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The road south to freedom calls you and the refugees alike. Read Journal Entry 2. These stark hills seem to contain nothing of interest. You scramble up the mountain, leaving the Dwarven lands far below. From the top, you'll get a good view of the surrounding country, but there is no way the Refugees can get their wagons up this peak. This was once a mighty highway. Brushing ages of dust from the high columns, you are able to read Dwarven Runes which explain that this road once linked Pax Tharkas with Thorbardin. Read Journal Entry 4. This was once a mighty highway, lined with 10 foot stone columns. They are carved with Dwarven Runes you cannot read. You hope this overgrown and broken road offers a fast route south.The roadway continues to the east. To the west, a cleft in the cliff wall reveals a steep pathway, winding up through the rocks.The roadway continues east. To the west, a cleft in the cliff wall reveals a steep pathway. The keenest eyes among you notice shallow, dwarf-sized foot-prints along the path. At the road-side, there stands a strange tower, with what looks like a viewing platform at the top. It doesn't seem to be occupied. This room is filled with litter left by the previous occupants - the only thing worth taking is an ancient document which reads, 'The Eye of Elar will show you your goal.' The rest is illegible. Read Journal Entry 3. Oppressive rock walls tower above you as you pass through this narrow canyon. Apparently, you are not alone in coming here, but the tracks of previous travellers lead north, not south.The trail comes to a cross-roads. A little-worn path heads NW into the Mountains, another heads west. A third leads southwest towards a towering peak which dominates everything around it. The path ends at a curious wall, built against the base of a massive peak, which soars up into the sky. From the top, you would be able to see for miles - but the mountain seems insurmountable. These plains are protected from harsh weather by the high Kharolis Mountains. The land is serene, but offers no sign of inhabitants.The woods here are thick, and you toil as you hack your way through the foliage. It would be difficult to live safely here if anyone were looking for you.There are some signs that animals have grazed on these hillsides. But who can they belong to? You find ancient remains of a Dwarven realm in these lonely mountains, but the mine-workings, houses and temples have been abandoned for many years.Hidden within deep woods, you come upon a walled Dwarven village. A guard at the gate challenges you, and you spot many soldiers lining the parapet of the wall.The mountains rise up to the west, but the ground is still passable here. Ahead, you see a cave, with a curious buzzing sound echoing from its depths. The cave mouth leads into a large room. The bones of Dwarves litter the floor. The bees you have killed are silent now, but there is an agitated buzz coming from the opening to the right. There were more bees in this room than the last, and fewer signs of Dwarves, who reached this place only to die. Another cave beckons ahead of you. This room was guarded ferociously by the bees, who defended their Queen to the death. Amongst the honeycombs, you find a small jar of Royal Jelly, a delicacy among Dwarves. A stream trickles down from the Mountains towards a lake, which blocks your path and forces you to climb into the mountains or turn back.You cross wide plains, moving further from the Draconian threat. Can it really be this easy, or is there something you have missed? As you cross the spine of this ridge you are confronted with a massive glacier sweeping away below you. The valley it has carved stretches far into the distance.These deep forests, surrounded by the majestic Kharolis Mountains, are dark and silent. There is very little opportunity here even to hunt for food.These hills seem to have remained undistubred for centuries.A massive archway spans a narrow ravine across this valley. Carved in dark runes in the bleak stone are the words 'The Outpost Mines'. Beyond, the gaping maw of a carved hole in the mountain beckons...These mine-workings do not appear to have been in use for some time, but flickering torches show that someone must live here. From an opening to the North, you hear the sounds of activity. The heat in here is unbearable - which must be why the Dwarves moved out and the Ogres moved in! This room forms a major junction within the complex. There are exits leading in all directions.The Aghar are poor relations of the Dwarven world, and this room is a tribute to their poverty and ignorance. It is the Ante-Room of the Highbulp, their ruler, but it boasts none of the trappings found in most royal chambers.Fresh air stirs through the cave mouth. You have found a hidden exit out of the Outpost Mines.Various Aghar are at work in these northern passages.The Draconians laid their ambush in this room specifically to defeat your Quest - but how did they know where to find you? Their threat