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Redmer and Noah Falstein Additional Background Art by Ken Macklin Sound Effects by Dan Filner Lead Playtester Kirk Roulston Playtesters David Popovich, Jim Current, Terry Bratcher, Matt Schneider, Tom Canham, Bret Barrett, and Ezra Palmer-Persen 񐰐      0                             𱐰󐰐            񰐰                           𱑰                                            򰐰򰐰           񰐰                                           󐰐                                                             򰐰򰐰     񰐰              𐰐                    0                       𲐰 󰐰                                                            𑰐         #  # #           #       ##         񰐰 󰐱           𐰑                                '         #  $                    򱐰      񱑰   %  󱐳          %                     %򰐱         &  ,  @@@@@@@@AB@A@@@ AA@@ @@ @@ AA@@@@AAC ` `````a`bc`gbb@dbAb`Ab`@@b `@@b `A@` `A` ab@@a f@@ b@@@` aA`a b@`a b@@``aBa e d a ` ` ` ` `a b` ac` aa` a `` bc ada``  aa`` a`A` bAa` a@`a` `@b`a ``Abe a`Ad` ab@e` `c@`b@b@`‚a `@ba a@`a` b@b `@```b` `` `a`` a  `g i`j`ak`dmodoeogogjkjn ``ici ``g`j a`e`kjnm`km`j j``h `jabf`mjli``jn`kicoeb`oeob`ofodmch bf f` c a f bcjk ``l``oeoioioioj`ohaohoigkk ihak ja``llo l`omnlk m``j gb`cg k`feo`no`nlojo`gobokok`oi`ohodnoch `d  ea` bdc bbb a```aa `a`bc bf`aab  a`i``b a``i``a` na`a``eh`ca`o`g o``gb`o`n o``j`` aoo```ooc` ``mo` ```ll`````bcl` ea`m` g``oa ia k` k` `g`` m` d`n ` ka ca i ae`i mg jc gkb e`dmd````kef`aknck mca`d` le`c`kf`g kfaaa jgaaaaoc`gjgadodacgih d`j` `kcah``gabb b b  ` d` ab`  `ea ``f ` aa``d `ag"d"c-! 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Squadron Leader Wing Commander Group Captain Leutnant Oberleutnant Hauptmann Major Oberstleutnant Oberst Airfield operations at Airfield out of action. Radar detection efficiency at Radar site demolished. HQ operating efficiency at Headquarters demolished. Industrial output at Factory in ruins. qppqppqqppprrprprrpqprpppprpppppprpp"""ppFlight Briefing Objective: Flight Plan: Main Target: Secondary Targets: Fighter Escort: Home Airfield: Your primary mission objective is to bomb the main target and do as much damage as possible. Approach the main target at None. Dive bomb the target from high altitude. Drop your bombload from a high level course. Bomb and strafe the target from low altitude. If the main target is destroyed and you have bombs remaining proceed to any secondary targets. After completing your bombing run, return to your home airfield. ,000 feet. Navigate via Waypoint 1. Navigate via Waypoint 1 and 2. Navigate via Waypoint 1,2 and 3. Objective: Flight Plan: Escorted Planes: Main Target of Escorted FG: Home Airfield: Your primary mission objective is to protect your bombers as they attack their targets. Fend off any enemy fighter attacks until your fuel runs low or until the bombers are out of danger. Stay close to the escorted bomber group, and remain at about the same altitude. Stay close to the escorted bomber group, and fly several thousand feet above their flight path. Objective: Start Location: Flight Plan: Home Airfield: Your mission objective is to intercept and breakup the German bomber formations before they attack their targets. Concentrate on the aircraft that are making their bombing approach. Your mission objective is to intercept any enemy fighters that enter your patrol area. These German fighters will be either escorting bombers or roaming in free ranging attacks. Your mission objective is to attack and destroy any British fighters that enter your patrol area. Your mission objective is to maintain your patrol flight plan despite any enemy attacks. Avoid and evade any enemy fighter opposition. Your patrol area is marked out by the waypoints on the Flight Briefing Map. Cruise between these points until you run low on fuel. Then return and land at your home airfield. On patrol at Ready for takeoff from Historical Engagement: Start Location: Flight Plan: Home Airfield: Historical Engagement: Main Target: Flight Plan: Home Airfield: Historical Engagement: Escorted Planes: Flight Plan: Main Target of Escorted FG: Home Airfield:  @xxNxxxxqxxxxx sxqpxxxxxpxpxsxqxqxqx"xNxxxrxrxxpxxxqxuxxpxpxpxrxsxpxxxpxsxxpxpxx!xNxxxrxrxxsxqxuxxpxpxpxrxsxpx xwx xxxx!xNxxxpxrxxxxqxuxqpxpxpxqxpx xxsx xx"xNxxxrxrxxpxxxqxuxxpqxpxrxsxpxpxpxsxxxxx%xNxxxrxrxxpxxxqxuxxpxpxpxrxsxpxpxxpxsxqxxxx%xNxxxrxxxxxqxuxqpxxxxrxxpxpxsxqxxxx%xNxxxNxNxx`* dxNxx]- b!xNxx]- e  xNxx]- d"xNxxZ- f" xNxxY( gxNxxX( f  xNxxW( f xNxxW' g !xNxxV' xNxxU4 g xNxxG0  x2 fb xNxxE1 !  bxNxxD1 $ `  xNxxB3 " ` !xNxxA3?$ fa xNxx@4>$ ga  xNxx?4># xNxx>4?T US  xNxx>3?Q TRx   xNxx>3?T TR a  xNxx=4>T17 a c  xNxx=3>S35 f xNxx=3=S54 g ea    xNxx=2>R !   c   xNxx=1? 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Flight group must attack main target of day's mission. 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Luftwaffe's main attack: Other Luftwaffe raids whose outcomes depend on the main attack: Minimum Level Current Level Select Spitfires or Hurricanes for today's mission. Select two plane types for today's mission. Your mission uses more than 2 plane types. Change your flight groups to 2 types. lE xqxqxqxxrxqxpxxpx E !  xsxpxxxxpxqxpxpxxxquE\YXXZ XXXXZ xrxxx xxxxpxpxsx quE\XXXYYZX YXXZX xrxx xpxpxpxxx E\XXYY[ YXXXX[ xrxxxxxsxpxpxpxxpquE\XXXYYZX YXZXZX xrxxxqxxsxxpxpxpxxpxquE\YXYYZ YXZXZ xxxxqxxsxxxpxxpx E !  lE @@x`* dxNxx]- b!xNxx]- e  xAx1xx]- d"x@x)XXXXX[hYx)/xxZ- f" x@x(XXXXXXXXYlYx(/xxY( gx@x(XXXXXXZhYx(/xxX( f  x@x(YYXXXXXZjZx(/xxW( f x@x)XYXXXZYx)/xxW' g !xAx0xxV' xC1xxU4 g xNxxG0  X2 fb xNxxE1 !  bxArpArp@prrArpAprppArq@pAr xxD1 $ `  xAp@ppAp@pq@ppApCp@ppApp@pppAp@pp@ppApxxB3 " ` !xArpArsq@rAr@pp@rppArq@pAqxxA3?$ fa xAp@pAp@ppqpCpAp@p@r@p@pppAp@pp@ppApxx@4>$ ga  xApArp@pp@prrAp@pApAp@pprp@pq@rr xx?4># xAB@@@A@@B@BB@@@@@@A@xx>4?T US  xNxx>3?Q TRx   xAx/xx>3?T TR a  x@x)  "  " !  x)xx=4>T17 a c  x@x(!"" " !#" !x(xx=3>S35 f x@x(!!" !# ! !x(xx=3=S54 g ea    x@x(!"" !# #x(xx=2>R !   c   x@x) "  !#   "x)xx=1? 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Airfield Gosport 11 Group Satel. Airfield Kenley 11 Group Sector Airfield Croydon 11 Group Satel. Airfield Biggin Hill 11 Group Sector Airfield West Malling 11 Group Satel. Airfield Lympne 11 Group Satel. Airfield Hornchurch 11 Group Sector Airfield Rochford 11 Group Satel. Airfield Gravesend 11 Group Satel. Airfield Eastchurch Coastal Command Airfield Detling Naval Station Manston 11 Group Satel. Airfield Hawkinge 11 Group Satel. Airfield North Weald 11 Group Sector Airfield Stapleford 11 Group Satel. Airfield Martlesham 11 Group Satel. Airfield Debden 11 Group Sector Airfield Northolt 11 Group Sector Airfield Hendon 11 Group Satel. Airfield Box 10 Group HQ Middle Wallop 10 Group Sector Airfield Warmwell 10 Group Satel. Airfield Boscombe Down 10 Group Satel. Airfield Filton 10 Group Sector Airfield Colerne 10 Group Satel. Airfield Duxford 12 Group Sector Airfield Spitfire factory at Woolston, Southampton de Havilland prop factory at Hatfield, Herts Short Bros. Stirling bomber factory Pobjoy Stirling bomber factory Redwing factory in Greater London Rollason factory in Greater London Vauxhall Motorworks Wellington bomber factory Hurricane factory at Kingston Hurricane factory at Langley Hurricane factory at Brooklands Bristol Aeroplane Co. at Filton  Ground Site:  Status:  Dist: Heading:  Air/Sea Report:  Alt: Flight Dir: Speed: Time: Dist: Heading: OOOOp@prp@pqBy@xAzx@xz pBp@pp@pp@pp@pAx@xxAx@xy@xx tBrp@pp@pqBy@xAz{y pDp@p@pp@pp@pAxAxAx@xxyx rDp@rrp@pAxAzx@xx@xzA@@@BB@@@A@ pCp@prq@qrAzxy@zxzxAy  pCp@pp@pq@qpCx@xxx@xxAxxAxAx@x  pCrp@ppppqBzxy@y@xy@xAx@x  pCp@pp@pp@@ppCx@xxx@xxAxxAxAx@x  rCp@prpBprAx@xxx@xxAxzzy @@@B@B@@@@@B@@@OOOi@jj@zxy@zy@zzz hBh@hh@hhBx@xxx@xxAx@xx@xxBx lBi@jiAzxy@xAy@zyAx hCh@hh@hhBx@xxx@xxAx@xx@xxBx jCh@hh@hhBx@xxx@xzx@xx@xxBx@@@@C@@@@@@@@@@CC ABz@yFzy@zx@xyBx@x@xCzAzBxAxCxAxBx@xx@xx@xx@xAx@xx@xCx xAxxBy@xBz@xyy@x@xx@xyBzx@xCzAzBxAxCxAx@xx@xx@xx@xxCx@xx@xC ABxAyABy@x@xzzxCx@xxCGA@@@@D@Axi@jjAzxy@zxzxAy@zD h@hh@hhCx@xxx@xxAxxAxAx@xxDxCDi@jiBzxy@y@xy@xAx@xzDCDh@hh@hhCx@xxx@xxAxxAxAx@xAxh@hh@hhCx@xxx@xxAxzzy@z@@@@D@@@@@B@@@Ay@zy@zyBzzzzxzx@xzGEEDx@xx@xx@xx@xx@xAxBx@x@x@x@xx@xy@xx DDDy@zx@xzyBz@x@z@x@xx@x{zGEDCx@xx@xx@xx@xx@xCx@x@x@x@x@xx@xxyAxGx@xx@xy@x@xx@xAz@x@x@x@x@xzx@xzG@@@@A@@AAAA@AA@@A@zzzzzy@xzz DxAx@xxBx@x@xx@xxxAx Cy@zxBx@x@xy@xy@z CxAx@xxBx@x@xx@xxxCxxAx@xz@x@zx@xxzzB@@AA@@@@@ Dzzx@xxAxzx@x! 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Industrial output at Factory in ruins. """B@@@qppqppqppppprprprrpqprpppprppppppr"""B @$@"@@@"!h! h"$" Flight information not available. 