Op @` `!#@%'+-/1 3@5`79;=?AC@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @` `!#@%'+-/1 3@5`79;=?AC@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` HISTORY TXT "^E!_BBS HQ I#sE!_CRACKNFO2#E!_IMPTNNFO*# E!_RLISTNFO#E!_TEAM NFOQ#FILE_ID DIZ#CTIMNE ;" ORDER_FMTXT]H#"README D"&8 REGISTERTXT(")M SOKOBAN ZLB",-SUPPORT TXTbH#8$ZEBULANDAPP#B;ZEBULANDINF #ZEBULAND (Programm / accessory) (c) by JAY Software 5.1.1996 -added registration into INF file! (not needed registration after each start) 9.1.1996 -quit by keys (ctrl or alt +q) 24.1.1996 -removed error on writing INF with library. -implemented clipping rectangle (no more bad screen output) 31.1.1996 -added some hotkeys (see README file) -repaired mouse visibility -repaired year in background picture 1.2.1996 -made BETAversion (with many restrictions) to another file! and uploaded to InterNet 18.2.1996 -removed bug from rotation (gap under rotateable brick) 21.2.1996 -removed activation of any objects when the window is moved (used wind_update) 27.2.1996 -* special hotkeys -rebuilt the sound system and add more samples 4.3.1996 -implemented Help screen (Help key) -removed bug from best five 7.3.1996 -* another special hotkey -Zebuland runs on 640x400 or HIGHER resolutions; Maybe 8-( allways black&white ;-))) 12.3.1996 -best five is done (clear, ... ) -no more blinking faces when level starts 14.3.1996 -some sounds were added 16.3.1996 -confirmed running on 640x400 or HIGHER resolutions :-) thanks to Fufin and his FALCON (change from 7.3.1996) 19.3.1996 -there was added headers to level and library file in Editor now, when haven't the library file its header, it isn't loaded -repaired playing sound when you turn brick or switch player -changed files structure (zebu1st.ip) -currently implemeted sounds are now placed well 20.3.1996 -added sounds at the end (end level) 25.3.1996 -sound improvemets (brick down) 26.3.1996 -ZebuLand is able to recieve AP_TERM since now (MTos) -another sound improvements (undo) -repaired the button procedure (no repeat when it isn't needed) -> no more uregistering when Field is clicked -no outgoing by disabled buttons! 27.3.1996 -implemented demo (15 sec wait) -repaired saving INF file when is standart set back (levels) and when quitting 28.3.1996 -repaired mouse visibility when play and click to another window ( wind_update(.._mctrl) used) -switching between windows with Joystick control changed (modified proc drall !!! for par. -3) (isd ???) -Joystick control repaired (problems with assembler) 30.3.1996 -* another special hotkey 1.4.1996 -again repaired the button procedure (hope definitely) -removed bug from entering new level by code button -INF file must be in the home directory of application -turning off the beeps by keyboard improved 2.4.1996 -clearing WHOLE buffer after keyclick (no repeat !!!) -> no stopping keyboard, .... 9.4.1996 -included Final picture 10.4.1996 -Final picture stays after window redraw!!! -aua sound doesn't cause any beep since now -Final picture shows not after nonregistration 11.4.1996 -aua sound was wrong again 12.4.1996 - 7.20pm : Final picture shoes not when library is loaded - 7.41pm : Demo couldn't show last level now - 8.15pm : Repaired mistake at the end of game - 9.32pm : Mended Fpath 19.4.1996 -repaired 43th level solving 9.5.1996 (v1.01) -repaired 75th level solving 14.5.1996 (v1.02) -repaired saving while leving Best five 10.4.1997 (v1.15) -JagPad control implemented -cookie checking for Enhanced Joysticks -some alert (button) bugs fixed -INF file is searched in path, ... and saved on the same file 11.5.1997 -Play sokoban levels!!! -change player by 1..4 keys (on jagpad too) 12.5.1997 -repaired bug in testing sokoban end level 19.5.1997 -preparing to upgread to color version ->totally reprogrammed main process function ->Sokoban levels are still out of order 21.5.1997 -Sokoban levels functions now well 22.5.1997 -improved compression of levels (full compatible) 23.5.1997 -some movement improve 24.5.1997 (v1.25) -finished sokoban level and combination of both types (hope) 27.5.1997 -one more bug fixed in movement 30.5.1997 -added Sokoban library! (SOKOBAN.ZLB) 3.6.1997 (v1.25) -once more solved the problem in the button function  *M@@@@@**@@@[ *M@@@@A* *M@@@@A* @@@*@@@@@*@@@!*@@@@@**@@@@ ]@@@@@ Y@[ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @A` @@@@@ M@ @@@@@ '@@ ]@@@@@ '@[ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @! @@@@@ !@ @@@@@ Y@ ]@@@@@ . ][ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ , !@ ]@@@@@ [ '! ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ f @@@@@ V @@@@@ @ V ]@@@@@ d[ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ ,@ ]@@@@@4@[ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@e@@ ]@@@@@ Y[ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ '@ ]@@@@@ [ [ ]@@@@[ ,[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ @ ] ]@@@@@ ` ][ ]@@@@[ W[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ ' @ ]@@@@@ d[ ]@@@@[ ,@[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ ]@ ]@@@@@ d@[ ]@@@@[ ,d@[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ ,@@ mW@@@@@mm@@@[ mW@@@@Wmm@@@[mW@@@@Wm im@@@@@mi im@@@@@mmW@@@ -LoWLiFe- /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ WORLD HEADQUARTERS /\_____________/\ /\_______/\_________/\___________ ___ /\__________ \______ / \ \_______/\__ ______\______ / / // / _____ / / _/ / /___/ \\__/ \\__/ _/ / /__// \______ \/ _/ //_____/__. // \\_. \\_. \\_.