is clearly not averted yet. After a while, all these rooms start to look the same...These are the Aghar kitchens. There is an enormous amount of food in here, but most of it looks absolutely disgusting. See Journal Entry 17.The Aghar used this chamber as some kind of Temple. The Priest and his acolytes were facing a statue of an enormous dragon which clutches a Brass Rod in its mighty talons. An inscription on the rod says 'This Justice Rod Frees Dragon from Stone To do only Good The world to roam.' This cave entrance is virtually invisible until you run into it. The trees also hide a huge stone archway, which carries a Runic message - The Outpost Mines. Above you, sheltered in a stone fort, a madman is yelling taunts at you. You can recall the gist of his words through Journal Entry 8. There's no way to get up to him. What should you do? The glacier's march down to the Southern plains has carved out a slippery, but relatively flat route through the mountains.Bruised and battered, you reach the end of your sleigh-ride. Sliding you have covered many miles in a matter of minutes! To the East, the ruins of a stone house offer respite from the wind. These mountains form a barrier between the mighty glacier and the forested lands to the east. These hills look easier to pass through than the surrounding mountains or the nearby glacier. A thick forest lies to the South. On the side of this mountain, someone has carved a message. It reads 'Step into the jaws of death to find salvation.' What can that mean?Open grasslands fill these valleys, but there is no sign of inhabitants. Compared to the mountainous lands to the west, the going here is easy. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?There has been a battle here in the not-too-distant past. Weapons lie strewn all over the plain, most of them rendered useless by the elements. There are a few items which seem worth taking, however. This quiet forest provides good hunting, and you eat well here. Interestingly, the further west you travel, the more food there seems to be.There is an abundance of food in this sheltered grove - more than the you could ever carry back to the refugees. Perhaps they could come here...You find a small clay tablet here, the stake-claim of an old prospector who has been working here-abouts. He specifically claims any golden keys as his property.A river winds its way through this valley to the distant sea. From this peak, you can see out over the sea to the east. There is no sign of a sail, or any craft on the water. Rescue in that direction seems a remote chance. A few scattered planks and the washed-up bodies of seamen are all that is left of a ship that foundered on this coast. There is also a chest, seemingly intact, lying just above the surf.This valley skirts the hills leading towards the coast. There is no trace now of the once mighty highway to Thorbardin. These open grasslands slowly rise towards some hills to the South.A small range of bleak hills rises up from the plains at this point. They offer no prospect of food or shelter. The remains of a campsite can be found on the beach where a crew of renegade hobgoblin pirates have been sheltering. A fine-looking sword lies where it fell from the captain's hand.Fresh air rushes in from the sea. Open land stretches westwards between two lines of hills. Your goal, it seems, is some distance away yet. The grass of these plains is dry and the soil dusty. There is little prospect of finding a new home in such barren wastelands. These low hills are exposed and featureless. Your quest must carry you further south yet. The spine of the Kharolis Mountains rises above these foothills, leaving them in the shade for much of the day. The Kharolis Mountains bisect the land for many miles along this ridge. Though passable, the mountains slow down your rate of progress dramatically. A cool mountain lake is at the center of this verdant forest. There is plentiful wildlife, though not as much shelter as you would like. It would make a temporary haven for the Refugees, however.The trees of this forest provide an abundance of fruit--enough to feed the refugees for days. They will also be safe in the cover the forest provides. A few bare hills rise up through the forest at this point.Wide grasslands stretch as far as the eye can see. Out here, you're as exposed to your enemies as anyone can be... This small river runs down from a small group of hills to the bay nearby. Various bits of discarded food and other rubbish bob with the current on its way out to sea. At a cave near the source of a small stream some hobgoblins have pitched camp. Their rubbish lies strewn about. Much of it is useless, though they do have at least one fine sword... The grasslands stretch off eastwards towards the horizon. Surely there can be no refuge that way...The ground becomes less even here, and rises up through a small range of hills. These low-lying hill offer only very sparse cover, and no sources of fresh food or water.There is no sign of life along this small mountain ridge.These