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Full of ambition, you cast covetous eyes on the vast wealth of the Spanish Main. The final step is an audience at court for royal approval.My loyal Captain, says your patron, I can finance this voyage. However, I must be assured you are the right man for the task. Do you know when the %h arrives at %s in %u, Mr. %s?Your vast knowledge encourages your patron. In a few months you are running before the trade winds with a fast, powerful warship beneath your feet. Land ho! cries the lookout. You have made landfall in the West Indies!Discouraged by the error, your patrons support is minimal. At sea, your ignorance becomes plain to the officers and crew. They are less forgiving. One day you awake to the worst fears of a ships captain: mutiny!Defeated, you and a few supporters are put in a small, leaky boat. Taunts, jeers, and laughter ring out across the water as you sail away, your face flushed with shame.You have gotten off to a rather unpromising start in your career. Perhaps you should start over, paying heed to your Silver Train and Treasure Fleet notes this time. Will you... start over? continue an unpromising career?One night, playing cards in a tavern, you overhear an old sea captain. Mates, the Spanish conquered Peru years ago. Some of the treasure never reached Spain. A fortune in Incan gold awaits a bold man in the Caribbean!Inspired by the tale, you seek support for a voyage from aristocratic friends. What do you know of the West Indies? they demand. Do you know when the %h arrives at %s in %u, Mr. %s?Your correct answer wins powerful support. Soon you have a royal charter for a new colony in the Indies. But the land is poor, the colonists are discouraged. Turn back, they demand. You must face their leader, sword in hand!Victorious, you and your friends put the malcontents ashore. Now its time to set course for adventure, fame, and fortune along the fabled Spanish Main!Dismayed by your ignorance, your supporters withdraw. Still, the lure of the West Indies calls. Undaunted, you sign on as a junior officer, on a ship bound for the Caribbean.You discover the captain is an evil pirate! Finally, his torture of innocent prisoners enrages you beyond reason. Sword in hand, you bravely face him on the quarterdeck while the crew looks on.Years ago your family was poor and starving. Your future lay in the New World, a land of opportunity and hope. Entering the Caribbean, a hurricane wrecks the ship. Clinging to a spar, you are rescued by the Spanish.You are indentured to hard labor on a sugar plantation. One day you chance upon some smugglers in a far corner of the fields. They casually ask, When does the %h arrive at %s in %u, Mr. %s?Impressed by your knowledge, the smugglers elect you Captain on the spot. That night you lead the sturdy band in a sneak attack on a small ship riding at anchor!The smugglers sneer at your ignorance, but need a strong back to haul cargoes ashore. Eager to escape debt slavery, you join. But alas, your comrades have more surprises in store for you!You sail to a friendly port nearby. A family friend introduces you to the governor. He provides a Letter of Marque authorizing attacks on enemy ships. Now you are ready to seek your fame and fortune on the Spanish Main!Young and poor, you seek your fortune in the New World. To purchase passage, you indenture yourself, binding you to work on a sugar plantation for five years as payment. But on the plantation your debts only grow.You decide to escape this life of debt slavery. You ask some local seamen about joining the brethren of the coast. Aye, mate, they reply, but do you know when the %h arrives at %s in %u, Mr. %s?The seamen are really buccaneers! In need of knowledge, they invite you to join their party. But the voyage is unprofitable. The men decide new leadership is required. They nominate you to duel the captain for command of the ship!You are happy living as an honest seamen, but your uncle gambles away all the familys money. To help feed your starving mother you steal a piece of bread from the back door of an aristocrats mansion and are caught!After months waiting in a foul prison, the Judge hears your case. You common scum dont take the law seriously! he snarls. Transportation to the colonies for ten years hard labor will teach you some honest work!You and your sturdy band sail to a friendly port. There you arm and provision the ship. Your charismatic personality brings flocks of recruits from the taverns, each seeking new wealth on the Spanish Main!The governor of San Juan pockets your gold and smiles. It gives me great pleasure to award you this commission as ensign in the Costa Garda. He laughs. Now you can legally repay those foreign devils weve suffered from for too long.Of course, the governor continues, you are obliged to protect our