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HЁAJ0g>0.QH2.HЁ yv=p nlRn0.no=nRn nPo0.N^NuNV0.HA$"00N^NuNVB`Bg? +*!*0* accuses ? of* castigates ? for* complains that ? is* presents evidence that ? is*1* minding his own business* assisting dissidents* funding the opposition* inciting riots* encouraging assassinations* plotting a coup*3*.*0*!*^*> +*!*3* reports that ?*3* destabilization activities*3* have decreased.*0*/ &*& of ?*/ spokesman*/ &*0* praises* seeks closer ties with* promises better relations with* edges closer to*0* !* ^* !* ^*0* in press statement.* in speech.* in year-end address.* after conference with > +.*0*/ aid package for !*Foreign aid from ? to !*/ economic assistance for !*/ grants and credits to !*0* upped to* increased to* totals* tops*1* nothing* $200 million* $400 million* $1 billion* $2 billion* $4 billion*3*. *0*?*/ &*@*/ government*0* slashes* announces cuts in* reduces* trims*0* aid for ! to* economic assistance for ! to* aid package for ! to* foreign aid outlays for ! to*1* nothing.* $200 million.* $400 million.* $1 billion.* $2 billion.* $4 billion.*0*?*/ &*/ government*@*0* cites diplomatic factors* claims deteriorating relations* refers to 'diplomatic difficulties'* angry with ^*0*, rejects > aid package*, spurns economic aid from !*, refuses part of > economic aid*, returns part of > aid*3*.*0*?*/ &*/ government*@*0* provides !* offers !* rushes !* gives !*1* nothing* $20 million* $100 million* $400 million* $1 billion* $2 billion*0* in weapons package.* worth of military hardware.* in military aid.* in military assistance.*0*/ military aid to !*Military aid from ? to !*/ military assistance for !*/ weapons outlays for !*0* decreased to* declines to* trimmed to* slashed to*1* nothing* $20 million* $100 million* $400 million* $1 billion* $2 billion*3*. *0*@*/ spokesman*/ &*/ government*0* declares* maintains* announces* reports*0* '? cannot accept'* refusal of* rejection of* '? will not take'*0* full complement of > military equipment.* entire package of > military assistance.* complete > weapons aid.* all weapons offered by !*0*!*^*> +*!*0* accuses ? of* castigates ? for* complains that ? is* presents evidence that ? is*1* harboring* assisting* supporting* shipping weapons to* bankrolling* providing massive assistance to*0* # elements.* fighters in the #.* the # underground.* the #.*0*/ government*/ &*@*?*0* agrees to* promises to* vows to* accepts plan to*1* eliminate* slash* roll back* cut* reduce* curtail*0* aid to the > #.* funds for the > #.* assistance to the > #.* weapons shipments to the > #.*0*?*/ government*@*/ &*0* dispatches* sends* rushes* commits*1* nobody* military advisors* first combat troops* several military units* large military forces* massive military power*0* in support of > government.* to help > government.* at request of > +.* to assist > regime.*0*/ troops*/ military forces*/ soldiers*/ combat forces*0* in !* supporting > regime* stationed in !* based in !*1* pulled out* greatly reduced* scaled down* cut* reduced* trimmed*3*. *1*Last > military personnel*Last > military personnel*Most > troops*Many > soldiers*Some military forces from !*0* ejected* thrown out* forced home* asked to leave*0* by ?* by / &* by @* by / government*3*. *1*Nobody*Military advisors*Combat troops*Military units*Large military forces*Massive military forces*0* from ?* sent by / &* dispatched by @* from ?*0* intervene* invade > territory* attack > army units* enter > territory*0* in > conflict.* in civil war in !.* in > civil war.* in > war.*0*/ government*/ &*@*?*0* pulls out* recalls* brings home* disengages*1* all / troops* all but military advisors* most / forces* many / troops* half of invading force*0* from !.* from > war.* from > territory.* from !.*0*/ &*& of ?*/ &*& of ?*1* consults with* publicly condemns* calls on nations to condemn* pressures* exerts intense pressure on* wages diplomatic offensive against*0* > government* !