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The German fighter escort succeeded in attracting the attention of the intercepting RAF fighters and allowed the Ju 88s and He 111s to slip through and bomb targets in the Portland, Weymouth and Southampton area. Intercept the stream of He 111s escorted by Bf 109s that have crossed the coast and are heading for the Spitfire factory at Southampton. Concentrate on fending off the Bf 109s while your fellow Spitfire pilots attack the He 111s. On July 25, a convoy was headed west through the Dover Straits. Albert Kesselring, head of Luft- flotte 2, was determined to not let this convoy pass, so he sent his Stukas to dive bomb it. A large force of low flying Bf 109s was ordered to clear the way for the Stukas by drawing the Spitfires of 65 Squadron down from their patrol height. The Stukas were then free to dive bomb without enemy fighter opposition. Only 2 ships of the entire convoy reached their destination undamaged. As a member of 65 Squadron, fly your Spitfire to protect two of the convoy ships. Concentrate on attacking the approaching Stukas at high altitude. Avoid the fierce fire of the intercepting Bf 109s. Conserve your ammunition for shooting down the Stukas. On August 15, 1940, a group of Ju 88s from I/LG 1 used a low level approach to attack the airfield at Middle Wallop. They arrived so unexpectedly they surprised and all but wiped out 2 British squadrons on the ground. Only a few Spitfires of 609 Squadron managed to make it airborne while bombs were exploding behind them in the hangars. Get your Spitfire airborne quickly as there are several groups of Ju 88s about to attack the very runway you're sitting on. Attack the bombers and be sure your firing is accurate. You cannot afford to spend too much time with any one group. The coastal radar stations had top priority on the eve of Adler Tag. The Bf 110s of the elite Gruppe 210 were selected for this precision bombing mission. The four radar stations of Pevensey, Dover, Rye and Dunkirk were attacked by small groups of Bf 110s that slipped by the RAF fighter patrols. Pevensey, Rye and Dover were put out of action temporarily opening the way for other attacks later in the day against the forward airfields. Intercept the Bf 110 attack targetted for Rye and the neighboring station at Fairlight. The Bf 110s are making a low approach with Bf 109 escort. You are flying as wingman so protect your leader from Bf 109 attacks and intercept any Bf 110s that slip past him. Monday, August 12, 12:50 pm. As the Spitfires of 65 Squadron rolled towards their takeoff, a Group of Bf 110 fighter-bombers swept across the field, bombing and strafing. Moments later, a medium level attack by the Do 17s of KG 2 covered the field with 250 kg bombs. Scarcely any Spitfires made it aloft. Oddly, few RAF planes were hurt and the airfield was back in service 24 hours later. You will fly a Spitfire of 65 Squadron, trying to scramble into the air and meet the oncoming enemy aircraft. Turn northeast, into the attack, as you pass the buildings to the left of the airfield. Try to bring down the Bf 110s before they can drop their bombs. Then head for the Dorniers. On August 15, 1940, Alan Deere of 54 Squadron based at Manston was on patrol above Hawkinge and Lympne. These airfields were attacked by many waves of Stuka dive bombers escorted by Bf 109s. Despite a good showing by Deere's squadron, the Stukas heavily damaged both airfields with precise dive bombing attacks. As a member of 54 squadron fly your Spitfire to intercept the Stukas before they can damage the vital airfields. Your plane is positioned between the attacking planes and their targets. Intercept those groups of Stukas that are closest to dropping their warheads. On July 28, 1940 a unique dogfight took place between two of the top ace pilots on each side. "Sailor" Malan leading 74 Squadron based at Manston clashed with Werner "Vati" Molders, commanding JG 51. Both men were considered by their peers as possibly the greatest fighter pilots of the war. In the battle of Spitfires versus Bf 109s, both sides claimed victories and Molders barely nursed his damaged plane back to Wissant. Fly a Spitfire as part of Malan's 74 Squadron. Your flight begins over the Channel with the Bf 109s of Molders' JG 51 surrounding you on all sides. Shoot down as many as you can but watch out for the red-nosed plane of Molders. On August 17, 1940, Dover Chain Home reported the heaviest buildup of German forces yet seen in the battle. 11 Group brought every squadron to readi- ness. At about 13:00 Biggin Hill was attacked by Do 17s of KG 76. They attacked at low level and were met by Hurricanes from 32 Squadron. Ju 88s arrived shortly afterwards dropping their bomb loads from high altitude. The airfield received only minor damage. Takeoff immediately from Biggin Hill to thwart the multi-level bombing attack from Do 17s and Ju88s. Go for the Do17s which are closest to the airfield and their bomb release point. Next attack the Ju 88s approaching from higher altitude. The German strategy in the opening round of the Battle of Britain was to destroy all British shipping in the Channel. On July 10, 1940, several convoys were sailing in the Thames estuary and the Dover Straits. A large force of Do 17s from I/KG 2 escorted by Bf 109s from I/JG 3 attacked a convoy codenamed "BREAD" in the Dover Straits. Hurricanes from 56 Squadron based at Manston intercepted the attack. A massive dogfight ensued and the attack was repulsed with one ship sunk. Patrol and protect the convoy from the Do 17 bomber attack. You fly a Hurricane as part of 56 Squadron from Manston. There are several Rotte of Bf109s flying ahead and clearing the way for the bombers. Fly through the fighter shield and attack the Do 17s before they release their bombs on your convoy. On August 15, 1940, as part of the German effort to destroy all Fighter Command airfields, Bf 110s of the elite and experimental Gruppe 210 bombed the airfield at Martlesham Heath. Heavy damage was done to hangars and communication buildings. The Hurricanes of 17 Squadron whose base had been attacked intercepted the planes after the damage had been done. You are on patrol in your Hurricane above the Thames estuary. Bf 110s are attacking your home airfield to the North. Head east, and don't let any of the bombers reach your base. On August 30, a group of He 111s from II/KG 2 with an escort of Bf 110s came in over the English coast north of the Thames. Although they were heavily engaged by a strong group of Hurricanes from 242 and 501 Squadrons, they penetrated to Luton where they bombed the Vauxhall works. Extensive damage was done to the factory and there were heavy casualties. You are on patrol over the Vauxhall works where an He 111 bombing raid is imminent. The He 111s are protected by a strong escort of Bf 110s. Dodge the escort, taking advantage of your superior manueverability, and scatter the He 111s. On August 31, 1940, the German attacks on Fighter Command's airfields were coordinated perfectly to completely surprise the RAF defense. Biggin Hill and Croydon were attacked by Do 17s escorted by Bf 110s. The Do 17s employed a low level attack that gave the airfields little warning. At Croydon the Hurricanes of 85 Squadron were caught on the ground while taxiing for takeoff and had a difficult time intercepting the bombers and their escort. Both airfields suffered heavy damage. You are sitting in your Hurricane of 85 Squadron on the runway at Croydon. Do 17 bombers are right on the horizon making their bombing run. Get airborne quickly and intercept the attacks on your airfield and Biggin Hill. Avoid the Bf 110s and concentrate on the Do 17s. August 11 was a day of many dogfights between RAF and Luftwaffe fighters. While on patrol over the Dover Straits the Hurricanes of 32 Squadron were suddenly pounced upon by a Staffel of Bf 109s. The Hurricanes did well just to escape without any losses. Protect the flight leader and the other wingman in your "Vic" formation of Hurricanes as a "Schwarm" of Bf 109s close in around you. Watch for Bf 109s closing in on their tails. No plane is covering your tail so be on the watchout for fighters attacking you, the "Tail-end Charlie". On August 5, 1940 a convoy was sailing through the Straits of Dover during the early afternoon. Hurri- canes of 151 squadron were on patrol protecting it. Several Ju 88s made a bombing run with an escort of Bf 109s from JG 54. The Hurricanes efforts were successful in driving off the attack with several Ju 88s shot down. The convoy arrived without loss or damage. Attack the formation of Ju 88 bombers attacking your convoy. Their attack formation is spread out so each bomber is attacking alone with a Bf 109 escort. Follow your flight leader by gaining altitude to the level of the approaching attack and bringing down the bombers. On August 8, 1940, Luftflotte 3 sent a large force of Stuka dive bombers to attack a convoy codenamed "PEEWIT" south of the Isle of Wight. They were escorted on their mission by Bf 109s from JG 27. The Ventnor radar station alerted the British to the impending attack. Hurricanes from 145 Squadron made