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Comments and suggestions to : TALKING BIRDS -%Eb 68OOO coding : Camy Maertens Music: Goth of The Shapeshifters Graphics: Tony Godfree b 1994 TALKING BIRDS  b A Talking Birds production.The action keys F1 Search players F2-F1O Messages/ Instructions D Division toggle M Music toggle H toggle 5O/6O Hz F Friendly R Replay last friendly V View all clubs P Pause O Output to printer 1 Standard result delay 2-3 Extended delay Enter normal match speed + - fast/slow match speed Help HELP LIST save players file as ascii SAVE replace default players file / automatic mode ESC QuitFINAL CHECK ON SQUAD  NOW CHECK FOR LATE INJURIES AND OTHER PROBLEMS MATCHES WILL START ANY MINUTE NOW  THAT IS IT FOR THIS SATURDAY NEW WEEK ABOUT TO BEGIN CHOOSE YOUR SQUAD  END OF CHAMPIONSHIP save players file as ascii. insert formatted disk with at least 30K free press Y to proceed when ready any other key to abortsave players file to disk? Warning: original master file will be replaced! press Y to proceed any other key to abortPAUSEG You are about to SAVE data to disk Hit Y to confirm Any other key to abort. WARNING. You are about to RESET all player data held in memory. Hit Y to confirm Any other key to abort. T H E E D I T O R 1. Select club 2. Select player 3. Click on field to edit 4. Type new entry  left button to proceed Select opponent's player  you want to mark Only one per side left button to proceed Select club and player you want to approach  Each approach involves costs left button to proceed Select player  EDIT MODE type new surname  done/ exit/ click normal strategyoff-side trap high crosses quick counters through balls steady build-upsweeper system break rhythm normal tactics physical rough playing time wasting heavy marking fall in the boxback passes cry... LAST SEASONS BEING SAVED TO DISK NEW SEASON ABOUT TO START  change of tactics by select week number - ok + re-save season under a specific numberload fixtures from a particular season 1transfer duly completed. Transfer aborted. Buyer has insufficient funds...Two different clubs required for a transfer! Transfer aborted. Seller's squad too low already.Transfer cancelled. Buyer has full squad already!Price excessive. !Someone is interested but price is far too high. Asking price excessive. Interest withdrawn. Player is now on the transfer-list. Operation denied. Funds insufficient. Board intervention. Price too low. No deal. have just boughtfrom GOALDEF M-D MID M-A ATT GOALDEF SWE MID WIN ATT SUB RES SUS INJ GOAL KEEPER DEFENDER MID - DEFEND MIDFIELD MID - ATTACK ATTACKER *GOAL KEEPER DEFENDER SWEEPER MIDFIELD WINGER ATTACKER OFF SUBSTITUTE RESERVE SUSPENDED INJURED OFF *GOAL KEEPER DEFENDER MID - DEFEND MIDFIELD MID - ATTACK STRIKER  VACANT midfield substituterating earningsmarket valueage played caps scored shooting control heading tacklingpassing speed stamina fitness vision marking experience attitudeinfluence reliabletiredness morale match rtg reliableprone to injury - prone to bad behaviour - heavily marked - prone to wild tackling - disciplinary points - weeks suspended : current rolesubject to heavy markingsubject to rough treatmentoverall ratingsystem stadium address nickname current manager - bank record att record win league champions - FA cup winners - League cups - European cups - Cup winners cups - UEFA * FAIRS Cup - League fixturesfinancial report starting balance disposals Acquisitions sponsorships Wages TV deals Fines - bank Gate receipts Other current balanceUEFA Cup Cup Winners' Cup EUROPEAN CupThe FA CupThe League CupDiv 1 Play offsinternational challenge match First Round 1st Leg  First Round 2nd Leg  Second Round 1st Leg  Second Round 2nd Leg  group match 1.  group match 2.  group match 3.  group match 4.  group match 5.  group match 6.  Semi Finals .  THE FINAL  THE WINNERS..  First Round 1st Leg  First Round 2nd Leg  Second Round 1st Leg  Second Round 2nd Leg  Quarter Finals 1st Leg  Quarter Finals 2nd Leg  Semi Finals 1st Leg  Semi Finals 2nd Leg J THE FINAL  THE WINNERS..  First Round 1st Leg  First Round 2nd Leg  Second Round 1st Leg  Second Round 2nd Leg  Quarter Finals 1st Leg  Quarter Finals 2nd Leg  Semi Finals 1st Leg  Semi Finals 2nd Leg  THE FINAL 1st Leg  THE FINAL 2nd Leg  The Winners .  THE FINAL R E P L A Y First Round 1st Leg  First Round 2nd Leg  Second Round 1st Leg  Second Round 2nd Leg  Third round  Fourth round  Fifth round  Semi Finals 1st Leg  Semi Finals 2nd Leg  THE FINAL  The Winners . First Round  Second Round  Third round  Fourth round  Fifth round  Sixth round  Semi Finals  THE FINAL  The Winners . Play offs First Leg Play offs Second Leg Play offs Final Promoted  Sudden death match Qualified forGOALIE LEFT BACK RIGHT BACK THE CAPTAIN A DEFENDER THE SWEEPER MIDFIELDER A MIDFIELDER LEFT WINGER RIGHT WINGER AN ATTACKER A DEFENDER A DEFENDER MIDFIELDER AN ATTACKER       WARNING. You are about to abandon this game and return to DESKTOP Hit Y to confirm Any other key to abort. FILE ACTION PLAYERS options last season SAVE NEW EDITOR EXIT  resume new season load season re-save as.. promotions View Clubs managers Select CLUB replay  classics kick off archive view refs schedule show bids EXIT VIEW TABLE FIXTURES RESULTS  TRANSFER LISTThe Examiner Select weekHonours The Cups Euro Pool Exit manual save brief news  ... normal speed highlights  transfers off  EXIT  all the news auto transfersman of match full settings SELECTBUY approach strategy tactics Formation pool next match sell - dispose unlist INFO Financial Fixture list exit mark opponent extras squadTRANSFER LIST POS FORM VALUE NEXT PAGEShot by Shot from header by header by Missed. Wide . wide over the top . Clipped the bar. Goal kick saved by goalie. fantastic save by keeper A really dreadful attempt Way off target. saved, the ball is loose. cleared off the line! headed off the line. good clearance by defender hits post. Still in play desperate clearance... rebounds off the bar. Huge scramble in the box punched by goalie... loose cleared by full back defender in the way. clearance under pressure headed away. still in play poor attempt. cleared panic in defence Big scramble in goal mouth headed off the line. Flicked over the bar . deflection: corner goalie dives: corner headed out by defender. defender in the way:corner bad clearance: corner panic clearance: corner deflected for a corner player offside. goal disallowed : offside! kick offhalf time final whistleinjury timeBlack Legend presentssubstitution: on offsubstitution he'll have to come off...interest noted. we'll be back.QUIT? Results will be saved to disk. Make sure disk is in drive A Confirm: Y/NDISK ACCESSAUTO SAVING  GOAL Next please Enter new name, then press return.  !The Top Scorerson transfer listwanted by The week's fixtures resultsWeek numberright button to exitguru bombs: please note error numbergoal kickcorner is injuredfoul by Great goal by Free kick just outside the box The wall is lining up. steps up and takes the kick... Free kick taken by Penalty ! To be taken by ...Reckless tackling by time wasting booking... Yellow card !The ref pulls a red card! He's off!Red card ! Quite extraordinary!M i s s e d !!He scores ! hat-Trick by for time-wasting going on... REPLAY commentary highlights goals only slow  normal fast League Cup Final FA Cup Final Last Europ. Cup Last Cup W. Cup  Last UEFA Cup Last League Cup Last FA Cup Classic match 1 Classic match 2 Classic match 3 Classic match 4 Classic match 5This manager is sacked. Rating too low. The League's RefereesThe Managers PoolManager Rating with Class  Left button to select .. Right to exitEDIT JOIN RESIGNinvalid namesorry rating not high enoughSorry. Position not vacantToo late in season to join this classrating current earnings previousbest season premier league titles div one titles FA Cups League Cups European Cups Cup Winners Cups UEFA Cups Wins this season in allDefeats this season in allDraws this season in allsequence wins defeatsPromotions - Relegations Ideally, these should be activated at the start of a new season. If called while a season is in progress all matches played so far will be void. Because of this, promotion routine is disabled past week 5. This routine will modify 19 master files held on disk, including master logos This procedure should therefore be activated with all necessary care. In particular, one or several back-up copies of your current data disk should have been made.Promotions/relegations in progress...Hit Y if you want to go aheadPromotions/relegations now completed. Premiership Champions *** Relegation - Promotion Zone ***Transfer deadline in two weeks timewarning. Transfer deadline now pastend of demo version.Caution: Overall team rating is above 110 There are too many stars in your squad... It is likely to cause friction and problems. You should dispose of one or more high fliers immediately and get some decent workers insteadFailure to comply will adversely affect morale and even your bank account.  captain penalty taker  free kick taker corner kicks  long throws  central defender attacking f-back stay deep playmaker ball winner     centre forward  goalhanger    operate on wing  player manager  seasons stats...  matches played  on as a sub  league goals  cup goals total goals  penalties scored hat tricks  yellow cards  red cards man of the match rating to date  morale fitness penalty points       nationality  The EXAMINER - The season so far Top league scorers Top cup scorers Top overall scorers Penalty kings Hat trick heroes Most consistent players Most man of the match Super subs Highest average marks Most matches played Most caps Most yellow cards Most red cards THE HONOURS LIST Premiership champions runners-up Division One Champions FA Cup Winners League Cup Winners European Cup winners Cup W Cup winners UEFA Cup winners week 1 League Cup First Round 1st leg week 2 (division one only) week 3 League Cup First Round 2nd leg week 4 UEFA Cup First round 1st leg Cup Winners Cup 1st round 1. legEuropean Cup First Round 1st leg week 5 UEFA Cup First round 2nd leg Cup Winners Cup 1st round 2. legEuropean Cup First Round 2nd leg week 6 League Cup 2nd Round 1st leg week 7 week 8 (division One only) League Cup 2nd Round 2nd leg week 9 week 10 League Cup Third round week 11 week 12 week 13 League Cup Fourth round week 14 week 15 UEFA Cup Second round 1st leg Cup Winners Cup 2nd round 1. legEuropean Cup 2nd Round 1st leg week 16 FA Cup first round week 17 UEFA Cup Second round 2nd leg Cup Winners Cup 2nd round 2. legEuropean Cup 2nd Round 2nd leg week 18 FA Cup 2nd round week 19 week 20 (division one only) week 21 League Cup Fifth round week 22 FA Cup 3rd round week 23 week 24 UEFA Cup quarter finals 1. leg Cup Winners Cup quarter f 1. legEuropean Cup group matches 1. week 25 League Cup semi finals 1st leg week 26 UEFA Cup quarter fi@nals 2. leg Cup Winners Cup quarter f 2. legEuropean Cup group matches 2. week 27 week 28 League Cup semi finals 2nd leg week 29 FA Cup 4th round week 30 week 31 (division one only) week 32 FA Cup 5th round week 33 UEFA Cup semi finals 1st leg week 34 Cup Winners Cup semis 1st leg European Cup group matches 3. week 35 European Cup group matches 4. week 36 FA Cup 6th round week 37 UEFA Cup semi finals 2nd leg week 38 Cup Winners Cup semis 2nd leg European Cup group matches 5. week 39 League Cup Final European Cup group matches 6. week 40 European Cup semi Finals week 41 FA Cup semi finals week 42 UEFA Cup final 1st leg week 43 Cup Winners Cup final UEFA Cup final 2nd leg week 44 European Cup final week 45 FA Cup final week 46 Division One Play Offs 1st leg Division One Play Offs 2nd leg Division One Play Offs Final england scotland wales north. ireland irish republic germany u.s.a. denmark norway italy holland belgium spain austria brazil argentina portugal czech republic russia ukraine slovenia zimbabwe israel croatia poland hungary sweden rumania iceland greece canada france new zealand cameroon south africa switzerland cyprus turkey finland serbia bulgaria nigeria uruguay albania panama columbia marocco-tunisiageorgia australia ghana korea           All Managers now reset.Reset all managers balances? Y - NLIST write all players to disk/printer MEMO show chip-fast memory available PROM display last year's promotions... VIEW view memory. Debugging only CLUB change club names FREE buy players free of charge POOL save european pool to disk LIMI disable 110 limit BIDS erase all bids from memory CONT reshuffle all contracts CODE display code listchange club name ? C to change S to save to disk Any other to abortenter new club name Full Editor now active.has been voted pfa player of the yearis the PFA young player of the yearwins the footballer of the year awardcollects the manager of the year awardis the golden boot of the premiership. man of the match .ARE THE CHAMPIONS  +DIVISION ONE CHAMPIONS  dyou are in no financial position to bid.applause from the fans he doesn't seem too happy... he's carried off on a stretcher he's hobbling away in disappointment the physio thinks it's not too serious and appears to be annoyed at the decisionand swears at the manager in disgust amidst huge cheers from the crowd and receives a well-deserved ovation applause from the fans he's a bit disappointed with his booking both players are coming off... own goal by . There is a pitch invasion.. fans are on the pitch. The referee stops the match Police on horse back are on the field Calm is eventually restored. After some delay the match restarts... fans are booing their own team...There is a fight between . and . The referee has a stern word with both of themextra timeafter extra timeDecided on penaltiesTransfer List pos form valueAllcomers Poolclub pos form value Select playerPremiership P W D L F A W D L F A PTDivision One P W D L F A W D L F A PT FREETRANSFER MARKET NEWSinterest is shown inby Inspect player's fact file Proceed with negotiations Exit Analysis Withdraw bidI accept. OK to talk to player You'll have to raise that offer No way am I selling this player I might sell later but not now Double that offer and I might sell  bmw porsche flat flat + bmw house house + porscheAtari computer player's fact fileagemarket value current wagescontract months to run desire to leave matches this season goals so farCurrent rating Fitness Morale Scout's opinion: More info Analysis Exit  caps for cap for out of contract: free agentnone click hereagemarket value current wagescontract months to run desire to leave matches this season goals so farCurrent rating Fitness Morale talks: round done manager's response: More info Analysis Exit contract in years proposed wages other incentives plus *done player's response: More info Analysis Exit sorry. not interested Not enough funds in your bank..You have a full squad already. My squad is too low already. I can't sell my only goalie Not enough defenders myself My own midfield is rather thin I need this guy in my attack sorry. not interested sorry. not interested sorry. offer inadequate This offer is acceptable OK to approach player board orders sale OK sounds fine OK sounds fine and furthermorealso and on top of that but unfortunately As the player is out of contract the transfer price will be set by the tribunal the tribunal sets the transfer price atthe board overules your decision Price too low. board steps in. no deal.sorry. not interested 0Incentive beyond your means... Am Happy here as player managerI'm not keen on a backward stepsorry. not interested sorry. not interested Wages not up to expectations I don't want a drop in wages Sorry I want a longer contract I'd rather stay here. sorry. not interested OK sounds fine OK sounds fine OK sounds fine OK sounds fine OK sounds fine captain goalkeeper defender defender midfielder att-midfielder striker centre\forward ballwinner playmaker winger centrl\defender restless very unsettled unsettled dissatisfied unhappy not happy not too happy open to offers uncertain undecided happy happyish quite happy very happy wants to stay very happy herenone at all with\a\powerful\shot with\great\scoring\ability with\deadly\finish very\good\in\the\air great\header\of\the\ball tremendous\in\the\air with\good\passing\skills fine\passer\of\the\ball superb\and\accurate\passer with\good\stamina very\reliable\workhorse with\endless\stamina good\understanding\of\the\game with\great\vision\ability outstanding\reader\of\the\game with\fine\ball\control with\great\control\ability with\superb\control\skills no-nonsense\tackler with\fine\tackling\ability with\greaty\tackling\ability with\a\good\turn\of\speed capable\of\exciting\runs with\devastating\speed good\man-to-man\marker with\great\marking\ability with\superb\marking\skills 6international\experience\bound\to\be\an\asset prone\to\suffer\injuries.\check\his\fitness does\tend\to\get\involved\in\brawls\sometimes currently\not\entirely\fit. not\much\scope\for\this\player\\leave\him\alone limited\talent\on\offer.\no\big\deal not\the\most\impressive\acquisition 2 below\average\material.