* government of !* !*3*. *3*/ &*3* surrenders*3* to *3*> +.*3*/ &*3* vows to prosecute war*3* with ^*3* to the death.*0*/ &*& of ?*?*?*0* inks* signs* concludes* agrees to*1* no treaty* diplomatic relations concord* trade agreement* military bases concord* mutual defense pact* "total defense" agreement*0* with !.* with + of !.* with > +.* with + of !.*0*@*/ &*/ foreign minister*/ representative*0* cancels* tears up* voids* terminates*1* diplomatic relations agreement* trade pact* military bases treaty* mutual defense concord* nuclear defence treaty* all relations*0* with !.* with !.* with > government.* with > government.*0*Angry / &*/ government*& of ?*@*0* cancels* voids* kills* terminates*4* * diplomatic relations treaty* trade agreement* military bases concord* mutual defense concord* nuclear defence treaty*0* with > government.* with > government.* with !.* with !.*0*/ &*& of ?*?*?*0* announces* declares* clears the way for* agrees to*1* a trade embargo against* restrictions on high-tech trade with* trade quotas on* tariffs against* normal trade relations with* favorable trade status for*3* !.*0*@*/ &*/ foreign minister*/ representative*0* declares* announces* declares* announces*3* trade restrictions*0* on !.* against !.* against > government.* on > government.*0*% soldiers*Small groups of citizens*Smiling crowds*Wildly cheering /s*0* greet* turn out for* line parade route of* attend installation of*0* new &* new &* new &* new &*0* in @.* in capital.* and his inner circle.* and wife.*0*% forces*% soldiers*% fighters*% troops*0* triumphantly* jubilantly* exultantly*, flashing 'V' sign,*0* occupy* move into* take control of* take charge of*0* @.* &'s residence.* / government buildings.* last government stronghold.*0*New Regime*New &*New government*New leadership*1* executes* jails* ousts* replaces* takes over from*0* former &* previous &* former leader* previous leader*3*. *3*And*3* that's*3* the*3* news.* * * * * *Spheres of Influence*USA Solid*USA Weak*USSR Weak*USSR Solid*Major Events*None*Finlandization*Coup d'Etat*Revolution*Prestige Value*Very Little*Some*Much*Very Much*Insurgency*Peace*Terrorism*Guerrilla War*Civil War*Likelihood of Coup d'Etat*Low*Moderate*High*Very High*Likelihood of Finlandizing to USA*Low*Moderate*High*Very High*Likelihood of Finlandizing to USSR*Low*Moderate*High*Very High*Countries at War*At Peace* * *At War*Diplomatic Relationships With*Warm*Cordial*Cool*Hostile*Military Aid Sent Out Of*None*$20-$100 million*$400 million*$1-$2 billion*Military Aid to Insurgents Sent Out of*None*$20-$100 million*$400 million*$1-$2 billion*Troops Supporting Govts Sent Out Of*none*1,000-5,000 troops*20,000 troops*100,000-500,000 troops*Troops Supporting Rebels Sent Out Of*none*1,000-5,000 troops*20,000 troops*100,000-500,000 troops*Economic Aid Sent Out of*None*$200-$400 million*$1 billion*$2-$4 billion*Destabilization Efforts by*None*Minor*Significant*Major*Treaty Relationships With*None*Relations*Military Bases*Mutual Defense*Pressure Applied by*None*Minor*Significant*Major*Trade Policies of*Normal/Favored*Tariffs*Quotas*Embargo/No High-Tech*Countries at War With*At Peace* * *At War*Diplomatic Attitudes Toward*Warm*Cordial*Cool*Hostile*Military Aid Sent Into*None*$20-$100 million*$400 million*$1-$2 billion*Aid to Insurgents Sent Into*None*$20-$100 million*$400 million*$1-$2 billion*Troops For Govt Sent Into*None*1,000-5,000 troops*20,000 troops*100,000-500,000 troops*Troops For Rebels Sent Into*None*1,000-5,000 troops*20,000 troops*100,000-500,000 troops*Economic Aid Sent Into*None*$200-$400 million*$1 billion*$2-$4 billion*Destabilization Against*None*Minor*Significant*Major*Treaty Relationships With*None*Relations*Military Bases*Mutual Defense*Pressure Applied Against*None*Minor*Significant*Major*Trade Policies Toward*Normal/Favored*Tariffs*Quotas*Embargo/No High-Tech*Countries at War With*At Peace* * *At War*2*We*We*We*We*2* reject* reject* reject* reject*2* your* your* your* your*2* objection.