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Dragon's teeth0 meteoric iron*carpet ?silk carpet?bottle of wineEempty bottleFcorkG Osteon Malakos rCitadel Scroll- Salubria,pVindictus:ruby dust "2    ,9- -5+6+8 XXX6F&6&&&'''(((d!"!#!$!%"!#!$!%!"ES006((wEdwardolder@  22 Amadisolder@*Ironsideder@*Sagramoreer@*Nineveolder@*Dschin +Breuse@'JD 2Graf Lupo @_Pd( Soldat i( Ritter  [dd( Don Jaimee@P22 Soldat i( Ritter  [dd( RamirezHeniq@P 2( Soldat i( Ritter  [((( Reisende H ( Baske  Y Pilger Y  Pilger  Y  Bote `M ( Bote _M ( Bote M ( Canis Lupus@ ( temp @*Zigeuner H  Zigeunerin '+H  Berenguer@ ` (&Soldat I(Ritter  Kdd(Ruy Lopez@K _( Soldat I( Ritter  K22( Schurke ?P ( Schurke xw ( Schurke  Pdd( Schurke p dd( Ramon IIeniq@[( Soldat i(&Ritter  kdd(&Motamideniq@_D\(1Soldat Y<<()Ritter  [()Nur ed-Diniq@mD](1Soldat Y(,Ritter  [dd(,Banu n-Num@D^( Soldat Y(/Ritter  [dd(/AbracaAbraca@o@a( Soldat Y( 2Ibn Teshufin@FDb( Soldat Y(4Ritter  [dd(4Ummayed Emir@Dc( Soldat Y(7Ritter  [dd(7Al-Mu'tadids@Dd( Soldat Y(:Ritter  [22(:Muhammed Is@FD\( Soldat Y(=Ritter  [dd(=KhairanZuhai@(aD]( Soldat Y(@Ritter  [dd(@SaladinZuhai@@^( Soldat Yxx( CRitter  [dd( CSyr Ibn Bekr@kDb( Soldat Y(FRitter  [dd(FYusufibn Tes@ Dd( Soldat YXX(IRitter  [(ISchurke p>dd( Schurke p>dd( Schurke p>dd( temp @*temp @*temp @*temp @*temp @*temp @*temp @*Pilger 0Y Hndler Y Domingo@'E  Bartholomus@'E!cPc Kruterkenner'mH!d Apotheker 'hHd Hndler 'rHd Alarcos 5yAlcantara @yAlcazar ooAlgeciras koAlmeria (aoAveiro _oBatalyus yyBarcelona oBayonne yKadiz oCalatrava yyStadt aus MessingpKurtuba tEvoraOyFatima >yAghranata FlCiudad EncantadaLas Navas OyLeon_u+Olixbona FuLogrono yJMadrid moMerida yMonserrat yJMonzon _yIPamplona yPortoyPortsmouth Sagrajaz ySalamanca ?ySantiago o@IshbillivaoTuliatala uDertusa 0yValencia IquQuelle der SeelenLzZamora KyIZaragoza y.a bat's wing#belladonna#mandrake # hellsbane #eye of newt# holy water! vitality potion"+ prowess potion"- healing balm!,`elixir of loftus!Z@ `dragonsbane#@blessed cross(fascinum terrere-/ `Disenchant uFyrd's Stone*,`Helyes' Book. iron key 3Bbronze key3DBgold Key 3Bbrass Key 3(Bkey3Brepletion spell charm spell Z@ z@escape spell Z:0healing spell ,sdefend spell $wshield spell .wqTrue Sight 0bellbird@flying carpet? Dragon's teeth0 meteoric iron*carpet ?silk carpet?bottle of wineEempty bottleFcorkG Osteon Malakos rCitadel Scroll- Salubria,pVindictus:ruby dust "2 0B [[[ZZZZZ Z\\\\d   AD  S006((wEdward IIIr@'@b 2 Amadisolder@*Ironsideder@*Sagramoreer@*Nineveolder@*Dschin +Breuse@'@  2Graf Lupo @_( Soldat i( Ritter  [dd( Don Jaimee@2 Soldat i( Ritter  [dd( RamirezHeniq@Z( Soldat i( Ritter  [((( place holder@*place holder@*place holder@*place holder@*place holder@*Dona Annaer@'c!  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Motamideniq@_D\( Soldat Y<<()Ritter  [()Nur ed-Diniq@mDE]( Soldat Y(,Ritter  [dd(,Banu n-Num@D^( Soldat Y(/Ritter  [dd(/AbracaAbraca@Iqo@a( Soldat Y( 2Ibn Teshufin@FDb( Soldat Y(4Ritter  [dd(4Ummayed Emir@FDc( Soldat Y(7Ritter  [dd(7Al-Mu'tadids@Dd( Soldat Y(:Ritter  [22(:Muhammed Is@(aD\( Soldat Y(=Ritter  [dd(=KhairanZuhai@Iq(aD](###Soldat Y(@Ritter  [dd(@SaladinZuhai@@^( Soldat Yxx( CRitter  [dd( CSyr Ibn Bekr@kDb( Soldat Y(FRitter  [dd(FYusufibn Tes@ ~6Dd( Soldat YXX(IRitter  [(IReisende I( %&Canis Lupus@'1( Kruterkenner'mH!2 Sarazene '"H Sarazene '"H Sarazene '"H Pilger I( Soldat IqI  ( Mohr ';H # Mohr ';H # Mohr ';H # @*Mohr 'H # Mohr 'H # Mohr 'H # Apotheker 'hH2 Hndler 'rH2 Alarcos 5yAlcantara @yAlcazar ooAlgeciras koAlmeria (aoAveiro _oBatalyus yyBarcelona oBayonne yKadiz oCalatrava yyStadt aus MessingpKurtuba t8=EvoraOyFatima >yAghranata FlCiudad EncantadaLas Navas OyLeon_uBOlixbona FuLogrono yJMadrid moMerida yMonserrat yJMonzon _yIPamplona yPortoyPortsmouth Sagrajaz ySalamanca ?ySantiago oIshbillivaoTuliatala uDertusa 0yValencia IquQuelle der SeelenLzZamora KyIZaragoza yAMhouse '@>5AMgateh '"@?;AMcourt ''@:./church01 ',@AMcgate '1 AMstreet '6@C9?AMpgate ';@>CAMtreas '@@33_Zigeunerlager)leonc 'Jzmrchnt01 'h@mrchnt02 'm@mrchnt03 'r@Los Santos}vSanta Fe de SoriavSant Feliu#vSanta Eulariav*__5Q4?Y?_(/6('(gQEM2/F.H+LJ/! #2?S?'?L?RR?Y?_Cgold besant1knife 7-Abroadsword8-Arunic blade9d -AExcalibur 9-A helm;.1Arthur's Helm; .1 shield :.!Arthur's Shield: .! sacred relic'0salamander bone# holy grail=0 `small chest/CGaunts d'Poeir>.a bat's wing#belladonna#mandrake # hellsbane #eye of newt# holy water! vitality potion"+ prowess potion"- healing balm!,`elixir of loftus!Z@ `dragonsbane#@blessed cross(fascinum terrere-/ `Disenchant uFyrd's Stone*,`Helyes' Book. iron key 37Bbronze key3DBgold Key 33Bbrass Key 3-Bkey38Brepletion spell charm spell Z@ z@escape spell Z:0healing spell ,s defend spell $wshield spell .wlampDRara AvisHigamus HogamuspStupefactus pTrue Sight bellbird@flying carpet Dragon's teeth0 meteoric iron*carpet ?silk carpet?bottle of wineEempty bottleFcorkG Osteon Malakos rCitadel Scroll- SalubriapVindictus:ruby dust "2 @ @#!("&<&[[?[ [[NNN\\\\\d'@, S006((wLancelot@"  #2 Amadis@" 2 Edward@"  2Bors @"  2 Nineve@* Z 7Dschin  " Z  2 Breuse@  2Graf Lupo @_ ( Soldat i( Ritter  [dd( Don Jaimee@2 Soldat i( Ritter  [dd( Ramirez@*Soldat *Ritter +Jorgeaz@`)( Soldat I( Ritter  K,,( Al-Mansur@' 2( Leutnant  i^(@7@*Soldat )[ (Ritter  *\ (temp @*temp @*Kruterkenner'mH!2 Apotheker 'hH2 Hndler 'rH2 Zigeunerin 'Hd Sarazene 'H Sarazene 'H Ramon IIIniq@Gq)d( Soldat i("Ritter  kdd( "Alfonso@ ( Bote l ( Bote l ( Landoine@ !  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Apotheker ' ghH Hndler 'rH Alarcos 5yAlcantara @yAlcazar ooAlgeciras koAlmeria (aoAveiro _oBatalyus yyBarcelona oBayonne yKadiz oCalatrava yyStadt aus MessingpKurtuba tEvoraOyFatima >yAghranata FlCiudad EncantadaLas Navas OyLeon_uOlixbona FuLogrono yJMadrid moMerida yMonserrat yJMonzon _yIPamplona yPortoyPortsmouth Sagrajaz ySalamanca ?ySantiago oIshbillivaoTuliatala u.Dertusa 0yValencia Iqu?Quelle der SeelenLzZamora KyIZaragoza y@HMalorica )Sy2_ZigeunerlagerfE)GYPSYWAG '(tshop '@.ttavern '@.tchurch '@/!tstreet '!*+/tfgate '.,0tfort1 '@/1tfort2 '@00forge '&vroom '@5vtavern2 ' @46vstreet5 '5>:vtavern1 '@<vchurch '@<vshop1 '@:vstreet4 '"96;>vshop2 ''@:vstreet1 ',>78=vstreet2 '1<>vstreet3 '6=:<valencic ';#<church01 '@!m_a hut w}xm_dragon's caveM+zDm2_cave 'T@CEm3_cave 'Y@FFEDm4_cave '^@EDEGm5_cave 'c@FEGmrchnt01 'h@mrchnt02 'm@mrchnt03 'r@Los Santos}vSanta Fe de SoriavSant Feliu#vSanta Eulariav*V?We3WfWgtYsrwu v^>^\h]i^j%??l?m?n w!xy?zjopqV?d $?t$?$L4%5k%&5&?! #2?ZZ[[\\gold besant1knife 7-Abroadsword8-Arunic blade9d -AExcalibur 9-A helm;.1Arthur's Helm; .1 shield :.!Arthur's Shield: .! sacred relic'0salamander bone# holy grail=0 `small chest/CGaunts d'Poeir>.a bat's wing#belladonna#mandrake # hellsbane #eye of newt# holy water! vitality potion"+ prowess potion"- healing balm!,`elixir of loftus!Z@ `dragonsbane#@blessed cross(fascinum terrere-/ `Disenchant uFyrd's Stone*,`Helyes' Book. iron key 3Bbronze key3DBgold Key 3Bbrass Key 3(Bkey3Brepletion spell charm spell Z@ z@escape spell Z:0healing spell ,sdefend spell $wshield spell .wlampDRara AvisHigamus HogamuspStupefactus pTrue Sight bellbird@flying carpet Dragon's teeth0 meteoric iron*carpet ?silk carpet?bottle of wineEempty bottleFcorkG Osteon Malakos rCitadel %Scroll- SalubriapVindictus:ruby dust "2 3<&2G  6  " $GzF GGGG GGFF!!!!ZZ[\d')+S006((wEdwardOf Ork@"  2Amadis @" 2 Ironside Ork@"  2SagramoreOrk@"  2Nineve@* P 2@*Breuse@' PPGraf Lupo @_ Z( Soldat i( Ritter  [dd( Don Jaimee@2 Soldat i( Ritter  [dd( Ramirezamire@> X ( Soldat I( Ritter  K( Ruy Diazm@  ( Soldat I::( Ritter  K ( Skelett "D (Skelett "D (Skelett "D (Skelett "D (Skelett "D (Skelett "D (Zigeuner $@H  Zigeunerin 'Hd Mdchen 'YHCanis Lupus@ ( Skelett U>'' (Skelett U=N N  (Valentine@IqZ ( Soldat I( Sarazene '6H ( Sarazene H ("Sarazene H ("Mohr 'H( Mohr H(%Mohr ';H( Mohr H('Motamideniq@>D\(1Soldat Y<<()Ritter  [()Juan IIo@_>@X ( Soldat Y( ,Ritter  Ydd( ,Polombo@?