\\think\again 3 player\of\average\value\at\present 4 present\degree\of\desirability\fair 5 useful\player\to\have\around 6 fine\talent\\\well\worth\considering 7 quality\player\that\should\deliver\the\goods class\player\\should\greatly\enhance\the\squad superb\talent\\\highly\desirable 10 brilliant\individual\\top\class\player 11 superb\world\class\player 12 Technically worth: Potentially:trainee young promising regular established experienced veteran unexciting unexciting average average useful decent fine skillful superb brilliant amazing poor poor weak average fair useful good great superb brilliant amazing  If a player is still under contract, you will have to negotiate with his manager who may or may not want to sell him. His decision will be based on how i4mportant that player is to him. He will also have to consider his own squad level, his finances, and how much you are prepared to pay. the player's own desire to leave and morale will also be considered. If you are turned down a maximum of three approaches is permitted each incurring costs.  Should the manager grant permisssion to talk to the player, there is no guarantee that he will agree to join you. He will take into account the terms you are offering, whether he can fulfill his ambitions at your club and who else is also interested in him. Market value is the figure currently recorded.  It is very close to the player's value in real life. Technically worth is based on the player's current rating and is therefore the most reliable figure. Potentially worth takes age into account. While in real life, player's age is critical in establishing a valuation, in this simulation it is irrelevant. Enter your bid. % If player is a free agent you will be able to talk to him even if your bid is not acceptable to his manager. Should the player decide to join you, the purchase price would then be set by a tribunal.  Equally if the player has been given a free transfer there is no need to enter a bidding offer. Enter your proposed contract, wages and incentives. Remember that top players are very unlikely to be interested in smaller clubs unless some amazing deal is on the table. Older players on the other hand are less choosy. You should also check the player's desire to leave. If he's unsettled your chances will be somewhat improved. Above player is being offered for sale. The buying manager should now type his best offer. Or withdraw the bid if necessary... bidding offerenter your biddonepersonal termsfollowing players are out of contractPlayer wanted by round of talks bidThe board's confidence in the manager isnon existent badly shaken rock bottom receding fast worried steady quite good delighted total absolute over the moon official matchday programme week  venue  referee  league pos. top scorers man to watch weekly wages: senior squad reservesedit text edit text edit text edit text  use save to disk tacticians  united tactics utd caution. master graphic files will be modified abort if no current backup data disk exists. there is no way to reverse this operation player fitnessselect player in need of attention right button to exitclub physio is back next weekphysio only handles one case a weekphysio no longer available this year...responding to treatment treatment successful calls remaining: player months to run weekly wagesOK I accept this contract Wages too low. Not interested. Sorry contract too short... contract too long for my plans take me off the transfer-list I'll discuss all this later my salary needs to double I'd like at least one year... I'm not too keen on a pay cut. I can stay another year at mostludicrously low wage. Not on. The reserve players pos age mor fit value ratingadd delete . pos age caps nationality . . .. . techn value . . .To A team  view A team help . exit enter player's age range 15-51 enter position range 01-07 enter player's caps range 00-99 enter nationality range 00-63 enter first name enter surnameearmark player to pull out with left button right button to exitselect player right button to exit  player matches played to send a player to the A squad (seniors) : click on him then click on to a team  Even players marked vacant can be send to the A team Any player sent to the A team will go into the first available vacant slot or swap with any player that has been earmarked for replacement.  Adding a new reserve will cost 40  if you delete a player you will be credited with a portion of his true value.  technical value is based on player's rating figure transfers are usually struck at around that price. the current reserves file is currently limited to a grand total of 200 players.  challenge match  show months to run  show club's bids  erase club's bids  set transfer price  discuss contract  show wage bill  reserves  board's confidence   consult physio   edit club logo   matchday programme  exit 8 freshness performancefitness  overall the attendance is   current settingsspeed of match action level of match commentary delay between matches level of injury during matches automatic save every four weeks automatic computer transfers display man of the match display club badges before match automatic sequence mode amount of weekly news and events display scorers after each match players charts during match define current year use simple transfer system automatic contract renewal show attendances display players out of contract output match replays to ! !fast normal slow full hlightsgoals 2 sec 30 sec pause normal low  on off  on off  yes no  yes no  on off  brief full yes no  yes no 94 95 96  yes no  yes no  yes no  yes no screen printerdisk The referee is Mr Jim Parker 9B. Coddington 9David Elleray 9Clive Wilkes 8Paul Danson 8Arthur Smith 8Neale Barry 8Terry Holbrook8Ray Bigger 8George Cain 8Philip Don 8Keren Barratt 8Gerald Ashby 8Paul Alcock 8Alan Wilkie 8John Kirkby 8John Brandwood8Mike Bailey 8Robbie Hart 7Terry Heilbron7Ian Cruiksh 7Kevin Breen 7Vic Callow 7Keith Cooper 7K. Cooper 7Dave Frampton 7John Key 7John Holbrook 7Eddie Lomas 7Kelvin Morton 7Mickey Pierce 6Trevor West 6Graham Pooley 6Steve Lodge 6Terry Lunt 6Ken Lupton 6E Wolstenholme6B Lowe 6J Barlow 6Alan Dawson 6Roger Gifford 6Jim Rushton 6Gurnam Singh 6Paul Harrison 6M. Bodenham 5Jim Borrett 5Keith Burge 5Billy Burns 5Mike Peck 5Graham Poll 5Peter Foakes 5Mike Reed 5J Griffiths 5A Wiley 5Roger Wiseman 5Paul Vanes 4W Norbury 4David Allison 4M Mountain 4P Griggs 4Roger Dilkes 4Peter Jones 4Gary Willard 4Paul Durkin 3Rich Poulain 3F Taylor 3J Wesson 3John Watson 3Philip Wright 3Der Gallagher 3Ian Hemley 3John Lloyd 3Mike James 3Ray Lewis 3Steve Dunn 3Ken Leach 3Kevin Lynch 3Jeff Winter 3Ron Groves 3John Moules 3Keith Hackett 2Ray Shepherd 2Joe Worrall 2Brian Hill 2Roger Milford 1Howard King 1Allan Gunn 1Alan Flood 1Jim Parker 9Jim Parker 9ovrdrawn age pos role played fit morale rating  &scored status valFirst leg result: . - .Teams still in Cup Competitions: European Cup Cup Winners' Cup UEFA Cup COCA COLA Cup FA Cup win on penalties.European Cup Group AEuropean Cup Group BPl for ag win drw def pts DIVISION ONE PLAY OFFS press 1 or 2 for divisioninsert data disk then hit key insert disk B then hit key fa premiershipdivision onesigns highly profitable deal with new sponsors [Q[L2 is reported to be unhappy at ZS[LP0 was injured in training and may miss next match with ZS[LP# makes a substantial offer for RLZT[/ is not very happy and wants to leave ZU[LP0[ wants to try a new club and leave ZU[LP00 is looking for a new club and wants to leave ZU[LP00 has been transfer listed by ZV[LP0c has been put on the transfer list by ZV[LP0c is no longer needed by ZV[LP0c is causing some bad vibes within ZV[LP0 has contracts problems and is transfer-listed by ZV[LP0c is now on the official transfer list of ZV[LP0c is being put up for sale from ZV[LP0c is being disposed of by ZV[LP0c cannot agree terms and will have to leave ZV[LP0c is surplus to requirements at ZV[LP0c now appears on the transfer list at ZV[LP0c has contracts problems and is transfer-listed by ZV[LP0c is now on the official transfer list of ZV[LP0c is available from $ZV[LP0c may no longer fit in the long term plans of ZS[LP0 wants to move on and is considering a transfer from ZS[LP0 Heavy rain renders most pitches very soggy. L is improving all the time. There is satisfaction at ZS[LP% is showing tremendous form for ZS[LP% is training well and makes steady progress at ZS[LP% are prepared to pay full market value for RLZT[/ are after % RLZT[/ make a determined bid for the services of RLZT[/ are very interested in RLZT[/ are in the transfer market. They're after RLZT[/ need reinforcing. They want to splash out on RLZT[/ are prepared to pay full market value for RLZT[/ are in the transfer market. They're after RLZT[/ need reinforcing. They want to splash out on RLZT[/ are prepared to pay full market value for RLZT[/ make a determined bid for the services of RLZT[/ are very interested in RLZT[/ make a determined bid for the services of RLZT[/ are in the transfer market. They're after RLZT[/ are in the transfer market. They are after RLZT[/ want to strengthen their squad and are looking at RLZT[/ are trying to acquire new players. They're keen on RLZT[/ are looking for top class players. They're looking atRLZT[/ want to reinforce their squad. They plan to swoop forRLZT[/ need reinforcing. They want to splash out on RLZT[/ has a groin injury and is doubtful for next saturday ZS[L# signs contract with new sponsors [Q[L2 hurts his ankle during midweek practice ZS[L #is injured and unlikely to play on Saturday for Z S[LP #has ligaments problems and will need a fitness test ZS[L #strains a muscle during training. There is concern atZS[LP #has caught a cold and may miss his next match for ZS[LP #at the moment does not seem to be very happy at ZS[LP0 Poor playing conditions for next weeks games L Had some crowd trouble last week RL3 fans ran riot through town. There were some arrests RL3 has fractured his leg while training ZS[L $has fractured his arm during practice for ZS[LP$ was kicked in the nuts at practice and is not happy ZS[L# looks very sharp at the moment for ZS[LP% is finding his best form for ZS[LP% is working very hard in training at the moment for ZS[LP% signs highly profitable deal with new sponsors [Q[L2 have received monies for their next televised game [Q[L2 at the moment does not seem to be very happy at ZS[LP0 little time left for team changes. Match starts soon L kick-off time is fast approaching. Please hurry ! L are keen to make a bid for the services of RLZT[/ signs highly profitable deal with new sponsors [Q[L2 have signed a highly profitable deal with new sponsor[Q[L2 Have won a contract for advertising mitre Footballs [Q[L2 hurts his ankle during midweek practice ZS[L #is injured and unlikely to play on Saturday for Z S[LP #has ligaments problems and will need a fitness test ZS[L #hurts his ankle during midweek practice ZS[L #is injured and unlikely to play on Saturday for Z S[LP #has ligaments problems and will need a fitness test ZS[L #strains a muscle during training. There is concern atZS[LP #has fitness problems and is uncertain to play ZS[L #need strenghtening. They are after RLZT[/ strains a muscle during training. Some anxiety at ZS[LP #are trying to sign #RLZT[/ are after a strong player like RLZT[/ is available from $ZV[LP0c has no future with #ZV[LP0c are in the transfer market. They're after RLZT[/ need reinforcing. They want to splash out on RLZT[/ is out of favour and is transfer-listed by ZV[LP0c Alan Sugar installs new Spectrum 3 computers at SpursL Sugar tries to buy the new Premier League LF Lazio offers Gazza a new deal with king-size hankies L Rain in England renders some pitches very soggy L Thunder Storms in England, most pitches water logged L  boardroom panic at Tottenham over faulty computers L Sugar installs new satellite dishes at Spurs L Tottenham's Spectrums break down L Gazza belches on the pitch and gets a yellow card L was involved in a tunnel fight with vinnie jones ZS[L# <Kd VACANT .   3 :,`@ \main\title.pi1\main\sprites.pic\main\back.pi1\div1\logos1a.pic\div1\logos1b.pic\div1\logos1c.pic\div2\logos2a.pic\div2\logos2b.pic\div2\logos2c.pic\main\action.pic\main\tables.pic\fonts\a1_sma*.fon\fonts\a1_unc*.fon\foMnts\a1_sma*.fon\fonts\a2_squa*.fon\fonts\a2_ams*.fon\fonts\a2_sma*.fon\ft_2\tactics0.doc\main\noise.sam\ft_2\news_1.dat\ft_2\news_2.dat\ft_2\master.dat\ft_2\master_e.dat\div1\player1.dat\div1\player1s.dat\div2\player2.dat\div2\player2s.dat\ft_2\playerso.dat\div1\team1.dat\div1\team1s.dat\div2\team2.dat\div2\team2s.dat\div1\fixt.dat\div1\fixt_sav.dat\div2\fixt.dat\div2\fixt_sav.dat\div1\fixt_00.dat\div1\fixt_01.dat\div1\fixt_99.dat\ft_2\fix_eur.dat\ft_2\fix_eurs.dat\players1.asc\players2.asc\div1\replay.dat\div2\replay2.dat\ft_2\replay3.dat\ft_2\replay4.dat\ft_2\clubs.dat\ft_2\sides.dat\ft_2\honours.dat\ft_2\link.asc\ft_2\managers.dat\ft_2\master_p.dat\ft_2\master_s.dat\ft_2\flags.datd:\block.dat\ft_2\bids.dat\ft_2\reserve.dat\ft_2\reserves.dat^cc&version 2.35 june 17 1994.  v`.. 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LAYER1 DAT .nLAYER1SDAT 4`nEPLAY DAT `$b.  ..  .  ..  LUBS DAT 7`   These scouts reports are here courtesy of PREMIER SUPREMOS the Play by Mail group based in Colchester. Thanks to Adam Marshall, Gary McDowell & Co for permission to reprint. *** *** *** Ag Po Rat Sh He Pa St Vi Ex In Ti Co Ta Sp Fi Ma At Re Mo L.Miklosko 31 G 0 0 0 7 7 8 10 20 6 8 6 7 0 8 8 7 CZECH international keeper despite the claims of Q.P.R's Stejskal and Newcastle's Srnicek. Very agile despite his 6ft 5in frame, he was signed from Banik Ostrava and has become a real favourite with the Hammers fans. Wants Premier League football but may well get it with West Ham next season if they continue their good form. S.Potts 25 MD 3 7 6 7 6 5 5 20 6 7 7 7 8 7 7 6 AMERICAN born defender who can operate either as a full back or centre half. Neat on the ground and adequate in the air, Potts may push hard for a place in the U.S.A. squad for the 1994 World Cup Finals. He could also be used as a sweeper as he is technically a good defender who uses the ball out of defence well. T.Gale 33 D 5 8 5 6 3 7 7 20 4 7 5 6 7 7 6 7 TALL centre half who has represented England at youth and under-21 levels. Started his career at Fulham back in 1977 where he spent seven seasons at Craven Cottage before moving onto West Ham in 1984 where he has become a permanent member of their back four. Best remembered for his sending off in the F.A. Cup semi final in 1991 against Nottingham Forest. J.Dicks 24 D 5 8 6 7 5 6 6 20 6 8 6 7 6 7 7 9 AGRESSIVE left back whose disciplinary record leaves a lot to be desired. The England under 21 international began his career with Birmingham before moving to Upton Park in 1988. Dicks has a fearsome shot as well as tackling ability and he scored nine league goals in the 1989-90 season. Also a penalty expert, he would be in line for an England place but for his fiery temper. Player of the Year at Upton Park last season. Hot-headed player whose career has been marred by injury, he is a highly talented full back who is destined for further honours at international level if he can only keep his temper. A versatile player who can occupy a couple of positions in the back four, Dicks is very strong on the ball. The man bought from Birmingham is perhaps becoming something of a marked man following three recent sendings off. G.Parris 28 MD 6 7 6 8 6 7 5 20 5 7 7 7 8 6 7 7 UNGAMELY looking player who is West Ham through and through. The former England Schoolboy international first signed on the dotted line for The Hammers during the 1982-83 season. He has made the bulk of his appearances as full back but more recently he has been allocated the role of a midfield runner. Not the most gifted player in the world but he is quite effective. P.Butler 26 M 5 4 6 8 6 4 6 20 6 6 6 8 7 7 7 8 MIDFIELD work-horse who began his career as an apprentice at Huddersfield before moving on to Bury in 1986. He then joined Cambridge, who he had earlier made 14 appearances for whilst on loan, before ending up at Southend. He was given his chance by Billy Bonds to play for a bigger club and his busy style has helped him hold a regular place in the side. K.Keen 25 M 5 3 7 7 7 5 5 20 7 5 7 8 4 6 5 7 NOT a crowd favourite at Upton Park but he is a hard working honest player. Failed to score in 20 full appearances last season in the league but he did manage to score in the Rumbelows Cup. He is a one club man but he is struggling to hold down a regular place in the side this season. A.Martin 34 D 3 9 5 5 3 10 8 20 4 8 3 6 8 8 8 8 EXPERIENCED centre half who thought his days at West Ham were numbered when he was given a free transfer last season. However he turned in some sterling displays at the end of the last campaign and this earned him a new contract which should see him finish his career at Upton Park. Very loyal to West Ham, he appeared 17 times for England between 1981 and 1987. M.Allen 27 M 6 5 7 7 6 7 7 20 6 6 6 7 7 4 5 7 HARD-man midfielder whose rough tackling and