* objection.* objection.* objection.*2*The Soviet*Our*The official*Our*2* response* reply* answer* reaction*2* is coming* is being sent* is on its way* will arrive*2* via the North Pole.* over your nothern border.* by ICBM.* by missile courier.*2*The Soviet people*The USSR*The Soviet Union*Our forces*2* will defend* will protect* will fight for* will exert themselves for*2* this principle* this affair* Soviet rights* this matter*1* but would prefer a peaceful outcome.* if necessary.* regardless of cost.* to the last breath.* and emerge victorious.*2*This issue*The matter* This affair* Our policy*2* is* remains* is considered to be* is declared to be*1* of some significance* of great concern* of great importance* of extreme importance* absolutely vital*2* to the Soviet government.* to our government.* to our interests.* to our people.*2*The Soviet Union*The Soviet government*The USSR*The Soviet leadership*1* has considered and rejects the* will not countenance the* is immune to this* is invulnerable to this* contemptuously rejects this*2* empty* hollow* desperate* imperialist*2* threat.* intimidation.* verbal abuse.* American rhetoric.*2*Your action*American aggression*This criminal activity*Such behavior*2* forces the USSR* requires us* leaves us no choice but* impels our government*2* to take* to resort to* to respond with* to execute*1* unambiguous steps.* strong measures.* decisive action.* our military options.* use of military force.*2*This matter*This affair*Our action*The Soviet policy*1* is thought to be outside the sphere of* is rightfully not subject to* does not defer to* will never be subject to* is absolutely not subject to*2* American* imperialist* capitalist* warmongering*2* meddling.* interference.* involvement.* intrusion.*2*The Soviet Union*The USSR*The Soviet government*The General Secretary*1* is disappointed with* deplores* condemns* will not tolerate* is outraged by*2* the American* this imperialist* this criminal* this capitalist*2* action.* behavior.* aggression.* provocation.*2*The Soviet Union*The USSR*The Soviet government*The Politburo*1* does not wish* sees no reason* has no intention* refuses* categorically refuses*2* to change* to modify* to alter* to reverse*2* its current course.* its present policy.* its course of action.* this policy.*2*We*We*We*We*2* acquiesce* acquiesce* acquiesce* acquiesce*2* to your* to your* to your* to your*2* objection.* objection.* objection.* objection.*2*The peace-loving USSR*The Soviet government*The Soviet Union*The General Secretary*2* has no desire to* refuses to* will not* is not willing to*2* start* initiate* begin* launch*2* a nuclear war.* a nuclear holocaust.* the end of the world.* a suicidal war.*2*The Soviet Union*The Soviet government*The General Secretary*The USSR*2* will appease* will yield to* accepts the demands of* responds to*2* American warmongers* imperialist aggressors* American provocateurs* capitalist warmongers*2* with this gesture of peace.* with a peaceful response.* with an act of cooperation.* with a cooperative initiative.*2*We*The Soviet people*Our leaders*The Soviet leaders*2* temporarily withdraw* defer* postpone* shelve*2* this legitimate* our just* this justified* our rightful*2* complaint.* grievance.* protest.* demand.*2*The Soviet leadership*The Soviet Union*Our government*The USSR*2* will redeploy* will refocus* will reconcentrate* will rearrange*2* its attentions* its efforts* its concerns* its activities*2* elsewhere.* to another area.* to another region.* to other sectors.*2*In the interests of peace,*In the interests of harmony,*As a peace-loving nation,*Despite American obstinacy,*2* the Soviet Union* the Soviet government* the USSR* the Soviet Union*2* will submit its complaint to* will present its case to* will make its rightful protest before* will ask for justice from*2* the UN.* the UN.* world opinion.* the UN.