@Y ( Soldat Y( /Ritter  Ydd( /AbracaAbraca@yo@a( Soldat Y( 2Ibn Teshufin@FDb( Soldat Y(4Ritter  Yddy(4Ummayed Emir@Dc( Soldat Y(7Ritter  [dd(7Al-Mu'tadids@ODd(Soldat Y(:Ritter  [22(:Muhammed Is@FD\( Soldat Y(=Ritter  [dd(=KhairanZuhai@(aIqD]( Soldat Y(@Ritter  [dd(@SaladinZuhai@@^( Soldat Yxx( CRitter  [dd( CSyr Ibn Bekr@kDb( Soldat Y(FRitter  [dd(FYusufibn Tes@O5Dd(Soldat YXX(IRitter  [(ISkelett 'H (Skelett 'H (Skelett ''H  (Wchter '^H (Wchter  H (OWchter  H (OKruterkenner'!  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Bishop Bartholomew, happy to@ve the bell again, }ts youat Sir Breuse escaped with al-MansurACity of Brass, inEast Sp@.mayGo~ r treaeshim.The evil djinni was powerful but not wise. You have trapped him in his bottle. You must now go to the next room where you will find Helye's Book!I have been driven out of my village and shunned by all who meet me. What kindness will you show this poor leper, guilty of nothing but a dreadful disease?=I can no longer stand being set apart! I have done no crime!You show great courage to befriend me. I repay your kindness by giving you a great gift: there is a small lamp in the hospice nearby. It is yours.For a small reward I wilet you use my secrpath througe heart of Amountains. Yreach Sp mufoastendBnot have to conte@wie ?Basque&arn%:re alarge forcesA" a&d&1...Close to half a year and naryknight stops here,then this week Ivwo visits fromDs. The o r, Breu@Iink said name was,Aaded for Pamplona in Spain, ov@# PyreneeBut...Spain is a dangerous place theseys. The Christian@ re fighting Moslems, and each orif you don't get cau @one ofir battle@ 'll likelky by*ybB ieve@'Aworse!...fYou should be talking to the pilgrim at Pamplona. He has the latest news. Oh, yes, I also remember...9I hear that the pilgrim at Pamplona has the latest news.The caves are inhabited by robber dwarfs, but they should not be a danger to such mighty warriors as you. You do not yet have anything I seek. We will meet again, and then I will claim my reward. Will you accept my offer?dWe have heard of untold riches in the tunnel through the Pyrenees. You would not believe your eyes!I see a man withbook... The hascross on the cOoverE ipilgrim. He waits for you in Pamplona. But  not~ first!~A shouldA&"Exerting his power to the utmost, Merlin strivesށholdforces of darkness at bay, yet epidemics rage acro|land,tlague London, ps fail,!wea@#r, dn madW byA(  ev storm܀ Eng.Baudwin goes to Romeseek help from the Pope. Or parti scattevery cornof Eur|@ find villains. Your Ay w@ASp. A groupAknights gas at!rtsmo?uth, a@@ ship bouor BayonnA,nlyur ca:.We have just returned from a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. There is@ man namBreuse living in that city. @  now held by@Moorish force of lea&500 men. @,do t k hc@dwell$,s kiaCh2nights.I overheard the gus sayingat some ofretsures England have been takoB room. I do not know whe is, bu@his mornA!I stole a goldkey from onG&.nk it unlocks5door$tyI see a vision of gold,mountai underH... You will need thisbut cannot find it yourselvesThere abands of soldiers throughoute northASpainat may be willing to help you--for a price. B@bew@:@me@ @s@e eac@r mo%ey love g@&...6Cross my palm with gold and I will read your fortune.The situation in Spain is very dangerous for those who ride alone. You can hire us for 50 gold besants per week. We will serve anyone but the hated Duke Lupo of Leon--and those who are friendly with him.>I grow weary of begging. Please offer me something or begone!I am a djinni of the ancient orderA. C t your command. I will fight for>d gra@wishes. What,only expect three? generous%Bfive!Be warned, stranger. We guard our domain well. You may pass through, but take nothing, or the wrath of all the dwarfs will be upon you.-I can see nothing more. The glass is cloudy.zI see a spirit trapped in the form of a bird. An evil djinni has placed this enchantment on her. The glass is changing...cI see a diseased man, in a place of uncleanness. He has a great gift to bestow. I can see no more.Good my lord, I am on an urgent errand from the cities of Porto and Zamora. Armies of the infidels are marching on those cities, and without your aid, they will be lost!I haven't heard anything about a bell, but a place of uncleanness? That could be Barcelona, or the leper colony in Evora, or the capital of the infidels, Kurtuba.I have seen no bell, but Dheard leper colonies called unclean. There is a y somew south ofre, in place the Chapel Bones.Praise God you have rescued us! But the infidels have stolen the church bell and taken it south. I will pay a great reward to anyone who restores it...You have released me from a terrible enchantment, and I am forever in your debt. I have news. Allow me a moment to recover from the shock of the transformation.I and my forces will serve you 100 gold besants per week. Butware:  at th theof LogronoA Pamplona,Bbe merciless toAmB'ir friends!iYou rest for a time in the tavern, and when your wounds are healed, you prepare to set out for Santiago.I and my men will march with you for 50 gold besants per week. But I warn you: We are loyal to the king of Castile. If my men see an army of Leon, I will not be able to keep them from attacking!^I have just come from the Chapel of the Bones, in Evora. I have heard nothing about any bell.0I will trade you 600 gold besants for the bell.I see a stranger on the road to Pamplona who can show you the way. He seems to be a simple priest, but is much more. That is all I see.ZBy recovering Arthur's helm and shield, you have completed the fourth part of your quest!mLandoine is angered at not having been asked to join your party, but decides to return with you nonetheless.tIn the second year of King Constantine's reign a lone knight arrived at the gates of Camelot and begged admittance.Constantine, Nineve, and the castle staff were the only ones there that night but hospitality was offered to the drenched traveler.