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Bram Stoker Mary Shelley H P Lovecraft Who played the title role in the 1968 Disney feature 'Blackbeard's Ghost' ? Peter Ustinov Robert Newton Anthony Quinn Which two members of the Monty Python team were in 'The Parrot Sketch' ? Palin & Cleese Cleese & Jones Idle & Cleese Who provided the voice of the short-sighted Mr.Magoo ? Jim Backus Mel Blanc James Stewart Where was Dan Aykroyd born ? Ottowa (Canada) Wichita (USA) Sheffield (England) Who directed the 1975 movie 'Love and Death' ? Woody Allen Nicholas Roeg Roman Polanski What does the the letter 'O' stand for in the name RKO ? Orpheum Organisation Oppenheim On whom was the film 'Mommie Dearest' based ? Joan Crawford Bette Davis Grace Kelly Which was the first James Bond film ? Dr No O H M S S Thunderball In the film of the same name - who or what was the 'African Queen' ? A river boat An African Queen An elephant Where was the film 'Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence' set ? A Japanese POW camp Vietnam A South African mine In what year was the sequel to 2001 - A Space Odyssey set ? 2010 2100 2002 What season is in the title of a 1968 film starring Peter O'Toole and Katharine Hepburn ? Winter Summer Autumn How many angry men were there in the 1957 Sidney Lumet film ? 12 10 5 Which of the following was NOT a sailor who was 'On the Town' in 1949 ? Vic Damone Jules Munshin Gene Kelly By what name is Harry Clifford Leek better known ? Howard Keel Harry Belafonte Cliff Robertson By what name is Virginia Katherine McMath better known ? Ginger Rogers Virginia McKenna Julie Christie What was Harpo Marx's real first name ? Adolph Julius Herbert In 'The Herbs' - what was the occupation of Bayleaf ? Gardener Teacher Policeman Who was the Captain of the Trumpton Fire Brigade ? Captain Flack Captain Snort Captain Troop What was the name of Lord Belborough's butler in 'Chigley' ? Mr Brackett Mr Crockett Mr Tripp What were the names of the twins in 'The Woodentops' ? Willy & Jenny Tommy & Sally Larry & Lizzy What was the name of Pippin's little friend in 'Pogle's Wood' ? Tog Pog Pogle Where could Professor Yaffle - the woodpecker in 'Bagpuss' be found when he was not 'awake' ? On a bookend In the mouse-organ In the shop window Who was the local policeman in  'Camberwick Green' ? PC McGarry PC McGinty PC Mickey Murphy Which of the following did NOT present 'Play School' ? Wally Whyton Brian Cant Eric Thompson In the first series of 'Rainbow' - what were the names of the two puppet characters ? Moony & Sunshine Zippy & George Buddy & Biddy Who was Freddy's predecessor in the 'Rainbow' singing group 'Rod Jane & Matthew' ? Matthew Corbett Matthew Kelly Matthew Sheridan What sort of creature was Topov in 'Pipkins' ? A monkey A rabbit An ostrich Which of the following did NOT appear in 'Captain Scarlet' ? Captain Green Dr Fawn Captain Grey Who was Basil Brush's longest serving straight man ? Roy North Rodney Bewes Derek Fowlds Who was responsible for 'Potty Time' ? Michael Bentine Bill Oddie Spike Milligan What sort of creatures were Dicky Mint and Nigel Ponsonby-Smallpiece ? Diddymen Pottymen Telegoons Who starred in 'Circus Boy' in 1956 and went on to further fame in the Monkees ? Mickey Dolenz Peter Tork Davy Jones Fleegle Drooper Snorky and who else made up 'the Banana Splits' ? Bingo Beagle Dribble Which of the following did a young Liza Goddard once star alongside ? Skippy the Kangaroo Salty the Sea Lion Flipper the Dolphin What was the name of the Rat in 'Tales from the Riverbank' ? Roderick Ratty Roger Which wildlife adventure series of 1966 was set in Wameru Study Centre in Africa ? Daktari Gentle Ben Animal Doctor What was the name of Tonto's horse ? Scout Silver Bullet What was the name of Roy Roger's dog ? Bullet Scout Lucky Who starred as Will Scarlet along- side Richard Greene's Robin Hood ? Paul Eddington Richard Briers Nicholas Parsons How many TV Dr Who's have there been ? 7 6 5 Who starred as Captain Pike in the pilot episode of 'Star Trek' ? Jeffrey Hunter William Shatner Robert Shaw Who starred as David Vincent in the TV Sci-Fi series 'The Invaders' ? Roy Thinnes Roddy McDowall Barry Morse What is the title of the first episode of 'The Prisoner' ? Arrival The Village A B & C Which of the following is NOT a 'Planet of the Apes' film ? Return to - Escape from - Conquest of - How did the people of Grand Fenwick power their rocket in the film 'Mouse on the Moon' ? Explosive vintage wine Anti-matter Lighter-than-air cheese What make of computer is HAL 9000 supposedly based on ? IBM Atari Hewlett-Packard Who starred as 'Machine Gun' Joe Viterbo in the film 'Death Race 2000' ? Sylvester Stallone David Carradine Michael Sarrazin The spaceship in the film 'Dark Star' was on a mission to destroy what ? Unstable asteroids Hostile aliens Space garbage Which horse won the Grand National in 1984 ? Hallo Dandy Last Suspect Corbiere Who rode West Tip to victory in the 1986 Grand National ? R.Dunwoody S.Smith Eccles H.Davies Which of these horses has NOT won the Cheltenham Gold Cup more than once ? Knock Hard Easter Hero L'Escargot How many races did Arkle win in his career ? 27 31 35 How many amateur jockeys won the Grand National in the 80's ? 2 1 None Which team have had the most wins in the All-Ireland Hurling Championship ? Cork Kilkenny Galway In what year was the first running of the St Leger ? 1776 1783 1790 Who was the first horse to win the Grand National at Aintree ? Lottery The Duke Jerry At what age do tennis stars supposedly reach their 'peak' ? 19 16 22 What is the name for a bet which consists of eight treble bets from nine selections ? Union Jack Yankee Dundee Shuffle Which of the following sports did NOT develop from a form of deadly combat ? Golf Kendo Wrestling At which of the following sports might you reach speeds of over 120 mph ? Skiing Cresta run Luge toboggan What is the name of Cardiff City's home ground ? Ninian Park Brunton Park Selhurst Park What football team is nicknamed 'The Red Imps' ? Lincoln City Mansfield Town Port Vale Who is the only Englishman to have been Show Jumping World Champion ? David Broome Harvey Smith John Whitaker Which football team is nicknamed 'The Toffeemen' ? Everton Ipswich Town Hartlepool United Which country has won the most Three Day Event World Championships ? Great Britain New Zealand West Germany Who was the largest man ever to play soccer for England (he was 22 stone and 6ft 2in tall) ? Willy 'Fatty' Foulke Sam 'Hefty' Hollis Arthur 'Tubby' Turner What is the fastest official time between a kick-off and a goal being scored ? Six seconds Eight seconds Ten seconds Which of the following is NOT currently an Olympic sport ? Gliding Handball Canoeing Which of these was once an Olympic sport for which medals were awarded ? Motorboating Finnish baseball Pelota Which modern sport is most similar to the ancient Chinese game of Tsu-Chu ? Soccer Golf Snooker What is unusual about the Canadian high jumper Arnie Boldt ? He's one legged He's blind He has no arms Who holds the record for the longest hit home run in Baseball ? Dizzy Carlyle Babe Ruth 'Cy' Young At which sport did Frank Devlin and his daughters Judy and Sue ALL win major titles ? Badminton Shooting Athletics How many consecutive wins did the USSR womens basketball team have between 1959 & 1981 ? 