the first contact and furious combat resulted. In tremendous dogfights that lasted 20 minutes, many planes were shot down, but the Stukas achieved their mission by decimating the convoy. In your Hurricane above a few stragglers of the "PEEWIT" convoy, defend against the waves of Stukas that are approaching from almost every direction. Try to avoid the escorting Bf 109s and focus on the dive bombing Stukas. In the early morning of July 10, a flight of Dornier 17 bombers escorted by Bf 109s attacked a British convoy. In what was considered to be one of the opening salvos of the Battle of Britain, one ship was damaged and six RAF fighters were shot down, at a cost of fifteen German planes. Both sides considered it a victory. You'll need to stick close to the Dorniers to defend them, particularly before they have dropped their bombs. After the attack you can pursue the enemy fighters more vigorously. Escort the Zerstorers of Wilhelm Rossiger's Bf 110 section as they attack the RDF (radar) station at Rye. In this attack on August 12th, Rossiger missed the vital buildings and was only able to take Rye off the air for about six hours. A wave of defending Spitfires blunted the attack of the German fighter-bombers. You can turn the tables by hitting the Spitfires before they reach the raiding bombers. Try to bring down the Spitfires to the NNW of your position first. Remember, the Bf 110s you are escorting are very vulnerable on the approach. July 1940 was a period of experiment and a chess game of tactics. On July 24 the Bf 109s lead by Adolf Galland escorted 2 Staffeln of Do 17s in their convoy attacks. The watchful Keith Park, head of 11 Group, knew that Galland's Bf 109s would be running low on fuel heading back to their bases. He sent 610 Squadron south to cut them off on their return home. Kesselring countered by sending Bf 109s of JG 52 to guard Galland's JG 26. A battle ensued between JG 52 and 610 Squadron, but Galland returned safely. Fly your Bf 109 as part of JG 52 that is covering Galland's homeward JG 26. Defend them against the Spitfires counterattacking from the northwest. Don't allow Galland's group to get shot down. This time you join Adolf Galland, Ace pilot, in an escort mission. As Stukas attack Hawkinge and Lympne, it will be up to you to hold off the Spitfires of 54 Squadron, flying out of Hornchurch. Historically the Spitfires arrived too late, and Galland hung back during the bombing attack, waiting for opposition. When the RAF chased the successful Stukas out over the Channel, Galland closed in, adding a plane to his total on that day, the 15th of August. The nearest enemy planes are a few thousand feet above you to the North. Unlike the historical situation, they may be able to get to the Stukas before they bomb unless you can successfully defend the dive bombers. On August 30, 1940 the Bf 109s of Luftflotte 2 were unleashed to sweep across Southern England and clear the way for subsequent He 111 bombing missions against Fighter Command airfields including Kenley and Biggin Hill. The tactic was to exhaust and destroy any British fighter resistance with Bf 109 attacks so that the bombing attacks would fly unopposed. Keith Park of 11 Group understood the Luftwaffe's intentions and sent his fighters only when the bombers appeared on the radar screens. Fly your Bf 109 in a free ranging sweep ahead of the He 111 group which is attacking Kenley airfield. Protect the He 111s by flying ahead of their formation and intercepting the attacking Hurricanes before they reach your bombers. After your bombers hit Kenley protect them on their flight to the Channel. On August 12th there were three attacks made on the RDF stations at Pevensey, Beachy Head, and Fairlight by Bf 110s of the elite 210 Gruppe. To prepare for the attack, Bf 109 fighters engaged the nearby Spitfires of 601 Squadron, flying out of Biggen Hill, and tried to draw them East, away from the attack. The attack, though accurate, was not particularly damaging, but the Germans escaped unscathed. Do your best to engage the Spitfires on patrol before they close on the planes you are escorting. Don't hesitate to use your 20 mm cannons to bring down the Spitfires quickly. You should have enough machine gun ammunition to mop up afterwards. On July 28, 1940 a unique dogfight took place between two of the top ace pilots on each side. "Sailor" Malan leading 74 Squadron based at Manston clashed with Werner "Vati" Molders, commanding JG 51. Both men were considered by their peers as possibly the greatest fighter pilots of the war. In the battle of Spitfires versus Bf 109s, both sides claimed victories and Molders barely nursed his damaged plane back to Wissant. Fly a Bf 109 as part of Molders' JG 51. Your flight begins over the Channel with the Spitfires of Malan's 74 Squadron surrounding you on all sides. Shoot down as many of the Spitfires as you can but watch out for planes on your tail. If the odds are too overwhelming, don't hesitate to head for France. August 12th was a busy day for both the Luftwaffe and the RAF. An attack on Ventnor by Ju 88 bombers virtually shredded the radar installation, and when Spitfires showed up to retaliate, Bf 109 escorts dove in, starting a bloody dogfight. The bombers escaped while the fighters tangled over the Isle of Wight. Try to fly close escort with the bombers, but don't pass up the opportunity to take out a Spitfire and even the odds. Be careful not to get between a friendly tailgunner and a Spitfire! The elite Erprobungsgruppe 210 accompanied three Staffeln of Ju 88s in an attack on Biggin Hill airfield at about 5:30 in the afternoon on August 31st. About thirty bombs were dropped on the field, but the fighters were away over Kent at the time, and damage was light. Escort the attacking Junkers bombers and guard them from attack. The incoming fighters will concentrate on the bombers, and should be fairly easy to pick off. But stay near the Ju 88s, or they'll be shot down long before you make the Channel. In the morning of August 12, 1940 the day before the scheduled Adlertag offensive, the Luftwaffe attacked the British radar stations, putting several of them temporarily off line. This allowed the afternoon attacks to approach without being seen by the British. One of these attacks was carried out by the tireless Gruppe 210 equipped with bomb carrying Bf 110s against the forward airfield at Manston. Many of the Spitfires of 65 Squadron were bombed on the ground, others barely made it airborne. Your Bf 110 is over the Channel east of Manston airfield poised for low level bombing attack. Head straight for the airfield, aiming for any of the hangars or Spitfires on or near the runway. Make your attack as quick as possible because there are sure to be Spitfires on patrol in the vicinity. The coastal radar stations had top priority on the eve of the "Eagle Day". The Bf 110s of the elite Gruppe 210 were selected for this precision bombing mission. The four radar stations of Pevensey, Dover, Rya and Dunkirk were attacked by small groups of Bf 110s that slipped by the RAF fighter patrols. Pevensey, Rye and Dover were put out of action temporarily opening the way for other attacks later in the day against the forward airfields. Your mission target in your Bf110 of Gruppe 210 is the radar station at Pevensey. Your mission begins at your home airfield at Samer. Fly across the Channel evading the Hurricane patrols and bomb the building near the base of the radar tower. It contains vital radar and communication equipment for the RDF system. The final go ahead for "Eagle Day" was given at 2:00 on August 13, 1940. The first aircraft to takeoff were Bf 110s based near Caen. They thought that the radar station at Ventnor had been destroyed from the previous day's bombing action and they anticipated reaching the English coast undetected. The Bf 110s were given permission to attack any targets they chose. On reaching the coast they were unexpectedly confronted with several squadrons of Spitfires who thwarted their attack. Join the first official raid of "Eagle Day" by flying your Bf 110 in a bombing mission aimed at the sector airfield at Tangmere. Prepare yourself for attacks from the many Spitfires in your path. On August 15th, Hauptmann Rubensdorffer, the Swiss-born leader of the fabled 210 Gruppe, was finally brought down while leading an attack on Kenley sector airfield. The Bf 110s of his group caused serious damage to the buildings serving the field, but the swarms of RAF fighters that flocked in proved too much for the slower 110s. As part of Erprobungsgruppe 210, you will fly a bombing mission on Kenley. Make your hit on the first pass, and then make your way east to safety over France. Watch out for incoming fighters, and try to use your superior forward firepower to hold them off. On August 31, 1940, the Luftwaffe continued its unrelenting bombing attacks