{As Constantine himself came to question the stranger, the knight threw open the doors and invited a shadowy form to enter.The maid Corissa was cleaning tashes from a fireplacnd kneel out of sight @door. Scould, however, see Constantinlookshock appeared on his f. Wit%hA"l&lD+atA+ze ;body turnrig@=@1he moved no more. Corissa hid as the knight said, "The treasury is this way," and led the shadowy figure towards Nineve's laboratory.As they entered, Corissa heard Nineve shriek once inock, @n fall sil@. Shortlyreaf, knight and shad7ow ppcarrying a gt bag  unconscious formo of C..As they fled through the front gate, the shadow spoke, saying, "You have done well this night, Sir Breuse. The woman and the gold are yours. Flee the country ere they all pursue you!"TWord is sent and the Round Table gathers. Merlin presides in Constantine's absence.Merlin explains that even he cannot break the spell that holds the king in thrall. The shadowy figure may have been a lord of demons, a being too powerful even for Merlin.XIt may be that Helye's Book could aid in defeating such a creature, but, alas, the bookwas one of the great treasures stolen from Camelot's treasury that night. Also taken were Arthur's helm and shield, King Andred's Gauntlets of Power, the mighty Sword Excalibur, and the Holy Grail itself! The kingdom begins to sicken...Hail, noble knight! I am Ruy Diaz, and I am seeking Landoine, the daughter of Alfonso of Castile. She has been taken to al-Mansur's palace in Kurtuba. The king has promised me command of his army if I can rescue Landoine, but I fear my quest is hopeless...I see a man,soldier... He iski{ng@methno,one. You@y bble to help ea?ch oth@goASalaca. I can no more.wMany thanks for delivering me from a fate worse than death. I have heard some things that may be of interest to you...jWe are on our way back to France, but we will escort you across the mountains for 5 gold pieces per week.`Roland's army must return now to their homes, so they bid you farewell and ride back to France.So you journey to the City of Brass... HmmI seeրat c has been@sieged b@gre al-Mansur himself! Although is not!r faiwth,Amaylp'i approach w ou@n army.I am Ibn abi Amir, known as al-Mansur, the victorious. You are seeking this villain Breuse and some items he stole? It may be that we can serve each other. My sorcerers are unable to break the city's protection.UThe way now clear, you throw open the gate and the horde of al-Mansur boils through.7After the battle you come finally to the core of evil.zThe evil Djinni has been vanquished. Helye's book is once again in hand. You have completed the third part of your quest!I cannot tell you what you need to know, but perhaps my sister can. She is gifted with second sight. Knock on the door of the wagon to talk to her.It is soon obvious, however, that your quest has been@trayed. Al-Mansseizes e o~@r trea@~and he@bodyguard,anB , d@ sed inarmor of a knight, ride@"ickly oaway@(ow Kurtuba#!arch fail#o unco3%remaining&.RBeware, my lord! You have left a treasure of great worth in the caves behind you.kYou have recovered one of the great treasures of England! You have completed the first part of your quest.yThe bird you saw when you fought Breuse troubles me. It seems no ordinary bird to me. My counsel is to take it with you.Bartholomew thinksat al-Mansur might be willing to return the tWrea eoeir r ful owners for a suitable@ward. Tbishop cautions you, however,"A certainly attackw anrmy.pproach$him.As Breuse dies, he says, "You think you have triumphed, but you have not killed me, only a spectre that my master created to delay you. You will never catch me!"PBeware, my lord! You must bring Ruy Diaz with you to enter al-Mansur's palace.cIf you will release me from this cell, I will guide you to where Alfonso's daughter is being kept. Follow me._We must first leave my cell, then go right and defeat the three Saracens guarding the dungeon.Next we must go throughiddle door,AnAright, which will take us to a palace room. G tw}i@more:Ashould be in@ -twosA"back wall(e er <'come A.great h It mayguarded.Breuse says, There is a hidden door in the far wall; al-Mansur's harem is behind it. I believe we will find Alfonso's daughter there. I have a key to the door..Breuse is now prepared to give his last clue.Breuse says, Next we must go throughiddle door,AnAright, which will take us to a palace room. G twi@more:Ashould be in@ twosA"bac?k wall(e er 'come A.great h It mayguarded.Peering deep into the crystal I see... A city filled with great tsures, ancient artifactsAbu@lso danger! T@evil undeadand somweth$elsBahC!#cannot & *look* no more!I see a great evil, perhaps the one you k, far toBsouth. There i}scity,nchanted fortress... Ywill exi@ e hardship AjourneyA!@ be very difficult.A Great army of the faithful followers of Islam is camped near the city. They are not in league with the evil - they oppose it - but to no avail. You will find no assistance from that quarter, however.I see a great labyrinth surrounding the Enchanted city. Beware forre many trapustE un darkness... avoidfirst, Asecond istrue path.I feel a presence... a great evil... the veil closes. One last thing: when it is darkest, go right, then take the mid path, then left. Repeat this until you see the light.More victims of the labyrinth! My band once numbered a hundred warriors. Most now serve as undead slaves. Know, infidel dog, that death by my sword is far cleaner than the fate awaiting you in that accursed fortress.So you have pierced the maze! Ha! Yfound naught butAr doom. At m men! Kill don't@ckup. TMaster wA wanB bodies intact.Who are you? You appear to be living men.Cre rescuers taunt@! No one could prevail against the eyv@. Of rse I will help , but... I beg ofCgive@! a knif@IBB.defeated, dh w /mo5welcothan what plans for@6.Avoid the inner court. There is a great monster chained there. It breathes fire and eats the flesh of men! You must leave through the middle door of the room next to this one.,You can avoid the beast by goingrough a hidden passage. I was once takto room offouter court,~Bpart oCyard withig pol@hey use for flay"prisoners. T@*left do@leads. Behind-panel)6right@-ll i8 #3 ItGAAevi e's _chambAQuake in fear, scum! On your knees before me or I shall m @ writhendless agony! Ha hah! Pain! ED p wout death toscreams! TMaster c?omes..B! beg ( ~A!releas* f!You have been an inconvenience to me. Like a gnat, your buzzing onoysB Ifd notCsoCsequential I wouldobliteratedBwh!first attracAmy @ic@#As crush-sec'I shall@ w D+.I do not know the way to al-Mansur's harem where Landoine is being kept, but I have heard that al-Mansur has imprisoned Breuse Sans Pitie. Perhaps he can show us the way if we release him.My lord, the populace of Valencia is in revolt against their moorish masters. With your help, we can win our freedom. We would provide you with many soldiers if you help us now.OTrue to their word, the Valencians offer to meet you in the city and join you.HWe can spare many infantry and a few knights to help you in your quest.:You are pathetic with your feeble weapons. I spit on you!In reward for saving my daughter, I give Ruy Diaz command of army. His task o dr the infidels from central Spai?n. ButAnot stro@ enoefweat  ini+ hold #Tuliatala$e will need allies.I have a key to the Postern Gate. It is to our left from the main entrance to Kurtuba. The main gate is too heavily guarded for us. Unstopped, the festering blight soon overwhelmsB defenders of Camelot. All England is a wya. Ib@Maba@n@ooTShadowm r exultsa revelrycarnage as Europe burnsCtortursoul% A3innocen@1creamAvas darkness c75Earth.The death of Diego Garcia has made it impossible to go through the dwarfs' cave, where vast wealth was hidden. Victory seems impossible now, because you will not be able to hire a mercenary army.You have missed a great treasure under the mountains! You must go back and talk to Diego Garcia on the mountain road, though the way be perilous.You should have talked to Diego Garcia in the mountains. He would have been an excellent guide. Now that he is gone, you must find your way alone. But I do have news...My men have told me of a master swordsmith, a man named Miguel Salaman. He has a shop here in Tuliatala. He may be able to help you with your quest. God be with you!I am Miguel Salaman. I have heard of your combat with Al Mansur. Yes, I believe that I could reforge such a sword. I, however, have neither the magical talent nor the materials for the process you suggest.The materials? Well.. The reference to a fragment of heaven might mean a piece of a fallen star. I have heard that they contain a metal much like iron, although I myself have never seen such a thing.The sword must also be prepared for reforging by a master magician, using an ancient spell. I am sorry, that is all I can tell you. Perhaps a gypsy seer could tell you more.