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Amongst the units stationed on this island are Sea Hawk Flying Subm:JC#P v Y#Q36f6688bs2D``x1DU:;@2 %xs->CL:Gfw!1 2TeQ#:2s 'Ebbt9 +:|6Csx1W;J3<6wyE 3ss=1 c:ð3fbiiNC: LP X V99ssCDg7D4L7?[[ N@ >  kDDDC9 ==7: w2o8::+v!1#Q5cvgskrW2?2%2D//3?,LD Q 3XU:1 MM42|@v6c4_x1D333Ḕ1 r34K33B@[L>\83mmhg3Pw4j D ##Q$$/A3gx3p9?339qW뾲 >C335:&Ѽ=!GW 3> CL?3g33^ 'G`#3#863 Q;1HDQg669 3 LQl:#;y;}3A  #g    FEA;4'5D=$d AD++(o   ?A  U0 wU@s@@wUD 1,@ wUU wU@wU3PwTF 4 4 D UDDp s\Q`U@qq@P0wΔ DwU t" Twqp 3D"DpqU7 D11 @Q wAQ  @0@<?@w TPP`G *U @O_ t@qqqD@DDDL@ @*D@@U0!@0F@0LF D   3 @ )D0@ pE@0pO_7w?@3?q3p< pwqwAAw qwQ@tQQtw @TQ*D!CwE@wQY "D@*tEY@EQY7wt2A U DfD@ @UOwYD qQ"D"T*DAEq  wt U!Q*UD wϢQ *@E3E*D Q ϢpfV@t3EDEEqfD @`FwD PT F0 DDSA @I G 3 G S@ wϠz 3?Y? )B2w D4*427<ʔ "J*ﯟp3?p@™07qqQQq*D!BE ̪w*@PJ AUDE QU Q37"@DE:J DTfVD"D"f  3 "0ʤ*w 1 00 4 q77qA4qAw AwqAwPqAw q* wEqwUwwUU@"@t  UfF@Dbf "E@@ q "ET@" Dq%b@q$qfT*t@00&GfVUA ̡p"TQ&3 q@@jwbUDUEU@@Aj7 @:0E BwE BwݪDUU w@2D3qqTAPDbF@QDPE T1Q"TPQ@w)Bq @%A@?f&T V p@03@0< p)* @L3 gg ' Y0^ gxcw[ 13?.#6f!# ,88vk12&D< FC63y $5LgfvwN!p _4 77wwcv+"""xf1 P<6gvv&* 6=,*73g633  C#3Zw: Vy?3***93N83gD4dIvc! 2c3D33<] # Fgwvf32' cx31@Pxrc2 fv"B1+866777@KKT '#csg'3cB(ee s#?651 BCM'cf+8?/3ggg:: L3 3!3?#)LD%fw )6ttms36  J1=! vLL@v007#v600x9?#2??2 Da#1!ycv2(1ZBCzE@9:S (Bs2)3>:3\ cc1> ;4 arine Squadrons commanded by the notorious Amandu Dengal. Your overall mission is to liberate the island, the loss of which will cripple the Empire's western capability.  p    3 (  < & F)  "   0  | 4 < P  9 & f u  % 2&X %& m  D 8( % [  K D  &   % 9 + 7 y' 4 w/0~ 4  Lr kd & L Sb,= Y,P b,Z  v, B C,  &} &H & [&  & & &( &q & 25C &5@ 0," XT: : M: h:> f: D: :> |;:Y 86s  B/'? t  B(  3  L  -    |9= d9 9  ~   2  ~& 2 :x n: p: ^: N: .7  47  :0 :% :% : . H."i .w b. . .= b. 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They are plans for a new Imperial submarine base which the Empire intends to build off Gamboa., a Secret Policeman, known for his brutality toward the islanders.  @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1O[e2WSe3//4$ B Tf   The island is the location for the Empire's Northern Sector Command Headquarters. It is a stronghold of prime importance; every element of the enemy's services is present on the island. In addition Dhafra is the Empire's major source of uranium and iron ore. Local miners are known to be sympathetic to our cause. The overall mission is to incite the population to rebel.``` 22T;*T#;+TH; TW>;~;#S;S;T ;S&. 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The entire south-eastern peninsular has been turned into a vast walled ghetto, named Eden. Here, politicians, revolutionaries, resistance fighters and those who have simply dared to speak ill of the Empire are forced to live in squalid, disease-ridden conditions. Those who survive disease eventually meet their end at the hands of the Imperial Police death squads. An armed breakout from the ghetto is the key to liberating Camargo.`@H.WDdH'HWH$VCHC,LC5VdP_*VD_"WXjxj1Wj.WLjVlm3(m)W8_,U\8\3U\.V\)Hf.Ulf3<f)Uf$T5T||V3ffvc?$ C##) ' !  !DCS%4n1b/ +8PfgwccDL " '1tcv2C? 3%%3c ! >3__ ' Y1^gfxv 3\ 1##wx3($ ,67?s12'D= EC6gwsx 5L)3g67ii"s a76cs 33ggfw?c66(( (wgBl1 V!- '.ss 6+:6gx C#?'\-6xxL|6v***6< !/D4fFÒQ23D33< -c3JR**s2%  31=x32 vv1)7c?36=GG75 cf ;!!c&?sv__ lr?1 BCwvc#%"fgf&7wsL3 3!3?#fLD3?Dgwx,ee_+'cvJ @"=5<<s 7,111x80w5<9:'#Ah2;d(K33vQ33x7 J89>Y3KEX E::33V33333390!k4L:;ADT>>+x333c363g336>XDB`J5G#+2111,:C 743C;;B2D\gg1!u772",***s2BCdXA<K< 33cw32-3?? 1? ;--#633o1 U 6c _d.DC:2 Cc?{- >$<00 L~D8d\:og!99@2:nS_!a%1 3?DD412F"vc/j3LD9 1@lvc2 ;2Y!:}12B88vv S3323/) FXEC;L,qcs-66xxP<;1D331vsQP>>/2 qG|33{93D4:'4>;3 cD+J1h13) {biO33#S'@EO;" 1:33Sp8Ce?3Dt3 ;C)̠>*  >C33c3!6gyuDL3$bC3!"3vvt(2 g  BD!& #{=(D̩      AD;AA"DD D/3<????a2 ?# yI?11V A'4   6Cc?42T&cco|21U  $,,2;6 #''3 12'\>#{-  y6?c%66' 3f3g!1$$ *\6gvc@@"wwD'36,F!3D3L367 .3?ggv0) 0 <177vv 3=!-x &32^31=D88cv278CCxAD2s/#e2c90E)g99">cs!2$1!!!N8$gx9:;9C9xj*:A24$@;298@@941V>>1$::rr2E3?!;""DC:/OO::03>3dqsv+4:#3'33![#v<A2D u 3?3<`<   #? ;?#`ƷRi    4M?25  <1?iA wmCD2!3#A <;BMT#]J!!?CX122 Fb44 6I "A]CL12 >1 )A4222DB DN<U@aDC'+   3?33c N21D $? $B>3#C?1L3C3K%3? 2S3fcsfg?c! 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He disappeared whilst investigating rumours of Secret Police atrocities., Secret Police operational files which are kept at the Headquarters at Dao Sister. If I have proof of army brutality, then I'll help you.. The Empire plan to construct a massive airbase there for flying boats. When building is completed, they will undoubtedly use it as a refuelling and rearming point. Their plans must be destroyed.. I have learned from many sources that this man is the scourge of Eden Ghetto. His brutality toward the prisoners of Eden is savage and relentless. Many have suffered at the hands of this monster.    @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1O[e2WSe3//4w/W'5=KdT6Uh7,,z8^\9v?x:q,4 x|@  Agora's air defences are constantly probed and tested by fighter squadrons from the Atlantic Fields airbase on the west coast of Panao. The island itself is rocky and mountainous. There is a small fishing ind 22m:n1 BCN3jm).5%QS&1%QT<,1!w4E_C. 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Vicenza's unspoilt wilderness and clear skies have attracted three thriving communities of artists. The island is not heavily garrisoned but early warning radars for the naval base on Lobos are stationed here. If we hold Vicenza, Lobos is blind. Fritsch, the Chief of Police is an avid collector of old masters and his help, together with the support of the island's more rebellious artists, will be vital to the liberation of Vicenza.`6` a aCa% a9\ a9D4aDWaCa DaCaWm9CtkmCXmCoBmC;mCxVmCm)CcxmC:m9CmCJmC\DD\DA\D/\D\D&B\D:5\D5\D\D\D.\DucDc D&c Dc Ddc9Dc9D~c9DPc9Dx}cD;cD cD}OcD*cLYDJ YD=Y8YDBYD85D85D|{85Dt85Do85PD PDcPDx PDhPDcPD^PDWPDzPD(uDhfuD^uDJu?C?CP?D5AD]KADADADsFAD=ADY ADA8AC`P6E3t'D,t+E@t#E5}'t'Ept'E6"tEyzt'E*jt+E\lt+ELz5E@ 5EQq5E5E5E{5Eu5E|5ED5EY5Eb5^E^F^E^Ej^E^E{^E^P @0 0(  ' ,-) *+3"254.!/0#1 $$%6&7     0  -:?fB@?-:8Aa!U a!? *`np 0  I@  I M!ف    VxFZ( K%>~2> 0:( 5)   !?AO0.@avƉv ,XZ<x-K $<' 3- K<-$'K9 @4 <*<;~u-H-F@-A%5C?s-H-F-A@>> .[7({0i-' iLe H Xhx X`h($]  !IaIa%u A qAQa0B*=$* ! 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' ) !#%+-$00. $ & , t@ @(*3C;1?G7j A ;1 E26fDF2@H :z& br2n  P  @  @ @@     %  Ym(xP<P(< HXd(P< d0p$U)j-E)q-F@-B@9A$9E*>"-E"-F-C-O-'-&-B@$9A9E*>"-E"-F-C-O-'-&8't`0P<2sT0 8 (1 Aa6 Aa!5Aa Aa!5$yAeAi0Ae$Am$*Ai*Ae0Ai$A=Aa Aa!]$0 <=$Aa*$Aa!UP=$Ia!I6a/0!01 ' (@AA &440NPF`m$,L$F$Z$,&  F<dd`P($Pd4Hd8l l@\xhR@,lH d}, the art-loving Chief of Police. He is known to have some sympathy with our cause but his price for helping us will be high, no doubt.. This houses the Censorship Bureau which vets all the works of art produced on the island. Its destruction will win you many friends., leading light of the Maximalist Movement. Her support is vital in the liberation of Vicenza., an original work by Leonardo Da Vinci. The ship that was bringing it to me was lost during a storm somewhere off the coast of Vicenza.. His poetry is superb but the stupid bureaucracy calls it seditious rubbish. They've got him under guard and his very life is in danger.. The Police keep hounding me. I know a musician whose friend knows the whereabouts of an original Da Vinci. Help me and I'll get her to help you.  -Ń < + 46^/]'6aDM() D\2q#= *   /0$   G2K @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy]#'_V>9Y) ]p1S 0+y O[DWew~_?' -CF!0-{" +ȃ#1.Ã$#. %0n&3g{'# (w ])'+ * >H 8 ~  A lush and verdant island, Gamboa is run by the Secret Police Narcotics Bureau. Opiates are cultivated here by the Bureau and then smuggled to Agora in an attempt to subvert the population. The abundant narcotics crop is also used to keep the local population under control. Under the very noses of the Secret Police, the resistance operate a highly effective escape pipeline from Gamboa, spiriting enemies of the Empire to Agora. Reason and authority open many doors on Gamboa but to free the island you must disable its narcotics industry.`,} + k) )H )H ) ~) {)  k) )0H )I ) a) ) w ) D$I D+I DI D3I D5 D D9 D9 D D x DI DI D d DI G9ID SGIa AG N F= y* l-9 ` D*I ) DI G9 O'H =)'m O O'| O'm OHi OQ O8 OH }OH OH? \z7: v7- u HI u 7G p I0k&H f5  I\a0 h Z5G 75^+| + 9IU IP IKI$F | +t +IGP +2H  ( &!n @^ ((p`@P_,<#>0.; +t7+p6Lt'3p&dXbVd Y U<thrft i e< z R06xwv T TS   RRQ  R :."rfzӁӁ݁߁߁߁߁߁߁߁߁߁߁߁zrfxpd0@0@0@0@0(P0    %K$L&M'N@AB?;" 5O(S+PU5Q)T+RV/:,2W/ 3,9WX*4E0F-C1D.I8J5G7H6+      &Z( 0xP$H( D$8H0<84P@-O43;l42@-O-E?%5( 0@-ELX$`q0 kɀ C Ij`H S OR d\eZd9]h^gJ tlujt9mxnwJ |z9}~J 9Jف.:FB" 4݁݁݁݁P@@`p(           "!$  #!% "!$ #!%    $ ( ,    1P$H40<(@?@@^( X !aA !aA !aA!aA!aA!aA @A@A  !  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She was seized by the Bureau to force me to help them. who keeps me as his slave and makes me pander to his every whim..,+%'(& -           !7$xP(<(<P d@">%5@$=N666?>>"z43d A 0D@B( (0 0$0(, *AaQa ! !EaQa$ m AqAQa$/- ! 1 '07 & $1 '( 6,$( ,K OP1 /00(`   g ` q   pf ^ہ@@@@@@@@@@@     $(,  !{+^NPx( D<H( D8PdxH@^=g2133@>9???(&f@`DhPdt_X g4 HH  $=9 aAqA)1 % i AyAiAeAiAqA }$A0606</$*!aA9*0aA1;/0;/2;/J  AA'!-!  aaAA!!mm m MM A%' %(YY 'Yfn "Ά+-# )# * $ . ..,FF?\t C\ =\\VVO\t S\ M\\ff_\t c\ ]\\vvo\t s\ m\\7iFG 0 0@(0P0%& (     )!# *"$)!# *"$'     $  c1BPd,X(<H$4( LX0 XPdxp 6 F@Jg B^ !>w00 6F@#w25 5?0j<--?!**6@!52?&!?66?!9?(Y-?-6F6G(X(WH   (`$(h1 !E*Y ! !  Aa!$!$$BH1Z5**500TB0HN6=<=$N-=6 Aa Aa!<6.7-561*6$A6W5/0  , !  ?p=F:׀9 7@ 8C9D AONOMJ׀I GP HS9T Q 0 2 3%3&4 WuỷևYفہˁ2@ @ @ @  (- .0 ' %"$#&! +)/ */,    $  ,P22 @@@@ 8!aA !aA !aA @A   υ ك ) p YɄ|  | 6@@@@  "@22 @@@@!aAq A !! @, @ ꋆ<s  +@@@  22 @@!aA @\lt@@"4 d2 @@@8!aAq A !! @A  ꋆTむ [ @@@ ) DhdP(2 @@@P0Xx !aA !aA !aA !aA!aA @A@A  #& &## && )   Ʉ|  ! 'z '% ' ( ( = rp@@@@@@    ) 8XdP(<2 @@@P<0X = aA !aA!aA 9 aA1$aA!aA @AA  #& &## & They are always wanting something, and it's not always from the stores !  ;5, OG/\_NSsV+O'7 >  tSl3? +K%_ F IQ8  3 SA+E <$) $E6_/4'6+, A" \ L\(ɓ#S=3pZZKzU !#* ]C ]'+#3G{E\ 2 #,!7?M"/(0 #^|{^${Ww%mV&9HYB' lp:({S )0+*O[e+WSe,//-w/W'.H6> N2Tt:<>  Iquitos is the headquarters of the Imperial Propaganda Ministry, its radio stations beaming a continuous stream of fiction towards the island of Agora. Although it is a frequent port of call for merchant ships plying their trade between the nearby islands, much of Iquitos remains an unspoilt tropical paradise, a tranquil haven for the rich and the famous. Your charm and pleading will be crucial in gaining the help of the island's jet-set. As well as silencing the voice of the Empire, you must also wreck the island's sea trade.`K  &J \4K( cK: vc V c(J \J /7J /J /J _ _8 *E$K \E,J BE.J .E V8K V3K V+K V D O5KV O4KN @OKu ynK{ fn$K" w5K w& 7 wK O"$$$$$$$$$$$$h            .#c)Nt  ++ >P z   >B&1TX.  F  @NO ,  #AXjUU\  3cÃ-ȉX k+K  s;;KCmU !  k U_   d  ;soL&)* zL ' (܀(5 @@@@@   ,Pd2 @@@@ 8!aA !aA !aA @A   υ ك ) p YɄ|  | 6@@@@   d2 @@!aA @\lt@@ Hn<Z@>{;n@>z @8  !!? $J -`  @ <0   -\< d 2 F&f@#&@-O.5B4L@33-O&@!! ! !! !! P@K  !' 0n / pn0˜ITEɼ˜IA    ىC ŁɁ́сՁف݁@     -\2  2 F-C@-O@-O.@-C-O@!! ! !! !! @KP !' 0j / p`0˜ITEɼ˜IA    ىC ŁɁ́сՁف݁@      H<(P-E@>-E@@8  !!? J -`  @ <0  dF@a !  @ -XdZ F<@@@Z<H @! ! !! !! ! @A  ܋ } $   @ })=@0       2(<2@@;l@! !@ -`*077ɠ@0  -X2( F<@@@(<H @! ! !! !! ! @A  ܋ } $   @ })=@0        ( @@@!Aa@ 'I0   ( @@@!Aa@ 'I @   2 @@@!Aa@ 'I 0   2 @@@!Aa@ 'I @@22P@P2R:dBvJ82< <2 ,2 @Z2 Ld l$@22P@P:BbJtRZ 02< 02 D2 @Z2 \d l$@22P@P2R:dBvJ82< <2 ,2 @Z2 \d l$@22@:BbJtRZ D2< @2 ,2 ,(2 hd l$@22@2R:dBvJD2< @2 ,2 ,(2 Xd l$@ZZP@P:BbJtRZ  PZ  $??W z v t n     J *   ^      H p  ~     D  F    x    ~ z p  .<88 :&t*D^p   L  L  $ $ r r T \ T \ l 8 l 8   J r  X  X * 8 * 8 8 " 8       t u t      ( z N @ 2 H  h t r   00  P  (  l%, the main source of Saharan propaganda, the aim of which is to subvert the population of Agora. millionare businessman and recluse. He is known to be generous and he will be able to bribe the island's governor to relinquish control. which guards the island's vital trade routes. who sent a camera team to take film of me relaxing on my private estate and had the gall to broadcast the footage on TV, claiming that I'd granted her an exclusive interview. Her TV show is quite appalling.#cwM>+(0 cy]#'_V>9Y) ]p1S  0+y O[D We w~_ ?'-CF0-{ +ȃ1.Ã#. 0n3g{#  [#OTd#  3+t< uG ;%F;%F` 6F8 < N"t"v"x  This island seethes with intrigue and espionage. The free port on the south-western coast has been likened to the pre-flood colony of Hong Kong. Every secret organisation, for good or evil, has an agent representing its interests on the island. In addition to agents, you will encounter secret societies, racketeers and various other criminal elements. Trust no one.`@M %4 %.NR %"M|%+NZ2%&l %N& \ Nn 8Ni3 r. }+N f؏ $N rӏO mf m,O fm*O m(P$ R yQ \yP @yPd F]P 91v 9, ]P~ 93P $]P6 IPl I3f IV,IaaO4a"aP4xata(O6Z|S&SbS&GGGPswGM &pM &i M> 4dL$ \  L t H L. L x LM H_L  v X v ^ v v$Q ~Xv y v"Nr vSN O L>N xEN54 N3O >> t>  82d 02 <2 <Z2 `d* \d l$R@R2@22v:BdJR<2< 02 T2Tf2Pd l$$x |D@22P@P2R:dBvJ82< <2 ,2 ,Z2 \d l$ "h*2DVD2< @2 @(2 Td@$d @22@P2:RBdJv42< 02 @Z2 de \d l$ @22P@P:BbJtRZ 82< 02 @2 DZ2 de \d l$@22P@P:BbJtRZ 82< 02 @2 @Z2 de \d l$@$2 @22@P*xB2T:f42< <2 @Z2 \d l$ @2@"h2*VD,2< ,2 ,2 hd@22@2R:dBvJD2< ,2 ,2 ,(2 hd l$$ H@22P@P2R:dBvJ82< <2 ,2 ,Z2 `d l$ F"4( (( hPF"4 H td@22P@P2R:dBvJ82< <2 ,2 ,Z2 \d l$ F"4( (( hP@22P@P2R:dBvJ<2< <2 @2 @Z2 Ld l$$ F@22P@P2R:dBvJ82< <2 ,2 ,Z2 \d l$ .F"4( 8( \P@@2R:dBvJ&2& 2 2& &2 dd l$$ D@22P@P2R:dBvJ82< <2 ,2 ,Z2 `d l$ "h*2DVD2< @2 @(2 hd$ @B@22P@P2R:dBvJ42< <2 ,2 ,Z2 `d l$ "h*2DVD2< @2 @(2 hd@22@2R:dBvJD2< D2 D2 D(2 hd l$@@@PBJRrZb j 2 T2 02 <2 <Z2 \dH \d l$@22P@P2R:dB ^       #+S3+% | +["# %|<䔐   #+@'++ (¬䔐L -   ##xT   $3-  H:  3+D,\P 0  ##B mr  #++5#` "8 * cS&C4o=e  ;+!OJBP   ! C+ $aEP䤐!P  #++3)H^#  #S+A%Dop<cCK/ n +K+;[@! +k#" T  3d)P  S^@D  ;;c2  KKK-䔐 {KK% <  C0/C8  c;DX2 K1Nq]    SSS!?B,s;s^s"D[{3Chwx( @  4 ,  X   p   HX h T  @  | T   d ($ p|          T (  P    4 d  8  ` 4  X 4    p   h  8Z f T!VvJ p~L !L 4R`L \XVvJH2< <2 ,2 ,Z2 Ld l$x@@P@P:BJbRtZ <2< 02 @2 DZ2 Pd l$$ pH@"h*D2V,2Z <2 8<2 \d@$2 @22@2R:dBvJD2< @2 ,2 ,(2 hd l$ P@@@2:RBdJv0d*0d0d0(dd l$$d @22P@P2R:dBvJ82< <2 ,2 @Z2 \d l$ @22P@P2R:dBvJ<2< <2 @2 @Z2 Ld l$$d @22P@P2R:dBvJ<2< <2 @2 @Z2 `d l$4"Fd d @2@"h2*VD42< <2 ,2 \d @@@2:RBdJv@2< ,2 @2 @(2 Xd l$ @P2:vBJRd@2Z @2 82 <22 \d l$$2d @22P@P2R:dBvJ<2< <2 D2 @Z2 \d l$ @22@2R:dBvJ@2< @2 @2 @(2 hd l$@$0 @22@P*xB2T:f82< 02 @Z2 `d l$ @"h*2VD@2< @2 ,2 hd@22P@P:BbJtRZ 82< 02 ,2 @Z2 de \d l$@22P@P2R:dBvJ<2< <2 ,2 DZ2 \d l$@22P@P2R:dBvJ42< <2 ,2 @Z2 `d l$@@4F"0 DB  l L  "$&(*-/258<?CGKPTY_djqw -?Rf{8Z~$S1pGG wa h / M0/0107040<0?0D0J/V.0"/X00N/8/G000b0.000/."