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To get your presentation printed as quickly as possible:   LaserWriter1 P1. On the Page Setup dialog box, turn off the Smoothing option. When the Smoothing option is turned on, bit-mapped graphics (such as those created by MacPaint or fonts that are installed in your system file but not installed in your printer) will require your printer to do more calculations and will therefore take longer to print.  2. Large objects print more slowly if they are opaque, or if they contain patterns (but the gray scale patternsthe top four lines on the Pattern menudont have this effect). 53. On the Print dialog box, choose the Pages option.   ImageWriter  71. On the Print dialog box, choose the Faster option.  Note: Some application programs state in their manual that they may take a long time to print. If you copy information in from one of those programs, print times for your slides will also be long.  W For   @'@??0?O0_p_p@<<|<|~|><@>~0fϙϙf>f       }>@??3333?3>37?3>? ??0`>^p~^p^p^p^p^p^p^p_p`_p`_p`@~q߂ q߆ qߎ qߎ#q܎#;`;`;`;c;c???x8@xx8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8~>~>~>~  ._0`0`._p`p\c]c_`_`_`\c\c``````@q q y y##y##;``````cccc____@@??8@@~? ??._ >^._P~^_P^]P^_P^_P^_P^_P^\P_P _P _P @_q߂ q߆ y߆ y߆#y܆#; D D D#D#_`?_ __x8@xx@x@x@x@x@x@x@x@x@~@~@~@~  ._ @0`._P p\P#]P _P _P _P \P#\P P @`P @`P @`@_q߂ q߆ y߆  y܆##y܆##; @`D @`D @`D#CcD#@c_`@_ @__@@@@8@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~Z8(8lD8|lx|pHz Eui %8? 0><>< 0 rl\     @ @ :@2@<4@<$lL 8|D@84$6">6<>lD8||d|y܀pwqSu#@sVg@-_@Cy@Wk>8`?b !    ǹǀ  @   6P&P>"  6">6">lD8||d|ND8@<@@50@7g`@ q    `   4<<88 t d8x h 0xH 0p@@phH@000$$jB<~~<~"ƀ8"uI@ TH@#Q SIkk`B` Wwi"\` /*a,ߠ %uq  # ? 6:4 8< $tD8lL8h H 00p,roblem. But, if you create the presentation on a Macintosh that uses a System file with one set of fonts, and then later want to view the slides or print them on a Macintosh that uses a System file with different fonts, you may get some unexpected results. What will happen is this: if a font that you used to create the text is not in the new System file, the Macintosh substitutes a different font. That substituted font may be a slightly different size, and that will make the lines of text different lengths on the slides. Thus, lines of text may be misaligned, or run out of the margins. (This problem with fonts occurs with any Macintosh program. A similar problem is that some models of Macintosh handle fonts slightly differently than other models. For instance, lines of text in a presentation made on a Mac 512K may be of a slightly different length when viewed on a Macintosh Plus. In either case, however, what you see on the screen is exactly what the Macintosh will print.)  How do you solve this problem with fonts? The easiest solution is to always use the System file on the PowerPoint disk for creating, viewing, or printing presentations. You can use the Font/DA mover to add additional fonts as needed..    PQ1<eN fk+HeTROUBLE-SHOOTING ^The remaining slides in this Help Presentation offer assistance if things go wrong or if you need a hint about getting more work out of PowerPoint. For example, one help slide tells you how to make sure the fonts in your Macintosh System File are the right ones for PowerPoint, while another help slide gives you hints to make printing go faster.  P For more about this topic, refer to Chapter 4 in your PowerPoint User Manual.      TWY{#<0j2e2<e2e38 e 3/3/I2If2f<k+H Types of Pasting  9What Youre Where You Are Pasting To Pasting Sorter View Slide View  >Slides Put at the insertion point All objects are added to the 9 or in front of the selected current slide in their same   slide. relative positions.  :Objects Does not apply. Pasted at their original positions $ on the new slide if the positions & are visible. If the positions are   not visible, the objects are  & pasted to the middle of the window.  9Text Does not apply. Replaces selected text on the slide.   :Picture Does not apply Pastes a new object centered in the  window.  R For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 177 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  8rs!<e4@e6V??7h66h5 6e5!6!n?5?;F7cnek+Hf Slide Show Keys  Function Mouse Keyboard  2Show next slide Click Spacebar or N or Right arrow 9Show previous slide  Click Backspace or P or Left arrow    Show slide number number Return     Show/Hide Arrow pointer A Invert Image I  Blank/Unblank screen B  `Return to the Slide Show  . (period) !dialog box    To see some more details about the Slide Show Keys, choose Slide Show from the File menu, then click on the Help button in the dialog box that appears. ; E V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 161-163 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  8>?Ax"<2z`px X@000 5!H@?U@??R@<R@LPL SptE`Wv!