against Fighter Command airfields. The sector airfield at North Weald was among those attacked that morning. Do 17s from KG 2 were escorted by Bf 110s of ZG 26. This raid was followed on radar by the British. Park vectored Hurricanes of 111 Squadron already airborne to intercept. They caught the Do17s and Bf 110s in a head-on attack and broke up the raid. The Bf 110s gave a poor performance escorting the Dorniers. Flying a Bf 110 escort the Dorniers on their bombing raid against the airfield at Northweald. Your approach is from the east. Stay as close to the Do 17s as possible, defending them from heavy Hurricane attack. Just before Noon on the 11th of August, the fabled 210 Gruppe led a one-two punch on a British convoy. The Bf 110s came in first, bombing the ships and sweeping out as Dornier 17s from KG 2 made a level bombing pass on the same ships. The convoy was saved from substantial damage by the timely arrival of defending fighters. You'll need to do double duty in your 110 today. After making a precision run on one of the convoy ships, head east to cover the approach of the Dorniers from attacking fighters. Then escort the bombers on the way back home. On the afternoon of August 15th, while Adolf Galland was off to the east escorting a Stuka mission, some Bf 110 pilots got the chance to show that their plane was a fighter as well as a bomber. Hurricanes from 87 and 213 squadrons based in Exeter attacked Zerstorers of V/LG 2. Squadron leader John Dewar of 213 squadron's "B" flight participated in the attack, which broke off with inconclusive results and losses on both sides, showing that the 110 could occasionally draw against Hurricanes. Your best chance is to stick close by your leader, and go after the Hurricanes that attack him. They will ignore you until you start firing, so line up for a close attack and blast them with your cannon. Don't chase them far from your leader! In the first major confrontation of the battle, on July 10, 1940 Stuka dive bombers escorted by Bf 109s from JG 26 attacked a convoy in the Channel. Spit- fires of 54 squadron from Manston were ordered to intercept. They in turn tangled with the Bf 109s of JG 26. The ensuing battle sent the convoy into chaos. Only a few ships managed to slip through undamaged. Test your skill at precision bombing, and watch out for the RAF fighters on the way. Use your rear gun to hold them off. On August 15, 1940, Stukas of II/St.G 1 attacked the forward airfield at Lympne. Spitfires of 54 Squadron intercepted but did not prevent the dive bombers from scoring heavily on the airfield. Follow your flight leader in a dive bombing attack on Lympne. Proceed directly to the target and dive from 10,000 feet. Keep a sharp eye out for the Spitfires of 54 Squadron. During your withdrawal the Spitfires will intensify their attack when you are most vulner- able. Hurricanes of 501 Squadron rushed to stop a Stuka attack on shipping in the Thames Estuary. The Stukas attacked a destroyer before being driven off by the deadly Hurricanes, on patrol from the nearby Gravesend airfield. Your Stuka will be in considerable danger as you attack. Try weaving as you go in if you are spotted by the defenders. Once you've dropped your bombs, head for home as quickly as possible. Use your rear gunner to hold off attackers. August 13th proved to be an unlucky day for the defenders of Detling airfield. Attacking Stukas scored one of their few unqualifed successes of the Battle, destroying all the hangers, 22 aircraft (mostly naval planes, not RAF fighters), cratering runways, and even killing the station commander. Follow your Staffel's two leading Stukas in, and try to hit any targets they miss. If you are particularly daring you can bomb or strafe any fighters still on the ground, but watch for counterattacks. Attack the Ventnor Chain Home radar station as you re-live the events of August 16th. At that time the Stukas were successful, knocking the RDF station off the air for an entire week, but they were intercepted by Spitfires of 152 Squadron on their return across the Channel. Follow your leader, and hit any buildings he leaves untouched. The fighter opposition will be tough on the way out, and you may have to ditch in the Channel. On August 18, 1940 the death-knell of the Stuka was rung in the Battle of Britain. The Stukas of I/St.G 77 were sent to attack the radar station at Poling. They were met by a strong contingent of Spitfires from 152 Squadron and Hurricanes from 435 Squadron. Without proper fighter escort almost half of the Stuka Gruppe was destroyed on the return flight. Such losses could not be sustained and they were withdrawn from the battle. Attack the Poling Chain Home radar station in a dive bombing mission. Strong enemy fighter opposition is expected. Starting over the Channel, the target is due north. Beware of enemy fighters! At one o'clock in the afternoon on August 16th, Stukas hit Tangmere field. Hurricanes of 1, 43, and 601 Squadrons scrambled to meet them, but the dive bombers caused heavy damage, seriously wounding 41 and killing 20, including the first American pilot to die in the Battle of Britain. Follow standard procedure, staying in formation to hit any buildings left by your fellow pilots. Another British convoy was the target on August 12th as Stukas swarmed like an angry hive of hornets. But on this occasion Spitfires of 65 Squadron and Hurricanes of the 501st were ready, intercepting the bombers before they reached their targets. The Stukas were chased away at the cost of several Hurricanes. You'll need a great deal of skill as well as luck to successfully complete this mission. Your Stuka is no match for the fighters coming up against it, and you'll have to use your guns long before you can use your bombs. Good luck! As part of the softening up of Fighter Command in preparation for "Eagle Day", the Luftwaffe targetted several of the forward airfields in Kent. The airfield at Lympne was the target of the Dorniers of Major Outzmann's I/KG 2. With a strong fighter escort of Bf 109s, the Do 17s attacked the field at low altitude and delivered a hail of bombs that tore up the runway and destroyed several hangars. The DO 17 was well suited for these low level attacks that often surprised the British defenses. As part of Do 17 bombing attack fly your Dornier behind Major Outzmann in a low level approach against the Lympne airfield. Attack from the east at 1000 feet. On August 30, a Group of Do 17s from Luftflotte 2 attacked a convoy in the Thames estuary. Spitfires from 54 Squadron flying from Manston were vectored to intercept this raid. The bombers were forced to jettison their bombs before reaching the convoy. Fly a Dornier Do 17 on the bombing attack against the convoy in the Thames. Head directly for the nearest ship and drop half your bomb load on it. If you can hold off the attacking Spitfires, head for the ship further away to deliver the rest of your bombs. Hermann Goering selected August 13 for Adler Tag, the beginning of the great offensive to finish off Fighter Command. As part of the initial attack this day, Johannes Fink was to lead his Do 17s with Bf 110s escorting against the airfield at Eastchurch. The attack was recalled but Fink's group did not receive word and continued on unescorted. They reached their target and bombed it but were unprotected against the fierce counterattacks of the Spitfires of 74 Squadron. Some of Fink's best crews were lost to these Spitfires. Bomb the airfield at Eastchurch as part of Fink's ill-fated opening mission of Adler Tag. Follow your bomb leader in a low level bombing attack while keeping an eye for the Spitfires. Your flight starts in the Thames estuary and proceeds southwest to the target. On August 15, 1940 the Luftwaffe directed its efforts against British factories that were vital to its aircraft industry. A large force of Do 17s from II/KG 3 was given the task of attacking the Stirling bomber factories. The bombers heavily damaged both factories, delaying production schedules for many months. Flying a Do 17 as part of the bomber attack, follow your flight leader in a low level approach against the Pobjoy factory. Hurricanes have been vectored to intercept. Another factory lies just a few miles to the north. If you have any bombs remaining, drop them there. On the day after Adler Tag, Hugo Sperrle, the head of Luftflotte 3, sent nine formations of He 111s to attack along the south coast of England across a front of one hundred miles. This ploy was an attempt to scatter the defending fighter cover and allow small groups of bombers to slip through. In an attack against the sector airfield at Middle Wallop it almost succeeded. The dispersed Spitfires of 609 Squadron managed to intercept the He 111s just as they bombed their airfield. Fly wingman behind your flight leader in an attack against Middle Wallop. The Spitfires of 609 Squadron