//_____/___. _/ __// \_. \________ //______ //_____ //_______ //________ //.sNs.\_________ // <=======\_____/===\_____/==\_____/====\_____/=====\_____/============\_____/===> <-+=[ ELiTE'S HiDE0UT - Sysop : Marcer\Elite - Ring +46-8-59073485 ]=+-> ._______ . ._______ ._______ ._______ ._______ .______ _____| /____|\ ____| /____| /____|___ /___ | /___| / \_ |__ _/\_____/_\______ _/\_ ______/\_ ____/ _/_ `| _/____ _/ ___/ ._/ \_/ \___ __/ \_/ ____)___/ \| \_/ | \_/ \__ \ |_____/ ._/ ._____/ ._____/ ._____/ ._____/____. / <\_____|=====\_____|\_____|=====\_____|=====\_____|=====\_____|==========|____/> ELiTE WHQ . LEGiON WHQ . PEGASUS SOFTWARE WHQ . MiND DESiGN WHQ . TCW WHQ PULSE WHQ . WiLDFiRE SHQ . EFFECT SHQ . TNB SHQ . SUPREMACY SHQ \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ BELGIAN HEADQUARTERS ----- the pantheon! ----- ________ _____ ____ __ __ _____ __ ____ ______ ____________ _______ _ ______/\__ __/ |]___//\___\ |___\ |___ _ _//\_ ______ ___//\_____ _ |_| - |l__\ _ |_ ____l | |_\ _ ']_\ _ |____\ _ |_ _ _____ ____/l ,. \ | | :___, _ ;|; ____|_ |; \ | |_ _ |_ /] /___l /\___| /___ l |:/__| \___ /__ /\___| / |____/| l__// l___/ |____// |___/ |___/l |___/l l___/__ hacker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0-5 day pc atari conf affinity mag bhq brotherhood bhq elite bhq orp distro miracle member ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ BELGIAN HEADQUARTERS .%$$$$$%. %$$$$$$$% `%"- _"%' (. o o .) - You makin' fun of my pants? Eh? `\ - /'____ _ _|`#'|/ \ ______ _________ ___ ___ (_)___---' /( --' _________\ _____________ (___)_) \ '\_`\\\\ ___/ _________/ / .(___)\ \ / ```` // ___/___ // / \`--'/ `-' %% _____/---- / // \___ %% \__|____-----' %%% \________ / _______/ %%% |.: :. \ %%% //_________/\________\\ %%% /. \ %%%% ___ ____ ________ %%%% /. \ _\___ /___________ -------- _/ \ / \ --------- sYSTEM $$$$$$$$ \ ____ /_/------' d$$$$$$ oVERLOAD $$$$$$ \_/ \__/ .4$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ +32-51/40.71.94 $$$$n.`----'.n4$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ SWISS HEADQUARTERS ______ __ __ ____ __ / ____/__ ____ / /__________ _/ / / __ \____ _/ /_____ _ / / / _ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/ __ `/ / / / / / __ `/ __/ __ `/ / /___/ __/ / / / /_/ / / /_/ / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ / \____/\___/_/ /_/\__/_/ \__,_/_/ /_____/\__,_/\__/\__,_/ ---------------------------------------------------------- ATARI ATARI ATARI ATARI ATARI ATARI ATARI ATARI ATARI ATARI SWITZERLAND'S MOST INTERESTING BBS 7 CD-ROMs-changer, 1 giga HD, running HELL'S BBS on Falcon030 email: anlikerl@ezinfo.vmsmail.ethz.ch irc-bot: telnet://raf3.ethz.ch:3333/ www: http://rif3.ethz.ch:1313/ ftp: ON REQUEST, NO LOSERS! \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ GERMAN HEADQUARTERS ________________ __. _ __ _______ \ / l______ ___/ \____ ____/ _ \ ___)______ _ __ l____| ______\ \\_______ / __ _ - ------/---------------------- \_______\ ---- \/ ----\------ - .___ .______. .______. ___ _ _| \ __| |_ ___/\ _ __________ _ _ ____/\ __| | ._(___)_. l \\ \ | __ //____ /__)_. \\ \ | .----| | \ \ | \/ \ ____/ | | \ \ | | -' __ _ |________/ |\_____|___________/__| _ ______|_________/ |\_____| `------/-----' - l______| yop ------------------------------ l______| -- -- - Shelter (Amiga/Console) Whq - X-Trek (Amiga) Whq - Saints (Amiga) Ghq Quasar (Amiga) Ghq - Pioneer Design (Amiga) Ghq - Panzerknacker (Amiga) Ghq The Naughty Bytes (Atari) Whq - The Sirius Cybernetic Corp. (Atari) Whq Elite (Atari) Ghq - Vectronix (Atari) Ghq - U.A.F. (Hacking) Ghq Supporting ... Amiga - Atari - Mac - Console - HPA - Graffiti - Manga (= e-mail: slapshot@lava.east.de -=- telnet: 194.ask.for.it! =) \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /---------------------------------------------------------------------------\ -== e-mail: elite@pacific-ocean.com ==- \---------------------------------------------------------------------------/ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'97 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$' s `$ $$$$&a $ $$$$$$' s `$$$$$ $$$$$ $ $ $$$$$$ $ $ $ $$$$$ $$$$$ $ $ $$$$$$ $ $$$$$$ $ $$$$$ $$$$$ sssss$ $ $ $ $ $ sssss$$$$$ $$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$ $$$$$. $ ,$. $ ,$ .$. $ ,$. $ ,$$$$$ $$$$$$&@SsS@&$$&@SsS@&$$.s$$$$&@SsS@&$$$$&@SsS@&$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ORBy/ELiTE ELiTE proudly presents you: ~ JAY Zebuland v1.27 ~ Cracked by ORBy/ELiTE! So... :-) here you have another proggie done by Atari World Numba One! ------------------------------------------Pervert's/ELiTE cool saying!--- Why? Bcoz it's really true! We are NUMBER ONE on the world! ---------------------------------------------ORBy's/ELiTE cool saying!--- Today you have got another hack done by your favourite team. Funny logic GEM game from Czech Republic! Have fun! Cyal8er! Nd RmmBR: If wNt yu wll B N RgL! W d $PplRs! sD LL CRcKd pRGg$ t $! GrTz m$t g t: lL ELiTE's mMbr$ ($p. PrVrT WlmE gI! , VectroniX ($p. PheiX), tH RBLiT$, J, TmC, p$kD, MRkiZ, ShDw$, LZk Tm ($p. VT), Dro, mOd/TssC d thr I frgt! NUMBA ONE in 1997! in 1997! *M@@@@@**@@@[ *M@@@@A* *M@@@@A* @@@*@@@@@*@@@!*@@@@@**@@@@ ]@@@@@ Y@[ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @A` @@@@@ M@ @@@@@ '@@ ]@@@@@ '@[ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @! @@@@@ !