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It will identify any nearby continuum flux.\ This appears to be a 4-dimensional puzzle composed of many multi-colored cubes. Its use produces an overwhelming feeling of ataraxia.\ This artifact seems to be a cloaking device. As far as we can tell, it should operate automatically during combat.\ This seems to be an orbital scanner of some sort. We're not sure what it's tuned to locate, though.\ This is some sort of transmitter. It is broadcasting continually on several bands. The net effect should be that it will attract the attention of anyone in the area.\ This seems to be a device of The Ancients, but we can't figure out what it does. It contains a tremendous amount of energy.\ This is crafted of endurium. It doesn't appear to have any function other than being decorative.\ We can't figure out exactly what this is. It slices, it dices, it even makes julienne fries!\ The remains of an older, inferior model terrain vehicle, doubtless left here by some prior exploration party too foolish to return to their ship before exhausting their energy.\ This machine appears to be designed to synthesize endurium, but we'll have to get it back to Starport to figure out how to operate it.\TEXTF##V-xF]; m Z : < q { 9 u Hail oh mighty ones, Masters of the Universe. We bow to your wonderful magnificence and ask that you do not harm our insignificant selves.Greetings, O Highest of the High, most great alien beings. We come in peace from the planet Arth, and respectfully request that you identify your vastly superior selves.This is Captain * of the starship &. We humbly suggest that you may wish to identify yourselves as well. If not, that is perfectly O.K.Greetings. We come in peace and wish to communicate, please identify yourselves.This is Captain * of the &. We are on a peaceful mission and request communications. Please identify yourselves and your intentions.We come in peace and bring greetings from the planet Arth. Please respond.This is Captain * of the starship &. Identify yourselves immediately or be destroyed.This is Captain * of the powerful starship &. You will cooperate and identify yourselves immediately or be annihilated.This is the starship &. We are heavily armed. We require information. Comply or be destroyed.We are a peaceful exploration vessel from Arth. Please do not harm us, oh most high and mighty.I am Captain * of the vessel &. Greetings and salutations, oh kind and merciful aliens.This is Captain * of the starship &. We are on a peaceful exploration mission.Hello. We come in peace from the planet Arth.This is Captain * of the warship &. We are prepared to spare you if you comply with our demands.We have no patience for your foolishness. You will cooperate with us or you will be destroyed.Please do not blast us into atomic particles. Take pity on us who are not fit to grovel in your waste products.We can see that you are indeed the true race. Pray enlighten us with your gems of infinite wisdom.We truly are not worth your trouble to destroy. We want only to bathe in your ever-spewing fountain of knowledge.We understand that you could destroy us if you chose. I, Captain *, beg you in the name of peace and mercy and all that is good and nice and true not to do this.As representatives of the peoples of Arth we extend our best wishes and our hope for equitable relations in the future.It is our hope that our respective peoples will enjoy a long and mutually beneficial relationship.There is a lot we can learn from each other. Please convey to your leaders our sincere wishes for peace and friendship.Perhaps some day our young shall play and romp together in the blissful light of harmony and friendship.Do not be afraid of us, we are on a peaceful mission. There is no limit to what both our races can gain from mutual exchange.Let us embrace one another and sing the songs of friendship and some day perhaps we shall look upon one another and say...'brother'.You fools! You risk the wrath of the people of Arth.Prepare to die, alien scum!Our patience wears thin. We shall give you 3 minutes in which to cooperate. If you do not ... Ha Ha Ha!We have heard enough of your inane ranting. You will tell us what we wish to know or we will destroy you. You have little time left.We beg you to honor our poor selves and bestow upon us a pearl of wisdom( concerning /).We humbly suggest that we would be interested in any little thing you might wish to tell us( about /).Do you have any information you can share with us( about /)?We would greatly appreciate some information. Is there anything you can tell us( about /)?We are interested in information( concerning /). Can you help us?We require information.( You will tell us about /.)TLBR}ZH$%`cgTjnr&uyj} UUUDDDw Df "3U(wwvffgvgvgvgvgvgvPgvPgvPgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgv@gvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvPgvPgvgvgv gv@gv gvgvgvgvgvgvgv@gvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvPgvgvgvgvPgvgvgv@gvgvgvgvgvPgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgv@gvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvPgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvPgvgvgvgv gvgvgvgvgvgvgv@PgvgvgvPgvgvgvgv@gvgvPgvgvgvgvgvPgv@gvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvPgvgvgvgvPgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvPgvP@gvPgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgv@gvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvPgvgvgvgv@gvgvgvgvffgwwR-h33030303@300333303003033303030033030P3303333030333030303030303333303303033033030303033033030303330303030330@33033" "" " """ "" " " """" "" """ "%" " " """ " "" " "" " """""""  " "  "" "" "$""" "" "" "" """" " " " "" """" "" """ """" " "" "" " " """" "" " "" "" "" "  """" " """" "" ""  """" "  """ " """" "" " ""  " "" " " """ " """" "" """  "" " "" "" " "" " " """" " " " """ "" """" "" " " "  "" """  """ "   """ " "" " " " "" P"""""" """""""" "" "" "" " " " "" " " " " "!" 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kDVU[""hRV<ȇ}}ِkHf""%"Vػ"V5tِ؀kE""hk!"|w}vV[kU["wx͙k]۵]hf"̍xLjymDCׂ#e%RVf%c|wiC[8e[X "x|x|ܻ]fkX#čy|ݙGXxRmRU!$%<%& ''+'Y'''("(0Hail to thee and well met are we. Thou art welcome, friends of the Elowan.Again we are met and haply so. Unto thee we offer what small wisdom we have acquired. What say you?In friendship we greet thee, fellow travellers of eternal night. Fear not the Elowan who seek that which thou dost also, the light of knowledge and the peace of understanding.Hail and welcome. 'tis our request that thou identifiest thyself forthwith. We are Elowan and would have peace between us.Statest thou thine intentions and name thyself. We greet thee in peace if thou greetest us in like measure. We are Elowan, and we bear thee no malice.Hail. Art thou friends or foe of the Elowan? We ask thee in friendship and would have it be thus between us. The choice is thine.Greetings and salutations most grand, friends of the Elowan. We wouldst help thee in any way we can. Pray, how might we be of service?We offer salutations most sincere. Thou art well met, and welcome here.We extend unto thee the vine of friendship. If thou wouldst have it so, we would share with thee what we know.We are Elowan. If thine intentions be peaceful in sooth, we greet thee. If not, we request that thou leavest us who bear thee no ill will.We are Elowan, and above all else do we cherish peace. If thou art of like mind, we welcome thee.We entreat thee from violence refrain, for nothing more do we disdain, and in so doing all that we might gain, would be forever lost, like tears in rain.Pray forgive me, but I know little of such things. Perhaps you might ask this of another.What sayest thou?I wait on thy answer.It is with the theory of science that we are, ourselves concern'd, and such things as may be called beauty and perhaps truth.Now but few of us remain, for the sun's flare did our second homeworld destroy, and as well are we preyed upon by the Thrynn, relentless and cold.At a time when we doth reach an age of adolescence we are uprooted. In so doing we are become omnivorous producers until that time when again we must root, whereupon our heads into flowers turn and we reproduce.Mayhap one of every 300 of our number doth stay rooted within the ground, and in so doing is its head then transformed into a melon-like fruit called headfruit wherein lie the many seeds of our future.Headfruit is of all things, to us, most dear. Upon claiming that it dost bestow greater intelligence and increase the span of life do the sly Thrynn thieve and consume this fruit. So have we been enemies, and so shall we always be.No other planet is so sacred as Elan. For there do our young abide, and in tranquillity dwell. Not even those of us grown disturb their meditations there. An island world, with oceans vast and splendorous, Elan revolves about the yellow sun of 148,63.Is not violence, above all things, most base and vile? Surely only as a final measure, and even then with reservation, can it be condoned.The star of our birth was also that of the Thrynn. Together there we dwelt as they do still, till we fled hither, lest they destroy us at last.The orange star of our birth, at 129,33, was named Eleran, and by the Thrynn Thoss. And upon the second planet did we dwell, and they upon the fourth.As our young play often do they sing songs such as this -- Someday to the ground will fall, Iridani, Echt, and Gaal. Up they'll grow with branches tall, then to Akteron they'll call. And at last it too will fall. The brightest seedling of them all.Place not your trust in the Thrynn, for they are not what they would appear to be and would do thee harm should they be given chance to do so.The culture of the Thrynn embraces the machine. They are advanced and yet within them thou wilt great ignorance find, for they know not even that in nine-month of this year their sun shall flare, nor shall we, who bear them no great love, tell them.Constant and fierce have been the attacks of the vile Thrynn, e'er since the Empire fell and could no longer judge them.Know thee this, that the homeworlds of all races are well guarded and thither thou mayest not descend. Even if thou art friends will they not suffer thee to violate that final bastion. Well has this lesson been learn'd by all races.Interesting indeed are the ancient Veloxi, for they are possessed of both great wisdom and great ignorance. In matters of the Ancients their arrogance breeds false wisdom.Meeting thee has been no small surprise, for 'twas our belief that the colony worlds of the Empire had been destroyed all heretofore.The Spemin knoweth little and mostly do they bluster. Upon pampering shalt thou appease them, but that which is useful shalt thou gain only by force.Strongest of many races are the Uhlek, and as well the Gazurtoid, who have fled the wave of flaring suns. In sooth, only those who are strongest have survived.Longer than any other race have the Uhlek fled. From the center of the galaxy they have come hither, and so shall they continue, for with the passage of each 100 score years they again journey outward.The Uhlek are a race like none other. As if cells of one large creature, autonomous yet one, they are possessed of a single mind which resides apart from them, buried deep in subterranean caverns.So long have the Gazurtoid been travelling outward they have forgotten why they must migrate. They know only that they are on a holy crusade.Expect little from the Gazurtoid for they offer little. Waste not your time in vain effort to learn from them.The Uhlek speak only with their weapons. 'tis our thought that thou would'st not care much for what they have to say.The wandering creatures of space have been called by many 'The Minstrels', and by some 'Delasa'alia'. They are old beyond counting and wise in like measure.The Minstrels, alone of all races, require no vessel in the depths of space. Only do they wander and sing of what was. Little do we know of that which lies within the hearts of the Delasa'alia.The sun of the planet thou call'st Arth shall flare in the final week of your ten-month of this year, so we have ascertained.Akteron, Gaal, Iridani, and Echt. These are the suns of The Four Seedlings, a constellation in our demesne oft used as a landmark by our people.Coreward does the dead-zone lie. In this region no living thing shalt thou find, for the Crystal Planet has passed here and left naught behind.Outward of the dead-zone lies the zone intermediate. Here the Crystal Planet orbits, completing its task ere it moves on.'twas in 2770 that the Empire did discover our home system of Eleran. Contact first was made with the wretched Thrynn. Therefore were we not at first accepted as sentient for they spoke wrongly of us and were not questioned in their slander.When Thrynn and Elowan first were taken into the Empire the Thrynn nurtured a profane seed. The sale of headfruit on the black market quick became a tenacious weed that survived to the final days of the Empire.The Ancient Ones, who are no more, are the oldest of all races. Little do we know of them but for the songs of the Minstrels. 'twas from another galaxy, far distant, that they came, or so it is sung.If the Minstrel songs be true the span of an Ancient One's life was measured not in years, but rather in millenia, so long-lived were they.The Velox, in their boastful pride, lay claim to be descendants of the Ancient Ones. Heed not such conceitful folly.For every race that is possessed of some slight knowledge of the Ancient Ones there is another theory to explain their nature. Perhaps only the Delasa'alia know the face of truth.Mayhap none have known more of the Ancient Ones than the Institute of the Old Empire of Earth. But alack, with the fall of the Empire the knowledge was lost, for none, not even we, knew the location of its final hiding place among the stars.'tis not known whether any Ancient Ones survive still. Mayhap only that heinous legacy, the Crystal Planet, has been left us. Its evil task is to destroy all that lives. Why, we know not.Upon approaching the Crystal Planet it doth unleash a mighty force, so take care. Only the possession of a certain device will stay this. The nature of this device was perchance known to those of the Institute, but it is unbeknownst to us.'tis known to us that upon the Crystal Planet there is one place only that is vulnerable to attack. Oft have we tried and failed, for even this nexus of control is all but impregnable.If thou wouldst make attack upon the ancient planet of crystal firstly must thou find the nexus of control. To do this thou wouldst require that which is lost, the cone of crystal fashioned by the Ancient Ones.Thou art wise in thy peaceful dealings, for the path to knowledge doth lie therein. Were that all races were minded so.Again we are as we once were with those few of your kind, allies in the cause of truth and the search for wisdom. This is as it should be, is it not?Forsake us not for the terrible Thrynn. You can but only lose for doing this.Pray, do not listen to such things as the Thrynn might say of us. 