137 89 184 When did the first official bobsleigh race take place ? 1889 1920 1804 Who is reputed to be the first person to play billiards on a table (rather than grass) ? Louis XI of France Charles I of England Mary Queen of Scots Where was the first public billiards room in England ? Covent Garden Whitechapel Westminster When was the Southampton Bowling Club formed ? 1299 1499 1699 Which sport was illegal in Britain from 1750 to 1901 ? Boxing Angling Greyhound Racing Which World Championship Boxing match attracted the smallest crowd ever (2434) ? Clay v Liston Zale v Prior Marciano v Walcott Over how many rounds was the 1893 boxing match between Andy Bowen and Jack Burke ? 110 74 40 When was the first test match between England and Australia ? 1877 1878 1880 What type of race was first held in Paris on 31 May 1868 ? Bicycle Greyhound Snail What darts feat first took place at the Highbury Tavern inm Sussex in 1902 ? 180 with 3 darts 9 dart finish (501) 6 dart finish (301) What is the minimum number of darts required to score 1001 (finishing on a double) ? 17 19 15 What modern sport may have had its origins in the ancient Chinese game of Ch'ui Wan ? Golf Soccer Polo At which Olympic Games did Nadia Comaneci become the first gymnast to score 10.00 points ? Montreal Munich Moscow When did Ken Messenger become the first man to cross the Channel by hang glider ? July 1971 June 1980 August 1976 At which sport did Edna Blakelock score a record 21 goals in one match ? Hockey Women's Soccer Netball At which sport did the Boston Bruins win the Stanley Cup in 1970 ? Ice Hockey Basketball American Football Who gave his name to the figure skating jump known as the 'Axel' ? Axel Paulsen Ulrich Axel Vern Ax What sport was first devised by Dr Jigoro Kano in 1882 ? Judo Aikido Kendo Which of the following is NOT an event in the Modern Pentathlon ? 200m (swimming) 4000m (running) 800m (riding) What was the name of the horse brought down by a suffragette in the 1913 Derby ? Anmer Arbor Amant What modern sport is similar in many ways to the Roman game of 'Harpastium' ? Rugby Golf Polo At which fence was there a massive pile-up in the 1967 Grand National allowing Foinavon to win ? The 23rd Valentine's Brook The 26th In 1963 a horse with one eye won the Champion Hurdle - what was his name ? Winning Fair Farrney Fox Magic Court What nationality was the 1978 Speedway World Champion Ole Olsen ? Danish Swedish Norwegian What is the name of the character that Peter Sallis plays in 'Last of the Summer Wine' ? Rumpo Frumpo Grunty Who was killed in the same plane crash that killed Buddy Holly ? Jimi Hendrix The Big Whopper The Big Dipper True or False - The Atari is much better than the Amiga ? Who cares ? True False How many cigarettes did King Ahmed Zog I of Albania smoke per day ? 240 100 800 Which Egyptian God gave his name to a gas ? Ammon Meth Heli What is it illegal to carry in a cemetary in the town of Muncie (Indiana) ? Fishing tackle Flowers Food In the state of Indiana - what is it illegal to do within four hours of eating garlic ? Ride on a bus Speak to anyone Visit the cinema Of what is St Apollonia the patron saint ? Toothache therapy Earthworms The Greek Alphabet What do the people of Bhutan put in their tea ? Butter Salt Chalk Queen Christina of Sweden kept a a toy cannon - what did she fire tiny cannonballs at ? Fleas The King Toy soldiers What lay hidden for three centuries under the organ of a church in Thetford (Sussex) ? Anne Boleyn's heart Henry VIII's penis Thomas More's tongue Apart from the human - what is only other animal to suffer from leprosy ? The armadillo The aardvark The orang-utan What have you got if you are described as 'steatopygous' ? A fat bum A long nose Wonky eyes How many presents did Shirley Temple receive on her eighth birthday ? 135 000 420 000 76 000 Buckingham Palace was built on the site of what ? A cesspool A plague pit A leper colony In 1944 - Aimee Semple McPherson was buried along with what ? A telephone Her car Her make-up bag What is it illegal to use in the streets of Winnipeg ? A bow and arrow A motor horn A walkman In 1819 - what was the punishment for damaging shrubs in a public garden ? Death Life imprisonment 2 years hard labour It is illegal in Brussels to do what to a hairy catepillar ? Not kill it Kill it Touch it What is the major cause of eye injury in Cambridge ? Squash balls Champagne corks Fighting What object caused the death of Frederick the Prince of Wales in 1737 ? A cricket ball A wine glass A tooth pick How much are all the chemical ingredients that make up one human body worth ? Six million dollars Four thousand dollars Eight dollars What cannot be found anywhere in Chile ? Public toilets Taxi cabs Chewing gum Who made the first successful jump by parachute in 1785 ? A dog A cat A monkey Which country's inhabitants drink the most tea (eight cups per day per person) ? Ireland England Scotland What is the name of the Queen Mother's teddy bear ? Lady Elizabeth Frankie Archibald What did the famous director Cecil B de Mille collect as a hobby ? Shrunken heads Dolls houses Varieties of tea What did Hans Christian Anderson always carry with him ? A rope ladder A piece of blue ribbon Juggling balls In jazz - what is a 'pink' chord ? A mistake The final chord A single note What number does the prefix 'pico' represent ? One million millionth One million million One thousand million What is Britain's most persistent garden weed ? The ground elder The field bindweed Couch grass Which country produces the most feature films - over 700 every year ? India Japan USA What is supposed to be the most common fear among people ? Public speaking Heights Creepy crawlies Which of these vegetables was the first to be grown by man (in about 5500 BC) ? Marrow Turnip Leek How much money did Shakespeare earn from his play 'Hamlet' ? Five pounds Ten pounds One pound Statistically - which of these ways of travelling is most likely to get you killed ? By horse By bicycle By plane Which of the following people was NOT left-handed ? Julius Caesar Leonardo da Vinci Jack the Ripper What is the most blood that the human heart can pump in one minute ? Six litres Five litres Four litres Under normal conditions - how long can a person survive without food and water ? 18 days 13 days 9 days What is the highest frequency that can be detected by the human ear ? 20 Khz 10 Khz 30 Khz How small is the smallest object that can be seen by a human from a distance of 10 inches ? 100 microns 10 microns 1 millimetre Who was Britain's top fighter ace of World War I with a total of 73 kills ? Mick Mannock Bill Bishop J T McCudden Erythrophobia is the fear of what ? Blushing Blood Heart attacks How long does a whooping cough vaccine give you immunity against the disease for ? 2 - 5 years 10 - 20 years A lifetime Which of the following takes the shortest time to completely decompose ? A plastic bag Leather shoes Plutonium nuclear waste What was the average life expectancy for Cro-Magnon man ? 