well-watered lands would make a good place to live in times of peace, but offer no comfort now. Run-off from the glacier has formed a stream here, which meanders down towards some marshes further to the southeast.A few isolated peaks rise above the plain. They offer nothing except a commanding view.An abandoned Dwarven village stands on this hill. It has been empty for some time. At the center, an arrow mosaic made from small stones points towards the southern mountains. The final mountain at the end of this ridge has a narrow trail leading up to a dark cave mouth. Of what lies beyond, there is no clue, but the trail has been formed by something heavy... The troll's cave is littered with the bones of those who tried and failed to take the treasure in the chest he kept here. By the looks of it, it won't budge. But what will happen if you try to open it? The ground begins to rise with alarming speed. Beyond these hills, a solid block of mountainous rock rises above you. The wind howls around these high mountains, and you feel the biting cold even through your warmest cloaks. What possible comfort can you hope to find up here?A small stream feeds into this marshland from the west. There appear to be paths leading west through the swamp...A dank smell of decay and disease follows the wind from the south. This marshland looks like an ill place to bring the refugess, but there are causeways running through it. The pathways leading into this marsh all seem to be leading to a single point... the perfect place for some kind of ambush?The sea stretches away to the east, and a chain of mountains to the south and west. Between them, these mountains look as if they could conceal the refugees from prying eyes - or are they already inhabited?The Ogres picked a good ambush point. Their camp is hidden well behind the outcroppings of rock. Anything hidden here will be difficult to spot... As you pass through these mountains, you marvel at the sheer scale of the cliff-faces to the south. Impassable terrain.This low ridge of mountains shields off the rolling hills to the east from the dank swamps to the west. And, just for a moment, you catch a glimpse of large creatures moving through the hills, keeping to the shadows... The swamp is a desperate and cheerless place. The mosquitoes buzz, crocodiles stir hungrily in the water. Dampness soaks your clothes and hair. This is no place to spend any length of time. An inscription on an otherwise ordinary stone reads; 'Set the brass dragon free!' The swamp is a desperate and cheerless place. The mosquitoes buzz, crocodiles stir hungrily in the water. Dampness soaks your clothes and hair. This is no place to spend any length of time. The strange altar the Lizard Men were worshipping at is carved with the symbol of a dragon. Behind the altar is a small doorway which smells worse than the swamp around you. The raised causeways that run through the swamp are extremely narrow. You hope sincerely that nothing bars your way... there is no easy route around for the Refugees' wagons.Just when it seemed you had reached the edge of the swamp, you are surmounted by a greater danger than any you have faced. A mighty green dragon has made its nest by the side of the causeway, and it doesn't look as if you can just walk past without it noticing you.The same road you followed briefly in the north reappears here, leading deep into the mountains. But it forks immediately... which way are you supposed to go? Now the road divides into three. Pausing to refresh your water-skins from the lake, you ponder which way to go now... his road heads west, into higher and higher mountain ranges. Dwarven Rune stones litter these hills. Thorbardin must be close; but where? The road turns south-west into a narrow canyon. The way ahead is fraught with danger - any defenders in the rocks above the road would be able to spring an ambush without any warning at all. The climbing here is extremely difficult. The easy-looking road in the valley below begins to look a lot more attractive...This valley is too small to conceal anything as magnificient as the Dwarfgates; unless they are not as obvious as you have been led to believe. An abandoned Dwarf settlement can be seen on the crest of this hill. There is nothing worth taking from the ruins.Few signs mark this route, and the trail meanders through hills and valleys, climbing higher into the mountains. Can this be the right route? The road simply vanishes in this natural ampitheatre. There is no sign of anything remotely connected with your quest here.A weathered piece of stone on this hill looks as if it were once a sign-post for the two roads in the valleys below. There is nothing else of note, however, and the sign's lettering has faded too far to be of any use. The shortest, most direct route into the mountains seems to be the most obvious one to follow. But it is the right one?As the ground begins to slope more steeply upwards, the road ends. There is nothing here to indicate you are any nearer your journey's end. Looking back across