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POPULOUSTXT 6 ID$'PWORLD3 TXT 6 IDnPWORLDS2TXT 6 IDr PWORLDS3TXT 6 IDu POPULOUSDOC N IDyiPOPULOUSARC @4FONT DAT J ID{GMUSIC1  J IDGWORDS  J IDkLAND0  J IDPLAND1  J IDRLAND2  J ID(PLAND3  J ID=JLEVEL DAT J IDPSPR_320 DAT J IDQNSPRITES0DAT J IDW7DEMO GOD N IDecDEMOBACKNEO N ID~TDESKTOP INF O IDLOAD PIC O ID[LOADER TOS O ID~LORD PIC O ID<MOUTHS PIC O ID POPULOUSGOD N IDɖQAZ PIC O ID(3 all Enter one or more Options: AUThor=name MARk CAT[=x-xx] NOReply DAT<=>yymmdd NOText PAUse ?nor * Topic 70 Thu Mar 09, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 20:30 EST Sub: Populous - the game of the gods!?  So can you wait until April for this multiplayer 'You contol the world game? 76 message(s) total. * - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 1 Thu Jul 13, 1989 D.KAMBER at 20:50 CDT Well, this discussion has another one hooked, just picked this one up today! Definately lives up to the expectations! Haven't run into major obstacles yet, hell, only at level 10! One question however, my last two scores were 108,800 and 121,050, are these poor, average, good or what? Also, what exactly does the score mean, does a higher score give you more benefits at the next world or what? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 2 Thu Jul 13, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 21:46 CDT The higher the score, the more levels you get to skip. You skip 1 level plus 1 more for each 25,000 pts. Has anyone ever watched the computer commit suicide? I decided not to play, just watch him (level 96 I think). He sat and did nothing till his first guy emerged from his 1 building. Then he built the land up and down till his walker died, and he lost. I got 30 pts and advanced 2 levels! For doing nothing. (This is an ice world where each side starts with a population of 1.) JOHN - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 3 Fri Jul 14, 1989 D.KAMBER at 19:43 CDT I knew about the points related to skipping levels, I meant is there a cumulative effect? In other words, should I always save game to maintain a hidden cumulative score somewhere or just use the passwords when I start up again? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 4 Fri Jul 14, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 22:39 EDT I don't think there is any< kind of cumulative score -- each world is in and of itself. -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 5 Sat Jul 15, 1989 MWADE at 01:19 PDT I just played "mano-a-mano" against a friend of mine. It was FANTASTIC! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 6 Sun Jul 16, 1989 R.LOWREY at 03:13 CDT Yep, it's really the best played that way. I have once played a friend and we had a 4-hour smash-em-trash-em battle! Humans are a much more wily oppenent and will do such thinks as watch your leader or knights and sink them when you are not looking! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 7 Tue Jul 18, 1989 D.KAMBER at 23:54 CDT Great game! Local dealer here in Chicago has it over the counter for $40 (when they can keep it in stock!! Has anyone beaten scenario 84? Can't get through this blasted world. Snow and Ice/lots of evil knights, first world that I haven't been able to beat in the second attempt (if not the first!). Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, strategies that helped on earlier levels do nothing for me here. Computer can flood, I wish it would!! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 8 Sun Jul 30, 1989 DMAY [Student] at 15:54 EDT Has anybody encountered the Swamp Monster? This monster came out of a swamp and walked across the map and disappeared off the edge. This happened on level 132. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 9 Sun Jul 30, 1989 MWADE at 22:36 PDT I've encountered it several times. It's a real pain and seems to show up at random. -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 10 Mon Jul 31, 1989 J.GORDON14 [Valerian] at 03:39 CDT I've encountered the swamp monster and also a wizard on a flying carpet who leaves a trail of trees on his wake -- "Johnny AppleWizard"? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 11 Mon Jul 31, 1989 D.KAMBER at 18:28 CDT The wizard appears early, I'm only on level 83 and I've come across him a couple times already!! Haven't seen the swamp thing yet!! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 12 Mon Aug 07, 1989 S.LEES1 [STu Lees] at 20:37 MDT I'm in a bit of trouble on level 177 of Populous and I was woundering if anyone had defeated it yet? The comuter has all the god-like powers and I have none. His speed is also VERY fast. With no poweras of my own, I figured the best strategy would be to get my guys into his as soon as possible before the computer could build up any mana, but we start at opposite ends of the world. I've had the game for a while now (we in New Zealand seem to get the UK imports before the US) and am totally stumped. I need help, or I will have to drop back a level and try to skip level 177 and hope the next level is faster. Any advice for a Kiwi with no power? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 13 Tue Aug 08, 1989 DMAY [Student] at 13:56 EDT Levels 177 and 178 are immpossible, drop back and skip them. Darryl - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 14 Tue Aug 08, 1989 R.LOWREY at 22:02 CDT Check the July '89 issue of ST Action (English mag) for a center section full of hints & goodies on Populous... - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 15 Wed Aug 09, 1989 DMAY [Student] at 21:23 EDT I have compiled a list of passwords up to world number 217. This list is in the software library as file number 11667. And this list can be found in CAT 21 TOPIC 22 MG 9. Darryl - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 16 Sat Aug 12, 1989 DMAY [Student] at 15:51 EDT There is already a update to the password list. J.SATRIANO has uploaded a new version of the list which now contains over 120 passwords. The new list can be found in the software library as file #11709 Darryl - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 17 Sat Aug 12, 1989 J.SATRIANO at 17:00 EDT Well, I just broke the 200 mark.Can't say the game is really all that difficult yet. It's getting much faster paced, but it is still fairly easy to out populate the computer, even when his rate is up all the way. Has anyone gone past 250 yet? The only one I absolutly had to skip was the 175-179 blockade. These are completely impossible! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 18 Sat Aug 12, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 22:04 EDT the August issue of The Games Machine has the passwords for all the worlds from 2-499 and even for level 999 if anyone is interested. this may make it more bearable for those IMPOSSIBLE levels. -jR - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 19 Sat Aug 12, 1989 MWADE at 21:50 PDT A friend of mine is in the 400's. He hasn't skipped any, he just has a lot of patience, more than me anyway. He has some neat techniques, including the "Mana Mountain". That's where you plant your cross in the middle of a group of castles, set "Go to Cross", when the leader gets there, tell him to build. Then build land into huge mountains around your castle, disrupting his settlements. -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 20 Sun Aug 13, 1989 J.SATRIANO at 12:50 EDT Yes, I think the Mana Mountain is the ctechnique they described as the M-1 in the docs. It has saved many a game, but you have to be fairly strong to do it in the first place. I wish they had gone into more detail on their strategies. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 21 Wed Aug 16, 1989 SANDY.W [SysOp] at 13:28 EDT Older messages from this topic have been archived and are available in file #11769 in the Software Library. Enjoy! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 22 Wed Aug 16, 1989 DMAY [Student] at 23:27 EDT There is a new password list in the software library. The list now goes up to 319. It's file #11774, or just do a search under POPULOUS Darryl - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 23 Thu Aug 17, 1989 R.NOAK at 23:40 EDT Well.just got Populous.lots o' fun, but I can see my productivity dropping way off. Has anybody had to go cold turkey yet? Randy - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 24 Fri Aug 18, 1989 D.BOWER1 [David] at 00:52 EDT Heh, cold turkey is NO fun at all. Mine was inforced, lost access to a color monitor. Oh well. Anyone for Populists Annon? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 25 Fri Aug 18, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 06:27 PDT I'll join P.A. I had to stop at 233, simply because I was taking too much time. Also, I got a complaint from the Society for the Preservation of Mice. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 26 Fri Aug 18, 1989 D.MILLER50 [Dave] at 22:54 PDT Good news! Populous: The Promised lands is due Aug 29!! This has got 5 new types of landscapes including Old West, French Revolution, and Silly something or other for use with Populous. Retail 24.95 - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 27 Sat Aug 19, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 07:16 PDT Wher'd you hear about the new lands? This sounds great! Is it a US or a UK product? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 28 Sat Aug 19, 1989 R.NOAK at 19:05 EDT New lands?! Now I'll _never_ get any work done! Randy - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 29 Sat Aug 19, 1989 D.MILLER50 [Dave] at 17:50 PDT "The Promised Lands" is from the UK. How ironic that this will be available about the time th at Electronic Arts U.S. releases Populous for the ST! Nice company. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 30 Sat Aug 19, 1989 J.SATRIANO at 21:52 EDT I saw a message from EA somewhere that the US version of Populous is now shipping for the ST and Amiga. If anyone gets info on where to purchase The Promised Lands, please let us know. I am up to 385, and getting sick , maybe this will put some new "punch" in the game. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 31 Sun Aug 20, 1989 L.DANIEL at 21:58 CDT It is good EA is distributing Populous in the U.S., However, Most ST'ers in the U.S. has the Import Version. the U.S. won't make that, the U.S. Version won't sell too many and E.A. will probably give the old Piracy Reason,and not bring too much of anything else over to the Colonies.(the U.S.) *Larry - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 32 Sun Aug 20, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 23:37 EDT Larry- Yes, I agree. It's the old catch-22 of imported software. You have to buy the import, because there is no domestic version, but since you didn't buy the domestic version, the company thinks your stealing the program. The only thing that *may* help is to return your registration card, clearly marked USA, and maybe the oversees branch will mention to the domestic branch that they're getting a lot of USA sales. Better yet, photocopy the registration card and send the copy to the domestic branch.  -CC Oh, new Populous worlds? Yeah! (dodging topic police) - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 33 Tue Aug 22, 1989 J.SATRIANO at 21:57 EDT What is the difference between US and import versions, anyway?? Why bother to put out a US version, if the European version has already been imported?? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 34 Tue Aug 22, 1989 JEFF.W [RTC-Sysop] at 22:47 EDT I doubt there will be much if any difference in the US version and the European version except packaging. The European versions of software (not just Populous) don't get quite the same volume of distribution as domestically distributed software. Many software distributors don't carry imported software, so many dealers may never see imports. So you get better distribution. Also, some games are actually modified slightly for the US market. I believe an example of this is Falcon and Tetris. The US versions are more debugged in these instances and Tetris even has more background pictures and music than the Euro version, I'm lead to understand (I'm not sure from first hand experience, but I believe I saw HOLOBYTE post such information here). On the other hand, Captain Blood was "sanitized" by Mindscape for its US version. A sheer gown was placed on the European version's naked lady. Some Euro games have trouble running on US machines, either because of differences in the video systems our country uses or other components in the ST. When domestic marketers distribute software from Europe they usual'ly make sure they run well on most or all US ST system configurations. One last advantage to buying domestically distributed versions of Euro software over the imports is if you have a problem with a bad disk and you have to deal with the manufacturer, it's much easier (usually) to deal with a company in California or Chicago than a company in London or Paris. There are always exceptions to every rule, but generally speaking, I'd rather buy a domestic version over an imported version if given the choice. I still buy some of the Euro software when US versions aren't available yet. I just thought of one other plus for US versions. Often times they have better documentation than their Euro counterparts. Again, this isn't always so, but in many cases it is. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 35 Tue Aug 22, 1989 R.GRIDLEY [Rick] at 23:15 EDT No doubt. American versions by far have better documentation then Euro games. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 36 Sun Sep 03, 1989 P.BURNETTE at 23:05 PDT i just read in the latest st action magazine that the new scenario disk is being released. i has some unusual new 'worlds' to say the least! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 37 Wed Sep 06, 1989 P.POTERA at 20:31 EDT I picked up the "Promised Lands" disk last week. I haven't had a whole lot of time to play it. All the lands keep the same names as the orginial disk. The directions say that the same strategy may not work. We'll just have to see. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 38 Wed Sep 06, 1989 MWADE at 18:59 PDT Are they "new" lands? In other words, are there more than desert/rock/plains/snow? -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 39 Thu Sep 07, 1989 P.POTERA at 19:10 EDT Yes..the new lands are: "Sillyland" Kinda funny to watch. "Wildwest", The good side is the Indians. "Blockland" alais legoland. "Revolutionary France". And "Computerland", where you fight off the big "C".( you have to see this one). The magnet is a mouse.  - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 40 Thu Sep 07, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 22:07 EDT just got my promised lands today: the only thing I didn't like was that under under terrain is says fast, slow, very fast instead of silly land or the other terrain types like the original. seems to play a lot better (that is the computer is not so easy to beat on the lower levels but not so ungodly fast that you die before you know what hit you) here's one...do both players need the promised lands to play across the phone lines now? 3-jR - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 41 Thu Sep 07, 1989 MWADE at 22:23 PDT The strategies are certainly different. In the games I have played, the computer either a) commits suicide or b) gets a VERY high level leader and send him to the heart of your homeland. Fun. -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 42 Fri Sep 08, 1989 MWADE at 22:56 PDT Has anyone noticed different rules in Promised Land? Every once in a while, a town will just up and die. -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 43 Sun Sep 10, 1989 P.POTERA at 16:24 EDT Plague?? Tidal Wave?? any more suggestions? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 44 Mon Sep 11, 1989 MWADE at 18:45 PDT None by me. Another interesting point is in certain lands the walkers are far weaker than anything I've ever seen. A new walker out of a full castle will die in about 10 seconds. In other lands they last a long time. Just another difference... -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 45 Mon Sep 11, 1989 P.POTERA at 23:35 EDT Wasn't 83 one of the "Unconquerable" worlds? I got by it in the new worlds without too much problem. ..Paul - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 46 Sat Sep 16, 1989 M.CHANDLER at 01:38 EDT If a person were to like Dungeon Master, FSII, Falcon, and used to like DeathBringer, would this person like Populous. Or, is this a good game? I'm tired of buying bombs, and my local dealer does not stock euro software. Hard-drivable? Thanks, Matt - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 47 Sat Sep 16, 1989 MRAYMOND at 10:31 CDT ->I<- think it's a good game combining both arcade (altho acuraccy is not important, speed and planning are) with some elements of strategy. In short, if you like pure aracde games, you probably won't like it, similar;t if you like pure strategy ... but if you like combinations (like DM ) then you'll probably like Populous. The above given with a dislaimer... everyone reacts to games differently.. since we all bring our own desires and wants... - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 48 Sat Sep 16, 1989 MWADE at 14:58 PDT Populous is a very high quality game with a great degree of addictivness. I REALLY like it and would place it second in my list of best games for the ST, right behind DM. -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 49 Sat Sep 16, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 17:07 CDT Tell your dealer to get a copy. It's not excuslively euro anymore. EA has supposedly released a US version. I think the game is intriguing and enjoyable. But not really challenging enough vs. the computer. (You can play against other people via modem if they're available. I've never found anyone to play.) I'm still plugging through it; I suppose it will get challenging if the computer gets enough powers, and mine are all taken away. But I wish it were challenging when we had even powers. It's definitely different, however. And I like that. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 50 Sat Sep 16, 1989 BLACKHAWK [Bob Stinson] at 17:53 PDT Not challenging enough aginst the computer? Try the "Promised Lands" the extended data disk.game 30 is like game 200 in the old one.and there are 470 to go! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 51 Sat Sep 16, 1989 MWADE at 23:23 PDT Hmmm... Promised lands is challenging, but not all that hard at first. I haven't come close to losing and I'm on 37 . The interesting part is in the different characteristics of the worlds. How fast magic power accumulates, turf power, et c. -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 52 Sun Sep 17, 1989 DMAY [Darryl] at 12:41 EDT Matt, It doesn't run on hard drive but it doesn't take long to load off floppy. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 53 Sun Sep 17, 1989 DIPLOMACY-1 [Pete] at 19:47 EDT Hello gang! I'm a new member to the Populous crowd and love the game! However I'm having a problem with it rebooting - and yes its the American version. I saw a post in the Games RT that other people were having the same problem - comments? Its been good the last two days and I hope that keeps up! It took me a while to figure it out too because I just had TOS 1.4 installed and assumed the problem was there. Pete - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 54 Sun Sep 17, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 21:31 CDT Peter, After several months of play, I experienced the reboot for the first time last night. I was just clicking along and bam, the computer reset, and Populous reloaded. Thinking back, I attributed this to having booted (initially) too quickly after turning off another program. I try to wait long enough so that I get a clear initial screen surrounded by green when I turn on the computer. I recalled that last night the power on screen had multicolored garbage the way it does when you turn the computer off then back on quickly. This is pure conjecture, but maybe it would help to be sure to let memory clear before powering up Populous. (It could, of course, be purely random...) (By the way, I'm using a standard 1040 with the old TOS ROMs -- is that 1.0 or what? -- and the European version of the game.) JOHN - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 55 Thu Sep 21, 1989 J.SATRIANO at 22:44 EDT I've had Populous reset on me quite a few times, but it always happened after playing more than one game without rebooting. After a while I started re loading it after each game, and I haven't had it happen since. J.Satriano - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 56 Thu Sep 21, 1989 MWADE at 21:03 PDT JINX!!! I hadn't ever had it reboot until I read about it here. Then it happened. Why would it EVER reboot? -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 57 Fri Sep 22, 1989 DIPLOMACY-1 [Pete] at 20:57 EDT Well, I tried to boot and play the game about 40 times this week and only once was I able to play longer than half and hour before it rebooted! This is an American version too! Although I will admit that I always play after responding to Diplomacy mail and other E-mail which does take quite a while... Hum... Pete - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 58 Fri Sep 22, 1989 DIPLOMACY-1 [Pete] at 23:19 EDT ARGH!!! This is more than I can stand. I left the computer off for two hours and started the game up again. It ran all the way through level 21 without a problem until I was about to take out the last guy and win the screen - boom - system reboots for no reason! Pete - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 59 Fri Sep 22, 1989 J.M.COLE at 23:32 CDT Most of the time when I select "Conquest" on the title screen the computer will reboot. I thinks its EA's copy protection getting in the way. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 60 Fri Sep 22, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 23:49 CDT JMCole, I think you're right about the copy protection. I've never had my original disk reboot after selecting conquest, but when I tried to make a backup, that's what the copy did every time when I hit conquest. I doubt this is related to the re-boots during play, though. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 61 Sat Sep 23, 1989 BLACKHAWK [Bob Stinson] at 08:50 PDT Interesting about the reboots.I've had my Euro copy a long time, got up into the 200's...it has rebooted twice only...seems to happen in response to a mouse click...rebooting certainly shouldn't happen as often as you say, sounds like a hardware prob or maybe a bad byte on your disk. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 62 Sat Sep 23, 1989 J.M.COLE at 13:43 CDT J. Thornburgh My original reboots after selecting "conquest". This may be some kind of timing thing they use in the copy protection. Of course, it may be my disk drive needs a tune-up. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 63 Sun Sep 24, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 00:49 CDT Yes, I would guess that either your copy has defective copy protection, or else your drive needs adjustment. Maybe you should try a friend's disk. Are all of us who are not having many reboots using the Euro version, by any chance? I am. EA said that the American version is no different, except for packaging and docs. But who knows... - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 64 Sun Sep 24, 1989 BLACKHAWK [Bob Stinson] at 08:34 PDT Yes, the reboot after "conquest" selection is a consequence of the copy protection. If you try to copy it, that's where it always bombs. If you're using the original, I'd suspect drive alignment problems. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 65 Sun Sep 24, 1989 DIPLOMACY-1 [Pete] at 20:33 EDT Welp, tried the game out twice today with no reboots! I have noticed that the game reboots far more often after I use the computer, and that its definitely part of the protection scheme. After I select conquest the disk does an access and depending on what happens I either get the game screen, the desktop, or a reboot. I'll contact this week about getting a new disk - having a reboot when I'm about to win a screen is not fun! Pete - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 66 Sun Sep 24, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 23:56 EDT I have the Euro version, and never had a reboot. -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 67 Wed Sep 27, 1989 M.ISKRA at 22:23 CDT Hello, M.ISKRA here. I have bought the US version for my 520ST/fm and it never works. I took the master disk to a friend with a mega ST and it works fine. Any ideas? I have a similiar problem with bloodwych, by the way. I've had the machine all of 1 week. I am a MAC user by trade, but atari is funner.(sic) Any ideas to help me get the very good game running on my system? Matthew H. iskra - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 68 Thu Sep 28, 1989 M.ISKRA at 18:11 CDT Greetings! I have just bought an Atari ST/fm with single-sided drive and it won't boot at all. A friend with a Mega can run it fine. Any ideas? I can run Menace and Captain blood, but I also can't run Arkanoid II (DOH). I have already tried to get help from DARLAH, the SYSOP. Matthew H. Iskra (M.ISKRA) - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 69 Thu Sep 28, 1989 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 21:11 EDT I can only assume it is the drive. Sandy has a problem with Captain Blood and I have none but I do on my 520. The drives are different. Have you tried running it on someone elses machine?? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 70 Fri Sep 29, 1989 M.ISKRA at 18:23 CDT Hi Darlah Yes, i have tried to run it on another Atari machine. A mega 2 run- ning 1.2 TOS. It runs great. Fun game. Wish i could play it at home. I believe i am running 1.0 TOS. Could that be it??? About the drive: The only local (relitivly) vendor says that all he does when he does drive work is send to you (Atari Co.). Any way for me to do that and not pay a middle-man? Or, is there anything I can do here at home? I am a computer programmer by profession and have knowledge of hardware. I've installed upgrades into my mac before, and my friend with the Mega 2 is an electrician and his job works with computer hardware. Thank you for your time, DARLAH. This problem 'dun gotta git fixed or I iz wun un-happi dude. Thanks again. Matthew H. Iskra, M.ISKRA - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 71 Fri Sep 29, 1989 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 20:11 EDT MATT: Were do you live?? I do not work for Atari Corp. :-) I work for GEnie. John (TOWNS) does. He could probably give you some options to fix your drive. My mega made it to Phoenix and back after a much needed repair. Not everyone has a local dealer.sigh. What is more rare is a local dealer that repairs without sending to Atari. Atari's turnaround is slow for repairs but you can send it to them direct for repair to cut out some of the time. John: Is there something you can suggest?? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 72 Fri Sep 29, 1989 R.LOWREY at 22:02 CDT I have the Euro version of Populous and it runs fine on my 1040 with TOS 1.0. I had problems in the past with copy protection using the internal Atari drive; I swapped it out for a Teac unit (from Radio Shack) and my copy protection blues went away. Sounds kinda like you might be having something of the same problem. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 73 Fri Sep 29, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 23:04 CDT I run the Euro Populous with TOS 1.0 and the internal drive in my 1040 -- no problem with the copy protection. You might get one of the drive speed checker programs (should be in the download section) and see if your drive spins at the wrong speed. I think that can be adjusted easily if you know what you're doing. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 74 Sat Sep 30, 1989 TOWNS at 01:00 EDT If you call Customer Relations at (408) 745-2367, they can provide you with your closest service center. If !I remember correctly, didn't you just buy this machine? If so and you have a receipt that proves that you purchased it within the last 90 days you can send it directly to Atari for replacement. Let me know if you have any additional questions.. -- John - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 75 Sun Oct 01, 1989 M.ISKRA at 14:28 CDT Thanks DARLAH, TOWNS, R.LOWREY, & J.THORNBURGH. I'll check the driver speed first. If its off, a may see Radio shack about getting the TEAC drive (Is is double sided?) If all else fails, I'll call customer relations and see if I can send the unit in. Oy! I'll probably leave more message here reguarding whats happening so that other with similiar problems can have an idea on what to do. Thanks again! Matthew H. Iskra (M.ISKRA) P.S. (Grumble grumble - My MAC never did this - it just ate disks and need 14 million disk swaps before I bought a Hard drive) - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 76 Sun Oct 01, 1989 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 15:37 EDT Regarding the Mac, you aren't kidding on those disk swaps. :-) - 1. CATegories 10. INDex of topics 2. NEW messages 11. SEArch topics 3. SET category 12. DELete message 4. DEScribe CAT 13. IGNore category 5. TOPic list 14. PROmpt setting 6. BROwse new msgs 15Populous reviewed by Nabil Pike(PAC) review copy loaned by IB Computers Populous is a new game from Bullfrog software, a brilliant two man team of programmers, which if Populous is any indication, will have a promising future in the software industry. In Populous you play one of two deities (gods) which battle for control of your world. At first sight this game looks like nothing so much as a complex game of capture the flag, but as play progresses it is seen that the game is possesed of a much greater depth. You do not directly control your people but rather help them in building and expanding. Your help is in the form of raising or lowering the land to facilitate the building and expansion of your people, and also to interfere with the progression of your enemies building. Along with this option is the ability to alter the world and events on an even larger scale by causing natural disasters such as earthquakes, swamps, volcanos, and most destructive, a flood which raises the level of water across the entire world. But, alas all these miracles require progressively larger amounts of mana. Mana is the spiritual power you draw from your followers. There are two methods which I have found sucessful for gaining mana. The first is to gain mana by having a large amount of followers which produce a small amount individually. The second, and more efficient, method is to create larger flat areas of land for building. This allows your people to build larger and more defensively sound settlements which produce people slower but create more mana. Another factor which makes this game so versatile is its ability to vary options, such as terrain, worlds, and available powers. If this isn't enough for you you have the option of reediting the world, or creating your own. When you get tired of playing against the computer you can always call up a friend and play by modem. Overall, this game is an incredible value for the money and is a tribute to the high standard of software which is any computer users inalienable right. So all you would be deities get out there, we have worlds to conquer. >=P (C) 1989 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt. Type XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for your information. =P * Topic 70 Thu Mar 09, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 20:30 EST Sub: Populous - the game of the gods!?  So can you wait until April for this multiplayer 'You contol the world game? 156 message(s) total. * - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 1 Thu Mar 09, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 20:33 EST Anybody see the preview in both The One and The Games Machine mags? This game looks awesome. Could be the next best thing since M.U.L.E.! you play against a computer opponent or a friend on his/her Amiga or ST via a serial cable playing the part of a god! You control the destinies of your followers while trying to decrease the faith in your oppenent by his/her followers by creating land, water, causing hurricanes, earth quakes and so on! Comments? - jR - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 2 Thu Mar 09, 1989 JRWOOD at 20:25 CST It all started so innocently...playing a little spaceship shooting alien invaders...then a cut little moon gobbling up dots... and after being emperor of the world, Ceasar, Napoleon, Rommell, Lee, Churchhill, Froand the Road Warrior, finally, my ultimate desire, GOD! Question 1: If you play it backwards, do you say, "I bury Paul"? Question 2: Is this the ultimate new age/yuppie game? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 3 Mon Mar 13, 1989 C.MULLER at 03:06 EST Anything that could even approach the single and multiplayer enjoy- ment of mule will take my cash. Please let me know if you hear more about this game... Later, Chris. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 4 Thu Mar 16, 1989 CGEE at 03:08 EST Yes, M.U.L.E. was fantastic. The partial teaser of Populous in the magazine really makes me want to get this game! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 5 Thu Apr 13, 1989 J.HEBERT3 [Joe H.] at 23:04 EDT Here's another former M.U.L.E. fan. Somebody let us know when this one shows up. -- Joe - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 6 Sat Apr 22, 1989 J.SIMON2 at 09:36 EDT Well, its late April! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 7 Sat Apr 22, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 16:22 EDT it should be out soon now. all the import magazines for the month of april spotlighted this game and it looks as though it WILL live up to the high exp expectations that I had of it. (to give you an idea it received a 94% from Computer & Video Games magazines and 90% or higher from all the rest. It has just been released for the amiga and they say that the release datae for the ST should have been the end of april. all we can do is wait and hope that this isn't like an FTL game and have to wait a year after the expected release date. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 8 Thu May 04, 1989 J.M.MESA at 22:08 EDT I have recentl I shoulld have my ST version by Monday and will post all about it. One feature that I absolutely love is the ability to play over the modem or by hooking up two machines. The graphics are sensational. Hopefully it will play as good as it looks. It may be hard to get your hands on this one because from what I hear because it has not been given US distribution. rights. I am getting my copy directly from an English software house(at quite a tidy little sum). Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 9 Thu May 04, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 19:12 PDT A couple of words about availability; Computer Games + projects availability in about one week. Also, Electronic Arts will be importing it. On the Games RT they say the Amiga version will be first (what else?), then the ST. They are currently play-testing the ST version on US ST's to check compatibility. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 10 Sat May 06, 1989 J.M.MESA at 08:43 EDT Hopefully this will signal a new policy for Electronic Arts games from overseas. They have the rights to quite a few awesome games that they have not allowed to be imported(as of yet). Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 11 Sun May 07, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 18:06 EDT no probably NOT!! i just got off the phone with them and the secretary that I talked with said that it wasn't on the sheets for the next two months releases as well as nothing for zany golf and fusion which have been out for some time now. I think that Trip Hawkins is still playing the high and mighty egostical S.*.B. and doesn't see the potential of releasing software that is both excellent AND current here. BTW, got mine in the mail the other day WOW!!! words just can't describe it!! definately buy this one if you want something totally different. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 12 Mon May 08, 1989 DOUG.W [ST*SYSOP] at 00:39 EDT Jim, are you saying that Zany Golf isn't on the list? That's strange... we've had it in the store for 2 months! (not imported, US release) --Doug - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 13 Mon May 08, 1989 J.M.MESA at 19:58 EDT I just finished playing my first game of POPULOUS and all I can say is AWESOME! A brief overview of the game. You play one of two gods, either the good(represented by an Ankh) or the evil(represented by a skull).\ You start out on a piece of land(they claim over 500 different worlds and includes a world builder) and your opponent on another. You issue commands by means of a very intricate icon system. Commands include raising or lowering land, cause earthquake, make volcano, create swamp, cause flood, and knight a leader. The object of the game is to eliminate all the opposing god's forces. Typical#ly you and your opponent are separated by a body of water so that building a "land bridge" to get to your opponent is one of your early goals, as is leveling as much land as possible. Your units(called walkers) are automatically reproduced and when their habitation fills up they walk out and try to settle a piece of land. What is created on a piece of land is also automatic and determined by the amount of flat land surrounding a certain area. The habitations range from a straw hut to a large square castle. The amount of commands your are able to issue depends on your current mana level, which in turn is dependent on the number of walkers you have. All commands you take cost you mana, and all commands are done in real time. For example say you are creating a mountain and your mana level drops to zero you just sit there and wait till your mana is replenished. Meanwhile, your opponent is taking the same type of actions and is similarly restricted by his current mana level. To say that this game is unique is an understatement. I can't possibly hope to do it justice in such few sentences. It must be seen in action to be fully appreciated. It is my hope that I have stimulated enough interest in the game for you to have a good look at it. By the way the game can also be played over modem or across a null cable against another human opponent. It receives my highest recommendation! Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 14 Mon May 08, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 20:07 PDT Is there a lot of disk access? Is it user-friendly; that is, allowing you to implement your orders without bogging down in minute details? What set-up are you using? ex: old, new, 520, 1040, mega, etc. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 15 Mon May 08, 1989 R.GRIDLEY [Rick] at 23:08 EDT Is it in U.S. release or import? How are the graphics? How is the computer AI? Any sound? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 16 Tue May 09, 1989 DARLAH [RT~SYSOP] at 08:15 EDT Sounds like a pretty intense game. HOw long did it take you to finish one game?? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 17 Tue May 09, 1989 J.M.MESA at 18:44 EDT The initial load time is pretty excessive, however once loaded the disk access occurs only when saving, loading, or editing a world. Minute details are automatically handled by the computer. You are a god and can't be bothered with such trivialities. The graphics as I have said before are superb. The computer is pretty intelligent and considering the complexity of the game more than challenging at the higher levels. Bullfrog(the English company that makes it) claims that the computer is nearly unbeatable when set to the higher levels. The sound that exists is very good, including a digitized voice that congratulates you upon your world conquest. There is also a pretty neat soundtrack that can be heard if you have a double-sided drive and 1 meg memory in the demo mode. Depending on your strategy and the level your are currently playing at the game can take from 45 minutes(if you use Armageddon) to several hours(if you completely conquer every last enemy unit). One thing is for sure if you want to play this game you MUST have a very good and responsive mouse. All commands are entered via mouse(no keyboard commands) and some very fast and accurate clicking is required. Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 18 Wed May 10, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 22:05 EDT we hooked the modem option tonight and happy to say that it didn't slow play that much at all. It is kind of interesting that playing against another human you don't get to see ANY of their followers on the map, you have to sorta find them for yourself (helps add to the mystery of the game) other then the keyboard input being slightly slow when sending a message to your opposition, this is definately worth every penny it sells for. I, like J. Mesa, hope that the comments generated here will encourage enough people to buy this game as Bullfrog Productions is supposed to put additional scenarios for the game as well as a deluxe version to support up to 16 machines at once!! Gee, that would just blow MIDI Maze away!! So like they say run don't walk to your dealer and beat 'em to a pulp until he gets this one on his shelves. my only negative comment is that the game has already showed up on the pirate boards before it was available for purchase. So let's show Bullfrog the support they deserve and buy it now!! to those who already have it here are some passwords to start at some of the higher levels. world # world name terrain type 3 TIMUSLUG GRASS LANDS AND PLAINS 8 EOAOZORD DESERT 12 BILCEMET SNOW AND ICE 16 BADACON ROCKY 21 CORPEHAM SNOW AND ICE Well have fun and leave me comments or phone at 313/462-0919 any time - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 19 Thu May 11, 1989 J.M.MESA at 18:30 EDT Not only is Bullfrog working on additional scenarios they are also working on other strategy games using the same type of interface. I for one hope it sells 100,000 copies. Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 20 Sun May 14, 1989 J.CHIN [Jeff] at 23:33 PDT So anyone hear of a U.S. dealer with this game? Everyone still happy with this game after a week of play? Ho hum, Jeff - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 21 Tue May 16, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 18:29 EDT J.Chin - Island Computer Service, 516-736-1001 has Populous in stock, and while they are not a mail order service, I'm sure they'd UPS it to you! Anyway, after three evenings, I'm ready to announce that this is the Empire of 1989. Actually, sort of a cross between Empire and an IBM package called "Sim City" or some such. Funny how much EA distributed stuff there is in Europe. Populous, Fusion and Powerdrome showed up this week. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 22 Tue May 16, 1989 J.M.MESA at 18:53 EDT It is my favorite game since Dungeonmaster. Enough said! Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 23 Tue May 16, 1989 J.M.MESA at 18:56 EDT Also Fusion by Bullfrog also appears to be another winner. According to one ST Action magazine it is a "thinking man's shootem up". Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 24 Tue May 16, 1989 J.CHIN [Jeff] at 21:12 PDT Thanks CC! I'm going to call them up tomorrow! Wow, they should take an add out and use your quote, 'It is my favorite game since Dungeon Master. Enough said!' --J.M.Mesa Would probably sell a lot! Jeff - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 25 Tue May 16, 1989 M.WILDEN1 [Mark] at 23:19 PDT Same here, Jeff! Ever since I got Super Hang-on, I've valued Mr. Mesa's opinions highly. I'm looking forward to this game. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 26 Wed May 17, 1989 J.CHIN [Jeff] at 18:16 PDT I called Computer Games Plus today and they said that they will be getting Populous in on Monday(5/22) since I like to patronize them for their good service, I put in an order and I should get it by next week. Their price is $34.95. Strange how CC, JM, and several others never seem to diagree like Siskel and Ebert, I guess software is either hit or miss and hardly ever a relative situation. Waiting for this,(and quite assured that is will be good even though I haven't seen even a screen of this game yet!) Jeff - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 27 Wed May 17, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 21:22 EDT I almost bought Fusion instead, couldn;t afford both. (They were both like $49.95 at my dealer!) Hope you guys all like it! J.M., have you tried the modem option yet? -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 28 Thu May 18, 1989 J.M.MESA at 20:04 EDT Yes the modem option works fine(no delay whatsover at 19200 baud). I would like to think that us ST gamers like about the same thin We are not interested in poor arcade conversions, 8 bit ports, and games that in general are poorly implemented. That being said, I think that eliminates 70-80% of the titles released for the ST. So when a well done game comes along(like Populous) it is not surprising that there is a consensus good opinion. Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 29 Thu May 25, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 19:02 PDT Well, I've beren playing this game for 3 days.it's really nice. It's a completely mouase driven, graphically oriented "Hammurabi" type of game. for you old main frame players. Any want to share hints? I find that the ice worlds really require attention to building the population. I think that earthquakes are severe in the rocky worlds. Another thought on the game for prospective buyers..it is in "real time", that is things are going on all the time; you can't wait to think on your next move. Progressive levels (500 of them!) get frantic... - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 30 Fri May 26, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 23:02 EDT I'd like to know how the computer player develops those ultra powerfull walkers!? I was playing an ice world today, and he had a walker that was wiping out everybody. Castle? No problem, this little &*($% would just walk in and convert it. I hassled him for like ten minutes, not letting him build and re-coup, and he just wouldn't die (and you know how long a lone walker can usually last on an iceworld). I figured the computer just kept switching from group to goto magnet, until he built a bunch of walkers into one super-walker! My favorite strategy is to build really high, and then flood the computer player out. It doesn't seem to learn any lessons from this, and will often rebuild on a plain. /-CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 31 Sat May 27, 1989 R.LOWREY at 00:44 CDT I've been playing Populous a couple of days now, and I'd like to echo all the above feelings and more! It's the kind of game you are always "looking for"-- unique concept, great gameplay, variety, super graphics modem option, etc etc. I highly recommend it! Played a few hours over modems tonight at 1200 baud--happy to report that it plays fine at that speed, and there is only a bit of slow down (late in the game) when there is a lot of walkers/buildings around. One thing I really like about it is that it is a "fuzzy" game--you don't know where to start, you can't control every aspect of the gamhe, you always have something to do (and never enough time to get it done!) and the disasterous effects of floods, volcanoes, etc tend to keep things real interesting! Floods are my favorite--so what if you kill 90% of your followers if you waste the Evil player at the same time! (Please note that gods don't have morals, only mortals do! ) It's just too bad the building stops with castles; it would be neat to see further progression don't you think? Also, the worlds could be larger (that would make the games longer) but the chances for reversal of a bad situation might be higher. If you only can buy one game this year, this is the one to buy! Robert L. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 32 Sat May 27, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 06:35 PDT I get the feeling that the aggression and manna settings are diferent in the different worlds...in some cases evil won't do anything manna-ical, but in others, volcanoes happen immediately..nice touch, keeps you on your toes. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 33 Sat May 27, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 20:58 EDT a neat little trick i learned that helps alot on the higher levels as noted the computer creates a knight of "super" strength, this is done by chosing the goto papal magnet and getting your followers to join with the leader increasing his life level. now here's the trick, if you put your papal magnet in an area surrounded by your own castles you can raise the land once in that area or lower it causing the castle size to shrink down and a walker to usually appear, after this happens lower or raise the land back to "grow" the castle(s) back to size. This causes your walkers to appear more frequently and more quickly build the "life level" of your leader up so that you can in turn knight him and send him on his merry way to detroy the enemy. an aside, anyone see anything strang other than the bullfrog and the wizards on the higher levels? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 34 Sun May 28, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 11:29 EDT Nope, but I haven't been past 19 yet. I played a great game the other night - I think it was world 16, an ice world. I got off to a slow start and the computer was battering the heck out of me. I retreated to the mountains (it was throwing volcanos all over the place.) But, the silly fool machine started exapnding the entire world into a flat plain, with literally dozens of castles. We were on the edge of being snuffed, a few mud huts in the mountains. The population bars show s slim blue line for me, and the red bar was filled right up. I let me manna grow, much to the dismay of my subjects, but they changes their tune when I finally got enough energy to create a flood! The computers population was virtually wiped out! As it frantically tried to save its dying walkers, I leveled the mountains and rebuilt my end of the world. Then, I started hitting him with a two punch of earthquakes followed by swamps. Very effective. In the end, we came back to win. Game lasted about four hours, and except for while I was waiting for my manna to build, it went by like seconds. I really love this game. I'd like to see a hybrid of this and Sim City. Well, off to serve my people -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 35 Sun May 28, 1989 R.LOWREY at 20:40 CDT Sounds like an excellent game you played! The tough ones are the best! How about a little godly discussion here on world building? On grass or desert worlds, I think that fast population is the key. Forget "quality" people, just pump them followers out as fast as you can and swarm the other player. Seems to work every time. On desert worlds, save up for volcanos---if you can do 2 or more on the other player, you can just about wipe him out becuase the walkers die trying to walk to the next buildable place! Hit the remnants of his civilization with a bunch of earthquakes, and you bring him to his knees. Another advantage of fast population on these worlds is the fact that you are spread out and "natural disasters" (except for floods) won't hurt you near as bad. Has the computer player created a super-leader that is roaming thru your civilazation? Just plop a few swamps around him and wave goodbye! Haven't played that many ice worlds yet, but the few I have I have a real problem with getting and keeping a leader. This also prevents me from placing the magnet and thus I have to be content with just letting my lands slowly evolve and finally meeting up with the enemy. No real problem, I still won, but it took a while to do it. Robert L. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 36 Tue May 30, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 19:28 EDT Yeah, losing control of your magnet is a royal pain. You stick it out there too far, and can't get it back. Your followers dies left and right trying to get to it, and when one finally does, and becomes a leader, you have the problem of leeping it alive long enough to bring it back to safety. Swamp idea against a super-leader is a good one. I should of thought of it myself. Has anyone noticed that swamps are kind of flakey? It seems like they do a lot more good in the lower plains. One time, early in my playing the game, creating a swamp caused a large green blob that sort of wandered around for a few seconds. It was my first night, and maybe I was just tired -- has anyone seen this effect? -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 37 Tue May 30, 1989 J.M.MESA at 21:10 EDT The effectiveness of the swamp is directly related to the strength of your opponent. If you are playing the computer opponent and you hit him with a swamp and he has high mana levels, he will quickly raise and lower the land(thus eliminating the swamp). However, if you hit him when he is low on mana he tends to ignore it for a while. I have found using the swamp is most effective when combined with the use of one of the other disasters. As far as the computer super-leader, I found this to be a problem only in the lower levels(<30). In the higher levels(where the computer) has more options(knights,volcanoes,etc.),you have many more things to worry about so this super-leader does not seem very important. Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 38 Tue May 30, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 22:40 EDT anyone noticed the frog seems to appear when both players are NOT given the option of create swamp. this is on the higher levels, I just hit level 88 tonight. some of them really make you plan out your strategies more long term then trting to quickly build your people up to a decent level quickly, but overall it is a good idea to at least try to "keep up" with the computer. I like the fact that the computer did recognize your advancement. After completing 50 levels you are given the title "Immortal" instead of "Mortal" and a friend of mine (who last I heard was on level 128 says that you acheive "Eternal" status after 100 levels. God, I wonder what level 500 will be like and what happens if you win it?? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 39 Wed May 31, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 18:46 PDT When did the wizard first appear? How about the frog? I'm on 53 & haven't seen them. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 40 Fri Jun 02, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 21:42 PDT A hint: for those of you in the 60's - 80's, the moron computer will flood itself if given a chance. A question: I notice the computer makes knights quickly. What's a good defense if you can't make one yourself? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 41 Fri Jun 02, 1989 J.CHIN [Jeff] at 22:17 PDT Someone already mentioned it...put a bunch of swamps around him and he'll sink, of course only works in a plains area so you'll usually have to hit him when he's on one of your pop centers. I don't see why the Good can't convert the castles/towns like the evil player can, it would seem much better if you could make that an option. Jeff - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 42 Sat Jun 03, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 07:35 PDT Are you sure Good can't convert? I've seen fields convert, when Good is strong enough. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 43 Sun Jun 04, 1989 J.CHIN [Jeff] at 00:47 PDT I've only seen them convert when walkers do win, while Good's knights just burn everything. I haven't seen Evil's knights yet, so I guess it is the same. My bust. Jeff - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 44 Sun Jun 04, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 12:20 EDT Knights can be a two edged sword (pun intended) it seems. For instance, if a good knight burns an evil hut, the remains of the hut will prevent surrounding good buildings from improving, just as a mountain would. This is a viable trade-off if the evil building in question is a strong one, but it is always better to take buildings using walkers. I tend to use knights only on the outer fringes of my 'empire' and hope that they head into evil terrain, rather than doubling back into the good lands. 8-CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 45 Sun Jun 04, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 09:38 PDT I just had the devil of a time on 83. Evil was making almost invincible knights and laying waste to my lands. I found a strategy to beat it! Follow the evil knight around. Just as he attacks a house, build a hill there. He then only fights the occupant. When/if he wins, he doesn't raze the surrounding land, since there is no house to burn. He rapidly loses strength...sorta like the russians burning the land before Napoleon could get to it! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 46 Sun Jun 04, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 22:39 EDT Neat trick. You know, I tried that technique with a "super leader" once, and it took a long, long time for the sucker to die. Maybe knights die faster ? NO! NO! I meant, -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 47 Mon Jun 05, 1989 J.M.MESA at 18:22 EDT I had exactly the same trouble with level 83! By far the most challenging level that I played(until I figured out the same strategy you mentioned). It is incredible how much mana you lose when the knight razes your land. It is a downward mana spiral that can't be prevented no matter how much you build. Even after using that strategy it was still extremely tough! Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 48 Tue Jun 06, 1989 HS [Gadgets RT] at 00:21 EDT I want to know how the Evil Dude raises so much manna so darn fast! He can do 3 volcanoes to my 1 knight! Gr... it seems like all I do is s'ettle! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 49 Mon Jun 05, 1989 W.WAKEFIELD at 21:37 PDT Look out for the wizard. I just saw him on level 51 planting a line of trees through the heart of my territory. Any towns or castles in the way were lost. Since the land in this area was high I did not try to lower the land to sea level to get rid of the trees. It took a long time before my castles came back in this area. Does anybody no of anything that can be done about the wizard. Please let me know. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 50 Tue Jun 06, 1989 CGEE at 02:56 EDT I've found that lowering the land to sea level and drowning the evil knight (bad knights are always evil, aren't they?) to work rather well at times. Sure he might be fighting a walker, and you lose a civvy once and awhile, but hey, sacrifices must be made..:-) - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 51 Tue Jun 06, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 06:53 PDT I'll try the drowning tip...but in many of the worlds, water is shallow. Also, the evil god often will build right back up...at least when I tried swamping the knight. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 52 Tue Jun 06, 1989 J.M.MESA at 18:32 EDT As before has been stated on the higher levels(80+) any strategy other than just fighting the knight(evil) is completely ineffectual. The reaction of the computer is much too fast to allow its knight to be either drowned or swamped. Just gather your men and hope they can hold out... Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 53 Tue Jun 06, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 22:36 EDT Ditto the wizard question. I had him wander throw, leveling towns. Nothing seemed to stop him. Argh! Anyway, I'm behind a lot of you people, last world was #20, and it was one of the easiest I have played. Very odd how they are set up. The computer player was average, but had no abilitied (swamp, flood, earthquake etc). So, I built a plain about 6 layers hi, and flooded 'da bum. No sweat, after that, a few good knights pretty much killed him off. I've played a lot harder, lower games and I'm looking forward to getting through this soft section. -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 54 Tue Jun 06, 1989 L.DANIEL at 22:07 CDT I have found that when a Knight burns a building, just raise or lower the land under the house and then level it and it can be resettled. +Larry P.S. wait until level 121, I beats the heck out of me. it, not I. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 55 Tue Jun 06, 1989 J.CHIN [Jeff] at 21:43 PDT yeah, but what if you built high and have to demolish all the buildings around it just to get that land back. Jeff - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 56 Wed Jun 07, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 06:23 PDT Anybody passed 150 yet? What do you become instead of "Eternal". I'm at 138, a REAL hard one... Y'know, I haven't had as much fun with a game for a long time, since DM in fact. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 57 Wed Jun 07, 1989 HS [Gadgets RT] at 21:36 EDT In some ways it's more fun that DM... It takes longer for me to get killed! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 58 Thu Jun 08, 1989 J.M.MESA at 18:41 EDT I think it will have a longer term appeal than DM. When people start creating interesting worlds and uploading them so that others can play them this game will really be hot. Also if Electronic Arts ever releases an official version(that many more people will have access to) the number of copies sold could possibly rival DM. Right now players(like me) are concentrating on playing against the computer and advancing to the higher levels. Wait till worlds are created for play! Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 59 Thu Jun 08, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 19:37 EDT Here's another tip, see if you agree. I like keeping my lands really high. It *seems* like volcanos don't have as drastic an effect, and of course you'll have no worries about floods. I wish I had a week to play this game. I'm only up to world 41, and it looks to be an easy one,. RE: Scoring, I only used Armeggedon once, and it seems like I got a very high score. Maybe I would have, anyway. Any advice on when to use or not use Armeggedon? -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 60 Thu Jun 08, 1989 R.LOWREY at 21:35 CDT As long as you have at least 1/3 more population bar than the computer, you should have no problem defeating him. I seem to get higher scores if I DON'T use Armageddon. If you have a bunch of knights, towns (by the way, what makes up a "town"?) and castles, your score can exceed 200,000!!! Robert L. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 61 Fri Jun 09, 1989 CGEE at 01:23 EDT This is definitely a fantastic game! And its even more enjoyable, and exasperating at times, to play a human opponent. :-) - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 62 Fri Jun 09, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 06:10 PDT I am stuck, stuck, stuck on 138. Evil builds its population so fast that he starts using multiple volcanoes+ before I can do one earthquake. Any hints on building population quickly? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 63 Fri Jun 09, 1989 MRAYMOND [OBI WAN] at 20:25 CDT After reading some of these messages I have GOT to get this game. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 64 Fri Jun 09, 1989 HS [Gadgets RT] at 21:51 EDT Ah ha! We have another one suckered into it! *grin* Gads, I'm in trouble, Blackhawk... that seems like about the same problem I have on 15! I seem to do nothing but settle - have more population, but I keep getting stepped on!! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 65 Fri Jun 09, 1989 R.GRIDLEY [Rick] at 21:55 EDT And just think Blackhawk, you still have 300 plus levels to go ! Whats the average jump in levels that most have seen. I just started playing and seem to skip around 5 at a time. I went from 0 to 3 to 6 to 11 to 16 to 21 to 26, where I'm at now. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 66 Fri Jun 09, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 22:38 EDT Well, I finally passed 50 and made immortal. As mentioned, giving the computer Flood is like giving a loaded gun to a child. I just keep high and dry, except for a small (sacrificial) population. The computer drowns like 5% of my people, and like 90% of it's own! As far as building population quickly, use those volcano's to your advantage. Clear lots of small flat spaces among the rocks, and the population seems to expand much faster. It's those forts and castles that seem to slow population growth. Here's a new tactic I've been playing with. I flatten a plain, but leave a few humps, so that I get a lot of square forts, but no castles. Then, I place the magnet among them, and when the leader get's their, I flatten the humps, and choose Gather. Many of the ensuing walkers that are released when all those forts turn to 1 or two castles end up gathering with the leader. Dealing with enemy knights is good because it forces you to learn to sort of customize your leader. Does anyone have any tips to prevent the situation wherein your leader is making houses, but not staying in them at all? You know, when you need a knight, so you want the leader to stick around long enough to develop some strength before you change him? Any help, as always, will be appreciated. -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 67 Fri Jun 09, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 21:31 PDT Tx CC ref small settlements...I read a review that said the same thing; make small settlements for quick population growth. Of course, I could always go back to a previous level & hope to jump to a higher or lower level. Ref the jump in levels; biggest jump I 've seen is seven, five is usual. I really want to play a human...I'll bet it's completely different! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 68 Sat Jun 10, 1989 HS [Gadgets RT] at 11:42 EDT Playing a human *is* completely different. After a while you can really start to second guess the computer. Ralph and I played via modem (although we were sitting about 10 feet apart :-), and it was GREAT fun. Oh oh... I'm in trouble. I can't find my list of where I've been... I know it was TIMUSLUG (I loved that name - I have a friend at work named Tim I am always accusing of being a sleazy slug *grin*)... then I went to EAOR... something... (can anyone help?)... then I went to NIMIHILL (which I think was 11)... now I'm supposed to go to 15, but I can't find my list with the name! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 69 Sat Jun 10, 1989 F-D-PERCIVAL [Fred P.] at 13:28 EDT After reading all the raves about Populous, I'm ready to buy! I called my normal Ohio software source, Microtyme. The clerk there said that they did not have the game, because it has not been released. I replied that several people on here had the game. The clerk then said that the copies they have are illegal imports, and that the (unnamed) US distributor is taking action to have all imported Populous games seized. He did not know when this distributor would "legally" release the game. Does anyone have any more information about this distributor? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 70 Sat Jun 10, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 18:25 EDT Fred P. try giving Computer Games + a call at 1-800-443-8189. They have it in stock 'legally' <- since I don't know what the heck an illegal import is?! and it sells for $34.95. Their service is pretty good too. Now for the good stuff, calling all players interested in playing via modem. If you don't mind the costs I would be more then willing to play a game or two. Its true that playing against a 'human' player is more fun since you can't see what s/he is doing on the map unless you scroll around to see them. I figure if we get enough of us together we can start a contest down to the 2 best players. Anyone interested? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 71 Sun Jun 11, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 00:56 CDT You can also get Populous from B & C Computervisons in Santa Clara, CA. That's where I got it (not mail order, so for more than CG+). It looks great. I'm just getting started though (did the tutorial). J.Ratkos--I'm not ready to take anyone on yet, but I always prefer to play against humans. I live in Mountain View, CA. That means I am a local phone call for some parts of the 415 and 408 area codes. If any other Populous players live around here, leave me e-mail, and maybe we can arrange a game (after I've had a bit of a chance to practice). For those who've tried, is 1200 baud ok? Do you need to turn off error checking? JOHN - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 72 Sun Jun 11, 1989 HS [Gadgets RT] at 16:00 EDT We played at 2400, and it was pretty decent. 1200 shouldn't be awful. I think the manual says something about turning off error checking makes it faster, but increases the chance of getting off-synch. I'm not sure how much of a problem that is anyway. (Btw, we have Populous in our store as well... and I don't think our distributor for it is "illegal", either...) (Sounds like MicroTyme just got caught with their pants down, perhaps.) - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 73 Sun Jun 11, 1989 J.M.MESA at 23:19 EDT Has any one had any success with level 129? I have been playing it for the last few days with no success at all. It is a level where the computer has all the options except earthquake and it is a fire world. The funny thing is I am constantly being hit with earthquakes. Combine that with 3 or 4 volcanos and 2 or 3 knights within the span of 5 minutes and it is a lost cause. If anyone wants to know the level name leave me some email. I am completely out of ideas. Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 74 Mon Jun 12, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 06:23 PDT JM..I bypassed 129, played 123 then 131. Some appear harder than others. I was stuck on 138, so I replayed 131, pulled some punches, & got the code word for 135. Haven't finished it, but it is easier. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 75 Mon Jun 12, 1989 R.LOWREY at 21:21 CDT I have been playing at 1200 baud and am happy to report that it plays just fine, even with error checking turned on. Towards the end of the game when you have a lot of people and settlements, you might feel a bit of a slowdown, but hardly enough to notice. Try it, you'll love it! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 76 Mon Jun 12, 1989 T.MILLER7 at 22:45 EDT Populous is available at Computer Success in Columbus Ohio too. (Go Bucks!) - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 77 Tue Jun 13, 1989 J.M.MESA at 20:15 EDT I have finally reached level 138. It is really tough! I think it is beatable however. Has anyone else noticed the massive slowdowns when there are a large number of walkers present(as frequently occurs in levels past 120). Sometimes you have to wait as much as two seconds before it responds to a raise/lower of a piece of land. I wonder if the computer's reactions are similarly hampered. It seems to me that this type of slowdown increases the difficulty of the level. I can't tell you how many times I have clicked on a property, expected it to be raised/lowered, not seen this happen immediately, think that the click didn't register, click again, only to end up creating a huge mountain or big valley. Extremely annoying! I guess it can't be helped when there are so many things to be kept track of. By the way, in my victory in the level previous to 138 I lost 1000+ battles and still won! Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 78 Tue Jun 13, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 19:03 PDT JM; yes, I've encountered the slowdown at these levels. If you beat 138, let me know your strategy. I tried & gave up. I'm now working on 135, hoping to bypass 138... - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 79 Wed Jun 14, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 20:26 EDT J.M & BLACKHAWK, yea it seems that this is the brick wall that we've all hit It sorta seems crazy that the computer can produce volcanos before my manna reaches high enough to produce earthquakes!! I'm stuck at 136 after playing 129 and doing nothing there except building up enough manna to finally armaggeddon him bringing me over 150,000 points but advancing me to a level that seems unbeatable. anyone it the (313) area want to play? can't wait to get past this point to see what happens next!! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 80 Thu Jun 15, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 20:16 PDT Well. I played 135, hopng to bypass 138. When I won, it sent me to 138! I havent't tried 138 with the 135 strategy, but this is what I used: Build FRANTICALLY, leaving the pointer at build the people's strength. I finally got enough manna to flood the enemy's low levels (I was building higher), then just maintained until I got Armageddon. Wonder if it'll work on Mord...oops! 138. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 81 Fri Jun 16, 1989 J.M.MESA at 18:26 EDT I tried that exact same thing with absolutely no luck whatever. The problem is that he has so much mana that he constantly volcanos your properties so you never get enoug Later, JM. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 82 Fri Jun 16, 1989 R.GRIDLEY [Rick] at 21:31 EDT I wonder if their are really 500 different levels or if everybody is sent to the same world? I'm at 95 now so maybe I'll get up to 100 Plus over the weekend. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 83 Sat Jun 17, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 06:36 PDT To J. Ratkos & J.M. Mesa...looks like we ought to upool our resources...wanna share passwords? I got to 139 yesterday; it's no better. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 84 Sun Jun 18, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 19:36 PDT Well, I broke the barrier; I'm at 144: grass planes. I used the pause feature almost continuously. One can reposition while paused, and prepare things. It's a must to keep up with the computer. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 85 Sun Jun 18, 1989 R.GRIDLEY [Rick] at 23:12 EDT CONGRATULATIONS BLACKHAWK!! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 86 Mon Jun 19, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 19:12 PDT "Deva" Blackhawk rules! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 87 Tue Jun 20, 1989 R.GRIDLEY [Rick] at 21:22 EDT Anyone make it to 150 yet? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 88 Tue Jun 20, 1989 G.E.M. at 21:24 PDT 146 and still trying - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 89 Wed Jun 21, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 18:12 PDT I'm at 166. "Deva" Blackhawk By the way, it starts to get wierd...sometimes no land building, sometimes no options at all. Fun, though. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 90 Thu Jun 22, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 18:26 PDT It's me again. Guess what? ST Action has two pages on hints. It also has passwords for levels up to 437. That's bad, but at least you won't have to throw it away if you can't progress any further. There are some good hints about the characteristics of different kinds of land, among other things. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 91 Fri Jun 23, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 00:39 EDT Hmmm, I'll have to grab the new issue, I guess. Give us some hints about the hints! -CC P.S. I liked how the manual listed several strategies by name, but never mentioned what they were. Like the Fusion manual, under hints, it says "Play the game and fuind out for yourself." oops fuind=find - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 92 Fri Jun 23, 1989 J.HEBERT3 [Joe H.] at 20:12 EDT Well, you talked me into it. My copy from Computer Games Plus arrived yesterday. I can only say that even after all the high praise I read here, I wasn't disappointed. It's even better than it sounds. I've only played the first few worlds, but I'm hooked already. -- Joe - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 93 Fri Jun 23, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 18:20 PDT on ice & desert, people die 8 times faster, on rock 4 times faster than grass. Build huts around castles to wear down knights. On rock, people from castles are 10 times stronger than huts. On ice, all are the same. They say "turfing" is important, that is kicking people out of houses by building up next to it. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 94 Sat Jun 24, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 14:44 EDT Thanks Blackhawk! Huts around castles, eh? Sounds like a viable idea. I've haven't had time to play in a week -- talk about withdrawal! -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 95 Sat Jun 24, 1989 R.GRIDLEY [Rick] at 14:56 EDT Well, I've been stuck on 120 for a few days. Its grass plains and I just cannot keep up with the computer no matter what I try. Huts around castles? I wonder, Mana seems to grow much faster if you build castles instead of huts. I have not noticed huts doing anything to slow down an enemy knight. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 96 Sat Jun 24, 1989 TOWNS at 19:28 EDT Well, I picked this up last night. When I first saw it, I thought it was ok but nothing special. Boy, was I wrong.. I was playing this game until 5:30am! What a game. It's lots of fun.. I did find some interesting things though.. On some levels, if you make land go down deep enough, you will hit water. This is a neat way to "cheat".. What I did was surround the Papal Staff of the evil side with Water. When their leader gets killed, their guys wil run for the staff! I then just open up the water alittle more and drown them! Such fun! One annoying thing.. The other guy seems to be able to find your staff fairly quickly. Alot of the time, he will put his staff on top of yours I hate when this happens.. Oh well, back to the game! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 97 Sat Jun 24, 1989 J.HEBERT3 [Joe H.] at 20:56 EDT Where can I get a copy of ST Action? Neither of my local dealers carries it. I'm on an ice world right now, and I'm having trouble getting my population to grow fast enough. I thought the thing to do was have smaller buildings (i.e. smaller flat areas), but my walkers keep dying before they find them and settle. I'm also having the same trouble someone else mentioned; I can't get my leader to stay in a building long enough to knight him in it (I assume the knight is stronger if the building disappears when he's knighted). Also, I find myself using "Settle" and "Go to Magnet" almost exclusively. Any hint on when/how "Gather" and "Battle" should be used? Thanks to all of you on higher levels who have been kindly helping us beginners. -- Joe - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 98 Sat Jun 24, 1989 R.GRIDLEY [Rick] at 22:08 EDT Towns: You'll reach a point in the game where that tactic won't work. Joe: I found it better to build castles on ice worlds. The walkers are stronger and live longer. You can induce a castle to produce a walker by rasing the ground next to it. This works for all types of settlements. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 99 Sun Jun 25, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 07:42 PDT Use "battle" if you know you are stronger. You'll clear land for your onwn settlements instead of burned land if you use a knight. Use "gather" prior to making a knight. It strengthens him. Use it also on rock or ice to reduce die- offs from excess population that can't find a home. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 100 Tue Jun 27, 1989 SHAFFER at 22:02 EDT I got this GREAT game 10 days ago, & want to share some of my experience with you. As you probably know, when you win at a level D, you move up 1 level plus one more level for each 25000 points. I got stuck on level 139, so I went back to 135 & pushed myself to levels 141 and 142 from there. I found 139 and 141 unbeatable (for me) & 142 very difficult. So I weakened myself on 135, & moved to 138. This level was a breeze, and so were the 2 Ive played since then (145 and 157). D D D2 C C I'm now ready for 157. The point I want to make is that the levels don't always get increasingly more difficult. If you get stuck, go back & shoot for a different level to bypass the ones that seem impossible. BTW, has anyone beaten 139 or 141? The computer is VERY fast, and starts you off in areas that take a lot of time to develop. Johnny - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 101 Mon Jul 03, 1989 BRIAN-G at 07:41 EDT Populas sounds like a great game and I have managed to play it once I wish I could play it more. You see it wont run on my machine. My friend bought a copy and brought it over. We get to the main screen. Select any of the three. It loads for a while, screen goes white the reloads main menu. We thought the disk went bad. He took it home and it runs. Someone suggested that the rom chips in my machine are old. Took it to my cousins house. He bought his 2 years before me. It ran on his. Bruce (my friend) has a 520. I a 520 with 1meg, Todd(cousin) a 1040. I even swapped floppies. no dice. Will try swapping with bruces drive and am going to try disk based tos 1.4. Anyone got any clues. Anyone from EA listening might know problem? Good game but I cant play and certainly wont purchase a copy myself until she'll run on my machine. HELP!!! Brian Gantzler *S - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 102 Mon Jul 03, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 07:37 PDT To Brian G: No solution, but an obserrvation. I tried to back up my copy; the original runs fine, but the copy does exactly what you describe. You're running afoul of the protection. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 103 Mon Jul 03, 1989 J.M.MESA at 18:21 EDT That is exactly what happens when it is not a legal copy! nNot saying it isn't but as Blackhawk said... Later, Jm. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 104 Mon Jul 03, 1989 BRIAN-G at 20:05 EDT You are correct a copy does the same thing but I am quite serious this is the original and it wont run on my ST. Actually since the original does the same thing Im not really sure that a copy will also. Again I will buy this game (it is good) but not if I cant run it on my machine. Brian - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 105 Mon Jul 03, 1989 T.JOHNSON1 at 18:32 PDT I got this game a couple of days ago and boy is it a time-waster! I love the game play and mouse control. Always something to do and never enough time to do it all. Brian-G, I have a 520 with 1 meg also and it works fine on my machine. Maybe this is a problem with a disk drive made to Atari specs and a game made to look to tracks that the drive won't recognize? I certainly don't think TOS 1.4 will be the answer! Todd - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 106 Mon Jul 03, 1989 L.DANIEL at 23:42 CDT Brian, I work at a STore. We have a number of people buy Populas and come back and say it won't work. Every time it was an external drive. What We did was first, have them bring their drive in and we connect it to our ST and try all the Populases in their drive and try to find one that does work, If none works, We take our Discover Cart. and Copy the disk to his drive with his Populas in his. That way his drive writes the program and files to his disk, each time we have done this, the program does work on his drive. 2Larry - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 107 Tue Jul 04, 1989 C.W.ARTADI at 03:33 EDT I have an old 520St and sometimes the game works and sometimes it does'nt. I just keep reloading untill it takes. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 108 Tue Jul 04, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 03:01 CDT So far, I've found this game intriguing and fun, but not challenging. I've only played enough times to reach level 72 or so, but since about my second game there has been no danger that I might lose. I cream the computer and then it advances me 4 or 5 levels. When does it get difficult? Are we just suppo[sed to coast for a while? Maybe someone would e-mail the password for a level I might lose! JOHN - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 109 Tue Jul 04, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 07:35 PDT J. Thornburgh.we started running into difficulty around 138. The difficulty runs in cycles, with some a little easier, some a little harder. I'm at 213; I had to stop because I was spending too much time on it. I would recommend playing through the easier levels, because as you progress, your options decrease, and the computer's increase. It teaches you different strategies. If you want a password, I've saved them starting at 144. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 110 Tue Jul 04, 1989 SHAFFER at 11:34 EDT J. Thornburgh: Keep going... you'll hit more difficult & impossible levels. 138 is fairly diffuicult, and 139 seems imp[ossible, let me know if you want the passwords. BTW, if you're really "creaming" it, you'll move ahead 6-8 levels... along the way develpop several strategies. You'll need then later. Enjoy!! Z-man - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 111 Tue Jul 04, 1989 G.E.M. at 09:14 PDT 175 is no piece of cake either. Computer has all the options, you have NONE! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 112 Tue Jul 04, 1989 B.GOLUSKA1 at 15:08 EDT Populous runs fine on ST's cabled back-to-back. Make a cable to the s serial ports, crossing pins 2 and 3, 7 straight thru. Sometimes have gotten a "landscape out of sync" error. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 113 Tue Jul 04, 1989 SHAFFER at 17:10 EDT B.Goluskai: How is the 2-player game? I'd sure like to try it... I'm up to 242 against the computer, and ready to try a live opponent. Z-man - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 114 Tue Jul 04, 1989 J.HEBERT3 [Joe H.] at 23:13 EDT Regarding the discussion of Brian G.'s problem... I have an old 520, half meg, SS external disk that won't read past track 80. But Populous always boots just fine. Maybe I just got the right copy. -- Joe - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 115 Wed Jul 05, 1989 BRIAN-G at 20:19 EDT Well Im glad Im not the only one but sorry you guys also hav problems. I got the game to work today finally. When I went to play again it freezes at the point that where the screen \ usually goes blank. Is anyone from EA or Bullfrog listning. This has to be fixed or not many popl are going to buy it. Unfortunaltly I dont think that my local store has disocery cart. Guess I was the unlucky one. I do hav a single sided drive nd it givs th same result. so both drivs do the same thing. Please fix this please. brian gantzler - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 116 Wed Jul 05, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 18:18 PDT Brian: leave a message in the EA category in the Games RT. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 117 Wed Jul 05, 1989 TIM.BARR at 21:57 MDT I just got back from Origins in Los Angeles, the Wargame manufacturer's convention. The guy running the Computer room, at the convetion, had trhee copies of Populous running on STs for a tourneyment. He told me that he got the programs directly from EA in California. He also told me that EA said that they may be releasing the US version for the ST in the next month or two. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 118 Sun Jul 09, 1989 CARDINALS at 14:49 PDT ANYONE CARE TO LEAVE ME PASSWPRDS ON THIS GAME. MY 9 YEAR OLD LOVES THIS GAME AND PLAYS IT WHEN I AM NOT USING THE COMPUTER. HE IS UP TO LEVEL 46 SO FAR. GAMES HAVE NOT BEEN DIFFICULT, JUST TIME CONSUMING. WOULD LIKE TO PLAY HIGHER LEVELS. ANYONE WANTING TO LEAVE EMAIL, WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANKS AND WATCH OUT FOR THE FROGS AND WIZARDS! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 119 Mon Jul 10, 1989 MRAYMOND [OBI WAN] at 20:14 CDT Anyone for posting these in Section 21? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 120 Mon Jul 10, 1989 JEFF.W [ST*SYSOP] at 23:24 EDT I agree. Or just Email the passwords instead. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 121 Mon Jul 10, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 22:32 CDT You could of course just leave passwords in the open. They don't tell you anything unless you choose to use them (unlike hints in an adventure game)... - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 122 Tue Jul 11, 1989 SANDY.W [SysOp] at 16:30 EDT Obi Wan left his list of passwords in Category 21 Topic 22. (Wish I had time to play this one, it sounds interesting!). Thanks! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 123 Tue Jul 11, 1989 MWADE at 23:38 PDT I would really appreciate any kind of help/suggestions on how to get past 80. It's an Ice world, computer has knights. I can barely get to the knight level myself when I suddenly get inundated with them from the computer. Also, why is it when a knight attacks, my magical power takes BIG jumps downward, hitting zero when I still have several castles? Should I be building big castles on an Ice world? I tried to "swamp the knight, but the d*mn computer just builds land on top of the swamp. Help! Michael - Category 9, T\opic 70 Message 124 Wed Jul 12, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 07:22 PDT MWADE: Your manna is dropping because the knight is killing your leader. Get him away by moving the ankh. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 125 Wed Jul 12, 1989 R.LEE21 at 20:50 EDT Sheesh, here I go again!! As good as Dungeon Master you say?? I have no choice I see, got to order this one the way you guys are talking. Back soon with requests for help. R.Lee - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 126 Wed Jul 12, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 21:53 EDT Is water Fatal? If so, lower the land near your castles (on the side towards the enemy camp). Leave a few ponds even. When the knights approach, drop the land all around them as fast as you can. Sometimes, esp. if you've had a chance to hit the computer with an earthquake or something first, your opponent will be distracted enough that you can drown his knights. -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 127 Wed Jul 12, 1989 MWADE at 20:49 PDT Thanks for the advice and I'm going to try again! Water was just harmful, but I've been experimenting with swamps. Under the "options" (or whatever they're called) it says build land on towns, yet the knight comes over on a bridge of land built as he goes by the computer. Is the computer cheating? Or is the build on towns only a limit to the human player? Thanks again!@ - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 128 Wed Jul 12, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 22:50 CDT I've noticed the dropping manna with knight attacks too...You say it's because my leader dies? I didn't know the leader generated manna. Thanks for the tip. But I think there's more too it...I frequently notice a continual problem while under knight attack, and I don't think my leader could last so long. It's like your manna really suffers when any of your stuff dies so that you're worse off having 20 castles and several killed than you are at the beginning of the game even. Strange. I've found the best strategy if I can't drown or swamp the knight is to ignore him, and build new stuff faster than he can kill the old stuff. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 129 Wed Jul 12, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 22:51 CDT I think even when set to build only on towns, both players can build _up_ (at least from sea level) on the screen with the knight. So you can still lead your knight across the ocean. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 130 Thu Jul 13, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 07:41 PDT Ref the knights building land; they can build bridges - you can too if you are sending a knight to the enemy. Swamps are excellent for knights. There is an element of chance that the right square becomes a swamp, but it kills 'em real dead! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 131 Thu Jul 13, 1989 D.KAMBER at 20:50 CDT Well, this discussion has another one hooked, just picked this one up today! Definately lives up to the expectations! Haven't run into major obstacles yet, hell, only at level 10! One question however, my last two scores were 108,800 and 121,050, are these poor, average, good or what? Also, what exactly does the score mean, does a higher score give you more benefits at the next world or what? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 132 Thu Jul 13, 1989 J.THORNBURGH at 21:46 CDT The higher the score, the more levels you get to skip. You skip 1 level plus 1 more for each 25,000 pts. Has anyone ever watched the computer commit suicide? I decided not to play, just watch him (level 96 I think). He sat and did nothing till his first guy emerged from his 1 building. Then he built the land up and down till his walker died, and he lost. I got 30 pts and advanced 2 levels! For doing nothing. (This is an ice world where each side starts with a population of 1.) JOHN - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 133 Fri Jul 14, 1989 BLACKHAWK at 07:09 PDT The computer will also drown itself, if floods is its only option. Just build one level higher, and the game is a "push". - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 134 Fri Jul 14, 1989 D.KAMBER at 19:43 CDT I knew about the points related to skipping levels, I meant is there a cumulative effect? In other words, should I always save game to maintain a hidden cumulative score somewhere or just use the passwords when I start up again? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 135 Fri Jul 14, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 22:39 EDT I don't think there is any kind of cumulative score -- each world is in and of itself. -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 136 Sat Jul 15, 1989 MWADE at 01:19 PDT I just played "mano-a-mano" against a friend of mine. It was FANTASTIC! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 137 Sun Jul 16, 1989 R.LOWREY at 03:13 CDT Yep, it's really the best played that way. I have once played a friend and we had a 4-hour smash-em-trash-em battle! Humans are a much more wily oppenent and will do such thinks as watch your leader or knights and sink them when you are not looking! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 138 Sun Jul 16, 1989 B.CARRIER [Bruce] at 21:36 EDT To get off the playing for a moment - all your comments here sent me to my local (read only) Atari dealer in the Hartford, Ct. area, to pick up a copy of Populous. $52 and change! Maybe this is why Atari dealers aren't doing too well. The Electronics Boutique here in West Hartford has just discontinued all ST software. Their prices were also 20% or more higher than Atari mail order companies. I think I'll save about 20 bucks and wait for Populous in the mail. Thanks for the good review - it sounds like a game worth waiting for. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 139 Sun Jul 16, 1989 CAPT.COOK at 22:17 EDT Don't forget that Populous is an import. That always drives the price up. Also, it is from EA, which also drives the price up. If EA releases a domestic version, it may be a bit cheaper. Still and all, I'd rather pay $50 for Populous than the $35-$40 I spend on most other games that have a 'desk life' (the time it lingers on your desk, before being thrust to the back of the disk shelf to gather dust) of about a week. -CC - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 140 Sun Jul 16, 1989 R.LOWREY at 22:22 CDT Populous is $34.95 from Joppa Computer Products, 1-800-876-6040. (Plus shipping) - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 141 Mon Jul 17, 1989 SCOTT.R at 21:08 CDT Did anyone get this one from Software Discounters? I tried to buy it on-line, but it was only listed in the pre-order section. If they are waiting on the EA release of Populous, I'm going to look elsewhere. Scott - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 142 Tue Jul 18, 1989 DMAY [Student] at 19:50 EDT I got my copy yesterday. My dealer gives user group members a 30% discount. So it only cost me $37.41. I got it home and played for 7 hours! I'm up to Level 34. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 143 Tue Jul 18, 1989 D.KAMBER at 23:54 CDT Great game! Local dealer here in Chicago has it over the counter for $40 (when they can keep it in stock!! Has anyone beaten scenario 84? Can't get through this blasted world. Snow and Ice/lots of evil knights, first world that I haven't been able to beat in the second attempt (if not the first!). Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, strategies that helped on earlier levels do nothing for me here. Computer can flood, I wish it would!! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 144 Sun Jul 30, 1989 DMAY [Student] at 15:54 EDT Has anybody encountered the Swamp Monster? This monster came out of a swamp and walked across the map and disappeared off the edge. This happened on level 132. - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 145 Sun Jul 30, 1989 MWADE at 22:36 PDT I've encountered it several times. It's a real pain and seems to show up at random. -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 146 Mon Jul 31, 1989 J.GORDON14 [Valerian] at 03:39 CDT I've encountered the swamp monster and also a wizard on a flying carpet who leaves a trail of trees on his wake -- "Johnny AppleWizard"? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 147 Mon Jul 31, 1989 D.KAMBER at 18:28 CDT The wizard appears early, I'm only on level 83 and I've come across him a couple times already!! Haven't seen the swamp thing yet!! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 148 Mon Aug 07, 1989 S.LEES1 [STu Lees] at 20:37 MDT I'm in a bit of trouble on level 177 of Populous and I was woundering if anyone had defeated it yet? The comuter has all the god-like powers and I have none. His speed is also VERY fast. With no poweras of my own, I figured the best strategy would be to get my guys into his as soon as possible before the computer could build up any mana, but we start at opposite ends of the world. I've had the game for a while now (we in New Zealand seem to get the UK imports before the US) and am totally stumped. I need help, or I will have to drop back a level and try to skip level 177 and hope the next level is faster. Any advice for a Kiwi with no power? - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 149 Tue Aug 08, 1989 DMAY [Student] at 13:56 EDT Levels 177 and 178 are immpossible, drop back and skip them. Darryl - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 150 Tue Aug 08, 1989 R.LOWREY at 22:02 CDT Check the July '89 issue of ST Action (English mag) for a center section full of hints & goodies on Populous... - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 151 Wed Aug 09, 1989 DMAY [Student] at 21:23 EDT I have compiled a list of passwords up to world number 217. This list is in the software library as file number 11667. And this list can be found in CAT 21 TOPIC 22 MG 9. Darryl - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 152 Sat Aug 12, 1989 DMAY [Student] at 15:51 EDT There is already a update to the password list. J.SATRIANO has uploaded a new version of the list which now contains over 120 passwords. The new list can be found in the software library as file #11709 Darryl - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 153 Sat Aug 12, 1989 J.SATRIANO at 17:00 EDT Well, I just broke the 200 mark.Can't say the game is really all that difficult yet. It's getting much faster paced, but it is still fairly easy to out populate the computer, even when his rate is up all the way. Has anyone gone past 250 yet? The only one I absolutly had to skip was the 175-179 blockade. These are completely impossible! - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 154 Sat Aug 12, 1989 J.RATKOS1 [JimR] at 22:04 EDT the August issue of The Games Machine has the passwords for all the worlds from 2-499 and even for level 999 if anyone is interested. this may make it more bearable for those IMPOSSIBLE levels. -jR - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 155 Sat Aug 12, 1989 MWADE at 21:50 PDT A friend of mine is in the 400's. He hasn't skipped any, he just has a lot of patience, more than me anyway. He has some neat techniques, including the "Mana Mountain". That's where you plant your cross in the middle of a group of castles, set "Go to Cross", when the leader gets there, tell him to build. Then build land into huge mountains around your castle, disrupting his settlements. -Michael - Category 9, Topic 70 Message 156 Sun Aug 13, 1989 J.SATRIANO at 12:50 EDT Yes, I think the Mana Mountain is the technique they described as the M-1 in the docs. It has saved many a game, but you have to be fairly strong to do it in the first place. I wish they had gone into more detail on their strategies. - For all those "Populous" players out there here are some passwords: World 0, GENESIS World 4, CALDIEHILL World 5, SCOQUEMET World 9, BURWILCON World 7, KILLPEING World 8, EOAOZORD World 11, NIMIHILL World 12, BILLEMET World 13, RINGMPED World 15, ALPOUTOND World 16, BADACON World 17, IMMUSILL World 18, HOBDIETORY World 19, BUGQUEEND World 21, CORPEHAM World 22, BINOZOND World 23, SADWILLOW World 25, QAZITORY World 26, VERYMEEND World 28, HAMHIPOLD World 30, SUZALOW World 31, DOUUSICK World 32, SHIDIEHOLE World 34, JOSTME World 35, TIMPEOLD World 38, SWAINGPAL World 39, KILLOHOLE World 42, MORHIPPIL World 43, NIMOUTJOB World 44, BILADOR World 45, RINGGBPAL World 46, WEAVINPERT World 47, ALPLOPOUT World 49, IMMPEPIL World 50, HOBOZJOB World 51, BUGWILLIN World 52, SHADOGODON World 54, BINMEOUT World 55, SADMPT World 56, LOWHIPBAR World 57, QAZOUTER World 59, MINGBDON World 60, HAMINMAR World 61, FUTLOPLUG World 62, SUZTT World 63, DOUPEBAR World 66, JOSOGOOD World 67, TIMOMAR World 68, CALMELUG World 69, SCOMPHILL World 71, KILLQAZED World 72, EOAEING World 74, MORINCON World 75, NIMLOPILL World 76, BILTHILL World 77, RINGOXMET World 79, ALPIKEHAM World 80, BADOGOOND World 82, HOBMEILL World 83, BUGMPTORY World 85, CORQAZME World 86, BINEHAM World 90, VERYYTORY World 91, MINOXEND World 93, FUTIKEOLD World 94, SUZOGOBOY World 95, DOUOLOW World 97, HURTDIHOLE World 99, TIMQAZAL World 100, CALEOLD World 102, SWAINDOR World 103, KILLSODPAL World 105, BUROXLAS World 107, NIMIKEPIL World 108, BILOGOJOB World 109, RINGUDOR World 110, WEAVDEPAL World 111, ALPDIPERT World 112, BADKOPOUT World 113, IMMQAZT World 115, BUGGBJOB World 116, SHADASLIN World 117, CORSODDON World 119, SADOXOUT World 120, LOWEAT World 121, QAZIKEBAR World 122, VERYQUEER World 123, MINULIN World 125, FUTDIMAR World 127, DOUQAZHILL World 130, JOSASING World 132, CALYMAR World 134, SWAEAHILL World 137, BURUING World 139, NIMDICON World 140, BILKOPILL World 141, RINGINGTORY World 143, ALPCEED World 146, HOBYCON World 150, BINQUEME World 153, QAZDILOW World 154, VERYWILICK World 155, MININGHOLE World 158, SUZASOLD World 160, SHIYLOW World 161, HURTAICK World 162, JOSUSHOLE World 163, TIMDIELAS World 166, SWADEBOY World 168, EOAWILPAL World 172, BILASPIL World 174, WEAVOUTLIN World 175, ALPAPAL World 177, IMMDIEOUT World 178, HOBQUET World 180, SHADPEJOB World 186, VERYMPBAR World 194, JOSPEER World 200, EUAMPMET World 202, MOROUTHAM World 207, ALPTMET World 209, IMMOZHAM World 213, CORMETORY World 215, SADHIPME World 217, QAZAOND World 220, HAMLOPHOLE World 227, TIMMEHOLE World 232, EOAGBDOR World 240, BADOPAL World 247, SADINDON World 253, FUTOGOING World 260, CALGBING World 265, BUREAMET World 270, WEAVDIILL World 276, SHADSODLOW World 281, QAZOGOOLD World 285, FUTKOPHOLE World 291, TIMYICK World 298, MORDIPAL World 304, BADSODLIN World 309, CORQUEBAR World 314, VERYINGLUG World 319, DOUYDON World 493, RINGAPAL 2=X For all those "Populous" players out there here are some passwords: World 0, GENESIS World 4, CALDIEHILL World 5, SCOQUEMET World 9, BURWILCON World 7, KILLPEING World 8, EOAOZORD World 11, NIMIHILL World 12, BILLEMET World 13, RINGMPED World 15, ALPOUTOND World 16, BADACON World 17, IMMUSILL World 18, HOBDIETORY World 19, BUGQUEEND World 21, CORPEHAM World 22, BINOZOND World 23, SADWILLOW World 25, QAZITORY World 26, VERYMEEND World 28, HAMHIPOLD World 30, SUZALOW World 31, DOUUSICK World 32, SHIDIEHOLE World 34, JOSTME World 35, TIMPEOLD World 38, SWAINGPAL World 39, KILLOHOLE World 42, MORHIPPIL World 43, NIMOUTJOB World 44, BILADOR World 45, RINGGBPAL World 46, WEAVINPERT World 47, ALPLOPOUT World 49, IMMPEPIL World 50, HOBOZJOB World 51, BUGWILLIN World 52, SHADOGODON World 54, BINMEOUT World 55, SADMPT World 56, LOWHIPBAR World 57, QAZOUTER World 59, MINGBDON World 60, HAMINMAR World 61, FUTLOPLUG World 62, SUZTT World 63, DOUPEBAR World 66, JOSOGOOD World 67, TIMOMAR World 68, CALMELUG World 69, SCOMPHILL World 71, KILLQAZED World 72, EOAEING World 74, MORINCON World 75, NIMLOPILL World 76, BILTHILL World 77, RINGOXMET World 79, ALPIKEHAM World 80, BADOGOOND World 82, HOBMEILL World 83, BUGMPTORY World 85, CORQAZME World 86, BINEHAM World 90, VERYYTORY World 91, MINOXEND World 93, FUTIKEOLD World 94, SUZOGOBOY World 95, DOUOLOW World 97, HURTDIHOLE World 99, TIMQAZAL World 100, CALEOLD World 102, SWAINDOR World 103, KILLSODPAL World 105, BUROXLAS World 107, NIMIKEPIL World 108, BILOGOJOB World 109, RINGUDOR World 110, WEAVDEPAL World 111, ALPDIPERT World 112, BADKOPOUT World 113, IMMQAZT World 115, BUGGBJOB World 116, SHADASLIN World 117, CORSODDON World 119, SADOXOUT World 120, LOWEAT World 121, QAZIKEBAR World 122, VERYQUEER World 123, MINULIN World 125, FUTDIMAR World 127, DOUQAZHILL World 130, JOSASING World 132, CALYMAR World 134, SWAEAHILL World 137, BURUING World 139, NIMDICON World 140, BILKOPILL World 141, RINGINGTORY World 143, ALPCEED World 146, HOBYCON World 150, BINQUEME World 153, QAZDILOW World 154, VERYWILICK World 155, MININGHOLE World 158, SUZASOLD World 160, SHIYLOW World 161, HURTAICK World 162, JOSUSHOLE World 163, TIMDIELAS World 166, SWADEBOY World 168, EOAWILPAL World 172, BILASPIL World 174, WEAVOUTLIN World 175, ALPAPAL World 177, IMMDIEOUT World 178, HOBQUET World 180, SHADPEJOB World 186, VERYMPBAR World 194, JOSPEER World 202, MOROUTHAM World 209, IMMOZHAM World 215, SADHIPME World 217, QAZAOND World 493, RINGAPAL 2 For all those "Populous" players out there here are some passwords: World 0, GENESIS World 4, CALDIEHILL World 5, SCOQUEMET World 9, BURWILCON World 7, KILLPEING World 8, EOAOZORD World 11, NIMIHILL World 12, BILLEMET World 13, RINGMPED World 15, ALPOUTOND World 16, BADACON World 17, IMMUSILL World 18, HOBDIETORY World 19, BUGQUEEND World 21, CORPEHAM World 22, BINOZOND World 23, SADWILLOW World 25, QAZITORY World 26, VERYMEEND World 28, HAMHIPOLD World 30, SUZALOW World 31, DOUUSICK World 32, SHIDIEHOLE World 34, JOSTME World 35, TIMPEOLD World 38, SWAINGPAL World 39, KILLOHOLE World 42, MORHIPPIL World 43, NIMOUTJOB World 44, BILADOR World 45, RINGGBPAL World 46, WEAVINPERT World 47, ALPLOPOUT World 49, IMMPEPIL World 50, HOBOZJOB World 51, BUGWILLIN World 52, SHADOGODON World 54, BINMEOUT World 55, SADMPT World 56, LOWHIPBAR World 57, QAZOUTER World 59, MINGBDON World 60, HAMINMAR World 61, FUTLOPLUG World 62, SUZTT World 63, DOUPEBAR World 66, JOSOGOOD World 67, TIMOMAR World 68, CALMELUG World 69, SCOMPHILL World 71, KILLQAZED World 72, EOAEING World 74, MORINCON World 75, NIMLOPILL World 76, BILTHILL World 77, RINGOXMET World 79, ALPIKEHAM World 80, BADOGOOND World 82, HOBMEILL World 83, BUGMPTORY World 85, CORQAZME World 86, BINEHAM World 90, VERYYTORY World 91, MINOXEND World 93, FUTIKEOLD World 94, SUZOGOBOY World 95, DOUOLOW World 97, HURTDIHOLE World 99, TIMQAZAL World 100, CALEOLD World 102, SWAINDOR World 103, KILLSODPAL World 105, BUROXLAS World 107, NIMIKEPIL World 108, BILOGOJOB World 109, RINGUDOR World 110, WEAVDEPAL World 111, ALPDIPERT World 112, BADKOPOUT World 113, IMMQAZT World 115, BUGGBJOB World 116, SHADASLIN World 117, CORSODDON World 119, SADOXOUT World 120, LOWEAT World 121, QAZIKEBAR World 122, VERYQUEER World 123, MINULIN World 125, FUTDIMAR World 127, DOUQAZHILL World 130, JOSASING World 132, CALYMAR World 134, SWAEAHILL