\On the island of Malorica can be found dragons. The teeth of these beasts are very magical.YDragon's teeth, when sown, sprout into skeleton warriors which will fight for the sower.v}There is a tale thatstar fell frome sky ontoBisland of Maloric3a th>B ource 's magic.Star metal? I know nothing of such s... Butere is a monk in Valencia who studiercane lore. Some say hagi n. +He@ywBs&be found.YA sorcerer monk? No, I am not he! Begone! Only the infidels truck with such evil powers.Well... There is a man in Valencia here, a priest of some heretical order, who is known for his highly unusual practices. But he is usually out on some suspicious errand.If you must know, he resides in a room in a public house on the other side of town. The place has an ill repute, women dance there for money, and it is frequented by men of the rougher sort.I am Diego Garcia. We have met before. HAyou come to repayr debt? Oh,Bneed my services again, do?ll, perhaps Iwhat. Meteoric iron is quite rare and valuabl&In trade ) a small frag?ment, A past$,wi rethe lamp ofDjinni.SSo you intend to welsh on your debts! I have ways of dealing with such miscreants!Very good. It is a pleasure to deal with reasonable people. We each have what we want and the old debt is paid as well. Please excuse me, I have much work to do.fYou have the metal? Very good. Has your magician prepared the sword? Good, then let us begin at once.You have the metal? Oh... No, I have not heard of any source since we last spoke. I fear that you will have to find some yourselves.You have the metal? Very good. Has your magician preparedB sword? Oh no! I am vAsorto hearat! No, unless isF by a competentI fI cdothingimproD/#.With a flare of magical energy, the great enchantment is completed. The ancient sword, once wielded by Arthur himself, has been reforged into a weapon of fell power. Excalibur is now the Sword of Vengeance.cWith Nineve's death your last hope for reforging Excalibur and defeating the great evil is dashed.A magician monk? No... other th~ one ichurch neaity gate, re[ anosA Valen@. Buttmay tell you w knows for a price.No, I know of no monks in Valencia who search for rare substance{s. one es his youthAa bottleAwine, but that hardly .KProud knight, for a few coins I will dance for you. What is your pleasure?A sorcerer monk? Is that all you have on your mind? Well there is a scholar who lives in a room upstairs. He keeps to himself mostly and he's seldom in. I believe he said he is a priest of some kind.EYou have disturbed my prayers. I have no interest in war. Please go!EAl-mansur is lurking somewhere in the fortress. I know nothing more.|The great evil that al-Mansur secretly worships is in a city of Enchantment... the city is seldom visible to mortal eyes...:The city is in the south, near the Pillars of Hercules...I see a horrible demon, a being who swallows all light... The Shadowmaster! It is said by some that he cannot be slain, but some say there is one way to destroy him...You seek a great sword. This can be reforged into SBof Vengeance by theIsmith@ Tuliatalwa. mushimA re.CHFlying carpet? Ha,... Yes I have many fine f s. "{I have many fine wares including a rare Persian carpet rumored to have been enchanted by the wise Hasan Ibn-Husar himself.Hmmm... well, let's seeMy grandmother told me tales of such things ine l s. She saidat@ fly, a carpet must befine@silk"Ilieve I have smallB@$omew. Ah,it iIs&s wAyou need?The Djinni intones a word of advice: "To guide the carpet, push on the front to go forward and land, or on the middle to return whence you came."The gate can only be opened from inside.} A walls gnot trd. Ifmen coully! you have tmeans to enter, mo@quickly B A%. Whmy ar@ha@rush'@)my, I will see thatget wEdesire.You have the metal? What? The sword is gone?! Oh, what ill luck! The fates conspire against us all. You had best bend every effort to its recovery. Without that sword I can do nothing.My friend, I must now leave your company and remain in Tuliatala to hold the city against the counterattack that will surely come. But I have news from one of our captives.The Shadowmaster, the great evil which stole your treasures, haunts the Enchanted City, far to the south. It is rumored to be surrounded by an impenetrable labyrinth.There is a gypsy camp to the south. It is said that the gypsies can tell the future. And I know something else that may be of interest to you, if you could make a small contribution to my pilgrimage...a spl blessed crosndbloodInuarius. Buty were stolen by ruffian@3deser@D*att@B6(South.I am on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. I hope and pray that the Moorish army there will let pilgrims through. But they will certainly kill Christian knights without hesitation!WI am crawling to Santiago to do penance for my sins. May my poor body last until then!I am making the great pilgimage to Santiago. I will pray@ Spain be delivered fromMoors! Butfear aro /stroAo ted. Rumor says@&y plann*o move North ag!! T God's punishment four/cked?ness!eBerenguer of Aragon is leading an army to Pamplona to avenge himself on Navarre! Help us if you can!eThe Christian and Moslem armies are at war again! Raiding parties are moving north even as we speak!cI hear that the Moorish armies are moving south. The Christian forces are driving them from Spain!mWord has come that the Christian cause is lost! The Moors are preparing to take back all the north of Spain!Welcome, gentle knight. You are brave to travel in this war-torn land. I make my living from keeping this inn. As long as I pay my taxes, the Moors leave me alone...4A leper colony? Yes, there is one nearby, in Evora.