*.>ZLht Lp>J2^b Np4Hl8` \&j D l  !&!P!!!!!!":"n"""""#0#d#$@%%V%%&&&b&&&&'6'|''((()))))*2*x***++"+<+N+`+r++++,D,Z,n,  h V   #  !<p^*x( l l T T  X@X@xxXXppppPxPx       P P P PP \P \| @ @ | |           | | P     @ P  x  z z z  r r ( 2Ln|  ~ 4 h  0 \ l @| P < & :^ Z   l.  x H 0 ` X| 8    8 D H H 8   , @ \4$  ` H P 08 HX UU, an agent posing as a businessman, who has infiltrated numerous Imperial agencies. The information he has will be of great help in destroying Imperial commerce., a renowned journalist, who is under constant Imperial Police surveillance, because she might give far from beneficial reports on their activities and practices., top secret blue prints for a new class of Imperial submarine. These are hidden at an underwater base north-east of Trinity.. She is an Imperial agent, masquerading as an accountant to gain access to confidential personnel files kept at Union Town Hall., the light house keeper at Ivory Peninsula. He has comprehensive lists of all passing ships , including Imperial naval units., a Federation agent who has been captured by guerillas and who is being held prisoner somewhere in the Prospect tobacco plantations.  @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1O[e2WSe3//4w/W'5=KdT6Uh7* h,>Z\^  Calabar exports exotic spices, silk and a cornucopia of natural medicines extracted from its rare tropical plants. The island is a haven for deserters from Dhafra, who have a hideaway in the mountainous interior. In the south, the Air Force have a tropical disease research centre as well as an airbase. You must encourage the Saharan deserters to take up arms against their persecutors and at the same time gain the cooperation of the civil authorities. Bribery and threats should prove useful.` ` 77777 7 767k& 5v05 5!5+r--/!Pc#ܽ ׽9Ҵ B O / Gʹ!!!%,z|#zA1J$[3=(1{+2++No^c!!2x---"...~5w5p"k"}d'_X-..V & 0< QNu1 DN L <JA>0QB B8 8 C,#N### .B# .# .# 4J# 4# 43@33Bx DNuJx DgNu1 ,(|*| Jx *g(| A>8 g$prt<(| *| A>N`Jx fprt<N1 ,(|*| Jx *g(| A8 g$prt <(| *| AN`Jx fprt <N1 ,(|*| Jx *g(| A8 g$prt <(| *| ANNuJx gNuprt <NNu"h f(R fJx g! N lNu!h "h H E VB@H!rL!I 0`tJhgl1 Sh<(J(g6Jh0gSh0`*Rx BD(:(* (gDFe`DFd<B( (&c0R8 (&d FR(&`tFR(& ( &fd|&`ZJ(&gRJh,gSh,`DJgS`:R8 (&d8("DR(&`8($DR(& (&f|&Jx g1FhhJx >g  >x ?$h fU88 x , Dg,E Dg  DgU!JNu8 EU!JNu"h1h.,B g gdK/ E*020$_J(Nf!hNCCyyBh fR1Y`YSh!INuB,!|Bh fR1Y`YSh!INu C,l8$|&r0N^.2Z~B(NC,E!r0`NqNq1YH E*B@H1r*LBh0Y1`0B"Q#Y%B,Q-Y/|&`| &`B(&`B(` g gY`TI`TI`H E*B@H1 >L`^1 >`T| x ,f < QNu x ,f < QNu < QNu ))3)!!!*-0") 2 8 @"&","3"""#$$'p't'x(r(y(  PF PB>;>6>EB>B9BGC@C;CIEBE=EHNxQxUxSx4 2<42/2<42/2<42/2(4P2<42/-<242/<1212(4PP p (* +- /#(&#K* +- /#(&# (&#7- /1 /(6(424242424241-/-/-/-/-/-/-+\NNJGEBQNNJGEBQSSOLJGJSSOLJGJQQNJGEGQQNJGEGVVSOLJLVVSOLJLUUQNLILUUQNLILZZVSQN]ZZVSQN]h_7 xE_; h_7 xE_/ hd_7 |000 00h_7 |00h_4 2_7 hd_7 |000 00h_7 _7h2_<2_@2_C |00 !#"!#"$% 4 /8/-+*+-+/h-+*(@*-1*-1*-*.3*.3*./@TGC@;7;@CGC@;7;@CGC@;7;@CGC@;7;@CGC@;7;@CGC@;7;@CGIEB=E=BEIEB=E=BEIEB=E=BEIEB=E=BEKGD?G?DGKGD?G?DGKGD?G?DGKGD?G?DGLHE@<@EHLHE@<@EHFB?:6:?BFB?:6:?Bh_7|xE_;|h_7|xE_/|h_7 (')XS R S R S R S R F G A B = > : ; 5 6 1 2 . / ) * L ;$:$98$9$:;$:$98 9 : ; +*-,@ K@L@M@N@O@P@Q@R P L 3@,@'@,@%@' / , ' # % L 4 8:;:8 :;8 :;:;= :;= ; ? = B ? @ ../.01223245 7 4,-/4,-/4,-//1/'(*/'(*/'(**,-%&((/'(*(ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/<`SSXUSSXUSSXUS\U`NNSPNNSPNNSPN\P`LLLLMNNNNPSSXUSSXUSSXUSSXUS8h_7|xE_;|h_7|xE_/|h_7h_7889:;<5==, B@?B@?=@?=;?=@?B@DBF#! #! !  ! #!%#',@>=@>=;>=;9=;>=@>B@D)    @(+A#U%V  * +3' $!|    * ;'%!*0 C +B&#$   * #FL$ %h d   #[")#  *.,- #[2 7*$    3k[%x r  cS+;yT#j R  ;@*T" G+ +%0  dKSK;@# d #{& .X`! * {C/"$N  (   { `r(~@_ +@ E7 I| TPl/ 0  sRorvh *P Q 4 ;AX f  v gWE >  n  ` %fB# 8"x$!D|PPggrrggTT*.*.SS  # # 77O!O!~/~/''##00AAQQYY!!!#!%`ZNZNZNZNSRSRXLXLXLXLQPQPh_7_7_7_70E_//>?5@@6p89;689468689889;68946868984h689;\SQ P Q(SQ P N(`LLLLLLLLLLLLLNPQSh_7_7_7_7ABBCCD8 444474/47;74////3/,-`444474/47;4/,,,,/,'(< ('''',#'(< (''''# `D SSS*SSSSWWWWWXXX0h_7 |xE_;| ((h_7 |EEFFGGJJJKIp =@89P=@89P=@890;=t"% %"% %"% %"% %l2_07dSPPNNKLl2_07dSPPNNKLl2_07dSPPNNKLLLJJIIFGL  LLHUKU_K@l_7 _7 _7 _7 l_7 _7 _72_0_72_7LLMNOQPpG= FA < E@ ; D? : 8 CPd_ ^ _ _ ^ _ @ }DPH BPh_7_70E_/ / / h_7 RRSSUW/// / /// / ///// //// // / ////+*)('&%$/ FdS S G PI NG L M S Fh_7|xE_; h_7xE_/ h_7xE_/ / / X[YYZp/H00/ - 2/H00/ - 2+H-<+ / /H00/ - /H79; L G L C L L G L C L G B G > G G B G > G H C H ? 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The islanders are terrified of him and no uprising is feasible until he's eliminated. containing the formula for Fisher's top secret youth drug. That swine keeps it all to himself. Why shouldn't I live to 200 as well ?, the Chief of Police. Without him at my side, life wouldn't be worth living. off Kebir. For all I know, matey, you could be military police. I might be just an ex-corporal but I'm not thick, you know., my sweetheart. The military police have arrested him. Then I'll take you to White. He's a reasonable man - he'll help you. < +/]'6()2q * /0$  @SE'+ kKv wM> cy] V>  ]p1 0+yWe?'0-{1.Ã0n# #OTd 3+G ;%F| g5, _NSsO'7 tSl+K%_IQ8SA <$)!/4'6"A" \#(ɓ$3pZZ%zU &* ]''+({E\ 2)7?M*We+F,IQ8- 3.SA/+E0 <$)1 $E6_2/4'63+, 4A" \5 L\6 RB&4TJLN  The Imperial Airforce use Aledo as a forward base for aerial surveillance on Agora. Enemy units include high level bombing zeppelins commanded by Major Nathan Owen. Underwater bases receive weapons by submarine from the Secret Weapons Establishment on Thar. Take notice that the resistance network has been penetrated. The overall mission is to render the island inoperable as an enemy air base. 6OR~ Q(R RS+`$QFRx&QX 5Rl8 F"R O0Pދ SL O+S|O+L,΋$RdF!R yRWyQ*S7Sx3R:@@ F&QFRnlSlR' FSO{O+Sry4 RktbO8 F"x       6                                                           |gXMD>840,)' Ndd                <2(dF22 2dd(d dddd d  Fd dddddZZPddPd2Pdddd2dFddddddddddddPdFZ2Zd( d222  ( d222  <-dK( #KK( d2( 22-Fd ddddd dddddPdFZ2Zddd #O'2` 'd,d`2KpP'Fp0 P ' P '( P 'K`  @   0kD-*&@%.%##3D%M&(( <#@7%(  C [B58%) 3+C;%+TT@@& '  ; Y;#  %) S [#' G #' {#k*8&(<  t 4w '((   {c-6%&  <[#' + U*}&d'xcS)c9$'  ky%d)  +,ʃ@u#&Z 3k6$(#+-!$%*l{f$N( (  \<  4  Tr L* "p'T%'&'#'?@&'% %@& )6&*($B($&(#\&$(x qTJTb0XXDD  8080`H`Hdx6*VJ--  **0EERXX~~WW^^((ff8l=lDLLLLII tll(   Q, Commander of the Imperial Zeppelin Corps High Level Bombing Unit. where anti-Federation propaganda leaflets are printed and then dropped in their thousands from Imperial planes onto populated areas, with the aim of demoralising our sympathisers., who is having an affair with my boss. She's so jealous of me and she's convinced him to fire me. How can I raise four children with no income? which razed my hospital to the ground and killed dozens of innocents. Then I will tell you what I know of that scum Nathan Owen. which I spotted whilst pearl diving yesterday. Imperial flying subs saw me but I escaped by the skin of my teeth. (FIQ8 3SA+E <$) $E6_/4'6+,  A" \  L\ (ɓ #S= 3pZZ d i/[#}E  d * | AOTL}7]y+ 9 !"="#$4$%}&&'_'()4)*e*+,!,-A-.Z./k/0v01y12t23g34S456566|67K788q89*99:/::; ;l;;=w==>>D>q>>>??/?N?j??????????@???????????j?N?/?>>>>q>D>===w=>=<<NtNnN:N"NVNi2NiBN%tNNNnlN;^NjN:NYN/NHrNfN;NNM4NYhNvNiNYNNVNNNN0N8"NnNӨNNfN,NNhNvNNN-pN8N8pNN-LN-:N-(NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@NQ@ܬ8n8n3@Nuܬ1Djx ,  Corozal is a major base for the Imperial Navy's Intelligence Service. Radar sited on high ground is used to scan the Western approach from Agora to the mainland of Africa. Radio stations, based around the island, monitor transmissions from Agora. The overall mission is to deprive the enemy of his intelligence gathering assets.,`   KX'H4'Rh''RlP'"4 5R l $QfFF F3PH5H,H+Q*+QRp*(\ *)V0(Qp 1t0.Q(6.L6 F6+8Q48,Q8"V8.$23Q'0.(p+F  Q5)Q$! ;0 ;& ;-P ; :3P`:pM ,#\##QbB(    a-< !/$   3+ #x-   "A x#.    [''o=|".   3#3*"+ cbe &$0-@  G + 1!-   sYQ'".`  CCC+4(F !.`,  {V[c2#- Ds1 / ;kXk7 :}!f- 3' @ $, s>P+Uժ" .T    [  @"/@    \[(45#/H   C+d\<$0+  {3+(IVY!v,@   Y v?!-    ;[sZ#,d     8PQ".  scXHw?) 2ey0 @ `@ `@  ` @ `@ `@ `@ `@ ! !"`##$@$%& &'`(()@)*+ +,`--.@./0 01`223@345 56`778@89: :;`<<=@=>? ?@`AAB@BCD DE`FFG@GHI IJ`KKL@LMN NO`PPQ@QRS ST`UUV@VWX XY`ZZ[@[\] ]^`__`@`ab bc`dde@efg gh`iij@jkl lm`nno@opq qr`sst@tuv vw`xxy@yz{ {|`}}~@~ `@@ @@ ?????? ??@ @ W[B~@ܬLLLLLLLLLLLbhbibjbt Sea CrashLand Crash  .v.z.~......... ce(cd"c@`px|~x\    $H$H0+(0 cy]#'_V>9Y) ]p1S 0+y O[DWew~_?'-CF0-{ +ȃ1.à #. !0n"3g{#Dlv F!,!.!0  Chaotically administered by the corrupt and depraved Governor Hejaz, Jebba has a thriving black economy. Smuggling, gambling and the enslavery of unwary strangers are major sources of income. Frequented by the Imperial officer corps for their dubious recreation, Jebba is well garrisoned. It is also the HQ of the Secret Police Terror Executive, a ruthless commando force. Gain help from the Jebbans with bribery and deception. To liberate the island you must enlist the Governor and neutralize the Terror Executive, which exerts the only authority the Jebbans understand - mortal fear.`'@(VZ5WNv.s "Wow&WX  Vbބ"VՄVfX1234567890-=QWERTYUIOP[] ASDFGHJKL:@`#ZXCVBNM,./  -+\()/*7894561230. dddddddd22 dd @  ?: <5252  @ *   030"   IUU)p-   . |3S0"b[T)h,  3++(QWU+(/@ )" [++5IV)-8-H    Y\M.*  s#s`fU),   *iCUUU,0.X 2'OK-KNi*.P  ( T p   ((  ,0$P Xt   xh t` PP (|pL \ \  t  /UU< XYZ[\]^_`abcdef    XYZ[\]^_`abcdefghjlmxyz{|}~nopqrstuvw  DEFGHIJKLMNDD  XYZ[\]^_`abcdefNOPQRSTUVWghijklm !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123nopqrs456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMtuvw %  *#"! %$  $        ! $"#$#'  ! "!& &%$()'&*&)(&*')-tZ PV P^,Hd r B , ,  | B p@"% % $p %% % %% %h%HP%$@%$ 8  X@ 8     HH P@@PHXP  x p`   ( @ (PxH` @  (* x`#"x@!\ Hp@@ <L\(pP jh( X `  Xp % lp 0l X `  x  04,Hh|,<LH,<<(D8T`4 Dd P0 , H 8  <D T% 8 < ` $ < X < 8 <$ \ H  ( H , P  8 $ P 8 X88h``XX 0 `HxpH80P p (p `@( ,H `$h F-5 - , H(  P  e  r g0D+l+ -8--.* ,/X,.., ).,*p`zjx~"(.DDdd$$LL@@LL  DppHHlttxx44008@8LPPPWKWxWwNNN{N^^rFrFNi~s~LLdldl6NvNv(@b.@ @@n~n^&`.pp@TTT8lwbxU1  ]mQS`(0PPd\`(pT8N~`08~   @@Z$ the corrupt and depraved Governor. He has many contacts and will be invaluable in undermining the power of the Secret Police. where the elite Terror Executive is based., grandson of Farah Beersheba. Beersheba is the Godmother of the smuggling clan and her help is vital. The Terror Executive are holding Shaalan as a hostage.. The wolfpacks based there are a deep thorn in the side of the islands' smugglers. Eliminating the base will win them over to your cause.. He is like a son to me. If he will not help you, nor will I. head of the Secret Police. The woman's a psychopath and she knows too much about me. She's in deep cover somewhere on the island., my grandson. The Secret Police are holding him hostage. Those pigs will kill him if I so much as lift a finger to help you.   [#OTd#  3+t< uG ;%F;%F[c; | g ; 5,  OG/\ _NSsV+O'7 >  tSl3?+K%_FIQ8 3SA+E <$) $E6_/4'6+, A" \ L\(ɓ #S=!3pZZ"K#zU $!#%* ]&C ]''+(#3G){E\ 2*#,+7?M,/(0 -^|{^.{Ww/mV09HYB1 lp:2{S 30+4O[e5WSe6//7w/W'8=KdT9 .~DFH  The island of Qamar is home to two distinct communities, a wealthy English settlement on West Qamar, and an Arabic settlement on East Qamar. The HQ of the elite Imperial Zeppelin Corps is hidden deep within the Arabic sector. General Ali ibn Zahr, the corrupt commander of the corps and governor of the island, takes protection money from West Qamar in return for leaving it in peace. Consequently, there are no units at all stationed there. Recently, Secret Police investigations have placed the General and his Corps under suspicion of illegal activities. Your mission is to recruit the desperate Ali ibn Zahr.` [h. "[r5~~ ^ 3[L'[ 3 $[)[2.&1[8:.F")R6,z Hj 3D 1[ܩ,[x׹.5 \\fҳ.',5\,ͮ..T)B[d"zP,Z!Z`XPH`p 8H8 Hx@pxhpP xHH(00  `h(x0p  H!` p H8`pd(dHhX XP"h""X"h!!0!!   !#d## $%<$$$@D#@#`\# "# $h$8$$x%h% $#"0!! #($x$0$` # #x #( " ! "(""(Th  Tl T, L  @H 4 ,<\\$8@  @ X4h8hHXx<@l@p@  h 8 `(0( h 0  P ( ( 8  0!0@   @ | 8 0 L 0 P  P H X`80  `  p $ 0(  (dP<<<"$|<#dlh` 8( h  p p`hXH0P( 0HpL"HXP$@X`8!D8@$TD,8P@x(0,D < LxD8$D!<Tpd \@,8$<XD$ <Tl@\@#l <' " #h # #x " !h !@ H !( 0!  Ph    X L  8  H   0    H 0   0x&  8 %  @ p H p 0$  `0 @ 'X )0 (E*,   `8`&0@H @ 0   P x  dh& 4   L 4<  * p, < '   8   D) D0 P&*HpP08L|(&x|)l$,p 4S%   `@`p 0 pp0000!p@P$0`#" 0 P "0 p p0 0  P` p0  0D8cx +89:.!WARsT%GARtDUw6 , S,d,d,ddW  TRSQ    ϢnϢϢ(C'j;3&KF\X_|\H) .0"OSW 7Vu}usdw1{>^4\d020<0I0Q0Z0a$#F}$F:$F$}$$2$FJ}$Fb$Fz#}###F}#F#F $"}$:$R$Fj}$F$F$}$$#F$FQ Q*QQQQRN QR6 Q"R$R&RN R *R ,R .Rp@ 0RN RN R&6R*8R.:RN  !2C!2"@Pw!2CQb4E1"w!2CDU4E3p"w0pPp3D0wHVHbIHqH}IHIHHHHHIHHIIII&I2I?IIQI`IiIIsIIIIII(36+Zv"rZ~&[zJ` .vv *[-8 15,Z).Zx5Yhx85i8"Y.,YU.( YI,9I6T,j!Xh e#YS+    j++$5/L    ##" {@`7,. + 5oZU4.   C*8-6  H<5P.   l8/     Uk#c 5D.p   [ *{ 5-v  jT"k6. < ;  60-( `+2.   33%#b 38/    48p`2l/ 0 s[-2.   ;)c +@1. K3+0%<3.  (` Ph|  22-&n    8   >~  l H8 zjv8|8j `  Nt  4,r5.7P,27.3.6, Iݠޞ4ޞmission`:grafperscamp999: :88889   2222222<---<sssd/d5d;dBdGdNdWddkdtddddddddddddb&6BR^jrh}2jh}2qh}2jh}2xhр}h߀}2h}h}i i}2ji"}2i2}2iE}iL}iU2@2@2@2@2@2@222222,2222222222 (<Pdx,@Th|,>Pbt*<N`r&8J`r0BTfx 0BTfx*>L^p 0BTfx   , > R d v   * < N ` r   . @ R d v  . D V h z 2 D V h z  2DVhz ,,F~8dd8<bb< p<bb<<bb?xp8 0000000D8FF,, F0F0-`-`C&2aF, 0`((D\8@@88@D8@@@@@@@8DD88DD:xp pDD((IUU""D((DP 0@`Pp``Pp``` h``@@@@@@P``` ` `p`p```PP TT((P P p``pp@@@@@@ @ `P @p @@pppph @PPPPP@p`@ @@@ Pp`h @@ @  @``  @  @@@@@``00` @@0H@0@@@ @@@@@ PP @  @@@@ @@ @@d,,F^<bb<<bb<```````<bb<8dd:xp000000xFF,, ``@LZ11C&4bF,8ppl|ppxxpxp xx 0000000npppxxpxp`p```` 3X|Jp,p,|@|@ll((  ,,  ,XXpp p   ``t,t, 8LLttddpPpPpp|T|TxxDDTT`4`4xPDtDtL   ``@`@\   ;=t~, the military Governor of Qamar.. where incriminating evidence on the Governor is kept.. The Secret Police are onto me. It'll cost you for me to come over. Tewfik saved my life once and I owe him!, and his troops will follow him.. Get that squadron or we'll all be dead! I've trained my zeppelin boys to be the best and believe me, they are the best!. That romantic starry-eyed wimp of a pen pusher deserves nothing but death. Kill him and I'll help you win this island.. That old trout cleared me out in a poker game. I lost everything. Then I found out she'd been cheating. Kill her and I'll do you a big favour.. She's got evidence against most of the resistance groups on this island. If you don't silence her, they're all dead! I can be of major assistance.. We've had a secret relationship for years. If she joins the resistance we can be together openly. Recruit her and all your problems will be over, I promise!. No one knows but he's my uncle. He's under arrest on suspicion of black marketeering. Save him and you'll benefit from my expertise. 5, OG/\_NSsV+O'7 >  tSl3?+K%_ F IQ8  3 SA +E <$) $E6_/4'6+, A" \ L\(ɓ#S=3pZZKzU !#* ]C ]'+#3G{E\ 2#, 7?M!6 v24F  The mountains of Maji provide an ideal location for an Imperial weather station serving Dhafra. The Empire also uses this island for rest and recuperation. Imperial troops make sure that the island's two main industries are gambling and crime. A corrupt judiciary and legal profession ensure the prosperity of these dubious industries. Maji is also famous for its pirates. You must cut sea communications with the other Imperial colonies and bring about the liberation of Maji.ff4Zf.f,Y.fXw5YwY|w.q5ZfHq.Pq,$q#Yq!Z.qZh`Z`.`,ZHv`ZD[.*5[,Z.[# @["*5Y.,X'Y8v0YB5Y@'Y,Yf,3t ,.O,,Y,$Y+X .X(5$',$D"Z)5<b).F)YT)"Yv)Yee3te.5Y 4~.'#Yyt3tYttY:ot,X6j,YRcYV ^5,.Y>BY':"     pXX0 ]]3h0X x0`pp``````00`|8x8XX x|0`x8ppxxxx| x <bf<p px0Hpl|Hpl|@ pl| pp `0HpxPpx@ px``````@$,,F^ Ppp@ pp`p@ p$<bb<x pl|@ pp p$HH$H$$H0,$F^ppp ` 0H`x xx `````` || ||   ||  |x  xx x| "`v<;q@pp80????d`p~?<<<x8 ;qw>~?8pp8p8 )H#+K=4 (  S;" 2t&  +3C *}X4&   k#+%zE1`%1  C )ꔔ2%   c 4(P%  3$ ?+ @4X&(!  +3@G3%p  P{!3% ++7$X2&h   cLs) i5'L ?h&B(QA%5X'  sQAE3h) + 3B$ED]3H(  ;Qc[aj3#    [@^F24%\    O Qc+JLI2t$H?93[B(RH2#   { ;"uMwU3|# S3 #iNf2V(* ^G!?B_4&  #QAe3(` s+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!7 2" #z#& &&  Cubango has been torn apart by religious strife. This has been aggravated and exploited by the Empire, which operates a divide and rule policy. Sectarian murder is common on this island. The population is mistrustful and Imperial forces maintain a high state of alert. You must end the religious strife and allow a liberated Cubango to return to stable government. `{P@+&GVx B}d  v & {'5b*l5.ܺ պ кz~C˺=9 9j 99"3.+ J4*$<0P0f0{0%t0eo0 lj0 >|e0` &[VTFlO '`J &$rE>V5.'L Z vxD}ey0  x\   J $<6l#5  9 95N 9\0'<l"#   Rv 1m !]      }m3.@!_9$0 2c~(:% [2 3qW2 3V2 3Z2 8qZ2 8qY2 6;Z2 9:Z2 9R2 7|2 62 6|2 6|2 72 G9 + PPPP8vL8vL8vLvLovLvLvLvLpvLvLovLo$&*0/&,")-%+"(X        222     (  #       #I Bp1( <   #d  ckkxYo]owbwm}o}xeeoowxxqgiqqslQ@  `    p <ZF2<2FdP(d2PdP<d<  2222#2 2;  (Z<Fd<2( P<XdX(   ( ZZ222<(2ZZK2 $?E#/&ICE+#hc[3S  CC>d8X" 9}N>,UA;)^"3[ ZU @H*(M ?]`XY>H&pfw3)a>a=&@ T=3=C8!`  -#tFs?)Gt337HK"A%X  d\ /vss>)V_cS>ru9$, 3 #K,3-x 5" d++c='W  cC&:! #C+."=#   ]7k5e@'  b dC %y:) dKc"<)Qd  F#A$k9|&X ;##c8?"D GS -D< aA%   {p jA%   ;Vs++>( (!6 ;'(p KRa) >&   SC<#2@';-7:p:\$53#$9=)T SdtU22X䔐7#  %Sc7# 3tEA&'*X䤐<"(4f N|  $6 >  < (6   $g   @ t8B  n " !!F !(N    fF  rj l Dv>N L$ 1* X  8(  6|* H F    t:  j& <)>(>4&p@$%x?$?&:$:0"?X# 7$6"=):)>X)='l >' ;1 n"q рh l"' 13x   y  ??xp 8 0p0?`` Gavin?Steel? $3 9& //////////////////////////////N,HHddRRCpCuu  llP[[@@##npnp^^PP<<**peUeU|$|$|]]D,D,00    X X ,,xx D TTd#d#w^w^::XX  LL$$880DDWWffLf}}   & &z ~z ~        (,Nt   @`x\ X ,   V@hvH\`XDmVQ5P@`@xPl`PPTd @X `h,H`l P  G. Benson is an Imperial lackey and if he ever realises his ambition to gain ownership of all of Cubango, then Imperial forces will get an even stronger grip on the island., a vicious hoodlum who scares the wits out of my parishioners. I have a feeling that he is being hired by Mullah Alami, but I can't be sure., the author of blasphemous books. This infidel must die !, the Secret Police Headquarters. I've been picking up garbled radio transmissions from there which, I think, concern attack plans. that belong to Johan Artusa. They are land deeds and if I have them I will be the most important land owner on Cubango. If you help me, I will repay you handsomely.# @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1O[e2WSe3//4w/W'5=KdT6Uh7,,z8^\9v?x:0n;S{<{nt=5-|>#__?Vv@8>B !|!~!  Gau is controlled by two Mafia - type families. The Doua's in the south, and the Oqbah's, in the north. The Empire often indulges itself in hiring the exceptional skills of their assasins and hit-men. Recently Nasif Namali, a General with the Saharan Army, well known for his outspoken hatred of the Mafia and some aspects of Saharan life, went into hiding after killers hired by the Empire, began searching for him. Namali is a desperate man, who might be willing to help us. Your overall mission is to free Gau from Empire and Mafia rule.`  {!  m    n h  &! "! %!9!#ڭ9!խ5!3Э!$!Ac!A!/!ZD!9D!QV!1 !Qz!U5!a%5!_!k!K5!$!W5!g5!Q5!k! 3!B65a5!5!3!5!j'!^'!t'!!! !}0!-!+!9!!mC"u"~"""d$""t&")!"U"/ "@"6|"x$ "L"!h"p!`"e!""2!!Z !V!V!!" !!!K~ !I"rN9"G49"V29"19" Y/////////////////// #X             > 222        @@ @ @(  2 (( #       @2d@d << (< &dP %dP(<P  '<P -*2 )2 @2( @<  @# @(2Ȁ-2  d((d2P d*a:\campaigna:\solidsa:\mission0,PSpz=-s""RH0s""W./s""W.1s""V2s""V3s""W4s""W5s""W^6s""W^7s""W8s""W9s""X&:s""X&;s""X<s""X.s""Ks!! vs!!js!!js!!js!!jws!! 6y3)$jx4F&*jos!! ps!! qs!! rs!! Bss!! hts!! us!! vs!! ws!! s!! s!! s!! s!! s!! s!! s!! s!! s!! s!!js!!jws!!jsj sj sj sj sj sjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjss!!js!!js!!js!!Ars!!Bs!!CZs!!Cs!!Cs!!Ds!!F.s""R?s""=s"">s""-s""RLR8LR bTR$ TR 9R#R `R$RR..s""?s""*Bs""$As""@s""@s""$s""$s""s""s""$s""s""&ws""$HB\0ȃC< C,' +[˃9PB'++X D(h    +g"B( #@&pD6*l3oÃ'%ZE)= 3<pA*J #c~/ȡBH)  ++0RC*3[&6[C')  7&B+ +c$B' B+ B*   Nm&A+X S3 B*C++ (A+  {+ (ZB*`    3S 1 @B'   c | D(  3A"qE.) ; 8; :s!^Al*  MnCC(C),(!3!-!! !rD!{" .!": !4~"<+!!!!B>!~"\" "!"j "v  "h"^~" "!"f !x !z !(3 !4)!Pl  !h !xq ! !!& !9!O !/g!;!TC)D)C(<B* D$).Xx h h n n t t } }          { {     ! ! )! 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His refusal to help the two ruling families on Gau and his views on how the Saharan Empire conducts its affairs have made him a much-wanted man.. He is a dishonourable man whose existence brings much grief to me and my family. Kill him, and I will help you, I give my word., my brother-in-law at Murbaquas Bay. He is a disgrace to the family. Mina is too good for him. Ferhat beats her and treats her like dirt. held by Shaka Zhuku, the Harbour Master at Manzara Cove. They show arrival times of foreign traders, which will be of great help to my husband. He has a terrible head for business. I fear my family's patience is wearing thin with him.. He is, let us say, in my employ, but his work is not satisfactory. He often forgets who his employer actually is. I am tired of the wretch. to the south east. They are striking terror into the heart of my parishioners. @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,`^h >^$  Once a tranquil and verdant haven, Vitoria was settled by pioneers of the green movement to use as a living laboratory for alternative technology and communal living. When the Empire discovered rich deposits of brown coal and iron ore, the lush interior became heavily industrialized. Because physical violence is against the principles of the green pioneers, the rest of island is barely garrisoned at all but powered vehicles are also rare. To win the hearts and minds of the islanders, you must shut down the heavy industry. Reason, charm and pleading are useful skills.`@ `[ (5 (' (.[Ld&Z5t+"$t"""["1[?")`6$"\p<8P< \<<.,(<$l"4Z75["3E5pE&[ E,E#4E1D1,,1+C5C.ZC&5(l+#Zd.ZTl6+\6,@6+X1d,[L('[5 1 + 73$$dE0                                           FLHKM$@` ` "(  0  7@ ?GxOLU]8PcHin!vhzP@$(8#`#  ` `8 "` ``0  @  `%`+ 2AfricaAgoraLobosDhafraCamargoPanaoVicenzaGamboaIquitosMaracayCalabarAledoCorozalJebbaQamarMajiCubangoGauVitoriaSikassoZafriyaDjoumSataraTharGran ParadisoBouremMagharJerezBeni MazarGhazalNdolaMakatKhashMocoritoHemetCajamarcaNicobarAlmiranteCristobalAostaGalvaAndaraMuarHThe Sea ofThe Bay of?Head?Bay?Plains?Creek?Point?Flats?Bluff?Cove?Lake?Reach?Peninsula?Sound?Coast?Mountain?HeathLake?Water?Island?Straits?PeakMount?Sea?Fjord?PlateauThe Mull of?Quay?MountainsGlen?Fell?Pass?ValleyThe Vale of?Tor?Scar?Ridge?Hill?Hills?CragMountains of?Moor?Lowlands?Sister?GorgeTheSierra?Hollow?Range?Ocean?Highlands?Gate?Fields?GulfPort?Sound?Shore?Isles#I,  0 @.... .PDDDD D`ZZZZ Zppppp p"p " "  & !' "( #) $*!!2CT$$UDc1w!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2CTeDUf5F0@ w':+A'a$[T= '&@ng`pP& `pzS, `p 0@P`p,Sz8g`p&  0@P`p,Sz& `p 0@Ah `p 0,Sz&F   @ T@ `@ (@@H@:%+*+.+2+8+<+@+D+H+L+j Pc7 k`7p   # A HUUUU4  4;H7&    "5UU7  +#+q8PP  3 ;B(5278    #0e<4 #K@* U6     C#)#<UU6H` [ 5(IU7(;5<U58 S u1HUUUU6P c+Q  /<@ 8 @   Sy.8x {Sxd$HUU8Pc cc6 U5  {[+7H4Ph  K3c&5U7 (X x < H  | $ l D  $ $   Dp |8X76H5L7$6lF`z88((hhl|l|$l$l    XX<<TT(pp044||HHLLP00(h,\ 4HDD@@8   <  #=, the general manager of the Imperial Steel Corporation. His help is vital in shutting down the island's steel mills., a geological survey suppressed by the Government to avoid a mine workers' strike. The report predicts massive earthquakes and flooding if mining continues., the ecology expert and green activist. The Secret Police are holding her somewhere. Her rescue will rally the islanders to our cause., President of the Union of Coal Miners. The Police have framed him on fraud charges and now he's in hiding. The miners will follow him to a man., the so-called green b Q Q Q Q QRNQ R6QRR RNRRRRRNRNR& R*(R.RN2mAuto RouteYOU HAVE NOT MAPPED OUT A ROUTEQUICK TIME ONLY WORKS IF AUTO ROUTE IS SWITCHED ON  JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECYou have secondsto reach safe distance Trap triggered  You've been damaged You've escaped this time YOU CAN ONLY USE DYNAMITE WHEN ON FOOT Charge set 0 RECONNAISSANCE CAMERA YOU CANNOT USE THE LIMPET MINE HERE GAME PAUSED  STRATEGIC PLANNING  SELECT MISSION Good morningafternoonevening. Good luckMISSION EQUIPMENTSTARTING OUTSabotagedAssassinatedRescuedEnlistedSeizedDestroyedSabotagethe at everythingAssassinateRescueEnlistSeize documentsDestroyMISSION OBJECTIVE CONDITION contacts years old hours days to Insert Graphics DiskInsert Missions DiskInsert Campaign DiskInsert Personnel DiskDisk ErrorDisk Write-protectedpress any key'ESC'- Quit OperationSELECT LEVEL OF PLAYNOVICEINTERMEDIATEEXPERIENCEDEXPERTYou will arrive by You will land by You will land as a After landing, you will make your way by roundssticksrocketsgrenadesclipsLtCaptMajColGenAdmStrategyEscapeLandSeaAirAmphibiousFirefight controlsSECURITY CHECKIdentify this member of the Secret Police.INCORRECT IDENTIFICATIONACCESS DENIEDNO CAMPAIGN IN MEMORYOUTSIDE RAID AREASTART NEW CAMPAIGNLOAD EXISTING CAMPAIGNSAVE CURRENT CAMPAIGNSAVE CAMPAIGNInsert campaign disk.Then click on save icon.LOAD CAMPAIGNInsert an existing campaign disk.Then click on load icon.START NEW CAMPAIGNYou are about to start a new campaign. You must have a pre-formatted disk ready to store the campaign on. Enter a name for the campaign, and then press RETURN. To exit, just press RETURN.OPERATION You are about to start a new campaign. You must have a pre-formatted disk ready to store the data on. This will become your campaign disk. The Flames of Freedom 'MISSIONS' disk will be copied to the campaign disk. All previous data on the campaign disk will be erased.ABANDON OPERATIONCREATING Insert your 'MISSIONS' disk.Insert your 'CAMPAIGN' disk.Insert your BACK-UP disk.Then click on copy icon.SAVE MISSIONABORT MISSIONCONTINUE ACTIONABORT RAIDHEADQUARTERS SAVEDSAVE CAMPAIGNReading Data.Writing Data.BACK-UP FLAMES OF FREEDOM DISKYou are about to copy a Flames of Freedom data disk. You must have a pre-formatted disk ready to store the data on. This will become your backup disk. Please note that any data on the destination disk will be lost during backup procedure.CREATE BACK-UP DISKInsert your ORIGINAL disk.Insert your MISSIONS disk.Insert your START-UP disk.Insert your GRAPHICS disk.Insert your PERSONNEL disk.Insert your CAMPAIGN disk.COPY FROM ORIGINAL DISKCOPY TO BACK-UP DISKCONTINUE COPYING . . . . . .CREATE CAMPAIGN DISKCOPY FROM MISSIONS DISKCOPY TO CAMPAIGN DISKORIGINAL DISKMISSIONS DISKSTART-UP DISKGRAPHICS DISKPERSONNEL DISKCAMPAIGN DISKBACK-UP DISKWRONGDISKWRITEPROTECTEDItem 00CURRENT MISSION STATUS** Armada Underway **VillaShackMosqueChurchSecret Police HQGarageHangarShip's StoresFactoryGunshopRadarRadio StationControl TowerBus StationRailway StationEnemy HQFilling StationMineTown HallTelephone ExchangeBarBawdy HouseFarmhouseHousePrintersBankWater TowerElectricity WorksRefineryMansionStoreUnderwater BaseAtlantic OceanJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberCHARMSEX APPEALBRIBERYTHREATSREASONPLEADINGAUTHORITYDECEPTIONexcellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent pooraveragegoodexcellentREFLEXESSTURDINESSENDURANCERECUPERATIONSTAMINAexcellent excellent excellent excellent excellent excelliologist. She's really working for the Army's bio-warfare unit. If we don't get her on our side, she might wipe out the entire island., the ecologist. Once she's safe, I'll help you reach that pig, Ellis, if that's what you want.kKv#c#'_V>9Y) ]p1S 0+y O[D We w~_ 1.à #.  0n3g{#  [t< uR dT(rdv  This island is the home of two deadly neighbours, the Imperial Secret Police, who use it as their interrogation HQ, and the League of Assassins, a brotherhood of professional killers who sell their services to the highest bidder. These two organisations detest each other. You must exploit the mutual dislike between the Police and the League, destroy the power of the assassins and compromise the Secret Police. U'V\!Vd( 5X,D0W.V 5,Wx31W)P3X՚&.X )T1 $X< 5X`ƩH %,3&lX",.Ydt,0hY` 4'Y,,+Xt . 