whose airfield you are attacking are converging on your small formation. As the Luftwaffe targetted Fighter Command's air- fields for destruction, they realized that they needed to destroy the fighters at their source, the factories that produced the Hurricanes and Spitfires. On September 4, 1940, a bombing raid was designed for just this purpose. A formation of He 111s attacked the Hawker Hurricane factory at Brooklands and the nearby Wellington bomber factory. Hurricanes of 253 Squadron intercepted too late to prevent damage, especially to the Wellington factory. Join the He 111 bombing raid on the Hurricane and Wellington bomber factories. You will be following a group of He 111s aimed at the Hawker factory. When you arrive finish off any remaining buildings, then head west to the Wellington factory. Beginning on August 24, 1940, the Luftwaffe stepped up its attacks on Fighter Command airfields. The period from August 24th to September 6th the Luftwaffe's efforts almost succeeded in finishing off Fighter Command. As part of this effort a formation of He 111s raided the sector airfield at North Weald. The support of Bf 110s on escort fended off the intercepting Hurricanes of 151 Squadron. The bombs fell squarely on the station's buildings causing considerable damage. Fly a He 111 on the raid against North Weald on August 24. Follow your flight leader as he approaches from the southeast. Watch out for Hurricanes that may break through the Bf 110 escort. Bomb the hangars and buildings from about 8000 feet. On August 30, a formation He 111s from II/KG 2 with an escort of Bf 110s came in over the English coast north of the Thames. Although they were heavily engaged by a strong group of Hurricanes from 242 and 501 Squadrons, they penetrated to Luton where they bombed the Vauxhall works. Extensive damage was done to the factory and there were heavy casualties. As part of He 111 formation of II/KG 2, attack the Vauxhall works from the east at 10,000 feet. Bf 110s will escort and try to fend off the attacking Hurricanes. In preparation for Adler Tag or "Eagle Day" the Luftwaffe concentrated their attacks against the British RDF system. On August 12, 1940, a large formation of Ju 88s from KG 51 attacked the Chain Home station at Ventnor. Approaching from the east, the bombers scored several direct hits on the buildings of the radar compound. Only after the attack did Spitfires from 152 and 609 Squadrons intercept. Fly your Ju 88 against the Chain Home station at Ventnor. Fly a level course westward at 4000 feet until over the target. Use the radar tower as your aiming point to drop your bombload. If you miss on your first pass, swing around for just one more attempt. The counterattacking Spitfires will be closing quickly on you. On August 15, 1940, a group of Ju 88s from I/LG 1 used a low level approach to attack the airfield at Middle Wallop. They arrived so unexpectedly they surprised and all but wiped out two British squadrons on the ground. Only a few Spitfires of 609 Squadron managed to make it airborne while bombs were exploding behind them in the hangars. Re-enact the attack on Middle Wallop on August 15 by flying your Ju 88 with two other bombers in a low level bombing run against the planes parked on the runway. Follow your flight leader and make your approach from the south. Once the element of surprise has been lost, don't loiter over the airfield as British fighters will be counter- attacking. At 13:00 hours on August 17th, Biggin Hill was attacked by Do 17s of KG 76. It had been intended that Ju 88s of II/G 76 would attack simultaneously from medium altitude while the Do 17s approached from low altitude. Owing to a missed rendezvous over France the Do 17s attacked first, and the Ju 88s arrived later. The disorganization of the attack allowed Hurricanes of 32 and 610 Squadrons to intercept and score victories against both groups. The bombers did little damage. Attack from medium altitude in your uJu 88s while trying to fend off the alerted Hurricane fighters. Do 17s are preceding you in the attack. If they are successful, finish off any buildings still standing at the airfield. On the afternoon of August 13, 1940, the Luftwaffe sent the Ju 88s of LG 1 toward Southampton in hopes of attacking targets there. Escort was to be pro- vided by Bf 109s of JG 53 and Bf 110s of ZG 2. The escort was poorly coordinated and the Ju 88s were intercepted by large numbers of Spitfires without most of their protection. In the battle that followed the Ju 88s fared poorly against the massed guns of the Spitfires. The Ju 88s turned back without completing their bombing mission. Fight through the Spitfire attack and bomb the Spitfire factory near Southampton. A pair of Bf 109s of the planned fighter escort is providing cover for your mission.   yA group of Do 17s escorted by Bf 110s are attacking a convoy in the Channel. Break up the attack before it can bomb the convoy. Small waves of He 111s tightly escorted by Bf 109s attack the Spitfire factory near Southampton. Stop them! Defend a Channel convoy from Stuka dive bombing attacks. Numerous Bf 109s are supporting the Ju 87s in their mission. Several Ju 88 medium bombers attack the Middle Wallop airfield as you sit on the runway. Get airborne and attack them. On the eve of Adler Tag, prevent Bf 110s from destroying vital radar stations in the RDF network. As you takeoff from Manston, Bf 110s and Do 17 bombers are both attacking your airfield. Intercept and destroy several waves of Stuka dive bombers as they attempt to obliterate 2 Fighter Command airfields. Engage one of the Luftwaffe's top aces, Werner Molders, and his staffel of exper- ienced Bf 109 fighters in a fierce dogfight. Do 17 and Ju 88 bombers approach Biggin Hill at several altitudes. Takeoff and intercept them. A Channel convoy is under attack from Do 17 bombers protected by Bf 109s. Fight through the fighter screen and stop the bombers. A staffel of Bf 110s has targetted your home airfield for destruction. Intercept them in the Thames estuary. A small formation of He 111s with heavy Bf 110 escort attacks an aircraft factory. Evade the fighters and destroy the bombers. Takeoff from Croydon to intercept a wave of Do 17 bombers attacking your airfield and Biggin Hill. Your "Vic" of Hurricanes clashes with a "Schwarm" of Bf 109s. A stream of Ju 88s escorted by Bf 109s make bombing runs against a convoy. In a battle against all odds save a doomed convoy from the lethal bombs of Stuka dive bombers. Engage a group of Hurricanes as they attack your Do 17 bombers. Escort the Bf 110s of Gruppe 210 in their attack on the radar installation at Rye. Protect the legendary Adolf Galland on his return from a fighter intercept mission. Escort Stuka dive bombers during their attack on 2 Fighter Command airfields. In a free ranging fighter sweep, clear a path for He 111 bombers on their bombing mission against the Kenley airfield. Three separate Bf 110 attacks against radar installations need your protection. Engage one of the RAF's top pilots, "Sailor" Malan in running battle for air supremacy over the Channel. Escort a group of Ju 88 medium bombers on their attack at the Ventnor Chain Home radar station. Escort a pair of Ju 88 medium bombers on their attack against Biggin Hill. Raid the forward airfield of Manston and destroy the planes of the Spitfire squadron based there. In a prelude to the "Eagle Day" offensive, attack the Chain Home Radar station at Pevensey. Attack the Tangmere airfield. Your mission is unescorted and many Spitfires stand in your way. Bomb the airfield at Kenley and face fierce fighter attacks during your dash to the coast. Escort a group of Do 17s on their bombing mission against the North Weald airfield. A strong force of Hurricanes oppose you. Attack a convoy t 3hen protect a group of Dorniers on their bombing run on the same convoy. In a face off between the RAF's Hurricane and the Luftwaffe's Bf 110, protect your leader in a fierce free chasing dogfight. In the opening round of the battle, attack a convoy of ships in the Channel. Escorting Bf 109s protect you from attacking Spitfires. Dive bomb the forward airfield at Lympne while under fire from the Spitfires of 54 Squadron. Join the second wave of dive bombers attacking a convoy in the Thames estuary. As part of the great Luftwaffe attack on Adler Tag, dive bomb the forward airfield at Detling. Knock out the Ventnor Chain Home radar station. Beware of the defending Spitfires. In the face of heavy fighter opposition, dive bomb the radar station at Poling. Join the attack on the sector airfield at Tangmere. Follow several other Stukas and bomb any remaining hangars. Against all odds attack two ships with your lone Stuka. Many Hurricanes and Spitfires are defending. In a low level attack, bomb the forward airfield at Lympne. Attack two ships in the Thames estuary. Watchout for Spitfires intercepting from Manston airfield. In the opening attack of Adler Tag, join the initial wave of Dorniers on their attack on the airfield at Eastchurch. Bomb the aircraft factories at Rochester in an attempt to disrupt production of Stirling bombers.   