=The merchants in Porto or Salamanca may be able to help you.I am a refugee from Seville, which the Moors call Ishbiva. I used to shave  men oftown@o did not @mselves!r?unning!, but&a greater (&at is spdsouth.Hail, good knight! I am traveling from Valencia to Santiago for my soul's ease. I saw a great army of Moors besieging the City of Brass. Their leader, al-Mansur, is asking all who pass by for help in breaking the city's defenses. He even asked me! ...I knew nothing, of course, but I promised to tell those I met of his plight and his offer. He will give gold beyond count to anyone who can help him enter the City of Brass. But do not go near him with an army! Farewell!YI know nothing of magic walls. Go see the scholar in Monzon. He may be able to help you.You are seeking a way into the City of Brass? Do y@ not knowat wallsA c can be broken fromBoutside? It is written, 'T will stand until m@ fly.' Ye0m-an answer B0ri?ddle.It is said that a silk carpet, enchanted by a djinni, can fly through the air. Such a carpet may be found in Barcelona. But alas! That city has lately been lost to the Moors. They will not let you in. I can tell you no more.I have gathered my forces from those who fled Barcelona when the infidel al-Rahman seized it a short time ago. We are eager for revenge, so we will fight for you for the small price of 300 gold besants per week.You are going to Santiago? You should hire an escort to go with you. There is a gypsy camp to the north. They might be able to tell you more.ZKnights from England! Please go away! A band of rogues came through here looking for you!So you have found me. How clever of you. But you do not even suspect the strength of the power that sustains me. Prepare to die!I have returned from a skirmish near Kadiz. A strange thing happened there. When we entered the town, we found no one but an old man. He would say nothing but, 'The Shadowmaster came and took them all away.'2Iron from the sky? I never heard of such a thing.Our island almost deserted now. A few monthgo, a grea rn flhere from the south. It livesmewinBnorth of C . I am@poor man@%cannot reward you fkilling it, but y be th&!' h_as ga@%r@4a t.sure.I know nothing more.You have delivered us from the curse ofBdragon! I would g@ y@treasure in reward, but, alas, nothing. And I fearat@isD  t peril to come& darknessCgrow@ .south.vAs the dragon dies, you hear a glad shout in the distance. The people of Malorica sense that their tormentor is dead.GNineve has learned some new spells, but they require rare ingredients.Iron from the sky? No, I have never heard of such a thing. Have you talked with Pescador in the north of the island? He is a fisherman who has traveled far. He may be able to help you.JThe text of the book appears to be Latin, but no sense can be made of it.5The spell requires one of the great swords of power.A strange glow passes through Excalibur for a moment, then slowly fades. It may now be reforged by a master swordsmith with sky metal.tNoble knight, you must help us! Santiago is beseiged by Saracens! They are threatening to kill all the inhabitants!My lord, you have delayed long enough! You must go now and defeat the Moslem army at Santiago. Your enemy will be waiting for you in the city.}Congratulations! By restoring Nineve and returning the bell to Bartholomew you have completed the second part of your quest.ZYou have recovered the mighty Excalibur! You have completed the fifth part of your quest!You have completed the sixth part of your quest! In the final part, you must face and defeat the source of the darkness: the Shadowmaster himself!The king will not trust meth his army until I rescuedaughter, but one man alcanAsurvive thazards of Kurtuba. If you oassiCin ~quest,& @ rs.I am Sancho Abraca, a Christian. I am not for hire! My task is to harry the Moors until the Catholic Kings are ready to sweep them from our land!`Please excuse my poor inventory. The troubles in the south have kept supplies from reaching me.I beg forgiveness! My inventory is so depleted I have little or nothing left! They say the wars in the south have disrupted all the supply lines!/I have nothing to sell. I cannot get supplies.Hail, good knight! For a moment I feared you were an emissary of the shadowy one. Do you seek guidance? Perhaps my sister can help you. She is in the wagon.XYou may find allies in strange places. Do not trust appearances. That is all I can see.A see a darkness, an evil presence growing in the south. It is connected to a great man of the north, a man you know, who is under an enchantment...\I see a journey in your future, a long and hazardous one. Many hands will be against you...JI have a sacred relic from Santiago that I might be willing to part with.I was lately with Sancho Abraca's army in Valencia. We heard that al-Mansurate City of Brass, and mighttackG Now I is returning to h@palacn Kurtub!No one can breakfortress if itheld by@!3!AYou are very far from your path. You should consult the gypsies.NThe djinni says, "I advise you not to waste a wish on such a frivolous task."Your wishes are used up!'The Djinni says, "I see no bird here."mThe Djinni says, "I see no proper carpet here. The carpet must be made from the house of a flying creature.",The Djinni refuses to emerge from his lamp.Your entire party is dead!You can't use that now.#Yes, master, what is your command?Greetings. I have struggled to enter the evil one's fortress, but have failed. All of Spain will fall under his spell unless he is stopped soon. I wish you good fortune in defeating him.My lord, you must go at once to the Enchanted City in the south and defeat the Shadowmaster! If you delay, his armies will sweep the peninsula and destroy everyone!RYou must be at the map level, at a city, or in a building or maze to save a game.I would have rewarded Ruy Diaz with command of my army, but now that he is dead, my nephew Jorge will command it. He will follow your commands--for a time!Your task is to drive the infidels from central Spain. But my ar@@not strong enoughefeat  inir hold of Tuliatala. @$ will need allies.XSomething is wrong with EPISODE1.DAT. Press Esc to exit, or any other key to try again.UVWhat? You do not have the lamp! Dtrifle with me! Return when y@ .LThe holy scroll has done its work. Arthur's shield is now a mighty defense.RPlease enter the second word following the heading^^ "Starting the Game" ^QPlease enter the fifth word following the heading^^ "Starting the Game" ^RPlease enter the second word following the heading^^ "Game Instructions" ^QPlease enter the fifth word following the heading^^ "Game Instructions" ^SPlease enter the second word following the heading^^ "Levels of the Game" ^SPlease enter the fourth word following the heading^^ "Levels of the Game" ^SPlease enter the third word following the heading^^ "What the Icons Mean" ^SPlease enter the sixth word following the heading^^ "What the Icons Mean" ^UPlease enter the seventh word following the heading^^ "What the Icons Mean" ^]Please enter the third word following the heading^^ "The Basic Keystroke Sequences" ^]Please enter the sixth word following the heading^^ "The Basic Keystroke Sequences" ^YPlease enter the first word following the heading^^ "Handling Combat and Magic" ^QPlease enter the second word following the heading^^ "The Use of Magic" ^QPlease enter the fourth word following the heading^^ "The Use of Magic" ^`Please enter the second word following the heading^^ "The Roles of Faith and Nobility" ^_Please enter the sixth word following the heading^^ "The Roles of Faith and Nobility" ^QPlease enter the third word following the heading^^ "Hints for Success" ^QPlease enter the fifth word following the heading^^ "Hints for Success" ^HPlease enter the sixth word following the heading^^ "Episodes" ^VPlease enter the eighth word following the heading^^ "Historical Background" ^*^Correct! Please excuse the interruption. 3l CSTR P1 [    L       $\ r g !"_#$%&)'()*+,-./P0 1d23p4a5f67 s8 9!E:";"<#D=#>#?$@%A%B&[C&D'E(`F(G)H)*I)J*mK+L+CM,1N-O-P.Q/@R/S0T1kU2mV3!W45X5 Y5Z6[7V\7]7^83_9`9a:b;xc<d<e=ef>7g?h?i@j@rk@lAmAnBoCfpDqDrE}sEtFpuG3vHwHmxIyIzI{J|K }KU~KLLMJMNNOPsQ0QRS]ST%TU@UVSVWXOYY~Z Z[[\Z\k]E]x]^^^_x`2a#ab<c-ccdfdeeefghiijkl1lmmnoo3p ppqqrrsst)tuuvpvwjwx>xy3yyz{{n{{|'|W|v||}x~!~wwrt"y3Fb XH`?Hz?< NA\?