@\+?h,`pp  % !݀ǀ   @ ```@ > 20>`&@  $$jB<~~<~p @@MI CG~`%X />8 -8-8K@   1 ! S B 7 ݀׀    @  ```@ 0 > `2>@&   X @_`(@0 ?@  `` 9 @09qQ@ q`@``` @@` ``@` `h@p @  @@ @ @` @`` @`@@@@@@@0` 0`ppPPpp0`0`0` X @_`(@0 ?@@@@`pP p000000      00088(888 @  ZY _5`%@ 7@ @  4$@<8(@8pP @ppP @p @ @ @``@` ``p@ Pp` @`@  ڠ u`e@ w@ @  p`p```8p(P 8p8p(P 8p8p(P 8p  00 00p8 P(p800  00@  ZY _5`%@ 7 ` `  p P p0 08088(88(8@@`  n@#@? y9@v`@_F  , ? ?pk >tb}  @C @w@w@ @@ @7a@=?`;=% =5y i0h @h0`ppȜpxdxDx8:"@@   @7@%"]?@F@@{@q!@T@_ Dn > ?(>7 @b}  D @w @w@@ @ 7b@=@?a@;=% =5y i0h @h0`ppȜpxdxDx8:"@@   @7@%"]?@F@@{@q!@T@_ Dn > ?*>5b} ` `D` w @w@@ @ 7b@=@?a@;=% =5y i0h @h0`ppȜpxdxDx8:"@  @   ?@&'@?;;~<u`p  8 &`2,`0?`?`0w`p `@s ` @AڀG wl3`>7`?=- =5} e8h0@h0`h h0|ppppxzb>*7">oF)~H|Nz0N td   \0?.,83r>!a^AllCþt'f~?~=69Ԁr@ @A@` pn n0? ?&& &&)!> @     @@@@ &$2 .@ /p `& its own name. PowerPoint also has a special feature to save a presentation as a series of scrapbook pictures that can then be put into your other files, such as word processing documents. 6    ! L P   \ If your presentation is untitled, PowerPoint will always show you the Save as dialog box. I P  7 To save the presentation as scrapbook pictures, choose Save as, then click on the button labeled Save Slides as Pictures in a Scrapbook. Make sure to also save the presentation normally. When the slides are pictures in a scrapbook, theyre no longer a PowerPoint presentation and cannot be edited as such. 9 @    "!84"*###4(<,k+H0j 42$X@2]lDK<<> GIVING AN ON-SCREEN PRESENTATION W For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 160, 175 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  eSo you can preview your slides and practice giving the presentation, or so you can give a small group an on-screen presentation, PowerPoint can show your slides as a slide show. Choose Slide Show from the File menu. The dialog box that appears has choices for manually controlling the show, or for running it automatically. The slides are shown without the distractions of the menus at the top of the screen, or the window features. All you see is the slide contents. Click the mouse button to advance the slides manually, click  . (period) to stop the show. Slide 61 contains all the Slide Show controls. *       To design your presentation for best appearance on the screen so it will show at full size (if you want to use your Macintosh to give your presentation): Specify the size of your computer screen in the Slide Dimensions area of the Page Setup dialog box. The setting for a standard Macintosh or Mac SE screen in 4.667 inches high by 7.0 inches wide. The setting for the larger Macintosh II screen is 6.563 inches high by 8.75 inches wide. t 4Slides appear on the screen without any distractions /Images can be inverted by typing the letter I.  p; # %$'&K6{<k+HMr4b`l PRINTING [ For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 77, 157, 173 in your PowerPoint User Manual.   UPowerPoint can print your slide, notes pages, and handouts pages on any printer that attaches to your Macintosh. The dialog boxes that appear for the LaserWriter and ImageWriter have the normal printing options, such as choice of paper. See the Guide to Powerful Presentations for information on making 35mm slides from your presentation.  Sometimes, printing can take awhile to complete, especially if your slides contain lots of artwork. Slide 67 in this Help Presentation tells you a few things that can speed up printing; however, not much can be done to decrease the time it takes the printer to translate complicated artwork into hard copy. If youre under a tight deadline to get your presentation completed, stick to PowerPoints diagram objects and text objects and the printing will get done somewhat faster.  (*)D#######!<ek+HeT eS~)0fm  Text Defaults  R For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 126 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  In addition to defaults for the font (Style menu) and alignment (Text menu), you can also set defaults for text indents, tabs, and line spacing.   }1. Select a word processing object, then choose Show Text Ruler. Set the indents and tabs as you want them for the defaults.  0 ? w2. With the same object selected, choose Line Spacing and set the options on its dialog box that you want as defaults.   ) 5 K3. Choose Set as Default from the Text menu and click on the Set It button.   Clicking on the Set It button sets the defaults for all the word processing objects subsequently created buT9&0}9vP-jpL0L0N8\Hۤedx 0 H ( PPPN0~ 0  >>8 7#>$?-@$ ?(W?o$K>?+/@*@?5`2 ?/p&P?> `,H:`( `- @ M`. $;G-G:@,@:,;t{+e{)f@I@`m}z` |~~ DlD8|8? ' ?? '? -%> @@     >>4 *<lD \|8H@~pX0~P_`L ?.P@?Z P@?w` P ?<@$`> ,3 @ `      ` @  p XPh|0~ 8 ? `H ܨPHwz  ,,88L|8Xx0xh0pp @`` `` `?'@o@%Z@=E@E@U@{9F@?o`.P ?z)P?P*RP?>`$P0@`@XP8Vk x Ԁg!