aggressive style have earned him the nickname 'Mad Dog' at West Ham. Has scored some spectacular long range goals from midfield for The Hammers since his move from Q.P.R. A really tough tackler, Allen often challenges Dicks for the worst disciplinary record at Upton Park. Failed to score in the league last season and is struggling to become a regular again this term. T.Breacker 28 D 5 6 7 7 6 7 7 20 6 8 7 7 7 7 8 8 QUALITY full back whose robust displays with Luton earned him a move to West Ham when The Hatters became forced to sell. The England Under- 21 international scored twice last season but he is an attacking defender who loves to get forward and get some crosses in. Quite fast and a fine tackler, Breacker is a Premier League player playing in Division One. M.Holmes 23 M 5 5 7 7 7 4 6 20 7 6 6 7 5 6 7 6 SIGNED from Bournemouth at the start of the season, 'Matty' as he is known at the club, has forced his way into the starting line-up at Upton Park this season as the club challenge for a place back in the top flight. A cultured player on the ball, he scored only three times for The Cherries last season but, helped by Harry Redknapp's links with The Hammers, he was snapped up by the Londoners and he has not let them down yet. I.Bishop 27 M 6 5 8 7 9 6 8 20 7 4 6 6 2 5 6 1 MIDFIELD playmaker who thought he had risen out of a career of obscurity when he hit the big time with Manchester City, scoring a lovely goal in the famous 5-1 derby win over United, but his career has again taken a nosedive. After being rejected by Everton, he went to Carlisle before moving on to Bournemouth. Earned some recognition after twice playing Man.United in the FA Cup and City signed him up for 750,000. Was a favourite at Maine Road so the fans were shocked to see him go to West Ham where he has fallen out of favour recently. K.Brown 25 MD 6 5 6 7 5 5 5 20 6 7 7 6 7 6 7 6 PLAYED as full back on many occasions last season and was surprisingly joint third top scorer for The Hammers in the league last season with three goals-one of which was the crucial strike that helped end Man.Utd's title dreams. Son of former Norwich boss Ken Brown, he began his career at Carrow Road before moving to Plymouth. The Hammers initially bought him on loan but they have since made the deal permanent. C.Allen 31 A 8 6 7 7 6 8 7 20 7 4 6 5 3 7 8 7 ACE goal-grabber who has played for practically every top side in London! He started his career with Q.P.R. back in 1978 before moving to Arsenal only to switch to Crystal Palace without making an appearance for The Gunners. He left Palace to return to Q.P.R. before going to Tottenham and having a wonderful season in a side that contained Hoddle, Ardiles and Waddle as the lone striker, bagging 33 League goals and nearly half that in the cup competitions. Joined Bordeaux in France but was unhappy abroad and he linked up with Man.City on their return to the top flight. Sold by City to Chelsea for a cut price fee he was soon on the move again on deadline day last season to Upton Park. M.Thomas 28 MD 5 6 6 8 5 7 6 20 4 7 7 7 6 6 5 6 FORMER England Under-21 starlet who started with Luton, like fellow Hammers full back Breacker, but he has since played in midfield or even as a central defender. Signed for West Ham for 550,000 and he played 34 league games last season, scoring three goals. Has struggled with injury problems and was linked with a move back to Luton. T.Morley 31 A 8 7 6 6 5 7 6 20 6 3 6 7 3 5 6 9 IN-form striker who nearly moved to Watford this season but has instead emerged as the man to shoot The Hammers back into the top flight. Was a prolific forward at Northampton after spells in the non- league scene and Manchester City gave him his chance with a big club. Scored ten goals in 19 games during his first season at West Ham after being involved in the deal that took Mark Ward to Maine Road. Was involved in a controversial incident with his Swedish wife and was admitted to hospital with stab wounds and, although several rumours were flying around about what actually happened, he has fought back well. S.Jones 19 A 7 6 6 7 6 2 6 20 6 2 8 7 2 7 6 10 YOUNG striker who has shot to prominence in the last couple of weeks with two goals in his first two games for The Hammers. Fast and direct, Jones, who was signed from non-league obscurity with Billericay Town, could have saved the club a fortune in the transfer market. A name to watch out for-maybe even a future Whizz-Kid! N.Webb 29 M 113 6 6 9 6 8 8 6 20 6 6 4 7 7 7 6 10 SIGNED for 1.3 million in Premier Supremos from Manchester United, the new Everton star has had a varied career. Started his career with Reading where he attracted the attention of a lot of bigger clubs with Portsmouth winning the race for his signature. Several good seasons at Pompey prompted Notts Forest to move in for him and he became the 1000th England international when he came on as a sub to replace Glenn Hoddle. A 1.5 million move was devastated by a serious ru3pturing of his achilles tendon whilst playing for England in Sweden but he recovered to appear in the 1990 World Cup Finals and 1992 European Championships. On his day he is superb but he has struggled to recover his best form since that terrible injury. D.Phillips 29 U 114 7 6 7 8 7 8 8 20 7 6 7 9 5 2 7 8 WELSH international who can appear in a variety of positions including full back, wide midfield and as an out and out winger. Very under- rated, the experienced Norwich star he began his career with Plymouth before making a name for himself with Manchester City. After two seasons at Maine Road, he moved on to Coventry where he won an FA Cup winners medal, before switching to Norwich. Capable of scoring goals and a hard working, honest player, Phillips would bolster any squad. P.Atherton 22 D 104 4 8 5 8 5 5 7 20 6 8 6 9 6 2 2 8 Coventry defender with good aeriel supremacy at the heart of the defence, Clean tackler with promising future. C.Hignett 22 MA 6 5 6 6 6 2 6 20 6 5 6 8 4 7 6 7 One-club man with Crewe, he has continued to score goals in what is now his sixth season with Alexrandra. Although a midfielder, he had scored, before the start of this term, 34 goals in his last three seasons. D.Bergkamp 23 A 10 8 7 8 7 7 9 20 9 3 8 8 2 8 8 10 Dazzling Dutch striker who is earmarked for a move to Italy with AC Milan. Has been a regular scorer in Hollan+  !"#$%&'()*+,- N(Px)@)h))RRRR(Px)@)h))RRRR(Px)@)h))RRRR(Px)@)h))RR(Px)@)h))RRRR(Px)@)h))RRRR 0H`x@Xp>>>>>>]]]^0H`x@Xp>>>>>>]]]^^ ^8 ARSENAL  NOTT FOREST NORWICH CITY ASTON VILLA NEWCASTLE  LIVERPOOL  SHEFFIELD WED QPR TOTTENHAM  LEICESTER C EVERTON  COVENTRY CITY LEEDS UNITED IPSWICH TOWN MANCHESTER UTD CRYSTAL PAL WIMBLEDON  CHELSEA  WEST HAM  MAN CITY  SOUTHAMPTON BLACKBURN R READING  CHARLTON ATH GRIMSBY TOWN SWINDON TOWN PORT VALE  BRISTOL CITY WOLVERHAMPTON SOUTHEND UTD SUNDERLAND  PORTSMOUTH  BARNSLEY  SHEFFIELD U LUTON TOWN  TRANMERE ROV MILLWALL  DERBY COUNTY WEST BROMWICH MIDDLESBROUGH OLDHAM ATH  BOLTON WNDRS BURNLEY  NOTTS COUNTY STOKE CITY  WATFORD  ARSENAL NOTTINGHAM FOREST NORWICH CITY ASTON VILLA NEWCASTLE LIVERPOOL SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY QUEENS PARK RANGERS TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR LEICESTER CITY EVERTON COVENTRY CITY LEEDS UNITED IPSWICH TOWN MANCHESTER UNITED CRYSTAL PALACE WIMBLEDON CHELSEA WEST HAM MANCHESTER CITY SOUTHAMPTON BLACKBURN ROVERS READING CHARLTON ATHLETIC GRIMSBY TOWN SWINDON TOWN PORT VALE BRISTOL CITY WOLVERHAMPTON SOUTHEND UNITED SUNDERLAND PORTSMOUTH BARNSLEY V SHEFFIELD UNITED LUTON TOWN TRANMERE ROVERS MILLWALL DERBY COUNTY WEST BROMWICH ALBION MIDDLESBROUGH OLDHAM ATHL BOLTON WANDERERS BURNLEY NOTTS COUNTY STOKE CITY WATFORD ARSENAL NOTT FOREST NORWICH CITY ASTON VILLA NEWCASTLE LIVERPOOL SHEFFIELD W Q P R TOTTENHAM LEICESTER C EVERTON COVENTRY LEEDS UNITED IPSWICH TOWN MAN UNITED CRYSTAL PAL WIMBLEDON CHELSEA WEST HAM MAN CITY SOUTHAMPTON BLACKBURN R READING CHARLTON ATH GRIMSBY TOWN SWINDON TOWN PORT VALE BRISTOL CITY WOLVES SOUTHEND UTD SUNDERLAND PORTSMOUTH BARNSLEY SHEFFIELD U LUTON TOWN TRANMERE ROV MILLWALL DERBY COUNTY WEST BROM MIDDLESBRO OLDHAM ATHL BOLTON WNDRS BURNLEY NOTTS COUNTY STOKE CITY WATFORD  ARSENAL NOTT FOREST NORWICH CITY ASTON VILLA NEWCASTLE LIVERPOOL SHEFFIELD WED Q P R TOTTENHAM LEICESTER C EVERTON COVENTRY LEEDS UNITED IPSWICH TOWN MANCHESTER UTD CRYSTAL PAL WIMBLEDON CHELSEA WEST HAM MAN CITY SOUTHAMPTON BLACKBURN ROV READING CHARLTON ATHL GRIMSBY SWINDON TOWN PORT VALE BRISTOL CITY WOLVERHAMPTON SOUTHEND UTD SUNDERLAND PORTSMOUTH BARNSLEY SHEFFIELD U LUTON TOWN TRANMERE ROV MILLWALL DERBY COUNTY WEST BROM MIDDLESBRO OLDHAM ATHL BOLTON WNDRS BURNLEY NOTTS COUNTY STOKE CITY WATFORD   0N<~ ^:xz &L^ X>lARSENAL CRYSTAL PAL NORWICH CITY ASTON VILLA NOTT FOREST LIVERPOOL SHEFFIELD W Q P R TOTTENHAM SHEFFIELD U EVERTON COVENTRY LEEDS UNITED NOTTS COUNTY MAN UNITED OLDHAM ATHL WIMBLEDON CHELSEA WEST HAM MAN CITY SOUTHAMPTON LUTON TOWN READING CHARLTON ATH GRIMSBY TOWN NEWCASTLE PORT VALE BRISTOL CITY WOLVES SOUTHEND UTD SUNDERLAND PORTSMOUTH BARNSLEY LEICESTER C BLACKBURN R TRANMERE ROV MILLWALL DERBY COUNTY WEST BROM MIDDLESBRO SWINDON TOWN BOLTON WNDRS BURNLEY IPSWICH TOWN STOKE CITY WATFORD ARSENAL CRYSTAL PAL NORWICH CITY ASTON VILLA NOTT FOREST LIVERPOOL SHEFFIELD W Q P R TOTTENHAM SHEFFIELD U EVERTON COVENTRY LEEDS UNITED NOTTS COUNTY MAN UNITED OLDHAM ATHL WIMBLEDON CHELSEA WEST HAM MAN CITY SOUTHAMPTON LUTON TOWN READING CHARLTON ATH GRIMSBY TOWN NEWCASTLE PORT VALE BRISTOL CITY WOLVES SOUTHEND UTD SUNDERLAND PORTSMOUTH BARNSLEY LEICESTER C BLACKBURN R TRANMERE ROV MILLWALL DERBY COUNTY WEST BROM MIDDLESBRO SWINDON TOWN BOLTON WNDRS BURNLEY IPSWICH TOWN STOKE CITY WATFORD Ccc -D -]"2w'Bbu 0P3DUw0@PpP7W"3DUwwcCAWD"4UsD6ww"33DUfwg4tRsS$  "@@d8\ "  ,    .  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Has often been criticized for his lack of goals but contributes greatly to his team's all-round play and is a big favourite with the Old Trafford faithful. L.O'Brien 28 M 7 7 7 7 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 6 7 5 5 8 LANKY midfielder who could be on the verge of a recall to the Eire squad after some solid displays for Newcastle. Walked out on Man.Utd to join the Magpies where he has shown an ability to strike the ball with power and accuracy from distance. Could be a useful addition. G.Owers 24 MD 5 6 7 7 6 5 6 20 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 HIGHLY-rated Sunderland midfielder who can also operate at full back. Is said to be a little unsettled at the struggling Rokerites and would like a move to a bigger club. Seems to have lost his way a bit recently and a bid of 1.5 million should be enough to persuade Malcolm Crosby to sell. S.Pears 30 G 90 0 0 0 8 6 7 6 20 6 5 7 9 0 8 7 7 FORMER Man.Utd keeper now between the posts for Middlesbrough. Has been hit by a string of injuries and this has affected his form after being called up for the England squad at one stage last season. T.Flowers 25 G 100 0 0 0 9 7 8 8 20 5 7 9 7 0 7 7 10 UNDER-RATED Southampton custodian who is superb at coming out and narrowing the angle. Confident enough to accept back-passes and distributes the ball well. Can be a little over-dramatic at times but is definitely worth looking at because he is a quality keeper. P.Cook 25 M 5 4 8 7 7 4 5 20 7 5 5 7 4 5 5 7 CULTURED midfield playmaker with a good range of passing in his repertoire. Formerly with Wigan and Norwich, Cook would relish a move to the Premier League and a 1m bid should be enough to tempt Wolves to sell their former England Youth international. W.Biggins 31 A 7 6 5 7 5 7 6 20 5 3 6 6 2 7 7 7 BARNSLEY recently recruited this much-travelled goal-getter who looks as though he could score goals at almost any level. Maybe better suited to the lower divisions where he can excel in front of goal, but is definitely a player who has proved his worth for several clubs including Norwich and Manchester City. S.Slater 23 MA 6 5 7 7 6 5 6 20 8 3 8 7 2 7 5 5 BURST onto the scene as an exciting youngster at West Ham but, despite a big-money move to Celtic, his career has not reached the heights that it promised. Fast and with a good touch, Slater is let down by an acute lack of goals, for which he is becoming infamous, and he has not found the net over the past two seasons. F.Simpson 22 MA 113 6 6 7 9 5 3 6 20 7 7 7 7 7 8 6 6 TENACIOUS midfield terrier who is getting a reputation amongst referees for some rough tackling. Runs hard and tackles bravely, the Manchester City star is the sort of player who most teams would like to have. Unlikely to leave Maine Road unless he is moving on to a bigger club, at the right price. C.Maskell 24 A 7 6 6 6 5 4 5 20 5 2 6 7 2 7 7 7 PROLIFIC scorer signed by Swindon boss Glenn Hoddle for a modest fee at the start of the season. Is repaying his manager with goals and is amongst the leading scorers in Division One. Formerly with Southampton, Huddersfield and Reading; he has always scored goals. K.Monkou 28 D 106 5 8 5 6 5 7 7 20 5 8 7 6 6 6 5 7 GIANT defender born in Surinam who began his English career with Chelsea before switching to Southampton at the start of the season. Strong and determined, Monkou would shore up any defence and he is always useful at set-pieces. Worth at least 900,000. S.Bruce 31 D 115 6 9 5 6 8 8 7 20 6 9 4 10 7 3 7 8 RUGGED defender who joined Man.United after spells with Gillingham and Norwich. The Geordie-born centre half has captained England B but has surprisingly never made the full squad. Superb in the air, Bruce is very dangerous at the other end of the field and is something of a penalty expert. J.Beresford 26 D 5 6 7 7 6 5 6 20 7 7 8 7 7 6 7 8 ATTACKING full back who was denied a dream move to Liverpool when he failed a medical. Instead he joined up with Kevin Keegan at Newcastle where he has shone in a successful side. Plagued by injuries, but the ex-Man.City, Barnsley and Portsmouth player has proved he is a quality player who could be destined for bigger things, maybe with Newcastle. R.Keane 21 MD 116 6 7 7 8 6 7 6 20 6 7 7 7 5 7 5 10 TURBO-charged midfield dynamo who has been targetted by all the big names from England and Europe. Is useful in defence as well as in his usual position of midfield for Forest. Looks set to be a Republic of Ireland international star for several years to come. A.Awford 20 D 4 7 6 7 4 5 7 20 6 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 PROMISING young defender with Portsmouth who would only leave the South Coast if the price is right. Classy centre back who sweeps up superbly for his side and should make the grade in the Premier League. Forms a great partnership at the back with Welshman Kit Symons. M.Kinsella 20 MA 6 5 7 7 7 2 5 20 7 5 7 7 4 6 6 7 COLCHESTER whizz-kid who has represented Eire at Under-21 level. Has the ability to play in the Premier League as he is a good passer and scores his fair share of goals from his midfield position. United rate him at 500,000+ and several clubs are monitoring his progress. L.Clark 20 M 7 6 8 8 7 2 6 20 7 4 7 6 3 6 6 9 TALENTED Newcastle youngster with an eye for goal who has already represented England at Under-21 level and is tipped for future stardom. Has become a regular under Kevin Keegan and the Geordies are adamant that they will not sell their star players like they have done so often in the past such as Waddle, Gascoigne and Beardsley. P.Elliott 28 D 116 5 10 4 7 5 8 9 20 5 9 7 6 7 8 7 5 CLASSY centre back who has appeared in the Italian League with Pisa. Has benefitted from the experience and surely would be in Graham Taylor's England squad had he not been dogged by a series of injuries. Commanding in the air, composed on the ground; Elliott is a defender whose value cannot be truly measured. U.Ehiogu 20 MD 95 4 7 6 7 5 2 4 20 6 7 7 9 6 8 5 3 YOUNG Aston Villa defender who has yet to break into the first team on a regular basis. West Brom showed his worth when they were furious over Villa's poaching of their young starlet and he should make his mark within the next two seasons. 