32 years 40 years 23 years How many separate chemical odours are there which go to make up every possible smell ? Seven Twenty Forty-four What colour would you wear if you were in mourning in Iran ? Pale Brown White Yellow What nationality was Robert the Bruce ? Norman Scottish Saxon In which month are you most likely to be bitten by a dog ? June April November Who succeeded Henry VIII as king of England in 1547 ? Edward VI Edward IV Elizabeth I Who succeeded Claudius as Emperor of Rome in 54 AD ? Nero Vespasian Tiberius Which is the smallest county in England ? Isle of Wight Greater Manchester Tyne and Wear Who discovered Madagascar ? Diego Diaz Pedro Cabral Amerigo Vespucci Who was the first Danish King of England ? Canute Harold I Edward the Confessor Which country's monarch is currently Queen Beatrix ? Netherlands Denmark Belgium When was the monarchy formally abolished in Greece ? 1973 1989 1967 Who was the first king of the United Kingdom ? James I Henry VII Henry II Which country was ruled by Pepi II for ninety years - the longest reign in history ? Ancient Egypt The Roman Empire Spain Which political party did Robert Hawke represent as Prime Minister of Australia ? Labour Protectionist Nationalist By what name was the Haitian president Francois Duvalier better known ? Papa Doc Baby Doc Mama Doc Who did Garret FitzGerald succeed as Irish Prime Minister in 1982 ? Charles Haughey John Lynch Liam Cosgrave Whom did Robert Mugabe succeed as President of Zimbabwe in 1987 ? Canaan Banana Kenneth Kaunda Kengo Wa Dondo By what name is Mohammed Reza Pahlavi better known ? The Shah of Persia Colonel Gaddafi The Dalai Lama Who succeeded Peter as the second ever Pope ? Linus Clement I Cornelius Who were involved in the Punic Wars ? Rome & Carthage Greece & Troy Greece & Persia Which of these came first ? Hundred Years' War Wars of the Roses English Civil War Which of these happened first ? Battle of Trafalgar Battle of Waterloo Battle of the Alamo If London is the eighth largest city in the world - what is the ninth ? Tehran (Iran) Shanghai (China) Cairo (Egypt) Apart from French - what is the other official language of Andorra ? Catalan Spanish English Which country is known by its natives as 'Misr' ? Egypt Morocco Syria Which country's unit of currency is called a Quetzal ? Guatemala Honduras Peru Which of the following countries is NOT a member of the Commonwealth ? Ireland Canada Brunei Which Welsh county did the former county of Flint and most of Denbigh become ? Clwyd Dyfed Gwent An inhabitant of which American state is known as a 'Downeaster' ? Maine Florida Virginia What would you call an inhabitant of the American state of Indiana ? A Hoosier An Indian An Indianan What is the state capital of Kentucky ? Frankfort Louisville Charleston What would you call an inhabitant of the American state of Michigan ? A Michigander A Michigan A Michiganite Which is the third most widely spoken mother-tongue after Chinese and English ? Spanish Hindi Arabic In which city would you most likely find the newspaper 'La Lanterne' ? Brussels Paris Turin In which of these countries would you drive on the left-hand side of the road ? Japan Denmark Ethiopia If a car was marked 'HKJ' - where would it be from ? Jordan Hong Kong Kampuchea What is the car index mark for Ireland ? IRL IR I Where is Grimsetter Airport ? Orkney Islands Shetland Islands Faroe Islands Where is Jackson Field Airport ? Papua New Guinea Florida (USA) Barbados Which country has five airports which are all named after famous Generals ? Mexico Bolivia Argentina One of which country's airlines has the designation code 'BY' ? United Kingdom Bangladesh Australia Who is credited with inventing the cannon ? Archimedes Benjamin Franklin The Ancient Egyptians How tall is the Sears Tower in Chicago ? 443m 392m 288m Who is credited with inventing the newspaper ? Julius Caesar William the Conqueror Alexander the Great How many people are estimated to have died as a result of the Bhopal chemical disaster ? 10 5000 1000 Which of these tankers spilled the most oil - a total of 65 562 000 gallons ? Amoco Cadiz Exxon Valdez Torrey Canyon Which Scottish writer is famous for 'The Wasp Factory' and 'The Bridge' ? Iain Banks Julian Barnes George Douglas Brown Who wrote 'The Second Sex' and 'Memoires of a Dutiful Daughter' ? Simone de Beauvouir Jilly Cooper Jackie Collins Which of the following won the Booker Prize in 1986 for 'The Old Devils' ? Kingsley Amis Salman Rushdie Peter Carey Who was Poet Laureate before Sir John Betjeman ? Cecil Day Lewis Ted Hughes John Masefield Who won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1989 ? The Dalai Lama Mikhail Gorbachev UN Peacekeeping Forces Which English poet was responsible for 'Songs of Innocence and Experience' (1794) ? William Blake Lord Byron Samuel Taylor Coleridge How would you describe 'Pericles' by Shakespeare ? Romance Tragedy Comedy Whose Saint's Day falls on February 4th ? Gilbert of Sempringham Anthony of Egypt Cyril of Jerusalem How many British top ten singles did Five Star have in 1986 ? 4 5 None Who had minor chart success in 1975 with 'Papa Oom Mow Mow' ? Gary Glitter Mud The Rubettes Who was responsible for the 1984 hit 'the Heat is On' ? Glenn Frey Bryan Adams Don Henley Who did Andy Gibb team up with to record the Everly Brothers hit 'All I have to do is Dream' ? Victoria Principal Joan Collins Emma Samms Who first had a hit with 'MacArthur Park' ? Richard Harris The Four Tops Donna Summer How did Don McClean refer to Bob Dylan in his 1971 hit 'American Pie' ? The Jester The Sergeant Satan According to Zager and Evans - 'If God's a-comin' He oughta make it by then' - which year ? 7510 2525 3535 Charlene had a 1982 hit with 'I've Never been to Me' - who did she duet with in the same year ? Stevie Wonder Michael Jackson The Osmonds Which number one single was recorded at the Lancaster Arts festival in Coventry ? My Ding-a-Ling Shaddap You Face My Old Mans a Dustman What was partially responsible for Bonnie Tyler's distinctive hoarse voice ? A throat operation She smokes cigars No vocal chords Which group had a hit with 'Afternoon Delight' ? Starland Vocal Band Starlight Vocal Group Starlight Vocal Band Which member of the crew of the Enterprise released an album called 'A Transformed Man' ? William Shatner Leonard Nimoy Walter Koenig Which was Gilbert and Sullivan's first opera ? Thespis Angelina Iolanthe Why was Strauss's 'Schweigsame Frau' banned by the Nazis ? Librettist was Jewish It parodied Hitler It is set in England Which Beethoven symphony was dedicated to Napoleon ? Third Second Fourth How many instruments are needed to perform Bach's 'Italian Concerto' ? One Twenty-four Over seven hundred What was the profession of Mozart's father ? Musician Librarian Clerk Which composer was nicknamed 'The Red Priest' ? Vivaldi Berlioz Verdi Who conducted the first performance of 'The Ring' at Covent Garden in 1892 ? Mahler Wagner Weber What did Beethoven pour over his head in order to stimulate his brain ? Iced water Urine Sour milk Where was Chopin buried ? Poland and France Poland and Germany Austria Who composed 'An American in Paris' ? Gershwin Porter Lehar What was Cliff Richard's first Top Ten hit ? Move It High Class Baby Living Doll Which of the following did NOT have a hit with 'Hang on Sloopy' ? The Honeycombs The McCoys The Sandpipers Which of these did NOT have a hit with 'Good Golly Miss Molly' ? Chuck Berry Jerry Lee Lewis Little Richard How many weeks did Adam and the Ants spend in the charts in 1981 ? Ninety one Forty one one Which was Amazulu's highest charting single ? Too Good to be Forgotten Excitable Montego Bay What do Alphaville and Althia & Donna have in common ? One hit wonders They're crap Glenn Miller What was the song that gave the Pipkins their only ever hit single ? Gimme Dat Ding Green Tambourine Um Um Um Um Um Um Who had a hit with 'The Pushbike Song' ? The Mixtures T Dactyl & the Dinosaurs Mungo Jerry Who had a hit with 'Seaside Shuffle' ? T Dactyl & the Dinosaurs The Mixtures Mungo Jerry Who had a hit with 'In the Summertime' ? Mungo Jerry T Dactyl & the Dinosaurs The Mixtures Which of these was NOT a hit for Disco Tex & the Sex-O-Lettes ? Boogie Town Get Dancing I Wanna Dance Wit Choo According to Ken Dodd - what is Love like ? A Violin A Tuba A Piano What was Chris Hill's follow-up single to 'Renta Santa' ? Bionic Santa Renta-nutha-Santa The Man from SANTA Who had a minor hit with 'Don't Care' under the name of Klark Kent ? Stewart Copeland Andy Summers Sting What was the name of the dog in the 1971 hit by Lobo ? Boo Rover It had no name In which year did Madness have a hit with 'Our House' ? 