3\.W,, .V " W8 03`$D.0,l +U$3 .(5Vh,U`H,Th"T|"U|'Upx,Vp|"    a CC$zX .h   cm3",/h! *B B(0X    o/%w 2  U3+ 1 cjc#,* 23 + ! ;2  [9Q79.H/ 3SCC+-*=%$. 3C@&Zt-   | [)maw0 +?RX/`   {+3#Fik/ (x | ht     H 0h   |  Dx 4,   d n4  "    (  D0(`   ,  d   \  x x     X4pP\  ,$l@<`H.-43h18+P,&* ) *+*@,,- .-/ 1@p0 231P1x6@ .8B  D$D$$$LLPP|| L LP\\88   V VD0D0xtxt$XLL8,dd (>,TH0hP4(tTtTTTHl\$Xx d x \0 $0<< tX<  &\, head of Sikasso's League of Assassins. With luck this will start a conflict between the Assassins and the Secret Police, as undoubtedly the League will blame this murder on them., containing incriminating photographs of the head of the Secret Police, highly delicate in nature., captain of the Secret Police. He is attempting to quash our presence on Sikasso, and this is not to be tolerated.. Captain Larrosa has ordered his Secret Police to seize millions of dollars from the bank. He claims it's for the Empire, but he's keeping it. If the customers don't get their money, I'm dead!. Waste him and I'll get his job as Marouzet's number two.  @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1O[e2WSe3//4w/W'5=KdT6Uh7,,z8^\9v?x:0n;S{<{nt=@rYdeApontarA-SolA-SombraAzulBaixoBonitaBragaBrancoCidadeCizentoDaoDom-MiguelEsperancaEsteFecundoFer-SonoForteGomeraGomes-da-CostaGoreeInvernoIriniJovemJovem-EvoraLajuntaLaranjaLodiMadeleineMais-BonitoManuelMarquesMataraMoedaMortoMurmuraNevoeiroOcultarO-LavradorOuroOutubroOutonoPequenoPraiaPrada-de-SantoPretoPrimaveraPrimeiroQuintaRaphiaRasoRochaSalamadiSalazaoSangrentaSan LucasSantaSanta BeatrizSanta CatarinaSanta IsabellaSanta UrracaSao BernardoSao FernandoSao JoseSao OportoSao TiagoSao VicenteSecundoSilveiroSonoTaviraTerrenoTerreno-ReinadoTerreno-RiquezaTrovoadasUrsoVentoVeraoVianoAhmasAliAminAnharAnjumArabiAsaliBa'irBakisBeledBurtugaliFirengiGalaleGarbiGhurubHadatHaddaraHajumHurriyeJadawilJamsunJulbaKebirKufurManzaraMasMatawinMubarakMuqrisMurbarquasMu'tabMu'timN'gurQadusaQasirQataraQawatimSafiySajhaSakriSayatinSeketSufariyaTalaTaqafaTaranTawilWadiWa'irAl-EssaAsaimaraBait-KathirBalikiBani-HuruthBani-LamBanktiariCassavaDoroFarusFeraigatFerloGbokoHazaraHerkiJunubaMaladManatobaMioceneMumbadeviPathanPizdhatQalatQarraQueleaSenghofShanghabaSihombeSinaaSitampikaSuaidUdhrUzbekWazirYahyaYazidiTTTTTTTTTTU.VY["\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\UNUmUVV#V5VZVoffers to take you to, offers to contact friends and get them to help when you reach themoffers you forged Saharan Empire identification papers. they are ofqualitycan provide you witha/an/offers youoffers to hide you from the enemyoffers to patch up your injuries.His/Her/medical skill iscan give you information.He/She/knows the whereabouts ofsomeone/many people/W W`WXXwXYYmcan give you information.He/She/knows of a secret place, not marked on your mapcan give you information.He/She/knows of a vehicle that you might use. can give you information.He/She/knows of a hidden weapon that you might use. can give you information.He/She/knows the location of an enemy unit./a number of enemy units./ squadroncan give you information.He/She/knows the identity of a traitorvolunteers to assassinate, it will takehim/her/ hour./hours./ TARGET : offers to go on a rescue mission. It will takehim/her/ hour./hours./ TARGET : ,volunteers to do some sabotage. It will takehim/her/ hour./hours./ TARGET : Theat,YZZZbZZZZZoffers to organize an ambush. It will takehim/her/ hour./hours./ TARGET squadron. STRENGTH  has no more help to offer youcan you persuadeto help ?has been terminated with extreme prejudicehas been rescuedis eager to help youwill help you on certain conditions[B[[[[[[\2you have met allconditions.He/She/is now willing to help youis glad to help youis a traitorthis is theday of my mission on. So far..i havei have forged Saharan Empire identification papers. they are ofqualityENEMY UNIT DESTROYED. Commanding officer lost remaining Bonus earned\\\\\]\\ $SABOTAGED  will not help youis deadTheathas been blown to bitssquadron has been destroyedheshehisherhimhershimher,andbutbecauseyetalthoughsinceeven thoughso,Jthe resistance leaderthe munitions expertthe sabotage expertthe resistance fighterthe doctorthe political leaderthe forgerthe assassinthe jail-breakerthe governor's mistressofficer commanding imperial forcesa frienda good friendan enemy officeran enemy officialthe governorhis masterhis friendhis girlfriendhis hated enemyhis employerhis commanderhis rival in lovehis loverhis betrayerhis persecutorher masterher friendher boyfriendher hated enemyher employerher commanderher rival in loveher loverher betrayerher persecutor;a favourite haunt of Imperial officersa rendezvous for informersan important munitions dumpthe hub of oppression on the islandthe governor's residencea vital air basea vital zeppelin basea key naval basea key  Jz~  Centre for the Imperial fishing industry, Zafriya sends supplies of dried fish from the its processing and canning plants to all of the Empire's garrisons. The workforce has been ruthlessly exploited by the Empire, and in order to augment their livelihoods they have resorted to piracy. Although some inhabitants are fiercely loyal to our cause, others are treacherous in the extreme.` `] $^ d ^r $_ 9`#D ] ^}>$%NB(]g^r I, &#. D (:8  xi#+&R@8  ,mƒ1ġ< +W& ~=`7&@ X<  ]-(< #CBY$ ?  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QR0<R0(R0 `R0 (      e  @ t  ;       uo : ;p ;p02;p0??Ph;pb @F= nPV    D d d l l T T t t t ( (TTvv4J4JCaCa=y=v I I V V _ f~p|p|    d l l e e Y Y S S K K D_ D_ Lr Lr h h  (@dR@~Hv BD f \  H   @  ] S, a resistance fighter who is believed to have gathered information likely to be beneficial to Federation Intelligence. from where the enemy flies out food supplies to bases on mainland Africa., a smuggler known to frequent the seedier areas of Angel Cove, who has reached a business understanding with Imperial Officers., which I spotted carrying out manouevres out at sea, to the north., an Imperial hired killer, who has struck terror into our hearts., a Major in the Imperial army, who is stationed at Boulder Hills.  E%3+Vv3 uQadC 7LIi'+[;E,+ /GG_ _UKS A '7 >}#&<^;B <,0\|~! !###  Because of its close proximity to the African mainland, and the diversity of terrain types found there, Djoum is used by the Saharan Empire as the ideal military training centre for its newly recruited troops. Here, Imperial soldiers, sailors and airmen undergo six months of intense training in all fields of modern warfare, until they are considered worthy enough to fight in the ranks of the Imperial army. Djoum is also the location of the Headquarters of the much feared Imperial Death Squad, a special judicial unit, created to investigate reports of misconduct within the echelons of the Imperial Army and Secret Police.#  #d#d $ d$2cdc$ $`d%c^+dHs($$dqydv+$(rd0dQO$$;$]3$rL*dG+$M+$X+de+$Z+d~Ld5d9dm9$9d5dq5d5$5d=d?|$NwdCpd$k9dZdcc c\c1c c>]cKXcOc.Jc +c<+c)+c-+c3 3#-E3# @c;#c4c/#c*c#cxcc&c c$c#Z czce c}ccicacmc ccf 9#"###do7dX7dB|7d67d07d$Id^7dC7$d$ddc+d+d+#+$ '$.'d+$*+d<#'dMy+$U'$e+$V/ '$+$3t5d{/o3$|+$4j3P { 0   $   0      0   P ^RP(R0(R  `RP RR     $   0      $5Fgw0@Pbw44 (TT2T"T?0.w&Lw&LwLrFGE<<<<<<<<oppp;qp^rpst;u^vw&=d=wwnGJxGJxX\ޜX tlH<,gRgRRRw8^w-R-V--Z-^--b-f--j-n--r-v--z-~---------------------------.&> 2Q0@QQ QQx|QTQ4xR6Q0R@4R0R TR?R0PR R@RTR"TR&/R*0dR.wR2TQ 1  [\]!b!b!b!!b!b!b!!b!b!b!b!b!b!b!b2dtttttttttttttttttttttttttP`V`PN?G      xxxxxx2x<xx(xx x2xxFx(x22x<xFx((xPPPPPP P(PP8PP PPP0PP (P( P8P8P     O'-.!G-T 2# +d @Hh-]  ++˃"F- 3c/ IH. 5<ĴG-  +k} ƹF-Q >*#31ѻ H.( 3d.٢G-   3&+I(.4#3(}H(.   +#*H- 2Z= Sq "G-|@ " +3;, Q!F.lH*e"G|, 2 R+( ZFcIt. >*', ;3 &^N`G-$ #3vA!H/P   K[#)[AI.|&  (#$ $g$$4#$n$I$ $T  $@$$s $;$ $a$p$l $< $a$J$xM$gs$%$F$$h$$|$I#$.$$N4$l $ $ $ # # # #-  # #:  #H #& $w$7z$4$L$$d$B$ $ $v  $ $e $~##h#D #U #{G-H/T&G/D G.hI.F-@F - G^.lE- ("0:DRhr#$$$:$:$ 2J>2JD2P>2PD8J>8JD8P>8PD2J>2JD2P>2PD8J>8JD8P>8PD @$$j+   (*,000000 <BHx~(((((( 0 0 0 00`0` 0 `-H  $ l    H HH$$$H HHHHH HHHHH H lll                    Jy^fX09`xp dL3^Ryj yZT Pf* yJyg |$Jy'HgN$3j#Z yZp@@C~"qNNuJy^gNNNJygJy'HfNsNZaN?.=|=|d=|NN=_#} RC0kN7 yZprN7"yA3 >2)kIA0C0tN7`X$ j0C0~N7"yDAC@@@CQJ#-2`D"yDAC@1@C0tN7C:NN7CQJ@@#-2C0yN709 >NTaaN7C}=|nn =|Bn Bn2=|"Bn&=|NN <<3&aaBy^Bxp NhNO6aNua8aNhNO6NuNq n"VNO0NqNu=|X=|iZ` =|X=|gZNN=nX\=nZ^nu\nJ^=| NNNuH@0<dJgX@`3`LNu3'2BxbBy'D09& f3'D@3}1vN1vP33"3g3!hN+NuJy'DgN+A+RNVNu/pJyg09jS@y@"y NuJy^g?9NNNJygJy'HfNsNZN#} RC0N7N7N"?.?.N=_=_a`aN7C}=|nn =|Bn Bn2=|"Bn&=|NN3NBy^Bxp NhNO6NuNuJy^g?9NNNJygJy'HfNsNZN#} RC0N7N7N"?.?.N=_=_aaN7C}=|nn =|Bn Bn2=|"Bn&=|NN3NBy^Bxp NhNO6NuNuJy^g?9NNNJygJy'HfNsNZN#} RC0N7N7N"?.?.N=_=_aaN7C}=|nn =|Bn Bn2=|"Bn&=|NN3NBy^Bxp NhNO6NuNu0<2<W4<j6<n3'JN-3&3C&N,3&N-NNNuJy^gNNNJygJy'HfNsNZN?.?.=|=|A=|NN=_=_#} RC0N7C0N7a~aN7C}=|nn =|Bn Bn2=|"Bn&=|NNBy^Bxp NhNO6NuNuJy^gNNNJygJy'HfNsNZN?.=|=|d=|NN=_#} RC0N7N7 yZp(? y C2p(NN7N7"yT|p( NN7CIN70 y0( Cd/NN7CIN7a$a|N7C}=|nn =|Bn Bn2=|"Bn&=|NN yZp( y00 @3&a2aBy^Bxp NhNO6aNuaNNhNO6NuJykNJyf #4#By&"By&$N###Nu=|=|=| =|2=|"Bn&=|#} RJygN>CJN7C0JygC0N709j"y RNp C}=|NNNu yZp(3NA#&y Rpr( By'N3# RNu yZJ(jr#4$##$$B$B$$$^$$^$8$8$ $ ####r#r##v#v######,#,#6#6#D#D#T#T########v$:$:$@$@$H$H$Q$Q$Z$Z$i$i$$$$Q#v#>#>#######$$$0$0,$F,$F:$:$$$$n$n$V$V$>$>$$##$j:$ja$aa$ak$Pk$Pv$9v$9n$/n$/`$#`$#T$T$K$K$$V$V$I$I$;$;$,$,$B$R$R$^$T$T$H$H$?$?$5$5$a$a#v$-v$-$v$v:$%$%$$$"##""##@#4#4L $|"$~$d ;, an important military munitions complex, where a handful of the Empire's best scientists create and manufacture devastating weapons. a Major in the Imperial army, whose death will smash enemy morale., Hangman with the Imperial Death Squad. His death will turn others against their leaders., my husband. He's been placed in custody on Malad Island by Commander Baikie. Baikie wants Dingaan out of the way just so he can have fun with me. Rescue Dingaan, and I'll kill that pig Baikie., Hilmi's second in command. The Imperial Death Squad are trying to eliminate our presence on the island, and enforce their own. Much as I despise what you're fighting for, this time we have a common enemy., kept at the Manatoa Highlands, which contain military plans. Without them the Saharan war machine will halt for a while at least. I'm tired of sending young men and women to their deaths. I want it all to stop.. I know of your mission, but Dube's death will have a much worse effect on troop morale than you'd get by killing me. The new recruits actually like him, would you believe. I don't want to come to blows with you, I abhore violence!. The Djoum police are no longer of any need. Strike at their heart for me, and we may decide not to execute you. at Wazir. His defection will come as a devastating blow to the Empire's morale and lift the spirits of our Resistance fighters. 2 @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1O[e2WSe3//4w/W'5=KdT6Uh7,,z8^\9v?x:0n;S{<{nt=5-|>#__?Vv@ "* *<J " $  Situated close to the African mainland, Satara is heavily industrialised with a proliferation of armaments and munitions factories. The arms industry encourages a considerable amount of smuggling to resistance groups. The island is also the HQ for the Imperial Marine Corp. The main underground movement has formed a government in waiting, ready to seize control of the island as soon as it is liberated. Your overall mission is to recruit the government in waiting and assist it in taking control of the island.`` $( .$ &d"$ ,dcX#|x3$c$T$.dL"ct@9# 5$T *c#,cHܷ#H&#p c$($4,#H^4cH8^""4^$b^."(s5"$dsb\r."xr$"D blh5!pa$p#!p.#.b5"'"dbp.$@<dlP.$@,d0c`$##.#` "$T$5d.#|c.#(# \c ,"&cD"c8.#P4 (cLc8~.$$&#,"8H x"pd x,bhc(`yb4t.#<&#do5ctj.cT$!$!} Rp@@Af"p=|=|=|=| =|2=|"=| &BnNN=|=|=|d=|NNNuNqN=|mN:0<N-| N#%&NNrNNZC0%=|n =|Bn Bn2Bn"=|NN#} RC09@@"qN7 yfW R"y R# RCd/HNN7"y R# RC0N7C}=|nNN=|=|d=|NNNs V"nNO009@3&a2By' NqNq n"VNO0a~NO6NOJy' k#%&NNr3' NpgNt`NqN=|mN:-| N`*NqN=|mN:0<N-| N#%&NNrN0<2<d4<6<U3'JN-N,NNNZC0=|n =|Bn Bn2Bn"=|NNNs V"nNO0By' NqNq 91oBn1p xp eBxp n"VNO0=|=|foeRn`n?.nNNNA2C}p0Np JgRI` BA0@@ p=|=|2 g j=|n"@=|NN`=_NO6NORnJy' k#%&NNr3' NpgNt`NqN=|mN:-| N`"NqN=|mN:0<NNq#%&NNr3`3N-| NNsaZaZNO6Nq#%&NNrNNN-| NNsaaNO6NONpgNt`Sy`f3`RyNJ9$fJ9$f 3`09$.ga#} RN>N8C}=|x=|=|Bn Bn2Bn"=|NNp( 2<4<dC}Np # RC0N7N8C}=|xn NNp"yTp( N=|xn NNC0=|x=|=|2BnNNNu=|_N(N$JyBgH#} RCK{N709C!NN7CKN7=| =|`D#} RC0N7CJg N7N7C0N7=|=|C}=|?.$=|6$NN=_$NO6Nr!o1T1T1TNrNu/9 V?9?9NZNqNL# VNNrNO6NL&N(By,NN n"VNO0NN33NONO6 n"nNO0A1|1|2"y41B"00< r2i#d61C$1Cr2i#h!I02)N n"VNO0aVNO6NONO"h Qf yJhkX`r p0#dp0#h33# VNuANº02(NP=@=A=|E=|NNNuMwNqa1v&N!2NN$1T1bNNN-yNNs y"|6N V"nNO0aNqNO6Nr!Lo1T1T1TNrNq n"VNO0ajNO6NONpgNtJxT k ygLAC}d0<=Q=|Jyj=|NA}dC0<=QA#1b 09k@1b ARp y#d#h#tBhByl3b n3p3rBxB|N333#33By3A xb f1b 3|#0$N!hBy}"y0k@2RA3Y1vNAD302RA3Y1vPA$3 YNV`NuNq3|ByN*XONNq3|BN~XONNqBy# # #R#NuNq3#" # #n#NuNq3 #. # ##`NuNq3#" # ##NuNq3NuNqXNuNq33# # p##Nu08T y<f<` <f<3Nu$I"Xg(=Z=Z=|=| =|2Bn"BnNN`Nu=@NN2(4(=BXRnXqUB=B\4(=BZRnZq UB=B^$y =Z# NNNqN`N$NNA@"VNO0-| NNsNO6NqNr!o1T1T1TNrA@"VNO0-| NNsNqNO6NqNmNtJxT k`XOXONuJy|fA@"VNO0=|BnC3=|#=|NN#} R}B9}}C3N7C5 N7C\N7C3N7N8=|C}=|P=|NNC3=|Z=|NN-| 4NNsNO6Nq3NmNtJxT kNuNq n"VNO0=|2X=|\=|UZ=|t^=|NNBn=|C3F=|a=|NNNO6Bxp 1p"NfNuA@"VNO0=|BnC3=|#=|NN=|C4=|P=|NNC4,=|Z=|NN-| BNNsNO6Nq3|33NmNtJxT kfJykXNNuNq1hpBxbf?\B9]A@"VNO0?. ?.$oe=|( =|$=|BnC4H=|=|NN=|C4^=|(=|(NN V"nNO0` n"VNO0Bn&=|"=| #} R}B9}}C5 N7C\N7N8C}=|=|=|NNNO6NOA\NҼA\g<ae <zd_RH`< fRoe=_$=_ BxhpJ9\fJ`3#8qT#9:t#9R݄#8#9#:.`8By#9T#9t#9݄#9#:A@"VNO0=|JygHBn&=|"=| =|C7X=|=|NNBn C7|=|BnNN`xBn#} R       O`#D28G'X !3d˃*x8E$(   #dA'/饐F%$> 3k{ ¢GB$ 3 B5ωH%( =3[#-ZG"  3+ C+Ӭ D# +3]2[F"r +ÃA*H`#+d#!8H! 7+# aH"x +A\G*#F  3j{Hb#,   +>qG! t[c"ӷG8$ 3+[A8E% =Sd zF&D+# A/{鐐F$h  Ku}wG@%.(2 @,@Fp%  gosc4G@%6  #$KE"h{bb#DP!6=_C(8D!  