@ @@@@@ Y@ ]@@@@@ . ][ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ , !@ ]@@@@@ [ '! ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ f @@@@@ V @@@@@ @ V ]@@@@@ d[ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ ,@ ]@@@@@4@[ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@e@@ ]@@@@@ Y[ ]@@@@[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ '@ ]@@@@@ [ [ ]@@@@[ ,[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ @ ] ]@@@@@ ` ][ ]@@@@[ W[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ ' @ ]@@@@@ d[ ]@@@@[ ,@[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ ]@ ]@@@@@ d@[ ]@@@@[ ,d@[ ]@@@@[ @@@@@ @@@@@ ,@@ mW@@@@@mm@@@[ mW@@@@Wmm@@@[mW@@@@Wm im@@@@@mi im@@@@@mmW@@@ -LoWLiFe- IMOPORTANT! * IMOPORTANT! * IMOPORTANT! * IMOPORTANT! * IMOPORTANT! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Atari user... We have got to you very important question: - would you like to see new hot hacks? Yes?! - oh yeeah! but we have got nothing to crack! WE NEED SUPPLIERS! WE ASSURE YOUR ANONYMOUS! WE GUARANTEE 100% CRACKS! contact us (by e-mail): elite@pacific-ocean.com WE WAIT FOR YOU! thx! LT team... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------!  /\_____________ /\_______/\_________ |. ______/ ./'97!\___/ . /. ______/ |: __!___|: |____ ___'|: ||: __!___ | .\' .\/ .'\ |' .| ' | .\ |! \ \ rb\ \ \ \' ! | \ \ \__________/________/____/\___/ \__________/ %%%%% ELiTE's '97 OFFICIAL RELEASE LIST %%%%% - Connect v95.00 (cracked)..................................Mr.No/ex-ELiTE - M Player v2.14 (re-cracked)..............................Mr.No/ex-ELiTE - Connect v95.00 Key Maker................................Scorpio/ex-ELiTE - Space Fighter (cracked & trained).......................Scorpio/ex-ELiTE - Zorg v2.07 (fixed)......................................Scorpio/ex-ELiTE - Hp Scan Jet IICX,IIp,3p/C,4P/C Scan Driver (cracked).......Pervert/ELiTE - Mustek Paragon 6000/12000 CX Scan Driver (cracked).........Pervert/ELiTE - A la Card v1.42 (cracked).....................................ORBy/ELiTE - Stella v2.56 (registered).....................................ORBy/ELiTE - Egale v3.82I (cracked)........................................ORBy/ELiTE - SysInfo v4.01 (registered)....................................ORBy/ELiTE - DIG IT Tracker (cracked)......................................ORBy/ELiTE - Bitmap View v4.2.0b (cracked).................................ORBy/ELiTE - Big Convert v1.77 (registered)................................ORBy/ELiTE - Fox v2.37 (cracked)...........................................ORBy/ELiTE - Da Capo v1.22 (3in1) (registered).............................ORBy/ELiTE - TWSM v1.0 (registered)........................................ORBy/ELiTE - CoMa v4.0.0 Fax/Voice/Pro Key Makers v1.0.....................ORBy/ELiTE - Recipe v5.1 (cracked)......................................Pervert/ELiTE - Easy Money v1.3 (cracked)..................................Pervert/ELiTE - Freedom v2.01d (registered)...................................ORBy/ELiTE - Image Print v2.0000 (registered)..............................ORBy/ELiTE - Studio Son v2+ rel.1.71.E (cracked)........................Pervert/ELiTE - Diderot v1.15.1 (registered)......................Joa&Ramsess&ORBy/ELiTE - Diderot v1.15.1 (registered)...............................Pervert/ELiTE - Sheer Agony ST/STE/TT (cracked)............................Pervert/ELiTE - Toolbox SL module /no-limit/ (cracked)........................ORBy/ELiTE - GDPS Scanner Inerface SL module /no-limit/ (cracked)..........ORBy/ELiTE - WEBspinner v1.20 (cracked)....................................ORBy/ELiTE - Stello v2.1 (registered)......................................ORBy/ELiTE - Move It! v1.01 (registered)...................................ORBy/ELiTE - Move It! v1.50 (registered)...................................ORBy/ELiTE - Nanjing v2.0 (registered).....................................ORBy/ELiTE - JAY Zebuland v1.25 (registered)...............................ORBy/ELiTE - Clipart SL module /up to 1993/ (cracked)......................ORBy/ELiTE - Curve & Line SL module /up to 1993/ (cracked).................ORBy/ELiTE - HKS Farbpalette SL module /up to 1993/ (cracked)..............ORBy/ELiTE - Cannon BJC 2x0 printer drivers set (translated)...............ORBy/ELiTE - Q-Start/Q-Fig v0.84 (registered)..............................ORBy/ELiTE - File List v2.5 (registered)...................................ORBy/ELiTE - M Player v2.49 (cracked)......................................ORBy/ELiTE - EB Universal Modeler v2.90a (cracked).........................ORBy/ELiTE - EB Visualisateur v1.20a (cracked).............................ORBy/ELiTE - Stella v2.61 (registered).....................................ORBy/ELiTE - Spice ++ (cracked & trained)..................................ORBy/ELiTE - Graoumf Tracker v0.7420 100% (registered).....................ORBy/ELiTE - FracIrc v1.10 (cracked).......................................ORBy/ELiTE - TwiLight v2.07 (cracked)......................................ORBy/ELiTE - Graoumf Tracker v0.877 100% (registered)......................ORBy/ELiTE - Job Manager v1.4 SL module /from 94 up to 9x/ (cracked).......ORBy/ELiTE - Bridge v2.0 SL module /from 94 up to 9x/ (cracked)............ORBy/ELiTE - Calplot v2.0 SL module /no limit - for all SLs/ (cracked).....ORBy/ELiTE - Rastergenerator with Cache SL module /for all SLs/ (cracked)..ORBy/ELiTE - Rastergenerator for FPU SL module /for all SLs/ (cracked).....ORBy/ELiTE - Mount v1.0 SL module /no-limit/ (cracked).....................ORBy/ELiTE - Dataformer Vector SL module /no-limit/ (cracked)..............ORBy/ELiTE - Dataformer Raster SL module /no-limit/ (cracked)..............ORBy/ELiTE - Histogramm v1.0 SL module /from 94 to 9x/ (cracked)...........ORBy/ELiTE - Masken SL module /no-limit/ (cracked).........................ORBy/ELiTE - Grobdat v4.0 SL module /no-limit/ (cracked)...................ORBy/ELiTE - Costa v2.20 (registered)...................................Pervert/ELiTE - Costa v2.20 Keymaker.......................................Pervert/ELiTE - Barcode v0.99 SL module /no-limit/ (cracked)..................ORBy/ELiTE - Ultre*Setter Traiber SL module /no-limit/ (cracked)...........ORBy/ELiTE - SysMon v1.0.9 (registered).................................Pervert/ELiTE - Calamus SL v30.12.96 (cracked)................................ORBy/ELiTE - Kodak Photo CD driver for SL /no-limit/ (cracked).............ORBy/ELiTE - Starscreening Light SL module /from 94 to 9x/ (cracked).......ORBy/ELiTE - RatSoft BBS v2.1 (cracked).................................Pervert/ELiTE - Starscreening Light PLUS SL module /94~9x/ (cracked & fixed)..ORBy/ELiTE - Bitmap View v4.2.1 (cracked)..................................ORBy/ELiTE - ResourceMaster v2.07 (cracked)................................ORBy/ELiTE - Egale v3.9I (cracked).........................................ORBy/ELiTE - Everest v3.6E4 (cracked).....................................ORBy/ELiTE - NED-Player v2.8 (registered)..................................ORBy/ELiTE - Calligrapher Professional v3.10/41 Patch (cracked).........Pervert/ELiTE - EB Universal Modeler v3.26b (cracked).........................ORBy/ELiTE - Parallel Copier v2.70/2.75/3.0-4 (registered)............Pervert/ELiTE - NED-Player v2.9 (registered)...............................Pervert/ELiTE - Sunshine * The Dice Game for F030 (registered)................ORBy/ELiTE - Ruftrade II (cracked).........................................ORBy/ELiTE - WinCom v1.6 (registered)......................................ORBy/ELiTE - Zuul v2.04 (registered)....................................Pervert/ELiTE - MultiStrip v1.2 (registered)..................................ORBy/ELiTE - PacShell v3.01E (registered)..................................ORBy/ELiTE - Notice v1.04 (registered).....................................ORBy/ELiTE - Papyrus Gold v5.15 (cracked)..................................ORBy/ELiTE - Imagine VME Graphic Card Driver v1.53 (cracked)...............ORBy/ELiTE - Nova VME Graphic Card Driver v2.60 (cracked)..................ORBy/ELiTE - Novell Net Driver v1.2 under Ethernet/II (cracked)............ORBy/ELiTE - M Player v2.61 (cracked)......................................ORBy/ELiTE - Thing v1.20D + Icon Menager (cracked).........................ORBy/ELiTE - Costa v2.21 (registered)...................................Pervert/ELiTE - ProFile v2.21 Key (registered)..............................Marcer/ELiTE - Ultre*Setter SL Traiber v2.1 - 3.7 /no-limit/ (cracked).......ORBy/ELiTE - Postscript Drucktraiber v1.0 for SL /no-limit/ (cracked)......ORBy/ELiTE - Papyrus Gold v4.21PL (translated)...................for ELiTE by TC-Soft - RscView v1.00 (registered)....................................ORBy/ELiTE - JAY Zebuland v1.27 (cracked)..................................ORBy/ELiTE files: 99 date: 17.12.1997 $$$$$$$$$$$SS$$$$$$$$S$$$$$$$$$$SSSS$$$$$$$$$SS$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$S',sSSs,`$$$$S',s $$$$$$$$S',s ,sS$$$$Ss,`$$$S',sSSs,`$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$',d$'~$$b $$',d$',$$$$$$$',d$',`S$$$$SS$s ',d$'~$$b $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$',$$' $$$ $',$$',$$$$$$$',$$'s$b`S`,S.`$$, ,$$' $$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ :$$ssS$S' s :$$ $$$SS$ :$$b $$SsS$$$$ $$: :$$ssS$S' s$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ ;$$, ,sSs. ;$$,`',sSs. ;$$$Ss.`$$$$$$ $$' ;$$, ,sSs.`$$$$$$$ $$$$$$b.$$SsS$$$$S, $$SsS$$$$S, $$$$S,`$$$S',$Y',$ $$SsS$$$$S,`$$$$$$ $$$$$$$b.`~~~',.`~~~',.`~',$$$.'',$$$$.`~~~',d$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ssss$$$$$$$$$Ssss$$$$$Sss$$$$$$Ss$$$$$$$$$$$$$Ssss$$$$$$$$ -SNSR LT tAM: - Mrcr Sweden rgzer&sysp - tH ttckng Shrk Germany m.i.. - CmpkT Iceland m$icn - tRL England spplr - Ic Sweden cdr - L0wLif Nederland gX rtSt - rB Poland crcKr - PRvrT Poland crcKr - Wh Crs Poland pHrKer e-mail: elite@pacific-ocean.com gi in 1997! ======================================== .------------------------------------. |:. _____.__. .__ _____ _____. | |'. / ___| | | Y Y ___| | | | _l_| l--| l__| | _l_ | | l__ |_____!__! l__l__ |mcl | | `--' `--' | '-------[proudly presents you]-------' ======================================== ======================================== .--------[ JAY Zebuland v1.27 ]--------. | | | Cracked by: ORBy/ELiTE! ..'| | (cr) 17.12.97 :.