shipping too. But to be sure you know the difference, perhaps you will tell me when the %h arrives at %s in %u, Mr. %s?On your first voyage a small convoy of enemy ships falls to your squadron. One enemy cuts grapples and starts away. Take that ship, your Captain yells, and shes yours! Your party jumps aboard just in time!Victorious, you take the ship to a friendly port, where you repair, rearm, and provision it. With your promising reputation, finding a crew at the local tavern is no problem. In just a few weeks your sturdy band clamors to set sail!Your answer is wrong! Distrustful of you, your commander assigns you to the place of greatest danger in the first battle. You must lead a leaky pinnace against a powerful warship manned by trained soldiers!Defeated and seriously wounded, you are put ashore to recover. From that day forth you are called unlucky. Credit for ships and stores is unavailable, and only the lowest, most desperate seamen sign with you.As a Protestant sea captain in Catholic France, you and your family are imprisoned by order of Cardinal Richelieu. Finally, an old friend of high station visits. You plead with him, Let me leave France for the New World!Years ago your family settled in the New World. Then a rich, grasping nobleman used a corrupt judge to seize the family lands and imprison you. You escape and begin a long search for your lost family.Finally, you encounter sailors in a portside tavern, down to their last few gold doubloons. Mate, they call, help us refill our purses. Come tell us, when does the %h arrive at %s in %u, Mr. %s?Your skill as a merchant captain is famous throughout Europe. The best traders employ you. Finally, an officer of the powerful West Indies Company approaches you with a proposition to command a voyage to the Indies.A few months later your sturdy ship and crew are in the West Indies. You encounter a Spanish ship and hail them, only to find yourself boarded! Foreign heretic scum arent permitted here, says their leader, drawing his sword.Born into a family of sailors, you too wish to seek your fortune at sea. The current war offers many opportunities in the West Indies for an enterprising young man. The tales of old, wealthy privateer captains stir your blood.You decide to seek a life of adventure. In a seaside tavern you meet a famous captain. I need recent news, he says; pray tell, when does the %h arrive at %s in %u, Mr. %s?As a young man you fled your familys debt slavery on a sugar plantation. You live among the buccaneers of the coast, learning to shoot, to handle a sword, to handle a ship. Most importantly, you learn bravery and leadership.You are born into a merchant sailor family, inheriting a ship. Alas, the new restrictive trade laws of England and France make most voyages unprofitable. Then you hear that enforcement of these regulations is lax in the Indies.On the eve of a great expedition, the leader falls ill! You claim knowledge of the West Indies and volunteer to take command of the voyage. If you are so smart, a patron asks, tell me when the %h arrives at %s in %u, Mr. %s!,You carefully consult your notes and reply:TTo be more precise, it will arrive... early in the month. late in the month.Your grasp of Spanish affairs pleases your patron. Soon you are commanding a trim ship, westward bound. But below decks, a rival plots against you. One calm evening the challenger steps forward, sword in hand!A few days later you encounter a Spanish ship. You hail them, only to find yourself boarded! Foreign heretic scum arent permitted here, says their leader, drawing his sword. Silver TrainTreasure Fleet Incognito Continuea fewmanyWelcome to Pirates! Cracked 04/09/89 by The Mighty Clog of The Medway Boys Do you wish to... start a new career? continue a saved game? command a famous expedition? view the Hall of Fame?@Select an expedition: Battle of San Juan de Ula (John Hawkins, 1569) The Silver Train Ambush (Francis Drake, 1573) The Treasure Fleet (Piet Heyn, 1628) The Sack of Maracaibo (LOllonais, 1666) The Kings Pirate (Henry Morgan, 1671) The Last Expedition (Baron de Pointis, 1697)FDo you wish to select a special historical period? No, thanks YesSelect a time period: The Silver Empire (1560) Merchants and Smugglers (1600) The New Colonists (1620) War for Profit (1640) The Buccaneer Heroes (1660) Pirates Sunset (1680)/What is your family name (Smith, Jones, etc.)?fMr. %s, which difficulty level will you choose? Apprentice Journeyman Adventurer SwashbucklerWhich special ability do you have? Skill at fencing Skill at navigation Skill at gunnery Wit and charm Skill at medicineThe sailing master takes you aside. Here in %s, youll probably be wantin to see the %s$0 governor and visit a tavern or two. The menll be anxious for plunder and adventure, so we neednt be sightseein for too long. ?The closest %s$0 city is %s, which lies %h days to the %s%s. (Are you sure you want to %h? Yes NoThe lure of the sea is strong, and you may still have a few good years left in you. Will you... remain in retirement? return to the pirate life?RDo you wish to have your exploits recorded in the Pirate Hall of Fame? Yes No+The Further Adventures of the Pirate %s....