6ft 2ins tall, but plays full back. S.McMahon 31 M 116 6 6 7 9 7 8 7 20 6 8 5 9 5 7 5 7 FORMER England hard-man now at Manchester City after enjoying spells at Everton, Aston Villa and Liverpool. Was a big favourite with the Kop for his crunching tackles and selfless running. Was a vital cog in the Reds' midfield and can chip in with some vital goals. Rod Wallace 23 MA 108 8 5 7 7 6 5 5 20 7 4 8 10 4 6 4 7 LITTLE winger with an exciting burst of pace and a real eye for goal. Made his name at Southampton before joining Leeds in a deal that also took his twin brother Ray to Elland Road. Injury-prone and a little inconsistent but, on his day, he can add an extra dimension to an attack. K.Curle 28 D 120 6 8 6 7 6 7 9 20 6 8 9 9 7 4 7 8 LIGHTNING quick centre back who has made a real difference to Manchester City's defence since leaving Wimbledon for 2.5 million. Strong and with good positional sense, Curle is one of the country's top defenders but seems fairly settled at Maine Road. R.Prosinecki 24 M 8 6 10 6 10 7 10 20 10 4 7 6 2 3 3 1 OUT of form midfielder with Real Madrid after earning a big-money move from European Cup winners Red Star Belgrade. Troubles in his homeland could have affected his morale as he has struggled to fit in to the Spanish game. Free kick expert with an excellent touch and immaculate ball control. Unhappy but unlikely to want to move to England. M.Dahlin 22 MA 8 6 7 7 5 7 5 20 5 2 9 8 2 4 5 7 FAST striker who plays his football for Borrusia Dortmund in Germany following a move from his native Sweden with Malmo. Made a big impact on his Swedish international debut with a double strike against Austria and has done well for the national side. Appeared in the impressive Swedish side in the European Championships in 1992. A.Goram 28 G 0 0 0 8 7 8 8 20 8 7 7 7 0 6 8 8 SCOTLAND'S number one who has been starring for Rangers in the Scottish Premier. Started his career with Oldham but really made his name at Hibernian, where he even managed to score a goal with a long punt from his goalmouth. Joined the Gers for 1 million and is worth a lot more to them now. A.Pele 25 MA 7 5 9 7 8 7 7 20 9 4 8 8 5 6 7 7 GHANAIAN international with real flair and excellent ball control. Was part of the fabulous Marseille star trio that reached the European Cup Final, along with Waddle and Papin, and was voted man-of-the-match against Spartak Moscow and AC Milan in the qualifying rounds. Possesses silky skills and is a big favourite in France. B.Deane 24 A 116 8 10 6 4 4 8 9 20 7 4 8 9 3 6 7 10 HIGHLY-valued target man at Sheffield United after being bought for a nominal fee from Doncaster Rovers. Several big clubs are interested in the lanky front man who has continued to hit the net in three divisions for the Blades. Full England international and is pressing for a place in Graham Taylor's squad on a permanent basis. R.Jones 21 D 118 5 4 7 7 7 6 6 20 7 9 9 5 7 8 7 8 PROMISING England international full back who has seen his progress halted by a number of serious injuries. Missed the European Championships just when it looked like he was going to make the right back spot his own for his country. Now he has to overcome the likes of Parker and Dixon to regain his place. Liverpool are highly unlikely to off-load such a talented player. M.Le Tissier 23 MA 110 8 4 8 5 9 7 8 20 9 4 7 9 4 3 3 10 GIFTED Channel Islander with real flair that excites fans all over the country. However, the new Everton star is something of an enigma and can be brilliant one week, awful the next. Often given a free role but his talent must be harnessed. D.Pancev 25 A 10 7 6 7 7 8 7 20 7 2 6 8 2 7 5 3 SHARP-SHOOTING Inter Milan striker who is struggling to make an impact in Italy. Was voted European Player of the Year and also won the Golden Boot in his time with Red Star Belgrade. Scores goals from inside the penalty area frequently and did so at international level for Yugoslavia as well. Despite not being played regularly for Inter, the club say he cannot leave until the end of the season at the very least but he should stay for a minimum of two years. E.Scifo 26 M 8 5 9 7 9 8 9 20 9 3 6 7 3 6 7 8 TALENTED Belgium international playmaker with great vision and truly remarkable shooting power. Had a nightmare season with Inter Milan in Italy but regained his confidence during a spell in France with Auxerre. He has since joined Torino in Serie A where he has continued to shine with his outstanding natural ability. P.Heald 24 G 0 0 0 6 6 4 6 20 6 6 7 6 0 7 7 7 FORMER Sheffield United keeper who is now available on loan from Leyton Orient after losing his place to Chris Turner. Was highly-rated before a serious injury halted his progress and he is only just starting to re-establish himself as a first-rate goalie. N.Martyn 26 G 96 0 0 0 8 6 6 6 20 8 7 8 8 0 7 9 8 THE first 1 million keeper in Britain, Martyn has proved himself to be worth this amount following his move from Bristol Rovers to Crystal Palace. Has played for England 'B' and made a brief appearance for the full side and he is said to have big ambitions on this front. Gets caught off his line far too frequently but is a great shot-stopper. A.Marriott 22 G 86 0 0 0 8 7 6 2 20 6 6 8 9 0 7 2 8 PROMISING keeper who broke into Nottingham Forest's side last season just in time to play in the Rumbelows Cup Final at Wembley against Man.Utd. Has since been displaced again by Mark Crossley and he has been criticized for lacking authority and his inability to command his box. However, should return to the fray as he is only young. S.McCall 28 M 6 6 7 9 7 8 7 20 6 7 6 8 8 8 7 8 FIREBRAND Rangers midfielder who has had a distinguished career both in England and Scotland. Scored twice for Everton in the 1989 FA Cup Final against derby rivals Liverpool but was surprisingly sold to Rangers in 1991. Was very impressive for Scotland in the 1990 World Cup Finals and has since played in the 1992 European Championships. T.Mowbray 29 D 5 8 5 8 3 7 8 20 5 7 6 7 8 9 9 7 RUGGED central defender bought by Celtic from Middlesbrough for 1 million after a series of impressive displays for Boro. Most noted for his committed, whole-hearted approach to the game and he certainly gives 100% to every side he plays for. Was Gary Pallister's defensive partner at Ayresome Park and soon followed 'Pally's move to a bigger club. A.Cole 21 A 7 6 6 7 6 4 7 20 6 4 8 8 2 5 7 6 FAST striker rejected by Arsenal, perhaps too soon, and snapped up by Bristol City for 500,000. Has proved himself in the First Division by scoring and virtually every game he has played for City. Rumoured to be acheing to get back into the top flight with London his favourite destination. G.Whittingham 28 A 8 8 5 6 4 5 7 20 5 3 7 7 2 7 5 9 IN-FORM hit-man with Portsmouth who has got the scouts flocking to Fratton Park. Can score goals with his feet or his head and is looking a good bet to top the Division One scorers table at the end of the season. Pompey want at least 1.5 million for their ace marksman. N.Clough 26 MA 117 7 5 9 7 10 6 8 20 6 4 6 9 3 9 6 10 EXCELLENT playmaker who has been at the heart of Nottingham Forest's recent success in Cup competitions. Combines superbly with the likes of Keane and Pearce with his tremendous vision and quality distribution. Has been criticized for being too slow, but this is unfair and he makes up for it anyway with a superb football brain. D.Lee 23 MD 5 8 6 7 5 5 6 20 6 7 6 7 8 7 7 9 CURRENTLY in Chelsea's reserves but would certainly do a job if called upon by the club. Has operated in midfield but his best position is undoubtably in central defence where his height is put to its best advantage. England Under-21 international who has many admirers within the game. G.Peacock 25 MA 7 6 7 8 6 5 7 20 7 4 7 7 5 8 7 9 NEWCASTLE nearly lost one of their prize assets when Peacock's contract was up at the end of last season and he was nearly sold to Middlesbrough with Man.United also allegedly interested. It is not surprising to see why as Peacock has a knack of finding the net when playing in midfield or up front and is playing the best football of his career. Scored a hat-trick recently and continues to impress. T.Cottee 27 A 91 9 6 6 8 6 7 3 20 7 3 7 3 3 4 6 0 PINT-sized marksman whose goalscoring prowess at West Ham earned him a record-busting move to Everton. But has struggled to impress at Goodison and has been in and out of the side. Works hard and is a proven goalscorer but his attitude has been questioned and his confidence is at an all-time low. C.Woods 33 G 109 0 0 0 8 7 10 9 20 8 7 7 10 0 8 9 9 ENGLAND'S number one and now keeping goal for Sheffield Wednesday in the Premier League. Ever since his career started spectacularly with a debut for Notts Forest in the League Cup Final against Liverpool, Woods has proved himself to be a top-class shot-stopper. Has also starred for Norwich and Rangers. N.Ruddock 24 D 110 3 8 6 8 6 6 8 20 5 8 5 8 7 5 7 8 UNCOMPROMISING centre half who rejoined Tottenham after spells with Millwall and Southampton. Always gets worked up for a game and is often in the referee's bad books with a head-butting incident seeing him dismissed on one occasion last season. Never the less, is a solid stopper who has made a real difference to Spurs' back four. D.White 24 MA 113 7 7 8 7 7 6 7 20 6 3 9 7 5 7 4 7 Born in 1967 in Manchester. 12st 9lb, 6ft 1in, and scored 74 goals in his first 272 matches for Manchester City. Recently moved into contention for an England attacking position and played against Spain. Is very quick and has shown an ability to score goals when running through on goal. Seems happy enough at City and only a big money bid could tempt him away from Maine Road. P.Parker 27 D 122 5 7 4 7 7 9 7 20 6 10 8 6 9 7 9 8 SUPERB England international defender who must surely regain his place back in the national side soon. Can play as right back(as he does for Man.United), centre half or sweeper and is thus an excellent defender to have in your squad. Joined United for 1.8m from Q.P.R. after falling out with the Londoners but has been plagued by injuries. C.Hendry 26 D 103 6 8 5 7 5 7 7 20 5 8 5 8 8 3 3 8 LANKY centre half who rejoined Blackburn after a move to Manchester City turned sour. Scottish-born Hendry started his career with Dundee and he was snapped up by Rovers before joining City in a 750,000 deal. Is very useful at set pieces with his aerial power and has been a vital cog of Rovers' defensive stability recently. A.Wright 21 MD 117 6 7 7 7 6 4 7 20 7 7 8 9 5 5 5 8 HIGHLY rated player who was Kenny Dalglish's first signing at Blackburn, costing 500,000 from Blackpool. Now a member of the England Under-21 squad after a string of outstanding displays at his best position of left back or on the left side of midfield. Worth a lot of cash to money-bags Rovers. L.Ferdinand 26 A 105 8 8 5 6 6 4 7 20 5 4 8 10 6 4 5 8 IMPROVING goal-grabber who has started to shine recently with his only English club Q.P.R. Spent a spell on loan in Turkey with Beskistas and this has helped him mature as a player. When he's confident and in- form, Ferdinand can be very hard to stop but, unfortunately, when he's not playing well he can be a by-stander in some matches. L.Sharpe 21 MA 104 7 4 5 7 6 5 5 20 9 6 8 4 5 7 5 5 BECAME one of the hottest properties around when he made the Man.Utd team at the tender age of 17 but his promising career has been hit by a string of serious injuries including a bout of viral meningitis. At his best, Sharpe is an exciting, traditional winger with plenty of pace and power about his game but his best is still a long way off after such a long time out of the game. D.Yates 25 D 3 7 5 6 3 5 6 20 4 7 6 6 7 6 6 5 WAS once touted as a possible target for Liverpool, Man.Utd and Spurs but has since struggled with injuries and has also had the trauma of relegation with Notts County. Good in the air and a strong tackler, the former England Under-21 stopper needs to recover his form. D.James 22 G 105 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 20 7 7 8 9 0 9 7 10 TALENTED young goalie who does not lack in confidence nor ability. Has kept Grobbelaar out of the Liverpool side in Premier Supremos despite being prone to the occasional blunder. A great prospect for the future and is tipped by many to be the next England number one. G.Pagluica 27 G 0 0 0 8 7 9 7 20 7 6 6 8 0 5 4 7 ITALIAN international keeper who is the current number one at Sampdoria in the Serie A. Came of age during the 1990/91 season, when Sampdoria became Champions, including a tremendous display in the crucial match against Inter when he saved a penalty from Matthaus. Is noted for making daring and acrobatic saves but is inconsistent. N.Spink 400,000 34 G 96 6 9 6 8 20 8 5 8 8 0 7 9 9 RELIABLE shot-stopper who is one of Aston Villa's longest-serving players. Signed from Chelmsford City, he made his debut in the 1982 European Cup Final against Bayern Munich. Since displacing Jimmy Rimmer on a permanent basis, Spink has proved himself to be amongst the best keepers in the land. E.Barrett 1,800,000 25 DE 100 3 8 3 6 6 4 5 20 8 7 8 9 8 7 4 0 FAST defender who can play at right back but prefers operating in the centre of defence. Formerly with Oldham, Barrett was signed by Villa for 1.8m and has proved to be worth such a large amount with a string of impressive displays. S.Staunton 1,100,000 23 MD 113 5 7 8 9 5 7 4 20 6 7 6 10 7 5 5 8 EIRE international who can play on the left side of defence or in midfield. Unorthodox in his running style which can make him look gangly but he is effective and maybe Liverpool were a little hasty in letting one of their youth products go. S.Teale 750,000 28 D 104 3 7 4 9 7 4 3 20 8 7 8 9 5 8 6 9 WHOLE-HEARTED centre back who is commanding in the air and determined on the deck. Not the classiest of players but does his job effectively and has been starting to add consistency to his game. Formerly with Bournemouth after beginning his career in the non-League. P.McGrath 1,000,000 32 MD 115 5 10 6 6 6 9 6 20 6 8 6 9 7 3 8 8 BRILLIANT Villa and Eire defender who could be coming towards the end of a distinguished, if troubled, career. Started with St.Patricks in Ireland but established himself at Man.Utd before falling out with Alex Ferguson. Since moving to the Midlands, McGrath has continued to shine and is one of the classiest defenders in the league. S.Froggatt 1,250,000 19 MA 107 6 6 7 7 7 2 4 20 7 4 7 9 7 5 5 8 YOUNG winger who burst onto the scene last season with some exciting displays down the left flank. Has pace and crosses well and is set to add to his England Under-21 honours. G.Parker 600,000 27 M 108 7 5 7 8 8 6 4 20 7 5 4 9 5 6 4 9 CULTURED midfielder who possesses a tremendous, lethal shot. Passes the ball well, perhaps a legacy of his days under Brian Clough at Notts Forest, and is a good link man in the midfield. Not the hardest of tacklers and his work-rate has also been questioned but is still on the fringe of the England squad. C.Regis 300,000 34 AT 106 7 9 5 5 6 8 8 20 6 3 6 10 6 4 5 9 VETERAN striker who, at 34, is still trying to force his way into Villa's first team squad. Has been prone to injury in recent years but big Cyrille is still an excellent target man who is superb in the air. The ex-England star is tipped to become the first black manager. D.Yorke 1,200,000 21 MA 111 7 6 7 6 6 6 7 20 7 2 8 7 4 6 7 8 PACEY front man who can also operate on the flanks. Is often criticized for a poor work-rate and lacks a real football brain but he does show confidence and ability in abundance. Was Villa's top scorer last season but will struggle to displace Saunders and Atkinson. M.Breitkrutz 525,000 21 MA 107 5 5 7 9 7 3 3 20 8 5 6 8 5 7 7 4 GERMAN midfielder who can also play on the wing. Stamina-packed worker who also has a good touch on the ball but he has struggled to win a regular place in the Villa line-up. Signed from Borussia Bergmann along with Stefan Beinlich but both have yet to fit in. D.Kubicki 625,000 29 DE 109 4 6 7 6 6 7 7 20 6 7 6 10 7 6 7 8 POLISH international defender signed from Legia Warsaw. Has been left in the cold recently but was a regular for the Villains last season where his performances were sound without being spectacular. K.Richardson 875,000 30 M 110 7 4 7 8 7 7 5 20 7 8 5 7 8 5 4 8 AGGRESSIVE midfielder whose trademark is his tenacious tackling and leadership qualities. Won a Championship medal with both Everton and Arsenal and has proved his worth since signing for Ron Atkinson at Villa. Like Atkinson, he had a spell in Spain with Real Sociedad. R.Houghton 900,000 30 MA 114 6 6 8 9 7 8 7 20 6 7 6 6 7 4 4 6 A SURPRISE signing from Liverpool after he was the Reds' most consistent and at one time the top scorer in Graeme Souness' FA Cup- winning side. Busy Eire international who is noted for his tireless running in midfield and ability to score goals. L.Sealey 250,000 35 G 80 4 4 8 8 20 8 0 7 8 0 7 5 1 CRAZY keeper who is a real eccentric character. Accepts his days at Villa Park are numbered after a verbal assault on George Courtney against Sheff.Weds provoked an angry response from boss Ron Atkinson. Would welcome a loan move but he is used to this after starring for Man.Utd in the 1990 FA Cup replay whilst only on loan from Luton. T.Daley 1,500,000 25 MA 94 7 5 6 9 7 5 6 20 5 5 10 1 6 7 5 1 LIGHTNING quick winger who may struggle to regain his place in the side once he recovers from a serious injury. Appeared for England in the 1992 European Championships and will always trouble sides with his pace. However, lacks a decent first touch and often runs into blind alleys. His crossing ability could also be improved. M.Carruthers 225,000 20 MA 86 5 6 6 6 4 1 3 20 6 6 6 2 5 2 5 6 YOUTH product at Villa Park who prefers to appear in attack despite also being able to do a job in midfield. Nottingham-born player who is yet to make his mark at the club. Made two full appearances in 1991/92. B.Small 750,000 21 D 111 5 6 6 8 5 2 5 20 6 7 8 7 7 7 7 6 QUALITY left back who is set to become a real star in the Premier League. Should take to the top flight like a duck to water