe the defendant's condition. Dorset, another expert, cannot be discredited. You may, however, wish to further clarify questions asked in the direct. Dorset, describe ballistics Dorset, describe the ballistics test. Dorset, who performed the tests? Dorset, did this gun fire the bullets? Dorset, describe the gun's range. Medical examiner Jack Crossman is another expert witness who won't especially assist the defense of your client. You may wish to clarify certain medical facts about Victor's death, and try to pinpoint the murderer's location when the gun was fired. Crossman, describe your qualifications. Crossman, what was the bullet's angle of entry? Crossman, describe the contusions. Ed is the first non-expert witness and has certain evidence which he wishes to conceal. Find that item, introduce it as evidence, show it to Ed, and watch him sweat! Clever cross-examination tactics will go far in discrediting Ed's testimony, but won't necessarily get your client off the hook or lead to the real murderer. Burns, how many guests registered on Friday night? Burns, describe Laura'a arrival on Friday night. Burns, how many guests visited Victor on Friday night. Burns, did you know Margot Duboq? The documents accompanying the game contain some evidence which hints at a rift between Russell and Victor. Paul's investigation turns up further incriminating evidence. Russell, describe cooking school. Russell, describe your relationship with Victor. Russell, did you review the Argos? Russell, did you know about Victor's affair? Russell, were you involved with the Mandarin? Russell, describe your alibi. Victor's former business partner has much to hide. Clever and persistant questioning of Julian is necessary if you are to acquit your client. Julian, describe your alibi. Julian, describe the Argos. Julian, describe your partnership with Victor. Julian, was Victor involved with Margot? Like Julian, clever and persistant questioning will cause Suzanne to reveal more that she wishes to. Pay special attention to Paul's investigation of Suzanne and her husband. Suzanne, describe your relationship with Laura. Suzanne, describe Laura's condition on Friday. Suzanne, did Laura know about Victor's affair? Suzanne, describe your relationship with Julian. Suzanne, describe your alibi. Margot is a woman of mystery, and has been the object of much speculation among the previous witnesses. Try to piece their testimony together to get at the truth behind her relationship with Victor. Margot, did you know Laura? Margot, when did Victor meet you? Margot, were you having an affair with Victor? Margot, where were you on Friday night? 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Ed Burns is a short, squat man with slicked hair wearing a baggy suit. You notice that Ed has a smirk on his face. The doorman smiles weakly at you. Ed gulps loudly, and tries to loosen his collar. You notice beads of perspiration on his forehead. After answering your question, Ed mops his brow with his handkerchief.Burger rises from his chair, his face beet red. "Objection, your honor! Mr. Mason's brutal, grandstand tactics have no place in a court of law!" "Objection sustained. Mr. Mason, it is not thecourt's prerogative to tell you how to present your case, but it would be in the best interest of the proceedings if you would show more compassion.""Ed begins to speak, then breaks down, too unnerved to continue.Ed relaxes a bit.You are in court. Ed Burns is on the witness stand for cross examination.I work the 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. shift at the St. James Apartments every night but Tuesday. My joqb is to provide security by making sure all guests register before entering the building. Been doing that for the last ten years. And I never missed a day."Fifty-five people live in the building, and I know all of them, give or take a few. I'd recognize just about every one of the residents on sight, though I don't know some names. I don't know the names of any guests."As I'm sure the police can tell you, all the doors leading outside the building were locked. There was no way anyone could have snuck in or out past me."Residents have keys to the front door and to their rooms only. The building super is the only person with a master key. But Friday afternoon, he flew out to Poughkeepsie to spend a week with his aunt. No one got in that building on Friday night without me seeing him, Mr. Mason."Mr. Kapp moved in about a year ago to the penthouse apartment in the St. James. I've never been up there, but I heard it was real beautiful."I was minding my own business on Friday night, when the defendant entered the building around 1:20 a.m. She asked for Victor Kapp and I told she'd have to register. She did, and then, because she looked so pale and shakey, I led her to the couch in the lobby. I went to check on her a few minutes later, but she'd disappeared. Less than an hour later, the police arrived. That's all I know."The police arrived at around 2:00 a.m. They told me they needed to go upstairs to Victor Kapp's apartment. I let them go right up, seeing that they were on official business. I stayed downstairs at my post and minded my own business. I didn't leave my post until my shift ended at 3:00 a.m. and my replacement arrived. Nobody came in or went out for the rest of my shift."Ed's eyes dart nervously around the courtroom. " Let me tell you something, Mr. Mason, I don't really have a record 'cause I never did anything wrong, but before I started my job at the St. James Apartments, I got picked up by the police in connection with a burglary ring. They let me go, because they found out I had nothing to do with it." All I know about the defendant is what I saw of her on Friday night. She looked terrible. She was pale and shakey. Personally, I thought that she was going to faint. She walked in by herself, but I had to help her to the couch in the lobby. All she did was ask for Victor, and mumble alot under her breath. She wasn't carrying anything unusual--just a purse."Anybody who doesn't live in the apartment building or isn't accompanied by a resident registers on the guest list when he or she enters. No exceptions under any conditions."Look, I'm really not sure. I had a little nip and must have dozed off for a few minutes. Someone might have gotten by. I...I was tired - that's all, it could have happened to anybody. I.I..." Ed stops speaking and dejectedly stares at the courtroom floor. The jury seems to be following your case with increased interest.pm06pm06pmncrak2= W &?