Avoid the attacking Spitfires to bomb the sector airfield at Middle Wallop. Attack two factories vital to the British aircraft industry. Bomb the Hawker Hurri- cane and Wellington bomber factories. Join the bombing raid on North Weald as the focus of attacks is on Fighter Command's airfields. Bomb the factory at Vauxhall. Bf 110s provide protection from the fierce Hurricane attacks. Complete a two pronged attack on the Biggin Hill airfield. Fly a low level attack as other He 111s bomb from high altitude.  Join a bombing mission aimed at the Ventnor Radar Station on the eve of "Eagle Day". Using a low-level bombing approach attack the Middle Wallop sector airfield in the western- most part of 11 Group. Attack the sector airfield at Biggin Hill as Hurricanes intercept. Attack the single most important aircraft factory in England, the Spitfire factory at Southampton.   W#    6 C &  !*&& && $ $$ $ $$      ss=PKUZPIJVL LJUM=LQR== >W# )* $-   9 *  *+ *+ % $% , $, - $- $ $$     s15:5P94:=KDKA-39>?HCIJDK=12W#A L >=  (. 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Practice takeoffs and landings and dogfight Bf109s to learn attack and evasive fighter maneuvers. Intercept and attack a lone German medium bomber. Learn to attack from the sun and avoid return gunfire. Intercept and destroy a German medium bomber that has a Bf 109 escort. Practice takeoff and landing procedures and learn gunnery skills and deflection shooting against circling enemy planes. Engage 2 Bf110s in a dogfight to learn attack and evasive fighter tactics. Intercept and attack a lone German medium bomber. Learn to attack from the sun and avoid return gunner fire. Intercept and destroy 3 Ju87 Stuka dive bombers as they approach a ship in the Channel. Practice takeoff and landing procedures and learn gunnery skills and deflection shooting against circling enemy planes. Escort an He 111 on its bombing mission against a British airfield. Spitfires respond to your attack. Engage 2 aggressive Spitfires in a head to head dogfight to learn the strengths and weaknesses of your aircraft. Escort Ju87 Stuka dive bombers on their dive bombing mission against a radar site. Beware of the intercepting Spitfires. Practice takeoff and landing procedures and learn forward gunnery skills against circling enemy planes. In a gunnery target practice exercise, concentrate on shooting down incoming enemy fighters from the rear gunner seat. Takeoff from Coquelles and bomb and strafe the unprot ected fighters sitting near the runway at the Lympne airfield. Escort a He 111 medium bomber in its bombing mission against a radar site. Several Hurricane formations are defending. Practice dive bombing attack on lone, undefended ship in Channel. In a gunnery target practice exercise, concentrate on shooting down incoming enemy fighters from the rear gunner seat. Dive bomb British airfield on coast as Hurricane fighters defend. Follow flight leader in group of Stukas as they attack a ship in the Channel. Several Spitfires are intercepting you. Practice bombardiering skills in a high altitude level bombing run against an undefended radar site. In a gunnery target practice exercise, concentrate on shooting down incoming enemy fighters. In a simulated bombing mission, raid an airfield while enemy fighters intercept. Using a low level approach and flying behind the flight leader, attack a defended radar installation. Practice bombardiering skills in a high altitude level bombing run against an undefended radar site. In a gunnery target practice exercise, concentrate on shooting down incoming enemy fighters. In a simulated bombing mission, raid an airfield while enemy fighters intercept. Using a low level approach and flying behind the flight leader, attack a defended airfield. Practice bombardiering skills in a high altitude level bombing run against an undefended factory site. In a gunnery target practice exercise, concentrate on shooting down incoming enemy fighters. Use a high level bombing approach to attack the radar station at Rye. Hurricane fighters are circling the skies overhead. Follow your flight leader in a dive bombing mission against the radar station at Forness. Groups of Spitfires are prowling the skies. W#      HU & $&           UUMLTTZ[SYWTgUXW# KL ** **            I: 9:;9W9>9W;;=QI LW# AL  $             cdVfdI]lY:;9W`Z9;:=QILW# AL " $"          k|Ie`A:;9WaY9^c]={ILW#  aa           qb2mjjmo W# *',*+(((+)@D  , $, , $, , $,      I:JP<<8>8<:=;===IK W# ' +(((+)@D &  &- &-         ISLVKPPI8<:=;===ILW#(+)@@     7 $7 7 $7       0/1,24'623(Ixkt{rIxurI;===IJ Work on your gunnery skills by shooting down the enemy planes that are circling in front of you. See how quickly you can down the four aircraft. Listen up, lads. These are the basic skills you'll need to survive against Jerry. Take this time to practice while you're safe, so that when the real fighting starts you'll have a chance to come home and raise a pint afterwards. Practice takeoffs and landings. See how quickly you can get airborne and engage the two Bf 109 aircraft in a dogfight. Improve your skill in deflection shooting and learn how to fly evasively. These 109s are tough birds. Not as tough as your Spitfire, but they'll do. You can outturn them if you're quick, but don't make the mistake of giving one plane all your attention while the other chews you to bits. There's not much armour on a fighter! Intercept a Heinkel bomber before it can drop its load of bombs. Practice approaching from out of the sun, and concentrate on hit and run tactics. Taking on a bomber is quite a new ball of twine. The easiest approach is to chase him, and blast away his tail. But his dorsal and belly gunners will have a field day with you. Try quick, high angle, high speed attacks to avoid his gunners. Intercept a bomber on the way to bomb the Pevensey RDF station. There will be a fighter escort. Your primary objective is to destroy the bomber. Escorted bombers can be a particularly sticky wicket. If you concentrate on the bomber, the fighter can chew you up. Take on the fighter first and you risk letting the bombs fall. It's best to finish the bomber fast, then have a fighter dessert. Practice takeoffs and landings. Work on your gunnery skills by shooting down the enemy planes that are circling overhead. See how quickly you can get your fighter into the air and into combat. Getting your bird into the air in a hurry can save your life, so don't make the mistake of dismissing this training as trivial. When you're taxiing to a takeoff through falling bombs, you'll be glad of the time you spent in practice. We're sending you up against two 110s for this round of training. You'll find their rear gunners make life more than interesting. Use this chance to practice your evasive manuevers. The Bf 110 is a formidable opponent, but they do have their weakness to exploit. Use your superior agility to attack from below. Stay out of the way of their forward cannon. And remember that you can outclimb them if you have to. Show them the colours of the Union Jack! We're saving our Spitfires for the enemy fighters, so use this opportunity to get the feel of combat with a German bomber. Destroy the bomber, or cause it to break off its attack before it reaches the target. This should be a straight forward mission, lads. Try your skill at hunting Hun bombers. Perhaps a head-on attack, from an angle to throw off his nose gunner. Then back in time for a spot of tea! Defend a convoy against an attack by three Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers. Try to stop all three bombers before they can begin their dive on the ships. The Stuka was a boon to the Luftwaffe in Poland, but we think we've got the planes and the tactics to make mincemeat of them. Try getting close from below and behind, in their blind spot, before letting loose with a long burst of gunfire. You will practice proper takeoff and landing procedures. You are also instructed to shoot down any enemy aircraft in the vicinity of your airfield. Only a pilot who has mastered the basic techniques of flying can expect to excel with advanced man- uevers as well. You are advised to practice fast takeoffs, and learn when it is best to use your machine guns, and when to use your cannon. Your assignment is to train in escort tactics. You will be escorting a single Heinkel 111 medium bomber. It is your duty to keep the Britishers away from the bomber. You will find that you must go to full throttle when attacking, even though your fuel reserve may be low. Only through aggressively attacking any enemy fighters can you hope to save the bomber. Hit the enemy when he lines up for an attack