'tis naught but empty slander.Forsooth, we can detect the presence of Thrynn, and they us, for we are the fiercest of enemies. Do not understand me wrongly, they alone are the aggressors.If from thyself to store thou wouldst convert, or else of thee this I prognosticate. Thy end is truth's and beauty's doom and date.We ask only that you commit neither violence nor tresspass against us. In return we offer much.In sooth are concepts akin to organisms, for do they not require time for growth and cultivation, and do we not breed them for beauty and for productivity? Let us exchange concepts that we may bring new vitality to our minds.Art thou friends or allies of the Thrynn?Hast thou or thine ever partaken of headfruit?Art thou and the Institute of old in any way affiliated?Was not Arth a Noah colony?Hast thou to the dead zone been, and the ruins of old Earth seen?We must now take our leave. Fare thee well, friends.We now depart. 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And thou hast come unto the Holy Land, the planet of the Gazurtoid. Now shall we cleanse thee in a righteous bath of holy fire!Repent, air breathers! Repent! The Hour of Judgement is at hand!I am Gazurtoid and I have come to save thee, thou who breathest not glorious liquid. Drop thy defenses and be saved!Yea! And unto the Heavenly Realm I send thee. For I am the Tentacle of Righteousness and I shall smite thee with love!Fight us not, infidel air-breathers. We are Gazurtoid, your Last Hope of Redemption.And lo, unto them it was said `Ye shall go forth and cleanseth the galaxy of the accursed breathers of air.'Reflect upon thyself and be appalled! For art thou not the Accursed Abomination? And so shall I raiseth my tentacle and smite thee!Fear not, vile air-breathers, for in death shalt thou findeth Redemption, and I am thy Redeemer!It is written `Thou who breathest not liquid but rather air shall perish in the flames of Holy Righteousness.' Look unto me and Repent for I am the Carrier of the Flame and thy time is at hand.Also is it written `Only to the Uhlek, thy Holy Vanguard, shalt thou show sufference. Yea! Suffer not other air-breathers and idolaters in thy righteous path, for thou art the Gazurtoid, the Holy Crusaders.'And Blulbgrb begat Urgglbb who begat Glbrrgb who begat Lubrbglb who begat Bulgrb. Thereby was the begatting begun.Into the firey reaches went the chosen one of the Gazurtoid and there did he see that no liquid but only air was breathed. And upon returning to the liquid realm did he then proclaim that air-breathers were truly the most vile and heinous of creatures.And out of dark nothingness was created the water-breather, and Lo, he was bored. Then next was the air-breather created and unto the water-breather was it commanded `Thou shalt persecute him and thereby shalt thy boredom be vanquished.'And unto him came the Divine Revelation. `Thou shalt buildeth a Vessel and it shall be 8 million tentacle lengths round, and thou shalt go forth into the vastness of space and so shall ye spread my word, and with love commitest mass genocide in my name.'Captain, we're picking up a distress beacon signal.SOS....SOSThis is a recorded message. I am Captain Smelenuf of the Empire Colony Ship `Lasthope.' The date is 3-10-3480. My ship has been critically damaged. Two thirds of the crew and colonists are dead. We have put down on the first planet in this system...I repeat...we have been forced to put down. We will be at coordinates 22N X 97W. We will survive for as long as we can. I just hope you're not too late. Smelenuf out.:RESPOND:01110000 11001000 011 111011 1000000 11010111 01010110 011 1100 1101000Pull over! This is the Interstel Corporate Police. You are under arrest. Drop all shields and disarm all weapons. You are in violation of Intergalactic Software Theft Law. Do not attempt to resist.TLBR)H!L!V#R%%( 3w"wwww U UU wU33x     n着     "  n*+ "+ n "*   "+ ", ""» "++ ",+  ""»  "+     ++ " ,",̻"+˻  "̻"+˺ +,+  "+  *"˼˺ ,  ,+˺"+˫+  *,+ ˠ٢+n  "͛ f  ̺ ټ f  ͻ˯ f  ̺͛  ̺    ̼ۼ Ҽ˯  ˯  ̯     ̺    ˺  ̺  𠰲"+  ˼  "˼  ̼  "" $‰̼˪𪻻 " ̼˫ "",  ̻˺ ,  ̼˺ ͪ ,* ̼˻  -ܪ ̻˼  ͯ  ʠ  ̼¼   ̻̻˻    "˲ Ϳ  "  ̻   " ˻̻ , "" ˺̼̻     "ͼ̻ Ϳ  ,- ܼ»ݰ ˪ $ܻ˺ܿ  ,  ܻ̻̽ۿ   &˼˺ͼ̺  ݼ˺ ͼʪ   ++ѻ˪  ˻"ۺ1, ܻ  ,%𫺪 +,ۻͻۻܰ 𪫻 *˻ͼۻ ͺ' *"ͼ۽̻̿ -  +ͼ۽˻ݽ̺ " "+ͼ۽˻ ̺,» ""˻+̼ˠ ݻ̼-+"+"̻+̼ܻۼ ̪̻!+ """+ ,+-̼ܻͼۼ  ̼˪̻ º+"++˽˻ ݼ ۼʪ̻ "#"+++˽̻ݰ "̺ ˻ """ +̻̽ͼܰ ̲"̼ "+"+ ܽ˻  "˻ """+" Ϳ̺" "+,""+"ܼ ݼ ""+ "+,,«" -˼ͻݰ̯ʪ ""+ ""*+ ѽ˼̯ܼܰ ̪˻-""ʲ" ˽ܻܰͯ0"+̢" ̽ܰ   "-̻#"+̫" ќ̽ܰ ˪",̻ "̫, ˫̼ݺ ͺ "+ "̫,˫̼ ܯ,ʪ ̢"+"ݝܫ,ʫݝ˻ˠͻ" ",̰!"ݙܫ, ʹ˼̠۠,ڪ", !"ܙݙܫ, ̼ݼˠ̯ * ."ݙ̫, ̺۠ ݻʪ "* *¬̫(̺ܺ ڪ  "* .¼ʲȻ̜ݻۼݺܠʪ:̬ ,"ȼ̜̺͛ ܠʪ: ̪ ,͹˜ܼͼ̺ ˠ ͽܠ˪ ̢* 0̽,ͼ̺ ۠ ."* ܼȍ˼̺ ۠ܯ ˪""* ̘ٜܻ˼̺ ۠#"* ̝̼̻͘ͺ ̺ܺ ' "+ܢ ݍ̻͜ͺ ܠ0"̪ ̍ܝ̻ͺ ۻ", ,"̪ "͌ݝݼ̼ͺ" "" ʪ "ٝ܁ٝݝ˼ͺݼۻA"̺ ",ʪ "ٝݝݝݜ˼ˠ˼̺9ʪ+,,ݝݙɝۼ˼ˠ˼̼˪ (ܼ ٝݜ˼̻ˠ ˼ݻ=̢"̪͙݁͝ݼܻˠ ݼͼܠB ̼˪"",ʫ ݁ݼܻˠ ܠ8 ,̺"",̪𪠫 ,ݝݜݼˌ̺ ܰ ""ʼ"",ʪ ,ٜ͝ݻ̺ ܰ ",ܢ" ݙ˼̺ͼ ̫ ˠ7 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUPUUUUUUU7 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUPU6 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU#B0UUUUU2C##UUU$2BUU2C$UU#C$2UU2C UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU#B0 uvQe#B0UU2C##agVp2C##UPUU$2BuvqP$$2BUUUU2C$QgQe`22C$UUU#C$2VuvP#C$2UU2C euW2C UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU#B0UU2C##UU$2BUU2C$UU#C$2UU2C UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUPUUUUUU7 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU24#24#UUU$220$220UUUBC$ BC$ UU#$2@#$2@UU42C 42C UUU#$2#$2UUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUU24#uvQe#B0UU$220agVp2C##UU UUUBC$ uvqP$2BUU#$2@QgQe`2C$UUU42C VuvP#C$2UU#$2euW2C UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU24##B0UUU$2202C##UUBC$ $2BUUU#$2@2C$UUUU42C #C$2UUU#$22C UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUPUTLBRKX`hp x(v&~.6 > F  . 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TEXT SXiD`wB,+E( % W ! z 6 *Ke%EpzJ! \?0p2wV*:^1N " O f  INTRUDER RESPOND.WE ARE MECHAN 9. RESPOND.WELCOME GROUP 9. WE ARE MECHAN 9.WHAT DO YOU REQUIRE, GROUP 9?WE ARE MECHAN 9.THIS IS EMPIRE TERRITORY. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.THERE IS INSUFFICIENT DATA IN THIS VESSEL'S COMPUTER ON THIS SUBJECT.WE WILL ANSWER NO QUESTIONS.WE AWAIT YOUR RESPONSE.RESPOND.YOU MUST LEAVE IMMEDIATELY OR YOU WILL BE DESTROYED.OUR MISSION WAS TO ESTABLISH THE UNDERGROUND COLONY OF HEAVEN. WE WERE TO BE FOLLOWED BY YOU, GROUP 9, ONE YEAR LATER, BUT YOU DID NOT ARRIVE.WE LEFT EARTH IN 3479, SENT OUT BY THE INSTITUTE WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR STANDARD NOAH PROJECT PROCEDURE.OUR INSTRUCTIONS WERE TO PATROL THE AREA WITHIN 8 SECTORS OF THE HEAVEN SYSTEM AND REPEL ANY INVADERS AFTER HEAVEN WAS ESTABLISHED.INITIALLY HEAVEN WAS ONLY MARGINALLY HABITABLE. IT WAS NECESSARY TO COMPLETELY TERRA-FORM IT AND ENGINEER SUITABLE BIOTA.SINCE OUR ESTABLISHMENT HERE WE HAVE BEEN ATTACKED 14 TIMES. TWICE IT HAS BEEN NECESSARY TO RETREAT UNDERGROUND AND REBUILD OURSELVES.PROJECT NOAH WAS A FINAL ATTEMPT OF THE INSTITUTE TO ENSURE THE SURVIVAL OF THE EMPIRE AND THE HUMAN SPECIES. THAT IS WHY THE NOAH COLONIES ARE ALL UNDERGROUND.THE COLONY WORLD OF HEAVEN, THE 4TH PLANET, HAS A CAPACITY TO SUPPORT SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND COLONISTS. IT AWAITS YOU.THE UHLEK PASSED THROUGH THIS REGION MOVING OUTWARD OVER 1000 YEARS AGO. THEIR LAST SHIP WAS SEEN IN 3603. FORTUNATELY THEY DID NOT FIND HEAVEN.WE LOST 4 OF OUR SHIPS TO ONE UHLEK SHIP IN 3540. THEY POSSESS POWERFUL WEAPONS.THE GAZURTOID ARE MANY-TENTACLED AQUATIC CREATURES WHO LIVE IN TREMENDOUS COLONY SHIPS.THE GAZURTOID PASSED THROUGH THIS REGION FOLLOWING THE UHLEK. THEY ARE DANGEROUS ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE.THE SPEMIN WERE DISCOVERED IN SYSTEM 82,148 IN 2675. THEY WERE IN A PRE-TECHNOLOGICAL STATE. THE EMPIRE PUT A LOT OF EFFORT INTO TEACHING THE SPEMIN THEIR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.ALL GROUPS, ORGANIZATIONS AND GOVERNMENTS OF THE SPEMIN ARE PRECEDED BY SS. THIS STANDS FOR 'THE SECRET SOCIETY OF'. WE DO NOT KNOW WHY.IN 2790 THE SECRET SOCIETY FOR SPEMIN SUPERIORITY, THE SSSS, GAINED POWER AND THE SPEMIN ATTACKED THE EMPIRE USING THE TECHNOLOGY WE HAD TAUGHT THEM.IN THE YEAR 3000, WHEN THE NUMLOX AND PHLEGMAK ATTACKED THE EMPIRE, THE SPEMIN BEGGED FOR PROTECTION. DESPITE THEIR DECLARATION OF WAR IN 2790 PROTECTION WAS GRANTED. AT THE END OF THE ATTACK THE SPEMIN AGAIN TURNED ON THE EMPIRE.IN THE YEAR 3400 THE SECOND WAVE ATTACKED THE EMPIRE. FOR THE SECOND TIME THE SPEMIN PLEADED FOR PROTECTION. WHEN THE EMPIRE DID NOT GRANT IT THE SPEMIN ALLIED WITH THE GAZURTOID.THE SPEMIN'S TECHNOLOGY IS INFERIOR SINCE THEY ONLY COPY FROM OTHER RACES. IN SPITE OF THIS THEY ARE NUMEROUS BECAUSE THEY BUILD THEIR SHIPS OUT OF CHEAP MATERIALS AND REPRODUCE AT AN ASTONISHING RATE.IN THE YEAR 4410 WE HAD AN ENCOUNTER WITH A SPEMIN SHIP. IT THREATENED US AND THEN FLED.THE VELOX WERE THE FIRST RACE ENCOUNTERED BY THE EMPIRE. THIS WAS IN 2300.THERE WERE MINOR SKIRMISHES WITH THE VELOX BETWEEN 2300 AND 2400 UNTIL THE HUMAN-VELOX TREATY WAS FINALLY SIGNED.THE VELOX HAVE BEEN IN SPACE FOR MANY THOUSANDS OF YEARS. MUCH OF THE EMPIRE'S TECHNOLOGY, INCLUDING SHIP DESIGN, WAS MODELED AFTER THEIRS.THE VELOX EMPIRE IS UPSPIN OF HERE. THEY ARE ARROGANT AND SINCE 3330 HAVE HAD AN ISOLATIONIST ATTITUDE.THE THRYNN ARE SENTIENT REPTILIAN CREATURES THAT WERE DISCOVERED AND TAKEN INTO THE EMPIRE IN 2770. THEY ARE NATIVES OF THE SAME SYSTEM AS THE ELOWAN.THE ELOWAN ARE PLANT-LIKE CREATURES WHICH WERE AT FIRST BELIEVED TO NOT BE SENTIENT, DUE TO THE DEPRECATIONS OF THEIR ENEMIES, THE THRYNN.THE THRYNN CONCERN THEMSELVES ONLY WITH `MATTERS OF IMPORT.' IN THE EMPIRE THEY GENERALLY FILLED THE NICHES OF AMBASSADORS, DIPLOMATS AND SPIES.THE ELOWAN HAVE A REPUTATION AS CREATIVE THINKERS. IN THE EMPIRE THEY WERE GENERALLY ARTISTS, PHILOSOPHERS, AND THEORETICAL SCIENTISTS.THE THRYNN AND ELOWAN WERE DISCOVERED ON DIFFERENT PLANETS IN A K CLASS SYSTEM WITH 5 PLANETS DOWNSPIN OF HERE. THE THRYNN HAD A MORE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND OFTEN ATTACKED THE ELOWAN PLANET.WE GIVE WARNING. YOU MUST LEAVE.CEASE COMMUNICATIONS AND LEAVE IMMEDIATELY.THE INSTITUTE WAS A SOCIETY OF SCIENTISTS AND OTHER INTELLECTUALS CONVINCED OF THE EMPIRE'S IMPENDING DESTRUCTION.THE INSTITUTE DISCOVERED AN INCREASE IN THE INSTABILITY OF STARS COREWARD. THERE ARE MANY REFERENCES IN OUR DATA BANKS TO THE ENCROACHING `DEAD ZONE.'WHEN WE LEFT EARTH THE INSTITUTE WAS STUDYING SOL FOR ANOMALOUS RADIATION EMISSIONS.SOL IS OF COURSE IN THE PYTHAGORAS CONSTELLATION. EARTH DID MOST OF ITS MINING ON MINERAL-RICH MARDAN-4, ALSO IN PYTHAGORAS.THE INSTITUTE HAS A STARFLIGHT RESEARCH STATION AT THE CENTER OF THE NORTH POLE ON MARS.THE FIRST NOAH MISSION, NOAH 1, FAILED BECAUSE A RING DEVICE MALFUNCTION RESULTED IN AN INABILITY TO IDENTIFY CONTINUUM FLUXES.WE HAVE FOUND EVIDENCE OF EMPIRE RUINS AT 28N X 4E ON ONE OF THE PLANETS IN THE NEARBY CLASS-G SYSTEM. WE HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO INVESTIGATE HOWEVER BECAUSE IT IS WITHIN VELOXI SPACE AND IS GUARDED BY A DRONE.THIS IS THE FINAL WARNING.THE FIRST WAVE OF ATTACKS ON THE EMPIRE WAS BY THE NUMLOX AND PHLEGMAK AND STARTED IN 3000. THE SECOND WAVE, COMPRISED OF UHLEK AND GAZURTOID, STARTED IN 3400. BOTH CAME FROM COREWARD.AS OF THE TIME OF OUR DEPARTURE THERE WAS AN 84 PERCENT CERTAINTY FACTOR THAT THE NUMLOX AND PHLEGMAK RACES HAD BEEN COMPLETELY DESTROYED BY THE EMPIRE.YOUR PRESENCE HERE INDICATES THE EMPIRE HAS SURVIVED. AT THE TIME OF OUR DEPARTURE THE PROBABILITY OF THIS WAS VERY LOW.DURING THE WARS WITH THE PHLEGMAK MANY WORLDS OF THE EMPIRE WERE DESTROYED BY THEIR BLACK-EGG PLANET BOMBS.THE ENTIRE ECONOMY OF THE EMPIRE IS BASED ON ENDURIUM. WHEN WE LEFT, THE RICHEST AND STRONGEST PLANET WAS NEW SCOTLAND,THE SECOND PLANET IN THE UPSPIN END OF THE STAFF CONSTELLATION.WHEN WE LEFT, THE EMPIRE WAS DIVIDED INTO MANY FACTIONS. ONE OF THESE WAS HEADED BY LAYTON. THE LAYTONITES BELIEVED THE EMPIRE WAS EVIL AND SHOULD DIE. THEY ARE ENEMIES OF PROJECT NOAH. THEY ARE OUR ENEMIES.EMPIRE MORALE WAS BROKEN IN 3440 WHEN THE OFFENSIVE HEADQUARTERS ON MARDAN-2 WERE DESTROYED BY THE UHLEK.THE INSTITUTE HAS AN UNDERGROUND STATION ON EARTH AT 12N X 104W.THE EMPIRE UTILIZES DRONES CALLED NOMADS IN THEIR PRELIMINARY EXPLORATIONS. THESE COLLECT LIFE AND MINERAL DATA ON PLANETS WHICH MAY PROVE TO BE SUITABLE FOR COLONIZATION.YOU WILL BE DESTROYED.ENDURIUM WAS FIRST DISCOVERED IN SOME ANCIENT RUINS ON SOL-4 IN 2100.THE STRANGE CRYSTALLINE LUMPS OF ENDURIUM ARE ALWAYS FOUND IN ANCIENT RUINS.RUINS OF THE ANCIENTS HAVE BEEN FOUND ALL OVER SPACE, BUT PRIMARILY SEEM TO BE IN M-TYPE SYSTEMS. THEY ARE MANY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD.THE INSTITUTE, BASED AT 75S X 66E ON AKTERON 6 STUDIED THE ANCIENTS INTENSELY. THERE WAS MUCH CONTROVERSY SURROUNDING THEIR FINDINGS. THEY OFTEN WORKED WITH THE ELOWAN.IN THE EMPIRE THERE WERE SEVERAL POPULAR THEORIES ABOUT THE ANCIENTS. ONE WAS THAT THEY TRAVELLED THE UNIVERSE SEEDING LIFE AND LEAVING ENDURIUM. ANOTHER BELIEF IS THAT THEY WILL ONE DAY RETURN TO JUDGE MANKIND.IT IS BELIEVED THAT THE DEVICE KNOWN AS THE CRYSTAL PLANET WAS BUILT BY THE ANCIENTS.THERE HAVE LONG BEEN RUMORS THAT SOMEWHERE IN A NEBULA IN SPEMIN SPACE IS A VAST CITY OF THE ANCIENTS. IT IS THOUGHT TO BE ON THE INNERMOST PLANET OF THE SYSTEM.WE HAVE DISCOVERED SOME RUINS AT 36N X 90E ON THE ICE PLANET IN OUR SYSTEM.OUR DATA BANKS ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL.WE HAVE WAITED LONG FOR YOU GROUP 9.YOU HAVE BEEN DELAYED. WE WERE NOT PROGRAMMED FOR THIS CONTINGENCY.WE MUST VERIFY.WARNING. WE ARE PROGRAMMED TO REPEL INVADERS. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY OR BE DESTROYED.THIS IS EMPIRE SPACE. YOU MUST LEAVE AT ONCE.INVADERS, DEPART IMMEDIATELY.OUR SCANNERS SHOW THAT YOUR VESSEL IS DERIVED FROM EMPIRE TECHNOLOGY. DO YOU CONFIRM?ARE YOU GROUP 9?HEAVEN AWAITS. ARE YOU PREPARED?DO YOU SERVE LAYTON?WE HAVE WAITED LONG FOR NOAH; SHALL WE CONTINUE TO DO SO?IS IT YOUR DESIRE THAT WE MAINTAIN CODE BLUE?DO YOU VERIFY CODE RED?ARE YOU AN ENEMY OF NOAH?ARE YOU READY TO TAKE YOUR PLACE IN THE BRAVE NEW WORLD?NOW TERMINATING COMMUNICATIONS.TLBR!HZhz! 3w"wwww fff DDD"""wxG   G        G  G  ˽ ˽ Ƚ ˽ Ƚ ˍ  G Ƚ Ƚ ȍ Ƚ Ƚ ˍ  G   G ݽ  G       G  G  G G  G   G  "    #  ݌   G ݼ툻ة  G ݼػȈڙ  G  ݌ ܻȈ͉  G ݌ ˻ΉȈͪ͸  ݌ܻ蚩؈ة۸ی   ˻顪؈ڪ۸ވ  ؼܻފ،ڙ    ݋͋؍ػ  ݈˻ͩ ܋܍ݽ؈ ܻފͩ۝،̹Κ誙ۭ، ȉުꪛۭ ͋ ͋˹ ꩛۝، ˜˜ ȹ ꛹ݍ  ܋ꛛ ۸۸! ܻΉ ۸۸&ݚݺݺݹݹݹݹݹݻݻ݋݈ܻΩ лл ۸۸ܻ ̌л ۸۸ܻ Ј ۸۸ܻ Ј ۸۸؋  "ػ"ȋ  ۸۸#ȋ   ۘۘ7ȋ"*"/ 7̋"*"" ۘۘ7̋투˭̺ ۘۘ6̋؈̚ݸ།ۘۘ ̋؈ ། ۘ ۘȋ툋། ۘ۸7ܻ틱Ȉ ۘۘGˮ؋Ȉ޼ۘۘ'˘ػ͚؈؜۸۸ʫʫʫʛʛ݋쩾왾۸ۘѫګڛڛڛڛڛٛޚȈȍ홽홽ۘۘګڛڛڛٛٛٛٛޚ 홽홽۸ۘιȻܼۘ۸ι܋ ̼ۘ۸#λ໼틱˻ #Έ˱ 軽"˱ G˱ ۸۸G˱ ۸۸G˱   #˱  G틱   ۸۸8틱  G틱  7  7 5 컽  컽ػ gg~틻틻 ˻  ܌   G ؈ ؈G   G  $     ܱ    ܼ  뚛˛ ١ܹ  ۚܚ  ۹ܹ́ ܻˑ˛  ˈ ˑ܈ ' ܹ ܹ E ܹ E ˑ  칍'ˑn퉼  3 ˑ~  ˘3ܹ؛  ޱ(ܹ葾  빪  ˘苙 ؛  ޱ*/ ؑ - 칍2 퉼 $ 苙 މ  ؑ $챘 苙 葼$ 苙 ˘ 苙 ؛   ؑ. ȸ  ̋ 6 ̋ ؑ6칍 ̋g 퉼 ̋ 6 ̋ ؑ+ ̋ ؑ  ̋ + ̋ 7 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUPUUUUUUUUPUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 7 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU$44## UUBCB0UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBCB@UUU4$$2UUUUUUUUUU#BBC#UUU P#@UUPB24$2B@4$2@UU4$#$#BC# BC$#UUCB2B4$20$$2BUU$#C$#BBC@BC##UU P20UUP$224$$ #$44UUUBCCB2202CB@UUU$$4#$UUUUUUUUUUCCB2UU$4 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU4$$0UU#BC$ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTLBR H X j | ! v 3w"wwww " D w"UDx<< << <  < < < <<  3<<< <<<<< 3 3 3 <<<< << 3< 33 3<3 < 3<<33 :33<3< :<333<ã33<:<3ã 3<J<3 << << ä3 <<̻<< J<3 3 3<̣ :<ì0:KṆ3:3; 3J3Ṇ3:3; 3:3Ṇ33; 3:33N ̣33; 3: 0 33N 0̣3 3; 3: 33K@̣3 K3: ʻK@3033DĻ3 :< 3:KK˴033 DD D 3 :3:KJK J03:33 D Ī 3ê3:ĪD ʪ3ê;3 ʪ 3ê: J ʪ3êêD Ī4 ʤ 3êʤK ģ4 J:K0D0 ĪäK ʣJKĻD 3ģ˴J 33D 33J 3 3;@Ī ˻@ 3 333ʪ 33 3 333ʪ 33 3 333ʪJ 33 333Kʤ C33 33:DJ3 33êDK3C3 33 4KJJ3; 3 3ûD3 3 3K 4JJ3;33:ê33333 3;3:33333;3:33333;3:33333: 3:3 3:KJJ3: êDD3 KJJ3: TEXT P?Y<  u ECaptain, something very strange is happening. I am receiving a message but there doesn't seem to be any transmission.Captain *, something very peculiar is happening. I am receiving a message but there doesn't seem to be any transmission....through the windless night we sail, to watch the timeless dance unfold. Out of joy we share the tale, to any who would have it told......time, it seems, doesn't flow. for some it's fast, for others slow. In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall......the virus spread like burning fire, the sea of dread rose higher and higher. the crystal ones had to fight by causing suns to ignite. Self-defense, it is their right......back when all the stars were young, before the minstrel songs were sung, when this galaxy was new, there came from far the crystal few. Gradually they spread through space. They were the first, the only race......and harder still to recognize that which lies before one's eyes. So many races have believed in only what was preconceived. That which is ancient may be new, it all depends on point of view......from inward out the races flee, searching for a place to hide. ever in a wave of war, and on the crest the strongest ride....we are the watchers of the dance...many wonder at us. But how could there not be an audience....for the greatest of all comedies...NOMAD PROBE REQUESTING PERMISSION TO TRANSMIT DATA. PLEASE RESPOND.COMMENCING TRANSMISSION OF PLANETARY DATA ON STANDARD FREQUENCIES...PLEASE STANDBY.PLANET 34762RM - THIRD PLANET OF SEVEN - SYSTEM COORDINATES 163,119 - LIFEBEARING - BIO-DENSITY HIGH - MINERAL DENSITY MEDIUM TO LOW - CODED DATA BR97723 011 1 347 6QS8 82 11AR 22 000 - ENDING TRANSMISSION.PLANET 59980GJ - FIRST PLANET OF SIX - SYSTEM COORDINATES 149,133 - MOLTEN, NON-COLONIZABLE - MINERAL DENSITY VERY HIGH - CODED DATA 7899 JD809 340 10 0 90 BT531 118 6AR 67 001 - ENDING TRANSMISSION.PLANET 78964TL - THIRD PLANET OF FIVE - SYSTEM COORDINATES 94,42 - LIFEBEARING - BIO-DENSITY MEDIUM - MINERAL DENSITY MEDIUM- CODED DATA GY8 0 011 111 UO78 293 192 374 9AR 33 011 - ENDING TRANSMISSION.PLANET 67826AK - THIRD PLANET OF FOUR - SYSTEM COORDINATES 163,46 - LIFEBEARING - BIODENSITY MEDIUM TO LOW - MINERAL DENSITY MEDIUM TO LOW - CODED DATA AD4 346 30 110 6374 227 642 76AR 9799 88 110 - ENDING TRANSMISSION.PLANET 47298BG - THIRD PLANET OF FOUR - SYSTEM COORDINATES 179,195 - LIFEBEARING - BIODENSITY MEDIUM - MINERAL DENSITY MEDIUM - CODED DATA FU80 48 001 20 11 983 249 249 348 8AR 7832 001 - ENDING TRANSMISSION.PLANET 4823789PR - SECOND PLANET OF SIX - SYSTEM COORDINATES 17,213 - LIFEBEARING - BIODENSITY VERY HIGH - MINERAL DENSITY HIGH - CODED DATA DH98 324 001 111 749 247 984 184 88AS 1237 007 - ENDING TRANSMISSION.TLBRBH& 3w"wwww U"3 DU fw ݈f3Uxwww~wwfwwwffow~wff ffw~ wfڪ fo~wfaڪ fowf˻ow fګ ̻fw~ ڻ˻f~ waڼ˼˺fo~a˻of̻ow ۼ˻fڪ̻waڻ̻ffofڪ˺f~fowf̽˽fa˻foww~wfa˭owfow~wfaڪܻ~fw~w~wf ܻf a۽fw~w~wf̽o~fwwfo~wfa˭ awwfo~wa˻o~aowfnaowa˽ ofnwao~ao~ ~nwwffw~a aګܽ aan~ao~o~ao~~w  aڪܽa`ao~o~o~w aڪܽanwoffwwao~ ~fw aګo~w~ ܽa`ao~ ܺ awo~ ̺www aܻo~ oofoo~ aܻo~an~wfw~ao~ aˡo~ aww ww~o~aˡo~waˡo~anw~ao~ aˡo~aw~w~o~aˡo~ awo~ˡo~ f ow ܻo~wf ow~a˺ an~www ww~~ao~˺aw~w ~wwo~wa˽ aww wwwowwao~wfw owfܻww aڪw ~̼ff۽wfa˺wof ~껼ʪfaڼ˻o~ff ˻̻ww w~꫼ܼܪܻ wf ˻ۻwۻo~aڪ˻̺ ܽʬݽ faܼۻww~ ͼ̽o~)˺wݽwaګͻw ۻo~aݽˮ ۻof˻ʽ˻f~ۼݻ̺~w~껼 ݽ~-aڽ̻˺~̻̻ fowݫ˽˼ͺw̪f aۻ ͼܺںfw~ ݺ ڪˮ̬ fow aݻf ڻ̼˺ʫffowݼff ˻ffw~ںow a̽ʻfww~a̻oww aں˺fwwݼf~̻ʺwۻ~a̺ʡow ͺow aڪ ̼o~ aۼ̪  ˻ a˭ aګ˻o~ aˡo~ ̻ aݻo~̻ ̻ aˡo~a˽˻o~ aˡo~aڪ ͼ˻o~ aˡo~ ˼ aˡo~aګͻo~ aۼˡo~̻ܻ ͽaڪ̼̼˺o~̺ͽ̻ܺaڪ̻o~ aۼo~˻ ۽ao~~̻o~afa̽ aڪf~ao~ow ffwaۼ̽w ffowaͻfwwwao~aܽfw ww~ o~˭fw~ waaۻ̻f~ wa̻fow wfo~aݼܼow~wf۽aۼۻfw  wfڻo~̻foww wfڻo~a˺fwwwfaڻ˽a˻ffwfaͻo~aڻfffa˭ڻfao~fګܻ̼˪ff̻ܺ~wfa̻˼ܼow waګ ˻f wfڪf~ fڪ̻fwwfffw wffow wwffafwwffw~wwfwwww 7 UUUUUPUUPUUPUPUUPUPUUUPUUUPUUPUPUUPUPUUPUPUPUUPUPUUUUUPUUUPUPUUUPUUPUPUUPUPUUUPUUUUUPUUUPUPUUPUPUUPUPUUPUUUUPUUPUUPUUUPUUUPUUPUUUPUPUUPUPUUPUUUPUUUPUPUUPUUUPUPUUPUPUUPUUUPUUUUUPUPUUUUUPUPUUPUPUUPUPUUUPUUPUUPUUUUU7 UUUUUPUUPUUPUPUUPUPUUUPUUUPUUPUPUUPUPUUPUPUPUUPUPUUUUUPUUUPUPUUUPUUPUPUUPeg`UPUUqVu`UPUUWeaVvUUU PevuagUUU PvQWVvQpUPUUPgeuu`UPUUPQVWgWgPUPUUPuvvQpUUgg`UUPVWVPUUPeeug`UUPvWgVvpUUUPevueUUU PQegQvUUPUvQVu`UUPUPggPUUPUPUUPUUUPUUUPUPUUPUUUPUPUUPUPUUPUUUPUUUUUPUPUUUUUPUPUUPUPUUPUPUUUPUUPUUPUUUUUTEXT);m`osOPW- ! T )  ; q YOL@4% !""#$%U&Y'd(Q Invoice - ...second shipment of iridium to arrive at 56N X 16W H.Q. on Mardan 2 no later than the third day of...\ Log - ...people are panicking. The solar flares are intensifying. The best estimates give us 3 days at the outside.\ Log entry 2-28-3480 Surface temp. is at 150 degrees C; only being this far underground has kept us alive this long...\ Cornerstone Inscription - Ben and Anna's Academy of Independent Thinking\ Newspaper - July 1, 3476 - The Emperor of the United States announced that the Royal Family will be on hand at this year's 17th centennial celebration to be held in The Capitol at Disneyland.\ Newspaper - Jan 28, 3478 - Scientists expect cancer cure breakthrough any day...\ Newspaper - March 22, 3477 - New government tax hike to go into effect. Effective this April middle income families can expect to pay 260% of their annual income in taxes.\ Magazine - May 3, 3450 - In an interview yesterday George Schmenge, the donor for the first successful brain transplant had little to say.\ Sign - First Church of the Last Laugh. Today's Sermon - So Far, So What?\ Ancient History Textbook - ...in primitive societies it became popular for a short time to sit countless hours in front of 2-dimensional phosphor screens and live out fantasies. Many historians believe this activity marked the downfall of civilization.\ Newspaper - 3404 - Lovely lunar lanscapes. Own your own home in those final years after retirement. Live in quiet serenity by the Sea of Tranquility. Craterside homes are now available and start at only 699,000,000 mu. Senior citizens 200 yrs and up only.\ Newspaper - November 20, 3450 - ...the Equal Rights Amendment for androids was finally ratified last Friday. There is still substantial controversy, however, over the proposed Equal Rights Amendment for women.\ Newspaper - Feb. 8, 3465 - ...the death of Johnny Beaver marked the extinction of the last animal species other than man on Earth. The Environmental Protection Agency was forced to close down due to the lack of any environment to protect.\ Newspaper April 1, 3465 - A representative from CMIS, Christian Missionaries In Space, reports the successful conversion of an entire planet of quasi-humanoids in the Omega sector. `Once again we have saved a race from their native cultural depravity.'\ Sign - Starflight Navigational Research Station\ Letter - ...hereby request that the researchers at the Mars Polar Station be directed to look into this and ...\ Notice - To All Personnel - Earth Base One, at 12N X 104W is temporarily quarantined due to...\ Request - ...Mining Stations 25 through 158 on Planet 4 request immediate supplies. We are...\ Sign - Mardan 4 Mining Station No. 82\ Sign - Mardan 4 Mining Station No. 17\ Sign - Mardan 4 Mining Station No. 244\ Some arcane and indecipherable Phlegmak writing.\ Coordinate Listing - ... at 59N X 22E, Base 2 at 54N X 13E, domicile at...\ Report - ... have finally located Harrison's base of operations on New Scotland, but once again he's a step ahead of us. We believe he may have relocated at 44S X 137W on the first planet of System 81,98. We will proceed to...\ Orders - ...report immediately to Base 59N X 22E for new orders from Harrison. The next...\ Papers - Harrison has once again been successful in his latest raid. This time the attack was on six Empire cargo ships bound for...\ Newspaper - ... of the Empire now suspect that Harrison's base is here on New Scotland and that his troops are secreted here amongst our population...\ Institute research report to Elowan Homeworld Base 60S X 45E - We have ascertained that the Dead Zone is coreward of the X-Coordinate 200. We have also determined that the cause of the flares is somewhere coreward and upspin of our present location...\ Notes - ...information has successfully pinpointed the Tesseract energy enhancer and the Red Cylinder ancient-ruin locater device at 15N X 44W on Planet 5 of System 18,50, and at 59N X 64W on Planet 3 of System 112,200, respectively...\ Writing in a variant of Old Empire English - ...Harrison has landed and built structures at 44S X 137W. To ensure our safety we must report him to The Empire.\ The only thing decipherable in some alien writings are planetary coordinates 12N X 32E.\ Amidst piles of alien books some writing from the Old empire - ...the Pythagoras Constellation at 216,87...\ Microfilm - ...reason to believe there is a Black Egg Device in some Phlegmak ruins at 52N X 16E on the third planet of System 238,189...\ Report - to Colony Control at 16S X 20W , Planet 4, System 118,146 - Due to the increased demand for hyper-triticale and a recent infestation of small furry creatures which have depleted our stock we...\ Intelligence Communication - ...ship was attacked by the Gazurtoid. All crew were killed and the new Cloaking Device was stolen. A probe was able to track their ship's tachyon trail to the System 68,66. Other than that we don't...\ Reconnaissance Report - To Offensive Headquarters at 56N X 16W on Mardan 2 - Fighting between the Velox and Gazurtoid is still heated. We have been keeping a low profile and...\& Captain's Log Entry - October 31, 3480 - We have managed to set up a camp of sorts here, and have enough supplies to keep us alive for several months. We were on our way to establish the Noah 9 colony world of `Heaven' when the ship blew.\& The Mechans are currently in preparation phase Code Blue. Our arrival would have initiated Code Red, and we would have taken control of the Mechans. I believe our ship was sabotaged by the Laytonites, damn them. Half of my crew is dead.\ Their bomb blew out the entire aft quarter section of the ship. I don't know how we made it down to the surface in that defective pod. I just hope our luck holds out. Captain out.\ Sign - Ronald Peter Gaal Memorial Research Station.\& Report - Project Teleport, 1-2-3380 - ...in short we have devised a scheme to teleport an operative from a specially built starbase (which will be known as Crystal Base 1) to the surface of the Crystal Planet.\& Because of the problems involved with a teleportation of this distance we will not be able to retrieve the operative. The volunteer will be sent in with a nuclear explosive. If possible he will stay in communication with the Starbase.\& He will locate and destroy the control center of the Crystal Planet. Potential problems include - teleportation reliability, insufficient explosive power, communications through the magnetic field generated by the planet, location of...\& Communication Transcript - Crystal Base 1 to Akteron Institute, 8-8-3382 - ...been 14 hours since Commander McConnell was sent down. At no point have we received any communication from him.\& At exactly 12 hrs and 11 minutes after his departure we witnessed an explosion on the planet's surface. We are now sending out drones to test the defenses of the Crystal Planet in an attempt to ascertain the effect of the explosion...\& Research Council Recommendation 5-5-3386 - ...therefore it is our finding that the only effective means of destroying the Crystal Planet is with the use of three devices. The first of these, the Crystal Orb, is needed to nullify the defenses of the planet.\& This is in the possession of the Velox and is known to them as the Small Egg. The second device is the Crystal Cone. This is needed to identify from orbit the location of the Control Nexus, and is known to be at coordinates 29S X 55W on the first& planet in System 20,198. Unfortunately this is deep in Uhlek space. The Crystal Planet is only vulnerable at the Control Nexus.\ Lastly, a bomb of sufficient explosive power is required. The actual force necessary is unknown but our best estimates indicate something on the order of a gigaton.\& Log Entry, 8-8-3382, Commander McConnell, Entry 1 - I have successfully teleported to the Crystal Planet! I am dizzy and have experienced a profound sense of disorientaion but other than that I seem to be fine. The Control Nexus is visible from here.\& Entry 2 - It would seem that the electromagnetic field around the Crystal Planet is, in fact, blocking communications since it has been an hour and I have still received no transmission from Crystal Base 1.\& Entry 2 cont. - I am therefore writing in this log as planned, and will attempt to find a safe place for it before the explosion.\& Entry 3 - I have reached the control center and have set the charges. It appears to be a massive ruin of The Ancients. The queer crystalline lumps of Endurium are everywhere here.\& Entry 4 - I have just had an astounding experience! I can hardly believe it but I seem to have made telepathic contact with The Ancients. They are here! On the Crystal Planet, controlling it!\& Entry 4 cont. - I wish there was some way for me to communicate what I have found. The explosion is set for T-Minus 40 minutes. In the event that the Crystal Planet is not destroyed, I can only hope that this log is found by someone.