%s%h, making you %s member of your community.1You retired from privateering at the age of %d. 7You succeeded in rescuing %s member%s of your family. You were wounded %h. Pirate points: %d/1008Do you wish to play another game of Pirates? Yes NoThank you and goodbye.$Which nationality will you choose?  Click to continue... D Mr.EnsignCaptainMajorColonelAdmiralBaronCountMarquisDuke:cowardlypromisingwell knownfamousnotoriousinfamous;apprenticejourneymanadventurerswashbucklerapprenticefinegoodfairpoor:$3Spanish$4English$1French$2Dutch$0pirate$0unknownangryunhappypleasedhappy'$3Spain$4England$1France$2HollandsisterfathermotherunclesOneTwoThreeFourFive9a $3Spanishan $4Englisha $1Frencha $2Dutcha pirateHan apprenticea journeymanan adventurera swashbuckleran apprentice.GuardSuitorMutineerEnemy captainCaptainnorthsoutheastwestp JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember7%s vs. %s%sForce:Morale: menthe shipWeapon: You failed to achieve a rankYou achieved the title of %s$0 %s and %s$0 %san undistinguisheda little-knownan averagea creditablea well respecteda greatly admireda very importantan extremely important You accumulated the sum of %u0 gold pieces %hduring your career, making you %s.and %u acres of land a penniless paupera very poor mana man of average wealtha somewhat prosperous mana rather wealthy mana very wealthy manan extremely wealthy mann Your exploits on the high seas leave you with a reputation as %s captain.Your share of the expeditions plunder is %u0 gold pieces. Your performance in this voyage leaves you with a reputation as %s captain.a cautious and cowardlya quiet and cautiousa competent and activean active and daringa daring and bolda bold and fearlessa brave, bold, and fearlessYou were unable to find a bride. Your bride is %s. a shrewish and pestersome creaturea friendly and attractive wencha lovely and cheerful girlan exciting and beautiful womanIn the course of your travels, you become %s. sad and bitterlonely and quietquiet and contentedcontented and cheerfulcheerful and happyhappy and fun-lovingYour pirating days are at an end. As a result of your seafaring exploits, you become a %s%s. (baron) (count) (marquis) (duke) (prince)Kings advisorGovernorLt. governorFleet admiralRich bankerPlantation ownerWealthy merchantGeneralSugar planterMerchant captainCouncil memberColonelShop ownerMajorTavernkeeperSailing masterSergeantBartenderSailorFarm handRogueScoundrelPauperBeggarREnglish Seahawkd2 RFrench CorsairPA2BK"BRDutch Privateer sA2sREnglish ExplorerP RFrench Adventurer( U3K"RDutch Trader RSpanish Renegade<d G|fKPREnglish Adventurer( U3qRFrench Huguenot8 oocZciRFrench Privateer0 , cZciyRDutch Adventurer(ssliREnglish Buccaneer(SoSooRFrench Buccaneer0d cZciyRDutch Adventurer(ssliREnglish Pirate8d P0P0P0P0RSpanish Costa Garda2 ffffRJohn Hawkins4$K" RFrancis DrakeI TTTTRPiet Heyn08B:B:B:B: ZRLOllonais ,<dZdZdZdZRHenry MorganX,<0"`n`n`n`nRDe Pointis(@(`n`n`n`nO    } dBorburataZ(CampecheY(-(Cartagenaq ZCoroCuman U2 Eleuthera A1Florida KeyslFGibraltar@,ZGran Granada K! Grand Bahama<@2Havanak] FIsabellai Maracaibo ZMargarita P/ NassauH nNombre de DiosG22Panamay PPto. CabelloDNO Pto. PrncipecRio de Hachag San Juanoh2( Santo DomingoV[-2ZSantiagoSn(Santiago Vega^ ZSanta Marta ASt. Augustine"(Trinidad\#2Vera Cruz@hZVilla Hermosafg2YaguanaC3Florida ChannelG!Florida Channel    ZCampeche}nCaracasY(.2Cartagenaq FCoroUCuman U2EleutheralPGibraltarP,Gran Granada K!Grand Bahama  Grenada<@2<2Havanak]7La Vegai  Maracaibo KMargaritaG2FPanamaF dPto. Belloy FPto. CabelloDNO Pto. PrncipecRio de HachagSan Juan^  ZSanta MartaV[(-ZSantiagoSn2Santiago Vegaoh(* Santo Domingo A 2St. Augustine  St. LuciaDSt. Thom* 2Trinidad\-Vera CruzPhxVilla HermosaC3Florida ChannelG!Florida ChannelJ"" $% &ABarbadosZCampeche}dCaracasY(-2Cartagenaq<CoroPCuman t dCuraaoU2Eleuthera A1 Florida KeysP,Gran Granada K! Grand BahamalKGibraltar<@,:FHavanak]7La Vegai Maracaibo <Margaritaq(NevisG7KPanamacjPetit-Gove?AProvidenceFPto. Belloy FPto. CabelloDNO  xPto. PrncipecRio de HachagSan Juanoh!& Santo Domingo^  ZSanta MartaV[$*<SantiagoSn<Santiago Vega A-St. Augustineo FSt. ChristopheD(St. Thomc[Tortuga FTrinidad\(Vera CruzPhnVilla HermosaC3Florida ChannelG!Florida Channel%% '( )r-Antigua  Barbados 2BermudaZ}Campeche} xCaracasY(22Cartagena tCuraao ZCumanU2Eleuthera A1 Florida KeysP,Gran Granaday _GuadeloupelUGibraltar<@*@AHavanak](La Vegai}Maracaibo FMargarita _Martiniquet-Montserratq ZNevisG#7KPanamacj<Petit-GoveFPto. Bello@NO Pto. 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