the lake and the distant swamps, you feel you can catch a glimpse of approaching Draconians. Time is running out.The route through these hills is shorter than the road around the lake, but is it any quicker? The road east follows a raised causeway between the swamps and a clear lake. The oppressive stench of the marshlands is soon left behind.As the main route turns south-east, a fork runs off to the east.This small hill gives a great view of the eastern part of the swamp, but reveals nothing of further interest. This route skirts the mountains, heading towards a deep cleft in the ridge ahead.A dead end. The box canyon at the end of this road conceals nothing even remotely Dwarven.After a few miles, this road enters a deep cleft in the mountains. High rocks rise up on either side of you, making you feel trapped and helpless.A few less-imposing hills flank the roadway at this point. Nothing is concealed here, however.The road comes to an end, although there seems to be a reasonable trail going up into the mountains to the southwest. These imposing cliffs surely mark the way to Thorbardin. But how will you know when you've found the entrance to Skullcap? Rounding an outcropping of rock you are met with the fearsome sight of Skullcap. The huge skull seems to be carved out of the very hills, and the only entrance appears to be through the gaping jaws. You have discovered Skullcap, the entrance to the dark tomb of Fistandantilus. A huge mechanism shows you that the jaws can be sealed to prevent someone from entering or leaving... See Journal Entry 11.This room contains a foul-smelling creek which must be run-off from the mountains above. Someone left a treasure chest here long ago. The statue of a dragon dominates one wall of this room. Upon careful examination, you find a secret door which is blocked by the statue, and there doesn't seem to be any way to move the statue by yourselves. This room was hidden behind the bronze dragon for eons. The guards must have become Undead long ago, perhaps the result of a geas. As you entered, one of the guards dropped something, which vanished before it hit the floor... This room contains nothing of interest except for the remnants of previous intruders... As you enter, you are dazed by the flashing of walls and lights. As your eyes become adjusted to the brillance, you realize the room is guarded by some sort of illusion which makes the walls appear invisible.Stalagmites formed here as water from above seeped through the roof. How old is this place, anyway? The stench in this room is unbearable. Best to move through it as quickly as possible. No telling what it is used for...This room glows with a familiar light. Apparently whoever enchanted that previous room had two of those illusion spells.As you enter, a huge beast with three heads shreaks in surprise closes to attack. Are you brave enough to face the hydra? Your quest has led you through the heart of the mountain. You now find yourselves on a walkway over a foul bog. The door at the far end is closed, and it looks like you need two keys...The previous gate took you through a small gate, and you are faced with another parapet over the evil-smelling river. Again, you will need two keys to pass safely.This is becoming old hat. Covering faces from the stench, you think you see a way through the maze. But why does this door have only one keyhole?Insane laughter is heard, and a voice calls out, 'Come challenge me, fools!' Guarded by a host of undead creatures you see the lich gesturing as if about to cast a spell... The spiders were obviously the latest in a long line of inhabitants here. Part of the room was carved by Dwarves, and part was cut more recently. Sadly, it is a dead-end.The bees have made a hive of this cavern, much to the consternation of the ogres. Through the opposite tunnel the flickering of torches tells you that bees aren't the only inhabitants here.The path leads through an underground chamber across a swift, yet unwholesome river. The scraps you find along the way confirm that you are in the temple of the Jarak Sinn, the lizard men.You hear a cry of fear from within the cavern, and the laughter of Lizard Men. Entering the cavern, you see them taunting a hapless Dwarf--the Marsh Warden!Buried by snow and crumbling from years of bitter weather, the stonework might offer you shelter from the wind. Provided, of course, it isn't occupied... This room reeks of dead swamp creatures, but the whistling of air from those rocks tells you that this cavern goes deeper yet. But how can you get through all that undergrowth? 