run. Two Spitfires will be flying against you in this simulated battle. You must serve the Fatherland by bringing these planes down rapidly, mach shnell! The British think highly of their planes, but you will find that the 20 mm cannon in your fighter can make short work of them. Practice rapid turns and loops to see if you can get on their tail. Use your machine gun for questionable, high deflection shots, and your cannon when you are in perfect position. You will be escorting some Junkers 87 dive bombers on a bombing run against a British Electrodetection station. Keep enemy fighters away from the Stukas. Stick close to the Stukas until the enemy is sighted, then get between them. The enemy fighters will target the Stukas before you if they get a chance. Use this to your advantage, and don't chase them too far and leave the bombers undefended. You are instructed to repeat the takeoff and landing drill until you can execute it with perfection. To aid in your gunnery practice, shoot down any enemy planes in your area. The 110 is a versatile, well armed plane. Learn its handling characteristics as you practice, and see what is the best approach to shoot down a fighter. Master the science of gunnery as you fire on enemy planes. You are to be issued unlimited ammunition in this drill to allow you to practice for an extended period. You have many options in gunnery with the Bf 110. Try using both of your forward weapons, as well as the rear gun. With practice, you can fly at an enemy, firing with your cannon, then switch to your rear gun to finish it as it passes you by. Take off from your base in France and cross the English Channel, bombing and strafing the airfield that is your target. Use your map to find it. You'll get a chance to do a little of everything on this mission. Use your guns on enemy aircraft, and your bombs on the buildings at the airfield. The replay camera will help you learn from mistakes. Press the 'T' key to accelerate time and decrease your flight time to and from the target. Escort a Heinkel 111 bomber in its mission to bomb a British Electrodetection installation. RAF Hurricanes will try to bring the bomber down. The Hurricanes will be concentrating on the 111. You can use this to get on their tail when they line up for an attack run. But don't waste time, and be careful not to shoot through or past them and hit your own bomber. Perfect your dive bombing techniques in practice against a convoy, undefended by enemy fighters. You will find it useful to glance to the left when in a sharp dive to gauge the angle of your attack. An attack angle of 70 degrees is considered to be optimum. Experiment with dropping your bombs in a single group, or in two separate drops. You will be issued unlimited ammunition for this gunnery practice mission. Be advised that in a real mission the Luftwaffe will not be as generous with its supplies. Practice controlling the rear gun manually. When you are in a dive on a target you will find it extremely useful. Take care not to fly into the water while you are looking behind you. Avoid Hurricane fighters and use your bombs to destroy a British airfield. Your Stuka is not built to be a superior fighter. Try to use your guns to hold off the enemy, instead of concentrating on shooting him down. Manual use of the rear gun can conserve ammunition. Follow your flight leader in a dive bombing attack on a convoy. Defend yourself against Spitfires on Combat Air Patrol. Strict formation discipline is required if you are to survive to serve the Luftwaffe in other missions. Use your bombs on any ships undamaged by your leader, and use your guns on any Spitfires that venture within range. Practice high level bombing against an undefended target. Drop your bombs and return to your base in France. In order to learn how to bomb from high level, you must practice bombing under consistent conditions. Line up on the target, attain and hold your desired speed and altitude, and experiment to see exactly when to release the bombs to achieve a hit. Practice manning the gun positions in your medium bomber. Shoot down all attacking enemy fighters. Put your Dornier on a level heading, and then move control to the gunnery positions. Use the warning lights to follow enemy fighters, and switch to the active positions to practice gunnery. Wait until the fighters are in range before firing. Make a bombing run on your primary target, a British airfield. Destroy the target and return to base. Your biggest problem is likely to be enemy fighter cover. Practice splitting your time between the pilot, bombardier, and gunner positions. Try both high and low level approaches, to gain familiarity with both techniques. Follow your flight leader in a low level bombing raid. Keep in close formation to aid in defense. Drop your bombs and return to base safely. On low level attacks in company with other planes the ground and your fellow bombers will be very nearby. Leave your guns on automatic, and keep your full attention on a precision bombing run. Practice high level bombing against an undefended RDF station. Drop your bombs and return to your base in France. In order to learn how to bomb from high level, you must practice bombing under consistent conditions. Line up on the target, attain and hold your desired speed and altitude, and experiment to see exactly when to release the bombs to achieve a hit. Practice manning the gun positions in your medium bomber. Shoot down all attacking enemy fighters. Put your bomber on a level heading, and then move control to the gunnery positions. Use the warning lights to follow enemy fighters, and switch to the active positions to practice gunnery. You can try putting your nose gun on automatic and man- uevering your plane to steady the gunner's aim. Make a bombing run on your primary target, a British airfield. Destroy the target and return to base. Your biggest problem is likely to be enemy fighter cover. Practice splitting your time between the pilot, bombardier, and gunner positions. Try both high and low level approaches, to gain familiarity with both techniques. Follow your flight leader in a low level bombing raid. Keep in close formation to aid in defense. Drop your bombs and return to base safely. On low level attacks in company with other planes the ground and your fellow bombers will be very nearby. Leave your guns on automatic, and keep your full attention on a precision bombing run. You may have enough bombs to hit a secondary target. Practice high level bombing against an undefended target. Drop your bombs and return to your base in France. In order to learn how to bomb from high level, you must practice bombing under consistent conditions. Line up on the target, attain and hold your desired speed and altitude, and experiment to see exactly when to release the bombs to achieve a hit. Practice manning the gun positions in your medium bomber. Shoot down all attacking enemy fighters. Put your bomber on a level heading, and then move control to the gunnery positions. Use the warning lights to follow enemy fighters, and switch to the active positions to practice gunnery. Wait until the fighters are in range before firing. Bank your Ju 88 to avoid attacks from the side. Make a bombing run on your primary target, a British RDF station. Destroy the target and return to base. Your biggest problem is likely to be enemy fighter cover. Practice splitting your time between the pilot, bombardier, and gunner positions. Try low, high, and dive bombing approaches. You should find dive bombing to be the most accurate and safe. Follow your flight leader in a dive bombing raid. Keep in close formation to aid in defense. Drop your bombs and return to base safely. Perfect your dive bombing techniques in practice against a coastal radar installation. The Ju 88 was designed to withstand the stress of a dive bombing attack. Like the Stuka an attack angle of 70 degrees is preferred. 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SKEYS_70H^_79 SKEYS_80H^_89 SKEYS_90H^_99 SPEED_COHUNT SPR_ADRSHTpEND SUPPLY_BHlR_ADRSSCROLL_BH]UFADRS2 *$"&            J      t@    6(,    " &.           * L> ,    " t:       $   $              D          . 8$   (  @2jjN  ^  Hi People!! - Unfortunately I didn't get the original manual of THEIR FINEST HOUR, so I had to find out all by myself. It could be possible that I've forgotten some functions, but the most important functions I've probably found. -L T H E I R F I N E S T H O U R -C#- - 3 : View Down - 4 : View left - 5 : View Down (?) - 6 : View right - 8 : Cockpit View - 9 : Track View (use Mouse!) - + : Power up - - : Power down - 2 : Rear Gun (if exist) - A : Autopilot (if exist) - G : Rear Gun (if exist) - R : Replay Film - T : Time mode (normal or fast) - W : Territory info - L : Landing Gear up/down - M : Mapmode - C : Camera on/off - X : Switch MG/Cannon (if exist) - F : Flaps up/down - J : Bail out - Q : Quit Mission -ESC: Quit Program - F1: View Back - ALT-P : Pause on/off - ALT-S : Sound on/off - ALT-V : Show Versionnr.  