+ @N@D ;*m{?oD;~~ < @@  pp Xx0Xx0xh0Pp @`` `` @ ?@'@k(F=`I I@%Z`?m(G?+`T?{x)Qh?6p"(Pr!@?J"!5@@cj@ApUGb޿<|<x9/4h w3L?GbT\| <<<@@  6><(8Pp`  ` `0N 1I@I@E0U08z"XX|?oT.@?:!P=D 0+,`+xdC?|VdCB?}+^V?{vn?`7G=ǀ.C6A@`@`@=7@{9v?T| P @80```    )?V&!>)|A|U0AkxxAUU"@*Z$~@$$<(8H04xȀ07Q݀ qL ٷPp6q{Tj)1YyX0Yy@0~@1}%/Z ?/`o>D  H|x@ @ p8 70?#??p -ND@;c@| x |" @Q@pA@88hF8@~@8pFKVVۀ9@A8@UAo>(@>>F> }w ڐRxp88<<>x d <~>@v``^v`d:d<  the object then: : To size the object to its text, choose Sized to Text from the Draw menu. The object will resize itself (when deselected) to fit around its text. A diagram object without text is not affected. If you try to resize an object that has already been sized to text, you can not. It snaps back to its text size.  ) 6  To resize an object regardless of its text, choose the checkmarked Sized to Text to turn off the checkmark. Now when you resize the object it wont snap back to its text size. t E R  This object is not sized to text But this one iss And so is this one Objects that change their size when you are done typing have Sized to Text turned on. Turn it off then resize the object back to its original size. = J 798 {X<ek+He<d g/: fp Setting Line Spacing(  V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 123-126 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  8You can set line spacing for text at each indent level, and for the space between paragraphs, also at each level. Select a word processing box then choose Line Spacing from the Text menu. You can either change the spacing for all the levels together, or by choosing the Line Spacing again, once for each level.       Spacing between lines is the normal 1.0 = single space, 2.0 = double space, and so on. Spacing can be at intervals such as 1.3.   Spacing between paragraphs is a multiple of the line spacing. Thus, 2.0 line spacing and 2.0 for paragraph spacing yields 4.0 lines between paragraphs. " *  S Spacing between each indent level can be the paragraph spacing from either level.  \Click on OK to accept the new line spacing and to remove the dialog box from the window.   :<;8!<e^f(:g(7eU k+Hf2yg 1D 8e Selecting Text  Select the object containing the text first. Then move the pointer inside the box and click so the I-beam insertion point appears. You can then select text three ways: !1. Drag over it with the I-beam.  )2. Double-click to select a single word.  P3. Shift-click to extend a selection from one character or one word to another.   %Highlighting indicates selected text.  To delete selected text, choose Clear from the Edit menu, or press the backspace key. To change the style or font of it, choose from the Style menu.r  % Selected text is h Selected text is h V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 107-108 in your PowerPoint User Manual.   highlighted. Jhighlighted. And shift-clicking  extends your  selection.  =?>Abdg129;dew]<e*f*2g(0:::):::F:HEH B6k{$f0:);;;F Bk$f<^ffp\)fN\ fdFOT_k+Hf(<'5))E)u[)  Indenting and Tabbing  }You indent and tab text using the Text Ruler. Select a word processor object then choose Show Text Ruler on the text menu. T Z i Each indent symbol controls the indenting for a different level. Drag a symbol along the ruler to set its indent distance. To indent text, choose Indent (right) or Indent (left) from the Text menu and begin typing. To indent (or un-indent) existing text, select it, then choose Indent or Indent . The shape of the symbol indicates the left margin for its level like this:6  ~0<π~@~P<@ðPw PЀxp 1yp!y?0@TT!8+AUoA@k??B %VDlD?8|088#8c/h>e?8)8   t t 8 8 h ``@ `@ `0 /@;PO{<.>pp hH000wm߀ze@ÀK@ @?@U#~4+mC&ĀWE.ĀmJd[O>2}37TT5Ty> ~/.<e @R86|x ~? . w]="w"{"{2s1΀1΀QI ߀ V  ܀P΀Ȁ@@ÀÀ">I"6T!+J!5T!+J!5T#+!?    7=;/  6*6:>:4,<<4<\l8lD80x pX X(VH9nxF9h`E@w!`^D?!`^B?~*pTc?:p,cd ` /7`ap`x8dhǔ xMtDT:? D): z= Bb r  b QQQFMOL,,%ǀ~``g PTXVrv{~?/ < <>|*t7">pwX v?`zh?w!@^P?>@$6h,H]H?k A??!30L#3{ r@9o),@W38/pT >c8 ? AA <}@|<fD~|<|6 \8<~;$Z-<6$ <'=7=   pp   >>66    ;:?=;+??u&2[@tB#?A@N8?̼39` '`wC`r2 p4@#pJxWx?op {?8,u  t@xxvH ^x<?H"x> xxxH0xx`0H`0H0 @H00hH08p8pXpXp0\\8<<@  : 8 _ H@?@@`; sq@@@l   K ;o./ @c r@ U `@#@ @7a>@595= = % hH0`hpH0ph8xxx(xxzf<=+@  : 8 _ H@?@@`; sq@@@l  K O?/ Bg `s Qh! h7a>h5`9`5`= `= % hH0`hpH0ph8xxx(xxzf<=+` ' ]` H`?x8t@p` d@ k    π  @ `pAx@  A r p r r` rPQ @` the new font. At the left side of the box, click on the typeface and typesize (or type the typesize). Click on any style choices to be the defaults, then click on Add and Done.  ӥ To replace a font, click on the font to be replaced at the right side of the box. Click on the one to replace it with and its size and style choices on the left side of the box. Click on Replace and Done.   R To remove a font, click on it on the right side of the box, and click on Remove.   