1982 1983 1984 What was Freddie Mercury's first solo hit single called ? Love Kills Made in Heaven Barcelona Who had hits with 'Living by Numbers' and 'This World of Water' ? New Musik I-Level Icehouse What was Danny Kaye's only charting British single ? Wonderful Copenhagen The Ugly Duckling Thumbelina Who had a 1980 hit with 'Everybody's Got to Learn Sometime' ? The Korgis H2O Jim Diamond How many years separated the first release and the re-release of David Bowie's 'Space Oddity' ? Six Four Nine Whose band said 'Let's All Chant' in 1978 ? Michael Zager Michael Yaeger Michael Sager How many versions of 'Future Love Paradise' appear on Seal's 'Future Love' CD EP ? Two Three Four Who played drums with Keith Emerson and Greg Lake when ELP re-formed in 1986 ? Cozy Powell Carl Palmer Bill Bruford Who sang 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' on the Bee Gees' Sergeant Pepper album ? Steve Martin George Burns Peter Frampton Whose sister released an album called 'All about the Beatles' ? George Harrison's Ringo Starr's John Lennon's Which song knocked Frankie Goes To Hollywood's 'Relax' from the number one spot in 1984 ? 99 Red Balloons Careless Whisper The Chicken Song Who had a minor hit with 'Words with the Shaman' in 1985 ? David Sylvian Sting Nick Heyward Roughly between what dates was the Iron Age in Britain ? 1900-500 BC 2700-1900 BC 8000-2700 BC What is the number of the isotope of Carbon used in the Carbon dating technique ? 14 15 16 The word 'mummy' (used to mean an embalmed body) is derived from the Persian word for what ? Bitumen Death Cloth Which planet has a Great Red Spot ? Jupiter Saturn Mars In which direction does a comet's tail point ? Away from the Sun Towards the Sun Towards the Earth Where did the Apollo 11 astronauts land in 1969 ? Sea of Tranquility Ocean of Storms Sea of Serenity What is 'myosotis' better known as ? Forget-me-not Cell division Short-sightedness What term is used to describe one tenth of a nautical mile ? A Cable A Knot A Chain What is the correct name for a tortoise's shell ? Carapace Cataract Carbamate The word 'marmalade' derives from the Portugese word for which fruit ? Quince Orange Mulberry Which British bird has the most feathers ? The Mute Swan The Golden Eagle The Barn Owl Why was the last Great Auk on the isle if St Kilda killed in 1840 ? Accused of witchcraft It had killed a child It was too noisy Why are the Caves of Lascaux a famous tourist attraction ? Cave paintings Rock formations Underground waterfalls What was the name of the craft in which John Glenn first orbitted the Earth in 1962 ? Friendship 7 Freedom 7 Faith 7 From which naturally occurring mixture is Argon derived ? Air Sea water Urine On which type of camera might you find 'Parallax Compensation' ? Twin lens Single lens reflex Video Along with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin - who also took part in the Apollo 11 mission ? Michael Collins Alan Bean John Young Approximately how many years old is the planet Earth ? 4 500 000 000 years 9 250 000 000 years 92 500 000 000 years Which of the following US space missions ended in tragedy ? Apollo I Apollo VIII Gemini XII In which spacecraft was Laika the first dog in space ? Sputnik 2 Luna 2 Vostok 1 What was the Apollo 8 mission the first to accomplish ? Manned lunar orbit Manned lunar landing Unmanned lunar orbit What describes a wind which records 8 on the Beaufort Scale ? Gale Storm Hurricane What name describes the Geological Period 438-408 million years ago ? Silurian Carboniferous Jurassic What is 'hyssop' ? A herb A spice An edible fruit What is the largest living rodent ? Capybara Coypu Brown Rat What does a deficiency in vitamin D result in ? Rickets Scurvy Beri-beri What substance is categorised with the 'E-number' 120 ? Cochineal Monosodium Glutamate Riboflavin What does the colouring with 'E number' 175 consist of ? Gold Egg yolk Animal charcoal Which disease might you contract from infected cooling towers and air-conditioning systems ? Legionnaire's disease Rabies Green Monkey disease Achulophobia is the fear of what ? Darkness Sourness Weakness Apeirophobia is the fear of what ? Infinity Sitting Hell Pteronophobia is the fear of what ? Feathers Machinery Leather Which computer language's full name is 'String Oriented Symbolic Language' ? SNOBOL SOSLAN STRONG Which chemical element has the symbol 'Sn' ? Tin Strontium Tungsten What is the chemical symbol for Potassium ? K P F What Gas Mark is equivalent to 140 degrees C or 275 degrees F ? 1 4 7 What number do the Roman numerals CD represent ? 400 40 60 Which of these Internmational Paper sizes is the largest ? B3 A3 C3 Who invented instant coffee ? Nestle Kenco Maxwell Who invented the electric generator ? Michael Faraday Thomas Alva Edison James Watt How many people did the British Government say died as a result of the Windscale accident ? 39 2 144 In which year did Edward Jenner make the first successful smallpox vaccination ? 1796 1696 1896 When did Aspirin first go on sale ? 1899 1888 1877 Who discovered radioactivity ? Henri Becquerel Pierre & Marie Curie Ernest Rutherford Roughly by which date had man first domesticated the dog ? 10 BC 5000 BC 1000 BC What substance is number one according to the Mohs Scale of Hardness ? Talc Diamond Rock Salt At any given moment - roughly how many thunderstorms are happening in the world ? 