*2*The USSR*The Soviet people*The Soviet government*The Soviet Union*2* will honor* will respect* will accede to* will comply with*2* your* the American* the imperialist* this*2* request.* protest.* petition.* diplomatic note.*2*This matter*This affair*This policy*This action*2* is not vital to* does not directly impact* is not central to* is only peripheral to*2* Soviet* our* the USSR's* Soviet*2* interests.* sphere of influence.* concerns.* correlation of forces.*2*We*Our leaders*Our government*Our leadership*2* did not mean* did not intend* did not wish* had no desire*2* to threaten* to violate* to intrude upon* to infringe upon*2* your vital interests.* American concerns.* your sphere of influence.* American interests.*2*The Soviet Union*The USSR*The Soviet government*The government of the USSR*1* requests reconsideration of* deplores* protests* demands reversal of*2* this action* this policy* this activity* this outrage*3*. *2*The American government*The President*The government*The President*2* sends* transmits* offers* expresses*2* condolences* regrets* consolation* sympathy*2* for your demise.* for the destruction of the USSR.* to the Russian people.* to the Soviet leadership.*2*American forces*US military forces*American military forces*Our military personnel*2* have been placed on* have moved to* are now on* have moved up to*2* maximum* the highest* a state of extreme* the maximum*2* alert.* preparedness.* defensive posture.* readiness.*2*The President*The United States government*The government of the US*The President*1* accepts the need* is prepared* is willing* will not hesitate* eagerly awaits the opportunity*2* to use* to employ* to bring to bear* to resort to*2* nuclear weaponry.* our full military power.* our most powerful weapons.* our nuclear arsenal.*2*Abusive rhetoric*Idle threats*Irresponsible talk*Ugly messages*2* will not intimidate* cannot sway* will have no effect on* will not deter*2* the government* the leaders* the President* the leadership*2* of the United States.* of the USA.* of this country.* of our nation.*2*We*The President*The United States*America*2* will respond* will react* will respond* will react*1* resolutely* vigorously* with determination* with forcefulness* militarily*2* to this Soviet aggression.* to this irresponsible behavior.* to Soviet terrorism.* to this brutal act of aggression.*2*Our government*The President*The United States*The US government*2* regards* considers* sees* views*2* this matter as* this policy as* this event as* this action as*1* having some importance.* a crucial concern.* important to US security.* critical to American security.* totally non-negotiable.*2*The United States of America*The US President*The US government*The USA*1* is concerned over* is disappointed by* deplores* denounces* condemns*2* this irresponsible* this dangerous* this highhanded* this unjustifiable*2* action.* policy.* behavior.* activity.*2*The United States of America*The US President*The US government*The USA*1* does not understand* regretfully denies* will not honor* refuses to consider* absolutely rejects*2* the Soviet* your government's* this diplomatic note's* this unjustified*2* objection.* reaction.* challenge.* request.*2*The United States*The President*America*This government*2* will not* refuses to* shall not* will not*2* drag the world into* initiate* touch off* launch*2* a thermonuclear war.* Armageddon.* a nuclear holocaust.* nuclear destruction.*2*America*The government*The President*The United States*2* will yield to* will accept* will acquiesce to* will honor*2* this outrageous* this irresponsible* this unfair* this heavyhanded*2* demand.* ultimatum.* claim.* message.*2*We*The USA*The President*The National Security Council*2* will refer* will take* will present* will submit*2* this outrage* this affair* this matter* this dispute*2* to the United Nations.* to the UN.* to the court of world opinion.* to the General Assembly.