To reorder fonts, drag them on the right side of the box. Re-ordering fonts changes their order on the Style menu, as well as their keyboard equivalents. V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 115-118 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  IKJ8;=9L .<fpG fk+He WRITING TEXT WPowerPoint has three ways to write text: as an attached label, with the labeler tool and with the word processor tool. The text can have different fonts, and different typeface styles. It can also be indented or tabbed to create bulleted lists. The next few slides in this Help Presentation explain the different ways you can write text. d V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 106-108 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  LNMP'" x<eKi f)f>e)1^0f\k+Hf///47X9V<[x<:W<\y<@O<AP?DDINR)hoovbidtlleess```tdinsAHHP_g>F)?Eahz|<z|<4<<)v  % Selecting and Deselecting Slides  iYou select slides at the Slide Sorter view or the Title Sorter view. Highlighting indicates a selection. 2 To select a single slide or title, click on it.  > To select multiple slides, Shift-click on them individually.  To select a group of slides, drag around them on the Slide Sorter view, or drag around their numbers at the left side of the window on the Title Sorter view.  D To select multiple groups, Shift-drag around them or their titles.  To deselect a single slide, shift-click on it. To deselect a group of slides, shift-drag around it. To deselect all the slides at once, click between any two slides, or between any two slide numbers on the Title Sorter view.  *Click to select; the slide is highlighted "Drag around a group to select them SAt the Title Sorter view, drag around the slide numbers with the horizontal I-beam  V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 152-153 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  OQP3  ###|?<fgl f k+Hf2$f24g0fW)5V7T<Yv<{<8U<Zw<|<>M<?N4<<w>&`4$`40$ph|x|x0xppp|}{` 9 8OH? 0?<}ppp`#@`  `  `  `  @Q1` r!Ӏw#ԀD@w@ r@ 87 6`:`<$`dL8`hpH0ph<x||(|xzf<=+<<RB<|||PN    dxd0: 0(540{xX?>N~ l[<X?lK=H?,p |t, <riq{s)Z=k/T ?4u2$O>2>.>uk> @@@   @@` 6&3@#:`2'P "h @?{p `P?n4 b?`5@`<@`V8S?0~@Y?p? )0 dh  p ``  PL  7 #4p$p2p.puk> 4$FB<~~}O>.&U>[8X?=@`] Xȸ.@@>@9D@70~ q͎$~b~v~`~rz*e?  @p8H T,  ?+|4\$|h(H0xd8\8``,`|=+>@  46$:Jl F\<8 ~p@P~m@GP>><- < @; )@iH?z@X`?~@\`?>@$`  @   P P x <0π?`p`ڸ }PmXN3~~ w=PH|rCOH`@ Oπ ``88hx0Hx0Pp @`` ```@7&@J F@=@~@@~m@G@>><@= ?`! 5$<`,Pp`p0`00@|(6,aD9/D;3׀o#+ @~oE :@*v$[?oz?vbs~i  @  pp Pp ```` `@@@7@%@KF=@~ @~W`B ??8`((<4<~x<B<j@Bjc* T~O)D9~c]{/@h?p B?03 >3@>72 ?mE:qv\8d , <: 5@   4<">,<Hx0`  @6&KF=@@~ p~W0B?0>d8|4( %)DX*xYd?|)I?v82`~څ|~C>69>8@Q=P@?@??#`@ @@ ` O H @ ```)4VIp34HN97=<A<FA9F=J)9`=gBgFnBZFa@\@l=d@d@]B]@kAk;9E@E@M<?N4<<=BBGLP)fmmt`gbrjjccqq^^^rbglq?FFN]e.E(@(P%H(H(A*A(O)O ;;;O ?DIN  :B]d)=D_dy3{1<$$<++)  Arranging Slides  zYou arrange the order of the slides on the Slide Sorter view or the Title Sorter view. There are two methods you can use:  Select the slides or titles, then drag them. Put the pointer where you want the slides to be re-located. Release the mouse button. If the pointer is on another slide or title, the rearranged slides will be put in front of it.  Select the slides or titles, then choose Cut from the Edit menu. Put the pointer where you want them to be re-positioned. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. The slides reappear. + .   9/ t4!_<+BA~U<ԀAk` AUu@"_*j4^4 8(/8)P_ pZ 'Pp wYy 0W pW pHx0K{@0o`G~C ;%`? 1_>GYAxH xy `0 s` v`@{xs~(VX x (8z V q@1/0 8@8 f82^800F$0V>Ԁ&qAw@U}}`>@3C >p>%3>xA 0fbp"~$>@r r z00 ``d,<j rf<fxP@P$ P`cp!>? `J~1@5Ԁ@A@kr@A@@U?[B@ j?-`D! T|=8D!88708#51;0;   p p `p ` ` ` `?+P`c<: `6`0pp`0>> >>lπɀ%π?ȀI"066D/m궀D/UݽH. kz0KJ@11414joG>ߠǞO#40$w2x2x : ` "~  > s  " _{ @@  ^ ـǸGǀ@@ @ p   ` P   ` ` @@   /%%%oM> 8 |9]> @_ @NN@à P߀pظ xxr=9g<zo߀@ww|@T+w`@w`@s`@qq qɠ piI 0q@i8s=N0=cp={s999p88|8D8L\Dlp~v~<<)\!L8I(A>xRl0@$?? ` H4 * 4$nN?yY?̫3U z@9@ @?^?v 9]w}" 8/u"; 0ۘ1<z<~@~<|fv~n<v3~/<>>  6>@&@>@6 @>`>" 2"X  xxx @@@@|. P@?oO?`oO?`a@`̿3`<hs]xp>@8qg"ppyqy p0]k2u!8>ߜ%:} 8||fD~<|v~o<~;z.<>9$/<n z@<v@ ^ @<6> >"0 X  |.~2z^8f<>>  0008 808 0<$8<4"< . ,",,. 222"""BB   1 7!`c  """""DfDfACC1!9g(<<<<0AFWA->-[+=J=,[J[J>J]$j:A!g!f>f >>g>6zLA3w31vPv2PQtQ;RQhA8O8l6NUN8nVnULUo 2 Selecting and Deselecting One or More Objects  To select an object, click on it. The pointer must be an arrow in order to select an object. If it is a crosshair or other shape, you can change it back to an arrow by clicking on the arrow tool at the top left of the window, or by clicking on a blank spot on the window. The gray selection box shows you that the object is selected. Selection boxes for single objects have resize handles..  )You can select multiple objects two ways: : Hold down the Shift key and click on each of the objects ߥ When the pointer is an arrow, drag around the objects. A dotted box follows the arrow. Objects fully within the box will be selected when you release the mouse button. Resize handles arent on multiple selection boxes.s  To deselect an object, click on it. To deselect one object of a group, shift-click on it. To deselect a group within another group, shift-drag around the group to deselect. U For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 99-102 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  -An object with a gray selection box around it 6Multiple objects with gray selection boxes around them Sales dfe#Px$!<ff\ f==v f,@U $fFk+HfF& DC*C)B)<)<&*&B*FBF 3 Pasting a Group of Objects as a Single Picture  :You paste a group of objects as a picture so that you can: < Treat them as a unit and maintain their relative positions  Crop and resize the picture.  To paste objects as a picture: 1. Select them.  !2. Choose Cut from the Edit menu.    .3. Choose Paste as Picture from the Edit menu.   [The picture is pasted to the center of the window. You can now move it as a single object.   rIf you also want to keep the objects as individuals, make a copy firstPaste as Picture cannot later be reversed! Select the objects 7After being pasted as a picture, theyre a single unit. V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 144-145 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  gih  w<f(\ e*e(f* $exR< eC)Rf< fk+HeA =-a.:.b`.`:> <:H <:Q <:b 0ca*].a<<<<<A <<<<A8^9. @@@& &'$'  8088`8X`p0@pDD 88xh0l(@l$4$4    @@ <8PHP`P@P ( (@ @8 xx8@```P@@P 0 0@@@@ 8 xp8 H P`p0,0H@HHHHH@HHH@@```@`@ ( $((((H@HHH0 0000<0<8<<:*<. . ,,. 222"""BB    6&7"bc  """""ffffACC9)9 @@@ &$&  88x(H`p0@pDD 8x h,@l4444    @ <X@P`@PP(((( @8x (@```@P@P0000@@@@ 8x((( ``@@< 0H@HHHHH@HHH@@@```@ @ , ((((H@HHH<$<nf~z^~ ~"\~ 0<<4<<$$$BBBBBBAAAAA  73 ?=/??.?  !!!!!!AAAA@@A<<$<<z8~nvv~(48< 40<$$$$$BBBBBBBBBAA  =?7;;? !!!!!!!!!@A@A  73 ?**??1?     0 0 @@<$<nf~tT~>K4.Q,>>2>>6"6f$BfCACAAA@@@@@@   >?3=5?      0 0 @@$>>}<OsS.s2,28>20>**6"6f$Bff$BfCACAAA@@@@@@2            @  @m@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@  @ @ @@ @@ @  @ @  @ @ @ @  @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@ @@@@  @@   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/pic, refer to page(s) 102 in your PowerPoint User Manual.   egg study  egg study prqA`D`ag&"BPz3<fDB f<@j f f0 $g( f.? f+ f5; 0f( +B7k  $fk+HgeZ<H(V?AKA)f ()fxH\ AEaEECa__ DH\`DH]a % A  ''' (   #(#(T4bKR1RMS2e2e1eORNfN P0U4PKUOa1f5aKfO 0 Copying an Object From One Slide to Another  bYou can copy objects from slides and notes page in the same presentation or between presentations. "1. Select the object (or objects). +2. Choose Copy (or Cut) from the Edit menu.     G3. To copy to a different presentation, choose it from the Window menu.n 64. Get to the slide or notes page you want to copy to. t5. Choose Paste from the Edit menu. The object (s) is pasted to the same position as on the original (if visible).    Slide 1B Slide 2 /1. Select the object Choose Copy or Cut  $ , 2. Get to the slide to paste to 3. Choose Paste  Slide 2 SThe object is pasted to the same spot as on the original, if that spot is visible. One note: if you copy from a slide and paste back to it, the objects are slightly offset so you can distinguish them, like this V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 155-156 in your PowerPoint User Manual.   egg study  egg study sut0@ha >wI<dk+H 8O '$l '>4g S$N$MM )- H|~<|z||[w) p< 4+ < C'?f%oc'  Aligning and Cropping  [ For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 136-138, 145 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  To align objects, choose Show Guides from the Draw menu. The two dotted guides appear. Drag the guides to the position where you want to align objects. Now drag the objects to the guides. The edges and centers of the objects stick to the guides and the objects are aligned. The numbers on the guides measure the distance from the center of the slide or notes page. Turn off the guides by choosing Hide Guides on the Draw menu.  $ JThese numbers are the distance from the center of the slide or notes page. {Pictures (artwork from another program or PowerPoint objects Pasted as a Picture) may be cropped to reduce the visible part. To crop a picture, select it, hold down the  key and drag a resize handle. The picture is cropped from the corner inward. If you forget to press the  key, youll resize the picture and change its dimensions. Choose Undo right away and start over.*     \ ` .Cropped from the top left corner to the middle 5This objects edge is aligned with the vertical guidee 0.58 The full picture p; v xw@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@  @ @ @@ @@ @  @ @  @ @ @ @  @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @ @  @@@ @  !!!@!@!! !@@@!!@! @@@ @ !@ @@!!@!