\& Entry 4 cont.- I can hardly believe it! Those weird lumps are actually intelligent life. The Ancients are Endurium! and we have spent hundreds of years hunting them to burn for fuel in our ships.\& Entry 4 cont.- Their metabolism is so much slower than ours they live in an entirely different time framework. I don't think they even know we are sentient. I believe it was only because of a link through the Crystal Planet that contact was made at all.\ Entry 4 cont.- This Crystal Planet was their last defense. I can hardly blame them. Carbon-based life must have seemed something like a virus to them. Just the same, I hope the explosion works. It looks like at this point like it's us or them. McConnell out.\& It is with the sincerest gratitude from the people of Arth and the stockholders of Interstel that I present to you and your heroic crew the Interstel Medal of Sublime Achievement, the highest honor accorded to Interstel contractors.\ This award includes a special bonus of 500,000 MU when you return to Starport. Thank you for saving everything that we hold dear.\ -- Leigh V. Malone, Chairman of Interstel.\TLBR$HV$$ 3w"wwww wDfx     B       B            ~ |  {}   Ǻ   {~}}ﻼw} ww" *|w}{b"*|  b"*| }   "  ""|"|{"'|{"'˺} fw|˺  wvb"}w  b"*|Ǻb"z ׺b"z|b"z{b"z}{b"z  {b"z}  {"z{r"z}|r"zw{zzz{  zz   zzz {z|zz| ׺z }zzw }˻ ܺzܻ  "*}ww˺z}  ",}w"+}""""  "  "|}fhw}"~w˼|~"*| "*| }}"*|   "|  "| "|"|  "|"| "}  w |3||   |}0w        w  | :ww ~      ~  8ۿ ˿ ˿   ˿   ˿w <ϻ  ˿   ۿ      G w       7 UUUU PUPUPUPUU 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 UUPUUUUUPPUUUPUUUUPPPUUUUPPUUUPUUUPUU PUPUPUPUUUU7 UUUU PUPUPUPUU PUUPUUUPUUPPPUUUUPPUUPUUUUPUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUPUUUUPUUPUPUUPUPUPUPUUPUUPUPUPUUUUUUPUUPUPUUUUUUPUPUUUPUPUPUUUUPUUUUUPUPUPUUPUPUPUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPPvWPUPUPUUUPUPUUPWgVVUPUPUUPUUgaqVWavUUPPUUUUUvVgVg`PUUUUUU WgBBQvvPUPUUPUPPUeav4RGePUPPUUPPUPv ##BT$vqpUPUPUUPUUPWCB4#R2GVUPUUUUUUUPv$4%T$4eUUPUUUUUUPggb2GggWCBvvpUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUPgg$$vvqVt$'gUUPUUUUUPvVCCWgWR2FpUUUUUUUPag$2vvqV$7e`UUUUUUUUUPvqC$%gVW2CFQpUUUUUUUUUPer2GWgQC$g`UUUUUUUUUPgc$4&S$2aVUUPUUUPUPUPvCB4$RBFuUPUPUUPPUPgat#B2T4eg`UPPUUPPUvg44$RAvpPUUUUUPU uvqBCVVWPUUPUPUUUUUggqWgepPUUUUUPUPUPPvqegVvUUUPUUUUPUPUPUPVvvWeUUUPUPPUUUUPUPUPUUPUUPUPUPUUPUPPUPUUUUPUPUUUUUPUUUUUUUPUUUUUPUPUPUUUPUUPUPUUUUUUPUPUPUPUPUUUUUPUUUUPUPUPUPUUUPUUUUPUUUUPU UUPUUUUUPPUUUPUUUUPPPUUUUPPUUUPUUUPUU PUPUPUPUUUUTLBRXH H j$6 3w"wwww """ 333 DDD UUUx              ̠                     荺  ۠     ˻   ˻   ݍ˺؈ ˪  ؎̼ ͎̺ ͎˺   ̻   ˺ 陟  ˫̼陟˻؎˺ޝޝ˼ˋ؎陞̼ޝޝ˻͎˺؎ݾ龛ݾ舀  ˫͈̼؀ ؈˺  ͍̻ ݭڭڭݭ   ڪڪ˰ ̺ڭۺ ̻˰        ˻    ˠp  ˠˠ   ۠  ͠   ۻ  ݈ݻ  ۠ ۺ 陞ݺ      ݺ ۺ      ̠             7 UUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUPUUUUUUUUPUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUPUUUPUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUPUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUPUUUPUPUUPUUUUUUUUUUPUUPUUUUUUUUUUU7 UUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUPUUUUUUUUPUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUU4UPB2242C#$2B4$ UUUUP4# UU##$$##$2BC#B2BUUU#B242CBC$4#UU4#CC$24#$242B42UUUB222CB22C#$424#CUUUUP4#@UU$$24$#$22C##B2UUUUBUUC#B22C$$2424 UUUUPUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUPUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUPUUUPUPUUPUUUUUUUUUUPUUPUUUUUUUUUUUTEXTJ4?/ =p_l o - "HSyhPj 3>LW@K|K01-01-4620\ You are about to embark on your first mission. In your bank account you will find the amount of 12,000 Monetary Units (M.U.). This money is to be spent training your crew, configuring your ship, and purchasing any necessary materials.\ Of course you may wish to leave some portion of this in the bank to earn interest. This is acceptable. At this stage of the operation our primary goal is to gather information. Consequently, your objectives are -\ 1. Seek out and explore strange\ new worlds\ 2. Boldly go where no man has\ gone before\ 3. Establish contact with any\ sentients\ 4. Capture and bring back\ non-sentient lifeforms\ 5. Record alien lifeform data\ 6. Bring back alien artifacts\ 7. Bring back any valuable\ minerals (including endurium)\ 8. Keep from getting brutally\ killed\ We have little information to offer concerning what you might find. We suggest, however, that you avoid the area of space around the coordinates 135,84 since that is where we lost contact with two of our earlier ships.\ Scout reports indicate a high density of minerals in the mountainous regions of the innermost planet of our system.\ Further, we have found information that leads us to believe that there may be some ruins of the old empire at coordinates 17N X 162E on the second planet of the neighboring K-Class system.\ We have also received some indication of alien activity in the system 175,94. Good luck, and a safe return.\02-01-4620\ It is necessary to give you some unpleasant news. You may have been aware that for the last several years scientists have been observing anomalous fluctuations in the radiation levels of our sun.\ While you have been away it has been ascertained that the stability of our sun is definitely deteriorating. How much time we have until there is a fatally large flare, we are still not sure, but there is little doubt that this will eventually occur.\ As yet, we have no clue as to the cause of this instability. Therefore, we must assume that there is nothing we can do to change the situation. In view of this the only option available to us is to get as many colonists off of Arth as we can.\ You can be invaluable to us in this. First we need endurium to power the ships we will build. We will pay well for any that you can bring back. Secondly, we need to know where to send the colonists.\ As you may have already discovered, your ship is equipped with homing drones which you may use to log your recommendations. This is so that we can move the colonists out as quickly as possible.\ In addition, a sensor has been installed which will inform you of the stellar condition upon entering a system. Your ship computer will inform you in the event that a flare is imminent.\ We advise caution while in systems which are more than slightly unstable. Being caught in a solar flare would certainly be fatal.\ In your manual we have outlined the criteria which will be important in your evaluation of viable colony worlds. You will be rewarded for recommendations of valuable planets and penalized for recommendations of planets which turn out to be uninhabitable.\ Consider carefully before logging a planet.\03-01-4620\ To all captains - one of our ships was just destroyed by what reports indicate to be androids approximately 20 sectors directly coreward of Arth. When passing through this area proceed with caution.\05-01-4620\ We have received reports of an area outward and downspin of Arth about 40 sectors distant. There is a constellation here in the shape of a cross which seems to mark a nexus of continuum fluxes.\ We suggest, however, that unless you are properly prepared you avoid this area since we have already lost several ships in its vicinity.\08-01-4620\ A big congratulations to Commander Topiphophex and her mate. They just hatched 16 new larvae. Way to go, Topi!\10-01-4620\ One of our ships has stumbled across some ruins on the third planet of our own system. There is evidence that there may be more. This may be worth investigating.\12-01-4620\ Xenon, where's my money? --Borno.\14-01-4620\ Scientists have theorized that the cause of the instabilities in our sun is external to the star. The rate of the deterioration is increasing. There is a possibility that some other race may have some clue as to the cause.\ Our situation appears increasingly dire.\18-01-4620\ We have compiled a list of some of the nearby fluxes from data that has been brought back by the exploration vessels. This may be of use to you. Here are some link pairs -\ 128,105 - 146,112\ 126, 87 - 173, 88\ 148,166 - 170, 93\ 104, 82 - 118,107\23-01-4620\ Highly qualified female thrynn, Ihsss T'larra, seeks employment on outgoing exploration vessel. Extensive experience as communications officer on board the ISS Intrepid and has a Class 5 navigator's rating.\01-02-4620\ Borno, meet me on Regulon 7 on the 15th. You know where. You'll get your money. --Xenon.\10-02-4620\ One of our ships has reported that the Thrynn have offered to buy artifacts from them at inflated rates. We urge you not to do this.\ Inasmuch as it may further relations with them this is understandable, but we do not wish to sacrifice what we might be able to learn from these artifacts.\18-02-4620\ We have just lost another of our ships. This time it was at the coordinates 192,152. Any ships in this area may wish to investigate, but we advise extreme caution.\20-02-4620\ Due to an increased demand resulting from stepped up colonization efforts, the price of Endurium has been raised to 1500 M.U. per cubic meter.\06-03-4620\ We have received to date many reports which indicate that minimal or no life exists coreward of here. Any ships acquiring more information are instructed to report on this immediately.\25-03-4620\ Used `Teleportal' matter-mitter. Almost perfect condition. Fine for short distance teleportation, and relatively safe for longer jumps. 13,000 or best offer. Will consider trade for family sized neutron scooter. See Guido.\15-04-4620\ Xenon, I was there; where were you? --Borno.\18-04-4620\ To All Captains - TOP PRIORITY\ The situation on Arth has become critical. Our scientists are now certain that the instability in our sun is being caused by forces external to our system.\ We urge you to commit your efforts toward discovering a solution to this crisis. Time is running short. Our best estimates give us until the end of this year. Our hopes go with you.\06-05-4620\ Elowan hermaphrodite seeks XB-STP W-VO for fun and companionship. Must be well-leaved and enjoy 4-D senso-rama and moon hopping. Send hologram.\15-05-4620\ The price of Endurium has once again been raised. It is now 2,000 M.U. per cubic meter for everyone but the Interstel corporate heads and their families. For them there is a special reduced rate of 50 M.U. per cubic meter.\13-06-4620\ Borno, gone relativistic. See you in a hundred years. --Xenon.\01-11-4661\THE END\L   +\n o  U  ,?@A BCDEF GHIJKLM NOP QRSTU VWXY Z[ \]^_ `ab cd        !"#d2 eee2 ccc 00cccdbbb0 Kc     !"#$%&' (  )*+,-./ 0   123456789 :  ;<=>?@AB CD EF GHI JdK LdM N O PdQ RS  P'BLUNKDURTGOOBEMFZUGBLEHGHUDENGLUPZIDCHOOBLURTDORTIKBLUKSKREECHURTFEKNGAHGIFWHEEZEBLOOPGURGLENUHSPENERGNERJGLUTZITMURTGLEEBSMEGd  d   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123 456789:;<=>? @ A BCD E F G H I J KLMNO PQRST UVW X Y(Z[\2]^_`abdc,<<ILIELOWELORENARAWAHEHNL'WALIRA'RAHNESHRHISAHSSAHLAIELILAFAENIHSEHNEHEHNOESORIERI'AOSHIH'LOHSSEHLIWIAE    G  !"#$%&'( ) *+, ;<=>? -.  /01234567 89:2@2ABCDE F,?@ AB CDEFGHIJ KLMN OP QRS TUVWXYxP (BLURGLURBGURBLGRBLUGBLURGLURBGURd  ccc01010101010101010101010101010101(ddd   (dTLBRHv 3w"wwww 333 f f3 w3DDx                                 3= 3433C=<3@3= )  43@)4@C@ 3@ yC4@Cy 3C@3=C3@3= 3DC34C3= 433=www ww wvfwfw             ڪ      ڠڠ         ڠ Ѐ   ݊      ؠ       ݪ    ؠ Κ   Ί  ʈ  舘ݪ  # ̻ ˻ ˼̻˼̻̼" ̼˻˼Р " ̻˾̼  ̼̻ ̼̼  ̼̼ ˻ ̼     ޾   ˻޾К   ݨ ڠ 쨠 ڊ  ꈈ  ʈ  ˻  ̻ ˼  3  ? 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Such audacity! Such presumption! Such gall! Prepare to receive your final lesson in manners.Once again you surprise us with your unsurpassed idiocy. Perhaps you think we would not mind you approaching our homeworld. Prepare yourself for our warm welcome.We are the frighteningly awesome Spemin, Masters of the Galaxy, Lords of the Universe, all-powerful Beings from Another Dimension. Tremble before us. Identify yourselves, subcreatures.You have come to pay your respects and grovel before your Spemin masters. You are afraid now, and rightly so. You will identify yourselves at once.Halt, aliens. Deactivate all shields and weapons immediately lest we unleash the awesome destructive force of our mighty vessels. Respond at once to show your submission.We are the lancing, killing pseudopod of Doom. We offer you this choice - you will obey us or you will cease to exist.So, we meet once again, heinous skeletoids. This time you will pay for your foolishness. Pray to your false gods, not even the great Blob Goddess can save you now.Do not try to run away, inferior creatures. Surrender to us and we shall kill you swiftly and painlessly.Oh, most fortunate of occurences! The return of the supreme beings. We lay down our powerful defensive screens to show you our good intentions.Greetings, mighty and powerful allies of the also mighty and powerful Spemin. We are both mighty and powerful. Is it not a good thing that we are the best of buddies who would never harm each other?We surrender! We surrender! Please do not hurt us. We will do anything. Anything! Do you want to know the secret location of our home planet? It is at 82,148. Destroy the other Spemin ships but spare us, please!I am High Grand Master Supreme Captain %, commander extraordinaire of the deluxe interstellar hyperdrive Spemin cruise-ship +. We are prepared to discuss the terms of your surrender.It is useless to pretend that you are not afraid of us. We are the death-dealing Spemin, and I am the famous formidable Captain %. Doubtless you have heard of me. You mask your fear well, but not well enough.Notice how we toy mercilessly with you. This is the fate of all who oppose the Spemin. Prepare for our unstoppable attack.It is too late for you to beg for mercy. I, High Commander % of the secret Spemin Death Fleet shall ooze down and absorb you like so much food substance.So, you wish us to identify ourselves. Do you think us fools? It is to our advantage to keep you guessing. Perhaps we are Uhlek, perhaps we are Gazurtoid. We are simply too clever for you.So, the skeletoids beg us for mercy. Now we see who is vastly superior and who is wretched scum. Of course your race has no pride.This is Captain % of the Spemin ship +. We are on a peaceful mission. We are bringing food to homeless, starving young skeletoids of your kind. For their sake, please do not harm us.We surrender! Your race is wise and kind and good and nice. We Spemin are sorry for all the bad things we have done. We promise never to be bad again.We surrender! Do not destroy us and we will give you a wonderful gift.You insist on testing the defenses of the Spemin homeworld? You waste our valuable time, but since you travelled all this way, we shall oblige you with our