#__'{__h#__'{__N#_ _+D _4#_ __'_#__+__'E"O45645&:&OJ 45   45&J$')@%>{5#__'{#__'__ $#_ _+K$$'#_ _+__#_ ___$#__+_$r$?Th#_'>_T_N#_)>_T_4#_ _+_ _#__)__kHGR"O45645&:&O RK 45  45&KHR 45  45&R%D4#__+_N'#__$>_'_?L 45  45&L$+$#_ _+_$_|#_ _+I__b$+$X%N#__+_$_4#__+N_#_ _+__$M 45  45&M%9$Y#__+9__$#__+AK$#__+A_T$#__+A$_,#__+A__r#__+n_) X$ϿyN#__+9__4#__+A__#__+A_T_GHO456 45&O!N 45 &k 45&N&k#_ _=_4#_ _=_l_ #_ __&_ 4N&k6#_ _+N_$%#__+N_4%N#_ ___H&k  46!&H! 4, 5  4 , 5  %>A$ !#__>_?$#__>_T$#__>_?_#__>_T_|#__+__b#_ ___TH#_ ___?.%ń$$jT#__+_'_TS 45  45&Su%zb$')%X#__+_)_j>$!4#_ __)_!#__f__TU 45  45&U$%S#__+_$$#__+$_$|#_ __$$b$ !X#___$$>#___$_$$#__'_$$V 45  45&V 4 "$N"L "?"T 4 ""! 4  $ $ $ 4   + 4  ~| 4,5",5# $5$,5% ,5&, 5', $" 5(5), 5*, 5+ &k   C&C&CkC<  52  5 5  5 &k,-RlBo> ;* ? < *      " ( * - 3 6 "This is what I'm trying to say, Mr. Mason. "I don't know. I'm just a doorman." "Sorry pal, I don't know "You know, that name sounds kinda familiar, but I don't know why.""I don't recognize the name, Mr. Mason. ""Mr. Mason," interrupts Judge Northrup, "please remember that Mr. Burns is merely the doorman at the apartment, and has testified only to his shift on the night of the murder. If you have no further questions about his shift, then please end your cross examination, so Mr. Burger can proceed with his case."Ed Burns sighs in relief, and returns to his seat. You notice that Ed has a smirk on his face. The doorman smiles weakly at you. Ed gulps loudly, and tries to loosen his collar. You notice beads of perspiration on his forehead. After answering your question, Ed mops his brow with his handkerchief."Objection your honor," interrupts the District Attorney, "Defense has not introduced the into evidence." Objection sustained," agrees the judge. "Objection, your honor," "Objection sustained.""Anybody who doesn't live in the apartment building or isn't accompanied by a resident registers on the guest list when he or she enters. No exceptions under any conditions."During my shift, 13 people entered the building. Six were residents and seven were guests."My job as doorman doesn't include snooping around the personal lives of the residents, Mr. Mason. Once the residents walk through the front door, what they do is none of my business. I don't talk to the guests, except to ask them to register."I used to see Mr. Kapp just about every night. He wasn't too friendly, but last Christmas he gave me the biggest tip out of everybody in the building. I didn't know he was married to the defendant. I laid eyes on her for the first time on the night of the murder."Ed is momentarily shocked. "Now look, buddy, I do a real fine job as doorman. I work hard and I'm always on time. I'm never sick, I don't drink and I never leave my post! Nobody sneaks in or out on my shift!"Look, I'm really not sure. I had a little nip and must have dozed off for a few minutes. Someone might have gotten by. I...I was tired - that's all, it could have happened to anybody. I.I..." Ed stops speaking and dejectedly stares at the courtroom floor. The jury seems to be following your case with increased interest.During my shift, 15 people entered the building. Six were residents and nine were guests."Ed's eyes widen at the sight of the guest list.Ed looks at the in your hand, and gives you a puzzled look.Laura Kapp was the only guest I know that went up to Mr. Kapp's apartment."Ed stands up and looks through the hushed courtroom. "Mr. Mason, I guess I do see a resident.over there!" He points at Margot Duboq. "And next to her are two guests I see with Mr. Kapp all the time!" He points towards Julian and Suzanne Masters.Mr. Kapp entered the building at around 11:30 p.m. on Friday night. He didn't talk to me, but went direKctly to the elevator. He was alone. The only guest who registered to see him that night was Laura Kapp. I never saw him after that.""Let me tell you something about that pooch, Mr. Mason. Every now and then I'd see Mr. Kapp walking his dog at night, and he needed three leashes to keep his dog under control. What a crazy mutt!"pmncrak2pmncrak2pmncrak2pmncrak2 the the to the ."o= W "Objection, your honor!" interrupts the district attorney. "Mr. Mason's behavior is clearly out of order!". "Objection sustained."You are in the courtroom. Hamilton Burger has called his fourth witness, Ed Burns. Hamilton Burger's last question was: Hamilton Burger slowly stands up. "For my next witness, I would like to call Mr. Ed Burns." A small, squat man with slicked hair, wearing a baggy flannel suit, and cheap aftershave shuffles up to the witness stand. He grimaces nervously as he takes his oath, then sits down.Ed Burns is a small, squat man with slicked hair, wearing a baggy, flannel suit and cheap aftershave.***"Ed, where do you work?""Did Victor live in your building?""Did you see the defendant on Friday night?""Describe the defendant's arrival to the apartment building.""Did you see the defendant after 1:30 a.m.?""Did other people enter the building around the time of the murder?""Ed, did Laura look suspicious to you?"The District Attorney smiles reassuringly at the witness.Burger turns toward the jury. A calculated grin gently lifts across his face.Burger whirls back toward the doorman, and peers closely into his face."I'm a doorman at the St. James Apartments," he sputters. "Yessir, he sure did!""Yessir. She showed up at the apartment around 1:20 a.m. saying she wanted to see Mr. Kapp.""She looked real pale and sick and I thought to myself that she was gonna faint. So then I sat her down on the couch in the lobby, you see, and made her register. After that, I left her to rest and catch her breath." Ed sighs, then pauses to think for a few seconds. "A few minutes later I went to check on her, but she'd disappeared.""No sir. Not until the cops took her away. All the other exits out of the building were securely locked, so she couldn't have snuck out without me seeing her.""No sir, Mr. Burger. The defendant was the only guest registered in the building at the time of the murder." Ed smiles broadly and confidently.Ed curls his lip and sneers knowingly at Laura. "Yeah, now that you put it that way. She was definitely acting kinda crazy, like... like some sorta psycho killer!" For a moment, the courtroom is deathly quiet.Hamilton Burger walks boastfully to his seat.Hamilton Burger mutters something under his breath on his way back to his seat, then turns to the judge."No further questions.""Objection overruled," decides the judge."On what grounds are you objecting, Mr. Mason?""Objection sustained," agrees the judge.pm22pm22w{#PF=-& > h lP&l&yC[F.F%FF F  F y&&y&v&E#__+!8_$$ss~#_ _+_s#I 45  45 &I#_ _+_8$%#_ _+K_$"(#__"'_+_h#__+'__"N#__"X_+_4#__+__#_ __KT 45  45 &T#_ _$6__#__$I__#_ _(Nm_#_ __[Nmh#__$6__N#_ _I_$_4#__+_F_#__+__F_ 45 45&_$ r%h#_ __v_N#__+_v_4#__+=_v_#_ _+_v_d 45 45&d">#__>N$_$Կ#_ _+;_#__K__$h#__+__$N#__+_N4#__$I__#__K_N$Cef45 45&f"  45&eg 55&g5#_ _+__$#_ _+N_, 44#_ _$__#_ _$__#_ __$_#_ ___$#_ _+__#_ _+N$_r#_ _+_$_X#_ ___>%G?4#__+G__#_ _+N_$h 45  45&h#_ _$6__r%IIh#_ _$I__N#_ _+_Nm4#_ __Nm#_ __NmJ 45 45&J#__+_$_#__+G__K 45  45&K#_ _+__L 45  45&L#_ _=_4#_ _=_l_ #_ __&_ 4N1%N#_ ___ 4 , 5  4, 5  4"y("#""\""o" ""Ԁ 4   + 4   4,5,5 $5,5  ,5!, 5", -+ %5#5$,  $5%, 5&]'R@BO~^h J O T V Y [ ] b d f l n q w z The doctor looks slightly annoyed. "I'm not fond of repeating myself, Mr. Mason. "Neither my medical expertise nor my autopsy on the body of Victor Kapp can explain Dr. Crossman is tall and thin. His drooping eyes and sullen expression indicate that he is a man who needs sleep.The judge bangs his gavel. "Mr. Mason, Dr. Crossman was brought to the stand to testify on his findings from Victor Kapp's autopsy. The court views questions on other topics as a waste of the court's time. If you have no further questions along those lines, please end your cross examination.""You are in court. Dr. Jack Crossman is on the witness stand for cross examination.The doctor nods his head, then picks himself out of the witness box, and returns to his seat. "Objection your honor," interrupts the District Attorney, "Defense has not introduced the into evidence." Objection sustained," agrees the judge. "Objection, Your Honor!" "Objection sustained."Dr. Crossman looks puzzled. "I'm afraid I don't understand the significance of the You wait...I graduated in the top ten percent of my class from Tufts Medical in 1963. I earned my degree in forensic medicine in 1965 from UCLA Since then, I have practiced forensic medicine in Los Angeles County."As a medical examiner for Los Angeles County, my department is responsible for performing autopsies on the bodies of people who have died in a questionable manner. In this instance, I performed the autopsy the morning after the murder, after being notified by Lt. Tragg."The autopsy confirmed that the victim's death was caused by internal hemorrhaging from the gunshot wound. We are certain of this fact."I have released an official report. May I suggest that you consult it for further information on that topic.Judging from the size of the wound, I have concluded that the bullet must have been shot from under 25 feet away."The angle at which the bullet entered the body was very slight. It is unlikely that the murderer shot from an elevation of more than a foot.Well I, uh.. suppose the murderer could have shot from either the bottom of the stairs or the top of the stairs, depending if the murderer was kneeling."The victim was shot in the middle of the back. The hole was quite large, which indicates a close range, but since I didn't find any traces of powder burns, it is safe to assume that the victim was shot from several feet away."There were some minor contusions and cuts on the victim's body, which suggest that he collided with the statue. Some of these cuts did not bleed. This indicates that the victim hit the statue after he was shot, for once a human heart stops beating, blood ceases to issue out of open wounds."As I told the District Attorney, I estimate the time of death at around 1:30 a.m."The body of Victor Kapp was examined by myself and an assistant at 10:30 a.m. the next morning, in our downtown office. We followed standard procedures. The examination was strictly routine."As I stated in the direct examination, the cuts and contusions were caused by the victim's falling on a statue in the apartment. The fact that he was shot in the back indicates that he had no idea he was about to be murdered. There were no signs of a struggle."As medical examiner, it is my duty to perform autopsies, not investigate the scene of the crime. May I suggest you consult another witness for that information."pm08pm08 ." the the to the ."5= W lv "Objection, your honor!" interrupts the district attorney. "Mr. Mason's behavior is clearly out of order!". "Objection sustained."You are in the courtroom. Hamilton Burger has called his third witness, Jack Crossman. Hamilton Burger's last question was: The District Attorney bows his head respectfully in your direction, and calls his next witness. "The Prosecution would now like to call Jack Crossman." Dr. Crossman is tall and thin, with hawkish eyes, a sharply defined nose, and wire rim glasses. He walks sluggishly to the witness stand, as if he had not slept well in days.Jack Crossman is tall, thin, and wirey. He looks as if his charisma has been depleted by hard work and sleepless nights.***"Dr. Crossman, where do you work?""Describe your expertise in forensic pathology.""Dr. Crossman, how did Victor Kapp die?""Did the murderer shoot the victim from the stairs?""Did the murderer shoot Victor Kapp from a close range?""When did Victor Kapp die?""Dr. Crossman, did you find any signs of struggle?"On his way over to the witness stand, Burger smiles at the jury, then turns back to the witness. "Now, as an expert in forensic medicine, Dr. Crossman, the outcome of the trial may be significantly affected by your answer to the next question." Burger pauses for a moment. "Permit me to rephrase that question, Your Honor." says an irritated District Attorney. Before answering, the doctor clears his throat. "I am a medical examiner at the county coroner's office. I did the autopsy on Victor Kapp."The doctor grins. "Well, if I do say so myself, I'm considered an expert in my field. I have medical degrees from Tufts and UCLA, and an official certification by the Los Angeles County coroner's office."The doctor clears his throat again, and speaks as if he is lecturing the courtroom. "Mr. Kapp was killed by a bullet, which entered his back and passed through his body. The wound ruptured a number of organs, including the kidneys. He died within a few minutes from internal hemorrhaging.""The angle of entry was very slight. It is quite conceivable that the murderer could have shot from the stairs.""Judging by the size of the wound, I would say that the murderer was standing about 20 feet away from the victim."The doctor sighs, "One can never be too sure about these things. I would say that the time of death was around 1:30 a.m., give or take an hour.""Ah, now that's an easier question to answer! I found several small cuts and contusions on the victim's body, but these were caused by the victim's collision with a statue in the apartment. All the evidence I have points to the fact that the victim had no idea he was about to be shot."The District Attorney strolls back to his seat. Burger stomps back to his seat. "Your witness, counselor.""Objection overruled," decides the judge."On what grounds are you objecting, counselor?""Objection sustained," rules the judge.pm23pm23ICxcmY] |  C k p lY&l&yC[F7F.F%F CF F  F y#&y&vwqe&&v&o!