#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@  @ @ @@ @@ @  @ @  @ @ @ @  @@@@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@  @ @ @@ @@ @  @ @  @ @ @ @  @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@  @@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Asplayy   .<fhp  fuOQI0fk!|H fF`rF`)F`F`rK]K[AK[K[F`<F`I [LZOYOX O YG^lg$WORKING WITH OBJECTS  Objects are the building blocks of your slides and notes pages. You draw diagram objects using the four tools at the left of this window. The tools draw their respective shapes.`  _The other two tools are for writing labels, and for writing with the PowerPoint word processor. Pictures from other slides or other programs are also objects. The next few slides in this Help Presentation tell you how to create, edit, and design objects for your presentation.. \ For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 99-104,127-136 in your PowerPoint User Manual. A8D\za<f f e f_<3.g tee#k+HgNaaSeQf The Title Sorter View  WThe Title Sorter view shows the title of your slides. To get to the Title Sorter view: P Choose Title Sorter from the View menu, or Click on the Title Sorter Button.   To get back to the Slide view:  Select a title (click on it) and choose Slides from the View menu, or ! Double click on the title. * 0 ?The Title Sorter view (and the Slide Sorter view) is where you: 1 Rearrange the order of slides in a presentationt , Delete slides, cut, paste, and copy slides - Copy slides to and from other presentationss UTo see all the titles in the Title Sorter view, scroll using the vertical scroll bar. 1This is a reduced image of the Title Sorter view. Q For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 73 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  1 Business Plan 2 World Trade Routes 3 A New Trade Route 4 World Trade Market Share 5 Proposed Expedition 6 Expedition Plan 7 Fleet Organization 8 Risks to be considered 9 Estimated Budget AdYѻE  y^<fk+Hg g$ e g30fZ<NVwXu<z<<Yv<{<<_n<`o4<<^cchmq)`ggo~]e))^dYv<^cmq)oo^d]n  The Slide Sorter View  Q For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 72 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  [The Slide Sorter view show>@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ !!@ !!""@"@@@@@@"####@@@@@@##$$@$$%%%@%@@%&&@&@@@@@@&###  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@''@'@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@'((@(())@))@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@**@**@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@++@@@@@++,@@@@++@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@,@,@@@@,--@@@@@,@,@@@@@@@@ @  -- ..@ @ @ ..//////////////////////////////@/ @/00@0000@11@000@00011@000@0000@11@000@000122@2232@23@332@2232@3332@2232@23@332@2232@44@0000@00440@0000@0540@0000@00440@0000@05@5232@223562232@226@62232@223562232@226/00@0000@11@000@00011@000@0000@11@000@000122@2232@23@332@2232@3332@2232@23@332@2232@4@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@i8|S<g$he f;0f C) fb#5LV$ggRp^bbz@VL<kHHfK@`g4RvF^6f Seeing Notes Pages  PowerPoint creates a notes page for each slide in a presentation. The notes page is a single page with a small image of its slide on it. Using the diagram tools or text tools at the left of the window, you can write notes for each slide.  To see a slides notes page: #1. Get the slide in the Slide view.  "2. Choose Notes on the View menu.    ! =3. To get back to the slide, choose Slides on the View menu.  $ *  'You can cycle through your notes pages just like you can with slideswith the slide changer, Sorter views, etc. See Slide 18 for details. From the Sorter views, double-clicking on a slide or title shows you the corresponding notes page if you arrived in the sorter from viewing any notes page. @This is the small image of the slide, with room for notes below.  A notes page. DThe slide counter lets you know which notes page is in the window. X For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 146-149 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  Notes 19  p;  B8{1<RH4$(4]*0_i_]Y)hTra<`hyOHkSHN^cl4)2&B  The Slide Master  qThe Slide Master is where you design the format to be on all the slides. Use the tools at the left of the window to draw your master format. You can also copy artwork, such as your business logo, to the Slide Master. But remember, objects on the Slide Master cannot be selected on the slides themselves (except the slide title). Therefore, dont draw, for instance, a text box on the Slide Master if you intend to enter text into it on the slides. The title on the Slide Master does not itself appear on the slides, but whenever you start a new slide, its title is created for you by copying the title from the Master.i O V QYoull know when the Slide Master is in view because the slide counter will read: C1. To see the Slide Master, choose Slide Master from the View menu. # / k2. To get back to your slides when youre through with the Slide Master, choose Slides from the View menu. Q X V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 89-91 in your PowerPoint User Manual.   