1800 180 18 What might be described as Cirrus Stratus or Cumulus ? Clouds Fish Winds What is generally accepted to have been the world's worst natural disaster ? Bubonic Plague (14th C) The 1887 Henan flood 'flu' epedemic (1918) How often does Halley' Comet appear ? Every 76.1 years Every 99.0 years Every 66.6 years 50 50 50 50 50 50 Who was the manager of the biscuit factory in 'Chigley' ? Mr Cresswell Willie Munn Mr Crockett What was the name of the chimney sweep in 'Chigley' ? Roger Varley Jonathan Bell Mr Rumpling Who taught Barnaby the Bear to sing ? The Birds Maisie Mole The circus animals In 'The Herbs' - what was Constable Knapweed's number ? PC 29 PC 49 PC 5 Which of the following was NOT one of the firemen from 'Trumpton' ? Bew Hugh Dibble Which TV programme do Johnny Ball Brian Jameson & Lionel Morton all have in common ? Play School Screen Test You and Me In which TV programme might you have watched the exploits of 'Bleep & Booster' ? Blue Peter Play Away Jackanory Who was the man behind 'The Adventures of Twizzle' ? Gerry Anderson Harry Corbett Oliver Postgate Who provided the voice for Tex Tucker in the 1960 puppet western 'Four Feather Falls' ? Nicholas Parsons Brian Cant Arthur English What was Troy Tempest's buddy 'Phones's full name ? George Sheridan Sam Hurricane Sam Shore Which of the following was NOT one of the 'Three Scampies' ? Lenny the Lion Basil Brush Spike McPike Whose father ran the Lenny the Lion fan club for a while ? David Bowie Alvin Stardust George Harrison Whose voice was supplied by the same man that supplied the voice for Joe 90's Sam Loover ? Topo Gigio Captain Scarlet Gus Honeybun Who took over from Valerie Singleton in 'Blue Peter' ? Lesley Judd Sarah Greene Tina Heath Which of the following was NOT a Blue Peter cat ? Jim Jack Jason Which Blue Peter pet died two days after its first appearance and was replaced by a lookalike ? Petra Patch Shep What helped to buy four lifeboats in the 'Blue Peter' 1966 appeal ? Paperback books Postage stamps Silver paper Which is the odd one out ? Peter Duncan Tony Bastable Mick Robertson Who explained how gadgets worked on TV's 'How!' ? Jon Miller Fred Dinenage Jack Hargreaves Which of the following did NOT actually present 'Crackerjack' ? Peter Glaze Eamonn Andrews Leslie Crowther On which show did the Bay City Rollers regularly appear ? Shang-a-Lang Lift Off with Ayshea Get it Together Which children's TV show theme was covered by both The Jam and The Kinks ? Batman Star Trek The Munsters Who had to 'take out the trash' in 'The Banana Splits' ? Drooper Fleagle Bingo What was the name of the Cisco Kid's horse ? Diablo Buttercup Topper Which of the following made an early TV appearance on 'Rainbow' ? Judi Dench Prunella Scales Michael Crawford How is David D Kaminsky better known ? Danny Kaye Buster Keaton Sammy Davis Jr Which actor is the nephew of director Sir Carol Reed ? Oliver Reed Sam Neill Albert Finney For which film did Sir John Gielgud win an Oscar ? Arthur Becket Luther Which veteran director appeared as an ape in 'Battle for the Planet of the Apes' ? John Huston Ingmar Bergman Robert Wise Which of the following was NOT directed by Rob Reiner ? The Jerk This is Spinal Tap Misery Who directed Black Widow (1988) Walkabout (1971) and Bad Timing (1979) ? Nicholas Roeg Robert Zemeckis Barry Levinson Who directed 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' ? George Roy Hill Sidney Pollack Don Siegel Which of the following was directed by George 'Mad Max' Miller ? Witches of Eastwick Prizzi's Honour Pacific Heights Which of these did Robert Wise (who directed 'the Sound of Music') also direct ? Star Trek I Romancing the Stone Out of Africa Where was Terry Gilliam (of Monty Python fame) born ? Minneapolis Pasedena Baltimore Which of these was also directed by Peter Weir (who directed 'Picnic at Hanging Rock') ? Green Card Rain Man Rhapsody in August Which Star Trek film was subtitled 'The Voyage Home' ? IV III V What was the subtitle of the third Star Trek film ? The Search for Spock The Voyage Home The Final Frontier Which of these is NOT the title of a real film ? Moon Men from Mars Jungle Moon Men Deadly Ray from Mars Who starred as Spiderman in the 1977 film of the same name ? Nicholas Hammond Reb Brown Steve Forrest Who originally played Wonder Woman in the 1975 TV movie ? Cathy Lee Crosby Lynda Carter Lee Meriwether Where was the spaceship in 'The Land of the Giants' heading for when it crashed ? London The Moon Cape Kennedy Which Star Trek episode used some footage from the original pilot episode ? The Menagerie The Enemy Within The Naked Time In which seasons of Star Trek shows did Grace Lee Whitney star as Yeoman Janice Rand ? First season only Second & third Third season only An alien from the Star Trek episode 'The Menagerie' had previously been seen in which other show ? The Outer Limits The Twilight Zone Lost in Space What villian did Vincent Price play in the 'Batman' TV series ? Egghead King Tut Bookworm Who was the first actor to play Mr Freeze in the 'Batman' TV series ? George Sanders Otto Preminger Eli Wallach Which villainess did Joan Collins play in the 'Batman' TV series ? The Siren Lola Lasagne Minerva Who was the set decorator for the 1974 spoof horror film 'The Phantom of the Paradise' ? Sissy Spacek Bill Murray Susan Sarandon What was the subtitle of the sixth 'Friday the Thirteenth' film ? Jason Lives A New Beginning The New Blood Who received a CBE from the Queen in recognition of his services to the game of bowls ? David Bryant Willy Wood Bob Sutherland Who won the US Masters golf title in 1984 ? Ben Crenshaw Craig Stadler Tom Watson What name is given to the pupil grades in Judo ? Kyu Dan Junidan Which was the only one of the four major golf titles that Arnold Palmer failed to win ? US PGA Championship US Masters US Open Who won the 1989 French Ladies Singles title at tennis ? Aranxta Sanchez Gabriela Sabatini Helena Sukova Which Championship is contested on the first Sunday in September every year in Dublin ? All-Ireland Hurling Gaelic Football Dublin Marathon Who won the US Masters Golf title in 1991 ? Ian Woosnam Sandy Lyle Nick Faldo Where were the 1912 Olympic Games held ? Stockholm London St Louis When was the last time that London hosted the Olympic Games ? 1948 1932 1952 When was the first separate Winter Olympics celebration held ? 1924 1928 1932 Where are the 1992 Winter Olympics due to be held ? Albertville (France) Grenoble (France) St Moritz (Switzerland) The 1972 Summer Olympics were held in Munich - where were the Winter Games held that year ? Japan California Austria Why were the equestrian events for the 1956 Melbourne Olympics held at Stockholm ? Quarantine laws Too far to travel Excessive heat Who are the leading medal winners at the Summer Olympic Games ? USA USSR West Germany Which of these has NOT hosted a Winter Olympic Games more than once ? Calgary Lake Placid Innsbruck By what name were the Commonwealth Games originally known ? British Empire Games World Games All-Nation Games Which of the following have won the Superbowl a record four times ? Pittsburgh Steelers Oakland Raiders New York Giants How often is the World Fresh Water Championship (angling) held ? Every year Every two years Every three years What nationality was the winner of the 1990 World Fly Fishing Championship ? Polish Scottish Dutch Which country has won the South American Championship (Soccer) on the most occasions ? Uraguay Brazil Argentina Who has won the FA Cup the most times ? Tottenham Hotspur Liverpool Everton Which team won the 1990 VFL Premiership Trophy (Australian Rules Football) ? Collingwood Hawthorn Carlton At which sport might you compete for the Thomas Cup or the Uber Cup ? Badminton Ice Hockey Table Tennis Who won the World Professional Billiards Championship in 1980 ? Fred Davis Rex Williams Mark Wildman How often are the World Bowls Championships contested ? Every four years Every two years Every year Who is the only American to have been World Chess Champion in recent years ? Bobby Fischer Boris Spassky Gary Kasparov Who were county cricket champions in both 1988 and 1989 ? Worcestershire Nottinghamshire