&o F:F     ,w qe&vF:F     \,w qe&vF:F     -)w qe&vF:d   v&v: F:G     F    F FD  F.F%FF F  F d - 7FN= W l7[#3 4 &y&ly&y&i&B&D&k&;&I&T&_&c&d&e&f&g&h&J&K&L&M&N&P&Q&S&U&V&W&X&Y&Z&[&\&]&^&`&a&b  7[$3 B#_ _=_4#_ _=_l_ #_ __&_ 4N&k#_ ___ #_ _?_j_ +#_ _?_ _M4 55  5 5 5X#_ ___ #_ ___ 4 &k!4  4  %;9$$A+#_ _+__AI 45  4 5 &I$+$$%=#_ _+_A_ T 45 4 5 &Ta#_  _+_A__ 45  4 5&_0#_  _+__b#_  _+__H#_  _+5_.$+$$%;9#_ _$__c 45  4 5&c#_ _$__4#_ _$,_#_ _$=__B e454 5&6&ed 45  4 5&d$+!#_ _+_ r&_]M__h#_ _+M _N#_ _+_M 4#_  _+M _#_  _+ _f45 4 5 &f`$ű&_K,__#_ _+=K_$#_ _$=,_+$Yv#_  _+KY_[#_  _+NY_+@#_ _+7_Y_%#_ _Y7__ $AV&KN___#_  _K_A$AV#_  _+=_A_#_  _$=_A_$+$#_ _+!__$r#_  __KX$AVN#_ _+F__A4#_ _$F__A#_  _+=K_Eh 45 545&hg 45 4 5&g  R&_5b%7jX$N#_ 7__4#_  _+__#_  _$__J45 4 5&J %I#_ _+_$_[44 5$U&_NL__J%==B?#_  _+N_$#_  N=__ &_66__$tw#_  N;(_w_$$#_  _$8__#_  _$M_w_#_  _$k__|#_  _$D__b#_  _$__H#_  __$_.$$$%#_ _$__K 45 4 5  &K&_AYL_$#_  _+AX_ #_ _'_$_$$#_ ___$#_ _+SAX_$$#_ ___#_ _+SL_l$Xb#_ _$_LH%D>#_ _$_AX$$#_ _$D_,!L 45  4 5  &L%m$+$#_ _+m_$_#_  _+_$_%D#_ _$D__+l&KN___b#_  _+K_$H$+$>#_  _+K_$$%#_ _+_$_M45 4 5&M%m$+#_ _+m__|#_  _+__b%DX#_ _D__+>&KY___4#_  _+K_#_  _+K_N 45  4 5&N$Y#_  _+Y_Av%1U<l$A$+b#_ ___AH$+>#_ _+__$$^^#_  __^_O 45  4 5&O f%X1H#_ ___.%$$Y#_  _+Y_P 45  4 5&P$+!H%D>#_ _+__!$%#_  _+_!_H[#R 45 &k45 &R&kQ 45  4 5&Qb$>%4#_  _+X_#_  _!__S 45!  4 5!& S$+%D#_ _+__%#_  _+__$ff|%_r#_  _+_LX%N#_  _+__4#_  _+K_#_  _+L_DU 45" 4 5"  &U &?%OZI \_  > cH/t Zlqv"I believe I've already answered that question sufficiently, Mr. Mason, but if you would like to hear my answer again, then here it is." Julian pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts. Julian Masters sits attentively in the witness box. He is a powerfully built man, but his voice and manner carry an air of gentility and grace.Julian Masters steps down from the witness stand, runs his fingers through his hair, then returns to his seat."Yes, Mr. Mason! I hated Victor! He destroyed my marriage! But I didn't kill him, Mr. Mason. I didn't kill him!" The witness sobs, unable to continue. You notice that Masters seems to be enjoying himself. Masters looks down at his watch. Julian grinds his fist nervously into the palm of his hand. You notice that Julian Masters has begun to rock nervously back and forth in his chair.Burger rises from his chair, his face beet red. Objection, your honor! Mr. Mason's brutal, grandstand tactics have no place in a court of law!" "Objection sustained. Mr. Mason, it is not thecourt's prerogative to tell you how to present your case, but it would be in the best interest of the proceedings if you would show more compassion.""The witness begins to speak, then breaks down, too unnerved to continue.The witness looks more composed.You are in court. Julian Masters is on the witness stand for cross examination. The Argos is one of the premier Greek-Italian cafes in LA, and perhaps the United States. We prepare a different menu every day, and have a wide selection of wines and beers. Everyone I know have eaten at the Argos, and I've never heard a single complaint." Victor and I started the Argos 8 years ago. Our partnership was going strong until Victor decided 6 months ago to open up his own restaurant." The Argos sports a very good reputation within many exclusive social circles. The restaurant's popularity is due to a lot of hard work and a few big financial risks. There's a lot of money invested in that restaurant, Mr. Mason." As you can tell by the name, Mr. Mason, the Mandarin was to feature Mandarin food, with an occasional Szechuan specialty dish. It was also going to have a complete selection of wines and beers. Unfortunately, we'll never know how good the food was going to be." Victor approached me six months ago with the news that he was going to start his own restaurant. I insisted that we not dissolve our partnership, but he knew it was legally within his power." It seems that Victor Kapp felt quite sure of himself, and decided that he would be more successful without me," growls Masters. The Barstow Kennel, owned by Frank Barstow, is where I met Suzanne. We were both animal trainers at the time we worked there." Victor and I worked well as partners. We didn't socialize together very often, but the best proof of our business relationship was the success of the Argos." A nervous grin creeps across Julian's face. "Okay, counselor, I'll tell you the truth. My relationship with Victor was occasionally very volatile. He had no idea how to budget, and I was always fighting with him to let me balance the books. He always replied that nothing, not even money, should stand in the way of his cooking." We split the restaurant profits 50-50. I don't know what Victor did with his money, but I banked my share."Victor and Laura were passionate people, and their married life reflected that. They were both capable of such violent mood swings that sometimes their guests would have to leave before Victor and Laura started throwing things at each other. They would have been better off with a divorce. Even if Victor wasn't having an affair, the marriage was doomed to fail." According to Victor, Margot called him after Laura had called her and threatened her life if she continued having an affair with Victor. Victor realized at that point it was inevitable that Laura would visit him sometime soon." Victor and I were not very close friends, even though we had known each other for years. I'd say the man was virtually friendless. We spent so much time together at work that I never cared to socialize with him on my free time." My relationship with Miss Duboq is purely professional, Mr. Mason." Margot Duboq was an exemplary employee--hard working, talented, and dedicated. She is the best chef the Argos has ever had. Her cooking is superb!" It seemed very strange to me that Victor would not take his favorite chef over with him to the Mandarin. I really don't know why he let her stay at the Argos." Not that it's any of your business, Mr. Mason," he snaps, "but Suzanne and I have been happily married for years." Julian's shoulder sag, and he sighs. "Actually, Mr. Mason, Suzanne and I haven't been getting on very well lately." Suzanne spends her days at home." I don't know much about Laura or her illness. Victor told me that she suffered from a form of schizophrenia which caused her nervous breakdowns and occasional periods of amnesia." pm09pm09== W &?