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"p Q, businessman and leading member of Satara's government in waiting., Imperial Governor of Satara., quality controller for the Empire's arms factory. which contain plans for the Empire's new missile delivery system., an officer in the Imperial Secret Police, whose investigations are getting too close for comfort to our arms smuggling syndicate. @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/PTd T4Tb   Formed by a now dormant volcano, this rugged island is exploited by the Empire as a location for its Secret Weapon Establishment. Little is known of this highly secret installation. Recently fishermen from Zafriya, who had been pressed into service with the Imperial Mercantile Fleet, reported seeing Professor Gabriel D'Angeli on the dockside at Bird Quay. Professor D'Angeli is known to be a keen supporter of the Federation. Your overall mission is to locate D'Angeli and destroy all elements of the research establishment. Be warned - Thar is heavily guarded.` @c#'c$Td2}+d0+c?cc(# d@4+cdb ;ob obD jo#b }oa tob( kob" Dbo$b YocTbmK bDb3@?9b o c< "c :69c@ " ,oc+0`X`NrNO6NOa/NqNqNpgAma-08RkfNqab`v @jҰ|gNqְ|fS@S@2HJAfN`|fN`NL@@Aw pBG3p~a*6AAAl pN yke3ka/`JykgrNBxo~Bx@Bx@1hzLNuJymgNq=|a+3pj3pla*z#4#By&"By&$a=(a+2 xw"xwNO0Ixa(0<AfB(`bHa+4=|=|o=|NNNXBy&"By&$N=|=|s=|NNa*MwAk>9kSG=X=X=X=X=|NNQLNuNo@ @dykg3k ykHykr4600I492Af #mm`#mmNXRyk"yT|/ N I CBEBf|.BNuaCC=|=|=|NN=|=|<=|NN xw"xwNO0BF3$pz"xw xwNO03&l3b&n3x&p3P&r3&z3&|3&x3 &v3 &tNOH3ޚ&~NFa(FNO6NOSypzk Z`| Fg3 pza,`NuED(axEE{aIla3kNuED(aPEDa^IlaNuEDa0EE6a>Imdat3kNuEDaEDJaImaLNuED>aEEaIma,3kNuED>aEDaIm:aNua a', xw"xwNO0"xw xwNO02<4<<=AX=BZ=A\=B^n\nP^BnNN=A=B=\kLNN"\ g=Y=Y=|NNBxp 3mNO6NOJy' ka+08p yme`pNuCmABfSfNuAmCnDf| ABfSfNuNrNNO63*1v&N!>1 u|N`& y0!9,#0#,3*Bxbp ygp3Mw=|3pj3plNNN=|kN\NNrNOHa&xa%Ax|a%Axfa%6a%aXa Da Nq xw"xwNO0NqNr xw"xwNO0aa%na%a&NO6NOa)Jyj 3NqN`NqNqNOfNrNpgAxfa'l08RkNqJ@fn yfJyg prN0JygByNo@fN~#t3r1b y0#,#0 y,N3p|g N`PN`NpfNq`83pzNN$<N@0<N(| xw"xwNO0NLNNaNNɞNO6NOSypzg`NpfNqNu3 pz$<N@NJyvgN0<N(| xw"xwNO0NLNNaJNNɞNO6NOSypzg`NuB@BA><A Xo`RAQ3vNu0<2<=|&?.&4.&:9Hŋ E=B&v 4<NN=n&"=_&v 4<NNNNNuHNq=|3rpj3plNBypf=|kN\Na'$By' Byxa<=|n=|t=|NN xw"xwNO0 xw"xwNO03&l3&n3x&p3P&r3&x3 &t3 &v3&z3&|NOH3ޚ&~NFaxa""a"a#NrNO6NOa&>09ޚ3xByp|3pz$<N@NNZyx yxeyxRyxJyvgSypzfa` yHp|ja`aNOHNLNNɞ09xyxH/C=Np CA>fC==|^=|=|NN ѹNNO6NqNqNpgAxa#NJxRfa%NLNu xw"xwNO0Z3&l3&n3x&p3P&rNOH3ޚ&~NFNLNNNɞNO6NORyp|Nua!\a!"a R=|=|=| =|C=!NNBn #4#By&"By&$NaAxaNuN=|kN\Na$`1TNNa By&"3&$#4#N><I<I=6A,9wa!AxaR=|=|=| =|CFNNAwaJAva@NO6NqNqNOfNrNpgAva 08RkfBxvNq y,Nа|gnNqaHBy&"3&$#4#Naa=|=|=| =|CFNNAvaaaNrNO6NqNqNOfNrNpgAva ,08RkfBxvNq y,Nа|g`a449v~69v"yvBDBE N09vBA><8:gB=DC=E=|NNRAQNuJy2f:49vz3v~69v|3vCv#v8D=D8D=D`849vv3v~69vx3vCv#v8D =D8D=D |NA4B@BAH<o2<y2AAo =p=B=CNNNuJy2f49v3v~69v3v`>49v3v~69v3v`\p09@}>SG4<B6<2< JGk =|B=B=C=ANBQ]@gD@>SG0<2< `NuHNq=|kN\NaBy&"3&$#4#NAw0aB xw"xwNO0 xw"xwNO0><I8oAw0a08RkADJ@f<<0<2<4<(<a`f @f<<0<2<4<(<a`B @f"<<0<2<4<6<(<a` @f"<<0<2<4<6<(<al` @f"<<0<2<4<6<(<aD` @f"<< 0<2<4<6<(<a` @f"<<@0<2<4<6<(<a`z @f"<<0<2<4<6<(<a`R @fBxvLNuHNqNNaa8A       !b B#G`.+èG .A8E 4n{ʢ E@  /5^D-x4UH`H  ; nG`0 (/C0{kSPZUD !##Y 1D@t;k*%GCCO6!%(UPHX  Wrc#8PHp  + +UKHk 1k0k_wTUTD` 31]MsUUFx  ?I{ mbE($d  ##  $;} $+} # #  #w #P#lj " #>#*# I# % "! 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Without Tsombe's leadership, the movement fragmented into three smaller groups. The leaders of each group have differing views and ideals so they remain estranged from one another and weak in comparison to the Resistance under Tsombe. There is no sign at all of any cooperation between them, let alone an overall strategy. Your task on Gran Paradiso is to re-unite the three resistance movements.```Y e5 eY me  ae. [e$X X5 x,  W p" $x H 5H 0. *W X) d+ ( P.VD P1 P5 P  t'Ut't.w&0w!U(w0t+|1T΂(lb)\b1\.T\3Xc(T,0c T$X1hX4 0X& HX $ Y1 Y# Y Y*S 4Z xZ. ,S 5d + . &S, + 58 4"S D+ {+ l{. T8 , %  p T3U T)V n10 n)U 0'P $ d"( d.L \`!W ` p`W, ` +`    kP-A6N32 3+j'HX !6 "A 'xp +(` #  [''o6|v'X0  3#7$r +<dde/(P # G# @*1`*P tYQ 'M.   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With Tsombe in prison, I have a chance of leading the Gran Paradiso Resistance, but that incompetent Zaghlul stands in my way.. Tabari has strange ideas of what a Freedom Movement should be all about! If he disappears from the scene, then perhaps I can finally bring unity to the Resistance Forces on this island. where the Empire is refining uranium for nuclear weapons.. His vast scientific knowledge will be of great use in the Federation's weapon development labs.. She once worked for the Empire in a Military Training College, until illness forced her to resign. The insights she gained into the Empire's training programme will be invaluable to the Federation.   @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%BypNo@3rNq1ox$N(Bxg!q!wqN01nx$N( V"nNO0#UN~N3-A83-A:By<3pBy3?By3!hBxv1vN1dvP333p09rAr@@ pNNNwNByD V"nNO0N n"VNO0NO6NONr!v6o1T1T1TNrBxp 1p"NfNONr!vVo1T1T1TNrN n"VNO0NN=|=|=|C1NN=|=|C1NNNO6NoNOffNoNOfgNONO6NON1ox$N(Bxg!q!wqN01nx$N( V"nNO0Nr!K*o1T1T1T3' NVNu!RRjBy3?By3!h1vN1dvP3331r1Byv&Byv(Byv*Byv,Byv.3v0 n"VNO0ADCEBxS1@S1vR1vT09v&@1S1S09v*@1S1S09v(@@1S1S3v,3v.3v0yv03v2NNO xjNONO6y v&y v(yv*09v4@`@3v43{@3{AD@00@3{3{09v0|,jNuHA&C429& x Aex4BBt16BJDg 8DDCKRCPoBCKCLNuHA4x29& Aext06BJDg 8DDCKSCjC&:EE6CKCL?NuH A449& k^ Bfy&Y(9&YB`< Bfy&Z(9&ZB`y&X(9&XBLNuHpA429& t06R CevLNuHA429& t06SjvLNuH?9&$ y#C&E&&G&F80@By&$ztv80@ DeJk*6JDq@CD02@22@y&"y&$CNNQ3&$LNu1bNqNq1T1b=|hN:NNN-|$FNNs V"nNO01T NO n"VNO0By&"By&$#4#aAoNNO6NqNmNtJxT k08T A&\C%PrtRBYfB3 & a`QA&\C%`rtRBYfB3 & aN`VQA&\C%prtRBYfB3 & a.`*QA&\C%rtRBYfB3 & a`QA&\C%rtRBYfB3 & a*`Q`XNuHbMw"y&$V<9&>9&0H:H@22aLFNuHEj0t2 Z"Z&`f( 0QQLNuH ypP"<$<v"H x Q#|#|| QA#"H x Q#|#|| L?NuHAkCT(KpBykaB_LwNuNuHhp"$&BykBykg"Hg3k@@"QAAA"Qr3k$I~#}k#}k#~,k#~^k#~kBykI~t Qtg <eat`#~k# k#pk#~k~ pSG"J#}k#}k#~,k#~^kaJykf"JR#~k# k#pkBykBykgT<e8gJykg+  g  g BykaJykg `  o  eRyk`Jykg(+  fS +?g. 29kLNu"yTAAA"QpU C]p@@ka rLNuH xGk$SgtxGk$S? gxGk$S g xGk$Sk$r /g`Q&`2R@A?&`B?v&$yk#k09k3kRGL}NuHaE~09k<zrf8 g&yk(yktv#kkanB#k` gGk(S f Gk(S` fGk(SJjtv*Lr /fQ&&ykkaQ 9Q 0Q 4Q 4Q -Q (QR#QRQRR#cR6R7R  R  QQQQzQQQLaQA{QOQfQ@QUQSQ|Q8 QCQPQ*Q@Q-PPPPP~PP|PN Rw RS ' zRr uR- pRF RZ kR2 fH       K` +@"{"T -&  2 lD];+x="  }Tu&y% ## ''2'b!  ,#.!! #=##,++(~# D4B< ia!     $&$NT<Ww$#> t< !,3$ Jy'g9kkJykfLNuHx y#C]DSvx212)1t( g`"Jg g$ g0 g8`D2ka`NA21ka`83ka`3ka` 3ka'sBykLNuNuHx y#C]bSvx212)1t( g`"Jg g$ g0 g.`02ka<`$A21ka&````BLNuH` yS@Pp"$( ( ("yTtB9kg"yTxkNa "yT|/ N aLNuI]aNuIcaNuIdaNuIh~aNuH@B9k@g @gk"KNp LNuIeaJNuIfa>NuH# RNT&y RLNua'sNuNuH@S@"yTpNaB9kLNuIg.aNuHB9kNOHp09ޜyR@2 @gk"KNp "KS@ ALw 11g"ALz 12gAL} 13gAL A mS@ 11fALLNuHA C!09@2@AB9kaLNuIgaNuIia NuIj|aNua`sNuH`S@"yT|NaB9kLNuH@B9k09'g @gk"KNp LNuH/9 R# RS@NT&y RB9k# RLwNuH @fCLo`S@C:Na4B9kLNuaD'sNuI`\a NuIilaNu/pg` Nu/ JgS@@kpg`(_NuMwNq y0!9,#0#V,N!3*NOfBy':###NNa+3W&3>&B.2Bn Bn"Bn$By' 3&By&1bBy'$0<rCtjvn3&3&3&3&Aa$N=|jN:1T NqNOfBy&Jy' k#%&NN0<a6By&"By&$1T3',3'(3'*3'.a"3&3&A(a 09$.fy'6By&A(N(3'a'>NO6NOJy' k#%&NNq3' NOfNrNpgNtNqJxT kJy':gNq y0#,#0 y,NNqBy' 3&#K*&NX y0#,#0 y,NH0< aa(3&LNuH3&/9,# ,By3ByByBy,ByBy3(NIBy(#,N=|jN:By' 3&By':3&NLNuN=|=|d=| =|BnCLKNNNO6NmNuHA#2(81A8NLNuHA#2(81A8NLNuNqG4I#3'3'"3&3&3&By'FBy'<0,8 f y'"gDN,g(j3',3'(3'*3'.a a$A(aFJy&g@+,f09'6 3'60,8 gy'6By&aNO6NmNtJxT kJy'3'<3':#K*&NNu0< aBy'>3&3&3&A)"aBy&~aJGg~3'JNNaA)"aBy'a Jy' k#%&N3' NO6NqNmNtJxT kJy'>gV3'"NuCk|B)3&3&A)la3'*3',3'.aBy&3'6A)laaNNNO6NqJy' k#%&N3' NmNtJxT kBxT NuAFC*08T rW@49'6JfRA`QA3&01NNuA#E*G}&2E:0;0<0=Ck|CR)ER)|F3&3&<3&3'.a3&&a aNNNO6NmNtJxT kf|Nq#K*&N1Yx$N(NO6#%&NNrN NaH3d&aA43&N1b !y$&0!y$*40409$.3$.N09&a1hzBxo~Bx@Bx@NP,NQ,By' BxT 3'>NuBy'2E*&Bxb2pA#t0;kRAQ`G}Ck |B)3'.aNpgNqN6JxT kJxT fa2?9RC&BBBBr3&C&tk4RI3NA$0<a0<a0< aQ33'$aBy'$#%&N3&09&aBy'>NuA$0C*G}&Ck |p(3&R@B)3',3'.a0<2<(4<NN0<2<Q4<NNa:G}Cax CajBpy&=| =|{"=|8$=|&=|=||=| =@=|C}NNNN0<2<d4<NNNONO6NmNtJxT kJxT fZBy&3&3'(3'*3',3'.3'4a09y&l 3& 9#3 SLT $)O r   K!#!;-!  3cÃ(w!(N  3 +/K=k % +,#Beu#$# 2 @#sn`((   d " ~ @ R{wx   7\7 #    3    & 6 Lh jT JF mg 'A!Kv _X` w{ < t \ % <r    z \  # ? n S  6 r T  f       I m #fh#2!H2 $l2!nZ$ ! 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I'm just the innocent victim of their scheming! @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{&09&aBy'>NuA$0C*G}&Ck |p <(3&R@B)aJxT fa09&@1b 3'>3'<3':#K*&N1hzNBxgFBxo~Bx@Bx@d3&09&a.NuA$0C*G}&Ck |p(3&R@(3&@B)3'J0<r<$<vP3&3&a y&f3',3'.aha0<2<<4< y&g 49&BNNNNNNO60<rCtjvn3&3&3&3&AatNmNtJxT f09&29&A0A*0e0A 9#3&3&3'(3'*3',3'.3'4a3&09&aBy'>NuA$0C*G}&Ck <3&/p(r(й @0(kH` yD@Ap0AQJ@@@#-2 _B)a2JxT f3&By&3&3&3'@3'(3'*3',3'.3'4aBy'@prNoT@<3&aBy'>NuA$0C*&Ck|p(?R@B)?9&?9&3&3&&3&By&G}3',By'.a3&3&a.NNNO6NmNt0JxT f#} RCJKN7CJ\N7A XoCJgN7CJ^N7S@Bh XoJ@kCJlN7CJ^N7S@Bh XoJ@kCJqN7CJ^N7S@Bh XoJ@kCJ{N7CJ^N7S@Bh XoJ@kCJN7CJ^N7S@Bh XoJ@kCJN7CJ^N7Bh3&3&3'(3'*3',3'.3'43ajByA$0C*&N3<&09&a XBy'>NuA&By'2 E*&BxbBy'2pA#J0;k RARy'Q09'By' @e3'2pA#t0;kRAQ`G}Ck|B)3'.a `NpgNqHNtLJxT kJxT fna?9RC&BBBBBBBr3&C&tkRI3N0<aQ33'$a,By'$#%&N3&09&a By'>NuA$0C*G}&Ck|B) <3&/p(3'й @0(kH` yD@pAQJ@@@#-2 _a JxT f Ba V y09'&&3&By&#P3'$a By'$#%&N3&09&a By'>NuA$0C*$yG}&Ck| <r(&&3&By&* 3&R@@B)/ a $_JxT f Ba V3'$aXBy'$#%&N3&09&a By'>NuA$0C*$yG}&Ck|(&&3&By& p*@3&R@@B) y&f3', <r<4<6<P3&3&3'Ja/ 3'.a &a0<2<<4< y&g 49&BNNNNNNO60<rCtjvn3&3&3&3&Aa2NmNt$_JxT f a 3'$aBy'$#%&N3&09&aBy'>NuA$0C*$yG}&R''''C&23&A'C]:rBy'Jk Ry'Q09'By' @e3'A'rtkHp y6 Ck|p0 R)B) <22 3&3&Bxp 3'09' @dBy'a By'LJxT jQz`nf DA'$ytrk02 5 Qa 03'$a8By'$#%&N3&09&aBy'>NuA$0C*G}&Ck|B)p(3&B9&&3&By&/3'.By'Ja Va 3'JNaaNNNO6NmNt _JxT fNuA$0C*G}&Ck|p(4R@(R@(@<3&B)3'.a3&a ~Na HNNNO6NmNtJxT f3&3&3'*3',3'.Ck49&RBBBB)By'4a ?9A#3&N0(81@8!yN3N09&adBy'>NuA$0C*G}&Ck|p(@<3&p(4R@hR)B)3'.a3&a DNa NNNO6NmNtJxT f#$&' ' #$*''?93&N#' $&#'$*0< a\3N3&3&3'*3',3'.Ck49&RBBBB)By'4a09&aBy'>NuA$0C*$yG}&Ck|(R@@B)p(@<3&p(3'/ pJjj"0*D@$yp3&<`*3&R@09'R@@/AQJ09&@@@#-2 _ <3&aD$_JxT f0*k`D@"yJkT`3&3&3'*3',3'.Ck,p0*jD@$yp3&<`*3&R@09'R@@B)3'4aBBy'409&aVBy'>NuA$0C*$yG}&Ck|p(@<3&p( Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1O[e2WSe3//4w/W'5=KdT6Uh7,,z8^\9v?x:0n;S{<{nt=5-|>#__?Vv@Tz $Zz  Maghar is the Imperial Army's heavily fortified punishment island, where misfits and law-breakers from the army, navy and air force are drafted to serve in the notorious punishment battalions. Paramilitary units of Secret Police maintain law and order but even they are wary of the Psycho Squad, a suicide unit comprised entirely of murderers and psychopaths. The other punishment battalions live in mortal fear of this squadron. With the help of its ill-treated common troops, Maghar can be liberated but mutiny is unthinkable whilst the Psycho Squad are still at large. You must eliminate this unit.`Q Qu Q{ QQ QQnQQzR RR R:&RRRRRߔR֔R4ѼR@R:R&R'̼RRRRRRRS SSS R|pRpR`RyR=FR/4R-@R?RO? 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This is the main administrative centre on Maghar, which contains a complete library of files on prisoners past and present., Commander of Maghar's Psycho Squad.. I want to get off this stinking island just as much as anyone else, but those flying subs are blocking my escape route at Jadawil. Do this, and the Psycho Squad won't bother you. at Yazidi HQ. He suggested to my superiors that I should take on the dirty job of commanding the Psycho Squad in the first place., the Psycho Squad at Quinta. Those lunatics are totally out of control. Even the Secret Police they work for are scared stiff of them., the home of Juliette Lumas. When she bought all the land around her farmhouse at Baliki, she forced dozens of families out of their homes, mine included.   @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1Yv3'RG `&JJj`xf$K`3&#&NuA#0(8?By'Ta A'XCkG}09#pR)B)a| | A#pr(K( By'aB0=| =|0"=|?$=|&=|=|0=|=|C}NNNN3&3&A)a0t g< gJy'64<3'TCL[G}aPBgBy'Tt` g~/a$JGf>9'6B3'6By&A)aJy'Tg"=|2=|=|=|C}NN0NuH0< rCtjvn3&3&3&3&Aal3&By'NNNN3&3&A*haJy'Pgy'6By&a0<rf4<NNa2NN09&3&J@j@2ANE0`2 y$y /9#?9&"?9&$##=y& Tn =y&$nh$=y&"n"=y&&n&3&&"3&&$a3&$3&"##Ck'j R)B)G}a@B+B+Bn Bn"=|6$=|&Bn=|=|=|C}NNCk(hR)h R)jp0*2*AA@pr0* 3&GFH23Jy&kGr09Hs3'AB)G}a|B+B+=|=|(=|=|C}NNJy&jD=| X=|EZ=|\=|M^=|NN=| =|x=|F=|CKeNNa 3'N08T gS@a09&y&gBy'N`h0<rCtjvn3&3&3&3&AaNqLNuH yS#&3&3'RBy'NpaJy&jLNuN3&3&A*haBy&a0<rf4<NN#4#a:Ak"y$y&G}09&p)@R@/AQJS@@@#-2 _09&R@@@B(aB+=| =|("=|?$=|&=|=|2=|=|C}NNNN#&&3&aj3'N08T gS@a 9&&gBy'N`NqLNuH瀀A'XpcQLNuMwBy' NNa3W&3>&B.2Bn Bn"Bn$By' 1bBy'$0<rCtjvn3&3&3&3&A3'JaN=|mN:NrNqNqNOfN#4#az3&A)Jy'gA*(a1T AkG}$||B(a=| =|<"=|?$=|&=|=|==|=|C}NNNNJy' k#%&N3' NO6NqNOfNrNpgBy'LNtNq08T kfgJy'LgNqa`Nq y,N?9ap3aJyk$###NNN3&3&A)aBy&y'6A)aa3&aNNAkC'XG}09#|J1g|B(a| | A#pr(K( By'aB=| =|<"=|$=|&=|=|==|=|C}NNNNNO6Nma 08T k @d @ga`3'LNq3Nu?9aHp3avJykX###NNaNO6Nma08T k @d @g$ @ga(`Jy'TgNP`3'LNq3Nuap3&arJy&j 3'LNuBy'PN;1T NuaJy&j3'L1T NuJf 3'LNu0<rP$<vP3&3&aap3&aNNN3&3&A)aBy&y'6A)ahaaNN0<2<P49&BNNNNN=|=|=| =|Ch09&NNNNO6Nma(08T k @d @ga`D0<rCtjvn3&3&3&3&AaNuJyj 3'LNuNa3&A*`a0<2<(4<NN0<2<Q4<NNA4G}pr( p"yTt( Jg"yTxNaš p"yT|( Na€Bpy=| =|{"=|8$=|&=|=||=| =@=|C}NNAkG}&p09R@@B(aaNN0<2<d4<NNNO6NmaJxT k1T NuAp)J(g`]Q3'LNuHNՖN=|mN:L1T NuN#4#alAkG}%p09'L@B(a,B=| =|<"=|?$=|&=|=|==|=|C}NNNNNO63K&aNuH09&xkZ?9&l?9&n?9&t?9&v29&z49&|3&t3&vy&ly&na$3&v3&t3&n3&laLNuB<9&~9&~HGADCE<F40`61`&p&pHBHCDC09&l29&n@A1S|1S~1S1S1&tSnNDG40p61p&r&rHBHCDC09&l29&n@A1S|1S~1S1S1&vSnNDNuH xw"y><LCF@AB2QLNuH xw"y><LC@BF@2QLNuH xw"xw$y><LL 8:HD8ĄƄF„HQLNuH49BCEIl$$#T xw"y|`G3P0<<9H$yT3LN2<4g<(J:9N~BDfSEf :9RRQDg6FCXXXXQPyNn:9NRyRo3NQL(SyPf3RPPTQPLNu1v&N!21u|NN~J1o1doByLaMwa6a>F a5>aa09@2@AAX>02000NNN*NNNO6a a'haVa 3 > @3NlaNO6a'4a&JxTga#TBy'$a)RJxT javNOf`a 09 >y @fa T09ygBy#0`xaaNr y Be xdp dVa*g`Dazg`:aka #`*08b28baa%0g@49|d4a&h|g"aq", |80  The island is maintained by the Imperial Secret Police as a prison colony. The inhabitants are senior political and religious leaders who have been seized by the Empire from various islands and who are now held as hostages. The island is heavily fortified. Take note that certain of the leading figures kept prisoner on the island have as little regard for the Federation as they do for the Empire. Your mission is to liberate the prisoners so that they can return to their home islands to foster further revolt.``` `m e5.N.N,N&3)}:NL:.d:i:,d:o:#N'$3., }O}5 g}O}.'},O-}+3}*O }&3}3N1.Næ55NM.N, 2N>>4>5>.j#NfV#-Dh ##0j#$0  U#+f&+S+ &x <l c#C 8;*$~   ##9q  # F .r #++3% M   (3;+#('3cà I@  kkwf   SS"+ d : CK.