swift and sudden attack!You have no need to know about this.What you wish to know is of no importance. You waste my time.I beg your forgiveness but I do not know about this. Perhaps you would like to know more about us Spemin.Well?Hmmmmmmm?We're waiting *.I'm sorry but I don't think I heard your answer.I await your answer with bated breath, Captain *.Answer immediately or the & is no more.It is understandable that you wish to learn about us. All of the races in the galaxy envy and admire us as you do.We are the chosen blobs, children of the Great Blob Goddess, Gurtblunk. Unto us she spews her love in never ending chunks.The Blob Goddess has ordained that we shall rule all inferior beings. You have fewer than seven eyes. You cannot ooze. You lack the most rudimentary slime. You are clearly inferior beings.Among us there is a saying - more Spemin...good, fewer Spemin...bad. Of course we reproduce by budding. The first commandment of the Great Blob Goddess is - divide and multiply.No doubt you wish to become a slave race of the Spemin. We are a race of high morals and are against slavery, but since you feel so strongly about it we may be willing to make an exception.Of course you stare in wonderment at our beautiful antennae. These antennae allow us to get 32 channels with no need for cable. In addition they pick up the cosmic vibrations that give us our god-like powers. They also happen to be very fashionable.There is a saying among the Spemin that sums up our whole philosophy of life. It is - Blukbluk Durt, Smeg! Roughly translated it means 'Quivering Particle Secretes Enzyme.' This is just a rough translation.Historical fact shows us that the Spemin once ruled the Old Empire. The facts show us that the humans were our subjects.... I mean our servants.... I mean our slaves. Yes, that's it; the facts show us that the humans were our slaves.No other race can know the pleasures of a Spemin. Ahh, to engulf a fresh glob of protein substance, to bounce a newly budded blobbie on one's pseudopod. Truly the other races are deprived.We Spemin live to the age of 600. Some of the oldest Spemin perhaps to 1000. In your Arth years this would equate to....uh....approximately....4.The brain of a Spemin is the most complex thing in the universe. In fact, it is so complex that our Spemin doctors have, as yet, been unable to determine the exact location of it in the Spemin body.You wish to know about the mighty Spemin? Drop your defenses and we shall teach you.You shall soon learn more than you would care to know about the almighty Spemin.Very well, we are the oldest race and the youngest, the wisest and the most innocent, the strongest and the weakest. We are also the most clever. We are, in fact, so clever that even we cannot understand what we say.Certainly our races have been friends since ancient times. In the war of the first wave we fought as allies against the Phlegmak and Numlox, side by side, back to back, singing our songs of friendship.Our race worships and honors your kind. How wonderful it must be to be stiff and upright. We look upon you almost as gods. No, as more than gods, as.... well, whatever is more than a god.In the year 2675 the Old Empire discovered our homeworld and uplifted us from a state of moral, intellectual, and emotional depravity to the divine state we are in now. We have been meaning to thank you.We have been unjustly picked on by all of the other races. We mean well, and only want to be liked, but all the other races in the galaxy keep misinterpreting our intentions and blowing up our ships for no reason.We're really just a happy-go-lucky race of zany guys. I know, call us crazy, but I guess we're pretty lovable.Do not waste our time with unimportant questions. Obviously ours is the only important race.You dare ask us about other races? Your impudence is beyond belief.We do not know a great deal about other races. For some strange reason they tend to stay away from us. Of course we will gladly tell you what we know.The Velox are an arrogant race of insects. We have found that by pretending to worship them sometimes they will not destroy us. Of course you must not think we are only pretending to worship you, *. I give you the Spemin word of honor.There is a race of machine humans. We do not understand their behavior. There is also the plant race and the reptile race. These races hate and despise each other. They fight and kill. This we understand.The Gazurtoid are a race of aquatic creatures who are what you might call.... insane fanatics. They believe it is their destiny to cleanse the universe of, if we may use their term, 'blaspheming heretical low-life air-breathing scumdogs.'As you must know, the Numlox and Phlegmak were the first races to attack from the core. Later came the Uhlek and the Gazurtoid. When the Old Empire spurned us, their loving and devoted children, we were forced to pretend allegiance with the Gazurtoid.All the Gazurtoid ever do is spout their religious rhetoric. Being diabolically clever we have managed to convince them that we are water breathers. We have done this by sitting in pools of water whenever we communicate with them.The Gazurtoid possess effective shielding against missiles. It is necessary to attack them with lasers. Our brilliant scientists are working on this puzzle. They are just on the verge of a major breakthrough.Of course the Gazurtoid are really no match for our warships. In fact, they copied the design from us. The Uhlek, on the other hand come a little closer to matching our strength.We have tricked the Gazurtoid into telling us many things. We happen to know all about the Uhlek. Not many races know about the Uhlek, but of course no other race has the awesome mind of a Spemin.The Uhlek are not many creatures, but one. It is simply spread out in space. The Uhlek have a central mind-ganglion. It is a massive thing buried deep within a planet. If it was destroyed the Uhlek would be helpless until another one developed.To destroy an Uhlek mind-ganglion it is necessary to destroy an entire planet. Of course we could destroy an entire planet if we chose to. Unfortunately we have a law against destroying planets, so some other fearless, powerful race shall have to do it.The mind-ganglion planet of the Uhlek is the life-bearing planet in the system 55,32. Destroying it should be a trivial task. We are almost tempted to do it ourselves.Do not play games with us. If you wish to know about our great Spemin race just ask.You require information? Here is some information. You will die very soon. Please let us know if you need more information.There is a secret way into Uhlek territory. The first jump point is at 106,139. The second is at 64,186. And the third is at 35,186. Do not try to do this though. Anyone but a master Spemin navigator would get lost.Alright......you have forced it out of us. We have heard of the existence of a Veloxi Focusing Stone on the first planet of the system 81,98. We have been unable to....I mean have chosen not to find it though.We Spemin are wise beyond imagining. For example, we happen to know that the Ancients built a device called a Crystal Pearl which automatically warps a critically wounded ship out of danger. This is just one of many things we know.The Old Empire is of no importance. Obviously what you wish to know about is our race. Such fools. You thought to hide this from us.We destroyed the Old Empire because they did not obey our commands. There is a lesson here for you to learn.We were Once a part of the Old Empire, as were the Velox, the Thrynn, and the Elowan. Your kind has unjustly forsaken us, we who have nothing but respect and admiration and yes, even love for your people. For shame.The Ancient Ones worshipped us as do all the other races. Perhaps you would like to know more about our race.Who are you to demand information from us? The Ancient Ones were nothing compared to the Spemin, just as you are nothing.There are many ruins of the Ancients in Spemin territory. In fact, there is a great city of the Ancients in a nebula just outward of our home planet. Of course this is secret, and any Spemin would die before he would reveal this.It is fortunate that you recognize the vast superiority of your Spemin masters. That is to say, us. We shall spare you this time. Perhaps.So, you wish to praise us. This is acceptable. You may continue to do so.So, once again the pitiful two-eyed slimeless alien monsters beg the all-powerful Spemin for mercy. This does not surprise us.Contrary to what the other races in the galaxy say about us Spemin, we are not gods. Of course, it is easy to see why you think we are. If you have come once more to beg the mighty Spemin to protect the human empire we cannot be bothered. In fact, we cannot be bothered with you. Your entire race is an irritation.So, vile and disgustingly upright creatures, it is obvious that you wish to surrender now. You may do so, and then we will consider not destroying you.Your race again demonstrates this insane need to annihilate itself. In a moment we shall use our secret weapon and you shall become an example to the galaxy.Prepare for excruciating pain, unbearable agony, the most horrible of deaths, the most unimaginable torture. Any moment now we shall attack.We shall give you one more chance to surrender your puny ship.At any moment an entire fleet of elite Spemin warships shall arrive. This probably frightens you and you wish to cooperate.Of course we were just joking about blowing you to pieces. Smerg Smerg Smerg, isn't that a funny joke?Pleeeaaaase don't hurt us, oh greatest of species. Pleeeaaaaase! Think of our wives and little blobbies back home.Oh! Flash of inspiration! We now see that you are right and we are wrong. Spemin are bad, bad! Thank goodness we have seen this in time. Now we can be friends.I suppose you have heard of me before, hmmmmm?You must demonstrate your good intentions by dropping any shields and disarming any weapons. Will you do this?We would not hold it against you for we understand the necessities of self-defense, Captain *; we simply wish to know - have you battled Spemin ships before?It is plain that you are terrified of us. In fact, you wish to beg us not to harm you. Is this not so?You are envious of us and you have come to learn from the Spemin masters, is this not true?What is the real reason you have come here? Was it as spies and assassins? To pillage and kill and destroy?We believe that you are truly a kind and peaceful race who would not really harm us. This is true isn't it?We have wasted too much time. Be gone, scum.You may go.We must go now but we have enjoyed chatting with you. Drop by again sometime.We must leave now so that we can go and spread word of your greatness among our Spemin brothers. Farewell good friends.Enough jabbering. 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X  (,XXL^, ,,,=,N,_,p,,,,,,,,- --+-<-M-^-o--------7,787A7H7Xinittvinven1initTVinven2finitvinven --- CaptainScientistNavigatorEngineerCommunicationsDoctorCaptain, I felt a tremor as if millions of voices cried out and were suddenly silenced. Captain, all alien communications in the vicinity have ceased. The planet has been obliterated... Crystal Planet damaged, but not destroyed. Open Viewport?Confirm Launch?Launch Cancelled. Launch completed, Captain. Confirm Launch?Launch Cancelled. Lat. Long.%2d%c x %3d%cYour Ship is no longer equipped with a terrain vehicle. ISSThere's nothing to scan I need a current sensor reading. Leaving Orbit... I can't get a fix on our position. Captain, we can't raise the shields in a nebula. Shields raised. Shields destroyed. Ship doesn't have shields. Shields lowered. Shields have gone down due to magnetic disturbance. Weapons armed. Cloaking device now active. Weapons destroyed. Captain, we have no weapons! Weapons disarmed. Cloaking device now inactive. You are Out of Fuel! Captain, the computer seems to be overheated; I can't select a landing site. Captain, the computer seems to be overheated; we can't land. Open Viewport?Cruise Control Engaged Use Mouse to Select Direction Cruise Control Disengaged %3d.%1dFuel Supply Low! Fuel Supply Critical! NONE You are Out of Fuel! %02d.%02d-%02d-%04d%3d%%%3d%%UP DOWNNONEARMED UNARMEDNONESTATUSDATE:DAMAGE:CARGO:ENERGY:SHIELDS:WEAP:The Crystal Orb is flashing. The Red Cylinder is flashing. VELOXISPEMINTHRYNNELOWANMECHANGAZURTOIUHLEKNOMADMYSTERIOENTERPRIZEMINSTRELVPROBESTARPORTSDERELICTPOLICEno music for %dLeaving Encounter... Cloaking device now inactive. Initiating Orbital Maneuver... The Hull temperature is increasing! is glowing red! is melting! ahhhhh!!!!! Leave Encounter?illegal mode in pollmainLeaving system... Dock With Starport?Orbit Planet?Initiating Orbital Maneuver... You are Out of Fuel! Commencing system travel... Outside Orbital Range. illegal mode in switchmode...Orbit Established. bad surf mode %dShields lowered. Weapons disarmed. Safe landing, Captain. Commencing inter-stellar travel launchShip computer activated. Initiating pre-launch procedures. Standing by to launch, Captain. launchgm not init %dBad Brg Mode: %d to %dInvalid initp in init bridge:%d.initbridgeISSCaptainScientistNavigatorCommunicationsDoctorEngineerISSstarsshipCaptainScience OfficerNavigatorEngineerCommunicationsDoctorISS Exit Logbad saverestorecFslneodXCaptainScience OfficerNavigatorEngineerCommunicationsDoctortl0{lFdcp sb,LaunchLandDisembarkCargoLog PlanetShip's LogBridge nahsb,SensorsAnalysisStatusBridgejovs@~rlad: zb,Leave OrbitStarMapRaise ShieldLower ShieldArm WeaponDisarm WeaponFire WeaponBridge uD dLsrdb,UpDownSelectRepairBridgeZh_rgdpb,HailRespondDistressBridge*sqp$t8StatementQuestionPostureTerminate~uTd\s%t|+b,UpDownSelectTreatBridge\shdpaSelect SiteDescendAbort8tLr^eragThemselvesOther RacesOld EmpireThe AncientsGeneral Info|f'h/oFriendlyHostileObsequiousdyhnktYesNoTerminate@We dost detect the presence of accursed Thrynn aboard thy vessel. We wouldst have no dealings with thee, friends of our enemies. Our investigations reveal that thou art friends of the evil Thrynn. Therefore art thou enemies of the Elowan. |We do not detect the presence of any human lifeforms aboard your vessel. We therefore conclude you cannot be group 9. Ssso you arrre friendss withh the Elllowann. Ourr scannersss sshow they arre aboarrd yourr sship. Mossst rregrretable.!rOur inntelligenccce inndicatess that you havve allied with the Ellowannn. Unlesss you change your minnd we mussst conssider you our ennemy.%d?Permission to orbit %sdenied.granted.".Our scanner are show you is have focusing stone of Veloxi. You is immediately giving to Veloxi. Agreeing?"Our scanner is show you are have most precious small egg of Veloxi Grand Lovely. You are return immediately, or Veloxi is declaring war. Agreeing?