Middlesex By what name did the NatWest Bank Trophy (Cricket) used to be known ? Gillette Cup John Player Cup Benson and Hedges Cup At which sport might you compete for the McRobertson Shield ? Croquet Lacrosse Netball At which sport was Peter Thoresen (Norway) World Champion in 1989 ? Orienteering Speedway Tenpin Bowling At which sport does Ivan Mauger (NZ) hold the record for the most World Championship wins ? Speedway Shooting Hang Gliding Geoffrey Atkins (GB) was the longest reigning champion (18 yrs) at which sport ? Rackets Karate Fencing Which of these horses has won the Champion Hurdle less than three times ? National Spirit Persian War Sir Ken Who rode Snurge to victory in the 1990 St Leger ? Richard Quinn Steve Cauthen Willie Carson What nationality is the tennis star Mats Wilander ? Swedish German American Which country has won the most Tug of War World Championship titles ? England Ireland Switzerland What nationality is the 1990 World Weightlifting champion (110kg) Stefan Botev ? Bulgarian Russian Czechoslovakian Which country is the leading Commonwealth Games medal winner ? England Australia Wales On which horse did John Oaksey almost win the 1963 Grand National ? Carrickbeg Crobeg Castle Irwell Which country has won the most Cross Country world team titles since 1980 ? Kenya Ethiopia England At which sport might you compete for the Cowdray Park Gold Cup ? Polo Cricket Netball Justin Bates was the 1990 World Champion at which sport ? Roller Skating Real Tennis Sculling Which team has won the Rugby League Premiership Trophy the most times ? Widnes Warrington Wigan Who was World Amateur Snooker Champion in 1980 ? Jimmy White Cliff Wilson James Wattana Who was World Professional Snooker Champion in 1986 ? Joe Johnson Dennis Taylor Steve Davis How many Grand National winners have a boy's name ? 17 28 5 Which race is known as the 'Blue Riband' of the Turf ? The Derby The Oaks The St Leger When did New Zealand win the first Rugby Union World Cup ? 1987 1984 1981 How many different categories are there in the Olympic shooting programme (for men) ? Nine Eight Seven Where was the Grand National held during the First World War ? Gatwick Aintree Hurst Park Which of the following countries has the most National Parks ? USA Australia Canada Which of the following claimed the most American lives ? American Civil War World War I Vietnam Who was America's top money making movie star of 1985 ? Sylvester Stallone Eddie Murphy Chevy Chase Which of the following words cannot be typed using only the top row of keys on a typewriter ? Territories Typewriter Proprietory Whose autograph is the most valuable of these ? Julius Caesar William Shakespeare Leonardo da Vinci Which was the last battle on British soil ? Culloden Falkirk Sedgemoor Who set a trend of wearing dinner jackets (without tails) ? King Edward VII Duke of Windsor Duke of Wellington Who used to keep his mistress's head in a jar by his bedside ? Peter the Great Ivan the Terrible Boris Godunov What was Elvis's good luck charm ? A rabbit's foot A guitar A special suit Which of the following offices of state is the most important ? Lord High Steward Lord Privy Seal Lord Great Chamberlain Which of these flavours of jam is the more popular in Britain ? Apricot Lemon Curd Black Cherry At what speed can the Great Blue Shark swim ? 43 mph 36 mph 50 mph Which of these flavours of crisps sells the most in Britain ? Ready Salted Salt & Vinegar Cheese & Onion How many bones are there in the human ear ? Six Eight Ten Which of the following is Princess Diana's first cousin eleven times removed ? Oliver Cromwell George Orwell Lord Lucan Which of these is Princess Diana's seventh cousin six times removed ? Jane Austen Olivia de Havilland Virginia Woolf When was the first weather forecast broadcast ? March 1923 June 1933 August 1943 Who made the first party political broadcast in 1947 ? Clement Attlee Winston Churchill Neville Chamberlaine Who won the World Cup in 1930 and 1950 ? Uruguay Brazil Argentina What might you use a 'vinometer' to measure ? Alcohol in wine Colour of wine Strength of vinegar What might you use an 'oometer' to measure ? Birds eggs Fertility Height of mountains What might you use a 'konometer' to measure ? Dust Enzymes Sweetness What might you use a 'drosometer' to measure ? Dew Leaves Lung capacity According to Amnesty International which of these countries has the most political prisoners ? Indonesia Philippines Poland What percentage of Italian men refuse to help around the house ? 92 % 86 % 78 % On what grounds was 'The Sun Also Rises' by Ernest Hemingway banned in Ireland ? Immoral Obscene Subversive Which of these airlines carries the most passengers in a year ? Delta Airlines TWA British Airways According to a poll - which of these pieces of classical music was voted the most boring ? Four Seasons - Vivaldi Bolero - Ravel Canon in D - Pachelbel What percentage of American women dye their hair ? 45 % 60 % 30 % What is the speed limit on Italian motorways ? 90 mph 70 mph 50 mph Which of these Royal Awards is deemed to be the most important and prestigious ? The Victoria Cross The George Cross Knight of the Garter Which country was the first to give women the vote in 1893 ? New Zealand Finland Russia Which city will be the biggest by the year 2000 with approximately 31 million citizens ? Mexico City Tokyo Sao Paulo Which part of a daffodil is most poisonous to humans ? The bulb The flower The leaves Which of these European countries eats the most breakfast cereal per head ? Britain Holland Switzerland Which of the following is NOT distantly related to Princess Diana ? Errol Flynn Orson Welles Humphrey Bogart How many magnums (2 bottles) of champagne make up a Methuselah ? 4 3 6 What size of champagne bottle is equivalent to eight magnums ? Balthazar Methuselah Jereboam What size of champagne bottle is the largest (eqivalent to ten magnums) ? Nebuchadnezzar Salamanzar Methuselah What is the biggest selling pop group of all time ? MC Miker 'G' & DJ Sven The Beatles The Rolling Stones What is the name most commonly used by royalty in England since 1066 ? Derek Edward George What name used to be given to five shillings ? A bull A pony A tanner From what language is the word 'chocolate' derived ? Aztec Norse Arabic From what language is the word 'brandy' derived ? Dutch Spanish Old French Who is celebrated with a public holiday on December 17 in the USA ? The Wright Brothers Susan B Anthony Martin Luther King Which country's secret service is BOSS (Bureau of State Security) ? South Africa Australia Canada How long is an elephant's pregnancy ? 