%A|>/N#_  _A_D_4#_  _/__D#_  _+_D_V 45  45&V$>%4#_  _+L_#_  ___#_ ___DW 45  45&Wo$$J&_YN__?%_4#_ _+_N;%#_ _$__#_ _$__;#_  _+_;_#_  _+__#_ _$__$$|#_  _$_;_b#_ _$__H$$>#_ _$X__$%#_ __N;A[Y 45 45&YX 45  45&X$!$:#_ _!R_;_$#_ _!Q;_%4#_  _!_$_%X#_  _!__$#_  __!&XN___$$!#_  _+X;_$l$!b#_  _+K_H#_  _+K_!.$!$;$%#_ _!__;|[`4545 &`V5Z#[ 45 455&[    45&ZZ 45  45&Z $+!#_  __+$#_ _+_$%&KX___v#_  _+K<$[#_  _+_!_@%OA5$c?*#_ _+O_$#_ _+__#_ _!O_$#_ _!__$8%m#_ _+_$$#_ _$_+$r$h#_ _+_$N#_ _!_$4#_ _+_$_,#_ _$_+_,F[$]45455&9 &]\ 45  45&\#_ _+_X#_  __N?4 $$$%I#_ _+N_[4 4 $#_  _+K_!r#_  _!K_X$+!N#_ _+k_!_4#_ _+k__!#_ _+k_!_A[`4545 &`^ 45  45&^$+!;%m0&KX___%#_  _+m_!M #_ _+_M#_ _+_M#_ _+_M#_  __+#_  _+KYM#_ _+_M h#_ _+_M N#_ _+_M 4#_  _+KYM #_  _+M _a 45 45&a  e$+$&K,___#_ _+=K_$%D#_ _+D__$AV#_ _$,_A|#_  _+__b#_ _l__H$?>%O4#_ _+_N?#_  __+N?Y"4b4545&b4, 5 b4545&b"94L %N#_  ___ \&k  4 : 6#4"! 4!, 5$  4, 5  4#_  _I_$_4 Z%_X#_  __N;>%4#_  ___#_  ___ 4  "$N4   "Y4    !+ $ $ $ 4 ~| 4,5%,5& $5',5( ,5), 5*, $" 5+5,, 5-, 5.   &kC&C&CkCE  5;  5% 5  5 &k   $/@v~'  /  "$*,/58"As far as I can tell, Laura could have easily killed Victor." "Mr. Mason, I don't know enough about Victor to answer your question with any degree of confidence." "I mind my own business, Mr. Mason. I'm a businessman, not a gossip columnist!" "I believe I've already answered that question sufficiently, Mr. Mason, but if you would like to hear my answer again, then here it is." Julian pauses for a moment to collect his thoughts. Julian blinks his eyes in disbelief. "Corwin? Why, it is you, dear brother, isn't it? What misbegotten shadow have you fallen into, that you'd decide to become an attorney? No matter -- without Greyswandir, you are perfectly harmless." Julian smiles as he pulls a sword out of thin air and runs you through."Sorry, Mr. Mason, but I'm afraid I'm not sure "Objection your honor, shouts Burger, "The question calls for hearsay evidence." "Objection sustained." You notice that Masters seems to be enjoying himself. Masters looks down at his watch. Julian grinds his fist nervously into the palm of his hand. You notice that Julian Masters has begun to rock nervously back and forth in his chair."Mr. Mason, I had no strong feelings towards Victor Kapp one way or another. Our relationship was strictly business, and any differences we may have had were similar to those experienced by any two business partners. I certainly had no reason to murder Victor!""Mr. Mason, hate is not a strong enough word to describe my feelings for Victor Kapp. I loathed the man. It wasn't enough that he destroyed my marriage. He had to destroy my business as well! Though I'm capable of hatred, Mr. Mason, I'm not capable of murder. I did not kill Victor Kapp!"Julian tightens his hand into a fist. "I don't know, Mr. Mason. I wish I knew. Perhaps my wife could give you a better answer!""Objection, your honor," interrupts the District Attorney, "Defense has not introduced the into evidence." Objection sustained," agrees the judge. "Objection, your honor," "Objection sustained." "As far as I know, Laura entered the institution about one year ago, after having 2 nervous breakdowns. I heard that she left the institution the day before her husband was murdered." After marrying Victor, Laura became a fulltime housewife." I made a point of not butting into my partner's private life, Mr. Mason. If Margot and Victor were having an affair, the whole thing took place behind my back. As far as I know, their relationship was purely professional." Mr. Mason, we know that Victor was not having an affair with Margot Duboq." Mr. Mason, Suzanne and I have been happily married for years. If you are insinuating that my wife was having an affair with my partner, you are wrong. Dead wrong." I didn't know exactly what was going on between my wife and my esteemed partner," he sneers, "but I was determined to find out! Several weeks ago, I tailed Suzanne in my car, and her trail led me to the St. James Apartments! I was so angry I could... I could..." Masters breaks down in tears.On Friday afternoon, I paid a business call on Victor. According to the police, that makes me the last person besides the murderer to see him alive. That evening, Suzanne and I went to the Mandarin's opening. At around 10:00 p.m., Suzanne and I returned home." Suzanne and I came home at 10:00 alright, but then...we... went to our separate rooms. You see, we haven't been sleeping together for the last six months." Julian's shoulders sag as he buries his face into his hands.Suzanne and I have been married for 5 years. We are a model couple, if I do say so myself." If you really must know, Mr. Mason, Suzanne and I have had our share of personal problems. Our marriage has been a little shakey for the last year or so." Suzanne and I met at the Barstow Kennels. I was a fulltime dog trainer, and she used to come to the kennels train her father's dogs. In fact that's how we met Victor Kapp. Suzanne and I both trained his Doberman Fritzie. Victor and I immediately recognized we could work together, and eventually I quit the dog training business to assist him in establishing the Argos."It seems that my esteemed partner felt quite sure of himself, and decided that he would be more successful without me," snaps Masters. "We were going to dissolve our partnership." Julian looks uncomfortably at the document. "Yes, Victor was selling out his share of the Argos to me. Without his name and reputation, though, the future of the Argos was uncertain." Julian looks disinterestedly at the "That earring ... it looks just like one of a pair I bought for Suzanne!"pmncrak4. the the to the ."g= W t"Objection, your honor!" interrupts the district attorney. "Mr. Mason's behavior is clearly out of order!". "Objection sustained."You are in the courtroom. Hamilton Burger has called his sixth witness, Julian Masters.The District Attorney's last question was: Burger stands up and scans the courtroom. "For my next witness, I would like to call Mr. Julian Masters." The first thing that strikes you about Julian Masters as he walks toward the stand is his size. He has the broad shoulders and the barrel chest of a football player. His expensive taste in clothes and his conservative hair cut, however, belie an acquired gentility. He takes his oath solemnly.Julian Masters is a powerfully built man with an air of gentility and grace about him.