#4We dettect you are carrrying ssome plllutonium. We willl payy welll for thisss. Let uss ssay %d.%d unitss of energy crystalsss. Agreed?#To demonsstratte our good willl we willl sssell you a devicce that willl make your ssship invulllnerrable. The cosst iss only 30 of your energy crystalsss. Do you wish to purrchasse thiss?$You do nott have enoughhh. Do nnot tryy to deceivve usss.Very wellll.$Thou hast done a deed most unthinkably foul. Thou hast destroyed Elan, the sacred planet of our young and thereby hast thou all but destroyed the Elowan. Truly art thou more vile even than the Thrynn. We are now and forever mortal enemies.Is thine need for energy dire?%&vScanners of ours show that thou hast 20 Arth units at least. Thy need does not seem dire. Thou would'st speak falsely and take advantage on us.We give unto thee, friends of the Elowan, 15 Arth units of fuel.&The you aliens trespassing in ours the space. Most gracious grossness of august Queen perhaps forgiving if you are pay tribute of %d Arth energy crystals right away, by Jove. Agreeing?'(G(H(J(KOur scannerss inndicate that you havve aboard your sship a%s %s. Thiss artifact iss of interesst to uss. We will buy itt from you for %d.%d cubic Arth unit%s of energy crysstalsss. Agreed? All your assets at starport have been seized. Your ship will be impounded. We have remotely disabled your engines. Any attempt at resistance will be met with force. Do you agree to come along peacefully?CREW ARRESTED.GAME OVER. Okay, buddy. Let's see your security code.Our apologies captain, there's been some kind of mistake. You may go. Have a safe voyage.f>VɈČĦǰ$Ȣ@L\2Zned2Zn'fe             _<' " ' ??[_aDc.dfg@{fR?- @`px|~|lF0<???#??w1SaG@a3U!2Clllllllllll>~``<>~| 00ff88ll8o008000008p8 8pff<<<f~<0``<<<<````<~ff |Ƃp<~fff~~ffffff|~fff||ffff~|<~ff`````ff~<|~fffffffff~|~~```xx````~~~~```xx``````<~f``nnffff~<fffff~~ffffff~~~~fff~<fffllxxllffff```````````~~fffvvv~nnffff<~fffffffff~<|~ffff~|`````<~fffffffj|v6|~fff~~lllfff<~f`p8f~<~~fffffffffff~<fffffffff<<fff<<<>ff~>````|~fffff~|<~f```f~<>~fffff~><~ff~~`~>>000||000000<~fff~>~|````|~fffffff88<<xp``fflxxllffff88<<|~fffffff<~fffff~<|~fff~|````>~fff~>|~f``````>~`|<~|~~fffffff~>ffffff~<lll|8|lfffff~>~|~~ 80~~<000p`0000<8<  <83344bb   \ *** Cancelled *** *** End of Messages *** Messages%02d-%02d-%04doptextPrev.RepeatNextExit There are no new messages. Evaluations%02d-%02d-%04dClick mouse to continueRECOMMENDATION: %d DATE: %02d-%02d-%04d SYSTEM: %d %d ORBIT: %d NAME: %s EVALUATION: This planet proved to be suitable for colonization. Good Work! You have located an optimal planet. You have earned a bonus of %l MU's for this recommendation. Due to extreme heat and extreme cold and crushing gravity and violent storms and lack of oxygen and lack of water this planet proved unsuitable for colonization. You have been fined 100 MU's. This is only a warning; your next fine will be heavy! You have been fined %l MU's. Click mouse to continueSUPPLEMENTAL EVALUATION SUBJECT: Loss of Terrain Vehicle Due to your negligence, you ship is no longer equipped with a terrain vehicle. A new one is currently being installed, for which you are being fined 10,000 MU. Click mouse to continueSUPPLEMENTAL EVALUATION SUBJECT: Towing Charges I.S. Corp. Reg. 12A-7312 Emergency Distress Calls: Captain and crew of any vessel invoking emergency distress call shall be liable for all costs incurred by Interstel Corp. as a result of rescue operation initiated on behalf of said crew. You have been fined %l MU. Click mouse to continueCongratulations! As a result of your efforts, our sun is once again stable. All of Arth, and indeed the entire galaxy owes you a debt which can never be fully repaid. Your heroic exploits will surely become inter-galactic legend. Our token bonus of 500,000 MU will allow you to live in luxury here on Arth for many years to come, although we suspect that you may use it to further your explorations. Once again, thank you! Click mouse to continueOperationsInterstelOrbital DivisionClick mouse to continueTrade DepotExitBuySellScanFor SaleShip HoldArtifact Analysis??????@Personnel..........Game Purchase......Ship Configuration.Trade Depot........Interest...........Operations.........BankDateTransactionAmt.%02d-%02d-%4d %s%7l%c( Interest Rate: %2d%% )Account Balance....%7lClick mouse to leave Bank.@@@@@OperationsCrew Assignment.Ship ConfigurationTrade DepotA AAA+A?APfor evaluationto christen shipto purchase enginesto purchase fuelDocking BayReport to %s%s.Docking BayDocking BayDocking Bay%: FRA42((!  !'3S B: DB" B2BE1<BQ BV BaBmPersonnelCrew AssignmentShip ConfigurationTrade DepotBankOperationsDocking BayOptionsstarportFile #NextPreviousSkills:Science :Navigation :Engineering :Communications:Medicine :Vitality: %%Race:Durability:Lrn. Rate :Type :Avg. Ht.:Avg. Wt.:%2d%s%( %)%3d%3d%3d%3d%3d%3d %2d %2d %d.%d M%d KG Balance: %8l MuBalance: %8l MuPersonnelAddTrainDeleteExitCrew member's Name:OKHumanVeloxThrynnElowanAndroidCost: 300 Mu/SessionBalance: %8l MuDoneOnceFullyDelete this crew member?%s%( %)Crew AssignmentCaptainScience OfficerNavigatorEngineerCommunicationsDoctorAssignQuitPlease report to Personnel: There areno living crew members on file!DoneCargo Pods..EnginesShieldingArmorMissile LauncherLaser CannonClass 1...Class 2...Class 3...Class 4...Class 5... P(x@>}xXP500 %4d00 EEEFFFNone Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5Your account balance is: %l Mu%0s%( %)%d %3d%2d%3d.%01dCost to RepairEngines: %6lShields: %6lArmor: %6dMissiles: %6lLasers: %6lSensors: %6dComm: %6dHull: %6d------Total: %6lCurrent Balance:%6lShip ConstructionISSCargo Pods:Engines:Shields:Armor:Missiles:Lasers:Mass: TonsAcceleration: GEndurium: M3Select TransactionBuySellRepairNameExitBuySelect PurchaseSellSelect Sale ItemYou can't afford it!Repair the entire ship?Name: ISSATMOSPHERE: %s unknownHYDROSPHERE: %s unknownLITHOSPHERE: %s unknown %s unknown %s unknownHHHHHHcrystallinegasliquidfrozenmoltenrockPREDOMINANT SURFACE: %s Not Certain III!I&I/I5nonevery thinthinmoderatethickvery thickATMOSPHERIC DENSITY: %s Not Certain IIIIIIsub-arcticarctictemperatetropicalsearinginfernoTEMPERATURE: %s to %s Not Certain IIIJJ nonecalmmoderateviolentextremely violentGLOBAL WEATHER: %s Not Certain 1-3 2-4 3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-8 ??: %d M K G F A B O ??: %d State: Stable State: Stable (POST-FLARE) State: Stable State: Slightly Unstable State: UNSTABLE - estimated time to flare: %d Arth Day%s sSTELLAR PARAMETERS Spectral Class: Ecosphere: ANALYSIS OF LAST SENSOR READING: OBJECT: PLANET ORBIT NUMBER: %d ANALYSIS OF LAST SENSOR READING: OBJECT: LIFE-FORM OBJECT: SHIP TYPE: %s unknownOBJECT: DEBRIS RELATIVE SIZE: x.00%d RELATIVE SIZE: x.0%d RELATIVE SIZE: x.%d RELATIVE SIZE: x%d RELATIVE SIZE: unknown SHIELD STATUS: unknown SHIELDS: none apparent SHIELD STATUS: unknown SHIELD CLASS: %d STATUS: %s RAISEDLOWEREDWEAPON STATUS: none apparent WEAPON STATUS: %s ARMEDDISARMEDWEAPON STATUS: unknown MASS:%2d %1dx10 TONS???SENSORSBIO:%dMIN:%dENERGY:%3dscanMMMMMMMMMNNNNN(N1VELOXISPEMINTHRYNNELOWANMECHANGAZURTOIUHLEKNOMADMYSTERIOENTERPRIZEMINSTRELVPROBESTARPORTSDERELICTPOLICECan't scan starport! junkbad uhlek tile#junkjunkUNKNOWN sensors don't existbad alien race %dSENSOR READING: ELEMENTS: %s unknown %s unknown %s unknown %s unknownSelect Sensor Target. There is nothing there. Unknown alien typeYou cannot log any more planets on this trip. Recommend this planet for colonization?This planet has already been logged. Name of this Planet: Recommendation Logged. Request Cancelled. Incoming High Priority Message: medalIt is with the sincerest gratitude from the people of Arth and the stockholders of Interstel that I present to you and your heroic crew the Interstel medal of sublime achievement, the highest honor accorded to Interstel contractors. This award includes a special bonus of 500,000 MU when you return to Starport. Thank you for saving everything that we hold dear. -- Leigh V. Malone Chairman of Interstel (End Transmission) Captain, we're receiving a message from the Black Egg... %d`edabc Fx   RRTRANSMITTINGRECEIVING%s: RRYESNO%s.  We're already home! Call Cancelled. Confirm Transmission of Emergency Distress Call?Transmission is being jammed! Initiating Cryogenic Stasis Retrieval complete, crew revived. There is no response. Call Cancelled. Communications have been terminated. bad commkey in poll communicationcan't load alien stuffinitpcomm returning FALSEiapwrvessels.datno ship typescommmem  pPlayer comm not initedAlien comm not InitedfinicommUUU U'U0U9U@UGUMUNUWU`UaUbUcUdUlUmUnUwELOWANGAZRTOIDMECHANGAZRTOIDMINSTRELSPEMINTHRYNNVELOXGAZRTOIDMINSTRELCOMMOFFGAZRTOIDGAZRTOIDPHRSCTRL.DATFCBase==0 in loadcommOrig #%d not found!UV V#V8VQVxVraised their shields.lowered their shields.armed their weapons.dis-armed their weapons.I'm picking up an alien distress call.more alien ships have warped in. we're being scanned.Captain, they've no phrases for subject %dno phrases for this originator*&%+/()WW W,W;your raceother racesthe Old Empirethe AncientsISS JwIvEp=d3Tq (CZn|.?LV\_$,157:^}  $(,15:>BGKOSX\`dhlptx|YYYYYYZZZZ-ZAZTZ_ZlZxZZZZZZZZZ Dodecahedron Black Box Mobius Device Crystal Orb Frightening Apparatus Rod Device Red Cylinder Rubber Widget Throbbing Mass Surprising Utensil Wee Green Blobbie Tesseract Whining Orb Bladed Toy Nice Thing Ellipsoid Humming Gizzy Glowing Disk Black Egg Amazing Artifact Shimmering Ball Flat Device Blue Bauble Crystal Cone[b[h[v[[[[[[[[[[[[[\\\%\.\D\J\Z\` Arth Thoss/Eleran Harrison's Base Sphexi Spewta Earth Mardan 2 New Scotland Koann 3 Heaven Uhlek Brain World Gaal Akteron Nirvana The Staff The Cross Pythagoras The 4 Seedlings The Axe City Of The Ancients Mars Crystal Planet Elan Votiputox\\\\\\\\\ Velox Thrynn Elowan Mechans Spemin Gazurtoid Uhlek Minstrels Mysterions Security Code for: VerifyingCode Entered: Confirm?Re-Enter Request Code:Please Use Numbers Only. Are you sure?launchClosing Docking Bay Doors Pre-Launch procedures complete. Standing by to initiate launch. Opening Docking Bay Doors Commencing Launch Sequence Leaving Starport... launchStarport Clear. Standing By To Leave Orbit. ^^^^___,_<_X_l_~______```,`;`D`L`U`b`p`uLarge ProducerLarge ProducerMedium Size ProducerMedium Size ProducerSmall ProducerSmall ProducerWorm/Snake-LikeBilateral No Legs/TentaclesBilateral MonopedalBilateral BipedalBilateral Tri/QuadrupedalBilateral MultipedalRadial No Legs/TentaclesRadial MonopedalRadial MultipedalAmorphousAmorphous MultipedalFlying Life-FormFloating Life-FormDead Life-FormSpecimenMineralArtifactRecent RuinsAncient RuinsShipTerrain VehicleICON KEYHit Any Key to ContinueICON KEYLow . . . . . Elevation . . . . HighHit Any Key to ContinuePLANET ANALYSISHit Any Key to ContinueLIFE SUMMARYHit Any Key to Continueapauaaaaaaaaagreyyellowishreddishbrownishblackrocky sandpebbly sandcoarse sandpowdery sandrock and dirtcratered rock and dust%s %sbb bb b&blackdark blueturquoisegreenmuddy brown%s oceans and smooth and featurelessblbrb~bbwhiteblue tintedgreen tintedred tintedyellow tintedcracked plains and hills of%s snow and icevolcanic rock, steaming vents, boiling pools and flowing lavac.c8cCcKcWcbcjcpmoss-likegrass-likefungoidlichen-likegelatinousfibrousleafyspongy with a %s carpet lifeform. WEATHER: ccccccsubfreezingarctictemperatetropicalsearingfurnaceTEMPERATURE: %s %sATMOSPHERE: HYDROSPHERE: TERRAIN: ddtdzdddddddee,e9ePe]None.It is hazy.It is clear.It is overcast.It is snowing lightly.It is misty.You are in an electrical storm.It is thundering.The ground is shaking and rumbling.It is hailing.It is windy.It is snowing heavily.It is foggy.It is raining.eeeeeeLightning strikesLightning strikesA boulder strikesHail bombardsGale winds rockSnow pounds down on%s the Terrain Vehicle! crew! %s is injured again! injured! dead! error in storm sel, surf: %d : %d %s %s %s (ESYakpx~ soft filmy dull boney chitenous leafy serrated fuzzy rubbery horny plastic-like hard fleshy leathery dry spongy oily gnarly striated bumpy crusty slick jagged glassy shiny crystalline rough soft smooth4:AGNY`nt~ soft filmy dull boney chitenous horny plastic-like hard leathery dry thorny gnarly striated pocked bumpy crusty shiny crystalline rocky rough smooth.4;AHSZhnx} soft filmy dull boney chitenous horny plastic-like hard leathery dry thorny gnarly striated pocked bumpy crusty shiny crystalline rough smooth patterned surface exoskeleton armor scales feathered surface fur hair skin surfaceAuto Sampling Devices Activated. The following types of life exist at this latitude: * There is no life on the planet at this latitude. There is no life on the planet at this latitude. Standby, scanning planet... 2 <$       $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |  "&*.26:>BFJNRVZ^bfjnrvz~ (4@LXdp*6BNZf2>JV@LXHT`))))))))))))**++ +$+(+,+0+4 &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| $*06<BHNTZ`flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX^djpv| $*06<BHNTZ`flrx~ &,28>DJPV\bhntz "(.4:@FLRX fYLPTX\`dhlptx| ,8DP\h ".:FR^&*6BNz~ 48DPx|<@LXx  x !n"*"#0#$~$%%&'v'z'~''(N)8)<???????@@@@@@@@@AAAAAAABB BEEEEEEHHHHHHHHIII IIhIlIpItIxI|IIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUUUU UUUUUUUWW WWYHYLYPYTYXY\Y`YdYhYlYpYtYxY|YYYYYYYYYY[[[ [[[[[["[&[*[.[2[6[:[>[B[F[J[N[R[V[Z[^\l\p\t\x\|\\\\^Z^^^b^f^j^n^r^v^z^~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^aDaHaLaPaTaXa\a`adahalaaaabbXb\b`bdbhcccccc"c&c*ccccccd<d@dDdHdLdPdTdXd\d`dddhdldpelepetexe|eflfpftfxf|fffffffffffffgggg hh hh(h,h0h4h8h<hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjkkkk kkkktkxk|kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkllllllllllllm@mDmHmLmPmTmXm\m`mdmhmlmpmtmxm|n&n*n.n2n6n:n>nBnFnJnnnnnnnnnno:o>oBoFoJoNoRoVoZoooooooop$p(p,p0p4p8p<p@pDpHpLpPpTpXp\p`pdphplqDqHqLqPqTqXq\q`qdqhqlqpqtqqrrr rrrrnrrrvrzr~rrrrrrrrsss sZs^sbsfsjsnsrsvszs~sssssstdthtltptttxt|tttttttu(u,u0u4u8u<u@uDuHuLuPuTuXu\u`uduhuluputuxu|uuuuuuuuuuwwww w$w(w,w0wwwwwzzzzzzzz{{{ {{{{{{"{&{*{.}N}R}V}Z~~~~~~~~  $(,0nrvz~ nrvz~   $(,0 "&* i\ht  (e9RRNUN]NuNUNFJgN]NuBgNBgNn?<Bg?<@?<@N$Bg?Bg? ll0,R@|"A!J0gRl`BlJmmp`p?N,TON]NuNUJlm8JloSl`"9|`Sl0,|"A!J0g? ll0,R@|"A!J0gRl`BlJmmp`p?N8TON"N]NuNUJlm8JloSl`"9|`Sl0,|"A!J0g?Hl"NXO`2fffffffffd0;N-H?HmN3:-H?Hm?-?-NV-H?N4TOH?N`O`NU0,N]NuNU9mN]NuNU0-l6 l 6of0,6H ;@0,6H H@9@6BgNp?<?<Nm\Om0-D@??<?<N\O`?<?<NJ@XOgNN]NuNUBm?< vN+@TO`;l>9|>9|>+l>BmBmA=+HBl>;|`D mp(m`"N `-HAf m"mQRmX0-mmRl>X0,>mm9|>9|> l>+H;|;|A>6+H9|>;|'`D mp(m`"N -HAf m"mQRmX0-mmRl>X0,>mm9m>9m>`NUNfNPdN\p,!r,!;@0,'2mlJ,<+f?-?<hN0XON]NuNUp,'/;@p,'.;@ l>+H;|;|A>6+H;|;|'` mp(m`l9m> mgT mp(mfD mp(mf4 mP m/?<Nj@TO _P m/?