<NAT`zE ELITE PRESENTS A NO-LIMITS CRACK: VENGEANGE OF EXCALIBUR M*oC i -JgёBJAg<fC``A\G+P А+@+hШ+@+hC Np%QN"M ) ЩTC$I"Sf mBeN`_+NіEPISODE1.DATEPISODE2.DATEPISODE3.DATEPISODE4.DATEPISODE5.DATEPISODE6.DATEPISODE7.DATFINISH.DATthe Sir King hishertheirtheirheshetheytheyNVBnBn`\p0.Ap=|`8p0.AR0.fp0.ARB0Rn0.n dRn nUeRn n e=|`p0.ARJ0fl0.R@=@p0.ARJ0fRn nUdR`p0. @CRp0."@ER p0.ARB0p0.ASB0Rn nUevHz0BBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO HlNXON^NuRobbers steal some of your inventory!NV,v,vR@ ,vcBHxHz 0NjO ,vd 9|(l56p,v```N`N`N`N`N`N|/,N*XOHxrNXO)@Bn`(p0.A%r0/NXO-@N4HxBHxHx@BB/,BB/.NBO(p0.A)J0gFp0.A)r0/Hz Ep0.A5r0/p0.A1r0//,N fN^NuJlg` l g` ,h)@:Bn`dp0.A>JpgZHxp0,f/HxHxp0.ARr20/p0.A>r20//,BBBNBO(Rn n eplf9@f`^NV=n `H0.8A0g00.8A0g0.8AJpg p0.N^NuRn n\cp`NVHxHxp0,l/p0,n/HxBBBBBBHxNO0-@/.NXOp0,nrN_=@p0,lS=@Jnlp` njopj`0.H=@Jnlp` n[op[`0.H=@ l1n@ l1nBBlN^NuNVHxNXON^NuNV l fN`2p0. /NXO@HxBBp./p0. /NXON^NuNVBBHx Hx2HxHxMBHyHzBHxHx(NO0HxHxNFPOHx NXO-@NNN4HxBHxHx@BB/,BB/.NBO(HxHxN PO-@Hxp,/HxHxBB/.BBBNBO(=|`$0.8A0g 0.8AJpg0.8A p'g0.8AJpg0.8A"00r NZ=@0.8A20H=AHxHxp0./p0./HxBBp0./Hz4/.BHxNO0 @-P0.8A"n3p 0.8A"n3p0.8A"np+ n"PRRn n\cBBHxHx/,NOBBHxHx/,NOHxNXON.NB:Bn`p0.A>BpRn n eHxNXO=@Bn`$0.8A"00r NZr2.A>1p0.AR2.8C41H…1p0.A> pdp`0p0.A> p=c <=`p0.A>"p00r2.A>1p0.AR pdp`0p0.AR pc <`p0.AR"p00r2.AR1p0.R/NXO=@JngRn n e9| fA )H9||A&)HLHlNXONNHxHxNPOHxHxNPOB,BLB/.N*XOHxHxNFPON^NuNV9|N^NuNVBBHx Hx2HxHxSBHyHl(BHxHx(NO0BBHx!Hx2HxHxABHyHzCxBHxHx(NO0BBHx6Hx2HxHxUBHyHzlBHxHx(NO0BBHxKHx2HxHxTBHyHl4BHxHx(NO0BBHx`Hx2HxHxMBHyHzBHxHx(NO0BBHxsHx2HxHxGBHyHlBHxHx(NO0BBHxHx2HxHxFBHyHlBHx;Hx(NO0N^NuNVNN^NuNVp0. /N&XOr=A0. 8AB00.8A2. 8C30.8A2. 8C3p0. `0. 8A1_0. 8A1`0. 8A10. 8A1`~0. 8A10. 8A1`X0. 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ЁA,pp. fl`Lp. f>,qf,f,g` ,.f . f HxBNPON`zJ.gp./NXO`(NHz&BBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO `8The door will not open.NVp0. Ar0=A0.8A싺Ј-@ n0(@gpN^Nu nh&0,rHr.A40HЂ/p0. r NA셬r0 Ё=@ ,f p0. r NA션20A,=A`j ,f*0,tH/p0. r NA션r20 =@`8 ,f0,tH2. =@`p0. 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Hfp0.ASRn nUeN^NuNVHzHnNPOJngp0.0@Bn`p0.A"p-Q np0( f n0( n f| n0(Q@=@ n0(T@=@Hx@FBHx Hx0.H/0.H//,0.H @HhHx/,NBO(Hn0.H/0.H//,Np,\nBBp0./HxHxHxEBBHlLHzBHxNO0p, nHzlBBp0./HxHxHx HyNO HlNXON^NuStart a new game.vexLoad a saved gameExit the gameWould you like to...NVp. /HxHx(N,O N^NuNVJ,gp. /HxBN,O -@p. r8NApJ.g|`>p. r8Nr.ЁA/p. r8Nr.ЁC"R. .ep. r8NAB0p.g.p. r8NAJ,g@Jg: nn+p./HxBN,O -@ n=h n=h`,p.r8NA=pp.r8NA=p`Tp.rNA$=pp.rNA&=pp. r8NAB0J,gJg nB(+J,gjJgd n1n n1n n"n3h$ n"n3h"B.`$p. @B(2p. @B(,R. .e`,p. r8NA1p. r8NA1N^NuNVNp. A"p-Q nh n0(H/ n0(H/NPO@p.r8NA"n0)+Ap.r8NAB0 nB(+p./NPO/p,r8NA pop`ps/p,r8NA pops`p/p,r8NA싺Ј/p,r8NA20H/p,/N>PO/J.gA `A /BBp0./HxHxHx HyғNO@J.f&HxNhXONp,r,Ё/N"XOp`Stop to talk to Join ForcesContinue on%s%s%c encounter%c %s%s%c. What shall %s do?%s%s%c encounter%c %s%s%c.NVHxNXOlp./HxBN,O -@Jf BBp.r8NA20H/p.r8NA20H/p.r8NA20H/p.r8NA20H/p.r8NA20H/p.r8NA20H/p.r8NA20H/p./Hlp.r8NAr20/NO0p./HxBN,O -@p,r8NApJ.c\p./NXO@p./HxBN,O -@ n"n3h n"n3hp,r8NAB0p,r8NA=p0. @gn p0. r,fN^Nu nn +p0. /HxBN,O @=hp0. /HxBN,O @=hp0. /NXO/p0./NJXO/p,/NXO/HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO,`Jn g nB(+0. A$=p0. 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AXr09Ap0. A_r09A0,n0,nJnl=|Jnl=|9nn9n9nl9n9n BnBB0.H/0.H/HxBBBp0. A0,l0,D@9@0,l0,D@9@N^NuNVB,lBlnBlB,Blp|Bl9|@Bn=|A )HB,B,B,HxHxNPO|B.N,AfJp0,@/NrXOHxBHxHx@BB/,BB/,NBO(HxNXOA)HB,,Af/,N`XO ,h)@B,` N,|BlB.pp`(p.A"p0r8NA20lR..,eBlB.pp`(p.A"p0r8NA20lR..,e,Af|N9|HlNXOJlngN(J,g J,g|J,g,Af>J,lg8p,lAE 0g&p,lAE 0gB,9|HlNXOBnBnBBB.`p.ABpp.App.App.AFr0 fp.AFp.AF 0@fp.AFp.AF 0gp.AFr0 fp.A1p.r8NA20np.r8NA"00H/p.r8NAr0 NѮp.r8NA pfp.r8NAr0Ӯp.AF 0fp.A1p.AF@p.r8NA20np.r8NA"00H/p.r8NA20H Ё/p.r8NAr0 NѮ,Af~p.r8NA po2p.r8NA싺Ј/p./NXO/HzN`O `p./NXO/HzN`PO9|HlNXOJlngNHp.AF 0fp.A1p.AFp.r8NA20np.r8NA"00H/p.r8NAr0 NѮ,Afbp.r8NA po0p.r8NA싺Ј/p./NXO/HzN`O 9|HlNXOJlngNTp.AF 0fp.AFR..,erB.`p.AZ 0fp.A1p.App.r8NA20np.r8NA"00H/p.r8NAr0 NѮp.r8NA pfp.r8NAr0ӮR..,e0Rn nb JngJnf,p0,>/p0,fJ.gJlfp.r8NAJ.gp`pC21HPp.r8NAJ.gp`pC21HP ,rg$ ,rF?p.r8NA21,Agnp./HxBN,O -@JgNp.r8NA"n3pp.r8NA"n3pp.r8NA"n3p8R.p./J.fp,`p,"e. .chp,/p,/NPO` 0HxNbXO2p0\".Nr2.N-@HxNbXO2p0\".Nr2.N-@B.` B.` \p.r.ЁA pf "p.r.ЁApp.r.ЁApp.r8NA20Afp.r8NAJpgB.J.f .` .-@`HxNbXOr2lHxdNbXOr2p./r8NAr0 b$J.f cJ.g b|p.r8NAS0p.r8NAJ0fbp.r.ЁAF,Afp./NXO/Hz N`POJ.fp,tr d`p,r l/J.fp,t`p,r.N @p0,vHh J.fp0,x`p0,/NO 9|HlNXO`Bp./NXO/Hz WBBHxHxHx Hx HxNO$HxNhXONp.r.Ёr.Ё/HxHxN,O -@Jg n| +B.p./NxXO lg<`JnJ.g,Afp.r8NA20HJop`pA셈/0p./NXO/HxNbXOr2XA/0N`O Bp.r.Ё/p./NfO 9|HlNXOJlngNr`J.f .` ./p.r8NA20H N/J.fp0,<`p0,>"p./r8NAr0 "Ҁ N-@p.r.ЁAFr0 f .ѮJgBp.r8NA20Hcp.r8NA0.P,Af^ cbp.r8NA싺Ј/..fA ( `A ! /..fA `p./NXO//.HzN`O`\p.r8NA싺Ј/..fA `A /..fA `p./NXO/HzN`ONJ.f p0,x^`p0,=@Hxp,/J.fp,t`p,/HxdJ.fp,t`p,r.N @p0,vHh p0.//,BBBNBO(p.r8NA pfp `ps/p.r8NA싺Ј/p.r8NA20H/HzJ.fp,t`p,r.N @p0,vHh p0.//,N/p0,p,rNAvJ0g(p,rNAvr0/N\XOHxNhXON l (gHxHxHzNjO N^Nu%S's %Ss prepare to charge!%S charges headlong into battle!%S's %Ss fall on the enemy!%S is killed.%S is killed.%l of %s%s %Ss are killed.the'sOne of %s%s %Ss is killed.the's%d %S%cAll of %s%s %Ss have perished.the'sThe defending forces have lost %d of %d troops.The Round Table forces have lost %d of %d troops.With their leader dead, %S's %ss desert.deaddyinggravewoundedinjuredhaleNoneFeebleModeratePotentStrongMightyNeophyteTrainedVeteranMasterChampionHerculeanNoneLeatherMailPlateEnchantedAdamantVillainScoundrelWorthyNobleLordlyPeerlessPaganInfidelFaithfulPiousSaintlyDeifiedNVJ. fpN^NuJ.gJ.fp.`p. r.N/p.r.N" N=@Jnf=|0.Hr.c p.=@p.`NVNJ,gJ,gp,/NXO@p./HxBN,O -@JfB,`H n=h n=hB,N&BBHxHxHlHlp0./p0./NLO J,gJ,f(Hz ,fp,/ nNXO`,T@B.` . c(J.f"p.r,≰e,T@|p.ApBBp./J.gpZ`pV/Hxp.r8NA싺0HH/p.r8NA20H/p.//.p.r8NA싺Ј/BHxNO0,...cp.`p.@R..,e/.Hz?BBp.P/J.gpD`p @HhHxHx HyNO$`%S%SNV n.epN^NuB.pp=@p. r8NA20Hp0.€p0.fp. r8NA20Hp0.€fp. r2."g|p. r8NA0fp. r8NAJpfN nRr"n  p. r8NA=p n.e p0.`&nn|`p.r8NA0. fB.|`(p.r8NA0.fp`p.R. .\cJ.fp.r8NA20Agp.r8NA20Hp0.€p0.ftp.r8NA20Hp0.€fTp.r2."gD nRr"n p.r8NA20n n.e p0.`R. .\c|`p.r8NA0. fB.|`(p.r8NA0.fp`p.R. .\cJ.fp.r8NA20Afp.r8NA20Hp0.€p0.ftp.r8NA20Hp0.€fTp.r2."gD nRr"n p.r8NA20n n.e p0.`R. .\c|`Lp.r8NA0. fB.|`(p.r8NA0.fp`p.R. .\c .f.R.rA n p.r8NA20Hp0.€p0.ftp.r8NA20Hp0.€fTp.r2."gD nRr"n p.r8NA20n n.e p0.``z .\f J.gn S.p.Ap R. .\c np n B0p0.`BNV nBBn nB=|`0.8A20H0. HJm0.8A"00H2. H`p2.8A40H2. H l0.8A20H0.HJm0.8A"00H2.H`p2.8A40H2.H lN0.8AJ0f np(*@ np(*@..cp.`p.Ap n0(H n2(HJm n0(H n2(H`p n2(H n4(H’=@ n0(H n2(HJm n0(H n2(H`p n2(H n4(H’=@ np(+ nr2( g np(+ nr2( fT.p0.r.d p0.r.d|B.` np0( r.A"t0f np0( r.ATt0g< np0( r.ATt0f$ np0( r.A"t0fB.`R. .2evJ.gV nh p./ nh p./ lNPOJg&Hxp./p./NO B,dp`R..,8ehR..,8eB.`Np.Ar20 ,rd.p.A1p.A"B0p.ATB0R. .2eB,dp`armorshieldhelmswordNVN^NuNVp0. /BHx N,O -@Jg n1|N np0. ARB0p0. ASB0N^NuNV=|`p0.AR0. fp0.AUr0fp0.AUr0 gp0.AS0,gFp0.AUr0 f0J.g*p0.ASr0/NXO,f p0.N^NuRn nUe:p`NV=|`$p0.AR0. f p0.N^NuRn nUep`NV0.Ad20ngN^Nup0. /BHx N,O -@ n-h/.N*XOp0./NXO-@ n!n nA"n#H0.Ad1p0. AUp0. AU`^NVp,r8NA. p,r8NAr0/p. /p,r8NA싺Ј/Hz(HxBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO,N^Nu%S used %d points and now has %d magic power points.NVp,rAJ.gF .cAc `A^ /p./Hz2BBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO(` HxN\XON^NuYou have %d more wish%s.esNVJ,fJ,gHxN\XOpN^NuJ,kgJ,4fJn g HxN\XOp`p,v f ,4gJ,6fJn g HxN\XOp`n;HxBHxN,O JfBHxNPOp,ABlBl p,/NPXO-@J,gJ,kgp,AFB0`0J,f n1| n` n1|d nhR,Jn gNZ`p./NXO`NVNp0. @n |0. Air0=A ne8 nb0p,rp,tbHxN\XOpN^Nu0. Aj0fp.ATJ0cp`p@0. Ajr20Ap,r8NAp.