*2*This dispute*This disagreement*This conflict*This misunderstanding*2* is not vital to* is not a major factor in* does not directly bear on* will not directly affect*2* the security of* the interests of* the concerns of* the sphere of influence of*2* the United States government.* the USA.* America.* the United States.*2*The United States*The President*The US government*The USA*2* will overlook* will not act on* will tolerate* will accept*2* this* this* this* this*2* action.* policy.* behavior.* activity.*2*The USA*The US government*The President*The United States*2* will honor* will abide by* accepts* responds favorably to*2* the Soviet* the USSR's* the General Secretary's* the Soviet*2* request.* message.* diplomatic note.* communication.*2*The USA*The US government*The President*The United States*2* understands* respects* accepts* honors*2* the Soviet* the USSR's* the General Secretary's* the Soviet*2* concerns.* message.* diplomatic note.* communication.*2*This matter*This action*Our policy*Our action*2* was not meant to* should not* must not* was not intended to*2* come between* heighten tensions between* cause difficulties between* generate problems for*2* our two nations.* the two superpowers.* the USA and the USSR.* the two of us.*2*The USA*The United States*The President*The US government*2* requests reconsideration of* deplores* protests* demands reversal of*2* this* this* this* this*2* policy.* activity.* action.* behavior.*0* Farrah* Jackie Onassis* Liz Taylor* Michael Jackson*0* predicts future* dying of cancer, claims* searching for* abducted by flying saucers, reveals*0* cure for cancer in sex* impending earthquake in California* reincarnation of Elvis* revolutionary diet plan*3*. *3*End*3* of*3* folder*3*.*0*Market share of*Demand for*Critics' praise for*Public reaction to*0* Racter* Deja Vu* The Perfect Score* The Mist*0* skyrockets;* sets new records;* goes through the ceiling;* exceeds all predictions;*0* Mindscape buys Wall Street.* economy boosted.* analysts jubilant.* President declares day of thanksgiving.*3*Beginning*3* of*3* folder*3*.*3* Go ahead,*3* make*3* my*3* day.*2*Our leaders*We*Our leaders*We*2* will retain* have decided to preserve* will stand by* will retain*2* this* our* this* our*2* policy.* action.* decision.* policy.*2*We*Our leaders*We*Our leaders*2* will not abandon* do not regret* will not yield on* will not revoke*2* our* this* this* our*2* policy.* action.* decision.* course of action.*2*This policy*Our action*Our decision*This action*2* is not subject to* does not defer to* will not be deterred by* is immune to*2* superpower* foreign* your* superpower*2* whims.* pressures.* objections.* objections.*2*Your*Your*Your*Your*2* protest* objection* protest* objection*2* has been* will be* has been* has been*2* noted without action.* recorded.* rejected.* duly observed, but not heeded.*2*We*We*We*We*2* will not* shall not* will not* shall not*2* yield to* acquiesce to* defer to* submit to*2* your objection.* your insistence.* your demands.* your importunations.*2*We*We*We*We*2* acquiesce* acquiesce* acquiesce* acquiesce*2* to your* to your* to your* to your*2* objection.* objection.* objection.* objection.*InsurgWeaponIntrvnStabilCoupPyDipRlnFinlndFinlPyInsecrFinlandization?:InvulnerableLowModerateHighVery HighAnnual Change:Huge DecreaseLarge DecreaseModerate DecreaseSmall DecreaseTiny DecreaseTiny IncreaseSmall IncreaseModerate IncreaseLarge IncreaseHuge IncreaseError1 InsistError2ProtestError3 PressError4 ImploreError5QuestionToo Late DefCon 1 DefCon 2 DefCon 3 DefCon 4 Threaten Refuse Challenge Reject Question AbsoluteRelativeranks ofPrevious First Next Last GNP$Military $Consumer $Investment $personsMilitary Personnel%lbs of coal equivalentcaloriesphysicians per milliondeaths per thousand%televisions per thousandtelephones per thousandprotestsdeathsriotsattacksdeathsexecutionspointspointspercentage pointspercentage pointspercentage pointspercentage pointspercentage