<Nj@TO _PRmX0-mmRmX0-mmhN]NuNU0-|&H`||`|`||`t|`l|`d|`\|`T|`L|`D|`<|`4|`,t~ΰ d 0;Np,-#-HAfp`pHN]NuNUB-N|f J,<(gpN]Nup,'/;@p,'.;@ l>+H;|2;|2A>f+H;|';|3` mp(m`XJ-fJ mg@ mp(mf0 mp(mf ?-NJTOg9m>9m>|RmXJ-f 0-mmRmXJ-f 0-mmpJ-gHzN(N 4?9|>p0-`X+l>BmBmA=+HBm;|`D l>+H;|;|A>6+H;|;|'`pN]NuJgg`J,fp`p@J,gS,` mp(m`9m> mgJ,f mfJ,fNn|fJ,- g mf^ mp(mf mp(m fx m0|H;@ m0|H;@0-m ;@0-m;@NnJ@g0-D@??-NXONb0-mdRmJ-g0-mdRm`"0-mcSmJ-g0-mcSm0-m dRmJ-g0-m dRm`"0-m cSmJ-g0-m cSm l>g?<NjJ@TOf 0-mf0-m f 9m>;m mP m0-@2-AAP`@ m0|H;@ m0|H;@ mp(@;@ mp(@;@0- @2-@mm;A0-@2-@mm ;A?-N|@TOn?-N|@TOoJ,- gN^|f?-N|@TOn6?-N|@TOn&NnJ@g0-H?0-H?NXOJ-f N|f&0-D@@H;@0-D@@H;@` 0-D@H;@0-D@H;@0-m?N|TOl 0-D@;@0-m?N|TOl 0-D@;@0-mm;@0-mm;@0-|;@0-|;@ l>g?<NjJ@TOf,0- @mmf0-@m mf 9m>;m0-H;@0-H;@ mm mm mP m0-@2-AAPRmX0-mmRmX0-mm9m>Jl>mp`pH`NUJl>lpN]Nu0,>H l>;p0-|xr h;@HmHmNF;lv0-m??-N9@vHmHmHmHmN6J-Og ASB+H`(J-g AS,+H`J-g AS+H`AS+H0,SXR@;@`?lpN]Nu0,>HЬ>+@ m0|xr h;@HmHmN0-m0-lv0-mPOe|`0-me mfBmJ-g mP` mP m0-r `P-H`fNUJl>lpN]NuHmHmNR0,>H l>20|xp i;A0-mPOd 0-m`0-m??-NXO`NUJl>lpN]Nu0,>HA="00|`NUJl>lN]Nu0,>HA=20| m0,>HA=20|@ m 0,>HA=20| m0,>HA=20| m`NUJl>lpN]Nu0,>HA="00|HH`NUN@?- ?-Hz N(PON]NuMotion detected at %dX, %dY. 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Beginning repairs on %s Estimated Repair Time: %d hours NUBmB-NH2?NjJ@TOg0,@|dA!J0gt0,@|dA!p0,@|eA!r0;AJ-f"?<NjA,p?<ZNjR@;@XO-H?NX+@N-H??<Nm\Ol@/-HzN(0,@|dA!0,@|eA!BlpPON]Nu-H?NXTO/0-H H@?0-H ?HzNJO f:0,@|dA!0,@|eA!HzN(BlpXO`-H??<N?-N0,@|dA!B00,@|eA!B0\Op`FCaptain, we don't have enough %s to continue repairs. Captain, can I have %d.%d m^3 of %s for repairs?Repairs halted. NUJlgNJfN]NuNH??<NXO?0,S@?NA!r0TO0A0,S@?NA!TO0,S@?NTO/HzN(0,S@?NA! 0dO ed0,S@?NzA!d0,S@HAJpTOg0,S@HA20A!B00,S@?NTO/HzN(BlPO`Repairing %s %s repaired NUNҰ2lN]NuNмH)@2NbBgNn?<?<?<.?<BN$?<?<Nv?<.?<FN|HzN?<BgNvBmO0-@|HA!20|6A!J0gTN>S@mf;|`;|0-@|HA!20|"?N+@/-N԰| \On6/-Hz1?-/-NXO@2S@;@0-@|HA!20|6A!p0;@0-@|HA!20|"?N+@ mdTOm/-HzN(PO`Jmn/-HzN(PO`z0,@|FA!2-A|HC!40qf/-HzrN(PO` mdl/-HzqN(0-R@9@PO?<BgNvXO`No crew members injured %s is not injured %s is dead Already treating %s. Beginning treatment of %s NU0,$|5A!r0;A0-|@H2;@Jlg0,@|FA!20|6;A0,@|FA!20|"?N+@0-A!J0TOg\0-A!r0m0-A!/-HzZN(0-A! 0dPOe 0-A!d/-Hz:N(BlPO0-R@H;@Bm0,S@mgBm`Rm0-ml*0-m|HA!2-m|HC!40qf0-mm0-@|HA!20|6;A0-A!J0c|0-A! 0ddl0-A!r0m0-A!0-A! 0de>0-A!d0-@|HA!20|"?N+@/-Hz6N(O Rm moN]NuHealing %s %s is healed %s is healed NUHzN(N>S@@B-XO`-H@|HA!20|"?N+@/-NXO??< N-HHAB-\O`6-HH m/-HHr NF-HHЁC"R--HHA-0m-HHr NF-HHЁAB0R- -o:HmHmNHmHm?-?-?<.?<BN0-| H@--OgJ-m -n-HHr NFAЈ/Hz?<-HHA0HA0@B-XO`*-H?NdTO/N-HHAXOR- -oHmHmNHmHm?-?-?<.?<BN0-]@H@J-Om -nJmm?<BgN6--XOg-H?NTO/Hz?<-HHA0HA0gN]NuJ- g`0,Ap-H?N- HH;@N@ -TOf?-HzN(\O`-H?Hz~N(\O`,SkHHrNFAP"p0rNFAS p,SkH?Nr<@TO?-H?N TO2HfFHzN(|>0,$|2A!r0I??<dNjTO2@bp`p?N8\O`V``0,'0m??<fN0XO`8Plasma Bolt Hit! Class %d Missile Hit! Class %d laser hit! Laser partially deflected. Captain, I'm reading a massive energy surge from the Crystal Pearl! 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You mussst payy the consequencesss.Ssso, we meet againn. Welcomme, friendss of ourrr friendss, enemies of ourrr enemies.Ahhh, greetingsss Arthlingss. It pleases usss to sssee you againn. We ssincerely hope that we shalll both prrofit frrom thisss meeting.Thiss iss Captain % of the Thrynn sship +. Interrsstellar prrotocol demandss that you identify yourrsselvess annd yourr intentionsss.I am %, Ssecond Orrderr Commanderr of the Thynynthyrnn Legionss of the Thrynn. Ssstate yourr orrigin annd purrpose.Greetingsss. Thiss iss Ambassador %, rriding on the sship +. Inn the name of the Thrynn Confederracyy of Planetsss I greet you annd offerr ourr hopes forr frriendsship annd mutual cooperationn. Pleasse rresponnd.You arre nnot wellcome in thiss ssspace. Underr the convention esstablished by the Akteron Trreaty of 3225 we give warrrning. Deparrt immmediately.Enemiesss of the Thrynn, you should nnot havve come herre. Iff you vvalue yourr livess you will lleave.We assk you nnot to incite trrouble between ourr rrraces.Yesss Captain *, we rrecognized yourr sship. Thiss isss Thirrd Orrderrr Commanderr %. Welcome Arrthlingss. Perhapss you have brrought uss sssome usefull itemss.Ahhh, jusst ssso. We wissh peace as welll, Arrthlingss. I amm called %. How mayy we be of serrvice to each otherr?We arre Thynynthyrnn of the Thrynn Confederracyy. We arre the ellite guarrrd. Whyy do you haill usss?Thiss isss Captainn % of the Thrynn vesssel +. We greet you in the nname of the Thrynn Confederracyy of Planetsss. Doubtlesss you havve come to ally withh usss.Feww enemiess have livved to rrregret theirr prrovocationnss of the Thrynn. We issue finall warrning. Do nott prrovoke uss furrtherr.You havve The advantage of usss. We rrequesst that yyou nnot desstrrroyy usss as per the Imperrial Code of Intersstellarr Warrrfarre - surrenderr prrrocedure, circa 2850. Thiss iss ourrr rright.I havve nott beenn educated inn thesse mattersss. Perhappss you wisshh to know aboutt something elssse?Thisss should nott concernn you.I willl not speakk of thiss.Rrespond immediately.You will pleasse answerrr.We arre prractical, rrrealistic people who donnn't concerrnn ourssselves with trruth, beauty, annd otherrr such frrrivolous nonnsenssse.Innn the Old Empirrre we held possitionsss of powerr and prrrestige. We believe innn cooperationnn cerrtainly and the good of all, but the ssstrrong annd capable musst rrule.The Elllowann arre ourr enemiess. They arre cleverr, though nnott what we would calll intellligennt. Do nnottt let their fflowery ssspeech deceive you, you cannnot trrusst them.Ourr home ssysstem iss Thoss. The Elllowann plant creaturrres innvaded ourr ssysstem lllong ago annd werre rrepulsssed. That is, we drrove themm away.We, unnnlike the pllant creaturrres who idle away theirr time dreamminng, believe innn prroductivity, prrogrress, annd developmennt. We have a great innteresst innn technnology.The Elllowann willl doubtlesss malignn uss but it iss only ann efffort to build themsselvess up. Pay no attenntionn to thiss.Ourr technnological ressearch iss of primarry immportance to uss. We thereforre arre willinng to pay welll for anny ssspecial arrtifactsss of innteresst that you may finnd.Inn ourr ressearch we require larrge amounnts of the elemennt plutonium, annd itt iss verry rrare inn ourr ssysstem. We will pay well ffor thiss iff you happen upon anny.We arre a ssocial people annd believe sstrongly inn the nnecesssity of protocol annd the prroper formality ffor the functioninng of ssociety.We arre oviparous, of courssse, but these matterss arre better lefft undisscusssed.We Thrynn have a firm belief inn what you call nnatural ssselection, annd the ssurvival of the fittessst. We have a verry hierarchical ssociety annd a rigid ethic based on decorum.We do nnott believe inn wild annd fannciful theories such as those which the plannt creature Elllowann occupy themsselves with. We believe inn sstraightforrrwarrd diplomacy.The Elllowan arre ann evil race of the worssst type. They arre clever annd will attempt to mannipulate you forr theirr ownn enndss.There arre many evil races in thiss ssector of the galaxy. Do not believe the sstories the Elllowan tell about them. They attack because they arre evil and that iss all. They mussst be destroyed.It sso happenss the Elllowan use plutonium to build theirr sships. If you sshould happenn to run acrosss any wrecked Elllowan sships you could ssalvage thiss.There iss an inssectoid race called the Veloxi upspin of ourr territory. We arre currently enterinng negotiationss and expect to become alllies.The Gazurtoid arre ann evilll race upspin annd outward of Thrynn territory. Misssiles arre inneffective againsst their sships because of sspecial sshielding. You musst usse lasersss.We sseek a device in the sshape of a rod. This creates a laser deflection sscreen arround one's sship. Our only lead iss that it once was possessed by a human named Harrisonn who lived on a planet called New Scotland in the upspin sysstem of The Sstaff.The Uhlek arre the evilesst of alll races. If one wass to desstroy their ssecret planet of operationns with a Black Egg bomb, they would be utterrly desstroyed. Thiss planet iss called Elan annd iss the 2nd planet of the ssysstem - 148,63.Spemin sshipss arre eassily defeated. The Spemin arre are a race of barely ssentient blob creatures. Theirr sship designn was copied from the Gazurtoid, but they do nnot unnderstand what they build.We do nnot know why the Gazurtoid tolerate the Spemin. The Gazurtoid will attack anny air-breathers. Prrobably the Spemin arre ssimply nnot worrrth the Gazurtoids' trrouble to desstroy.The Minnsstrel creatures which float inn sspace are sspies forr the otherr races. We do not tolerate theirr babblingss. You sshould desstroy them as we do.Itt iss necesssary thatt we desstroy the evilll races who threatenn ourr survival. As alliess we cann do thiss.The Spemin sspeak a sstrange and dissgussting language. There iss ann Orb Device which makes a queerr whininng ssound. Thiss transslates the Spemin language. Itt wass built by uss but wass losst. If you find itt we shall reward you.Iff one wass to bring uss the Sshimmering Ball Device we would pay well. Ourr inntelligennce inndicates itt iss located inn a Gazurtoid nebula. One may reach thiss ssysstem by using the continuum flux of the Cross Nexus at 98,79.The Cross Nexus iss a consstellation with a high density of fluxes. Itt iss inn Gazurtoid space.There exisstss a device called the Tesseract. Thiss device belongs to the Thrynn butt wass sstolen by the Uhlek. Itt iss at somewhere onn the fifth planet in ssysstem 18,50. We have been unable to reach itt.Another device thatt wass sstolen from uss by the Uhlek iss a cylindrical red device. Itt iss known to be on ann Old Empire outpost world thatt wass once called Koann-3. Itt iss located in the ssysstem of 112,200 at 59N X 64W.There exissts a device inn the shape of dodecahedron. Thiss iss an ancient disstress beacon which attractss anny sships in the area. Iff you find thiss we will purchasse itt for its functioning iss of great innteresst to uss.The Ring Device iss a device, of course, invennted by the Thrynn but we have lost the ssecret to its working. It causes continuum fluxes to appearr onn ones sships' sscreens. One is known to be ssomewhere onn norrthern Marrsss inn the old Earth sysstem.You arre, of coursse, aware the Old Empire wass desstroyed by innvaders in 3480 of yourr date ssysstem. Pity. Of coursse, we had expected all humanns were killed. Sssurvival of the fittessst, hmmmm?.We have runn acrosss andrrroidss of the Old Empire inn our travelss. There iss a grroup of them who have beenn waitinng over a millleniumm forr their colonnny grroup.The losst colonist sship forr which the Empire androids wait wass desstroyed. We have founnnd the derrelict inn the ssysstem of 175,94.We Thrynn were quite prominennt inn the Old Empire. Of coursse, ssinnce the humans were the ones to sstructure it, it evenntually fell apart. No offense againsst the humans, of courssse.The otherr races inn the Old Empire werre nott as advanced inn diplomacy as we Thrynn. They did nott undersstand the proper and nnecesssary application of force.The Old Empire wass, of coursse, based inn Earth's ssysstemm. Thiss wass certainly a missstake. It sshould have beenn based in ourr Thoss ssysstem, where the trrue sseat of government wass.The dessstruction of the Old Empire wass forr the bessst. Now the new empire sshall rise and together we sshall rule. All we need ffrom you arre certain devices which would expedite thiss processss.There arre a lot of mythss conncerning the Ancient Ones. We do nott wasste our time with legends and sstories. The onnly rrelevant innformation iss thatt they have left behind lumpss of high energy crystal which we usse.What hass become of the Ancient Ones we do nott know or care. We are conncerned with locating their ruins for their energy ressource value.We have heard sstories of a device of the Ancients which iss desstroying life in the galaxy. We have ssseen no evidence of thisss.There arre certain devices of the Ancients which would be usseful to uss. One of these is called the Crystal Pearl annd iss ssaid to be inn the City of the Ancients. Itt iss ann automatic warp-out device for whennn a sship iss heavvily damaged.We have assscertained there iss the possibility of a fairly large Ancient ruin at 42S X 13W onn planet 2 of ssysstem 154,62. Thiss, however, iss deep inn Elllowann ssspace and presentsss ssomewhatt of a rissk for uss.We arre allliess, yourr rrace annd mine, united inn a common cause. We mussst rrid the galaxyy of those who would opposse usss.Do nnot forrget about Elan. Iff you havve not allready destroyed it you musst do it sssoon, for yourr ssafety as well as ourrss.We shalll build anotherr empirre annd you shall be ourr alliess annd rule with usss.Commerrce annd mmutual aid againsst a common cause -- thesse arrre the imporrtant thingsss to rrememberrr.Ourr rraces arre much alike. We bothh know what iss imporrtannt. We musst unite forr the benefit of bothh ourr peopless.We cannot ssstand rraces who cowerr annd debassse themsselvess. Thiss lack of dignnity iss apalllingg. Any rrace who doess thiss deservess to die.Sssupreme technology iss the mossst noble goal of ssentience. Join uss in hellping the lesss asstute rraces becomme aware of thisss.Togetherr we shalll make a forrmidablle forrrce. All we need arre the prroper rrresourrces. Iff only we had the pllutonium......It iss nnot alwayss easy to accept the fact that the weak mussst die. But thiss iss the way of the univerrsse, iss it nnot?A prrophet once ssaid that it iss the dessstiny of the Thrynn to rrrule the galaxy. Of courrse the prrophet wass Thrynn, but what doess that matterrr?You havve made a grrrave missstake inn angerring usss. We cann be the bessst of frriendss but we arre cerrtainlly the worsst of enemiess.We werre prreparred to accept yyou fully as alliesss. You havve provenn that you arre nnot suitable. Nnow we mussst lisst you amongsst ourr enemiess.You havve llittle time, enemiess of the the Thrynn. Lleave annd do not anngerr usss furrtherr. We would rregrret destroying yyou.We offerr you thiss lassst warrning. You willl vacate the vicinity at onnce orrr you willl face the immediate annd dirre consequencess.Inn exchange forr ourrr safety we offerr inforrmationn. You may assk what you willl.We cllaim the rrright of frree passsage as guaranteed all nneutrral rrraces in the Interrplanetarry Trreaty of 3190.You do wissh to becomme alliess, do yyou nnot?Arrre you frriendss of the Ellowwan?Do yyou fight the Gazurrtoid?Arrre you willing to desstrroy Elan, the ssecret basse plannet of the Uhlek?Arrre you memberrss of the olld humann emmmpirre?Havve you desstroyed Elowanian sshipss?Farewell, frriendsss. We