The TUNE RADIO function in the mapmode is no more important, because it had just the job to check the manual' frequence list! 3Have fun! 7SCC of T.D.A. #a0 #b0 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703103 #d - #E 19 01 #W 01 01 02 07 0A 09 08 A:\*.*@ #W 02 01 1C 06 0A 09 08 A:\*.*@ #W 03 01 10 0A 0A 09 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 0F 0A 15 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A A Crack by@ @ #M 01 00 00 FF B T.D.A.!!!@ @ #T 03 00 02 FF PAPIERKORB@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ d6: %lx d7: %lx { Wissant Luft 2 Airfield JG 51 Samer Luft 2 Airfield JG 3 Coquelles Luft 2 Airfield JG 52 Audenbert Luft 2 Airfield JG 26 Campagne-Guines Luft 2 Airfield JG 54 Mardyck Luft 2 Airfield JG 2 Lille Luft 2 Airfield ZG 26 + KG 53 Arras Luft 2 Airfield KG 2 Rs.-en-Santerre Luft 2 Airfield KG 1 Cherbourg Luft 3 Airfield JG 53 + JG 27 St. Aubin Luft 3 Airfield ZG 2 Corm.-en-Vexin Luft 3 Airfield KG 76 Caen Luft 3 Airfield St.G 1 Ventnor Chain Home Radar Station Pevensey Chain Home Radar Station Rye Chain Home Radar Station Dunkirk Chain Home Radar Station Canewdon Chain Home Radar Station Bromley Chain Home Radar Station Bawdsey Chain Home Radar Station Worth Chain Home Low Radar Station Poling Chain Home Low Radar Station Truleigh Chain Home Low Radar Station Beachy Head Chain Home Low Radar Station Fairlight Chain Home Low Radar Station Dover Chain Home Low Radar Station Foreness Chain Home Low Radar Station Walton Chain Home Low Radar Station Stanmore Fighter Command HQ Uxbridge 11 Group HQ Tangmere 11 Group Sector Airfield Westhampnett 11 Group Satel. Airfield Gosport 11 Group Satel. Airfield Kenley 11 Group Sector Airfield Croydon 11 Group Satel. Airfield Biggin Hill 11 Group Sector Airfield West Malling 11 Group Satel. Airfield Lympne 11 Group Satel. Airfield Hornchurch 11 Group Sector Airfield Rochford 11 Group Satel. Airfield Gravesend 11 Group Satel. Airfield Eastchurch Coastal Command Airfield Detling Naval Station Manston 11 Group Satel. Airfield Hawkinge 11 Group Satel. Airfield North Weald 11 Group Sector Airfield Stapleford 11 Group Satel. Airfield Martlesham 11 Group Satel. Airfield Debden 11 Group Sector Airfield Northolt 11 Group Sector Airfield Hendon 11 Group Satel. Airfield Box 10 Group HQ Middle Wallop 10 Group Sector Airfield Warmwell 10 Group Satel. Airfield Boscombe Down 10 Group Satel. Airfield Filton 10 Group Sector Airfield Colerne 10 Group Satel. Airfield Duxford 12 Group Sector Airfield Spitfire factory at Woolston, Southampton de Havilland prop factory at Hatfield, Herts Short Bros. Stirling bomber factory Pobjoy Stirling bomber factory Redwing factory in Greater London Rollason factory in Greater London Vauxhall Motorworks Wellington bomber factory Hurricane factory at Kingston Hurricane factory at Langley Hurricane factory at Brooklands Bristol Aeroplane Co. at Filton  Ground Site:  Status:  Dist: Heading:  Air/Sea Report:  Alt: Flight Dir: Speed: Time: Dist: Heading: OOOOp@prp@pqBy@xAzx@xz pBp@pp@pp@pp@pAx@xxAx@xy@xx tBrp@pp@pqBy@xAz{y pDp@p@pp@pp@pAxAxAx@xxyx rDp@rrp@pAxAzx@xx@xzA@@@BB@@@A@ pCp@prq@qrAzxy@zxzxAy  pCp@pp@pq@qpCx@xxx@xxAxxAxAx@x  pCrp@ppppqBzxy@y@xy@xAx@x  pCp@pp@pp@@ppCx@xxx@xxAxxAxAx@x  rCp@prpBprAx@xxx@xxAxzzy @@@B@B@@@@@B@@@OOOi@jj@zxy@zy@zzz hBh@hh@hhBx@xxx@xxAx@xx@xxBx lBi@jiAzxy@xAy@zyAx hCh@hh@hhBx@xxx@xxAx@xx@xxBx jCh@hh@hhBx@xxx@xzx@xx@xxBx@@@@C@@@@@@@@@@CC ABz@yFzy@zx@xyBx@x@xCzAzBxAxCxAxBx@xx@xx@xx@xAx@xx@xCx xAxxBy@xBz@xyy@x@xx@xyBzx@xCzAzBxAxCxAx@xx@xx@xx@xxCx@xx@xC ABxAyABy@x@xzzxCx@xxCGA@@@@D@Axi@jjAzxy@zxzxAy@zD h@hh@hhCx@xxx@xxAxxAxAx@xxDxCDi@jiBzxy@y@xy@xAx@xzDCDh@hh@hhCx@xxx@xxAxxAxAx@xAxh@hh@hhCx@xxx@xxAxzzy@z@@@@D@@@@@B@@@Ay@zy@zyBzzzzxzx@xzGEEDx@xx@xx@xx@xx@xAxBx@x@x@x@xx@xy@xx DDDy@zx@xzyBz@x@z@x@xx@x{zGEDCx@xx@xx@xx@xx@xCx@x@x@x@x@xx@xxyAxGx@xx@xy@x@xx@xAz@x@x@x@x@xzx@xzG@@@@A@@AAAA@AA@@A@zzzzzy@xzz DxAx@xxBx@x@xx@xxxAx Cy@zxBx@x@xy@xy@z CxAx@xxBx@x@xx@xxxCxxAx@xz@x@zx@xxzzB@@AA@@@@@ Dzzx@xxAxzx@x! CxAx@xy@xxAxx@xx@x! DxAx@x{@x@x@x@xz!xAx@xxy@z@x@x@x"zzx@xAxAz@x"@@ABBA#OOOXAX@XZZCzxy@zy@zzz  XBXAX@XXBXDx@xxx@xxAx@xx@xxBx  \BXAX@XYAXDzxy@xAy@zyAx  XCXAX@XXBXDx@xxx@xxAx@xx@xxBx  ZCZZXBX@XAx@xxx@xzx@xx@xxBx @@CAB@@@@@@@@@@C XAX@XZZCzxy@zxzxAy@z CXAX@XXBXDx@xxx@xxAxxAxAx@xx  XCXAX@XYAXDzxy@y@xy@xAx@xz DXAX@XXBXDx@xxx@xxAxxAxAx@xAxZZXBX@XAx@xxx@xxAxzzy@z@@CAB@@@@@B@@@A  BXAX@XZZCzzy@zzzz  "BXAX@XXBXEx@x@xx@xxAxBx@x "BXAX@XYAXEx@zy@xAyAx@z  "BXAX@XXBXEx@x@xx@xxxxBxBx  BZZXBX@XBx@x@xx@xzz@x@z @@CACA@@@@@AA hl@h@@j@X\@X@@Z@pt@p@@r@x|@x@@z@#A%#A%XXZXXZZXXYApprpprqrqppYXXZXXXXXXAqpprpppppppp[YXXYXXXXXAsqppqrpqXYXZXXXXXXXApqprppppppppXXZXXXXYYYApprpppqppqpp#A%#A%Spitfire Mk I Spitfire Mk II Hurricane Mk I Bf 109 E-3 Bf 109 E-4/B Bf 110 C-4 Bf 110 C-4/B Ju 87B-1 Ju 87B-2 Do 17z-2 He 111 H-3 Ju 88 A-1 min. ago Airfield operations at Airfield out of action. Radar detection efficiency at Radar site demolished. HQ operating efficiency at Headquarters demolished. Industrial output at Factory in ruins. """B@@@qppqppqppppprprprrpqprpppprppppppr"""B @$@"@@@"!h! h"$" Flight information not available. Tune your radio. FG cannot begin over enemy territory. CCCCCCzx@xx@xx@xz@@x@@x@@x@@x@@x@@AzAxzxAz@zAx@yAxz@x@xx@xzAxAxA@zxAzAxz@xAxAzx@xz@zxAxAxAxA@zx@xzx@xz@zx@xzxAxA@DxAzzy@zyBzz@pADxAxAx@xx@xxAx@xAxAxCpADxAy@zx@xy@yBy@x@x@pADxAxAx@xx@xxAx@xAxAx@x@pADzzx@xy@zx@xAxAz@pAD@@@@A@@BBABxAxxx@xzy@yzx@xAzz@pxAxxy@xxB|x@xy@xAxAxCpxx@xx{x@xxxxz{Ay@x@x@pyyxxyx@xx@@xx@xxyAxAx@x@px@xxx@xzxBxx@xx@xAxAz@pB@@A@@B@@@ABBA@x@xzzAx@xzzy@@y@xx@x@xBx@xxAxAx@x@{x@x@xBx@xzy@x@x@xyx@x@xBx@xAxxAx@x@x@xz@xBzzzy@@A@AC@@@A@zzxz@q@qp@prA@xAx@xx@xAtp@p@pB@zzx@xApppqApBBxx@x@xAp@@pp@p@pB@zxAx@xApBpp@prA@@BABB@@@Bzzxz@q@qp@pt@xAx@xx@xAtp@p@p@pAzzx@xApppqAp@pAAxx@x@xAp@@pp@p@p@pAzxAx@xApBpp@pt@@BABB@@@Ax@xx@xy@yAq@qp@pr@x@xx@xx@xx@x@tp@p@pAzx@xy@yApppqApAx@xx@xx@xx@x@p@@pp@p@pAx@xzx@xx@x@pBpp@pr@@@@@@@AB@@@A@YAY@XZZrArA@X@X@XAXX@XX@XpEpA@Y@Z@XX@XZq@prA@X@X@XAXX@XAXpEpA@YAXAXZAXrArA@BB@B@BBYAYXZZrAp@pq@X@X@X@XX@XX@XpCp@pp@pY@ZXX@XZq@prq@X@X@X@XX@XAXpEpp@pYAX@XZAXrCpq@BA@B@D@AAYAY@XXZ@rAp@pAAX@X@XAXXX@X@pCp@pAAY@Z@XXX@X@pAprAAX@X@XAXXX@X@pEpAAYAXAXXZ@rCpAABB@@ADBYAY@XXZ@rAp@pq@X@X@XAXXX@X@pCp@pp@pY@Z@XXX@X@pAprq@X@X@XAXXX@X@pEpp@pYAXAXXZ@rCpq@BB@@AD@AChh@h@jj@qBpCChh@h@h@hAh@p@pApCChh@h@jAh@q@ppCAh@hh@h@h@hAh@p@pApCAjj@jAh@qBpCA@ABACDBhh@h@jj@qBrBBhh@h@h@hAh@p@pCpBBhh@h@jAh@q@prB@h@hh@h@h@hAh@p@pApD@jj@jAh@qBrB@@ABACCBYEXZrArCBX@XDXAXApCpCBX@XZ@XAX@pBrCBX@XX@X@XAXpAppEBY@Z@XAXrArCBAAB@BDBX@XDXXXp@pArCBX@XDXXXp@pCpCBZ@Y@XXXrp@qCBX@XYAXXXp@pCpCBX@XZ@XXXp@pArCB@@A@@@@BDDXCZZrApDDXCX@XX@Xp@pApDDXX@XZZrppDBX@XX@XX@XX@Xp@pApDBZZZZp@pApDB@@@@@BE xAxxz  xAxxx  xx@xx  z@xx  xAxz  B@ zzx@xxAxzy@y@yxAxAx@xxAxx@xx@x|zxAzxx@xzy@xxxAxxAx@xyyx@xx@xx@@xzzx@xxxx@xx@xxBx@@@@B@@@@@B@Czzzzy@x@xBCx@xxBx@xAx@xy@xBCzz@x@y@y@{BCx@xAx@x@xAx@xxyBCx@xz@x@zx@xx@xBC@@AA@@@ACAzy@y@zzzzAAx@xx@xx@xxAx@xxBxBAzy@y@y@zz@xBAx@xx@xx@xxAx@xAx@xBAx@xy@x@xzx@xz@xBA@@A@@@@@ACCx@xzxAxxzzBCy@xx@xxAxxxAxDC{x@xx@x@xxAyCCxyx@x@z@xxAxDCx@xz@xAxzzBCA@BB@@CBzzzxzzyCBx@xxAxAxxAxAx@xBBx@xy@y@xxAy@yCBx@xxAxAxxAxAx@xBBzxAxAxzzx@xBB@BB@@@@C@xAxzzzy@zx@x@xAxxBx@xAx@xx@xy@x@x@x@yAx@y@y@z{AzAxBx@xAx@xx@xxyAxAz@x@zx@xx@xx@xBBAA@@@@@A@ zzz x@xxAx  zxAy  x@xxAx  x@xzz @@@ Czzz@zzzBDx@x@xx@x@x@xxAxDDx@x@xz@zxAyCDx@x@xxBx@xxAxDDx@zxBx@xzzBDA@C@@@C x@xz  y@xx@x  {x@x  xyx@x  x@xz  A@  x@xzz x@xxAx  zy@z x@xCx x@zz A@ @@B@@@AAhlh@j@@@AAX\X@Z@@@AhAl@j@lAhAFFFFF      X@XZZX@XXAXAZY@Z@X@XCX@X@ZZ@A@@qppqppqqppprrprprrpqprpppprpppppprYXXYXXYYXXXZZXZXZZXYXZXXXXZXXXXXXZBx,Ax)]XXXX]x)zz Ax(_YXX x(xx@xx@x Ax(_YXXXX_x(@x@xx@x Ax(_YXZX x(xx@xx@x Ax)^YXZX]x)@zz Bx@ D*Bx,Ax)spppppsx)*Ax(tppppptx()Ax(tpppppppptx()Ax(tpprprpptx()Ax)spprprpsx))Bx)D*Bx,Ax)XYXXXXXXx)*Ax(YXXXXXXXZ[x()Ax(YXXXXXXXXXZx()Ax(YXXXXZXXXXX[x()Ax)XYXXZXXXXXx))Bx)D*Bx,Ax)uppppwx)*Ax(vrpprx()Ax(vqppqx()Ax(vrpprx()Ax)urppux))Bx*NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDzzzx@xy@zy@yDDxBx@x@xy@xx@xx@xx@xx@xCDz@x@z{x@xzy@x@xCFx@x@x@xxyx@xx@xx@xx@xCDz@x@x@xx@xy@x@xx@xyDCp@pp@ppApq@qprrqCCp@pq@ppAptp@p@pAp@pBCp@pspAppppp@p@q@p@pBCp@ppqpApp@@pp@p@pAp@pBCrp@prppBpp@p@rqC Mission loaded. Load error. Mission not loaded. Invalid Mission. Mission not loaded. Load error. Mission not loaded. Mission saved. Save error. Mission not saved. Save error. Mission not saved. No Mission name. Mission not saved. N7jjjjii@7h@hh@hh@hh@hh@hA7h@hjjh@hii@7h@hh@hh@h@hhA7jhAhAjii@7@BB@@ANNAx1@x)XZXXXXXx)/@x(XXXZXXXXZXXx(/@x(XXZXXYYx(/@x(XZZXYYZXXx(/@x)ZXXYYXXx)/Ax0C1NNAx/@x)  "  " !  x)@x(!"" 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Your mission uses more than three plane types. Modify your flight groups so the maximum number of different types used is three. Click or press a key to continue. 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