ٰ.c:p,/NXO/HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO$p`X0. AlpBnBn`p.r2.gp,/p0.Ar0/NPO @dl0. ARЈ/p0.A"p0rNARЈ/p,/NXO/HzBHxHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO,=|Rn neLJngp`xl0. Aj0ghB, 0. Aj0gp`p=@Jng <` </Jngp`p/NPOHlNXOJ, fp`l 0. Aj20A =A0. Ahr0=A0. Aj20p i=AJngp0./Hxp,/BNOr=AJng>p0.AUp0.AR"p0rNAhr0n`p,r8NA 0gR ngJp0.A/0p,/NXO/HzKBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO(p`p,r8NA 0fp0.Ar0nJnc| ndtp0.A/0p,r8NA20HJop`pAx/0p,/NXO/HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO,p.AU0. Aj0gN0. Air0=Ap0`@p,/HxNPOp`J,kfJ,gHxN\XOp`N ,fBn`Jp0.AR 0&gp0.AR 0<fp0.AS 0f Np`NRn nUeHxN\XOBn`>p0.AR 0&gp0.AR 0<fp0.ASRn nUep`HxN\XO`RN`JJ,kfJ,gHxN\XOp` ,$f8 ,fJ,g(HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO `p.r8NA20HJop`pA셈/0p./NXO/HzHxBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO(HxNhXONp./NXO/HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO$HxNhXONNp./p,r8NAr0/HxHx*NOHlNXONp`v`&HzlHxBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO ` J,kfJ,gHxN\XOp`.NBHx/NTPO=@JngHNHz7HxBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO HxHxHx/p0./NO`&HzHxBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO p`J,kfJ,gHxN\XOp`BHx0NPO=@HxBHxN,O JfJngBHx"NPOp,AHxNXO@BlBlp,/NPXO-@ n1| n1| n n|+R,p0./NXONR,Nv` HxN\XOp`` "J,kf J,fJ,gHxN\XOp`p,v fJ,g Hx=NDXO`^Hx NbXOr2RAp./NDXO lp.rNC$21I1A@ lp.rNC&21I1ABp./NXOp`J,kfJ,fp,rNA( p@eHxN\XOp`BHx5NPO=@gXHxN\XOHlNXONZ ,Oc| p0.ASlHx(NDXO,R,N ` HxN\XOp`@HxHx NhPO=@fHxN\XOHlNXOp`p,r8NA 0dHxN\XOHlNXOp`NHxN\XO|p.AT|c|c|c|cp0.AU0g$p0.AS"p0r8NAZ|Zd` J,kf J,fJ,gHxN\XOp`>=|`0.8AJpg0.8A0f0.8A0.8Ap,Ap,/NPXO-@N lX0(J@g lX0(H` lX0(H n1@ n"lXp0)hR, n|+ nB4N ndp`D|p.ATRn ne`N lX=h2Jng2p0./BHxN,O -@Jg n h2fnp./p.r8NA pf0.H`p/p0./Hx,NO` HxBHxN,O JgJ,kgHxN\XOp`bN lX|+ lXB4 lX1|2HxBHxN,O -@ n|+ nB49|HlNXOHxBHxN,O -@ n|+ nB4p.ARB0p.ASB0HxN\XO|:Dp`N`J,kgHxN\XOp`p.ARR0=|`np0.ARJ0fXp0.ARr.CR1Rp0.ASp0.ATB0p0.AU` Rn nUe`vJ,kfJ,gHxN\XOp`p,r8NAr0=Ap.r8NAr0=A ne2p.r8NA0fp.r8NAJpf ng ng ng n g ngp./HxHxHx,NOp.r8NA1p.r8NAp,/NXOp.r8NAp.r8NABpp.r8NABpp./BHxN,O -@g nB4A"n#H` ne:p,/NXO/HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO$p`0p,/NXO/HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO$p,/HxHxHx,NOp``PN`HHxHxNPOJ@gNHxN\XOx`HxN\XOp`|,|*|,Jngp./p./NPOJg6p./0.H/p0./pr2.Ar0/NOR,Np`Jngp./p./NPOJg(p./0.H/p0./p0./NO`LJngp./p./NPOJgHp./0.H/p0./Hx+NOp./0.H/p0./Hx,NO`p./p./NPOJgRBp,/p./NO r=AJnf(0.H/p,/p./NO r=A nf*0.HD/p,/p./NO r=A nf00.Hr2./p,/p./NO r=A nZep,r.ۀ/NXO`t0.nc6p./NXO/HzBBHxHx Hx Hx Hx@NO$`4p./NXO/HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO$`p`lJ,f*HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO p`0. Ah,0g*HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO p`J,f Np`rAJp,C$q"R#HHzsBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO p`.N`@J*pllllllll$\ DdAl00NJ.gp./N~XO0. AlpBn`p.r2.gBn`|p0.AUr0 fXp0.AS0,fBp0.ARr2.C01f"p0.ARB0p0.ASB0`Rn nUe|Rn neRJ.gp.ATS0p.ATJ0f|0. ARЈ/Hxp0. /N8PO/HzHxBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO(p.ARB0p.ASB0HxNhXONB.p.`%S lacks the power to do that.%S lacks the %s which is required for %s.%S refuses to use the %s.%S discards %s old %s.The ritual must be performed alone.%S prepares the materials %s needs to cast the spell.%S performs the ancient ritual.The ritual must be performed at a power point.The stolen bell becomes visible.There is nothing hidden here.%S lacks sufficient faith.%S feels a sharp pain.%S begins to act more friendly.%S suddenly scowls and backs away.There are no locked doors here.The key fails to open the lock.The door is now unlocked.%S%S vanishes in a puff of smoke.NV=|`:p0.AR0. f p0.ARB0p0.ASB0Rn nUeN^Nu................ NVBHx@apr,zr,Nr2,Ё/p0,Y//,Nr20p.ABt40҂\9Ap.A>r20p.AJt40҂\9Axp.A>r20p.ARt40҂\9Ap.A>r20p.AZt40҂\9AD9|9|9|v0.@9@N^NuNVp0,2. HЁ=@Jnm0.HZr,氁cN^NuHxp0,r/N PO9nBn`0.Hr2.ЁAr0=Ap0.A"p-Qp0.r2.Ё2.HЁ n1@ 0.8A싺"npHxp0.2.HЁ/p0./N O Rn nej`BNVHxHxHz NjO BlHxHx*NPO=@g0.HASr0/BNPOp,=@p,=@J,kg no=| no=|p,2.HgBBBp0,R @HhHxHx-HxHxHzXHz BHxNO0BBp, @Hh p0,R @HhHxHx+HxHxHzHz BHxNO0BBBBHxHx=BBHzBBBNO0B.l. gp`p@p.ABr20J.gp`pҀ=A0.no0.H`0.HRr,N=@p0./p,rN"cp0.` p,rN=@J.g=| no2.H <N@lt0.S@=@`0.Ap.,wg .,xfnp.r8NA20A"fp`p@J.gBBp,2.HN @Hh p.AJr20^/Hxp.r8NA싺0HH/p.r8NA20H/BHlp.r8NA싺Ј/BHxNO0-@`BBp,2.HN @Hh p.AJr20^/Hxp.r8NA싺0HH/p.r8NA20H/p.2.HЁ/Hlp.r8NA싺Ј/BHxNO0-@J,kg*0.HA!0.HA"p Q1|JSnJnl:n no2.Hp@N@l0.S@=@`0.ApBBp,2.HN @Hh p.ARr20T/HxBp.r8NA20H/BHlp.r8NA싺Ј/BHxNO0SnJnlrnBBp,rN/p0./HxHxUBBHzHzBHxNO0BBp,/p0./HxHxMBHxHzHzBHxNO0J.g8BBHxp.ARr20 Ap.CVr21HhHxHxIBHxHlHzHBHxNO0BBBp0./HxHxCBBHlHzBHxNO0BBp,/p0./HxHxEBBHlHzBHxNO0BBp,/p0./HxHxFBBHlHzBHxNO0BBp,rN/p0./HxHxRBBHlHzBHxNO0`BBBp0./HxHxRBHxHz4Hz[BHxNO0BBp,/p0./HxHxNBHxHzHz,BHxNO0BBp,/p0./HxHxCBHxHzHzBHxNO0p,v f ,2gr20/HyNO B,fAj)HN. gBHz4p0,/p0,x//,NO J.fT0.A2p0r8NA0f2Hxmp,2.HN @p0,vHh p0,x/NO Rn0.H/J.g0.H`0.H"mL. .c4J.gBBn`4Hx8p,2.HNr2,Ё/p0,U/NO Rn nmNJ.gN=lgHxNXO-@`xp,r8NA20H/p,r8NA20H/NPOrA췚p0` HxNXO-@`"HxNXO-@`Sg[gWgWg`p0.F/B n"Pp0)/ n"Pp0) /HxPp0,D//,BB/.NBO(/.N*XON^Nu<>Use ItemMagicIgnoreChargeEngageFlankRetreatRecklessNormalCautiousWithdrawDefender...Challenger...Round Table...Foes...^NVJ,gp. r8NAJ0gN^Nup. /BHxN,O -@Jf` n=hB.`^p.ARpHxdNbXO@ . fB.` .L f|dp.rNAj20p i=Ap.AUr0 fp.AS0. f .(eJngJngp.AUr0 f`p.AUp.rNAipp. r8Nr.ЁA싺Ј-@ np.rNCh1p. /p./N)tPO@p.rNAd=pp0./NXO-@ n"P=i/.N*XO0,rH/p.rNAgr0 Ё@@ n(g n8g n9f. n3f . nBBp.r2./p0./HxNbXOr2 Ё/p./p0./Bp./HlBp0./Hx NO0 @-P nR. .Ue``NV lfpN^Nu=|`0 ng$0.8A20H fp`Rn n\cHxN\XO9|B,HlNXOp`NV0. 8Ap|`p.r8NAr0p0. fp.r8NAB0p.r8NAr0p0. f&0. 8A0gZJ,kgp./NXO`@p.r8NAB0p.r8NAp.r8NA `J.gp.r8NA`np.r8NAB00. 8A/p.r8NC"30. 8A/p.r8NC"3p.r8NA20H0. 8A40Hfp.r8NAJpf&0. 8A/p.r8NC"30. 8A/p.r8NC"30. 8A/p.r8NC"30. 8A/p.r8NC"B.`:0. 8r.ЁA/p.r8Nr.ЁC"R. .eR. .\czp0. r,fnp0. /BHxN,O -@Jg A"n#H0. 8AJ0g"0. 8ABp0. 8ABp`\J.gVp0. /NXO@p.r8NA2. 8C3p.r8NA2. 8C3p0. /NXOJ,fB.`p.rNArr0p0. fp.rNAtr0f|p.rNAur0g`np.rNAvr0/p.rNAsr0/NPOp.rNAu0g|pN^NuR. .Pe:N*p`NV)lnA )HB,HlNXOB,B,k|)lr fJ,g ,h)@)@HlNXOJ,g\p,rNAwJ0gp,/BNPO`4p,rNAvJ0gp,rNAvr0/N\XOHlNXOJ,g*NJg`J,gp,/NDXO` JloNN^NuNV|=|`Rp,rN2.HЁA,,0fn`.p,rN2.HЁA,J0gnSnJnl .d p,rNr.ЁA,p`lp,rNA$2. 8C3p,rNA&2. 8C30. 8ABp0. 8ABpN^NuNVJ.g nh n h8dl|` lB.B.`J.gp`p@@B.`p.r.ЁAF0.fp.r.ЁApp./BHxN,O -@Jgbp.r8NApBp./p./NO (e"Bp./p./NO (d np0(8AF n|+p. n1@2 nB4p.r.ЁAF n|+p. n1@2 nB4 n h8d" np0( nr2(8/NXO`4p.r.Ёr.t.҂At0Hႀ/NXONBpN^NuJ.g*p.r.ЁAF n|+ nB4R...e:R. .eB.`hp.r.ЁAF0gH np0(8AFB0J.g n|+` n|+ nBh2 nB4Np`FR...e,Afp`p@Bl ,h)@)@J.g n|+BHxHzFNjO ` n|+BHx Hz)NjO B.`B.`p.r.ЁApp.r.ЁAF"p0`^p./BHxN,O -@gJ.f n|+` n|+p.r8NA20H fB,`8p./NXO`&p.r8NA0f*NHxp./Hx/NO HxNhXON`pr.ApBp./p./NO @ .2d..fp.r8NAJ0fp.r8NA0gBp.r8NA/p.r8NC"3p.r8NABp`,p.r8NA p'fp./NXO`p.r8NAJpgHxdNbXOr22=Ap.r8NA/p.r8NC"41n1HxNbXOJ@g$p2/Jnm0.H` p2.H" `Jnm0.H` p2.H2/p.r8NA20H Ё?p.r8NA21Hxp./p./NO p.r8NA 0f*NHxp./Hx/NO HxNhXON`vp./BHxN,O -@g n|+p. n1@2 nB4..f0J,f*NHxp./Hx/NO HxNhXON`>JgSgSgSgSgYgQg8g. gR.p./J.gp,`p,"e . .cp`NVp.r8NA=p nfN^NuB.J,f N|J. fR ngJ ngB ng:p.r8NAr0p./r8NAr0 c(p./p./J. gp%`p-/NO `NV . fp.r8NA"p00N^NuBnBnpp`Hp0.AR0. f.p0.AU 0fp0.AS0.fRnRn nUep0.`NV:B.;pp=@Bn`p0.A|BpRn n@eBn`p0.AS0,fp0.AUr0fxp0.AU0fdp0.AR 0fp0.ATr0n~`p0.ARr0A|Rpp0.ARr0A<Rn nUeJ=|`p0.A|Jpg0.Ajr20p0.€p0.f0.Aj20nfBBp0. /0.sV/Hx0.AR0HH/p0.A|r20/p0.Ap0.Ar0/BHxN,O -@Jg n0.@1@8Rnp0.r,簁ep, r8NA0f lX|+`L .c .2dp,r8NA 0 dp`p@p, r8NAJ0g lXB4 nB4 n(g lX|+`< lXp(Ap"pp0)R lX@+ n ,h!