***"Julian, when did you become a business partner of Victor's?""How did you become partners?""Did you know about the defendant's illness?""Would the defendant threaten Mr. Kapp?""Did you see Victor on Friday afternoon?""Julian, was Victor having an affair?""Who was Victor having an affair with?""Did Laura know about Victor's affair?""Describe Victor's marriage to the defendant.""Was Victor expecting the defendant's visit?""Julian, did Victor Kapp talk about the defendant?""What did he say?"The District Attorney pivots toward the witness. Burger stares intently at Julian and asks, Burger's eyes light up, and a smile creeps across his face. Burger mutters angrily to himself, then turns to Judge Northrup. "Permit me to rephrase the question, your honor." Burger then returns his attention to the witness, Julian Masters speaks in a smooth, calming voice. "I formed my partnership with Mr. Kapp approximately five years ago.""Victor persuaded me to provide some financial backing for his daring, somewhat unconventional cafe. I am not easily persuaded, but there was something compelling in the way he spoke. It was as if he had a vision. While we were partners, Victor and I worked very closely."Masters looks somewhat surprised by the question. "Why certainly, counselor! Admittedly, I am not very close to Laura, but it is inconceivable that such an unfortunate occurence in Victor's life would escape my attention. Victor confided in me often when his wife's condition got the better of him.""In my humble opinion, sir, I would think so. Ranting and raving were not beyond the boundaries of her behavior. She is a rather hysterical woman, you know." Masters glares briefly in Laura's direction."Yes. He and I were going over some documents concerning our partnership."Masters looks down in his lap. "Yes, he was.""To the best of my knowledge, counselor, it was indeed Margot Duboq, though frankly, I don't see what Victor saw in her.""Victor seemed to think so.""They always had a stormy marriage. Both were such incredibly passionate people! It came as no surprise to me that, without Laura around, Victor became bored with loneliness.""Yes, he was. He knew Laura had left the institution and was in town, because she called Margot Duboq, who told him that Laura was raving mad at him. Victor was convinced that Laura hated him.""Yes. He spoke quite a bit about her.""He told me that he was saddened that his marriage had fallen apart while Laura had been institutionalized. He knew that Laura would be furious when she eventually found him."The District Attorney grins as he returns to his seat. Burger mutters to himself on the way back to his seat, then turns to you."Your witness, counselor.""I'm going to overrule that objection, counselor," decides the judge."On what grounds are you objecting, Mr. Mason?" asks Judge Northrup."I will sustain that objection, counselor," says the judge.pm20pm20*0O}GvI, % l . U  = -inl&l&yC[(FdF[FRF IF @F 7F .F % F F F  Fy!&y&v##__+O_d%H#__+Hd_$^%_#__+___r#__+__X#_ _+K_^>$A4#__+!_^_A#_ _+d_&I45 &k45 &I&k#__$U_+_AH$+$>%m4#__$m_+_#__+__$T 45  45&T"&_KN__P$+$E%:#_ _+K_$#__+__$#_ _ _+_$#_ _+_$_#__+4_$_%D#__$__+#__$N__+r#__+R_;_$X$$N#__+N$_4#__+4N_#_N4_+_J2#c 45 60455&c _ 45 455&_#_ _$_+_%c 45 6145&2&cE#_ __$+ #_ _$+_ $#_ __+$#_ _+O_ S#_ _+O__h#_ _+O_5N#_ _$_+ S4#_ _$_+_#_ _$_+5A2e 45 45&ed 45  45&d#_ _+I__#_ _+I__r#_ _I_+_X$N#_ _+L_4#_ _+KL#_ LI__+f 45  45&f M#_ _+_X_h#_ _'_+_N#__+)_AX4#__+)_L#_ _+L_4g h 45!  4 5! &h  45&g#_ _+__4#_ _+__$#____+L2(K45$&k 45$&k&KJ 45#  4"55#&J#__+__#__$$_+_#_ _0=_+#_ _K`_|#__$$_+_b$`X%_N#__$_K4#_ _+K_#_ _K_1L45&&k  45&&9&2 &k&L#_ _=_4#_ _=_l_ #_ __&_ 4N&k$$$%I#__+N_24 4 Y#_ _+K_ 45-9#__+O__X$N#__+_<$4#__+O__#_ _+K<_C2P45,45,&P  2O 45+  45+&O%N#_ ___w a P&F2'N 45* &k4)55*&N&k2M 45(  4'5(&M  4, 44 , 5   4$$! #__$__4 &k   "+ 4 ~| 4,52,53 $54,55 ,56, 57, $" 5859, 5:, 5;  &kC&C&CkCM  5C  5- 55&k<C_< 7-iTpy H _  } 7 _ Q{cp$-/168:@BEKN"Pardon my English, Monsieur Mason. This is what I meant to say. ""I am afraid I do not know Margot Duboq is petite and attractive. She has a delicate mouth, upturned nose, and short hair which falls gently over her right eye."Objection, Your Honor. Defense's question calls for hearsay." "Objection sustained."Margot Duboq steps down from the stand, wipes away a single tear, then walks briskly to her seat. Margot throws back her head and smiles at you." You notice that Miss Duboq is tightly gripping her purse." Margot gnaws nervously on her fingernails. Margot bites her lower lip as tears begin to trickle out of the corner of her eyes."I dated him, didn't I? I do not date men that I hate. Mr. Mason, I wish that I could help your client, but I did not kill Victor Kapp.""He blackmailed me! I lived in fear of the authorities every waking moment! Yes, I hated Victor! He was cruel, he was ruthless...but I did not kill him!" Margot breaks down in tears."Objection your honor," interrupts the District Attorney, "Defense has not introduced the into evidence." Objection sustained," agrees the judge. Burger rises from his chair, his face beet red. "Objection, your honor! Mr. Mason's brutal, grandstand tactics have no place in a court of law!" "Objection sustained. Mr. Mason, it is not thecourt's prerogative to tell you how to present your case, but it would be in the best interest of the proceedings if you would show more compassion.""Objection, your honor, " shouts the District Attorney. "Objection sustained,"Margot begins to speak, then breaks down, too unnerved to continue.Margot looks more composed.Margot glances at the but then turns away, disinterested.You are in the courtroom. Margot Duboq is on the witness stand for cross examination."I have trained at the Cordon Bleu, in Paris. It is perhaps the finest chef's school in all the world." Margot holds her head up proudly.I first met Victor two years ago, when he hired me for the Argos. I worked very hard for him."Margot sighs, then looks away from you. Victor, he took me to the finest restaurants and many magnificant parties. He was always willing to spend a lot of money on me."Tears well up in Margot Duboq's eyes. Victor made me date him! I did not do it freely! He said that I should realize how much I needed him, and that if I wouldn't see him, or work as his chef, he would do something terrible!."Victor called me up around 6:00 p.m., and told me to be ready by 7:30. We went to the party for the opening of the Mandarin. I ... I was a bit inconvenienced, but we had a lovely evening. Really, we did!""Wait, I can explain! Victor forced me to go out that evening. When he told me I had to be his date, I refused, but then he threatened to report me! Victor always got his way, you know-- no matter what it took!"I do not know Mrs. Kapp very well, Mister