Slide Master p;  AA?!<fC*f6(Ng\%s-&.I%6=Yg Iy$'/37eZf~))1` *gX=XW@J f6rDY=v>kOHg Seeing Slides  fPowerPoint has four ways to move through your presentation to see a specific slide on the Slide view:    1. Click on the slide changer bar above or below the slide changer marker to move backward or forward one slide at a time.e   72. Drag the slide changer marker up or down on the bar.r   3. Click on either the Slide Sorter button  or the Title Sorter button to see the slide miniatures or titles repectively. Scroll vertically until you see the slide you want, then double-click on the miniature, or its title.   g4. Click on the number in the slide counter, type the number of the slide you want, then press Return.   U Z@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@ @ !@@@@@!@!@@@@@@@@@! 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The main use of the Window menu is to help you move among presentations quickly without having to resize windows to find the one you want as the active window. p; B8xJ<fk+Hfy-kU f g The Pattern Menu  R For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 194 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  ZThese are the patterns that can be used for the frame or the interior fill of an object.  $To give an object a patterned frame: 1. Select the object.. $2. Choose Framed from the Draw menu.   .3. Choose a pattern from the Pattern menu.  #To give an object a patterned fill:  1. Select the object $2. Choose Filled from the Draw menu.   N3. Choose a pattern from the Pattern menu. (Frameif anywill be black.) 8See Slide 26 in this Help Presentation for more details. p; AA?I<gyybk+Hgw/r ++,5OgOV55<hhV`f$e~<f The Line Menu  V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 193-194 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  These options set the thickness and style of lines. Select one or more objects, then choose one of these options. The lines in the objects, including the frames, will become that line width and style. If you also choose an arrowhead from the bottom of this menu, arrowheads will be proportional to the line thickness. Checkmarks indicate the thickness and style of the selected lines. These options only apply to lines, not to frames. Draw the line and then choose one of the options for arrowheads. The single arrowhead points in the direction you drew the line. See Slide 27 for more details.  p;  A?3<fmk+Hf-?U I{{~z@r) f g f gf"f#@g!*2KGdg The Draw Menu  V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 191-193 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  "Makes the selected objects opaque. )Puts a frame around the selected objects.. *Fills the selected objects with a pattern. /Puts a drop shadow behind the selected objects. KMakes the selected text objects fit exactly around the text within them.  I `Turns off the automatic grid alignment. If its already off, this option becomes, Snap to Grid. lShows the two on-screen straightedges. If theyre already on the screen, this option becomes Hide Guides. kShows a dotted outline around all unframed objects. If Show Edges is on, this option becomes Hide Edges.  p; AA?~H<fk+Hg,Y,,<==LL)0f )0g"3 f4E fBk$f The Text Menu  V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 187-190 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  Determines the alignment of the text. If you choose an alignment option before typing, all the text will be at that alignment, un @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @@@@  @  @@@@  @@@ @ @ @ @  @@@  @  @  @@@ @ @ @ @  @@@  @  @@@  @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@ @  @@@@@@  @  @@@@  @@@@@@ @ @ @@@@ @  @@@@@@  @ @ @@@@   @@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@ @ @@@@@@@  @ @ @@@@@   @@@@@@@ @  @@@@@ @ @@@@@@@  @ @ @@@@@@   @@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@ @ @@@@@@ @@ !!@!!""@"@""""@"@"##@##$ $@$@$@$@$%%@%%&&@&@&&&&@&@&''@''($@$@$@ @@@@@@@ @  @@@@@ @ @@@@@@@  @ @ @@@@@   @@@@@@@ @  @@@@@ @ @@@@@@@  @ @ @@@@@   @@@@@@@@ @  @@@@(@(( @ @@@@@@  @ @ @@@@   @@@@@@ @  @@@@ @ @@@@@@  @ @ @@@@   @@@@@@ @  @@))@)))**@*))*++@ @ @@@++,,,,,,,,,,,,@,@  @ @ @   @@@ @  @ @ @@@  @ @ @   @@@ @ `-r-==V[[a  The File Menu  V For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 165-175 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  EOpens a new presentation, optionally using format of the active one.  BOpen an existing presentation with or without its original title.  8Saves a presentation and overwrites its earlier version. &Saves a presentation under a new name. ;Closes a presentation, reminds you to save it if necessary."  