%(T [c#H17     #;!886f  s;[$;md (blT  l<j "X" 2 O:       & hx%ga09 2@@29 4AAda`p`pNuJyga$ga& a%gSya*`p`pNu1oo1ooa($JxT NuNqX1bNp y,Na&!K o1T1T1TNua&b!o1dT1T1TNu1bNONu1bNONuBy(1T333a |aNu08c28ca 1f1fa ^1f1f1fNajNMNMNMNMNMNua "1f1f1fNaj08fS@?NM0QNua 1f1f1fNajNMNMNMNMNMaNutrA@LBBCXpcrc$H2QLQAC@0<'2BYQNu08f28fxfƒxf48f`a@(Aa"1f1f`axfxfSB1faNuJ@j0<|Qk0<PJAj2<|3k2<2NuBy 2|Ol@O3 20<O`|o@3 20<By 4|1lA13 4r1`|oA3 42<Nu@OA1HIA1DA1f1fa`NuJx@g 3`&By/A ^# b Z0f0f0 _NuaNNJyf4Jy,f,Nr!K o1T1T1TNrNNONN^hNH.NHXNY6NtJy,f n"nNO0Nf^Nu n"VNO0Jy,fJygFNNNbNN0NNU(NNONSnNSNP@N-|0NNsNuHJygnMw 9 Vg` @JPkZ02a=@=A1S|1S~0k.2(a1S1S1SnNf=|C=|NN`=|=|CNNLNuJygF4< 9d"9ha2=@=A=|=|CNNn =|=|ENNNu?49yyHHƒADA4NuADA49yyNuNOf<af4Jyga a axaaVNO6#"a `pU<d"3La Nla NO6Nq``<Gfa a@axaNO6a t`><f8Jyg0NJk&3NqNNlaNO6NqNu?Jyg<9f0  Zgl08c28ca y Z00# Z0`<<f# b Z3 b`"<f( 9 Z bgY# Z @0a0aNO62NuaNuA000BxTNuA0p0a,aVa2aaja~aa301TNu2<A0\R@NuJy,f2<JygRAA0\R@NuJy,f2<JygRAA0\R@Nu2<JygRAA0\R@NuJyg2< JygRAA0\R@Nu2<Jy,gRAA0\R@Nu xb g. 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Do this service for me and you will be rewarded! which we believe to be ancient Holy manuscripts, unknown to the Christian Church until now. Do this for us and you will be rewarded here on Earth, as well as in Heaven. and prove that you are not a Class Enemy. Help us in our struggle. which the Empire uses to ideologically pervert the population. Apart from that, we hate the music it pumps out! our leader, who is held under sentence of death. Do this and we will aid your cause. the Class Enemy. You're just a bourgeois lackey. You must be soft to need help from me! Go on and do something useful for a change!. You have done well to find me, comrade. Ideologically we are opposed but we can unite against the common foe if you do this for me.  $E6_/4'6+, A" \ L\(ɓ#S=3pZZK zU  !# * ] C ] '+#3G{E\ 2#,7?M/(0 ^|{^{Ww(4: 6N """  Sixty percent of Imperial oil reserves can be found under the soil of Beni Mazar. It is vital to the Saharans that they maintain control of this island. We know that they have a detailed plan to destroy all oil installations in the event of the island's liberation. Intelligence reports suggest that the nerve centre for any demolition operation will be a newly built underwater base. Your mission is to liberate Beni Mazar whilst avoiding the ecological disaster that would occur if the Empire implemented its scorched earth plan./`X`.X( X,XXB.X"X8d"X&,\Yp5Y.L, N"Y4վ\0 Yо#Z<ZY\.Yt .ZV5b &l."Y, 5 Z l5* "Y Z.Y `f *.Y Yj  ,Y4 5 " pYD :.Y6 j : d \XVX ,X 4&WlWL.jW{T,Wv.&Wq'XlXg3Y*Rb.( ,X]'    @EM<9$B@BB68Cy c>Vg"j4< 6><`<29CaUTR@yf09"y NuJyfbC@M<9$B@4<68Cy c><Gj =|`29CaU&R@yf09"y NuCB@BB29&aW8Sy&NuHpr092949‚HH49R‚4P@AX#T#49RH@HABBD@DA3L3P3a$333@33 3&3 :8f8<d3*#@## 3L 309y@1T6Jyf,Jy,f$Nra!o1FT1T1T#a09&a*yabaV09&a*yaFaVLSxT6fLNu08fj 1f`|Qk1Pf08fj 1f`|3k12f y0f0f#Ry09R@3R09@24ffyyRxfRxf342364096H3608f28f492y.y0Sy$09"@3"aVaSxfRxT$09H3Nu?9aan3 g Sy g y1f1fa`NuHA@C08fL28fA@2<4$H0<R2QLQLNuH##@`H##@ar## 3 3R15T6aLLSxT6fLNu34:368`32:34809.29046898DD3D3F3<3>3@3BNuH xw <"<4< QLNudde>HJxogaBxoAb08p @@ pNaNr(aa PRxp Rxw Bxp$Bxwava~aaT xQ8NLNsSxv(jBxv(Jxv0g4Sxv4f.1v6v408v8R@|d 1v8N"`Bxv01v2N"NuA"h|d2NuJxhpfBJ8vfBxht`6Jxhtf01htFxv:JxhvfJxv:gA"h` A"hNuJxbf4AB(p8@ ( f|!J&oNuF'HAB(Jxbf\ xoC@"#X#X#X #X#X#X#PJxSff.AI08vL|m JxfgAI08I@3pRxIxILNsRxp$Ns28w g xw e1wBxw Jxbff28ogRf,1bgNSxbfF1bb1bSxbf41b`,Sxbf&1bb1bSxbf1b` 1b1bNu1bNu1o08o28o1c1c|'l0<'` |o0<|l2<` |o2<1b1b`BxoNu@F'1p Ad jP jP jP jP jP jP jPA jP jP jP jP jP jP jP jP jP jP jP jP jP jP jP jP!c !d^h!jP!bp!h9!jP4B9!0!0 !0!0,NP2FNu@F'!h9FNu@F'!f9FNu?90NsNu1wJxwfNu08p xp"eNu?28p$AAAf2NuMbJxTf JVk~a`< JVk>0.G@c@kRG`<`x4SG| dnp"&(*,6仂8伂:佂<侂F HA2(@0H@0$Ð0H@0$Ð "H@2 HD0$Ð HF0$ÐQNupB4p"&(*,6嫂8嬂:孂<宂 HC6HD0(HE:HF8FHA$Ph$PhHA$Ph$PhQNuEc4<JRk2<"j Y>SG Q QNuHF'9g28ufp9<eR<m<nAu1u1u`v<f1u1uu`\<f1u1uu`B<f1u1uu`(1u1u`Ai>AA pNiViVi|iii9Au28uSxufaBxu`9Au28uSxufBxu`9Au28uSxufBxu`9Au28uSxuflBxuNkX`^9SxufPBxu`HAvJk1v1u1w Bxw `$1v@B0xw fBxw 1wJxufBxvLNsRNskkk Jyzgpr(H(HH@HAt?Aj`48p BB p N4BfBxoJyzfJxhrg 1oo1oo1og1oo1oo1bb1bg1b1bb1oo1ooNuӸoDѸoNuиoH@|np|e0<H@!oҸoHA|nr|6e2<6HA!oNuJyvgAupr(g"8u@!u`&!ug"8u@!u`!ug 8u@!u`&!ug 8u@!u`!uAuB1hrAvt(3(Kg`(4(Kg`tNuJyxgAvJxufBxhrJ(9g1hrt(3(Kg`(4(MgprJ(gg 8u@!u"8u@!u`4!u!uJ(hg 8u@!u` !uJ(ig 8u@!u"8u@!u`!u!uJ(jg"8u@!u`!uJ(lg"8u@!u`!uJ(mg 8u@!u"8u@!u`h!u!uJ(ng 8u@!u`@!uJ(og 8u@!u"8u@!u`!u!u`NuAuaNup`aQNuH瀀AgALNu?Jyzf"08hrxog1o1oJxofJxhrf`Jxog1oo1oJxof0Nu/28vgABxuBxvAf.p01f _Nu/08vBxuBxv@21fAf.0@1f _NuHMw A ,-@!g!gLANu"xWp0>@@"ҀSG Ё"Q!WNu"x[p0>@@"ҀSG Ё"Q![Nu"x[p0>@@"ҀSG $Ёg"Q![Nu@@C[p0y&>@@"ҀSG Ё"QNu@@ U B z(1 ; #74 +GKA=3   { }3h  [/L6u. 3 2345% s;!.44 PA%BB2PD 33K'oN1 VJ}38( 3+C b]B.<% k;$?e䐐3 ;K3[F^P20t-  +d{!fI3l [c= rG`4   3 C(100 3 B#%081@ c{ @0/@    [CA (I4P   #S;#a(4.2hc  #7()W1. 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It is thought to be a key Imperial military base., head of Beni-mazar's Resistance Force. Beersheba's regular radio reports to us inexplicably stopped a week ago and we are now extremely concerned about his welfare., the Imperial Headquarters on this island. The radio operators there have been jamming all local frequencies, making it impossible for us to contact the outside world.. It has been dropping depth charges in the sea to the east of here, destroying acre upon acre of coral reef. If you ask me, they're clearing the sea-bed to build upon it!. His knowledge of the island's past and geography will be of immeasureable benefit to the Resistance's military tacticians.. They show the results of recent Imperial investigations to find out whether oil is present under the sea bed around Beni-Mazar. The Empire lost the reports when the survey ship was sunk by resistance subs.  @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1O[e2WSe3//4w/W'5=KdT6Uh7,,z8^\9v?x:0n;S{<{nt=5-|>#__?Vv@L ,0"0"F$$$  This island is of key strategic importance as it guards the sea lanes used by the Empire to supply its south-eastern region. Naval patrols sailing out of ports dotted around Ghazal keep a regular guard. Since unmonitored access to the island is difficult, Ghazal makes an ideal location for the Imperial Mint. Be warned that the printers are specially selected for their honesty. Your overall mission is to cause economic and monetary chaos by liberating the island.` ` \D\Y\MF\^[l\Z\d\JEL\[\RM[n [[ \mr\_v\`k\Ro\hd \^~ Sh\Wv\u\\~\\y\`$ - 979[7[@[A[N[H[ x n \75\)5]>5\55\@5\5\5\(5\5\5 ]^E1 \96 \"z ]a]a]ou]Lp\_i]Ud\e)\&_u2\8X\0S% }r ] ] ]]] ]]N]G]\\B\\\=\\8\j3[,3['3[ 3\3\3\#\.\ 3\1[+[+\N/Z/Z/^/Z /]h]w]n#]\]e]S]]S \*A\]d\@^\IK\3[\<O^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0NuMwaa@o}NwNuMwaa(a~o234aV -RNwNuMwa`aa0o23NwNuMwa0aao01NwNuMwaazao/04al Tlal kNwNuMwaaajo}&NwNuMwada8@o4aU4 -RNwNuMwa 3PaNw#Ua|NuMwaafag=|fN(NwNuMwaa@.V=|-N V"nNO0NwNuMwa=|-N V"nNO0NwNuMwa`aa0tuNwNuMwa6aaoa TlNwNuMwa=|+N VC@0<?"Q#a,VNwNuMwaa0ao}&NwNuMwaaaVo}&A[0<@@!NwNuMwa0aao}&'(%A[0<@@!NwNuMwaaBa Tla kNwNuMwaa NwNuMwE&G&p3&4a>@ 7y&aNuHA&p2RAA40pSB1QSPLNuA4NnANnAXNnANnNu?8p NqMwA3.JyfJy|gXJyf ABy.NJyk:=|*!|iNx>=|+!4iNx>NwJyfat1p Nu?8p NqMwJyfaf3.NJyk63b =|*!|iNu=|+!4iNuNw1p NuMwJykA3.Jyf ABy.N09S@=@!iNx>NwaJA09 0f2 y0 yp?J( fJ( gB(|PQNup ACr2"Q 9# 9T#p yCr2ҹ"""Qr2ҹ" yJXj# yJPf0 yp?J( fJ( g2(81A8PQ yJPk" h f1| 1|1|` yJg( ( f| |} |2 |2` y~J( fJ( g< (0"(4P"HJ) fJ) g0f4f 4RP``JfNJNuMwJyk.3.N09S@=@!iNuNwNu?8p NqMwN`!|iNx>Rn!4iNx>Rn!iNx>Nwa ne?9N ne31p Nu3}0}4#`##1By.ByN 3}4}0Nu3}2}4###1ByN 3}4}2Nu3}2}4###10N 3}4}2NuHpMwNw yCvJg0g y}4QNJyg xff3`(AvCpJy.gkQ`fQLNuH?8bMw n"VNO0NrNOA@C0<2Aw2QN$1b n"V-I,NNN"y=|=|Z=|NNC1=|=|dNNJygC1=|=|xNN!oNwNOffNoNOfJAg!K*oNO n"V-I, V"nNO0Nr!o1T1T1TNr1bLNuaAs,08b @@1x$k/N!q!wqN0 _3$NNwNuNLFAuf08u|@1x$aNua6NNwNua$!,i#i&Nx>NwNua!i#i&Nx>NwNu=|`!iNx>Nu=|W!MiNx>NuH?a@@=@!HiNx>AH0NotNwLNu?.=BNqaNq=_NuHaT0.2<#|g 2AA5=A!HiNx>AHNotNwLNuH?H!DiZ1iX1idjDxida(L48ibJAjBDBJ@jDB0@LNu xiZ0<28iXI48idpg*jA`AIf60BpCjS@`R@JxifgD@xiV1ibNu xiZ68iXC0G0K1iT1if@j 1if@026A@H還1iPa08iTH1iT|fNuB08iPNOA1iP4B xiZ08iTCE@1iR06PCHCCCjS@2iRiRiRfNuHMwp-@(-@,0. 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He is the master of strategy behind Ghazal's defence planning and he is staunchly loyal to the Empire.. Although employed by the Empire, she is a secret supporter of the Atlantic Federation. Her position as Chief Radio Operator allows her access to Top Secret Imperial files. We need her knowledge., the slave trader. He makes money out of other people's misery and denies the poor wretches he enslaves even the most basic of human rights.. His reputation as a human rights campaigner has earned him great respect and a substantial number of followers. east of Qarra. The unit's presence is making it difficult for me to ship slaves to the island. If the army find out about my sideline in slavery, I'll be court-martialled., research papers of a highly delicate nature, concerning recent scientific work on developing trees with a much faster growth rate. Being the manager of a timber yard, I can make good use of these papers.. This is the only thing standing between the resistance forces of Ghazal and their objective of achieving a strong foothold on the African mainland.  @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1O[e2WSe3//4w/W'5=KdT6Uh7,,z8^\9v?x:0n;S{<{nt=5-|>#__?Vv@e$* z  !~!!  Ndola provides the HQ for the Saharan Colonial Civil Service and it is also the home of the Imperial Customs and Excise Head Office. There is known to be friction between the two organisations. In addition to the large garrison of Imperial troops, there is also a detachment of armed Excise officers. We believe that Imperial economic reform will result in the loss of thousands of Civil Service and Excise posts. If this information is leaked to the appropriate Civil Service department, revolt is likely to ensue.`c Xc0 #" 6 5#B " 4b 45" L." L,#f c .# v,c 5#m e!^ a z5a .! 4,! F'a 3!d ra ]5!k I,a@ \a R.b x5bM ."B ,"2 |b 5b ." ,b b c 5#D :." ," b b '" b# 5b 6.b ^,b I)" k"A 3b " 5a |'" .bx w,"J &" 0aR r!: 5a\ i.!x 'a bb" .F0$H&I"„͓"„͓&&Q"…ϓ"…ϓACQLNuȅ*F ˑ (˩ACQLNuHp-@(-@,BnAW0.@@ p:=ERn>0.2.JxpBgHMOEGLSG4E6Gn"mn"n8n">8."AD2."n&nضn&m>.&An m°n n28. DCVDD(1@6. C:ECgBDHD-D(n$nn$m48.$DCVDD(1@6.$C:ECg8O:0.2.(HJxpBgHMKECL(4RBB=BSE4En:m.8SGB8.$DDDAV^-p@,J.j 4.$J8. LDf(.,Ȯ(-D(-D,KT:A25*V4JB<4.JEW"2 $2 J.j<8WFgF| k(FDFH aL0KQLBxpBNuH a,L0KQ`H aFL0KQ`zJ.j*.(0lJGkJ`00@h` 0H@00@JGf J.@f*.,8H@0g<&(ƂFg"ɕɕzQJ.@fNu0H@B@`**zQ`PMzQ`zJ.j*.( lJGkD`p @ 0H@ @JGf J.@f*.,8H@0&g6(ƂFg ɕɕzQJ.@fNu B@H@`**zQ`PMzQ`8H@0&g(ƂFg ɕɕNu**NuPMNuzJ.j*.(06H@0JGf J.@f*.,&g&(ƂFgɕɕzQNu**zQNuPMzQNuHMwE8.DD$r@8.:.Jn g ja``aa>pg"< eRf r2n`a<-g`Bn2Bn Bn"Bn$LNu/ CrDAA"qa"_H`< f$2H=DA=ERn0Jn ja`<f H=@`< f2HnSAFAn`n<f=|2`^<f=|2`P<f a Bn `@<f aj=| `.<f=|"@=@&`<fBn"` <fBn2`JkZ|.g62.2gT|f|amH|zn@ `<|f|Zn0|Am*@ `$3`g|am |zn@ 3r2=Aa" nfNN`N2.RAnNuJn"g|?.?.?.=n&SnSnNRnNRnNRnUnNTnNRnUnNRnNRnN=_=_=_NuJn$fHrpgn< cf2AW@@ p0@TA<-gF`/ CD@@@"qpg < c2AW@@ p0@RA`"_`"_nn$op r2=DA=ERn0LNuHrtpgN e f.2@` f Ad4r` fv2CSCFCC`2AW@@ p0@TA`Ad4JB=DLNuHrtpgF e f&2@` f`. fv2CSCFCC`2AW@@ p0@TA`Ad4JnLNuH""A@=@ENNLNuH=xTNNRnXRnZSn\Sn^=xTNNLNuHLX88T:8TnXnZn\n^=xTNNHXNNRnXRnZSn\Sn^=xTNNL?NuH8.X:.Z<.\>.^n mn$nn$m<.$n n8. n"mԺn&n̺n"n:."n&m>.&0@CT: V0H@Ek0H2I@4AJDf |?gCVDDD 1@CV^FFF"1`CW4.J&1 $1 < SFkL4F"H< I*F(ːȂ(ːȃ` Q*F(ːȂ(ːȃCQLNu"H€ F IÐ(ȂÐ(ȃCQLNuCW4.J&1 $1 "(*,"C$B&CHH(HPHxAQLNuHMw VA}~p"$&(*,"@$@&@HpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpHpQ~LNuHp1LHLH(LHPLHxLHLHLHLHC@LHLH(LHPLHxLHLHLHLHC@QZLNuH@SGk. xw8<6DC@@CBE 8FDB<<N LNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuXXXXQNuDf`"NqNqNqDDf `NqNqDDf`NqNqDDDf`NqDDf`NqNqDDDf`NqDDDf`NqDDDDf`DDf`NqNqDDDf`NqDDDfz`~NqDDDDfh`lDDDfZ`^NqDDDDfH`LDDDDf8`<I?@CT: xw4pACWI&1$1 "(*,"C$B&CHH(HPHxA`0S@kQLNuHNqA09rJy߂f80f2rtCE/k133a`1'b. ^],b o5"6 "  X  ;+.B$ȿD   3*%Dl+A-(D,  3F<"`C3+!<C 0 +@'F8( ++(D(`  +A6"`E<3 2` E\   +/R鐐F` +k{G0+[{'2B6 +d+&G@3{;Dl3d!OB  +k%E+kߣ`E6@  3[4"F@+e{#չE`X$ +k$лCXh  ;[<G.  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With her help we can redirect Imperial funds, and swell the coffers of the Resistance., a Sergeant with the Imperial Forces. She would be of help if the army are used to control the revolt., a hated, corrupt man known to be an enemy of the resistance., a woman well liked and respected amongst the ghetto dwellers of Mukris., the island's main custom and tax office., a high ranking official at the tax office., which was responsible for the death of my mother., the clerk at the Town Hall at Naur., Chief of Security at the bank at Jadanil Sister., the man responsible for the downfall of my father's business. @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E#X(. $2hjl  The main source of Makat's income is obtained by providing a safe haven for runaway slaves, on their route to Gran Paradiso. In an effort to stop this, the Saharan Empire has enforced a naval and submarine cordon around the island, operating from an underwater base, to block the entry of any illegal imigrants. With the addition of numerous flying boat units operating within Makat's own airspace, the island is extremely well protected.Your over all mission is to disrupt Imperial defences on and around the island.`9`Z5 k n#.`z"`; , g3#`gA'`S)_lz z5_Kz.z,_cz&zzm_zղQ5_~mв'_d˲$Y"_ƽ."_`  .`,!`' x j .`-`W '` 0 5`B,_s5:._I,_Z$7*s._p5DDl_jRl._fo~l,ulTZl5_w\l_Syk_Nrk5Rk,Uk.Vk"_mp `|N3#Z$NMw1TJxSbj`Jx1 gPN`3b =|!|iNu=|!4iNu=|!iNuNwN`08Sbg2S@fN` NNN,az3By*3|Nu1b By*By' NNa%1T32#v,NBBy2Nxa:aN^JygaNuNqNqNz=|lN:#%&NNC7=|=|=|=| Bn2=|"=| &BnNNCI=|=|<=| =|NNCJ=|=|F=| NNCJ0=|=|P=| NN-| hNNsNrNO6Nq#%&NNrNmNtJxT kNuNqByN.NuNqNZNr!K o1T1T1TNrNNO6NL^3,3!o3߂NNaNO6Bxp x2p e3aBy߂1TNuA/CJg\I`By pka`09aNuE߄@E߰2E022EJgj@Ry NuNNuNNuHMwNq1TNLRNZpJygp3 33,NL^a6NNO630NqNNNOfNqaNO6NONq3bd3bbNpgNtJxT kNqNqa`a1db1bbJyj&NKLf~NKftJygSy`xByaNO6`XLNu n"VNO0NU(-| NNsaA 0g6Jk2A0g&S=|=|=|UBnNNnQJyg=|Z=|BnC/NNNuNOfJyxg f8` f0avJk(<e"ByBA 0f3B3NuJykJJykBg@/NZ NP1f1f1fBxfBxfNajHNMLQNu 9d"9h>< ~/NZ 1f1f1fBxfBxfNajHNMLQNu/NqNN WNNO6NONq1TNq _NuNqNZNL093@2@AAX>02000aNNrNO6NL&0<`aBy,AD09:gA @f AaaJf3@ @?9?9?93By3NUNV.09 >y @f09yg&3 > @3By#0` y Be( xdp e n"VNO03NNO6NO333Npg>Nt`4NmNt`3|XXNuNZ1fBxfBxfNajNu n"VNO0NN-| NNs?. ?.