with his pace and tackling ability. Could become the next England left back once Stuart Pearce and Tony Dorigo are out of the way. N.Mohan 425,000 21 DE 101 4 7 5 7 4 4 5 20 8 6 6 8 7 4 6 9 YOUNG defender who is struggling to earn a regular place in Boro's starting line-up. Plays at centre half and is impressive on the air and on the ground. C.Fleming 550,000 24 DE 99 5 5 6 6 5 5 2 20 6 7 7 9 6 6 3 8 IRISH full back signed from St.Patrick's Athletic despite competition from several other clubs including Manchester City. Quite pacey and a swift tackler who is beginning to make his mark at Ayresome Park. D.Whyte 900,000 28 D 110 5 8 6 7 4 7 7 20 6 8 6 7 5 7 8 8 USEFUL capture from Celtic in the deal that took Andy Payton to Parkhead. Solid at the heart of the defence with sound leadership qualities. Is a Scotland international and played against Italy in the World Cup Qualifier recently. J.Phillips 425,000 25 D 105 5 6 6 5 6 7 7 20 5 7 5 7 7 5 7 9 UNDER-rated full back signed from Oxford United. Bolton-born and a big favourite with the Boro fans following a number of vital strikes during the club's promotion season. Has a terrific shot and works hard. M.Proctor 300,000 31 MI 102 6 5 8 6 8 7 7 20 6 5 4 8 4 6 6 3 EXPERIENCED midfielder who has appeared for several clubs including Sheffield Weds and Notts Forest. Is comfortable when in possession but maybe not quite Premier League material. W.Falconer 775,000 26 MD 108 6 9 6 8 6 6 5 20 6 7 6 8 4 7 6 4 QUALITY player who can perform equally well in defence or midfield. Is a terrific headerer of a ball and has scored goals for all his clubs- Aberdeen, Watford and now Boro. One of the best Scottish players around who has yet to play for his country. T.Wright 1,200,000 24 MA 107 7 6 8 8 7 4 5 20 7 2 8 8 3 7 4 8 FAST winger who not only sets up numerous goals and chances for his team-mates but also weighs in with goals himself-he was top scorer for Leicester during the 1991/92 season. Very direct and is starting to make a name for himself in the top flight. B.Slaven 800,000 31 AT 115 9 7 6 8 6 6 7 20 7 3 6 10 3 9 7 8 DISTINGUISHED goal-grabber who has produced the goods since moving South from Morton. Is a real crowd favourite at Ayresome Park and feels he is often unfairly treated by manager Lennie Lawrence. Always likely to score goals even when appearing for Eire. J.Hendrie 600,000 28 MA 101 6 5 7 7 6 6 5 20 7 4 7 8 3 5 4 8 FORMER Leeds winger who, like Wright, both scores and creates goals. Bustling, busy player who has also appeared for Bradford. Hits a ball well and would be a vital addition for most sides. A.Kernaghan 700,000 25 D 109 4 8 5 6 5 7 6 20 4 7 6 8 8 6 7 9 NEW Republic of Ireland international after a series of impressive displays in Boro's defence. Comanding centre half who is the skipper at Ayresome Park. Only quite young, and looks to have a big future. P.Wilkinson 1,000,000 27 AT 110 7 9 6 7 5 6 7 20 5 4 6 8 5 8 5 8 PROVEN goal-getter who is an archetypal centre forward with superb ability in the air. Has scored regularly for Boro and played a big part in their promotion to the Premier Division. Has also starred for Grimsby, Everton, Notts Forest and Watford. R.Mustoe 575,000 24 M 106 6 6 6 9 5 4 4 20 6 6 6 10 6 7 7 8 STAMINA-packed midfield runner signed from Oxford to add a new dimension to Boro's side. Gets up and down the pitch well and scored two goals in the side's promotion year. A.Peake 350,000 31 M 111 4 6 7 7 7 7 7 20 5 7 4 9 7 6 6 8 SURPRISE signing from Lennie Lawrence's former club Charlton but he has done a good, solid job since signing for the Teessiders. Is a nice passer of the ball but is more noted for his hard-working approach. C.Morris 600,000 26 D 109 4 6 7 6 5 8 6 20 5 7 6 8 5 5 6 8 LIKE Whyte, signed from Celtic at the start of the season. Republic of Ireland international full back who was perhaps surprisingly sold by the Parkhead club. Gets forward well and may be able to do a job in midfield if pressed. I.Ironside 225,000 24 G 89 0 0 0 8 4 3 3 20 6 4 8 10 0 5 8 10 HAS taken over from Leeds' new boy Stephen Pears and has done a steady if unspectacular job when pushed into action for Boro. Signed from Scarborough for a nominal fee but is starting to show his true worth. G.Parkinson 400,000 24 DE 98 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 20 5 7 6 5 5 5 5 9 FULL back who once scored a tremendous goal against Everton in one of the domestic Cup competitions. Steady defender but never really likely to hit the heights. A strong tackler who likes to get forward. R.Rosenthal 1,000,000 29 A 113 7 6 6 8 5 5 6 20 7 5 8 7 4 7 5 10 ISRAELI international striker who has just signed from Liverpool. Fast and direct with a real eye for goal but is often made a scapegoat for poor team performances. More of a blaster finisher than a cool head in front of goal and has been criticized for his theatrical stunts in the penalty area. L.Howarth 24 D 3 7 5 6 3 3 6 20 4 6 6 7 7 6 7 7 PROMISING defender who has managed to establish himself as a permanent fixture in Peterborough's Division One side. Plays in the centre of defence and, being 6ft 1in tall, can win balls in the air. Posh are likely to demand at least 750,000 after just selling Ken Charlery. R.Walker 29 M 6 4 6 7 6 6 7 20 6 5 4 6 6 5 7 6 FORMER Aston Villa midfielder now at Port Vale in Division Two. Once scored a cracking goal against Tottenham in the F.A. Cup and is known to be a sweet striker of a ball. Maybe never made the most of his career and would love another chance at the top level. 300,000 should be enough to persuade the Valiants to part with their ex-skipper. C.Armstrong HAS become firmly established as a player of Premier League quality following a move to Crystal Palace from Millwall. Eyebrows were raised when Palace paid 1 million for a player virtually unheard of and snapped up from Wrexham for a modest fee only a year earlier. But his pace and power have complemented his strike rate and is looking every inch a star performer in the making. J.Moralee 21 A 7 6 7 7 6 3 6 20 7 3 7 7 2 7 6 8 PROMISING young striker bought from Crystal Palace as part of the deal that took Armstrong to Selhurst Park. Although quoted as a free transfer, surely Steve Coppell would not have let such a quality player leave for nothing. Has fitted in remarkably well at Millwall, is scoring goals and really catching the eye. D.Anderton 20 MA 106 7 6 7 7 7 6 5 20 7 4 7 7 5 7 3 4 HAS struggled to adapt to life in the Premier League since a big-money move to Tottenham from Portsmouth. Shone in Pompey's 1992 FA Cup run and impressed when appearing for the England Under-21 side. Possesses a nice touch and can score goals but his confidence is low at present. C.Waddle 32 MA 118 7 6 10 4 10 10 10 20 10 1 6 7 2 5 5 10 WINGER turned playmaker since his days at Newcastle and Tottenham. A classy performer for Marseille, since his 4.5 million move, and now doing the business for Sheffield Weds in the Premier League. Failed to really shine in England colours and is unlikely to make an international return after criticizing boss Graham Taylor. Quality performer who started his career with tiny Tow Law Town. D.Platt 26 MA 8 7 7 10 7 9 8 20 7 6 7 9 6 8 8 2 UNHAPPY at Juventus but is said to be still keen in playing in Italy following a year at Bari where he was a real star in a relegated side. Loves to get forward from midfield and this has seen him losing favour with Juve boss Trappattoni. Is England's top scorer since Gary Lineker departed from the scene, following goals in the 1990 World Cup Finals and the 1992 European Championship Finals. A.Shearer 22 A 122 10 8 8 8 8 7 10 20 7 3 8 7 3 4 7 10 BRILLIANT England international striker who has come on leaps and bounds since his early days at Southampton. After smashing a hat-trick on his debut for the Saints, he failed to live up to expectations until he was really given his head in the top flight. Since then, the goals have flowed and he has earned a big-money move to Blackburn. M.Hateley 31 A 7 10 6 7 6 9 7 20 6 3 6 8 4 8 8 10 ARCHETYPAL centre forward who is excellent in the air but has added a lot more to his game following a spell on the continent with AC Milan and Monaco. Now displays a neat touch that he never seemed to have at Coventry and Portsmouth. His world changed when he headed a goal against Brazil for England and is now shooting Rangers to European Cup glory. A.McCoist 30 A 10 7 6 8 6 8 8 20 6 3 7 8 3 9 8 10 THE golden boot holder who is threatening to retain the award in 1993. Has been criticized for scoring goals in a poor Scottish league but Rangers blasted that myth when they powered into the European League past English Champions Leeds, in real-life. Scores goals consistently and forms a lethal partnership with Mark Hateley at Ibrox. D.Hirst 25 A 114 9 9 5 8 5 7 10 20 6 3 7 8 5 7 5 9 ANOTHER England international front man who is held in very high regard by his club, SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY. The Owls rate him at more than 4 million and it is not difficult to see why after he has hit the net regularly and displayed pace, power and finishing precision in the blue and white stripes of the Owls. B.McClair 28 MA 114 8 7 7 6 6 8 6 20 7 7 7 10 5 7 6 8 HAS suffered very indifferent form since leaving Celtic to join Manchester United for 850,000. Was an instant hit at Old Trafford, breaking the 20-League goal barrier which is rare for a United player, but has since suffered badly by being shifted around between midfield and attack. Is very unpopular with Scotland fans despite netting his first goal for his country in the European Championships in Sweden. M.Bright 30 A 110 8 9 5 7 6 7 6 20 6 3 7 8 6 6 5 8 STARTED his career at Port Vale before playing at Leicester alongside Gary Lineker but he really made his name at Crystal Palace-again alongside a big-name in Ian Wright. Always seems to be less of a star than his partner because David Hirst is now alongside him at Sheff.Weds. But is under-rated as is a good target man who gets goals. T.Cascarino 25 A 91 6 9 4 7 5 8 6 20 4 3 6 8 4 7 5 0 OUT in the cold at Chelsea following an injury set-back and the form of Robert Fleck and Mick Harford. Flopped badly at Celtic where he failed to adapt to their style of play and the same could be said about his time at Aston Villa. Was a real hit, however, at Millwall after his first club Gillingham bought him for a set of tracksuits. C.McCart 25 MD 4 7 5 7 4 3 7 20 5 7 7 7 7 8 7 5 CENTRAL defender who has  , "     0 ". .      0       64D  .  & 2L                      D   *      "B 8| 4>    " . $      $   ".      H    L0      6*"  "          "$      &  X X(" ~(*("       6 > . .     . ( ((((((( $ ( ( ( ((( (((( ((( ( ( ( ("     @    8.  HƤ*. 0  <     . &  (  `  . *  H" $    B F( $  .\ V@ 0 6    ( *             6h$      B                          $    . 0<   "  :   t 6 2" 6" 4   T Z  $ > f <     *  2$2   $    &  * H  2(  ,( ,   D"R"    N  @    .  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'N֊9\ ZE>g&H4rISFHJdATTH=NOM Ї Bf3h/+`,,^Ig" afS.!N7:< -Ng8:fNgMJ`>@ B1 r skZe;?qg0k*me`++nAf ,2C ;crAA n22l4aBؖ""ELt2dFmYOLԪ^?f VJHqg&TM Mm2d@:gq/Xf^ vxUkH#RtQj-E p|>:V F#JDkp spent all his career at Motherwell. Is pushing for full international honours after some classy displays in the heart of Well's shaky defence. Would like to move south of the border if given the opportunity to play in the Premier League. A.McLaren 21 D 5 7 7 8 6 7 8 20 6 8 7 7 8 7 8 7 NOW a Scotland international after previously appearing for the Under- 21 side. Is Hearts' skipper despite his lack of years and has impressed with some sterling displays at full back in the Scottish Premier Division. Whole-hearted and aggressive with a will to win. I.Ferguson 25 M 6 5 7 8 7 7 6 20 7 7 6 7 8 7 6 9 HARD-working midfielder who scored Rangers' recent winner in the European Champions League against CSKA Moscow. Formerly with St.Mirren, where he scored the winner in the Scottish Cup Final in one of the Buddies' rare moments of glory, he earned a 1 million move to Ibrox and has since appeared for the Scottish national side. P.Lambert 23 M 5 5 8 7 7 3 7 20 7 5 6 7 4 7 6 4 WAS highly-rated in his younger days at St.Mirren but has since struggled somewhat to live up to his reputation. Is not a regular scorer from his midfield position although his passing skills do partly cover up this defect of his game. Low in confidence and at a crucial stage of his career. J.Pollock 18 M 104 6 6 7 8 6 2 5 20 6 6 6 9 7 5 3 10 TEENAGE Middlesbrough starlet who made a large impression with his gritty performance in Boro's 1992 Rumbelows Cup Semi Final games against Manchester United. Very tenacious in the tackle and can score spectacular goals from long range. Could have a big future in the game. P.Kitson 21 MA 7 6 7 7 6 5 5 20 8 3 9 7 3 7 5 9 THE ex-LECEISTER winger has made a massive impact for DERBY this season with his ability to raid the flanks terrorising the First division's full backs. Has played either on the wing or down the middle and has been capped at under-21 level. A youngster with a promising future if Derby start to get their act together at home as well as away. B.Gunn 29 G 97 7 7 8 7 20 7 9 8 10 4 7 10 GUNN, has been at the centre of the NORWICH team for over six seasons now, making the number one jersey his own. Has always performed steadily for his side without the need for exagerated keeping and produced solid performances for many years. Lacks some composure, which has resulted in silly mistakes but none-the-less a very steady keeper. J.Lambert 19 MA 6 5 7 7 5 1 6 20 9 5 8 7 2 7 6 10 LAMBERT is starting to interest a lot of clubs following his displays for READING on SKY this year. Although he has just signed a new four year deal, he has been loaned to French club MONACO for 'experience'. He fights hard for his clubs cause and does his fair share of the work in between raiding down either flank which makes him an invaluable player to have in any side. Comfortable on the ball, if a touch naive but looks set to go far if he gets the breaks. D.Atkinson 24 AT 108 8 7 6 5 5 5 7 20 8 5 8 6 5 6 5 8 BIG, bustling striker who has really hit form this season after a frustrating time of things last term. Hit by allegations of an attitude and weight problem following a move from Real Sociedad, he was not helped by a succession of injuries. Now he is looking in top form and is set to be amongst the top scorers in the Premier League. P.Huistra 25 M 6 5 8 7 7 7 6 20 6 6 7 6 3 6 4 7 HAS been a provider in the RANGERS midfield for a couple of seasons now, and was bought before the four foreigners rule was enforced. He is currently 'out in the cold' at RANGERS where they are prefering to play their Scottish players in a now well established side. He is regarded as a play-maker with a fair bit of pace about him, which means that he can cover a fair bit of ground although his durability has been under question D.Beasant 33 G 84 7 6 7 6 20 7 6 6 7 7 1 5 Dave has always had a lack of confidence in himself although he has been picked for the England squad several times. He is a commanding figure inbetween the sticks as he stands at 6' 4". He will always be remembered for his FA Cup penalty save against John Aldridge and the part he played in the Wimbledon 'Crazy Gang'. Has been criticised for his handling but still remains a top notch keeper. G.Parkinson 24 DE 98 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 20 5 7 6 5 5 5 5 9 FULL back who once scored a tremendous goal against Everton in one of the domestic Cup competitions. Steady defender but never really likely to hit the heights. A strong tackler who likes to get forward. G.Durie 27 A 103 8 7 7 8 6 7 5 20 8 2 9 10 4 5 4 0 DURIE has always been an erratic character who at times is magnificent and at others awful. He is the man for the big stage and revelled in his partnership with Gary Lineker last season. Durie is very quick and uses his pace to twist his way past defenders but has found that the breaks haven't dropped for him, and he is having to do more providing than scoring. P.Allen 30 MA 107 6 4 7 8 6 8 7 20 7 5 7 10 4 8 5 5 A quick winger who is another erratic figure in the TOTTENHAM side. Has been an influential figure over the last seven seasons providing the oppertunities for the forwards to tuck away. He has been criticised for his poor strike ratio but makes up for this with his strong running which causes mistakes for his team mates to capatilise on. M.Hughes 21 MA 4 5 7 7 5 6 6 20 7 4 8 7 2 6 5 3 THIS little winger left MANCHESTER CITY for Strasbourg as a shock buy during the close season. He has never really settled in there and would welcome a English club bringing him back home. He has pace and agility which make him a handful for any defence to cope with and was turning in some solid performances before his departure abroad. A lively winger with a good future. I.Taylor 20 M 7 4 6 6 4 3 5 20 6 6 6 8 4 6 5 7 A midfielder who has been linked with some big clubs so far in his career. MANCHESTER UNITED, were just one of the clubs to be interested in this