| '--------------------------------------' ==[1/1]=======================[ELT!97]== ZEBULAND.APP (Programm / accessory) ~~~~ (c) 12.04.1996 by JAY Software ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AHOJTE VICHNI, Jist vsichni pamatujete 8bit a logick hry od KE-Softu. To byla prost bomba :-))) Tento program se jmenuje Zebuland a je pepsan pro ST/STe... Funguje i jako accessory (bohuel nemme zkuenosti s MTOSy, ale ml by bez vtsch problm bet i tam. !!! NOVINKA !!! Od verze 1.25 je mozno hrt i SOKOBAN levely! OVLDN: CODE: Po nakliknut /alt-n/ mete zadat kd njakho levelu. Pokud jej neznte nebo se nestrefte ;-)), program bez upozornn po returnu sko do 1.levelu. V prbhu hry se zde zobrazuje kd aktulnho levelu. "KSICHTICI": Ztrta ivota (kdy u si nebudete vdt rady) /undo, esc/ OPTIONS: Zobraz menu pro volbu parametr (ovldn, zvuky) /alt-o/ -ovldn a zvuky se daj mnit pmo /alt-c, alt-s/ BEST: Zobraz tabulku nejlepch /alb-b/ LOAD LIB.: Nahraje knihovnu level (.ZLB) ,nebo nastav zpt vestavn /alt-l/ Obr.v poz.: Zobraz Info o autorech nebo nen-li zaregistrovn, tak registran dialog /alt-f/ Pozad buton: Pehod butony na druhou stranu okna /alt-w/ /space/home/ Pepn md hran a operac s okny (taky zapn/vypn kurzor myi) /tab/insert/1/2/3/4 Pepn postavy (jestli je jich vce ne jeden) /alt-q/ctrl-q/ Zpsob konec programu!!! /help/ Zobraz pomocm dialog (vetn zkratek); Tento program je shareware a jako takov se me voln it, pokud NEN ZAREGISTROVN a jsou snm vechny soubory tohoto archivu. Pokyny pro registraci najdete v REGISTER.TXT V ppad, e mte program zaregistrovn a zkoprujete jej nkomu jinmu, pak se ujistte zda je zkoprovan verze ZAREGISTROVAN. Jestlie ano pak ji ODREGISTRUJTE (pomoc butonu) !!! Uijte si to :-)) J A Y Software Jan Kupka nebo Stanislav Opichal Trnkova 26 Za Vodojemem 8 Olomouc Olomouc 779 00 779 00 esk Republika esk Republika tel.: 068/5419108 e-mail: krupkaj@risc.upol.cz opichals@risc.upol.cz www: html://www.inf.upol.cz/~krupkaj/jay  CyberSTrider Atari Products Order Form ====================================================================== Address: CyberSTrider: PO Box 2023, Wickford SS12 9RX, UK Email: dbhabuta@cix.compulink.co.uk ; denesh@cyberstrider.org WWW: http://www.cyberstrider.org ====================================================================== Your personal details ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Street : Town : Postcode : Country : Email/Tel: Products required ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Software Sterling | Software Sterling ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] Speed of Light 20.00 [ ] MGIF 6.00+ __.__ [ ] Bitmap View 13.00 [ ] Antmail 8.00+ __.__ [ ] Eureka 10.00 [ ] Telnet (Ackerman) 6.00+ __.__ [ ] HomePage-Penguin 10.00 [ ] HS-Modem 6.00+ __.__ [ ] MG-FTP 10.00 [ ] TOS2GEM 6.00+ __.__ [ ] Junior Office 16.00 [ ] USET2G 6.00+ __.__ [ ] PARCP 10.00 [ ] Michael Pieper 10.00+ __.__ [ ] Kivi 13.00 [ ] ReJoinDer 10.00 Add the following to the total: [ ] zControl 6.00 =============================== [ ] iPRN 13.00 [ ] No Master Disks required -0 UKP [ ] Selectric 13.00 [ ] Please email/snail reg. [ ] TCache 15.00 [ ] Email full version (UUE/MIME) [ ] ProTracker 10.00 [ ] Zorg 12.00 [ ] Master Disks required (UK) [ ] Da Capo 15.00 [ ] 1-4 Prgs - 1.00 UKP per prg [ ] Marcel 5.00 [ ] 5+ Prgs - 0.80 UKP per prg [ ] Easy_PGP Shell 13.00 [ ] MBE 6.00 [ ] Master Disks required (Overseas) [ ] UDO Private use 25.00 [ ] 1 Prg - 1.50 UKP [ ] UDO Commercial use 75.00 [ ] 2-4 Prgs - 1.20 UKP per prg [ ] UDO Additional each 25.00 [ ] 5+ Prgs - 1.00 UKP per prg [ ] JAY MSA 10.00 [ ] Zebuland 7.00 [ ] SSAE + disk(s) enclosed [ ] Triple Yahoo 12.00 [ ] Pac Them 13.00 [ ] SPICE 15.00 [ ] CoMa FAX 44.50 [ ] CoMa Voice + Fax 69.50 [ ] CoMa Professional 109.50 [ ] CoMa Handbook 6.50 [ ] Kari Heimonen 10.00 [ ] Michel Forget 5.00 [ ] New Design 6.00 [ ] JAY Bonus Disk 5.00 [ ] Family Roots 15.00 [ ] Commercial software p+p [ ] EZ-Art Pro 10.00 [ ] UK - 2.00 UKP per prg [ ] Easy Stitch 10.00 [ ] Europe - 5.00 UKP per prg [ ] Positive Image v1.12 40.00 [ ] R.O.W - 10.00 UKP per prg [ ] Positive Image v2 65.00 [ ] DTP+Graphics CD 35.00 [ ] Current Notes (1yr) 33.00 [ ] Magazines - include p+p [ ] CN Evaluation copy 5.75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Total amount in pounds Sterling enclosed: ____.__ ====================================================================== This section helps us identify problems/use HD disks where possible ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Atari computer/s: ST/Mega, ST/e, TT, Falcon, etc: Operating system/s: TOS, MultiTOS, MagiC etc: Atari emulation/s: MagiC Mac, Gemulator etc: Floppy drive format/s: 720Kb DD, 1.44Mb HD etc: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- These details will be kept electronically. Your entry is available for inspection on request under provisions of the UK Data Protection Act. ZEBULAND.APP (Programm / accessory) ~~~~ (c) 12.04.1996 by JAY Software ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HI ALL, I think that you remember 8bit ATARI and logcal games from KE-Soft. Those was great :-))) This programm is Zebuland and its written for ST/STe... It runs as an accessory too (we haven't any experiences with MTOSes, but this should work there too) !!! NEWS !!! Since version 1.25 are SOKOBAN levels playable CONTROL: CODE: After clicking here you can type code for any level /alt-n/ If you don't know any or you type unknown code, program, after pressing return, will go to the first level While You play is here shown code of actual level "FACES": Lost of life (only when you crashed) /undo/ OPTIONS: Shows menu for choice parameters (control, sound) /alt-o/ Control device and Sound could be changed by /alt-c, alt-s/ BEST: Top five table /alt-b/ LOAD LIB.: Loads library of levels (.ZLB) ,or