$=| =|6$A C!09@2@A=|=|=| =| =|2=|"=| &BnNN"y=| =|Bn =|Bn2NN=_$=_ Nu?9?9?9 n"VNO0NN3By3#ByLNlNSnNSA C!09@2@4A=|=|=| =| =|2=|"=| &BnNN-| NNs V"nNO0333Nu/9 V?9?9# V n"VNO0NN33NO"y0v|0e F2<4<dC}Np # RC0JgC0N7C0N7A C!09@2@4AN7N8C}=|=|=| =| =|2=|"=| &=|NN-| NNs33# VNuRy:`Sy:X09:@@A< pNA r0\@Jy:g0R\@R y:g0`@03 Nu?9(H/9ZNq3(-| N3#$Z3' Nba8Nq#ZL3(NuHA$`>H y Pg>A09 0g*"9댒e ypPg J(jTH`p3'HJLNuMwNqNNP=|mN:-| NBy#ZBy' 3Nr`dNqNNP=|mN:0<a~-| NBy#Z#%&NNrBy' 3a3^3jNqJygJy'HfNqNNOJy' k#%&NNr3' JygJy'HfNOfNrNpgNt`Mw1bN=|mN:NN3NqANJ3A NJ3#%&NNr1TNq-| nN3k#NNt V"nNO0NO6#%&NNrNmNt08T k y03 n"VNO0Bn=|"Bn&=|=|d09NٴNO63k# NNt V"nNO0NO6NmNt08T k y03 n"VNO0Bn=|"Bn&=|=|d09NٴNO6Nuyf09yg8NNNqNO6Bxp 1dp"NfSyJyg` ,Sg@"  3 #` A  NZ )%@ #'~>  ok9);>, 3;;C3#~<@? ;Cc+?+d -x>8Kls '#d?@!  # * @   [##'=?<   C(B?@  tNW]'A ##+A 8A   SkUZ*w驥> ( Z j j XX* . , h XtPX   <` 8  0 0  8 !<,   > ?@?D#A>>.>@n|?@>\ @& ??4? 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From this deep ocean base, far to the north-west, enemy submarines make ruthless attacks on ships carrying escaped slaves to Gran Paradiso. Its destruction will win us many friends., a smuggler who operates out of Hajoum. He will be able to provide us with the equipment to destroy the underwater base.. He stole the heart of my darling wife., my girlfriend, arrested by the Secret Police for sheltering escaped slaves. @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FJ"0 `$x  The Imperial Treasury is situated on Khash. At ports dotted around the island, taxes, levies and tributes are received from the Empire's dependent and vassal islands. Huge amounts of gold, precious stones and paper money are stored in banks at various sites. The population of this island is relatively well treated by the Empire and is, in the main part, loyal to it. Your mission is to subvert the local population and deprive the enemy of the major source of revenue by which it maintains its military effort.@`` Y$K$Y$YA$&Y@$$$|$ Y$ Z 6$0XbSX4SXSXS SXS#XSXPvX(XWz9XRu ~n%YiYb$YU+YN3YE     '4G6϶3 NpgNtJxT k#Nq$_1TLNuHMw,V3ph`HMByph y&NLNuJyk.MwNqNN$N#4#3&"By&$N###NN=|=|C:m=|=|NNCn=|=|2NNCn =|=|2NNC5 n=|NNC~n =|NNNOHC}p09ޢNp C# RN709ޤC;NN7n=|C}NNA C!09@2@An=|NN09Cd/Nn=|NNJygC:n=|NN-| NNsNO6NONq#%&NNrNmNtJxT kNqCFAf| AfAn09*S@k @@3k1b NOHX pNNuN=|NLFNBy' N=|=|d=|NN#4#By&"By&$N=|=|=| C>==| =|"=|&NNBn"09G}C>PfC!NSKf|.B=|=|(C}=|NN xw"xwNO0I"xw xwNO02<4<Z=AX=BZ=A\=B^n\nP^BnNN=A=B=\k:NNBxp 3mNO6NOJy' kN3' 08p yme`NuH/8oMw n"VNO01vN1dvP333!haa9n3b nJylg|G 9hla8BhBylJ@gpAZppkr9.ApD@` p9/@@29@pJAk 0<|d03J@gLNuBypJyg`3pNNtN@p09JgR@yrgz|dr3rMw#} RCJN7B9}CJNN7 n"VNO0NNC}=|=|=|ANNNO6Bxp xdp eLNuHAJppk,pAⲀpH29@dBA3JAf1bLNuA.08b @40p9,~@AreNo@e,rNo@2No@dp|e0<1QNuHpJxbfF xb g>A Po2JxgPg,No@yr| nr|n33LNuHJxbfA Po08g@@2@A1g@LNuHJxbf0At XoR XoRJk08g@@2@JfA1g@LNuHJxbf0At XoR XoRJk08g@@2@JfA1g@LNuHA,C0J1ArJBk 2<|d2ILNuHADC0J1ArJBk 2<|d2ILNuprapraNuprapraNupraprapraNupraprapraprazNuprapprahpra`NupraVpraNpraFNupra8oxk 8f搨jDd 8fꐨjDd(<g <g<fR08b |g| g|g|gx 9댐xCJ`N<g < g<f, 9댐|NuH yJ09H@ p( @Cq01rA CHdRRQLNuH yJp( H3p( @Cq01rA CHdRRQLNu/S@kJf` Nu/S@kJfR` NuN1hpN$=|=|=|CKNN=|=|CK-NN=|=|CKINNNO6Nr!o1T1T1TNrNoNOffNoNOfgrtv<Mgrt<Jg tv<Kf3z3v3x n"VNO0NO6B8vBxhpNuAJPkn0( 2(ADAhfhd 1@ g 1@ `00(&@|g 0(kC021 3 0`Nu?8i1i y"yJPkNNo@|d$y³g* g `@ No@|d@ `1iNu1v&N!1u|NA0`N1v&N!>1 u|NA`,1v&N!n1u|NA2` 1v&N!1u|NA?`Jy2fN1v&N!b#JJyf>#K09 3 3c| ^2* CCB0 {V3!}d1 "+#[{o2@ , W[t2  c JO1r d T;3#3 dS+ 0f < k335 3R 2 kCD(?@0^ 6  _cC?Z1 3K[3If3   {+S{s<0l 6aS H+An1  tE^Fieb3R x 37SS Ojz2&  tKXcoL @4@ l C6L[$[r53F & ;FScbp"U1 .(K > +b  v     D\ y1 <d2 0h < 2@ $3 d3 01 3P 2 2| 0 2$ ,6l*DZdyyF@@88;aawwmm]]NNAA55**,,44;__4$42A2AYQYQpR{RRWWWj( #Q& :~   ckm, who has been arrested by the Imperial Secret Police on charges of spying., the leader of the local resistance., software engineer to the Imperial Treasury., the manager of the Imperial Treasury bank at Amarelo Flats., which is part of the Imperial Treasury., owned by the Imperial Treasury. The location of Matawin Ridge is unknown.., who jilted me last year., my nephew, who is being held hostage., which bombed my home island, killing my wife and my two children. {S 0+O[eWSe//w/W'=KdTUh,,z ^\ v?x 0n `>J Z^:!>!@!B  The H.Q. for the Imperial Fighter Command, Mocorito is also the Empire's main location for the production of biplanes. The island is famous for its air races and is a Mecca for racing pilots from both th|g(A 0g1u|NA`Nr1v&=|-N(NN=|=|=|n"yNNNO6#&NNrBxp x,p eX y,N1v&N!1u|NA`?9*3*1v&N!23*A`MwJxSbgj8NLF?9*3*1v&N!23*1u|N`NLF08SbS@f"?9*3*1v&N!23*`N?9*3*1v&N!3*`,?9*3*1v&N!J3*1u|NAɖ`N~JNHAJPk BhA0` yJPk BhA`JykA"| a y"HJQk`aLNuE52Jj.kg *0k&@edRkEB`$ xw# !i#q #w a _Nu` HMaR-H  -H-nR=|(=|=|=|(a -J -n-nR=|P=|2=|(=|Pa-n  -n-n=|=|d=|P=|@aa6LNu V"n>SGB@g@D@2QNuQNuH n<<z"H8D@DADBDCD@DADBDCD@DADBDCD@DADBDCQ2222QLNu$n n"n<.>.BAaRAngaRAnfNu/B@f<D <faj0<0fa(0< faR@R0f<D<fa(<fa<fa4RRR@nfh _NuB@ f>D0`<@fa<fa(<faR@Rf>D0`0<fa( < fa <faRRR@nfdNuD <fa&0<0fa(0< faԒǐNuRRD <fa0<0favSSNuSD <fa(0< fatRNuD<fa((<fax<faǐNuRD<fa(<fa:SNuSSD<fa<fa.BAB)a(RAngaRAnfB@BBR@nfNu/B@f6 <fa20<0fa(0< faR@R0f6<fa(<fa<faRRR@nft _NuB@ f80`<@fax<faZ(<fatR@Rf80`0<fa( < fa <faRRR@nfpNu <fa0<0fa(0< fa’ǐNuRR <fa0<0falSSNuS <fa(0< fajRNu<fa(<fa<faǐNuR<fa(<faLSNuSS<fa<faNRRNu0`<@fa<fa(<faĒNuRR0`<@fa<falSSNuS0`<@fa^(<fajRNu0`0<fa( < fa <faNuR0`0<fa( < faHSNuSS0`0<fa` <faJRRNuH xq"xqG08g28gHI@1q@0<RAAA1q08g28g@1q$H0Bxq>8q02463|3|3|3|8ABCFDJDg*:FEg*, 000DDDD0000GRRBxq`.Jxqf, FF0(H0RR1q0000RTGQrqBxqSxqj^LNuH xq"xq>0k"   QLNuF@0 QQLNuJy(fJ28fgD|;e<|Ed4A;0aTg&JygNpNqA@@ pNNuZt xb fJ@g | gr`A29*A20NuJgk*xg0-.R xhBm@1i1i !g!g33*1TNBXOa$3*1TNX1SbN y*fByfNnNOMw nNONLFNuMwNqNN/ n"VNO0C.j y*gC.p#} RN7"_N7C}=|=|d=|=|NNNO6Bxp xp e y*f NqNO6NuO6MwN21v&N!2MwNqNrN$Jx1 g N`=|!iNuNwJx1 g N`=|!iNuNwN NNeDF N$!K*o!K*o,!g-|!g-|!g!@gNNO6NONONuFBxp xp eNuH y&H CQJ k$K" f$`LNuF#Bx@N!2NqNLFN$NN!Jjo1bb#X03*!hNONNPNP,NQ,NONNOfBx@Bx@Bxw###,N#N$ Nz MwNOZ1wBxSfNnN"9댒e NԾf Jy߀gN#NJxSbfJyf* xff"#<NOH3ޜNN NhN&N0N#,N;|NPNPNjN/NJNKN5NQ.NPNOZN;NYNQNPN.NPJxbgNP`Bxp NPNPVN N&JN&N)NlNO6N-NOfNPNr`N1SBxvXF y$NNuN/|Nq#UN~N N~NNONNPNNDNMNP1S3$NtBxSbNu 8fd"8fdDNPhrEdxvLn~rJyhgrrJxbfhr Jxff^r JxifTvtr$9댄BBHB<6HB|e$gr |egr`H„2` H„r BJxo~fxIg1IaNuAI08I@@ pCJj|d(|0d"Jxo~gEM*p24g22Q1I`""""""""!JjJ&NuBoBxgjBoBxglBxgRBxgTBxgVBxgXBxg@BxgrBxgPNu!JoBxbNuAq"9HA08b @20HA#r$9g29fRAA`33NPNuA4 (0"(4@A1f1fH@HAHH$<d&Ԁց!f!fA4!B!C 1g 1g HBHC1g1gNuN`08f28f$8f&8fddԂփЂ҃A4!@0!A4"8f$8fa 1f1fNuddABxfxfNu?ddp ABxfxf0NuMwByfN1vN1dvP33?3308b A}NVNO6NhNuNr!Lo1dT1T1TNua aaNuH yprt 08f28f>8SXSG(g$(jDu0d&((jDu0dtHdd@@NP8g1 hp( NO`+H0t( CtB;q ,0(NO~;@;ABm;|;|@ LQNLNuH yprt 08f28f>8SXSGJPg(gn$(jDu0dZ&((jDu0dBHBxS^ddNP8g1 hpNO`L+H0 `|LNuH?9prt 08f28f~3NJ9$f J9$g?$9$&(jDu0d&9$*(jDu0dlHddNP8g 1 hp29$.fpNO`4-.CtB41 ;B,m;y0L>RG`:3LNuHA08oxk0"(jDn"(jDmQp`pLNuH?9K52prJm.kg m :fprt 08f28f$-&- ddԂփЂ҃ m :f m0t 1@ 1A Npp`x m.g m.f.30N m.f09$.3$.N`2 m.g* m0 !A0-.S@@ 0-2-NO1@;|.KB8SXSG(gZQ y"8f$8fNv6t4| x"H>8SXSG "(Ёe("HQ ILNuJxbf"HN`NRBxb08f"8f$8fddABxfxfJxfkJxfk x'fn xfm !ff!ff1ff1ff1b`&<d(HAHBHHց؂!f!f08f1g 1g HCHD1g1gNDJxbf!ff!ff1ff1ffN1balNMNtNPNPNPNQNPNPPNzNNPLNuHNzkPprt 0@?2(#d#h1v*1v,BxgFBxgBBxgJNP,NQ,LNuH` yEHrJPk@Jhk(@<f(RA$`"0(D@"ykTI@<fRA$P`JAg"NoH@EH@@ rp`pLNu1SfNqNrN NO6N "NuNrAMj08u|H!o1T1T1TNuHBxoBxo1g1?g1:g1g3g3g3g3g1gvZ1gv\1gv^1gv`1gvPLNu08b |frJyfhMw=xg =xg$=xg"=xg&0<=| =|=xg=|=xgNN=|28gA =A=|A=ANNNupaaNupaazNupaanNupaabNupaaVNupaaJNupaa(Nup ata2Nup aha&Nup a\aNup aPaNupaDaNup a8aNupa,aNupa aNupaaNupaaNuxv&g1v&HA"h ""h2"h2"hNBxhv y*gNP2Jxv:g$A"h1v> :00LN^L @ ` x Fw8J, who is head of the Imperial fighter command. His defection will be a severe blow to the enemy. Bustini is renowned for being a lady's man., the famous plastic surgeon, who has refused to assist in the empire's perverted medical experiments. For this crime he was thrown out of work and into prison., a biplane production complex. This will have a devastating effect on the Empire's fighter capability, a biplane production complex. This will have a devastating effect on the empire's fighter capability, leader of the Free Nurses Resistance Front. Her help is vital if we are to liberate this island., she is my fiance, and she is being held hostage by the Secret Police., she is my favourite pop star, she's just fab! If you recruit her I'll give you a clean bill of health with big sister.. Liquidate that flatfoot and I'll take you to play Doctors and Nurses!. I'm the best racing pilot ever. The only reason I'm always last is because I've got no mechanic. Ibn Musa is the best. Recruit him and I'll do anything. None of the things they say about me are true., unless I here from him I wo'nt help you but if I do I'll tickle Bustini's fancy for you!  @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8 Bvz zNf  Hemet is to the Imperial Guards Division what the pre-flood island of Corsica was to the French Foreign Legion. The island provides the Guards Division with a GHQ and a training ground. Your overall mission on this island is to destroy the fighting capability of the Imperial Guards Division and deprive the Empire of its most able troops. 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His shoddy workmanship cost me thousands of dollars when the pumps he installed exploded.. They've impounded my tow truck and deprived me of my livelihood.@SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 @fl <LlVrtv  Cajamarca is a centre for watchmaking and manufacture of precision mechanisms. Because of these industries, industrial diamonds are in great demand and smuggling is rife. One criminal activity has encouraged another and the island has become a haven for forgers. Cajamarca is famous for its bazaars where forged and smuggled goods are peddled. Little else can be said about this island - the secret police force is corrupt and there is a rather seedy down-at-heel medical college. Despite all this, the Federation is encouraging Cajamarca into the fold. Liberate the island!``P P`.P45( . b.PhnLV,P<'rVOv.PZF,,)<PB3\*.1'|.Pе,P8\XpO\'B.P, P25( 85V)>.r 3P.OD~8z"Odh'.O' , 5N# B'$V.0,OU&O7l_u#Fx.n.O', "&h#.4       rs#+!%լ  +3KA'|"   +C3+B)4 L@ +[+D(}R  ! +#+"m @   +[+  x    c3K#@#K! 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He is rotten to the core and supplements his income by taking protection money. He has the total loyalty of his Police force, most of whom are as corrupt as him. He'll do anything at a price.. Williamson is perhaps the most respected man on the island, although the military force on Cajamarca loathe him because of his friendliness with the Secret Police., kept at Bakis by General Sirhan. They implicate me in a murder which I had nothing to do with. That army scum is trying to frame me!, imprisoned at the army base at Murbarquas. Poor Alexandre's been arrested, because the army dislikes the friendship between the church and the Secret Police.. He is a corrupt villain, who deserves nothing less than imprisonment in his own cells., the market trader. His business is going bust and I wouldn't mind being first in line to buy up his assets.  @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+, 'A" \(#3G)T4A6NOLNuH0HBHCHHЂ҃Ђ҃Ђ҃L Nu/@AD02( _NuH3><NO;@Nu0-.a"h+Q0-:@@@C[0"qN[p[\.\`\][p^^_"_J_P_p[[[Neg;|:;hH6;hJ8a Nu0-6f;|:` S@;@6Bma NuNhgrNeg(;hH6Sm8f*;|:;hL6;hN84(:a`@Sm6f;|:`2SmS1FSaa Nu0-2(aJ@g;@1S1FSad`;|:a NuNhgNeg$;hL6Sm8f&;|:;hP6;h >a`VSm6f;|:`H -""-&$-&- Nizhn4(:a 0-2(a ;@1 S1FSaa XNuNif NhgNeg;hP6`"Sm6f;|:;hL6;hN84(:a L`Phn";|>a ;|:;hB6;h@84(:`(0-2(a \;@a1 S1FSa4aa NuSm6f;|:;hP6;h >a`RSm8f;h@8;han1DS1FSa0(DCD46)JmkDB0-2-NO;D;Ca HNuSm6f;|.3N90`a -""-&$-&- Niz1v hn 0(a$k` 28v hna1 S1FSBma@Nif>28v h*n2;|.3N9h,na Vf08b R@31b0-2(a ;@NuNg"gFhn0-2( a ްhn0(` 0-2(a ;@a&1 S1FSaa.a(Nua0-2(a Bm;@1 SaraNuaNu+|>;h.6;h0<;| :aNuSm6f;|.3N90`&Smk8"m>Ji.k&g$+i"+i &;i*1 S1FSa`+|>NuJi.k.g, i.g$ i.g i :g i :g i:gp`pNuHC52Jhf1v1v1v 1v !v!v +|>af )") $-&- Niz1v hnx0(NO~1S1S!g! g!g! g 1g$1g&aak8 i :g88SjDDxvn 1v!v `88SjDDxvn1v!vBLNuH xu"xv2( gTShjBh0(2@AR@@1A2(@hn&2(h0(@@1A01h|LNuH -0jL;|.Bxh|/Nn  @2( g$e d0`("yeJQk`d搹H@J@fH@2( 1A 3&3&3'PNOMw nNONLFNrNNO6?9*3*1v&N!3*1u|NMwN=|mN:N~JNrNNO6NeN/NqByf1TN;3*N/ LNuNr!%o1dT1T1TNu 8f"8f$-&- Nizh&mh"n0($akp`pNu 8f"8f$-&- Nizhmhn0(a^kp`pNu 8f"8f$-&- Nizhnp`pNupNu xh"dN"m00) g> 8f"8f$-&- Nizhn 0(ak1bSm>f a ;h >NuH -d"- dDNPn1o 8fd"8fdDNPnL<8oμmmxvLm*`xvLn"0(*NOt1b`0(,NOt1bNu 8f"8f$-&- Niz|<np`pNu48vLmjDB|d 8f"8f$-&- Nizh.n޲xin1i m.g m.fR28b ACu:21RA09f;h2@3>3!g3>3!g3>!g;h2@3>!gg1i i3`&Bm@1i1i !g!gByNu m.f` 8f"8f$-&- Nizxi nB0<NO~1S1S!g! g!fg!fg 08gBNO~1g$1g&aajp`pNu 9g JxSlfp`pNu 9대H@J@f2JxSlgSxSl 9gNo@ry@mxSlNupNu'n$m'nm ЁNO`2<'NuЁNuHtvCs2-.A128b A61C0-xvLjD@Bep`pLNuHNodH@2-4Axb C11A@ep`pLNuHNodH@29i.C21A@ep`pLNuNoNO~HЭ+@"HAHҭ +A&!g4!g8NM;@*No@m*NuAjp` he0(NuHA@08@S@?Jh k J(kaA0QLNuH(ga`>02(4(hhn&1BH@HAhh1@ 1A ab`aLNuH@@hBh"h2(/HP  """  Nicobar is a rich and fertile island. Its Grand Harbour at Sweetwater is the busiest mercantile port in the whole Archipelago. At the moment, it is also the chosen anchorage of Admiral Kreuter's Atlantic Fleet. Kreuter, the naval genius of our age, has a mountain retreat here, close to the village where his beloved mistress, Michelle Marchetta, lives. Kreuter's help is vital in liberating the island - his fleet is the best the Empire has and his men would follow him to the end of the earth. Authority and charm will help you on your mission.` @ 5 (M v x v3N u. u, h uM 7+ 07' 7NH l # $\ ,uMp ~ M R~N j "N rߩ @ MTY Y&MՊMΊ W.L 8o3 o'  To L 4o$ (d#M< L"  (.L , l L$ |4 h ,L< " @ $L + l. *J ( PJ "J T"  5K  ) t h' )K    d M (EK t1 hK H D 5 t  4 5 .J , X &  OZ z1O& u15OT p1, x     U0++A@ 3c/-+3K C*RH kk (?x +[+#$`   cC +pP  +##z/  +K+ cC#(k hko#2[   +[)  3#'gJ䤤䤤 !  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He is a proud and arrogant man, but he is also a gambler. You must find a way to gain his help. He has never been known to break his word., the General Secretary of the Dockworker's Union. The Secret Police pay Grainger large sums of money to keep the harbour workforce quiet and docile., the pop singer, arrested and tortured by the Secret Police after the first performance of his protest song, 'Love is Freedom, Let's fight for love'.. I sacked him from his dock working job last week, and now he's threatening terrible things toward me and my family.. Oqbah is head of a smuggling network. He steals imported goods and then sells them for a profit on the black market. These documents detail all of his dealings. on patrol in the Grand Harbour. I'll wager my help against your life. If you can take on my best squadron, you must be good.  @SEw ]'+  + kKv#cwM>+(0 cy] #'_ V> 9Y)  ]p1 S 0+y O[DWe0-{ +ȃ1.Ã;%F;%F[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV++K%_FIQ8  3!SA"+E# <$)$ $E6_%/4'6&+,fRffZf4CPhf6 m4gRg"0-|nB3.;|.N9`g$0-|m3.;|.N9`0-|.m3.;|.N9`0-2 H@HA@4m0-2-H@HAHHѭӭ -d"- dDNPhmm3;|.N9`@ m4f6? -d"- dDNPn<>0-FFnGNO;@NuAPhgAPb0-2 H@HA@4m0-2-H@HAHHѭӭ -d"- dDN m :g0-<F><.NO;@`m,;ENu4-0-2-H@HAHH$&Эҭ m :g< m :g4HЂ҃Ђ҃Ђ҃ddDNPhL|8ma`Bm+@+A ddDNPbm,;ENu0-2 H@HA@4?m1o -d"- dDHNPhL?NPn<>08oF2GȾFn0`NO1o40-2-H@HAHH$&Эҭ m :g: m :g2HЂ҃Ђ҃Ђ҃ddDNPhL|8ma"` Bm+@+A ;xoNuCPbgCPh>4-0-2-H@HAHH$&Эҭ m :gB m :g8g0HЂ҃Ђ҃Ђ҃ddDNL| na` Bm+@+A -d"- dDNm,;ENuH瀀Aq0-.0LNuH瀄Aq0-.0L!NuH瀀Aq0-.0<"Fg @Afp`pLNuH0-@ ;@AD@46(0-2-NO;D;CLNuH 8f"8fꑭ "&LNuH 8f"8fѭӭ ѭ"ӭ&LNuHK52Jm.kaKB8SSGL6DCBD@jCjAjCjJBn4QNu$xg68h*88g:8g<8g>8g`TGLJBn t7B`<ÁƒxvNxvPBB@jEjAjGj667B0jNu$xg&xg(xg*xg`|M20460 <800D:0@<`60 <800D80@DD40 AfJEf4Ef:`(66Gav$xg&xg(xg*xg`f&`202040 B60 j:204040 j???600840 BB204040 B40 BBEfJCg\`J2248g22XB1P1XB1gĹCf:`"66QB6)8)60080@Cg88 j>&(!g$xg!gg!gaNu$xg&xg` L6080 Dg660j&$xg!gg!gNu$xg(xg` 20460 800@f840 Af0j8Nu$xg&xg*xg`df&`XL @A60 g:88g1 ?0N`TB:88g1 ?NPxg6Cg66$j:&!g$xg!gg!gNu*xg`0jNuL8L@AB@CDE‡C‰D4DBBDBjAjBj2222NuL8L@AB@DBC‡C‰D4DBBDAj@j2222NuL8L@ABADDE‡C‰D4DBBDBj2222NuL8L@ABADBD‡C‰D4DBBD2222Nu:8gL L@AED@ÁABD48g68g@jCj2222Nu:8gL L@AED@ÁABD48g68g@jCj2222Nu:8gL L@AEDAƒ@BD2222Nu:8gL L@AEDAƒ@BD2222NuH08S28SD@ANצ08S28SACN08S28SD@48vJNO20D@ACN\08vT28vRACN08S28SACNLNuH08vJxjx@@D@@ANP08vT28vRD@DAACN08S28SACNLNu08S28StNO1S1S08S28S4-NO1S1SNuB/AD46( _8:؅HDHCNuDB8:؅HDHCNu46ЁNO0<HHᣅNu6:8ЂҀ$NO $NO0<HHᤇ‰H,ᦋNuH xg"xg$xg&xg,xmmg 0&3z`20yf1hNn`!mmLNuHAD08vJ@A0A246HAԃHB383:3<08vR28vTD@46:9@k|j@@ 8g48h68ha$LNu`.0B@@JCfE-|`E.2 @BE+j42 E"G$ & Ԛ֚8:&Z(Z*Z,ZFg$BN$CN04$@YkfFBYFBZZZZQNu4QNuZZZZP@g$$P@f4FBZZZZQNu04$@YkfFBYZFBZZZQNu4QNu6FCZZZZP@g$$P@f4ZFBZZZQNu04$@Yk fFBY6FBZZZZQNu4QNu6FCZZZZP@g$$P@f46FBZZZZQNu04$@YkfFBYZZFBZZQNu4QNu6FCZZZZP@g$$P@f4ZZFBZZQNu04$@Yk fFBY6FBZZZZQNu4QNu6FCZZZZP@g$$P@f46FBZZZZQNu04$@Yk fFBY6FBZZZZQNu4QNu6FCZZZZP@g$$P@f46FBZZZZQNu04$@Yk fFBY6FBZZZZQNu4QNu6FCZZZZP@g$$P@f46FBZZZZQNu04$@Ykf 'A" \(#3G)/(0 *^|{^+{Ww,mV-9HYB. lp:/{S 00+1O[e2WSe3//4w/W'5=KdT6Uh7,,z8. .$@BD  Almirante is frequented by sailors and officers on leave from the Imperial Naval Base on Lobos. The island provides a wealth of leisure activities, ranging from hunting, fishing and minisub diving to ballooning and speedboat racing. The small offshore island of Pequeno is the start and finish point for the famous Captain Morgan's Cup, a speedboat race that circumnavigates Almirante. Less to the liking of the naval officers is the Secret Police Regional HQ at Forte. To ensure the navy's loyalty, the police keep detailed files on all the officers. If you can seize these files, the way is open for mutiny.` i e5Hm re.G 8n& Ln ln" F N. 1 ,F [FH [.H L[5E Z3 Z D ( +E X*@ tF |t"p dt3D t. 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The Imperial garrison shields Harper from the outside world and in return he regularly makes large donations to the Saharan Empire. The largest army presence here is at Wazir, in the north-east, where supplies and water are shipped out to other Saharan islands to sustain Imperial troops. Cristobal is virtually a self-sufficient corporate island, with prosperous fisheries, farms, mines and a booming freshwater pearl-diving industry. ``@J 5K  X.I) p ,Jl`1 ,|* D3Ix0 4J,X0 X&I$) H'H#$ L95F<|9,993E9.hG,.X3X(Hh4(5(.@(&FÙ4p.H$,* )G'30FH8@$5H .(G,.51G\& d"I "Dtlx!H!5H !.     pz++&Ҭ `  6+'  +K38 H \ +3S      #+ =   +(;@ X ##/5  # A r, T 3++@2%5   #;+U  0 %+*+  +$* "P* ##+%`VU ( 3 +[AR"l  ; AB<  CK']N< p3c}  +c& 2 %  cKK;+k kS;;'"D;SCv   s5h  #S(DDDNDDDDD6DDDDDDDDDDDDPDDDD&DDDDDDvDDDDDDRDDDD"DDDfDDDD6DDDDBBFUUU(UUU UUUUU~UUUNUUUUU6UUUUUUUUUUUUPUUUU&UUUUUUvUUUUUURUUUU"UUUfUUUU6UUUUBBFwww(www wwwww~wwwNwwwww6wwwwwwwwwwwwPwwww&wwwwwwvwwwwwwRwwww"wwwfwwww6wwwwBB8Tp4Pl0Lh,Hd (D`|$@\x <Xt8Tp4PlTTT888pppPPPlll <Xt  0 L h  , H d     h h h H H H 0 0 0    L L L , , ,  <Xt ( D ` |  $ D D D ( ( (    ` ` ` | | | <Xt !""##$$%%&&'' (())**++,,-- ..//00112233  ..//0011456789:;<=>?456789:;<=>?456789:;<=>?456789:;<=>?456789:;<=>?456789:;<=>?456789:;<=>?456789:;<=>?H33Byz^>9z`>0p<:1`82P43@63@ E82P03@23@a ,<1`FfNOLNuH33Byz^>9z`>0p<:1`81`81@42@62@82PDg$Dg82P43@63@82P03@23@`82P43@63@82P03@23@a <1`FfNOLNuH1h*1g1g1g1g3333!g!g!@g!@g!(g!g!g!g!gaBaŢaLNuGmIm>:SG&QEm xg*xg`20`G(S8&<jAm>:SG"X2QaHNNuJAj4?0D@20Jqk20a20a0Nu20a20a0Nua2NuGmIm zP>SG&QGmIm"xg2(a!mNu*s2k82jNu\aaaMEG,K>a<,T>,a0,T>,a$,AC&>,a,TT>,a,TT>, az,a#a#a# a&#ad!g,yXa|,y\aP,yT&y Ta~aX 8g쐸g1gNu1SB@Tlllll l @A#03X@#Nu"y!g$xg&xg. 0,S@2)42Qk6PGPQ6Nu02-4- ` 68:HCHDHE666QNuACE~0|2HA2QQNuAC&E8~0|2HA2QQNu02(4( 68):) `8?:Z< .< ކ< ކHG6< .< ކ< ކHG6>QNu/ ,xg(N zT"zT$zT,. &J*zd<<<B^B@3~B@@L8B@g,@AB@@L@AB"GBG024THCDE<<< z"z$z&z`8EEMDN@Z`6`$2``$2`6`"1``"1`6`"1`$2``"1`$2`6`````````````(`6`B`P`b 0``n 0`6`d 0`$2``V 0`$2`6`F 0`"1``8 0`"1`6`( 0`"1`$2`` 0`"1`$2`68NP@AB`6@AB`.@AB`&@AB`@AB`@AB`@AB`@ABkbH@HAHBNP8AB`88AB`08AB`(8AB` 8@B`8@B`8@A`BD@ABH@HAHBDPDjBV`Gk8,UGB@@,SG` >,SG`Q B@BASA, =C%  C[/6p D    K#C*TPTTPTH t 2 Sck3#u 2[{+[8( K#C*  8 & SA!>AB(X {ksU X cwsp uS,)B`(   P  @8  x  0p hP` 8     P   p ` h `p  h h0 h  (`( ` h` x  Xd 4t dv 8-xP  \  @ ( Jn>d  hh(((XXXXX X x`x`P0P00P0XX H Hhh00@ @  ` `( ( XX `  ` x` x ` `  P P    0 `0P( H@0@  (h  `   ` ` ` P P   < dz"B, the tycoon owner of Cristobal., Chairperson of the Council for Civil Liberties. She can be found working in the ghetto at Lambert, and will encourage the workers to revolt., currently in pay of Lord Harper. She is to be found in Colony. , radar research scientist, held against his will at Dry. He will be vital to the liberation of the island because of his expertise in ECM which he will use to blind enemy units. from my ship, which was sunk by Imperial subs in Wazir Bay. They contain records of my dubious business dealings! If Imperial divers find 'em I'm in deep trouble.. I was a free man until that Jenkins woman sentenced me to hard labour. If you kill her I'll recruit you a social worker. my niece. She's been enslaved by Hans Bruen who's planning to sell her to the head of the Zafryian Secret Police. The slave ship docks soon at Wazir Bay.. She has stolen the diary of Nicola Anderson, a Resistance fighter who's on a secret mission. If the diary gets into the hands of the Empire, Nicola will be murdered., to the East. My jerk of a brother-in-law is stationed with them. He deserves all he gets. Then I'll blow Harper's precious little diamond mine sky high!. That Jezebel's been chemically polluting Lake Freshwater, trying to ruin my livelihood. Kill her and I'll make you obscenely rich!, where David Green lives. He's growing crops for Harper to sell to the Empire. He's a cowardly, craven wretch., where Harper keeps his store of gold and diamonds.   < +/]'6()2q * /0$  @SE'+ kKv wM> cy] V>  ]p1 0+yWSGB@@A<GFFGNFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00@BFG&D00LNu`yj3yk3@g`jB(<:@@AAA8MDDE&D00RB:@BACC8MDDE&D00LNuHAzfBX00<rHA4HAA@kRB0R@|fLNuHA><0<0@QLNuH8. 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G.f Xa `LNuHC{M <=y=yEG&&&&6`HaaafARV P>k2f4333IACaLaLNu*NaaLNu0kaNu024JujB?Ea4E aNu2~Gjf 6QNu6TQNuGL8J024ЁЂH@U<024ЁЂH@m=@քօHCm=CNuEM>SGGLxHFBF024ЁЂH@܀024ЁЂH@܀քօHC܃HF  v B D B R 2   - H   jR\fpz,       t t h h T T P P l l | ,| ,   ,  l  h  P h h , p p0 0 ` 0` 0     4 4  b b    l    ` ` t t   * *  v v h h     ` R BR BhL  ] #wV`n\, the renowned actor, whose loss to the Empire will be a huge blow to their morale., the succesful businessman, who produces all the enemy propaganda films. This will leave their film industry in ruins., favourite pin-up of the Imperial troops. She has been portrayed to them as the ideal Imperial woman., used for film processing by the enemy., used for film processing by the enemy., the print works of Aostaview Publications. Their film reviews are destroying my business.. He wrote an awful review of my performance in Macbeth. Do this for me, and I'll help you., who is being held by the Secret Police at Tusk Fields.. She looks sweet but she's been informing on my activities to the Secret Police. and make that scumball pay with his life for those comments on my private affairs. That'll teach him to open his big mouth on TV. where those B-Movie merchants who are my so-called opposition work.. The little hussy is my understudy and she's trying to steal the limelight from me.. That wretch stole my boyfriend Bruce with her wiggle ! Only then will I help you., maybe then they will take notice of my screen test.. I'll teach them not to give me a leading part!, that swine was too mean to back my film. Do this little job for me and then I'll help you. w~_?'-CF0-{;%F;%F[c; tSl3? +K%_ $E6_ :@F Jblz  Far from the main trade routes, Galva is a quiet and peaceful backwater. The Empire's flying sub factories are based in the north-west. In the south-east, a small group of scientists is engaged in rocket pack research. Galva is also the place of exile for the Emperor's over-ambitious nephew, Fasalis, who has a strong following in the army. Galva is unlikely to be a port of call for the Armada, but its rocket pack technology and the support of Fasalis would be extremely useful. Try charm and reason to win the islanders over to your cause.`BSSSSvSBEDsBfs3:_snsB!ysB\_sFs\@sBK s3rs`Pack-IceI*Ls,L-a`FMGLA "grѓg f``GP$]*$I$<MEpAG$QC&NN&&SjN".扑&&SjN%a*d"ra$dCv !a"H@@Vҩ%QnNuf%Nurf%AQNuCtaTxr1 Hka1 Ag"CvtaTr1 HaBq jD`rptadpt?aBC@!!Q`R   ICE!tO-B Nqi8VpqX)l#NN\ $i(?,*L E_F#3spad!w@BD 8nfl':! EgaVP$F" f`".-h) HU{c@3{dKvo'UH.ՅVI @0!s O*6܀肺 6V6In&LIP7$lkqP7d`,fwfYb ` ;p|n 2pXg*qҸ|bkfnt <`V! IgF(mS. Ig.af`fD"J.2&Y,H@bf:~"2eB<=i:.40<90O1`P.f Y`gXvaFLh`7f ;Ɲ p0f0 yS=f;6bt,l~!;BVB)ԦL8(Cf* @צ!#g 0`yn `2Dxf6&;{0o@A(^u4 A~22%lMcïNCQ8#VdN3RF~jjPd~(k.,3J`5~т@SlbkA#ӰcF_,o<:_|Pf!XRFw/8EZ f [b.#``4 j%f#Nds90`7f"[ըBGS&HTmS4@%nMn5f 5ܤvAa"6((((((ԛ(6g @zBCjDTEFUGfJ3g0su ؄b)Xb _?_դg  AB@CDEFG`RC yu_ˑWg͹? 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He loathes his uncle and will raise the banner of rebellion, rallying many men to our cause throughout the Slave Isles.. We fell deeply in love barely two months ago. Then the Secret Police found out. They'll kill her if I so much as lift a finger to help you., my old and loyal tutor, the Aristotle to my Alexander. The Police have got him too. I couldn't bear to have his death on my conscience., intimate letters to me from the Emperor's nephew, my beloved Fasalis. Then I'll take you to him. Onadipe, the tatooist, has them hidden. -Ń//w/W'=KdTUh,,z^\v?x0n S{ [; E,+ /GG_ _UKS A[c;| g ;5, OG/\_NSsV+O'7 >  tSl3?+K%_FIQ8 3SA+E <$)!C ]"'+##3G${E\ 2%#,&7?M'@,<  2   Andara is the home port of the Imperial Submarine Fleet and we know that there are at least three underwater bases off the south-east coast. In the north-west of the island, the Empire is engaged in highly advanced sonar research and manufacture, whilst further south, at Trovoadas, the Imperial Institute of Oceanography probes the depths of the ocean. Andara's major industry is aircraft production. A complex of slave camps at Asali provides labour for Andara's aircraft factories and for its abundant sugar plantations.?>= `0Pd5Hx|d&d.D$d10d@ }1H|}54}+\ G,| *G6|B 'G + 5#Fߠ5.F(ڛ1,n)F^fՐ"h::. 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These are hidden in the Underwater Base at Salazoa. in the area around the Salazoa Underwater Base. This will enable the Scientists there to escape...., Commandant of the army camp at Asali, with the objective of causing uprising and dissension there. the sonar research scientist at Fer-Sono.. If you persuade her to join you, I'll make sparks fly but I'm not going to leave her behind.. If you can recruit my Gran then I know you are on the right side and I'll really help you, promise!. Don't be so quick to kill me. Execute that scum Lang and I'll make sure you control this island within 48 hours.. Scowcroft is about to publish his research report on sonar devices. He'll steal my thunder if you don't blitz him.. I've got contacts all over this island. Kill the fly-girl that did for my man and I'll tell you about where the submarines hide.. He's the only one who knows that I know what he knows about the sea-bed.. Charles, the sailor-boy, left me for that sweet little slave-girl Sheila. Feed him to the fishes and I'll tell you all I know about secret bases.  46^/]'6aDM()#= *  /0$  G2K +  kKv #c #'_ V>9Y) ]p1S 0+y O[DWew~_1.Ã#. 0n3g{#  [t< uG ;%F;%F[c; OG/\!_NSs"V+#O'7$ > % tSl&3?' 3(SA)+E* <$)+ $E6_,/4'6-+, .| b&Hh~vxz  A huge barrage stretching across the island's western bay houses Muar's tidal hydro-electric power station. The gigawatts of electricity generated there are used for experiments in fusion power. The Empire must not be allowed to progress in this field of research. The research staff are highly intelligent scientists, many of whom are also dissident authors. We must spread their work throughout the Empire.`J'J@+K(" d".K",  5K . x ( @x%J%K,% J0%K$% 6%  b 3 n 1  )K   , T .  ( XLvz3Lt.  v, l. 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They're holding my wife and children hostage in Africa, but she's got contacts and will get them out. Do this and you've got me.. I need the text of her work on logical positivism. I'm her clandestine publisher, but she says I give no meaning to her work. Recruit her and I'll join you.. She's my grandmother, but be careful. She's old and frail. Help me and you won't regret it.. I've been hunting her for six years, but she's always eluded me. I despise you and all you stand for, but I'll help you if you dirty your hands.. They have been plagueing our stretch of coastline for months, ruining any attempts our fishermen make to catch fish by cutting the nets. They enjoy seeing our livelihoods destroyed! 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