midfield battler with an eye for goal. His main assets are his ground coverage and willingness to fight for the cause and is known to have a bit of a shot on him D.Kerslake 26 MD 7 5 7 6 6 7 6 20 5 7 6 7 5 6 7 8 A player who has played in almost every position there is. He is known mainly for his midfield creativeness and a bit of an eye for goal, although he has never been prolific. Has played up-front as a makeshift forward, in midfield as a creator and currently being used as a full back where he has been performing very well. E.McGoldrick 27 U 114 6 5 8 8 8 5 7 20 6 7 7 9 6 8 5 8 UTILITY man who has been used in several positions already this season including on the wing and at right back and has shown great capabilities in both areas. A useful player to have in any side and has been known to score vital goals. Palace almost lost McGoldrick in the summer to Nottingham Forest but managed to hold him at Selhurst Park with a new improved contract. Underestimated star for the Eagles. M.Quinn 30 A 105 7 9 5 6 5 7 6 20 5 3 5 7 2 5 6 10 CONSISTENT target man who has scored regularly for all his clubs Wigan, Stockport, Oldham, Portsmouth, Newcastle and now recently teamed up with his namesake Niall at Manchester City. Superb header of the ball although let down by an obvious lack of pace which may have prevented him from becoming a bigger name in football. A.Townsend 27 M 121 7 6 9 7 8 8 7 20 7 7 6 8 7 8 5 8 HIGHLY rated midfielder with the ability to play perfect balls through the best of defences or score goals himself. Began his career at Southampton in 1984 and stayed for four seasons until moving on to Norwich and then to Chelsea. More of an attacking midfielder rather than the defensive type. P.Anderson 21 MD 117 5 7 7 7 6 7 8 20 6 8 7 7 7 6 6 7 HIGHLY rated young defender who starred in Sweden's European Championships side and at 21 looks set for a great career. Recently signed by Man City from Malmo for 800,000 and looks to have settled in comfortably so a move to another Premier League club seems to be out of the question at the moment. I.Holloway 29 M 98 5 6 7 9 7 5 6 20 6 6 6 6 4 4 7 5 RESERVE player at Q.P.R. who is failing to break into the current side and is being kept out by veteran Wilkins. Never really quite made it in the top flight after spells with lower clubs Brentford, Torquay, Wimbledon and two spells with Bristol Rovers. A busy player, he could still do a job for a Premier League side and could be a good buy. T.Agana 29 A 6 5 5 6 4 6 5 20 5 2 7 7 2 4 4 3 WAS set to make an impact in the big time after teaming up effectively with Brian Deane at Sheffield Utd as they marched into the top flight. But how their careers have changed since then as Agana is struggling to get a regular first team place at Notts County and has been placed on the transfer list. Obviously, he would love to have another crack at the highest level but maybe his chance has now gone. J.Cross 19 MA 5 3 6 4 5 1 5 20 6 2 7 9 2 7 4 9 SCORED twice against Torquay recently and is slowly being brought into the game at Wrexham. Is still trying to adjust to League football and he will take time to mature into a decent player. However, he is showing potential and has the ability to play at a higher level but most definitely in the future and not at this stage of his career. D.Latorre 21 MA 8 6 8 6 8 7 8 20 10 3 7 7 2 6 7 8 IN the process of signing for Fiorentina after deciding to leave his native Argentina. Has starred for Boca Juniors but he has ruled out a move to Britain recently and is destined for a career in Italy. Fiorentina are likely to loan him out to another Italian club. S.Wright 21 D 4 6 7 7 6 5 6 20 6 7 8 8 7 8 7 7 CLASSY young full back who has fought his way into Aberdeen's first team and become a real candidate for a place in the Scotland national side. Quick and a firm tackler, Wright is set for a long international career and is part of the ever-improving young Dons side at Pittodrie. Rated in the 1.5 million bracket but is probably not for sale. P.Ince 24 M 118 6 6 7 8 7 6 8 20 6 8 7 6 6 9 9 7 Hot-headed midfielder who is constantly in trouble with referees. A superb tackler and natural athelete whose game is let down by an acute lack of goals-only six in three full seasons for United. Has broken into the England side after some stirring midfield displays. K.Campbell 22 A 115 8 7 6 8 6 4 7 20 6 4 8 10 5 6 7 10 BIG, bustling attacker whose main attributes are his pace, strength and raw aggression. Was a big hit in the Arsenal reserve and youth sides-slamming in numerous goals and, after loan spells with Leicester and Leyton Orient where again he found the net regularly, he was grafted into the first team by George Graham. Has a suspect first touch but has done quite well for the Gunners and is being talked about as a possible England candidate. D.Yorke 21 MA 111 7 6 7 6 6 6 7 20 7 4 8 7 4 6 7 8 PACEY Trinidad and Tobago international who can operate either down the flanks or straight down the centre of the attack. Has tricks and skills in abundance and often tempts defenders into committing rash challenges which wins him quite a few penalties. Direct although probably has not got the best goals per shots ratio. Signed from St.Clair's in his native country. J.Joachim 18 MA 6 4 7 7 6 2 6 20 7 3 10 7 2 7 6 9 FLYING Leicester winger who has burst onto the scene in precocious fashion this season. Is said to be one of the fastest players around and has also managed to find the net quite frequently despite his lack of experience. Son of a Brazilian, Joachim has that touch of Samba magic about his play, and could go right to the top. Is now showing real potential when given a free role in attack. T.A.Dahlum 25 A 105 7 6 4 6 4 7 4 20 6 3 7 6 2 7 6 10 NORWEGIAN international striker who has shown some pace and finishing abilities both for the national side and at club level for Rosenborg. After helping them to a win in the Norwegian Cup Final, he was made available for trial and several clubs showed interest in snapping him up. A 500,000+ bid might clinch a permanent deal. I.Durrant 26 M 6 6 9 8 9 7 8 20 9 4 7 7 6 7 7 9 CLASSY Rangers midfielder who has recovered well from a career- threatening injury and playing only 12 games in three seasons between 1988 and 1991. Now back in the Scotland international frame and starring in the Gers' midfield with his passing ability and excellent vision. Rated at over 2 million by his club who want to keep him. T.Boyd 27 MD 5 6 7 7 6 8 6 20 6 7 7 8 7 8 8 7 STARTED his career with Motherwell in Scotland where he managed to break into the Scottish national side at full back. He moved to Chelsea after The Blues beat off a lot of competition from other clubs, including Notts Forest, for his signature. But, following an unhappy short stay in England, he moved back to Scotland with Celtic where he has appeared both in midfield and defence. T.Brolin 23 MA 8 6 8 10 8 8 8 20 8 3 8 8 3 9 7 8 SUPER Swede who is really doing the business for Italian side Parma in Serie A. The cheeky forward started his career with GIF Sundsvall before moving on to IFK Gothenburg where he belted in a debut hat trick followed by four goals in his next five matches. He also found the net twice on his Swedish debut against Wales and claimed another brace against Finland to further enhance his growing reputation. A well taken goal against Brazil in the World Cup helped earn him a move to Parma and the Italian side made Europe for the first time after his debut season. S.Effenberg 24 M 7 7 8 8 7 7 7 20 7 5 6 7 7 6 7 7 GERMAN international now starring for Fiorentina in the Italian League. Made his international debut as a substitute against Wales in 1991 in Cardiff after bagging nine goals that season for German giants Bayern Munich. Is something of a free kick expert but has failed to impress the critical Italian press and could already be on his way out of the club, it is rumoured. B.Laudrup 23 MA 8 6 9 7 8 7 9 20 10 3 8 7 3 6 7 8 YOUNGER brother of Barcelona's gifted Dane Michael Laudrup, Brian is proving to be every bit as good as his brother. He usually plays just behind the strikers and he managed to notch five goals in his first 22 games for his country. Bayern Munich signed him from Bayern Uerdingen only for Italian side Fiorentina to snap him up thus allowing him to grace the best league in the world. He has exceptional skill and balance and, after agreeing to play again for his country, he starred for Denmark in their 1992 European Championship triumph. B.Barnes 30 MA 6 4 6 5 5 7 6 20 6 2 6 6 2 5 3 6 MUCH-travelled striker who has spent much of his career playing in the lower divisions. Despite this fact, he does possess some silky skills and, in his younger days, also a fair bit of pace. After beginning his career with West Ham, he had spells with Aldershot, Swindon and Bournemouth before showing he still had some worth left in him at Northampton. Now with Peterborough, Barnes now looks as though he has had his best playing days, to be honest. A.McCoist 30 A 10 7 6 8 6 8 8 20 6 3 7 8 3 9 8 10 THE golden boot holder who is threatening to retain the award in 1993. Has been criticized for scoring goals in a poor Scottish league but Rangers blasted that myth when they powered into the European League past English Champions Leeds, in real-life. Scores goals consistently and forms a lethal partnership with Mark Hateley at Ibrox. O.Salenko 25 A 7 6 6 7 6 4 6 20 7 3 7 7 3 7 6 6 C.I.S. international hit man who will not be able to appear in this country until he wins more caps because of work permit restrictions. Is starring for Dinamo Kiev at present, following up his less than prolific strike rate of four goals in 21 appearances in 1990/91. Has promise and is being talked about as an 800,000-rated player. M.Wright 29 D 112 4 10 4 7 7 10 7 20 5 7 6 7 9 7 5 5 COMMANDING centre back who is perhaps best known for steering England past the opening round of the 1990 World Cup Finals with a headed winner against Egypt. Started his career with Oxford before enjoying a long spell at Southampton. Moved to Derby in the 1987/88 season before joining Liverpool for a fee of 2.2 million to team up again with ex- Rams hit man Dean Saunders. But both have had unhappy times at Anfield with Saunders already departed and Wright suffering a lack of confidence after a succession of shaky displays. E.McGoldrick 27 U 114 6 5 8 8 8 5 7 20 6 7 7 9 6 8 5 8 UTILITY man who has been used in several positions already this season including on the wing and at right back and has shown great capabilities in both areas. A useful player to have in any side and has been known to score vital goals. Palace almost lost McGoldrick in the summer to Nottingham Forest but managed to hold him at Selhurst Park with a new improved contract. Underestimated star for the Eagles. M.Quinn 30 A 105 7 9 5 6 5 7 6 20 5 3 5 7 2 5 6 10 CONSISTENT target man who has scored regularly for all his clubs Wigan, Stockport, Oldham, Portsmouth, Newcastle and now recently teamed up with his namesake Niall at Manchester City. Superb header of the ball although let down by an obvious lack of pace which may have prevented him from becoming a bigger name in football. A.Townsend 27 M 121 7 6 9 7 8 8 7 20 7 7 6 8 7 8 5 8 HIGHLY rated midfielder with the ability to play perfect balls through the best of defences or score goals himself. Began his career at Southampton in 1984 and stayed for four seasons until moving on to Norwich and then to Chelsea. More of an attacking midfielder rather than the defensive type. P.Anderson 21 MD 117 5 7 7 7 6 7 8 20 6 8 7 7 7 6 6 7 HIGHLY rated young defender who starred in Sweden's European Championships side and at 21 looks set for a great career. Recently signed by Man City from Malmo for 800,000 and looks to have settled in comfortably so a move to another Premier League club seems to be out of the question at the moment. I.Holloway 29 M 98 5 6 7 9 7 5 6 20 6 6 6 6 4 4 7 5 RESERVE player at Q.P.R. who is failing to break into the current side and is being kept out by veteran Wilkins. Never really quite made it in the top flight after spells with lower clubs Brentford, Torquay, Wimbledon and two spells with Bristol Rovers. A busy player, he could still do a job for a Premier League side and could be a good buy. J.Cross 19 MA 5 3 6 4 5 1 5 20 6 2 7 9 2 7 4 9 SCORED twice against Torquay recently and is slowly being brought into the game at Wrexham. Is still trying to adjust to League football and he will take time to mature into a decent player. However, he is showing potential and has the ability to play at a higher level but most definitely in the future and not at this stage of his career. M.Vonk 24 D 109 4 8 5 8 4 6 4 20 5 8 5 9 8 7 7 6 COMMANDING centre back who was snapped up by Manchester City from SVV Dordrecht in Holland. Excellent in the air and a real rugged defender, Vonk is also dangerous in opposing areas at set pieces. Scored one goal in 29 appearances for SVV back in 1990/91 in Holland and has settled well for City despite being hit by a number of injuries. T.Coyne 30 A 7 7 6 6 5 7 6 20 6 3 6 6 2 7 6 4 CELTIC striker who wants to quit Parkhead and possibly try his luck in England after a spending his entire career in Scotland. Began with Cowdenbeath in 1981 where his consisent goalscoring earned him a move to Dundee United where he was much less impressive. Neighbours Dundee rescued his career as he hammered in the goals alongside Hibs' Keith Wright, 33 in one season, and he is now playing for Celtic and Eire. D.Latorre 21 MA 8 6 8 6 8 7 8 20 10 3 7 7 2 6 7 8 IN the process of signing for Fiorentina after deciding to leave his native Argentina. Has starred for Boca Juniors but he has ruled out a move to Britain recently and is destined for a career in Italy. Fiorentina are likely to loan him out to another Italian club. S.McCarthy 25 A 6 7 5 5 3 5 6 20 4 2 5 6 2 5 6 7 BIG centre forward who has consistently hit the net throughout his career. Swansea signed him from non-league Bridgend and he had three quite productive seasons for the Swans before moving on to Plymouth in 1989. Now with Bradford, McCarthy is enjoying one of the best seasons of his career and bigger clubs are said to be monitoring his progress. T.Buzaglo 27 A 6 4 4 3 3 1 3 20 3 1 5 5 1 3 2 1 HIT the headlines in dramatic fashion with a sensational hat-trick for non-league Woking in their surprise win at West Brom in the FA Cup. But if ever Andy Warhol's comment that everyone has five minutes of fame was right then it was in Buzaglo's case! A broken leg has seriously affected his form and he is now no longer able to get a place in the Woking line-up, I understand. M.Kuhl 27 M 6 5 7 6 7 7 7 20 7 5 5 6 6 7 7 5 STARTED his career at Birmingham where he graduated from an apprentice to the first team where he stayed for five seasons before signing for Sheffield United. An unhappy spell at Watford followed before he joined Portsmouth where he was eventually made captain. A classy, composed central midfielder, Kuhl, was snapped up by Derby this season but he has struggled to lift their flagging season. L.Jones 19 A 7 5 6 6 5 3 5 20 6 3 8 7 2 6 5 10 TEENAGER who scored a vital equaliser for Wrexham against West Ham in last year's FA Cup competition. Since then, Jones' career has taken off as he continued to bang in the goals for the Welsh side and earned a dream move to Liverpool. Unfortunately, he has been left in the reserves and seen several other youngsters overtake him in the race for a first team place. However, he has just been called up to the first team squad in Premier Supremos so his confidence is sky-high. G.Signori 24 A 10 6 7 10 7 7 8 20 8 3 10 8 3 8 8 10 NOW has the football world at his feet after toppling Marco van Basten from the top scorer's position in Serie A. Has banged the goals in for Paul Gascoigne's Lazio with frightening regularity and he has rightfully earned a call-up for the Italian national side. Possesses outstanding pace and stamina and, allied with an unerring finishing ability, 'Beppe' is set for soccer stardom. H.Stoichkov 27 A 10 9 8 6 8 8 9 20 8 3 8 7 2 1 7 8 AFTER a wonderful season with CSKA Sofia in 1989/90 when he shared the Golden Boot award with Hugo Sanchez, the temperamental Bulgarian joined Sanchez's Real Madrid side's arch rivals Barcelona. After a silly incident in which he allegedly stamped on a referee's foot, Stoichkov settled in to score in every round of the 1991 European Cup Winners Cup, including a double against Juventus in the semi-final, only to miss the final against Man.United through injury. To make things even more remarkable, Stoichkov was banned for a whole year in Bulgaria in 1985 and yet was still second in the 1992 European Player of the Year award which shows how quickly he has progressed. Romario 27 A 10 8 9 6 10 8 10 20 10 3 8 7 2 1 7 4 TRULY brilliant PSV Eindhoven striker who has plenty of critics who say he is lazy, only works for himself and is a bad influence on his team-mates. However, his record speaks for itself-he is regularly top scorer in Holland