sets back /alt-l/ integrated levels Back. buttons: Switches buttons to the other side of the window /alt-w/ Back. Pict.: Information about autors or registration dialog /alt-f/ /space/Home/ Switch between play mode and handling windows /tab/insert/1/2/3/4 Switch players (if there are more than one) /alt-q/ctrl-q/ Quit programm!!! /help/ Shows help dialog (containing hotkeys etc.) This programm is Shareware and may be freely copied, until IS UNREGISTERED and there are all the files of this archive here. For registration instructions see REGISTER.TXT If You have registered Zebuland and You want to copy it to another user, then make You sure that copied version IS UNREGISTERED. If not then DO IT (by the button) !!! Enjoy It :-)) J A Y Software Jan Krupka or Stanislav Opichal Trnkova 26 Za Vodojemem 8 Olomouc Olomouc 779 00 779 00 Czech Republic Czech Republic tel.: 068/5419108 e-mail: krupkaj@risc.upol.cz opichals@risc.upol.cz www: html://www.inf.upol.cz/~krupkaj/jay ZEBULAND.APP ------------ Hello! For registration send the following form plus 10 pounds (20 USD, 100 Czech crowns or equal) to one of the adreses at the end of this document. We'll use fastest method to send the keycode to you. AND MORE !!! If you'll want to get the JAY BONUS Disk with the keycode. (there are some freeware and PD from US, which is available on several BBS in Czech republic). The mail pay You ;-}. Registering will be completed to the name what you'll send. The form: ! NAME: __________________________ (min 5 - max 29 letters) - write carefully !! ! ADREESS: __________________________ PHONE/FAX: __________________________ FIDONET: __________________________ E-MAIL: __________________________ WWW: __________________________ I WANT BONUS DISK: HD DD by E-MAIL none WHAT YOU PREFFER : Programming Basic (what type) Pascal C ASSembler Playing Games Logical Other DTP There are some information, which aren't needed for register, but every contacts with ATARI user may be usefull. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahoj! Pro registraci prosm zali formul plus 100 Korun eskch (20 USD, 10 liber nebo ekvivalentn sumu) na jednu z adres na konci tohoto dokumentu. Pouijeme tu nejrychlej cestu jak ti zaslat kl. POZOR !!! Jestli bude chtt, dostanete s klem tak JAY BONUS Disk. (tam najde njak freeware a PD od ns, kter je pstun na nkterch BBS stanicch v esk republice) Potu plat Ty ;-}. Registraci provedeme na jmno, kter pole. Vzor formule: ! JMNO: __________________________ (min 5 - max 29 psmen) - pi peliv !! ! ADRESA: __________________________ TEL./FAX: __________________________ FIDONET: __________________________ E-MAIL: __________________________ WWW: __________________________ CHCI BONUS DISK: HD DD E-MAILem nechci CO M NEJRADJI : Programovn Basic (jak typ) Pascal C ASSembler Hran her Logickch Jinch DTP Nkter informace ve formuli nejsou nutn pro registraci, ale vechny kontakty s uivateli ATARI mohou bt uiten. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J A Y Software Jan Krupka or Stanislav Opichal Trnkova 26 Za Vodojemem 8 Olomouc Olomouc 779 00 779 00 Czech Republic Czech Republic tel.: 068/5419108 e-mail: krupkaj@risc.upol.cz opichals@risc.upol.cz www: html://www.inf.upol.cz/~krupkaj/jay ZebuZLB&M%Bf=c | B a j &Pbd?o`+;3Q Y !u""z##$4$%9%&x&'u'(o()N)*O*+X+6ey}y-unly ^_IZBHFAKEؐ@AZZEe(7*+9zwxu@E@Rַ [BY[]_YJ،YRYS֕y7<--&oiun ^C@Gl#:%6G m&,)9C RRAJ[TYV󠲿ɝӐJ $ej}eAYZGt%!5&b5500k32*32f{ps5xpfpV _ 4up{xm.%,#X !gtooF"epkn GKGHKLBMⰧ}/(..`U((((e(eh(e%%(%(%h%((((%h%(ei((%e%i((%%(%hei((%((gh((ie(%(ie(%ee((ie((e((i%he((ie(%(e%h(%h%%((%e%%%((%(%((V n((%((%(%h(%e(h%%((%%(%()eh%ee(h%e(()e((4((e)((e)((%(e%)((%(e%(e)((e%%(e)((%Z%(%%((e%(%(h%((%(%h(%h(eZ(Z((%(%h(/z((&%((%'%ie%((&%((o F((((%(he((%%((%(()eh%e()%%Z%h()ehee((eeh(%%e(%h%((%((j U(@(ie(h%h(ie((i%Z%((ie(%(%%((i%(%%((%%(e((e(%%((%ee((eh((m \((hh%(eh%Z%((%%((ee(%((%e%i((%%%%((%((%Z%((((e(($ <(((%((%he%(%%(%(%%(%Z(%he(e()e(%ehe(()(e(%%h%e()h%(%e()()(Z%ehe(ih%(e(%he%%%h((%(%(F ((%(@((%%%(@(%'e$)() (@((%%(@(%((((e((%%%((%(%%(ee((e%e(%(%(%(e(%((%(%%eh((%%(((%((%%%%((e((%((%(()(()(()((w4((e((e((%)%)((ehe(h%he(%((%%h(e%%(h(%(((ee%e%((%Z%%((%((@(h%(%(((%ZZe%%((e(%e(((%(%Z%Z%(((e%(((%(%%%%(((%(%(h%(e(e%e(((eh%(%Z%%hi((%i(%(e%()((%i(%(%%%()((%(%(%()((%(%()((%()(( 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It now covers software on various platforms: Atari, PC, Mac, Linux and BeOS and has expanded to include commercial software and printed magazines. The scheme however is not only for UK users: anyone in any country can register via this scheme. I would personally like to thank Joe Connor (InterActive) for the inspiration behind me starting this scheme. Benefits of registering include: + Key to remove features reserved for registered users (if required) + Local e-mail and snail-mail support + Free update service + No hassle handling foreign currency + Optional labelled Master Disk and other software Registration fees are set to cover the currency handling, stationary, media, postage and on-line costs incurred. Here is a list of the currently supported Atari products: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Vers Software Fee(UKP) Status & Brief description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.8 Speed Of Light 20 -S- Image processor from the USA 4.2.1 Bitmap View 13 -S- Image processor from France 5.01 MGIF 6+ -F- Ultra fast GIF/JPEG viewer/processor 2.12 Eureka (09.97) 10 -F- Suite to create stunning 3D graphics 1.7 HomePage-Penguin 10 -S- Create Web pages easily 0.7.9 Antmail 8+ -F- POP3 E-mail program for STiK 1.01 Telnet 6+ -F- Telnet client for STiK 1.4 MG-FTP 10 -S- File transfer program for STiK 3.04e TKR Junior Office 16 -S- English version, Fax program 2.02 Kivi 13 -S- BBS QWK packet Off-line reader 1.33 ReJoinDer 10 -S- BBS QWK packet Off-line reader 7 HS-Modem 6+ -F- Increase the speed of data transfer 2.62 PARCP 10 -S- Atari <-> PC using the printer port 0.24+ zControl 6 -S- XControl replacement. Run multi-CPXs 2.02d iPRN 13 -S- Print speeder (upto 40x the speed) 1.10e Selectric 13 -S- Alternative File selector 6.4a TCache 15 -S- Configurable hard disk cache 7 TOS2GEM 6+ -F- Put TTP program output into windows 1 USET2G 6+ -F- TOS2GEM C routines 2.02 ProTracker 10 -S- Create and edit Tracker (.MOD) music 2.07 Zorg 12 -S- Ze Organiser. Disk optimiser. 1.23 Da Capo 15 -S- Versatile address manager 2.3.4 Marcel 5 -F- Versatile word processor. Register for 44-page A5 size manual and disk 0.92 Easy PGP Shell 13 -S- Shell for PGP encryption 1.01 MBE 6 -S- Easy to use encryption program 6e UDO Private 25 -S- Universal documentation program UDO Commercial 75 -S- Additional commercial @25UKP each 1.03 JAY MSA 10 -S- Magic Shadow Archiver 1.27 Zebuland 7 -S- Sokoban clone game 1.00 Triple Yahoo 12 -S- Yahtzee clone game x.xx Pac Them 13 -S- Pac Man clone. Falcon only x.xx SPICE 15 -S- Defender clone. Falcon only. 4.10 CoMa -S- Communications Manager CoMa FAX 44.50 Fax module only CoMa Voice 69.50 FAX and Voice Modem program CoMa Professional 109.50 FAX, Voice and Mini-BBS program CoMa Handbook 6.50 Printed Handbook Upgrade 25 Upgrade CoMa FAX to Voice Upgrade 40 Upgrade CoMa Voice to Professional Collections: Kari Heimonen Programs 10 -S- Music, Movie and Disk Box -Databases Michel Forget Programs 5 -S- ESS-Code (6.4), MasterBrowse (4.9+) (ESS-Code - Encoder/Decoder; MasterBrowse - Text viewer) Michael Pieper Programs 10+ -S- BEM (Bavaria Event Manager), Seebaer New Design Programs 6 -S- NED Player, Whipper Snapper's Race JAY Bonus Disk 5 -F- Double2ST, JAY Format, JAY Shell, JAY Groups, Mines. Free with any JAY registration. Commercial: Family Roots  15 -C- Genealogy program EZ-Art Pro 10 -C- Art program Easy Stitch 10 -C- Sewing pattern program Positive Image v1.12 40 -C- Powerful Image Processor Positive Image v2 65 -C- Powerful Image Processor DTP+Graphics CD-ROM 35 -C- CD full of files relating to DTP (P+P on commercial items: UK 2UKP ; Eur 5UKP ; ROW 10UKP) Printed Magazines: Current Notes (incl p+p) -C- Bi-Monthly Canadian Atari Magazine 33 One year (6 issues) subscription 5.75 Evaluation copy price ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Key: -S- Shareware ; -F- Freeware ; -B- Feedbackware ; -C- Commercial ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: You must pay the shareware fee if you use the program. Freeware programs carry a suggested minimum contribution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- How to register/order in the UK ------------------------------- If you require Masterdisks please add 1 UKP per program, or 0.80 UKP per program if registering 5+ programs. Please note the different postage and packing details for commercial items. 1) Use the included ORDER_FM.TXT to select required products 2) Make a Cheque/Postal Order payable to CYBERSTRIDER for the total 3) Don't forget to include your details 4) Send completed order form and payment to CyberSTrider How to register/order from outside the UK ----------------------------------------- If you require Masterdisks please add 1.50 UKP (for 1 program) and 1.20 UKP per prg (for 2-4 programs) and 1 UKP per prg (for 5+ programs) to the total order to cover postage. Please note the different postage and packing details for commercial items. Send the money via one of the following methods: - A cheque payable in *Pounds Sterling* drawn on a *UK* bank address - A Eurocheque - An international Post Office Girocheque payable in *Pounds Sterling* - An international money order payable in *Pounds Sterling* - A cheque in your own currency (add 7UKP to the total fee for bank charges) - Cash - in Pounds Sterling, Dollars and DMs. Send cash at your own risk... and in a Registered Letter! Contact ------- Mail: CyberSTrider, PO Box 2023, Wickford, SS12 9RX, UK E-mail: General queries - dbhabuta@cix.compulink.co.uk denesh@cyberstrider.org Support queries - support@cyberstrider.org Feedback - feedback@cyberstrider.org WWW: http://www.cyberstrider.org Update service -------------- All shareware updates can be retrieved from my web pages. Alternatively, you may send a self addressed envelope including return postage (or IRC) and an unlabelled floppy disk. Please state: 1) The software you would like updated 2) The version you are currently using 3) Enclose the appropriate upgrade fee (if applicable) Response time? -------------- While we welcome and attempt to answer all e-mail, the response to the support scheme is quite overwhelming and our mailboxes fill up very quickly. Please forgive us if we do not always reply promptly to your messages. We do read all incoming e-mail, and keep track of all bugs that are reported. If you do not hear back from us, it most likely means that we do not have anything helpful to tell you yet. CyberSTrider business runs from 8pm-10pm weekdays. All members of the team have other