pointspercentage pointspercentage pointsYour goal in this game is to increase the geopolitical prestige of yourchosen superpower while avoiding a nuclear war. The four levels provideincreasingly complex and accurate representations of the real world ofgeopolitics. People who play this game without reading the manual arewasting their time.0 million$0 million$,000 troops,000 troops00 million$NewspaperUSSR ActionsUSSR OtherUSA ActionsUSA OtherMinor Country NewsLast YearLast YearLowest QuartileThird QuartileSecond QuartileHighest QuartileGross National ProductMilitary SpendingConsumer SpendingInvestment SpendingPopulationMilitary PersonnelLiteracyEnergy consumption per capitaCalories per capita per diemPhysicians per MillionInfant MortalitySchool EnrollmentTelevisions per ThousandTelephones per ThousandProtest DemonstrationsViolent political deathsRiotsArmed AttacksAssassinationsPolitical ExecutionsPolitical RightsCivil RightsAgriculture FractionIndustry FractionServices FractionTrade FractionGovernment Tax FractionPublic Education FractionPublic Health FractionInsurgency:Civil WarMajor Guerrilla WarMinor Guerrilla WarRampant TerrorismMinor TerrorismSlight UnrestPeacefulGovt Philosophy: Extreme Left Extreme Left Far Left Very Left Left Moderate Left Slight Left Centrist Slight Right Moderate Right Right Very Right Far Right Extreme Right Extreme Right Extreme RightMilitary Power: Insignificant Very weak Weak Minor Moderate Strong Very strong SuperPowerSphere of Influence: Absolutely USSR Very strongly USSR Strongly USSR Moderately USSR Fairly USSR Slightly USSR Neither Slightly USA Fairly USA Moderately USA Strongly USA Very Strongly USA Absolutely USAGovt Stability: About to Fall Very Shaky Shaky Weak Fair Stable Strong Very StrongWeakening QuicklyWeakeningWeakening SlowlyStrengthening SlowlyStrengtheningStrengthening FastInsurgency GrowingInsurgency WeakeningBeginnerIntermediateExpertMultipolarInsignificantVery lowLowModerateConsiderableHighVery highUtmostNV/x?<?<NXO?<C?<NXORD Dm(N^NuNV=| ?<?<NXO?<E?<NXOBnHyO?.N\ORn n mN|?<,NTO@X??<,NTO@<2@??<,NTO@ 2@??<,NTO@2@=A0.H882.@=AHy2NXO0.(A3v?0NTOHy3NXOHyO?.N\ONHy3N~XO0.(A3x?0NTO0.(A3x?0NXTOHy3%NBXOHyO?.N\ONZHy3N XO0.(A3z?0NpTO0.(A3z?0NTOHy3ANXOHyO?.N\ONHy3VNXOHyO?.N\ON?<?<NXO?<e?<NXOHnNXO?<?<NXO?<f?<NXOBn0.(2.HЁA3|2.HC40qgpN^Nu0.HAJpfp`Rn n(mp`NVBn0. nJ0gN`$HyO0.Rn n0H?N\O`&HyO0.Rn n0H A?N\O`N^NuNV=nBn0. @=@ n o80.H 2.@A00.RnA0.H =@`0.@02.RnASn no HyO0.A0H?N\O`N^NuNV=n0. @=@ no0 nl(HyO?<tN\OHyO?<hN\O`0.2.H AH`HyO?<sN\OHyO?<tN\O`HyO?<nN\OHyO?<dN\O`\HyO?<rN\OHyO?<dN\O`6HyO?<tN\OHyO?<hN\O`SgbSgSg`N^NuNVBnHyNNJXO=@ @ g n?on_0.@ =@Bn`0.A2r00.A=ARn0.nm0.RnH n1 n'fHyNNJXO @ g```f0.H nBpN^NuNVN^NuNV/3N3P3RB9T3U`s"B?<NP\O?9U`N"TOB?<NP\O=|Jyvbg?<?9s"NXO#VlVpHzHyVNPOHzHyVNPOBgHyVN\O=@?<,/9Vl?.NPO?<?<BgBgHnNO ?<HnHyUNO ?.NRTOB?<NP\O?<?<?<?< ?<HyVBgBgHyUNOB?<NP\O/9UNXOx??<SHnN PO0 @??<?9s"NX\O/.?9s"N\ORD DoB9TB9UHn?<BgNfPO nR=P nR0.0 n=P n0.0 n=P n0.0HnHnHnHn/.NxO09UVn=@ n0B?<NP\O?.?.?.?.?<?<?<?<BgNO?.?.?.?.?<Bg/.NOBBgNP\OB?<NP\OBg/.N\OB?<NP\O?.?.?.?.?<?<?<?<?<NO?9U`N"TOB?<NP\O nR(g 3N`R n:(g 3N`6 nj(g 3N` n(g3N n(g3P3R`3P3R n(gB9T`T=|`=|N)<#VlVpHz?<N#HO?<?<?<BgBgBgBg?<??<N#HO?<?<?<Bg?<Bg?<?<@?<N#HO?<?<?<BgBgBgBg?<A?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<B?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<C?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<D?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<E?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<F?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<G?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<H?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<I?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<J?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<K?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<L?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<M?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<N?