Mason. Victor always kept us apart from each other."This is what happened. In the middle of the afternoon, I got a call at work. It was a woman's voice on the other line. She said she was Laura Kapp, and she knew that I was having an affair with her husband. Before I could say anything, she told me to stay away from him, or she would kill me! Then she hung up.""Well, I... The caller said she was Laura, and so I just assumed it was she. But whoever did call certainly threatened my life!"Margot's eyes widen with astonishment. I did send that letter to Victor. I did not want to see him any more."Victor blackmailed me! He threatened to report me to the immigration authorities unless I did exactly what he wanted! I tried, I pleaded and begged for him to stop, but he wouldn't! Finally, I wrote him a note, telling him I... I couldn't take it any more!" Margot bursts into tears.Margot Duboq speaks in a soft, low voice, as she struggles to maintain her composure. "Mr. Mason, I am an illegal alien. After my parents died, I left France to see if I could find a job out here in LA. Then I met Victor. He seemed so nice! He hired me as his chef, and gave me a place to stay. I thought he was my friend, so I told him that my visa had expired. But once Victor knew, he began to treat me cruelly. He made me do whatever he wanted. If I refused, he would threaten to turn me over to the immigration authorities."Margot gasps in astonishment at the sight of the letter. Yes, Mr. Mason, I wrote that letter to Victor. I cannot deny it."Margot struggles to hold back her tears. Victor kept asking me for more and more. It was not enough for him that I worked day and night for him! He wanted me to be his own personal slave!"After the party at the Mandarin, I went home. I went to sleep just after midnight."After the party, I was so upset by Victor that I went down to Brannigan's bar and had a few drinks. Later that evening, I don't know when, I walked home by myself. I guess I didn't get home until after the time Victor was murdered, but I didn't do it -- I swear it!"I work as the head chef at the Argos Cafe. My feta cheese lasagne is regarded by many as the finest example of Greek-Italian food in the entire United States."pm03pm03pmncrak6pmncrak6 the the to the ."7= W 4^"Objection, your honor!" interrupts the district attorney. "Mr. Mason's behavior is clearly out of order!". "Objection sustained."You are in the courtroom. The District Attorney has called his eighth witness, the lovely Margot Duboq.The District Attorney's last question was: Burger walks slowly toward the jury. "Your honor, I would now like to call my last witness, Miss Margot Duboq." Margot Duboq practically leaps out of her seat, and walks in short, brisk steps toward the witness stand. Her short hair falls gently over her right eye. Her face is delicately defined, with delicate lips and a small, upturned nose. As she walks nervously past you, you catch a whiff of expensive French perfume.Margot Duboq is petite and attractive. She has a delicate mouth, an upturned nose, and short hair which falls gently over her right eye.Suddenly, Laura leaps up from her chair "Stop! Stop! I confess! I killed my husband! I must have! I can't stand it any more!" Laura hangs her head dejectedly as the court officer escorts her to her prison cell. Judge Northrup turns to you. "In light of your client's confession, we will adjourn these proceedings until later this afternoon, when we will pass sentence." The judge smashes his gavel. "Court adjourned."***"Margot, did you work for Victor?""Did you ruin Victor's marriage?""Didn't Victor take you to the Bradford Ballroom?""Didn't Victor take you to the Philharmonic?""Margot, didn't Victor take you to the Mandarin's opening?""Margot, weren't you dating Victor?""Didn't you ruin Victor's marriage?""Do you know the defendant?""Did the defendant call you on Friday?""What did Laura say?"Burger walks up to the witness box, leans closely toward Margot, and sneers. Burger glares contemptuously at the young woman. "A simple 'Yes' or 'No' will suffice, Miss Duboq," snaps the District Attorney. "A victorious smile breaks out across the District Attorney's face. "Now remember, Miss Duboq, that you are under oath to tell the truth and breaking that oath constitutes perjury." Burger stares coldly at the witness. Burger steps back from the witness stand, and smiles at the witness. "Yes, Mister Burger. I was Victor's head chef. I worked for him two years now."Margot's mouth drops open in surprise. "Me?", she squeaks. "But of course not! I am not a homewrecker!""Why, yes," replies Margot. A puzzled look crosses her face."Well, yes," Margot stammers, "but I can explain. You see..."Tears well up in Margot's eyes. She bites her lip. "Yes, Mister Burger." Margot begins to cry softly to herself.Margot bursts into tears. "Y-yes Mister Burger, we went to many things together, but it's not what you think!" Margot buries her face in her hands, and begins to cry uncontrollably."No! I can explain..." Margot breaks down again, too choked up to continue."Margot sniffles and dabs the tears from her eyes. "No, I do not know her.""Yes, she did. She called me at the restaurant Friday afternoon.""Well, I picked up the phone and asked who it was and she said Victor's wife. Then I asked what I could do for her. She said she was back in Los Angeles and that if she caught me anywhere near her husband, she was going to kill me! So I said to her, `No, you don't understand! I don't love your husband! Let me explain...' but she had already hung up on me."Hamilton Burger struts victoriously back to his seat. Hamilton Burger walks slowly back to his seat. "Your witness.""That objection is overruled, counselor.""What are your grounds for objection, Mr. Mason?" asks Judge Northrup."Objection sustained," agrees the judge. 