iPastes from a file into your presentation. The files must be in MacPaint, PICT or MORE/ThinkTank format. Shows the dialog box for setting paper size, orientation, and slide size. Set the slides to overheads, 35mm, or on-screen here. @Shows the Print dialog box. Choose what you want printed here.  iShows the Slide Show dialog box. Choose a manual or automatic show and the duration between slides here.  Quits PowerPoint.  p;  w1!<gk+Hf/VoSf |<<Q  The Apple Menu  W For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 164, 165 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  wShows a box that identifies the version of PowerPoint that you are using. Click anywhere to remove it from the screen..  {Opens this Help Presentation. Note that once you open a presentation (including this one) it is listed in the Window menu..   lfk+HgMENUSS You use from the ten PowerPoint menus in the usual way: 1. Press the mouse button while on a menu title to pull it down; 2. Drag the pointer until the command you want is highlighted; 3. Release the mouse button. When choosing a command or option for an object, such as Framed from the Draw menu, select the object first before choosing the option. The next 10 slides in this Help presentation describe the commands and options. o   P For more about this topic, refer to Chapter 4 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  p; !<g$2[f&fPnfYZOhXhk+Hgi>f! Using This Help Presentation   To choose a topic f m1. Choose Title Sorter from the View menu, or click on the Title Sorter button, to see the Title Sorter view.   &2. Double-click on the topic you want.  To scan the list of topics: ? Drag the vertical scroll bar on the right side of the window.   Or   Click on the scroll arrows. " To get back to your presentation 5 Choose the presentations name from the Window menu.   Or  ( Click on its window, if you can see it.  l Q For more about this topic, refer to page(s) 73 in your PowerPoint User Manual.  ! To close the Help Presentationn ! Choose Close from the File menu.     Or  6 Click on the Close Box at the top left of the window.  HH? `M< f*f+jMf^3f2l4}t f.DOUBLE-CLICK ON A TOPIC IN THE LIST FOR HELP  Double-clicking on a topic shows you the slide containing its help information. For more instructions about how to use this Help Presentation: *1. Click on the Title Sorter Button, then V  @ @ @@,--@--,-@  @ @ @..@../..@   @/@/ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @/0 @  0@00000000000000000000000000000011@ @ 1122@212232122@213@32122@212232122@213344@4444@55@444@44455@444@4444@55@444@444562@2122@26@622@2122@6622@2122@26@622@2122@77@4444@44774@4444@4874@4444@44774@4444@48@1122@212232122@213@32122@212232122@213344@4444@55@444@44455@444@4444@55@444@4445@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ !!@ !!""@"@@@@@@"####@@@@@@##$$@$$%%%@%$%%%@%&&@&@@@@@@&###  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@''@'@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@*Paste*Clear6* Paste as Picture** Omit Master+* Set as Titleɠ * New Slide("rZ* X*C*V*pNE@ @ # 1ybH 0z"u zz 5          p  h>hpp  ]`]` [^y UP y UP y UP g^@  gbpk0 H H@ H H0 w^@  wbk0 H H@ H H0 @ + Full Size*66% Size*50% Size!*33% Size%* Slides (#1))* Notes (#1)(plD*F)( Slide Master,* Notes Master.* Handout Page$* Title Sorter&* Slide Sorter@ @ 1bH 0 1bH 0 l@  ox ` ` @ +y1 l@  ox ` ` @*2 l@99 oRx ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` @("zP*B*I+U(!Plain* Italic * Underline.*` Other Fontsɠ $$6  n |33 >s33 s33 s3 s3? s3; 83 ? ?  |w0Up0  |0Up0 @  (aOutline!*Shadow ( @  (1+ps?wwwwwwwwwwwwww? @ XWb p9 p8p sw>}p w9ݳp w9 ww9;p wwp9;p w7vs9ݻp s|> p9 p8< sw>}| w9ݳ w99 ww9;q wwp9; w7vs9ݻ s|>4-X .W 11TbH 00U U"U3x1UV W  RRPRR W  RRPRR .Wwzwz1UV .W4= @ .W00/_ ?  a fs fs p s fs y @@(=Left*Center*Right*Justify* Indent *Indent Ǡ6* Show Text Ruler/* Line Spacingɠ5*Set as Defaultɠ -X(R+L^@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@'((@(())@))@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@**@**@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@++@@@@@++,@@@@++@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@,@,@@@@,--@@@@@,@,@@@@@@@@ @  -- ..@ @ @ ..//////////////////////////////@/ @/00@0000@11@000@00011@000@0000@11@000@000122@2232@23@332@2232@3332@2232@23@332@2232@44@0000@00440@0000@0540@0000@00440@0000@05@5232@223562232@226@62232@223562232@226/00@0000@11@000@00011@000@0000@11@000@000122@2232@23@332@2232@3332@2232@23@332@2232@4__88 xoɓxfxf{f{faaii cckk0v0v3v3v00  c0c0k4k4``cc 0~0~~~770077``oo? ``6h6h00440n0n3n3n33c0c0k7k7``?oo  cckkxfxf{f{faaii``oo$  00  $$$$$?$$?$@p0 ???$?$?_'ia 7}$?$0Ykc7o$?$>/} 7y>>>p$?$0,  7v >ݳ>>wo$?$0۬ia v>ݳ>>w$?$  >>>p$?$$?$$?$$?$0 $?$0  $?$?`  $HHHHHn]{wxn ] { wxn]{wx@ @ 1UbH 0V"? 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