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<O?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<P?<N#HO?<?<N$2XO?<?<N$2XO?<?<N$2XO?<U?<?<?<HysBNO ?<HysB?<NFPON^NuUSANVN?< ?<c?<M?<?<8?< ?<?<$Bg?<'??<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<??<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<@?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<A?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<B?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<C?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<D?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<E?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<F?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<G?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<H?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<I?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<J?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<K?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<L?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<M?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<N?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<O?<N#HO?<Bg?<BgBgBgBg?<P?<N#HO?<L?<b?<?<XHysJNO ?<HysJ?<NFPO?<$}?<K?<?<?<=?<?<?<BBg?<?<P??<HysNO ?<Hys?<NFPO?<=?<Z?<?<?<8?< ?< ?<#Bg?<??<M?</?<7HysNO ?<Hys?<NFPOBg?<?<?<2?<?<_?<8?<HHytNO ?<Hyt?<NFPO?<3?<?<?<Hyt"NO ?<Hyt"?<NFPO?<?<?<?<?<?<d?<?<2??<0HytNO ?<Hyt?<,NFPO?< ?<_?<v?<Z?<M?<?<?<GBg?<??<0N$tO$?</?<0N$2XO?<;?<0N$2XO?< yv 1|#@ yv 1|#j yv 1|#l?<X?<?<D?<HytNO ?<Hyt?<7NFPO?<?<?<?<?<?<=N$2XO?<?<~?<m?<Hyu"NO ?<Hyu"?<=NFPO?<6?<P?<x?<T?<=?<?<?<?<?< ?N$tO$?<=?<>N$2XO?<o?<U?<[?<9Hyu*NO ?<Hyu*?<>NFPON^NuIsraelTaiwanIraqSaudi ArabiaIranAfghanistanPakistanIndiaBurmaThailandIndonesiaPhilippinesNV?<?<F?< ?<x?<3?<?<?<?<?<d??<@N$tO$?<??<@N$2XO?<?<@N$2XO?<?<@N$2XO yv 1|( yv 1|( yv 1|((?<d?<d?<`?<^Hyu:NO ?<Hyu:?<@NFPO?<L?<F?<?<?<>?<?<"?<"?<?<,? 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Finland - USA? Finland - USA? Finland - USSR? Countries at War Diplomatic Relationships Destabilize Military Aid Treaties Aid to Insurgents Diplomatic Pressure Intervene for Govt Trade Policy Intervene for Rebels At War With Economic Aid Going In Going Out - Military Aid Aid to Insurgents Intervene for Govt Intervene for Rebels Economic Aid Destabilize Treaties Diplomatic Pressure Trade Policy Newspaper USSR actions USSR other USA actions USA other Minor Country news CloseUp Background History Desk Resume Game Resources Well-Being Violence Political GNP%-ages About BOP - Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Yes, Resume Game GNP Military Spending Consumer Spending Investment Spending Population Military Personnel - per nothing per capita per GNP Literacy Energy Calories Doctors Infant Schools TVs Telephones Protests Deaths Riots Armed Attacks Assassinations Executions - per nothing per capita Political Rights Civil Rights Agriculture Industry Services Trade Taxes Education HealthINTERVENE FOR REBELS IN Nothing$20 million$100 million$400 million$1 billion$2 billionEnact Balance of Powerby Chris Crawfordpublished byMindscape Inc. Cracked by And The RevolutioN/HRFH!!OK KC Slim!The 1990 EditionBeginnerIntermediateExpertMultipolarUSAUSSROne PlayerTwo PlayerSTART GAMELevel Of PlaySide To PlayNumber of PlayersNextPreviousQuestionBack Down NEWSPAPERXARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO QUIT THIS GAME?QUITCANCELCancelUnDoAre you sure you want to undo this turn?DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THIS GAME?YESNO   P P  C $ + 2  >  J"  Z1 c9  E P  n} "4FXj%${ !"#$4&3'(2)A*R+^,r-. /0 12 3 % >5=$ 67'8<9R:j;z<=4E?D3@ABCD> FH; G H# E 1   P P  I ; B  P  \  i*   t4  ?  7 P  ~ 0!  BI^s  *") # $ % &  ' ( )( !. 4+3, ,;-F.O/W0g1x23*756664 8>A9:;<=> 7   9:BCO P ] ^ k  l w x             M   -./01:  GN   Y Z[ _5def q |    6N     tK%6 ( '  0     %(4  N  m % q" hP08<x?@pxp\ ~8p8<>|pp\!p88? x@?0>|w|>88? 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