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I already answered that question for you. Really, Mason, I have absolutely no idea Russell Miller is small and wirey, with Mediterranean features. He is dressed even more nattily than you."Excuse me, counselor," interrupts the judge, "but Russell Miller's testimony concerns his relationship with Victor Kapp. Browbeating him for additional information is a waste of the court's time. If you do not have any more questions, please end your cross and let Mr. Burger continue.""Well, thank goodness that's over with," Russell mutters under his breath. Miller returns to his seat in the back of the courtroom. Russell glares at you from behind his thick glasses. Russell looks down at his watch. Russell sinks into his chair. His eyes dart nervously around the courtroom. After answering your question, Russell tugs at his collar and mutters to himself, "It sure is getting warm in here.""Mason, I forget. Are you regarded as a deft trial attorney, of a deaf trial attorney? Like I told Mr. Burger, I'm a free lance restaurant critic!" The jury laughs audibly.Russell turns bright red. "Of course not, Mr. Mason" he stammers."Objection your honor," interrupts the District Attorney, "Defense has not introduced the into evidence." Objection sustained," agrees the judge. Burger rises from his chair, his face beet red. "Objection, your honor! Mr. Mason's brutal, grandstand tactics have no place in a court of law!" "Objection sustained. Mr. Mason, it is not thecourt's prerogative to tell you how to present your case, but it would be in the best interest of the proceedings if you would show more compassion.""Objection, your honor!" "Objection sustained," agrees the judge."The witness begins to speak, then breaks down, too unnerved to continue.The witness looks more composed."And I suppose that is supposed to mean something to me? Really, Mr. Mason, I wish you'd stop wasting my time!" You are in the courtroom. Russell Miller is on the witness stand for cross examination."You know something, Mason, you are a morbid son of a gun. Victor Kapp is dead, and you're asking questions like you want to know what underwear he was wearing on the night of the murder! Forget it, Mason. I have nothing to say on the subject."Victor and I met at cooking school. He breezed through his courses. All the instructors thought he was the biggest deal to pass their way in years."I didn't do so great at the CIA. My souffles always fell, I whipped when I should have blended... you know how it goes. Besides, I lost interest in my cooking, so I quit the CIA, and became a restaurant critic for `Epicure Today` Magazine."Victor and me? We were really tight, like brothers, you know. We shared an apartment for a few months, but after I dropped out I moved back to L.A."You want to know what I think of Victor? Do you? I think he was the biggest son of a ...." Russell checks himself, and lowers his voice. "Let me put it this way. Victor Kapp may have been a great chef, but he was a miserable, rotten human being.Miller peers suspiciously into your eyes. I don't know what you're trying to get at, Mason. Victor and I were buddies, and that's all there is to it!"I've said it before and I'll say it again. On the night of the murder, I was out with my wife at the Flamingo Club. We didn't leave until 3:00 a.m."Russell looks dejectedly at his feet. "I'm afraid, Mr. Mason, that I can't give you a suitable alibi.""Okay, okay! I'll tell you where I was. My wife and I went to the Flamingo Club. Around 1:00 a.m., I left her at the table, then went to meet Ray Madison, the club's owner. I owed him some money."Miller's face twists in frustration. "What... I mean...but... Ah, who cares? I gamble, Mr. Mason. I've gambled ever since I was fired from the magazine. And like most gamblers, I'm in debt from time to time. Lately I've hit a bad streak, and I'm in debt to Ray Madison. But I'll cover the debts, Mr. Mason. All I need is a little more time. If you're implying that I owed Victor any money, I can assure that I most certainly did not.""I guess I can't hide it any longer. Some time last year, I reviewed the Argos Cafe. It was awful. When I handed in my review to the editor, he couldn't believe I was going to give the Argos a bad review. He asked me to reconsider, but I was stupid. Victor read the review a week later, then went to the magazine's publisher and insisted he fire me. He did. I haven't been able to get a review published in any magazine since then."I reviewed the Argos for `Epicure Today` Magazine. I asked for the assignment, since I was intrigued with the whole idea of a Greek-Italian Cafe. I mean, who but Victor Kapp would think of combining the two? Ouzo and vino normally just don't mix, if you know what I mean. Anyway, the food was bad, and the service even worse. It was the last review I wrote for that magazine. I left because of professional differences with the editor. It had nothing to do with Victor."I don't know Miss Duboq personally, but I do know this. Duboq was the secret behind Victor's success. After she started working at the Argos, her cooking style improved incredibly, while Victor's slumped. By the time of Victor's death, Margot's cooking put Victor's to shame."Everyone knew that Margot and Victor were a hot item. In my social circles, news of who follows whom home every night spreads like fire in a match factory."Fritzie and Victor deserved each other. Both were moody, vicious, and anti-social. As far as I know, no one beside Victor could get near enough to that dog to pet it."I have had nothing to do with the Mandarin. I did go to the opening, but I stayed for only a few minutes."I knew Laura when she first started dating Victor. We were pretty chummy, but when Laura's screws started coming loose, I stopped having anything to do with her. I don't love her, I don't hate her. I just think she's nuts, to be perfectly honest."Russell sighs, as if lecturing a child. The Flamingo is a favorite night spot of the Hollywood glitterati. Surely you've heard of it, Mr. Mason! Or is your night life as dull as your wardrobe!" You hear titters from the jury."I didn't see Victor or Laura on Friday. Or anybody else in this courtroom, for that matter. Next question, please." Russell smiles smugly to himself."Oh, Victor loved the review. Why wouldn't he? I only trashed his precious Argos.""`Epicure Today` is the city's most important food magazine. Its review section is the most widely read in the city. Believe me, a restaurant's reputation can be permanently destroyed by a bad review from `Epicure Today`.""Victor used his power with restaurant magzine editors to ruin me. They're a bunch of fawning sycophants, Mason, and Victor is a powerful man in restaurant circles. After I published my review of the Argos he made sure I never got another review published anywhere."Miller reads the deposition as the blood drains from his face. "All right, Mason. I confess. I deliberately panned the Argos, even though the food was tremendous. I just really couldn't stand Victor Kapp. Everything came so effortlessly to him. I get kicked out of cooking school, and he graduates first in his class. He treated me like a worm, Mason. His personality was as rotten as his talent was great. I'm glad he's dead, Mason! I didn't kill him, but I'm glad he's dead!"pm07pm07pmncrak3"the ? the the to the ."<