22 months 18 months 12 months Ellsworth P de France served a fifteen year jail sentence in 1888 for what offence ? Theft of a postage stamp Urinating in public Shouting too loudly Queen Ranavalona of Madegascar made it illegal for her subjects to do what ? Dream about her Touch her Look at her What is the animal equivalent to Oscars (awarded by the American Humane Association) ? Patsies Rin-tin-tins Doogies Which Shakespearian character says 'there is something rotten in the state of Denmark' ? Marcellus Hamlet Polonius Whose army defeated a Scottish invasion at Preston in 1648 ? Oliver Cromwell Charles I William II Who was the second Russian in space ? Gherman Titov Yuri Gagarin Pavel Popovich On which river does the city of Toulouse stand ? Garonne Rhine Loire With whom did Julius Caesar form the first Triumvirate ? Pompey & Crassus Pompey & Marc Antony Marc Antony & Crassus What nationality was Madame Tussaud who founded the famous waxworks ? Swiss Belgian French Which politician became the Earl of Beaconsfield ? Benjamin Disraeli Harold Macmillan Stanley Baldwin Which French artist painted 'Rouen Cathedral' ? Claude Monet Edouard Manet Jean-Francois Millet Which artist is responsible for 'As I Opened Fire' (1964) ? Roy Lichtenstein David Hockney Bridget Riley Who painted 'The Adoration of the Golden Calf' (1624) ? Nicolas Poussin Pablo Picasso Piero della Francesca Who painted 'Self-Portrait between the clock and the bed' (1940-42) ? Edvard Munch Pablo Picasso Vasily Kandinsky Who painted 'L'Absinthe' (1875-76) and 'Dancer at the Bar' (c1900) ? Edgar Degas Paul Gauguin Pierre Bonnard Which artist's real name was Domenico Theotocopoulos ? El Greco Titian Tintoretto Whose philosophical system might be described as 'dialectical materialism' ? Marx Lenin Stalin In mythology - who was the famous son of King Aegeus of Attica ? Theseus Perseus Orpheus Who supposedly escaped from Troy and after many adventures arrived in Italy ? Aeneas Hercules Odysseus Which Apostle's symbol is a knife because he is said to have been flayed alive ? Bartholemew James the Less Matthias Whose last words were 'I am prepared to die for Christ and His Church' ? Thomas Becket Joan of Arc Thomas Cranmer Whose last words were 'Die my dear doctor? That is the last thing I shall do !' ? Palmerston Oscar Wilde Gladstone Who was the second Prime Minister of the United Kingdom ? The Earl of Wilmington Henry Pelham The Duke of Newcastle Who was the second President of the United States ? John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison Who was Gerald Ford's Vice- President from 1974 to 1977 ? Nelson Rockefeller Walter Mondale Spiro Agnew Which of these was NOT one of the twelve labours of Hercules ? Catch the Arcadian Bull Kill the Nemean Lion Clean the Augean Stables Whose horse was called Black Agnes ? Mary Queen of Scots Dick Turpin William III What did the Romans call the town of Bath ? Aquae Sulis Camulodunum Vectis What place in Britain was called Durobrivae by the Romans ? Rochester Colchester Richborough What place in Britain was called Verulamium by the Romans ? St Albans Dorchester Canterbury Which two countries now lie in the region that the Romans called Mauretania ? Morocco and Algeria Hungary and Romania Spain and Portugal Which country is known by its natives as Al'Urdunn ? Jordan Oman Algeria Who was known as the 'Angelic Doctor' ? St Thomas Aquinas John Wyclif Roger Bacon Whose ship was 'The Endurance' ? Ernest Shackleton Captain Scott Charles Darwin Who was the first Roman Emperor to be converted to Christianity ? Constantine Marcus Aurelius Diocletian By what name is Leslie Hornby better known ? Twiggy Lulu Dana By what name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens better known ? Mark Twain John Steinbeck Jack London By what name is Charles Edouard Jeanneret better known ? Le Corbusier Voltaire Moliere By what name is Jean-Baptiste Poquelin better known ? Moliere Voltaire Maupassant Which schoolboy character was created by Anthony Buckeridge ? Jennings Billy Bunter Just William Which of these is another name for the city of Troy ? Ilium Colon Duodenum What name did the Englishman Nicholas Breakspear adopt when he was made Pope in 1154 ? Adrian IV Nicholas III Boniface VII How many US states begin with the letter 'M' ? Eight Six Ten How many US states begin with the letter 'O' ? Three Four Five How many US states begin with the letter 'A' ? Four Five Six What is the administrative centre for the county of Derbyshire ? Matlock Derby Chesterfield What is the administrative centre for the county of Wiltshire ? Trowbridge Devizes Salisbury Of which English county is Aylesbury the administrative centre ? Buckinghamshire Hertfordshire Bedfordshire What is the abbreviation for the European Atomic Energy Community ? EURATOM EAEC EACOM When was the Commonwealth formed by Australia Canada New Zealand and the United Kingdom ? 1931 1946 1950 What was the name of the mythical female Pope who supposedly died in childbirth ? Pope Joan Pope Anna Pope Margaret Which US state is known as the 'Old Dominion State' and the 'Mother of Presidents' ? Virginia New Jersey Ohio Which US state is known as the 'Treasure State' and the 'Big Sky Country' ? Montana Nevada Nebraska What was Katrina & the Waves next hit after 'Walking on Sunshine' ? Sun Street Sunshine Street Sunny Street Who - along with the Mince Pies - recorded 'The Essential Wally Party Medley' in 1986 ? Gay Gordon Wally Whynot Dwight Christmas Who hat a minor hit with 'Lil Red Riding Hood' in 1981 ? 999 H2O 400 Blows By what name was Mrs Helen Porter Armstrong better known ? Dame Nellie Melba Vera Lynn Peggy Lee Who composed the opera 'The Golden Cockerel' ? Rimski-Korsakov Stravinski Rossini What was Hot Chocolate's first number one hit ? So You Win Again You Sexy Thing Every One's a Winner Who had a minor hit with 'Saturday Night (Beneath the Plastic Palm Trees)' in 1979 ? Leyton Buzzards Merton Parkas The Lambrettas Which of these Spandau Ballet hits failed to make the Top Ten ? Communication Only When You Leave I'll Fly For You What was Thin Lizzy's first charting success ? Whisky in the Jar Boys Are Back in Town Jailbreak In which year did the Three Degrees have their number one hit 'When Will I See You Again' ? 1974 1971 1977 True or False - Midge Ure has never had a Number One hit single ? False True - What was Visage's follow up to 'Fade to Grey' ? Mind of a Toy Visage Night Train What was the only hit by the Piglets ? Johnny Reggae Black Betty Snoopy vs the Red Baron Who had a minor hit with 'Major Tom (Coming Home)' ? Peter Schilling Lalo Schifrin Michael Schenker Which of these is Scritti Politti's highest charting single to date ? The Word Girl Wood Beez Absolute Which of these Sham 69 singles reached the highest chart position ? Hersham Boys If the Kids are United Hurry up Harry Which of these is NOT a single by Neil Sedaka ? You Don't Know Stairway to Heaven I Go Ape Which of these was Simple Minds' first top ten hit ? Dont You Forget About Me Waterfront Glittering Prize Which of these reached the highest chart position for Siouxsie and the Banshees ? Dear Prudence Hong Kong Garden Spellbound Which of these is not actually Jonathan King under an assumed name ? Second City Sound Sound 9418 53rd and 3rd True or False - Gene Pitney never had a number one hit prior to his team-up with Marc Almond ? True False - On which record lable did the Police have all of their hit singles ? A & M Island CBS True or False - Elton John has never recorded a single with Cliff Richard ? False True - Who had a 1967 hit with 'I Had Too Much to Dream Last Night' ? Electric Prunes 13th Floor Elevators Vanilla Fudge True or False - Roy Wood and Doctor and the Medics had a minor hit with 'Waterloo' ? True False - What was on the flip-side of 'Glad It's All Over' by Captain Sensible ? Damned on 45 Happy Talk (remix) The Wisdom of a Fool In which year did Bow Wow Wow have a hit with 'I Want Candy' ? 