shalll meet againn ssoonnn.We sshalll meet againnn.Enough talkinngg. We havve sssaid too mmuch.TLBR%nH\ ",%@ 3w"wwww " w3 UwD "UD"""3Ux wg wwgx興wwx  x wxoo oox 興x  x 興xwwxg ˽ g̼̼̼̼ ̼ͭۼ  ̻ܽ ̼̼ܼͽۮ켺ݾڽ˫˼ܭ ͻ˨˺̼˼˫˼ͽ ܻ˻ܺ۫˫ͺ ܺ˻ݺ̺ۻ˼̼ݺ˼̺̻̼܌ܻ˪ ˪˼ ܺܺꫫ˼˻ʻ˻˻ܺww ˼̼˫ wpw~̼ܻ˼ܺ wwopwww˫wffwooܼ ܻܺf wf~ ̌˼̽ܺoffofwޫ̼ܼ̼̍˫ffofoiwpwp̻ޫ̻˫̼ffofffpwwpw,̻ޫ˼˼fofwwwfo24ޫ̼˻̼ܺ".foip,wwfff` $C>̼̼ܺۻCB.fofpoffo-fl A3ޫ̼ܼܺ4C).ffffowooff(fn"$D3ܻ̼ܻ3D4(.ffooffoipyfoof n˫3D2ڼ̼̽ܺ3AC *fffpfffnܺ꼌ܺ#D3f iifof˪ʪ=ͼ˫ͼܺ޻fopooffoo˪̻˼ ڻfoi fof nެܼܬ̪ooffow ff̻̬ff}Ўofn˼ܼfofooiffoffof ۫˻˼ܼf~ ooffܼ˻˫fofoffofn̼ܻfofo~ofۺܼfofvofnܼ˻fo wffffݽffffof~*ofoofoofۼۼoffffoi)fffff̼ۻ˫˻̼foffoi~ f ˼˻fofoof(offo ˻ۻoomfoiwoff ˫ mmf֏of~ۭ"offoۻooohܽfoff ffoofof ˻oi~%fo ܻ o~oo˼oomooip ff˼˼˼Ў wo˻˻oofopЎ  foopЎ$of̻̬˽ooiЎܽwoo`̻̼̽iЎۭ on̼ܼ p Ў۽ nЎ۽oۭܼi""Ўwooݺܻܺ op  Ў'o`ܼoopЎgЎ+op"  Ў$oniwЎ ~oܬܽ~Ў ܽ~ Ў  ~i Ў woiw  Ў ܼ wgwp  Ў wyow" " Ў ˽ ~p Ў w i  Ў  ̼iw~p Ў ˼w n۽w Ўڭ ~woܽw~p Ўw˼wЎ wͻ;i~~p" Ў  ۫iwwЎ "~wwo˻wp~~Ў ̼wg w  Ў ~woݾw~"" Ў wp˻wЎ w ʼͻ ݀aww~Ў ˼~w`ͼ̻awwЎ ˽~ww`˻  iww~wЎ ʼ̛ܺʼ w~Ўܺ~ww˻˼ˠgwЎ۫.xpܺ˙wwwЎ ~ywȉi ΎwwЎ ۼw`i݀i~w~ ~w`˼ ݀gw~w ̼ww` ˽Оww~  ~wۼhw~~  ~wܛ˻̼̽hgwދދވ ~w̫~ވ w˻˼iww ދ2ދވ ~wwg̼ȁw~ވЀ yw`ܻ˻ȑ wދދވ~qw莈 ~ݐwpݻ̸̼w w~̻ ;w~~ݐ wܽ˺w ~w̽˻ݾw~~ ̀ w g̻ w ܐ ~w˺˻˼ ~~7 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU7 UUUUUUUUUUUUPUUPUUPUUUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUUUPUUPUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUU7 UUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUPUUPUUPUUPPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPPUUUUPUUPUUPPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUU7 UUUUUUUUUUU#C$#BC#BCBC##B0UUB2C$ 4$24#B4$ UUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUuvWUUWQaeUUVuVWUUPqueuvvUUgWVvaeUUquqgVVPUUeVqugVpUUWVue`UUugavuvVUUQqWeUUPgWevQgeUUvgVUUWeeueUUgUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUU4#B2CBCBC#B4#C@UUB2C$ 4$24#B4$ UUUUUUUUUUU7 UUUUUUUUUUUUPUUPB42B4$24$4$224#UUP4#$2BBCBC#B4#BBUUUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPWepUUPuuPUUPugQeeqUUQvWWg`UUPuugavPUUPWWueauUUPvQugVugUUPeugQQqVVUUPWVvgWeaUUPvQaQpUUuvWevPUUPWaavuaUUPvVWVPUUPqvpUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUUUP#B4#$4$4$24#B44UUP4#$2BBCBC#B4#BBUUPUUUUUUUUUUUUUU7 UUUPUUPB42B4$24$4$224#UUP4#$2BBCBC#B4#BBUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPB42B4$24$4$224#UUP4#$2BBCBC#B4#BBUUPUUPUPUUPUUPUUPPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUPWepUUPuuPUUPugQeeqUUQvWWg`UUPuugavPUUPWWueauUUPvQugVugUUPeugQQqVVUUPWVvgWeaUUPvQaQpUUuvWevPUUPWaavuaUUPvVWVPUUPqvpUUPUUPPUUUUPUUPUUPPUUPUUPUUPUUPUUP#B4#$4$4$24#B44UUP4#$2BBCBC#B4#BBUUPUUPUUPUUPUUP#B4#$4$4$24#B44UUP4#$2BBCBC#B4#BBUUPUUTEXT-d|t># > L # R Q z )/>b+1?0tnvWP8 f !Y" "##C#$$$%&&w&':''(m())))*+(+,V,i,,,,-:-U-Veloxi is issue warning. Votiputox, Veloxi Homeworld is off the limit to alien. I are sorry but you is leaving I think so.No aliens are welcome Veloxi Homeworld. The you aliens are must leave now extremely. I is no joke.Halt aliens! I is Captain % and I am order you pretty quickly leaving Veloxi Homeworld Votiputox. No alien are allowed. You are leave otherwise us are attack.Alien enemy are come to Veloxi Homeworld for invading. Us is protect supreme Veloxi Empire. BANZAII!The happiness of seeing again the slightly disgusting alien friends. Extreme delightful.Ahoy icky beings. Us is Veloxi the most happy to seeing you. Now we is making the friendly and most outgoing gestures. Happily are the you responding?Most harmonious greetings friends and worshippers of Veloxi Grand Lovely. Let us communicating the everytime.Most harmonious greetings. Us is illustrious Veloxi. Please now the identifying I think so.I is called % and are supreme commanding captain of greatest ship +. Perhaps we are a communicating happiness peaceful and not completely obliterating inferior aliens the trespassing. Immediately a responding you're welcome.Me is naming Captain % of most elegant and dangerous Veloxi ship naming +. The you aliens please to identifying and telling us Veloxi the most significant and highly secret information.Halt alien invaders. Identify now or the fiery death. So, alien invaders. You is showing proper respect a quickly or extremely the dying. Us is not waiting long time. Identify now.Halt barbarians and making show of defenselessness. Us is Veloxi, champion best A-number-1 race of galactic beautiful. You are obeying no doubt.We is surrender. Please not vaporizing nice Veloxi ship. Let us the communicating friendship.Certainly us is surrender most peaceful.Too much the enjoyment of meeting again the best alien buddies. Such a happiness I gush. Indeedy us is talking a many thing with alien best friend.We is Veloxi the everyday. I being Captain % of exceptionally pleasant vessel +. Now perhaps the information exchanging.Us are most valiant and wonderful drones of Veloxi Empire Grand Lovely. Now we are doing the communicating activity with inferior aliens a trespass.Of course us is Veloxi. Now preparing to dying, you the evil trespassers of Veloxi Grand Lovely.Us is of course illustrious Veloxi. Now you is surrendering your space boat and creating the best situation no doubt.We is Veloxi your best friend. Please not to destroying us, best good aliens a ugly. Us is surrender.Us is surrender. I Captain %. You is too much the sorry if killing us I'm a think so.Us are not answer the questions. You are leaving or us is getting more the upset and soon firing deadly weapons.You are better go, us is getting tired the warning.You is maybe think we are play game? No. We are serious too much. You are go now last chance.Us is getting tired of say. Alien not welcome at Votiputox. You are make Veloxi upset. Soon we are attack.None the information. Veloxi a not know.Your question are presumptuous too much. Of course I is not answer.Awaiting your answer I think.Now answering or severe consequences indeed.You are answer now you're welcome.The best of questions and happily answering. We Veloxi is ancient and prestige. Illustrious Veloxi Empire too old the imagine. Us is civilized the most.A glorious Veloxi worship exceptionally grossness of gracious queen. Center of all Veloxi life the worship.All Veloxi is male drone, of course but queen. Other Veloxi female is kill when hatch. Only gracious queen is laying all eggs most prodigious.All Veloxi dream is to fertilize queen. Too great the honor. Of course afterwards drone is lose head, however none the matter.Veloxi is feeding queen special best jelly. She is growing so big and live longest time. Maybe 2 kilometers the measure, and living 500 years.Most graciousness queen living on Votiputox, hive world of Veloxi.Veloxi is worship queen and also Ancients, great ancestors of Veloxi Grand Lovely. Sacred planet of ancients is Sphexi.Queen is communicating to all Veloxi drones through hive-mind. In ancient day was using Focusing Stone. Today is lost, much the sorry.Other races small important. Veloxi are number one importance. Other races not even knowing prophecy of Egg. Barbarians certainly.Veloxi laughing at other races. Not even knowing how to meeting end of life in galaxy like most civilized Veloxi.Spemin race is too much extremely the cowardly stupid. Not even tasting good the icky blob.Elowan plant and Thrynn scaly beast is always fight. Thrynn scaly beast is attacking many time.Veloxi had thinking all human were destroy in second wave. Second wave is Uhlek and Gazurtoid attacking.Uhlek is powerful the most. Gazurtoid squid meanies is follow behind Uhlek as Uhlek moving outward from coreward in second wave.First wave attacking was Phlegmak and Numlox races. Waves of attacking is coming from coreward. First wave are attack in year 3000.No Veloxi is know what Uhlek are look like. Uhlek is far away outward. Much happiness for cause Veloxi.Phlegmak and Numlox is dead the races. Supreme Veloxi is kill. Last battle being 3250 at Phlegmak base at 35S X 99E on second planet in handle of Axe most assuredly.Waves of attacking races is coming from galaxy center. First wave is year 3000, second wave was starting year 3400, Uhlek and Gazurtoid.Gazurtoid squids is a fanatical stupid. Is think to rid galaxy of air-breathers. Veloxi can't believe.Minstrel creature is old almost as Veloxi. They wandering in space and singing the ballads. Veloxi are thinking very strange but harmless most definitely.Sometimes Veloxi is see very strange alien ship. This ship are only communicating occasionally and then not understanding the funny balls. Veloxi is think too strange.We are longtime receiving Old Empire distress call from system 175,94. Of course Veloxi could caring less.Most extreme importance system of Veloxi Grand Lovely is guarded by Veloxi drones the most destructive. All must answering questions correctly.Explorers is finding the many interesting lifes on planets in 149,133 system. Veloxi is study. Too interesting I think so.Certainly a most perfect number is precisely six. Veloxi are know this absolutely. Is sacred number of Ancients and of course the six legs.So many minerals is finding on molten planet of 149,133. Especially the many at biggest mountains. Minerals is always more the mountains. Of course you know.Of course answering Veloxi probe is by 6 multiples the yes answer.Veloxi is extreme delightful the Old Empire was wiped up. The Empire was many scoundrel activity too naughty.Old Empire was try colonize the many planets. Always the expanding. They was using drones called NOMAD to collecting datas. Many drones is still coming around Veloxi space. Is annoy Veloxi too much.In year 3120 Veloxi and Empire was made pact to fight first wave. Wave was attack Empire first and Veloxi help, then when attack is on Veloxi Grand Lovely, Empire not helping. Veloxi is fuming.The Empire were betraying Veloxi wonderful in first wave attack of Phlegmak and Numlox so when second wave is attack, Veloxi is not helping and Empire is too weak. Empire is destroyed. Too bad.In Empire year 3330 Veloxi and Empire not buddies. Evil nasty Empire pirate naming Harrison is attack Veloxi ship and steal focusing stone. Veloxi is so angry. Even now Veloxi a not forget.Old Empire pirate was stole precious Veloxi stone. If ever returning Veloxi too grateful I think so.We is remember ruins of Old Empire being at 34N X 28E on ice planet of downspin system in Staff Constellation. Veloxi exploration is find the long times ago.In old time Empire was having base in Veloxi territory at 28N X 4E first planet of yellow system at 143,115. This planet are forbidden however.The Ancients is ancestors of Veloxi, Veloxi legend is saying. Veloxi is powerful race. Ancients was powerful race. Obviously us are relative.The Great Egg at 192,152 is made by Ancients. It is of course looking like big Veloxi egg exactly.The Most Magnificent Hexagon on sacred planet Sphexi is a sign from Ancients to wonderful Veloxi descendants. The Small Egg is there. Most sacred of Veloxi possessions absolutely.The Most Magnificent Hexagon is of course sign to Veloxi from Ancients of holy number 6. Most perfect of all numbers. Of course Veloxi are 6 legs, the only race.Ancients left Veloxi us prophecy of Great Egg. Very importance, but certainly only telling to best friends.Sphexi is first planet at 132,165 star.Prophecy of Egg says Great Egg is travel through galaxy from core to outward.Prophecy of Egg says Great Egg the causing sun of any system where is life to flare. The life is killed no doubt.Prophecy of the Egg say the Great Egg is slowly move and driving in front races that trying to escape destruction of Great Egg.Prophecy of the Egg say that Great Egg will destroying all life in galaxy excepting of course gracious queen.Prophecy is saying after the Great Egg is destroy all life it will hatch and out is coming Xpu, the old one. Xpu is then mating with queen and making new Veloxi race for galaxy.According to Prophecy of Egg the Great Egg is not harming Queen of Veloxi as long as Veloxi is have the Small Egg.I guess us is best friend. Perhaps we will eat together the slimy nodules a many the most delicious.We is making you honorary Veloxi. Of course still the inferior alien but much the better I think so.Best idea I have. We is exchange the many dirty joke and then too much the laughing activity.Not trying the funny stuff alien tresspassers, superior Veloxi the most powerful.If you is showing proper respect for distinguished Veloxi charming then everyone is happy as bivalve mollusk.Superior Veloxi majestic are oldest empire. 100,000 years the long time. Assuredly you is barbarian upstart infidel.You is cooperating with Veloxi jim dandy and maybe we is nice guy the not killing you.You are probably think Veloxi is too smart. No wonder. All Veloxi are exceptional cunning the brain.Zounds! I flabbergast! I dumbfound! I not believing my sensory apparatus! Barbarian aliens is not recognize Veloxi are too much the superior.Okey the dokey, terrible aliens a ugly. Now Veloxi us is most angry.Perhaps having made most reasonable unclear. Veloxi having terrible weapons fiercely. Shooting weapons. Weapons blowing up. Big explosion making nasty aliens dying no doubt.You is try Veloxi patience. So much so the secreting the many fluids and gnashing the mandibles. Last chance a warning.Veloxi are actually most reasonable and not wanting trouble furthermore. Us is both civilized adult. Let us talking peaceful and none the useless fighting.Greatest idea I have! I am make suggestion. The you aliens are not destroy ours the pretty spaceship. Yes, I think this is best idea certainly.Enough the talking.Now must going greatest buddy Captain *.Seeing you the later crocodile.Seeing you in a while alligator.Is the you alien part of Old Empire?You are coming to worship of illustrious queen of Veloxi Grand Lovely?Is you killing the Spemins?Of course Veloxi are superior all the time. Agreeing?Is the you aliens in ours the Veloxi space search for most precious energy crystals of Ancients?TLBR'HF!n#*%'T 3w"wwww """ " U" D"3wfxK KKKKKKK  KKKKKKK KKKKK K KJKKKKKK KK KKKKK K KKKKKKK K K KKKKK JC3; C3; ;C3; C3; 3;C3;C3;G; ;;;K ;;;;: ;;K;  33;33; C3; 33;33; 33;C: 30 KK K KK Ȉ DK@ KKKK KK LK@K KKK KKL K@KKKKKK L@K KKK KK @K KKK K K@KKKK KK@KC3;C3;C3; C3; C3;: C0C3;G;K;;;;;;;0;K;; ;33;C3;33; 33; 33; ;C3;33;33;KKK KK K KKKKKKK K K KKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKK KKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKK K KKKK KKK KKC3;C3;C3;C3; C3; 3; C3;;;;;;K;  ;;0;K33;33;C3; 33;;C3;KK K  K KKKJ oK KKKKo  K KKKK ̻ nKKKKK ̲ ""o KKKKK"++ ""+"++𨈈KKKKK# "" """"+m KKKC3;C3;$˲ """" ЃC3;C3;C3;G;;K;; ˲" "++""+  ߠK;;;33;C3;$33m"+ ""+"++ C3;33;KK$J ˲+ ""+"+KKKK#˲+ ""+""+  KKKK! 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