World 137, BURUING World 139, NIMDICON World 140, BILKOPILL World 141, RINGINGTORY World 143, ALPCEED World 146, HOBYCON World 150, BINQUEME World 153, QAZDILOW World 154, VERYWILICK World 155, MININGHOLE World 158, SUZASOLD World 160, SHIYLOW World 161, HURTAICK World 162, JOSUSHOLE World 163, TIMDIELAS World 166, SWADEBOY World 168, EOAWILPAL World 172, BILASPIL World 174, WEAVOUTLIN World 175, ALPAPAL World 177, IMMDIEOUT World 178, HOBQUET World 180, SHADPEJOB World 186, VERYMPBAR World 194, JOSPEER World 200, EUAMPMET World 202, MOROUTHAM World 207, ALPTMET World 209, IMMOZHAM World 213, CORMETORY World 215, SADHIPME World 217, QAZAOND World 220, HAMLOPHOLE World 227, TIMMEHOLE World 232, EOAGBDOR World 240, BADOPAL World 247, SADINDON World 253, FUTOGOING World 260, CALGBING World 265, BUREAMET World 270, WEAVDIILL World 276, SHADSODLOW World 281, QAZOGOOLD World 285, FUTKOPHOLE World 291, TIMYICK World 298, MORDIPAL World 304, BADSODLIN World 309, CORQUEBAR World 314, VERYINGLUG World 319, DOUYDON World 493, RINGAPAL 2= POPULOUS DOCUMENTS TYPED BY THE JESTER INTRODUCTION As a Divine Being... You have a group of followers from whom you derive your power. The more followers you have and the greater their achievements, the more power you wield. Unfortunately, there is another group of people who follow a different deity. Since there's barely enough room in the world for your own magnificence, two won't do. You must rid the world of the opposition. To do this, you will use your great power to move the earth and your devout followers to crush the misguided. TUTORIAL - A predefined game that allows you to test our your various powers. CONQUEST - Conquest consists of nearly 500 fixed worlds, with each world getting progressively harder. You'll start on Genesis. Once you've defeated the opposition, you're given the name of a more challenging world. The next world you go to depends on the final score in your previous game. The higher the score, the more difficult a world you're given (to match your skills). You must defeat your opponent in a world before you can advance to the next one. Choose from START GAME to start the game or NEW GAME to enter the name of a new world. When you play in Conquest mode, you're always the Good supreme being. Before you enter each world, you'll get a briefing on the world's landscape, your enemy, and other helpful game information Note:You cannot change any game play options or use paint map in conquest mode. CUSTOM - The custom game lets you modify over 60 game parameters, design your own worlds and even play another human opponent on another computer via modem or datalink cable. TUTORIAL MODE - In the top left corner of the screen you have the Book of Worlds, this is a small map of the entire world that you are fighting over. The small black and white cross shows you where the centre of the Closeup map is. You will find that the cross is currently in the top corner of the map. Click on the Book of Worlds to move the closeup map directly to that point, this is the quickest way of moving around. Look for the blue dots, these are your people. Using the left mouse button click on one of the 8 directional arrows and scroll the closeup map around. Using the Zoom to Leader icon you will find that the closeup map is centred on your leader, the one carrying the Ankh. The leader is vital to the control of your people, as he is the only Walker that you can directly advise and control. Using the Zoom to Leader icon is very important to your ability to move quickly around the map amd for your monitoring of the progress of your people. Next you should locate the Evil leader, use the map and look around the middle left side, you will see some red dots, these are the Evil walkers. The Evil leader carries the small skull with him. Zoom to your leader, click on the Query icon and then click on your leader with the top left corner of the shield. This shows the strength of your leader in the two bars in the bottom right corner of the large information shield. See the Query section about shields for more details. Now find the Evil leader, place and leave the shiled on him. This allows you to see how strong he is and also to watch what he gets up to. Click on the Raise and Lower Land icon, then zoom to your leader and see what's happening. Then click on the Zoom to Shield icon, this now allows you to find and trace the Evil leader. Zoom to your leader again. Unpause the game by clicking on the Pause icon, your leader and people will now walk about until they find some flat land to build on. As soon as they find it they will build a house. The type of house depends upon the area of surrounding flat land that can support the building. The small huts can be supported by 1 or 2 areas of land whereas a castle requires large areas to support it. Click on the Raise and Lower Land icon;this gives you a hand pointer. Place the pointer in the closeup map near to your leader, so that the small black and white cross is at the top of an angular piece of land, then click the right mouse button to remove that lump of land. This is the standard mode that you play the game in, you raise with the left button and lower with the right button. Raise and lower land so that areas of flat land appear, on to which your people can settle. You should now have mastered the basic techniques needed to play the game. Zoom to sield and see what the Evil leader is doing, the Evil people will be building flat land and building bigger houses. These are exactly the things that you should do to expand your domain. Click on the Place Papal Magnet icon, this now gives you a small Ankh cursor with a small black and white cross, place the cross in the bottom corner of an Evil building and click the left button. This will place your Papal Magnet in that building. Click on the Go To Papal Magnet mode, your people will now walk towards your leader and your leader will walk towards the Papal Magnet. Scroll the closeup map so that you can watch your leader as he walks towards the Papal Magnet, people should walk to your leader and join up with him. When he gets about half way to the Evil lands, click on the Settle mode icon, he should now build a house on the nearest flat land, as should all your other people. Raise and lower land so that there a number of buildings on the screen. Try and make at least one of them into a round tower or castle, make sure that the leader is in a castle. The leader is in the building with the Ankh next to it. Check that the pointer by the Manna Bar is past the Knight icon, if it is, then click on the Knight Divine Intervention icon, however if it isn't then you must wait intil the pointer reaches that point. Continue if it is not past the Quake icon. When you knight your leader, you turn him and the building he is in, into a free spirit fighting force. Your knight is not under your control and will not follow the instructions that the rest of your people do. As you create a knight you will find that the Papal Magnet is moved to the point at which your leader was knighted, this is the same effect as when your leader is killed. Click on the Go To Papal Magnet mode so that your people will go to the magnet and create a new leader. Zoom to Knight, to find out where your knight is. You should find that he has walked off towards the Evil people and may have started attacking them. Follow your knight and see what destruction he causes to the buildings. When a knight destroys a house he also destroys the land that surrounds it; this is shown by the darker patchwork land that appears after the knight has been through. Go into Settle Mode so that your people start expanding their lands, click on the Book of Worlds, find some of your people and create land for them so that they continue to thrive and build houses. This is vital part of every game. You must make sure that your people are supplied with flat land to build on. Every now and then in the game you must return to your people and create some new terrain on to which they can settle. Find an area in the Evil land that is covered in nice red buildings, make sure that you have this in the closeup map and then click on the Earthquake special effects icon. this will shake the ground and destroy buildings in that area. Place your Papal Magnet in the Evil lands, preferably in one of his houses. Then click on Go to Papal Magnet mode so that your people walk towards his lands and start attacking his people. When your people get into his lands, click on Fight mode; this tells your people to attack any enemy that they can find and then build houses. You have now mastered the Tutorial Mode and can start Conquest mode. GAME PLAY SCREEN - This screen contains all the controls you'll need to impose dominion over any world. The screen is divided up into five parts: Book of Worlds, Closeup map, Manna Bar, Information Shield, and Command Icons. Book of Worlds: This shows you the entire world you're in. The crosshair shows you where you're currently viewing. The red dots are the Evil walkers and the dark grey dots are Evil settlements. The blue dots are the Good walkers and the white dots are Good settlements. Light grey dots are rocks. Click on any spot on the Book of Worlds to bring up the immediate are on the Closeup Map. Closeup Map: This is the area of the world you can directly influence using your Command Icons: add or remove layers of terrain, invoke a catastrophe, guide your followers, etc. See the "Closeup Map" section for details on what you'll see on this map. Manna Bar: The Manna Bar shows a series of icons; these icons are your Divine Intervention Icons. The Raise and Lower land icon on the far left requires the least manna to do, while Armageddon on the far right requires the most. The arrow next to the Manna Bar marks what Divine Intervention Icons that you can use: you have the power to invoke any command to the left of the marker. The more manna you gather the farther the marker will move right, and the more commands you can execute. Shield Summary: The shield gives information on the current size of the two populations and the status of the shield bearer. See "Query" in the Command Icons section for complete details. Command Icons: These icons control game play. See the Command Icons section for complete details. Closeup Map - Here are the things you'll see on your Closeup Map: Papal Magnet. the Papal Magnet is your sacred symbol. If you're Evil the Papal Magnet is a Skull, if you're Good it's an Ankh. The Papal Magnet is the focus point through which you can control your leader and walkers. People. There are three types of people in Populous. To find out the status of a character, use the "Query" Command Icon. Walkers: Walkers are your primary population. Walkers do whatever you tell them: follow the leader and Papal Magnet, fight the enemy, settle in an area, etc. Use the Influence Behaviour Commands (described in the Command Icons section)to tell them what to do. Any time two of your walkers bump into each other, they combine to make one stonger walker. The strength of the walker depends on the numbers of members in the group and the weapons that they use. As the game progresses walkers will become more intelligent. Leader: You can only have one leader in existence at a time. This is the first person who touches the papal magnet. Think of him as a High Priest. You always start a game with a leader. Knight: If you have enough manna, you can turn your leader into a knight. Knights are fighting machines. They look for the enemy walkers or settlements, kill people amd burn down settlements. The knight will continue to systematically destroy the enemy until he has been killed. You can have as many knights as you have manna to make, though they may join together to form a single stronger knight. Miniature Papal Magnet. A miniature Papal Magnet is always attached to your leader so that you can identify him. Settlements. Settlements range from primitive huts to intricate castles. Castles are errected in areas of 5x5 or more contiguous fields. Once a walker settles he builds the largest settlements he can, determined by the proportion of that 5x5 land which is flat. Castles increase your population the fastest but they also take the longest to fill. Walkers youe ever-important pioneers, will not emerge from a settlement until it is full. As long as walkers do not emerge, you will have nobody searching for new flat lands to settle on(and proliferate!). There are good and bad points to having a large settlement as there are for small settlements. As an omnipotent being, you must decide which is the best move to make. Terrain. Terrain varies from world to world. Games take place on worlds that range from hot deserts to ice masses, with each terrain type affecting the game in different ways. i.e Walkers die faster in the desert, on Ice Worlds population increases more slowly and there are no technology levels. COMMAND ICONS  - To turn a command on or off, click on the icon. When a command is on, the square is highlighted Game Control Icons - These commands let you get general game play information FX -Sound effects. Turns the sound effects on or off. Music notes -Music. Turns the music on or off zzZZ - Pause. Turns the game pause on or off. Game Setup Click on this icon to bring up your game play options. Next to each of mthe following options is a square button. Click on the button to turn it on or off. When the button is out, the option is off. When the button is in, the option is on. One Player - Play against the computer Two Player - Play against another player via modem or Datalink. See the "Two Player Game" section for complete details. Play Game - Select this and then click on OK to resume the game. Paint Map - Select this and then click on OK to use paint map mode. When you use this option, the game pauses. Here are the keys you can use in paint mode Place Good Walker.  Place Evil Walker. Place tree or plant; press again on the same spot to cycle through the selection of trees and plants. Place rocks; press again on the same spot to cycle through the selection of rocks. Remove an object or person from the screen. Increase manna for Good. Increase manna for Evil. Mirror the landscape (make symmetrical). Clear the landscape of all terrain. Place Good leader. Place Evil leader. Lower manna for Good. Lower manna for Evil. <1-4> Select the landscape types. Good You control the good guys. Evil You control the bad guys. Human vs Computer You play against the computer. Computer vs Computer To watch the computer battle itself, choose this. You must choose a side; this is the side whoses actions you'll view in detail. Although the computer is set to fight itself, you can intervene at any time. Just issue a command the same way you would in a regular game. The computer moves pretty fast, so don't be surprised if you move the papal magnet and the computer immediatley moves it somewhere else. Conquest - Play the conquest game. This brings up the World to Conquer requester. Click on Start Game to accept the world described or click on New Game, type in another name and then press Return. Custom - Play a custom game. Choose this if you want to create your own maps or experiment with the various oppositions. Set the options you want and then click OK. Game Options - This brings up a requester with five options. The options you choose affect both players: Water is fatal. Fatal automatically kills everything that falls in the water. With this option off, you have the opportunity to save people. Swamps Shallow. A person falling into a shallow swamp dies and the swamp disappears. Bottomless swamps don't disappear afetr someone falls into them. Cannot build. Neither side can raise or lower a thing. This overides the two other build options. Build up and down. Build up and down lets you build and remove terrain. If you turn this off, you can only add terrain. Build near people/towns. Determines if you can change the landscape when there is a person on the screen or if you must have the flag from a town on the Closeup Map in oreder to change the landscape. Save a Game - This brings up a save game requester, this will catalogue the disk and list any saved games. Click in the File Name box and type in the file name followed by return or click on the name in the catalogue list. Click on the Save box to save the game to disk. If you are using a second drive or want to use a directory other than the root directory then click in the directory box and type in the details i.e. df1:name, this will then recatalogue the relevant disk. Load a Game - This brings up a load game requester, this will catalogue the disk and list any saved games. Click in the File Nmae box and type in the file name followed by return or click on the name in the catalogue list. Click on the LOad box to load the game from disk. If you are using a second drive or want to use a directory other than the root directory then click in the directory box and type in the details i.e df1:, this will then recatalogue the relevant disk. Move to Next Map - This brings up a random map that you and your opponent can fight over. The map is unrelated to those in your Conquest series. Selecting this option while in conquest mode is equivalent to selecting Restart this Map. Restart this Map - This starts the game all over again for the current map; any alterations that you've made will not appear. Surrender this Game - In Conquest mode, this lets you surrender the game; you will have to replay in this world again before you can continue to the next world. In all the other modes, it lets you quit the game and go to a new world. Game Balance Click on this icon with the left mouse button to bring up your options. Click on it with the right mouse button to bring up your opponents options. You can make each of the following available or unavailable by clicking on the square next to it: Can modify Land Can attack Towns Can attack Leader Can use Earthquakes Can use Swammp Can use Knight Can use Volcano Can use Flood Can use Armageddon At the bottom of the screen are the settings for Aggression and Rate. Click anywhere inside the bar to set the level. Aggression - The higher the setting, the more the computer will attempt to invade your land. Aggresion has no effect on a human player since you obviously can't dictate how aggressively he or she will play. Rate - Sets the rate that new population is added to settlements. The faster the setting, the faster a computer opponent will gain manna and proliferate. The computer may seem almost impossible to beat when this is set to maximum. Click on OK to accept these options and to continue with the game. Note : In conquest mode you cannot alter any of the above. Message If you're playing a two player game, either by modem or Datalink, then choosing this icon will bring up a requester. Type in the message you would like to send to the other player(up to a maximum of 20 characters) and press . A similar requester containing the message will appear on your opponent's screen. See the "Two Player Game" section for more details on playing against a human opponent. DIRECTION AND OBJECT ICONS - These icons let you control the movement of your Closeup Mapand find out information on that map. Direction Icons Press any of the direction icons to move the Closeup Map one point in that direction. You can use your numeric keypad in place of the direction icons, but the keypad is slower. Query Selecting this turns your cursor into a shield; use the shield to find out information about people or settlements. Using the top left corner of the shield, point at a person or at a flag flying by a settlement and then press the left mouse button, this is then the shield bearer. The Information Shield now fills with the following information on the person or settlement: Doing graphics with ed mode is bad so i will try to be brief (JESTER) The top right hand corner of the screen is a shield with 4 sections plus 2 bars either side. _ | || | || | | || 1 | 2 || | This bar is Good| ||-|| |This bar is Evil | || | || | | || 3 | 4 || | \ | /  !