commitments and full time jobs in which they earn a living. It can take us up to 28 days to process a registration from the date we receive it (please factor in the delivery time for snail-mail). Keep in mind that some registrations can get lost in the mail on the way to us. Also, sometimes the e-mail reply can get lost as well. Your cheques will not be cashed until we have fulfilled your order. Getting the software on-line ---------------------------- Latest releases of the shareware and demo software can be retrieved on-line from: http://www.cyberstrider.org Disclaimer ---------- USE THESE PROGRAMS AT YOUR OWN RISK! Neither CyberSTrider or the respective authors assume liability what-so-ever for any damages that may result from using the programs or accompanying files. These programs include absolutely no warranty, written or implied. Please note the shareware ethic of try before you buy. You pay the registration fee because you have already tried and tested the program you are registering. In light of this, there is a no-refund policy on shareware and freeware programs you are registering. Regards Denesh =);-) `HQ#6HN`@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZebuLand ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 05.06.1997 ~~~~ (c) by JAY ~~~~ Software ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3N`BPN yP fJXgaHaV yTN Runtime error at offset $0123456789ABCDEFHP?< NA\ONuOAa09Nr Oa OpB0a&yJ g0Aa&9X8<@;??<NAXOQ?<NAO Nur&H fr&oL + Ы*@Ы,UC#d"k" *AYM#.M// ?<?<JNAO #pr+g<fH k, AfE"Ht VgJfJf`ZARGV=JfXO$I`JgFR@JfHRa $I`A"HB0< c<"frJg "f`B(R@HQ"HJf*3J9gB?< NA\O x"( e\$<dzet dn ehdbe\dVePdJeDd>e8 d2 e,`0e$ eeee e dB9/?< NA\O#x#~#####a#THyN0<`0<r;kB/o `:0<`40<`.0<`(0<`"HP o P@e P@b _/9Nu _0<Nh"ydb0<Na#XBgHz?<Ns`?9N?<LNAJ9g~p yav#p yad#p yaR#p ya@#p ya.#p ya#p ya #NuH瀠>NMPO @$_NuJ@lD@NuHR!| L1|װ!|E!JA4pxrd2EN`QB$_Nu2<װ0(Ag AAf pHPa _Jy\f ( g"@N3\Nup42<d0`QNupQNure`QNuJ@npJAotcBNuA@RBAd2SQNu?JAo.J@fpSAt@e6@AdS`"HQ6NuJy\f"0(|װg|ײf (g "@N3\NuHO&HI LvQrtJ@npS@@d08B|e8<6A|d4A@6BG0I@`#Q8`@I`QOLNuB@BAAd@SAe Vf@Nu0(@װ|װfHS&H kװga6Rkp'@'@ 7@ +g "@ KN3\&_Nu0(@װ|װfHS&H kװg + g "@N3\Tkp'@'@ 7@ +g "@ KN3\&_Nup@#X`Br;Nu  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~HQp"S@< g< VSHR@@?a4"_JAgBp2NupJ@k hײeH&H(I6xc`p aQ`aQJy\f (g "@N3\ KLNuC` Jf" SA4TH!QNu"Wf ANuJy\fn"( b2(f* (gHP"@N _3\fFJ f`2"("hg1` 1R!A<g̰< g(Nu$jD BJjD$HBJBf.$HBJBfH@B@H@$jDNuB@H@HB2@0H@0 H@`?BCdQCJkSCҁ[DCHAt4B@H@HBBHBHA60dSCp06` @JjDJjD$HBJBf"$HBJBfB@H@$jDNuB@H@HB0`"A"B@H@HABAtҁрdЉӁрQ`p`QBNuJy\f0"h"(R!A (Se (gHP"@N3\ _NuRHHPJ@l JAg-D@C&Ye2)t AUA 2f"_ Nu'd 09876543210Htg`pvxrSB<-gV<+gR`RSBk@<$g0< b. b&Ѐ*Ѕ*<bЄRQJgDrL8NuPJf`0< c<c  <b b*<bЄRQ`dcNu?@ f TO0<`@0Nua 3\NuJlD@@ |l@0; `p`pNuHRHS&Hp'@'@'@ 0+|ױg$< 'B@ײf2<<`'| '| p`7|ײ2<=J+4gl$+4NULgVAUXgPRNgCONgDLPTgvCOMgX'| n ?Hk4?NAPOJl a 7|װ`6p&_$_Nu kױgp$<8'B'B`p'|B`+71SbJ+8fp`+71UbJ+8fp'| `HSHR&H??<>NAXOJ@f7|װp$_&_Nuav`a< gpNuHRHP/(/(??<?NAO _$_Jk>!@ BpNuHRHP/(/(??<@NAO _$_JkBB pNuHPa _J@f$"( g"h R AapNuHRHP"h (B`J!f QHQ?< NA\O _$_BB pNu3f\Nu3g\Nu3i\NuBBJAb 0 VDNuBNuBBJAb BQ NuBQNu?6B0 QBBeJBe R`6NuByByAp,"@ "A3@@"`"p"@ "01B3"ONu/ Hz?<&NN\O$_NuH Jg./<?< NA\O,f B?< NA\O޸jJf /?< NA\OLNu/ ?<NATO$_NuJfAByNBPBXBy\B^bBP!H!H#BB9cN6Jygc |hC*a |haz |Cax |aNuH*J91gLNafvCHֹ~ C0rAHҹ~ AU8D @"Hp0й~ @pzN``L8NuByB9 |0<=2A'gUAg ``RyQJyo |0<= P'f0+TQNuPNuF@PNuNV=@0.N nf(HnHnACNbP33N^Nu 9cOcNNu/&JCl N# CgN/0NHй榰nN#&NuNV// E$$$$$A42(yl49憔AP1y2( yl49抔Ah1y 2( yoy戓h1y 2(yoy挓h1yHy?H ЀЃ02 @?py?py?Bg J0rtNO `>?H ЀЃ02 FD@?py?py?Bg J0rtNO L8N^NuNVH0$H*,&G KC`peB r N "rIHҀ|AA"KpN r N &Sd J"KNFL xN^NuNVH E$$$$$&(:.E42*49BBm4* <9FFm̲yn2* ynSeg `r5|`jBj0<C@0f0ArNg5|C? 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Cracked by: ORBy/ELiTE! * Authors * Registrated to:if you want to play higher levelsYou will need a registration,then level 15!to adress: Stanislav OpichalZa Vodojemem 8779 00 OlomoucCzech Republic7, $10 or DM15e-mail: Opichals risc.upol.czSend 100 (Czech crown),@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Name: _____________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@@@@@@@@@@@@Key: ____________XXXXXXXXXXXXRegisterSee REGISTER.TXT for moreRotateable BrickMoveable Brick (Pushable)Normal GroundGap (push brick in it)The WallBroken GroundYour Destination!!!PlayerAuthorsHotkeysOKOKe-mails: Opichals risc.upol.czJan KrupkaStanislav OpichalSoftware are:Beta testers:Bohdan Milar, Petr ChromecKrupkaj risc.upol.czSpecial thanks to:More in README (CTIMNE)KE-Soft, Fufin, GIA, Zdenek,Susan, Jane, ...OKAlt - N ... New GameAlt - L ... Load LibraryAlt - Q ... Quit Game (Ctrl-Q)Alt - O ... OptionsAlt - S ... Sound (on / off)Alt - C ... Control DeviceSpace ... Switch mode (Clear)Insert ... Switch players(Tab)Undo ... Lost of life (Esc)P ... PauseAlt - B ... Top FiveAlt - F ... Registration FormAlt - W ... Switch sides Input device: KeyboardJoystickMouseJagPadCancelOKOptionsSounds:OnOffs `#   D<<*88> $$# 8``xx  "<<T|pÿ$@(@@ ;UUUU?wr0 @n?p@UVP@׏@{<UU<><UUUPT?; wVR< /?V V??x;?p?WW~?<#/>~?xo߀UUUUU@???߀PXo?8?w0;?mp ?w?;O`?_UUUT?{3wUUh@7w?PUUX?p|{? }|DEW ?}??<PW??|8@.?\8@ Vx/?xzp @?x? @V π =??Wx  ( ( ffq e%2P e'˿##5P "1(KMA **(( /$TR ~uUWp "UU ?7? ?* ** ?_@?`??w_????<W?݀??gW?* **+* 5W?77?ww//8o|??~x ;****Z~*)C@;p????⾀"??`?ȟȿ? **?***+=z*++????x?p?**/>*/ =<?|o"??ȟh?*( *********( *"00000   3<<30? 00<3000 << 00< 0030  3000 0? 0 0  ꮾ꺮?꪿꺾ꪮ꪿ 00ꪺ ?ꪯ뮺 )\{﫮Lpzꪺꪪꪪz꺯諸ꪺ@A&_zꪮꪪ sDzꮺꮺ? 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