'Thank you for saving me!' the Dwarf smiles. He leads you out of the foul dungeon and pulls a rolled-up map from under a fallen log.See Journal Entry 19. The hobgoblins have been attacking the dwarves ever since the bees trapped them in this cave. But doesn't mean the Dwarves want you here!The statues of former Dwarven kings line the parapet. Below flows a great subterranean river of fresh water.The Dwarven living quarters are all locked. They probably hidden their women and children in there since you started killing all their soldiers!The intense heat tells you that you've found a Dwarven foundry. The smith was working on a new sword, but it isn't finished yet. Fizban disappears suddenly, then reappears. Waving a warning finger, he says, 'You shouldn't do that!' He doesn't seem angry, however. A cheer goes up from the refugees as they discover the food. In short order the food is divided up and loaded onto the wagons. The King points to the bottom of the map. 'These mountains guard Thorbardin. They are tall and steep. The only way through to Thorbardin is by finding the Dwarfgates. Alas, I do not know where these can be found.' The heavy door refuses your attempts to open it. Pondering your next move, you see small lettering which reads, 'I, the great wizard Fizban, have stolen the key and trapped the evil lich in his own dungeon!' A great rumbling is heard and the dragon's breath lights up the land around you. Prepare to meet Ember...You must be in Wilderness Mode to move the Refugees.The king passes you a map. See Journal Entry 15.Before you leave, the Aghar King warns you:'There is much you should know. I don't have time to tell you all now.' He gives you Journal 10 and says, Read this, and heed my words.' The evil hordes of draconians have completely conquered Pax Tharkas, whose entire human population they enslaved. You, the Companions of the Lance, have freed the slaves and led them through the mountain gates in search of a new home. Read Journal Entry 1 for further information.You cannot heal in wilderness mode.The Aghar King greets you with a wheezing voice and asks what you want. What aid will you request? Choose one of the following, and refer to Journal entry 7 for more information Rest Ask for food Ask about Thorbardin Ask for other information Leave.A magical rune explodes, and you suddenly find that your weapons have crumbled to dust!A magical rune explodes, and you suddenly find that all your magical items have vanished!You have angered the Dwarves. They are hostile now. The view from here is breathtaking, but enjoying the countryside is not the reason you're here...Do you wish to wait until dusk?The Neidar King calls for the finest food and wine in the village. You feast well. As you eat he says, 'There are many routes you can follow in your quest. Above all, you must find the Marsh Warden! Your refugees can't survive the marshes if they don't follow the path!' The bracers fit onto your wrists as though they were made for you. They make you feel safer somehow...You must be with some refugees. You have chosen to speak to the Council. In what fashion do you wish to address them? See Journal Entry 5 for advice. Entreat to action Plea for loyalty Reason with them Threaten them Use physical force.The Aghar are impressed with your demeanor, and you are granted an audience with the King. It is apparent from the lights that the Throne Room lies behind the West door. No YesThe refugee Council is meeting. Do you wish to address them?Click once to remove this message then choose a visible hex.You are granted an audience with the King of the Neidar Dwarves. What aid will you request? Choose one of the following, and refer to Journal entry 6 for more information Rest Ask for food Ask about Thorbardin Offer to help them Leave. With a fierce battle cry the Draconians are upon you!A chance encounter...Your party has been wiped out. Try another party.Your quest is at end! You have defeated Fistandantilus-the Shadow Sorcerer. The Dwarves are happy to open their gates to the refugees you have saved. Bad tidings have befallen you! You have failed to heed the needs of the refugees, who put their trust in you. Less than one hundred refugees are still alive. And you call your alignment Good! Try again, and pay closer attention to the needs of those you have sworn to protect!You can't give anything to a fallen comrade except a decent burial.Fallen comrades can't use things. That character is missing. You can't look in the backpack!A blitz of lightning goes off, and you suddenly feel drained.Using the rod here has no effect.Sliding the ring onto a finger, you suddenly feel more confident.Some of your wounds are cured. As you enter a lovely glen you are greeted by a small voice. 'Please! You must help us!' says a Sprite which suddenly appears before you. The creature explains that the Marsh Warden was taken by the Lizard Men and is being held in their underground fort. 'You'll never make it through the swamps without his help!' the Sprite says.Suddenly serious, the Neidar King warns you:'There is much you should know. I don't have time to tell you all now.' He gives you Journal 9 and says sternly, 'Read carefully.'Suddenly, a voice from behind you calls, 'Excuse me, coming through!' Fizban fumbles for the proper key to open the last door. See Journal Entry 20. As the huge gates close behind you, you at last can feel safe in the knowledge that you have accomplished a great deed. Your heroism and bravery are a standard for others to follow. But have you done the best you can do? Truly heroic players would try for a better score, after they read Journal Entry 13. Since their escape from Pax Tharkas, the ex-slaves have formed a council to deliberate on events. It is meeting now to decide on how much to trust your advice. 