\_|_/ Quadrant 1: This shows which side this information is for: Ankh for Good,Skull for Evil. Quadrant 2: The more primitive the settlement, the more primitive the weapon. Fists and clubs are primitive, while crossbows and swords are more advanced. Quadrant 3: This is the subject that the shield is attached to. Quadrant 4: The information here depends on the subject. If you're viewing a settlement, the left bar (yellow) represents the size/strength and defensive value compared to a full castle. The green bar shows how close this building is to turfing out a new walker. When you're looking at a walker, the bars represent the strength of the walker. TheNre are three bars representing a walker's strength, only 2 of these are shown at any time. When the right-hand orange bar fills up, one small notch appears on the left-hand side orange bar and the right-hand side bar disappears. When both the orange bars fill up the display switches to show you a yellow bar and an orange bar, these work in a similar manner except they are higher values. A walker with a full yellow and orange bar is very tough. When you are looking at someone in combat the bars show the relative strengths of the two combatants. The larger blue and red bars next to the shield represent the populations, the higher the level, the more the populous you are. The small shield icon stays attached to the walker or settlement to remind you what you're looking at. If a walker with a shield enters a building then the shield will transfer to that building. If a walker leaves a building with a shield, the shield will transfer to that walker. If a walker dies the shield will vanish, unless he dies in combat in which case the shield transfers to his opponent. INFLUENCE BEHAVIOUR - Use these to control your followers. Go to Papal Magnet This causes your walkers to go to your leader who in turn goes to the papal magnet. If you don't have a leader, your walkers will head directly for the papal magnet; the first one to touch it will become your new leader. It is worth noting that people will not touch the papal magnet unless they are in this mode, however close they walk to it. Settle This commands your walkers to look for unsettled flat land, preferably unexplored. Once there, a walker will build the largest settlement he can. Gather Together This makes your walkers look for other walkers or settlements. When a walker bumps into another walker,they turn into a single, stronger walker. If they can't find anything to join they will settle. Fight Tells your walkers to look for enemiesto attack. If no enemies are in the vicinity ,the walker will just settle.  ZOOM ICONS - These commands let you go straight to a particular place on the map. Each time you zoom to a new subjest the Information Shield will show a summary of that subject, for about three seconds. After that, the Information Shield will go back to showing information for the shield bearer. If you don't have a shield bearer, the Information Shield will be blank. Zoom to Leader or Papal Magnet Click on this icon with the left button to show your leader on the Closeup Map. If you have no leader, you'll go to the papal magnet instead. Press the right mouse button to go to your papal magnet on the Closeup Map. Zoom to Knight or Settlements Press the left mouse button to show your knight on the Closeup Map. If you have more than one knight, press the left mouse button repeatedly to cycle through all of your available knights. If you have no knights, nothing will happen. Press the right mouse button to repeatedly cycle through each of your settlements. Zoom to Battle Each press of the left mouse button will cycle through each battle. If there is no battles taking place, nothing will happen. Zoom to Shield Press the left mouse button to show the shield bearer. Nothing will happen if you haven't assigned the shield to a person or settlement. To assign the shield on a walker or settlement, use the "Query" Command Icon. DIVINE INTERVENTION ICONS - These are the same items that are on your Manna Bar. The ones you can execute depend on the amount of manna you have; you can perform any divine intervention that is to the left of the arrow marker. It is very important to note that each of these actions require the expenditure of manna to perform and that the pointer on the manna bar will move to the left as you perform these actions. Each of the following options are available unless turned off under Game Setup. Raise and Lower Land This is the default mode. Place the hand anywhere on the Closeup Map and press the left mouse button to raise the land under the floating cross and the right mouse button to lower the land. You must have a walker or a settlement for this to work. Place Papal Magnet This lets you place your Papal Magnet anywhere on the Map. The Papal Magnet acts as a beacon for your followers. Click on the Place Magnet Icon and then click anywhere on the Closeup Map to plant it. To replant the Papal Magnet, click on the Place Papal Magnet Icon and click on any new location; the Papal Magnet will move to the new location. You must have a leader to relocate the Papal Magnet. You start the game with a leader, but if he dies, the first person to touch the Papal Magnet becomes your leader. If your leader dies or is knighted, the Papal Magnet moves to the spot where this happened Earthquake This causes the area in the Closeup Map to be randomly shaken up, destroying buildings and drowning people caught up in its effects. Be sure not to earthquake your people or settlements. Swamp This creates a swamp in any flat area. Anyone falling into the swamp will drown. If you selected the "swamps bottomless" option the swamp will remainafter it swallows somebody; the only way to get rid of it is to bury it by raising the land, or dig it out by lowering the land. If you don't select the bottomless option, the swamp will disappear once someone has fallen into it. Knight This causes your leader to be knighted. As a knight, he will look for the enemy, kill them, burnH down settlements and destroy their crop fields. The knight will systematically destroy the enemy until he has been killed. Remember, when you knight a leader, you no longer have a leader, which is why the Papal Magnet jumps to the knight. Have a walker touch the Papal Magnet to make a new leader. You can have as many knights as you have the manna to make. Volcano This causes the area in the Closeup Map to be raised up to a considerable height, destroying all buildings and creating rocks over the affected area. It requires A great deal of time and manna to repair the effects of a volcano. In order to get rid of the rocks, you must remove the terrain until you get down to water; then you can rebuild. Flood Raises the sea level by one over the entire landscape. If water is set to fatal, everything caught in the deluge will die. If not, you have the chance to work quickly to save your drowning population. Armageddon Both Papal Magnets are moved to the centre of the world and both populations uproot their homes and head to the Magnets, building land if necessary to cross water. Once there, they fight to the last. Once you select Armageddon,you cannot alter the flow of events in any way, so make sure your population heavily outnumbers your enemies before invoking this command. !COMBAT !- Since you don't directly control your people, there's not much you can do in the way of instigating or controlling a fight. As an instigator you can select the "Fight" icon; your peolpe will look for enemies they can attack beofre settling. Alternatively you can direct your troops to the Papal Magnet which is strategically placed in an enemy settlement. When your people enter combat,they'll fight until their strength bar is completely drained; at that point they die. The "Gather Together" Icon is a good command to use to make your people stronger.It tells people to combine to create a single, stronger person who will stand longer in battle. When you win a game in Conquest mode, you will see the Demonic presence who informs you status and the name of the next world to conquer. DIVINE TIPS - To reach the goal of ultimate ruler in this game, you'll want to do two things: build your population and chip away at the enemy's population. This section has tips that can help you reach ultimate rule. SPREAD OUT You can't divide and conquer if your followers are content with hanging out in their huts all day. They need to keep building and moving. Use the commands under Influence Behaviour Icons to control your people. WORK THE EARTH Terrain affects the people's ability to build and flourish. The flatter the land is, the easier it is to build on. You'll want to smooth the area where your people are trying to settle and ruin the land your enemy is trying to use. SETTLEMENTS : BIG vs SMALL Big settlements take more time to build and populate. If you're in desperate need of power, you won't to spend your manna in the construction industry.Big settlements, however, have a higher defence value and higher technology level; a big plus when the enemy is crawling into your territory. For a large settlement, you need flat land that's clear of objects. Small settlements are quicker to erect and populate. Having small villages lets you spread over a wider area faster. Unfortunately, huts are easier to conquer than fortresses. To have small settlements, don't make the area completely flat or object free. TWO PLAYER GAME - There are two ways to play against a human opponent: using a modem to connect to a remote player, or by using a null modem cable to connect the serial ports of two computers. To play in two player mode, both players will need original copies of Populous. Connecting in Datalink Mode 1. Get a null modem cable. You can probably find one from your local computer store. 2. Disconnect both machines from their power supply. 3. Connect the cable between the serial ports of the two computers. 4. Reconnect the power supply to both machines. 5. Boot the game on both machines and select Custom Mode. When the main game screen appears, click on the Game Setup Icon and then click on Two Players to bring up the Startup Serial Requester. 6. The default baud rate is 9600. If you want to use a different baud rate for the computers, click on the baud rate text box; a flashing cursor should appear. Backspace over 9600, enter a new baud rate, and press . The baud rate must be the same for each computer. 7. Now go to Starting the two player game. Connecting Modems in Voice Mode If you and your opponent can plug phones into your modem, then you can connect in voice mode. 1. Disconnect both machines from their power supply. 2. Connect the modem's serial cable to the computer. Then connect the modem to the phone line; your phone should be connected to the modem. 3. Call your friend on the phone and boot the game on both machines, both players should select Custom Mode. 4. When the main game appears, click on the Game Setup icon and then click on Two Players. You'll see the Startup Serial Requester. Click on the button next to "Datalink" and it will change to "Modem." 5. Next choose who is going to play good and evil, see Starting the Two Player Game below. 6. You will see a text input box above Baud rate that says "Send Login." You will also see a new button that says "Full serial checking." 7. Establish a data connection between the two computers by clicking in the Send Login box. 8. One player should type ATD and press . The other player should then type ATA in his Send Login box and press . This will cause the modem to send a carrier. Once the CD light on the modem lights up, the connection is established and both players should wait a couple of seconds and put their phones down. Now go to "Starting the Two Player Game." STARTING THE TWO PLAYER GAME First decide who will be Evil and who will be Good. If you want to be Evil, click on the button next to "I am Good" and it should change to "I am Evil". Unless you use a saved game, both players will start on the landscape which the Evil player is currently using. Both machines will use the evil players options. Using a Saved Landscape If you want to use a saved landscape, then both players nust have the same copy of that landscape. If you're plaing with two identical computers connected via datalink, just swap the disk from one computer to the other. Put the disk containing the landscape you want to use into a drive and click on the Use This Landscape button. Use the Load Game requester to select the landscape and load it. If you want to play on equal terrain, create your own map using the paint map mode and use Mirror Landscape to make a symmetrical terrain. You will also have to place any people in symmetrical positions. 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PLAY GAME. PAINT MAP8 GOOD#8 EVIL#B HUMAN VS ATARIB ATARI VS ATARIL CONQUESTL CUSTOM GAMEP_ GAME OPTIONSPi SAVE A GAMEPs LOAD A GAMEP} MOVE TO NEXT MAPP RESTART THIS MAPP SURRENDER THIS GAME/2A@?*,+,+))))p HGAME LOST  YOU HIM#BATTLES WON 0 0 -NUMBER OF KNIGHTS 0 0 7NUMBER OF TOWNS 0 0 ANUMBER OF CASTLES 0 0 PYOUR SCORE 0 K% `X,nK2, ",2:@JZn|(8Hj(X"3DUf 0PP@1$60vSET GAME OPTIONS( WATER IS HARMFUL( WATER IS FATAL2 SWAMPS SHALLOW2 SWAMPS BOTTOMLESS< CAN BUILD< CANNOT BUILDF BUILD UP AND DOWNF ONLY BUILD UPP BUILD NEAR PEOPLEP BUILD NEAR TOWNSOK'DNPQOSRabc ?  abc  ?@A?~~B>CANCEL"SEND A MESSAGEMESSAGE FROM GOODMESSAGE FROM EVILON TWO PLAYER SERIAL GAME SWITCHING BACK TO ONE PLAYER GAME IN PAUSEOTHER PLAYER HAS SAVED HIS GAME DO YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR GAME NOW AS WELLOTHER PLAYER HAS CHANGED GAME OPTIONSOTHER PLAYER HAS SELECTED PAINT MODEOTHER PLAYER HAS CHANGED SIDESOTHER PLAYER HAS CHANGED HIS OPTIONSOTHER PLAYER HAS CHANGED YOUR OPTIONSOTHER PLAYER HAS SELECTED COMPUTER ASSISTANCEOTHER PLAYER HAS TURNED OFF COMPUTER ASSISTANCEOTHER PLAYER HAS GONE OFF LINE, NOW IN ONE PLAYERSERIAL IO ABORTEDSERIAL CHECKSUM ERRORINCOMPATABLE LANDSCAPE ERRORINSERT THE ORIGINAL POPULOUS DISK IN A:GRASS PLANESDESERTSNOW AND ICEROCKYVERY SLOWSLOWMEDIUMFASTVERY FASTVERY POORPOORAVERAGEGOODVERY GOODCANNOT BE BUILTBUILT JUST ON TOWNSONLY BUILT UPBUILT ON PEOPLESHALLOWBOTTOMLESSHARMFULFATALYESNOMORTALIMMORTALETERNALDEVAGREATER BEINGDEITYGREATER DEITYMORTAL GODGREATER GODETERNAL GODWELL DONE YOU CONQUERED NOW BATTLE AT WELL DONE YOU HAVE CONQUERED EVILTHE BATTLE IS OVER BUT TRY RINGVERYKILLSHADHURTWEAVMINEOACORJOSALPHAMBURBINTIMBADFUTMORSADCALIMMSUZNIMLOWSCOHOBDOUBILQAZSWABUGSHIHILLTORYHOLEPERTMARCONLOWDORLININGHAMOLDPILBARMETENDLASOUTLUGILLICKPALDONORDONDBOYJOBEREDMEALTOUTQAZINGOGOQUELOPSODHIPKOPWILIKEDIEINASMPDIOZEAUSGBCEMEDEPEOXAEIOUTY MMARGV= (( ((  AB    CON:AUX:PRT:*         & (>(" j                      &    &2B                T      "     & DP Dv"4J $H> .h T@  (V "   $&0$&6           ,&* ,&$(b         H     0$0"4.  4.F42"(.&&,    2,*  X           2 $"0," 28, 40l""X">"<$2.62* &<* "D  .$ 4&$">:(& 2"2( 4&"4      (  D,&.(0,D6(0" "h06*@.82"@,x (.$.(.$.(b ( (($(&0 *LN.&( $   $$ $& & $ &0.$ $&,0," ( $(.X&*(.(( V  "4"64**   F , (*"<\*(r  L"  (" & $ (  "                       &. z &          "    8,8 :.6&     4(B           "&">  T*8           (^$.       0J& ""2 *"T"*< "    $4$4( &. $""<&:8>JVh8 `Tv, 2 8 4 $ \2$" J& .(2T>XJ"* .\L(p.D  \ HtF(<$ , BX      $        (,2$ $       $4. r "    $   v   & B$ j jbJH 4BD ( (*N .(: (<$B$. .( \h <  *$ ,J         <( N B ,      b      \$B             *(&,&      (f""  $  (   $  $"    P"B   ,*    :b  "p      $   ( .(             "   "  "   " V"      &"   $&                          $(  ("   ""*   " (,& ( ", ""  240&0 ,       &   6  6* "6* "   @L  &$            4  28 (,    "*(.*0H$8Z$8^$8B"6 04f*r  & X (                            ,0     D  4       @      "( $$&"$&"&$ < " (.$6\$0 *          *                                      F $ *$8* h2 <  0   $  &8XD|:<* ,  "  (lJ( (X&>&. . 4&f.,*   ."(:,Z8 ?R& ;3} $<$<' )Yan }<JI}<^ `  0Y133 }0}<  @0@ ?;>?@@?( 00 }Â<<000  ? ``NOoOA 3<33<<M}<?0}@<>$< *:ux]@@?q  @<7 Kb `NOϐoOm PX<HO<|  $ 6 0 } ?}@$` 30 }XB@<0|X` +505 }=<0(?X 3<}<. =?= 0oUU}}0505 T7T7  6 oO?< ߠ_ } < 0}p?p>????] ( A-1\_5,_Ϭ,<|@ /ͯ1pWϗ1+c?/opph/<?F8?,Q?zzI?>$@A A^ 6~p~4<8ͳ:Σ37K077go3s C,p 'II7<9?v i#C?? <@\` 6>b9|0s0p0p?p?;?; g ?u^O<,13O Gh(I} t pS3#ͣ1\c#    D`lB8\ ?d GpZu!1L 0  0  ||?<p FZz!30|g bFC<Z !`>`>??<O cs|NHD<< 3f`0 <30sp??0?0?9?;<Op} C5 `3[1 O0,  ?<5PD<!0`_TT717c̣0#fx>Z8! ^_ ?``?<@>98f3 ]CC<|3|0< 3 0?00???#g?Š`0Z    #g0>q:`0\77 3a<#3 : >>X 6N<O|| 33 ! 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