and this despite not yet playing a full season due to injuries. His average of around one goal every game in Dutch football cannot be equalled in the country's history and he possesses superb skills and a deadly right foot. Has now fallen out with his club and the 'Brazilian Maradona' is now destined for Italy. D.Beckford 25 A 100 7 7 5 6 5 5 5 20 6 3 7 9 5 4 7 8 NORWICH hit-man signed from Port Vale despite competition from several other clubs. Was a prolific scorer with Vale after leaving his first club Manchester City after making only seven starts for his home-town side. Has not really fitted in too well with Norwich's footballing style and perhaps would be more suited to a direct side like Wimbledon. Will score goals in the right team. T.Mooney 21 A 7 6 5 7 5 3 5 20 5 2 7 6 2 6 6 10 SCARBOROUGH striker who has impressed scouts with his pace and strength as well as his ability to score goals. Served notice of his ability with a number of goals in both last year and this year's League Cup campaigns. Aston Villa released the young Mooney but his career is beginning to take off again with Boro in Division Three. G.Kelly 24 G 0 0 0 6 5 3 7 20 6 5 6 7 0 7 7 7 BRISTOL ROVERS keeper who is impressing onlookers with some displays of defiance against First Division attackers. Since Malcolm Allison took over at Twerton Park, his career is beginning to take off after he had started his career with Hull. A bid of 750,000 would probably tempt cash-strapped Rovers to sell but Kelly could really do with another year at least learning his trade outside the top flight. G.Creaney 22 A 7 8 6 7 5 5 7 20 6 3 7 7 3 6 7 7 PROMISING central striker who has burst onto the Scottish scene with Celtic. Scores goals regularly and is equally adept in the air and on the ground. Is now involved with the Scottish national team after starring for the Under-21 side on numerous occasions. Should go far in the game but may need to move South to really prove himself as a quality player. M.Paatelainen 26 A 7 7 6 7 6 7 7 20 5 3 6 7 3 7 7 8 FINNISH international forward who was signed by Dundee United in 1987 from Valkeakosken Haka. The bulky six-footer really made a name for himself at Tannadice before a surprise move took him to Premier Division rivals Aberdeen. Has really started to hammer in the goals for the Dons and is making people sit up and take notice of his ability in front of goal. Scored five goals in his first 27 appearances for Finland. R.Rosario 26 A 95 6 9 5 6 4 6 5 20 5 3 4 6 7 3 9 8 TALL target man who started his career with Norwich in 1983. He hit 18 goals for the Canaries in eight seasons but still earned a move to fellow top flight side Coventry in the 1990/91 season. Had only scored four goals for the Sky Blues before this season and usually struggles to hit the target. But he is improving and is starting to mature as a player so the goals are bound to start coming. P.Simpson 26 MA 7 4 7 7 7 6 6 20 7 3 8 7 3 6 6 4 CURRENTLY out of favour at Derby, which really is something of a surprise because Simpson is a super little player whose scoring record is first class for a winger. Started his career as one of Manchester City's promising kids for the 80s but, despite being a bit of a crowd favourite at Maine Road, he went to Oxford where his superb form attracted interest from Spurs. Instead he joined Derby and he finished up with nine goals from last year's campaign. Would almost certainly like another move and he is good enough for a crack at the Premier League. K.Symons 21 D 3 7 5 7 4 7 8 20 5 7 6 8 8 7 8 8 WELSH international centre back who caught the public eye by starring in the 1992 FA Cup Semi-Final and Semi-Final Replay against Liverpool. Committed to Portsmouth despite several clubs monitoring his progress and Pompey will not want to sell so soon after losing Andy Awford. In fact, the impressive stopper has just signed a new contract with Portsmouth. K.Charlery 28 A 7 7 6 6 5 4 6 20 6 3 7 7 3 7 6 6 DRIFTED around the non-league circuit for most of his career but now Charlery is starting to show that he really is good enough to play in the higher echelons of the Football League. He played for Fisher Athletic, Basildon and Beckton before joining Maidstone and entering the Football League with them. A move to Peterborough followed and he has since been snapped up by Watford, despite the attentions of some Premier League clubs. Has pace and finishing power. M.Newell 27 A 111 8 8 6 6 5 7 7 20 5 3 6 8 5 5 7 8 UNDER-RATED Blackburn striker who has been living in the shadow of his partner Alan Shearer since the ex-Saint signed for 3.6 million. Started his career with Crewe before moving on to Wigan and then getting a chance in the top flight with Luton. After impressing, in particular in one game against Liverpool in the FA Cup, he earned a move to the Reds' Merseyside neighbours EVERTON. Rovers signed him up after his form fizzled out after a superb start to his Goodison career and he helped them to promotion last season. A.Littlejohn 22 A 100 8 5 5 6 3 3 4 20 7 2 10 8 4 6 6 8 WAS a trainee at West Brom but he began his League career with Walsall only to appear to have blown his chances of a decent footballing career when they handed him a free transfer. The plucky striker tried his luck by asking Sheffield United for a trial and, when Dave Bassett obliged, he showed he has got what it takes to play in the Premier League. Has great pace and an eye for goal but is still a bit nieve. M.Walters 31 MA 113 7 5 8 9 7 6 6 20 8 4 7 8 5 7 4 8 LIVERPOOL wide man who has struggled to win over the Anfield fans since his big-money move from Rangers. Started with Aston Villa in 1981 and was a dazzling winger with a great career ahead of him. After seven seasons, scoring 39 goals, with the Villains he joined Rangers during the 1987/88 season where he overcame a torrent of racial abuse to establish himself as a quality player. But things have not gone so well since he moved back south again. J.Aldridge 34 A 9 7 6 6 6 9 7 20 6 3 6 6 2 7 8 7 QUALITY goal-poacher with several clubs in a career that has seen him net goals for Newport, Oxford, Liverpool, Real Sociedad, Tranmere and Eire. Perhaps sold too soon by Liverpool, the club he supported as a kid, Aldridge returned to Merseyside with Tranmere where he has continued to score freely in the lower divison. Rovers want at least 1 million for their ageing hit man. M.Pembridge 22 M 6 6 9 7 7 6 7 20 8 5 7 7 4 8 6 8 MARK is a little Welsh terrier with great passing ability. He has great ease on the ball which belies his young age and he was snapped up by Arthur Cox's Derby when Luton were relegated from the First Division despite interest from top flight clubs such as Spurs. He has proved a little inconsistent with Derby, but their indifferent form is partly to blame. A player with a lot of skill and flair that would fit comfortably back in the true top flight of soccer, he grabs more than his fair share of goals for a midfielder-including a hat-trick recently against his former club Luton. F.Johnston 21 D 5 6 6 6 6 2 6 20 6 7 8 7 7 7 6 6 TENACIOUS full back who has been touted as a future Scotland international defender. Plays in the Premier Division for Falkirk but his career has been put on hold due to a broken leg. Now coming back to full fitness and is set to again attract the interest of the bigger clubs in the country. May prefer a move down south but, as of yet, he is not proven at the top level. M.Lacatus 27 MA 8 5 7 6 8 8 7 20 8 2 8 6 2 1 3 6 ROMANIAN international who is known as having something of a playboy status in his home country. His attitude seems to have cost him a great career in the game as he failed to really cut it in Italy with Fiorentina, scoring only three goals in 15 starts in 1990/91. His record at international level was eight goals in his first 48 appearances. Now at Real Oviedo in Spain, Lacatus is trying to rebuild his reputation and earn another crack at the Italian league. E.Ekoku 25 A 7 7 5 6 4 2 6 20 5 2 8 7 2 5 6 10 TALL but pacey front man with Bournemouth who is attracting the attention of Premier League scouts with his speed and finishing power. Signed from non-league Sutton United where he won many admirers, he may only have scored three goals in 20 games in his first season in the Football League but he is now showing that he is good enough to play in the top flight. A.Walker 27 A 7 6 6 7 6 7 7 20 6 2 6 7 2 6 5 9 FORMER Celtic hit-man who was curiously overlooked by the bigger clubs and allowed to join Bolton when he was no longer wanted at Parkhead. Started his career with Motherwell before going on to win one full Scottish cap. Always likely to get amongst the goals and is perhaps a bit too good for the Second Division. Worth over 500,000. C.Blackmore 27 MD 101 7 4 6 6 4 7 4 20 5 6 6 7 7 4 6 8 UTILITY man at Manchester United who can fulfill a variety of roles in the side. Came up through the ranks at Old Trafford and appeared in the 1991 European Cup Winners Cup Final team, clearing a Laudrup shot off the line in the last minute. Full Welsh international, for whom he has appeared with some degree of success at sweeper, but struggling to hold down a place in the United line-up. P.V.d.Hauwe 32 D 4 7 6 6 5 8 6 20 6 7 5 6 8 6 7 3 OUT-of-favour Tottenham full back who has been displaced by Justin Edinburgh in the Spurs side. Known for his aggressive tackling, 'Psycho', as the Spurs fans call him, started his career with Birmingham back in 1978. He moved to Everton in 1984/85 and it was his goal that won them the title in 1987. Is a full Welsh international but is Belgium-born. W.Barton 23 MD 117 6 7 7 8 6 6 8 20 7 8 7 9 7 5 5 8 HIGHLY-rated Wimbledon star who can play either in midfield or defence. Started with Redbridge Forest before signing for Maidstone where he began to get noticed by the bigger clubs. Wimbledon snapped him up for a bargain price and now he is an England B international. Touted as a possible full international, Barton has been linked with many big clubs and The Dons cannot resist attempts to sign him forever. G.Speed 23 MD 120 7 8 7 8 7 6 6 20 7 7 7 10 5 6 7 9 WELSH international who has come through the ranks at Elland Road to become a regular in the Leeds line-up. Good in the air and equally effective at either full back, midfield, on the wing or even at centre half. Speed scores more than his fair share of goals as well and is invaluable to the Yorkshiremen. A real star of the future, he is set to play a big part in Wales' international campaigns for years to come. A.Rae 23 MA 7 6 7 7 6 3 6 20 6 3 7 6 3 5 6 6 WAS linked with a move to Everton a year or so ago but his form has dipped since and he has struggled to win a regular place in the Millwall line-up. Started with Falkirk back in the 1987/88 season at the tender age of 18 only to join Millwall in 1990/91 where he scored ten times in his first season. Last year, he hit 13 in all competitions for The Lions but the Scottish Under-21 star has struggled to reproduce that sort of form this season. A.Preston 24 MD 4 6 6 7 6 5 6 20 6 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 HEARTS defender who is only just starting to get his career off the ground. Began in 1985 with Dundee United at the age of 17 but did not make an appearance until 1987/88 and was never a regular for the Tannadice Park club. Appeared only twice last season for United before signing for Hearts this season. Can also play in midfield. C.Cooper 25 D 4 7 6 7 6 4 7 20 6 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 CONVERTED to a centre half by MILLWALL boss Mick McCarthy and is now being talked about as a top Premier League player. Started his career with Middlesbrough in 1984/85 as a full back before joining The Lions in 1991. England Under-21 international who has shown great positional sense since switching into the middle of defence. Rated at 1 million plus and it would probably take nearer 1.5 million to get him. M.Draper 22 MA 6 4 7 8 7 6 7 20 7 5 7 7 5 7 7 6 NOTTS COUNTY starlet who scored only twice last season as his side crashed out of the then First Division. Now County are struggling again and it seems likely that the talented midfield man will now move on to a better club. Dynamic and technically gifted, Draper has appeared for the England Under-21 side and is widely admired in the game. 1 million would obtain his services. M.Robson 23 MA 7 5 7 6 6 3 6 20 6 4 7 7 4 7 6 8 WIDE-MAN bought by West Ham in time for the 1992/93 season after a series of loan deals interrupted his career. Began with Exeter at 17 and earned a dream move to Tottenham but he never fitted in at White Hart Lane, playing only eight times for the first team, and, after a number of loan moves to lower division clubs, The Hammers bought him permanently and he is starting to shine and score goals from his wing position. B.Boli 26 D 4 9 6 7 4 8 8 20 5 9 7 8 9 5 7 6 HOT-headed central defender who is currently starring for Marseille in the French League. A full French international, Boli is known throughout Britain for his infamous head-butt on Stuart Pearce in the 1992 European Championships. Brilliant in the air and tenacious in the tackle, Boli has expressed a desire to move to England-preferably with Manchester United but he would not be a popular player over here. P.Ndlovu 19 MA 111 7 4 7 7 7 5 8 20 9 3 9 5 3 6 6 9 ZIMBABWEAN international whizz-kid who has created something of a stir in the Premier League. Scored two goals in nine full appearances last season and has shown great pace and technique. Has bags of potential while his brother, Adam, is also at trial at Highfield Road. L.Hurst 21 MD 110 6 4 7 7 7 5 6 20 7 6 7 10 8 5 6 3 LEE began his career as a trainee with COVENTRY and has come up through the ranks, now commanding a regular team place in Bobby Gould's side. A player that is comfortable in midfield with a good passing ability, but perhaps lacks the tenacity and reliability to really hit it big. Can play full back or centre half when required but is definately more adept in a creative role. G.Thomas 28 M GEOFF is a battling midfielder who started his career at Rochdale before moving to the Crewe academy under Dario Gradi, where after knocking in 9 goals in the 86/87 season Crystal Palace snapped him up. Now the team captain, who has been in the England set-up, but with a lack of confidence in himself and within the club he has fallen out of the reckoning. Starting to show his old form, that earned him a 3 million price tag, Geoff is a tenacious tackler with a point to prove. T.Wilson 24 MD 98 5 7 7 6 7 5 4 20 6 5 7 6 6 5 2 4 MORE of a bit part player in the Nottingham Forest story, Terry is a player who has appeared for short periods of  the season when there have been inuries. Has never really held down a spot in the Forest line-up but that does not make him a bad player. Is adept at playing in either midfield or full back he would be a valuable squad player to anyones side. A neat passer, as with all Forest players that perhaps lacks the attitude for Brian Clough's liking. T.Berthold 29 MD 113 4 7 7 6 6 7 7 20 7 9 6 7 9 3 7 6 GERMAN international famed for being the man who made Paul Gascoigne a millionaire and household name in Britain. It was his over-reaction to Gazza's tackle during Italia 90 that led to the Geordie star being booked and crying in full view of the TV cameras. Has fallen out with Bayern Munich and is desperate for a move with Bayern so keen to get rid of him that they have agreed to let him go on a free transfer. His wages and personal terms are, however, sky-high and he would prefer to stay in Germany if possible. G.Stevens 29 D 4 6 7 7 6 9 7 20 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 9 FORMER England right back who has fallen from favour with Graham Taylor after struggling to reproduce his club form at international level. Comfortable in possession and a solid tackler, Stevens has suffered from some unfair criticism following a couple of poor displays for his country. Was a key member of Everton's successful team of the 1980s but moved north of the border where he has helped Rangers sweep the board in Scotland and progress in Europe. E.Cantona 26 A 116 7 8 7 8 9 8 9 20 9 4 6 10 3 5 5 8 BRILLIANT French international striker snapped up from Nimes in a master stroke by Leeds manager Howard Wilkinson. His innovative and expressive forward play boosted Leeds' title challenge and he became an instant hit with the Elland Road faithful. Has got a big question mark over his attitude though which earned him the nickname 'Enfant Terrible' in France. Formerly with Marseille, he is prolific for the French national side. S.Bull 27 A 8 7 5 8 6 7 9 20 6 4 6 8 4 7 9 8 BIG favourite with Wolves, the club he has stuck with and now moves into his seventh successive season with. The forceful forward is a reliable player, usually scoring at least 20 goals a season but he has struggled to find the target this term. His unwillingness to move to a bigger club may have destroyed his international career and he may not get another chance to try his luck at the top level. Signed from West Brom for a nominal fee, he is now worth closer to 2 million. B.Guentchev 28 A 7 6 7 7 7 6 7 20 7 3 7 7 2 6 6 8 SPORTING LISBON striker who is available to play in England should the chance arise. The Bulgarian international has a great touch and should score goals with any company. Like many continentals, he may be prone to over-reaction under some stiff English tackling but he is a quality performer whose skills would not be lost in the Premier League. Bontcho, who has a brother called Gencho whom he played with at Etar Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria, scored 15 goals in 27 games during his final season in his home country. D.Maddix 25 D 104 4 7 5 6 5 6 7 20 4 7 6 9 6 7 5 8 DANNY was on the books of Tottenham before he moved to Queen's Park Rangers, briefly appearing for Southend during a loan spell. Tottenham obviously did not see the defensive qualities of Maddix and Rangers bought him four seasons ago, gently eaWq2,{XN>$)- (2wHld8@B%T(U \ ]aLz @F'<r:448Qs3U.