@4 n|+p, lXr2(8P9@r n h8d"l wlx nh9 lXh9 ` lwl x lXh9 nh9 J.gp`p/N~XO`J.gp `p lX@+Jn g&Hxp,/p, /p0. /NO`B, lXB4p, lX1@2`NVNn  Bp, /p,/NO @p, r8NA=pp, r8NA0g .Zd|p, r8NAr0/N*XOJ@fZ .2ep,r8NA 0 d:p,r8NAr0/NXOJ@fp, r8NA0gJp, /NXO/p,/NXO/HzHxBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO(N^NuHz Bp, /HxBp,T/N Or=AJngLp, /NXO/p,/NXO/HzBBp0./HxHxHx HyNO(`4p, /NXO/HzeBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO$`D%S refuses to steal from %S.What item shall %S seize from %S?%S has nothing to take.NVNJ, f&p,/HyBHzHz3HzN@O`p, /NXON^NuSeize from whom?No one else is here.NV . gP . gH . g@ . g8 . g0 . g( . g . g . g .! g . fp`p2p0N^NuNVp. /aXOJ@fp`p2p0N^NuNVNJ, f6p,/HyHxHzHz9Hz(N@OJ,g HlNXOJ, gp, r8NApp./NXOJ@f:p,r8NAr0/NXOJ@fp, r8NA0gPp, /NXO/p,/NXO/HzHxBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO(|N^NuBNXOp, r8NA0gHxp,/Hx/N O `Hxp,/Hx/N O `Attack whom?No one else is here.%S refuses to attack %S.NVNn p,/p0. /N&POr=A0. Ad=pp0./NXO-@ n"P=i/.N*XO0. Agr0/HxNbXOr2 ЁR@NՒJXfN^NuJ,gN0,H/HxNbXOr2 Ё=@0,Hr.ЁZr2.=@,.@`jHxNbXO@=@0,rHr.Ё@p.r2.=@ n(g n3g n8g n?f. n?f=|( lX|+BBp0./p0./p./p0./Bp0./HzBp0./Hx NO0-@ n"P3|#(N^JXf` lX0.@1@2 lXB4NHlNXO|`NVNJn gp0. /NXON^NuHzBp,/HxBp,T/NLOr=AJngp,/NXO/Hz_BBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO$|N^NuHxNXO|`Bribe whom?No one else is here.%S's purse is empty.NVNNJ, f6p,/HyHxHzHzTHzBN@OJ,g HlNXOJ, gp,r, /NXO|N^NuTalk to whom?No one else is here.NVNN2J, f4p,/HyBHzhHz7Hz N@OJ,g HlNXOJ, f |N^Nup, /BHx N,O JgPNJXf|`A)Hr lX|+ lXB4p, lX1@2NːHlNXOAn)HrBBp, /HxBp,T/NO@J.gp.r8NA 0b$HxNhXONp./NXO/HxHz#BBHxHxHx Hx Hx`NO(p.r8NAPnzp./BHxN,O -@Jg A"n#HB.=|`~0.8A0.fdJ.fL0.8AB00.8A10.8A1n,.fn`0.8ARn n\oz`%S %s %d %s point%c.gainsloses%WUnable to tolerate the reproach of his comrades, %S forswears the Round Table.NVp.r8Nr. ЁA싺Ј-@.$ np=@=@ nf n``Jnlp`p nfr`r@Jnm0.H` p2.H=@J.gDn0.nJnlBn np.r8NA/p.r8NC"01c*p.r8NA/p.r8NC"0.H nrf6p./NXO/HzBBHxHxHx Hx Hx@NO$`fp. A|/0 np2.HcA `A /p./NXO/HzXBBHxHxHx HxHx`NO, . fJng nJfHlNXOJ,kg l=h p,/BHxN O 9@Jlm,0,HA"p)Qp. l1@2HxN XOp0./BHxN O 9@JllBlN^Nu0,HA"p)Q`^J,gXp.r8NAp.r8NABpp./BHxN,O -@ n| + nB4`%S feels no change.%S %s %s.gainslosesNV . fpN^NuBn`J. gp0.AR0. fp0.AS0.fp0.AUr0 fdp0.AUr0p.fBJ.g2p0.AR"p0rNAjr20p p.f p.`J,g,,8dRn0.Hr,8eJg" l"PJg|*B l"P iNXON^NuNV n-P n(g n=h n=h n=h n=h n(g<0.H l2(BH遐=@0.H l2(@H遐=@0.H/0.H/N PO-@0.H/0.H2.HЁ^2.H/N PO-@ n-P n(gr np( g`HxB0.H/0.H/BB/.BB n/(NBO(Hx Hx0.H/0.H/BB/.BBBNBO(NHxB0.H/0.H/B0.H//.0.H/0.H//,NBO(Bn`B n(g np( g.g@HxFB0.H/0.H/0.H/0.H//,BB n/(NBO(`:HxFB0.H/0.H/0.H/0.H//,BB/.NBO(`:Hx Hx0.H/0.H/0.H/0.H//,BBBNBO( d`Rn nmHxB0.H/0.H/0.H/0.H//,B0.H//.NBO(N/.NXO/.NXON^NuNVJfp,/HxN PO)@Bn`ZBn`HHxp,/HxHx0.H/0.H2.HЁ//,BBBNBO(Tn nmRn0.Hr,ep0.r @J.flnN0.@=@Bn`BHxFBp./Hx0.H/0. H2.HЁ//,BB/,NBO(Pn0.nmHxFBp./p0.2.H/0.H/0. H2.HЁ//,BB/,NBO(NN^NuNVJ,fp`p@p,8S@`p.A"p-Q nJg np0(r2.r2.f n0(nf n0(n=@ n0(n=@ n(g<0.H l2(@H遐=@0.H l2(BH遐=@JnmJnm n@l nlJ,gF np0(/ np0(/0.H/0.H/NO n(gJ,g np0( r,f np( f nl no nl no no n l no nlJ,g8 n9h, n9h. l<,c lP.c l,d l.eB, n0(H @Hh n0(HZ/N (PO@rA췚J0gp.A춚 0 d llJp,v f6 Ĵrc, BBp. /HxaPOr/Hx0.H/0.H/Hx}@NO(`%W%RNVHx Hx p0. /aO N^NuNVJn fpN^Nu , r Ьh"<ۛN)@ r2. , N2p0`NVp. r0.n ndl0.H`pc=@Jno0.H`p=@p.N^NuNV0. 8A0. 8ABp0. 8AB0N^NuNV=|I`0.8ARn nLeN^NuNVB,K9|(9|*9|,9|.9|040|G|(HB,>=|`H0.8A0.8A0.8AB00.8AB0Rn neHx5NXO=@gp0.ARB0XHxN2XO=@0.8ABp0.8ABp0.8AB0N^NuNV,YgxYHx NXO=@p0.AU0g$p0.AS"p0r8NA p0.ASp0.AU,ﴓ` |zB,{,f lz{|(z,fHxN2XO@=|`0.8ARn neN^NuNV=|,`0.8ARn n2eN^NuNV ,g(=|`0.8ARn ne`:=|`*0.8A0.8ARn neXN^NuNVN^NuNV=l=lNHxNXO-@HxFBHxHx0.H/0.H//,BB/.NBO(/.N*XON^NuNVp0. Ьh-@ ,hd*NhHxNRXOJ@g BNRXO`J,gB,``N^NuNVNN&n n 0. 8A20H AHh0. 8A20H AHhpNPOp0. /HxHxN O =@Jno,0.HA/0NXO0.HA/0NXON^NuNVJ,gN^NuNB,|`p.r8NA0gpp.r8NA0gXp.r8NAJ0fBp.r8NAJpo,p.r8NA plp,AR,R. .\cl,T@B.`zp.ApBBp./BHxp.r8NA싺0HH/Hxp./HzPp.r8NA싺Ј/BHxNO0,.R..,e|Hz8BBp. @Hh Hx BHx HyNO HlNXO`Select force to find:NV=|0,j@=@jp0.r. gp`pljJng l!jJnfp. N^NuNVHxNbXO=@B.`N0.H @HhN\XONHxNRXOJ@g BNRXO`B.B. . fJ.fHxp,/HxHxdHxJHx>/,BBBNBO(BNRXOr2/NXO@ .f J.gS.`2 . e& .adp.A .dR.```p.AB0Hxp,/HxHxdHxBHx>/,BBBNBO(HnHxBHx>/,N..dp.`p.@nwnxn p0.@ Rnp0.r,簁e&Rnp0.r,氁e .b ,f0.@g 0.@g9|@p,wr8NA20Ag A&-H`AI-H,xfp,wr8NA20H/p,wr8NA20H/NPOrA췚J0ghBBHxHxHxHxGBHxHlHzBHxNO0BBHxHxKHxHxIBHx0HlHzBHxNO0|I` 9|0@B.|`0.@f 0.@g0.@gp,r8NA20H f9|0@lwlxp,xr8NAr0=A nf A>-H`Aa-HBBHxHxHxHxABHxHlHzkBHxNO0BBHxHxPHxHxDBBHlHzDBHxNO0BBHxHxHxHxEBHxpHlHzBHxNO0|D|`p,r8NA20Ag9|0@A-Hlwlx`|p,r8NA20Ag9|0@A-Hlwlx`F9|@0.@gA-Hlwlx@`A-Hlwlx@Jl@f0.@f0.@f .b9|@A-H ,ft,xflBBHxHxHxHxGBHxHlHzBHxNO0BBHxHxKHxHxIBHx0HlHzBHxNO0|I|`p,wr8NA pgp,wr8NA pfp,xr8NA pgp,xr8NA pf .2d9|@A-H .b9|@A0-HBBHxHxHxHxABp0,@/HlHz6BHxNO0BBHxHxKHxHxDBBHlHzBHxNO0|D|Jl@fpN^NuNp,w/NXO/p,x/NXO/p,w/NXO//.J.gp`p/BHx,HxHxHx .@o ._l.HH@`pҀ/NO,J.g HlNXO` HxNhXONJl@fp`Hp,wr8NA20H p,x/r8NA20H fp,wr8NA20Hp,x/r8NA20H fd,AfVp,wr8NA0gA `A /BBHxHxHx Hx Hx(NO HxNhXONA,@gbp,r8NA 0cDp,/NXO/HzqBBHxHxHx Hx Hx(NO$HxNhXON`9|p@,Agp,/NXO/p,r8NA20HJop`pAx/0p,/NXO/HzHxBHxHxHx Hx Hx(NO,HxNhXONp0,@/N~XOp`V%NsSighting %S, %S quickly launch an attack.%NsSighting %S, %S orders the troops to attack.Go ThereIgnore It%NsSighting %S, %S orders the creature killed.%S is challenged to a fight to the death by %S.AcceptDeclineExecute Foe%S encounter & attempt to apprehend %S.%S is ambushed and must fight off an attack by %S.%S challenges %S to a fight to the death.%S is challenged to a fight to the death by %S.%NsSighting %S, %S prepares for combat.Go ThereIgnore It%S is challenged to a contest of arms by %S.%S is challenged to a fight to the death by %S.AcceptDeclineBoth sides rashly ignore your commands.Neither side will accept your commands.%S accepts the challenge.%S orders %s troops to seize %S.NV)nlN^NuNV0.=@)n8/.NXO @HhNXO)@/,NXO2.HЁ/NXO)@0.HЬ8)@0 l80.H". $!A l8 /NXO)@4 l8"l4 l8!n  l8!l0 l80.H". !A l81nBn` 0.H lB0. lB0Rn0.nm l0 4 l0B l0Bh l8"l0#h l0B l4B l4!l0 l41| l4B l4BpN^NuNV/.NXO//,NXO"p0N^NuNVad-@ fpN^NuHx/.NBPO-@ f/.aXOr2 lB0p`/.NBXO @!n n .`NV-lBn`,0. lJ0f0. l .N^NuXRn0.H l8r2(e l8-hJg n=h0.H fX0.H@ @fD.f< n-h0.H f /.NXO` /.NnXON.`Z n-P`xJ,pg HxNXOp`8NVB|-n. gR nf l8-h` l8/NXO-@ n0(@f n ( dJnf n0(H f@J.g: .f l8/(N XO l8/(N XO l8/NzXO-@S.` n-hJfDJ,pg8N.HlݒHzNMPOHx Hn/.NdO HnNNXOBNRXOpN^Nu` n(gJ.gz/.N TXOlZ/.N (XO l8/(N 6XO-@ .찮l4 l*Jlg$/. llNXO l8/(NXO-@R` l8-hB.` n-PJftJ,pghN.HlݒHzNLPOHx Hn/.NdO HlݒHnNLPOHx Hn/.NdO HlݒHzNLPOHnNM XOBNRXOp`` n ( -@ Re l8 . nfb n-H-n/./.N\PO n!n . n1@ nBh n .!@ `l n-H-n/./.NPO n!n . n1@ n"n!I nBh n .!@ `^ l8"n ) -n n!n nf .Ю n1@` .Ю n1@ .`tOut of memory. Req:Out of memory. Avail: Req:NV/.NXO=@Jg" nJgJnm0.H l8r2(cpN^Nu n/NXO-@ n"hgp`0.HRH`NVJfJ,qg HxNXON^Nu/.NnXO=@JnfJ,qg HxNvXO`Sn n/NXO-@ n0(@g HxNHXO`0. lB0/.N XO`NV n/NXXO-@/.NXO-@ n0(HЮమ m n!n n/N FXOpN^Nu n-P n-P n0(H nШ Ю-@ n0(@f6 .ܰ o, n n!n n!n n/N XOp` . b -|` . -@ .Ѯ Rd-|THx/.NPO-@ fp`/.N &XO-@ n/N XO @-H"Pg n/N XO//.N XO"-A n .!@ -@ nBh nc n-h` n-P n0(H g n(g/.NXOp`d nJhfl nc. n-P-n n n!n n .Ѩ `0 n-P n n!n n"n ) Ѩ ` nc n-P/.N XOЮ/N XO-@ nHh nHhN PO-n n"n#h n n!n n n!n n!n nBh n-h n"n `h n-h n"n" nHh nHhN PO n-h n"n /./.N PO nHhN &XO n-P` n/N XO-@ n-P n n!n n!n nHhNXOp`NV n/N XO-@ n ( N^NuNV nJg /.NXOHx/. 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Write to this adres exactly please: NOTE: NOW ALSO THE LATES PC SOFTWARE AVAILABLE! JUST ASK FOR THE LISTDISK. P.O. BOX 2596 6401 DB HEERLEN NETHERLANDS (please do NOT write a NAME above this adres!!!) !TAKE CARE.