'Thank you for bringing us this nectar. We Neidar use it to make Royal Jelly, a health ointment. In return for your bravery we will deliver the food you found to the refugees. By the way, seek out the Hidden Temple of the Dwarves. There the Stone Sage can advise you on the path to Thorbardin.'The dragon flies off, saying that it will kill Ember, the evil Red Dragon. See Journal Entry 21.Only a magic-user can use this.The Fireball spell is prepared.The key ring buzzes with a strange energy. You sense a magical power binding other keys to the ring. Suddenly, you know where other keys can be found. See Journal Entry 14. In a cave northwest from here is a hive of giant bees. The bees produce a kind of honey which we treasure dearly. But they are too many and too powerful for us to retrieve it. Please get it I shall reward you.' See Journal Entry 16. Legend speaks of a good dragon, which has been turned to. stone. Only a brass rod can awaken. it. Once awake it will kill evil dragons at your bidding. See Journal Entry 18. The Guard, initially hostile, does not attack once you explain who you are. Instead he tells you that you have found the Village of the Neidar, and that if you go through the gate, you will be warmly welcomed.You cannot heal during combat.Your wounds are healed.There are no clerics present. Heavily armed dwarves crowd onto the stockade. A gruff voice commands 'Keep Out!' Tasslehoff disarms a trap before he unlocks the chest.A trap is set off. The sacred hall features a huge statue built in the midst of the water. A sign on the wall nearby reads, 'Wisdom is gained easily by inquiring it of me, at a fair price, you'll agree. 'Tis free.' 'Fellow Dwarf!' the statue bellows, 'Your quest surely is of great importance. Yours shall be an aura of safety!' It says, and Flint suddenly feels more confident.The statue comes to life and says, 'You must find Skullcap, for it guards the way to Thorbardin. But beware! Fistandantilus isn't dead. He is Undead!' The statue then turns back into stone. This room used to be part of the Dwarven city, but the battles with the hobgoblins have reduced it to rubble. Now, the Dwarves occupy only the northern end, behind a rubble wall which they erected This room contains two exits: a new section to the right, and an older tunnel to the left. Which way...?The bog is nothing compared to the stench of these barracks.A poorly-scrawled sign proclaims this as the sergeant's quarters, but 'Pit of Unholy Stench' would be more appropriate.This walkway is partially under water. If that hydra was living here for any length of time, the Jarak Sinn must have a way around this room...The walkway continues through this room, where the undead guard their own statues. Along the length of this walkway you find bits of flesh and things indescribable. Just as you're about to give up you spy a Dwarven signet ring. Could you be on the right trail after all? This is obviously some kind of guard post. A huge rock was rolled across the path, and those guards were camoflagued well. Someone knows you're here.It seems like you've been walking forever in this sewer.The malodorous river seeps under the walls and vanishes. It would be impossible to follow it any further. You jeer and taunt your enemy. They snarl back at you and attack.Enscribed on the ring are some runic letters which, translated, read as follows: Wear me, thus protection claim, 'Carry me, and green dragon tame.As you enter, Fizban suddenly pipes up, 'Yiou know, of course, that you'll need some keys in there. And I've got mine!' As you enter the frightful cavern you spot a note scrawled on the cavern wall. It reads, I am Fizban, and I hold the key to Skullcap. Only I can show the way through!Tass utters a frightful sound which makes your enemies turn toward him and attack!Your stomach begins to turn as you examine the food placed before you. Are those things still moving? See Journal Entry 17 for the recipe. As you leave the room, you a commotion from behind you. 'What you mean, they don't want to speak to me!' yells the Highbulp, the Aghar ruler. 'Then I will NEVER speak to them!' he screams.Fizban laughes and tosses a snowball at you. Dodging it is easy, but you lose your footing on the ice! 0t#&*`.27l=CJ8N dX?Aj``^&zK?  T`@O??/30 ??>y~I`? 3 8!x !߀$"8?F l0}` 8pqq~/ as 8 {o  ?0 f?o?8`?Q G4~_N_z7`Ā F??p< 7 0 XuW|$0` < SA9P@  ?)8xh8^uB^<R=EHOspp8 uA߾A>@p@?cc,8//yTOE.0 ?`4`,0J ",8,\]Gwl?POrLp'؀! +|Ł~:?}?L/@3 O8π0M<@[G/?>0????dCcv`LJ: ?/3<? !! R9 ?`.?(έ=Ҋ}p/O 0ϟߠ'-||bXx ׿Q?|L| |XKD2 xi!>!C Ӿ)%@ oE@DVA#k(Pd Tx> ?U{@0) (  PD`~17?X0XڿH+ g` 0= w0^?L"@a|``vP )_~ Vp++|iY }ߣ~V pypq__$  ? @<42P gA F9jD PaAQ ׳(0(?77o 0A o7xwp1ο@M %`D8o_϶O0iwhg1ξA_$|) (үP?wE`2,!޺Eէ(QDX}|o%plSL^Pӈ-wAgjKm ? 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