&)D% h%uaF C,`r%B lPa<s*;P A J"r 0;ˈQO?K9&`e }0aB$ <`ۚ/ fpjp.<"ȋGQ3LBl*c}#3+C%r tB(.үT*!I!G$1A(ARQ53 ^hR@Ww c09JNA&0:Hw@3{PA:[>@#2Nu'u! yx6Nsn̘lẐ,ʂ 3[Ѓt wjʯ V Zqy eZ  ~dԊ1~uo0損fG1-RM%qKܲ)( xKdMmulLSt6ɰ:&K:  M / gaw GGp1X+N„ J8 h#2TjTbʼn6\`QZb%K~TޭM.C.5a .^'x ]dxv1ho[?@2,\EKL xh\SLFA=96*]eAiiQhsv \syl.(7e [)3圅BuL2 \ <xgPtba̮2lin;6{\8lp=on lox^agetuf4"bCRcaf0cI}m+gޖr14Hyst>PY( xDm{scan_m_8&tfUJy8f2*8wpb8xLr.IvG[xRx 0=MDf? '-Gffiw>c`K^H*ȏdsx6GPn@"cqS.W~t at[DckL'@G_`XTmcEx@ZhdGS"#zjK<sing him into the first team squad. Last season, he was used 19 times but has failed to really make his mark in the side. At only 25, he is a real prospect and should soon get the breaks that he has waited for. A.Payton 26 A 7 6 6 6 5 5 6 20 6 3 7 7 3 7 4 6 REALLY made bigger clubs sit up and take notice of his abilities when he started belting in the goals for Hull City, his first club. When they dropped out of the then Second Division it was obvious that Payton would soon be on his way-scoring 25 goals in 43 games in his final, full season at Boothferry Park. Middlesbrough snapped him up despite competition from Man.City and Celtic but he was soon on his way to Parkhead in a dream move when Lennie Lawrence moved in for Chris Morris and Derek Whyte. Has not really hit it off under Liam Brady in Scotland and he has a lot of competition for a regular place. D.Shearer 30 A 8 8 5 7 4 6 7 20 6 2 6 7 3 7 7 9 ABERDEEN marksman who has proved himself to be a first class finisher in Scotland after an unhappy spell at Blackburn. Started his career with Inverness Clach before moving south to join Chelsea. He made only two appearances for The Blues, though he scored once, and he went on to Huddersfield where he became a feared forward-scoring on average a goal every other game in 42 games in his best season. Joined Swindon in 1988/89 and his sharp-shooting persuaded Kenny Dalglish to sign him last season. But he was never given a fair chance with Blackburn and he was soon on his way back home to Scotland with The Dons. J.Burnham 19 MD 3 6 6 6 4 1 5 20 5 5 4 6 5 5 4 5 NORTHAMPTON youngster snapped up as a schoolboy and now gaining valuable experience in Division Three. Notched four goals in 36 appearances last season for The Cobblers and he has again figured prominently this term without being particularly impressive. Is considered to be one of struggling Town's most valued assets but he has a lot of work to do if he is to make the top grade. B.Boli 26 D 4 9 6 7 4 8 8 20 5 9 7 8 9 5 7 6 HOT-headed central defender who is currently starring for Marseille in the French League. A full French international, Boli is known throughout Britain for his infamous head-butt on Stuart Pearce in the 1992 European Championships. Brilliant in the air and tenacious in the tackle, Boli has expressed a desire to move to England-preferably with Manchester United but he would not be a popular player over here. J.Collins 25 M 6 4 8 7 8 7 7 20 8 4 6 7 4 7 6 6 CELTIC playmaker, who alongside Paul McStay, forms a formidable midfield line-up for The Bhoys. A quality passer who is very good when in possession of the ball, Collins made his name at Hibernian where he was tipped as one of the hottest properties in the Scottish game. Despite interest from Liverpool, Spurs, Man.United and a host of foreign clubs he opted to join Celtic for 1 million. After scoring on his international debut against Saudi Arabia, he has found chances few and far between for the national side but he remains a good performer in the Premier Division. R.Koeman 28 MD 7 6 7 8 7 10 9 20 7 10 6 8 9 6 9 8 BARCELONA captain who won the Spanish side the European Cup for the first time in 1992 with a typically thunderous free kick shot which defeated Sampdoria. Came to prominence when starring for Holland in the 1988 European Championship winning side as a sweeper although he can also appear in midfield. A dead-ball expert with a ferocious shot on him, the Koeman left foot is feared by goalkeepers throughout the world. Inspirational player who is still not past his best. P.Gascoigne 25 M 7 5 10 7 10 9 10 20 10 5 6 7 6 8 8 9 PROBABLY the best British player in the game and definitely the most talked-about. Gascoigne's strengths are his superb ball-skills, supreme confidence and a lively outlook to the game. His passing ability is also superb and he would get into any team in the world. Moved from Newcastle to Tottenham for a British record fee before going to Lazio, eventually, after recovering from a bad knee injury sustained in the 1991 FA Cup Final against Notts Forest. D.Shearer 30 A 8 8 5 7 4 6 7 20 6 2 6 7 3 7 7 9 ABERDEEN marksman who has proved himself to be a first class finisher in Scotland after an unhappy spell at Blackburn. Started his career with Inverness Clach before moving south to join Chelsea. He made only two appearances for The Blues, though he scored once, and he went on to Huddersfield where he became a feared forward-scoring on average a goal every other game in 42 games in his best season. Joined Swindon in 1988/89 and his sharp-shooting persuaded Kenny Dalglish to sign him last season. But he was never given a fair chance with Blackburn and he was soon on his way back home to Scotland with The Dons. D.Wassall 24 D 4 7 6 8 3 5 7 20 5 7 10 8 8 5 7 5 LIGHTNING quick centre half who left Notts Forest despite being touted by Brian Clough as the replacement for Des Walker. Instead he joined Derby where he has struggled to shine in an inconsistent side. Competent without being outstanding and could do a job in the top flight. Rated at over 2 million by The Rams after a lot of clubs in Premier Supremos have expressed an interest in his talents. M.Pembridge 22 M 6 6 9 7 7 6 7 20 8 5 7 7 4 8 6 8 MARK is a little Welsh terrier with great passing ability. He has great ease on the ball which belies his young age and he was snapped up by Arthur Cox's Derby when Luton were relegated from the First Division despite interest from top flight clubs such as Spurs. He has proved a little inconsistent with Derby, but their indifferent form is partly to blame. A player with a lot of skill and flair that would fit comfortably back in the true top flight of soccer, he grabs more than his fair share of goals for a midfielder-including a hat-trick recently against his former club Luton. M.Gabbiadini 25 A 7 6 6 7 5 4 5 20 7 4 7 7 2 5 5 10 DERBY danger-man who joined Arthur Cox's expensive band of players after a disasterous spell at Crystal Palace. Gabbiadini started his career with York and was never really that prolific at Bootham Crescent but the presence of his former boss Denis Smith at Sunderland helped him move to Roker Park in 1987. He became tagged 'Marco Goalo' and was a real Roker favourite with the fans but when the club slipped out of the First Division only a year after gaining promotion it was clear he would soon be on his way. Palace paid 1.8 million for his services but months later he was on his way back down to the new Division One with The Rams, where he has been very inconsistent. G.McAllister 28 M 119 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 20 7 6 6 7 6 7 7 8 QUALITY midfielder who scores a lot of goals from midfield-largely due to his venomous shooting ability. The Scottish international, who appeared in the 1992 European Championships, started his career with Motherwell before joining Leicester in a joint deal with Ally Mauchlen. After five consistent seasons with City, scoring 47 goals for The Foxes, he joined Leeds despite interest from Celtic and Notts Forest for his signature. Now Leeds' captain but he has come in for some stick from the club's fans recently despite playing an integral part in their Championship success last season. M.Stowell 27 G 0 0 0 7 6 5 7 20 6 7 6 7 0 6 7 6 GOALKEEPER who is much respected in the game. The Wolves' number one is priceless to the Midlands outfit and only a huge bid would tempt them to sell. If he was at a bigger club, the 6ft 2ins keeper might be able to force his way into Graham Taylor's England plans. Spent loan spells at Chester, York, Man.City, Port Vale, Wolves and Preston whilst at Everton but, after failing to make a single first team appearance for The Toffeemen, who signed permanently for Wolves. J.Sheridan 28 M 114 7 5 9 6 8 7 8 20 7 5 5 9 5 5 7 10 EIRE international midfielder who started his career as a promising youngster with Leeds in Division Two. After several seasons with United he joined Notts Forest only never to appear in the first team and move swiftly on to Sheffield Wednesday months later. Scored the winner in the 1991 Rumbelows Cup Final against Man.United and he is a talented playmaker when not affected by injury. W.Barton 23 MD 117 6 7 7 8 6 6 8 20 7 8 7 9 7 5 5 8 HIGHLY-rated Wimbledon star who can play either in midfield or defence. Started with Redbridge Forest before signing for Maidstone where he began to get noticed by the bigger clubs. Wimbledon snapped him up for a bargain price and now he is an England B international. Touted as a possible full international, Barton has been linked with many big clubs and The Dons cannot resist attempts to sign him forever. J.Scales 25 D 110 5 8 6 7 6 5 9 20 6 9 7 8 4 6 4 8 WOULD surely be in the England squad if he was starring for a bigger club than Wimbledon and he finds himself in a similar position to Barton. Leeds, Everton and Liverpool all fancy the defensive talents of Scales and he is valued at over 2 million. Signed from Bristol Rovers, Scales is superb in the air and tidy on the ground but he must add consistency to his game if he is to reach the highest level. R.Rosenthal 29 A 110 7 6 6 8 5 5 6 20 7 5 8 7 4 7 5 7 ISRAELI international striker who hit seven goals in his first eight games for Liverpool whilst on loan at Anfield. Had trials at both Hibernian and Luton after falling out with Standard Liege in Belgium but Liverpool were alerted of his ability and they followed up their loan deal with an offer of around 1 million which was accepted. A bit hit and miss and is prone to theatrical stunts in opposing penalty areas but he can be effective. S.Collymore 22 A 7 6 6 7 5 3 6 20 6 3 8 7 2 7 6 8 WIRY striker who is causing something of a stir down at Southend. Roots Hall is warming to a new hero after the pacey marksman settled in extremely quickly in the First Division and he is really doing the business in front of goal. Crystal Palace signed him from non-league Stafford Rangers but surely they let him go prematurely as he is now rated in the 1750,000 class by The Shrimpers. G.Watts 19 A 6 6 6 5 5 1 5 20 6 2 7 7 2 7 5 6 CRYSTAL Palace youngster who is knocking on the door for a first team place after some impressive displays with the Youth and Reserve sides. Despite being quite a big man at six feet tall, local lad Watts has a nice touch and a fair bit of pace and he is a lively player to have in your attack. May, however, have to move down a division like Collymore before he has a real impact although surely this will be on loan rather than a permanent move. P.Kitson 21 MA 7 6 7 7 6 5 5 20 8 3 9 7 3 7 5 9 THE ex-LECEISTER winger has made a massive impact for DERBY this season with his ability to raid the flanks terrorising the First division's full backs. Has played either on the wing or down the middle and has been capped at under-21 level. A youngster with a promising future if Derby start to get their act together at home as well as away. M.Pembridge 22 M 6 6 9 7 7 6 7 20 8 5 7 7 4 8 6 8 MARK is a little Welsh terrier with great passing ability. He has great ease on the ball which belies his young age and he was snapped up by Arthur Cox's Derby when Luton were relegated from the First Division despite interest from top flight clubs such as Spurs. He has proved a little inconsistent with Derby, but their indifferent form is partly to blame. A player with a lot of skill and flair that would fit comfortably back in the true top flight of soccer, he grabs more than his fair share of goals for a midfielder-including a hat-trick recently against his former club Luton. P.Suckling 27 G 0 0 0 7 6 8 4 20 5 4 7 7 0 7 4 7 EX-ENGLAND youth and under-21 keeper whose career has so far not lived up to what it promised in his younger years. Began with Coventry City at the age 17 making three first team appearances before moving on to Manchester City in the 1986-87 season where he only figured in the starting line-up for one season. Crystal Palace then snapped him up but after a few seasons Steve Coppell replaced him with Nigel Martyn and he never regained his place. After a few loan spells he was eventually sold to Watford. May struggle if he returns to the top flight. T.Johnson 21 MA 7 4 7 7 6 5 6 20 7 4 7 7 3 5 5 5 FORMER Notts County trainee who has appeared several times for the England Under-21 side. The ginger-haired winger managed to shine in County's team that was relegated last season, despite not being at all effective in front of goal, and it was clear that his future was destined to be at a bigger club. Derby snapped him up for a fee in the region of 1.5 million but he has been a bit hit-and-miss at The Baseball Ground as The Rams struggle to find any consistency. K.Keller 23 G 0 0 0 7 8 6 8 20 7 7 7 7 0 8 7 10 KASEY is a giant American goalie that Millwall managed to get their hands on before he was really noticed by the big boys in the Premier League, and now that he has, The Lions will find it difficult to hang onto their international shot-stopper. Has attracted many admirers with his consistent diplays, and has been tipped for the top, should play in the 1994 WorlhardwP3yɵah<6Y\typGsams0_DABF{POSrHERTZXrooY DIGI_REPt~ lLAYFNIX_DRUMxtert &9s.)nm_CzMɺnixduK_ofpP5 xf7d$0lbw e4(,sm,fo 2m3 #xJ8vctTH<mun.TiYP-CALC_NEX T_SAM_Tl1l ,e˔ [8ge0d#*䳲EU7\e9]1Ѱolda2(/g\ndCY clear_2~:cymplay3vofcalcl NDp{YR-ne䣀ua Npo)k NtԘݐHUenv_0G<5b^restaX r7x06- p_1KDP w_tiy 8rㆃshAjW"ris!t*[v]e〥yl3-2tdi4wave_ 9Κb31gz:eChl 锖xCfX<#sv w merk~eB8Gix_{foL_bu0_spee'what@okaucd(voicexong1 f_vavp2590 A* (P4q)-(E   yQB{ ,N@Y&?^(`@!`C <A!C`;y S ()3$?9j* טO<Eϼo>Zvs'h) ()!sT6fn ?0AAC`E8ćPL`GV8@R0H@<`ym`# 8C p2I$(@FCaaa 7 ^b+ ) Uc 6P BTX0PpZ7 $ @Q ́ R 3  H )@@A0<K@ Q@Ӏ0q `\ k"_P!܀*0 _QNR|/l(4pP  ` RB@`@<& p? h\pa~N^xTDx8xE`S`!Lh s@A1pP5mPE6+XWeͱO6Q$kxlx4xOxjq1<鸀9Vixq:55 KWGT&gIKKCKc J[JdMfY+ 2I .XR&lI!IUQ2 k TB&<'HJ_YPU$I&[7G4GVGYyBcև̈́&<' F*&f3CfB&REb޷eU4̪hև, &xNDVrCCbR&ÜdCԪۙ!) &xN2BjU,VATAgdoe/% &xOiV܊;eO#T * JOR%@; %N@fR t'@AxOz0m+NJ*uM1 p2, KjOx<$x]:< xKO^mǢ1Y"xx]^TWEuh{BUZZwLOE0 WEEFNA12bcHIHATOP#wAAP2 x5 .(Lx||ūia;9 7. 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K ;eeUdUQUIGLEY MIKE  F`V7vSIMPSON Fizroy FsuyecgBDIBBLE ANDY d A @b FLOWERS Tim Cpwuv DODD Jason qFcibfcADAMS MickeyD=RvXUu COCKERILL Glenn &d;t 8wv85 5BANGER Nicky  2GwtreWIDDRINGTON TOM GefFSu LE TISSIER Matt Dh tx7 Q VACANT . &? =HBtXdVACANT .    < HvefcQGROVES Perry X Ai7eUwE&MADDISON Neil E cbXTeAHALL Rich  qHTxIcQx2 KENNA Jeff X9FuYS1V1HURLOCK Terry &d:d '6hF$ BENALI Franciq DC vhwWe 2 DOWIE Iain &XAX huWhS3 MOORE Kevin d :4GWvwhcANDREWS Ian  @ upMONKOU Ken  @dhiQ hVPVACANT  I MIMMS Bobby ? zMARKER NICKY XAdxx57xcVACANT .  Gxgvx4WARHURST PAUL  Exx8wde0ANDERSSON PatrikX GfxGrdhDOBSON Tony  E4Xrc #SHEARER Alan Fz yzF SHERWOOD Tim  EUxgstu!MORRISON ANDY XFuETsWWILCOX Jason GxVDY WRIGHT Alan Gd wfSuATKINS Mark X Dx xtwUe 1 MAY David FheD4w ! MORAN Kevin d 8Bg'gH4 #BERG Hening EctgD tFNEWELL Mike  AWXXyT GALLACHER Kevin lBx wXUXV5 LE SAUX Graeme  DghtvvsRRIPLEY Stuart CXWS97 0 VACANT .  ? nd now he is an England B international. Touted as a possible full international, Barton has been linked with many big clubs and The Dons cannot resist attempts to sign him forever. G.Speed 23 MD 120 7 8 7 8 7 6 6 20 7 7 7 10 5 6 7 9 WELSH international who has come through the ranks at Elland Road to become a regular in the Leeds line-up. Good in the air and equally effective at either full back, midfield, on the wing or even at centre half. Speed scores morPM@5 @E&@ 2 <52 J2'2( )<5.23 D;<5? 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