1982 1981 1980 What was in brackets after the title of David Bowie's single 'Scary Monsters' ? (and Super Creeps) (and Funny Things) (and Creepy Soup) Which of the following was NOT a number one hit for the Bay City Rollers ? Shang-a-lang Bye Bye Baby Give a Little Love Which ship's company and Royal Marine Band had a 1978 hit with 'The Last Farewell' ? HMS Ark Royal HMS Hood HMS Galahad What was Showaddywaddy's only number one hit single ? Under the Moon of Love You Got What it Takes Three Steps to Heaven Who had a hit with 'White Christmas' in 1975 ? Freddie Starr Bing Crosby Darts What word is missing from this hit single by Billy Idol - 'Eyes Without a -' ? Face Lid Iris Who did Midge Ure team up with to record the 1983 single 'After a Fashion' ? Mick Karn Bob Geldof Dee C Lee Which of these did NOT have a hit with a song called 'Boogie Nights' ? Man Parrish La Fleur Heatwave Which of these was David Sylvian's first solo charting single ? Red Guitar The Ink in the Well Words with the Shaman When was 'Debora' first a hit for T Rex ? 1968 1970 1972 Which of these 10CC singles reached the highest chart position ? Good Morning Judge Wall Street Shuffle Life is a Minestrone Which of these was the only Teardrop Explodes single to make it into the top ten ? Reward Treason Passionate Friend What character did Aswad's Brinsley Forde play in the TV show 'The Double Deckers' ? Spring Doughnut Brains Which of the following groups took their name from a TV show ? The Soup Dragons The Teardrop Explodes The Stingrays Which TV character did Ken Barrie sing about ? Postman Pat The Lone Ranger Davy Crockett Which Dr Who did the Human League write a song about ? Tom Baker Patrick Troughton Jon Pertwee Which TV theme tune has been covered by The Trudy ? Captain Scarlet Thunderbirds Stingray Who recorded a song called 'Trumpton Riots' ? Half Man Half Biscuit The Stiffs Nightmares in Wax Who recorded a song as an homage to John Noakes called 'Get Down Shep' ? The Barron Knights The Grumbleweeds Jasper Carrott Who recorded a song called 'I Trust Valerie Singleton' ? The Cortinas Half Man Half Biscuit The Firm Who had a hit with 'Boogie Oogie Oogie' in 1978 ? Taste of Honey Baccara La Belle Epoque What was the name of the 1963 minor hit single by Wilfred Brambell and Harry H Corbett ? At the Palace Steptoe and Son You Dirty Old Man How many charting singles did Donny and Marie Osmond make together ? Four Two Six What do the following breeds of dog have in common - Crested Chinese - Borzoi - Akita ? They cannot bark They are the same breed They have no teeth What is the fastest fish in the world ? Sailfish Wahoo Four-wing flying fish How many bones altogether make up a complete human skull ? Twenty two Two Twelve On which of these dates might you be able to see a total eclipse of the sun ? 21 June 2001 12 March 1999 23 November 2000 When is the best time to see the Meteor shower known as the 'Perseids' ? 27 July - 17 August 1 May - 15 May 25 December - 1 January Whose 'Law' states that an increase in the supply of goods produces an increase in demand ? Say's Gresham's Parkinson's Approximately how many miles of blood vessels are there in the human body ? 60 000 miles 100 000 miles 35 000 miles Approximately how much food does the average person eat during his or her lifetime ? 50 tonnes 10 tonnes 100 tonnes The Watt (W) is the SI unit for measuring what ? Power Electrical potential Current The Newton (N) is the SI unit for measuring what ? Force Pressure Mass The Coulomb (C) is the SI unit for measuring what ? Electric charge Inductance Capacitance The Farad (F) is the SI unit for measuring what ? Capacitance Electric charge Inductance The Henry (H) is the SI unit for measuring what ? Inductance Capacitance Resistance What is the standard unit for measuring pressure ? The Pascal (Pa) The Joule (J) The Newton (N) Which metal is the best conductor of electricity ? Silver Antimony Palladium Which of these substances has the higher melting point ? Tungsten Vanadium Osmium What nationality was the physicist Christian Doppler ? Austrian German Danish What would you have if you were described as 'leiotrichous' ? Straight hair Curly hair Ginger hair What two types of book are excluded from the Dewey decimal system of book classification ? Biography & Fiction Newspapers & Magazines Religion & the Bible Upon what three main units is the SI system of measurement based ? Metre Kilogram Second Metre Litre Gram Metre Second Ampere When was the last recorded major eruption of Mount Fuji (Japan) ? 1707 1808 1909 How many people died in the 1989 San Francisco earthquake ? 100 10 1000 What might be measured using the Mercalli intensity scale ? Earthquakes Sunspots Ultra-violet Radiation 1992 is the Chinese Year of the Monkey - when will the next Year of the Monkey be ? 2004 2002 2000 Which of these vegetables belongs to the species 'Pastinaca sativa' ? Parsnip Pea Leek Where was the radish first grown ? China & Japan S Europe Central America Which of these is known by the Latin name 'Ficus carica' ? Fig Grape Cherry Which of these is correctly classified as a 'tropical' fruit ? Mango Ugli Kiwi fruit Which of the following plants dies after fruiting ? Banana Avocado Date Palm Which of the following is an edible fungus ? Dingy agaric Fly agaric Brain mushroom Which of the following is an edible fungus ? Deceiver Beautiful clavaria Stinking russala Which of the following does NOT have yellow flowers ? Camellia Cornelian cherry Forsythia Which of the following fish can produce audible sounds ? Gurnard (Sea Robin) Grouper Lantern fish Which of the following foods contains the most calories per 100 g ? Almonds Grilled streaky bacon Plain chocolate Which of these trace minerals can be found in yeast and liver and wholemeal bread ? Chromium Magnesium Manganese A deficiency in which of these elements can lead to impaired wound healing ? Zinc Molybdenum Calcium Which disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus ? Glandular fever Chicken pox Yellow fever 'Pnigerophobia' is the fear of what ? Smothering Soiling Trembling 'Spermatophobia' is the fear of what ? Germs Sperm Tadpoles Who invented the electric battery in 1799 ? Volta Ampere Watt Which mineral provides us with our main source of mercury ? Cinnabar Cassiterite Bauxite What is the chemical name for Talc ? Magnesium silicate Calcium carbonate Sodium sulphate What unit of measurement was said to be the distance from Henry I's nose to his thumb ? One yard One cubit One metre What is the name of the single landmass or super-continent of 300 million years ago ? Pangaea Gondwanaland Laurasia Roughly how high is a child on his second birthday compared to his eventual adult height ? Half as high One third as high One quarter as high Roughly how many match heads could be made from all the phosphorus in the human body ? 2000 1000 500 What percentage of all humans carry a dormant strain of the Herpes simplex virus ? 90 % 70 % 50 % What percentage of the sun's ultra- violet rays can pass through an average cover of clouds ? 80 % 90 % 100 % Which of these insects beats its wings the fastest (225 beats per second) ? Honeybee Housefly Dragonfly When was the hamster found from which all pet hamsters today are descended ? 1930 1830 1730 wD" 0P"3UpW    < * T<<<)  "Tl<p *!! 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